#hopefully this helps on mobile!
rozugold · 2 months
rozuu can I ask a little question what program for you use for your animations and is it any good
I use RoughAnimator, tis on the appstore for $6.99 USD
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I think it’s pretty good! It has everything laid out and is simple to use once you get the hang of it. My only complaint is that it’s very limiting on brushes.
I also recently tried out Toonsquid which is $9.99 USD
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I can’t say too much as I’ve yet to finish a project on it. But so far it’s got more options for brushes which I like. It’s got a lot of things an art app would have without sacrificing it’s animation features, if that makes any sense.
So RoughAnimator is good for rough animations and Toonsquid seems good to use for more polished projects. It just depends on what you’re looking for :]
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trans-axolotl · 8 months
this week was actually probably the scariest seizure experience i've had so far i think. mostly because it happened outside late at night and i was out there an hour before anyone noticed. and it's like shit things already were pretty bad but how bad would have it gone if i had been out there for even longer. and it is just a lot. to have to think about "okay so this could happen at any time at any moment. if you are alone what are you going to do" and have to try to start planning. cause like. there are so many situations where i am alone bc i like. i have to go to work. i'm going to go grocery shopping. i just go out in public alone like. and it just isn't feasible for someone to constantly be with me. idk. i don't really know what to do but i'm trying to figure out anything i can do to make it safer so that i don't end up lying outside in the snow for over an hour again.
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andresmounts2 · 3 months
Whoever decided to profit off of disabled people by making cheap sucky mobility aids covered by insurance (sometimes), and the good quality stuff cost hundreds of dollars deserves to be beat with crutches.
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giantkillerjack · 7 months
Can anyone who uses a wheelchair (especially a motorized chair) please explain to me what the process was like to find the right chair?
I live in America and it seems that the doctors just want me to order one online without trying it at all, which seems insane for such a very very specific and very expensive medical device.
In order to find an office chair that didn't hurt my back, I went to every single furniture store in Chicago. So it seems wild that the selection process for something way more expensive and important would be so vague and confusing. I'm really scared that I'll get the wrong one.
How do you get the right wheelchair??????
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cgarttrailsandtails · 2 months
The ship stuff keeps showing up on my page and I don’t know how to stop it 😭
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notimminent · 4 months
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lunaetis · 6 months
today's agenda : work. have the last two of my wisdom teeth removed. pick up the puppers.
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pizza-feverdream · 11 months
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i do love me some experimenting with colors and shading techniques while also playing dress up with your oc's with funny poses and outfits you found on pinterest
(refs i used) (plus the color palette)(if the colors look different it's because when i upload my art to google photos it wildly messes them up)(and i do my best to correct them but they still may be different)
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✨Rant incoming✨
I don’t really know how to feel about this but I am annoyed. Anyway, if you enter a public/ school bathroom or wherever and accidentally knock down someone’s walking stick/ mobility aid or see that it has fallen, please pick it up if you’re able to do so. You don’t need to joke about it, and give a commentary on how inconvenient it would be for you to have to help an “old” person. Aside from the fact that I am young, and obviously in the bathroom, how fucking inconsiderate can people be? Especially considering that I have a history of using a cane for my back issues, and I actually know the two of them, and they would’ve known it was me if they put their brain cells together for one second. (This behaviour isn’t acceptable in literally any circumstance???) Also, the point of my cane is that I need it to walk, so making me have to endure that ridiculous conversation and THEN bend down to pick it up (which was painful) is so mean??? I could continue talking about this, and the ableism I’ve experienced using a cane on and off for the past year and a half, for so long istgggg just let me live in peace!!! 🐄🐄🐄
(I did just see a post from another user about something similar where they expressed a different viewpoint. While I’d just prefer someone to pick up my cane, not all people would like this, so the best thing to do is just ask :))
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splatoon-names · 1 year
Hi! Welcome to Splatoon Names!
We're here to host all the silly and crazy names you might find while playing any of the splatoon games! Please look below for how-tos, rules, and faqs!
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How this blog works:
We are a submission based blog. Which means in order to send in your names we ask that you use the submission page (linked for convenience). PLEASE USE THE SUBMISSION PAGE! I cannot stress this enough. We will take submissions in the form of asks but the submission page makes everything SO MUCH SMOOTHER. You can even add in the tags for us!
Additional note, I have seen some trouble regarding people using links to add images to the post rather than uploading the image directly, and unfortunately if I cannot see the picture I cannot add it to the queue.
We take submissions via images AND text, but if you are submitting a name via text PLEASE BE CLEAR ABOUT WHAT THE NAME IS. The stories behind the names are fun, but sometimes I don't know what the actual name is supposed to be and it gets rather confusing.
Please do not submit any names that contain slurs in any capacity. If we're aware it's a slur it will be deleted.
Names that contain dirty words are okay, but please check the "nsfw text" tag on the submission page if you send it in.
More often than not we will take names down upon request if it belongs to you or if it’s highly insensitive. Please keep your inquiry civil however.
If you see a name you don’t like please do not harass the submitter of the name, as they may be unaware of what it means.
Keep in mind that if we get a lot of posts, it might take up to a week for your post to show up.
On that note if you would like to inquire if your submission came through you’re allowed to do so, however we ask that you either do it off of anon so we can look for your name or tell us what the name was so we can check.
If you have questions or concerns please do so off anon so we can answer privately if need be.
Is it okay if I submit a name that might have been posted?
Yup! We have no issues posting repeats as long as they’re spaced out enough. If you submit them close to each other however we will either queue it later or delete it, sorry!
That name has over 10 characters, that person couldn’t have seen it.
Or they could be rewording how they saw it, or translating it, or maybe they didn’t and it just doesn’t matter. This blog is for fun and to have a good laugh, not a contest.
Are there any other kinds of names you won't accept?
Some jokes can get old fast (at one point we had like 50 submissions that said 'daddy') in which case I will probably stop adding them to the queue. Otherwise I'm down for anything, even jokes I may not understand.
How active is this blog? Wasn't it dead for a while?
Yeah it's pretty much just based on the mood of the mods. If the blog ends up going radio silent again, sorry! But none of us are obligated to maintain it and can easily have more important things to worry about.
Will you still take submissions from splatoon 1 and 2?
Sure! If you have them we'll take them.
Alright, that's all for this! Thanks for reading! If you have any additional questions feel free to reach out!
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ykhdc1w · 1 year
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heyooo so i totally understand if anyone wants to unfollow, but i think i’m gonna go on a hiatus here on nancy until june 1st. i love nance, but the muse just ain’t there for the time being and i don’t wanna lurk on the dash and stress myself out over not having the will to write and then worrying that people will drop me for being inactive. SO— i’m just gonna bite the bullet and go on hiatus for a bit and then see about coming back. hate to leave y’all hanging like this, but i think i need a break from writing early 20s and teenage muses lol.
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puppyeared · 1 year
Updated my carrrrd *does a lil dance*
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vaniiii ehe hiya :3 umm we got a system sideblog if yer interested in seein more of us... but ummmm hiya !!!! i missed ya n im glad t' see ya... do ya got any advice fer copin wit' lack of attention from an fp.... we're okay but if ya got anythin it might be helpful for us :33 ehe i love yaaaa -🪴
MIIIIIKAAAAA!!!!!!!!! i missed u guys </3 i would love to see more of u tho i miss you guys when you're not around... although i guess technically you are since you said we're mutuals but skdghds
ough. tbh i've been pretty lucky insofar that i haven't had a lotta issues with that... but in my experience usually if i gotta be left alone for awhile distracting myself helps a lot? like. go down a wikipedia rabbit hole, or do a puzzle, or play a game you get super invested in. just something to focus on so you don't end up in your own head kinda thing yanno??? otherwise don't feel bad to just. ask for attention? like. it's not illegal to have human desires. and as long as your fp isn't busy or something they probably don't mind talking with you a lil :3 although idk for sure i know everyone has different relationships with their fp so ^^; do not listen to me if you know it'll cause you harm/strife/etc :< also naps. bc those pass the time reaaaaal quick. its like a lifehack. feeling bad? take a nap. you'll either feel amazing after or like you got smacked in the face with a trout ! oh and also like. doing schoolwork or smth productive maybe? thats not really fun tho so dskghds maybe pick up a kinda time-consuming hobby like crochet or cross-stitch or something where you can use that to distract yourself and have something to do with your hands :3?
but if its like. ur Already Feeling Bad i recommend like. watching a movie/tv show/etc that you really like or getting a Little Treat(tm) or something :3 curl up with a cozy blanket and drink some hot cocoa or tea or something !! its not like. a sure-fire fix. but i find the combo of distraction + comfort media + Little Treat tends to make you feel at least a lil better :3 also if it gets Very Bad just like. destroy some old school work you don't need or somethin. tearing papers to shreds is sooooooo fun. make sure u don't accidentally rip up something you need though skjghds it helps to calm down a lil and then you can work on relaxing a little more !! its not like. guaranteed. but sometimes gettin some of the destructive urges out helps
ily2 mika <3 i would die for u btw /lh
#at least i get destructive urges idk. i usually just rip up papers and stuff i don't need if i get like that#most of the time i can just deal w/ it via distractions (mmmm shitty mobile games) but !! sometimes u gotta Rip And Tear#most of my strats are just. distract urself. bc it gives you time to calm down and process stuff even if you don't realize it#so. ye. jus kinda be nice to yourself :3 it helps a little. perhaps get a plushie to cuddle with even#i have plushies my fp got me and i keep them on my bed and cuddle them when i miss them nd stuff#it helps a little !!! making yourself feel better can be rlly hard tho so don't feel bad if you struggle a bit !!#find some friends to talk to too if you can !!! it rlly helps to have people to talk to even if they don't entirely get it#just having other people around can help. i message with a few friends when my fp is busy sometimes and it helps keep the loneliness#at bay a little :3 but !! obv i cannot guarantee any of this will work for you !! but hopefully some of it is helpful at least !!!#I FORGOR U CAN'T PUT READ MORES IN ASKS. AUGH. this got so long srry mika ily#anyway !!! i am glad to see u :3 i was thinking abt u guys recently actually sdkghsd#i was worried u guys might've been one of the people in recent times that've blocked me or something orz#ily. stay safe. nd !! lemme know if i can help you guys somehow :3#im not like the most versed in system nor bpd stuff but ! i have my silly little experiences to go off of#system anon 🪴#long post#<- j. just in case. bc this did get Long. oopsies
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I hope you don't mind anyone asking but I feel a little lost since I'm quite bad at spanish slang, but what does "Cubitos" mean on your spanish qsmp member introduction posts?
Oh no it's all good, I was super confused when I first saw it too! Cubitos is like "cubes", so when people say "cubito [name]" it means they're talking about a character rather than the streamer. Essentially, it's the same thing as English fans saying c![character] or q![character]. Just a way of differentiating from the streamers!
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mackmp3 · 9 months
Hey, dude! How are you? I was wondering if you could tell me how you got the music file onto tumblr?
oh yeah!! i record into garage band, then share>export to disk>save to desktop, which exports it as an mp3, from there you just drag it into an empty post window!! idk how it works for other recording software, but as long as you can get the recording as an mp3, it should work!! i think it only takes up to 10MB but that's a fairly long song yknow
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