#host sunny
sunshinesfaraway · 10 months
yeah i like the funny dumb evil hedgehog
here's something im working on. is this storyboarding? idk, i need to take a break @_@
my handwriting is so bad omg my note taking is erratic
remind me to finish this tomorrow and make it digital u u
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masterelrond · 9 months
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@lotr20 | Day 7 ↳ 20th anniversary of The Return of the King
For Frodo the Halfling, it is said, at the bidding of Mithrandir took on himself the burden, and alone with his servant he passed through peril and darkness and came at last in Sauron's despite even to Mount Doom; and there into the Fire where it was wrought he cast the Great Ring of Power, and so at last it was unmade and its evil consumed.
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br0-k3n-sch00lb01 · 3 months
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First of all mari what the HELL
second of all
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charmac · 11 months
Tonight Saturday Night Live had a sketch about a woman ‘suffering’ from hallucinations of Troye Sivan gay dancing and the ‘doctor’ prescribed her the ultimate ‘straight cure’ of Logan Paul’s energy drink and four seasons of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia…
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Call Sunny straight and in the same category as Logan Paul again I will eat your babies.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Sayori, Monika, Tamaki Suoh, Sunny, Hero, Shouko Nishimiya, how do react when the reader says theys are the love of your life?
Reader calls them the love of their life
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Sayori, Monika, Tamaki, Sunny, Hero, Shouko ]
[ Doki Doki Literature Club ] [ Ouran High School Host Club ] [ Omori ] [ A silent voice ]
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Any time i fall in love with a new character i call them the love of my life, i had say it so many times that that if i had a coin for every time I've said it right now i'd be rich
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It doesn't take long for Sayori to take a liking on people and become pretty clingy and affectionate, but to fully trust them as to show her real self it actually tooks a long time, so even when she openly shows her love sometimes is more motivated for the anxiety
However, whenever you show her affection and love is something special for her, even the small gestures is a little reminder that you actually care and appreciate her, specially if is after she finally open up to you more with her problems
Even when she is clingy Sayori can be pretty shy, specially to express her love directly with words, so it take a lot from her to say that she loves you even when she is completely sure of her feelings, and if you say it to her she gets wrapped in a overwhelming feel of love
When you tell her that she is the love of your life Sayori stops whatever she is doing for the shock but even so she isn't able to see you at the face, she tries to but is scare to see in your face a mocking expression, somehow she manage to slowly see a glimse of you, it doesn't matter if you seem shy or confident, even a small and sweet smile is enough for her to win the courage she needs to fully see you in the face, at least for a moment
She tries really hard to say something, or even do something but in her mind are racing a lot of different thoughts, between the anxiety and the overwhelming feeling of love, at the end she will just throw herself into your arms before start crying, she even clings to you as if his life depends on it
The thing is that Sayori tend to doubt herself and be overwhelmed for the fear, she even is a pleseant person but you telling her that she is the love of your life gives her a big sense of security as well a feeling of love, that is why she started crying but she will apologize for it later
Sayori grows a little more clingy and affectionate afterwards since that beautiful feeling still wander her chest and she wants to make you feel that way too, she may even try to write you something about it (but since she normally just write about the feelings she can't speak of it will be a little difficult for her)
If you do it as a way to confess your feelings for her her reaction won't be too different, it would be pretty overwhelming for her and she will end up crying in your arms, but in this case she will be more hesitant even asking you if you actually mean what you had say
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Even when Monika seems and act confidence deep down she is a little insecure and perfeccionist, so even when she doesn't have much troubles with expressing her love she wonder if she is "doing it right"
Although she isn't too estrict when it comes to you (or at least tries no to), she just bask in whatever show of affection and love you give to her, small or big gestures she apreciate them nonetheless, also there are moments where she put others before her a little so your affection comfort her
Love is a really beautiful and special word for Monika, she kinda has a big expective of what is love and she is willing to work in making that ilusion come true, mainly for her perfeccionism, but she tries to don't let that side of her affect you or your relasionship. Whenever you express you love for her it fills her with excitment
Even when Monika seems more serious and mature she loves romantic stuff, and even when she finds cheesy stuff a little overstated she still like it, so when you call her the love of your life her heart skip a beat, she looks at you wondering if this isn't just a dream while slowly gets flustered and flattered
Monika knows she loves you with all her being and she can even dare to say that you are all she wanted, but even she didn't thought that you would think so dearly of her, but those simple words show her that you love her a lot too (maybe even with the same intensity), and since she isn't exactly shy she won't have much troubles to say something so cute and special back, although she isn't satisfied with her own answer so she will be thinking for a while in a way to show how much she loves you too
And for a long time the only memory of you saying those words make her feel like in heaven for how much you love her, always bringing a smile and a tiny blush to her cheeks, also it may or may not lead her to be more confidence and start to be more affectionate and teasing
Although if you had say it to confess your feelings her reaction won't be as calm as if you two were already in a relationship, Monika is sure that she loves you and she had tried to read you to try to find out if you feel the same, but you coming and saying such cheesy stuff out of the blue really had taked her by surprise (specially if you aren't usually open or affectionate)
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Tamaki Suoh
Tamaki isn't shy at all, he is always so open with his love and isn't afraid to tell anyone how much he loves you (well, not until he finally realice his feelings for you), he could be pretty dramatic with his affection but he always do it from the bottom of his heart
Also, even when he is open with his love whenever you are affectionate towards him it makes him feel all flustered and fuzzy, even the small gestures are special to him and bring happines to his day, to all his life (or that is what he always says)
Tamaki never has problem to directly say that he loves you, although he prefers to express it in other ways, with a lot of affection, besides he doesn't want to admit it but he is pretty shy when it comes to say it (specially when he had just realice his feelings for you). If and when you say it to him he gets a little more serious but is still fuzzy and can't stop giggling
Although, saying that he is the love of your life is different, is more direct but still express a lot of love, also an expression like that is more likely to heard it from him and is probably that he had even already thought of it, but hearing it from you is surprising
It totally surprise him and there are chances for him to ask you to repeat yourself in case he missheard you, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like it in fact he loves that you love him and appreciate him so much to even consider him the love of your life, and not even in a egoist way, is just that before founding the club he is used to be alone and with all his problems with his family he wasn't too apreciate either so knowing that you love him as much as he loves you it melt his heart
His reaction could be either really dramatic, exploding with excitment and love but saying that that that title suits you better because you are the the love of his life, or more serious but still with a sweet smile in his face hugging you and giving you sweet kisses, even expressing that he loves you a lot too
Although if you do it to confess he won't be able to react in a calm manner, he is shocked but slowly get incredibly flustered, he barely will be able to answer you properly
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Sunny doesn't really think much of himself but he doesn't have much troubles with it neither, just when he compare himself to others, still that doesn't influence in his love for you
Also, he doesn't show his love by words he is more of actions (like getting more clingy to you), although whenever you show affection to him, either by words or actions, it flustered him and he even gets a little shy, even when you two are already dating it still flustered him
Love is a word with a lot of weight and even when Sunny is sure that he is in love with you he has a lot of troubles to say it and anytime he heards you say it to him he feels like the rest of the world disappears, flattered for how even just a simple word hold and inmense feeling
But saying that he is the love of your life is an expression with even more intensity, the world is big and your life haven't even reached the half and still you call him the love of your life, the inmense love he is feeling practically shoot him down, his heart is racing, his cheeks are burning and his mind is a complete mess
Don't expect a proper answer because Sunny won't be able to say it back, heck he isn't able to even formulate a response, even if he tries to he can't, is probably that he end up hidding, either hide his face in with his hands or in your arms. Also, he will be like this for a while and even when he manage to calm down a little the blush of his cheeks aren't going to go away for a long time, as well the fuzzy feeling that fill his chest (it may even stay like that for some days)
Also you could notice that Sunny grows a little more clingy and affectionate but shy too after what you had say, is just that he feels so loved and appreciate that he can't describe it, he wants to make you feel so loved too but he still has troubles to put it in words
Although, if you had say it in a way to confess your feelings is even more shocking for him because it would be the first time you express so much directly to him (even if you are already affectionate)
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Hero isn't really shy nor insecure so he doesn't has much troubles to express his love for you, still he isn't going everywhere screaming his love, he doesn't see a point on doing it, you knowing that he loves you is enough for him
He doesn't have any problem with showing his love by words and actions, he isn't shy, although when you show your love for him it flustered him a a little (it depends in what you do too)
He has no problem with saying that he loves you directly, but he prefers to not to rush himself, if he is going to say it he wants to be 100% sure he is in love with you, as well whenever you directly express that you love him he tries to say it back or correspond it (still a little flustered)
Even so the moment that you tell him that he is the love of your life he is truly surprised, say that you love him is something but calling him the love of your life is even deeper, with even more weight, just by hearing you is pretty surprised and immediatly look at you at the face, like trying to comfirm that you had say what he had hear
It take him a moment to fully process what you had said but when he does he gets all flustered and flattered, his cheeks quickly get covered by the blush and a big smile, he may not be able to say the same for how flustered he is but he tries to say something equivalent, and even if he doesn't manage to say something he will make sure to do something that will express how much he loves you
He will be blushy and with a fuzzy feeling in his chest for a while, as well and unable to stop smiling, your words defenitively make his day way better and he won't be able to stop thinking on it for the rest of the day, and even so he still remember it sometimes the next days and always make him feel all flustered again
However, if you had done it to confess your feelings for him he will be even more shocked, because even if you were already affectionate saying that he is the love of your life is still saying much, in that case he will be even more flustered
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Shouko Nishimiya
Shouko is really shy and even insecure, so she has a lot of troubles to express her love for you, when she does it she mainly does it with small and discreet gestures, but little by little she start to win more confidence and tries to be more open with her affection
Also, it goes the same when it comes to accept your affectionate, she is shy and that bring her some troubles to accept your gestures of love, specially when she feels like a bother
Shouko express her love by discreet ways because she can't show it directly, her shyness and anxiety stop her from doing it, as well when you directly say that you love her she gets really flustered and doesn't know how to respond nor even what to do
The moment you tell her that she is the love of your life she is completely in shock, this is saying even more than when you express that you love her, and that already is really significant, but this holds even more importance and love, she immediatly looks at you surprise and still fearing that you are just trying to mess with her, but once she understand that you actually mean it Shouko even start crying, she is just feeling so much that is overwhelming, but is for sure that it isn't for sadness (she will apologize later for doing it though)
Shouko feels like her only existance is a bother for others but you calling her the love of your life is like saying to her that you are happy that she exist and she doesn't know how to react to that, but is sure that she feels really happy and loved
She will never forget what you had say to her, even when she fears that you didn't mean it or even scold herself for be so excited for it she can't help but hold the memory close to her heart and she remember it anytime she feels bad about herself. Also, just as she feels really loved just by you saying it she wants to do something in return, she actually feels like she has to, that is only fair, so she will try to come up with a plan to thank you for making her so happy
However if you had say it in a way to confess your feelings for her Shouko will be even more shocked and hesitant to accept that what you had say is for real, she feels anxious and fear that this is too good to be real, but at the end she will at least accept it and when she does it she will start crying too
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silver244 · 5 months
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Game show au by: @aturtletotz
I can’t wait to read about this lil guy 😭
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chikenkari · 7 months
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"To become famous sometimes you have to leave so much more behind..."
Yep, even the Real host Jack has a tragic backstory. He never mentions where he lived or what he did before he became the host. Jack, with a smile shining brighter than sun, was far more appealing than whoever he was before.
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(here's version without the hands. I just loved this so much. also a little clothing redesign, I might make a full review of his possible wardrobe later ;P)
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 9 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Round 2
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Amuro -
"Being a Newtype is just space autism to me. But also he sucks at falling in line in a structured environment, would rather work with machines than talk to people, and is only allowed as a child soldier because he's the bestest at big robots."
Kyouya -
"what's there to say? you know him. you love him. vote kyoya."
Euini -
"I relate a lot to his social anxiety, especially his performance anxiety that occurs when he's being watched by people, particularly due to his stress at needing to follow the plan/do things the "proper" way in order to not feel like he's a failure. he also stands like a lil autistic kid and i appreciate him so much for that.
(LIGHT SPOILERS) basically, he has a test that he needs to take in order to advance as a witch, and he keeps failing it because he cant perform properly while being watched by other people, even though he knows the "right" spells to use and why he's supposed to use them. on his third attempt of the test, he's prepared a "script" to use so that he can follow it and not worry about failing in the moment (in this case, his script is a hand-written book of the proper spells to use and the order in which he's supposed to use them), but when a part of the exam changes, he's no longer able to follow his script. because he's been taught all his life that there's only one proper way of doing things, his way of thinking is very rigid and he's not able to deviate from his plan without panicking. luckily, one of his fellow examinees (richeh from the autistic anime girls poll 💕) is able to convince him to try and change the way that he does things to something that is more attuned to his personal needs- basically change the way that he casts his spells and which spells to use so that he doesn't need to struggle with doing things in the way that everyone says that he should; the way that he cant seem to manage. but, even before richeh helped him with that though, he was still finding way to modify the "proper" spells a little bit to better suit his weaknesses. he was trying so hard to fit in to the mold that witch society gave him, but it just wasnt right for him and he was making it work however he could."
Aoi -
"He has a very devoted special interest in the idol Takada-chan, which he frequently imagines in fights and other situations… the moment someone (Itadori) expresses equal interest in something he is passionate about, he immediately declares them besties and brothers and creates a whole elaborate shared history for them that doesn’t actually exist. He’s not really interested in connecting with people who don’t share his interests. He’s seen as somewhat strange and eccentric. Though in the present he is respected because of his strength as a sorcerer, as a child he was very isolated."
Floyd -
"Has no emotional regulation skills and will make it everyone's problem. Prone to mood swings and can get angry at the drop of a hat, but can also be so goofy, silly, and lovely. Sways side to side for that good good stim, and loves to squeeze others (with violent intent and affectionate intent). Who doesn't love a good pressure stim? His interest in things can be fleeting, and his motivation to do things can change as quickly as his mood. Spontaneous and feral extraordinaire."
Apollo -
"Not canonically autistic but he has ZERO volume control plus he scripts/repeats stuff (“I’M FINE!!!”), sometimes mimics other people’s speech patterns (like replying “ja” to Klavier), sensitive to loud noises (stayed backstage at a concert cuz it was too loud) and bright lights (complained about the stage lights being too bright at the same concert + screamed when opening the hatch to the bright stage at magic show), and has been really into space since he was a kid, which could definitely be a hyperfixation (not to mention how he read every single one of Phoenix’s old case files back when he admired him). Plus he’s a little TOO normal, to the point where it circles back around to making him the odd one out, which is absolutely what masking feels like for me. Even when he tries to be fun and weird he gets strange looks/made fun of for not being weird in the right way. The list of autism symptoms is just a checklist for him at this point."
Ash -
"he just has those vibes ya know?"
Shou -
"His special interest is math. He uses math terms in regular conversations and calls people yoctograms/zeptograms which earned him monikers such as "math man" and "pi-face". Speaking of Pi, he once shouted 155 consecutive digits of it through a megaphone just because he could. He's so normal."
Sunny -
"Sunny has been told that his face is not expressive. He doesn't talk a lot and he often gets lost into his imagination. He is a great listener and recalls a lot of information being told he has a great memory (he is able to remember a whole speech about flower symbolism that his friend told him) He is compared to a cat."
Yuu -
"He’s like if an emo programmer boy was also completely unhinged and also had a tragic backstory."
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capricioussun · 2 months
Not for any particular reason, but chat how would we feel about a uf papyrus / general underfell focused magma on monday? Would that be nice?
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most insane crossover in herstory 😱😱😱
just wanted to draw all my faves
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The triplets from a series of unfortunate events
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Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire from A Series Of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket are doomed by the narrative and can't escape.
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sunshinesfaraway · 10 months
I think the best part of all this DID realization and development for me is finally knowing why I felt so wrong and out of place growing up?
like my whole life i felt so. wrong. like a living thing but not a human, like a person but to the left. (thank u sm for that quote sis) I always felt like.. I wasn't right. Wasn't normal. I was so scared the feeling would persist forever — and it does still sometimes, but it's just nice to finally know why I felt like that for so long, yk?
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best-tv-theme-song · 11 months
Round 1, Group D - 11/16
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*SHOW WITH MULTIPLE THEMES/VERSIONS - The COMBINED votes will determine the winner of this poll, and the top choice will move on alone. Any theme songs that are missing were not submitted.
Remember you're voting for the theme song, not the show as a whole!
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Ouran High School Host Club - Japanese
Ouran High School Host Club - English
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br0-k3n-sch00lb01 · 2 months
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The snuuy is asleep. Be quiet
or, yknow, rb to bonk him
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charmac · 1 month
They're pretty stoked with what they've got, despite having never won awards, they're still making something beautiful..
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Sora Naegino, Sunny, Kaori Miyazono, Tamaki Suoh, Monika, Asuma Mutsumi as they are when they are jealous.
Jealousy Headcanons
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[ Sora, Sunny, Kaori, Tamaki, Monika, Mutsumi ]
[ Kaleido Star ] [ Omori ] [ Your lie in April ] [ Ouran High School Host Club ] [ Doki Doki Literature Club ] [ Kiss him not me ]
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My dear, half of the characters you chose aren't even jealous how im supouse to work with that? 😂 Anyways, I hope you enjoy it
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Sora Naegino
Sora is always so cheerful, she is totally the type to see the bright side of the things, it doesn't matter what problem she encounter she always try to find a solution with determination
However being in a relationship with you make her flustered and make her a little shy at first, but as more time you two pass together the more comfortable she gets and she doesn't get shy anymore
Sora isn't easy to get jealous, again if there is a problem she doesn't let herself get overwhelmed or exceeded for it, she has a lot of determination and that is why even if she start feeling jealous or nervous about you being with others she is quickly to reasure herself that is nothing to worry about
Although is more probably that she gets jealous over you at the start of the relasionship or even before that, when you two were just friends but she already liked you, is back then when she gets jealous whenever you were close or even touchy with someone, she felt jealous and a little bit of envy but she didn't really realice what she was feeling or why, so she tries to brush it off and just focus on her training, although it didn't always work because the image the you being affectionate with someone else doesn't leave her mind
As well, something that used to make her jealous is seeing you having fun with others, although this doesn't troubled her much because she goes to you and tries to enter in the conversation, not for being possessive nor intrusive, genuinely wanting to share it with all of you, and since Sora is really cheerful and little by little she were winning the care of everyone it won't be too much trouble for her
The main reason of why she got jealous is because she wanted to be the one you were sharing those moments, being the one you were affectionate to but at that moment she didn't realice it yet, she can have troubles understanding some things or can be oblivous sometimes so that is why it take her a while to comprehend her feelings (probably at the end were thanks to her friends' help that she finally understand), and after she realice that that is what she wants she doesn't really get jealous again because is so easy to go and ask for it (not directly, specially if you are shy, but she will find a way to express herself)
Also, once you two are on a relasionship is less probable that she gets jealous because being in a relationship give her that sense of security that if she want to spend time with you she just has to ask for it
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Sunny is someone who doesn't express much, just to those that are really close to him (mainly Basil and Mari), so even when you two are on a relasionship he still doesn't say much, he express himself by other ways that he let you know little by little, also once you win his fully trust he becomes pretty clingy to you
Sunny isn't someone who gets jealous, or at least no easily, however he has a little bit of bad self-steem since his sister is everything he isn't (and his perfeccionism doesn't help). He doesn't get jealous over other people trying to make a move on you, that just bother him and make him uncomfortable, as well when others get affectionate with you doesn't bother him either, he is used to his friends being that way from time to time (specially Kel and Hero), although if is someone outside of the group it could make him uncomfortable
What could make him jealous is if you talk about some else a lot or a little too excited, he tries to endure it but the more you talk the more he feels jealous, Sunny doesn't think much of himself and he can't help but compare himself to others from time to time, so you talking a lot of someone else it makes him feel bad. Even when it bothers him he doesn't want to interrupt you, but his body language talks for him with an annoyed expresion on his face and looking like his is trying to hide himself, even avoiding looking directly at you (depending in how jealous and uncomfortable he is)
Also, he won't admin it out loud but he is jealous of his sister, it isn't like he wants to be like her or that he is envious of her but he feels jealous when you pay a lot of attention to her, Mari is so charming and she naturaly drag attention to her, besides everyone likes her, he likes her too she is always so kind to him and is always supporting him but he can't help to feel jealous when you focus on her, is just that his sister is the complete opposite of him and it troubles him, he knows you loves him nonetheless but still. Whenever you are paying too much attention to Mari or she is too close to you he becomes a little possesive, like steping closer to you, holding your hand or even cuddle you if he can (depending in how jealous he is or on what your where doing and how much attention you put on her). Although, even when Sunny tries to don't show his jealousy Mari is smart and she knows her brother really well so she will understand and try to leave the two of you alone
The jealousy make Sunny feel frustrate but he will never take it against you, he tries to handle it by his own but still search for some comfort, he tries to spend some time with Basil or Mari (depending on what made him jealous), and he will crave your comfort too, again he won't say much but you can tell that he is feeling down, he wants to have your attention again and be in your arms so a big and tight hug can help, and if you decide to cuddle him it would be much better
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Kaori Miyazono
Kaori is always so carefree and cheerful, is difficult to see her being troubled by things like this, however Kaori knows herself pretty well so most of the time she know what she feels and why, is just that she doesn't like to show it to others too much
It would be more probable her past herself to get jealous since she used to be pretty introvert and didn't drag attention to herself, but now that she just let herself be free she doesn't have much problem with it
She isn't easy to get jealous, or at least not seriously because she could bring it in a joking manner, like tell your friends that she will get jealous if they continue taking your attention from her, but normally doesn't goes far from that
She doesn't really mind you going out with other people or if you are affectionate with others, she trust you and she knows you won't do something to betray her, however if you cross the line and get a little too affectionate with someone else she will force you to make it up for her
When she actually gets jealous is either when you had been apart from each other for a while because one of you were too busy or when she is feeling specially bad, either mentally or physical, and what could make her jealous is that you are paying a lot of attention to someone else, it make her jealous but gets a little troubled about taking your attention
She handles her jealousy in a peculiar way, first of all she gets a little mad and acts pretty childish while complaining about everything (not just about what made her jealous) and doesn't have to be directly towards you, she does it with her friends (mainly Kousei) and with you just if you directly talk to her, just before getting a little sad and more quiet about the whole thing, and is until then when she seriously confront you about it
She tries to cover up her jealous and make it seem like is something else, but once she calms down she talk to you more directly, she has problems to express herself but she still tries her best to do it
After she gets jealous she will crave for your company and comfort so being just the two of you and cuddling for a while will help her get back to her cheerful self again
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Tamaki Suoh
Tamaki is really open and loud with his love for you, he doesn't see why he will have to hide it and as long as you are okay with it or doesn't bother you he won't stop, so it will be difficult to anyone to don't notice that the two or you are together (or at least that he is interested in you)
Tamaki is really clingy, always wanting to be by your side and he gets really sad when you ask him to calm down or for time alone
Tamaki is pretty easy to get jealous, and even so he could be pretty oblivous of his own feelings too, he knows it upset him and he knows that the other person who is trying something with you (or that is what he thinks) is bothering him but if someone ask him he won't say that is jealousy
Since he is pretty clingy he likes to have your attention most of the time, so is when you are directly ignoring him and putting more attention to someone else, even if you didn't mean to ignore him or you are talking about something important he gets jealous
He will try to take back your attention to him by getting affectioned or saying that he has something to show you, sometimes even try to enter in the convesation or show that he can do whatever the other person is doing too, he will stop if you ask him to but will be really sad for a long time (until you talk to him and reasure him that you aren't mad)
Also, something that make him super jealous is when others are getting close and/or affectionate with you, he can totally understand if they are your family but when it comes to friend it bothers him a little, just because he wants to be the one reciving your love and not them but he tries to keep at minimun his comments because he doesn't want to make you upset (specially if you already had scold him for it) although he can't help but make a disgusted face. However if is someone he doesn't know or someone of the club (the twins probably) he will step in to directly confronting them while separate you from them
However, when it comes to someone flirting with you more than jealousy it bothers him and waste no time to going to your side and put his arm in your shoulders/waist and ask you who is the person you were talking with, acting just like he does it in the club
Also, he doesn't handle his jealousy too well since he handle it in a pretty childish way, complaining about whatever is making him jealous with Haruhi and Kyoya (because they are the only willing to hear him rant about it) and with you he will act like a kicked puppy and look at you with teary eyes and he won't stop until you comfort him
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Monika has problems interacting with others from time to time, being nervous of making a misstep specially for how perfeccionist she can get from time to time, but being in a relationship with you and knowing that you love her make har feel a lot better
Monika is not easy to get jealous and since you to are officialy together give her a sense of security, besides she thinks that if she gets jealous is like she were doubting you or that you will see it that way and she doesn't want to give that impression
It isn't probably that she will get jealous over the others girls of the club, after spending so much time all of them had shared a lot of themselfs so she is confident that they will respect her relasionship with you (although Sayori could be pretty clingy and affectionate so she is more probably to make Monika a little jealous)
Most of the time if she start to feel nervous about you being with other people she herself tries to reasure her that if you are spending time with other peolple doesn't mean that you will leave her, but when she is already nervous for something else it will be more difficult for her to calm down
She feels jealousy when you are spending a lot of time with others or talk much about someone else while being with her, she understand that you have your own friends or things to do, she sometimes can't be with you for the club too but when you spend more time paying attention to someone else it bother her, specially if is someone you admire
She can't help but curse under her breath whoever is taking your attention from her, she tries to endure it hoping that you will forget about that other person soon but if you don't stop at some point she will snap and demand your attention, she could be pretty intimidating or aggresive while doing it but she will apologize for it (she may or may not don't really mean that apology)
As well, if you tend to be affectionate with other people she will endure it to some extent, she isn't really shy and doesn't mind pda (physical affection even comfort her) but seeing you being affectionate with someone else it upset her a little, she doesn't mind if is with you family and with your closest friends she will learn to endure it, but aside from that it make her pretty jealous, she can take you giving small touches but not a hug, she won't like it and will confront you about it, making you make it up for her by giving her the doble of affection (she doesn't want to be mean with you, that is way she doesn't pry more)
Although, If is someone else is the culprit of her jealousy, like someone intensionally taking your attention or insisting on being affectionate with you she will not just get jealous but also mad, she still tries to endure it politely try to solve the problem but if that person end her patience Monika will be more agressive, she is really smart and knows how to take advantage of others weakness
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Asuma Mutsumi
Asuma is a rather calm person as well as really caring and loving, it took him a long time to understand his feeling for you but once he does he is really open with his love, he doesn't see why he should hide it (unless it make you uncomfortable)
Between being pretty oblivious most of the time and looking after your happines and well being he isn't easy to get jealous, he just doesn't really doubt you or your relasionship, besides knowing that you love him too is enough reasurance for him
Asuma isn't someone who gets jealous easily and if it happens it happen rarely, still he handle it pretty well and he doesn't really get carry away for his feelings
He doesn't get jealous over your friends, he will even get along with your friends pretty well, and if you are getting affectionate with others it doesn't affect him neither since he already knows about this affectionate part of you (he isn't really shy to physical affection or pda, and is always gently and sweetly)
If you, for some reason pay more attention to someone else he won't think much of it at first but if this persist it will start to affect him, first feeling a little lonely without you to pass to the jealousy, he doesn't want to confront you but at some point he will (still he will be pretty shy while doing it)
He doesn't want to make a big deal of it so he prefer to sit down and talk to you about it, he has a little problem with expressing himself for not wanting to say something that will upset you or make it a big problem, and he doesn't want to take away from you the opportunity to express yourself neither
At the end he wants your comfort, just give him your attention again for a while and he feel a lot better, passing more quality time with you it would help a lot
Although, Asuma could get pretty jealous of his brother since he could be pretty flirty and touchy with others as well as stubborn when it comes to get what he wants, besides Asuma is used to give what he had to his brother in order for him to be happy, but once he accepted his feelings and started relasionship with you he understand that his you is something he isn't willing to give up so easily
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