#hot latina girl gets destroyed
la-malaguena · 6 years
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Since Tumblr is banning porn, here’s a picture of me from a few weeks ago. Enjoy
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missmermaidwitch · 4 years
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Brazilian Mythical Creatures
The Ofcial Guide
Most of the witchcraft pratice usualy runs around nordic and wicca culture, wich is not a problem. But as a latina witch, my pratice involves very diffrent beliefs. So I decided to share a little bit of my country's culture along with my pratice.
So here you are about to know the magical creatures of the brazillian forests. Most of them have African culture involved due to our contry cultural mixing.
1. Curupira
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The Curupira is a young indian boy who has fire like hair and feets turned to the backside of his body. He is a very ancient protector spirit of the forest yet he looks like a boy. He runs trough the forest in silence, making fake trails with his footprints to confuse the hunters and colonizers and protect the indian tribes. As only the native people used to know him, the eroupean explorers didn't knew he had his feet turned to back, so they alway followed his footsteps to the wrong side and end up lost in the dangerous wild forests.
2. Cuca
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Here is one of the most famous Brazilian witches, and yes! She is an alligator. Not a crocodile, these are from other places, much like Africa and central/north-america. In Brazil we only have aligators, thank godess! (And no, they are not the same animal!). On the oposite of us, very lovely witches, Lady Cuca is a very, very mean sorceress. She has a monstruous voice and is in one of our most popular lullabies. Her purpouse is to kidnap mean children when they don't sleep at night and eat'em. She has a big cauldron through which she can see anything.
The song says "sleep, little baby! Or Cuca is gonna get you! Your mother is at the farm and your daddy is gonne to work". As you may notice, the song is supose to be sang by Lady Cuca herself. Very scary for a baby, right?
Obs: The cuca is only represented as an alligator by Monteiro Lobato in his tales, O Sítio do Pica-Pau Amarelo.
3. Boitatá
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Boitatá is the name of another ancient forest spirit. Its a giantic fire snake. It protects the woods from those who plans to destroy it, specialy if trying to burn it. It surely seems to be a very lovely creature, but anyone who looks at it gets immediately insane and blind. It has the power to turn into a burning trunk to fall on the harmers and kill them. (I guess probably because this way it can avoid getting possible inocent witness blind and crazy). Sometimes it might almost look like a perfect normal snake, but it's eyes are always on fire.
There is a big chance it's a she. A female snake.
4. A Mula Sem Cabeça (The Headless Mule)
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Poor thing! Attention here, girls! Any virgin girl who acept to marry a priest might end up like that. Once a virgin lady says yes to a man from the church and acept his engagement ring, she becames a headless mule. The ring turns into a collar arond the animal's neck. And she can only turn back into a human if someone takes it of. Too bad there's always a huge flame coming out of it, so hot that no one is able to get close. In other versions, if a lady has sex with a priest she becames a headless mule.
5. Saci Pererê
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No one is sure if there is one or more of those. But at least one we all have met. This guy is a very fun fella. He has one less leg and jumps arond in his red clothes and his magic red hat, "carapuça" in portuguese (it's a special kind of hat and he can take anithing out if it). He can also travel trough whirlwinds, small ones usualy. The thing is that he takes a lot of dirty and leafs whit him, that's for sure. His hobbies are changing sugar and salt's places so everyone in the house have sweet beans and salty coffee. And stealing things from people, specially pipes, he loves pipes! Enough said, he is a trickster (or they are). He enjoys making a mess, but he also can bring lots of help if you make frinds with him, but, to be honest, he would trick you anyways. In moonless nights, far away from the city, you can hear him whistle and laugh!
6. Lobisomem (Werewolf)
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As in other cultures people turn into werewolves from another werewolves bites and other contagious metods, in Brazil we believe that a werewolf borns when a couple after having seven daughters has the first son. Seven older sisters might get anyone angry but in this case its a little more complicated. Every full moon, the werewolf gotta run troght seven cemiteries, seven crossroads and seven church's yards. In his human days he feels always very sick and dizzy, tends to get drunk all the time because off the pain and confusion. Even in our culture the only way to kill him is a silver bullet, but we have a special secret: the way to cure him. Covering a bullet in a church's altar candle's wax and shoting (in a non-fatal spot, obviouly)! If trying, I wouldn't recomend a silver bullet anyways.
7. Iara Mãe D'água (Iara, mother of the waters)
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We do have lots of mermaids in Brazil, but not all of them are royalty. Iara is a very beautiful mermaid princess, all tough we have countless beautiful beaches, she lives in the contry's rivers. She used to be a very powerful warrior indian, till the day her brothers decided to kill her because they were envy of her abilities. But as a great warrior she defeated them, killing each one. When her Dad found out what she did, he trown her into the river in a full moon night. The fishes, who admired her beauti, decided to save the girl turning her into a mermaid. Since then she reings in a underwater realm and spend her days singing to atract men and take them there. Or maybe she just kill'em, thats also a possibility.
8. Boto Cor-de-rosa (Pink river dolphin)
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The Amazonas river has a very special kind of sweet water dolphin that in portuguese we call "boto". But beyond the already amazing normal "botos" there is a even more special one. The pink dolphin. It is a very wise enchanted dolphin who in full moon nights can turn into a human. Trough this night he goes to parties and date the most beautiful ladies, almost always getting them pregnant. He dresses white clothes and is a very charming man, but in the next day he will desapear and never show up again. But that's just normal male behavior, no magic involved.
Yes, the pink river dolphins is a real brazillian animal and this is a real picture of it.
August 22
Is national folklore day in Brazil.
I hope you guys enjoyed the reading. Let me know if you want to learn more about brazillian culture.
💕If you liked the post, please Reblog it!💕
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writingwithcolor · 5 years
Find your next diverse read! #2 (WWC Reader Publications)
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We asked you to tell us about your publications, and here they are! 
These are the eleven (11) books submitted to us, written by Writing With Color readers. 
Book Titles
Always Darkest
Faerie Rising: The First Book of Binding
Fate (The St. Cloud Chronicles) 
A Hero’s Tale
Less than Three
Not So Stories Anthology
OPEN: A Tale of Love, Mermaids, Bassists, & Creepy Dudes
The Path to Dawn
To Whom it Doesn't Concern
Book Descriptions
Title: Always Darkest
Author: Jess and Keith Flaherty | @demonsrunlit Series: Yes Buy: Amazon Premise:  Supernatural meets Good Omens with a dash of romance and divine chaos.‪ Ben wants a vacation away from Hell, but Mal reveals a path to redemption instead. ‬ On the run from Heaven and Hell, a demon becomes a hero. Themes/Elements: Dark Fantasy, Paranormal Romance MC Race/Ethnicity:  White  Other Characters: White  Other Diversity: LQBTQAI+, Religion
Title: Commonwealth (Patreon series) 
Author: Adam Lee Series: No Buy: Patreon  Premise: In a near-future U.S. that’s become a hyper-capitalist dystopia of inequality and climate change, a small band of dreamers fight to bring back the vanished era when people worked together and helped each other. Themes/Elements:  Individualism vs. mutuality, capitalism vs. socialism MC Race/Ethnicity: Biracial black/white Other Characters:  Latino (Mexican), Jewish, Japanese/Chinese Other Diversity: Economic and environmental justice, sexism and pregnancy discrimination
Title: Faerie Rising: The First Book of Binding
Author: A. E. Lowan | @aelowan (multiple authors) Series: Yes Buy: Amazon Premise: 
Winter Mulcahy is the last wizard in the city of Seahaven, WA and all that stands between the fractious preternatural population and total chaos. Holding the city together by the skin of her teeth, the blood of her friends, and an addiction to stimulants that is slowly killing her, the young wizard is approached by a pair of sidhe lords. They claim that her city is harboring a fugitive who has kidnapped a sidhe prince, and that they are on a mission to rescue the boy.
Winter must investigate this fugitive to get to the truth of the kidnapping, discover the cause of the surges of wild magic tearing open rifts between realms across her city, and navigate the deadly waters of preternatural politics before Seahaven both figuratively and literally rips itself apart.
Themes/Elements: Addiction, redemption, found families MC Race/Ethnicity: (multiple POVS)
Young black hero just coming into his powers
Teenage wizard who proves that weight won’t slow her down
Physician at the breaking point who is addicted to stimulants
Two bisexual men in a dance of attraction (one survivor of childhood sexual assault)
Young trans man who will play a larger role in the second book
Gay Viking vampire king and his lover. 
Afro-Latina wolf queen 
Afro-Latino Lion King
Title: FATE 
Author: Jade Stewart | @j-a-stewart Series: Yes Buy: Amazon Premise:  FATE is a YA fantasy novel about a teenage girl from the Bronx who realizes there’s more to her new home in Buffalo, and herself, than meets the eye. Themes/Elements: Urban fantasy, magic/wizards, werewolves, vampires, benefits of hard work, fate, moving to a new city, romance, revenge MC Race/Ethnicity: African-American Other Characters: Japanese, Jamaican-American and Romanian (mixed race), & American Other Diversity/Topics: Anti-bullying, high school, friendship
Title: A Hero’s Tale
Author: J. Stern | @theactualjstern Series: No Buy: Amazon Premise: Sam Garrett is determined to be a normal kid in spite of his superpowers, only to have his resolve questioned when his powers are exposed to the world and he becomes the target of a powered villain determined to remove all powered from the world. Themes/Elements:  coming of age, superhero MC Race/Ethnicity: African American Other Characters: Black, mixed race Philipino and Mexican, Greek Other Diversity: queer characters of color (bisexual and trans), queer characters, disability (Deaf), mental illness (PTSD, anxiety), gender parity of characters
Title: Less than Three
Author:  Téa Belog | @transannabeth Series: No Buy:  Amazon | Books2Read | Goodreads Premise: Ren has been in love with his best friend for the past three years, Calliope has spent most of her life dancing, and Ingrid plans to start over in college, to go beyond what held her back in high school. Less Than Three is a collection of three short stories about a group of friends. Together, they shoulder their way through romance, all-nighters, and the occasional dragon. Themes/Elements: Romance, friendship, coming of age, mental illness, and college MC Race/Ethnicity: Japanese and Black (Calliope and Ingrid respectively, individual POVs) Other Characters: Indian, Vietnamese, and white Other Diversity: LGBTQIA+ (trans and nonbinary characters, gay characters), depression
Title: Moonrise (interactive novel)
Author: Natalie Cannon Series: No Buy: Choice of Games Premise: You’re here. You’re queer. You’re a werewolf. Who will you kiss under the moonlight? Themes/Elements: queer femme werewolves, fighting for humanity or giving into the beast, romance, aligning with the tradition of the Masquerade or breaking free with the desperate Rogues, found family MC Race/Ethnicity: Intentionally left up to player interpretation Other Characters: Black, Japanese, Mexican, Jewish Other Diversity: Lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, polyamorous, aromantic, trans, nonbinary gender options and/or characters. Amputee character. Mental illness mention
Title: Not So Stories Anthology
Author: Multiple authors of colour Series: No Buy: Goodreads Premise:  Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories was a timeless classic. It is also deeply rooted in British colonialism. Not So Stories attempts to redress the balance, bringing together new and established writers of colour from around the world to take the Just So Stories back; giving voices to cultures that were long deprived them. Themes/Elements: Fantasy, ghost stories, fairy tales.  MC Race/Ethnicity: Various Other Diversity:  LGBTQIA+ characters
Title: OPEN: A Tale of Love, Mermaids, Bassists, & Creepy Dudes
Author: Emilie Nantel | @emilienantel Series: No Buy: Emilie Nantel  Premise:  A queer, polyamorous romcom for millennials, OPEN: A Tale of Love, Mermaids, Bassists, & Creepy Dudes is the story of Amy, bi, 25, in an open relationship, navigating the ups – dating gorgeous people – and downs – trying to avoid creeps – of the Montreal dating scene, when she falls in love with a hot bassist. This was not part of the plan. Themes/Elements: Queer found family, polyamorous relationship, friendship breakups MC Race/Ethnicity: White Other Characters: Black endgame love interest; half Filipina/half White best friend Other Diversity: Polyamory, bisexual MC, a cast all across the LGBTQIA+ community, MC is fat and has anxiety.
Title: The Path to Dawn
Author: Miri Castor | @miricastor Series: Yes Buy: Amazon Premise: Opal Charm is still grieving the loss of her brother when she meets a mysterious student in her class. Through their budding friendship, Opal discovers she has special powers, powers that brother once had. But she must learn how to wield them before an evil force destroys all that she loves. Themes/Elements: PoC kids/teens with superpowers, platonic relationships, family ties, light and darkness MC Race/Ethnicity: Black Other Characters: Filipino Other Diversity: LGBTQIA+ (Book 2) & depression
Title: To Whom it Doesn't Concern
Author: Wisdom A. Yarborough Series: No Buy:  Amazon | Goodreads Premise: (TW Suicide) 
A kid at Mortimer’s school has thrown himself off the roof. Everyone is freaking out, and trying to deal with the situation, while Mortimer wants this all to just pass as quickly as possible. It wasn’t like he was close to the kid who died, so there’s no reason to be concerned, or to even care? …Right?
Themes/Elements: Dealing with loss/grief, Suicide/Depression/Mental Health & Healing MC Race/Ethnicity: White  Other Characters: Topher, the love interest, is Pakistani-American. Mortimer’s ex girlfriend is black.
Other Diversity: Topher is Canonically Pansexual, Mortimer realizes he’s bisexual throughout the story, Many characters suffer with depression, and depression/suicide/suicidal thoughts are a huge part of the themes of the story, and coping with those feelings.
Read the first book share here: Find your next diverse read #1
Folks - If you read any of these books, please leave the author a review.
WWC Reader Publications - Winter 2019/2020 
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forestal-ramblings · 4 years
I've started Tribes of Europe , even if it looks like a weird hunger games/ generic apocalyptic movie , mainly because i barely watch european science fiction. It's better than I expected.
The timeline is a bit weird , because it's been just a few decades after the collapse and everyone just goes bad to feudalism. Even the hippies with their geodesic domes.
It's interesting the way the history splits in three parts , Liv with the Crimson's , who look like the average good guys , Ella with the cubes and Kiano with the Crows.
Honestly of all the factions the Crows , with their mad max , berlin rave scene aesthetic look are the most interesting.
The main girl looks like off brand latinas everdeen , but at least in european fiction we are guaranteed some sexy times. Honestly american stupid ratings are terrible for this kind of thing.
Kiano is very hot , and i think he is going to suffer at Varvara's house. But he is going to destroy the Crows.
My favorite character is of course is Moses and not only because the actor playing him looks like mads mikkelsen, but because i love the aesthetics of a lonely thief , and he and amena made a good pair , even with all the shooting.
Well germans need to be weird , and the whole lady Varvara boys harem looks like it came from some weird german film.
I think it's good , and I'm only two chapters away from finishing it so I hope I doesn't get bad.
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lesbianologist · 4 years
thoughts re: fate - the winx saga
i’m really only interested in bloom and aisha’s characters. i like how they’re portrayed and frankly i find them to be the most interesting out of all of the characters (younger ones, anyway)
i don’t find any of the young guys (esp dane and riven) tolerable and i genuinely found myself skipping most of their scenes because i just felt like it wasn’t fully fleshed out and didn’t really add to the storyline (with the exception of sky and his dead father storyline)
i adore farah dowling
(because i’m gay and probably because i have mommy issues)
i’m extremely upset that they queer coded her in many ways (how she dressed, how she acted like One Of The Dudes with saul and harvey, how she is more of a hot feminine but dominant figurehead, her interaction with bloom, and especially her interaction with rosalind because hOLy cow that was the gayest not-gay scene i’ve ever seen) and then they just unalived her so easily
i despise the casting directors for the whitewashing; i was really looking forward to flora because she was one of my favourite fairies when i was younger and instead of getting a darker toned beautiful latina woman that i was expecting we ended up getting a white, plus size girl who of course is so insecure that she’s always focussed on how other people like her and that storyline revolves around her the entire season. musa’s cool but she’s not asian like she is in the og series and her power isn’t even music which i loved in the og series. it’s fucking mind powers. which like - what? why? imo that feels so goddamn boring.
stella’s character was destroyed to build this “i learn to treat others kindly and be self reliant and unlearn trauma” bs. if you want to do the unlearning trauma, fine. if you want to do this narrative that farah rescued bloom and there’s a protégé arc for them, fine. but at least respect that stella was bloom’s best fucking friend and was the one who properly taught her how to use her powers (not improperly like in the show).
also!!! sky and her were OVER and stella respected bloom and sky’s flourishing relationship!!! there was no competitiveness or love triangle fight over him!!!! sky and bloom were endgame from the start and stella respected that because SHE LOVED HER BEST FRIEND BLOOM
the treatment of aisha as this stickler, mean, academic was horrible to watch. she’s the only black woman as one of the supporting characters and her archetype was to be an ABW? i was furious. aisha was the only one who was level headed. not to mention aisha is described differently in the og series. she was always the one to give pragmatic advice for the girls and was always the shoulder to cry on. instead, she’s portrayed as the hermione that no one trusts and bloom frequently argues against her when she’s in the right. that NEVER happens in the og series. she’s even described as the most sensitive of the group!!!! and we never saw that!!!!!!!!!
AND NO ROXY????????
i’m big mad
also the fucking RAMPANT biphobia, homophobia, and fatphobia? DISGUSTENG
anyway... those r some of my thoughts and i want farah back :(
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fanfictionized · 5 years
The Hating Game - Where It All Began (8)
Characters: Lance Tucker x Latina!OFC
Chapter Summary: The Reader has a hard time believing that people - especially Lance- can change. He’s about to prove her wrong...
Warnings: fluff, making out
Words: 3.4k
The Hating Game - Masterlist // Previous Chapter
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Lucy couldn’t stop squirming in her seat, getting home and taking a shower and getting all dressed and ready half an hour before he would come to pick her up.
She sat back in her chair, tugging at the burnt-sienna-colored dress with the low cleavage she had decided to wear (because he deserved that much), a denim jacket bound around her hips in case it’d get cold because she still didn’t know where the heck he’d be taking her and those dark brown, knee-high leather boots so that she wouldn’t be having any trouble with being a lot shorter than him and kiss him more easily-
Oh, but her mind didn’t just stop there, no. She wanted to do so much more than that.
She wanted to fucking destroy him in bed which was weird since he had been suggesting to do the same thing to her pussy ever since the day they met.
And she’d probably not even keep up with her expectations and his because it had been so fucking long. She wanted to cry.
Because she wanted him so fucking much.
Even though she was still just the tiniest bit wary of him, or more clearly, his intentions, she couldn’t believe how intense her lust for him already was.
The reason she had been able to read him like a book was because he had always been a very open one.
Told her unashamedly how much he was into her so there shouldn’t be any fears technically, but that still didn’t keep her anxiety from making her insecure, biting her lips nervously as she looked at herself in the mirror.
She hadn’t overdone it with her makeup, she wouldn’t want to seem desperate or like she gave that much of a shit or that she actually took longer to get ready than she actually did…
Nothing about that really made any sense in her head, but anyways…
There’d be thirty more minutes of waiting before she could walk out into the world and into Lance Tucker’s arms.
Fuck, she wanted to touch those arms again.
Calm your tits, Lucia.
The voice in her head chimed in and strangely it wasn’t her own. Neither was the smug grin she could see in front of her closed eyelids as she took a deep, calming breath.
Before the loud hum of a vehicle’s motor came to a halt in front of their house and pulled her out of her thoughts.
She walked over to the kitchen to spy through the window, seeing the black car from a few nights before standing across the street.
It was dark outside, but not dark enough to hide his silhouette through the windows of his car. Him, smoothing his hair back nervously and thrumming his fingers on the steering wheel.
She giggled when she saw him acting all nervous and it made her believe that it’d somehow make this whole thing easier when she wasn’t the only one fidgeting.
She decided to do a little something to mess with him, ease the tension because she wouldn’t get into the car until it had escaped at least a little.
She dialed his number into her phone. She’s had it for quite a while. Emergency purposes, considering Ana of cause.
The phone rang and she saw him reach for it from his back pocket, staring at the screen for a few seconds until he picked up.
“Hey” His voice was strangely collected, but she smiled through it anyway because she saw his reaction when he heard her voice; grinning silently into the receiver.
“Hi, Lance.”
“You miss me already, darlin’?” He tried to be so cocky and she found it adorable, knowing how excited he sounded as he was talking to her.
“I could ask you the same thing.” She retorted, biting her bottom lip to suppress another giggle “Since you’re parking in front of my house.” She saw his mouth fall open before his head whipped over to the side, searching for her until he spotted her looking at him through the kitchen window, waving at him while his cheeks grew hot.
“Fuck” He whispered and hung up, seeing her laugh and walk away so he got out of the car, straightening the white dress shirt before he crossed the street to get over to her house.
The door opened slowly.
“’M sorry, I thought you wouldn’t notice-” He began before he saw her standing in front of him in her full glory. He stopped halfway to reaching her door and held his breath as he let his gaze wander over her form, drinking it all in.
She looked so fucking stunning. The hair, the dress, the heels…
His dick twitched in those dangerously tight pants.
“I- You…” He started before she cut him off.
“You look handsome.” She smiled as she eyed him as well.
“You do. I mean, you don’t look handsome, you- you’re hot. I mean-” He stammered.
Oh my god, what’s wrong with you?
She walked closer until she closed the space between them to press a kiss to his cheek, halting his actions like she’d just pressed the shut-down-button.
She pulled away with the cutest grin, keeping her hand on the side of his neck and he hoped to god she wouldn’t feel his pulse fluttering underneath her touch.
“Let’s go?” She asked sweetly while all he could do was nod.
“What’re we doing here?” She asked, raising a brow as she looked out the window, eyeing the gym hall from outside.
“I forgot something earlier.” Was his only explanation as he got out of the car, getting around to open the door for her and she could almost swear that he didn’t even have to think about doing so before he’d already done it.
The word ‘Gentleman’ laid on the tip of her tongue before she thought of who she was actually with, smirking at the thought.
“Thanks.” She mumbled, getting out while she walked alongside him.
The gears in her head turned when he saw him fiddling with the keys in his hands, seemingly on edge.
Her grin only widened.
“And why exactly do you need me to come with you…?” She bugged and made him roll his eyes at her for the very first time. He knew he wasn’t kidding anyone, but admittedly, he had never done this sort of thing before.
Something with a moderate amount of thought behind it.
“Just… trust me with this, okay?” He chuckled before pushing the doors open, both of them walking through the office until he had found the light switch in the dark, illuminating part of the hall to reveal a table standing in the middle of the room’s space with two chairs pushed to each side of it and food waiting for… the two of them she realized.
She bit her lip as she turned around, facing his boyish grin when he looked down at her. He seemed so proud of it, she couldn’t hold in her giggle.
“I’m not even sure what I’m supposed to say right now. This is awesome.” She admitted as she walked into the gym, her heels echoing off the high walls and ceiling.
“Right?” He asked excitedly “I fuckin’ aced this.” He drawled and she shook her head.
“Don’t ruin the mood.” She muttered until he sneaked up behind her, pulling out the chair for her to sit on.
“And which one would that be?”
“One where you just take the freaking compliment and don’t act like you’ve invented date ideas.” She raised a challenging brow at him while he sat down across from her.
“Okay, ouch.” He pouted “How ‘bout you fix your attitude, princess?”
She inhaled a sharp breath at the sound of his pet name for her slipping past his lips.
He grinned. She glared back at him.
“How ‘bout you do it for me?”
The risky question had shot out of her before she had even had time to think about it, making her eyes go wide with realization a second later.
He looked equally stunned before he let out a disbelieving laugh.
“Deal, sweetcheeks.” He chuckled darkly, winking at her as he opened two beer bottles.
“But for that you’re gonna have to take me out for a drink first.” He said sarcastically, raising his own bottle.
She scoffed and clinked their glasses together.
“Oh, so this is what then exactly?” She retorted, raising the bottleneck to her smiling lips.
He leaned back in his chair, the cockiness never having left him.
“This is me enjoying the view, darlin’.” He replied before taking a few big gulps, his head leaning back slightly, still maintaining eye contact as he grinned.
“You’re such a pain in my ass, you know that?” And the second she realized it could also have a very different meaning, seeing him inhaling to comment on what she’d just said she blurted out “Don’t even, Tucker. I swear to god- “
To which he only suppressed a laugh and shook his head in embarrassment as if to correct himself or rather his naughty thoughts being the first ones to fill his head.
“Realized it the second you said it.” He chuckled, making a motion as if to zip his mouth shut.
“Seriously, don’t mess this up.” She began, fidgeting in her seat as she was desperately trying to get the rest of the words out.
“I’m really glad I’m here.” She admitted, biting the inside of her cheek as she awaited his reaction and his cocky smirk changed into something softer- something she had only ever seen a few, rare times since she’s met him. Only ever when he was with her.
“Me too.” He smiled brightly and it made her loosen up, smiling back and moving her hair behind her ears.
“So…” She started “What’s on the menu?”
He laughed.
“Only the best pizza in town.” He chuckled, opening the cardboard box to reveal the pepperoni pizza that was laying in front of them.
“Classic. Beer and pizza.” She chuckled.
“If it’s not from Stefano’s I’m going to be very disappointed.” She sighed, smelling the still-warm food.
He scrunched his face up as he looked back at her.
“Girl… the best one’s from that pizzeria down the street.” He stated, making her scoff.
“And I thought you could be trusted when it came to food.” She gasped.
“I’ll make you a deal” He smirked “You don’t like it, we go straight to Stefano’s right the fuck now.” He raised a challenging eyebrow at her.
“Fine” She pursed her lips before taking a slice and taking a bite, chewing for a moment before shrugging.
Lance almost jumped out of his chair outraged, hand gesturing wildly.
“Wh- What’s that ‘meh’? Do you not have any taste buds, woman?” He protested, making her grin as she continued eating. Making him the one lashing out once in a while was fun. She did that while chewing on the piece.
He only realized she was still eating when he was halfway through his clamoring. His mouth fell shut.
“You like it?” He asked, perhaps a little annoyed.
She nodded “It’s good.” She giggled with a full mouth, making him huff.
“But not as good as Stefano’s.” She shrugged after having taken another bite, making him let out a chuckle.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” He muttered as he took a bite out of a slice.
She smiled as she looked at him and perhaps it was a little bit of everything;
The dinner itself in the gym where they first met, the fact that he’d brought pizza and beer instead of steak and wine, the way he looked in that white shirt and how they could joke around and tease each other without making it awkward…
But in that moment she realized that she really liked Lance Tucker.
And that realization didn’t make her shudder like it would’ve a month ago. No.
It rather filled her stomach with an indescribable warmth.
“Hey, uhm…” She began, the two of them already having finished two slices each as she wiped her fingers on the napkin lying next to her.
“I just wanna say that-” She started but as soon as she’d begun to make her confession, he’d shushed her, looking somewhere behind her with eyes wide open and terrified.
“What?” She stopped, turning her head to look over her shoulder.
The light in the room behind the back entrance had switched on, yet she couldn’t see anyone there, assuming that maybe it had been on the entire time.
“Lance?” She turned back to him in confusion, but before she could say anything else he had stood up and grabbed her hand, pulling her from her chair in surprise and walking them both across the gym.
“Hey!” She whined as they stopped in front of the storage room, fiddling with his keys.
“I’m not proud to say this” He began, pushing the door open before pushing her inside, following her into the darkness.
“But we gotta hide.”
“What?” She hissed loudly, the door clicking shut and her eyes took a few seconds to adjust to the little light that shone in through the small window, fresh air pouring into the room along with the brightness from the street lantern, illuminating them just enough to keep them from bumping into the utensils, ladders and shelves.
“I’m so sorry, god-” He muttered, taking her hand into his and stepping between two shelves which sheltered them and prevented anyone who entered the room from seeing the two of them.
“It’s security outside, but the new guy who doesn’t know me and would think we’re here illegally and call the cops on us, it’s- “
He huffed, running a hand through his hair.
“We’re kinda…” He mumbled, looking around the small space “Not allowed to be here right now?” He tried an awkward smile but even in the almost complete darkness he could see that she wasn’t amused, rather shocked and speechless.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” She sighed, holding a hand against her forehead as she closed her eyes in annoyance.
“I wish I were.” He said before a small laugh burst out of him.
“Don’t fucking lie to me Tucker, I swear if-” She started, just as confused as she was frustrated but she couldn’t let out any more of her anger on him before he had pressed a hand against her mouth to shut her up, moving her back against the shelf as his eyes were trained on the door and the light that was pouring in from underneath it, seeing the shadow of the security guys’ feet moving closer until he had stopped right in front of it.
Lucy’s breath came quick and hotly against his hand, staring up at him with big eyes as his gaze was so focused, brows knitting together while his shoulders tensed up.
She barely noticed the sound of the man rattling the door handle from outside to prove that it was truly locked, the pulse of her core thrumming through her entire body, deafening any potential noise that could distract her from looking away from his gorgeous face.
God, he was so fucking hot. And he cared. For her not to get caught, turning his broad back instinctively to shield her from anyone who might waltz through the door and ruin the scenery she was already making out inside her head.
He cared for his little sister. She had never witnessed any man as concerned for her as he had been that night a few days back, clutching the steering wheel as he had raced through the city, risking to lose his license and sanity to get Ana to the hospital and make her feel well again. Even brought her flowers.
Those damn flowers.
She regretted not having put them up in her own room from the beginning, enjoying their smell and let them take her back to better times back when she lived outside the city without all its smog and garbage.
Fuck, she wanted him.
She wanted him so bad.
“I think he’s gone-” He whispered, his gaze softening before he looked down at her, seeing her already dark eyes glinting somehow mischievously, but not smugly like she was about to throw a snarky comment at his head- more like desperately because there was so much lust pooling behind those eyes the sight of it made him forget what he was about to say, looking at her with such wonder and also puzzlement he couldn’t think of anything else but her.
“I, uhm…” He breathed, voice faltering and only then did he realize how closely they were actually pressed together. Against each other.
His hands were resting to each side of her head, having shielded her body with his own somewhat automatically and if he hadn’t lost his ability to speak before, he surely did as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to meet his lips with hers.
His eyes shot wide open, seeing the slight furrow in her brow as she kissed him deeply, her hands holding the sides of his neck while he could only stand there like an imbecile, his brain not quite yet registering and catching up with the information of what the fuck had just happened- was still happening.
But once her hand went into his hair, tangling her fingers through the gel-stiffened strands to make it softer and easier to hold onto, his eyes fell close in an instant, stiff body loosening and sinking into her embrace as his arms immediately wound around her to pull her even closer. There was no way he was gonna fuck something up he’d been waiting to do since the minute he first saw her.
A small moan left her lips when his palm pressed into the small of her back urgently, driving her closer to him and making her arch her back as she opened her mouth for him- his tongue already having slid across her bottom lip to grant him access and so she did with just as much fervor.
Of cause he was battling for dominance, how could he not, but she had no desire to deny him that when he was just so- so- good at it.
You wouldn’t regret a night with me, babe.
His words had floated in her head ever since he’d said them out loud and in that moment, with his hands feeling over the fabric of her dress, moving lower to grab a handful of her ass and making him groan at the feel of it, she suddenly couldn’t wait to make those words come true fast enough.
She jumped up when his hands held onto the backs of her thighs, wrapping her legs around his waist and feeling her calves against his ass which was driving itself forward to rub his denim-clad erection against her dripping core.
His hands just couldn’t stop exploring.
Feeling the swell of her hips and ass underneath his touch was fucking amazing.
But what made his cock really twitch in his pants was running his fingers along her neck, grazing the pulse point to make her inhale a sharp breath before he’d bury them in her hair to tilt her head back and attack her throat with sucks and bites, nibbling and kissing until he’d reached her collarbone, already having her writhing and gasping in his arms.
“Lance…” She moaned and his pelvis involuntarily thrust forward at hearing his name fall from her plump lips so beautifully, his clothed cock rubbing against the thin layer of her panties which were separating him from driving himself inside her.
Her back was bumping into parts of the shelves’ metal behind her, making them rattle and shake until packages were raining down on them, landing on the ground with a dull sound.
Lucy pulled back long enough to break their kiss and gasp for air, making him listen to her as he was trying to catch his breath.
“You wanna… uhm-” He started, stealing her words. She grinned happily before she simply had to interrupt him.
“Your place or mine?”
Taglist: @culturespark
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crazy-loca-blog · 5 years
Personal thoughts on Red Carpet Diaries, Book 3, Ch. 6
Note: As the title says, these are just personal opinions on Choices books and chapters. Of course, you may agree or disagree with them, I only use this platform to express my thoughts on what I read every week and what I’d like to see in the next chapters, because none of my friends play Choices so I have no one to comment the books with.
Red Carpet Diaries has always been one of the fan-favorites stories. Especially for people who used to play Hollywood U, when the series began (a long time ago already) I remember there were very high expectations. And even though it’s never been one of my favorite series, I do play every chapter and have a nice time reading about the lifestyle of the rich and famous. However, RCD is quickly becoming the best example of why not every Book 3 in a series should end up in a wedding.
I’m writing this post as a girl whose MC has been romancing Matt since Book 1 (with a brief hiatus around the time where no one seemed to trust my MC) so the text will probably be a little biased.
First of all, I can’t complain about the amount of scenes that Matt gets in this series, because we get to see him A LOT. But I can complain about the quality of the scenes we’re getting in Book 3, in terms of content. And Chapter 5 was probably the best example of how poorly treated is the storyline with our LIs in Book 3. So… dear Thomas, Seth, Teja and Victoria stans, based on Chapter 5 and on my own experience as a reader whose MC is romancing Matt… try to keep your expectations as low as possible. And if your MC is engaged to Matt… what can I say? I think you’re probably as disappointed as I am.
When I first read the summary of Chapter 5, I thought that we would finally be able to talk about the wedding for a moment and to get serious about it. After all, we were going to meet our father in law (remember, my MC is romancing Matt), so the moment was perfect to talk about the engagement and the wedding, to make some decisions or simply to talk about the future. Guess what guys? We got exactly the same content as those of you who aren’t engaged to him: Matt basically locked in his room the first day while we were having a good time with Chazz, Addison and Julio (wait… wasn’t he called “Marco” in Book 1?), and then we had the tour around the property plus the poster scene and breakfast with his dad the second day… we never got to truly talk about our relationship, everything were just some vague references to it… they could have added some extra dialog during breakfast the second day or during dinner the first day. This should have been a very important moment for those of us who’re engaged to Matt… we’re talking about our fiancé’s family!! I honestly felt the only real conversation we had about the topic was when Chazz confessed that Crash could be “the one” for him.
By the way, if you’re wondering if Matt and the MC shared the room, the answer is “nope”… and if you ask me, as a Latina girl myself, the only reason I may find for them not sharing a room (and I’m really sorry, but I’m just making excuses to not destroy and forget this chapter ever happened) is in Matt’s roots. Despite all the image of sexiness, fire and hotness, Latinos are quite conservative and traditional. In some old-fashioned families, you may still see girls that don’t leave their parent’s house until the wedding day or boys that must ask the father’s bride-to-be for permission before proposing her. So you can imagine that in some families, sharing a room with your partner might be a little uncomfortable if you’re not married. But honestly, I don’t think the Rodriguez’s are this type of family at all.
I know people usually say they marry “their best friend”… but PB is making our relationships “too friendly” in my opinion. Maybe this wasn’t the right time for our MC to get married. Maybe this wasn’t the right time to make a “wedding book” in this series. Maybe they should have focused in Ninradell and the stalker plot… maybe if they wanted to make our relationships a little more serious, moving in together may have been a better option... I can even imagine our MC winning an Audrey for the movie and our LIs proposing at the end of the book, after winning the award… this could have led to a shorter fourth book where the main topic would have been the wedding. But now I feel they had to put EVERYTHING in one book because they had no choice and they need to make money. Sorry PB, but this time I think you’re biting off more than you can chew.
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