#how I'm still in a relationship after 8 years continues to amaze me
starfirewildheart · 11 months
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Scars and Souvenirs 
Summary: Sy and his lady both retire from the army but not before tragedy befalls Sy. He slowly tries to adjust to life again on their ranch.
Pairing: Sy / OFC
Word count: 2,022
Rating: mentions of war; being a POW, death and animal abuse. Nothing graphic I promise but if the fic continues (if y'all like it) I'll add warnings for each chapter.
Scars and Souvenirs 
She watched Sy from her perch on the wooden fence as he carefully approached the skittish horse. Well defined muscles flexed and tensed under tanned skin as he galloped around the training ring, sweat building up as the morning sun was reaching its peak. The horse itself was beautiful as well.. A palomino mare, one of four horses they had rescued the night before, hoping to be able to save her and give her a good life. 
"Hey now, that wasn't very  nice," Sy said, keeping his voice soft and gentle while still admonishing the horse for nipping his shoulder.
Debbie chuckled. "You always did have a way with the ladies, cowboy. "
"Well, I caught you didn’t I?" He teased back, his attention always focused on the mare. Their calm voices would help her adjust to being around people.
"It was a limited dating pool baby. My choices were you, Rickshaw, Jizzy, or Boz. Rickshaw was a man whore, Boz had no personal hygiene standards and I'm pretty sure Jizzy fucked a couple of goats trying to get a section 8. You, my Captain, didn’t stink, or sleep with every woman on base or random farm animals. That and your ass looked amazing, even in fatigues."
Sy put his hand to his chest as if he was wounded. "You only want me for my ass!" 
She hopped down off the fence, walked over to him sliding her arms around his chest lightly nipping between his shoulder blades as her right hand snaked down his body until she was palming his denim covered cock giving it a gentle squeeze. "I started dating you for your ass but I stayed for your dick baby," She teased.
Sy inhaled sharply and bucked against her palm. He couldn't imagine his life without her. She was the only good thing that came out of that damn desert hell hole where he toiled for eight long fucking years. Even the Texas sun couldn't stop the shiver that raced up his back from the memories.  "Whatever it is that keeps you here I hope I never lose it because you are my everything." He leaned back against her and placed a soft kiss on her lips, over his shoulder.
"You're stuck with me, always. I'm never letting you go baby." She hugged him tight. "Well except for like right this second because I gotta go muck the stalls," She sighed dramatically causing him to laugh. "A cowgirl's work is never done," he chuckled, smacking her ass as she walked away.
Debbie started cleaning the stalls, and spreading new straw. Music was playing on a radio they had in the staging area and she got  lost in memories about how she and Sy had met. 
She was a doctor who worked the MASH unit in the green zone and also ran missions as a medic when needed. She'd been assigned to the Vikings unit as a medic after their last one had been wounded. When she reported to their Captain it didn't go well. At first she took Sy's very boisterous refusal to work with her personally and she despised him and what she took as his sexest bullshit. After a few very long hours of arguing she realized it wasn't because she was a woman that he didn’t want to take her into the field, he didn’t get her file (imagine that, the government dropping the ball) and he didn't know she had field experience. Sy learned she wasn't intimidated easily. She was a tough as nails, ball busting soldier who could give as good as she got. She earned his respect and he earned hers. Needless to say the issue was resolved and she was frequently a medic for them. 
Over time she and Sy became really close and eventually started a relationship which meant she was no longer allowed to be with their unit. Sy had a lot of pull because of what his unit did and was able to keep her on base though. She continued to work both at the MASH unit and with other teams on missions and they spent their free time together. 
It had been a year and a half since she’d cycled out of the Army and a year for Sy. While she served during war time and has been in some bad shit and had to do even worse sometimes, it was nothing compared to the hell Sy had experienced. The last four months of his tour were by far the worst for him. One of his unit's final scheduled missions turned out to be their worst and last. 
Their objective was to shut down ordinance supply areas for the insurgents because the damn RPG attacks were killing more of our soldiers than combat. The Viking unit had made a huge impact on the supply already and they hoped to be able to take out some of the top ranking members of the opposition with today's raid. Sy had been promised a second unit as back up with the high profile target but true to form, command said they didn't have enough manpower to send back up which meant if shit got bad he'd have to call in an air strike which would be at least thirty minutes out. There was a shadow in the back of his mind that this was a bad idea and he even suggested to his C.O. that they postpone the mission but he was told he was there to follow orders not think.
Things started out successfully as they secured the facility and a cache of weapons, supplies and several high value prisoners. "Robbins, call it in. Tell them we need a clean up crew and transport for 10 prisoners," Sy ordered.
"On it Cap," he gruffed.
"Jimminez, Boz, recheck the perimeter."
"Yes sir."
"Sanchez, Richter, get 'em in restraints."
"Cap!" Boz yelled as he slammed another man through the metal doors of the building. "This asshole was on a phone out back."
"Fuck," Sy's stomach fell to his feet. This was bad. He stormed over and grabbed the insurgent by the shirt and started to question him. Within minutes Sy's life would change forever.
Explosions, gunfire and blood filled the air as several truck loads of insurgents arrived having been alerted by the man with the phone. All of Sy's men were captured and either executed or tortured for information. The insurgents did unspeakable, unimaginable things to the men claiming to want intelligence, after a while Sy came to believe they did it for pleasure.
Two weeks went by and Sy and Boz were the last two alive. As the leader of the team he'd been forced to watch his men be brutalized and eventually executed and his men were forced to watch him be tortured, the insurgents hoping to show them his weakness but Sy never begged.
It was just a few days later that Debbie got the call that he'd been rescued and was being flown to Ramstein AF base in Germany. She’d been home for four months, a choice she and Sy had both made, each agreeing to retire and not re-up. She dropped everything and flew to Germany to be by his side.
Debbie was pulled from her thoughts as Sy walked the mare back into the barn and started brushing her down. She was amazed at how much Sy had recovered in the year he'd been home. They bought his dream ranch and he'd designed their home and the barn that was built there. They had gone to a cattle auction to bid on some horses for the ranch and that's where they found their new passion. 
They were walking through the stalls checking out the animals when Debbie overheard a farmer talking about selling his horses to the meat market. From that day on they researched and scouted these 'meat' auctions and bought as many of the animals as possible. They rehabilitated all that they could and gave them to loving homes; the others who'd been too abused to recover they kept on their own farm where they could live in peace and safety. 
Sy looked over at his beautiful girl and grinned. "Come 'er baby girl."
She stepped out of the stall and slowly crossed over to him watching his eyes rake up and down her body. "See something you like, Captain? "
"Hell yea," he rasped, pulling her flush against his body wrapping his arms around her tight. Her fingernails lightly running up and down his back nearly made him purr as he placed soft kisses on her neck. 'It's your love' came on the radio and he started dancing around the barn singing to her. 
She squealed with laughter as he spun her around. 'It's your love' was their song, the first song they ever danced to. Letting her hands slide down to his hips she softly pressed her lips to his in a loving kiss. She allowed him entry when his tounge sought its way into her mouth as he deepened it. Their hands began to roam, finding just the right spots to drag moans from each other until he was pressing her against the wall, his rapidly filling cock digging against her stomach. His hand worked its way under her shirt and he squeezed her supple breast rubbing her nipple through the silky material of her bra and was about to lift her up around his waist when they heard gravel crunching on the driveway announcing a car approaching. "FUCK!"
Debbie laughed and patted his ass. "Not now baby, your mom is here but if you're a good boy, maybe later." She waggled her eyebrows at him playfully. "You should probably take a walk for a second until the little monster calms down."
"Fuck," he whined pitifully as he laid his head on her shoulder.
"HI honey," mama Syverson's sweet southern voice rang out as she approached. A concerned look crossed her face as Sy stood with his head on Debbie's shoulder. "Everything alright?" She asked as she put a hand on his back.
He raised up and greeted her with an awkward hug, keeping his hips back so his hard-on didn't accidentally brush against his ma. He shuddered at the thought. "Yea we were just taking a break," he told her as he walked over to the mare he'd brushed down before dancing with Deb. "Let me put this girl in her stall and we can all head to the house for lunch."
"Oh, um, I'm sure Debbie has a lot of work to do," she hedged throwing a look toward the other woman. "A lot of rescues to take care of and all."
Sy closed the stall door, brow creased in bewilderment at what she’d said "Ma, what the h…"
"She’s right," Debbie cut him off. "Horses gotta be fed and watered and I need to get some round bales out in the pasture feeders. Gonna take me the rest of the day." He started to argue but she kissed his cheek and whispered, "She needs you. Go be with her." Before walking to the storeroom to start pulling out grain. 
Sy's mom was a sweet, kind, loving, God fearing southern woman but for some reason she seemed to dislike Debbie. Deb had tried everything to get her to warm up to her because she knew how important Sy's mama was to him but nothing seemed to work. It worried her because she didn’t know how it would affect her relationship with Sy in the long run but there was nothing she could do about it. She sighed and went about feeding all the animals and working through her day.
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majaloveschris · 1 year
Why nothing makes sense, part 8.
Comic Con and Wedding Ring Edition
So before I start this part of the Why Nothing Makes Sense series, I'd like to say that I'm not saying there wasn't a wedding or that this isn't real. However, I'm going to explain why things don't make sense to me and why I think this might not be real.
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So before we jump into this amazing Comic Con weekend, I'd like to go back to the DM Boston airport sighting. So that picture of them coming back from Portugal happened (according to that "anon") after their honeymoon and wedding. So we could all see in that picture that Alba was wearing no ring. This was obviously very weird to a lot of people, since if you are newly married, why wouldn't you want to wear your ring? We got explanations from anons, like they wanted to keep the marriage private or that they only had a commitment ceremony. After the thousands of articles and the comic con, we can all agree that both of these explanations are bullshit. So why wasn't she wearing a ring? Where was hers? If this is real and they got married, then why didn't she have hers on?
People love to throw around "they are private" excuses, but they aren't. They never were, and they never will, because they want to sell this relationship. Since Alba stepped into his life, he has forgotten that he is a private person. And he is still pretty private about everything except her. If they were private, there wouldn't have been Instagram stories uploaded or articles about their wedding, or he wouldn't have worn his ring, or even if he had, he wouldn't have talked about their wedding. This whole shitshow is everything but not private.
After people started questioning this whole ring thing, he suddenly appeared to wear one at the Comic Con. I think he was showing the ring much more on the first day but appeared to hide it more on the second. The ring alone looks cheap and not very fitting. I'm not only saying this based on the pictures, but I talked to someone who's met him (yeah, I have evidence they met), and they said it looked rather yellowish than gold, and it was clearly too big for him. He looked unhealthy, and I don't really understand the "he looks the healthiest and happiest he's ever been" comments because I don't really see it.
Then we got that amazing interview. So the whole thing started with the lady saying that he's been working a lot in the past 2 years, and if there was a personal project he was working on right now, This question was clearly planted. I doubt that he or his team didn't know about the questions prior to the interview. Even if they didn't know about this question, he could've said anything else. Saying he's getting ready for fall and immediately changing the subject, or he could've started talking about Dodger. He needed to talk about her; he needed to talk about the wedding. He said it was really, really great. Now call me disputatious, but he always said how much he wants to settle down, get married, and start a family. So if she is the one, if she is the person who makes him happy, etc., I would assume he would've said something like, "It was the best day of my life" or "This was everything I've ever wanted, and I'm so happy" not that it was "really, really great". Then he continued that they "kinda had two ceremonies, one on the East Coast and one in Portugal". What does "kinda" mean? You either had two ceremonies or not. And why did he say East Coast and not MA? Everyone knows he lives in Massachusetts, and there were like a thousand articles about them getting married, so there isn't really anything to hide at this point. Then he mentioned his wife's Portuguese, which we've all also known, and I don't even want to mention the awkward "Go Portugal!" thing. He also said it was wonderful and beautiful, but a lot to organize. Then he said they've been enjoying life since then, and he mentioned autumn and seemed excited and happy to talk about it. He turned back to "their" life, and his face changed again. It seemed like he didn't even take himself seriously when he said that they were "reflecting". I think he only mentioned the last sentence so he could change the subject and start talking about something. It felt like he was trying to remember everything he had to say and share.
People said he looked happy talking about the wedding. I mean, he didn't look desperate or sad like every other time we saw them together. I care more about actions than words, and him smiling while talking about the wedding won't make me forget how he acted during the NYC pap walk, Disney, that awkward car kiss, or the Boston airport photo. I also think that you can see that as soon as he changed the subject, he looked happier. He looked way more excited to talk about autumn and Dodger than about his own wife and their kinda weddings. And he definitely talked much more about it.
He didn't share new information; everything he's said we already knew about the weddings. There wasn't a fan who asked him about her during the interview; they knew the questions prior, and even if they didn't, he didn't have to talk about her. So then why? People won't start liking her and shipping them just because he talks about her, and what if some people think they didn't get married? They seem to care so much about what people think about this, which I don't really get since if this is real and they are happier than ever, then why do they keep trying to convince people that it is? They are supposed to be private, yet they act like they are selling something. They keep trying to fill gaps and make this more authentic, but it's not and never will be. Those things that make this whole thing really fake for me and for a lot of people are already out there. You can't change what's done, and no matter how hard they try, those inconsistencies and bullshit are out there and will stay there. They can try to explain and fill the gaps by "randomly" mentioning it or publishing an article, but again, why would they do that? Why are they doing all of this if this is genuine and they have nothing to sell or prove?
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rougevingirl · 1 year
bobal (9) - jenna ortega please? ❤️‍🩹
❝Unfinished Paths❞
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Character: Tara Carpenter
Words: 1117
Warnings: none
Wine: Bobal
Number: 9
Prompt: exes to lovers - both ending up in the same small town 8 years later…what could possibly happen?
❝prompts with wine❞
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I really tried to write for Jenna, but as the text developed I realized that it was better for Tara, nothing makes much sense, but I hope you like it. There's no happy ending here, just anguish.
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"It's so strange that we've ended up here together after all these years, but you still don't want to talk to me. You're just going to spend the whole evening drinking wine and eating takeaway, aren't you?" she asked. You had no idea why you always had to talk about these things now, always at the wrong time. Why couldn't you just get on with it as an adult? 
"Are you sure you don't want to get drunk one last time before you leave for New York? We haven't done that since we graduated from high school." - It was true; you hadn't even realized it until now. Should you have known that your only friend and girlfriend, ex now, would be living in New York City after she finally graduated, after all the turbulent events how could she go on in Woodboro? You should have known that one day that relationship would end and leave a gaping wound in your chest, even after years it still hurt so much... And yet, he didn't seem to care. Could it be that she was so used to it? So used to it that she no longer missed him?  Miss the relationship they had?
No, it wasn't that at all. No. There was something else bothering her. The point was that there was nothing wrong with her. She had always been kind to you, and still was. She was kind and helpful and very pretty. But it was more than that. The way she said things made them seem a little different from what they really were. Not in a bad way, of course, because how would she know what she wanted if her life revolved around the past, around what other people wanted? She probably wouldn't understand that at all, she wouldn't understand herself. It was just that she seemed to expect you to respond in the same way that everyone else did. And that... wasn't right at all.
There was something else wrong with her, you realized now, something beyond all the troubled events of the last few years. The reason you never wanted to think about her again was because you knew exactly what it was. Because you remembered. You had been best friends before graduation. Girlfriends. And then she'd gone to New York City and you'd broken up and then barely talked for months. Now, suddenly, you were back in the same city? What had happened between then and now? Why did you feel so lonely? What was she hiding? What had changed? Why was everything so much easier before than now? Everything was still "the same", but it felt like things had changed so much. Why couldn't you understand? Why couldn't you see the signs? Why couldn't she? Was there a part of her that wasn't even there anymore? Something inside her was gone. You knew that. He had seen it happen many times before. But when? When? Where? Had it been before or after graduation? Had you even had a normal conversation? Or were you the only one who had noticed? It was so strange; you wished you could just ask her the questions you were thinking, but you didn't think she would answer them anyway. And you really didn't want to know.
"I'm sorry to keep bringing it up," she continued. "But it seems that every time I try to mention it, you run away like the plague. Remember our first date? Remember how uncomfortable we were at first? Remember how nervous and awkward we were when we tried to kiss? Can't we just start again?"
Yes. Yes, they could. You remembered. You also remembered that it had been amazing and wonderful, everything that should happen with a first kiss. So why did you feel so miserable now? You looked down at the table, remembering those days. Your eyes fixed on his face before you slowly shook your head in denial. "That's not it at all. We went on lots of dates and kissed several times. Don't get me wrong. I love kissing you. More than anything. And I can promise you that I would never push you away to avoid kissing you." It may have sounded silly, but honestly, you meant every word you were saying. You loved kissing her. It had been the only time you had really felt happy, fulfilled and alive. It had been perfect. And maybe you needed to go out with her to forget about it for a while and create new memories with someone else. Someone other than her. And Tara, someone who wasn't you. "But I can't. I really like you. But I can't..."
She frowned in confusion, also looking perplexed. "Why? If that's really the case, then why are you so determined not to see me, not to be with me?"
Because you couldn't do that. "Because I want to. Very much. I want to see you all the time. But I can't. Because my life is here in Woodsboro. This is my home. And I don't belong anywhere else. I mean, it may sound silly, but I love this town. It's where I belong. My family is here. And my work is here. And my friends are here, and my girlfriend is here..." You stopped when she opened her mouth to speak again. That was very difficult to explain. You had to find some kind of excuse. "And I've decided to stay here, I know everything that's happened has been terrible, but I'm just leaving here to pursue my life in Boston, where my girlfriend's family lives. And maybe I'll go on like this forever. Maybe it's selfish, but I'm not going to let anything else ruin my perfect life here in Woodsboro or Boston maybe..."
She stared at you, clearly not liking the answer that came out of your mouth. Her lips formed an "o", obviously not expecting it. "I see," she finally replied. She stood up abruptly and turned to leave the restaurant. "Well then, I guess we should move on. Goodbye, Y/n. Have a good night."
You said nothing. Simply watched her walk away. You hated yourself so much. You were a coward. It was just that you were afraid. Afraid to accept what had happened before your graduation. Afraid to accept what was happening now. Afraid that maybe it was a big mistake, a sign, something that would change everything. And, above all, afraid that you were falling in love with someone who wouldn't fall in love with who you were now. That was your biggest fear. That you would become just another person she would fall in love with, but who would never be good enough.
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© rougevingirl - scream and horror writer
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brinxxxx · 1 year
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A Bang Chan FF (content warning 18+!!) (smut)
Whipped For You
Chapter 8: Thunderous
Chan POV:
Last night...was amazing. I wasn't expecting her to go through with it. But after the first time we relaxed into each other touch, enjoying the nice company until I felt my cum dripping down my leg. Until the opportunity to do something I've never done before but I knew she would LOVE.
I went down to her heat and licked her out. My cum and her juiced in my mouth i kissed her the moans she made made me rock hard again and we fucked for a second time. This time rougher than the last. Honestly it felt like I was in heaven.
I got ready to go to work. I checked my phone. No missed calls or messages. I change into my clothes and leave Y/N in peace. I left her a note I didn't want to leave without saying anything. It felt nice to finally have that time with her. That special moment. It was perfect. I wanted more. I wanted her.
I got to the office where the boys were sitting outside my office "what's up? You all look constipated?"
"Hyung you've not seen the articles have you?"
"What do you mean Changbin?"
He have me his phone. My "fiancé" posted another stupid article about me sleeping around. Not coming home when asked. Yet she can have a boyfriend and no one bats an eye. I get a text from Y/N.
"You told me she wouldn't care! You told me she wouldn't bat an eye. Wtf is this!?"
"Y/N calm down. I'll fix it"
"I knew we shouldn't have spent the night together. She's gonna kill me."
"She won't."
"I don't believe you."
"CHAN! Dude. Stop texting and listen. Where did you go last night if you didn't go home?"
"I was home"
"Chan you're in the same clothes as last night. You're bad at lying"
"Okay this doesn't go anywhere else but here okay...? Can we got one do your offices. I don't trust mine to be safe "
We go to Lee Knows office. They all sit down staring me. "Don't freak out. I was with Y/N last night."
"I KNEW IT!" Seungmin and Hyunjin cried.
"MY SISTER!?" Lee know pointed out. Not shocked but still grossed out.
"Lee know Hyung! WHAT!?"
"That's a story for another time. We can circle back. Chan are you serious did you..."
"Yes we had sex. Last night and this morning. Please keep this between us I don't want PDnim getting involved. See how she found out and is posting it everywhere however she doesn't say WHO I was with.  Still. Please. Can we find a way to shut these articles down? I need to call my father. I have little over 6 months to avoid marriage. I need your help to make it happen. Me and Y/N. Can you do that?"
"Hyung we aren't a match making service. What the fuck are we meant to do?"
"Report articles to stay this ain't true.
Do them to but if there's loads of us doing that it'll get the message across that she's spitting fake news. Though it's not but it's not the point. I want my relationship with Y/N to be private. Okay?"
"Yes Hyung" they shout. Ready to battle.
*a few hours later.*
Author POV:
After a few hours the guys as a collective managed to come up with articles that were good enough to divert the claims on Chan and aiming at his soon be to wife. Chan's father was livid at her. Not at him. He was very happy that he found someone after trying for so many years.
Which is weird since he was the one to make them get married in the first place. Anyways. Chan texts Y/N about the news.
*Chans text:*
Chan-ah: hey babygirl. It's okay we have worked things out. So no need to stress okay? I'm sorry for scaring you and upsetting you. Please don't hate me.
Hey Daddy, it's okay im calmer now
*sends a naughty pic to Chan*
It's a shame Daddy has to work all day when im at home looking like this hmmm?
Chan-ah: ohhh Babygirl. You can't do that. You can't tease Daddy like that. Remember bad girls get punished.
He was enjoying how confident she was all of a sudden. He secretly wanted more but wouldn't be able to control his pants situation if it did continue. Chan was deep in though when his soon to be wife calls him...
"Take those articles down. Right now Chan!"
"You're the one who's been boasting about a fake relationship I seem to be having. Which by the way thanks for the heads up I didn't know I was in some sort of relationship with another woman! *he lies* seriously. You have a boyfriend. You have your person why are you making this difficult for me. You know if I don't find someone we still get married. We don't want that do we!?"
"No you don't want that but I still do!"
"What why!?"
"Why do you think Chan? Don't worry it's not out of love. Ewww. I don't love you like that."
"For the money?"
"Wow Daddy's boy is smart! Yes dumbass. I want the money. Then get an emolument and go out septet ways"
"You didn't read the contract huh? It says we cannot split up. No matter what. If we are married to to each other till death parts us."
"I don't want that."
"Me neither. So cut the crap and stop messing with my life. Please."
"Okay fine but if you piss me off I will come down on you like s tone of bricks. Got that?"
"Yes sure now please im working."
He hangs up. He looks at his phone 20 messages from Y/N. All photos and videos of her. Captions saying "Daddy's not here to play so I guess I have to myself."
"Daddy's not answering me"
So on and so forth. Chan runs to the toilet and watches the videos of you. Playing with yourself. Screaming his name. The moans. It was all so hot. Too hot infact. It was getting to lunch time and chan had the perfect plan.
He calmly walks out managing to hide his bulging erection. "Hey guys I'm gonna go home and get changed into more appropriate clothes. I'll see you after lunch?"
They nodd. They knew exactly where he was going. And it wasn't home.
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aceofnace · 1 year
Nace is truly my biggest ship loss. I was baited into watching this show for them and they have only 1 real kiss and might not even get together until the last minute. 0/10 would not recommend.
Hey, Anon, I feel your pain! I'm not counting it as a total loss just yet, because who knows what the remaining 4 episodes have in store for us, but I do understand the urge to consider them a loss. Why? Because think of all the things we could've had with them and most likely never will:
-Slow dances. Nancy's had them with two love interests, Park and Tristan. Ace had one with Laura. Slow dances are a staple for any good ship. They can be romantic. They can be angsty. They can be tension-filled. They can just be sweet and cute. And Nancy and Ace have danced together zero times in the four years we've known them (about only 7 or 8 months for them). Now, am I hoping there will be a flash-forward epilogue scene in the finale of Nace on their wedding day slow dancing with each other as newlyweds? Or maybe dancing together on their first trip to Paris during a sunset? Absolutely! Do I think we will get either one of those? Of course not!
-Dates. Could you imagine how AMAZING Nace dates would've been? Just the two of them out to dinner. Or having a nighttime picnic under the stars like Carson and Kate. Or hell, even just them sitting in the front seat of Florence while on a midnight stakeout trying to catch Chunky Velez. Nace dating era would have SERVED.
-Fun, flirty moments. Quick—name the last time Nancy and Ace flirted with each other. Or, rather, name any time Nancy and Ace flirted with each other. They never have. But had we gotten to see them in a relationship, they would've been flirting all the time. I could just picture Nancy sitting on Ace's lap while he's hacking. Or her lovingly teasing him over every little thing he does. Or the two of them acting so over-the-top in love with each other in front of George to annoy the hell out of her. I would've loved to see flirty Nace, because it would've involved lots of smiling and them being HAPPY.
-Kissing. Lots of kissing. I can see why Nancy referred to her kiss with Ace in 4x03 as the best kiss of her life. It was EPIC. When Nancy and Ace's lips meet in a kiss, they are both ALL IN, whether it be in a dream or real life. Those two certainly know how to kiss, but mainly just each other. After observing them kissing their other LIs throughout the seasons, you can see a major difference in how they kiss others vs how they kiss each other. And while I'm certain they will have one more kiss, maybe even two, before the end, it won't be enough. Because as much as I love epic kisses (and I think their last ones will be that), I also love the simpler ones. The forehead kiss. The "see you later" peck on the lips kiss. The kiss on the cheek. The kiss on the chest before getting out of bed to go get breakfast. I would've given anything for a whole season of Nace kisses as they tried out every single kind. How sweet would that have been?
I could keep going, but I won't because I'm making myself sad. We could've had it all, but instead we'll be left with next to nothing in the end. And it breaks my heart. Now, whoever "baited" you into the watching the show I'm sure had no idea things would end up this way, so definitely don't blame them! I've been with this ship since the day the show premiered in 2019. And personally? I don't regret loving them, no matter how their story ends. I do think you should wait 4 more episodes before giving it your final "recommend" rating, but sadly it probably won't make much of a difference. Nace will most likely be rushed at the very end. We'll collect our endgame but have very little to show for it. I'll still always love them, though, and they will continue on after the finale to live a long, happy life together in my head, and that's gonna have to be good enough for me.
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alloveydovey · 10 months
Dramas I watched this past month!
Overprotected Kahoko (jdrama) 8
I'm on a quest to find good jdramas because when they're bad, they're crazy bad, but when they're good, they become instant comfort. The vibes in this one are 100% there. Overprotected by her mother, a 22-year-old meets her complete opposite, and in the midst of falling in love, she decides she wants to become a real adult… all this around her messy (yet charming) relatives. It was a small cute, and heartwarming family drama. I don’t really have much to say other than that I love Kahoko, she’s the cutest.
Queen of the Ring (kdrama) 7?
FL puts on a ring that has the ability to make her crush see her as a beautiful girl. I watched this one because I loved Kim Seul Gi in Splash Splash Love and Ahn Hyo Seop was enough excuse to check it out. I kinda hated it but enjoyed it at the same time? It makes me mad to see how they judged everything by looks (especially both ML and FL) but let’s be honest, It was realistic. It was a bit hard to believe, though, because I didn’t think the FL was ugly at all. What didn’t convince me about this one was that most of the love story happens while she’s wearing the ring and so it kinda ruins it for me.
Jitenshaya-san no Takahashi-kun (jdrama) ?
Kinda good girl x bad boy trope? Except the bad boy isn't really a bad boy, he just looks like one.
I can’t really rate by number because it was too short and, to be honest, I got what I expected. Soft and simple. He fixes bikes and fixes her, they later begin to hang out and get closer. No serious drama, just two people starting a relationship.
Touch Your Heart (kdrama) 7.5
A rom-com drama with Lee Dong Wook and Yoo In Na’s amazing chemistry from Goblin sounds so good on paper. I feel like I should have watched this one right after I watched Goblin, but I never did.
Even though the chemistry between them was still there and strong, the show and both characters felt a bit stiff? They could have used them a lot better but were given a kind of meh storyline that bored me a little too much by episode 12. Still, they had their moments, and… it’s them 🥹 it’s impossible not to like (despite everything else).
D.P. Season 1 (kdrama) 10
I’ve been putting it off because, even though I knew it was going to be good, in drama world, I go to romance lol.
I 100% watched this because of Jung Hae In (and I was low-key curious about Koo Kyo Hwan after watching him in that episode of Attorney Woo.) Neither of them disappointed. In fact, they gave more than what I was expecting. Their dynamic and acting was impeccable. I really have nothing to say about this one because, yeah, it's a 10/10.
W: Two Worlds (kdrama) 8.5
Nothing beats a 2016 kdrama lol. I started obsessed with this one (even though I remember never adding it to my watchlist because I thought it wouldn't be my cup of tea, silly me). The storyline was extremely entertaining, although all in all, I'm not 100% sure it made sense.
I literally feel like I've lived so much watching it. I was on episode seven, and so many things had happened that I had no idea how they would continue it, and yet things KEPT HAPPENING, and plots kept getting twisted. Perhaps that's the reason why I binged the 12 eps of the drama, but it took me a while to finish the three last episodes. At some point, things started to lose sense, and I couldn't understand what was really going on, which resulted in me getting bored. All in all, it was a worth-it drama though. The romance was 11/10 (kept me on my knees) and the soundtrack 10/10 (old dramas have such bangers man)
Perfect Marriage Revenge (kdrama) 7.5/8
I usually don't like watching these types of drama because sinister family members who do shit just to hurt the leads make my blood boil. Like there's no way someone is THAT evil. I did enjoy this one, though. It was nothing out of the ordinary, but I really liked the love story, the ML's family, and the evil people getting what they deserve.
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kingsmakers · 9 months
For the fic writer asks:
What ship(s) captured your heart?
What character(s) captured your heart?
Did you write for a new fandom or ship this year?
Share your favorite piece of dialogue
Share an excerpt from your favourite scene
What’s something that you want to write in 2024?
6. What ship(s) captured your heart?
Hopefully 2024 is the year I share more of them, but it would definitely be Cahir and Celeste. There's so much growth in their dynamic, from two people who meet as bitter enemies when he captures her in Cintra. Cahir absolutely falls first, and it takes Celeste a long time to fully return his feelings due to his role in the Fall of Cintra, which he's completely aware of and feels constant guilt for. They just have such a rich and complex relationship, and the way their dynamic grows into one of love, trust and respect from where it began is incredibly special to me.
7. What character(s) captured your heart?
Another character I am yet to post a fic for, but it would be Vesper Rafferty. She's an absolute mess, ex-drug addict daughter of Soldier Boy and Crimson Countess with troubled, traumatic teenage years. But she goes through so much growth as a person, not to mention fighting against the self-sabotaging ways in which she tends to cope with things. Her relationships with Annie and Hughie are both incredibly special to her, and she does form other unlikely bonds as she searches for love and acceptance, when all she's had in the past is being manipulated and used.
8. Did you write for a new fandom or ship this year?
I did, and it was an unexpected one! I am admittedly not the biggest anime fan, so when I watched the live action adaptation of One Piece, I was amazed by how much I loved the characters. Creating Alix Rose was the next step in that evolution, and her dynamic with Mihawk is a really fun one.
21. Share your favourite piece of dialogue
“A whore. How original.” She laughed mirthlessly. “Better than you. A liar. A false knight. An oathbreaker.”
22. Share an excerpt from your favourite scene
“Have you no shame, Lady Dayne?”
“None,” she said gleefully, tilting her head to the side as she inspected him, “Although, I cannot begin to think why that might bother you.”
Criston sneered. “Considering the company you keep, I should not be surprised.”
“I keep excellent company these days.” Demelza took a step closer, craning her neck back to smirk up at him. “Mayhaps you have not heard that my brother Lindon is the Dornish ambassador now.”
“I’m aware.” Criston’s tone was clipped as he clasped his hands behind his back. “Though I doubt that will change anything. You will continue to behave as you see fit. Do you still find freedom in the beds of other men?”
“I certainly didn’t find it with you,” Demelza said coolly, relishing the way the words made Criston flinch. She did not care if she was cruel to him. They had long passed the stage where such hurtful words uttered to him would make her toss and turn at night.
30. What’s something that you want to write in 2024?
With the second season of House of the Dragon approaching, I'm hoping to catch Demelza's fic up to end of season 1 events. Mariel's is a little trickier since technically her fic begins after the events of season 1, but I also want to write more of her since she and Aemond are such an intriguing pair.
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snarky-wallflower · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@amethystunarmed tagged me for this!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I've currently got 25 works on there.
2. What’s your total word count?
161, 391! which...wow, that number hits me every time I look at it. I can’t believe I’ve written a whole novel’s length of fanfic this year.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Hatchetfield and Deltarune, but especially Hatchetfield. The silly little horror-comedy musicals (especially the LiB and Paul) have grabbed me and won’t let go. To the detriment of my WIPs in other fandoms. Oh, and I’ve also written a decent amount of fic for Spiderverse and Dracula! (Our good friend Jonathan Harker, after all.)
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
pas de masque - a pre-canon Spiderverse fic focusing on Gwen's terrible experiences in the Spider-Society, and just what it's like to learn you're doomed in every other universe, and that no one will let you stop it.
The Show Must Go On - a fun little theatre AU for Deltarune, where Susie's been arrested, and the only way for her to not be arrested is to join a club. She chooses theatre, which Noelle is coincidentally the director of. Romance, friendship, and theatre chaos ensues. (also, I LOVE writing Kris in this fic.) It's the fic I've been working on the longest.
what is a god? - my exploration of the Lords in Black, and how they think and treat Hatchetfield and their puppets, written at 12 am after finishing Nerdy Prudes Must Die. Despite that, I’m still pretty proud of it!
used to think about you (everywhere i go) - a post-canon Nimona (movie-verse) fic, in which Nimona gets to work out her complex feelings about Gloreth by standing at her grave. Sometimes therapy is yelling at your ex-bestie's grave, more at 11.
one hell of a normal abnormality - a fic where I wrote Pete actually seeming to care that Ruth and Richie weren't there at Homecoming, with a decent exploration of grief and feeling guilty. Also, I think I was the first one to use the green-hair-after-being-touched-by-Wiggly headcanon.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, of course! I love comments - you read my whole chapter/fic, and you liked it enough to post your reaction! Amazing, I love you, I would literally die for some commentors.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, this is hard. Most of the fic I write is angst, so tough to pick. I'd say the real competition is between life underground (it's over now) and always be my favourite ghost. But if I had to choose, it would be the first one, because that ends with Chara literally ripping up their adoption certificate, and thinking they’ll never be a part of the Dreemurr family. And we all know what happens next. :(
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh, this one’s pretty easy. like real people do. It’s a short, canon divergent one shot I wrote for a podcast, Monstrous Agonies that I was super into - even submitted a couple of letters to the podcast I was pretty proud of. It ends with the characters sort-of rekindling their relationship, after accidentally broadcasting them kissing through the radio. It actually managed to predict a decent amount of the actual finale, too!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully, I haven't gotten any yet. Hoping that that streak continues.
9. Do you write smut?
Ha! No. And it's probably not going to happen for a long time, if ever. I'm apparently a bit of a nerdy prude myself. I have written at least one fic that's only plot was two characters kissing, though.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I haven’t yet! Maybe someday.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Also, no. Benefits of being a smaller fic writer, I guess.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! But if that ever happens to me, I'm gonna scream
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet! I was thinking of co-writing a Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes fic with a friend in real life, though. It was a really good movie, but I haven't made a lot of progress on it.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
You know, I'm really not sure? I mostly read gen fic, but for shipping? I'd have to say probably Noelle/Susie, or Paul Matthews/Emma Perkins? It really depends on the day - I'll read a lot of ships.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
None so far! My WIPs currently are probably going to take a long time, but I plan to finish all of them. Outlines may be bad, but I am determined!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm really good at internal monologues. And along with that, characterization! I get a lot of really sweet comments about it, and I do like writing character-focused pieces! Which is kind of ironic, given that worrying about writing characters wrong was a pretty big reason I didn’t start writing again until this year.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. Oh my god, every time I try to write snappy dialogue, I have new appreciation for comedians and dialogue-heavy writers. Those people are so talented. Sometimes I act out dialogue I’ve written and I want to throw myself into the sun.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
Look. I took French for five years. But every time I try to speak French, one of my best friends looks like she wants to fight me. I am not great at languages other than English. I am positive that if I tried to write dialogue by myself, I would just resort to DeepL, or Google Translate, and nobody wants that. If I have to write in another language, I'm going to try and get a translator.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Are we counting works posted to ao3, or first fic ever? Because the first fic I ever posted to ao3 was for a podcast, Spirit Box Radio, that I should really relisten to at some point. But my first fandom I ever wrote for was Gravity Falls - the fic's still posted to Quotev, and I have reread it recently. It was a next-generation fic.
...At least younger me was having fun?
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
How dare you ask me to pick? But seriously, probably pas de masque. I know it's cliche to say my most kudos'd fic, but I am super proud of my characterization of Gwen there, and getting to play with pre-canon Spider-Society and what it's like for someone to know they're doomed by the narrative in every other universe.
Okay, who do I know? @acaciapines, @nonbinarycollector, @sherbetflowers, @littlesilentrebel, @am-i-lie, @lilacthebooklover, @noelle-holi-gay, @marvelmaniac715! Please don't feel pressured to respond if you don't want to!
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wondereads · 1 year
Weekly Reading Update (06/12/23)
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Reviews and thoughts under the cut
The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White (9/10)
This book was amazing. There are very few bad things I could say about it, and most of those are personal preference. Now, it isn't for everyone, as it's basically gothic horror to the extreme with some very sensitive topics. However, as long as you can stomach this sort of thing, I highly recommend this book. It's dark, tense, and not without some hope. My one technical gripe is how perfect Daphne seems, but that can be easily brushed past. I really liked the writing, especially with how the author played with the style and actual look of it.
The Raven King by Nora Sakavic (8/10)
There truly must be something wrong with me to willingly continue the All for the Game series. I am being so deadly serious when I say these books are horrendously written. It's based on a sport that's basically fancy lacrosse that is given the bare minimum explanation, the pacing is all over the place, and the plot is poorly connected if not outright nonsensical. And yet here I am. I think this series, thanks to strangely evocative characters and its absurdist plotlines, evokes the same feelings as fanfiction. As an actual published novel, this is a garbage fire. As something fun and quick to read, it hits every button. The absolute misery Neil goes through only to be put back together by his team and his not-boyfriend just works. I immensely enjoyed myself, but also 0/10 never read these books.
The King's Men by Nora Sakavic (7/10)
This book being the longest of the series makes sense, but I still don't think it was enough. Everything I said about The Raven King applies to this book, and I'm incredibly feral about Neil and Andrew. However, the ending is rushed to the extreme. The resolution is pretty unsatisfying, and I feel like there's still a lot of character stuff to be sorted out, particularly concerning Andrew. The ending was just way too abrupt, and I wish the epilogue had been a proper chapter with a different epilogue set in the weeks/months after the finals. Well, that's what fanfiction is for, and it will probably be better written than these books.
Lioness Rampant by Tamora Pierce (9/10)
This concludes my reread of Song of the Lioness! I'll be continuing with The Immortals Quartet soon, but for now, I really like the ending to this series. This is likely the saddest book in the series with two major deaths, and no, Liam is not included in that, good riddance. Honestly, my retching whenever he started talking is what brought this down from a 10 for me. Alanna has grown so much since the beginning of the series, coming to a place where she can accept love and femininity without letting it affect her own goals. One thing I really like is how close she, Jon, and George are despite their complicated romantic pasts with each other. The fact that their friendship takes precedence over anything else means so much to me.
Fire and Ice by Erin Hunter (CR, 53%)
I've been working very slowly through these books since I'm doing a project with them on the side, but they're pretty good. I will say that I'm not a huge fan of this one in the context of the series. Both Fireheart and Graystripe consistently make pretty bad decisions all throughout which just makes more and more problems. I will say that I love Fireheart's relationship with the apprentices, Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw. Their mentor/mentee but still playful dynamic is great, and it's admirable how Fireheart steps up for Brackenpaw in Graystripes, ahem, absence.
Exile by Shannon Messenger (CR, 1%)
I've barely started this one, but I'm excited!
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black (CR, 5%)
I'm a weak, weak woman. It's been around three years since I read Folk of the Air, and I miss it so much. I have a very unhealthy attachment to Jude, which means Cardan and I have something in common. I'm just rereading a lot of stuff right now, and I feel like reading something I know I'll love will help me catch up on my reading goal (I'm eight books behind).
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mercurypilgrim · 2 years
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I posted 654 times in 2022
21 posts created (3%)
633 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 323 of my posts in 2022
#swtor - 77 posts
#laugh rule - 43 posts
#mass effect - 37 posts
#ghost of tsushima - 24 posts
#star wars - 21 posts
#art - 18 posts
#cyberpunk 2077 - 15 posts
#jin sakai - 15 posts
#so pretty! - 12 posts
#mshenko - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 101 characters
#i've not rewatched it in years but i am 99% sure i could pull a full presentation on it out of my ass
My Top Posts in 2022:
Greedfall really is just 'Hats: The Game', huh
12 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
Doc/Jedi Knight
I'm in the apparent minority that likes Doc, so I was always going to be in favour of Doc/JK.
I'm a sucker for the 'playboy with a heart of gold' trope, so it's no surprise really
A relationship build of bickering and banter?
Top tier
- - - -
My JK/Doc
"And then Kira said that she doesn't like guys with facial hair! That disrespects the moustache!"
Beryon chuckled, taking a swig of his beer.
The Jedi was a decent drinking buddy and a better friend, once Doc had gotten to know him.
Coarse, grumpy and prone to bouts of touchy sarcasm, Beryon V'lante was an acquired taste that Doc knew most people never acquired.
"Well, I for one think it's a glorious moustache." The Jedi assured him, and Doc waved his beer in the air as he gestured.
"Thank you! Wait-" He narrowed his eyes. "You can't even see it!"
The miraluka started to laugh, and Doc took a grumpy drink.
"I can sense it's majesty in the Force," the Jedi assured him, teasing. He wiggled his fingers in the air while he said it.
When he'd stopped laughing, he shrugged.
"Besides, I've kissed enough men to know that a moustache is the least weird thing you can come across."
Doc knew Beryon didn't adhere to the Jedi rule of 'please try and be celibate', and he couldn't help but wonder about that.
"Kisses with beards can be fun, anyway." He waved a hand. "Don't listen to Kira."
Doc had no intention of listening to Kira, not on this particular subject anyway.
Still, it might have even been the beer, but now he was curious.
"What's it like, then?" He asked, cracking open another bottle. "Kissing someone with a beard, I mean."
The Jedi looked surprised at his question.
"Well, I dunno how to describe it, really? Prickly?"
Doc frowned.
"That doesn't sound nice at all."
Beryon hummed.
"It's not bad, I just can't explain why it isn't." He admitted, amused. He ran a hand over his own stubbled jaw.
He gave Doc a wicked grin.
See the full post
13 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
@ Ven if you could pick a dish to magically know how to cook properly what would it be
Ven stares at you for a moment, not having anticipated your question.
He opens his mouth to speak, closes it again, frowns, and then thinks some more.
"Klemon tart because I want want be able to eat it whenever I want. Wait- the wedding meal from Warm Hearts, Cold Space because that sounded amazing- wait, no. ... Can I change my answer?"
After you nod in bemusement, he continues.
He looks very pleased with himself, impatiently brushing an errant curl from his eyes. The stream of consciousness you received a moment ago seems immediately forgotten.
"Chiss toasted salad, because it's Malavai's favourite." He says proudly, pleased with himself for deciding. "I have absolutely no idea how one toasts a salad, or why anyone would want to, but he likes it for some reason. I want to be able to make his favourite thing perfectly, and he would be so surprised."
He gives you a delighted, sly grin.
"He would accuse me of getting a delivery from the restaurant he likes, but it would have been me!"
He cackles as if he's planned a vicious practical joke, and not his lover's favourite meal.
Seemingly distracted from the actual point of the question, he calls up the holonet on his datapad and begins looking at recipes.
"I can't magically know, but I've got the holonet and that's basically the same thing, right?" He asks you, turning back to his searching before you can answer. He shoves the datapad in your face, barely an inch from your nose. As you reorientate yourself, you see a recipe page.
"Do you think this would be too hard?" He asks earnestly, a crease between his brows. He's quite forgotten the original question, now excited and fixed on surprising his lover.
You're not entirely sure how to answer him, especially when he takes your silence as dissent.
"Awesome," he breathes, beaming. "Hey, do you want to go and get ingredients with me?"
13 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
I wonder if a lot of 'discourse' arises simply because of people's complete inability to separate fiction from real life.
"Reading X makes you a bad person because it's bad!"
"Reading mysteries with detectives in them is copaganda and you're bad for liking them!"
"Writing fanfiction about X is just as bad as doing it in real life!"
Yes, of course there are arguments for subtle social shifts from literature, but the stark complaints presented on Tumblr tend to run along the lines that there is no difference between media and real life. Reading about X is exactly the same as committing the act, or that consuming X media means you have been brainwashed utterly and completely by it's themes.
Is this fanfiction on AO3 with 38 views really causing the collapse of society as we know it, or shall we give most people a bit more credit when it comes to digesting media
19 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Lord scrounge/Jedi Knight
10/10 absolutely iconic
Love me some Sith/Jedi
LS Jedi, Grey, or DS Jedi, it's all good stuff
The angst over having *gasp* feelings?
Even more angst over the fact that Scourge can't return said feelings at the beginning?
The bickering?
The found family dynamics?
*chefs kiss*
- - - -
My JK snd Scourge and their uh, interesting dynamic:
Beryon wasn't a man used to laziness.
If he was awake, he should be doing things, and there was always stuff to be working on.
If there wasn't, it meant he'd missed something.
So, coming in dead tired after a successful mission and wanting to do nothing more than sleep, while not unusual, wasn't something he felt he should actually be indulging in.
T7, damn him, had just given a cheery whistle and headed off to his spot, no worse for wear.
Scourge's presence had filled their little apartment on Odessen, and Beryon felt himself relax the moment it brushed against his senses.
He dragged himself in, and felt Scourge's attention shift to him.
"Well," the other man said, amused. The deep rumble of his voice was soothing. "Look what the droid dragged in."
Beryon flipped him off.
He heard Scourge chuckle, and something being set aside.
"Come here."
Scourge's voice always gave him shivers.
Beryon was tired though, and not in the mood for anything fun.
"Scourge, I just want-"
"I just want to greet you properly." The Sith assured, and Beryon didn't believe him for a moment. Nevertheless, he gave a gusty sigh and headed over, dragging his feet.
Getting close, he braced a hand against the back of the sofa and leaned down to give his lover a kiss hello.
Strong arms wrapped around him and pulled, and he found himself being bundled up against a solid chest, bracketed in by Scourge's arms.
He struggled, spitting curses at his Sith, who just chuckled warmly.
See the full post
29 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fantastickkay · 4 months
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Album Review of the Week: Ariana Grande - Eternal Sunshine (2024)
After 3 whirlwind studio + 1 live albums between 2018-2020, Ariana Grande declared that she would be taking a break to enjoy her new life as a married woman. During those years she did a few side projects, including starring in the upcoming Wicked film adaptation. Finally, in January 2024, we get a new single - Yes, And? produced by powerhouse Max Martin. This, along with the second single We Can't Be Friends (Wait For You Love), debuted at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 which now makes her the woman with the most #1 debut singles!
The album opens with Intro (End of the World). I usually find tracks that introduce you to the theme of the album to be a little pandering, however I think this was really well done. The first line being "How can I tell if I'm in the right relationship?" and the rest of the lyrics outline what we are about to hear very well. Not to mention she sounds amazing! Throughout this whole album, her vocals are improved from past projects - she can finally enunciate!
Bye expands on the previous track starting with some dramatic synths that almost replicate brass instruments, but not quite. The chorus is breezy and beautifully melodic. This makes me picture the photo of Nicole Kidman after finalizing her divorce to Tom Cruise, makes me want to dance around the house in euphoria.
Don't Wanna Break Up Again backtracks a little bit into the last stages of the relationship. The lyrics are very bare and honest. I enjoy the slightly elevated chill pop sound of this track and how honest it is.
Eternal Sunshine continues that chill pop sound. The choppy vocal delivery reminds me of Cry Me A River. I absolutely love the little video game noises when she says "played me like Atari". I enjoy how we get to hear some lower notes from her in the verses.
Supernatural is one of the weaker, more forgettable songs on the album for me. While it's on, it sounds gorgeous and breezy but I couldn't tell you what it sounded like an hour from now.
True Story is a standout. The strong vocals paired with the light, layered backing vocals portray an urgency. The instrumentals are much darker as well, with more tight drum sounds and warbled synths.
The Boy Is Mine is the absolute best track on this album. I love everything about it! Her vocals sound amazing throughout, the chorus is really fun and I love how the chorus hesitates just a tiny bit right as it is beginning.
The lead single, Yes And?, is a really fun dance track! I love the House vibes, and it even has a little bit of a bridge! It is certainly not prime Max Martin level but still a great lead to get people interested in the project. It is completely different than the rest of the album and appears so far into the album (as I've noticed with many other Ariana tracklists). I wanted the remix with Mariah Carey to be so good! I was hoping for a classic 8-minute Mariah remix with all new vocals.... it was very cobbled together and Mariah was not mixed well at all and not even a remix. They just shoved some Mariah vocals in there and didn't even do it well, so that was very disappointing!
We Can't Be Friends (Wait For You Love) was the 2nd (and so far - until June 7th - the latest) single. This is another one with very honest lyrics, "I just want to let this story die". Once again, she sounds gorgeous and the melody is beautiful.
I Wish I Hated You has a really beautiful wind-chimy background instrumentation, or the low end of a xylophone. The changes in tempo of the vocal delivery throughout is very interesting, I especially love the quick 'I wish I hated you'. Towards the end, you can hear a cry in her voice which really brings home the emotional aspects of the project after we have had a few fun dance songs.
Imperfect For You is another standout, something about the melody of the title really grips me and keeps me coming back to this ballad. The entire song is really relatable, everyone has their imperfections and finding the one person who will accept them all is so great!
Ordinary Things is a really sweet song about just wanting to live the ordinary moments with your significant other. The sound of the song is pretty forgettable to me, but I appreciate the sentiment and I really like the spoken word at the end by her grandmother. The perfect closer!
Overall, I feel as though the sound and production of this album is a natural progression after Positions. Even though the 13-track standard album clocks in at only 35 minutes, I really enjoy this album! It is definitely one of my favorite albums so far this year and a great progression of Grande's artistry.
0 notes
thehare1234 · 4 months
Weekly TV Round Up
Me personally, I am having a blast and think this is probably the most intensely I've thought about TV in a while...this makes me want to rewatch shows I've already seen but probably watched too passively and examine them with this new outlook
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QL Shows
🥘What did you eat yesterday? (Ep 9-12): Ok so I went and finished the first season and all I can say is this show is great and these few episodes were also really emotional. So much of it just feels so real, and I'm excited to keep going with the series and there's still so much left :)
💟Wandee Goodday (Ep 5): Another great episode, I think this one was just a lot of fun as usual. Kao continues to be #1 character of all time and every time he shows up he slays, same with the grandma. I'm intrigued by Cher/Oyei plotline, my guess is not cheating but maybe like financial problems? Every week the almost kiss build up is amazing and I'm thinking it'll be at least a couple more episodes....Anyways I'm still enjoying everything this show has to bring
🧍‍♂️My Stand In (Ep 6): Alright alright, this episode felt sort of like a filler to get the next part of the story (the stand in for himself plot arc I guess I could call it?) I'm excited for Ming to find out it was Joe the whole time who he was in love with next episode. At the end of the day, I am having a lot of fun watching this and while I don't know if the actual body swapping plot is super strong, it's keeping me hooked. I do think that Joe sometimes makes decisions that don't make sense, but I still support him <3
🏡Knock Knock Boys (Ep 1-2): Ok so I truly started this without knowing the plot at all and what a fun time. The first episode sort of drags, but after it I went and watched the trailer to see if I wanted to keep going and I thought it looked fun. Episode 2 continued and was super silly and I really like the set up of this. I love like the four strangers coming together, each with their own things they have to sort through and different personalities. The vibes of just four roommates drinking together to get to know each other better also just feel correct, like this is what I did with my housemates when we first moved in. I'm loving how fun this is and I'm ready for it to continue. Also I'm very down for this Almond/Latte pairing lol
🎬At 25:00 In Akasaka (Ep 4-7): This is probably my favourite show airing right now. These last few episodes were so beautiful and I loved loved the editing between rehearsing and shooting the show, and how the show has become more blurred in those lines as the relationship has continued. Episode 7 was also great because I love a good POV switch. I feel like we really finally understood Hayama's perspective and it was nice seeing the show from his eyes because you realize how much in Shirasaki's POV it has been before this episode. I also love how the both of them have realized that they have feelings for the other but in completely different ways which match their personalities. Hayama has had feelings for years, but he keeps them very close to his chest and deep down, he only has very small breaks in his composure even when he's feeling jealous. Shirasaki on the other hand, once he realized he liked Hayama, it was almost impossible for him to keep his feelings contained, which lines up with what we learn about him being overly blunt/outspoken in University. I'm ready for next week when they have to shoot the NC scene like it's gonna be a lot for both of them
🥟She loves to cook she loves to eat (Ep 6-8): These episodes made me cry ngl. The call Nomoto had with the other asexual lesbian and just the reaffirming that you don't have to fit in to a nice label, or there is no right way to be a lesbian, instead of moving from one set of expectations (I have to marry a man, etc.) to a new set (this is how a lesbian should act), just live in your truth and just because you don't see it depicted doesn't mean it isn't right. Anyways then the next episode hits me with the Rina Sawayama Chosen Family needle drop and I legit was tearing up. It was so beautiful, that whole sequence. And I love the friendship they have with the other neighbour. All in all, it's so amazing I'm so happy this show exists <3
🦋My Marvellous Dream Is You (Ep 4): Alright, here we are, another week, another set of drama. Personally, I like that we got more flashbacks to their dynamic and why they ended up where they are now. I think it makes sense why Kim feels so attached to Dawan and why she puts up with her the way she does. I do think that a lot of this show will be Dawan losing Kim and realizing that she can't take her for granted as she has been and I'm hoping that that plot progression starts sooner than later. Also, was Toon and the acting coach this episode, and more Jessie, always more of her lol
✨We Are (Ep 9): Ok Ok. I liked how this episode gave us more backstory on Tan and Fang and also Phum and Fang since before this I had just assumed they met at University. I think that this show is really spreading out when they reveal certain information of how the characters are connected. I didn't love the addition of Kluen as a character because it sort of feels too late. It doesn't really feel like there's any stakes because Phum and Peem already like each other, it doesn't feel like Peem would ever go for Kluen seriously. Also Phum did get jealous but because he doesn't really express his emotions the jealousy didn't really add anything to the plot in my opinion. Also the whole making Q jealous thing doing it a second time also doesn't really make sense to me...but I guess it's silly and fun? Anyways I'm still having fun with it but I think I will only know how I feel about the show once I finish it and look back to see how all the reveals and progressions feel when looking at all the episodes.
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩The Two of Us (Ep 1): Not much to say this is a Deep Night side story with the lesbians and I will continue to tune in. It's also a prequel story I think? Not many thoughts at this point haha
Non-QL Shows
📝Bridgerton (Ep 2): YES! A kiss before the couple gets together that haunts one of them, my absolute fave. I love a "kiss as a favour" but oh no wait now I'm in love with you uh oh. Penelope having to write about her own scandal in Whistledown was truly so upsetting but at the same time, it had to be done. My love for a lot of characters is only growing (for some reason I am a Cressida stan now, maybe because I can't remember what she was like in season 2). Overall, Bridgerton continues to give me exactly what I want from it and that's romance and pretty people ballroom dancing. Bridgerton if you make Eloise/Cressida a thing I will literally sell my soul to you <3 I also like seeing more of the other Bridgerton siblings and just seeing each of their unique personalities, I feel like the characters or storylines that tie the seasons together make it even more enjoyable for me
👯‍♀️Hello My Twenties (Ep 6-7): Alright, another great 2 episodes. I love the romantic plotlines in this show like one of the couples is giving such intense yearning is amazing. Also the whole episode where they threw the party was so much fun. Also this show is so wild to me because it's like 3/4 silly goofy roommates and 1/4 murder plotline? Like why have half these roommates been involved in some kind of murder, or accident, or coma? Each episode ends on such an intense note but the rest of the episode is just like "let's all watch porn together!"
👽3 Body Problem (Ep 4): Ok we are slowly learning more...tbh in this show I don't really care at all about the drama the characters have between each other (like the romance drama) and am more focused on the aliens/cult storyline but luckily they don't focus on them too much. Again I have so many questions but I know things will be revealed slowly, especially since there is going to be a season 2.
🏫Degrassi (Ep???): I think me and my roommate only watched one episode this week and I don't remember it that well. But the next episode is part one of a 2 parter episode AND a season finale so you know some wild stuff is about to go down
🪶Little Bird (Ep 1-2): Definitely a heavy show but an important one and important to understand and reconcile with these parts of Canadian history. So far, the show has set up really well and interspaced the flashbacks and present storylines well.
Next Week:
I forgot I started Living With Him last week so I will return to it next week.
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the26year · 2 years
Its been a while.
The last I remember coming to tumblr was when things really were at a standstill. However, that isn't the case today. Life has been great and now that it is, it starts to open up some real questions.
Exactly what does the future hold and who is in it?
It's the question that's been on my mind a lot lately and quite frankly, its a bit stressful! A quick update for anyone seeing this since year 16..
I briefly lost my mind for about 7-8 years up until a few months ago when I finally got a therapist. Now I've got some of the greatest friends anyone could ask for!
Transitioning from an old version of yourself is not pretty and is quite probably the hardest thing I've had to do. I use to have moments where I'd fear that I'd convert back to my old ways but.. I'm fairly confident that won't be the case ever again. I've found new ways to deal with things and I'm actually.. happy.
So then.. what? Why am I here again?
After transitioning to the mentally stable person I've become, I realized that I've got an issue that I've been avoiding. It bothers me to even type it...
still not typing it.
Recently, I had guy I was talking to and it felt amazing. I had never felt that kind of companionship in my life! Is this why all my straight friends so badly want to be in a relationship? ... makes sense. For a while I felt.. normal.
But is normal ever what I was shooting for?
Hard to say but its a bit of a yes and no answer. The reality is I've craved the feeling to fit in with my peers all my life, even as a kid. I always wondered why I was so different and odd compared to all my friends. Why I do I think differently? I remember at some point I decided to continue to try to be normal but.. not to be ashamed of being different. After all Ray and Beef (my two best friends) love me for who I am. Take it back to 16 years and you'll understand just how much better my friendship choice has become. Move aside Adam, Robbie, Frank E. and Logan! (jk logan was actually a good friend).
In Closing
I wonder of starting up a blog will be a good idea again or if it'll cause issues like it did at age 14-16. Time will tell and only I will too.
Until next time, Willard signing off.
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jjungkookislife · 2 years
So I’m not sure how well I am going to answer this but I will try my best and I’ll answer them all cause why not 🤷‍♀️
1. Okay, now this is so difficult cause I love a lot of your work but if I REALLY HAVE TO CHOOSE SOME 🫢😂
• The Nanny - cause of dad!Jin and baby Dae-hyun 🥹 need I say more? Lol and it’s also the fic that led me to you so that’s that
• Butterfly Tattoo Studio - do I really need a reason? It’s the boys AS TATTOO ARTISTS. I love the whole idea of this story and its characters. The MC is also open-minded about the boys’ relationship which made me love her even more. I really loved this and am actually patiently waiting if and when you update it, no pressure though ☺️
•Ho-Ho-Home Series - cause what’s NOT to love? It’s Minnie as the cutest most amazing human and the bestest bf/husband 🥺
Whew 😮‍💨 that took me so much time cause it was so hard to choose only three 😣
2. • The Nanny - the last one cause everything’s good and fluffy and she’s finally moving in 😁
• Butterfly Tattoo Studio - can’t really choose, both were amazing plus, the texts were also fun to read
• HHH Series - well, it’s a one shot so that’s already my fav chap lol 😂 but I guess I’ll just pick my fav drabble and it’s between Birthday boy cause he had the best birthday ever 🥰 and Pain cause it just showed again how amazing he is as a bf 😩
3. I have to choose HHH Jimin cause I can’t help but fall in love with his entire being in the story🫣
4. I’m gonna go with Little Mouse💜Jk and Crybaby💜Joonie just cause both couples are adorable for me
5. None. I read them all 😉
6. When I read your work Shadow, I automatically thought of Shego and Dr. Drakken and found out that it was based on them. I really loved that. And I also could not get enough of that couple, they were chaotic and adorable together 😍
7. Tongue Like Candy, cause I didn’t know it was gonna end that way. I really thought it was gonna have a happy ending so I got blindsided with the ending. Don’t know if you still plan on writing a continuation of this in the future but I just want to say that I wouldn’t be opposed to it if you did 👀😂
8. That you have this ability to mix smexy scenes with fluffy ones, and I just can’t help but love the story and the couple in your work more and more 😌
9. I don’t really have anything specific. I always get excited when you post something new or update an ongoing fic. I literally am just thankful to anything you share with us despite being busy so thank you so much for that ☺️
10. I also don’t have an exact answer for this and I did enjoy it but I guess MC with Hobi along with the other boys. The whole Butterfly Tattoo Studio Series was really interesting when I first saw it. The whole idea behind it along with each of the characters shown was really refreshing. I didn’t know I would love it as much as I did after reading it.
11. Nothing in particular, I would honestly love anything you write so feel free to post and share anything you like when you want to 😊
12. I think I’ve re-read most of your work from time to time when I miss them but I always do it when you update an ongoing fic to refresh my memory on that story.
13. I mean I’m not really that active here in Tumblr but I have reblogged every fic of yours when I first read them and I think I recommended and told some of my friends your stories cause I really loved them.
14. I think I mentioned it above already but it’s Butterfly Tattoo Studio
15. Don’t really have anything with a specific work but can I ask what are your current wips? Like what stories are you planning to work on this year? No pressure by the way, just curious. You can choose not to answer this if you don’t want to disclose it or you’re not sure what to answer.
Anyways, I hope I answered them all correctly and that it didn’t get cut. This took me much longer that I thought it would but I hope it came out okay and complete ☺️
ah <33 this made me so happy! thank you! I'm so glad you enjoy the nanny and that's the fic you found me with <3 I've been working on it here and there so hopefully I'll be able to finish it soon <3
ah BTS I've also been working on the next chapter and i adore them all, especially Jimin's character lmao and HHH I've been thinking of them a lot! I reread it all recently and ugh he's just the sweetest. I have a drabble for them at JK's bar that I'm working on next <3
I'm glad you enjoy those chapters! <3 and the texts as well. i feel like they're so easy to write for in butterfly :)
Jimin in HHH is just the bestest boy! I swear he makes me delulu every now and again 'cause he's a sweetie!
i adore LM!JK so much, he was so shy and sweet! and then Joon in Crybaby! I think that's one of my top 3 Joons <3 I'm happy you like them! :) and thank you for reading all my fics too!
oof i have a lot of series i need to work on lol i just get so excited i post before they're done and then take ages to finish them (if i do) but yes Shadow, i adore them, there's some angst coming around but I've been working on their fic here and there and i have it plot(ted?) out but just writing it the way i want is hard lol
ah yes! it kind of ended abruptly but the OC definitely didn't want to hurt her brother and i have been working on a part 2/conclusion i just got stuck with it and then i hated what i wrote so i had to rewrite some and i got stuck again lmao I'll have to have a look at it soon.
i love writing fluff and smut the most, just couples being happy and in love and just all over each other. i try not to do too much angst especially without happy endings 'cause it hurts my heart :(
ahhh you're an angel, thank you <3
piercer!hobi just came out of nowhere tbh and it was just supposed to be a one shot but then i got an idea for the second chapter with jungkook and tae and of course Jimin !
<33 thank you! that means so much to me! and thank you for reblogging and recommending my fics <33
I'm working on The Nanny, TLC, my collab fic Bad Decisions will be out tomorrow, the last chapter of milk! should be out in February, i think i have a one shot called La Boda and a second/last part of Ah, Mr. Kim :)
thank you so much for taking the time to send this in and writing all that out! I was so happy to read this this morning! Thank you <3 I hope you stay safe and get lots of rest and I hope you enjoy bad decisions tomorrow <3
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theendlessrambles · 2 years
I have had a lot to think about about my new year. I'm going to be 23 years old soon and I have close too everything I want, but I still feel this sense of dread as I look into the world. I have a stable living condition with my roommate. Even though I'm struggling financially due to a mess up in my past four checks, I have had continuous financial support and food always in the fridge. Today I got 50 dollars to come cover a shift and 6 more dollars in tips from the fast food window. It was so kind and it made me feel good. I have a new boyfriend and he is amazing I day dream of marrying him he's the first true heathy relationship since so many toxic horrendously toxic relationships and situations I've been in. He makes me feel sane, but I can't help but feel so scared of loosing him. I read this article about how often after being in toxic relationships you stick with toxic relationships because you won't feel true loss again because you didn't expect them to stay, so when I t comes to truly loosing someone it's utterly terrifying, but that it's mutual. That the person on the other side is also terrified of losing me and that we meet half way and I realize we have. We've both spoken many times of our insecurities about losing one another and trying to impress their family and friends and each other and I've never had that before. I've never had a half way and it fills my heart with so much joy and relief. P****** too is meeting with a young man she's liked for 3 years and it's going so well for both of them and they seem so happy with one another. We truly are both so happy and even though we are both so stressed we both have made it so far from our truamatic events and are continuing to grow no matter what hardships come are way. I often feel a burden to her, but she assured me I'm not. I look up to her dearly I don't think I could possibly be who I am today with out her. They are my rock, they are my true home even if we leave each other I think we will always be a home to one another. I feel this way for M***** as well. Though we never lived together she was my sister a few blocks down. Our home was the couch in her room smoking and watching movies until I could barely stay awake. I love my pets too they may not be of the human race, but they are my children. I love them as any mother would love a child and I think it's silly to say we cannot love an animal as one would love a child or really another human being. It's silly we act as if we don't share the same feelings as other animals especially mammals. We are all deeply conected and we may not speak the same language, but we do communicate and isn't that enough to prove their own proof of existence. I've had an extremely difficult year and with a hard fall financially I have a long mountain to climb but I have been shown I have help and luck on my side.
Yet I have my troubles too. The world is definitely good, but things are not looking good when it comes to extremism and Christian fascism in my county, then with inflation rising while the rich somehow still end up richer and so full of greed and disregard, to the many realizing the scam of climbing to the top then are told they are making less than their parents, trump still trying to win 2024 despite being a criminal and how many Congress men and Americans still worship him, japenese currency is also dropping in value which means it will effect us all globally. If this isn't handled carefully money could have less value and cause a huge panic instead of solution. Those will feel a loss in power will fear their life and those who never had it will feel it there would be madness. Truthfully the world has gone quite mad. Even our climate is no better and getting worse with time. In truth I feel there's always a sense of doom. There's a quote that said, " They didn't believe the monarchies would fall" we do have a few kings in the world but it's true. Shit after Queen Elizabeth ll dying I can see England's monarchy ending soon. I almost feel as a revolution is going to be done. It feels like a class war is going to happen, it's long over due and I think they know it. I truly don't know which side will win and I try to act blind to it, but it becomes clearer everyday one is going to happen soon. There are those who will try to make it about race, but it's truly a deflection of the richer classes and it's not going to keep working one day people are gonna see through it. This is comforting and not it's quite terrifying because It will be followed by violence because it's the only way left to fix it. Or possibly abandonment if everyone were to leave the cities and begin their own communities but even that is scary and a sense of a loss of protection but a real taste of freedom would be nice.
It's odd to be so torn between my personal life and the life around me. I want to focus so dearly on just my life, but my life is deeply connected to the world and those around me and I have to try and remember I am part of a community not just an individual doing it all on my own. I think we need a sense of that back and we would start to understand politics better we may argue but not to the level we are now. There's too much selfishness and not enough empathy. We are taught and shown such violent nature here too it feels almost intentional, that were being made to be hostile or maybe that's what comes when being oppressed by the upper class. There are times I am torn away from my personality life because of how prominent the political part controls it. I see it everyday no matter where I go. The millions of ads the brainwashing tactics the chemicals in our water and food it's exhausting and hard to ignore all of the time. No matter how happy I am I feel like stopping and asking them if they remixed how fucked we are. It's truly a scary time to be alive when you get the ball dropping no matter how happy you are and knowing you can't stop it. It's very scary. But I still have hope.
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
Info dumping and other things to do with your mouth
Conner was on a date with Robin. Tim. His best friend and maybe now boyfriend? It was all kind of unclear. Everything had happened so fast; realizing mid mission he was in love with Tim, the awkward but amicable breakup with Cassie, sorta kinda confessing one night and Tim agreeing to go out with him. 
“What flavor do you want, Kon?” He heard Tim ask and Conner blinked away from the wall where he’d been staring. Tim had a concerned, hesitant little smile on his face. “Froyo, what do you want?”
He ended up with a chocolate vanilla swirl with Oreos while Tim made some unholy combination of flavors that had to be illegal somewhere. It had been a good date, as the last two had been. They’d done a drive through movie the first time, went to a fancy, expensive restaurant in Gotham on the second and now were strolling down the streets of San Fran after a light dinner. It had been fun even if it felt more like a hang out session than a date.
“Hey, lets finish these on the top of the pyramid,” Tim said suddenly with the neon pink plastic spoon in his mouth as they rounded the corner to the transamerica pyramid building. “Its a Saturday night and I think if I don’t brood on some precarious ledge I’ll go insane.”
“I guess it’ll have to do since there aren’t any gargoyles around,” Kon half joked as he and Tim ducked into the nearest empty alley. “Ready to ride Air Superboy?” he joked as he swept Tim off his feet. It looked so much more romantic in the movies but Tim was totally practical about the whole thing, not leaning to close and holding onto their treats instead.
 Cassie and Bart had been hounding him after every date about how it’d gone, if he’d made it to first base yet. What was Kon supposed to tell them? That he laughed until he cried when hanging out with Tim, that he felt safe and happy and free to be utterly himself with the other, that just being able look and talk to Tim was enough to make his pulse jump. But Tim never really acted any different than they did any other time. 
Tim was his best bro in the whole wide world but these dates made Kon wonder if Tim actually like-liked him the way Kon did him. Maybe this was just another doomed relationship and he should back off before things got really weird. He could live without Tim Drake as his boyfriend but not as his best friend.
“Nice view,” he mumbled to himself as he deposited Tim at the top of the pyramid. His eyes were firmly trained on the side of his friend’s head.
“Yeah,” Tim sighed, handing Kon back his treat. “This has been real fun, Kon. Thanks for inviting me out.” Tim said evenly, as he took another bite and slurped down a gummy worm. “We should hang out like this more often.” 
“Yeah, hang out,” Conner said, staring down at his partially melted yogurt. Kon had planned for this, understood that Tim probably wasn’t into him like that. But there were worse places to be than beside his Robin who still had his back no matter what. “So got any good cases you’re working in Gotham? I haven’t heard of any crazy death traps lately, you must be bored.”
“Yeah I guess even super criminals need a break too,” Tim said with an eye roll. “But I have been using the extra time to dig into some cold cases, the real tough ones that B uses for training and I think I’ve made some headway on this really wild one from 1927 that-”
Kon had finished his yogurt by the time Tim laid out the details of the case. The sun set fully and the streetlights far below flickered on as Tim dove into his theories. It was approaching Kon’s designated curfew time as Tim excitedly explained his breakthrough he’d had the other night after his second pot of coffee. He knew how Tim got when he was worked up, knew he should stop Tim before it got any later and they both got in trouble. But he couldn’t.
The Superboy of old would’ve told Rob to shut up ages ago but now he couldn’t get enough. Tim was waving his colored spoon around like a conductor leading the orchestra at a frantic pace. His dessert lay untouched since taking a bite would’ve meant he’d need to stop talking. His eyes were bright, his cheeks pink with excitement and he exuded a comfortable energy talking about the things that interested him. And Kon was interested too, Tim’s brains never failed to impress him but watching Tim just being Tim made Conner feel really, stupidly in love.
“Sorry,” he blinked and saw Tim frowning, his excitement dimming. “I didn’t mean to talk your ear off. It’s getting late we should head back.”
“No, no!” Conner exclaimed, “no I want to hear the rest, about how the crooked judge ignored the new evidence and the murderer being spotted on the farm not long after.”
“So you were listening,” Tim teased but bit his lip and looked away. “I thought I was boring you.” Tim bit his lip. “You looked kinda spacey there for a minute.”
“No, man, I want to hear it. I just-” how did Kon explain he got distracted by a bit of hair dangling in Tim’s eye and how badly he wanted to brush it aside. About how soft his lips looked as he spoke in detail about his passions. Those weren’t bro feeling and while Robin may have been able to lie with the best of them, honesty had always been more of Superboy’s thing. “I was thinking of how much I wanted to kiss you.”
“Oh, you can, if you want,” Tim shrugged and Kon thought his heart would stop. “This is a date after all, we probably should’ve done that earlier huh?” He leaned a bit into Conner’s space who didn’t hesitate to close the gap between them. 
Their first kiss was strange, Kon too nervous and Tim too shy. The press of warm lips, hot breath on his cheek, the comfort of closeness. Kon could have stayed that way forever. They pulled back, one of Kon’s hands reaching up to cup Tim’s face. The city below them could have blown up and Kon would only have eyes for his Robin.
“So, circling back to the farm. You’re right to pick up that Birmingham went there 3 days after the first murder was reported but he was was spotted there after the fourth and fifth murders too. I think he was-” Tim continued, launching right back into his tirade. Kon huffed a little laugh, pulling back his hand but scooting a little closer to Tim as he rattled off theory after theory. Tim was just wrapping up when Bat Wayne called him. They were officially late.
“Sorry B,” Tim grimaced, “I started talking about the Babysitter Murders of ‘27 and lost track of time. Kon’s taking me back to the tower now and I’ll zeta back to the Cave. 20 minutes tops.” He hung up and gave Conner an embarrassed pout.
“You should’ve stopped me, we’re both gonna be in trouble now,” he held out his arms and Kon happily scooped him up again. 
“I like hearing you talk,” Kon grinned back as he flew them back to Titan Towers. And if he took the long, slow scenic route, well, they were late anyway. They made small talk flying back when Tim yelped out of nowhere.
“We kissed!”
“Yeah, we did,” Kon snorted.
“That was our first kiss!” Tim exclaimed again, turning to Kon with wide eyes.
“Sure was.”
“I was talking about a 90 year old murder mystery, had my first kiss with you,” Tim groaned and hid his face in his hands. “And then went back to talking about the mystery without acknowledging it.”
“It was really cool what you found though, you should submit an anonymous tip and see if your theory is true.”
“I am SO sorry, Kon,” Tim said now turning his face to hide in Conner’s shoulder. It fit there perfectly. “I didn’t process it until now and that’s so rude of me and I’ve probably been giving mixed signals this whole time because I’m not, I’m not good at this. Steph used to rag on me all the time, said I had the romance of a rock and-”
“Tim, it’s fine,” Kon laughed just in time to land them on the roof of the tower. He set his bird down and took his hands. “I don’t like you cause you’re some Casanoda or whatever but because you’re you, weird obsession with true crime and all.”
“It’s Casanova,” Tim grumbled, looking down at his shoes before shyly peeking up through his bangs. “Still, I’m sorry can we um, have a do over?”
“I don’t know,” Kon said, already leaning down, “the first one was pretty special. Think you can top it?” He did actually and Kon felt like he could fight off a thousand over protective Batmans. Would every kiss get better and better like this? He couldn’t wait to find out.
“I’ll call you,” Tim said a little breathlessly. “We should go out again next time we’re free, I want to hear what you’re up to.”
“Yeah okay, just keep me up to date with that case. I’m invested now, I want to know what happens.” Kon said, floating up and away from Tim, ready to fly home and beg Ma for forgiveness. 
“Maybe I’m a little invested too,” Tim smiled, small and sweet. “See you later, Kon.” That said, Tim opened the door leading into the tower and back to Gotham. 
Kon’s heart was doing stupid fluttery things that had nothing to do with the butterflies also in his stomach. Best date night ever. He let out a cheerful whoop, doing a few loop de loops in the air before speeding back to Kansas. And if Tim Drake’s excited face in his mind put a little extra oomph into his flight, well, no one had to know but him. 
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