#Kon really be sitting there making heart eyes at
thief-of-eggs · 6 months
Headcanon that Kon finally works up the nerve to confess his love to Tim- except he messes up and confesses on April Fools day, so after a long pause where Tim’s heart nearly leaves his chest, he just laughs and says “good one”
And while Kon is momentarily confused (and a little crushed), he quickly is reminded of the date by a less than favorable prank pulled by Bart- and instead of explaining things to Tim, he decides to roll with it
It becomes an inside joke between them both. Kon starts saying “love ya” before every mission- and he means it. But Tim just takes it as a joke, and he pretends it doesn’t make his cheeks flush, pretends it doesn’t make his heart race.
The longer it goes on without Tim confessing back, the bolder Kon grows. He is pretty sure Tim likes him back, given he can hear how Tim’s heart races each time he flirts- but he’s still waiting for the proper confession. And what better way to draw it out than by getting flirtier and flirtier?
“Have a good meeting, baby, I hope they don’t keep you from me for too long”
“Hey there hot stuff, is that a batarang in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
“Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes look Tim? Because they really are. Brighter than the whole night sky alight with stars.”
Tim goes insane. He can’t show how much the phrases are affecting him, can’t let Kon know it isn’t a joke to him- so he flirts back. Because why on earth would he be normal and just talk about it?
He starts small, and works his way up to bolder statements. Speaking his heart, veiling the words as bits of their joke.
“Hey pretty boy, you gonna join us on this mission or is your head still in the clouds?”
“Calm down Kon, this is a sparring ring, not our bedroom”
“Can I get a kiss for luck babe? You know I always perform better when I’m around you.”
It’s like a game. Of wits, of wills. Everyone watches from a far with their eyebrows raised, watching the gayest friendship they’ve ever seen as the boys both flirt and flirt, a sort of game of chicken that neither seems to know the rules to.
It takes months for things to escalate so much till they’re essentially just dating. Tim doesn’t realize it until they’re sitting curled up on the couch together after a mission, his head on Kon’s shoulder, their legs intertwined under the blanket.
“We’re dating… aren’t we?”
Kon kisses the top of his head. “Took you a while, Mr detective.”
Tim’s face flushes as he rethinks every phrase Kon ever said to him, before winding back to that first fateful confession.
His heart skips a beat as the meaning dawns on him.
“You love me,” he says, less a question more a statement.
“I do,” Kon replies, fighting off a smile.
Tim’s heart races a mile a minute. He pushes away from Kon to look him in his eyes, his ribs feeling too small to contain his growing heart.
“I love you too,” he says, breathless with the confession.
“I know,” Kon answers, his eyes twinkling. Tim wants to punch him- but then Kon is kissing him, and Tim forgets every hostile feeling.
He pushes their combined idiocracy aside and grabs Kon by his shirt, and pulls the super into him.
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hyperblue · 2 months
Tim makes clone baby/babies and still has to go find Bruce but instead of going to the Manor (for whatever reason pleases you) he goes to the Kent's.
(Is pa Kent dead? I forget, we'll be focused on Martha)
He shows up on their door step, tears in his eyes holding a bundle of blankets and Martha opens the the door, takes one look at him and invites him in.
He sits on the couch not yet letting go of his child, and he can't do it, how can he leave his child? How did his parents do this so often when he was growing up? He hasn't left yet and his heart feels like a gaping hole.
Martha will make him some tea and sit with him as he drinks it before asking who the child is.
Tim bursts into tears, apologizing repeatedly, saying he just couldn't go on without him but he messed it up and now he's no better than lex and he's sorry but he has to find Bruce, he has to find his dad and he just stares at the sleeping child in his arms and asks Martha if she could keep his child safe, he needs to do this but he needs his child to be safe.
And Martha asks if Bruce is really alive, if there's proof, and Tim nods, asking her to please not think he's crazy, everyone else already does, then looks at the baby and laughs a little, saying that if she does he supposed it was deserved.
Martha puts her hand on his and assures him he's not crazy, he's grieving, and that shows how much love he has.
Tim cries some more but tells her he's has to go, he has to find his father and Martha nods, saying she'll keep his child safe.
Tim leaves to go find Bruce and after a couple months Kon comes back and all of a sudden Ma has a baby? A familiar looking baby? Ma is tight lipped on who the child belongs to so he drops it, focuses on helping with the child, while still seeing how familiar it's face and eyes and hair looks.
One night he just straight up asked ma how Tim had a baby, and why it was here.
She tells him, and he wants to be angry, but it's not the child's fault it was made.
After some more months Tim comes back, he barely knocks on the door before he rushes in, his child, where is his child? Then he sees kon, feeding the baby applesauce in its highchair (a highchair, how much did Tim miss?) He honestly doesn't think kon is real (the amount of hallucinations the batfam has had is concerning)
So he just goes straight to his baby and hold it tight, whispering to it how sorry he was, sorry he left, sorry it was for so long, and how he will never do that again.
Kon stands there feeling like he's interrupting something, but he feels any anger he had die right there. He still has questions, but the anger is gone.
Kon clears his throat, and Tim looks at him before walking past, still not realizing he's real. Kon says something sarcastic, and Tim freezes, turning slowly. Tears flood his eyes, and he asks if this is real, Kon just pulls him close, careful around the child.
They then live happily ever after
and tim's choking up on his own tears while trying to explain why he's done that and what it was like not to have kon in his life but kon just shushes him softly with the "i know, i know" whisper lost in tim's hair
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mamawasatesttube · 8 months
#25 for the gentle prompts, maybe? :D
25. "You can sit on my lap."
By the fifth time Tim shifts his weight, leans on his staff, and heaves a sigh more explosive than Mount St. Helens, Kon has just about had it. The stubborn set to Tim's jaw means he doesn't want Kon to point out that he's clearly tired, but also, uh, the idiot is clearly tired, and it's getting a little ridiculous.
Tim holds up an imperious finger. "Don't say anything. I'm fine."
Kon rolls his eyes. "We're probably gonna be stuck up here for stakeout purposes for, like, at least another hour or two. You might as well make it easier on both of us."
Tim gives him a mildly dirty look. It's probably supposed to be worse than mildly dirty, but despite himself, Tim hasn't been able to stop looking at Kon with, like, heart eyes, ever since his resurrection and return. Even when they're bickering like they did as kids. It... it gets Kon, sometimes. He tries not to think about it too hard.
"I'm fine," Tim repeats stubbornly. He folds his arms over his chest and stares down at the warehouse they're watching. "I'm fully capable of finishing the stakeout."
Oh, for the love of—
Kon leans over and bonks him on top of his cowled head. "Yeah, I wasn't disputing that, dumbass."
Tim stiffens for a second. Then he heaves another huge sigh, his shoulders slumping. "...Sorry," he mutters, scuffing one boot against the wet rooftop; a pebble goes skittering off towards the edge. "I, uh... sometimes get all defensive and kinda grouchy when I'm tired."
Both amused and endeared, Kon snorts. "Yeah, trust me, I've noticed." He lightly tugs at Tim's cape. "You've been on your feet for hours. Why not sit for a bit at least?"
Tim glances down at the wet rooftop and makes a face. It's been raining on and off since afternoon faded into evening, and Kon has to concede the point; stakeout or not, that's not the coziest place to chill. Sitting in a puddle might mean Tim's poor ass gets hypothermic—literally, his ass. Yikes.
Well, easy solution. Kon hops up onto an invisible recliner and leans back comfortably, then holds out his arms. "C'mere. You can sit in my lap."
For the second time in as many minutes, Tim freezes for half a heartbeat. Kon can hear his heart rate kick up a notch, can hear the breath catch in his throat, can hear his eyelashes brush the insides of the lenses in his cowl as he blinks rapidly.
Even behind the cowl, the look on his face is still as fond as ever. It does things to Kon's heart, too, if he's being honest.
"...Yeah, okay," Tim says. It's several seconds too late to be casual, but both of them politely don't acknowledge that.
Kon tugs him into his lap, winds his arms around his waist, and wraps his TTK around him for extra security. Tim sighs again, softer this time. He's stiff for a moment, but when Kon doesn't start screaming about cooties or whatever, he relaxes incrementally, muscle by muscle. Finally, after several heartbeats, his head comes to rest against Kon's.
Oh, Kon thinks. Oh.
This is nice.
Oh, no.
"Um. Thanks," Tim mutters. His heart is definitely beating faster. His fingers curl into Kon's jacket. Fuck, Kon likes that—he likes that a lot. Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no.
"Anytime, Rob," he answers, way more casually than Tim managed, if he does say so himself. "Make yourself comfy. You barely weigh anything to me anyways."
"Mn." Tim goes quiet, but after a moment, he does slip his arm around Kon's shoulders, and... that's really nice, too.
"I guess we should keep watching for our guy to come out of there, huh." Kon forces his attention away from Tim and back down to the warehouse. They're on a mission here. He can't just get distracted by... by... canoodling.
"Yeah," Tim agrees, and—is Kon imagining it, or is there a note of reluctance somewhere deep down in his voice? "I guess we should."
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keenzinemugstudent · 11 months
Superman x Witch black reader ft Superboy! Our Future part 2!
The league finds out about what's going on and you get to know Conner a bit
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//In the batcave//
"What the hell do you mean Superman and Y/H/N had a kid?!"
Aquaman yelled starring at at Bruce, Diana looks shocked and Victor just looked confused not that we could blame them Connor just stands there awkwardly.
"It's just as I said Arthur... Superman and Y/H/n have a son."
"From the future?!"
"Yes." Bruce says his tone annoyed Arthur let's out a laugh still not believing it.
"I mean I can see the resemblance but it's still hard too believe." Victor say in disbelief looking between Clark and Connor.
"It is quite shocking. Barry do you have something to do with this?" Diana turned to look at Barry who just shook his head.
"Nope! nope don't look at me I am just as surprised as everyone else in this room right now!" Barry says hands in the air. Superman just let out a tired sigh looking over at Conner who was trying not to look his way, this was obviously too much for the poor boy.
"How did Y/n took it?" Diana asks worried about her friends health.
"She's in the guest room she kind of fainted."
"She fainted?! Haha wish I could have been there to see that." Arthur kept making fun of the situation making Clark glare at him which got him to stop but still had a smirk on his face, Diana spoke again.
"Well what do you suggest Batman?"
"Until we find out what was the cause of Superboy being brought here until that he needs lay low out of sight."
"Which I'm guessing Superman and and Y/h/n will have something to do with that?"
"Of course."
"I think I better go check on her."
Conner speeds out the room going to check on you.
"Soooo does that mean Y/n is no longer up for grabs?"
Victor gives Arthur a irritated look.
"We just met the future child of two the strongest beings on earth and THAT'S what you're worried about right now?" Arthur just shrugged his shoulders.
"Hey! I was just asking my brothers been asking about her for months! Man this is going break his heart and I can't wait to see it!" Victor just shooks his head.
"You got issues man."
When you woke up you saw that you were in the guest room the door opens and walks in Alfred holding a cup of tea.
"I thought it would be best to bring you some tea miss Y/n to help calm your nerves."
You gave him a grateful smile taking the tea you loved Alfred he always knew that tea calmed your nerves which tasted great by the way.
"Thank you Alfred I definitely needed it."
"Of course ma'am, and if it is alright with you there is a great waiting outside the door."
You looked at him confused than you saw Conner peaking around the corner giving you a small wave.
"I'll leave you too alone call me if you need anything miss Y/n." Alfred gives you a bow before walking out the door leaving you and Superboy alone together. And man was it awkward! Neither of you spoke he just stood there looking anywhere but your face and you just stared at him still trying to understand what to say to him? I mean what the hell am I supposed to say?! Thankfully he spoke with a nervous chuckle.
"I'm sorry this is just so weird."
"Tell me about it I mean it's not every day you meet a kid that claims to be your son. And from the future no less."
Kon-el walks over to sit in the chair next to you he really was a cute kid now that you got a better look at him he had your eyes, mouth and nose but everything else was definitely Clark.
"I know this is a lot to process right now and trust me I would not be here if it meant that I could be possibly messing up the timelines by revealing who i am but..."
He looks at the bed with a frowns.
"I had no choice."
"Well your here now we can't change that Kon-el."
You gently put your hand on top of his causing him to look up at you face to see a smile.
"So obviously I can't can't keep calling you by your Kryptonian name you mind telling me what your earth name is sweetie?" He looka up at you with a smile.
"Conner, Conner Kent."
"Conner Kent? Well than it's nice to meet you Conner."
You hold out your hand for him to shake but he just smiles ignoring your stretched out hand giving you a hug again but this time you were well prepared and hugged him back. It was odd but you already felt like you had to protect him even your magic knew that this child needs you it was hard to explain but it was a nice feeling.
"Ah your awake."
We turn to see Clark standing in the door way I feel my face get warm and look at the bed sheets Conner glances at me and has a small grin in his face.
"How are you feeling?"
"huh? Oh me? I'm good never been better!" Why in the hell were you stuttering?! He gives you a smile making your face get even more warm ugh this is ridiculous!
"Well that's good now that your up we can discuss what to do with Connor."
Great this already feels like a custody battle.
"Okay so what were you thinking?"
"I was thinking that maybe he stays with me? I know you have a roommate who isn't really found of men in the apartment." That made Conner turn his head at you confused.
"Oh no you don't have to worry about that I kicked them out they were bringing too much negative energy so I now have a spare room."
"So you'll be fine with me living with you?"
"Duh! Beside I could use the company especially with my future son!" You grin messing with his dark hair he gets flustered as Superman gives a low chuckle behind his hand, Conner moves away from you fixing his hair a pout on his face he was to cute.
"Alright alright can we go now? I really don't want to have Batman pointing a gun at me again."
That made me stare at him in horror.
"He held you at gun point!?!"
"Don't worry Conner he did something similar too me."
This time you looked at them both with horror already feeling your magic flare up in anger.
Bruce wants to keep testing your fucking patiences! I better not see his face for a while or it's sight!!
(In the batcave Batman let's out a sneeze Alfred gives him a box of tissues)
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I finally was able to finish part 2 thank god I had to rewrite this multiple times cause I was trying to make it just right so I hope I did okay now to part 3 I don't know if I want it be with Superman/Clark to talk to Lois and try to figure out where they stand in their relationship now that Conner is a thing or have him talk to Martha and try to understand his feelings about you now that he knows he doesn't have a future with Lois hehe I love drama
Here's part 1
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dairy-farmer · 6 months
Okay but CONSIDER~☆ Petty, territorial, exhibitionist Kon!
(Also he has Strong Opinions and I tried to keep things In Character since I am working that. He's against feminizing Tim because he doesnt want to make his boyfriend disphoric. Slight realism to the porn? Attempted!)
Him and Tim? Dating. His memory? Flawless. He remembers EXACTLY all the emotionally scarring bullshit they put his boyfriend through. Tim may forgive, but HE doesn't. Fuck those guys.
What's WORSE? He can hear EVERYTHING. Your expressionless mask doesn't mean SHIT when he can hear your heart rate pick up. SEE your eyes dilate. When walls don't do SHIT to stop him hearing you beating your meat franticly, after excusing yourself to "make a call".
But Tim's HIS. Not theirs.
They break his heart and make him feel not good enough. KON makes him feel loved and powerful and happy. KON spent his whole life, fighting to have things that were JUST for him. His, not superman, not anyone else's. His. And Tim? Is HIS boyfriend. Is amazing.
And Kon LOVES making him feel good.
Really taking his time. Using his TTK to tease and pinch, stroke and hold, keeping Tim JUST where he needs him. Taking care of his needs in the ways Tim never seems too. Over and over, til he's all soft and boneless. Twitching. Gushing all the pleasure Kon pumped into him. Head finally quiet.
It's amazing.
So maybe that's why he doesn't stop. Even though he hears the arrogant stomping of Jon's bratty friend. Jon cleared out to the barn and some loud music over an hour ago. When he caught the LOOK Kon was giving Tim. Smart kid. But apparently not smart enough to drag his buddy along. Because now the little shit is looking for him.
Kon doesn't care.
He is face first between to long, powerful, legs and trying to make Tim's brain melt with his tounge alone. From the grip on his hair? Decent progress, so far. He adds fingers, making Tim's back bow. Earning those awesome little sounds.
The foot steps faltered then froze, outside his door. The brats heart rate has sky rocketed. Turned on by listening to Tim getting finger fucked. What a little perv.
But? Kon's discovered? He's kinda... in to it.
Showing them what they'll NEVER get to have. Showing them how it's DONE. That's right, little perv, listen to how GOOD I make him feel. You could never. This is what he, the REAL Robin, deserves.
Fucking Tim? While Damian stands frozen just outside his bedroom door? Is one of the best times they've had together. Kon nearly breaks his bed. Leaves Tim hoarse but glowing the next day. Granted, with a noticeable limp and unable to sit down, but Tim is hardly complaining.
Kon just grins, like a shark, every time Damian looks at him.
And of course, Kon has to do it again. It was AMAZING. Invite him oooover, babe. He miiiiisses yoooou. Sad face.
Tim laughes but does. Gotham is stressful after all. Even if, for some reason, the gremlin has been avoiding him. Weird, chirps Kon, who knows EXACTLY why. Wonder why that could be?
Arrives to find Dickhea- sorry, Tim's BELOVED brother DICK, who definitely didn't betray him, and TOTALLY didn't try to Put Him In ARKHAM, THAT Dick... hanging around. Trying to "make amends". (Kon's ass he is.) And doing team ups. Hanging like a leech all over KON'S boyfriend. Eating all of the food TIM should be coaxed into eating before there's a chance and lounging around Tim's home like he owns the place!
.....ha ha. Kon's not mad, babe. Promise. He could NEVER be mad at YOU. :) :) :)
(He might murder this clingy bitch, though.)
But, hey! This IS Rob's place. And you know what's Perfectly Reasonable, nay, even NATURAL, to do in one's own place? With their boyfriend? Come here, babe~ My power, clever, gorgeous, sexy, hasn't showered for three days, hot mess~ let's get you cleaned up and in bed.
Oh yeah, your brother will TOTALLY respect Boyfriend's Over time. I texted him for you and everything thing! (Kon didn't and honestly? Dick wouldn't.)
So Kon gets his boyfriend naked. Always a delight. Some sexy groping and forplay in the shower. Wet and sexy fun! A classic. Can Kon hear Dick planning to "head over to Tim's"? Half way across the city? Well maybe certain individuals are about to learn to text first. And that they will NEVER get what they want so bad, no matter how hard they go panting.
Meanwhile? Kon is working Tim up. Hitting all his good spots. Stubble rubbed against the neck, as he kisses his way down. Not too hard, since Kryptonian hair has no give. Just little prickly sparks. Right down to his pecs. Not tits, never tits, or Kon gets kicked out of the bed for WEEKS. Made THAT mistake exactly ONCE.
Manly, manly pecs with the hottest pink little nipples you've ever seen. Likes when Kon uses his TTK for the other one. Focuses on uses his hands to stretch him, tease his fantastic hole and little t-dick clit. Tim totally loses it. Starts trying to RIDE his hand and make him go faster. Always whines and begs when Kon has to hold him still.
Oh look, someone sneaking in the window uninvited. Wonder who that could be? Gee, sure hope he remembered to close that security feed of the bedroom. But, shucks. Technology is just SO confusing! Hope they don't ASSUME Tim is ALWAYS at his desk and go looking there first!
Does Kon sit up and leave Tim's nips to his TTK, just so the cameras can REALLY get a good visual? Of COURSE not. Tim just really, REALLY enjoys the feeling. So he's giving him double the action as he slides home. Even adds his clit to the teasing, just to see that open mouth, gasping for air, feral thrashing look, Tim gets.
Kon hear the searching, meandering footsteps of their intruder, reach Tim's desk and freeze. In that way only a highly trained Bat could. A heart rate spikes and breathe is sucked in sharply. A swallow.
Ah, did Kon for get to turn off the audio? Whoops. Thank goodness it was on low, huh? But I bet that close to the desk, you can hear it. Room's REAL quiet.
Shift of fabric, the camera's audio is turned up.
Perverts, all of um. "Brotherly feelings" his ASS. Kon fucks Tim through his first orgasm, pounding short and rough RIGHT against that spot he likes, just as Tim likes him too. Listens to Tim's perv brother jerk himself desperately. Fantasize about how HE would be SO much nicer and sweeter to Tim's hole. Timmy this and that, like Rob's a little kid.
Like Rob would even be INTO any of that.
Calls Robs pecs TITS. Calls him PRETTY. Has no idea what Tim NEEDS and never did. Can't GIVE IT to Tim like Kon can. Pump into his hole until Tim feels like he's gonna break, then grind nice and deep until he DOES. Tease him for hours when he's all stressed and lost in his head, so he unravels into mush. Lift him up and don't let him down until he's been STUFFED with you. Til his legs are shaking and he can barely see straight. Till all he want is to pass out and cuddle.
Rob needs someone who will lovingly fuck him UNCONSCIOUS and will still be there, holding him, FUCKING HIM, when he wakes up. Needs to be so WANTED it drives someone a little insane. Needs good and pleasure and thoughtless, bone melting bliss. Not babying and tender little nothings.
And frankly? Kon is a petty, mean, Tim-fucker. He's woken up and chosen violence.
Deliberately avoids Tim's g-spot, like that isn't an execution worthy offense. Tell him, babe~ He wants to HEAR. What do want him to do to you? And Tim? Who is being fucking edged and FURIOUS about it? Says BET, opens his mouth, and makes all of Kon's dreams come true.
Holy Shit, Babe~ :D Yes Sir o7
Kon gets to destroy some perv fantasies, hear FANTASTIC Tim dirty talk, AND use TTK to fuck every orifice Tim HAS. It's a fantastic afternoon. He even gets Tim to take a nap instead of going back to work.
And would you look at that~ No clingy leech! You want pizza? Bart recommend this great place. Let's get pizza!
But then Mr. Broody Psychological Trauma is demanding Tim come play hostess to his Gala. Isn't he dating or something? A socialite no less? Make HER do it! But no. Tim has to go entertain old rich bastards and smile.
Fuck it. He's coming too.
Tim just laughs at his blatant gate-crashing plans and hands him an invite. Asks if he wants to go suit shopping. Mmmmmm sexy suit sex. Roleplay options. Yes please. They go shopping. It's awesome.
Less awesome? The party. Very boring in fact. And EVERYBODY wants to fuck his boyfriend. This may be his villian origin story. Also he fuckin KNEW it. "Bruce isn't like that" Kon's ass! He ALSO called that he totally wants to bone Clark. Without his piercings in? And in a suit? Kon looks VERY Clark-ish. Tim's old man keeps checking him out.
Frankly, however, Kon doesnt care.
He's on his last god damned nerve with these "oops! Ha ha, my bad." Handsy mother fuckers, touching his boyfriend. He dives into the crowd. Something, something, he's drunk, Tim. Come get air with me.
Tim knows damn well he can't GET drunk.
So obviously he better go take care of his Poor Drunk Boyfriend (ooooh nooooo).
Tim drags him to some side room the family uses. Before Kon can even get his hands under all those layers, he's sliding to his knees and swallowing Kon to the root. Fuck. It's EXACTLY what Kon needs. Hot and wet, cherishing and so damn eager. Absolutely milking him.
He cups that beautiful head and let's TTK slid down his body. Like hands stroking under clothes. Pinching and massaging his pecs. Rubbing his skin. Teasing his clit. Spreading him open for fingers to stretch and fuck. Kon can just lean back and enjoy the moaning. The eager rocking of Tim's mouth onto his cock.
Especially as the feeling turns from rubbing to fingers fucking into him. From fingers into toys. From toys into cock. Until Kon is spit roasting his Boyfriend all on his own. Making him whimper and twitch as he's rocked between two cocks, just how he likes it. Clinging to Kon and treated like something precious, head utterly empty, nothing but his next orgasm to worry about.
He whines when Kon pulls out of his mouth. But Kon promises he's just switching ends.
The best part? About using TTK during sex? Is they never need sex furniture. Kon can just bend Tim over thin air. Hold him there. So long as SOME part of him is touching Tim. Which, really, is an easy ask. And dragging down the probably ruined suit pants, Kon distantly notes soft steps approaching the door.
He slides home regardless. Grips those amazing hips and starts to pound. Tim desperately teasing his chest. Mouth open to be fucked by TTK cock, pouring out moans and fucked out cries. The wet squelch of their bodies meeting.
The footsteps have frozen. A reaction, muted. Almost... trained. Someone used to controlling their body. Oh my, oh my. It's the big perv.
The door's a crack. Not closing it, huh? So who are you staring at, Bat? Tim, your SON, as he gets fucked. Gasping and drooling, moaning for more, harder, deeper. Or Kon? The CLONE of your "best friend", a married man. As he fucks your son. Hips rolling, muscles lit with sweat, groaning in the pleasure takes from the body beneath him.
Which is the one you're getting off too, Batman? Tim? Him? Both of them? That's right, close the door and run. Kon can still hear you jerking it in the family wing.
Maybe Galas ARE fun.
As for Hood? Kon gets confronted. Because Jason can see the pattern developing and is self aware enough to Admit Some Stuff to Himself(tm). He WILL shoot you. And worse, he'll tell Tim. M.A.D. mother fucker.
Well, then. As long as he's aware Kon wants his spine as a mantle decoration. And he never, EVER makes a move on his Boyfriend. Yeah. Kon is willing not to torment him with glorious Tim Sex.
Great. Here's some coupons and gift cards to fancy ass date spots. Leave Jason to suffer his many mistakes in peace. The SECOND you are dead...
Ha! Tim will clone me. But THIS time, with my permission and adding his DNA so we have a Clone-Baby. Bart is husband number 2. None of you fuckers have a chance.
Like Kon said, he is a petty, Tim-loving, exhibitionist, bastard. He also now has date night plans! Sweet. Oooh. Fancy! This one's that new place with the waiting list. Nice.
kon being a borderline exhibitionist and making sure to fuck tim in front of his family so they know exactly who he belongs to- and then them having planned out that if he dies bart will be tim's second husband so no one in his family can have him 😭😭😭
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wolfjackle-creates · 7 months
Bring Me Home Arc 3 Part 3
Again the winner of last week's poll! There won't be a poll this week because I'm planning something a bit different. I hit 1000 followers this past week and have been wracking my brain about how to celebrate! Wasn't up for doing prompts or adding more projects to my list, though, so I didn't want to go that route.
But I did come up with something that I think everyone will really enjoy. Especially those of you who have been voting for Carry Your Heart (I see you in the tags!). So look out for that post.
In addition, I've just posted the first chapter of Arc 2 on AO3! Link below.
Story Summary: Jack and Maddie install a new ghost shield on the house which activates the moment Danny tries to step into his home. His secret is out and his parents are determined to excise the ghost from their son.
Luckily Danny isn't alone. The Young Justice, Sam, Tucker, and Jazz aren't going to leave him to suffer.
Arc 1: AO3
Arc 2: AO3 (incomplete); Tumblr - First, Final
Arc 3: First, Previous
Word Count: 1.4k
Fire rushing through him jolted Danny awake. His back arched as he cried out. He screwed his eyes tight, not wanting to see what torture his parents were going to come at him with next when he realized what the sound of his cry meant: the muzzle was gone.
As were the restraints. And he was lying on something soft. Trying hard not to hope, he opened his eyes.
Sam and Jazz were leaning over him, concern clear on their faces. They were in some sort of ambulance or van.
“How are you feeling,” demanded Sam.
Danny took a moment to answer, his chest was pure agony. He didn’t even want to think what it would feel like to sit up. And even past that, everything was sore. Though the fire that had woken him up had dissipated, the tell-tale feel of ecto-dejecto. “Pretty much the worst I’ve ever felt,” he answered honestly.
Sam and Jazz both winced and his sister grabbed his hand. He squeezed her fingers weakly.
At the foot of his bed stood Tim in full Red Robin getup and Kon as Superboy.
He couldn’t hold back the smile as he met Tim’s gaze. “You came,” he said.
Tim didn’t smile back, but some tension eased out of his shoulders. “I always will,” he said. “Been telling you that since we were ten years old.”
“I know. I’ve always known. Thank you.”
Jazz squeezed his hand again and he looked at her. “Red Robin and Superboy are going to take you away from here. Robin will help you recover.”
Sam nodded. “Yep. And the rest of us are gonna focus on making sure Amity is safe for ghosts once and for all.”
Danny shook his head. “I should be there with you guys, fighting.”
“Nope!” interrupted Jazz. “Not even a little. You’re going to focus on getting better, got it, Danny? That’s all we want from you.”
“But the ghosts—”
Sam covered his mouth with her hand. “Stop it right there. Tucker is working with Impulse and Wonder Girl to get the portal locked up. No one will be coming through. No one—ghost or human—will be in any danger while you’re gone. I promise.”
Danny slumped into the bed. Even the slight change in position caused waves of pain to radiate from his chest even through the healing ice he could feel implanted in his body. He whimpered and closed his eyes until the throbbing receded just a bit. “I trust you. I do, it’s just…”
“You’re used to taking care of everyone,” finished Jazz for him. “We know. So let us take care of you for a change. We love you, Danny.”
“Love you, too, Jazz. Sam.”
“Be good for bird-brain there, got it?” ordered Sam.
Danny gave her a half-smile. “Are Tim and I ever good together?”
She laughed. “Well, don’t burn down Gotham, capiche?”
“We have to go now,” said Jazz.
Danny gripped her hand tighter. “Don’t leave me.”
Jazz winced, but leaned down to kiss his forehead. “We need to make sure the Guys in White aren’t going to get involved further. And you need to get someplace safe.”
Danny huffed a half laugh. “Gotham is safe?”
Jazz rolled her eyes at his poor attempt at a joke. “For you it is. Now, I’m leaving Red and Superboy with a case full of ectoplasm for you and our entire supply of ecto-dejecto. I just gave you your first injection. Please try and eat something and drink your ectoplasm regularly.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Jazz.”
Jazz sniffed and it was only then that Danny realized it was wetter than usual and her eyes were watery. He tried not to feel bad for his jokes when she replied, “Yes, it is whatever I say. Glad you agree.”
Sam cackled, and now that he was paying attention, Danny could hear the hysterical edge to it. “You’d better text us multiple times a day, ghost boy. Don’t try and lie to us, either. Kon’ll tell me the truth about your condition. And as soon as we can arrange it, we’re coming out your way for a visit.”
“Course I will, Sam. Give Tuck my best?”
“Duh. He wishes he could’ve come with us, you know.”
Danny nodded. “But he’s better with the tech stuff and that is just as time sensitive.”
“Yeah. Now, get some sleep,” Sam ordered. “You’ve got a long drive ahead of you.”
Danny gave the rote answer after too many all-nighters taking care of ghost attacks before school, “I’m dead, I don’t need sleep.”
His sister squeezed his hand. “Ghosts who just went through what you did need their sleep. Love you, Danny. Get well and I’ll see you soon.”
“Love you, Jazz.”
She kissed his forehead one more time, followed by Sam. And with another two rounds of farewells and love yous, he was alone with Tim and Kon.
“Thanks for coming,” he said again.
“Obviously we weren’t going to leave you there,” said Kon. “Being a lab subject isn’t fun. Especially not that kinda lab experiment.”
Danny couldn’t quite hold back the flinch at that description. It was accurate, but blunt.
Tim walked over until he was sitting by Danny’s bed. “Just listen to Jazz and get some rest. We’re going to be taking the long route to Gotham by going south to start. If we stop for food in a few hours, think you could handle a smoothie?”
Danny shrugged and bit back a yawn. “Could try.”
“That’s all I ask.”
Kon moved towards the front of the vehicle as well. “Looks like it’s time for us to skedaddle. I’ll keep the road from jostling you, ghost-boy.”
Danny gave a small smile and let his eyes close. As he did, he tried to mumble his thanks and he hoped it came across.
The next time he woke was more gentle. Someone was tapping on his shoulder and calling his name. But even so, as he was pulled closer to awareness, the pain made itself more and more known. He tried to cling to the darkness, but the tapping wasn’t stopping, nor was the person calling him.
He blinked open his eyes to see Tim’s concerned face. He wasn’t wearing the domino anymore, or his costume. Just a sweatshirt and jeans.
“Hey, Danny,” said Tim. “I’m going to need you to try and eat a bit right now. Kon got us those smoothies I mentioned. I’ve also got yogurt if that’ll be easier for you. But the smoothie will have more nutrients.”
Danny closed his eyes. He wasn’t hungry and didn’t want to eat. Why did Tim have to bring him back to consciousness for this? He hurt and just wanted to sink back into oblivion.
The tapping on his shoulder began again. “I know, Danny. But you have to eat something. And you should take some ectoplasm, too. So just stay awake for a few minutes.”
“Mm ‘wake,” said Danny without opening his eyes. He shifted his weight, hoping to push himself up to eat, only to scream in pain as his chest protested any movement.
“Shit! Don’t move,” said Tim too late. “I’ve got a spoon here. I’ll feed it to you, okay? So just stay exactly where you are.”
Danny gripped his sheets, unable to do anything else as wave after wave of pain over took him. Tim kept up a litany of reassurances and stroked his hair. Eventually, Danny was able to think past it again.
“Don’t think I can sit up,” said Danny.
“Of course not,” agreed Tim. He held a styrofoam cup between his knees and carefully took off the lid and straw. “Just let me. Take at least a few bites. Swallow as is, don’t try and chew. Just do what you can, okay?”
“Okay,” agreed Danny and Tim fed him the first bite.
Danny hated this. Hated it so much. Here he was being spoon fed like a baby all because his parents… He shut his eyes and took the next bite. He wasn’t going to finish that thought. Tim was here and that’s what mattered.
Danny wasn’t sure how much he ate, but it couldn’t have been much. His eyelids were getting heavier and heavier and the pull of oblivion stronger.
“Wait, Danny. Stay awake just a little longer, okay?”
Danny groaned but forced his eyes open again.
Tim showed him a bottle of ectoplasm. “Just a few swallows of this, too. Okay?”
He didn’t want to. He’d rather just go to sleep again, but he opened his mouth obediently. By the time he finished his third spoonful, he couldn’t fight it anymore and slumped into the bed. The pain receded back into blackness for a time.
If you want to be notified when I update, please check out the Subscription Post!
Danny is going to be getting all the comfort throughout this. All of them will, tbh. Because no one is happy and they all need a hug or five.
Let me know what you think!
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fragcc · 2 years
I need Kon to go through a crisis thinking he’s homophobic because why else would he want to throw up at the sight of Tim and his boyfriend kissing. It goes on so for long until Martha Kent has to sit Kon down and talk it out with him. Then Kon goes through a brand new crisis of being in love with his best friend who has a boyfriend
OMG ANON YES YES YESSSS!!! I want kon to be SO jealous that everyone (including himself) thinks he's homophobic just for him to find out that he's just timberphobic, actually. Okay, hold on, hear me out:
Everyone gradually growing annoyed and offended by Kon's poorly hidden disgust/annoyance whenever he sees Tim with Bernard to the point they take him to a corner and straight up accuse him of being an homophobe and he just p a n i c s
And we all know Kon has only like, two braincells, so he'll be so desperate because it really looks like he's an homophobe deep down but he doesn't want to be because he never would wish harm to Tim or be disgusted by him but whenever he thinks about Tim kissing his boyfriend he feels sick and so damn frustrated
Anyways, Ma Kent will eventually sit down with him to try and understand why he's so repulsed by the idea of homosexuality and he'll also try his best in the conversation because he also wants to know if he can just grow out of it. So Martha will slowly coax the nature of his feelings out of him, asking him if he would be bothered if Tim married Bernard, to which he replies with a hard "no." but his face is clearly contorted in a repulsed scowl by the idea
It all starts making sense when Ma makes a different approach to the subject, asking instead how Kon would feel if Tim was interested in him. What if Tim wanted to share a milkshake with him? What if he wanted to cuddle for movies with him? What if he was in love with Kon-El? Would that also be a problem for him? And then Kon is staring at her with wide eyes and a gaping mouth, heart thundering and cheeks flushing as he replays over and over again the images of Tim and Bernard cuddling and being cute with each other, but replacing Bernard with himself. And suddenly–
Suddenly he finds everything so much more bearable and enjoyable. It's like the whole cosmos aligns itself when he thinks about Tim kissing him instead of Bernard, about him being the one who gets to wrap his arms around Tim's middle and lay kisses on his neck to hear him squeak so adorably. He feels euphoric with the thought, like his heart is about to explode at this new discovery. He looks back at Ma with wilde eyes, like a deer caught in headlights, only to find her looking at him with a small, proud smile full of understanding.
"I think– I–" He gulps down the throat that forms on his throat, feeling his fingers shake with the sudden rush of adrenaline. He looks down at his boots, thinking one last time about the prospect of Tim smiling lovingly at him before he breathes out the rest of his confession. "I think I would be okay with that."
The silence that follows his whispered confession is a welcoming one and he can feel Ma's approving eyes on his skin. And it all feels a little bit crazy, because Kon just realized he isn't really an homophobe. No, he just happens to hate the guy Tim is dating because he wished it was him instead and–
Oh no.
"Shit." He curses, face paling once again. Ma frowns at him, reaching out to touch his hand in reassurance but it does nothing to placate Kon's crumbling heart. "Shit, Ma."
"What is it, Kon?" She asks ever so caringly.
"I might be in love with him, Ma" Kon whispers to her, so ashamed of saying the words out loud. It hurts the elder woman to spot clear tears slowly filling those usually bright, blue eyes. "I might be in love with my best friend who's already taken. I think I ruined everything."
And before his thoughts spiral out of control, Martha has already wrapped him in a warm and placaring embrace, murmuring to him that it's okay. But Kon knows it isn't. Things will never be okay if he can't get his shit together and start feeling happy for Tim's happiness.
Oh boy. You really can't have everything, huh?
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comphetkoncass · 1 year
6 or 27 for the promts both seem soooo good, i cant decide
here ya go! 6: “Don’t move, you’re still hurt.” Kon/Tim – injured tim, kon keeping tim’s blood where it’s supposed to be <3 (cw medical)
Tim wakes to ringing in his ears, and a sense that an unknown amount of time has passed since he was previously conscious. He was on a mission, Tim thinks – that much is clear given the pressure of his Red Robin uniform against his skin. He can’t remember which team he was with though, or what he was fighting. He definitely doesn’t remember losing consciousness – never a good sign, given that he could very well still be in danger. 
Tim hopes his team – whichever it is – has bailed him out. No one’s actively wailing on him, sure, which points to someone helping him or at least losing consciousness far away from the action – but he should really check for himself.
So, groaning, Tim tries to open his eyes, tries to sit up.
But sitting up is impossible – what is with the elephant on his chest? – and even the briefest glimpse to the world around him sends a dizzying blast through his skull. Light is the enemy, Tim decides. Meaning he’ll have to use his other senses to figure out what’s wrong with him, where he is, and what he needs to do to get home. 
Fortunately, as soon as he started to move, he hears something start to break through the ringing. 
“Rob?” someone asks. “Rob, can you hear me?” 
The voice is too muffled to make out. A guy, Tim thinks. Probably. 
“Mngh,” Tim says eloquently. 
The guy chuckles. That, above all, tells Tim who it is. 
“Kon,” he manages, his friend’s name like a sigh. “Did we win?” 
Kon hesitates for a minute. Then, reluctantly, “Not sure yet. Cassie’s handling it.”
“Then what’re you doing here?” Tim tries to get up again, but the elephant remains on his chest. That’s when he realizes the rest of his limbs can’t move, either. For a second, he’s terrified – but then he realizes Kon just has him in a full-body TTK lock. “Let me up.”
“No can do,” Kon says. He sounds like he’s in intense concentration mode, which Tim grudgingly appreciates. He’d hate it if Kon’s TTK accidentally immobilized his heart or lungs – but seeing as all that could just be avoided if Kon just let him go…
Tim fights against him again. 
“I’m serious, Tim,” Kon says, voice low and warning. “Don’t move, you’re still hurt.” 
That, more than anything, tells Tim what he needs to know. He goes stock still. “How bad is it?” he asks, because ‘How long do I have left?’ sounds dramatic.
“You’ll be a lot more okay and a lot faster if you let me concentrate.” 
Tim clamps his mouth shut.
That’s when he recognizes the tang of iron in his mouth – oh. He has internal bleeding, he realizes. Kon probably knows about it already. Tim decides not to point it out, given Kon sounds awfully strained. 
As Tim lies there for a while longer, he slowly checks in with himself. Tries to see which body parts are in danger. Internal bleeding causing blood in his mouth means something happened to his lungs – maybe his digestive system. A knife to his stomach, maybe? Punctured lungs?
Yet, to Tim’s surprise, he can’t feel much of anything. Little to no pain. With serious injuries, that’s clearly a bad thing – it usually means he has minutes left, if that. 
Yet somehow, there’s a nagging suspicion that wounds to his torso are the least of his worries.
Tim almost risks opening his eyes again – but the blinding light make him think there’s a head injury, and if he only has a few minutes left, he’d rather not spend it in blinding pain. It’s enough to know that Kon’s here. It’s enough that his last moments won’t be alone. 
The ringing in his ears has waned though, and Tim slowly listens for anything else around him. Anything to tell him where he is. 
He realizes, far too long after starting, that he can hear wind, far away, but absolutely roaring outside. That’s about it. 
“I’ve been studying field medicine,” Kon tells him, breaking the silence. Tim feels something strange in his lungs. “When I’ve got time, I just… I sit in the sun and crack open a medical book, cozy up with Krypto if he’s in a lazy mood. Then I learn all I can about how people’s insides are supposed to work.”
Tim makes a soft sound in the back of his throat. He’d suspected, after noticing several medical books appear on the credit card he’d given Kon a few years ago. The one he swears he doesn’t track. 
“Yeah?” Tim manages, still tasting blood in his throat. “How are mine?” 
Kon breathes through pursed lips. Winces, audibly; Tim feels a sudden flicker of pain in his right lung. “They’ve definitely been better.” 
“Can- you tell me what it was?” 
“Thrown into a building,” Kon says. “Like, really hard.”
It should be embarrassing, Tim thinks. He’s survived a lot worse. But instead of shame or regret, all he feels is pain. 
“You’re going to be okay,” Kon insists. Leans down, even, to kiss his forehead. Tim feels floaty; he still doesn’t know how Kon’s managing to keep the worst of the hurt at bay, but he appreciates it. For now, he chalks it up to forehead kisses. “I’ve got you. I’m just here to make sure you can still breathe until an actual surgeon can take care of you. And making sure your brain doesn’t leak out – always said your brain was too big for your head.”
Tim wheezes a laugh. It hurts. 
“Sorry – forgot to mention no laughing.” 
Tim squeezes his eyes shut tighter, and hopes that if this is their last moment, that Kon knows Tim doesn’t blame him. 
“How far away is help?” Tim asks, voice feeling far away. 
“Don’t pass out,” Kon says urgently. “Five more minutes, give or take. A magic user with healing powers. Raven, I think. Someone. Once they get here, you’ll be okay.” 
Kon says it like he really, truly believes it. Five more minutes of limbo, five more minutes of Kon keeping his organs where they’re supposed to be, keeping his blood flowing instead of spilling out. Five more minutes of traumatizing his best friend with what has to be the scariest moment in his life, literally holding Tim’s life in his hands. 
Tim distantly realizes that if Tim does die here, Kon will see it as his own failure. 
That, more than anything, keeps him alert. “You’re doing all you can,” Tim says. A clumsier attempt at comfort than usual. “Thank you for trying.” 
“Don’t say that like you’re saying goodbye,” Kon warns. “I swear to god, Tim, if you let yourself slip away right now-” 
“Jus’ in case,” Tim manages. His words taste even stronger of iron now. “Don’t want you feeling guilty. I know you’re trying.” 
Kon’s voice is thick with tears. “You’re going to be fine, damn it. If I have to keep your heart beating myself, I’ll do it. You hear me?” 
Tim does, but Kon’s voice is growing fainter and fainter. The ringing in his ears is back again, and getting louder, and louder.
Tim’s last regret is not being able to open his eyes and see his friend’s face one last time. 
But with his eyes already closed, and his body so numb when the shards of bone aren’t actively puncturing his lungs, Tim can’t help it. 
He slips away – and it feels like a freefall. 
Tim is surprised when he wakes up. But he does.
He can even open his eyes this time, even though the world is still a bit too bright, he can at least make out the room he’s in. It’s the Titans Tower. He’s a little surprised – somehow, he was expecting to wake up in Wayne Manor with Leslie, or the Watchtower. 
He supposes that the Tower is better, though. Raven has healing powers, and Cyborg is further in biomechanical advancements than any other human on Earth, except for possibly his dad. 
Tim’s in good hands, he decides. But he remembers the hands he was in before, and he frowns as the gravity of his injuries hits him. He really should have died. 
He doesn’t know how much later now is, compared to when he was hurt. It could be hours later, or even days. He shouldn’t expect Kon to still be here; Tim isn’t even sure he can remember those final moments properly, considering he still doesn’t remember the actual point of impact. But he does remember Kon holding him together. Kon’s TTK being the only thing between Tim and bleeding out, or worse. (Probably worse.)
He no longer feels that pressure of that TTK field. Whatever it did, it’s long gone.  
Its owner, however, is much closer. Tim realizes too late that he can hear snoring, a distinctive hnkkkk-sss that could only come from one super. (Tim still doesn’t believe Kon, that a heartbeat can sound distinct enough to track. But he will always be able to recognize Kon by his snoring.) 
It takes a while for Tim to sit up enough to turn, but when he does, the movement startles Kon awake. 
“Hey,” Tim says.
His mouth doesn’t taste like blood anymore. 
Kon stares at him, bloodshot eyes wide and hopeful. Tim didn’t even know he could get bloodshot eyes. “Hey yourself.” 
It doesn’t escape Tim’s notice that Kon’s sitting in the windowsill. He must have needed an awful lot of sun to regain energy. 
He doesn’t seem to care about recharging now, though. Tim blinks, and Kon’s on the edge of his bed, sitting on him without actually putting any pressure on him. Tim can’t tell if it’s TTK or true flight, but it’s nice. 
“You passed out even though I totally told you not to,” Kon says, faux-sternly. “Guess you can dish out orders in the field, but you can’t take them.” 
A laugh bubbles out of Tim’s throat. This time, he realizes, it doesn’t hurt. 
Tim didn’t realize at first, that there was a haunted look on Kon’s face. Whatever Kon had to do to keep Tim alive, it must have stuck with him. But when Tim laughs, it passes, if just for a moment. 
“It’s good to see you awake,” he says honestly. “Cyborg and Raven weren’t sure you were gonna make it, but I wouldn’t let them give up on you.” 
“Yeah?” Tim wonders just how close he got to dying. Wonders, briefly, about just how far TTK can go to keep a body alive after it stops keeping itself alive. Remembers what Kon said about his heart. A chill runs up his spine as he realizes that technically, Kon might have been telling the truth. A heartbeat wouldn’t be that difficult to replicate artificially. 
Given the look on Kon’s face, Tim had better not ask. 
“Well, you kept your promise,” Tim says, and reaches for Kon’s hands. He squeezes, and it seems to be the right move. Some of the tension bleeds out of Kon’s shoulders. “I’m fine. You can stop worrying now.” 
“Never,” Kon says, but there’s a smile on his face, and he looks a thousand pounds lighter. 
[For my own reference, and for everyone else’s pain: Tim ended up with metal plates in his head and three replacement ribs. Kon actually still had to help with the medical process; he had to fish out the ribs that punctured Tim’s lungs so that Raven could heal Tim’s lungs. Kon had to get over his fear of a laboratory setting by being present for the whole surgery. 
Last fun fact: After Tim passed out, he would have died, but Kon did in fact keep his heart beating. The uses for TTK are absolutely limitless.]
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bi-bats · 11 months
TRICK OR TREAT !!!!!!!!!!! =D
I can't NOT give you a jaytimkon snippet for Halloween. I know what you're looking for in the candy bowl 😂 SOOOOO here's the beginning of the next chapter of Bad Days!! I really want to get it posted soon but I have to write smut for it and that always takes me forever to do 😂😂😂
Anyways, I won't delay any longer, here's your treat!!
~ ✨ ~
Kon hovers an inch above the fire escape, hesitating. He’s already been here for three minutes, trying to work up the nerve to knock. 
But he’s just being a bother, isn’t he? Jason doesn’t want him here. He’s fine with having him around sometimes, sure, but Tim is always there. 
It’s Jason and Tim, and Kon. 
Just because they get along, had like, one actual real conversation and they all took a nap on his couch? That doesn’t mean that he wants to let Kon mope around his apartment.
Even though Kon kinda wants to see him.
He should leave. It’s ridiculously late anyways, so ridiculously late that it’s actually ridiculously early, and Jason’s probably falling asleep, probably has his mouth hanging just a tiny bit open and his head nuzzled into his pillow the way he nuzzled into Kon and his heart does a soft little squeeze in his chest and why is he still here he’s just been floating out here like an idiot he needs to leave—
The blinds on the other end of the window he’s staring at pull up, and Jason looks at him through the glass, unnaturally bright green eyes dancing with something amused. 
Jason’s thick, calloused fingers pop the lock on the window and slide it open, and Kon’s stomach goes tight.
“You gonna hang out there until the sun comes up?” 
A smirk begins to crawl across Jason’s lips as he leans his palms on the windowsill.
Kon feels his face go warm as his eyes drop down at the fire escape. He floats down far enough to toe at the metal, rubbing at his arm.
“Nah, man, sorry. I was just— looking for Tim, but he’s not here, so. Yeah, it’s cool, I’ll see you—”
Kon’s eyes flicker up and snag on the frown on Jason’s lips. 
“You’ve been out here for the last five minutes. You okay?”
Kon opens his mouth to say Yeah, dude, I’m fine, don’t sweat it, I’ll see you later, but nothing makes it out. He ends up just sort of floating there, saying nothing, for a solid five seconds before he clamps his mouth shut. 
Then he floats up a few feet, ready to just fly off because seriously, what the fuck is he doing there? 
And then Jason’s hand wraps around his ankle, warm and steady. 
“Come inside,” he says, his tone a low, steady rumble. 
Kon hesitates, letting Jason hold him there, before he gives in to the lull of the request. 
“Okay,” he says, and his voice is quiet and contained in a way he tries not to be in front of anyone.
Jason doesn’t release him, holding his leg like the string of a balloon as he tugs him into the apartment. 
He only lets go to close the window, and Kon lets himself float down until he’s hovering just above the ground, not quite putting his feet down. 
The apartment is clean except for a few guns on the counter and some dishes in the sink. The couch is laid out into the futon, the blanket they all slept under draped across it like Jason was sitting there the whole time Kon was outside, a book open and face down next to the slightly sunken spot. 
It smells like the lemon cleaning spray that Alfred uses at the manor, and soy sauce and onions and pork from whatever Jason has on the stove, and the scent of the cologne Jason uses, warm and sweet and spicy, and at the bottom of all of it, it smells like Jason himself, that warm human smell that Kon doesn’t realize he’s looking for until he finds it.
“What are you doing up?” Jason asks, walking to the sink and turning on the tap.
“What are you doing up?” Kon asks back, still hovering in the space between Jason’s couch and the little wooden dining table he has set up in the corner.
The question didn’t come out as confrontationally as he thinks it does, but he still blushes. 
God, what’s wrong with him?
“Sorry, I’m — that was rude.” Kon shifts his weight from one foot to the other in the air.
Jason gives him a shrug. “S’alright, I get it. Bad day?”
“Yeah,” Kon mumbles.
Somehow, the look that Jason turns and gives him makes him feel even more self-conscious than he already does.
“Dads, huh?” Jason asks, raising an eyebrow.
Kon clenches his jaw a little, so he doesn’t scowl. 
“You hungry?” Jason asks. 
Kon’s jaw loosens. 
First, the answer to that question has never been no, and the smell of sweet and salty Asian barbecue pork isn’t making him less hungry. 
But also, he thought Jason was going to ask what happened, and then he’d have to explain when he doesn’t even really have a right to be upset.
“Yeah, I could eat.”
Jason nods and turns, shutting the tap and silencing the rush of water before he grabs a dishtowel and wipes his hands. 
He glances back at Kon, then drops his eyes to the inch of space between his feet and the ground. Jason grins a little, something amused glittering in the bright green of his eyes.
“The floor isn’t lava, you know.”
Kon hesitates for a moment before lowering down slowly, letting his feet graze the floor. 
“Take a seat, I’ll grab a couple of plates.”
Kon walks to the couch, touching his feet to the hardwood on every step without allowing the ground to bear his weight. He lets himself settle on the couch where Jason was sitting so he can watch him move around the kitchen. A rush of steam plumes out of the steamer basket when he opens the lid, his feet make soft noises as his socks pad against the wood.
He tucks his knees up a little, not quite all the way against his chest, but enough to make room for Jason to sit down across from him. 
Jason places the steamer basket on the couch and hands Kon a plate, then drops three buns on it. 
“If I’d known you were coming I would’ve made some classic comfort food.” 
Kon snorts humorlessly, picking up a bun. It’s a little bouncy under his fingers, and he already knows it’s going to be fluffy and delicious before he even bites into it. 
He doesn’t think he wants to eat anything that reminds him of Ma’s kitchen right now anyways.
“Don’t sweat it, I’m already interrupting your—morning,” Kon decides after a glance at the clock on the stove.
“I wasn’t busy,” Jason says, tearing off a chunk of the bun in his hands to let the inside cool. Steam pours out of it in a puff, carrying the smell of the spices.
“Thanks,” Kon says, biting into his bun without waiting. He was right, it’s fucking delicious. The pork is moist and tender and the dough didn’t get soggy at all, and he makes a pleased noise as he rolls it over his tongue. 
“That’s a nice benefit of your genes, huh?” Jason says, blowing on his food and eyeing Kon’s lips.
Kon shrugs. He doesn’t really want to think about his genetics right now. 
“So, where do I aim?” Jason asks. 
Kon’s eyebrows furrow as he tilts his head at Jason.
“Shoulder? Head? I can steal some kryptonite bullets from B in the morning.”
Kon pauses chewing for a second, looking at the amusement in Jason’s eyes before he swallows his food. 
“Are you giving me the Clark is an Asshole special?”
Jason grins, crooked and wide and a little dangerous, and Kon’s stomach does a flip.
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ladytauria · 10 months
Jaytimkon high School fic???? Maybe with popular skater boy Tim 🥺🥺🥺
Sending love and inspo!!!
i adore hs aus xD i did reference skater tim, though maybe not the popular part so much ^^;
i decided to go established timkon & pre-jaytimkon for this one~ i hope you like it!! thank u sm for the prompt <3
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>> AO3 <<
“Oh my god, Tim. Just ask him out already.” Kon hisses, startling Tim out of his thoughts.
Or. Well.
He wasn’t really thinking so much as he was stealing glances across the library, where Jason has his nose buried in a book. He always does. Even at lunch, Jason doesn’t really sit with anyone; just picks an out of the way table to read while he eats.
It’s cute. Especially when he gets really into it, and forgets he’s in public; mouthing the words, making faces, even uttering soft noises.
Tim would feel bad about sneaking glances if he didn’t know Kon’s been doing the exact same thing.
“I— The whole school knows we’re dating, Kon.”
“I’ll go with you.” Kon shrugs, twirling a pencil between his fingers. “So he knows it’s chill.”
Tim glares. “Then why can’t you ask him out?” he hisses. Tim’s not the only one crushing, here. Why does he have to be the one to ask?
Kon rolls his eyes. “Because I asked you out,” he says, like that has any bearing on anything whatsoever. He pauses, then adds, “Also, you liked him first.”
“Yeah, which means you have experience.” Tim chooses to ignore the second part.
“Also means you’re in desperate need of some.” Kon rolls his eyes. Tim pouts at him, but Kon stares back at him, unimpressed. “Dude. You are like… one more longing sigh away from leaving him anonymous love letters. Just ask him out.”
Love letters… Tim hadn’t thought about that angle. Jason’s social media presence is pretty sparse, except for a book blog he updates two or three times a week. Hadn’t Jason said something about the secret admirer trope in romance a bit ago? But was it positive or negative…? Hm.
“Oh my god. Babe.” Kon put his face in his hands. “That’s not a suggestion. Please don’t make me call Cassie.”
Tim stills. If Kon calls Cassie, it’s really only a matter of time before Cissie and Bart get involved. And while it’s possible they could take Tim’s side— Tim doesn’t want to listen to it.
“We could sign the letter?” he offers anyway.
Ah. Kon’s no-bullshit tone has entered the chat.
Fair enough. Tim would probably end up spending weeks just trying to compose the damn thing before giving up entirely. Fine. Okay. Tim can wing it. He’s great at that.
He drags his hands down his face. “Okay. Fine," he says. "I can do that."
Kon pats his arm. “You’ve got this, babe.”
Tim appreciates Kon’s confidence, even if he doesn’t share it.
It takes Kon’s foot nudging his ankle for him to stand. The space between their tables seems insurmountable, like Jason might as well be separated from him by an ocean. Tim looks back at Kon.
Kon, again, looks unimpressed. The raised brow and crossed arms are very Ma Kent. Tim almost tells him so, but thinks better of it. Instead, he turns.
Okay. Ask Jason out. Tim can do that. He’s done scarier. Asking a cute guy out is nothing compared to getting his ass kicked at the skate park. Besides, he knows Jason. He’s the only reason Tim passed English last trimester, after all, and he was… surprisingly patient about it. Well. It was a little rough at first, but. Then something shifted, and it got easier, and Tim. He’d thought he’d liked Jason before, but actually getting to talk to him—
Maybe Kon had a point about his pining.
At least if Jason rejects him, he'll be nice about it.
The insurmountable gulf between them is surmounted in but a few measly seconds—just barely long enough for Tim to get his bearings. His heart is still beating a touch too fast.
Jason looks up from his book. “Can I help you?” Tim can’t help but think he looks like a disgruntled cat. It’s cute. His expression shifts, a little, when he realizes it’s Tim. “Oh. Hey, Timmers. Need somethin’?”
Now or never. “Yeah,” he says. He grips the back of an empty chair, just to have something to do with his hands. “Do— Kon and I were planning on getting ice cream after school today. We were… wondering if you wanted to come?”
Confusion creases Jason’s brow. “That… I wouldn’t want to intrude on your date,” he says slowly.
“You wouldn’t be,” Tim says, immediately. “You— We want you there.” He pauses, and then, to clarify, adds, “On the date. ‘Cause. It’ll still be a date, if, um. If you’re okay with that.”
Jason looks at Tim. Then he looks over at Kon, who winks.
Tim’s never seen anyone turn that shade of red before. The color paints all the way down Jason’s neck, and under the collar of his uniform. “I—“ His tongue darts out, wetting his lips. He looks nervous. Tim can relate.
He pulls the chair out with his foot, sitting. “I know it’s probably kind of sudden,” he says. “Um. You can say no, if you want to. And—um. If you need more time to think about it, that’s okay too. We can go out another day.” He pauses, the wheels of his mind spinning. “It’s not a trick, either. I promise.”
He almost holds out his pinkie, because he’s embarrassing like that, but. He manages to stop himself.
Jason’s mouth works a couple more times before he finally manages, “I’d like— Ice cream sounds good.”
Tim sinks back into his seat. His cheeks ache from his grin—he’s pretty sure he looks like an idiot, but. He doesn’t really care. “Cool,” he says.
Jason smiles back. “Cool,” he repeats, softly.
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cheshirecaine · 2 months
Ichigo! For the character Ask Game!
Ichigo! I got excited and started linking my fics like I had to prove my answers. Honestly, it’s just making me realise what things I like that I haven’t written(/finished ;-;;;).
How I feel about this character
Deserves the best—love him. I feel like by default, we or maybe just I, tend to pick a favourite character from the cast minus the main character (‘Who’s your favourite Bat? Batman doesn’t count’). So I’ve always considered it a funny little testament to Ichigo’s likability that a list of my fave Bleach characters will always include this guy.
Hot as shit, smarter than he’s given credit.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Grimmjow OTP. Rukia. Sometimes Shinji. But he’s the fandom bicycle, so I’m very open on this front—e.g. Aizen, several Gin fics, a hastily thrown-together Soifon fic (NSFW, 700w), Byakuya.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Isshin—I don’t care if I’m boring. I love this canon father-son relationship and no moment in Bleach ever breaks me as hard as the Fullbringer Arc scene where Ichigo thinks his dad has betrayed him too.
Honourable mentions: Kurosaki family wildness (1k, I do actually write fic sometimes okay). Ichigo/Renji brotp (or romantically). Ichigo/Kon—underrated brothers (gets a mention in the Kurosaki family fic). Chad. Actually, I love writing fics where Ichigo gets DMC’d by Shinji (exhibit: one of my fave parts of this 3k Ginjo/Ichigo fic is pretending it’s about pies when it’s actually Shinji therapising Ichigo and accidentally himself).
My unpopular opinion about this character
I can’t enjoy grimdark/Fuck you World and especially my Dad and Comrades But Mostly My Dad!Ichigo depictions. Which is fine, that just means I’m not the target audience. However, this is my post, and I’ll soapbox if I want to, so here’s: My Unpopular Opinion about Bleach Fanon.
Vengeful versions of him don’t make sense to me beyond an in-the-moment Hollowfied rage situation. Frankly, his struggle to commit in battle to killing Aizen really hammers in just how much he is not at all in it to hurt people. He beat Grimmjow in a fight and then saved his life while injured. He spent his entire final fight with Aizen sombre about having to kill a man whose heart he fully understood.
And yeah, I don’t really think it’s a failure of canon to not have him idk sit down with everyone he knows and say “You were mean to me”, cos I think fandom has a very selective memory and lens with which they approach a text/story.
Like, I don’t think Ichigo stumbles into relationships eyes shut, I think he is incredibly aware and able to be vulnerable. Kinda like that Doctor Who quote: “Do you think that I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?” Except it’s him letting Ukitake not disclose what the badge does, not interrogating his dad on what he’s doing with Urahara, being determined to help Rukia and Orihime and frankly Renji and more in spite of their opinions on it.
Anyway, I love him.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
More skilful fighting that isn’t just a big panel spread and power—sorry Kubo. More of the tactical close-combat fighting or the tricks Zangetsu taught him. Boy’s a genius, lemme see that shit.
Alternatively, would accept Grimmjow meeting DILF!Ichigo and having a conniption.
Thanks for the q, bud <3
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 months
Fantasy Could Be Reality (If Your Boyfriend Dumps You Via Rant)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/qKTOfj5 by Life_Caretaker “‘Hit with some ray that make you see your ideal future’ Tim frowns this is definitely a Bart report and he will have to fix it up later but he turns and Kon is sitting up gripping his heart gasping for air eyes wide. “Kon you okay..?” The boy nods his hair shaking as he gets up. “What happened” “We were ‘hit with some ray that makes you see your ideal future’” “So that wasn’t real..?”” Or the one where Maybe Tim needs to get better at hiding it.. ‘It’ being the feelings he harbors for his best friend. Words: 8062, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English Fandoms: DCU, DCU (Comics), Superboy (Comics), Red Robin (Comics) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Bernard Dowd, Bruce Wayne (Mentioned), Cassie Sandsmark (mentioned), Bart Allen (Briefly), Jason Todd (Mentioned) Relationships: Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Bernard Dowd/ Tim Drake (Briefly) Additional Tags: Plans For The Future, Kon-El | Conner Kent Loves Tim Drake, Married Couple, Married Life, Domestic Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Oh Wait.. It's A Shared Hallucination..!, Minor Bernard Dowd/Tim Drake, Bernard Dowd Needs a Hug, Mentioned Bernard Dowd, Sharing an apartment, Requited Unrequited Love, They Love Each Other Your Honnor, Idiots in Love, Deja Vu, If You Know Some One That Intently Are You Really Just Friends..?, Eventual Relationships, Eventual Romance, Porn With Plot, Tim Drake-centric, Future Fic, They Are Just A Litter Older, Kon-El | Conner Kent is Superman, Tim Drake Is Batman (Part Time), Possessive Behavior, Public Claiming, Hurt/Comfort, Hickies, Love Bites, Making Out, Couch Sex, kinda.., It starts there, InExperienced Tim Drake, Invulnerable Kon-El | Conner Kent, Tactile Telekinesis (DCU), Unsafe Sex, Not Safe Sane and Consensual, Kryptonians Cum A Lot, Marriage Discussion, Not Beta Read, Not Canon Compliant, no beta we die like jason todd read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/qKTOfj5
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
LOVE ur fluff writting its always a treat <3<3 *extends their hand when they notice the other searching for it in their sleep* would be ADORABLE for sleepy cuddles (or angst 👀) but on the other hand
"Till death do us part. Forever until the end of eternity" would be a REALLY good excuse for tim to bust out the 00FFFF decorations
I cant decide so whichever you like the best!
Something tugs at Tim’s shirt.
Tim blinks, frowning. He looks down, but there’s nothing there. Maybe the fabric just got caught in the back of his desk chair or on the armrest or something? He has been sitting in a kind of weird pose, all folded up with one leg tossed up onto the desk as he stares at the case files on his screen. So probably—
Tug. Another one, sharper, more insistent. And he hasn’t moved, so it definitely wasn’t just the shirt getting caught on something. Tug, tug.
Tim blinks. What…?
An invisible touch runs down his arm, circles his wrist, and gently but insistently tugs him away from the desk, towards his and Kon’s bedroom (their bedroom, both of theirs, now that they’ve finally moved in together for real)—
Oh. It hits him a second later, and he can’t help the grin that spreads across his face in response. He probably looks like a goofy, lovesick fool, but like, in his place, who wouldn’t?
Honestly, if it took him this long to realize that it’s Kon’s TTK, trying to pull him into Kon’s arms as Kon sleeps, he’s so not making any more progress on this case tonight anyway. Still grinning like a besotted idiot, he closes his laptop and peels himself out of his chair. The little tendril wrapped around his wrist pulls at him again, and he huffs out a breathy laugh as he clicks off his desk lamp.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” he murmurs. Kon’s still asleep—if he was awake, he would’ve just yoinked Tim straight into bed, with none of this gentle tugging and nudging—but hopefully it’ll still reassure him on some level.
Man, now that he’s actually gotten up, Tim realizes he’s tired. He makes a quick stop at the bathroom, then tosses his pants in the vague direction of the hamper and clambers into bed. The second his knees touch the mattress, the TTK goes from tiny tendrils with gentle tugs to a feeling almost like a giant hand grabbing him around the torso (just as gentle, though). Tim goes limp, grinning again, and lets Kon haul him over and bundle him up in his arms as if Tim’s a big teddy bear.
Kon lets out a big, satisfied sigh, sleepily nuzzling into Tim’s neck. His embrace is loose and relaxed with sleep, but his TTK is still firmly wrapped around Tim, shoulders to hips; it’s kind of like a weighted blanket, but cuddlier.
“Hi, you.” Tim wraps his arms around Kon’s shoulders and presses his lips to Kon’s forehead, still beaming. His chest is full of warm fuzzies, and if he wasn’t so tired, he’d be giddy. Kon loves him. He knows that, of course, but to have Kon’s telekinesis plaintively reach for him from sleep really just hammers it in all over again.
Kon hums something unintelligible and smushes his face into Tim’s collarbone in what might be supposed to be a kiss. Tim grins, melting in contentment. Kon’s boneless and warm against him, and their bed is soft and cozy. He’s ready to drift off.
“G’night, clone boy,” he murmurs, heart full. “Gonna tease you about this tomorrow.”
Kon lets out a soft, breathy mumble against his neck and sighs. Tim strokes his fingers idly over the shaved hair just above the nape of his neck, and finally closes his eyes, smiling.
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waitingonavision · 2 years
Encanto Ficlet: A Sweet New Year
First fic in nearly a month! This is an indulgent story for Rosh Hashanah. I’m still not 100% sure how accessible apples would have been in/to the Encanto, but. Indulgent.
“Last one, ‘kay?”
Bruno cuts off a corner of an apple slice and hands the smaller chunk to his youngest sobrino, who balances it on his fingertips, laughing when Pía snags it in her eager teeth. The speckled grey rat settles back on her haunches and snugs the treat between her paws, where she makes quick work of it. As soon as she’s done, she’s gazing up at Antonio and sniffing around his fingers.
Squeak squeak!
“She wants more.” Antonio’s big eyes lock onto his tío’s. Bruno scrunches up his face, torn for a moment. But he’s far too well-versed in rat. Always hungry, never satisfied. If given the chance, they’d eat apples until they turned into one.
“Ah… I’m sorry, kiddo. I get that, but, too much sugar, y’know?” He smiles gently. Adding, with a slight wink: “Just tell her it’s ‘cuz of me.”
His sobrino’s mouth twitches upward, and he rests his chin on his arm in order to address the still probing rodent.
“Sorry, Pía, no more. Aw, I know.” Antonio nods, full of six-year-old sagacity. “Mami doesn’t let me eat too much sugar either, not even on Purim. But I know it’s ‘cuz she cares! Your mamá’s the same, okay?” (The man’s heart wells up at that.)
Pía bruxes her consternation at the unjust decree, the squeak she utters forlorn as she bounds down and away from the table. They act like I don’t feed them, Bruno thinks. He snorts quietly, then reaches around to where he’s been cutting and plating the not-for-rats apple slices, and sets the plate in front of him and Antonio.
And speaking of sugar… The next dish he places before them is brimming with honey; thick, golden, fragrant. The other crucial element in this sweet Rosh Hashanah tradition.
“Wa- Are we gonna have all of that?”
Bruno chuckles. “No no no. Your mami’d have my head for sure.” He knocks on the table, digs some salt out of his pocket to throw; he’d prefer not to provoke his sister so soon into the new year. But it’s no wonder Antonio’s asked, accustomed as he is to having just enough honey in his own little personalized dipping bowl (each family member has their own, in fact).
“There’s gonna be a lot left over,” he continues. After all, the apple slices are being shared between the two of them, and they’re to be, well, dipped, rather than drenched, in honey.
“Hey, you wanna say the brachah, Toñito? I can help, if you want?”
A shy grin blooms across Antonio’s face, and he starts to recite the blessing over the fruit of the trees. Bruno picks up with the second one, going slow for his sobrino.
“…aleinu shanah tovah u’metukah,” they end together.
“Kome kon gana!” Bruno proclaims, while Antonio echos, “Let’s eat!”
🍎 …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ… 🍯
The two slices have been sitting on Bruno’s side of the plate, untouched, for some time now.
“Are you full?”
Antonio’s tone is quizzical as he sucks a smudge of honey off his thumb. He knows that dinnertime is not for a couple of hours, that less than half an apple hardly counts as a snack, especially for his typically well-fed tío. So he giggles when Bruno makes a show of pretending to consider the question and giving his round tummy a few pats.
“Hmm… I just feel like your Tía Julieta would be really upset if I spoiled my appetite.” He heaves a sigh as though he’s been long put-upon and lets his hand rest on his belly.
“They’re all yours, mijo. Anyada buena, dulse i alegre.”
Antonio smiles brightly.
“Anyada buena, dulse i alegre, Tío!”
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dairy-farmer · 1 year
Back at it again with my dropping Ficlet propts/question/thingies in you ask booooox~
But! Here we are! And consider~ what do you get when you combine Tim Puss (delightful) with Bat independence and paranoia(not delightful) AND that good, good Wayne CEO type money?
A "streamlined" sex process! "Efficiency", if you will! Letting OTHER PEOPLE? See him NAKED and VULNERABLE? Not in THIS good Bat household! They could be diseased! Or reporters! Or BOTH! Might even be some convoluted scheme to knock him up by Ra's, who STILL has not let that idea go and is STILL being weird about it!
Hmmmm, yeah, no thank you! He has vigilante ass kicking to do.
Yet? He also would like The Orgasms. He USED to have Trusted Teammates for that. USED too. Things are still weird with Kon and Bart. And Cassie? No. Things are to complicated. He wants fun not FEELINGS.
So he makes do at first. Usual things. But THEN? He saves this really sweet dominatrix from the Riddler and takes her home while the others put Nygma back in jail... and??? What are THOSE? He spends like... an HOUR learning about ALL the Interesting Options that exsist out there because apparently? Her Sub works for a retailer! They get a discount.
Which? He, Timothy Drake-Wayne, will not need~
But that Sybian? Oh hell yes he will. If it works out, he might buy one for every safe house. He's a Wayne. They DO have "Fuck You" money, after all, why NOT go big? But of course... "unusual purchases" a thing that is Forever Flagged on all cards of the monetary kind~
Bruce is paranoid and also pathologically incapable of just TALKING to his kids unless someone has nearly died recently. So really... how ELSE is he supposed to feel like a part of their lives and know what they're up too? Support them?
Get THERAPY? Talk to them on the PHONE? He'd give them AND himself a heart attack. Probably die. No thank you. No, no, boundaries stomping and stalking it is. I snoop because I caaaare~ now excuse me while I check your credit cards....
Which leads him to his current problem. He sits at his computer and cold sweats. Rereads the line. May.....maybe it's for an investigation? Surely. His stoic baby boy is not... not doing The Sex...
BUT WHAT IF HE IS??! With WHO? T..This would SUGGEST-... But can he be CERTAIN?! What if it's KINKY sex!? Oh god. Tim, no! This isn't like you! ( :T ya, let's go with that Bruce. That's DEFINITELY the truth as far as Tim wants You, his Mentor, to be aware off. What is this *checks medical text book* Pe Nis, you speak off? *Bats Bambi eyes while the teammates he has 1000% slept with look on incredulously*) Who is putting you up to this?!
Bat Gasp! What if they're PRESSURING him into this? Those BASTARDS. Bruce will BREAK them! *seethes in Bat Fury* But how can he get Tim to confide in him? *begins plotting*
And it SPIRALS. Because Bruce forgets to close his " research" (stalking) meaning? Who still lives with him? That's right! Damian wanders in, wondering why his father is Losing His Shit(tm). Snoops. Goes "ha, ha, Drake needs sex toys! Wait.... what IS a... *googles* *puts dots together* *was unaware but now is SO HYPER AWARE IT PHYSICALLY HURTS* Oh. Oh No."
Because now he CANT stop imagining it? It HAUNTS him. Not just the Thought of Tim ON the device... but the ways Damian could TORMENT him with it. Conquer him with it. Tie him up and watch him fall apart. See his defiant, mulish expression crumble to teary eyed begging. Make him suck Damian. Maybe leave him there ANYWAY! A...and he could... could- *genetic AL Ghul desire to defeat your greatest rival, fuck them, then preferably put a baby in them: Unlocked*
Now of course... TWO different Bats are acting Sus. Dick notices. Bruce? Meh, it's Tuesday. But Damian too? What has transpired here? He goes digging. Can't find anything. He should ask Tim. He swings by. Maybe this could be a could chance to mend some fences, unburn a few of those bridge...s..... *gets EYEFUL* OH.
And Tim? Holy shit the motors on this thing. The WORLD could end and he wouldn't notice right then. He's making noises he'll never admit too. It's his third time TODAY. He's a MESS. Does not notice Dick buffering in the doorway. Or backing out quietly.
Dick... goes home. Calmly takes a shower. Turns off his phone. Drags out the case from beneath his bed. And goes to TOWN on himself like he's trying to break something. It was one thing to know... intellectually... but? He has NEVER wanted to pound someone in half so badly in his LIFE.
And just? The shenanigans? Bruce confronting Tim. Him managing to convince JASON there is some creep out there pressuring "straight laced little Timmy" into depraved KINKY sex he's not comfortable with ("oh if only his big strong brother Jason would saaaave him" he's probably saying, crying into his pillows, as the imagined asshole boyfriend drinks cheap beer. "I'm so sad and scaaaared. He's hurting me and no one caaaares. He's gonna put a baby in me then skip town! Has fifteen other lovers on the side!") So of course *gun noises* No Today, Satan!
Them showing up while Tim is NAKED. Dick trying to head them off. Damian there because he's TOTALLY here to help and not oggle the puss, really. No one is letting Tim up to "storm off". That's not why he wants up! He's STILL ON THE SYBIAN YOU ASSHOLES! But they keep yelling over each other and interrupting HIM until? Oops! Nother orgasm~ this time with an AUDIENCE.
It's the best and worst day of Tim's life. He's had dreams like this. But NOW? Bruce is CONVINCED. Tim is baffled. Somehow even Dick has bought into it. Apparently the crappy kinky sex boyfriend that never was... has started conditioning his body for exhibitionism? General lewdness? Tim can't get a clear answer over the outrage.
But he is informed he Does Not Need the man. Must leave him at once. He isn't treating Tim properly and people who act like this don't TRUELY love him. Not like they do.
You know what? Fuck it, thinks Tim. Who's day has been weird, sexy, unsexy, and might be Really Awesome in just a few moments. Go big or go home. Witness Me. *teary Bambi eyes* "But... but he DOES love me~ and... and I would be So Alone with out him! He's right, no one could EVER want someone like meeee~~~"
And holy shit that actually works. Thank God they're pretty, because all these men are dumb as hell. He's gonna have to invent a fake scumbag ex. Maybe lead it back to Ra's. But first? His bed room is THAT way and he is but a poor waifish thing~ in need of love and fuckies~ pay attention to him.
tim being all 'im poor sad little slut 🥺 a poor sweet little boy that just needs attention 🥺 and love 🥺 and fuckies in my pussy 🥺🥺🥺' and using it to manipulate his family because they sabotage and ruin his other opportunities to get dick is so good 😭😭😭!!!!1
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Hi i just wanna say i love your next gen titans au. And your whole page in general i was wondering if you could do a smal fic on the reactions of some characters finding out irey and jai are twins (cause they dont look/act alike) but only if you have time/want to do it
D’aw, thank you, my love! Honestly Jai and Irey make the most fun about their genetics 😂😂
I’ll do Omega’s first meet up (so they’re all 11-13)
Milagro hadn’t said a word since they left El Paso. The Zeta tubes scared her, he knows it, but she’s too proud to say anything else. Khaji offered to sedate her, which Jaime quickly vetoed. The beetle still informs his host of each spike of her heart rate.
“Hey, Mocosa,” Jaime squeezes his sister’s hand, “¿Estás bien?”
Milagro nods, but her grip doesn’t loosen. When the elevator doors open, Jaime pulls her to the side. She can’t meet his eyes, even when he kneels down. Her big brother tilts her head up.
“Milagro, digas me.”
“…I’m scared, Jaime…” It’s not the first time she’s said that. Not even the first time today, but her voice hasn’t shaken like that, “What if they don’t like me?”
A small smile plays on his face, “You remember my friend, Bart, right? Redhead that talks too much?”
“Yeah, why?” Milagro sniffles.
“He’s been talking about you to his cousins, Jai and Irey. They’re really excited to meet you.” Jaime lowers his voice, “And if anyone is mean to you, I’ll let Khaji vaporize them.”
The beetle embedded in his spine clicks in agreement. That makes her smile, eases some of the worry from her face, “Thanks, Khaji…y Burro Azul…”
“Just doing my Big Brother duties, Mocosa Verde.” Jaime stands and takes her hand again. Together, they walk into the chaotic living room.
Two dark haired kids—a boy with glasses and a girl in purple overalls— fly through the air. A sour-faced boy argues with Tim, she remembers Tim, about…supervision? On the couch, two Asian kids, another boy and girl, play a videogame, bickering on the best way to beat a level. Milagro notices a nervous redheaded boy, sitting apart from the others. Unlike the others, with their familiarity to one another, he looks how she feels.
“Jaime!” A bubbly redhead races across the room, lighting following her. Her arms wrap around the older boy’s waist.
“Hey, Irey.” He hugs her, “Bart around?”
“No, him, Kon, and Cassie had to run an errand.” She shrugs, “Damian’s being a butthead—“
“I heard that, West!” The boy arguing with Tim scowls in their direction.
“You were supposed to!” Irey makes a face at him, then looks at the last member to their team. That sunshine smile returns in an instant, holding her hand out, “You must be Milagro! Irey West, newest Impulse!”
Definitely related to Bart. Her words run together, each fighting to get out of her mouth first. She has the same smile Bart does, like pure sunshine. Milagro smiles back.
“Nice to meet you, Irey.” It’s odd to shake hands with someone her own age, but Irey acts like it’s second nature. Milagro nods at the lone boy in the corner, “That’s your brother, Jai, right? You’re twins?”
“Huh?” Irey looks behind her. “Oh! That’s Colin Wilkes, not my dumb brother. Jai-Jai! Li! Come say hi to Milagro!”
The Asian boy on the couch glances over his shoulder. A loud crack and more lightning, then he’s in front of her too. His hand stuck out in greeting, “Jai West, Velocity.”
These are the twins? Jaime had told her they were fraternal, but they don’t even look alike. At least…not at first. The longer she looks at them, the more details pop out. They share the same nose and jaw shape. Bits of gold shine in their eyes—hers brilliant green, his the lightest brown she’d seen. Freckles stand out on Irey’s pale skin, but Jai has some splashed across his tanned cheeks. Even without those details, Jai has the same energy as Irey—not nervous, exactly. More like…anticipation. Like a storm waiting to break.
Jai grins like a mad scientist, “Ah, Sissy, she’s having the—“
“‘Are they really twins?’ Face. I see it, Brother. That makes—“
“30 total this year, but she’s the 4th kid—“
“13.3 percent of the total new people—“
“Less than 3.62 percent in total—“
“She figured it out quicker—“
“I saw it in—“
“Wrinkle between eyebrows. Just like Jaime’s—“
“Bart likes that—“
Jaime blinks at that, “Wait, what?”
The two dart off before they answer him. Milagro’s head spins. The twins’ back and forth caught her off guard. Sure, she knew half their family were actual geniuses, but it never crossed her mind they would be too. She didn’t even register Colin walking over until he speaks.
“If it helps, they’re the most normal here.”
“They are?” She stares at him in disbelief.
“We wouldn’t be here if we were normal.” Colin gestures around, “Damian and Mar’i are Bats, so they think thirty moves ahead. Jon’s a Super, but he’s really cool. Lian’s an Arrow, she will throw something and it will hit.”
“What about you? Who’s your family?”
He shifts his weight, “Great question. Asked the nuns that once but so did the others.”
“Wilkes, Reyes!” Damian snaps, “Training room in 20 minutes!”
“…Of course, Mocoso. Whatever you say.” Milagro offers a sweet smile, voice dripping with sarcasm. Hiding a grin, Jaime kisses the top of her head.
Irey jumps over the side table, more like a blur, “Race you!”
“Iris Anne West, you’re a cheater!” Jai follows on her heels. Milagro doesn’t catch what the redhead said, but she could have sworn she heard ‘Bartholomew’.
“Oye,” Jaime nudges her, “¿Estás bien?”
This time his question gets a true smile from her. Yeah, she’s got this.
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