#how could they expect him to fight past his grief to see the world if they could not fight past their own?
lorspolairepeluche · 10 months
Each of the usual suspects has their places they go to disappear for a while. Zieh'to hides out in the Manufactory (where Stephanivien has given instructions that anyone come looking for a Warrior of Light who doesn't want to be found should get only a shrug and a vague answer and should certainly not be directed toward the sooty greasy Miqo'te poring over blueprints); Doenlona just takes her airship, turns off the locator, and fucks off into the sky for a bit (Cid has to invent a whole new type of locator, but she doesn't usually disappear when she's really needed); no one can find Ves in the Shroud or Dravania or the Sylphlands if Ves doesn't want to be found. Thybé has his mother's house, of course, but if he needs to truly be alone, he'll go into the wilds -- Yanxia or Thanalan, possibly Mor Dhona.
The others know when one of them doesn't want to be found, and they won't pry. The bond will let them know if one of them is in distress, so they're content to live and let live unless they've been really worried about someone's emotional state.
Oday, for their part, sometimes goes to the Forgotten Springs or the Brotherhood of Ash -- places where they can simply be a fellow warrior and put aside the khagan and the Warrior of Light and everything else for a while. But most often, they go up to Zenith. They can feel Hraesvelgr near there, and the resonance between them comforts them. They don't call him -- knowing his steady, solid presence is enough. They camp there for a few nights, drill the basics of their myriad weapons -- no magic, no aetheric maneuvers, just the movements. Axe, sword, lance, bow, gunblade, perhaps even a katana if they ever find the time with Hien to learn. They help the moogles care for the place too, chop their own firewood, hunt their own game. They always bring tribute for Hraesvelgr and leave it at the summit.
And, after seeing them there several times, Hraesvelgr's reawakened curiosity gets the better of him, and he flies down to the lower level on which Oday is camped. "Mortal."
Oday puts up their lance and bows -- a gesture they reserve for only those they hold in the highest respect. "Great one."
“Why dost thou come to this place? I have seen thee spend a turn or two of the sun here, many a time.”
“I find the solitude calms me when I need it most. The chill in the mist washes away my confusion and doubt.”
“Solitude, thou sayest, yet I see thee converse with the moogles when they arrive to care for the place. And I have seen thee help them care for the tower, as well.”
Oday laughs. “Moogles, great one, are vastly different from the people I escape by visiting Zenith.”
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winchester-24 · 1 month
Imagine Sam having to choose between you and Ruby.
These past few months have been a test of your relationship, to say the least, with the younger Winchester. While you and Dean were on the same page, not wanting to trust a demon, Sam, for whatever reason, had a soft spot for her. You never got a good feeling from her. While Dean backed you up and said you were being sensible, Ruby would claim you were just jealous about another woman being around. Even though Sam would try to appease both sides initially, he would always take Ruby’s side, saying she was just here to help.
While she did helpful things for the three of you, it never shook you that she had an ulterior motive. At first, she would be around occasionally. She would be around with anything demon-related but would leave right after that. In any other case the three of you took, she wasn’t there. Then she started hanging around after interrogating demons; she would pop up after you three finished a hunt until it was the point that she was around almost, if not every day. It wouldn’t be as bad if she didn’t want to spend every moment with your boyfriend. The only time it seemed that you would get to see him was when you two would go to bed together.
You would voice your concerns to Sam at night when it was just you two, and he would listen, be understanding, and try to reassure you as much as you could. He would kiss on you and declare his love for you. He would tell you that he would be better with spending time with you during the day, and you would feel better- for that night. The next day, it would be the same story, a different day. You had no idea what hold Ruby had on Sam, but it was starting to piss you off.
One night, you couldn’t hold it anymore, so you let Sam have it. You let out all of your frustrations and vented your anger, hurt, and need for him to look at what she is doing. This caused a drastic fight between you and him. Dean, being only a room over, heard it and came to your rescue to defend you and try to show Sam how delusional he was starting to become. Sam stormed out that night and did not return until early that morning, smelling like a bar.
After two days of pettiness and sass, you two made up, much to Ruby’s displeasure. You made a point after the argument that you were there wherever Sam and Ruby were together. It didn’t matter if they were in the hotel room, a diner, or wherever they were; you were right there. It was pissing Ruby off. You would smugly hold Sam’s hand as she glared at you, and you would blow kisses to her, taunting her, challenging her to question Sam about you being there.
Unfortunately, the climax of your relationship hit once it was uncovered that Ruby could not get Dean out of his deal. The hurt and betrayal felt was expected but still stung. You knew you shouldn’t have trusted a demon, but a part of you hoped that you wouldn’t have to experience someone that was like your brother’s death on top of the love of your life having to go through that grief. The days following Dean’s death were rough. For the first few days, Sam and you would hold onto each other and cry, sleep, drink, and repeat. While not healthy, you and Sam had each other and would tell each other that you had one another; you guys would get through this together. However, there was a particular demon that was still sticking around.
After the first week, Ruby was still there trying to comfort Sam, not you, but only Sam. Your grief turned to anger, and you started a fight.
“Why the fuck are you even still here? You told us that you could get Dean out of his deal, and you couldn’t even fucking do that. Dean is gone; your purpose here is done. Let us grieve in peace and go find someone else to fuck over.” You snapped as she once again tried to hug Sam to comfort him. Ruby turned around, glaring at you.
“While you have been too busy living in your pathetic, sad girl world, I have been formulating a plan to get back at Lilith for Dean being sent to Hell. While I could not save Dean, I can at least help Sam get the revenge on the one who deserves it.”
“Hell no. You don’t get to be anywhere near Sam after all the shit you have put him and the rest of us through. We can figure it out on our own without your stuck-up, no good, nothing attitude around us.” Sam walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders.
“Hey, I know we are all upset right now, but let's calm down for a second and hear what the plan is, hmm? Do you think that’s possible?” You glared up at him.
“Don’t you see what she is doing? She is tearing us apart. First, Dean, and now she is going to wedge herself between us. She is not good for you, Sam. She is not good for us. Let us figure out how to deal with Lilith on our own. We don’t need her.” Sam sighed.
“I am going to hear her out; if you don’t want to, fine, but when you are ready to seek justice for Dean, let me know.” He kissed the top of your head and then stalked out of the room. Ruby gave you a smug look and sauntered out of the room to follow Sam. You could only stand there seething.
After that, Sam started to distance himself from you. He would come to bed after you and be gone before you woke up. He and Ruby would stop talking when you entered the room, and he no longer talked to you about Dean, Lillith, the plan, or anything for that matter. He would ask how you were doing, tell you he loved you, and make casual conversation, but that’s it. You put up with this for two weeks, but after that, you had enough.
You packed a bag, all the stuff you have been traveling with, and some of the weapons and gear from the Impala you typically used. You walk into the main living room where Ruby and Sam are; as usual, they stop talking as soon as you enter the room, except Sam’s eyes widen when he sees your bag. You dropped it on the ground, and it made a thump sound and made eye contact with him.
“Listen close, Winchester, and listen well because I will only say this once. I can’t remember the last time you came to bed with me, when I woke up to you or even when I had more than a three-minute conversation with you. You are keeping secrets from me, and if that isn’t bad enough, you are keeping secrets from me with a Demon, in case you forgot that is what she is. We are no closer to finding a way to get Dean back or kill Lillith unless we are, and you just don’t want to tell me. However, all I know is all our problems started when that bitch walked into our lives. So now you have a choice. You can continue this little scheme with a demon, the one who has lied to us and used us; you and her can talk and hang out all you want. You can even kiss her and fuck her if you haven’t already because let's be honest, I don’t even know where you are most of the time anymore,” Tears start to form in your eyes, but your voice doesn’t falter; Sam is standing up at this point but not moving towards you.
“or you can come with me. You can grab your things; we can leave in the Impala and put her behind us. I won’t ask questions, I won’t be mad, it will just be me and you and the bitch that has brought this on us,” You take a moment to glare at Ruby, who is already glaring at you, before looking back at Sam, “will be forgotten. I don’t want to throw away the years we have been together, Sam, but I refuse to compete with a demon when I am already yours. You can’t have both of us, so you must pick one.” Sam’s eyes are glossy, and he is trying to hold back tears. He takes a step towards you, but you take a step back. If you let Sam touch you, it is a guaranteed fold, and you will still be stuck here playing the third wheel with your own boyfriend. Sam stops moving but starts speaking softly.
“I’m sorry I have been keeping things from you; that is my fault. I have been distant, but it isn’t because I love you any less, because Y/N, I love you so much. Ruby has a plan. We have been working on it together, which takes a lot of time and effort. I know I haven't been the best boyfriend, but I am doing this for us- for Dean. You have to believe me on that. I would never want to hurt you, but this plan that Ruby has will work; I need the time to figure it out together.” Your heart sinks as, once again, he is defending what she is doing.
“She said her plan for Dean would work too, Sam, and look at where that got us. I don’t trust her. I don’t know what this plan is, but it’s not a good one, and it's leading you down a dark path. What I still say stands- me or her. Who is more important to you, Sam.” One tear falls down your face as your boyfriend doesn’t immediately answer. He shakes his head.
“Please don’t make me choose.” He says finally, voice cracking. You sigh, shake your head, and grab your bag.
“It sounds like you already did. I will figure out how to get Dean out on my own. Have fun with your new demon girlfriend.” You walk towards the door, hoping Sam will at least grab your wrist and stop you try to convince you to stay, anything. However, when you get to the door and open it, you turn to look back at Sam and he is still standing in the same place, but now Ruby is standing beside him, hand on his shoulder as she is also looking at you walk out the door- except she has a slight smile on her face. You scoff,
“Seems like she has a deeper root on you than either of us realized, huh, Sammy?” You say before walking through the door and closing it behind you, along with the life you had with Sam. More tears fell down your face as you started walking away from the motel room you guys were in for the week. You allowed yourself to cry for a few minutes before wiping your tears away.
You had to save Dean. You had to make a plan.
But most importantly, you had to call Bobby for a ride.
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partycatty · 9 months
liu kang > in the new era
reader used to be a sweetheart and hero in the previous timeline, but something changed this time around.
warnings: :(, i'm a bit of a yapper in this one
notes: idk this one kinda flew off the handle but i had a vision
masterlist <3
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•liu kang creating everyone with the strength and humility he carried in thunder god raiden's honor following becoming keeper of time
•he made everyone beautiful, everyone worthy and capable of good, honest work and for that he was proud
•of course, some of them strayed from the ideal path and sought to increase their strength, but perhaps it was always in their character to conquer. that, liu kang couldn't change.
•but you... it was you that he least expected to abandon that honor you always had.
•you were a good fighter, an honest worker and a force to be reckoned with when it came to kicking shao kahn's ass. the shaolins looked up to you. the shirai ryu used you as an example. the lin kuei knew not to fuck with you. the special forces practically begged you to lead their army alongside the Cage-Blade family.
•he could have had you, the romantic attraction was heavily implicated. but alas, the only time you two interacted was during a horrific Koliseum brawl or otherwise breaking bones.
•the last time he saw you was before his battle with kronika. you said you hoped to see him after the battle, and perhaps get to know each other sometime.
•he was sad to see that version of you erased from existence, but you were absolutely first on his list of people to shape. it felt wrong at first, to create you from nothing like the god he was. but he wouldn't be able to make a perfect world without you.
•when he came to your home to recruit you, he was nearly winded with your beauty. you looked just like he remembered, but with an innocent sparkle in your eyes, the eyes that were yet to see murder and magic. skin that wasn't stained with deep red blood. clothes that were neat and ordinary.
•you were always so curious, so willing to step in where you were needed. so it came as no surprise when you asked the fire god where to begin to defend earthrealm.
•months of training passed, and you naturally found that fighting skill. you joked about how it must be in your blood to know how to fight, and liu kang would hold his tongue, his eyes staring down at you with that deep feeling of loss and longing. he would simply smile and innocently agree.
•the time came for you to confront shang tsung in his laboratory and take him in for questioning. you went with the other earthrealmers, yet found yourself naturally leading the way.
•kenshi lost his eyesight, johnny got his shit kicked in, and kung lao got clotheslined. you were the only one of the group to remain conscious. shang tsung inspected you closely, claiming that you were just what he was looking for.
•you go missing for over a month. liu kang gets the help of the royal family despite their lack of knowledge about the mission in the first place. everyone is searching for you, and he has to resist the urge to burn down every forest and smash every boulder until he finds you.
•the hunt for you turns into a search for your body, as most presume you dead. it brings a heavy blanket of depression over the earthrealmers and liu kang.
•liu kang spends far more time than usual in his personal quarters, meditating with a tense posture. how could he let you get away from him? it nearly drives him mad, missing you dearly, but he wouldn't be able to express it. you were your new era self, with no clue about your previous self.
•the mourning only lasts so long before an all-out timeline war begins, and liu kang has to shove past the grief eating away at his godlike heart and gather the titans and heroes of other timelines to band together and defeat titan shang tsung.
•liu kang stands at the foot of the pyramid, fists clenched and jaw shut tight. behind him are hundreds, thousands of pure-hearted titans, ready to combat evil. the tension only grows when titan shang tsung saunters into view, a dark aura surrounding himself.
•"there is nowhere to run, shang tsung," liu kang shouts upward at his mortal enemy, channeling his anger of his lost love. "nowhere to hide. we have banded together to rid all timelines of your evil. the threat you pose to them ends today. in all timelines, the arc of history bends toward justice."
•"such certainty, liu kang, that this battle will end in your favor," shang tsung replies with a devilish smirk, a peculiar confidence radiating from his words. "in this timeline, it bends toward me."
•and from behind shang tsung, you walk out, eyes dark and wearing armor that resembles an enemy. your mind had been corrupted by power. after being captured, you were passed onto titan shang tsung, who knew of your strength and potential from the previous timeline. he filled your mind with ideas of power and endless possibilities at the cost of betraying Earthrealm.
•liu kang does not often feel physical emotion, but seeing you in that moment crushed him. his stance faltered and his arms lowered to his sides. the once innocent glimmer he saw in you was now gone.
•liu kang fights his way up the stairs, sending various evil versions of his friends into the green, hellish pit. he knocked the glasses off of dark star cage, beat kitana kahn into submission, and even took down a fiery scorp lao.
•when he makes his way up to the top, winded but still ready to battle if needed, he feels that pang in his chest return when he sees you stand beside shang tsung in a fighting stance.
•"please... i do not wish to fight you," liu kang tries to reason with you with a hint of desperation. "it is not too late to return to the light."
•"i know of your deceptive behavior, fire god," you reply with a nasty tone, mind corrupted by shang tsung's lies and delusions. "i will not hesitate to take you down."
•liu kang really, really did not want to fight you. he couldn't even use the defense that you weren't his (y/n). but you were. you were from his timeline. he made you, and fucked up. bad.
•all he could do was stand there, fists clenching and unclenching rapidly as he debated his options. but all the while, he held eye contact with you and your snarling face. you looked at him like he was a villain, because you were convinced that he was.
•for the first time in eons, liu kang wondered if resetting the timeline would be best. he knew he shouldn't, he saw what the power did to kronika. but god, it had never been that tempting until this very moment.
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nutcasewithaknife · 9 months
Okay already pausing partway through the Donghai battle to scream a little. We talk a lot about how Li Xiangyi felt betrayed by Di Feisheng, and how this battle was Di Feisheng's priority despite being in he middle of a war. But Di Feisheng during the donghai battle doesn't look even remotely smug or satisfied or any of the things that a man who's been looking forward to this fight at any cost should look like? Li Xiangyi's grief and betrayal are louder, more obvious all along, but the more I watch the more I wonder if Di Feisheng also felt horribly betrayed by Li Xiangyi's actions.
Li Xiangyi defied every expectation people must have had of the 'Hero' by signing that treaty with Di Feisheng. What did they mean to each other before it all went to shit? Did they see someone who would look past the myths they were made into? Someone who wouldn't fall for the stories people liked to make about them, who could be trusted to see the truth, keep track of what really mattered. Equals in more than their skills. And in the light of that... did Di Feisheng's faith in Li Xiangyi waver, did he felt let down when Li Xiangyi accepted without question that Di Feisheng had killed his shixiong and broken their treaty? Did he take Shan Gudao's body only to find the true culprit and throw them at Li Xiangyi, disappointed and furious that he would assume Di Feisheng would break his word like that?
Li Xiangyi leading his sect into war against Jinyuan Alliance and Di Feisheng- that's not the battle Di Feisheng wanted. It's not a battle of swordsmen as equals, it's a Hero who's come to defeat the Villain. Maybe Di Feisheng wondered if he was wrong after all. If Li Xiangyi never was his equal in spirit, if he was just another Righteous Hero who ultimately went along with what the world demanded of him. "Your biggest weakness is that you like being a Hero. And a swordsman should not have weaknesses." Di Feisheng says that. There's not a hint of gloating when the sounds of the battle on the shore reach them, and he asks Li Xiangyi "How does it feel to bring them here to die?" It sounds confrontational. Di Feisheng looks furious. How does it feel to play the part the world had assigned you and lead them to death?
Just. The donghai battle as the result of two people who thought they understood each other, who were deceived and felt so betrayed by each other that instead of mending anything they just made it worse. Never has a divorce been this messy
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fallinforerling · 2 years
LOVE ISN’T ETERNAL. chapter 4 - jb
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ೃ⁀➷ jude’s masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ jude’s taglist  
ೃ⁀➷ masterlist
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The weekend arrived without any nasty surprises, which was very much appreciated. Jobe was still a bit bitter towards Jude for all the lies he told the family, but you convinced him to not pick any fights with his brother. Jude didn't deserve it, but you still cared about his family dynamic staying the same regardless of how he managed the breakup and everything that came after it.
Now you were laying in bed, not having the energy to do much. It's not like you were allowing yourself to be consumed by the grief or sadness (which you still felt), but you were a bit apathetic. Luckily, Nikki and Mia were coming over to help you with that. 
“I want this to end.” You whispered after a while, wanting to say something to fill up the silence in your apartment.
Because you truly wanted to get over him. Why bother grieving him? He has been partying and probably sleeping with girls every night since his arrival to London. And what were you doing? Missing him? Wishing he’d call? Having insomnia?
“Fucking prick.” At least insulting him was good therapy.
Before you could enter the space of mind where all you did was hate him and his existence, your phone started to ring. The only connection to the outside world this past week and a half was that little device.
Nikki was calling.
“Check my chat, girl. This is fucking insane. Go! We're almost there!” And then she hung up.
“What's up with Nikk and hanging up after saying things like that?” You laughed, expecting something funny or a photo of them. But no, it was a Twitter thread. When you clicked it, you almost had a heart attack.
“The fuck is this?!” You screamed.
The author of the thread simply wrote: “Jobe's new girlfriend???? I'm so jealous, who is sheeee???” followed with four photos per tweet. They were from the park meeting just a few days ago. There were photos of you hugging, when you were sitting together and when you started to leave the park.
At least it wasn't going viral, but there still were lots of people interacting with it. They were trying to guess who you were and for how long you two have been “dating”. A nightmare.
This had never happened in the ten months you dated Jude, mostly because privacy was important to him... And now you were mistaken for his little brother’s girlfriend? You felt like having a panic attack, but your front door opened and closed loudly, interrupting your thoughts. 
“Did you see it?” Mia said, entering your bedroom after a few seconds.
“How did you find it?”
“Oh, you know I love gossip. I was digging for some information and I came across it. Did you see the date? Someone posted it three days ago.” Nikki sat next to you, biting her lip.       
“Yeah…” Your brain started to analyze how it happened… Who took the photos without you noticing? The park was almost empty the whole time. Unless… “Fuck… I know who took those photos.” 
“Who?” Mia asked with apprehension. “Someone we know?” 
“No, far from it” With a sigh, you sat. “We met at a park near here. I've always liked that place because most of the time is empty… But that day I spotted a group of girls near us; I didn’t even payed them attention, they were far enough to not eavesdrop.” You covered your eyes, feeling frustrated. “They were teenagers, so of course they took the opportunity when they recognized him.” 
“Yikes, girl… Someone’s going to cancel you for dating a minor.” Nikki joked, winning a very small smile from Mia and you. 
“That’s not funny, my god.They probably will if they ever find who I am and my age.” You sighed, absolutely sick with the path your life was taking. “Why can’t I have one day of peace, huh? Life sucks.”
“Of course it sucks, that’s the main thing about living,” Mia said, sitting in your bed. “Well, let’s pray for that threat to die soon enough. You know how people are, they’re probably hunting for the next big gossip of the week.” 
“Yeah…” You grabbed your phone again, thinking about your next move. “I probably should send this to Jobe as well, I don’t want him to be taken by surprise if people begin asking about this.” A tiny smile peaked between your lips. “And let’s hope the girl he likes doesn’t find it either.”
“Do you know what else you need to start doing?” Nikki said while you send the link to Jobe, who started to laugh about the ridiculous assumption those girls made about you. 
“What?” You asked without paying much attention, smiling a bit when Jobe started to call himself Mr. Steal Your Girl. 
“Being a soulless, heartless, and cold girl for once. What about some clubbing, some fun… Some boys?” 
“You’re like the devil on her shoulder, Nikk,” Mia said, nudging Nikki’s arm. “But I agree, you need some fun. We forbid you from staying at home, drowning in your sadness. That boy doesn’t deserve it.” 
“Not one bit,” Nikki replied, hugging you. “I promise it will be super fun, just go out with us tonight.” 
Instead of responding, you took a look at the ground. There it is. You knew them too well, there was no way for them to “casually” suggest a night out; they had a plan. Their bags were on the floor, but you noticed a small bag that Nikki only took out of her house if she was planning to party: her makeup bag, which was essential if she was going out clubbing.
“Are you trying to persuade me into partying tonight?” You smiled, not even mad at the idea. 
“Maybe?” Both of them said, trying to look as innocent as possible. 
The three of you looked at each other with big smiles before laughing. 
“We’re going out tonight!” Mia screamed, gaining more laughs from Nikki and you. 
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The fun part about going out with Mia and Nikki was the part previous to the actual clubbing. There just was something magical about getting ready with them: the makeup with the collaboration of everybody, constantly changing outfits, Nikki persuading both of you to drink a little bit for good luck and Mia insisting that all of you needed smoky eyes, so guys felt intimidated. Most of it was nonsense, but they were your best friends in the whole world and you always felt extremely thankful for their support.
“Promise me you’re going to at least try dancing with the hottest guy that approaches you tonight.” Mia said while doing your smoky eyes (yeah, you gave in).
“I’ll try.” And you will because it wasn’t fair for you to stay in your comfort zone. If this whole thing didn’t cheer you up or make you feel better, then you could always find other ways to keep your mind occupied.
“That’s more than enough for me. Try to have fun, this is a girl’s night.” 
“And talking about girls. Put this dress on, the girls look stunning in it.” Nikki dropped a black dress on your lap. 
“No way!” You lifted it with a smile. “I completely forgot about this dress. I haven’t worn it since…” You paused, feeling uncomfortable. “Uh, Jude’s birthday.” 
“Well, who cares about that? You still look amazing.” Nikki smiled, obviously not about to let you think much about Jude. 
“Done!” Mia said after a few seconds, biting her lip. “This is my best work so far.” Her eyes were sparkling, so you believed her. 
Facing yourself in the mirror, you almost didn’t recognize the face that was looking back at you. You looked amazing; the color of your eyes popped, the glitter was doing the right job of not making it look too dark and the red lipstick was the final touch. You loved it. 
“That’s the face of a heartbreaker, girl.” Nikki admired your face for an instant before smiling. “Ah, I can’t wait for the boys to fight over you.” 
“Very funny, Nikk.” 
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The club Nikki choose was wild, especially since a manager was waiting for you at the door, guiding you to the balcony section of the club- which was the freaking VIP one.
“Nikk?” You half-screamed through the music, dying to know how she managed to pull this off. Mia seemed as confused as you were. “Anything you want to tell us?”
“About what?” She kept walking with the biggest of smiles.
“Uh… Us getting into the VIP section wiht no even five minutes of being here?”
“Oh, that?” Her smile grew bigger, if that was physically possible. “I know someone.”
Clearly, that was all the information you were getting. Mia gave you a look and the both of you silently decided that it was better if you didn’t dig into it.
“Tonight it’s about having fun, girls. My treat, don’t worry.” Nikki said once you were at the table, which already had a champagne bottle resting comfortably on an ice bucket. Three champagne glasses were next to it, patiently waiting for you. 
“Oh, so this is luxury, luxury.” Mia whispered, laughing a bit. 
“The fun it’s all that matters, trust me, Mia.” A waiter appeared out of nowhere, silently grabbing the bottle before smiling at all of you. 
“Welcome, ladies. May I open it now?” You nodded, and with one quick movement of his wrist, he had the job done. Impressive. “Hope you have a good night. Don’t forget you can always call a waiter with the button that’s underneath the table.” And then he was gone. 
“You were right, Mia. This is luxury luxury.” You accepted the glass Nikki offered you, excited for the night ahead. 
“Let’s enjoy it without actually wondering how much all this is, babe.” Was all she said before chugging her glass in one sitting. “I’m ready, give me another one.” 
“That’s what I’m talking about!" Nikki cheered, happy to see Mia engaged with tonight’s mission.                                                                                                     
“Come on, you need to chug that thing too, there’s more in here.” Nikki told you, already serving Mia’s second glass. 
“Fuck it.” You said before doing as Nikki said, chugging your champagne as carefully as possible so you didn’t choke. “If I end up vomiting all over the floor at the end of the night, I want you to know, I’m blaming you.” 
“That’s fine to me!” And then Nikki chugged her glass as well. 
Yeah, this night was going to be hella interesting.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Needless to say that within two hours of clubbing you were pretty drunk. Not to the point of falling when trying to walk because the world was spinning or to the verge of unconsciousness, but a good point between being able to not care if something ridiculous escaped your mouth and dancing with strangers without giving it a second thought. 
Nikki had found some friends along the night, and now three more people, which were the nicest ever, were sitting at your table, chatting and laughing along. You enjoyed the their company, but felt the need to give yourself space to drink a very much needed glass of water in peace. 
So there you were, leaning against one of the multiple spaces in the balcony where little chairs were dispersed. It felt almost peaceful if you ignored the music blasting through the speakers or the many waiters going around the place, dealing with drunks and orders. 
“No way! Is that you?” A voice startled you, taking your mind away from the blankness it was immersed in. “I knew I wasn’t mistaking that face!” 
You turned, slightly pissed at the person that was basically yelling at you, until you realized it was Gio. Gio Reyna himself. 
“Gio?!” You didn’t know why, but the excitement made you scream. Maybe it was because you were drunk, but seeing Gio was one of the highlights of the night. “What the fuck are you doing here?” 
“I’m taking the few days off I have.” He hugged you tightly once you stood up, almost swiping you from the floor. “You look amazing! What are you doing here?” 
“Thanks! I’m with my friends, they’re right there!” You pointed to the table, where all kept chatting without noticing your encounter. “It’s a girl’s night!” 
“That’s cool! I thought you were with Jude, since he’s at London and all that.” 
Your smile never wandered from your face, not caring about Jude’s name being dropped from Gio’s lips. You shook your head, letting him know you weren’t with him today. Or ever, for that matter. 
“Nope, just my girls and I.” He kept looking at you like he was in front of a new person, not Jude’s “girlfriend”. You didn’t know if you liked it or felt bad about it. He was one of Jude’s good friends after all. “What about taking a picture? It’s been so long since we saw each other.” 
“Sure! Are you okay if I post it to IG?” 
“Of course, go for it.” 
Then the two of you moved to a more illuminated area, he took his phone and you knew this was one of a kind type of opportunity. Time to be the pettiest bitch I know. Taking advantage of him getting closer to you for the sake of the photo, you passed one arm over his shoulders, and after a couple of pics, you decided to give him a tiny peck on the cheek. 
“Let's see.” He said shyly. Aw.
A few of them were blurry, but most were decent and the peck one was fabulous, not only for the sake of your intentions, but also because of how good the two of you looked. Your makeup was still intact, and with the lighting, it shined in a very pretty way. Gio had a light blush due to the alcohol, his smile being evident, giving his already handsome face something else. 
“That one?” You said, picking the one you liked the most. 
“Yeah! We look amazing.” He started to set it but paused before publishing it. “Do you mind if I tag you?” 
“Go ahead, I have no problem.” And that was it. 
You said your goodbyes, and while returning to the table, you felt some type of triumph. Did this make you a bad person? 
“Where were you? We thought you got lost or something.” Mia said when you finally arrived, sitting beside Nikki. 
“So… I did a thing…”
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ride-thedragon · 2 months
How I'd Write Rhaena Targaryen in Hotd.
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(as someone who wanted to see her plot adapted)
I keep seeing people saying Rhaena fans will be excited for the rumoured change she will experience this season.
Spoiler here
I won't speak on that here without a spoiler warning because I want this to be about her book character and my hope as to how she would've been adapted this season. I wanted to see Rhaena Targaryen as played by Phoebe Campbell and adapted to the world of Hotd, and so far, I haven't. These are the issues I've had so far:
1. Mourning Luke.
The reason we don't have a scene about her and Luceryes after he dies in my opinion is because seeing as they send her off in episode 3 it would make Rhaenyra look odd to not grieve her son at the same time as his fiance. But respectfully, I don't care. We deserved dialogue about the loss she felt. It's a serious issue where her grief and reactions past Laena are overlooked entirely.
Even following her arc this season of feeling resentful, have her feel blamed for not claiming Vhagar, for bring engaged to Luke. Anything to give us that connection.
2. Her reaction to Rhaenyra.
I found it to be really well done the brewing anger with Rhaena then. She seemed like a child fighting for some agency for someone to consider her, and she's met with Rhaenyra’s fatal flaw of refusing to acknowledge and give validity to her children's emotions. I didn't like how the dragon eggs were meant to operate as a catch-all in the narrative so we don't make Rhaenyra look too bad. It was a great attempt and one that I was shocked by because Rhaenyra is wrong.
3. Give her Morning.
If Rhaena nearly died last time she tried to claim a dragon, why not give her her book egg and future dragon before she leaves. This was another failing of the egg scene for me. Not only would adding that pink egg give some mystery to the audience, we would have book lore. Even let Rhaenyra apologise for her original approach and give Rhaena the egg personally, not as a beacon of hope for the house alone but for herself. It's an easy moment that plays into the book narrative better. For those unaware, the eggs were Dany's 3 eggs plus Viserys'.
4. Jeyne Arryn.
No, I did love the they were both angry but not ill mannered. They are talking out of anger and mutual frustration, and by the end, they have a shared interest. My issue is that this is the scene Rhaena finds out about Rhaenys dying and that she isn't with her very young brothers. She deserved another scene later on.
5. Baela
I love that they spoke together and that they addressed actual issues, that's it. I don't like that they don't have more, and that Rhaenys could be with Rhaenyra but not her grandchildren. I wish we got that dynamic.
Moving on to my part, how I'd reconstruct her arc for the season:
Episode 1
1. We let her be the character carrying the emotional weight of losing Luke. They seemed close enough to make it work and were supposed to be married. She carries it past episode 1. She throws something into the fire as well, like a model ship of some kind, or what can be seen as a token she meant to give him when she returned.
Episode 2
2. We give her and Jace a scene. This is like a huge missed opportunity. Unlike Baela, they grew up alongside Luke. Have them discuss the grief and talk about what Jeyne Arryn demanded. That way, it's exercised as an expectation amount to the house that someone will have to go away. Let them talk about who they think is the best option. These are two kids, but they are also supposed to be two politically driven characters, give them that moment.
3. Then we have Rhaenys be the one to tell her that she will go. Rhaenyra seemed so heartless in that scene to me because it wasn't her scene. Rhaena was dismissed and pushed over to fulfil that role when they could have her grandmother tell her. They have the Laena connection. They have the care of her growing up too fast and them needing her to go away. They get to say goodbye in their own way because Rhaenys wouldn't be callous with her, she'd be comforting but tell her to be strong.
Episode 3
4. Baela Scene. Let this be the resentment scene, and allow them to confide in each other. Have baela remind her that unlike the shows chosen narrative, both their parents are dragon claimer who claimed their own dragons late in life. Have Rhaena bring up the fact that she failed last time and let them comfort each other. Hell, let them have a Daemon conversation.
5. Now we can have that scene with Rhaenyra. Let it be a combination of their two conversations where she gives Rhaena the eggs by herself. Tell her it's a great service and have Rhaena still lash out because she doesn't want to do it, because it's something being forced unto her. But have Rhaenyra give her the eggs personally, explain the story of the Conquerors and the dragon eggs of the any let her tell Rhaena she will carry that legacy. Because of all people, Rhaenyra knows what it's like to not be taken seriously and be underestimated in a position. It doesn't have to be courteous, but it also shouldn't be as angry due to Rhaenys.
Episode 4.
Let this be the episode she leaves.
6. She gets to say goodbye to everyone while the plot is unfolding, and Rhaenyra is nowhere to be found. Let Rhaenys, Jace, and Baela send them off to Jeyne Arryn and have their final goodbyes as the eggs go past her. She's scared but she knows what she has to do.
7. She is received in the Vale, not by Jeyne but by some of her banner men who are confused about the dragons. She's holding one of the boys and scolds them for questioning her. And they go off.
Episode 5.
8. Jeyne Arryn conflict. Jeyne expected more dragons, Rhaena asserts herself, and they have a brief heart to heart.
9. Set a scene later in the day to let Rhaena know that Rhaenys is dead and killed by Vhagar. Guilt fester yet again, and Jeyne gives her some advice about that relating it to Rhea because that's her cousin or something.
Episode 6.
I have no idea where the show will be but what I can say is how I'd write her arc from this point in my canon and adaptation
10. Rhaena takes up training Joffrey and Tyraxes, she's comforting him because he misses home but continues her work, she has to prove something to herself and Jeyne.
11. Have her question Jeyne about the men she promised to send, great time to introduce Corwyn. Show her trying to find her footing in the political conversation and win.
12. A scene later on with her and all the boys and Jessamyn Redfort makes an appearance. Tells Rhaena Jeyne is impressed by her audacity if nothing else and let her be a kinder alternative to her partner. (I will not erase lesbians)
Episode 7.
13. Small conflict in the Vale with raising banners because Jeyne actually has a lot of people who have issues with her. Rhaena sees how she uses her discerning to work it out while people attempt to undermine her, and we see Rhaena looking to her for leadership.
14. Rhaena picks up the eggs and starts to show that she is tending to them herself in the hot basket things, that she's made it her personal mission to get one to hatch. We also see her send the letter to the Prince of Pentos.
Episode 8.
15. Jeyne gets the Vale men to rise in a smaller number than promised but a large enough one to send. She checks with Rhaena, and we get our first Corwyn and Rhaena interaction with his two girls. Rhaena had grown a bit in confidence. She's taking her role as seriously as ever.
16. She sees back and gets a letter of acceptance from the prince and a warning from Rhaenyra. Basically, they have to hide the fact that the boys are princes and send them off by themselves.
Why? Vhagar has been seen in the Riverlands, and they have no idea where she's heading past Harrenhall. Whether they send the boys off or not can depend, but I think not yet. Let Rhaena take it into her own hands and plan accordingly. The way Jace does in the books.
And that's the way the season ends. The march to the battle from the perspective of Rhaena Targaryen. Happy tidings, and let's see how well (or not) they land with her character.
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wasteland-wrecker · 2 months
Okay so your post about how Gage doesn't still react much when you do get hurt or could possibly die at any moments is interesting and I kinda clicked with something.
His trauma shows he doesn't trust anyone again, and his past with how indifferent he feels about his parents probably being dead shows that death isn't a big deal to him like others. Sole would probably mourn over Gage's death and suffer from grief but Gage would probably take a moment to breathe, leave your body, and attempt to look for a new overboss because as much as he DOES love you, death happens and he's just too used to it. He'll I'm pretty sure he's EXPECTING it everyday with how some of his voiceless go. If you live? Fuck yeah! Lover and overboss still here! If you don't? Well, alright need to get back to work finding a new one.
Raider mindset with all their lovers I think. Not too affectionate and expressive leads too a 'well fuck okay move on' when you die.
This sadly could make sense, but I want to believe Gage would actually feel bad if you died.
It’s true he’s a raider and he’s used to see people die everyday. That’s exactly why he’s been lonely for so long, trying to not get involved emotionally with anyone.
The Overboss part is his plan to get rich and manipulate someone else for his own benefit, but something goes wrong: he fells in love with that ‘idiot’. That wasn’t mean to happen at all, AT ALL.
Unfortunately, that’s also where his writing stops. He fell in love with you, end of story. We don’t know what happens next, if you’re re able to change his mind or not. I believe that as time goes by, the sole could actually fix him somehow (not entirely of course).
They’ll fight together, travel together, eat together, sleep together, talk to each other for so long… Sole is not his parents but the person he wants to be, someone he truly respects. His safe spot in the wasteland.
I think Gage would feel bad to be alone again in that shitty world.
He won’t find someone like you and will do anything to avoid falling in love another time cause it would hurt too much to lose everything once again.
Depending on how close you were, I might also think he’d let himself go if you died.
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artiststarme · 1 year
Another One Bites The Dust
Well, I asked for angsty prompts and @doubleb11 delivered! I hope you guys like it and come yell at me in the comments!
When the fight with Vecna was over, the entire Upside Down started to collapse. Steve, Nancy, and Robin ran to the gate in the road where Fred had died but the shaking earth and rising flames threatened to engulf them completely. 
“Go, go, go! Nance, move! Robin, go!” Steve pushed them both through the gate but when it was finally his turn, he couldn’t make it. The gate burst into flames before his very eyes and singed the skin of his reaching palms. 
“No! Steve!” He heard Robin crying and screaming until the gate disappeared in a flurry of smoke and fire. Then he heard nothing but the crackling of everything burning around him. Steve was terrified. He was stuck in a burning world that had only ever hurt him and he could hardly breathe with all of the smoke and pollution in the air. 
He had the thought that the gate in Eddie’s trailer might still be open, the cracks in the ground hadn’t yet reached Forest Hills so he might still have a chance. He ran with all of the energy and fight he had. He had to get back to the Rightside Up. They’d won… technically. Vecna was dead and everyone else was safe. Would anyone really care if he stayed down here to rot? Everything else went to plan, he really couldn’t ask for a better solution. 
He didn’t make it to Eddie’s trailer. Halfway through Forest Hills, he dropped to his knees in shock. Lying there, prone on the ground and encompassed in blood was Eddie Munson. Steve fretted over him, touching his neck and chest to get a pulse and heartbeat but there was nothing to be found. His body was cold in the haze of heat. 
Steve tried to pick him up, move his body away from the fire surrounding them in all directions but he couldn’t move past the pain in his sides and the grief in his heart. His body toppled on top of Eddie’s and he cried. The overwhelming heat from the flames dried his tears as soon as they escaped but that didn’t stop him. He sobbed and sobbed over the unfairness of it all. What good was killing Vecna if the fight claimed Eddie in the process? 
Dying himself? Fine, expected, no big deal. But losing Eddie, the innocent newcomer that could’ve run at any point but chose to stay and help them fight a losing battle? Incomprehensibly unfair. 
So when the smoke clogged his lungs and stole all of the oxygen from his blood, Steve gave up. He died in a vengeful rage at the world that would never be complete without it’s renowned babysitter. He died on the cracking ground of the Upside Down curled around Eddie Munson, the man that he had bonded with and had the potential to be great friends with someday. 
At least he wouldn’t die alone. 
When El got back to Hawkins, it was to a barrage of questions and pleas to find Steve. The Party thought he willingly stayed behind in the Upside Down as some sort of heroic martyr. They wanted El to open a gate to go get him. 
But only El knew the truth. She’d watched from the void as Steve tearfully curled around Eddie in an effort to protect his body from the flames. She saw as the light bled from his eyes and watched in horror as the flames licked their skin. 
She could do little more than break down into traumatized sobs in front of the Party that was still pleading with her to guarantee the safe return of their favorite babysitter and older brother figure. She didn’t know how to tell them that he was never coming back. 
Eventually, she mustered up enough strength and forced herself to speak only eight words.  But those eight words were enough to break the hearts and ruin the lives of everyone around her. 
“Steve and Eddie are dead but they’re together.”
She watched Robin fall into Nancy’s arms in shock. Her Platonic with a capital P soulmate was dead. El could practically see her heart splintering into millions of pieces that would never fully recover. 
Nancy caught her but burst into tears immediately. It was her plan that Steve had tried to change, he’d tried to tell her to wait a little longer for El to come home but she didn’t listen. His painful death was due to her. She would never forgive herself for snuffing out such a bright soul. 
Dustin was inconsolable. He’d lost both of his older male friends, both of his brothers and mentors, in one fell swoop. Of all of the things that could’ve happened, he’d never imagined this. Nothing could cure the pain in his heart or the desperation in his sobs. He didn’t know if he would ever stop crying after suffering such a significant loss. Losing Eddie felt like losing a limb but losing Steve too? Dustin felt like he was dying, like he was being ripped from the inside out, almost as if Vecna himself was haunting him. 
Will, Mike, and Lucas were in shock. This whole situation felt like a bad dream that they were just waiting to wake up from. Usually in this type of situation, Steve would be there to offer support and emotional hugs. But this time, their grieving was for him and they would never quite get over that. 
Unfortunately, this was their new reality. They would sign the NDA’s that the government agents threw at them, they would accept the hush money that would never meet the cost of a life without their best friends, and they would force themselves to carry on with the heaps and bounds of trauma. The Harringtons and Wayne Munson would forever live a life of confusion and false hope as they wait for Steve and Eddie to come home. No one would ever get closure. And Steve and Eddie? They would exist only as husks of who they used to be, curled around each other in the alternate dimension that ruined their lives.
Permanent Tag List: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschild @goodolefashionedloverboi @mentallyundone @awkwardgravity1 @anzelsilver @jestyzesty @gregre369
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Hi! Can I request general hcs for Billy Butcher?
Of course! I'd love to :)
‼️Spoilers for The Boys - Amazon Show‼️
Yandere! Billy Butcher Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Violence, Major character death mention, Grief, Obsession, Platonic yandere turns to Romantic, Overprotective behavior, Aggression, Slight rebounding, Murder, Intimidation, Manipulation, Kidnapping mention, Dubious relationship.
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Billy would be a yandere that's slow to develop his obsession.
He doesn't fall for just anyone.
His darling would have to be a part of The Boys for him to consider it.
Billy is still obsessed with Becca for most of the show, up until about the end of season 2.
His darling could be close to him for most of the time... but a romantic obsession does not happen until after Becca's death.
Billy is very closed off emotionally.
When you do join The Boys to help them take on Vought he isn't very expressive.
He keeps to himself even if you try to talk with him.
Although, once Billy warms up to you, he'd start as a platonic yandere.
Billy seems like he'd be Obsessive, Aggressive, Overprotective, and Threatening/Manipulative as a yandere.
Becca herself has said that he has always been violent.
Never towards those he loves, but towards others.
You've even seen him slap around The Boys a few times if they piss him off.
Never you... yet you also know better than to set him off.
For the most part you probably don't know of Billy's obsession.
He's so closed off that even when he does care for you it's hard to tell.
Billy shows care for you in small amounts.
He's fighting the idea of being attached in case he has to sacrifice himself...
Yet you, Hughie, and the rest of the team wormed their way into his heart somehow.
When Billy wants to be, he's bold and direct.
If he's warmed up to you enough then he'll express it.
It's surprising when he pulls you aside... telling you how he appreciates what you do to help him fight Vought and find Becca.
You can tell he cares for you in his own way.
To the point he may even pat your back or something if he wants to show affection.
Don't expect a lot of affection from him... maybe sometime in the past... but not now.
Billy does show he's overprotective.
Violence is in his nature... he doesn't mind beating someone, Supe or not, if you were threatened.
He's the same for the rest of the team...
Yet strangely more attentive when it comes to you.
Billy may not show it well, though he does care for you.
Deeply, too... which he hopes won't be a distraction.
When you help him find Becca with The Boys, he's grateful.
He still loves his wife and sees you as a close friend, similar to Hughie.
It actually makes you happy when he reunites with her... even if he hates Ryan.
Billy would stay as a platonic yandere until Becca's death at the hands of Ryan (which was an accident).
Billy is a yandere who slowly would develop tendencies towards you throughout the show.
He's that slow with his obsession... which makes it a bit difficult to convey.
Billy still wouldn't form romantic feelings until much later.
You offer your comfort to him after Becca's death... yet he needs time to grieve.
Billy is not a vulnerable man.
Despite this... he accepts your attempts to help him.
Billy's obsession then shifts into being more overprotective.
Becca's death affects his behavior.
Deep down he's scared to lose those close to him....
Everyone... including you... could be torn from him by Supes.
Hughie knows this... Billy knows this... surely you understand how Billy feels a little?
This world is unfair... his obsession transitions to an attempt to keep you safe.
He may never truly get over his grief... he still wants to avenge Becca.
Although... feelings for you start to form slowly.
The reason he's overprotective is to not only keep you safe... but because he feels something towards you.
It's going to take awhile with a lot of hardship with this battle against Vought... but Billy's feelings will be shown at some point.
For the most part he hides them.
They honestly don't feel right to him....
Although when he wants to reveal them, he's bold with it.
He says he cares for you in typical Billy fashion, maybe even getting more physically affectionate than usual.
Hughie's moved on... Billy never thought he would either, yet here he is.
By this point his obsession has truly moved over to romantic feelings.
This is when we can properly discuss his yandere behavior.
If Billy successfully starts a relationship with you or not doesn't matter too much.
As yanderes are... he may be determined and persistent with his goal.
Just like how he was when it came to finding Becca... Billy is obsessive and determined towards a goal.
When platonic, that goal would be protecting you.
When romantic, that goal is to be your partner and be the best for you.
Even if he is a broken man.
He's still an aggressive and overprotective yandere.
He comes off as rough at times even when he cares for you.
His aggression is usually directed towards Supes or anyone he doesn't trust.
Billy would murder, he does it in the show, that obviously means he'd do it here.
He's brutal with it and tends to be driven by strong emotions of rage or jealousy.
You've seen a lot when being part of The Boys... you may even be used to it.
Billy can kidnap but he wouldn't if you were part of The Boys anyway.
Unless you tried to leave... then he would.
Billy comes off as threatening which makes him manipulative.
He's strong, even more so with temporary Supe powers.
He scares you sometimes even if he doesn't intend to.
Billy can be charismatic, too, which means he can make others listen to him.
Billy never wants to hurt you.
He tries to be affectionate and more open with you in private.
He loves you... even if he struggles to show it.
Overall, Billy is a slow yandere to obsess over a darling. He's overprotective and would do anything to keep his darling safe.
Billy may be cruel at times... but the world is crueler.
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cookies-and-mirrors · 3 months
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Prison of Stone and Flesh
Chapter Ten
This is a collaborative fic between @cookiesupplier and @faceless-mirror.
Dividers by @samspenandsword
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Pairings: Chris x transfem!Vinny, Justin x transmasc!Ricky, Chris x Justin x Ryan, Chris x transmasc!Ricky, Ryan x ONBC, Ryan x transfem!Vinny, Ryan x transmasc!Ricky, Justin x transfem!Vinny
Triggerlist: transphobia, homophobia, abuse, SA, dubcon, religious trauma, past suicide attempts, mental health issues, grief, death, (To be added to)
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Christopher, Justin, and Ryan are members of the Gargoyle Order, soldiers fighting in the angels war against the demonic supernatural evils of the world to protect human kind. Through the years they lost comrades and now just the three of them remain in their little town.
Now, Ricky and Vinny are moving into their church, stirring up old and new feelings, along with the past, posing the challenge of navigating this new chapter in their lives.
Can they all navigate this path successfully and break free of the prisons that is their lives of both stone and flesh, or will they all be trapped forever in a world that could prove to be a constant misery?
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Taglist: @miamore0570 @21-century-tae @dragon-chica @shilohrosechicken @phxntxsmicgoricxl
@missduffsblog @witchyweeb34 @spicywhenspeaking @lacktoesandtoddlerants @blackveilomens
@bngurngheart @dominuslunae @collapsedglasshouses @emmmm127 @sunsshinesunny
@latenightmusiclover @dontdiganothergravetoday
(please comment/like/reblog/message to be added to taglist)
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Chapter Ten
Vinny smiled, seeing Justin slipping from Ricky's room. “Want some eggs before you leave? I'm making my breakfast.” She offered to him, brushing her hair back with an easy-going grin. “How do you like your eggs? Scrambled? Sunny side up? Fried?”
Justin hasn’t realised that she was already up, oh, at least he was already dressed, so much for just slipping out the door. How he liked his eggs, right, right, sure, he knew there were different ways to cook eggs, of course he knew that.. But when, you didn’t really have the luxury of living in a home, or apartment, making food like that.. Doing things like cooking eggs… right… never happened. “Ah, any way I can get them. Beggars can’t be choosers, so they say.”
Vinny laughed, “I'll make a couple of styles, and you tell me which one you like most.” She explained, moving gracefully to prep her skillet, mixing up some eggs humming softly. “Have fun last night? He can be an interesting experience. Most people don't expect him to be dominant.” She explained, her skirt sweeping against her knees.
She set a sweet coffee in front of him, smiling softly. “I added extra caramel.” She whispered, moving back to the stove.
His eyes went a little wide hearing that about the eggs, “Oh, oh, you don’t have to do that.” Not that he wouldn’t eat all of them, he most surely would. Justin could probably eat both occupants of this apartment under the table all on his own, not counting Christopher and Ryan. Never mind, they lived on whatever they could find, for, well, as long as he could remember. They made do, it was what they were used to. It wasn’t a problem, they did fine. When the Church functioned, it was much easier, there was always food in the kitchen, and they never questioned when there was some going missing, during the night, never made sure never to take more than they needed though. They were not greedy.
Oh, well, “Yea, most people don’t expect me to be submissive either.” As big, and as imposing, as he could be. He was as big as Christopher, they expected him to be a lot like him, and he just.. Wasn’t. Christopher was one of the gargoyles originally created by the angels, Justin was one of the later generations, born, and raised. Sometimes he thought it hurt Christopher more how the angels had treated them, because he remembered how they’d always dismissed them in the start, only for it to get worse with time. Sipping at his coffee, smiling at the extra caramel, thankful for that, but he swallowed thinking about Ricky being dominant. “Is.. is he always dominant?” he hadn’t minded Ryan last night, and Justin knew Ryan, he, he did not switch, not… anymore.
Vinny smiled softly, “Rick is… usually dominant. But he does switch when he finds the right people. People he can trust. He trusts you quite a bit, he fell asleep with you.” she explained, putting some scrambled eggs in a bowl with cheese and offered it to him, before starting on a fried egg. “By the way… I get way too many eggs at any time. I don’t want them going bad. If you guys ever want some, I’ll put some in the kitchen in the Rectory. I was going to go grocery shopping for you guys in a few days. You should make a list of what you guys like, and I’ll get it for you.” she added.
Her heels clicked lightly as she moved around, eating some eggs herself. “If you wanna learn how to cook anything, just let me know. I love teaching people how to cook.” she admitted, smiling as she started working on more styles of eggs, “Will you take some to Ryan? I don’t know if he got enough to eat earlier.”
Justin was still as he heard that. Of course Ricky would trust Ryan, everyone trusted Ryan, it was practically ingrained into who he was. It was his virtue, after all. Sure, when it came to virtues, only Christopher was created with his virtue actually in mind, but they all symbolized them for a reason. Trusting him like this was nothing, he knew nothing of who Justin really was, he hadn’t worn even one weapon, no daggers, no swords, no nothing.. What did Ricky have not to trust. Ryan, however, he was going to switch for, he was.. He was.. Justin didn’t want to think about that smirk that Ryan when he’d said goodnight to Ricky, and, see you tomorrow. 
“Won’t you use them for the café, though? I mean, baking?” Justin asked slowly… “I mean, we, none of us, well, none of us really know how to cook or make anything. We’ve never really had time to learn.” Sure, the rectory did have the tiniest little kitchenette, renovated now, yet, did any of them have the time, with patrols, no… let alone the ability!
“Well, I could… but I also buy too many to use in a month so… I’ll stock your fridge… and you will learn to cook with me some nights. Okay? I think it'd be good for you.” She said firmly, setting a plate of fried eggs and an omelet. “Go ahead. Eat.”
She was a busy little morning bug. Moving around and flitting about, filling the church with amazing smells. Her hair was tied back in a bun as she grinned offering a few dozen hard-boiled eggs, peeling them for her customers and a few for Ryan, Justin, and Chris. 
Learn to cook, Justin just, he almost couldn’t believe the idea. He’d have to find a way to fit it around patrols, and Vinny working with Ricky in the bar. “I mean, if, if it’s not too much, I know you’re so busy, with the café, and the bar.. But I, I might like that.” Smiling slightly, finally looking down to the bowl with the scrambled eggs and cheese, trying a mouthful.. They were fresh and so… Oh, they were so good. These had to be his favorite… Right? 
Glancing over at the different types of other eggs that Vinny had put out to try. He knew they weren’t all for her, he knew, of course, he could more than eat all of them. Christopher always made sure they never took more than they needed. He picked up one of the hard-boiled ones next to take a bite, chewing, it, it was alright, but, he liked the other one better, the cheesy mushy one so far. Then there were the fried ones.. Oh they were good too.. This.. “This is hard to choose. How are you supposed to know which one is your favorite?”
Vinny chuckled, “sometimes it depends on the day. My favorite is an omelet with spinach and onions, mushrooms… and hollandaise sauce.” She explained warmly, “I just can't make hollandaise for shit…” she admitted with a laugh, before bringing over sunny side up along with bacon and tofu bacon for Chris. 
She sipped her own coffee. “eggs are cheap and not too hard to make. We can start there whenever you want.” She assured him, “eat as much as you want. I have quite a bit packed up already for Chris and Ryan. You just had fun with Rick… anyone needs food after keeping up with him.” 
She smirked softly, looking into her coffee. “But he makes sure everyone leaves his bed satisfied.” She admitted. “It's like he knows what people need.”
Looking to the last that she’d made for him this morning, what he assumed was an omelet. He wasn’t sure if it had the spinach and onions and mushrooms in it, but he had a feeling it was an omelet. Taking a bite, he smiled, he could see what she liked about it, the different flavours along with the ends, oh that was nice. But if it came to eggs, as eggs… scrambled had to be his go to so far, definitely. 
Drinking some more of his coffee now, smirking a little behind his cup at the quip about keeping up with Ricky. “Oh, it's not that hard, if he let me, I’m sure I could try to put him through his paces.” Sighing, though, he had a feeling Ryan or even Christopher would probably be better at that again. They both had so much more experience, at well, everything, than him anyway.
She laughed, “Good! Boy is a never ending supply of energy I swear…” she laughed, letting him eat what stood out to him as she cleared her own plate. “Don't forget to write a list of foods you like, Ryan likes, and I think I know what Chris likes.” she said warmly putting the plate in the dishwasher before cleaning up and packing up the warm meals.
“Take Ryan's when you leave, I'll give Chris his.” She promised, moving over to peck Justin's head gently, clear affection. The same she gave Ricky. “Whatever you don't eat, just shove it into the package with Ryan's food.” 
“Honestly, we will eat anything, Christopher though, he, his preferences have always been personal, but you’ve got them pretty good so far.” Justin quickly eating more, yeah, there was no way Ryan was going to get any more of his, even what he didn’t like as much as the scrambled and the omelet, he was still scarfing down of his portions.. Because, he was hungry, and he’d never been given this much food. It was amazing. 
Part of him wondered if he should ask if it’ll keep until tonight, but then remembered that they had a kitchen. If Ryan didn’t have time to eat it fresh this morning, he could eat it up tonight, right? Still, “Maybe I should go take him his soon, give him time to eat before we head out to work… Christopher will probably be heading to find you soon as well.”
She blushed softly looking at her hands that held the package, “yeah. I really just… hope he likes it. I'm happy you liked breakfast.” She explained warmly, “he's going to help me with flowers.” She explained before smiling at him. “I'll see you later.” She said gently, before she slipped out into the main of the church looking for Chris as she went down the stairs, almost tripping in her excitement. 
Christopher had already heard Vinny and Justin talking in the resident apartment, while he hadn’t pleased that Justin had gotten involved so intimately with Ricky there was nothing he could do about it. They weren’t supposed to act on their attractions to mortals, even if he long accepted that they had them, even he did, something he knew. Then there was the flip side, that note, that message when he’d returned to the rectory earlier. 
They were sending a new handler, that meant another new angel. After Jerahmiel, he didn’t know what to expect. He’d hoped for help, mentally asked for it. He regretted that now. A new angel handler meant that involving themselves so closely with the mortals was going to bring them trouble, even friendships would get them punished. Jerahmiel had always been a hard task master. Christopher kept Ryan and Justin to the edicts, sure, however, he didn’t punish them the way the angel had for even the most minor infractions, and never would. After all of that, how could this next one be any different?
This was why Christopher had decided that until their new handler had arrived, if Justin and Ryan wanted to involve themselves with the mortals, who was he to stand in their way? As he walked downstairs, he thought about Vinny in that matter, what about her, would she, no, no he shouldn’t… He shouldn’t. Then he saw her and he just couldn’t help but smile.
Vinny trotted over and set the large Tupperware down and looked up at him with soft eyes. “Hey… are you ready?” She asked, pulling in a delivery of roses from outside, offering them to Chris, observing him with a small smile.
The roses were beautiful as Christopher accepted them from her, breathing in their scent, “They’re perfect, I’m sure she’ll love them.” Smiling as he looked over to the pedestal that was marked with Authenticity, and sighed softly. Carrying them over, he moved behind the bar, and took the flowers that were there, and replaced them with the roses fresh on the pedestal that Chenza had once perched on. He murmured a morning blessing in enochian as his fingers brushed over the virtue plaque. 
She smiled sadly, taking the old flowers to place in other empty vases, already filling with dried flowers. She gave him time at the platform to mourn, she didn't fully understand. But that was okay. She didn't need to, to know that Chris was starting to feel more secure grieving. She walked back to him and gently rubbed his arm softly. “You okay?” She asked, green eyes peering up at him with a soft smile. "Have you eaten yet? I made eggs… and tofu bacon.” She said softly.
Christopher glanced back towards Vinny, seeing how she had placed the flowers he’d moved from Chenza’s platform, and spread them into other vases on the platforms of other fallen members of his unit. Taking in a deep breath, he couldn’t explain that to Vinny though, just talking about how the virtue reminded him of his love was so close, but making up more excuses would be crossing a line he was sure. 
“I am,” sighing softly, as he looked at her, those gorgeous eyes so beautiful, and so, he tried not to compare them to Chenza but every time he looked into her eyes… “I will be okay.” Blinking at the question of eating, Oh, yesterday he’d had the cookies, the thought of eggs, and.. “Tofu bacon? I’ve never tried it.”
She laughed and moved to the counter, grabbing him a fork, walking back to him with the container. “It's like bacon but vegan. Like the fried tofu.” She explained as she pulled off the lid and handed the warm plastic container to him. “While you eat, do you want to learn how I make your coffee?” She questioned fondly.
As she handed the container to him, immediately Christopher knew that the eggs were real and not a vegan substitute, glancing towards her, wondering how, how did she do that. How did she know, know what he could seem to handle tolerating with eating them and not.. Not that he touched animal products most days, but eggs were not quite as much of an issue for him.. They were something, as long as they weren’t fertilized, was something that needed to be passed, and needed to be consumed, or would be wasted. It benefited the chickens.. Provided they were treated humanely.
Still, he took a bite, and that was all it took, a low groan.. It was so good. Just like that, he realized how hungry he was, and he was eating, possibly, a little bit too fast, actually. He was hungry, and it felt good to have a full belly for once.
She smiled and moved to make his coffee, adding some vanilla soy milk and oat milk with the coffee with sugar and coconut whip, pushing it to him. “I'm going to teach Justin to make eggs so you guys can have those regularly, and I'm going to get you premade vegan meals as well. I was also considering protein shakes?” She offered, “they have some great vegan ones.”
Okay, he ate that too fast. His tongue might be a little bit scalded from the eggs still being hot and fresh, he’d never had anything so freshly cooked, save for those wonderful cookies. “Justin, cooking? Are you trying to poison us?” Not that that would work, his small smile on his face told her he was joking. Considering some of the things they’d eaten over the years, they’d survive even the worst dish that Justin tried to make, he was sure. “Babygirl, we do eat, you don’t have to keep feeding us, though I am delighted that you think of me.” Oh, oh, he was.
He knew she thought they were homeless, but he just wanted to assure her that they did their best to look after themselves, even if they were living in a previously abandoned Church. Obviously just thankful that they hadn’t kicked them out after they realized they were still here.
Vinny shook her head. “You guys don't look like you eat enough. Like you live off bread which isn't healthy. You need rounded out meals… I'm just helping with that. I'm sure you can agree you all have felt better with a balanced diet.” she pointed out firmly with a knowing smile, “you all seem to be much more active.”
Eat enough? Christopher was confused, well, admittedly in the years since the Church had been abandoned, and the kitchen had been shut down here, it had gotten harder for them to get food as regularly. They still got quite a bit of food, found it as they could. Swallowing, “Vinny, this isn’t your… responsibility.” That feeling was painful, because, no, no, it was his. Glancing in a direction up towards where he knew the rectory was, everything that had happened, he had to do better didn’t he? He’d been trying, he couldn’t have this damn handler come in and… prove he was as pathetic as he felt right then. He couldn’t even feed his unit properly. They fought, day and night, for nothing, what did they expect from them? Miracles? That wasn’t their department. He would find something, he would have to. As it was, telling her they seemed more active because they actually let them see them now, seemed pointless, he did feel better after eating, and her coffee, was as always, divine.
She sighed softly, “I know it's not. But just because it’s not my responsibility, it is my responsibility as a kind person to help when I can.” Her voice was crisp and matter-of-factly, no room for argument. “If I didn’t help, I wouldn’t be me.” 
“You have enough on your plate. Let me handle food. It’s something that helps, why not? Then you can eat whenever in a more balanced way,” she reasoned sweetly, “Plus…you probably don’t know how the modern oven and stove work.” she added, “So… let me take the one worry you have that you can’t handle, to me.” she assured reaching up to pet his cheek. “You don’t have to do everything if you let people help you.” she assured, petting his cheek. “Okay?” she whispered.
“Plus this way if someone wants popcorn… I know at least one person has a chance of not burning it.” she teased with a smile.
No. No, no, no. Christopher couldn’t tell her how horrified he felt at that moment. He couldn’t even admit it to himself really because there was something inside of him that he was running from, in the worst way. Vinny was the most beautiful being, and deserved the world, the utter world. But then, at that moment, when she started almost what he felt like, gently berating him for his insisting she didn’t need to do this, all he could think of was… No, no this was not okay…
Christopher was horrified at himself. 
Swallowed, all he wanted was the best for her, and he wanted, he would give her everything if he could, but how could he if he, if he was so lost… If he was so lost in her. Breathing in so deep, “Vinny, I- You barely know me, you barely know us.. You don’t know us at all.. Why.. why do this for us at all?”
She took a deep breath, “Because, Chris, treat others how you would like to be treated. And plus, karma. What you put into the world… comes back to you.” Her lips quirked gently, “I just want people to help each other when it's something so easily solved with compassion and understanding. Okay?”
Vinny just kept making it worse for him didn’t she, twisting him up a little more every time she gently chastised him for not understanding why she was being so kind. Why, why did she have to be so much like her. He hated this feeling, this inability to separate them. Please, he needed something, anything, give him something different in her.. Absolutely anything.. It was killing him to look at her, to hear her, to have her even scold him like Chenza did. No one talked to him like this anymore. No one told him off quite like she did, no one dared. He knew she was right, but it hurt all the more that he couldn’t separate Chenza from Vinny, and it wasn’t fair to Vinny..
Taking in a deep, shuddering breath, “BabyGirl- I- Vinny-” Stopping himself, stop it stop it stop it, his lips pressing together trying to figure out what he was even trying to say right then. How could he tell her he didn’t believe in karma.. How could he.. He lived with the knowledge his mate and her unborn children were murdered, because of him.. That Ryan, who had been abused and tortured by someone that was supposed to support them..  Christopher, he, he didn’t deserve any of her kindness because he could only lie to her about any of his life. 
He was a coward, and he was tired.. “Okay.” It was his responsibility to take care of his unit, and he was failing. Maybe, letting her do it in his stead, was all he had left. Jerahmiel was right, he was a waste of his race, the last of the original creations. He was worthless, he was nothing.
She kissed his forehead softly, “Chris. All I’m doing is teaching a skill and providing space for the skill to grow.” she whispered with a soft smile. “Don’t overthink it darling.” she insisted petting his cheek, “Do you mind flipping the sign to open and unlock the door for me? I’d appreciate it.
When Vinny leaned up to him, Christopher’s head dipped on instinct without thinking, so her lips came in contact with his skin. He swallowed, feeling an instant wave of guilt that he kept accepting these little touches of intimacy when he was so cruel to compare her so blatantly to another… Sighing, all she was doing, that wasn’t all she was doing and there was no way she didn’t know that. She was giving them so much more than skill, and space, she was providing them with all the means to thrive with it. Something Christopher could not manage without stripping away his honor and throwing away the duties that he clung to and fought to follow every night.
Walking to the door with direction, the heavy wooden Church door. Most wouldn’t assume it for a café, but opened up now to a secondary set that was more welcoming and open for people to just push and come in. He opened the heavy doors, and set them open and in place after unlocking the doors that people could push open easily, and flicked the open sign, ready for customers to enter as they wished. Christopher looked out to the street, the darkness still blanketed the world, the dawn however would be approaching soon, and he had to head up to the rectory. Sighing, as he came back to Vinny, “I have to go, I’m sorry.”
She looked up and smiled at him, “Go ahead and take those coffees with you for Justin and Ryan.” She urged. “I gave Ryan espresso this time.” She commented, “in dried raspberry coffee.”
Christopher raised an eyebrow at the mention of the raspberry coffee, however it was for Ryan, and Vinny made enough coffee for him with fruit involved. Always delightful, every time, he could never complain about it either. Nodding slightly as he accepted the coffees, “Thank you, Vinny.” He swallowed, it was bad when he had to remind himself at times, which name to use, when he had only just been thinking the right one a moment before. Looking into her eyes, he sighed.. She deserved better, and yet, everything he felt when he was around her.. Sighing, that was why she deserved better. Still, he couldn’t bring him to stay away right now, could he? “I’ll see you tonight.”
“Promise? I'll dress up for you and we can dance if you want.” She offered, “I have a dress in mind just for you actually…” she teased warmly, “take it easy…okay?” She requested before he was out of earshot.
Vinny watched him as he ascended the stairs up into the Church, loving the look of him as he moved… He had a powerful, reserved nature about him, and he seemed like he needed more help than he got. All she wanted was to see him smile and relax around her… maybe that would help.
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14 notes · View notes
matchibee · 1 year
A Web of Their Own Design (pt. 5)
the plot is thickening, I promise everything has a purpose. semi-proof read, i’m lazy but with standards.
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"Hobie, I..." Words refused to string together, simple tasks burdensome, impossible. You didn’t know where your words would begin nor where they’d end, the possibility of bringing unseen experiences to the front of your mind troubling.
Hobie seemed acutely attentive, looking to you with remorse, dropping himself onto one knee, hands shoved into the pockets upon his multi-patched jacket. He look to you critically, scanning your features, not missing a single detail. Once he condemned them to memory, to past experiences — heart rate, pupil dilation, breathing habits — he only had one thing to tell you. The one thing he had to tell you to make everything feel a semblance of what it was. Even if it never would be, never could be.
"You don't need to say it, I know."
What did he know? You thought to the context, the way you must appear to the external. It would be obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes, let alone spider senses, you were going through some type of turmoil. Whether it be of your own design or from the outside was unclear, at least to the untrained eye. And then a thought seemed to plague you, encapsulating you in only blackness — a shadow — as you pondered upon what he’d said. Why he’d said it.
He knew as in he knew the situation, the network that connected the various Spiders keeping him informed? Or had Hobie been exposed to enough losses he'd become desensitized; developing a meter for grief? You know? "You do?" You were skeptical.
"It's a fucked up world — universe — multiverse that we live in, man. It ain't fair, not right that we have to live like this and simply accept it."
You replied through tears, "The canon event shit?"
"The entire thing! Why should we be expected to devote our lives, ourselves, to fighting crime? We lose our reason, loved ones; all what for what?What have they — those institutions that created us, forced us into this life — ever done for us besides condemn us, wanting us gone?”
He’d gone onto an entire tangent and you’d simply allowed him to, sitting wordlessly as he was as expressive as ever — without or without the mask — Hobie was as theatrical as they came. Even if his words were correct, even if they struck a chord.
“We’re a pawn to their game, to the people. Working with those blokes that want us dead, yeah? Damn those cops... Damn them all." Hobie slumped beside you, maintaining his distance, moral support in his own mouth fully wordless way — the only way he knew how.
You didn’t know what to say, could only discern his words from a surface level of understanding. How badly you knew he was correct, how diligently you worked to keep thoughts of grief below the surface.
"About this uh... Anomaly? When did you detect it?" You choked out your words, throat dry, lips cracked. A fish out of water. Tears so far gone your body had deprived you of the nectar of life.
"Don't trouble yourself with that," Hobie stood to his feet, back slouched, boots pattering against hardwood flooring, "I'll contact Bossman, let him know the deal. He can handle it. Big man, that one."
This was your job. Your place in the multiverse. If you weren’t there to be the Spider to your people, to those that relied on your protection; what were you?
You’d lost your sense of self, sense of reason. Everyday you seemed to stray further from yourself and closer to this persona you’d created. Were you a person with their own life? A Spider whose life revolved around others?
Besides, you didn't want Miguel to have to handle it, extending himself too far, just like you’d done these past — fuck, how long had you been a hero, again? He tended to an infinite number of multiverses, doing his best to control outbreaks as they presented themselves, the best interest of the people in mind.
He didn't want to see innocent people overrun with malice, neither did you.
Even if Hobie wouldn't admit it, he didn't want that, either.
"Grief can put itself on hold," Could it really? You'd hardly begun the grieving process when Hobie showed up rearing for a fight. The loss of a life, friendship, multiple. Anyone would be rendered bedridden for the next few weeks, months. To know that such transgressions could’ve been prevented if only they’d been there? An eternity.
Spiders didn't have that luxury, not in this life, nor the next. Even if you pushed the thoughts and responsibilities away, they'd forever persist. It was your responsibility divined by the multiverse, a vessel chosen to bare the responsibility, a web that required your attention.
You couldn't break away without running the risk of severing its fickle connections. All it took was a single moment, a stroke of bad luck, and your universe would cease to exist.
You couldn't allow such transgressions to occur. If not for yourself, for the people who would lose their lives to a premature death.
"If there's an anomaly I should be there to deliver it from evil."
"Nobility doesn't suit you, not now."
Hobie was slowly but surely breaking down your walls in an attempt to rebuild you, mold you into someone capable of living for themselves rather than the people — it was your fatal flaw, the reason you lost so much in such little time — incapable of keeping up with the personas of daily life.
Spider. Sibling. Lover. Child.
You couldn't have it all, couldn't remember special occasions, finding them pushed further into the back of your mind as crime picked up during the holidays. Presents gone unwrapped, piling up in the corner of your apartment, holiday cards unopened. They only wanted to see you, make sure their darling child was alright.
Spider. Sibling. Lover.
Love didn't work for a Spider, time too inconsistent, intimate moments disrupted by the cruel reality of crime. Scrapes and bruises impossible to hide as wandering hands traversed the most delicate parts of sensitive skin, lies only deepening the rift between love and like.
Spider. Sibling.
Eventually they grew tired of lies, tired of an identity you work diligently to hide. The person who once ate sand alongside you now spat words of malice, siding with a parent stricken with grief, fearing they might lose someone of their own fruition. Siblings are fickle, fights breaking out for the smallest of instances. Usually they're simple to remedy, an ice cream cone and a shove, but not this time.
The only thing that remained consistent.
The reason everything was unable to coexist.
The only thing you had left.
Hobie had tracked the anomaly to central Newer York, the two of you discovering nothing out of the ordinary upon your arrival, the typical hustle and bustle of the working class's evening, returning home to adoring families, perhaps none at all.
Multiverse knows you had nothing to return to.
From damn-near thin air Hobie produced the small spider surveillance mechanism Lyla had taught you to use, the AI a whisper away in the dead of the night — a cheeky conversationalist if you entertained her, but your experience was far from first-hand.
Things change.
"Miguel wants to know if you two were successful in apprehending the anomaly." She fluttered at your shoulder, craning her to look you in the eyes — spider-eyes, but eyes nonetheless.
"Not particularly...?"
"I'll let him now."
"No!" You and Hobie were quick to shout in a succinct unison, terrifying you, a shiver running down your spine. You continued before the Spider-Punk, "I'd rather do this of our own voilition, y'know? Learn the ropes without a teacher breathing down my neck?"
"I completely understand," Your breath stilled, Hobie extending his fist, your own colliding with boney knuckles. "Unfortunately, I've already contacted him."
"Lyla!" Hobie shouted, running his palms down his mask. "Why would you do that to us, man! Way to kill the vibe!"
"Matar la vibra?"
Your backs grew rigid, Hobie swatting at you, wordlessly telling you to turn around, greet the man. You did the same, if not with more force, Miguel the one to inevitably deliver you from your silent argument.
Claws gripped where your suit pooled around your neck, raising you to the air like a cat to its infant, looking between the both of you with a scrutinous gaze. "Some maturity, children. I'm not a babysitter."
You crossed your arms over your chest, mumbling something under your breath, Miguel humming in prompt to continue.
"I'd appreciate if you'd stop calling me that."
"I'll call you whatever I want until I believe you deserve a different title, niño."
"I'm not a child."
Hobie furrowed his brows, "You speak Spanish?"
You tossed your hand back and forth, so-so, "Highschool Spanish, you can fill in the blanks."
"Teach me."
"Enough!" Miguel dropped you on your asses, your hand flying to rub at your tailbone, wincing. "Did you two spot the anomaly, or not."
You snickered at Hobie’s response, elbowing him at his side, Hobie responding with the same. Miguel from his spot above you, shoulders tensed and stare running like a chill down your spine, was far from amused.
"Doesn't appear to be showing up on my scanner." Hobie replied in a mumble, displaying his watch for Miguel to view, looking anywhere except the man above him.
The man groaned, turning to you. "Nothing?"
You nodded your head, smacking the watch with your palm for good measure, hoping to get some sort of reaction out of it. "Hey!" Miguel snatched your wrist, holding it his chest. "Sensitive technology, cabrón. Don't handle it like your toys."
You huffed, attempting to pull yourself free, Miguel smirking from above you. "You don't know how I play with my toys," Raising your mask to stick out your tongue, Miguel was thoroughly stunned, releasing you from his grasp.
He clicked his tongue, "toñto."
The three of you decided it was in your best interest to part ways for the time being, scouring the streets for the supposed anomaly, not a trace of where they could've gone in sight. As far as files had gone, Lyla nagging you with information as you wandered the streets, you were dealing with someone who had the ability to camouflage in some form, rendering it impossible for them to be picked up on the scanners. Perhaps an ability of invisibility, but you couldn’t be sure.
It was as though they'd vanished entirely, flat off the face of your universe, but according to your cumulative watches, a disturbance still persisted.
What could it be?
"Spider!" A voice you hadn't heard in a few days called out to you, blonde ribbons filling your vision, "Been a minute, hasn't it? How are you holding up?"
You smiled beneath the mask, grateful for simple conversation that didn't entail work. "I find I'm doing well, Officer. I hope I'm not under arrest?"
Hunter waved his hand, smiling at you with a roll of his eyes, "No way! Captain Perez is mental if he thinks I'm arresting the city's protector."
"I wouldn't call myself a protector, per say."
"Oh I would," Hunter approached you, taking your hands in his own, finger circling your palm. "I've been a diligent observer of your work for quite some time, Spider. You started this business when I was only a freshman, and so were you!"
"How do you know how..."
"I keep a close eye on the things I like. And you? I like you the most!"
The interaction had gone from wholesome to horrifying in a mere matter of seconds, a nervous laugh preceding your attempt at escape, finding his grip around your wrist tightened. "What I wouldn't give to see the face beneath the mask..." A hand detached from your wrist, snaking up the back of your head, "I promise Captain Perez would be none the wiser... Just a peek?"
You tensed, hands against the man’s wrists, squeezing in an effort to get away. Why was it that when you believed someone to have your best interests at heart, they always seemed to prove you wrong?
You couldn’t meet anyone as a Spider without them yearning for who lied beyond the mask, admiration be damned. You couldn’t get close to anyone as yourself, breaking bonds to protect what remained of your connection, losing everything in the end.
And isolation persisted once more.
You mustered all your strength to push against him, the officer stumbling a good few paces backwards before looking to you in astonishment, rejection. "Spider, I didn't mean..."
"Do yourself a favor and keep your hands off 'em." Hobie stood beside you, arm latching around your neck as he rested his weight against you, free hand pointing to the officer. "They ain't interested, man. Take a hint."
"Oh, you misunderstand!” He shook his hands in front of his face, “I'm merely an admirer, a bystand—“
Miguel seemed to manifest from nothing, towering over Hunter, hands to his hips, deviously smirking beneath the mask "Admiration can be done from afar."
Hunter took the hint, hobbling away, leaving you without so much as a wave of his hand. You breath stilled, hand pressed to your chest as you registered what had just occurred. "Thanks for the assist, Hobie. Really saved my a—"
Miguel interrupted you, "Language."
Miguel clicked his tongue, departing from the both of you, continuing his surveillance of the nearby area. There had to be something you were missing, something Layla had failed to debrief, and he would sooner keel over in a heap of webs than admit defeat — admit the anomaly had breached the confines of your universe.
"I wasn't the one to suggest assistance. Quite frankly, I wanted to see how it'd play out." Hobie had his hands in his pockets, walking at your side as the both of you scanned for something, anything.
You were perplexed, looking up at him as though he were speaking a foreign language, grown a second head. "Then who—"
"Who’d ya think?
taglist: @coralineyouareinterribledanger (never done a taglist before so lmk if u wanna be added) :)
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fire-branded · 2 months
There's something FFXIV Dawntrail did well in my opinion that I wish FFXVI had also highlighted.
These are, as always, just my personal opinions -- so I won't be mad if you disagree! Regardless, Dawntrail spoilers below the cut!
Dawntrail is very open about showing the impact and pressure that cultural and societal expectations can have on younger generations. Zoraal Ja and Bakool Ja Ja are probably the best examples of it.
Zoraal Ja, the first of three children of what is Tural's equivalent of a king, the only blood child of Gulool Ja Ja, and a child that no one thought could exist -- given that two-headed Mamool Ja normally can't reproduce. He is referred to as "The Resilient Son", and is constantly struggling to live up to this notion of him being a "miracle". He believes he must not only surpass his siblings in terms of strength and capability, but must surpass his father as well in order to prove that he is this miracle child that everyone believes him to be. After the Trial where you fight him, and he's talking to his son, he mentions things like having nothing to leave behind for the boy. Gulool Ja Ja may have loved his children, may have told and shown them that he loved them -- but in the case of Zoraal Ja, it was completely overshadowed by the legacy he needed to surpass(in his eyes) in order to be worthy of life, and by the immense pressure he was under to live up to the expectations of everyone who claims him to be a miracle child, possibly even on par with blessed siblings in terms of regard.
What he does is unconsciable and misguided, yes. I will never defend that, although it still is interesting to me that all three children took inspiration from different parts of Gulool Ja Ja's history and reign, with Zoraal Ja focusing on the fact that yes, his father had to fight against the Yok Huy in order to drive them back and get them to release their slaves. In most cases, no, peace is not obtained without some conflict. Zoraal Ja sees that people are taking for granted the peace that his father fought to give them, and he wants to remind them through war just how good they have it. Gulool Ja Ja was able to unite nearly an entire continent; if Zoraal Ja can unite the entire world, even if it's by using fear and force to bring them to heel, then surely he'll be good enough to make true him being a miracle child, right?
Then there's Bakool Ja Ja. He acts like an asshole who doesn't care, but in actuality, he cares -- a lot. He has the weight of not just his entire village and their expectations to shoulder, but he also has the grief and guilt of knowing about the countless two-headed infants who had died before his birth, just so that their people could carry out this building legacy of blessed siblings on the throne, thus affording them status and power to rise up from the darkness(literally) where they have been forced to call home. He agonizes, he cries, he despairs, and he hides it all, because he has no choice. The future of his village hinges upon his success, with his birth having been generations in the making. He can't fail. Not just for him or his people, no -- but also for those who died shortly after birth, to make their sacrifices and the parents who had to bury them's sacrifices worth it.
The expectations he has to live up to, too, are so incredibly high, with him having to live for everyone else as well as for ghosts of the past.
I bring this up because it's something I wish XVI had touched on more, too. Like many things in that game, there are hints and nods to it, yes. But like many things, it isn't really delved too deeply into, at least not beyond Clive's perspective. The expectations that Joshua and Dion likely had to struggle to live up to at young ages, how detrimental it likely was to their emotional well-being and sense of self-worth... And this isn't even mentioning the pot of worms that is royal status, or the rest of the Dominants and their respective stories and situations, especially when factoring in that they, like Cid, may well have accepted the inevitability of their deaths because of their Eikon's powers.
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fcrgedinpain · 4 months
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if  there  was  ONE  thing  that  dean  had  learnt,  it  was  that  there  really  was  no  OUT  of  the  hunting  life  -  not  really,  and  the  past  year  he'd  been  fighting  against  the  inevitable,  trying  to  fit  himself  into  a  world  he  didn't  feel  he  could  truly  blend  into,  not  when  he  knew  what  was  out  there,  not  now  he  had  a  FAMILY  to  protect.  he'd  been  a  mess  -  NO,  he'd  been  worse  than  a  mess,  and  lisa  had  to  pick  up  the  pieces  that  had  been  left  behind,  trying  to  piece  him  back  together  and  make  him  WHOLE  again.  the  sleepless  nights,  the  terrors  that  plagued  his  sleep,  it  was  the  life  no  one  saw  behind  the  smiles  as  he  tried  to  mow  the  lawn. then  a  case  fell  into  his  lap,  finding  out  sam  was  ALIVE  and  had  been  for  a  year  had  been  the  first  thing  that  sent  his  blood  boiling,  that  it  had  been  kept  from  him,  that  apparently  everyone  knew  other  than  him,  just  ASSUMING  he'd  been  living  this  perfect  life  when  it  had  felt  like  the  longest  year  he'd  ever  lived.  but  again  he  had  to  think  of  his  new  family,  something�� he  couldn't  leave  behind  as  it  left  his  heart  feeling  like  it  was  TORN  in  two,  taking  them  to  the  one  place  he  knew  they'd  be  safe  so  that  he  could  go  back  to  hunting,  and  maybe  finally  find  a  way  to  truly  leave  the  hunting  life  behind  him. arriving  a  bobby's  he  didn't  expect  anything  unusual  as  he  introduced  lisa  and  ben  to  him,  ruffling  the  boy  that  had  become  more  and  more  like  a  SON  to  him  that  he  could  have  ever  imagined,  it  was  one  of  a  few  things  that  caused  warmth  to  spread  in  his  chest,  along  with  a  twinge  of  worry  -  worried  about  if  he  could  keep  them  safe,  or  if  it  would  end  up  being  the  same  story  as  everyone  else  he'd  ever  cared  deeply  about. ❛   thanks  for  doing  this  bobby  -  it  shouldn't  be  for  too  long,   ❜   dean  spoke,  grabbing  a  beer  from  the  fridge,  assuming  that  it  was  bobby  that  had  entered  the  kitchen  space  now  that  he'd  gotten  lisa  and  ben  settled  upstairs  so  that  they  could  talk  things  over,  but  as  he  closed  the  fridge  and  turned  the  beer  from  his  hand  suddenly  fell,  smashing  against  the  floor  by  his  feet.   ❛   are  you  fuckin'  kidding  me  ??   ❜ the  last  person  dean  had  expected  to  see  was  allie  stood  there,  staring  right  back  at  him.  all  he  could  see  in  that  moment  was  the  exact  second  she'd  died  right  before  his  eyes,  the  GRIEF,  the  MOURNING.  he'd  never  once  spoken  to  anyone  about  how  he'd  felt  about  allie,  not  about  the  feelings  that  had  crept  into  place,  not  about  the  admiration,  the  way  he'd  wanted  to  be  the  person  to  hug  her  instead  of  sam,  how  he'd  wanting  something  MORE  but  knew  it  would  never  be  -  and  then  it  had  been  too  LATE  anyway. dean  hadn't  spoken  to  lisa  about  her,  throwing  the  weight  of  his  grief  onto  the  loss  of  his  brother,  never  once  daring  to  face  the  turmoil  in  him  that  was  connected  by  a  fine  thread  to  allie.  but  now  facing  her  it  all  came  back  to  him,  only  SADNESS  had  been  replaced  with  nothing  but  an  ANGER  that  made  his  heart  hurt,  like  being  gripped  in  a  vice  that  had  his  hands  trembling  at  his  sides.  hadn't  it  been  bad  enough,  hadn't  everyone  kept  enough  from  him  -  the  answer  seemed  to  be  NO. ❛   so   -   you've  been  a  part  of  it  all  too  ??   ❜
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predictions for the ending to watching and dreaming
Oh I’m so excited you asked!!! This is pretty much all I’ve been able to think about for three months. Part of that is because I honestly have no idea how the episode is going to go down, so really anything is on the table, but here’s what I’m hoping for
Everyone lives!! Except Belos. This show is really good at giving grief depth and long-term resonance, so if a protagonist was going to die, I would have expected it to be in For the Future so we could have a full episode after to process it. Of course, the whole Luz’s-voice-actress-crying-very-hard-over-the-finale thing does worry me in this regard, but I’m striving to remain optimistic. Belos, though, I do not see having any place in the world post-finale. I’d kind of love for Camila to kill him, but the setup is right for Eda to do it. Granted, though, I genuinely think sometimes that it might be Hooty
On the Collector: I don’t know him well enough to be entirely sure what he’ll get up to, but I’m pretty sure he’ll side with King at the end of it all. They’re definitely not past the point of redemption the way Belos is, and I think they could find their place in the Isles if King manages to teach them about mortality. I’m also just hoping that King gets an immortal friend so I don’t have to worry about him losing everyone he cares about as he ages
Raine gets free of Belos’s control (after what’s sure to be the most heartbreaking fight scene any of us have ever witnessed), although I do wonder if some kind of sacrifice is going to be required for them to fully regain their life force, like how Flapjack needed to give his to Hunter in order for him to recover. They and Eda profess their undying love and get back together 
With all the buildup around the last four minutes, I’m definitely wondering if it’s a timeskip of some kind. I’m not sure how far into the future they’d go, but I do have some hopes for where the characters end up. I’d love to see Raine become the next leader of the Isles, either on their own or in a council with the other leaders of the CATTs, and to have them put Eda and Lilith in charge of reforming the Hexside curriculum to teach about wild magic (Eda) and the true history of the Isles (Lilith). I’d also love it if Eda forges human birth certificates and stuff for Hunter and Vee so that Camila can adopt them, and Luz and Hunter go to “boarding school” (Hexside) and stay at the Owl House during the weekdays while Vee attends Gravesfield High. I’m almost certain they’ll figure out how to make another portal or use the one in the graveyard— I just can’t see the show ending with Luz having to choose between one world or the other
What about you? How do you think it will all go down? I could see almost anything happening and I am so excited (and also consumed by terror 24/7)
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minty-mumbles · 1 year
'Tis a Fearful Thing (Ch. 1)
Summary: The Shrine of Resurrection was built to revive the Hero of Courage, should he ever fall in battle against the Calamity. It existed for thousands of years before it was used for the first time. No one expected to ever see it used again.
Or: Wild makes a ethically questionable decision, and has to deal with the outcome
TW: Major Character Death
(Read on AO3)
Stepping through the portals that took them from one era of Hyrule’s history to the next was always a disorienting feeling. It was like stepping into an empty void where you were the only thing that existed. The best thing to do was to keep walking forward with your eyes closed, and eventually you would find yourself suddenly on solid ground, emerging on the other side of the portal.
That disorienting void affected some of the heroes more than others, Four and Hyrule especially, but Wild was one of the luckier ones. The worst effect he got from the portals was feeling a bit dizzy, which went away rather quickly
This latest portal was even easier on him, leaving him to shake away a slight feeling of vertigo before he was feeling back to normal. 
Wild smiled as he took in the bright light of morning. It didn’t take him long to recognize his new surroundings as the Great Plateau. 
Wild relaxed instantly at the sight of it. He had spent the first few months of his life on the Plateau and he would know this place blindfolded. It had become as much of a home to him as the house he’d bought in Hateno had. (As much as he could call any place home, with him being a wandering traveler. He had never quite settled down anywhere, even after the defeat of the Calamity.) 
Wild was intimately familiar with every square inch of the Plateau’s terrain. He knew the safest places to sleep, knew the best places to light a campfire and cook dinner. He knew where all the monsters lived, knew where all the sweetest berry bushes grew. He’d relearned how to live on this plateau, becoming a survivalist ready to take on anything the world could throw at him. 
The group had emerged onto Wild's favorite spot in the whole of Hyrule: the cliff at the entrance to the Shrine of Resurrection. It overlooked most of the country, and the view was breathtaking. 
This had been the first look at the outside world Wild had gotten after being reborn, and he wasn’t ashamed to admit he’d cried when he'd seen it. 
He’d been exhausted at the time. All the sudden physical activity after a hundred years of laying still in the Shrine had done him no favors. He’d been shaking from the exertion of making it that far, and at that point his life experience had been limited to the inside of the Shrine. Seeing the outside world with all its bright colors and glaring sun had been too much stimulation. But once his eyes had adjusted, he’d been awed. 
He’d felt a heavy sort of grief when he’d first seen the overgrown and ruinous world laid out before him. He hadn’t known why at the time; he hadn’t had the memories to tell him what he’d lost. 
Now, standing in the same place and surrounded by the heroes of the past, that grief was still present but it was overwhelmed by triumph and the love he felt for this world and its people.
The Plateau had been the first place Wild had taken Zelda after they’d defeated the Calamity. Looking back on it, it hadn’t been the best decision. 
After the adrenaline of their fight with the Calamity had worn off, they’d collapsed to the ground in each other's arms, clinging to each other like they thought they would be ripped away. Zelda had started crying, or at least she’d tried to. She was so weak from her imprisonment she couldn’t even sob. The pair had laid there for what felt like hours. Wild had been content to let her catch her breath and get her bearing. He could wait for as long as she needed. 
He’d seen the way that Zelda looked around at Hyrule field, like she’d been so lost, gazing at the ruined ground around them where the Calamity’s malice had spilled. When she’d caught sight of the castle, she’d covered her mouth, horrified, eyes widening at the sight of her home in ruins.
Seeing her so devastated, Wild had known he had to do something. The views that surrounded them were of ruins and death. He‘d wanted Zelda to see that there was beauty left in the world, that they still had something left to fight for.
Maybe it had been irresponsible of him. Maybe he should have teleported the both of them to Kakariko immediately, so they could get their wounds tended and rest after their ordeal.
Instead, on an impulse, he’d offered her his hand. She’d taken it without question, and her faith in him made his heart swell. 
He’d teleported them to the Shrine of Resurrection. The inside was dark, illuminated only by the glowing Sheikah symbols on the wall, Zelda jerked, obviously recognising it. 
She’d spoken for the first time, sounding like someone had taken a cheese grater to her vocal chords. “Why did you bring me here?” She’d sounded so lost and defeated, as if she expected Wild to yell and berate her. He hadn’t known what to say, so he hadn’t said anything, simply taking her hand and pulling her along.
He’d been in the middle of the worst adrenaline crash of his life, and she was even worse, so it had taken a while for them to scramble up the ledge at the mouth of the Shrine.
When they’d finally made it out of the cave, the warmth of the afternoon sun had soaked into them. Wild helped Zelda sit, giving her his waterskin. He collapsed next to her. She’d looked around, eye wide as she took in the beauty of the world around them. 
It’d been so tranquil, a stark contrast to the battletorn field they’d just been in. Peaceful and quiet, with birds singing in the trees. It was a little piece of the world that had been left untouched by Ganon’s forces. The ruined castle was visible in the distance, serving as a stark reminder of the pair’s first failure. But here, the world seemed to have healed. Nature had reclaimed what belonged to it, beating back the malice and hate that had seeped from the castle.
Wild found that he didn’t need to say anything. He could tell that Zelda had understood why he’d brought her here. The pair had stayed there for so long that they’d both fallen asleep, leaning against one another. 
(Impa had been furious at Wild for worrying her when the pair showed up at Kakariko the next day. She spent a good while yelling at Wild for not bringing the Princess straight to Kakariko. But Zelda had been much calmer than she’d been after they’d defeated the Calamity, so Wild hadn’t regretted it.)
Wild smiled faintly, allowing himself a moment to ruminate on the memories, before focusing back on the present.
The Forest of Spirits stretched out in front of the cliff they stood on, as lush and green as always. Far in the distance, the outline of the castle was visible. Tall Sheikah towers dotted the landscape, and nearly every major landmark was at least partly visible from the Plateau. 
The view also showcased the natural beauty of his era. Wild had yet to see anything that compared to the beauty of his Hyrule. The great sea of Wind’s Hyrule, the ancient forests that grew in Time’s era, the beauty of living above the clouds in Sky’s time, all of that paled in comparison to the way nature had reclaimed Wild's era, 
Some of the other heroes might have disagreed with Wild on that, but he didn’t care. They could complain all they wanted about the long hikes they had to take to move between towns, or about how often it rained. It wasn't his fault if they only chose to see the downsides of his era.
His Hyrule was beautiful, and this place especially held a special spot in his heart. It would always be a comfort to him. He still came here when he could if he needed time to relax, or a safe place to meditate. 
He was glad the other heroes got the chance to see this place. Wild doubted they would ever truly understand what it meant to him. Not even Twilight, as he hadn't joined Wild’s journey until after the champion had made it off the plateau. But this place was a piece of him, and he was glad they got to see it. 
Wild had been the fifth hero through the portal. By the time he’d shaken the lingering dizziness off and taken in his surroundings, those who had gone through first were already looking around. Wind was standing at the very edge of the cliff, telescope out and eagerly looking about. Sky was hovering near him, obviously worried about the sailor accidentally falling off the cliff but wisely not saying anything.
Time and Warriors were standing off to the side, the old man eyeing the Temple of Time with a strange look on his face. 
In short order, the rest of the heroes file through the portal. Thankfully, this portal seemed to have gone easy on the more magically sensitive of the group. Twilight, who was next to Four in case he needed to support the smithy, wasn’t needed. Four was able to stay on his feet, only bringing up a hand to rub at his temples. Legend seemed completely nonplussed, while Hyrule simply paused, frowned, then shrugged and continued onward.
Wild took one last look out over the landscape of Hyrule, made sure WInd wasn’t getting too close to the edge of the cliff, then headed off to confer with Time and Warriors about their next steps the group should take.
 It didn’t take long for them to come to the conclusion to head to Kakariko. It would be one of the best places to get information about unusual monster activity from, and as a bonus, it was the closest town to the Plateau.
Time spent a moment looking over the map on the Sheikah slate- somewhat awkwardly as Wild was still holding it- and then nodded. He straightened up, and glanced at Wild cautiously.
“And the monsters?” 
Wild shrugged, glad to be able to deliver some good news. “There shouldn’t be any surprises. There are monsters up on the plateau, but it’s mostly bokoblins and chuchus and they should be pretty weak. It’s one of the least dangerous places in my Hyrule. I promise it’s safe.”
Wild would never come to regret anything he’d said more than those words.
Wild hadn’t known this when he’d woken, but there was a reason the monsters on the Plateau were so easy to defeat. At the time, he’d thanked pure luck. If the monsters had been much stronger, he wouldn't have been overwhelmed when he was fresh from the Shrine and weak from coming back from the dead
It wasn’t until much later that Zelda had told him that the monsters’ weakness was due to the influence of the Temple of Time. The building dominating the Plateau practically oozed Hylia’s power from every block of cracked marble. 
The pure energy radiating from the temple had the effect of keeping the monsters on the Plateau weak and easy to fight, cutting them off from the magic of the Calamity. The monsters here were mostly bokoblins, chuchus, and keese, with an occasional weak lizalfos. There weren’t even any red moblins here.
This observation held true even after Twilight had reported a sizable group of bokoblins in the forest of spirits that lay in front of the Shrine. Mostly red, the rancher had reported, with a few blue thrown in, and a small swarm of keese. 
In the face of Wild’s assurances that the monsters here would be easy to defeat, the group hadn’t bothered to strategize for this attack beyond their typical safety measure of pairing up together. 
None of them were ever joyful when going into battle, but with the thrill of hunting easy prey, this was as close as they could be to being happy while drawing their swords.
Wind and Wild ended up paired up and sent into the trees surrounding the monster camp. Their job was to shoot down some of the keese, and then chase down any bokoblins that fled from the other heroes. Even after they were settled in their chosen tree, Wind still pouted slightly at being left out of the action. Wild merely snickered, tapping meaningfully on Wind’s bow. The pair raised their bows, arrows knocked, and strings pulled back. Wild waited until Wind had lined up his shot before whispering. 
The pair released their arrows as one, and two of the keese fell from the sky, a signal to the others to start their attack. As the heroes emerged from the trees on all sides of the clearing, some yelling battle cries and others deathly silent, the monsters fell into disarray. They scrambled to pick up their weapons, many of them being cut down before they could even grasp the hilt of their sword. 
Wild made good use of the arrows in his quiver, picking off the keese hovering above the group with Wind’s help. When there were only a few circling keese left, Wild shifted from picking them out of the sky to trying to turn as many bokoblins into pin cushions as he could. Right before he let loose an arrow to take down a bokoblin that was doing a very good job of dodging Time’s sword, Wind smacked him in the arm, gesturing towards three bokoblins- two red and a blue- that had escaped the notice of the other heroes.
The pair shared a grin, and jumped out of the lower branches of the tree they were perched in. Wild drew his bow midair, and shot one of the red bokoblins in the leg. He landed in a crouch with Wind close beside him, but the sailor was away in a flash after the injured bokoblin, sword already drawn and a deadly glint in his eyes.
Wild, leaving the situation in Wind’s capable hands, took off after the remaining red and blue bokoblin before they disappeared completely from view. Being slower than the blue, it was easy for the red bokoblin to fall behind after a few minutes of being chased.
Wild was quick to put an end to the horrible creature. Carefully, not daring to sheath his blade, Wild crept forward towards where the blue bokoblin had run. He wouldn’t be surprised if it was crouching in the bushes somewhere, waiting for him to pass so it could ambush him.
He moved silently forward for a few minutes, frowning, there was no sign of the monster. Wind hadn’t caught up to him yet either, which he should have. Perhaps Wind had encountered the bokoblin and took care of it already? 
Wild turned back toward where the rest of the heroes were fighting. If Wind had killed the monster, he would’ve returned to regroup with the others rather than searching for Wild in a forest Wind wasn't familiar with. 
There was no point wasting time wandering around in the woods. Wild knew he should head back, but something about this situation made him feel a prickle of unease on the back of his neck. Straining his ears, Wild could hear nothing that would make him feel uncomfortable, but still his instincts whispered that there was something very, very wrong. 
Wild had never ignored his instincts, and they always served him well.
He hesitated for a moment more, but eventually decided to head back to the others. It would be better to regroup than staying where he was or searching the woods. 
It didn’t take him long to get close enough that he could hear the faint shouts of battle from the others. He couldn’t have been gone for more than ten minutes. When Wild got back to the spot he’d killed the red bokoblin, his ears suddenly perked up, an involuntary movement. They swiveled to the left, tracking a faint noise. The sounds of the battle were faintly audible through the trees, though they were starting to quiet down as the fight ended. 
But the sound he’d heard hadn’t been that. It had been a snuffling noise, combined with a wet tearing sound.
The insistent feeling that something was wrong, wrong, wrong, was back, stronger than before. It nearly choked him, crawling up his throat and ending in a rough exhale of air through his teeth. It sounded almost like a hiss. If anyone else had been here, he might have been embarrassed at the noise. As it was, he simply stifled any further sounds. 
Slowly, cautiously, Wild crept forward through the brush towards the noise. 
The sight that greeted him was something that he would ever forget.
Laying motionless and more bloody than not, the form of the youngest hero lay sprawled on the ground. The red bokoblin crouched over him, doing something to the sailors neck with its mouth, and oh, gods, oh gods-
Wild didn’t remember drawing his bow. He didn’t remember screaming as his arrow sank into the creature's head, didn’t remember his sword in his hand as he decapitated the monster. Didn’t remember casting his weapons aside as he fell to his knees beside Wind.
Where was Wind bleeding from? Blood was smeared everywhere, so thickly Wild couldn’t see where it was coming from. If he couldn’t find where Wind was hurt, how was he going to stop the bleeding? How was he going to save Wind if he didn’t know where he was injured? 
His neck. Obviously Wind was bleeding freely from his neck. Chunks of his flesh were torn out because that filthy monster had been eating him. Wild pressed a hand against the sailor’s neck, trying to stem the flow of blood, but it was hard with how slippery Wind’s skin was with blood. But what else? There was too much blood around the sailor for it to have just come from the torn throat. The puddle was growing larger and larger beneath Wind. Where else was he bleeding from?
“Wind, Wind, where else are you hurt?” Wild pleaded. There was no answer, Wind’s body remaining limp. “Wind?” Wild choked out, tears blurring his vision.
HIs brain was scrambling to keep up with what he was seeing, but comprehension slowly dawned on him. Wind lay limp, his skin dull and lifeless, eyes staring straight through Wild, blood- too much blood- pooling endlessly around him. 
Wind was dead.
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marshmallowprotection · 8 months
Oh, I didn't expect people to be interested with the discussion about Saeran's decision in his AE! It makes me feel grateful to be able to share those feelings with everyone here. Lately I've been thinking a lot about AE and try to process what we've gone through slowly but surely there. Isn't it funny? I played the AE right after it came out and yet I'm still unable to sort out what I truly felt about the whole thing. I don't know if this is worth mentioning but for me, another reason why I feel upset about his decision is because my MC had someone in her life that literally died in the name of protecting her. But she carry the guilt of being the one to survive everyday as the consequence. So, seeing Saeran almost go down the same path is almost traumatizing in the worst way possible.
I see. It could be traumatic to go through a similar experience after you haven't had the opportunity to heal from the first one.
Not only to lose someone important to you but to hold on to the grief only a Survivor can have can be a lifelong passage of shame and guilt. You put yourself into a place where you feel like the world might have been better off if they lived instead of you, and there's no way to fight those feelings constructively, other than to tell yourself that you're alive today and it's okay that you're alive.
You deserve to be able to live your life, not with the added weight that comes with feeling like you owe the person who gave their life for yours the chance to do everything they could never do but only dreamed of. It's nice to do things for others, but not at the cost of your health and safety.
Like, if the person who died for you dreamed of completing a marathon but you know you could never do that, it would be nice if you did something like that in their place, but you don't have to do that to fulfill their dream. When somebody is willing to die for you, it means they want you to be able to live your life the way you deserve to live it, and they wouldn't want you to feel guilty or shameful for doing what makes you happy. 
Don't live for them, live for yourself. Always remember their sacrifice but don't let it fill you with so much shame that you never live. Sadly, they aren't there anymore, but they wanted you to live life, and you deserve to live. You deserve to mourn, too, but again, you're alive and they wanted you to live. 
Saeran would feel the weight of that guilt reach him once you reveal the truth, too. He would understand why it hurt you so much for him to do that, and he would apologize, knowing that however you feel about it will shape how he needs to move forward.
He would understand very well that he hurt you, just as he hurt you in the past but he's the kind of man who wants to make things right no matter what. He would apologize and own up to his actions because he would never want you to live a day feeling like you can't express your grief or pain. He didn't want to live in a world without you, but it hurt more to imagine a world without you in it. He understands that you will be upset with him for a while for that decision, but he won't blame you for being upset with him. 
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