#how did i bleed to make this gif? glad you asked
poke-irs-real · 5 months
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i imagine this is what having a post reblogged by realpokemon feels like
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To Leave the Abyss
Professor Sharp hates to recognise himself in your eyes.
A thirty something Auror Aesop Sharp is failing to come to terms with his predicament.
This was supposed to be a part of one of my WIP. But then I got into it and thought; oof, that's heavy. So it's a standlone. Gif amateurly made by me.
Note: Sharp, Hecat and Ronen knew each other in school. Ronen was oldest, Hecat was youngest and they were in the "I hate PNB" club before it was cool.
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TW: Depression, Self-harm, suicidal thoughts, swearing
Sharp wasn’t usually fond of going to the Astronomy tower - the amount of stairs! Tonight however, he felt a certain pull towards the place, and he was glad that he did. It took him a long time to finally climb that spiral staircase, but once he managed to do so, he immediately noticed that he wasn’t alone there. Standing just ahead was a student, and he didn’t even need to guess which student it was. You were shaking like a leaf, your hand holding the handle of your broom in a vice grip, and you stood with your back to him. “What do you think you’re doing here?!” he asked loudly, making you flinch violently and turn around to face him.
The look on your face terrified him, haunted him, because he knew it all too personally. That wide-eyed panic, tinged with chaos and madness. You reminded him of a wounded, caged animal and he could almost feel you considering whether to just throw your broom away and toss yourself off the tower without it.
He remembered that look so well. 
He saw it in his own eyes, shortly after he was released from St Mungo’s. He moved around mostly on a wheelchair, using his cane only when absolutely necessary - to dress himself, get into and out of bed, sit on the sofa, use the bathroom. He drank heavily that evening. Like he did everyday since he got home, actually. He was just washing his hands, trying to balance himself on his good leg, the strong liquor making it even more difficult, when he made the mistake of looking up. He saw himself in the mirror. He saw the look. He saw his scar, red and angry and fucking painful. He saw his face. His face was overgrown, scruffy, and his eyes were red, the circles under them so dark they were nearly purple. His hair was a mess. He was a mess. A cripple. He’ll never be able to do his job again. He’ll never see his partner again. He’ll be forever haunted by the memory of seeing her with her wife and son, together in an embrace. He lost everything. He lost everything.
The pain in his leg seared, raw and agonising, and Aesop screamed. He brought his arms up in unhinged madness and he lunged forward, bringing his fisted hands against the mirror. There was a cathartic sound of glass shattering and he nearly felt relieved when he felt pain somewhere else than his leg and face. Blood. Blood was falling freely from his shaking hands. A few hard hits later, he was covered in it. He was trembling. With a final hit, he let his head join in on breaking the mirror. He saw red. Hot wetness ran down his nose, his cheeks.
Pain. His leg cramped up and with a shout he felt it give up on him, sending him plummeting to the ground. He sat there covered in cuts, in shards, in blood. He screamed. Aesop screamed as loud and long as he could, tears streaming down his face, red from exertion. He screamed even as his throat began to hurt, screamed until he no longer physically could. 
He didn’t know how long he sat there, head hung low, shards of glass all around him, some of the smaller cuts having stopped bleeding. The blood was drying up, becoming crusty. Tears still streamed down his face. He was filthy, his clothes were beyond salvation. His leg hurt like shit, so much he barely felt the glass cuts anymore. His hands were a mess. Two of his fingers were broken, protruding in odd directions. He was still shaking. 
One of his hands picked up a larger piece of what used to be his mirror. He observed the sharp edge of it. How long would it take to die if he was to slit his throat? How long would it take to bleed out like the pathetic animal he was, if he was to sever an artery. He unconsciously lifted the glass.
“Aesop Theodore Sharp, you put down that shard RIGHT NOW! ” He startled so much, he gripped it harder, cutting it into his palm. He winced and his hand released. It took a while before it hit the ground, having got stuck under his skin. Fresh blood started running down his arm.
Dinah Hecat stood before him, the look on her face terrifying. Her work injury years ago left her looking like an old woman despite being younger than him by two years. However, Aesop knew very well that she would have been able to take him on when he was in full health and strength. This was not a woman to be trifled with. “What were you thinking?!” she roared. The former unspeakable, current teacher observed him. He must’ve looked positively pitiful. “We’re going to St Mungos. You’ll be staying there until term ends, even if I’m to personally shackle you to the bed. And I won’t let you out of my sight during the summer. Aesop Sharp, heed my words, you are going to hate me before September comes!”
He didn’t argue. There was no point. He was as weak as a kitten right now and whatever Dinah wanted to do, he wouldn’t be able to stop her. 
He could not speak, when a healer in the magical hospital inquired about his injuries, his sore throat only producing strangle gurgling sounds. He drank so many potions, he felt as if his taste buds were permanently burned away. Wiggenweld, Blood-Replenishing potion, Skele-Gro, Calming draught, Draught of peace and of course Dreamless Sleep. A dose larger than he ever had before. 
When he woke up, he realised just what he’d done. He remembered everything. He sat up in the pristine white hospital bed, his whole body sore, his leg positively pulsing with pain. He put his face into his hands. He wept again. A warm hand touched his shoulder. Watery brown eyes looked up into the kind face of his former ministry colleague. Dinah stroked his shoulder, before moving her hand up to his face, to his hair, petting him softly. 
He cried into her shoulder that day, his hands laying limp in his lap. He heard a clock ticking somewhere to his left. He heard Dinah’s soft shushing sounds. He heard movement on the corridors - nurses, healers, patients, visitors. He heard his own heavy breathing, and he heard the beating of his own heart.
“Listen to me, Aesop,” she spoke later. He wasn’t sure how much time passed, but the sun was taking on an orange colour. Her hands were on his shoulder. “I am choosing to believe that yesterday-” her breath caught, but she recovered quickly, “yesterday was a moment of madness. Never again do I want to find you like I did. You have to realise that your life is not your own to take. Once you do, you’re not the one who’ll hurt. Everyone around you, your family, colleagues, your friends, they’ll be the ones to bear that pain. Think of your mother. You would really make her bury her son next to her husband? 
“You would have her suffer all alone until the end of her days? You would have her, and me, and Abraham, and your partner’s wife stand at your funeral? How could you be so selfish?” Her words were harsh, but Aesop felt he needed to hear them. He felt them grounding him. He felt ridiculous and pitiful. He wept on.
“Aesop… you won’t stay in this darkness. I know you won’t, because you won’t be allowed to. You’re one of the strongest people I know and you never knew when to give up. And now, giving up so easily? That’s not you. Get yourself together. I want to see that Aesop I know, that witty, brave, sarcastic, strong man, who’d always find a way to do what he felt was right. Even if it meant breaking a rule or two.” The broken man held his hands together in his lap, rubbing them slowly. Old habits die hard.
“What if-” he started, his voice still hoarse from yesterday. His throat felt numb. “What if I’m not able to… remember that man?” A smaller hand closed around his rugged ones. “Then you’ll have me to remind you. I’ll do everything in my power to help you, and if I’m unable to help, then you can be sure I’ll stand by you, every step of the way.” Aesop could have cried all over again.
“Okay,” he said instead.
Dinah did good on her promise, and really checked in on him every day of the summer. She was driving him up the wall, actually. She threw out every bottle of alcohol she found, and regularly made sure he didn’t buy any more. He started eating more, because not doing so resulted in the former unspeakable giving him an earful. He decided fairly quickly that it’s simply less of a hassle to get something into his stomach, than having to endure her wrath every day. He gained back some of the weight he lost, no longer looking so gaunt. 
She forced him to start walking, using his cane for support. It hurt like hell. It made him determined. He was not going to give up. Slytherins don’t just give up. Dinah made him go outside, being so obnoxious he was almost glad to get out of his house. The first breath of fresh morning air made his sore body buzz appreciatively. He didn’t walk far the first day, choosing to just sit in his little garden. The DADA teacher appeared with tea and sat next to him, looking awfully proud of herself. With a flick of his wand, he disposed of the dead plants on his herbology table nearby.
The next day he walked around the little hamlet. He tried not to notice the stares he received from his neighbours. He tried even harder not to notice their pity. He pushed his chin forward, proud and defiant, as he made his way to the merchant nearby. He needed new seeds. 
He wasn’t entirely happy to be in the Three Broomsticks, if he was being honest. But, once more Dinah pestered him until he agreed. That is, until he gave her his worst angsty-teenager ‘Fine!’ . He knew people were staring. The curious glances were easier to handle than the winces. A girl appeared at their table, taking their orders. She could have been fifteen, maybe sixteen. She didn’t look at his scar, didn’t look at his cane. She observed him as if he wasn’t a cripple, who’s obviously in pain. She just smiled and took their order. He was grateful for it. “That’s Sirona Ryan, one of my Ravenclaws,” smiled Dinah, “wonderful girl. She really came out of her shell once she embraced who she is.”
Having grown tired of spending his compensation money and the little sick leave pay he received every two weeks on buying potions for his pain, he soon started brewing his own. Wiggenweld, for a start, but also various other potions, as well as salves, each of which have had various success in diminishing his pain. He forgot how much he always loved this subject. He started experimenting, too, trying new ingredients, new combinations. The healers in St Mungos may have been convinced there was no cure for his ailment, but Aesop wouldn’t give up. 
When summer ended and Dinah could only visit him during the weekends, he was equally glad and disappointed. He thought he looked forward to being alone again, alone with his thoughts, alone without her constantly pestering him to eat something, to go outside, to shave, to cut his hair, to dress in fresh clothes. He found himself slightly lonely now.  
However, he found a rhythm, a routine. He’d wake up in the morning and go about his day. Aesop would do his morning hygiene. He’d make and eat his breakfast. He’d tend to his plants. He’d have lunch. He’d go for a walk, leaning on his cane. The pain never went away, but it was more bearable now. On most days, that is. He’d be hunched over his potions station long into the evening, brewing and brewing. He’d run his experiments. He’d fall into his bed, but not without taking either Dreamless Sleep or Draught of Peace.
Rinse and repeat. 
He ate, he wore clean clothes, he took care of himself and his home. He visited his mother, who always fretted over him. Then there was Dinah who would also fret over him when she came over. He saw Abraham a few times, the jovial man always full of stories. He let his hair and stubble grow in defiance. He was offered a different job in the Auror office. Auror recruitment programme… the very thought made him shudder. To think he’d be buried under parchment, dealing with children straight out of Hogwarts, who thought they were some heroes who would save the world, only for them to soon realise how horribly they were mistaken… Often brutally. Bloodily.
He didn’t want that. Such a job held no appeal to him whatsoever.
Aesop Sharp retired from the Auror office at 34 years old.
He still received a small amount of monetary support from the ministry every month, and he started selling some of what he brewed. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for Aesop. In any case, it was enough until he found something better to do, some new job that could fill him with fulfilment. Dinah came around, sometime during April with a smug smile on her face. She found him the perfect job, she claimed.
Four months later, Aesop stood before Hogwarts.
He found it rather funny. He didn’t want to deal with children straight out of Hogwarts who pursued an Auror career, only to deal with them in the school itself. If anything, he could make sure they were well prepared, that they were humble, that they knew everything they needed. That they wouldn’t end up like him.
He also thought about the vast expanse of Hogwarts library, of the Greenhouses, of the ingredient stores. If he was to find a cure somewhere, it would be here.
With every limping step towards the castle, he grew more and more sure that this was the right decision. That this was fate. 
The worst time of his life flashed before Aesop’s eyes. He saw your sorrow, your desperation, your pain. He saw you, entirely, and he saw himself, too. It was raw and painful and he hated it. He hated to see someone so strong, so ridiculously brave, so kind and selfless like you feeling this way. Damn ancient magic, damn the keepers, damn Ranrok and damn Eleazar for leaving you like he did.
“Come here,” he said, his voice so quiet you almost didn’t hear it. Not knowing why, you obeyed. Your broom hit the floor. You moved slowly, still shaking violently, tears already appearing in your eyes. It was Aesop who took the final two steps to you, and, without further ado, closed his arms around your smaller form, pressing you to him entirely, imprisoning you in his warmth. You’ve grown during the year, but being as tall as he was, he easily tucked your head under his chin. Sobs soon started leaving you. Gut-wrenching and raw like his screams were before. It seemed like a lifetime ago. 
He made it on time, he made it before you did something stupid. Like he did. He wouldn’t let you be like him. He held you tightly, stroked your hair, let you cry on his shoulder. He made soft shushing noises. In the distance he heard bells, it was midnight. You clung onto him, your hands gripping the fabric of his coat so tightly, your fingers went white. He was a solid, steady warmth against you, and you felt safe, protected, and you weren’t alone. When your sobs began subsiding, you felt utterly exhausted, numb, your throat was sore from crying so hard, and your head was starting to ache.
Two large lean hands grabbed your face, gently, yet insistently. The potions master pulled you back, tilted your head and looked into your eyes deeply. His face was so close, his large nose almost touched your own.
“You listen to me, (F/N)(L/N), and you listen well,” he started, his tone soft, yet very serious, “I know your pain. I know the darkness - you won’t stay in it. You won’t be allowed to. I won’t let you, your friends and teachers won’t let you, and you definitely won’t let yourself.” He remembered what Dinah told him, all those years ago, word for word. He never forgot. He never stopped being grateful to her. She pulled him out of that void and now he had to do the same for this young witch.
“You’re stronger than you know. I simply won’t accept you giving up, not after you single-handedly defeated Ranrok, after you saved this school. That’s not you. I want to see that absolutely brilliant girl, who excels in school by day and rescues beasts by night, who’s untamed and unafraid, and who’s always ready to defy anything and anyone, even me, in order to do what’s right. Whatever you need, I’m here. If you cannot bear to be alone, I’m wholly prepared to give you detention every evening until you graduate. I intend to pull you out of that abyss, even if you hate me for it.”
At some point your hands covered his own on your cheeks, and fresh tears rolled from your eyes. Aesop pulled you close again, grounding you, letting you fall apart in his arms and putting you back together with his quiet comfort. “I could never hate you,” you whimpered and clung on tighter, not wanting him to let you go. He wouldn’t. Just like Aesop was not alone, he wouldn’t let you be alone either. You were not alone. He was not alone.
Hello, I hope you enjoyed reading. You can also find this story on AO3. I appreciate your feedback!
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blueathens · 2 years
Act One Teaser (It’s Not Like The Movies)
Character Profiles||Playlist||Masterlist||INLTM Teaser
Not my gifs - credits to the makers
Teasers are from my planning - so not official! If you guys have any ideas for series’ then feel free to send them in - if used then I’ll credit you :) (e.g. references to Disney/fairytales etc)
If you want to be added to any taglist for any of my works - let me know and who/what for!
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“That was reckless! What’s the point of being pretty if you’re completely brain dead!” “You think I’m pretty?”
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It been a month and Charles was still fifteen, and they were still gone, and his father busied the young prince with meeting many well-known families around the world to see if their daughters, nieces, or even their granddaughters were well fit to be queen of their country – fit to be his wife. He didn’t care about any of them, not giving any of them his time of day as he sits boredly on his throne next to his fathers as Arthur tried to make conversation next to him to try and cheer him up. Pierre even joked that this was his favourite month of the year as he busied himself of making conversation with the girls of (or around) their ages. Charles was glad Pierre was happy, but he was quite the opposite as the one girl he wanted still hated his guts, and she was also the one girl his father wanted dead...she was also the same girl who hasn’t yet returned home. Charles Leclerc was fifteen and miserable and lonely and scared. It been two months and there were still not signs of them. His father was now busing him with more classes now that the girls has all gone home after the constant begging from Charles that he was still young and have more to learn – his father agreed, and it gave Charles time to think on how he could get out of the next time this would happen.
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He tips her head like a dog at the window. The outside world is so interesting, and he is not part of it; just witnessing.
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“You’re bleeding, Y/n.” Christopher’s hand brushes his cheek and Y/n copies the motion, her hand coming away bloody. “Oh.” She wipes her hand on her jeans. “It’s nothing, kid. Can’t even feel it.” It’s not a lie. She can’t feel the small cut on her forehead. It’s nothing compared to the sharp burn of the laceration on her back, or the persistent throbbing of her leg.
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‘Smoking is a bad habit,’ Charles thought as he watched Y/n place the cancer stick between her lips, lighting the end of it with her lighter before taking a long drag, holds it, and then she turns her face to let out a long line of smoke, being considerate to not let the smoke be directly near Charles. ‘But man does she look good doing it.’
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“Why did you punch that guy?” “He called you an idiot.” “Isn’t that what you call me on a daily basis too?” “Yes, because that’s what you are, but the world doesn’t need to know that.”
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Charles shivered as the pair of them stood in the cold. "I swear it has never been this cold in Eynsworth before," his teeth cluttered together as he spoke. He glanced to his right at the sign of movement next to him. "What are you doing Y/n?" She pulled the jacket down the rest of her arm before gripping it into one of her hands and holding it out towards Charles. "Breaking those horrendous stereotypes."
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“At least they can get my nose right,” she comments as she looks at Daniel’s wanted poster. “Unlike Danny’s.”
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It was a simple comment, so simple yet it ruined Daniel. “You’re lucky that you’re always happy,” it repeats in his head whilst he clings to Y/n, holding her like she’s the air he needs to breath as he sobs in her arms. Yes, Daniel is always happy.
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“Can you stand?” Charles asked. Y/n nodded shakily, trying to pull herself up onto her feet. Just as soon as she managed to get upright, her knees buckled. Y/n’s vision went blurry as she tried to grab the wall, or anything, really, to stop them from– Charles catches her before she hit the ground, helping Y/n to sit back down. “S-sorry,” she stutters “I-I-I–” “It’s okay,” Charles slips a hand under Y/n’s legs and another behind her back and picks her up easily. “It’s okay, I’ve got you.”
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“So how does someone like you sneak into a charity even hosted by the richest man in the city?” “I’ll take that as your way of saying you couldn’t stop thinking about me since the last time we met.”
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cwritesforfun · 2 years
Rooster x Fem!Reader: Farm (Request)
Rooster ejects and falls to a forest. Y/N is a farmer and lives alone with her two dogs. Your dog’s names are Coco (border collie female) and Max (border collie male).
Y/N - Your Name & L/N = Last Name
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Rooster’s POV
I need to make an emergency landing. This plane is not going to make it back to base. It’s too old. I don’t even know if it’ll make it to land.
I yell “Come Max and Coco! Let’s go!”
I turn and see them sprinting off past me.
((Like the border collie in the gif below))
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I chase after them into a clearing where there is a plane that crashed and a man who is struggling to get out. I rush over and help the man hold open the opening, so he can squeeze out of the plane. He falls out of it onto the ground and I help him walk away from the plane.
The man pushes away from me and starts to walk on his own. He makes it two steps before he falls to the ground. I rush over to help him stand up and he says “I’m fine. I’m fine. I don’t need help.” I reply “Don’t tell me you’re fine. You’re bleeding! You need medical attention. Look, I have a cabin about 1 mile from here and I can stabilize the bleeding. You can also call your friends or whoever you’re with to let them know you’re okay.” He asks “What’s your name?” I answer “Y/N L/N. What is your name?” He answers “Bradley Bradshaw, but my friends call me Rooster. I feel better knowing your name. That makes me feel like you won’t kill me.” I laugh and reply “I will not kill you, Bradley Bradshaw. I swear on my dog’s life.” He replies “Then it’s been sworn to the truth. I believe you.” I laugh and he leans on me then we walk to my place.
Bradley/Rooster’s POV
I think I am slightly crazy. I took a plane that clearly was not meant to fly then I went with this random girl to her place, so she can fix me up. I better not regret this. She does smell good at least.
We make it to a cabin and I see rows of plants all neatly organized by rows. There are vegetables, fruit trees, and gigantic flowers. 
Y/N exclaims “So this is home. The bathroom is inside and so is the phone.” I reply “The place is beautiful. I truly cannot believe how great your plants are. I kill plants so fast.” She laughs and replies “Get an aloe plant. They do need a little care, but they are great for cuts.” I thank her.
We go into her place and I wash myself off. She then helps stabilize the bleeding from my arm. I then use her phone and call Maverick.
R = Rooster M = Maverick
M - Hello? R - Hey Mav. It’s Rooster. M - Where are you? We lost your signal over a forest. R - About that, I am in the forest. This nice woman helped get me out of my plane that I crash-landed. She let me clean up here and use my phone to get a ride back.” M - Ok. Just let me know how to get to you. I’ll send a plane. R - Yeah let me ask Y/N... Hey Y/N... Could you help for a sec?
I let Y/N tell him directions and then she hands the phone back to me.
M - Rooster, are you back on? R - Yes I am. Did she give you good directions? M - Yes. She sounds kind. Be safe and we’ll be there in an hour. R - Ok. See you then. M - I’m glad you’re okay, kid.
I talk with Y/N until Maverick shows up.  I then leave.
3 days later... Y/N’s POV
I found some great-looking apples and I’m using them for a salad. This is going to be great.
I hear noises outside and I slowly walk to my front door. I look through the peephole and see a plane. 
I open the door and wait. Who could it be?
Bradley gets out holding a bag and walks towards me. I notice his arm is now in a sling and not just gauze I had. I’m glad he got help.
I exclaim “I’m so glad you to see your arm in a sling and not still in the gauze. I take it you are feeling better today..”
He exclaims “Yes, I did get the help for my arm and I do feel better. The other day … I couldn’t just leave the other day and not get you anything. You saved my life and you took me in when you didn’t even have to. I brought you a small bag of gifts as a small thank you.” I take the bag and say “Thank you ... hey if you’re free, would you like to join me for lunch?” He answers “Uh sure. In that case, good thing I brought a present. One or two things can be contributions for lunch.” I laugh and he walks in. 
Max and Coco run up to him. 
I walk to the kitchen and open my bag. It’s a blanket, wine, and chocolates. He sure knows the way to a woman’s heart. 
I finish cooking lunch and I serve us two plates. 
We eat on the porch overlooking my garden. We spend the next few hours just talking about our lives.
Bradley exclaims “I hate to leave. I’ve had such a great time. I would love to see you again. Would you like to go on a date with me?” I answer “I would like that very much.”
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jeeperso · 2 years
D&D Quotes Without Context
Revenge of CHAOTICA! - Episode 9
"I recall Nivasi likes using crocodile-men as hencthings.” "I heard he has a whole menagerie of evil creatures at his beck and call. Krakens, stone golems, doppelgangers, the works. A real monster society of evil.” GM OOC: He does no such thing. This is an original character (do not steal). Thunderchild: “So yes, too quiet. Something is bound to leap out and try to kill us. Watch your step. Did I miss anything?” Fiver: "You forgot 'I have a bad feeling about this’.” "Awkward pause so he can start monologuing at us over the public address?” "That is a lot of WorkForged.” Fiver: ”Sooo.....awkward question time but fuck it someone has to ask this. Is this like the Warforged equivalent of an orgy?” Amber: "No, no it is not.” Fiver: "Okay good, I was worried I'd have to ask Robbins to stay in the car. He's not ready for such debauchery.” Robbins: “We-had-a-car?" “Ah! You’ve arrived! Just in time to feel the wrath of my GEY, system! What does it stand for, cretins? That is it Great at Extermination? YES!!!” "Also, you named your super computer Gay?” "It's stupifying how often people think that, just because they created intelligence, that intelligence will want to do what they say.” “Grraaagh! Why do artificial intelligences disobey me as much as the non-artificial ones! You are Bad! Bad GEY!” "Well I'm suitably intimidated. How a bout everyone else.” “Look why don't we all sit down and talk through these family issues you two clearly are having.” "KILL IT WITH FIRE.” "I don't get that option until next level! Laser's'll have to do.” "That doesn't work much against metal.” "THAT'S QUITTER TALK.” Four-Paw Stomping Foot Technique! GM OOC: What are you targeting? OOC: Donkey-Borg. “Geek-the-mage.” "Wait, if monkey hate technology, and robot hate the monkey, shouldn't this thing hate itself?” Fiver: "See? What did I say? Kill it with fire. Glad someone here knows how to take direction. Thunderchild? You're getting employee of the month for this. I'm sorry Robbins, but leaving little carrot cakes on my bed isn't enough anymore. You need to step up your game man.” Thunderchild: “Oh great, so where's my paycheck then?” Fiver: "...You had it and you lost it. Robbins you're back on top.” "HEY GEY! YOUR MOTHER RUNS WINDOWS 8.” "The rabbit devil has dug out a special warren just for you Gey, so don't keep him waiting.” [insert gif of Loona answering phone] "No I don't know why Rabbit Satan is so hot. Stop asking.” GM OOC: Three hits. So… how do you want to do this? OOC: Bite off his head? "So who wants to piss on the body?”
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"Good plan: makes running harder.” “If I make a full confession can you not do that?” "Robbins, no exploiting what are practically newborns!” OOC: Can't we just upload "communistManifesto.exe" onto the main server? Fiver: “So, it's fine we're leaving an army of burgeoning artificial intelligences with their own self replicating factory alone in space, right?” Thunderchild: “It's probably fine…”
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“I will gladly tell you everything as long as my legs are unbroken and I get right of first refusal on the tell all book.” Thunderchild whispers: “Can I shoot him in a kneecap? Please?” Fiver: "Only if he runs." "Hey, the best way to learn how to do it right is to do it wrong first.” "Full disclosure I may have left a copy of the Brible back there.” "FIVER! Now they are going to make their own robot Devil and God.” OOC: So blowing up everything might be counter productive, until after we find evidence. GM OOC: Or killing everyone. Jonni: “Right. Arms and legs are fine, long as they don’t bleed to death. Jedi philosophy.” GM OOC: I hope you like aluminum diapers. OOC: And Robbins is comfortable enough with a larger steamer trunk as his quarters. OOC2: Moonpaw, as a cat, will sleep in a shoebox. OOC3: All Fiver wants is a tiny alcove he can make a shrine to El Ariaiah in. OOC2: With a secret smuggling compartment behind? OOC3: Naturally.
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minti-tales · 11 months
9. How do they feel about Zenos?
19. What do they think of the Heavens Ward?
Boy, talk about a double whammy. I want to post that gif of John Mulaney saying "We don't have time to unpack this!," but guess what? This is an ask me. I must make time to unpack this. These. Let's a-gooooo
I should start by saying that these answers are likely to be me bleeding into Minti. I tend to leave fragments of myself in the characters that I write, some bigger than others. Some fragments turn into a troublesome, but lovable bunny who tries *very very hard* not be defined, who drinks my glamour potions, and spends all of my gil.
Zenos was never a character I liked. I think they're a well written villain and foil for the Warrior of Light, but I never said "Hey, it's Zenos!" with a smile on my face.
He reminds me too much of relationships I've had in the past, where I was, at different times, the rebound, the whipping post, the obsession, and the tryst. (I recently learned that the person who was obsessed with me in high school was stealing my parents' information to open credit card accounts, twenty years later. *Twenty. Years. Later.* If this is you, and you're reading this, grow the hell up. I moved on, so can you.) I realize as I'm writing this that the ask is in danger of turning into *Tales of Hoffman*, the German opera where a drunk poet sings about their ruined relationships in a Bavarian tavern, so let's steer this towards Minti again. I also realize not everyone is going to get this reference; I was a wannabe theater kid with a cousin who did opera and church friends who sang in the local opera theater company.
The point I'm failing to make is that Zenos is obsessed with Minti, the Warrior of Light. Zenos would, and tries, to burn the world down so that Minti's focus is entirely on him. It doesn't matter that he defeats her more than once in the MSQ; it doesn't matter that he turns into a frickin' primal, Shinryu. At the end, it's down to who Zenos decides are the superior predators: himself and Minti. The rest of the world doesn't, shouldn't, exist.
Zenos scares her; he scares her every time he shows up. This is not a "I can fix him" situation, this is "I'm with someone who can kill me, but chooses not to. I want to leave." Being left alone with him at the end of the universe is the worst possible scenario.
Later on, when we meet Zero and go through post-6.0 content, it was hard for me and for her to distinguish Zero from Zenos. In Minti's mind, they were the same person, just with a different body and name. Who knew when Zenos was going to emerge from Zero like a skinwalker and go "Did you miss me, Warrior of Light?" Which is why that kiss meme went in the direction it did - fear that Zero wasn't Zero.
"One Walks in Shadow, One Walks in Light" was an attempt for me to distinguish Zero from Zenos before the end of 6.5. I - me - needed to have a good story for them, and 6.5 provided that. Dare I even say that they're *friends*. Can you believe that? Friends. Good friends! Not friends with benefits, but good, "I got your back, you got mine" friends.
So, after all that rambling, Minti is glad Zenos is dead, may he decay at the far end of the fudging universe and not come back.
OH BOY OBERTO, let's talk about the Heavens' Ward. Those people. The people who killed Lady Sabbatine. Those people.
When I talk about Minti being a Ward of House Treleaux, I mean it in the way that the Warrior of Light is a Ward of House Fortemps in the MSQ. They're part of the house, but not by blood. They're under the house's protection.
House Treleaux was never in good graces with the Church, pre-Heavensward. As I've written elsewhere, they got accused to practicing witchcraft and consorting with dark powers to become knights of the Greene (Dark Knights). That reputation didn't get helped after the Calamity, when Lady Sabbatine Treleaux took control of the house, aided by her friend and contemporary gal being pal? Angélique. Sabbatine also considered the Ward to be more interested in controlling the good people of Ishgard than giving them Halone's grace.
All it took was rumors of a long-eared witch's spawn being sighted around the Jeweled Crozier for Ser Charibert to have reason to make a "house call". You can read how that went in my first DWC entry for this year, "Envoy."
She despised them when she was young, she despises them now. It was a pleasure to defeat the Knights of the Round in combat.
I hope this helps.
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marcholasmoth · 1 year
OSRR: 3284
i went to the fabric store this morning with my mom to find a good color for the edge of her stained glass quilt. i pulled the winning bolt.
we went to lull farms and got some fresh peaches and a couple eclairs, which in my opinion are delicious. they're hefty chonkers and i'm happy to eat them.
i eventually made my way to work, intending to stop at the cafe at the school to get something for lunch, but when i got there, there wasn't anybody working, so i couldn't get food. so i grabbed a bottle of juice from a vending machine and made my way to the library.
i worked with three people on probability and statistics. and then when i was done i did some more. but one student was almost finished with all of her work, so she brought me a chocolate chip muffin, two donuts, and a gift card to express her gratitude for my help. she's been a sweetheart the whole time so i'm happy i was able to help her. i'm very proud of her.
anyway, after work i made it home and we had pork chops for dinner, and after dinner i sat down to write. i hammered out about 1500 words in an hour and added three and a half pages to a story i'd been working on for a WHILE, and i didn't realize it had been so long, honestly. i looked at the dates things were saved and they said DECEMBER. it's AUGUST. what???? when did that happen????? i could've sworn it was only march when i put those other files together. december???????????
fuck the passage of time. fr.
i had been asked to make tuna and clean out the cat's litter box, so after i finished writing, i set out to make the tuna, but i also wanted to make chicken salad for myself for lunches. i cut up all of the celery, but as i was squeezing out the liquid from the second can of chicken, i sliced my finger on the can. immediately it started hurting so i rinsed it, grabbed a paper towel, and then put pressure on it. in the meantime, i looked up how to know if you need stitches and which open emergency room was closest.
because at the cutoff of ten minutes, it was still bleeding.
so my dad to be to the emergency room where we sat for like an hour without being called in for anything or even triaged.
(short staffing is a bitch.)
but eventually i looked it at, and i let it bleed for a little longer, but then it stopped! so i told the nurse at the window and we came back home.
mom helped me put a bandage on and i sent mayo the last of the fic i did for them, but i gotta say i'm really proud of how it turned out.
i also texted joel in the middle of the ordeal and was like "grumble grumble grumble i cut my finger" and thankfully it's on the top because if it were on the bottom or the pad i would've died immediately, just, like,
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what a fun use of a gif.
so now i'm in bed and i need sleep badly. my finger is bundled up and i'm glad i didn't need stitches. i'm glad i didn't stay. i'd be there for another seven hours or something.
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scarletwinterxx · 2 years
that time you said you’d love me if I was a worm - haechan scenario
hi😊 i’m still trying to get back on this, after not writing for a long time i’m kind of.. lost. 😅 it’s like i’m starting all over again. So apologies for the short uploads, for the ongoing series it will be put onhold indefinitely. my schedule is still too packed 😔 if you have any questions for me or request for future stories, just send me a message and I’ll answer them when I can! 💛
As always thank you for your support!
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2022 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine. credit to original owner)
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Haechan liked playing pranks or making jokes and most of the time he’s the one doing it, not the other way around. As his girlfriend, it’s like you get a freepass to play pranks on him without the other one getting mad. All harmless and in the name of fun of course. 
One time, you pranked him by hiding under the bed and just when he was within your reach. You held your hand out to clasp around his ankle, your poor boyfriend letting out the loudest shriek while you almost run out of breath laughing whilst still under the bed. 
“Good to know, you’re having fun seeing me almost suffer from a heart attack” he said with a scowl on his face, watching you clutch your stomach from laughing too much
“Sorry, I didn’t know you were going to be that scared”
“I thought you were in the bathroom!”
“Sorry sorry I won’t do it again, come here I’ll cuddle you”
He turned away from you, acting like he didn’t want the hug but you went for it anyways. “You’re mean”
“You love me”
“Seriously reconsidering it right now”
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The next time you pranked him, you were indeed in the bathroom. This time you set his ipad on the sink to record while you take your phone out to open the timer, throwing something random in the bathroom making a loud noise before screaming “ow ow ow that hurts owwwww”
A few seconds later Haechan busts through the door with the most concerned look on his face 
“What what what are you okay?” then you stopped whining to show the stopped timer to him
“5.43 seconds, that’s how long it took you to get here”
He still looked confused, looking around the bathroom then back to you. “What?” he ask
“Dude, you were too slow. I could’ve bleed out on the floor by then or like i don’t know drowned in the tub” you explained to your boyfriend who looked both lost and annoyed
“Okay then let’s do a re-do” 
“Huh? That’s not how it works! Okay fine” he was already walking out the door and closing it, this time you did it again screaming one OW before he slams the door open acting alarmed. 
You laughed at this, walking towards him to give him a hug. “You’re so cute, I love you” repeatedly kissing him on the cheek
“Glad I amuse you” he says, tangling his arms around your waist to lift you up “I really thought something happened. You and your silly tricks”
“Hey, it was a useful and harmless one”
“I almost had a heart attack, again”
“But you didn’t, now come let’s play Mario Kart”
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After dating Haechan for some time, you learned not to disturb him when he’s playing games. When you just started dating, he still made sure to tone down his time playing when you’re around and always made sure all his attention is on you. But now after dating for almost 4 years, you give him some me time aka gaming time. 
Cracking the door open to see him immersed in his game, probably playing with Chenle and Jeno since you heard him screaming their name not long ago. You sat on his bed, waiting for the perfect timing to start your next prank on him. 
When it got quiet, you looked over to where he was sitting. He’s done playing and is now scrolling through his phone, standing up and walking towards him to commence the next plan. 
Haechan wasn’t really surprised when you wiggled yourself between his desk and him, making yourself comfortable on his lap. 
“Hey” you say to him, he already knew you were up to no good
“What is it this time?” he asks, setting his phone back down on his desk before resting his hands on your back. Your arms resting around his shoulders. 
“I have a question and you have to answer honestly okay?” 
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
“Will I still love you if you were a worm?”
“But you’ll be a worm” Haechan’s not so sure how to thread this conversation safely, it’s either you’re pranking him or you’re really curious. It’s not really the first time you asked him such odd question. 
“So you won’t love me anymore?” you asked again, a pout forming on your lips
“I mean... you’re a worm”
“Yea and? am I not your girlfriend anymore?”
“But you’ll be a worm, baby”
“I’ll get you a nice jar to live in so I can put you right here” he said, pointing at some random corner on his desk meanwhile you stare at him with a blank look
“Just a jar?”
“A nice tiny aquarium then”
“Okay then will you get a new girlfriend if I become a worm?”
“We both know there’s only one right answer to that but I’m trying to make sense of it” that earned him a hit on the chest
“Hey! You’re mean”
“You’re the one coming up with these weird questions” he says, taking the hand you hit him with and tangling it with his own. 
“So, will you get me another worm to live with then?”
“Heck no, you’re my worm” that made you crack up, making Haechan smile at you too. 
“You’re still the same. I can be a worm wiggling on the ground and you’d still be jealous if another worm wiggles towards me”
“Shut up, if you’re a worm then you’re my worm. End of discussion.”
“Now, will you still love me if I’m...”
“How many insects will you turn into this time?”
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Being Frank Castle's Daughter in Hawkins Pt 4
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Gif Caption: top gif - Thor and Loki from Marvel. bottom gif- Billy Hargrove from Netflix's Stranger Things
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Reader: female | Age: 17-18 range
Characters Mentioned: Frank Castle (MCU), Matt Murdock (MCU), Thor Odinson (MCU), Loki Layfeyson (MCU), Korg (MCU), Dinah Madani (briefly MCU), Black Panther (briefly, MCU), Billy Hargrove (ST), Steve Harrington (ST), Mike Wheeler (ST), Nancy Wheeler (ST), Max Mayfeild (ST)
A/n: this is the most crackhead things are going to get
Warnings: Billy bleeds and is injured, emotions, Neil hit billy >:(
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Frank drove off as soon as you got in the car.
It was silent ride.
You were trying to hide your crying
It was just too much with everything going on
Between the freshly beaten bullies and now adults bullying you
It wasn't nessacary that it was the words.
Its the fact that you can't do anything about it
"You okay kid?"
"Uh...I think I just lost my only friends..." she smiled weakly, "And I think Im really fucked because of it..."
He looked over at her as she sniffled, wipping stray tears, "Hey. Hey. They are you're friends. Those are the friends you want. Whats his name? Steve? Steve Harrington? With the three added inches because of his hair?"
Y/n chuckled and nodded still crying, "He's a friend. He's someone that's got your back. And what he did? What he did back there while you were in the bathroom? He did what he was suppose too. He stood up for you. Alright?"
Y/n nodded, a heavy plate being set in her lap as she sniffled looking down, "You stole the pie back?"
"You bet damn right I stole the pie back." Frank spoke causing Y/n to laugh, "that's my damn pie dish alright?"
Y/n couldn't stop laughing.
"Probally only fuckin thing that had flavor too." Frank contuined pulling two forks out his pocket.
"You stole there silverware!?" Y/n laughed.
"Come on. They should be glad I didn't use it!" Frank spoke his voice raising the warmth of laughter as it filled his chest.
"Midani's gonna come for you because you stole silverware watch!" Y/n laughed.
"Let her try!" He laughed Y/n cutting into the pie and taking a big bite.
"Mhm." Y/n hummed, "This is good."
Y/n took another bite, "Like really damn good! Mhm! I feel bad the kids didn't get any!"
"Come on give me a bite."
Frank for sure did know how to cheer you up
Even if you'd be in a sugar induced coma after comfort eating most of the pie.
He doesn't care. He can always make another fucking pie. He'll make you 20 as long as your happy.
You both go home and change into actual comfortable clothing and watch a movie
You've had a long day so you'd fall asleep to some crappy western pretty damn quick
He'd pick you up and put you in bed, kissing your temple before leaving you to sleep.
A few hours pass by before theres knocking on the window .
It makes your stir at first but soon it wakes you up and you get up.
"Hargrove?" Y/n asked head sticking out the window,"what time is it?"
"You okay?" He asked, Y/n nodded.
"Y...yeah...just been stressful recently." Y/n told leaning on the window seal, "Just my breaking point I guess."
Billy nodded, looking up at her slightly, "c...can you help me..."
It meek and soft, scared of being hurt.
Y/n looked at him concered,"who the fuck am I kidding I shouldn't...fuck."
Y/n reached for the flashlight beside her bed and turned it on directing it towards Billy.
"Holy Shit!" Y/n cursed, Billy's eyebrow split along with his lip and a bloody nose.
"Seems like everything that happened at dinners my fault..." he admitted, "I. Fuck. I kept lookin off. Ya know?"
"Come on." Y/n spoke holding her hand out as he grabbed it, Y/n helping him in and letting him sit on the bed while she turned the big light on, and went under her bed to grab first aid.
"I kept spacin out..." he told her she sitting next to him, "and I knew I should. But I kept doin it. I didn't mean to be starin at Wheeler. I."
"Hey. No need to explain it to me." Y/n smiled small, "Dont feel forced alright?"
Billy nodded, "i got mad." He explained.
"I got mad. I didnt say anything. I got mad because It should of been me. I should've stood up for you. Not Harrington." Billy started, "I should of stoped it. I knew it. I knew it was happening and I sat there. And I listened."
Y/n frowned, as Billy's eyes glazed over: "I. I know how it is. You. You don't."
"I know-"
"That's it!" Billy spoke, "You don't know. And I don't want you to know. I. You're my. Fuck...I."
"Billy." Y/n called softly, finger on his chin guiding it in her direction for her to clean it, putting a butterfly bandage near the corner of his upper lip.
"You're my...You're my city bird..." He finally croaked out, tears that filled his eyes fell from baby blues down his face.
"Hey...hey..." Y/n coaxed calmly, "I'm not goin anywhere. Im not."
She wipped a tear away, "and you're the only one that gets to call me the stupid as shit nickname."
He stiffled a laugh as Y/n smiled, "That nicknames so fuckin stupid ya know that?" She contuined.
"Sound like a damn piegon."
He chuckled as Y/n contuined to clean his face, the blood had stopped but she still had to address the eyebrow split.
"Damn. Hargrove were you always this pretty?" Y/n teased he rolling his eyes in response.
"Mad that I look better beat up than you?"
There he was. Billy Hargrove, back in action with his eye rolls and playful tone. Y/n knew part of it was an act a spacegoat: but she knew there was a part few got to see.
She finsihed cleaning his face and helping him disinfect everything. Kissing his head softly she smiled against his skin. Pulling away just enough for him to raise his gaze.
His nose grazing against her's just slightly as eyelids hung low. Billy's hand lifting up to hold the side of Y/n's neck as he leaned forward the beginning edge of there brow bones resting against one another with closed eyes. He was soft with his touch as he pushed forward, his lips pushing against hers, her lips tasted like apple pie.
But it didnt last long, they both mutually pulling away. That...didn't feel right...to neither of you.
"Did you?" Y/n asked quietly, and Billy shook his head.
"You?" Billy questioned softly, as Y/n shook her head no.
"Fuck...I can't loose you..." Billy spoke, "I. I can't."
"Im still here. I told you I wasnt going anywhere."
And thats when you guys became Plantonic soul mates
The only reason Billy kissed you was because well he's never had emotions this strong
He could tell you: I love you but kissing you. It was wrong. The kissing? Oh yeah that was great. It was the "you" part
Which made no sense to him because for a straight fact he knew he loved you.
So he's like: b i t c h what are these feelings
Safety and Security Billy, safety and security
You both were surpised you talked about it afterward, still the pinky promise dumbasses you both are
He still likes the head kissing though, or the kiss cheek.
Its the romance factor that just doesn't work.
You guys have a little pinky promise hand shake now,
Billy wont admit it but you're everything to him, and he knows he's everything to you: after all you said it too him
Yet unfortunately he's gotta leave, and you let him back out the window
"Sleep Tight City Bird." Billy spoke looking back up at her.
"Sleep Tight Hargrove." Y/n spoke holding out her pinky as he stiffled a smile, raising and interlocking pinkies with her.
And you watched him walk off into the darkness of the woods, most likely back to the main road.
You cleaned up and went to bed afterward.
You need the sleep: You're just exhausted from everything
Luckily no one woke you up for school-
Wait, No one woke you up for school?
She looked at the alarm clock beside her, school started thirty minutes ago, "SHIT!" She cursed now fully awake and running around, luckily she had washed all that makeup off the day before.
Hopping on one foot as she tried tying her shoe, she fell against the door, its opening, and her body followed, ending on the floor.
"The hell," Frank spoke.
"School! I'm late!" Y/n argued standing up, but there sat Steve Harrington, and the Wheeler siblings, with cups of hot coffee, and a cup of hot chocolate for mike.
"Well, morin to you too." Steve spoke drinking from his mug, "And happy fall break."
"fall break!?" Y/n asked looking at the calendar, fall break was indeed in full swing.
you had been relieved as Frank pulled a chair for you to sit down while he was making breakfast.
He also stuck a cup of coffee in front of you
They had come to make sure you were alright, Steve especially, and he apologized to his mom like five times
"I'm really sorry."
"No Don't be." Y/n spoke sipping her coffee, "It's not your fault."
"And your sure your okay?" Nancy asked, "It's not every day an ordinary person takes a mental beating like that so easy."
Y/n nodded, "I...yeah, I got it."
"of course she's okay!" Mike argued, "She's taken bigger beatings from villains!"
So Mike thought you were a hero, just in hiding, and laid it all out for you: who and how you became an undercover superhero he had a very original origin story planned for you
It made you feel good, a kid being a kid: a happy kid
"but it's obvious you have a rival in the superhero world, is it Iron Man!? Captain America! I bet it's Black Panther."
Y/n laughed, "No. I haven't seen the King of Wakanda in new york for some time."
"You know Black Panther?!" Mike asked, Y/n half nodding.
"Brief visit," Y/n spoke.
"She knows Black Panther," Mike told his sister with a stupidly happy smile on his face.
"I know Mike, I can hear her."
Y/n smiled and took a drink of coffee, a brief visit meant getting thrown off a cliff by him.
Frank made breakfast for you all, waffles and everything
He likes your friends: he has a certain respect for Steve too
especially after that dinner
"You should come trick or treating with us!" Mike suggested.
"Me?" Y/n asked digging into her eggs.
Mike nodded, "yeah! Your super cool!"
Y/n smiled and looked at Frank who shrugged, whatever she wanted.
"Yeah. That sounds like fun." Y/n smiled, "I'd love to."
"Sweet! The guys would love you."
You guys spend your morning talking: Frank truly getting to know your friends, they all thought he was pretty cool too: especially with being in the service in the past and all
Plans for the break are thrown back and forth.
"So that new Horror movie is coming out." Steve spoke, "The 29th."
"Really? Didn't think you had a movie theater in Hawkins."
"I know." Y/n smiled, "You guys wanna go see it?"
"You're busy the 29th," Frank spoke.
"I am?" Y/n asked.
"I'd hope you'd be busy with Murdock and them comin' out"
"Matts coming!?" Y/n asked in disbelief, "Seriously!? Like really!? You're not shitting me!?"
"I can tell them all not to come-"
"NO! NO!" Y/n spoke, "Guys you'll love Matt! He's a really good lawyer..."
And you went on and on saying they all had to have dinner while he was down,
AHH, Matt Murdock's coming! You're so happy, as said before: while Frank was in prison he had become somewhat of a fatherish figure to you, and you truly did care about him, and he really did care about you
Sure he had his own problems, and had no idea how to help you, and didn't shover his religion down your throat, but did take you to his church one time
Explained that she had to find a place like his church: a thinking place, wherever or whatever this place was: either it be a parking lot or an old park, you need a place to be grounded, where the weight just drops off the shoulders
just thinking about there talks made things better sometimes
so you were excited
Steve? Steve was not
Okay so this guy was older: but, you talk about him like he was a superhero
Oh he has no idea
But they still want to hang out with you during break
And Frank says he's fine with you being out as late as you want as long as you call him a few times, letting him know what was going on
Yet after a long breakfast nancy had casually looked at her watch
"Crap! I said I'd have Mike back by 10 am." Nancy spoke, "Hurry up Mike!"
"why what time is it?" steve asked.
"Crap!" Steve spoke apparently they both had things to do quickly eating his plate of food, "I have to go! I'm gonna be dead!"
Steve got up quickly followed by Nancy and Mike.
"Mr.Castligone! Thank you for breakfast! Y/n! I'll call you later1 We'll do something on a day you're not busy! Breakfast was great! Okay! Bye!"
it was comical to you and Frank, watching them eat as quickly as they could and rush out like you had run out thinking you were late for school
You both just laughed, and you did the dishes, after all, they were your friends.
it was a peaceful day, you and he had spent his off day together, taking a nice walk through the woods by the water, skipping stones on the water, and lounged around the house
That's when you got a phone call, it hadn't been Steve, it was too quick for that despite the hours he was gone already
"Hello?" Y/n asked.
"Ah! Y/N of Midgard! Daughter of the Punished!"
"Thor?" Y/n asked quietly looking back but Frank was busy doin something in his room.
"Yes! It is I!"
"I am here as well!" Loki shouted annoyed from the back.
"Me too!" Korg cheered
"How did you get this number?" Y/n protested, "And Hi Korg,"
"No need to ask such questions! We are friends! Like, brother and sister! What is in your mind is in mine!" Thor cheered, "See I will tell you now what you are thinking! Guns! Weapons! Blood oh so much blood! And pure destructive victory! Which is why I wonder why are you in this place they call Hawkins?"
Y/n froze, what?
"Thor, just. Why are you here?" Y/n asked trying to keep her cool.
"To celebrate the falling of leaves!" He spoke, the smile heard in his voice.
"Did Jane break up with you again?"
"What!?" He laughed, "Pfft! No! Yes. She did. So I figured we could drown ourselves in such over-sugared delights; like old times, and you could show me around this very much lonely empire of yours. Korg would also like to do some drawing with you."
"Just. Where are you?" Y/n asked.
"give me the damned thing!" Loki ordered, snatching the pay phone, "I swear Y/n if you do not come and get us I will be invading New York again!"
"Okay One, rude." Y/n protested, "Where are you?"
"In front of..whatever this place is, looks like a prison."
"Does it say Hawkins High?"
"Yes! It does!"
"Just, give me 20 minutes."
"You have five."
You were never so quick in your life: you told Frank you were borrowing the Truck and said you loved him and call him later because you be out late and left
Left to go pick up who?
Billy Fucking Hargrove
You knocked on his door so quick, and loudly too
"Max! Get the door!"
"Im going!"
She was surpised to see you there: and said Hi real quick before walking through following the blasting music.
"Jesus! What the Hell!" He argued looking back.
"How'd you like to help me baby sit Thor and Friends!?"
"What?" He asked, turning off his music confused as fuck, "Excuse me?!"
"You're going to see Thor?" Max asked Y/n turning around.
"Yeah. Yeah." Y/n answered nonchalantly hoping Billy would agree, "Well?!"
"Yeah! Yeah Im comin!" He argued grabbing his jacket as he quickly followed Y/n.
"I wanna come!"
"No!" Billy argured.
"Yeah! Fine whatever!" Y/n asked, "I don't have time to argue or Lokis gonna blow up New York again!"
"Excuse me!?"
"Get in the fucking truck now!"
Max thought Billy was an insnae driver? When your in a rush? Damn. You're crazy.
Billy's bracing himself your acting so crazy
You're sweating bullets and to hyperfixated on the road to answer any questions
You're racked with anxiety and pull into the hawkins high parking lot where the group waits.
"Hi Y/n!" Korg waves happily, Y/n getting out the truck leaving the two in the front seat completely speechless.
"Ah Y/n!" Thor cheered, "It's an honor to make- ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!"
Y/n grabs Thor by the ear and drags him along, Loki laughing just to be given the the same treatment.
"Ow! Okay! Okay!"
They're dragged to the car and ordered to get in. Korg following patiently. Max and Billy staring in complete shock as the back of the truck is filled with aliens.
"Must you be so rude?" Loki spoke in his defense. Y/n getting in the truck.
"Max, Billy." Y/n spoke, "these are the asshole brothers, and this is Korg."
"Hi!" Korg spoke with a smile, "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Uh..Hi." Max spoke with a small wave,"same here..."
"Y/n." Billy started, "what. the FUCK."
"What?! You're the only one that knows!" Y/n defended, "Im fucking loosing my head!"
"Yeah you're the Punisher's daughter! Thats one fuckin thing! These are fuckin Aliens!" Billy argued.
"You're dads the Punisher?!" Max asked.
Oh god. Things just can never chill, she feel like she's going to have a stroke.
And now everyones arguing.
"EVERYONE BE FUCKIN QUIET!" y/n shouts, it's silent.
"If I may intruppted-"
"Loki." Y/n spoke looking back, "Shut the fuck up please."
"Well you did say please."
It grows quiet as you pull out of the parking lot.
And it's just silent the whole time going down that long road.
"Um. Y/n." Korg spoke up sweetly, "Can we get ice cream. Please? I've always wanted to try it!"
You take them to get icecream, you saying everyone gets Vanilla because your not dealing with orders
Turns our Korg enjoys ice-cream
Are they suppose to ask you to do something? Or just let you keep driving to calm your mind?
But your going over the speed limit and a cop stops you
"I was hopin this didn't Involve you Hargrove." The cheif speaks but with the back windows roll down he spots the group of well...Aliens.
"Cheif?" Y/n asked gesturing for a name.
"Hopper..." he responded still awe struck by seeing who he's seeing.
"Cheif Hopper. If. You'd please. Just. Ticket." Y/n pleaded, "please."
"Uh...yeah....go ahead...with a. Warning."
"Thank you sir. You like donuts? I like donuts. I'll bring you down to the station later. Thanks."
You drove off after that taking a deep breathe in today...was gonna be real long
What were you suppose to do? Take them Downtown to spend the day?
That didn't seem like a bad idea.
Then again Korg. And as big of a sweet heart Korg was. He stood out
But people could feel safe if Thor labeled him as a side kick
Maybe you'd just dress him up and just say he was real tall
Or. Maybe you just could walk around him: its not like Hawkins had thousands of Cameras.
And Loki could just wipe tapes if nessacary
Then again people seeemed so shocked they dont think they'd be able to move to even get a camera or call anybody
Okay plan dress Korg up hoodie and swear pants and pray just say he's tall or under Thor watch
Yeah Yeah that sounded good.
Sounded good.
So with a calm mind you tell everyone they can ask there questions one at a time.
And they do tread waters very carefully
And then you tell them your plan. Which is stupid because no one has chlothes that are gonna fit Korg
Fuck it Superheros on Vacation thats the new plan
Just when you thought Hawkins was sane: you were oh so wrong.
Previous part - next part
✧▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬✧
Tag list!!! (Yaya!! It grew!!) : @raelwrites @miiikkeey @beebslebobs @ah-witch
Dm me or send me an ask if you want to be tagged!!
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fandomimagines1 · 2 years
Huge Mistake
Not Requested
Jay Halstead x Reader, Will Halstead x Reader
Warning: Mentions of blood and injury.
Summary: Will's girlfriend makes a huge mistake after patching up his brother Jay.
(GIF’s not mine)
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I was on my way to the apartment Will and Jay were currently staying in to talk things through with Will. We had been together for two and a half years and recently things had been a bit rocky. Hence the reason he moved back in with Jay. I wasn't sure what I was going to say but I was hoping the words would form when he opened the door. I pause before knocking on the front door when I notice it's open just a crack. I spot blood on the door and that's when I stop hesitating.
"Will!" I call out worried as I run straight in.
"He's not in." Jay groans as he lays on the sofa, attempting to apply pressure to a wound.
"What the hell happened to you?" I ask rushing to his side dropping next to him.
"I'll be fine. I've managed to patch myself up before." He shakes his head as he gestures to the stuff on the coffee table next to us.
"You've got to be kidding. There's barely anything there. Definitely nothing useful." I roll my eyes, getting up collecting the things I would need out of the first aid cupboard.
"You're overreacting." He tells me as I place everything on the coffee table.
"I am not." I shake my head as I go wash my hands.
"If I just apply some pressure it'll stop eventually." He tells me.
"How's that working out so far." I gesture to the bloody gauze on the floor next to him.
"I've managed worse." He frowns.
"I'm sure you have, but shut up and let me help you." I tell him as I put some gloves on before taking the gauze from his hand and pulling his shirt up more so I can see. I do everything to make sure it's no longer an open wound and is also clean before bandaging it up and moving on to the few cuts he had on his face as he sits up.
"Thank you for that. It was surprisingly less painful." He tells me.
"Less painful than bleeding to death? Who would have known." I snigger as I clean the deepest cut.
"I wouldn't have bled to death." He rolls his eyes.
"Sure. You've took a really bad beating here Jay." I shake my head as I apply the paper stitches to the cut.
"You should see the other guy." He tells me.
"I'm sure you did a real good job." I nod as I finish with the last stitch.
"Thank you, Y/N. I'm glad you came when you did." He smiles at me.
"Anytime." I nod.
As I realise I'm still down at eye level with him I go to stand up but Jay puts his hand on the back of my head. We look at each other for a second before we both end up leaning towards each other. Our lips meet and within seconds both of his hands are in my hair, deepening the kiss. He bites my lip gently as he pulls away.
"Y/N." He breathes out, standing up.
"We shouldn't have done that." I shake my head, jumping to my feet.
"We already have now." He shrugs, pulling me in once again.
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lipstickstainz · 3 years
true lies - s. r. (14/15)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Series Summary: Spencer is furious, when you rejoin the team after a year and after you left him, when he got arrested. Little does he know, that you leaving him was the only option to ever get him out of prison.
Chapter Summary: Leaving is the only option - right?
Warnings: angst, blood (but not much), break up, drug addiction (mentioned), alcohol consumption
Word Count: 3.3k
A/N: hello lovies. I'm back and my mind is full of ideas! I hope you like it! gif not mine.
Series Masterlist
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previous chapter
You watch the coffee in your cup as if it has all the answers for the future hidden in the caffeine. It's eight o'clock in the morning, and this is already your third cup of the sacred liquid, and you're sure it won't be your last. The shadows under your eyes are a sign of your nightmares that haunted you last night. The fact that you have them doesn't bother you, after all, you've been going through the procedure for months. What bothers you is the fact that you couldn't wake yourself up this time. You've gotten in the habit of pinching yourself when it would get too painful, but something stopped you last night. And the fact that you don't know what exactly bothers you the most.
"Y/N." Emily's voice pulls you out of your thoughts and you have to tear your gaze away from your coffee. "What do you think?"
All eyes are on you and out of nervousness you'd like to slide around in your chair, but suppress the urge. You haven't been listening for the last few minutes, too busy with your own thoughts and problems that you can't answer her. The case is supposed to be your last, and you're trying hard to enjoy it and value the time with your friends, but really you're just waiting for it all to be over. Most of all, you want to pack your things and leave.
You barely noticeably shake your head for Emily to continue, and turn your attention back to your coffee, which must be cold by now, but that doesn't stop you from drinking it down to the last drop. Without saying anything, you get up from your chair to get another one, paying no attention to Emily's annoyed look. As you fill your cup in the precinct kitchen, she stands right next to you.
"You're not being very helpful, Y/N," she says coolly as you take a sip. You know her manner is all pretense, because in reality she's incredibly concerned. She only needs to look at your face once to know what's going on in your head, but she doesn't address it. She knows you'll talk to her when the time is right. But you're not sure that will ever happen. "I've already assigned the tasks. You stay here and work with Spencer to gather all the important information that may be relevant to Penelope's research." The look on your face says it all. You don't want to spend any time with Spencer, and certainly not alone, but Emily gives you no choice. Before you can say anything back, she disappears out the door with the others.
With your coffee, which you now wish had a strong shot of vodka in it, you make your way back into the conference room, where Spencer is bent over the table, passing pictures and notes back and forth. You stop in the doorway and watch him for a brief moment, and only then do you notice the narrow, red scratch on his face that stretches from his cheek to his neck. You squint your eyes. It hadn't been there yesterday after all.
"What happened?“, you ask as casually as you can as you sit down and set your cup down on the table. As Spencer looks at you questioningly, you point to his face. "Looks bad." Indeed it does, though it's just a scratch. There's bloody crust in a few places, contrasting in color with his pale skin. Something really got to him.
"Cut myself shaving“, he replies curtly, glancing again at the pictures in front of him. You haven't seen him in two years, don't actually remember who he is exactly, but you still know when he's lying. And when to stop asking and let it go. When Penelope calls, you discuss some stuff and you see Spencer scratching over the wound until it bleeds, which he doesn't seem to notice, which is why you stall Penelope on the phone and grab his hand as soon as the line goes silent. Astonished, he looks at you before looking at his fingers.
"Come with me“, you say briefly and don't even wait for him to follow you. You approach an officer and ask for a first aid kit, which is immediately made available to you. Spencer follows you uncertainly into one of the washrooms, where you already put on the disposable gloves from the box - you don't want any bacteria to get on the wound - and wet a towel from the towel dispenser. Reluctantly, Spencer leans against one of the sinks, waiting for your instructions.
"Tilt your head to the side a little, please." You take the damp cloth and gently dab along the scratch to remove the dried blood. Spencer has to swallow at the touch and you see his Adam's apple bob, and really it shouldn't be that attractive, unfortunately it is anyway. You have to concentrate because this is the closest you've been to him in years. You breathe in his scent, feel his warmth through your gloves, and can barely stifle a deep breath.
"How do you know how to do that?“, he asks softly as you disinfect the wound, and Spencer has to pull himself together to keep from reacting to the burning from the alcohol.
You look at him briefly before turning your attention back to the scratch. „Experience“, you reply, spreading some wound healing ointment over it before taking off your gloves and disposing of everything in the trash can. You then put the first aid kit back together. As you turn around, Spencer is standing right in front of you.
"You didn't tell me you were having nightmares“, he whispers, and confused, you look at him. There's concern in his gaze, and if you're not mistaken, a little affection too, but you push the thought aside, not letting yourself have hope. Hope has only harmed you lately you have not moved forward a bit.
You look once more at the scratch, and then into his warm eyes. "You didn't cut yourself shaving“, you count one and one together and clench your jaws. He doesn't need to answer. You did this to him, you just don't remember. The reason you didn't wake up is Spencer. He was probably holding you, reassuring you so much that your body turned off its protective mechanism. It had certainly been the last time he did that, and you hadn't been awake to enjoy it.
"Why didn't you tell me about this?“, he asks, wanting to reach for your hand, but you take a step back. You don't want him to touch you. You'd prefer it if you weren't in this situation at all. You'd prefer that you hadn't come back at all. None of this should have ever happened.
"It's none of your business anymore, Spencer." Your tone is cool and something in his face changes.
"I thought we were friends."
You have to suppress a laugh. Two years ago, you could have lived well with being friends with him. You were prepared for it then, wished it on him, and meant it sincerely. Only lately you've been through so much that you can't even imagine it anymore. The two years had been hell, but you are sure that you can't live next to him without being able to be with him. You can't watch him and Max be happy together, and even though his happiness is everything you want, you'd rather he be happy with you. But you can't tell him that, it would be unfair and selfish. So you just look at him.
Then you reach for the small suitcase and push past him towards the exit.
You're glad when the case is over and you arrive back at Quantico. It's been a week since you and Spencer spoke, and luckily for you, you've continued to be spared nightmares, for which you're quite grateful. Not that Spencer is going to join you in bed one more time to calm you down.
As you walk from the airfield back to the building, you fall back a bit, watching the team joke and laugh with each other despite their fatigue. Most of all, you'd like to leave right now without saying goodbye. Rip off the band-aid, without anesthesia. Short and painless. But your plan is foiled when Emily suddenly walks up beside you and puts a hand on your arm.
"We're going for a drink." She raises an eyebrow expectantly. Apparently she's waiting for you to decline the invitation, and all too gladly you'd like to meet her expectations, but it's almost certainly the last night you'll see each other, at least for an extended period of time, and short and painless wouldn't be fair to her - your best friend.
You smile at her. "You're paying for the first round."
Her eyes widen in delight, but before she can say anything back, Luke, who has overheard your conversation, interferes. "We're going out for drinks?" A grin spreads across his face, almost reaching his ears, and suddenly the rest of the team pricks up their ears. Luke's gaze is fixed on you. "I bet I can drink you under the table by now, Y/N."
„You can’t“, Matt replies, and you see Rossi smile to himself. "Last time you did that, you almost passed out after four shots."
"JJ got the drinks. Maybe she mixed something in“, Luke tries to defend himself, but the blonde raises her hands.
"I'm not responsible for your kindergarten drinking. But I'd love to see you try to drink Y/N under the table." She smiles at you and winks, and you can't help but grin. It feels good to know that all is well between you and the team, even though they know with a high probability that you won't be staying. You'd understand if they were mad at you, but that doesn't seem to be the case. JJ looks at Spencer, who is being less than forthcoming. "You coming, Spence?"
He risks a quick glance in your direction before adjusting the bag on his shoulder. He knows this will be your last night. And that you won't see each other again after this. "I think I'll sit this one out“, he replies curtly, but JJ nudges him and he gives her a dirty look.
"You can't avoid it, Spence."
You'd rather he'd gone home.
The first drinks are on Emily, as promised, and the ones after that are on Rossi, and it's actually not long before Luke is sitting at the table with a glass of water, wishing he'd slowed down. You grin at him from the dance floor where JJ and you are swinging your hips, and he sticks his tongue out at you before putting his head in his hands and sipping water through the straw in his glass.
JJ reaches for your hand and pulls you close before wrapping her arms around your neck. "I'm going to miss you“, she almost yells so you can hear her over the loud music. You smile weakly at her. There's a glint in her eyes, probably from the alcohol, and only now do you realize how much you're really going to miss her.
"I'm going to miss you too“, you reply, risking a quick glance in Spencer's direction. He's sitting next to Luke, looking completely out of place. You look back to JJ and without further ado, she puts her hands to your cheeks and presses a kiss to your mouth. When she pulls away from you again, she just grins at you. "What was that for?"
"I want you to know that we love you. We all do. Remember that when you're lonely, and call if you need anything. You are and always will be a part of our weird family."
You wait a brief moment before pulling away from her and disappearing into the ladies' room. As soon as the door slams shut, tears stream down your cheeks and you have to hold onto the edge of the sink to keep from breaking down. You were aware of how much the others would miss you, but hearing it from JJ only makes it more real. By leaving, you're not only leaving Spencer behind, but everyone else as well, and that's so selfish of you that bile rises inside you and you almost throw up. You wish you hadn't had those last two drinks.
"Y/N?" You don't have to turn around to know it's Spencer. You recognized his voice and can see him in the mirror above the sink.He's standing behind you, unsure of what exactly to do, which is why he buries his hands in his pants pockets and looks at you silently.
You wipe the smeared mascara from under your eyes before turning and leaning against the basin. "This is the ladies' room, Spencer. You're not supposed to be in here.“
"I'm right where I'm supposed to be“, he replies, but doesn't move from the spot. He watches you brush your hair out of your forehead and wipe at your hot face to get rid of the tears. "You don't have to go. You know that, right?"
You look up from your shoes, straight into his eyes. "Yes, I do."
You want to leave the washroom, but his fingers curl around your arm, holding you back. "Y/N ..."
"I can't stay, Spencer. I can't look at you without knowing that someone other than me is waiting for you at home. I can't watch you be happy without me. It's okay, really. It's just that I don't have the strength to watch it anymore." The words just bubble out of you, and for some reason you can't stop. But it feels good to say it out loud, even though you certainly shouldn't. "I love you, Spencer. I'll always love you. But I'm at the end of my rope." You shrug in exasperation. "I have to think about me. I can only think about me." Spencer's face contorts painfully, but you can't stop. "To think that you're about to go to Max's and do God knows what ..." You shake your head, as if it might drive the thoughts from your mind. "I feel like I - I - I can't breathe. Like I'm going to die. And I just can't take it anymore."
Spencer's hand comes away from your arm at your honesty, but only to grab your hand and pull you against him. You bounce against his chest, wanting to pull away, but he holds you tight and presses you to him with his other hand. Carefully, he places his palm against your cheek and gently strokes your skin with his thumb. "Please, don't go."
You look into his eyes, which have filled with tears. "Why not?"
You can practically see him struggling with himself. He wants to say something, but can't find the right words, so he presses his lips together and lets his forehead sink against yours. All he has to do is say it, and you'd throw all your plans out the window and stick around. Just a few words. But he doesn't say them. "I can't ..."
You take a deep breath before pulling away from him, disappointed. „Goodbye“, you whisper, before leaving him alone in the washroom.
Spencer sits uncertainly at the kitchen table, watching the tea bag with lemon balm in the cup in front of him. He doesn't actually like lemon balm, but he needs something to calm his nerves and get the trembling of his hands under control as he sits there searching for the right words.
The last time he had felt this helpless, Emily had just left his apartment and he had been about to make some phone calls. The first call would have been to a man who would have given him a different number. The second phone call would have been to a woman who would have transferred him. And the third number belonged to someone who would have given him what he was only too happy to get.
Many years ago, he had sworn to himself that he would never resort to it again. That he wouldn't need it. He would be stronger than the desire to feel nothing more. The only thing that had stopped him was that you would never wish that for him. That you had helped him then, had stood by him. He didn't want it to be in vain.
Spencer hates feeling so helpless, even though he actually knows exactly what he has to do now. That's why he sits in the kitchen in the middle of the night, cup of calming tea in hand, not daring to look at the woman sitting across from him. But he doesn't need to say anything either. She knows why he was at her door at such a late hour. They sit in silence, neither quite knowing what to do. Neither of them has been in this situation before. Spencer is glad she's the first to speak.
"So that's it." It's more of a statement than a question. Spencer nods silently, whereupon she purses her lips. "Because of her?"
Spencer looks up from his cup and looks directly at Max. Then he shakes his head. "No, not because of her."
She raises an eyebrow. "But what? Don't you dare give me that 'it's not you, it's me' tour. I've heard that one before."
Spencer has to think for a moment, find the right words, before he answers. "I've lost her so many times. I wouldn't survive it another time."
The two have known each other long enough. Max knows he's not exaggerating or meaning it metaphorically. He has told her about his addiction, and she had been very grateful at the time that he was so honest with her, even though they hadn't known each other long. Spencer knows that all of this is not healthy and psychologically quite far from reasonable and Maxine knows what she has gotten herself into. But no one could have guessed that it would end this way.
"I'm sorry." Spencer's voice sounds hoarse and raspy. He stands up and makes his way toward the apartment door.
"I hope you make it." There's so much honesty in her voice that Spencer has to smile sadly over his shoulder.Maxine doesn't deserve this. None of you deserve this.
The walk to Emily's apartment is short, but to Spencer it feels like an eternity. The train is late, which is why he actually starts running, afraid of missing his chance. He runs until his lungs are burning and his bag is banging painfully against his ribs.The few people left on the streets look at him askance, but he doesn't care. He's panting, barely getting his breath and wishing he was a little more athletic, but as he sprints around the next corner he can already see the building where Emily's apartment is located.
For a brief moment he considers taking a break, catching his breath, but he can't wait another second. Hopefully he's not too late.
He's not surprised that he can just walk into the building, even though he doesn't have a key. He sprints up the stairs, and runs down the hallways until he's gasping for breath and standing in front of the right door, his head high. He bangs on the door with a clenched fist, hoping it will open and he won't be too late. He can't be late. He can't be late.
Finally, the door opens, and for the first time in years, he can take a real breath.
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gem-writes-stories · 2 years
Cookie kiss
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Gif not mine/credit to owners
Feel free to request
Pairing: Leeteuk/Reader
Genre: Fluff
'Finally' you thought as you moved the last box into the corridor leading to the living room from the door.
Your mood was sour from the morning because the apartment elevator was broke and you had to carry your packages up the stairs. This place was way over your budget but you were sold at the moment you saw the beautiful view of Han River from your floor to ceiling windows.
This was a big move for you because your last place in the main area of Seoul reminded you of the painful memories you had with your ex. You were not the one for drama but you couldn't control the way things ended with you and your ex-partner which was brutal. Words were thrown with no care in the world.
You shook your head as to forget the moment that makes your heart bleed every time you thought about it.
You were not in the mood to unpack things considering the heavy work you did earlier. You settled with a simple dinner of Ramen, took a shower and changed to your PJs.
You settled that you would sleep on the couch that night. You laid on your back with your phone in your hand when the doorbell rang.
" So much for a peaceful rest" you grumbled as you made your way to the door. You peeked through the peephole and saw a beautiful..no.... angelic man standing at other side.
You remained stoic until he turned around and started to walk back.
You opened your door and the noise must have startled him because he jumped a bit but turned around and showed a bright smile.
You swear that the sun will be ashamed if it sees the brightness he emits.
You returned the smile shyly.
"Hi!" He started the conversion
"Hey!" You returned
"You are new here" he said
"How are you sure?" You said with a soft smile.
"Oh sweetheart, trust me I would remember a beautiful face like yours" he flirted.
"You are a charmer aren't you?" You said coyly.
"I saw you moving your things to your apartment, I just wanted to welcome you and by the way the lift will work from tomorrow. Don't worry" he said
"Glad to hear that" you said.
"Well, I will leave you to have your well deserved rest. If you need any help with unpacking don't hesitate to ask me. I am straight opposite to your house." He said sweetly.
" Thank you..." you continued.
"Leeteuk, Park Leeteuk"
" Thank you Leeteuk" you said
" No problem..."
"Y/n, Y/n L/n"
" Good night Y/n" he said
You both went back to your respective houses.
You laid on your sofa and thought how sweet your name rolled from his tongue.
You drifted off to dreamland with a promise to yourself to make cookies for your cute neighbour.
The next morning,
Your back was sore from the stiff cushion of your sofa. You really needed to unpack, at least the necessary items.
You remembered to make cookies for your neighbour so you showered and got ready to get some cooking supplies.
You returned home with 3 bags of groceries and well snacks.
You went straight to work and started to bake.
You hand picked the visually pleasing cookies from 2 batches you made and put them in a basket with a sweet little note thanking him for his warm presence.
Your heart was beating....no, vibrating like school bell. You couldn't believe how fast your heart leaped towards him eventhough you were fresh out of a bad breakup.
You rung his doorbell and waited with your heart in your throat. He opened his door with a neutral face but once he saw it was you, he smiled his 1000 watt smile again.
You hands shook when you handed him your baked treats. You swore that his smile doubled, if it was possible, when he saw the cookies. He looked like a child in a candy shop, you almost cooed at his expression.
"Is that for me?" He asked excitedly.
"Yeah...I don't know if you like sweet food but-"
"I love them. Thank you Y/n". He said.
"Please come inside" he invited. You almost nodded at inhumane speed but controlled your urges to jump at the opportunity.
"Is that okay?. I don't want to interrupt your work or your girlfriend." You said
"No problem, you are always welcomed here and I don't have girlfriend so you can always ring the bell at any hours" he said
He doesn't have a girlfriend. It sent warmth to your heart for some reason.
"Okay, If you insist"
You walked inside and immediately your jaw dropped at his interior. He had a great fashion sense. Everything that decorated his house was up to date trends you saw in architecture magazines.
You noted that his pallette consisted primarily of white all around you house, as you were admiring the house, something tickled your feet, you looked at your feet and saw a white ball of fur. It looked up and you saw the most adorable puppy, this time you didn't stop the coo that came out of your mouth.
"Hello,little one" You cooed with a baby voice.
You picked the puppy up and hugged it close to your chest. It whimpered but rested against your chest. It was very calm.
"I see that you met shimkoong" a voice said.
You looked up and saw Leeteuk leaning against the wall near the doorway with his hands folded at his chest and his legs in a crisscross position.
He looked amazing in this pose that you couldn't take your eyes off. You checked him out until the ball of fur in your hand barked at Leeteuk. You looked his face properly and saw him smirking, he caught you red handed, you shyly lowered your head. You passed the puppy to Leeteuk.
"Have a seat Y/n" he said.
You did and he brought two glass of milk and a plate of cookies, he also brought a pink and white dog bowl with food for shimkoong.
He sat down in the arm chair next to the sofa, you were very conscious to not spill milk or crumbs on the white sofa.
You both started to learn about each other by asking questions and learnt he worked as a singer. You were new the whole kpop thing but you wanted to search about him.
The conversations flowed freely and your mouth hurt from laughing at his different expressions and antics with his group members, now you really wanted to know them.
There was only one cookie in the plate and both your hands reached for it. He retracted his hand
"You can have it" he said being the gentleman.
"No, I brought them for you, you should have them" you said.
He was hesitant but took the cookie before sitting near you.
"I have an idea, Y/n" he said.
He put one end of the cookie and leaned towards me. You immediately understood what he was trying to do and your hair in the back of your neck stood up.
He took the cookie from his mouth and looked deep in your eyes.
"We both need this Y/n. I saw the way you see me like a piece of cake to devour but don't be embarrassed I saw you like that many times too" he said
Your ears was ringing from the blood rushing, he put one end of the cookie at his mouth and leaned forward again. This time you moved forward too.
You softly bit at the other side of the cookie and started to bite through the cookie.
Finally his lips met yours in a soft peck.
You both pulled away to chew on the cookie. You had a red hue on your face and saw that he was affected too.
After chewing and swallowing milk. You both maintained eye contact when he leaned in again. You closed your eyes and waited for his soft lips on yours, but it didn't happen.
You opened your eyes and was immediately blinded by his smile. You blushed a deep red and hit his shoulder softly with a smile.
You turned your head away from him when his hands cupped your jaw and brought your face close to his face where your lips met his.
The softness of his lips contrasted the passion of the kiss.
You felt dizzy and held on to his broad shoulders for support. One of his hands in your jaw moved to your waist and brought you even closer. You were almost on his lap but that didn't stop your kiss. You moved your hands from his shoulder to his tough chest.
You both were lost in your worlds when shimkoong started to bark after finishing her food.
You both pulled away from each other at the sound as if a child saw you guys doing the devil's tango.
You chuckled softly and he started along with you. You rested your head in his shoulder.
"I really want to take you on a date" he said
"Tell me a day and I will take you out" he continued.
"Any day any time Leeteuk" you said with a blissful smile.
Maybe moving out was not a bad decision
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wishuhadstayed · 3 years
It Takes a Village
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x reader
Word Count: about 3000
Summary: when the Hotchner fam is in need, it’s a good thing to have many helping hands. Part 9 to Begin Again.
Warnings: mentions of blood and pregnancy complications
Author’s Note: I really am sorry for that cliffhanger y’all. 😬 I’m just glad you still love me after being gone for like, a literal year. Shoutout to @agent-laufeyson you’re the best 💜 (PS, please ignore Haley in the below gif, also please picture Hotch in the hospital in casual clothes.) 😌
Previous Chapter
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For a moment, Aaron’s whole world stopped turning. A cold, familiar sense of dread settled into his chest at the words, “You all may want to sit down for this.”
“Not again,” he thought. “I can’t do this again, we can’t do this again.”
“God please,” he begged internally, slumping into a chair, “if you’re listening, please don’t take her. We need her.”
Suddenly, the voice of a surgeon cut through the silent room like a knife.
“Sir, your wife lost a significant amount of blood. We had no choice but to perform an emergency c-section. Although your daughter is slightly pre-term, she seems to be in good health. However, we would like to keep her a while for monitoring.”
“And my wife?” He inquires, voice trembling with fear.
“It was touch and go there for a while, but we were able to locate the source of bleeding and get it under control. Your wife is out of surgery. She’s stable, but she is very weak and currently asleep. She will also be hospitalized for recovery. At least a week most likely, maybe longer.”
“Mama’s gonna be okay?” Jack pipes up.
“Yes, she is buddy,” Aaron replies, ruffling his hair. “Thanks to that doctor.”
“Thanks for making my mama feel better.”
“You’re most welcome,” the surgeon replied. “You and your dad can go visit her now. The rest of you will have to wait. She needs her rest. I’m sorry.”
“Thank you doctor,” Aaron says, shaking his hand with a sigh of relief.
“You go Aaron,” Rossi encourages, clapping him on the shoulders before he even had a chance to turn around. “Go see your wife and baby. We’ll wait.”
Entering your hospital room, Aaron thought your sleeping face was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Sitting on the side of your hospital bed, he grabbed hand as you stirred awake.
“Hello Angel,” he murmurs as you take everything in. “You gave us quite a scare,” he mentions, softly caressing your face.
“The baby,” you whisper, touching his hand.
“Ssssshhhh,” he soothes. “The baby is fine. She’s in the nursery. You just rest okay?”
Instant relief washes over your face. “Jack?”
“I’m right here mama!” he exclaims, scrambling into Aaron’s lap.
“I want to see the baby,” you tell Aaron.
“I know darling, but you really need your rest.”
“I NEED to see her, Aaron.” You plead.
Taking the hint, he begins to rise. “Jack why don’t you stay with mama, while I go talk to the nurse, okay?”
“Okay Daddy,” he agrees, climbing in the bed next to you.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better mama,” Jack says, looking up at you with the sweetest face.
“Me too, baby,” you reply. “Are you ready to meet your sister?”
“Yeah!” he exclaims with a look of excitement. “Can I hold her?”
“Of course you can buddy, as long as you’re careful,” Aaron replies as he re-enters the room. “The nurses are bringing her down.”
A few minutes later a nurse arrives holding a tiny pink blanket. “Who wants to hold her first?” She inquires.
“You should hold her first, Aaron,” you suggest.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he insists. “You’ve been the strongest, bravest mom I know already. You should hold her first.”
As the nurse places the tiny, squirming bundle with her father’s dark hair in your arms, all the stress and chaos of the day seems to just melt away.
As you free a tiny hand from the swaddle so she can grasp your finger, her eyes flutter open.
“She’s perfect, isn’t she?” you wonder aloud.
“Absolutely lovely,” Aaron muses, draping his arm around your shoulders. “Just like her mother.”
Meanwhile, cooped up in the waiting area, the BAU team began to grow restless.
“Maybe we should get out of the hospital and go shopping while we wait,” Garcia suggests. “I think Y/N deserves all the gifts and pretty things today.”
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” JJ questions.
“TARGET RUN!” all three women exclaim in unison.
They all wandered the aisles like kids in a candy store.
“I’m getting her balloons,” Penelope says. “Like so many pink balloons. Nobody can feel bad with that many balloons.”
“Flowers,” Rossi chimes in. “We should get her plenty of flowers to make the room cheerful.”
“We’ll have to get those from hospital gift shop,” JJ comments.
“I’d want chocolate,” Emily suggests. “Chocolate helps everything.”
“Look,” Morgan says, showing a pink stuffed bunny to Garcia. “It’s cute right? For the baby?”
“It’s perfect, Derek,” she assures, grabbing his hand. “Very cute.”
“Oh, a memory book,” Reid mentions. “So they can write down details every day.”
“Leave it to the genius to pick out a book,” Morgan jokes with a playful shove.
“Settle down, boys.” JJ cuts in. “As much as I’m sure she’ll appreciate the pretty gifts, she did just have a baby,” she reminds the group. “She needs some practical things too, trust me.” As she picks out a blanket and a pacifier, Henry begins to grow restless. As she picked up a snack for him, another idea crossed her mind.
“We should get something for Jack, too,” she thought aloud. “LEGOs. He loves LEGOs. And some gummy bears.”
A sudden ringing startles everyone.
“Ssssshhhhhhh,” Garcia commands as she puts the phone on speaker. “It’s Y/N! Quiet!”
“Hello my angel dear,” she lilts, “How are you feeling?”
“I’m very tired, but otherwise happy and healthy,” you report. “Is everyone with you?”
“We’re all here,” JJ chimes in.
“Hi everyone!” You reply. “In that case, I have news. The nurses have said that we’re allowed to have visitors first thing in the morning, if you’d like to see our newest addition.”
“Oh, wild horses could not keep us away, ma’am.” Penelope assures. “We’ll see you all bright and early.”
“Not too early, Penny,” you remind her. “You gotta give me a chance to wake up first.”
“Right, sooooo 10am then?”
“It’s a date.”
That evening, you soaked up as much family time as possible before the wave of visitors began. Aaron was a natural, as you’d known he would be from seeing him with Jack.
Watching him with the baby was quickly becoming your favorite pastime. The look of sheer enchantment on his face as he held her close and rocked her made you fall a little more in love with him every moment.
“Daddy loves you so much,” he coos to the tiny bundle in his arms.
“What?” he questions as he catches you watching.
“Oh nothing,” you reply, ruffling Jack’s hair as he slept by your side. “Just wondering how I got so lucky.”
“I think it’s me who got lucky. I thought I’d never love again. I was so closed off. I was prepared to spend the rest of my life as a single dad, doing everything on my own. Now,” he chokes out, “now I’d fall apart without you.”
“Good thing you’ve got two of us now to keep you boys in line then,” you return with a wicked grin. “She’s got you wrapped around her finger already.”
When you awoke the next morning, you were greeted by the most beautiful sight. Aaron still asleep in the recliner next your bed, his arm cradling the sleeping baby on his chest. While you hated to disturb the peaceful scene, you knew the team would be arriving as soon as the clock struck 10.
“Aaron,” you whisper. “Aaron, wake up,” slightly louder this time. He stirs awake, moving slowly so as not to wake the sleeping child.
“What is it babe?”
“The team will be here soon,” you inform him.
“Ah. I should go get ready,” he replies.
“Mama, can I hold her while dad gets ready?” Jack asks, startling the both of you.
“Oh buddy, I didn’t realize you were awake,” you say to him. “Of course you can hold her if you want.”
Jack scrambled into your lap as Aaron rounded the bed.
“Just be really careful with her bud,” Aaron reminds him as he settles the baby on his lap.
“I will dad,” he replies.
As Aaron walked away, the baby’s eyes fluttered open and she let out a small cry.
“Here, why don’t you give her a pacifier?” you suggest.
“Sssshhhh, don’t cry,” he says, giving her the pacifier, and then softly stroking her head.
“What do you think about your baby sister, Jack?”
“She’s pretty, Mama, just like you.”
“Thank you baby,” you reply. “That’s very sweet. I love you.”
“I love you too, mama.”
“And I love you all,” Aaron adds.
A short while later, a knock at the door alerts you that your visitors have arrived.
“You ready for this?” Aaron asks as he walks to the door.
“I’ve never been more ready. I just know they’re gonna be so in love with her.”
Aaron opens the door and the team flows in with their myriad of gifts.
Penelope hands off her bouquet of balloons to Derek and rushes over to hug you.
“Oh Y/N,” she gushes, cupping your face. “You look beautiful. It’s so good to see you, we were all worried sick.”
“Thank you Penny,” you reply, eyeing the room. “I’m assuming the shopping spree was your idea.”
“Oh shush woman,” she scolds. “You deserve it. We wanted your room to cozy and pretty because we heard you’re going to be here for a while. Sue us.”
“Thank you all for the gifts, you really didn’t have to do any of that,” you reply, tearing up as you address the whole room. “Just being there for us when we needed you the most was all we could ask for and you’ve gone above and beyond.”
“This is the least we could do, really,” JJ assures, softly rubbing your hand.
“Oh fine, be modest if you insist,” you reply with an eye roll. “I’d open all the gifts now, but I imagine you’re all much more interested in our slightly earlier than anticipated arrival.”
Seemingly for the first time since they came in, everyone notices Aaron’s presence and the little pink bundle in his arms.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” you continue, “the announcement you’ve all been waiting for. Introducing Miss Savannah Rose.”
“What a lovely name,” Emily chimes in.
“Thank you,” Aaron cuts in. “We would have told you all sooner but we actually just decided on it while we were here,” he says beaming down at his perfectly content infant daughter. “You can all hold her if you like.”
“I’m sure we’d all love to,” JJ replies, “but i think we should leave that you for now. I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to spoil her rotten just as soon as she gets home.”
“Right! We just wanted to check on everyone and make sure you have everything you need,” Garcia adds.
“Well thanks to you guys, I think our hospital room is pretty well stocked. I just wish I could say the same for the nursery,” you say with a shrug.
“What’s wrong with the nursery?” Rossi inquires.
“I’m afraid that’s my fault,” Aaron admits. “Between me traveling so much for work and Y/N being pregnant and taking care of Jack, it got pushed to the wayside. I thought we had a bit more time.”
“Aaron, how many times do I have to tell you it’s not your fault?” you soothe, reaching for his hand. “We’ll figure it out together.”
“I know, I just wanted everything to be perfect for you.”
“It already is dear,” you assure him with a smile. “Why don’t you go get some coffee, you look exhausted.”
“Good idea babe,” he says, settling the baby into your arms.
“I could use a cup myself,” Morgan adds.
“Derek, I need your help,” Aaron pleads, once out of earshot of the room.
“Of course man, anything you need.”
“We’re going to be in the hospital for about a week while Y/N recovers and I’m desperate to have a nice nursery for her when we get home, but I obviously can’t leave her alone. I know it’s a lot to ask, but is there anything you could do to help?”
“Sure thing man, don’t worry about it. That’s the best gift I could hope to give you.”
“You’re the best,” Aaron replies, slapping him on the shoulder. “Just don’t let Y/N find out, okay? I want it to be a surprise.”
“My lips are sealed,” Derek promises.
That afternoon Derek had the whole team assembled in the nursery to get started.
“Alright everyone,” he begins, “We’ve got one week to make this the best surprise gift possible. Let’s make it happen.”
“What color should we paint it?” Penelope inquires.
“Got that covered already,” Derek replies while opening a paint can. “Purple. Hotch said it’s Y/N’s favorite color.”
“Oh Derek, it’s perfect!” she squealed, squeezing him tight. “She’s gonna adore it.”
“While the two of us are painting,” Penny addresses the group, “why don’t the rest of you do some some shopping?”
“Great idea, baby girl.” Morgan chimes in. “I think they’ve got the basics from the baby shower and I saw a crib and changing table in the garage, but I’m sure you guys can find things they’re missing.”
“Oh I think we’ve got this,” JJ states confidently. “Let’s get this show on the road,” she commands, herding Emily, Rossi, and Reid out the door.
When the group arrived back at the Hotchner house several hours later, the nursery walls were covered in a soft shade of lavender; as were Morgan and Garcia.
“I don’t know how you two managed to get any paint on the walls,” JJ said with a grin.
“Smile for the camera, you two,” Emily cuts in, snapping a picture on her phone as the couple hug and smile in their paint splattered clothes.
The next day conversation flowed as team was busily assembling furniture. Rossi, Reid, and Morgan worked on the crib while Penny, Emily, and JJ tackled the changing table.
“Let me know if you ladies need any help,” Morgan mentions casually.
“Oh right,” Emily grumbles, “because OBVIOUSLY the women need a big, strong man’s help, right?”
“I didn’t say that,” Derek counters. “I was just offering.”
“Oh not only will we get ours done without your help, we’ll get it done faster,” Emily challenges.
“Oh yeah?”
“YEAH!” all three women reply in unison.
“You’re on,” Morgan accepts.
“Oh you’re so going down,” Penny taunts, throwing pieces of plastic wrapping at Derek.
“Losers buy sushi for lunch?” Rossi suggests.
“Oh that could be pretty expensive for you Dave,” JJ comments. “You sure you’re up for that?”
“Ha ha, very funny,” Rossi says, rolling his eyes. “We’ll see about that.”
Two hours later, as JJ and Emily were finishing up the crib, the men came dragging in, arms full of takeout bags.
“Say cheese!” Penelope squeals as she takes their picture. “For the bragging rights.”
The next days were spent putting the finishing touches on the room.
A purple gradient butterfly mobile above the crib from JJ.
A bookshelf with a fully stocked library, specially selected by Reid. Emily places her floral covered photo album on top.
Lavender curtains with a shimmery overlay, Penelope’s contribution.
Derek’s stuffed bunny, carefully laid in a white gliding chair with purple cushions, which was generously paid for by Dave.
Derek lays a soft shag rug over the hardwood floor and drapes a plush floral blanket over the edge of the crib.
“I think that about does it, guys,” he says with a look of pride.
“You know, I bought them that photo album,” Emily comments, “it would be a shame if we didn’t put a few in there as a gift.”
“Yeah, but how do we get a picture of the whole group?” JJ wonders out loud.
“We could set a timer,” Penelope suggests.
“Yeah, but who sets the timer?” Reid asks, as he turns to see the whole group looking at him.
“Seriously guys?”
Between the camera falling over, closed eyes, and Spence not making it back before the timer, it took a few tries before there was a good group shot.
“And now a funny one,” Penny insists.
Once the photos, including the bloopers, have been printed and arranged in the album, JJ makes sure to write descriptions for each in the margins before setting it back on the shelf.
“Good job team,” Derek announces. “Our work here is done.”
After all the chaos surrounding the birth and a full week in the hospital, nothing felt better than standing at the door of your house with the love of your life and your two beautiful children.
“You ready to finally get some rest, baby?” Aaron asks as he ushers you inside the house, one solid arm arm around the small of your back and Savannah in her carrier on the other.
“Yeah,” you sigh, dropping your purse on the coffee table and slipping off your shoes. “I just wish we didn’t still have to worry about the nursery,” you groan, plopping down onto the sofa.
“About that,” Aaron says with a mischievous grin, offering you his free hand.
“What are you up to, Aaron Hotchner?” You muse as he leads you down the hallway.
“Just trust me,” he assures, coming to a halt in front of the nursery door. “Close your eyes,” he requests.
“What is going on here?” you inquire again.
“Just close your eyes please, darling,” he asks. “For me.”
“Alright, alright,” you comply, “this better be good.”
“Don’t open them until I say so, okay?”
“Yes sir.”
With eyes closed and Jack close by your side, you hear the door open and the rustling of paper inside the room.
“Alright,” he whispers, sliding his arm around your shoulders. “Open your eyes.”
Taglist: @ange-must-die @agent-laufeyson @poetsacademia @hotchners-slut @arganfics @ladyreapermc @rousethemouse @less-intelligent-spencerreid @tgibstan @themanip @word-scribbless @quillvine @glizzieborden @miss-united-ace @samayoshito @hotchnerundercover @pedropascalian @thenewnormalforensicator @crowdedimagines @sagittarianwolf @kleff03
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daryldaddydixon · 4 years
Second Father
Hi guys 😄 I’m back again with another 3am crack fic!
Summary: Daryl and the reader begin to develop a father/daughter relationship and after giving Daryl a scare she surprises him even more.
Warnings: Daryl x Daughter/Teen!reader, gunshot wound, twd type violence, cuteness and fluff
*not my gif*
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You were only thirteen when the apocalypse began. You and your parents had been lucky enough to stumble upon a camp of survivors in an abandoned quarry after escaping the city. At first, the group of survivors that had taken you in were wary of your family and you all understood why, but they soon warmed up to you. One member of the group was especially fond of you. Daryl Dixon. Initially, he wanted nothing to do with you, thinking you were just some helpless, scared kid. You finally started to grow on the hot-head after asking him to teach you how to hunt. You saw how he provided for the camp and you wanted to learn so you could help provide for the camp too. He rudely declined your first few requests but you hit him back with your own sarcasm and didn’t let his rudeness get to you. You persisted in asking him to teach you until he finally caved. With the consent of your parents, he promised you one hour, no more and you happily accepted.
Within that one hour you shocked him with how easily you picked up tracking skills. You even helped him track a deer and then caught your own squirrel with Daryl’s crossbow. Of course he helped you hold it up to aim since it was heavy but you still took all the credit and he gladly let you. After that day you became Daryl’s protégée and he started taking you out on lessons regularly. Your parents were very fond of the archer and grew to trust him with their only daughter’s life. At first Merle thought Daryl was stupid for getting attached to some random kid but eventually you even grew on the older Dixon. Eventually you had earned the nickname Mini Dixon, having managed to gain the affection of both brothers. Though you mainly stuck by Daryl’s side as Merle was still a bigger ass than Daryl ever was. Between your parents and the Daryl you managed to find happiness even in the middle of the end of the world.
When the new guy, Rick, arrived and you found out Merle was left behind in the city you were sad. Despite you always being closer to Daryl and Merle being an ass you knew that Merle had cared for you to some capacity and you didn’t wish for him to die. You went to find Daryl to see if he was okay but when you found him he had yelled at you for the first time since before he took you on your first hunting lesson. Being the little fire cracker you were, you yelled back before walking off so you could both cool down. Daryl had felt terrible about yelling at you and went to apologize before going back to Atlanta to look for Merle. You wanted to go with him and the other guys but he quickly shut that idea down and instead made you promise to keep your parents and the camp safe. You pinky promised him. And when the walkers invaded the camp you fought with everything you had to keep that promise but you couldn’t. You couldn’t protect your parents, let alone the rest of camp.
Once Daryl and rest of the group returned from Atlanta he immediately ran to find you, fighting his way through walkers. When he finally found you his heart broke for you. He had found you crying over the corpses that were your parents. The archer couldn’t find any words so he just knelt down and hugged you while you cried. Ever since that night Daryl had unofficially taken over the role of your guardian.
Without Merle, you were the one person Daryl cared about more than anything. He’d never admit it but over time he started to view you as his own daughter.
Daryl was beyond relieved when they group found the prison. He was glad that you would have a safe place to live and grow up in. During your time at the prison you and Daryl grew closer than ever. He showed you new tracking and hunting techniques and even managed to find you your own crossbow while he was out on a run. Now that you were slightly older and bigger you were able to hold it up on your own. He even taught you how to make you own arrows like he did.
Since you had your own crossbow and were older you finally convinced Daryl to take you on a run.
That’s where you were now, rummaging through an abandoned drug store. After deeming the store clear you, Daryl and Glenn agreed to split up to cover more ground.
“Be careful, kid. Weapon up, got it?” Daryl warned.
“Got it,” you said and Daryl smiled at you before going down his aisle.
Unfortunately, the store wasn’t completely cleared. When you crossed over into your next aisle you came face to face with a burly man who had his gun drawn. Before you could act he pulled the trigger.
Daryl heard the gunshot from a few aisles down and sprinted towards the source of the shot.
“Y/N!” He called out.
When he found your body unconscious on the ground the man who shot you didn’t have to time to finish reloading his gun before Daryl tackled him.
“What did you do!” He screamed, punching the man before grabbing his knife and the stabbing it through the shooter’s face.
“No, no, no, no,” he mumbled crawling over to your body, “Glenn!” He screamed.
“Daryl? Y/N,” Glenn called, rounding the corner to find Daryl frantically tying his belt around your torso to stop the bleeding.
“Get the car! Now!” Daryl said. He didn’t bother looking up as Glenn made a run for the car. He focused on tying his belt around you as tight as he could before lifting you up and running to the car.
“Drive! Now!” Daryl called from the backseat. “You’re gonna be okay. Ya hear kid? You’re gonna be just fine. You’re gonna be okay,” he kept repeating this until you reached the gates of the prison where you were taken by Hershel and Maggie. Daryl wanted to follow you and sit while they worked on you in your cell but Rick held him back. “Give them room to help her,” Rick had said. Now Daryl was just pacing back and forth in the hall right out side your cell. Rick and Carol both tried to get the archer to sit down and rest or eat but he refused.
Daryl couldn’t focus on anything but his thoughts. You had to be okay. You had to, Daryl couldn’t bear to loose you. Over the past year you had become the daughter Daryl never got to have and you couldn’t leave him now. Not like this. You couldn’t die like this you were only a kid.
It was nearly sunset by the time Hershel pulled back the curtain and walked out of your cell.
“Is she okay?” Daryl asked immediately, his voice slightly cracking.
“She’ll be okay,” Hershel nodded, “the bullet went clean through, it’ll be some time but eventually the Mini Dixon will be good as new,” Hershel smiled, “she’s still sleeping but you can see her now. She won’t be awake for a while.”
“Thank you,” Daryl gasped out as his system flooded with relief. Hershel nodded in response.
Daryl took a deep breath before entering your cell. Even though he had just heard that you would be okay the sight of you pale and unconscious broke his heart. He pulled a chair up next to your bed and took one of your hands in his.
“Hey, kid,” he whispered, “gave me a scare back there. It’s okay though, Hershel says ya gonna be fine. So I just need ya to rest up and then open up them pretty eyes. Okay, kid?” Daryl swallowed his tears as he watched you lay there, helpless.
Hours passed and different people came in to check on you but Daryl couldn’t keep track of who. He was too focused on you. After a while, your eyelids fluttered open and you woke up feeling severely disoriented.
“Y/N,” you heard someone call your name. The voice was echoey but familiar though you couldn’t quite place a face to the voice. That’s when you felt the weight in your hand and looked over the side of your bed though your vision was clouded with black blots. Bits and pieces of what happened slowly started to com back to you. The drug store, the man, the feeling of hitting the tiled floor when he pulled the trigger.
“Hey, kid. There’s them pretty eyes. You’re okay, ya need rest. Sleep, kid.” You heard the voice say. It sounded like a man.
“M’kay dad,” you slurred, “love you,” and you passed out again.
Daryl stared at you in shock as you fell back into a deep sleep. Sure, he had always thought of you as his daughter but hearing you call him “dad” made it so real. Letting a tear slip, he squeezed your hand and placed a kiss on your forehead.
You didn’t wake up again for a few hours and this time you remembered everything. Even calling Daryl “dad”. You mentally smacked yourself. Sure, you had thought of Daryl as a second father since your biological dad died but you knew he wasn’t one for emotions so you kept that to yourself.
Finally coming out of your thoughts you noticed the cell was empty and a sob escaped your mouth followed by a wince as you remembered your wound. Daryl was gone. Did you scare him away by calling him dad? What if he thought you were crazy?
In reality Daryl just had to use the bathroom and he was on his way back to your cell when he heard your sob. He ripped the curtain open and saw you awake and crying.
“Y/N,” he knelt down next to your bed, “what’s wrong, kid?” He gave you a moment to catch your breath before responding. “I thought you left me,” you said tearfully, breaking Daryl’s heart for the hundredth time in twenty four hours.
“Why would ya think that, kid?” Daryl was confused, he’d never abandon you and he thought you knew that. You hesitated before responding.
“Last night, I, uh, I called you dad. Thought I freaked you out and that you decided to leave me.” You admitted. Daryl was silent for a moment.
“I didn’t mind it,” he confessed. And it was true, he always saw you as his daughter and hearing you call him dad just felt right even if I was shocking.
“Really?” You questioned with wide eyes. He nodded at you. “So,” you hesitated, “would it be okay if I, uh, called you that from now on? I kinda of, um, seen you as a father since, uh ya know,” you trailed off. Daryl knew what you were referring to, the night your parents died.
“If you want ta,” he said, “I, um, I don’t mind it, kid.” You smiled at him.
“So then that makes you my Dad,” you smirked up at the man as he smiled down at you.
“Sure do, kid. Sure do. Now get some rest and heal up,” he patted your head and kissed your temple.
Looking at you smile at him before closing your eyes to sleep, Daryl silently promised to be the best father possible. He vowed to be nothing like his own father. You were his daughter, biological or not, and Daryl would protect you with everything he had.
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randominagines · 3 years
Could you please make a part two for Falling in love with Nick Clark would include. I need to know if they got together
Thanks for the request!
Pairing: Nick Clark x neutral reader, mentions of Troy Otto x neutral reader
Warning: angst, fluff, violence, blood, you get hurt
Gifs belong to their creators.
Pt. 1 here.
Days kept going on but you felt like nothing was the same anymore;
You still had Alicia and Madison and they both couldn't believe that Nick found someone else;
You tried your best to avoid any activity which involved Nick;
When you used to see him around the Ranch, you simply pretended not to see him;
Nick, on the other hand, just wanted to see you;
For as much as he didn't manage to break up with Luciana, he still loved you deeply;
He couldn't help himself but stare at you from far away, not daring to talk to you because he felt like he was not enough for you;
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Alicia was the one trying to talk some sense into him;
"Nick, we all know you love y/n since forever. We were just kids and you only had eyes for my your best friend. Why are you with Luciana?"
"Alicia, I've never been enough for y/n and I will never be."
That's all Alicia could make him spill;
You started to convince yourself that you needed to get distracted so you decided to work in the infirmary to help people who were hurt or injured;
One day , Troy showed up with a bleeding wound and you finally meet him;
"You're young to be a doctor."
"And you're young to be the owner of this Ranch."
You immediately started flirting with each other;
Days passed and you started to get closer to Troy;
He seriously liked you and found you interesting;
Since Troy was the one who organised the shifts and the activities, he made sure to always stay with you;
You obviously noticed but you slightly liked him too, so you thought that this was your chance to finally move on;
Nick isn't stupid and he observed you quite often, so he realized Troy's intentions too;
"Troy, isn't it funny?"
"What, Clark?"
"That you always end up in the same shifts with y/n."
"Yes, Clark. It is a funny coincidence."
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Despite the palpable tension between them, they did not say a word to you;
Nick was clearly jealous but he knew he had no rights to be;
One day, he saw Troy tenderly hugging you and he lost it;
He realized he couldn't give up on you and he immediately broke up with Luciana, explaining the whole situation and apologising for all the lies;
Then he rushed to you only to see Troy getting out of your house;
His heart skipped a beat and he decided not to be impulsive and telling you that he still wants you;
The following day, Jake Otto asked to the whole ranch if someone wanted to go outside to buy necessary supplying;
"There is a storage ran by a some powerful men at 2 days from here, someone has to go."
Troy would have been leading the group, so you thought to go, mostly to get away from Nick;
But he surprisingly volunteered too;
"Nick, are you serious?"
Troy asked and Nick nodded;
So you ended up on a trip with the both of them, which was embarrassing enough even before Troy started acting like you were a married couple;
Nick mostly stayed quiet, his stomach twisting any time Troy hugged you or managed to make you smile;
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You hadn't been this close to Nick since weeks and you realized how much you still loved him;
You started being more confused than ever, not understanding if you actually liked Troy or you were simply trying to forget Nick by falling for someone else;
Coming back from the storage you saw a wave of zombies on the road and decided to avoid a fight by spending the night in an abandoned house;
"Well, there are two bedrooms so you guys can take the other one and I'll sleep here."
You said, mostly disappointing Troy, but they both nod;
You took a deep breath, glad to have the chance to think about the whole situation, but they both came to your room;
"Uhm, y/n, well..."
"There is no mattress on the bed there, someone took it."
You cursed inside, finding yourself sleeping among the two boys you had feelings for;
You couldn't even close your eyes, and Nick couldn't either;
So you both found yourselves awake while Troy was asleep;
"I'm sorry if I ruined your trip with Troy."
"Nick... please, the whole thing is already weird enough."
You felt your heart skipping a beath at the sensation of talking to him again, even if the situation was tensed;
"So, you and Troy..."
"We're just getting to know each other."
"Does he make you happy?"
You couldn't answer that question for you hadn't been feeling happy since Nick left;
You started talking, your usual harmony still there and strong;
He also managed to make you smile at a certain point;
Then the conversation escalated quickly;
"Y/n, I'm sorry for what happened with Luciana."
"It's okay, Nick, you love her and--"
"We broke up. I mean, I told her that I couldn't do it anymore, I still love you."
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He casually droped the bomb and you gasped, your breath stopping and your eyes widening;
In that precise moment, you heard footsteps;
You stood up and Nick did the same, waking up Troy;
"Guys, what the he--"
"Shh, there is someone in the house."
Nick said while grabbing his gun and passing yours to you;
The three of you walked silently with your weapons unlocked and you spotted four men;
They saw you too and that's when the mess begun;
They shoot and you do the same;
Troy killed two of them and Nick another one, you managed to shoot to the last one but he did the same;
You percieved the bullet hitting your stomach and looked down, your shirt becoming red;
Nick yelled while catching you before you hit the floor;
"What happened?"
Troy immediately ran to you too;
They both widened their eyes in total panick while you started to explain them what to do;
You saw many of those wounds at the Ranch in the last weeks and knew how to proceed;
"Remove the bullet, use some alchool to disinfect, then heat up a knife and cauterize it."
"There is no way we are burning you."
"Troy, you have to."
They both did their best to remove the bullet while you fought against the pain to stay awake and guide them;
"Troy, you did it. Thank you."
You thanked him while he ran to find some alcohol; he lucky found some Vodka;
"Nick, I want you to cauterize it."
You asked while squeezing his hand, the pain making you flinch;
"Y/n... I can't... I don't want to hurt you."
"You can, I trust you."
He looked at you and realized that you pnly trusted him to do it;
"Guys, if I die, please... don't let me turn, shoot a fucking bullet in my brain."
You asked between your tears and they both nodded while praying to not end up being forced to do this to you, the person they both love;
Nick cauterized your wound while squeezing your hand, your eyes stuck into his;
You screamed your heart out and passed away, not able to hold the pain anymore;
You woke up in your bedroom at the ranch, your head hurting and your stomach pulsing;
It took you a couple of days to be able to stand up again, but you were safe;
"Nick and Troy's work wasn't perfect but they saved you. Waiting for you to be carried here would have been fatal. They told me you guided them, the doctor said you did a great job. I'mglad you're okay."
Alicia explained while caressing your head, her hands shaking at the idea of having almost lost you;
You told her everything that happened with Nick and asked her to call him, you needed to see him;
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay, Nick. You saved me, you and Troy and I... I thought that I was about to die and my greatest regret was not having the chance to tell you that I still love you too and I want you back and I never stopped wanting you, not even when I used to see you walking hand in hand with Luciana or laughing with her. My heart was broken but you are and always were the love of my life."
Nick widened his eyes, his heart pounding faster in his chest and his arms automatically reaching you to hug you;
You started crying between his arms, his touch making you feel like nothing bad ever happened;
He squeezed you and you flinched, your hand running to your wound;
"Oh my... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--"
"Nick, I'm okay, I've never been better."
He kissed you, his lips so familiar but the sensation of kissing them again making you feel like it was the first time;
He smiled on your lips;
"I have something for you."
He said and took out your necklace from his pocket;
You gasped in surprise;
"How do you..."
You finally connected the dots;
"Nick, you thought I was dead... that's why--"
"I thought you were gone and I was desperately trying to move on."
"Why haven't you told me?"
"Because I believed I was not enough for you, I've always had this fear."
"Nick, you're more than enough. You just gave me back two of the most important things of my life: the memory of my mother and my heart, since you are the love of my life."
He smiled while laying down next to you and looked at you in total admiration, love, happiness;
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He pulled you to kiss you again, promising himself to never let you go again.
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not-using-this1 · 3 years
Interrupted, rudely
So this is me slowly getting the confidence to post my writing again. I made this oneshot a couple days before the game came out and it’s just been sitting in my drafts for a while so I figured screw it I’ll just upload it!
I’m so sorry that this is so crappy, I tried. 
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(Gif isn’t mine, just found it on google lol, so credits to whoever made this)
Plot: Bela finally gets some alone time with you after a long day...until it was rudely interrupted because Daniela was scaring the shit out of one of the maids...not that either of you cared because this maid is particularly homophobic towards Y/n at the start, making a comment. But they surely sort her out.
Warnings: Slight mention of abuse, nothing too detailed.
Finally, after a long day Bela could finally have you all to herself. You'd been quite busy today in the village and also busy helping out Bela and her sisters at the castle, which to them 'busy' or 'fun' was tormenting the maids (which you didn't exactly help with much) or doing the wine stuff.
The moment Bela had reached her room with you, her lips were already on yours as you crashed against the door opening it. During this, one of the maids walked passed the two of you with what seemed like fresh towels and gave you both a disgusted look with the words 'so disgusting, I can't believe that is allowed, absolute abomination' to which Bela was about to sort out and porbably rip her shreds if you didn't distract her because 'how dare she look at you and say those words' she would use as an excuse.
But you stopped her the moment you pulled her into her own room and tumbled down on her very luxurious silk bed sheets as she crawled on top of you, her lips instantly connecting to yours again.
Bela bit your bottom lip slightly which made you gasp and allow her to slip her tongue between your teeth, letting out a small whimper. After about a good two minutes she pulled away to allow you air, a strand of saliva connected. "You have no idea how hard it's been to not just pull you into a room today while we were busy and just taste you" she whispers in your ear. You knew what was coming and honestly you didn't mind, Bela would never hurt you and wouldn't bite you if you didn't like it but you in fact did.
Placing kisses on your jawline to your neck, she left open mouth kisses and a few marks as usual, you moved your head slightly to the side so she could have more access. You felt that all too familiar feeling of her fangs piercing your neck, of course no matter how many times it's painful at first but then its not so bad when all she does it pierce your skin and then just lick up the blood.
"You always taste so delicious" she comments which makes you blush, she stops the bleeding completely and gets back to kissing you...however this time you turn the tables on her and manage to flip her over so you're on top of her.
"Ooo is my girl feeling fiesty tonight" she comments "Oh shut up and just kiss me" you reply. Bela smirks at you. Just as she removed your shirt and was about to kiss you again the bedroom door burst open, the maid from earlier who commented on the two of you being together.
"What are you doing?!" Bela asked, she shot up and practically shouted at the maid. "How dare you just burst into my room- wait a minute you're that maid from earlier who commented on how you think me and Y/n's relationship is 'disgusting'-" Oh no...you thought; not that you cared much though.
Bela had yanked the woman up from the ground, her sickle in hand "who are you running from? Cassandra? No she would've killed you already." You approached her and stood beside your girlfriend, shirt still off because you didn't really care.
The look on the maids terrified face only told the both of you who she was running from and being tormented by. "Oh Daniela, well she loves playing with her prey" Bela let out a maniac type laugh.
"What do we say we call Daniela over to our room and let her take her back?" Bela asks you, nodding your head you walk out the door and immedietely spot the ginger walking down the hall "Dani, look who we found" you mention and shes immeditely there.
"There you are play-thing. I heard what you called my sister and Y/n's relationship earlier and didn't like the way you spoke. I'm a lesbian as well as Y/n, Cassandra is pansexual and Bela here is bisexual. What're you gonna do about that?" Daniela laughed.
The maid looked up at all of us from the ground, she was clearly terrified but also very stubborn.
"You're all going to hell for it" the maid spoke out, which made all of you laugh. "Oh babe, we've all been to hell before, well I mean me and Bela have I'm not sure about Y/n though, she's too angelic" Daniela replies.
You pout at her and Bela when the blonde starts agreeing with her sister about you being an 'angel'.
Which isn't true considering you killed your own parents, who were abusive so they had it coming, you were glad to be rid of them, everything they did to you from locking you up and almost beating you to death.
"As punishment, what are we thinking?" Daniela giggled, that all too well familiar creepy smile crept upon her face. Knowing both Bela and Daniela the punishment would of course be harsh and thats just putting it lightly.
"String her up? Slice her jugular?" Bela questioned, laughing manically.
Daniela giggled again nodding her head in absolute agreement "you're right Bela, shall we take her to the cellar?"
The maid looked up at you, crying. In all honesty you felt no sympathy for her; in fact you've always struggled with sympathy anyway. She opened her mouth to let out a sound...but nothing, nothing came out but silence. With Daniela dragging the maid behind, she had finally let out a scream, but nobody gonna stop it from happening...nobody.
"Now, we can go to the cellar with Dani if you want or stay here and-" she gave you that suggestive look you knew too well.
"As much fun as the cellar is, we were rudely interrupted" you reply and to that she agrees, taking your hand and agressively yanking you back onto her lap on the bed.
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