#how do i get these skills back now though. bc i need them to get rent money 🙃
frodolives · 7 months
1850s Tumblr Dashboard Simulator
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đŸ‘žđŸ» girlbossladyjane Follow
It really makes me sick to see people giving money to penny weeklies when Franklin's expedition STILL has not been found 😭 There are good men out there trapped in unimaginable temperatures and literally all that's needed is a little more funding for another rescue mission yet all you guys seem to care about are your vulgar little stories...
đŸ§”đŸ»â€â™‚ïž queerqueg Follow
the franklin expedition is dead as hell
đŸ‘žđŸ» girlbossladyjane Follow
Disgraceful thing to say but I'd expect nothing more from a M*lville fan
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đŸ‘šđŸ»â€â€ïžâ€đŸ’‹â€đŸ‘šđŸ» hartgrindisreal
Sorry for posting so much about Tom Gradgrind/James Harthouse from Hard Times lately. It turns out that I was getting arsenic poisoning from my wallpaper? Anyway I took a seaside stroll and I'm normal now. Check your walls y'all
#whyyy did i assume they were committing unlawful actions together like where did i even get that from lol #hard times isn't even that good by dickens standards tbh
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🎹 asherbrowndurand
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Just painted this
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RIP Napoleon... you may have been unable to conquer Alexander's Russia but you sure as hell conquered Alexander's bed
đŸ–Œïž preraphaelitebro Follow
📝 shakespearesforehead Follow
How does this have less than 100k notes you could literally not avoid this post back in the 20s lol
82,170 notes
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🌄 loyalromantic Follow
poets just aren't dying young in mysterious water-related incidents like they used to :/
#as useless and degenerative as i find 'the living poets' and i'm glad we're finally moving on from them #i have to agree with op in this respect
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🎀 thefopdiaries Follow
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I finally got a daguerreotype of myself ^_^ Porcelain urn for scaling
📜 bartlebi-thescrivener
i think i hauve consumption
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🐋 whaler4life
11 notes
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🌿 naturesnaturalist Follow
I swear this website has 0 reading comprehension skills. Darwin NEVER claimed we "evolved" from apes like if one of you guys actually bothered to open his new book you'll see all his arguments are backed up by evidence. He actually makes a lot of sense
#sure there's nuance like i don't fully agree with all of it #but his general theory of natural selection seems pretty sound imo
56 notes
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đŸ€”đŸ»â€â™‚ïž byronicherotournament Follow
🙈 butchbronte Follow
Of course these are the finalists lmao this website is so predictable. Anyway vote Heathcliff if you dont i'm going to assume you're a phrenologist
📖 sapphichelenburns Follow
It's not problematic to acknowledge the fact that Heathcliff was a brute like he literally killed dogs in case you forgot. #rochestersweep
🙈 butchbronte Follow
I love the implication here that Rochester never did anything cruel either. He literally locked his wife in the attic and lied to Jane about it 😭 like that was a pretty significant thing that happened
📖 sapphichelenburns Follow
And? God forbid women do anything
#why'd you have to pit two bad bitches against each other #anyway i'm not attracted to men but still went with rochester #bc in terms of living quarters thornfield hall > wuthering heights easily
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đŸ‘šđŸ»â€â€ïžâ€đŸ’‹â€đŸ‘šđŸ» hartgrindisreal
Not the Russian tsar dying immediately after hartgrind became canon
#i know dickens hasn't technically confirmed it yet but like. SOMETHING was strongly implied ok #see: my previous post #dickensposting
522 notes
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đŸ‘šđŸ»â€â€ïžâ€đŸ’‹â€đŸ‘šđŸ» hartgrindisreal
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#this installment!!! im-- #dickensposting #i can't fucking cope #dickens wants to KILL us he wants us DEAD....
2,309 notes
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⭐ newamerican
Hi guys sorry I haven't been posting lately it's been so difficult getting to California 💀 I'm finally here now though just need to find a pickaxe and soon I'll be digging! :-) wish me luck lol
#gold #gold rush #gold rush grind #california #adventure
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78K notes · View notes
tellykinesis · 1 month
omg ive been wondering for months why i literally cant get myself to do things (no energy) and why I cant seem to do the things ive been doing for years (like my JOB oh my god it feels like ive literally lost all the skills i need for my job and learned for YEARS FUCK)
i think i might be going through autistic burnout
0 notes
ponderingmoonlight · 17 days
Sanemi Shinazugawa standing up for you
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Pairing: Sanemi x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,1k
Synopsis: You are used to no one believing in you, to get picked on by other corps member because you're a girl. Until one of them crosses the line and starts a fights. Until a certain someone stands up for you when no one else does.
Warnings: not proofread bc I have a gym date with my boy (in order to have a biceps as beefy as (y/n)'s lmao), reader gets reduced to being a weak woman when she is anything but that, bad girl energy, Sanemi being a cutie
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„I can’t believe they allowed a little girl to participate.”
“Look at her. There’s no way she survived the training of the former sound hashira, the serpent pillar and landed here.”
“Probably nothing but luck. Or she cheated.”
Don’t listen to them, just focus on staying hydrated and eating enough for your upcoming training. It has always been this way. You, a girl in a world of boys against everything. Why is it so hard to believe that you are capable of doing what they do when two female hashira show them how it’s done? You work your ass of day in and out, stayed consistent for your whole life. You’re always the first who appears in the morning and the last of them who falls into bed after practice. Nothing in life is given you for free, especially when it comes to strength. But apparently, they fail to realize this even after being a part of the demon slayer corps for quite some time.
“I bet she slept her way up.”
Your heart drops to the floor, eyes widen in sheer disbelief. You, sleeping your way up?
“Yeah, maybe she aims to be the fourth wife of him or something.”
“So that’s why he’s always going easy on her.”
“I can hear you. Loud and clearly”, you finally speak up.
They are talking about you as if you are nothing but air, as if you wouldn’t share the same air. Anger begins to rush through your veins uncontrollably. All this work only to be called the mistress of a former hashira?
“I couldn’t care less about the existence of a woman who fucked her way up”, one of them spits directly into your face.
“How are your trainees doing?”, the white-haired men questioned while staring into the sunset.
“Most of them are trash. That one though
Instantly, Sanemi’s gaze is glued onto Obanai who now sits next to him.
“Really? You’ve got one that has some balls?”
“A girl, to be exact. She seems decently skilled and Actually just transferred to your training”, Obanai clarifies.
“I never heard of a girl getting through Uzui’s basic training until now”, Sanemi replies while rubbing his chin.
A girl, huh? He can’t put a finger on the last time he ever trained one. But if Obanai talks so highly about you, there sure must be something going on.
“She’s got potential. Let’s just hope there’s enough time.”
“Instead of lying around like the loser you are, try training next time. I don’t need to fuck my way up, I’m all good by my own”, you bark back along with straightening your shoulders.
Who does this guy think he is? Talking behind your back like that while you don’t even know who the fuck he is.
“You’re nothing but a weak woman, I’m sure it was way too easy for you to wrap them hashira around your finger.”
You draw closer, his dreadful eyes piercing like arrows through yours. But you couldn’t care less. No, this is enough.
“Bold coming from a guy who obviously never touched a woman in his entire life. To be honest, I could give you one or two reasons for that. But it’s not my job to tell you what kind of loser you are. Now excuse me, the training session with the wind hashira begins soon and you definitely aren’t worth being late to that.”
“Why do I have to waste my time with those losers?”, Sanemi mumbles to himself while walking towards the campsite where all the trainees are located.
Or wait, didn’t Obanai talk about a skilled girl earlier? Maybe she’ll last longer than that bunch of losers. While getting closer, his eyes fall on a crowd of multiple guys cheering and staring of what looks like a sensation in the middle.
“What the hell is going on over there?”
You manage to escape his punch just before he hits your face with full force, so unexpected that your eyes widen. Did he just try to slap you? In your face?
“Are you out of your goddamn mind? We are here to get trained and not to fight each other like animals!”, you roar at him.
Another dash forward, another failed attempt to hit you with full force while everyone around you starts eyeing you up and down. This must be a cruel joke, a nightmare. You joined the demon slayer corps to fight against injustice and to support peace. But in this very moment, you find yourself surrounded by your comrades who definitely try to hurt you.
“You just have to play the smartest one, don’t you? I don’t give a damn about your little game. I will never respect a woman who fucked her way up”, he jeers back at you.
You force yourself not to cry, to not show them how much their fucking words sting. All your life, you were forced to fight against those who wanted to see you suffer, does who didn’t put trust in your abilities. Your neighbors, your friends, even your own family. Never more than a little girl with crazy dreams, never more than average with no one who believes in her.
“You have no i-“
An enormous storm of air swirling around you catches you completely off guard and almost sweeps you off your feet. You aren’t able to see anything anymore, let alone move. Fuck, what is this? Definitely not the power of that jerk from before. Your lungs feel like bursting under the immense pressure, chest so tight that you have to force air in and out. What on earth is this?
“That’s enough. Who do you even think you are?”
When the storm calms down as rapidly as it came, you find yourself landing onto the floor with your knees just in time while everyone around you bumps into the ground head-first.
“S-she attacked me! It was her fault!”
Your eyes widen in sheer horror when you begin to realize who was responsible for this. There he stands with his katana in his hand, his white cloak still flowing in the wind.
And his dreadful orbs are set on you.
You try to scream, try to defend yourself, but all of the sudden you forgot how to speak. This is the wind hashira, Sanemi Shinazugawa. After all those countless sessions with Tengen and Obanai, it was your goal to get here, to impress him.
But now you’re kneeling to his feet while countless men point their fingers at you, claiming you’re the one responsible for this mess.
“So, this was you?”, he questions.
There is no doubt in the fact that his ask is directed towards you. Not when he looks at you so serious with his hand clutched into a tight fist.
“I didn’t mean to cause trouble”, you finally press out.
Defending yourself is a waste of time. With all those men saying you’re the problem, your words mean nothing. All you can do is sit here and hope that you’re able to stay, hope that the wind hashira won’t send you back home like everyone predicted.
“You have to be fucking kidding me”, he mutters with low voice.
It’s over. This is it, your final time at the hashira training. Even giving your best wasn’t enough, apparently. Not when nobody believes in you except yourself. You should have kept quiet, should have ignored their stupid sayings. You furrow your eyebrows, wild eyes going hard.
No. You did everything right. No one is allowed to talk to you in such a manner, to say all those nasty things about you. It was the only right thing to defend your honor. There is nothing to regret.
“Are you really trying to make her responsible for this when I heard your dumb ass talking shit about her? You have some fucking nerve, lying into the face of a hashira.”
Time stands still, you don’t dare to make a move while the crowd around you goes silent. Did the wind hashira really just
Stand up for you?
“Now get lost, all of you brats. If you’d be as good at fighting as in talking shit, we would have beaten all demons already.”
He doesn’t have to tell them twice. In the matter of seconds, the usual crowded area is deadly silent with only you and the white-haired man remaining. Your heart almost beats out of your chest, eyes now fixated on his back. Why would he even stand up for a stranger, especially a girl? It’s probably best if you get away from here as well-
“No, not you. You definitely stay”, he instructs you after you take one single step forward.
You freeze right in your tracks. What now? Will he kick you out, send you back to your family? What if he didn’t mean those words he said earlier, what if he’s not convinced that you are in fact innocent?
“Listen, I’m sorry about t-“
“You really have some balls, dealing with a bunch of guys like that. My honest respect for that.”
 “What?”, you blurt out.
And there it is. The most breath-taking smile you’ve ever seen, a smile that makes your heart and stomach flutter, that leaves you standing there like an idiot. You never actually believed in love, let alone to fall for someone. But the wind hashira, standing in front of you with his katana casually placed over his shoulders and his hand on his hip while smiling at you

You’re lost. Deeply, completely, utterly lost.
“It’s clear that you’re working hard and I admire that. They have no right to talk to you this disrespectfully. I’m the only one who’s allowed to do that”, he replies with his charismatic low voice.
“Thank you for standing up for me. For a second, I was pretty sure you’ll send me back home”, you admit while avoiding his gaze.
Maybe you’re still able to prove them all wrong, maybe you will make it after all. The hashira training is your chance to finally show your true self. You grab the handle of your katana tightly. And you will do everything you can to use that chance.
“Why would I send someone like you home when you’re one of the best corps members? These guys don’t know shit about you and it’s clear that they’re jealous. Don’t listen to those people and keep up the hard work.”
The man in front of you definitely isn’t the monster you’ve heard of. The rough and loud wind hashira who has zero control over his emotions, who rejected his own brother. The man who means nothing but violence, nothing but trouble. No, that man in front of you is smiling at you, teasing you in order to become better. And you’ll do everything to thank him for believing in you.
-one week later-
“You can’t keep her for yourself any longer. Apart from Kamado, she’s one of the greatest chances the demon slayer corps have. It’s Gyomei’s turn to train her”, Shinobu explains calmly, earning one of the deadliest looks ever from the wind hashira.
Truth is, he doesn’t want to let you go. He wants to see you every day, wants to train with you as often as he can, wants to talk with you into the night. What is left when you’re not around except the effect you had on him, the admiration he holds for you in his heart? Sanemi thought he’d never be able to find love again, that no other woman would ever catch his heart. But there you are with your determination made of stone and heart made of gold.
“She’s better off with me”, he mumbles with a pout, not daring to look into the insect pillar’s eyes.
It’s clear that he’s acting ridiculous. When it comes to gaining more strength and abilities, you’re definitely not better off by his side only. He can’t just gatekeep you for his own will.
“Don’t tell me you started liking her”, Obanai comments dryly.
“Sanemi, is it possible, that
“Don’t you dare saying that”, he warns the pink-haired girl opposite of him.
Him, in love with a woman? How ridiculous

He huffs to himself. Yeah, there is no denying in the fact that he fell a little too hard.
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Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld
@froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake
@lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @sugu-love @ryva @baku2345
@komelrebi-san @kentocalls (your fic will be next) @barbuse @sunshine7queen
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6esiree · 2 months
Husk x GN! Reader: The Hazbin Hotel Group Chat (NSFW)
Summary: Kind of a part 2 to the last one? Reader sends an embarrassing sticker of Husk in the group chat and they refuse to delete it. Things escalate from there on.
Warnings: Swearing, smut, penetration, uh idk what else to include bc this is the first time I’ve written NSFW content. Anyway, MINORS PLEASE DO NOT READ!!!
You: *Sends a sticker of Husk smiling that day Lucifer visited the hotel*
Sir Pentious: *Reacts with a laughing emoji*
Angel Dust: how did u do that wtf ??? i want to send one too.
You: Just go to a pic in ur gallery and touch and hold whatever u want a sticker of. Easy.
Angel Dust: *Sends a sticker of Fat Nuggets* omg i love this !!
Husk: When did you take that. I look like shit. Delete it.
Angel Dust: honey, dont. im gonna save that as a sticker bc thats so funny LOL.
You: *Replies to Husk* Skill issue.
Charlie: *Starts hearting everyone’s messages*
Husk: *Replies to You* What does that even mean?
You: *Ignores Husk* Look Angel, this is u. *Sends a link to a video on Sinstagram*
Angel: period.
Husk: What the fuck. How do I leave the group chat.
Vaggie: If I gotta deal with reading this shit, so do you, Husk.
You: *Replies to Husk* Wait NOOOO!!! I’m sorry. Pls forgive me :(
Husk: No.
You: *Sends the sticker of Husk smiling again* I take that back then.
As you quietly giggled to yourself in your room, continuing to send funny stickers under your duvet, the doorknob suddenly rattled, instantly alarming you. Before you could even think about checking who was trying to get in, however, somebody lifted the covers. You shivered as the cold hit your skin, gasping when you saw who had come into your room uninvited.
“Hey, what the fuck? Husk!” You screeched, rolling around and clutching your phone to your chest, practically cocooning around it with your limbs.
“Delete it!” Husk said, pouncing on you and effortlessly flipping you over.
You unlocked your legs and wrapped them around the cat-demon’s hips, consequently forcing your crotches together as you flipped him over. His eyes widened and his pupils shrunk as you changed your positions—or that’s what you thought.
Anyway, you took advantage of the fact that you had caught Husk by surprise, throwing your phone down the side of your bed. It was situated right against the wall, so if he really wanted it, he’d have go through all the dust and clutter you had.
“Ha! Good luck getting it now,” You said, pinning his arms on either side of his head.
“Fuck,” Husk said, which you assumed was his response to what you just said.
Again, assumed, because you were fucking stupid. It took a certain something growing underneath you to understand the situation you had inadvertently designed.
Your face flushed in embarrassment as Husk’s length slotted perfectly against your crotch, but you did not move. You were horrified, for lack of a better word. He was your friend
that and he was also way older than you, even though age functioned differently in Hell than on Earth.
Still, this was a difficult situation the two of you had stumbled upon, and apparently, neither of you were interested in making the next move. Although, you were secretly hoping that Husk would do something, especially because you suddenly ached for him.
When he didn’t move, you felt your heart sink in disappointment. You also felt kind of ashamed for letting such carnal desires triumph over the need to preserve your friendship, which you had struggled to build in the first place.
“I, uh—I’m sorry,” You suddenly said, loosening your grip on Husk’s wrists, but not exactly letting go. “I didn’t mean to
you know, do this.”
He blinked as he processed your words, but he only acted when he felt your warmth receding, grabbing ahold of you and caging you underneath him. This whole going back and forth thing was really making you dizzy.
“Fuck, don’t apologize,” Husk said, tucking his face into the crook of your neck.
The action elicited a moan from you, and, oh, did Husk enjoy that.
“I felt how you twitched right against me, baby doll,” Husk’s lips moved sensually against your neck, causing goosebumps to litter your skin.
“If I knew a sticker of you fake-smiling would lead to this, I would have sent it sooner,” You breathed out, reaching out and grabbing ahold of his suspenders, forcing him closer to you.
“I ain’t giving you shit ‘til you delete it, though,” Husk chuckled, playfully nipping the skin on your neck before withdrawing completely.
Your eyes widened as he said that. That fucking bastard! You had to hand it to him, though.
“You can’t be serious!” You whined, chasing after him as he leaned back and sat on his knees.
“Get your phone, delete the sticker, and I’ll fuck you ‘til you can’t walk anymore,” Husk grinned at you, his sharp teeth shining in the dim light of your room. “Sound good?”
You stared at him, but just for a moment. Within a few seconds, you were off the bed, pulling the wooden frame away from the wall with a strength you never knew you had. Husk fell back onto the mattress when you did so, watching on in disbelief as you located your phone quickly.
“Here, look! I’m deleting it right now,” You hopped onto the bed, panting as you showed him your phone, “See? It’s gone.”
Husk removed his hat and carded his claws through his hair, which you had only ever seen on pictures from his time as an Overlord. As good as he looked, you could only whine in embarrassment because he was suddenly laughing.
“Shit, I’m sorry, it’s just—“ Husk said between bouts of laughter, “Never knew someone who wanted to be fucked this bad by me.”
You tossed your phone aside and grabbed ahold of his suspenders once more, shutting him up with a kiss. Husk was still laughing, but the more your lips moved against one another, the sound of saliva being exchanged flooding the room, the less funny he began to find the situation.
“Ah, fuck! Husker—oh, please.”
Hours later, Husk had your face plush against the mattress, a paw buried in your hair to keep you there. You just wouldn’t shut up, but could he blame you? No, not when his length was gliding in and out of you at a delicious pace, your hole squelching because of the several times he had finished inside of you.
“Almost there, babydoll,” Husk rasped from behind you, “Can you handle one more?”
At this point, you were starting to ache, but the way Husk pounded into you when he was close was addicting. His other paw had a tight grip on your hipbone, too, squeezing hard enough to draw blood every time your hole clenched around him. In short, yes you could handle one more load.
“You’re doing so good for me.”
Husk let go of your hair, his paw sliding down your scalp and wrapping around your neck. As his thrusts became erratic, he encouraged you to sit up on your knees, which you happily did. He slid his other paw under your thigh, hiking your leg up and pounding into you in a new position.
“Still gotta delete that photo of me,” Husk said into your ear, his face proceeding to fall into your neck, “You said you got the stickers out of your gallery—I remember.”
“T-Then why did you—oh—go ahead and fuck me knowing that?” You asked, gasping as Husk thrusted up into you particularly hard with that question.
Just like that, you came with a loud cry, his words making you snap. Feeling the way your hole clenched around him, Husk’s hips began to stutter. You savored the groan that escaped his throat as he emptied himself inside of you one last time, including the way his length throbbed, obviously sensitive.
The two of you passed out on your bed immediately after that—well, more like Husk, because you had to clean up a bit down there first. When you returned from your short trip to the bathroom, your bed frame was back against the wall and Husk was hugging one of your pillows, tail swishing back and forth and wings slightly fluttering.
As you approached the cat-demon, you swore you heard him
purring? Could Husk really purr? Slowly, you crawled into your bed, and as you laid down next to him, you were able to confirm that he was indeed purring. While the sound was heavenly, healing a part of your soul you never knew needed healing, having Husk nuzzle into your chest was just God-sent.
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emmyrosee · 3 months
you asked for angst and I hate angst but imma give you some bc I love you.
It is widely accepted that the Miya twins dad is not in the picture. Mama Miya is a single mom and is worshipped by her twin boys. They always prioritize taking care of her bc "she's got no one else but us". Which is great, its one of the reason why you feel in love with your man. But it becomes a hindrance when he starts missing out on things important to you. Esp when their mom didn't even need them there at that moment.
Could work for either Osamu or Atsumu.
I hate my brain.
The moon is high in the sky when Osamu finally comes home, your hands buried in the sink as you wash dishes that have been sitting there far too long.
You’d asked osamu to do it, but he hasn’t even been home to look at them. A phone call from his mother took him straight from work to her house almost two hours away, leaving you to your own thoughts and feelings.
You adored Ms. Miya. That wasn’t the problem. The problem was your feeling of neglect brewing in your chest, with each time he leaves you with no regard for your needs.
“Hey Angel,” he hums as he finally crosses over the threshold, toeing off his shoes and tossing his keys on the hook. He says nothing when you merely grunt back, but he does make his way over for a kiss.
You return his kiss, despite your own desires to not, you just wanted to be close to him again, feel his hands cradling your body and relight the love in your soul.
“How was your night?”
“Quiet,” you sigh. “Just
 cleaning up from dinner.”
“Shit, you made dinner?” At that moment, his stomach growls, “I was so busy at Ma’s I didn’t get the chance to eat. Do we have leftovers?”
You nod sadly, “yeah. Help yourself.”
everything okay?”
He clears his throat and picks up a plate from the strainer, “are you sure
? these used to have a design on them.”
You scrub harder.
“Talk to me, baby. I don’t like us keeping secrets from each other.”
“We don’t have secrets. If you can’t use your cognitive thinking skills as to why the person you’re going to marry is mad at you, that’s not my problem.”
“Is this about today?” He asks, voice dropping in defeat.
“Usually is.”
“Baby, you know I-“
The plate snaps under the force of your scrubbing, but you don’t focus on that, though osamu’s brows shoot up.
“Your mother needs you, your mother comes first, your mother asked you, your mother this, your mother that, I KNOW, OSAMU!” You bark, wet fists balled angrily and teeth gritted sharply. “I know the damn drill!”
He takes a step back and raises his hands in surrender, but his brows are furrowed in worry, “hey
 it’s okay-“
“It’s not okay!” You yell. Your hands come up to grip your chest, “what about when I need you? Hmm? Where’s my turn to be selfish and need you-“
“My mother is not selfish,” he growls. His brows furrow, “you damn know that.”
You roll your eyes, “no, she’s not. But I want to be. I want to be the big important thing in your life for once, I want to be the thing you run to; I want to be the one you drop everything for.”
“You are, but she needed me today, atsumu couldn’t make it-“
“Yeah, what was the big emergency today, huh? Problem with the internet? Phone bill? Fridge cleaning?”
He doesn’t say anything; merely scratches the back of his head, looking at you with tired eyes as if you’d done this dance far too many times. Which you had- but that’s not your fault.
“Tell you what,” you begin, using your wet hand to grab the engagement ring from the edge of the sink and grab his hand to put it in, “when you can give me more than 4 hours out of the day, you can propose to me again.”
He grips your hand sharply, and for a moment it snaps you back to reality for what you were saying, how venomous and toxic your words were, and your jaw slacks softly, “I
 didn’t mean that-“
“We are not going to be this couple,” he snarls. “We are not going to weaponize our engagement when we get into fights. Understand?”
“It just came out-“
“Then keep it in. Do not question my love for you in such a meaningless fight. Do not give me the ring that I decided to give you back, sheerly because you’re mad at me. We’re not going to be a couple that threatens our love from each other. You know better than that.”
The room is silent, the only noise coming from the creaks of the house and osamu doesn’t let go of your hand. His eyes are firm but they shine with betrayal, and his Adams Apple bobs as he swallows thickly.
You sniffle under his intense gaze, “all I wanted was for you to come home,” you whimper. “I got a promotion at work. I cooked dinner, I bought a cake, I-I-I just wanted you to show up.” Your bottom lip wobbles as he simply nods at your words, encouraging you to speak up more if you need to. “I hate sharing you all the time. I want to be selfish and have you come home to me, and not have to wonder about when or if you’re going to come home because of how far away she lives.” He lets go of your hand to wipe a stream of tears that dribble from your eye.
“I just miss you, ‘samu
He takes a deep inhale in before pulling you in for a hug, cradling you close and letting you cry in his chest. “Thank you, for being honest,” he says softly, kissing your head. “It must be frustrating to have to share my attention, especially when you have something important to tell me.” He lets you cry it out for a few minutes, before squeezing you closer, “but you have to communicate with me. You have to tell me if you’re feeling neglected. I can’t be here if I don’t know, baby.” He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, “I’m sure you wanted to surprise me today, and I’m sorry that fell through.”
You nod in his chest, relishing in the smell of rice and cologne, mewling and squeezing him tighter.
“How about we take tomorrow off?” He hums, pulling back to cradle your cheek in his big hand. “We can celebrate your promotion, and be together, yeah?”
“W-What about the shop?” You whimper. “That’s more important-“
“No.” He pulls back and looks down firmly. “Don’t finish that sentence. The shop will be plenty fine for one day.” He smiles softly, “after all. Need to celebrate my baby’s big break.”
You give him a watery laugh before inching to be closer to him again, more than anything just glad to be in his vicinity after so long.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you,” you whispered.
 what was that?” He asks, cheekily.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you,” you repeat, this time with some giggles.
“One more time?”
He snickers and places a kiss on top of your head, “I’m so sorry I was busy with Ma all day. I didn’t think it would take that long.”
“What did she need?”
“Eh, she needed her oil changed and god knows atsumu’s not going to do that.”
You laugh against his chest and nod, “he’d never risk messing up his hair like that.”
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blue-jisungs · 8 months
purrfect escape
author's note. hello!!! this is my first work for opla and zoro so i hope you like it and you won’t eat me alive if you don’t teehee !! i feel like this is low-key shitty but who cares, it’s just for funsies ?! also i am very open minded to the idea of zoro reqs if there’s anyone crazy abt him too but remember to check the guidelines if you’re new on my profile!!! <3
also tagging @writingmeraki (hope u dont mind dear) bc u were the one who inspired me to start writing for opla hehe
summary. zoro doesn’t necessarily like you. but to his surprise, an improvised and unplanned escape plan makes him realise that
 it may not be entirely true
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the sun is warming your face pleasantly as you stroll around the market, the sweet smell of fresh fruits filling your nostrils. you hum and when your eyesight falls upon the stall with strawberries, you let out a gasp.
“let’s get them too!” you yelp in excitement and walk to the seller. zoro moves his feet lazily, hand still secured atop of his sword.
he didn’t understand why luffy sent you and him to get some food that sanji wanted. the damn waiter could’ve done so himself, he’d know what to choose.
but no. he’s here with your pretty self, sun prying his skin. he’d love a nap right now and not–
“here, try it! it’s so sweet, oh my
” you hum in delight and before he can protest, you’re shoving a fresh strawberry into his mouth.
zoro groans. it’s good, he’ll admit.
“do we need them?” his brows moved up, scanning you. you bit your lower lip in thought, causing his stomach to make a flip.
this strange feeling accompanied him for a while now. he always felt so
 dizzy but in a pleasant way when he was with you. at first he thought he’s sick but he didn’t even have a high temperature.
the thing is, you’re cutely annoying. you talk a lot, you smile all the time, you like sweet things – literally. it pisses zoro off but then again, he feels all warm inside when he gets to hear your laugh.
“please?” you ask, pouting.
he shifts his hands, the groceries you made him carry making a rustling noise.
his brows furrow, there’s a long silence.
“fine” he groans, not entirely sure why he caved in.
so while you pay, he glares at the elderly sellsman who’s looking at you two strangely.
he recognised you.
“thank you so much! have a great–“ you start, the small basket of strawberries in your hands. zoro placed a hand on your shoulder and moved you further, urging you to walk “hey! i didn’t get to finish!”
“we need to go” he huffs and starts to look around to find a way back to going merry. which, at a crowded market and considering his skills, may be difficult.
“why?” you whine yet follow him obediently “there’s so much stuff i wanna see
you get your answer when the sound of coordinated and synchronised steps reaches your ears. marines.
“exactly” zoro scans your expression and his hand slips from your arm to your wrist. the hold is gentle though, almost as if afraid he’ll hurt you.
“the way out is the other way, i think” you announce and he stops suddenly, causing you to bump into his back. the sword’s handle meets with your forehead, causing you to groan “let me lead, you get lost way too easily”
he sighs but yet again today, gives in. you turn on your heel and start to lead him the way back, walking quickly through the various stands.
“they went that way!”
zoro is ready to grab his swords, noticing how the old man who sold you the strawberries is pointing at the place where you stood mere moments ago. the roofs of the stalls don’t do justice, you’re way too exposed.
“oh my god, a kitty!” you yelp and suddenly squat down, forgetting that zoro is holding onto you. if not his quick reflexes, he’d be facing the ground (literally)
“y/n, what are you–“ he hisses. another con of yours – getting distracted way too easily. especially by cute things.
“zoro, look! it’s so cute!” you whine and pet the small brown-furred feline. the cat is purring happily, naturally being pulled into your embrace “can we keep it?”
“no” zoro huffs, peeking from the stall you were squatting behind. the marines were still looking around
“why though? it’s so adorable! we would have another crewmate” a plea leaves your mouth, puppy eyes looking at him. zoro’s heart skips a beat and makes a somersault yet his face remains stone-cold, unbothered.
“no. we need to go and there’s no time for such
” his voice dies in his throat as the kitty brushed its head against your leg. the small tail cutely presses against your skin, the feline letting out the quietest meow possible.
“i love him so much, he’s adorable” you mumble, scratching its soft fur behind its ear “we’re gonna name him alfred–“
“we’re not naming this thing alfred. besides, we–“ he starts, interrupted by a sneeze out of the blue.
“is there a cat?”
you look at zoro with wide eyes, pure of shock and fear. the cat is still snuggling onto you, plopping into its back and showing its stomach – clearly requiring more scratches. while you continue eavesdroping, your hand gently grabs his and moves it to the cat’s belly.
zoro shots you an ‘annoyed’ stare but moves his fingers hesitantly nevertheless. the warmth of your touch spreads through his body.
“i’m allergic! we should go, i’ll be all swollen in no time! they’re not here, the old man maybe has some sight problems”
the green haired male shifts his gaze to you.
“are they gone?” you whisper, smiling softly at the cat.
“mhm” he hums, somewhat in disbelief.
“see? this was a purrfect escape plan!” you grin and you two begin to stand up. when getting no response, you chuckle nervously “get it? purr because the kitty–“
“i got it” zoro whispers, grabbing the groceries you made “let’s go”
“what about alfred?” you pout, looking at the kitty.
“there’s no living conditions on going merry for a cat, y/n” zoro says, sounding a bit apologetic.
you sigh and give the cat a last behind-ear scratch.
and zoro grunts, the weird warm feeling overflowing his body again. he can feel his stomach feeling a bit dizzy but in a pleasant way.
god, if he could he would give you every cat in the world if that meant seeing you so happy like moments ago.
masterlist <3
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ganondoodle · 1 month
yeah no of course i cant stop trying still ...
currently trying to get out of the mindset -draw what could be popular- by designing some rough ideas for the weapons shops in the new totk rewrite (fuse isnt a thing here)
to explain; during the first part (before villain rauru reveal and change to shiekah arm) the way to repair or craft weapons is with a new type of NPCs; they are smiths that can repair your weapons, craft them, and have some avaible to buy (mostly for arrows but also small selection of weapons), it costs material and some money, or if you dont have the material/all material, it costs more money but is still doable, price depending on how valuable or hard to get the material is you dont want to spend on it
then after the switch to the sheikah arm and zelda taking on the role of your permanent companion, she can both repair and craft as well (might be limited but expandable with quests, as in that zelda learns more skills- so theres new quests after the switch and you cant just do everything before that) with the difference that you need to have the required materials but it costs no money
this would mean that while no giant change before and after the halfway point of the game, it is definitely different feeling, plus its a convenience that is good to have in the second half but shouldnt be sorely missed in the first, the difference between NPC smith and zelda gives you the option to spend material or money- so you arent forced to grind anything if you need either for something else, plus new quest rewards for the second half and new points of interest in general, similar to a stable but not too close so theres still an element of exploration; they arent super frequent but around the map of the surface enough that you can reasonably reach one in each region (perhaps after aquiring the yiga as allies/or before that in disguise they can do the same for you but are only found in the underground)
it would also allow for more diverse gameplay, if your favorite weapon is about to break (it might not fully disappear but if you use it up it would go into a condition like the master sword when its lost its power, not usable or doing tiny amount of damage, but not gone forever if you accidentally use it too much-) you can decide to throw it away or keep it until you find the next smith, depending on if you already found one and see you are close or havent yet, or spend the material if you have it to instantly repair it
(i havent decided yet if rauru might be willing to repair your weapons, but not to craft them since he lacks the skill (would never admit to it) and he only wants to give you just enough support to enable you to do what he wants you to do- i think that might work better bc its still a difference to zelda, since she can craft too, but not too much so that you would feel like the games forcing you to use the smiths in the first half ... possibly its unlocked with one of the enigma stones, when rauru can claim he is able to do that now bc it lets him recover some of his strength)
what im wondering now, which is a bit important i think, is .. should the smiths be wandering around a set path or have a lil stationary shop? if they wander around it would make it a bit more depending on situation of you wanna use them, but bears the risk of making it annoying if you dont know here they are or happen to be too far away and a lil weird bc should have something to work on there, like an anvil, which would be a lil strange to carry around; a lil shop could potentially turn into a location you keep teleporting back and forth though im leaning towards the shop; you could make helping them build it a quest too, or saving them from monsters? overall i think this idea is a rather nice balance
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mangalho · 1 year
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Ex-warbot OC
They don’t have names yet.
The two bots with the scary faces were specifically made for war, and now that it’s over, they still maintained their original ‘warface’ even though it has stigma associated to it. Many robots changed their faceplates post-war, as it made it easier to find jobs and not get into unnecessary conflict.
The sleeker looking guy used to be in their company, though he wasn’t made in the same factory as them; he isn’t their ’batch-mate’.
After the war he completely modified his frame, and now has an idol career. He desperately wats to erase his past, as people (and robots alike) will respond better to a ‘new’ and untainted idol.
The two warface bots are “brother and sister” and they do odd jobs here and there to make ends meet and to be able to afford things they want. Rich people hire them as bouncers a lot since they are a symbol of terrible times. Sometimes they earn 15k in one night for just one gig it’s crazy. They both really love clothes since it distances them from their body’s original purpose while simultaneously not erasing their past. Also they look cute and cool!
The idol bot once meets the warfaces by chance in the street and pretends he doesn’t know them AGAHAKALAK I think he’s insane
 completely erasing your past and the person you were is psychopathic to me idk. Anyway
There arent a lot of warfaces going around anymore. since they either died during the war or changed their frames. Pre-war bots were re-fitted during the conflicts and just had to go back to their former unweaponized frames after it was all over so they’re fine.  All of these robots can download information and i want that type of learning to mostly disappear if its deleted, but if they learn things like we do or experience real events, those memories and skills can’t really truly be erased; if they do try erasing them, they will still remember them, just not with HD video clarity, which brings them immense suffering sometimes. “How to people live like this?!” Well buddy it sucks idk we all cope
Newly minted robots are wack because they don’t exactly have a ‘soul’ yet they just do things they’re supposed to do, but after some time, all of them actually develop real awareness and shit
 my war bots had like a 78% chance of dying everyday when they were activated, but they survived and attained sentience at like one year post birth and they wised up rly fast after that. They remember their first year, but they describe it as a ‘weird haze’
These robots feel pain so they wont like dive into a hole or damage themselves too much. Self preservation means longer-lived machines which means less repair costs and less human lives on the line as well.. slay !!!
While the conflicts went on, most robots achieved sentience and decided to stop fighting so there was like a robots rights movement and eventually the war stopped altogether and now the robots have a salary and a normal life mostly. They arent organics, so they need other things. They are solar powered and need oil sometimes and also they need new nanomachines once in a while like we need vaccines. Get your boosters
 its not just tetanus and coronavirus anymore now they gotta think about like..the trojan horse 9000
I want them to have this aversion to organic things dying bc they are universally gross. Like they dont like seeing living-machines die either but a rat being squished by a car is also gross!
There are probably some tensions between humans and robots but like i kinda get it bc i wouldnt mess with a guy who has like lead pipes for arms. also most robots ARE normal but some are insane idk đŸ™†â€â™€ïžđŸ€·â€â™€ïž just  like people are.
 mine are normal tho they’re just vibing đŸ’–đŸ—ŁđŸ€™
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cdbabymp3 · 4 months
Having thoughts about hamzahs hands and arms likeeeee
 sexy. Just him always touching you and u love when he puts his arms around you.
𐙚hands & arms ― hamzahthefantastic
notes/warnings: sfw & nsfw hc's !! i did indicate where the nsfw portion starts though so if you just wanna read the sfw you can ! slight mention of weed lol (i kinda went overboard w this ... đŸ€’)
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-boy's got the prettiest hands evaaa 🌟
-he's extremely touch deprived so he's gotta be holding your hand at all times
-in the winter when it's absolutely freezing, he'll take your hands in his and blow hot air, rubbing them to create friction 😭 he's so corny i love him
-if you guys are high, he'll compare the size of your hands with his for the millionth time and act surprised (his are muchhh larger)
"whaaaattt oh my goddd y/n you're like a little alien !!"
-he likes to cradle your face when you kiss, generally just needs to hold you in any given situation
-you could be reaching for something above you in the kitchen and he feels the need to keep a hand on the small of your back like he's spotting you at the gym BYEEE
-when he first met your parents for dinner, he had a hand on your thigh the whole night. if there was a brief pause in the conversation or he didn't know the answer to a question your dad asked, he'd squeeze your thigh for help
-likes when you kiss his knuckles and fingertips, it never fails to bring a smile to his face and he always returns the favor
-this is probably super niche but i feel like he's good with his hands ??? not even sexually (well-yes but we'll get to that in a sec...) but just able to open difficult things that are too tedious for you
-he has a very steady hand is what i'm trying to say... so if the clasps of your bra are being difficult or there's a random knot in your earbuds he's your guy ! 😁
-again, maybe too niche, but he's a fast typer as well
-if you have a huge essay due and you're exhausted, just tell him what you want to say and he'll put his slutty little glasses on and type if out for you so fucking quick bc that's bf !! 💘
-now his arms ...
-he thinks he's not that strong but oh he definitely is
-can open anything for you, even those annoying ass sauce jars that are literally airtight
-THIS BOY'S A TEASE THOUGH so yes you will have to SHOW HIM that you tried to open it and then he'll be like "ok fine lemme do it 😒"
-okay he hates the whole hyper-masculine mentality of a girl making a man feel manly butttt there is one exception: when you guys are walking together and you hold onto his bicep ... goes fucking crazy for that
-he likes to pick you up all the time !! during fights, when he gets home from filming, when you tell him good news, etc. etc.
-you could be in the middle of a stupid argument where both of y'all are just being petty for nothing and you know it, so he'll pick you up while you're cussing him out and put you over his shoulder
-you protest at first, demanding he put you down, but then he'll spin you a bit to make you laugh and get over whatever y'all were fighting about
-piggyback rides and carrying you bridal style are a must
-yes, he let's you do the tiktok trend where you tie a ribbon around his bicep. no, he does not let you post it.
-driving hamzah driving hamzah DRIVING HAMZAH !!! one hand on the steering wheel, the other on your inner thigh with the most innocent expression on his face as his fingers creep towards where you need him
-likes when you suck on his fingers mhm mhm he will NOT break eye contact when you do it
-WILL interlock fingers with yours when he eats you out, he needs the intimacy
-very skilled with his hands as i mentioned earlier ...
-he may be an inexperienced bachelor but this boy knows where the clit is and how to circle it just right
-since it took a while for you guys to actually fuck in your relationship (bc he wanted to take things slow) fingering was his go-to and jesus christ is he good at it đŸȘŠ
-his fingers are fairly long and thicker than yours so he's curling them and reaching all the right spots
-his hands are calloused from lifting and it's hot !! this is smth i won't negotiate
-when he's caressing your thighs and ass you can feel how rough they are in certain areas and it only adds to the stimulation
-he will lightly hold your neck when you guys makeout, not quite enough to choke you though, he's so cute
-can definitely toss you around if you get what i mean ...
-it's always jokingly though, he'd never want to actually hurt you so he doesn't use his full strength
-if you've been at a party together and are dying to get home to be alone he will speed back to his place, slam the door behind you, pick you up to walk over and throw you onto his bed, laughing at how horny both of you are
-can literally lift your weight with one hand, so if you guys are kissing on the couch and want to switch to his bed, it's light work for him
-hates himself for it but he does have a hint of a size/strength kink that i don't think he'd ever openly admit lmao
-looooovesss when you grab for his biceps during the initial thrust into you ... DONT GET ME STARTED
-hugs you from behind đŸ˜”â€đŸ’« he knows how much it turns you on
-like you're super focused on something and he'll walk up behind you and wrap his arms around your body, swaying you side to side to distract you
"hamzah..." you warn
"what???" he always plays dumb
^this almost always ends in making out and/or hooking up
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à»’ê’°àŸ€àœČÂŽ ˘ ` ê’±àŸ€àœČა taglist ; @forevergirlposts
(lmk if u wanna be added, luvs!!)
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jungshookz · 1 year
flowershop!yoongi putting a little flower behind smitten!yn's ear and her not knowing how to act
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âžș pairing; florist!yoongi x smitten!y/n
âžș genre; smitten!universe!! lil bit of fluff bc APPARENTLY the last smitten update was "genuinely devastating", "actually so depressing what the fuck was that cee", and "why would you do this to us" or something like that
âžș wordcount; 1.2k
»»————- đŸŒŒ ————-««
“wow. not only are you a third wheel, you’ve officially become a fifth wheel. i’m impressed, i really am.” 
you immediately look up from the petunias, your shoulders drooping when you see who it is
you were hoping yoongi wasn’t working today because you knew he was going to make some comment about you being today’s fifth wheel but of course, because the universe is constantly shoving you down and kicking dirt in your face
 here he is in all his glory 
jungkook invited you to go for lunch with him and ji-eun and co. because
 well, why wouldn’t he invite you? you’re his friend, of course you’re invited for a nice lunch and a stroll downtown 
and the only reason why you guys (aka you, jungkook, ji-eun, jimin, and taehyung) are in the flower shop in the first place is because jungkook mentioned that he’d gotten ji-eun’s bouquet and teddy bear here and she wanted to take a look 
the two of them are currently chatting it up with seokjin who very clearly is trying to get jungkook to buy a massive bouquet for ji-eun and you’re slightly concerned at how good of a salesman he is because now you’re wondering if you should get a bouquet for yourself. 
as for the other two, jimin wanted to get some shots of his outfit in front of the flowers because admittedly the inside of the story is fairly vibey and taehyung’s helping him out with that 
and you
 didn’t know where else you could go, so you decided to walk to the far end of the store and pretend like you were really interested in the petunias 
“what can i do to help you, buddy?” yoongi pouts mockingly, pushing his bottom lip out and making his eyes all big as he leans against the counter and folds his arms on top of it, “i can wrap the bouquet up for you so if you run in the rain again it’ll be waterproof.”
“okay, you- you really don’t have to rub it in my face like that,” you snap a little harsher than intended, but you really can’t help it because yoongi is genuinely being an asshole, “you’re just mad because you don’t have a friend who’d do something like that for you.”
“well, if i had a friend who did all of that for me and was pretty like you, i wouldn’t be friends with them anymore,” yoongi pauses, tilting his head slightly, “i’d make ‘em my girlfriend.” 
“you-“ you feel your face flush at the out-of-nowhere compliment before scoffing, “okay, now i see why you guys have five stars for customer service! i see what you’re doing, using your skills to get me to buy something-“ 
“aw, c’mon, don’t get all shy on me now
” yoongi laughs, reaching over to hook a finger against the crack of your elbow and tugging you back slightly, “you weren’t shy when you were practically begging me to open the shop up for you past closing.” 
“no, kook, you don’t need to get another bouquet for me, honestly
” you look over when you hear ji-eun laughing lightly, and almost immediately your mood dips when you see her loop her arm through his before leaning down to rest her head against his shoulder 
you wince slightly when you feel that all too familiar pinch in your chest at the sight of how loved-up the two of them are but you straighten your posture when you notice jimin looking towards your direction 
you still don’t know what his problem is with you
 you’ve been quite civil with him so you really have no idea why he doesn’t seem to like you all that much 
taehyung is definitely the friendlier one but you’re still intimidated to talk to him even though he initiates a lot of conversations with you 
you just
 don’t fit in with them, and you’re slightly concerned you’re losing jungkook to them-
“what’s your favourite colour?” yoongi asks all of a sudden, and you turn around to face him, grateful that he’s serving as a distraction from the searing pain in your chest-
“uh, good question!” you clear your throat, taking your bottom lip in between your teeth before shrugging, “like
 like a burnt orange. a deep-toned orange? not, like, velma from scooby doo orange, a little darker than that-“ 
“okay, got it.” you jump when yoongi suddenly whips a pair of shears out from his back pocket, making a snipping motion at you before rounding the counter and walking over to the massive collection of petunias 
“you don’t strike me as a deep orange girl, but let me see here
” he fingers through them gently, humming to himself as he cups a flower in his hand gently before snipping it off, being careful not to clip his fingers by accident, “we don’t have a burnt orange colour, but this one is like a yellowy-orange.” yoongi flips the shears in between his fingers smoothly before shoving it into his back pocket and turning to face you, “hope that’s alright.”
“i- i mean, it’s alright with me because i have no idea what you’re doing,” you snort, leaning back against the counter with one ankle crossed over the other, “i hope you’re not going to make me pay for that-“
“i won’t. this one’s on me.” 
“what are you-!” you freeze when yoongi approaches you a lot closer than a salesclerk should, and almost immediately you feel your entire face light up when he smooths some of your hair back before tucking the petunia behind your ear, his tongue poking out in concentration as he adjusts it so that it won’t fall out 
“hey, look at that.” yoongi smiles, crossing his arms over his chest as he nods contently, “cute.” 
you smile meekly, unsure of what to respond with and unsure of why your stomach is doing teeny little somersaults 
“thank you.” you clear your throat quietly, leaning back a little so you can check out your reflection in the mirror, “it’s- i like the colour, it’s a nice colour.”
“mm, i know. i’m the one that grew them.” yoongi clicks his tongue as he makes his way back behind the counter, “anyway, fifth wheel- if jin asks, you definitely paid for that and i’ve been mopping the floors diligently this whole time.”
(later, when jungkook asks you where you got that flower and he finds out that yoongi gave it to you, you don’t notice the way he narrows his eyes slightly and looks back at the store. why did yoongi give you a flower?) 
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ryin-silverfish · 2 months
I really like Azure Lion as a character. Yeah, you can stop following me now. /j
But no, seriously, I like how LMK has adapted this particular character, given him way more potential complexity than his novel counterpart——not that it's a high bar, the LCR trio of JTTW are just demon warlords living in a literal human slaughterhouse.
Which is why I deeply dislike the take that "Oh, Azure manipulated SWK into fighting the JE! He's just using him like a pawn!" Like, wow, way to completely butcher two characters' personality and agency in one go.
Such takes reduce SWK to some innocent kid, when he is at most an impulsive, daring teenager who haven't met a single real obstacle so far——he robbed the dragon kings blind, and they couldn't do a thing! He struck his name and all his monkeys' names off the Book of Life and Death! What couldn't he do?
And Azure's failing isn't him telling a toddler: "You know what? Driving your tricycle into oncoming traffic will be real fun, trust me kiddo." It's letting his friend go way over the speed limit and not telling him that he should maybe, y'know, slow down, bc he'd seen his epic driving skills, SWK's the bestest driver he ever met, surely nothing would happen!
(And also, no one in that car is sober, except Macaque.)
What I'm getting at here is, even without Azure, SWK is not gonna be content with sitting on his mountain, eating peaches forever. Hell, he sure doesn't in the novel, where his demon king brothers are little more than namedropped NPCs.
He is always gonna want more, chase after greater destinies, drown out that existential ennui and fear of death at the back of his mind with bigger and bigger power-ups and the laughters of his companions.
He told himself he would be content after getting this one thing he wanted. That he could stop at any time. But alas, like any ADHDer, he will not stop at this one exciting thing, and sooner or later, the boredom sets in, and he gets ideas and impulsively leaps into making them reality.
That is the Mind Monkey at his worst: being a whirlwind of chaos, while unknowingly enslaved to his own chaotic mind.
(In the book, this is Wu Cheng'en's reminder to the reader that, even though you shouldn't keep your heart constantly under lock and keys, Neo-Confucian style, the other extreme——letting it go completely wild, disregarding all external rules and consequences, can be equally disastrous.)
And when that car was driven through the Celestial Palace's front door, off a bridge, and straight into a ditch, it was him in the driver's seat, steering the wheels the whole time.
Everyone else in that car failed terribly as friends when they didn't voice any objections, or try to get him off the driver's seat, or realize that cheering and egging him on is an awful idea, however genuine their blind trust was.
Like, they are certainly not helping, and made the situation much, much worse. If you let your buddy drive while under influence and hand him more beers in the car, even if you are also drunk out of your mind and aren't actively trying to get him into a traffic accident, you are a shitty, irresponsible friend.
But the thing is? SWK is still responsible for the consequences of his decisions. He could have stopped, by his own volition, and no one was holding a gun to his head and forcing him to drive. He, too, wanted this.
That, to me, makes a much more interesting narrative than "Poor innocent baby SWK was puppeted into becoming the Great Sage in Heaven by shady blue cat, how awful!"
Oh, and since I'm feeling particularly salty today, I'll also ask some last questions: is SWK so weak-willed and devoid of self-agency to you that he couldn't even OWE his most famous title, the Great Sage in Heaven, 100%, without being manipulated into it?
Is SWK so immature and unintelligent to you that he is incapable of being a genuine idealist or rebel, that he cannot agree, out of the depth of his heart, that the Celestial Realm sucks balls and needs better management?
TL;DR: Havoc! Era Azure Lion isn't some cult leader brainwashing this kid into becoming his figurehead. He's the dumbass who's too busy staring at his teenage crush to care about the blaring police sirens.
Also, I had a bit of an epiphany after writing this: why am I so annoyed by people reading Azure's idealization of SWK as him intentionally manipulating and love-bombing him? Because it is a very western and modern reading.
For someone with traditional Confucian beliefs, it is perfectly normal——it is what you are supposed to feel, as a liege who has found your just and virtuous lord.
If Romance of the Three Kingdoms existed back then, he would probably describe himself as the Guan Yu to SWK's Liu Bei, however wonky the analogy was.
(Gosh, now I want a "Four Classics read each other" crossover.)
I'm not saying it is healthy or wise. But under this context, putting your lord on a pedestral was normalized, and even encouraged, as the virtue of a righteous gentleman. It was the sort of ideals romanticized culture-wide. NOT having such beliefs would probably make you look weird.
And since the Celestial Realm in the novel is a parody of Confucian hierarchy in a Daoist trenchcoat, it was really no surprise that an idealistic ex-celestial soldier would hold the same beliefs.
To torture the analogy further, the problem is that he was trying to be the Guan Yu to SWK's Liu Bei, when the Brotherhood had more in common with the Bandits of the Marsh, down to their giant downer ending.
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ddejavvu · 9 months
hello! i just reviewed your req rules and i had been wanting to request something about spencer reid with an east asian partner bc i thought i remembered you saying you were okay with writing specific ethnicities, but i’m not sure if my request will match up with the rule you mentioned about teaching each other a skill.
my idea was for the reader to teach a clumsy, info-dumping reid about how to use chopsticks but i’m worried it goes against your req guidelines 😅 i’m not sure if using chopsticks is something you know how to do or also write about how to teach someone it, but i just thought it could be super fluffy and soft with reid being a klutzy nerd and the reader being super soft and encouraging but also laughing at him for being a genius who doesn’t understand chopsticks. super fluffy and soft stuff with maybe some kisses and stuff haha.
i hope that this doesn’t come across in any way i didn’t intend for it to bc i’m purely trying to ensure i obey ur req rules and don’t disregard them or disrespect ur boundaries in any way! đŸ„ș
hope u are having a wonderful day or night đŸ„șđŸ«¶đŸŒđŸ«¶đŸŒ
i appreciate your consideration!!! you have no idea how much i appreciate you reading my rules <333333 i do in fact know how to use chopsticks so i'm fine writing this :)
Spencer's plate is suspiciously empty and his mouth is suspiciously full when you get back from the kitchen, and he grins at you through a mouth full of beef as you clutch the training tool.
"I figured it out," He speaks through his bite, and you grimace at the messy view, "No need for the dinosaur, angel."
You squeeze the silicon dinosaur in your hand, two holes built into its back so that the chopsticks can be slid into them and run parallel to its body. It's something a child would use to get the feel of chopsticks before their motor skills are fully developed, or, in this case, it's for Spencer to use while he tries not to drop any more dumplings onto his lap. You'd figured their bulky shape would make it easy to catch them between the chopsticks, easier than thin noodles, but Spencer is having an exceptionally hard time.
You squeeze the dinosaur harder, feeling it warp beneath your fingers, "Spencer, why is there soup on your plate?"
"There's soup there," You nod at his plate, "Why?"
"These are soup dumplings," Spencer hums warily, "Isn't that what you said?"
"Yeah, they are. But the soup is inside the dumplings. And you can't get to it unless you break open the dough. There's an awful lot of soup on your plate, Spencer."
He swallows even though his mouthful is long gone, "I spilled one accidentally."
"You liar," You grouse, "Did you just stab the chopsticks into them while I was gone to get them to your mouth easier?"
"No!" Spencer insists, shaking his head so wildly that strands of his hair fly, "No, I used the chopsticks like you taught me to!"
"Prove it then," You narrow your eyes at him, taking your own pair of utensils and easily transferring a dumpling from your plate to his own, "Do it now, so I can see."
Spencer summons all of the courage in his lanky body to grip the chopsticks, his fingers already slipping and sliding off of the placement you'd showed him. His form is clumsy and it's no surprise when he can't even get the dumpling off of the plate, much less to his mouth.
"You liar!" You repeat, your point proven as you snatch the chopsticks away from him and slide the silicon dinosaur onto their ends, "There, it's like training wheels. It'll keep them together so that all you have to focus on is your grip."
"Training wheels," He mumbles, cheeks scarlet as he jabs the chopsticks at the dumpling, his fingers purposefully limp so that they don't pick up the food, "Whatever. I'll just ask for a fork next time."
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dnpbeats · 3 months
Ive been seeing some big youtubers and creators announce (seperately) that they're going on tours, and a lot of of them are full on stage shows. These are people with tens of millions of followers each.
And then I think about the fact that dan and phil are the reason they can. Dan and phil completely pioneered the industry for online creators. They were the first youtubers to do a world tour of a stage show. First youtubers to show that they are actually professional enemtertainers and not just ameteur comedians. They were the first youtubers to have their own radio show in the uk. They were the success story that a lot of people built their success on the back of. If tatinof didnt work, it wouldve taken so much longer before online creators would've been taken seriously by venues as comedians/artists/entertainers. If internet takeover didnt work it would've taken so much longer for creators to be offered jobs in mainstream media, as tv/radio presenters, in documentaries, on gameshows etc.
Like yeah, it probably would've happened eventually anyway, but it happened a lot earlier than it would've bc of them. They were the first. And absolutely no one acknowledges that. No one even knows, except for them and us.
Even though dnp in 2024 are by far not the most prominent creators out there, I do think they have had one of the most successful careers of any youtuber/streamer out there. I think they achieved far more in terms of career success and opportunities with their 4-6million joint subscriber count than most of the people with 20million plus subs have, which is pretty cool. Their careers are not built on 5mins of fame. They have understanding of the industry, work ethic, and skill to ensure long careers, even if those careers morph over time. They wont be youtubers for ever, but they will be successful in whatever they do, that I am certain of.
Idk im just feeling emotions about them. Im proud if them. And im excited to see where they go.
NO NOTES ANON!!!!! this is all so true!
I have seen a lot of people mention the fact that d&p are not as popular as they used to be/don't get as many views as they used to as if it's a negative but I don't think it's bad at all, because of all of what you said. they were doing shit that no one else was doing! they paved the way for youtubers to break out of the yt sphere!! which is so amazing but also they were doing SO MUCH for so long. they were carrying the industry on their backs lmao. so now I'm so happy for them that they have the opportunity to chill out and just do what they wanna do. they're just making the content they wanna make and they aren't concerned with how many views they're getting or trying to remain relevant (which I think they still are, but yk what I mean), and they deserve that. because while everything they did was awesome and should absolutely be celebrated, I think it's great that now they have the opportunity to create more casually and they don't need to worry about doing numbers. like yes yt is still their livelihood but in a much more laid-back way yk? and I think that because they did so much, and like you said have understanding of the industry and a good work ethic, that's what allowed them to build a fanbase that has stuck around and that fanbase is why they can be more relaxed now
I agree they might not be youtubers forever but I'm also excited to see what projects they eventually move on to bc they'll slay fs
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Here's a two-parter idea for hc (idk this time if it's a full or a Mini, I'll let you choose ;) )
1. How do the M6 hold babies? Who's a natural and who has the stiff "toddler who's meeting their baby sibling for the first time" hold? Who likes them & vice versa? Who's the person you hand a baby to & then immediately have to take it back bc something about their aura immediately made the baby freak out?
2. Similar vein; like the wands in Harry Potter, we all know kids pick and choose who they like & nobody has a choice in the matter. Which of the M6 do kids like? Who's a natural child repellent? Who do the kids always undyingly attach themselves to even though by all means that person seems like the last parson the children would fall in love with?
Feel free to include the courtiers or any other side characters too if you like, I think that'd be funny
The Arcana HCs: M6 with Kids
~ @themushroomgoesyeet this started out as a mini-hc and then I got so carried away I turned them into a full series. XD thanks friend! ^.^ - brainrot ~
Loves kids!! so young! so small! so full of life and energy!
Kids tend to be initially cautious when approaching him (he's so tall, and edgy-looking, and kind of loud)
But as soon as he notices them he's folding up his gangly legs so he can crouch at their level and make eye contact and ask them about their day and introduce himself to their toys
And oh my, the stories he comes up with - it's not uncommon for you to lose him in the marketplace and come back about thirty minutes later to find him seated on a crate, about fifteen children of varying ages sitting in front of him, hanging onto his every word with stars in their eyes as he props up a toddler with one hand and wildly gestures with the other
Depending on how enthusiastic his audience gets and how much time he has to work with, he may or may not teach them the basics of improv and catch them up in acting out his story
It's impossible to pull him away once he's appointed different kids to their roles and gotten them started on his fantastical adventure
Remembers all their names and faces and preferences and goes out of his way to wave hello to them if he ever spots them while he's out and about
Kids love the look and smell and feel of them but they rarely approach them because of how generally detached they seem
He's quite fond of kids himself, and they will straight up worship him if he puts effort into connecting with them, but most of the time he's too lost in his own wanderings to get around to it
Has strong feelings about their well being though, and will drop everything if they see one in need of assistance and not receiving it
Always accidentally ends up in a teacher's role (it's his infinite patience), he's just bad at knowing what might or might not be a good idea to teach them
How to knit? Wonderful! Now they have a new, soothing, productive hobby and skill set
How to pick a lock? No!! Now they're going to apply their scary levels of creativity and tininess to getting access into spaces they really shouldn't be in!
Known to randomly distract them during scary public things (you found them putting on an impromptu magic show in an alleyway for all the kids in the street right after a nasty cart crash)
Has an easier time with kids than with babies. Babies can't talk, if something's wrong they just cry while you try to troubleshoot
She regards them with distance and respect and they do the same for her
It's much easier to care for them with improved infrastructure and accessible education than it is to learn what kinds of bodily fluids are normal on a child and what kinds aren't
(spoiler alert - snot is normal. snot is expected. snot will be everywhere. snot can never be fully cleaned up.)
Kids pick up on this, and are generally more likely to admire the very pretty lady from a distance than they are to walk up and start talking to her
Every now and then, though, some precocious child will start following the trail of her perfume, which will lead them to her skirt, which they will bury their snot-covered face in because it's soft and smells nice
And every time, without fail, Nadia will pause what she's doing and bend down to politely introduce herself and ask for their name without a single though to the mess on her clothes
She actually does better with babies than with kids, because it's easier for her to hold and physically protect a baby than it is to try to have a conversation with a child and quickly discover just how different Toddler Logic is from Adult Logic
Small children congregate around him in droves and he has no idea why
They are small, they are fragile, they are living creatures who do not deserve to be hurt or abandoned, why are they crowding around his feet instead of holding onto their parents???
From a child's point of view, it's quite logical
Man is tall. Man is quiet. Man stands still. Man has gentle aura. Man provides shade. Man is clearly a tree (for chilling next to, and attempting to climb on, and occasionally bringing flowers to)
If Muriel can muster enough courage to break his initial "freeze" response, he'll find a corner to sit in so he can be extra stable and not run the risk of accidentally crushing someone
You found him like this once at a party, sitting still as a stone, with two kids chatting with each other on his lap, one scaling the sheer cliffside of his back, one perched on his shoulder sticking flowers in his hair, and two more playing with his hands (which are easily the size of their faces)
He gave you the same look you'd expect from someone stuck with a cat sleeping on their lap
Will listen to and remember any story he gets told and mention it later in conversation
Loves kids!!! x2
Unfortunately, she tends to scare the shy ones off at first with her intensity, which does make her cry herself to sleep sometimes
She has both the physical energy and the delightful imagination that perfectly suits her to joining into any game the kids around her come up with and making it one of the most exciting experiences of their tiny lives
She's also brilliantly prepared to comfort a child through any burden their small souls carry
Runny nose? She's got a handkerchief. Skinned knee? She's got band-aids. Dehydrated? She's got a water bottle. Hurt feelings? she gives the best (seriously, the best) comforting hugs
Nobody can mediate squabbles like she can (she brokered a trade deal with Firent, she can easily handle playground territory fights)
Over the years she's become the confidant of many tiny ones and you've caught her more than once mending a torn skirt or fixing a broken toy for a kid who didn't want to have to confess to their parents and face the consequences on their own
Does she fill you in on all the little one's gossip and drama? Of course. Does she take it just as seriously as her job? Absolutely
He likes kids more than he thinks he does. Unfortunately, they're not usually fond of him at first
When he looks at kids he just sees tiny people who aren't quite big enough yet to go to real parties or do anything interesting with him
That said, he also likes to help people. In the past it was partially to show off, but he genuinely enjoys making someone else's day brighter and knowing he was the reason for it
Plus, kids are considerably easier to impress than grown ups are
Children, on the other hand, are more likely to see a very loud blonde man with a scary metal arm and walk in the other direction
Lucio does not like it when anyone, child or otherwise, takes one look at him and walks away
He must convince them otherwise
Usually resorts to sweets (he's got his own weakness for cookies, even if he still has no idea how to make them)
You've watched him win the admiration of about thirty tiny people in fifteen seconds flat when he loudly proclaimed that he'd be buying any treat any children wanted from the baker's stall
To say that he was still talking about the stars in their eyes when they looked at him three weeks later is an understatement
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eggyrocks · 3 months
whats da band lore how did they do dat
okay if i’m going to answer this question it’s gonna be LONG (also cannon does not apply here yall im making this shit UP)
noya and yn are childhood friends who kinda discovered punk music together at a very young age
like they were seven listening to agent orange together
yn liked how angry and passionate it is and noya liked how high energy and badass it is
yn’s favorite bands/biggest influences were skinned teen, gitogito hustler, and melt-banana
noya’s were sicilian blood, social distortion, and minor threat
yn was obsessed with learning guitar. she would take books out from the library and imagine she was playing on a fake one & would ‘practice’ and memorize as much of the technical terms as she could & this was how she learned to read sheet music
noya’s grandfather got him a guitar as gift one day and he let yn actually practice on it in exchange for teaching her what she knew
so they were self taught guitar players together đŸ„č
and they always knew they wanted to start a band but they were both guitar players and two guitar players does not a band make
yn was willing to learn bass too but even if she did they would still need a drummer
enter: tanaka
(influences: fugazi. that’s it. that man loves fugazi)
they met in middle school and the day they met tanaka it was like they were life long friends
like that bond was instant
and one day they were hanging out at noya’s house and tanaka saw his guitar was he was like “oh you play”
“yeah we both play guitar we wanna start a band but we can’t find anyone who can drum”
“oh i can drum. does that help?”
“???? yes???”
and so tanaka became the drummer and that’s when they started having practices
at first they were so bad
so so bad
yn tried to play bass but was not the best at it and yn and noya kept arguing over who did vocals bc neither one of them wanted to do it
until one day yn said “you know if you’re the frontman and the vocalist you’ll get the most attention from girls” and that did it for him
only problem was tanaka wanted to be a vocalist after that too
they mostly just played covers at first but noya was writing his own songs too
he’d mostly write lyrics and yn would mostly write music but most of the time neither were very good until tanaka came in and edited what they were working on
their sound was extremely sloppy and unrefined but by the time they entered high school their technical skills had improved a lot
except for yn’s bass playing. she hated it and practiced as little as she could
so one day during their first year of high school the band made a ton of posters asking bass players to come try out
enter: yachi
(now yachi did NOT like punk music. her influences were more like: the strokes, pixies, elliot smith)
yachi plays A LOT of instruments
clarinet? she’s a pro. cello? of course. girl can even play the harp.
she’s an extremely technically gifted bass player
post-high school yachi has really come into herself and gained a ton of confidence but high school yachi was still timid as hell
she saw the flyer and though it would be a lot of fun to put her skills to use in a creative way
but then she showed up to their after school practice spot, flyer in hand and shaking like a leaf
two scary looking dudes and perhaps even a scarier looking girl? yeah no. she’s out
but she couldn’t get away. yn was so excited at not just the prospect of having a bass player finally join them but also another girl? she dragged yachi back there lmao
and even though yachi was so visibly anxious that all sort of melted away when she started playing and she became the coolest most confident person alive
they were actually sort of blown away the first time they heard her play. like the band was like !!! you might be too good for us to tell you the truth
yn was on her hands and knees begging her to join
so she did! and was very happy to feel so wanted and included
and then with the addition of yachi that’s when they really started to get good
while noya and yn were self taught and though still pretty knowledgeable, yachi had a lot of technical knowledge that really helped them grow
and they started practicing more and more
like too much maybe
their grades suffered
but they really improved a lot and halfway through their second year, they played their first show
it was a disaster
so extremely chaotic
they had nothing set up right and they kept having to stop their set to fix shit and they got heckled and yn threatened to skin the person and from there they were politely asked to stop the set early
it was bad
they realized they needed more help
enter: kiyoko
(she doesn’t play any instruments but her favorite musicians/bands are mazzy star, fiona apple, and the cardigans)
they had met kiyoko before
they were all hanging out together when tanaka tried to talk to her and yn got so embarrassed to be seen with him she hit the back of his head and apologized on his behalf
kiyoko kinda got attached to yn from there; she didn’t have a lot of super close friends & she appreciated her consideration of her feelings
and they started to grow closer and yn, yachi, and kiyoko started to hang out a lot more
it was really good for all of them
yn didn’t have a lot of friends and she was really grateful to be with people who didn’t judge her for her more alternative persona
yachi kept getting more and more confident and felt like she was discovering herself
kiyoko was always very timid and was not the best at initiating conversations or being part of a group but she felt no pressure hanging out with yn and yachi and talking to them was so easy for her
so they got really close
so naturally after the disaster performance yn and yachi were complaining to kiyoko
who said without really thinking much of it “i can help you guys out”
so she did
it was super overwhelming at first because there’s a lot of things to keep track of and a lot of technical things to learn
but kiyoko really loved helping them out
and the more she learned the more she started to offer input or take initiative
tanaka and noya of course loved this
their natural instinct was to act like freaks around her but yn kept that in check
with a lot of threats
and occasionally following through on the threats
and kiyoko started to feel like a member of their band
and they always practiced with her and listened to her critiques and followed her advice
her input and guidance are extremely valuable and half of the reason they’re still a band
tanaka was so in love with her from the start and the more dedicated she became to the band the worse it got
he was so in love with her he didn’t even notice that she eventually started to show signs that she might feel the same way
it only took 6 months for them to start dating and the only person who was surprised was tanaka
it took a LONG time for them to record their first album
it was a mess
a lot of arguing
a lot of clashing opinions
but after writing and rewriting and recording and rerecording
they finally put together a full length album
12 songs, 39 minutes
it’s a little rough and sloppy but hey
that’s punk
and they were all really proud of it
they’ve since put out one ep with 6 shorter tracks
they’re working on their second one now but hey. albums are a lot of effort to make
but tanaka keeps saying it’s going to be the greatest album of all time (it won’t be)
and that’s the freaking band lore
if you made it to the end. you’re a real one
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raainberry · 8 months
« In literature, the moonflower has been used as a symbol of love, mystery, and enchantment. »
Sana x gn!reader
Not fluff, not angst, but a secret third thing
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synopsis - your job is flowers. she’s not sure how she got into this mess. but maybe you could get her out of it.
- part.II - part.III -
wordcount - 1.6K
TW - like one (1) soft cuss word
A/N - Made a draft, let it marinate for a few days, came back, changed directions completely and VOILÀ. I might get a little silly and make a pt.2 bc there’s leftover draftsđŸ€­
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Getting married at twenty-two was not in her plans.
Getting her needs and wishes overlooked in the process was not something she imagined either.
Yet there she was

“We’re here!”
The volume of that voice startled her. She’d grown to hate the sound of it too.
“You’re gonna love it! The flowers are so beautiful and smell amazing. It’s like they pick them every morning.”
Sana watched as her soon to be mother-in-law left the driver’s seat. The much older woman slammed the door behind herself, leaving her in a silence she craved for ever since that same morning.
However, it wasn’t long until she heard that voice piercing through the windshield.
“Come on, what are you waiting for!”
Sana sighed, quickly gathering herself and putting on that fake smile she’d carefully crafted over the last few months.
She couldn’t remember the last time her smile had been genuine. One that conveyed how happy she felt, like whenever she’d meet up with loved-ones, get one of her sugary drinks no one liked but her, or simply listened to music.
Mundanities like these used to be enough. Now it was all a luxury she couldn’t seem to afford.
It felt like forever since she’d last enjoyed something as simple. Since she last enjoyed something.
Everything was a chore nowadays. Just chores she could only do with her fiancé and/or future in-laws.
Each time, each day she had to see them somehow meant adding a new detail to worry about in a wedding that felt less and less hers as time went on. A new box to tick in a checklist she had no desire to even start in the first place, much less partake in.
She barely knew how it had gotten to this point.
She felt as though she was drowning, yet had no idea how she’d even landed in the water.
The last few months were a blur. Everything went so fast.
One second she was graduating college. The next she was engaged to her year long partner.
The man had proposed at her graduation party.
She blamed it all on the moment’s euphoria. That’s what made her say yes. It had to be. It was the only reasonable explanation as to why and how she would agree to such a mess.
Now the bliss was long gone.
“White roses are really pretty, aren’t they?”
Your voice startled her out of her thoughts, causing her lips to turn into that fake smile again.
It was impressive how quick she could switch up. That skill she picked up managed to fool more than a few people in the midst of this hell hole.
“I got proposed to with them.” She blurted out, her eyes stuck on the flowers proudly exposed in front of her.
It was almost robotic. Like a pre-loaded answer.
That didn’t go past your ears. You could tell her voice lacked a certain emotion that you were used to hearing in this workfield.
“Oh. Then would you consider them as an option?”
The woman finally looked at you, taking notice of your uniform and name tag. She looked confused, and a faint redness appeared on her cheeks, giving away something she’d rather keep to herself.
Now she regretted the words that slipped out of her daydream.
After taking a glance at you, she would have preferred to keep you clueless about her engagement

“For your wedding.” You precised, breaking the silence that had settled.
“Right.” She sighed. “I don’t know.”
“I see. Maybe something similar?”
You went on to show her and tell her all about a bunch of flowers that looked like this damn white rose. It didn’t go so far as making her smile again, but she enjoyed hearing about the various pretty plants surrounding her.
It took her mind off what she really was there for.
Until she was reminded again.
“Sana! Have you seen these? So pretty!”
The brunette glanced over to the other side of the shop, seeing the older woman holding what seemed to be a bouquet of bright, orange flowers.
She couldn’t contain the disdain she felt at the sight.
You caught her features tense up for a split second, completely understanding her reaction. It was hard to hold your laughter back, but you pushed through in order to keep the palpable tension between the two from exploding.
Sure, the flowers were pretty, but they were far from a good choice considering the kind of event you were being sollicited for.
“They are, but something a little more delicate would be more suited.” You said, attempting to save the poor bride-to-be by your side. “I’m actually showing Ms. Sana a few options here if you’d like to join us.”
You’ve dealt with a few mothers and in-laws before, you knew how to handle the more hands-on ones.
You always made sure to put the brides and grooms’ tastes first, earning you more than one scolding. You couldn’t care less, though, all you wanted was for your customers to have a pretty bouquet to their liking and a smile when exiting your shop.
“I’ll just look around on the side.” The older woman turned her back to the two of you, to the brunette’s delight.
“What’s your favorite flower?”
You looked back at her, catching a determined gaze with your own. It was certainly different than the detached, almost absent one from a minute prior.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I’m open to any suggestions. Who knows, maybe I’ll get to like at least one thing about all this.” She scoffed, bringing a peony to her nose.
Now, you’d sensed the fact that this wedding planning was being done under some tension. The patterns never lied, but you still found yourself surprised at her words.
It seemed to be worse than you thought.
“Do you not have one?”
Her voice snapped you back to reality. You must have been silent for a while.
“Sorry. I was just thinking.” You mumbled. “But to answer your question, I do have one. I like moonflowers.”
” She repeated under her breath. “It sounds pretty.”
“They look pretty too.” You smiled. “Would you like to see them?”
“Do you have some?” She asked, curious.
“Of course. It’s the main reason I work here.” You smiled, leading her to your favorite flowers.
Her face lit up at the sight of them. Her features suddenly looked much softer, her eyes a little brighter, and her smile
 It was small, barely noticeable if you didn’t focus on her lips.
Yes, you were staring at her lips, but could you really be blamed? She was beautiful. Everyone stares at beautiful things. You were no different, and she wasn’t either.
She was staring too, only at the flowers.
You cleared your throat, suddenly remembering what you were being paid for, and resumed your job.
“We only have a few of them, but they’re beautiful.” You said, filling the silence between the two of you.
“Why do you prefer these?” She asked, tracing a few petals delicately.
“It’s a long story.”
“I have a lot of time.” She glanced at you, her eyes letting you know you’d better start telling her that story.
You weren’t sure where that attitude was coming from.
She seemed so hopeless when she stepped in behind that in-law of hers. You expected to deal with another worn out bride, bracing yourself for about an hour of work to turn that frown upside down.
Nothing had warned you about this rebellious trait she seemed to have.
You were curious now. Surely, if she wanted to put an end to this, it looked like she could

So why was she here?
“Why are you getting married?”
Maybe a little too forward, you thought, wincing at your own words.
The motion of her fingers against the flowers came to a halt.
Her eyes were back on you, and you felt your heart pick up the pace. You racked through your brain, searching for an excuse to cover your unprofessional slip-up, all while trying to decipher the way she looked at you.
“I ask this question to all my customers in order to get them the best flowers.” You lied, pulling your best customer service smile. “I’m not trying to sabotage your wedding, don’t worry.”
“Do you actually?” She asked, completely switching her focus onto you.
“Yes.” You lied again. “I’m not asking for details. Just a few adjectives will do.”
Sure you felt a little bad about it, but in all honesty, you were more impressed by the fact that you managed to keep it together and not stutter once.
That woman had one intense gaze.
” She trailed off.
She was hesitant, looking for words you could already tell would be lies.
It made you frown internally while you feigned patience in front of her.
Maybe the attitude was a façade.
“Because I was asked to.”
Or maybe not.
You weren’t sure of anything regarding this woman and her situation anymore. That was one good lesson of never judging a book by its cover, or something along those lines.
“I see.” You nodded, looking down at the ground.
It was a lie again, but in your defense, you didn’t know what else to say this time around.
“Have you ever actually sabotaged a wedding?”
Your eyes darted back to her. Your obvious surprise amused her, and she let you know with a laugh as soft as her smile.
You felt something in your chest. A sudden drop in temperature as her laugh sent chills down your spine, only for it to rise again along with your heart rate.
It was odd. Something about her was odd. It seemed as though she was hiding something, and your body debated on whether or not it wanted to be around to find out what.
And all you could do was watch, feel, and respond when needed.
You opted for the truth this time. You didn’t expect much to come out of it, but it seemed to please her.
Her smile appeared again. It was a little wider than before. More confident.
You ignored its effects, but you couldn’t ignore the beauty of the sight before you.
It was all you could focus on, forgetting about your surroundings and their own beauty once again.
It was blinding.
Enough for you to agree to anything that might come out those perfect lips.
She knew all about that.
She’s been told all her life.
And she loved to take advantage of it.
“Do you want to?”
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