#how do we feel about the custom moodlet?
gnomeyflamingo · 1 year
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Atreo: “Hey Kiry! Glad you’re here! You look good!” Kiry: “Thank you.” *Zehra stares intensely and rambles to herself in the background* Zehra: “Kiry is Atreo’s best friend and I’m an erratic kleptomaniac, not paranoid or jealous. I will tolerate their interaction. For now.”
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Atreo: “So there I was, having flirty banter with Asmara. Seriously Kiry, the chemistry between us was off the charts! I was feeling a deep connection, when Principal Summer interrupted us and gave me detention! Apparently because she hates my Mum, she’s taking revenge on me!”
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Kiry: “How unethical! But it’s nice that Asmara seems receptive to your attempts to woo her.”
Atreo: “I have a good feeling about this. I think she'll be my girlfriend really soon."
Kiry: "Oo Ambitious."
Atreo: "No self-assured."
Brian (student in the background): *exists*
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Teacher: “Today we’re going to learn about making maximal profit by extorting your loyal customers.”
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Atreo: “I’ve got this.”
Teacher: “Instead of releasing a stuff pack, you can break up the same content across five kits and charge way more. We call this 'to pull an EA'.”
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Atreo: “Got any salad?”
Brian: “Dude she only gives brownies. Even though I can see burgers right there."
Angela: “In TS2 I dreamt of being a fishing boat captain. Now brownies are my passion and reason for existing. I have evolved.”
Atreo: "Oh well lunch brownie it is"
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Atreo: “On Sunday I was skilling on the hack lot, typical heir stuff, but I went to the toilet and guess what happened?”
Zehra: “Me! I happened! I was in there observing Atreo my true love, as the voices in my head demand.”
Aldo: “This is getting so dark.”
Kiry: “It certainly is.”
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Atreo: “Yes but after kicking Zehra out I was on the toilet and the lady who owns the lot walked in on me! She saw the blur and everything!”
Aldo: “AH! I’m triggered! This happened to me!”
Kiry: “I’d be mortified!”
Zehra: “OMW Jealous! She’s so lucky!”
Esma: “Why share this?”
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Atreo: “Well obviously I got the ‘privacy invaded’ moodlet but then I checked myself out in the mirror and my confidence overpowered it. And the reason I'm sharing this -Esma- is to show that moodlets are temporary and don't define you.”
Asmara: “Huh… That’s actually pretty deep.”
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Atreo: “Derya! How are you doing?”
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Derya: “So-so… Zehra found out about our date later so I’m avoiding her.”
Atreo: “Oh yeah sorry but I’ll have to cancel. I’ve flirted with Asmara and we’re lovebirds already.”
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Derya: “Ah it’s okay, you probably saved my life tbh.”
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Teacher: “And how much do you think I get paid for teaching you today? Atreo?”
Atreo: “Uhm… Nothing?”
Teacher: “Correct! I’ll now use this advanced mathematical formula to show how all my labour is free. Just a warning, I'll become more embittered as class goes on.”
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Atreo: “I’m sorry about Zehra earlier. She’s obsessed with me. I wish I could make her stop. I’m Atreo btw.”
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Chase: “I know. Zehra beat me up for breathing your air. I’m Chase.”
Atreo: “Oof... well I have the incredibly friendly award trait-”
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Chase: “Say no more, good friend.”
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Atreo gets a surprise text shortly after the last class of the day. Atreo: “What could Asmara want? If I wasn’t so confident like all the time, I’d be nervous…”
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Asmara: “Atreo you came! Okay, uhm, here I go, I’m just gonna say it! After our short conversation this morning, I realised I have a crush on you! Do you want to be my boyfriend?”
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Atreo: “Yes. Omw yes! This is a childhood dream come true! Manifesting works!"
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Asmara: “This is great, I’m so happy! We should go out to celebrate.” Atreo: “I can’t, I got detention because my Mum is my Mum remember?” Asmara: “Oh yeah, tomorrow?” Atreo: “It’s a date!”
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quick note;
hi hi hi!! it’s been a while guys! posting some drafts i wrote when i was taking a break <3 this is just how the boys play sims :)
𝙳𝙰𝙸𝙲𝙷𝙸 » plays very... responsibility?? no cheats, (he has no idea how to use them) literally gives them no time for hobbies, he’s focused on their needs to even consider hobbies + he stresses about the bills 
𝚂𝚄𝙶𝙰𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙰 » spends plenty of time downloading cc and customizing his sims to perfection. even spends hours on end just creating perfect little houses. goes through the 5 stages of grief after one of his sims die
𝙰𝚂𝙰𝙷𝙸 » two words; pure panic. he has so many needs to look after! and has anyone fed the dog?? and has anyone paid the bills for the water?? why is there suddenly a fire every two seconds?!?! deletes the game after an hour of pure stress
𝚃𝙰𝙽𝙰𝙺𝙰 » downloads whicked-whims out of curiosity. regrets it almost immediately, so he tried to take it out of his game and somehow, he took out the wrong files and now all of his sims only have one leg and green skin
𝙽𝙸𝚂𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙾𝚈𝙰 » pulls the tiddy bar in CAS all the way up and you can’t convince me otherwise. besides making super hot girls in CAS, noya just fucks around with all the weird debugs and settings + desperately tries to look under the blankets during woohoo 
𝙺𝙰𝙶𝙴𝚈𝙰𝙼𝙰 » gets so unbelievably frustrated at his sims, to the point where he just starts yelling at them. “didn’t i just feed you, tanisha? don’t be greedy, YOU GET WHAT YOUR GIVEN!” in some ways, i feel so sorry for his sims 
𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙰𝚃𝙰 » surprisingly, very invested in the game! he’s become a master of all cheats and truly enjoys the mechanical aspect of the game. he even has all the expansion packs and everything!
𝚃𝚂𝚄𝙺𝙸𝚂𝙷𝙸𝙼𝙰 » despises the game. he thinks it’s some sort of sadistic fuel for people with god complexes. refuses to play until you mention you can drown people in the game. who’s the real sadist here, kei?
𝚈𝙰𝙼𝙰𝙶𝚄𝙲𝙷𝙸 » downloads so many mods and cc until his laptop is literally about to explode. likes to explore the hidden secrets of the game (plant-sims, rabbit holes, ect...) 
𝙾𝙸𝙺𝙰𝚆𝙰 » makes a mini-sim version of himself and uses cheats throughout the entire game. no one is going to ruin a mini pixel fantasy of himself, not even the cheap ass grill that manages to set everyone on fire every two seconds
𝙸𝚆𝙰𝚉𝚄𝙼𝙸 » religiously does not believe in cheats. he would casually brag to everyone that he managed to finish 3 aspirations on one sim with no cheats but disregards the fact that all his sims are broke and starving 90% of the time
𝙼𝙰𝚃𝚃𝚂𝚄𝙽 » non-committal to all of his households. starts a new one every hour and gets bored of it within the first 5 minutes. he lowkey feels bad for the sims that he’s abandoned and checks up on them once in a while so he won’t feel guilty for leaving them
𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙰𝙺𝙸 »  “so... how do you win?” “you can’t really win, it’s a-” “then WHY ARE WE PLAYING??” the whole concept confuses him, he just ends up speeding up time the entire game until suddenly all his sims are dead. he has the audacity to be shocked 
𝙺𝚄𝙽𝙸𝙼𝙸 » the type to get the “cats & dogs” pack and only focus on the animal. like he’ll forget to feed his sim but gets a panic attack every time he can’t find his cat
𝙺𝚄𝚁𝙾𝙾 » success is his main priority in this game. he’ll make his sims as rich as possible and even make his sims work endless hours using the “no sleep” mod! also won’t let them take showers or eat until their work is done! it’s a little worrying!!
𝙺𝙴𝙽𝙼𝙰 » tries to finish the 100 baby challenge like 10 times but always fails miserably. even uses cheats and still manages to fuck up?? calls the game a waste of money on reddit and starts a hate page
𝙻𝙴𝚅 » tries to always create the most picture-perfect white-picket fence family but something always manages to get in the way. whether it be an unaccounted grill fire or the baby getting taken away, he always ends up on the verge of crying and starting a new save
𝙱𝙾𝙺𝚄𝚃𝙾 » always wants the biggest and most expansive family there is. would get mccommand center just so he could fit his family of 47 into one 20 x 20 lot. not to mention, he always has like 8 other apps running in the background so unsurprisingly, he has alot of random burns from his explosive laptop 
𝙰𝙺𝙰𝙰𝚂𝙷𝙸 » the most perfect way you could play the sims, probably the way the creators intended. goes from rags to riches using no cheats, no sudden deaths and no negative moodlets. hmm... a little too perfectly played, wouldn’t you say?
𝙺𝙾𝙽𝙾𝙷𝙰 » refuses to play because of the conspiracies he read about on reddit. he genuinely thinks the sims is just a warning from the government that we’re all in a simulation and that there’s reptiles controlling all of us until we all jus- you know what, no more reddit for you konaha
𝚄𝚂𝙷𝙸𝙹𝙸𝙼𝙰 » total dumbass. wouldn’t be surprised if all of his sims just died as soon as he loaded up the game. wouldn’t even bother with cc or cas, he would just play either with the premade sims or just randomize everything.
𝚃𝙴𝙽𝙳𝙾𝚄 » utter chaos. primarily drug mods, constantly developing and making bank from his drug businesses. would have half his sims take an entire bottle of MDMA and then wonder why they died?? like yes tendou, sims (just like you!) can overdose!! shocker, isn’t it? 
𝚂𝙴𝙼𝙸 »  strives on his house-building and designing skills. like this mf can speed-build mansions but he can’t figure out how to download cc. doesn’t even actually play the sims, just designs houses and then dips
𝙶𝙾𝚂𝙷𝙸𝙺𝙸 » very attentive to their needs bar. like the second his sim’s bladder bar goes down, he’s rage-clicking on the toilet + “hurry sylvia, piss! i don’t want a repeat of last time!!”
𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚄𝚂𝙷𝙸𝙼𝙰 » downloads the hoe-it up mod as a joke and then continues to become very invested in his strips clubs! the downtown fountain club isn’t doing too well? it’s okay, he’ll just make jessica do 30 lap dances until she gets her 1 minute break to eat, piss, shower and sleep!
𝚂𝙰𝙺𝚄𝚂𝙰 » takes the game a little uh... too seriously? will literally get out pen and paper to calculate his expenses, taxes and his water bill. + “no margret, you can’t shower today because then we won’t have enough money to pay the electric bill” poor margret.
𝙾𝚂𝙰𝙼𝚄 » finds out what cc is, spends 3 days just downloading cc and then continues to play non-stop for a whole week. then, he won’t touch the game for another 6 months until he remembers about it again. rise and repeat, like a true simmer
𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚄𝙼𝚄 » loves making drama! he’ll create marriages just to destroy them, make all the spouses cheat on each other and then kidnap their children for ransom until the parents go crazy and kill themselves. a true menace to society
𝚂𝚄𝙽𝙰 » would burn down his house making grilled cheese and would never play again
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loadingtechno836 · 3 years
The Sims 4 Dine Out Mods
Internet culture eats up memes and posts about zodiac signs. They often trend on.
Help with my mods or sims 4 in general– Discord Dine Out is REQUIRED. This will not give you restaurants. I had a request to make it so you can hire you who want regardless of their skill levels.
The Sims 4 is the perfect game to let time float by. Despite coming out years ago, there’s always something new to check out every time you sit down to play – whether it comes from EA or the Custom Content community.
If you’re already familiar with the Eco Lifestyle expansion and can’t wait for the upcoming releases, well there’s nothing left to do but plunge right into the world of mods and CC.
› The Sims 4 Modding & Custom Content. ISO Mods for Dine Out. PsychoSimXX Posts: 4,403 Member. March 2018 in Gameplay Mods.
And what a better place to start than by revamping TS4’s food and cooking?
The base game’s systems can feel a bit rudimentary at times, and we all need variety in our diets to live healthy, happy lives – even Sims.
So join me as I take a look at the best culinary mods that’ll elevate your Sim’s foodie experience to the next level.
20. The Grocery Store Mod
Before your Sims can get any cooking done, they must attend to their pantry and fill the fridge with ingredients that’ll open up the culinary possibilities.
In previous installments of The Sims you were allowed to visit the grocery store and similar venues right from the get-go. But The Sims 4 is a bit different in that… well, it expects you to either grow food yourself or find it out in the world by chance.
With this fantastic mod from SmagGeorge, you’ll simulate the cooking experience more realistically by physically going to the store to get all you need for a balanced meal. Just like real life!
19. Shop for Groceries
With my life as it is nowadays, I never actually go to the grocery store. It’s the 2020’s, after all, so now we get our groceries from the comfort of our beds. Welcome to the modern era.
This mod by notorious creator SrslySims allows your Sim to indulge in their sedentary tendencies without sacrificing healthy eating.
Hungry? Just have your sim order groceries from a phone, tablet, computer, or even a cash register if you just want some grub at work.
Thanks to this add-on, every fish, produce item, and flower in the entire game is just one click away.
Also it’s compatible with other mods that add new ingredients too. Nifty!
18. More Servings Options & Better Meal Time Menus
Once you’ve got your ingredients ready, it’s time to call up the family and serve them a warm, hearty meal that’ll hopefully give some positive buffs, rather than send them running to the bathroom.
As the family cook, it can often be annoying to cook every single serving.
And sometimes the default serving sizes are simply insufficient.
This mod by LittleMsSam fixes this issue by letting you choose how many meals to cook in detail.
Whether you want a romantic dinner for two, a special Party Size meal for seven Sims, or just a single cheese sandwich, your Sim will be ready to measure ingredients and cook with precision in mind.
17. Healthy Drinks
The default drink variety in The Sims 4 isn’t exactly extensive.
What better way to improve it than with health-giving drinks that’ll keep your Sim active and energized throughout the day?
Creator LittleMsSam decided to improve her Sims’ lifestyle and make these healthy drinks available at any venue where drinks are prepared and served.
Options include Carrot Juice, Spinach Juice, Lemon Juice and even Plasma Fruit Juice for the bloodsuckers in the family.
And these healthy drinks aren’t all show. They’ll also give your Sims positive, health-related buffs such as a happy moodlet and a minor increase to their fitness skill.
16. Edible Junk Food
Let’s face it. Most of us haven’t had a healthy drink in weeks (or at least our Sims haven’t!)
The only things that are never missing from most of our homes are snacks and plenty of junk food.
The Sims, living the whimsical lives they do, are primed to indulge in the same unhealthy delicacies as humans. Still, their choices are a tad limited.
To expand their repertoire of snacks, CC creator Around The Sims brings us this pack of iconic treats consisting of Nutella, Oreos, and several flavors of Pringles Potato Chips.
Anyone else getting hungry just reading this?
15. Assorted Cookbooks
Junk food is delicious, but we should do our best to avoid it, or that’s what my gym teacher always said.
One of the best ways to keep you eating healthy is learning plenty of recipes for fresh meals.
Creator LittleMsSam makes this much easier for our Sims by providing these diverse cookbooks that’ll teach a Sim to cook a bunch of experimental recipes, seafood, and much more.
All in around 60 in-game minutes.
You can also make NPCs read these books, so they know the best way to cook these dishes too. That way they can make them for you, saving you plenty of time.
Hint: look into a butler.
14. Custom Food Interactions
One of the most important food-related mods you can download is TheFoodGroup’s Custom Food Interactions, a pre-requisite for most of their recipe CC packs.
After installing this mod, you’ll notice you now have a “Custom Food” option anywhere you have regular food interactions.
You can cook custom food at the stove, feed your toddler custom food, and even make Vampire-friendly food.
This makes it easy to find all of your shiny new recipes, letting your Sim indulge in the custom delicacies you so painstakingly procured for them.
13. Custom Drink Interactions
And why would you stop at custom food when you could enhance this simulation by installing TheFoodGroup’s Custom Drink Interactions?
You want an Apricot Bellini? A Pink Lady?
Maybe some cocoa with marshmallows, perhaps?
Custom Drink Interactions can make it easy for your Sim to get themselves a little bit of flavor in a cup, anywhere that drinks are usually available.
If you’ve been using mods for a while, perhaps you know this mod as IceMunMun’s Custom Drink Interactions.
This is the updated version, maintained by a different group after IceMunMun dropped the project.
12. Food Delivery Service
I’ve been busy with work and other projects lately, so I’ve had to rely on my favorite local restaurants to keep me fed through their delivery services.
Just like I can make my time last more by not cooking my own meals, so should your Sims have the chance to indulge in the wonders of ordering food.
Thanks to LittleMsSam’s Food Delivery Service mod, now they can.
Where originally they could only order pizza, now your Sims have astounding culinary variety at their fingertips 24 hours a day.
They can order single, family, or party size depending on their needs. And the delivery will only cost them 25 Simoleons, plus the cost of preparing the food.
11. Granny’s Cookbook
If you’re interested in easy-to-use mods, Granny’s Cookbook by creator Littlebowbub will not disappoint.
It merely adds a cookbook decoration you can place wherever you find it convenient.
You’ll then be able to interact with it and choose from a wide array of recipes divided into Cold Drinks, Warm Drinks, Quick Meals, and Granny’s Recipes.
These recipes include simple stuff like Chicken and Dumpling Soup, but also experimental dishes such as Beef Patty with Coco Bread, or Thai Mango Sticky Rice.
Whether you want a snack, a drink, or a more substantial meal, just choose a recipe and your Sim will take care of the rest.
And hopefully not burn the house down.
10. Drinkable Hot Drinks
Creator AroundTheSims generally focuses on visual improvements and decorative CC for The Sims 4.
These wonderfully modeled hot drinks started their lives as decorations, before the creator had the genius idea of making them functional beverages too.
This pack includes all kinds of hot beverages with unique looks to keep you warm and stylish through a rainy day. Or just to have your friends over and have a friendly chat over steamy concoctions.
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It even includes some lesser-known multicultural options like Japanese Tea and Yerba Mate for our Argentinian and Syrian friends.
9. Drinkable Alcoholic Drinks
AroundTheSims continues the series of re-purposed decorative drinks with another mod: Drinkable Alcoholic Drinks.
This expands the ethylic possibilities of The Sims 4 to reflect better the realities of alcohol consumption in the 21st century.
It includes several staples of bartenders worldwide like the Mai-Thai and the Margarita, along with household classics like Bailey’s on the rocks.
Each of these iconic drinks will have a different effect on your Sim so it’s fun to get them drunk and see what happens.
And of course, please drink responsibly!
8. McDonald’s Custom Food & Drinks
If like seeing McDonald’s in games, you’ll have a blast with AroundTheSims’ McDonald’s Custom Food & Drinks.
These beautifully-modeled colorful treats include desserts, fries, chicken nuggets, and burgers in bright red and yellow packaging bearing the golden arches.
It’s a lot of variety to experience in one sitting. So you’ll probably be ordering McDonald’s for a while.
The pack also includes a lot of themed furniture and appliances to let you create your very own McDonald’s inside The Sims 4. Yes, really!
7. Ask to Cook/Bake/Grill/Mix Drink
We all know someone who’s never had to lift a finger to make their own food. They’re a fact of life!
And so should they be in The Sims 4 if we’re aiming at any level of realism.
This simple mod by LittleMsSam will let you ask other Sims, including NPCs, to take care of your culinary needs by interacting with the same appliances you usually would.
This is ideal for the lazy Sim that never leaves his room, and any Butler/Maid situation you want to setup.
Just keep in mind that the Sim will need to know the recipe before cooking anything for you.
6. Don’t Wash Dishes Where You Angry Poop
One of the most common complaints and occasional memes regarding The Sims 4 has to be the fact that Sims appear to love doing the dishes in somewhat… unusual places, including the bathroom.
This has a lot to do with the fact that bathroom and kitchen sinks are just seen as “sinks” by the AI.
That’s what Scumbumbo’s humorously-titled mod wishes to address here.
It letsyou manually tell your Sims which sinks are OK for washing dishes, and which should be left alone.
That way you won’t be thrown out of your immersion by their bizarre behavior, and they’ll have less uncomfortable encounters in the bathroom.
5. Don’t Prep Food Where You Angry Poop
Just like the previous mod, Don’t Prep Food Where You Angry Poop will allow you to set cooking-safe stoves and surfaces around the house manually.
This saves your Sims a lot of awkward moments with their roommates, family members, and the odd house guest.
These may be simple mods, but they deserve to be near the top for just how useful and essential they are.
Would it really be that difficult for EA to take care of this in the base game?
4. AsteriaSims’ Food Texture Overhaul
One of the most sought-after improvements in The Sims 4 are those that make your game look more realistic… or put simply, prettier.
A great way to achieve this when it comes to food is AsteriaSims’ Food Texture Overhaul, a comprehensive pack of appealing textures to make your Sim’s food look as delicious as you’d see in real life.
This pack features intricate detail, as is evident in its bowls of individually-depicted grains of rice.
That roasted chicken is also among the most realistic I’ve ever seen.
3. UtopiaSims’ Food Textures
Another excellent array of upgraded textures you definitely shouldn’t install if you’re watching your weight is UtopiaSims’ many food textures.
They’re colorful, warm, and delicious-looking.
The Sims 4 Dine Out Mods Free
Best of all, they achieve this without going for a photo-realistic look that forces you to change everything lest the food looks out of place surrounded by the clay-like vanilla aesthetic.
2. GrayCurse’s Cooking & Ingredients Overhaul
If what you’re looking for isn’t an aesthetic improvement, but a robust culinary addition to gameplay, then the Cooking & Ingredients Overhaul by creator GrayCurse is what you need.
This engaging mod makes cooking a more challenging and in-depth endeavor by adding many more ingredients.
You’ll get stuff like cheese, flour, eggs, milk, and sugar. It also makes recipes more complex.
This way you’ll need to procure the ingredients for each dish first.
Don’t worry about the added complexity making your Sim go hungry, though. You can get most of it by buying it from the fridge.
1. Srsly’s Complete Cooking Overhaul
In a similar vein as our previous entry, Srsly’s Cooking Overhaul changes recipes to make them more complex, thanks to more accurate ingredient lists.
Just as in real life, your Sims will now be missing ingredients for their recipes all the time.
To balance this out, Srsly also allows us to order them through the Food Delivery Service covered before, which is a vital part of this larger overhaul.
Ingredients will arrive in a packaged form that’s stylish and appealing as a temporary decoration. Would be nice to have this in real life, eh?
But if you need a single mod that’ll truly turbo-charge your cooking experience in TS4, this is it.
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thesims4blogger · 3 years
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The Sims 4: New Game Patch (April 27th, 2021)
There’s a new Sims 4 update available for PC/Mac and Consoles.
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 PC: / Mac: / Console: Version: Console: Version 1.40.
Remove all MODS and Custom Content before updating your game
Heya Simmers!
Today we bring you a small but neat update, we hope you all enjoy it!
We also hope you are all well wherever you are in the World, and thanks again for all your continued support and feedback.
Chaucitos – Dag Dag!
What’s New? In Create A Sim, we have updated two hairstyles and have converted them to be used with Children and Toddler Sims as well.
First, we have the beautiful pfHair_EF30TightCurls, cfHair_EF30TightCurls, and yfHair_EF30TightCurls as pictured below, including how it would look like if worn on a Male Frame pictured as ymHair_EF30TightCurls.
Then we have pictured below, including how it would look like if worn on a Female Frame pictured as yfHair_ShortTextured.
This author would like to apologize for her terrible photoshop skills in putting these together side by side. Very sorry… much photoshop! Getting better!
Now onto the fixes…
Bug Fixes
Sims 4
Fixed an issue in which in the Gallery Preview pop-ups, Build Mode objects will now appear properly under the “Show Used Items” panel. Accuracy is the best policy… in this case.
We made some edits to some Career and School-related tooltips so they are consistent and clearer for Simmers.
The book cradleObject_GENBook is no longer visible to Simmers, it wasn’t meant to be… it wasn’t a pretty book. We didn’t like doing it!
Some DEBUG pie menu options including some from Discover University and Snowy Escape were translated. We didn’t translate these, well since ever… as they were DEBUG and only accessible with a specific cheat, but we are working on them as we go now. Thanks for your reports and patience!
We discovered that Sims were becoming uncomfortable when Gathering Water… we didn’t really understand why, so we decided to have them not be uncomfortable. Let them feel how they want to feel, I say.
Ghost Sims will now appear as Ghosts in CAS. There were moments that they made us take a second look there, but nope, they are Ghosts and Ghosts they shall display as. I think I saw this as a plot for a movie… Ghosts… a machine, a dance… ANYWAY.
As always this editor and the Localization team made some adjustments and perfected some of the text in-game across all packs and previous updates. #getit
Get Together
Social Panel will no longer default to the incorrect tab. What tab was I on? Now I will always know.
City Living
Vegetarian Sims will no longer mistakenly eat non-vegetarian leftovers from the refrigerator. Not funny guys!
Fixed an issue that didn’t let the DigiRAD Keyboard make a sound when choosing Keyboard Auto Play.
Cats and Dogs
Listen, I think every species – well everyone, has the right to find love. But we did have to fix an issue with Female Cats going into Heat despite being Spayed. Even so, I hope my lovely Spayed Female Felines will still find love out there.
Oh the rain, such a poetic moment from nature. Sitting cozied up with a blanket and a cup of coffee watching the world go by with the melodious sound of the raindrops falling lightly on the ground… wait… is that a Sim showering outside? Yes indeed! Showering in the Rain is possible in Light Rain conditions.
Fish Dinner will now be counted for completing Grand Meal Holiday Events.
Similarly, Shower in the Rain has been fixed for Simmers who have installed Eco Lifestyle, making the most of every resource available!
All soaps used are biodegradable – we promise!
Snowy Escape
Create A Sim asset yfBody_EP10CoatDenim will no longer create an issue with all knee-high boots. Though those boots were made for walking, the dress needs to look fabulous too. My opinion, allegedly.
Child Sims will no longer get the Unblessed sentiment after getting Blessed at the Youth Festival. Children should only get the Unblessed sentiment if they ask Yamachan about a Voidcritter Hunt and also avoid getting the Blessing of Youth from an Adult Sim as well. #Blessed
Extreme Sports enthusiasts will now be able to complete High-Intensity Skiing or Snowboarding on Intermediate or Expert Slopes. Good luck!
Recipes from this pack will now appear when unlocking Gourmet Cooking Skill Levels. Particularly Levels 3 and 5. Yum.
Sims will no longer freeze when performing interactions from a computer in Mt. Komorebi, specifically 2-4-2 Wakabamori. I think I saw this in a movie once… but… had a less “happy ending.
Discover University
Fixed an issue in which the icon for the trait Mental Magister appeared to be a Placeholder icon. Or was it?
Progressing in the Law Career will now unlock Promotions appropriately. Keep up the good work!
Eco Lifestyle
Fixed an issue in which the icon for the Making with a Mentor Moodlet was not showing the correct icon.
Eco Lifestyle-specific Traits are now added to the Clubs choices if Simmers have Get Together installed.
Collecting Beetle Nuggets will now be possible when Beetles are ready. Bon Appetit.
Outdoor Retreat
Veggie Dogs and Hot Dogs will be able to be roasted in Campfires once again. Iconic.
Is your Vampire Sim tired of drinking the same old regular Plasma? Are they drinking it to the point that they can no longer tell if it is Plasma anymore? Ugh, such a hard diet, right? I can relate…ahem… Vampire Sims will now enjoy a more varied diet of Fish, Frog, and yes… Regular Plasma when left to their own devices.
Tiny Living
Tiny Homes will no longer magically get clean and have Dust Bunnies disappear (if Simmers own Bust the Dust) when Sims travel or Simmers reload the game. Man, I wish my apartment would magically get clean like that though.
Nifty Knitting
Fixed an issue in which the expiration timer for items listed on Plopsy was not appearing.
Haunted House Residential Lots will now enjoy the presence of Dust Bunnies and Fiends if Simmers also have Bust the Dust. Dust Bunny goes Boooooo.
Bust the Dust
Your Sims had a lot of things to do today, but you know what they did instead? They Vacuumed the Lot. It was a really good clean. Cooking? Vacuumed the Lot. That Gig? Vacuumed the Lot. What about those push ups? Vacuumed the Lot. Reading? Vacuumed the Lot. Looking at this bug? We made time for that. The end of this bug? Released with this Patch. Sims will no longer randomly drop their queued tasks for Vacuuming.
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bedazzlecat · 4 years
My ideal #TheSims5 would be...
Create a World is base game included. It has fail safes and error guards to prevent causing problems with routing. You can shape the landscape with mountains, trees, rocks, bushes, landmarks, etc, and be able to place as many lots as you need. Would require a better program that Sims 3 CAW.
It comes with 3 basic built worlds like Sims 4
It's completely open world like Sims 3
Cars and boats and other vehicles are DLC options. If there are horses, we should be able to buy a wagon or carriage.
It comes with cats and dogs do start with and you can have DLC to add other animals if you want them. And if you want wild animals (to wander your world or to live in a preserve) this should be an option too. You should be able to choose only the items you need for your style of play.
Hunting should be an option. I don't even care if it's a rabbit hole like the bear hunt in sims medieval. I like there were steaks in Sims 3. Not everything has to be cute in the Sims .
Some grit and hardship without dying from embarrassment from peeing your pants like a toddler is required. Give the sims some dignity. Hypothermia? Fine. Drowning when you're so tired you pass out? Fine. Laughing yourself to death, stupid.
Gardening plants should have unique meshes that look like real plants. Dragon fruit does not grow on a bush and corn doesn't grow on a vine. I want to utilize all of my ingredients in something. It took several packs before I had a use for bluebells in my game other than simoleons. That's not acceptable.
Off the grid options should exist in base game. Roughing it in all forms should be base game. People love rags to riches challenges. Being poor should be base game, not take 10 packs to get a bush to pee in, an option to make candles, and live off the grid. Mansions should take 10 expansions. Cities should take 10 expansions Capitalism should take 10 expansions.
The ability to make swimmable water features that are not pools, like lakes, rivers, and waterfalls.
Lots of DIY activities for the sims, especially survival related. The woodworking table was good but it had so few items. The eco fabrication thingy was cool but big klunky machines is what I hate about sims 4. Like the telescope and microscope.
Population control. If I want an uninhabited island, I should be able to have one without mods.
Cars are DLC options on an individual basis. Otherwise you have to take public transportation. I hate yellow cabs in sims 3. A public bus, train, or subway. A transportation career should be an option.
There's like 10 different cars in sims 3 I didn't use because I prefer horses, broomsticks, boats, and motorcycles and the occasional cc car. It really bloats the game to have so much unusable stuff. Maybe an option to hide objects you don't use.
Variety in community lot types.
I love the lot traits in Sims 4.
I love the changing lot types like the seasonal community lot in sims 3 and the eco living community lot. More of that!
Sims should be able to join a religion as in sims medieval. Custom religions would be interesting, which would influence sim behaviors and feelings.
Babies grow into toddlers, grow into children, grow into tweens, grow into teens grow into young adults, adult, middle age, and elderly. Ghosts are optional.
Supernatural/occult sims should be DLC on an individual basis. If I want witches and ghosts but not aliens, it should be so.
Time periods in history can be adjusted in options. It limits what sort of items you can use or clothing.
Be able to change colors and textures like in sims 3.
Bunk beds are base game.
Weather should be base game.
Illness, injuries, and cures should be base game.
Individual adventure options should be DLC. Individual careers should be DLC.
So say I have base game, my sims can take plant remedies to get better, which requires a skill, but to get "better care" you have to buy the hospital expansion that comes with the career, but also can be adjusted to some kind of economic heathcare system that you can choose. Taxes vs deductables.
User created custom content can be part of the game. People can get paid and EA can get paid for making crazy good custom content.
Self employment should be base game.
I don't want to sell on plopsy. I did like selling on the market tables on sims 4 but it doesn't always work the way I want it too.
Risky and autonomous woohoo should be a thing as should birth control without an expansion. Like even, say my sim can eat a plant and have all the woohoo she wants without pregnancy. Moodlets can be like a honey moon period, or there could be conversational based moodlets. A couple could have a conversation to "try for baby" and they get autonomous action moodlets to encourage this behavior until pregnancy is achieved. A "fertility treatment" should be a temporary moodlet from a hospital, not a trait.
Recycling should be base game. Especially breaking down recycled materials such as metals, glass, and plastic for home building materials or diy materials (like bits and pieces from sims 4 eco lifestyle)
Lots of slots for clutter. I don't like having to cheat to place objects closer together or on top of a shelf.
Wall height adjustment to any size. Auto roofs, custom roofs curved roofs, different textures. stairs of all types including spirals and ladders included in base game. Free window and door placement. Clear roofs, clear floor tiles should be available if wanted. Ceiling tiles should be a thing.
Have a full range of gender expression and sexual characteristics.
Hide /unhide mailbox to have bills and items automatically delivered to your inventory. The ability to auto pay,
Cell phone should have an option to turn it off. Turn it on, get lots of calls, invites, opportunities, etc. That's fine. But the Sim gods give and take away when it's their game.
Consequences to your actions. Don't have a criminal career without crime and punishment in the world. And yes this should be a playable career.
Don't have fires without firefighters ever again.
Have the option to turn off public services like police and fire department if desired.
I hate rabbit hole careers but some people prefer them. Jobs should have all have rabbit holes and all have options to follow to work. Even school.
Pristine graphics.
A meaningful emotional/mood/trait system.
Favorites: music, color, genre (movies and books), food.
Custom music could tie in with a service like spotify.
Game music (build/buy, maps, and loading screens) is obnoxious. I like how in sims 4 you can turn it off.
I understand fish go bad but don't let me forget to put thing in my fridge. Store all harvestable and fish at once in a fridge.
Little pop ups that tell you about a book the sim is reading would be a nice touch. You should be able to buy books your sims wrote and edit these text pop ups so that they can be shared with the gallery.
Speaking of the gallery, there should be a Sims 5 gallery.
There should also be a virtual real time sims online community. Add friends and visit each other's houses, world, etc. Your sims social media account is on there too. You can share what your sim is doing with their blog posts, followers, videos, etc. Subscribe and let your sim watch them on any screen in the house or get updates on what they are doing or if they're throwing a party which you can be invited to or hear about later. It's all built into the game seamlessly. (I know. But... This is my fantasy sims game!)
I love what they did with the inventory in sims 4 with one of the updates. Keep that.
Every expansion should come with a world. And the builds should be worth buying the world. Otherwise give us the power to create and share our own so that people who can't build or don't want to spend the time can have access to quality creative content.
I know I'm kind of all over the place but this is the kind of game I want.
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The Sims 3 Game Download For Mac
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Get your Sim on again when you download The Sims 3: Generations for your PC. It's time to grow up with The Sims 3: Generations PC download, an exciting expansion for your Sim universe. The parties that were the talk of the town now go into overdrive, with more elaborate choices that. Get your Sim on again when you download The Sims 3: Generations for your PC. It's time to grow up with The Sims 3: Generations PC download, an exciting expansion for your Sim universe. The parties that were the talk of the town now go into overdrive, with more elaborate choices that will thrill your social butterflies. OS: Windows XP (Service Pack 2) or Windows Vista (Service Pack 1) Processor: (XP) 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent; (Vista) 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent Memory: (XP) 1 GB; (Vista) 1.5 GB Graphics: 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 DirectX®: Hard Drive: At least 6.5 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content.
Mac Sims 4 Free Download
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The Sims 3 Mac
The Sims 3 Free Download For Mac
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Official Full Game Download for PC & Mac
The game that first opened up the world of video games to a wider audience is back, going beyond being just a virtual dollhouse to a complete interactive
neighbourhood. The basic concept is still the same though, as you create your own computerised family and help (or hinder) them in achieving their lifetime dreams.
Instead of just dealing with one house at a time though, your whole sims town is part of one continuous map, with neighbours going about their business independently. Likewise your own family can explore at will and interact with any and all buildings and people.
Once fully grown a sim can have up to 60 personality traits – from loner to flirt – all of which you can influence via their environment and the people they interact with. However you want to play and whatever you want to do it’s easier than ever to create your own virtual soap opera.
Key Features
Instant expansion: The game includes many feature from the The Sims 2 expansions from the off, including personal inventories, pets, private cars, restaurants and gardening.
Sims in the mood: Monitor your sim’s six moodlets – hunger, bladder, energy, social, hygiene and fun – to see how they’re feeling and what they want to do.
Life goals: Every sim has their own wishes and opportunities, including a main lifetime wish – it’s up to you whether you help them towards it or purposefully confound them.
Wide world: The giant game world not only looks better than ever but means that your sim is no longer just tied to their house, but is able to interact with the whole town.
Virtual makeover: The Create-A-Sims tool is more flexible than ever, with the ability to alter weight, fitness, hair and clothing down to the tiniest detail – including freckles and birthmarks!
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About the Developer: It’s more than 20 years since Will Wright created SimCity and his development company Maxis. A lot has changed in that time, most notably the rise of The Sims as the studio’s biggest game and the acquisition of Maxis by Electronic Arts (EA).
Mac Sims 4 Free Download
1. Go to the Sims 3 website and create an account or sign-in: https://www.thesims3.com/register.html
Download Sims For Mac Free
2. If you have not yet entered your key/code, please go to this page and enter the code: https://www.thesims3.com/registeragame.html
3. Download the Origin app from HERE. (If you already have Origin, skip to the next step)
4. Open the Origin app and sign-in (using your Sims 3 login details from earlier).
The Sims 3 Mac
5. In “My Game Library” Click The Sims 3 main game and a new pop out will open. Click into “expansions” or “stuff packs”.
The Sims 3 Free Download For Mac
6.Select your expansion, download then install.
The Sims 3 Game Download For Mac Offline
7. REVIEW and WIN! In about 3 days we will send you an email that allows you to quickly review this game. This is really useful to your fellow gamers. As a thank you for doing this we regularly send customers FREE EXPANSION PACKS that add even more to the games which they purchased. Furthermore you may even get a 10% discount coupon for you to use on whatever you chose to purchase next. Enjoy your game and thanks for shopping with us. We look forwards to having you back.
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
so like... I'm honestly REALLY PSYCHED UP for the new Sims 4 expanson... We get things like kotatsu and space heater without needing custom content x'D (yes that's what I'm most excited about!! But I'm excited about the rest of the pack as well, especially skiing and onsen etc)
but...! I'm not used to feeling satisfied by things Sims 4 does, so I was like, "what's the catch?" And it's not exclusive to the pack, but regarding the November update in general... The whole "sentiments" and "lifestyles" thing really comes off as yet another over hyped lot of nothing. The same shtick that's been this game's problem since the base game.
The IDEA of sentiments and lifestyles rocks. I was almost excited for about half a second, before my suspicious self took a look at how it works in game and... that's just it, it's completely irrelevant. You will get moodlets based on your choices, okay, great, fine, whatever. Moodlets barely have any effect. They're nice (I remember the first time my Holmes and Watson sims got the "eternally faithful" moodlets and I'll admit it made my inner fan girl squeal) but they cease to matter REALLY fast.
As for the sentiments, I'm like "wow! If you fight with your partner you can feel resentful towards them, sounds great!" But! It looks like it won't be visualized through the animations at all. Par for the course! Oh, you hate your partner? Okay, the'yre going to come and chat with you on the couch. Same freaking chat animation. Sims DO do things like reject hugs etc if they're feeling angry enough, but that was already a thing in the game, and it doesn't go much deeper than that. To be honest, the only way to get unique relationship-specific interactions between Sims is to have them hate each other. I remember when I made my Digimon household and left them alone for a while, and when I came back almost every single character hated Jou X'D It was funny! But it's got no depth.
And then on the lifestyles, I'm watching the video, the sim doing the healthy lifestyle makes "chickpea mac n cheese" and... it looks exactly the same as regular mac n cheese. Also par for the course - we've had so-called vegetatiran options in the game for a while and they look the same as the meat-lover options. It does look like there are a few things that lifestyles will influence? Like if you're an adrenaline junkie, the house burning down will make you... happy... lol? But it's just so surface-level. It's just what we've already had given another spin, like every single addition to this game since the beginning. Even the Groups things which came way back with Get to Work (I think, don't quote me on that), which really did improve things a lot, is so lackluster because groups almost never do anything of their own volition.
I've had the game since it was released and my sims just do the same things. They are happy almost by default. If I set it up to prevent them from easily becoming happy, they either get so upset they can't do anything, or they do things as normal and are totally unconcerned by their lack of happiness.
Literally the only thing that could improve the Sims 4 would be 1) more unique animations that actually showcase those allegedly oh-so-important emotions in game, and 2) actual consequences of some sort (positive/negative) for things that happen in game. Not just "Sally is sad because she just got divorced" and a picture of Sally looking sad while the actual sim Sally walks around whistling while she waters the plants. -__-
I'm 100% buying the new pack, because KOTATSU and MOUNTAINS, and most of this complaint is related to the update and not the pack anyway, BUT every time I buy something for sims 4, I wonder why I still do it, when it's been how many years and the game never got any more interesting?? lmao take my money I guess
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renyc9 · 4 years
The Sims 4: New Game Patch (June 3rd, 2020)
There’s a new Sims 4 PC update available via Origin.
Remove all MODS and Custom Content before updating your game
The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack drops in just a mere few days, and since we know that living your best Eco Lifestyle can take a little extra elbow grease, we’ve added some exciting quality-of-life improvements to help pave the way.
Between Inventory updates, new CAS assets from a surprise partnership with M·A·C, the return of two beloved NPCs, as well as some really cool new Build features, we hope you enjoy the update.
-SimGuruJill & SimGuruRusskii
INVENTORY UPDATES Fellow hoarders, this one’s for you: We have updated the Sim Inventory with the ability to Filter, Sort, Favorite, Multi-Select, and Multi-Sell in one easy flick of the wrist. Managing that cumbersome pile of collectables you’ve been racking up for the past five years has never been so easy!
FREE PLACEMENT OF DOORS AND WINDOWS Following in true Eco Lifestyle fashion, Door and Window placement is now also Off-the-Grid. But not that kind of grid. The limiting kind of tile grid that used to keep you from placing your windows and doors precisely where you wanted them. By holding down the Alt key while dragging, you can enjoy the smooth sensations of free Door and Window placement.
LADDERS Ladders have been added as part of the Build System. Find your free Classic Wooden Ladder in the Build catalog in the Stairs (& Ladders) category. Unlike Island Living’s Dock and Ladder objects for use on water lots, these Ladders can be placed anywhere on your lot and like stairs, they can be used as a means for Sims to traverse from one floor to another.
M·A·C COSMETICS Did you say you needed some fresh looks for your Sims? We’ve collaborated with none other than M·A·C Cosmetics to bring you 12 fashion-forward makeup assets suited for everything from everyday to night out glam. If you’re not already using it, on PC and Mac we recommend trying out the “Uncompressed Sim Textures” setting in the Options Menu, which is now enabled by default on the High and Ultra graphics settings profiles in order to see these looks really shine. While console versions of The Sims 4 do not have the setting in the Options Menu, each console spec is automatically using the optimal graphical settings based on system resources.
REPO PERSON NPC The Repo Person NPC has graduated with honors from Discover University’s University of Britechester with a Degree in Villainy and has comfortably taken up residence in Base Game. Now everyone can taste their wrath if Bill payments fall behind.
BILLS UPDATE Speaking of Bills, we’ve added a cohesive breakdown of Sim’s Bills information that can be accessed via an interaction on the Mailbox or Phone. Now instead of lumping everything together, you can see what percentage of your Bills go to Water, what percentage go to Power, insight into any Fees, Reductions, or Penalties. All this and more, calculated and cleanly presented for your finer understanding.
LEGACY NEIGHBORHOOD MAP TAGS We have gone back and added Map Tags with Neighborhood Descriptions to existing neighborhoods that didn’t yet have them. We now have delightful icons, names, and descriptions for the no-longer-forgotten Willow Creek, Oasis Springs, Newcrest, and Windenburg. Ok, feel free to freak out now.
OFF-THE-GRID UPDATES This one is tricky to list out in a single paragraph with attempted wit, so I’ll just drop this bullet list off right here:
The Off-the-Grid Lot Trait now ties into our new Bill updates, drawing from Water and Power utility. Without excess utility, lots function off-the-grid as they did before. With excess utility, they function more like an on-the-grid lot.
There is a new Off-the-Grid Build category that will allow players to find Off-the-Grid and survival-esque objects.
We’ve done a pass on candles to ensure they properly work when electricity is out.
Off-the-Grid supported Fridges now have an “Add Ice” interaction that will allow them to keep food preserved—so long as the ice remains!
Sim will now autonomously use stoves and fridges when Off-the-Grid, not just grills.
Harvestables now grant unique buffs when consumed off-the-grid.
Dogs and Toddlers now have a unique interaction to be bathed in Bathtubs even when Off-the-Grid.
Objects can now be cleaned using the “Use Elbow Grease” interaction. Yummy.
Players are able to gather Water utility from fishing spots in base game. With Island Living they can gather from the waterfall. Water can also be gathered from any world with swimmable ‘ocean’ water. With Seasons, water can be gathered from snow drifts.
Off-the-Grid specific buffs will now take into account motives and Sim traits when determining if a Sim should receive a positive or negative moodlet when living Off-the-Grid.
We’ve added multiple new recipes that can be cooked while Off-the-Grid given a Sim has the proper cooking skill level. Some recipes require special ingredients like the Boiling Frog Hot Pot—which adds a really neat survival element to off-the-grid gameplay, while providing Sims with powerful new moodlets that will help them survive in the wild.
NO TRESPASSING Some people who have the Vampires Game Pack appreciate Vlad’s antics more than others. I personally love receiving a charming visit from Vlad, and sometimes I could really use a kind compliment about my neck. But we’ve heard there are a select few that don’t quite like having their Sim’s necks bitten and motives tanked by an invasive nighttime visitor with no respect for boundaries. Keep Vampires and other unwanted visitors at bay with a new No Trespassing interaction we’ve added to the Door.
SEND HOME INTERACTION Speaking of unwelcome visitors, we’ve also added a new Send Home interaction that’s available on visiting NPCs or as a self-interaction in the case of multiple visitors. How is this interaction any different from Ask To Leave or Go Away, you might ask? Convenience. Unlike its less efficient predecessors, this interaction is nearly instantaneous and leaves your visitors with no hurt feelings or Relationship impact. We added it as a useful tool for players, not necessarily as a story-telling mechanism.
BUILD MODE ITEMS GRANT GAMEPLAY EFFECTS How you build your lot can now affect your gameplay. Certain objects such as wall patterns, floor patterns, fences, and columns bring different gameplay modifiers. Some of these modifiers affect how your Bills and utilities are calculated by decreasing or increasing your Power or Water utility production or usage, as well increasing or decreasing the price of bills. Environment Score can now be impacted by certain objects and materials. Drywall walls without wall patterns applied now decrease environment score like they did in The Sims 3! The choice of floor and wall materials used can also affect the ability to spread fire or puddles at an increased or lessened rate. And if you’d rather build your lot without having to think about these things, don’t worry. There’s an Option in the Gameplay menu to turn all of this off.
FIREFIGHTER NPC Oh hey, and speaking of Fire, that reminds me. Did you hear that we’ve added Firefighter NPCs to the game? We took nods from classic Firefighter NPC behavior from The Sims, The Sims 2, and The Sims 3 and added a few small twists for The Sims 4. When a fire breaks out, Firefighters will come automatically to your lot if you already have a Fire Alarm installed. That way, if you still like to let things burn baby burn, you can just “accidentally” forget to place a Fire Alarm. It’s okay. We won’t tell anybody. If you honestly did forget to place a Fire Alarm, you can call the Fire Department from the Phone or by clicking on the fire itself. If the Fire Department is called, but there is not an active fire, they will call you on your lapse in judgement and charge you a fine. You won’t be punished if there was legitimately a fire that was extinguished before they arrive though. The Firefighter Uniform can be accessed in CAS and gives any Sim wearing it the Fireproof Buff, which gives them some extra protection against fires as well as make them more efficient at putting out fires themselves. It’s worth noting that Firefighter NPC’s do not show up in Island Living’s Sulani. Sulani already has their local Fire Brigade to handle these kinds of emergencies and besides, who wants to wear all that heavy Firefighter gear in the tropics?
STYLED LOOKS FOR TOTS AND KIDS More than 20 New Styled Looks have been added for Children and Toddlers, using existing Base Game CAS assets to better flesh out some outfit categories that previously felt sparse.
BALANCING PASS OF PHONE CALL INVITATIONS After five years of Expansion Packs, Game Packs, and Stuff Packs our phone call invites were admittedly starting to get a little spammy. Moments after moving in, you’ve got Lucas Munch hitting you up, asking you to go to the Bluffs with him. Then not long after, you might have had Vivian Lewis asking you to join her at The Spice Festival. Jeez, let me get settled in first, why don’t ya? We’ve done a tuning pass to rebalance all of these previously competing Phone invites to give you a more meaningful and holistic experience.
LESS INVASIVE EARBUDS In the same vein as the above balancing pass, we wanted to smooth out one of our more pressing notifications. The free earbuds pop-up that comes with Fitness Stuff has been changed to a more passive TNS and gifts your Sim the earbuds automatically when it triggers. The days of telling the game over and over that you don’t want free earbuds, or worse – hitting OK by accident – is a thing of the past.
CONSOLE UPDATES Eco Lifestyle releasing on the same day across all platforms marks an important milestone for The Sims 4 as Simmers get to play the same content and share new creations on The Gallery together. In this update Console Simmers have a few additional features to improve their quality of life:
We have added a new Controls Overlay Reminder that shows up throughout CAS, Gallery, Live Mode and Build Mode which should make it easier for new Simmers to jump in and not need to remember all the controls.
If you don’t want to be reminded and you know all the controls by heart, you can turn off the Controls Overlay Reminder in the Game Options > Other menu
The controller overlay screens remain available for those who want them.
Now onto the fixes and updates:
The Sims 4
macOS players should no longer encounter the setLocale.zsh error. However, both Origin and TS4 must be up to date.
Sims will not have random accessories or clothing pieces when changing into towels.
Style Influencer Sims can now remove trends they have created, with the Reset Trend interaction.
Fixed an issue where Sims were not able to Care for Self after they had been in daycare when they were a Toddler.
Some roofs were updated to remove the appearance of black sides when placed on ceilings.
Active Sims will no longer get a Tense moodlet for lack of exercise when finishing exercising. Do you even push up bro?
Sims will no longer get the Fatigued moodlet immediately after starting a workout. Now, we know that endurance takes time to build, but we decided to give Sims a chance to enjoy their workout before being completely fatigued right away.
Child Sims will now be able to unlock the Video Gaming Skill after they have maxed out their Mental Skill instead of their Motor Skill, which was causing adult skills to reset for Child Sims when they completed aspirations.
Fixed an issue in which some Households did not have their names displayed in Manage Worlds.
Corrected requirements for completing the Great Landscaper task that is part of the Mansion Baron Aspiration.
Fixed an issue in which when utilities are shut off (either because of past due bills or Off-The-Grid) adding objects from Build Mode such as Lamps, would add them turned On.
The Water Pump, Fishing Holes, Romantic Garden’s Whispering Wishing Well, and Get Famous’s Luminary’s Exotic Water Garden now have the Gather Water interaction when the Off-the-Grid Lot Trait is applied.
Fixed an issue in which the Subtle Saucer Light was not being so subtle and made objects added from Build Mode be placed randomly when dragged near it.
Teen Sims will now see the appropriate tooltip when trying to acquire the Fertile Trait from the Rewards Store. No, they are not Robots.
Fixed an issue in which some Roof Eaves were clipping into enclosed blocks.
Fixed an issue in which the Clean Up interaction would drop off the queue if dirty dishes were placed on a counter.
Since we added a new trash bike to Eco Lifestyle, we’ve made the bicycle helmet available for everyone in CAS. Now you can outfit your Sim in a helmet, regardless of owning a pack that includes bikes.
Sims will now not receive occasional text messages asking them for a Date from other Sims that they are not romantically involved with. Because it was aaaakward…
Toddler Sims will not be able to Ask for Mentoring on some in progress mentoring interactions to strangers. Except for “Invite to Bob to Music” because we can dance if we want to, we can leave our friends behind, ‘cause your friends don’t dance and if they don’t dance well… they’re not friends of mine.
Fixed an issue with textures for the tops and landings on some Staircases.
Fixed an issue that did not allow randomizer to work correctly when Male Sims had Makeup on Create a Sim.
Plants can now be placed closer to foundations with moveobjects cheat enabled, as long as most of the plant’s footprint is outside of the foundation.
Fixed an issue in which Simoleons were not added to Household Funds when moving and selling furniture.
Fixed an issue in which previewing certain windows on diagonal walls reverted their color back to the default color swatch.
Simmers on macOS Catalina and Intel Iris Plus Graphics 640 GPU will no longer experience seeing a squared shadow under their Sims.
Fixed an issue with the Wooden Prairie-Style Two-Panel door in which color swatches were not displaying correctly on both sides of the door.
Sims now can dispose of packed lunches that have spoiled. Out, foul food!
Fixed some oddness with disappearing Stairs within enclosed courtyards.
Fixed a Stair issue with Landings not working properly on lots with raised foundations and basements. Sims will no longer walk through walls and things should now look appropriate.
Fixed missing Career Promotion screens for careers in various packs.
Fixed User Interface elements and Icons across multiple packs.
Spandrels can now be properly applied on Fences.
Stairs will now not shrink when increasing Foundation heights.
Get Together
Fixed an issue in which non local Sim Townies would spawn in Windenburg’s Island, now named The Crumbling Isle.
Fixed an issue that caused an error to occur when deleting or editing Clubs.
As much as Windenburgians (Windenburgers? Windenburguese? Windenburglites?) love visitors from other worlds, they have voted them off the Island. Sorry, not sorry!
City Living
Fixed an issue that caused time to be desynchronized at Speed 3. Bending the space time continuum no more!
Vet Clinics can no longer be placed in Penthouses.
Yard Sale customers will no longer wander inside Sims’ houses and interact with their belongings. While prospective buyers are nice to have in any sale, this was just rude, this is NOT a Welcome Wagon.
Cats & Dogs
Game progress will no longer be lost when editing/adding/deleting career outfits in Create a Sim.
Fixed an issue that made Pets’ needs to not be fulfilled if not playing an active household.
Pets’ ehm… poop is now able to be used as plant fertilizer. Happy gardening!
Sims can now sell Flowers in stacks from their Inventory.
Sims will now appropriately put their Umbrellas away before performing some interactions. Because WooHoo while having an Umbrella out in the open, seems complicated, we are not judging… but seems complicated.
Fixed an issue that made Simmer created Holidays in the Calendar populate after a season ended.
Father Winter will now be able to remove his beard and change in Create a Sim if he is part of an active Household. But who would dare shave Father Winter’s beard?? Who?!
Get Famous
Fixed the issue with the Actor Career where Sims were unable to complete their gig when they would travel and return home before it was time for the gig.
Island Living
Lotta Cocolatas will now be made with actual Coconuts taken from Sims’ Inventories. What were they made from before? We will never know! Never accept imitation Lotta Cocolatas… never!
Fixed an issue in which some quick meals were requiring a Microwave while being Off-The-Grid when it is not needed. Yogurt needing a microwave? I think not!
Mermaids in Create a Sim will no longer be able to have their Traits randomized. This allows them to keep their Mermaidism, as well as their air of mystery and charm.
Mermaids now will wear appropriate career outfits when going to work. So I can picture this now, Mermaids as Doctors would be a great TV show.
Fixed an issue in which some Island Living Tank Tops were categorized incorrectly in Create a Sim.
Mermaid Children made in Create a Sim will now grow up to be fully-functioning Mer-dults.
The Go To Work button for Odd Jobs has been fixed for Sims on Vacation.
The Eyedropper tool will now work on Stilts instead of only working on the Foundation Trims.
Fixed an issue in which Sims in Off-The-Grid lots were showering constantly. Now they will shower when appropriate. Though, with this heatwave, anything goes in my opinion!
“Dr. Mermaid/Merman, what do you recommend?
“I am prescribing some Vitamin Sea”
Give Russkii more coffee please…
Discover University
Student Sims will not lose their Term Presentations Boards when signing up for another term.
Simmers with Seasons additionally installed: Student Sims will no longer receive Academic Probation if they were on planned Holidays through the Calendar.
Student Sims will no longer be labeled as Graduate after completing the Graduation Ceremony. Congratulations!
Fixed an issue in which homework assignment progression was too slow and timers might have been missing in some instances.
Fixed an issue in which Sims were taking showers fully clothed. As much as the current heat wave is giving us creative ideas to cool off, it would be more efficient to not be fully clothed when showering.
Hair Style ymHair_EP08MensShavedPonytail_Black has been updated for Teens, Adults, and Elders to display all swatches. Similarly yfHair_EP08ShortBobBraid_Black has been fixed to appear as an option for Teens.
Sims that re-enroll in University after graduating or dropping out, can now rejoin their Secret Society. Likewise, if Sims get suspended and re-enrolls their progress will not be lost.
Fixed an issue with the “Gameday Glute Accommodator” chair that occasionally could make Sims invisible if they placed it in their Inventory. We don’t know what other powers the “Gameday Glute Accommodator” may have but invisibility is now not one of them.
Sims in the Law Career can now Attend Depositions from their Computers and Phones. Because you don’t need to break your computer to complete an assignment, that seems impractical.
Vampire Coffins and Sleeping Pods can now count as Beds in University Dorms.
Fixed an issue in which the Write and Publish Research Paper interaction would disappear from the options if it was cancelled midway. I mean, I understand rage quitting something but not to the point of my options to do it disappearing…amirite?
Fixed an issue with yfBody_EP08DressParty_SolidPurple in which pendant necklaces were not able to be seen if this asset was worn by Sims.
Fixed an issue that could make the Soccer interaction Study Plays with drop out from the interaction queue.
Corrected Final Exam Requirements for Elective Courses to say that for studying they need to do so on Computers or Research Machines.
To anyone who may have noticed the tiny head effect in the thumbnails if you wore the Dragon or the Lobster mascot costume without their hats, that issue has been fixed.
Humanoid Robots will no longer be able to have Traits or Aspirations modified in Create a Sim. You are a real Sim to me Robot friend, you are to me.
If a Sim already knows about the Secret Society, is it still a secret? Time will tell.
Outdoor Retreat
Herbalism recipes can now work while Off-The-Grid, however only on Off-The-Grid supported stoves.
Dine Out
Random NPCs will not leave Hamburgers on tables at restaurants anymore. As much as we like to receive free food, we don’t think it is proper to get them randomly from a stranger.
Vampire Sims working on the Master Vampire Aspiration will no longer have the task “Survive for an Additional 20 Days as a Vampire” reset after traveling.
Vampire Sims with Full Sun Resistance are now able to properly tend to gardens and not tend to plants one at a time.
Fixed an issue in which you could set the Registered Vampire Lair Lot Trait for Venues.
Vampire child ears can now be changed after being aged-down from adult Dark Form.
The Rustic Candle Chandelier now has flame effects on the candles.
Jungle Adventure
Fans/Stans will no longer follow their adored celebrity into the jungles of Selvadorada.
Realm Of Magic
Spellcasters have regained access to Styled Looks.
Fixed an issue in which a Tank Top belonging to this pack was not categorized correctly in Create a Sim.
Hot Tubs that have been upgraded to unbreakable will no longer be broken upon performing the Zipzap Spell.
A Spellcaster is never not in vogue, but it’s always nice to have options.
We fixed an issue in which some hotkeys in Photo Mode (particularly E and Q) were not working.
After popular demand, the Libearian bookend will now cost Simoleons. Nothing’s for free, nothing’s for freeee… take it away!
Tiny Living
Murphy beds will now be more resilient after first use. Warranty terms pending.
Fixed an issue in which Game Consoles were not usable with the all in one entertainment systems.
Fixed an issue in which Hair Styles from this pack appeared with their color swatches out of order in Create a Sim.
Fixed an issue in which Sims could not Put Bed Up their Murphy Beds after WooHoo.
We have also adjusted their pricing and comfort levels, bang for your buck!
Now the “Media Marathoner All on the Wall” will be actually the Media Marathoner All on the Wall.
0 notes
Have you ever Listened to? SIMS Cell Is Your very best Wager To Develop
sims mobile 4 sims mobile
The sims mobile four added a new kind of additional content, game packs. Variable Moodlets - Some sources of emotional moodlet will from time to time give stronger or weaker effects, producing your sims mobile' lives a tiny more unpredictable. The sims mobile 4 now has six expansions, which with each other add in most of the missing functions from previous games and many new ones on top. They are £34.99 each even though, with smaller sized Game Packs costing £17.99, and Stuff Packs coming in at £9.99.
In addition, (incorporating sims mobile 3 GENEREATIONS) buggies, car or truck seats, being capable to hold your child's hand while walking, being able to have your youngster sleep in your bed if they have a nightmare, a lot more toddler and baby clothing solutions and so forth. The download will allow players to retain their copy of The sims mobile 4 it is not a trial, and the game will remain portion of players' libraries after promotion ends on May 28.
Delight in the energy to develop and control folks in a virtual globe with no rules in The sims mobile 4 game,” the official game description explains. If you entered that exact code into the cheat console, it would supply a massive increase to the romantic relationship involving the sims mobile John Doe and Jane Doe. If you applied a negative number, it would have a large unfavorable impact on their romantic relationship as an alternative.
In order to claim The sims mobile four, fans can head to the Origin client or their on the internet storefront The sims mobile four can be downloaded for Mac or Windows Computer there is also the choice to purchase the Digital Deluxe edition for $49.99, and a reminder that the content is aspect of EA's Origin Access subscription program. two. Choose on the ‘My Games' tab and click on The sims mobile four from your library.
A glitch in the popular video game The sims mobile four is causing players to have their kids taken away from them. In a game that is supposed to be about representing folks, it is so cool to see individuals represented. The sims mobile, one particular of the greatest franchises ever, just place an actual transgender Sim into their game… and she's lovely,” Lilsims mobileie said. Express your creativity as you customise your sims mobile' distinct appearances and one of a kind personalities. Choose their fashions, pick their hairstyles, and give them life aspirations.
Personnellement j'avais beaucoup joué au sims mobile two et celui-là est encore bien meilleur. Il y a évidemment pas mal de défaut comme le nombre DLC payant. This characteristics a variety of Pride in-game clothing and things, such as a gender-neutral bathroom door for The sims mobile four. For those unfamiliar, "The sims mobile" lets players create and customize a household of digital people today named sims mobile and construct a neighborhood for them. Each Sim has their personal one of a kind appearance and character, and players have complete manage over the lives of their creations.
Tumblr media
We'll have more facts to share in the coming months, but we look forward to sharing some of the very best The sims mobile 4 experiences with players on console immediately after launch. If you really like creating in the sims mobile, then this pack is a must-have. The planet of Sulani is captivating, with seaside venues and expansive ocean waters. It is a joy to make a property that enables your sims mobile to wake up in the morning and dive suitable into the sea from their patio.
Being A Star With your Sector Is actually a Subject Of SIMS Cellular
2. Develop an EA Account or login with an current EA account. An account is required in order to play The sims mobile 4. 5. Copy and paste the ‘saves' folder from the flash drive to the ‘The sims mobile 4' folder on your Mac. NOTE: If an current ‘saves' folder is already in The sims mobile four folder, please delete or rename it. If vital, renaming an existing ‘saves' folder on your Mac will let you to hold it for later use.
six. As soon as download is full, you will be capable to launch The sims mobile four and commence playing. As The sims mobile 4 was released in 2014, the minimum specs shouldn't be a problem. On Windows, The sims mobile 4 will function on XP (SP3) and upwards with just 2GB of RAM. On Mac, The sims mobile four will work on macOS X ten.7.5 and upwards with at least 4GB of RAM. The sims mobile four is totally free to download from EA Origin right now on Pc and Mac but the deal will not be about forever.
All the game packs and stuff packs in The sims mobile four Bundles are offered separately through Origin no matter where you live. Smarter sims mobile - Develop and manage smarter sims mobile with unique appearances, personalities, and feelings in The sims mobile 4. Please note: you will require a copy of The sims mobile 4 for the expansion packs to perform. sims mobile wasn't created to make a family members and make a new one when your original generations die.” - You (even even though you happen to be incorrect). No hun, sims mobile was created for people to play even so they please, which is why there is no limit on how a lot of families you can produce.
Players can create their sims mobile' relationships with a single a different, try distinctive careers and primarily ‘play God'. Olá pessoal, eu meu nome é Samara, sou do Brasil! Aqui Brasil, a franquia The sims mobile, é também um enorme sucesso desde seu lançamento no ano 2000. Entretanto, confesso que quando chegou The sims mobile four, que esperei ansiosamente durante aos, fiquei profundamente decepcionada.
0 notes
blackbriarsraven · 7 years
replies and stuff
hm... the walls from WA have such a dirt layer - maybe have a look there?
Good idea! Thanks I’ll look at them and see how they did it.
wispysimdream replied to your photo “On the landing of the second floor we have the chess tables used by...”
Oh well done! I love the layout
Thank you!
ashuriphoenix replied to your photo “On the landing of the second floor we have the chess tables used by...”
As well he fucking should be.
LMAO Ducky finds your defense questionable and your alibi flimsy. Sentenced to 30 years baths with no ducky.
sims3hasstoppedworking replied to your photoset “The more formal meeting chamber where the town council passes their...”
good job! I like the wedding arch, good idea! :)
^^ thank you
tangie0906 replied to your photoset “In the Predergast house. I later replaced that window in the first...”
LOL at the horse. And that's exactly what I plan to do to make a vineyard.
The horse cracked me up and I saw it had landed INSIDE the house. Good luck with your vineyard!
goatkibble replied to your photoset “I worked more on this town hall. I parked a food truck out front for...”
I saw this briefly as I was scrolling my dash and saw the chairs roughly lined up in a circular pattern and immediately thought AA! hehehe. I don't even drink, I am just THAT thirsty for drama XD
LOL there will be plenty of drama in this town when it gets going. I mean, look at Pappy. He’s going to land his ass in jail the first fucking week XD
ashuriphoenix replied to your photo “Pappy goes fishing. I really dislike some things about this town and...”
Well while you're at it, lady, give me some of that salt for my soft pretzel. :P (I agree tho!)
LOL sure let me grind some more out for you! xD I think I need to make my own version of Moonlight Falls, jfc
amphorasims replied to your photoset “I worked more on this town hall. I parked a food truck out front for...”
It looks nice! I'm too lazy to make places like this in my game so I always love seeing how others customize their towns :)
I am for the most part a super lazy simmer. This game is going to be intense for me xD I want to explore more of what some of these mods can do in the game... Zerbu looks like so much fun, being able to go to work with your sims for real, I want to try it out. 
davidmont replied to your photoset “I worked more on this town hall. I parked a food truck out front for...”
How nice!!!!
Thank you!
sims3hasstoppedworking replied to your photo “Pappy goes fishing. I really dislike some things about this town and...”
Just one fish spawner?? EA at its finest istg
IKR?! xD I got so mad. 
willky12 replied to your photoset “In the Predergast house. I later replaced that window in the first...”
I thought it was a horse head trophy at first hahaha!
I had to do a double take when I first saw it like wtf I didn’t place anything there LOL
willky12 replied to your photoset “Sleepy face after she just woke up. I love this hair, too, its so...”
The toddler will get the moodlet if you place the bear in her inventory. You wont see it, but they do get the moodlet that way. This is also my fav hair for toddlers. Those mats are fabulous and I love the horse, I think this about covers it all :P
OHHH good idea, I’m doing that :D 
wispysimdream replied to your photo “He whips out his phone to take a picture of Navita freaking out....”
Retuner os a life saver, or sims saver. Stop wasting all your time on your damn phones! And then I realize how ironic that is as I type this from my phone at work. :S
LOL I do the same though. Retuner is amazing and I’d be fucking lost without it. It has changed my life.
sims3hasstoppedworking replied to your photo “He whips out his phone to take a picture of Navita freaking out....”
He's gonna jerk off later while looking at these pictures ��
LOL sick but probably true
sims3hasstoppedworking replied to your photoset “Their home is a farmstead. Or i think it is intended to be. There’s a...”
It looks fabulous! I like the idea of farm so much, you need to give them chickens too! ��
They have them! They just aren’t visible in the darkness and in the bushes ^^
willky12 replied to your photoset “Their home is a farmstead. Or i think it is intended to be. There’s a...”
First time I have seen Llama's vines used, it's wonderful!
Thank you! I could not wait to get them in my game :D
willky12 replied to your photoset “I am working on the Predergeist household. If irc this is the one that...”
You did a good job and I love those walls you used. Love the mouse hole also ;)
I used a combo of walls made by Luna and ones converted by simplyimaginarypeople. The mouse hole is perfect lmao
willky12 replied to your photoset “You’re the best, Pappy!” Pappy is probably whispering something...”
hahaha, Eve! Dirty ole jail bird ;)
xD he is awful
nornities replied to your photoset “Their home is a farmstead. Or i think it is intended to be. There’s a...”
This looks wonderful, I love it!
andantezen replied to your photoset “Their home is a farmstead. Or i think it is intended to be. There’s a...”
very clever use of the beautiful vineyard fences! everything looks pretty!
Thank you!
sims3hasstoppedworking replied to your photoset “You’re the best, Pappy!” Pappy is probably whispering something...”
Pappy definitely wants to spend his last days in jail ��
LOL he is just horrible. I’m not making anything up either, he was all over her. it was SO creepy
sims3hasstoppedworking replied to your photo “After the game, Bella complains to pappy about her father, who doesn’t...”
Very adult, I must say ;D
sims3hasstoppedworking replied to your photo “Bella and her father join the game. Pappy is equally appreciative of...”
Pappy acts like a typical old perv ����
LOL yep!
amphorasims replied to your photoset “I am working on the Predergeist household. If irc this is the one that...”
My first thought when I saw those beds: "Hey, that reminds me of the three bears and goldilocks story!" Then I thought it's too bad it can't be done in TS3. Then I remembered the bear costumes. Possibilities? :D hahaha
Ohhh you should add them to your fairytale save! I love to see bears in other games too xD 
ashuriphoenix replied to your photoset “I am working on the Predergeist household. If irc this is the one that...”
Illegal duck hug. I'm sending you the therapy bills! (which is not a pun, you awful brute xD)
OHH BUT IT IS! xD lmfao I need to make the duck a functional teddy when I get more skilled. It just needs to be.
nornities replied to your photo “I made one of vkg’s beautiful wallpapers recolorable ��”
That's fantastic!
Thank you!
simblu replied to your photo “Bella and her father join the game. Pappy is equally appreciative of...”
OHH Pappy. Tsk.
xDD he is horrible, he has NO shame
experimentalsims replied to your video “(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMG8inqfVTQ) Mood music I wasn’t...”
Very soothing
I love it. I think I’m going to play it at my wedding, it’s sweet but still gothic.
willky12 replied to your photo “Bella Swain was walking down the path and took an interest in the game...”
He's a little over dressed for the trampoline maybe? ;)
LOL I think so!
ashuriphoenix replied to your photo “Bella Swain was walking down the path and took an interest in the game...”
Jesus shouldn't trampoline, either. Just sayin'.
At least not in his shoes!
ashuriphoenix replied to your photo “Bella Swain was walking down the path and took an interest in the game...”
.... wtf is his problem ��
Uhhh we don’t have the time in the day to go over them all xD
sims3hasstoppedworking replied to your photo “Bella Swain was walking down the path and took an interest in the game...”
Does he have sim AIDS too? :P
PFFFT *spits out drink* it would not surprise me! LMAO
sims3hasstoppedworking replied to your photoset “They’re so involved in their game that Annalove forgets that her...”
Pappy seems not to care :P
Not in the slightest. He’s a dog, they’re disgusting xD
twinsimskeletons replied to your photoset “They’re so involved in their game that Annalove forgets that her...”
as you do
ashuriphoenix replied to your photoset “They’re so involved in their game that Annalove forgets that her...”
Still plays horseshoes like a boss. xD
LOL like she’d let that throw her off her game
wispysimdream replied to your photoset “They’re so involved in their game that Annalove forgets that her...”
Oh no! That's unfortunate :s
Sims are incurable idiots xD
willky12 replied to your photoset “Ah, I see. Eating your feelings?  I also go for huge doses of sweets...”
the softer side of the werewolf ;)
Or at least the sweet tooth of the werewolf xD
sims3hasstoppedworking replied to your photo “What you mucked up your date, Pappy, what do you feel like doing?.”
just give him some lube, he'll know what to do with this,
10 notes · View notes
thesims4blogger · 4 years
The Sims 4: New Game Patch (June 3rd, 2020)
There’s a new Sims 4 PC update available via Origin.
Remove all MODS and Custom Content before updating your game
Update 06/03/2020 PC: / Mac: Console: Version 1.25
The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack drops in just a mere few days, and since we know that living your best Eco Lifestyle can take a little extra elbow grease, we’ve added some exciting quality-of-life improvements to help pave the way.
Between Inventory updates, new CAS assets from a surprise partnership with M·A·C, the return of two beloved NPCs, as well as some really cool new Build features, we hope you enjoy the update.
-SimGuruJill & SimGuruRusskii
Fellow hoarders, this one’s for you: We have updated the Sim Inventory with the ability to Filter, Sort, Favorite, Multi-Select, and Multi-Sell in one easy flick of the wrist. Managing that cumbersome pile of collectables you’ve been racking up for the past five years has never been so easy!
Following in true Eco Lifestyle fashion, Door and Window placement is now also Off-the-Grid. But not that kind of grid. The limiting kind of tile grid that used to keep you from placing your windows and doors precisely where you wanted them. By holding down the Alt key while dragging, you can enjoy the smooth sensations of free Door and Window placement.
Ladders have been added as part of the Build System. Find your free Classic Wooden Ladder in the Build catalog in the Stairs (& Ladders) category. Unlike Island Living’s Dock and Ladder objects for use on water lots, these Ladders can be placed anywhere on your lot and like stairs, they can be used as a means for Sims to traverse from one floor to another.
Did you say you needed some fresh looks for your Sims? We’ve collaborated with none other than M·A·C Cosmetics to bring you 12 fashion-forward makeup assets suited for everything from everyday to night out glam. If you’re not already using it, on PC and Mac we recommend trying out the “Uncompressed Sim Textures” setting in the Options Menu, which is now enabled by default on the High and Ultra graphics settings profiles in order to see these looks really shine. While console versions of The Sims 4 do not have the setting in the Options Menu, each console spec is automatically using the optimal graphical settings based on system resources.
The Repo Person NPC has graduated with honors from Discover University’s University of Britechester with a Degree in Villainy and has comfortably taken up residence in Base Game. Now everyone can taste their wrath if Bill payments fall behind.
Speaking of Bills, we’ve added a cohesive breakdown of Sim’s Bills information that can be accessed via an interaction on the Mailbox or Phone. Now instead of lumping everything together, you can see what percentage of your Bills go to Water, what percentage go to Power, insight into any Fees, Reductions, or Penalties. All this and more, calculated and cleanly presented for your finer understanding.
We have gone back and added Map Tags with Neighborhood Descriptions to existing neighborhoods that didn’t yet have them. We now have delightful icons, names, and descriptions for the no-longer-forgotten Willow Creek, Oasis Springs, Newcrest, and Windenburg. Ok, feel free to freak out now.
This one is tricky to list out in a single paragraph with attempted wit, so I’ll just drop this bullet list off right here:
The Off-the-Grid Lot Trait now ties into our new Bill updates, drawing from Water and Power utility. Without excess utility, lots function off-the-grid as they did before. With excess utility, they function more like an on-the-grid lot.
There is a new Off-the-Grid Build category that will allow players to find Off-the-Grid and survival-esque objects.
We've done a pass on candles to ensure they properly work when electricity is out.
Off-the-Grid supported Fridges now have an "Add Ice" interaction that will allow them to keep food preserved—so long as the ice remains!
Sim will now autonomously use stoves and fridges when Off-the-Grid, not just grills.
Harvestables now grant unique buffs when consumed off-the-grid.
Dogs and Toddlers now have a unique interaction to be bathed in Bathtubs even when Off-the-Grid.
Objects can now be cleaned using the "Use Elbow Grease" interaction. Yummy.
Players are able to gather Water utility from fishing spots in base game. With Island Living they can gather from the waterfall. Water can also be gathered from any world with swimmable 'ocean' water. With Seasons, water can be gathered from snow drifts.
Off-the-Grid specific buffs will now take into account motives and Sim traits when determining if a Sim should receive a positive or negative moodlet when living Off-the-Grid.
We've added multiple new recipes that can be cooked while Off-the-Grid given a Sim has the proper cooking skill level. Some recipes require special ingredients like the Boiling Frog Hot Pot—which adds a really neat survival element to off-the-grid gameplay, while providing Sims with powerful new moodlets that will help them survive in the wild.
Some people who have the Vampires Game Pack appreciate Vlad’s antics more than others. I personally love receiving a charming visit from Vlad, and sometimes I could really use a kind compliment about my neck. But we’ve heard there are a select few that don’t quite like having their Sim’s necks bitten and motives tanked by an invasive nighttime visitor with no respect for boundaries. Keep Vampires and other unwanted visitors at bay with a new No Trespassing interaction we’ve added to the Door.
Speaking of unwelcome visitors, we’ve also added a new Send Home interaction that’s available on visiting NPCs or as a self-interaction in the case of multiple visitors. How is this interaction any different from Ask To Leave or Go Away, you might ask? Convenience. Unlike its less efficient predecessors, this interaction is nearly instantaneous and leaves your visitors with no hurt feelings or Relationship impact. We added it as a useful tool for players, not necessarily as a story-telling mechanism.
How you build your lot can now affect your gameplay. Certain objects such as wall patterns, floor patterns, fences, and columns bring different gameplay modifiers. Some of these modifiers affect how your Bills and utilities are calculated by decreasing or increasing your Power or Water utility production or usage, as well increasing or decreasing the price of bills. Environment Score can now be impacted by certain objects and materials. Drywall walls without wall patterns applied now decrease environment score like they did in The Sims 3! The choice of floor and wall materials used can also affect the ability to spread fire or puddles at an increased or lessened rate. And if you’d rather build your lot without having to think about these things, don’t worry. There’s an Option in the Gameplay menu to turn all of this off.
Oh hey, and speaking of Fire, that reminds me. Did you hear that we’ve added Firefighter NPCs to the game? We took nods from classic Firefighter NPC behavior from The Sims, The Sims 2, and The Sims 3 and added a few small twists for The Sims 4. When a fire breaks out, Firefighters will come automatically to your lot if you already have a Fire Alarm installed. That way, if you still like to let things burn baby burn, you can just “accidentally” forget to place a Fire Alarm. It’s okay. We won’t tell anybody. If you honestly did forget to place a Fire Alarm, you can call the Fire Department from the Phone or by clicking on the fire itself. If the Fire Department is called, but there is not an active fire, they will call you on your lapse in judgement and charge you a fine. You won’t be punished if there was legitimately a fire that was extinguished before they arrive though. The Firefighter Uniform can be accessed in CAS and gives any Sim wearing it the Fireproof Buff, which gives them some extra protection against fires as well as make them more efficient at putting out fires themselves. It’s worth noting that Firefighter NPC’s do not show up in Island Living’s Sulani. Sulani already has their local Fire Brigade to handle these kinds of emergencies and besides, who wants to wear all that heavy Firefighter gear in the tropics?
More than 20 New Styled Looks have been added for Children and Toddlers, using existing Base Game CAS assets to better flesh out some outfit categories that previously felt sparse.
After five years of Expansion Packs, Game Packs, and Stuff Packs our phone call invites were admittedly starting to get a little spammy. Moments after moving in, you’ve got Lucas Munch hitting you up, asking you to go to the Bluffs with him. Then not long after, you might have had Vivian Lewis asking you to join her at The Spice Festival. Jeez, let me get settled in first, why don’t ya? We’ve done a tuning pass to rebalance all of these previously competing Phone invites to give you a more meaningful and holistic experience.
In the same vein as the above balancing pass, we wanted to smooth out one of our more pressing notifications. The free earbuds pop-up that comes with Fitness Stuff has been changed to a more passive TNS and gifts your Sim the earbuds automatically when it triggers. The days of telling the game over and over that you don’t want free earbuds, or worse - hitting OK by accident - is a thing of the past.
Eco Lifestyle releasing on the same day across all platforms marks an important milestone for The Sims 4 as Simmers get to play the same content and share new creations on The Gallery together. In this update Console Simmers have a few additional features to improve their quality of life:
We have added a new Controls Overlay Reminder that shows up throughout CAS, Gallery, Live Mode and Build Mode which should make it easier for new Simmers to jump in and not need to remember all the controls.
If you don’t want to be reminded and you know all the controls by heart, you can turn off the Controls Overlay Reminder in the Game Options > Other menu
The controller overlay screens remain available for those who want them.
Now onto the fixes and updates:
The Sims 4
macOS players should no longer encounter the setLocale.zsh error. However, both Origin and TS4 must be up to date.
Sims will not have random accessories or clothing pieces when changing into towels.
Style Influencer Sims can now remove trends they have created, with the Reset Trend interaction.
Fixed an issue where Sims were not able to Care for Self after they had been in daycare when they were a Toddler.
Some roofs were updated to remove the appearance of black sides when placed on ceilings.
Active Sims will no longer get a Tense moodlet for lack of exercise when finishing exercising. Do you even push up bro?
Sims will no longer get the Fatigued moodlet immediately after starting a workout. Now, we know that endurance takes time to build, but we decided to give Sims a chance to enjoy their workout before being completely fatigued right away.
Child Sims will now be able to unlock the Video Gaming Skill after they have maxed out their Mental Skill instead of their Motor Skill, which was causing adult skills to reset for Child Sims when they completed aspirations.
Fixed an issue in which some Households did not have their names displayed in Manage Worlds.
Corrected requirements for completing the Great Landscaper task that is part of the Mansion Baron Aspiration.
Fixed an issue in which when utilities are shut off (either because of past due bills or Off-The-Grid) adding objects from Build Mode such as Lamps, would add them turned On.
The Water Pump, Fishing Holes, Romantic Garden’s Whispering Wishing Well, and Get Famous’s Luminary’s Exotic Water Garden now have the Gather Water interaction when the Off-the-Grid Lot Trait is applied.
Fixed an issue in which the Subtle Saucer Light was not being so subtle and made objects added from Build Mode be placed randomly when dragged near it.
Teen Sims will now see the appropriate tooltip when trying to acquire the Fertile Trait from the Rewards Store. No, they are not Robots.
Fixed an issue in which some Roof Eaves were clipping into enclosed blocks.
Fixed an issue in which the Clean Up interaction would drop off the queue if dirty dishes were placed on a counter.
Since we added a new trash bike to Eco Lifestyle, we’ve made the bicycle helmet available for everyone in CAS. Now you can outfit your Sim in a helmet, regardless of owning a pack that includes bikes.
Sims will now not receive occasional text messages asking them for a Date from other Sims that they are not romantically involved with. Because it was aaaakward…
Toddler Sims will not be able to Ask for Mentoring on some in progress mentoring interactions to strangers. Except for “Invite to Bob to Music” because we can dance if we want to, we can leave our friends behind, ‘cause your friends don’t dance and if they don’t dance well... they’re not friends of mine.
Fixed an issue with textures for the tops and landings on some Staircases.
Fixed an issue that did not allow randomizer to work correctly when Male Sims had Makeup on Create a Sim.
Plants can now be placed closer to foundations with moveobjects cheat enabled, as long as most of the plant's footprint is outside of the foundation.
Fixed an issue in which Simoleons were not added to Household Funds when moving and selling furniture.
Fixed an issue in which previewing certain windows on diagonal walls reverted their color back to the default color swatch.
Simmers on macOS Catalina and Intel Iris Plus Graphics 640 GPU will no longer experience seeing a squared shadow under their Sims.
Fixed an issue with the Wooden Prairie-Style Two-Panel door in which color swatches were not displaying correctly on both sides of the door.
Sims now can dispose of packed lunches that have spoiled. Out, foul food!
Fixed some oddness with disappearing Stairs within enclosed courtyards.
Fixed a Stair issue with Landings not working properly on lots with raised foundations and basements. Sims will no longer walk through walls and things should now look appropriate.
Fixed missing Career Promotion screens for careers in various packs.
Fixed User Interface elements and Icons across multiple packs.
Spandrels can now be properly applied on Fences.
Stairs will now not shrink when increasing Foundation heights.
Get Together
Fixed an issue in which non local Sim Townies would spawn in Windenburg’s Island, now named The Crumbling Isle.
Fixed an issue that caused an error to occur when deleting or editing Clubs.
As much as Windenburgians (Windenburgers? Windenburguese? Windenburglites?) love visitors from other worlds, they have voted them off the Island. Sorry, not sorry!
City Living
Fixed an issue that caused time to be desynchronized at Speed 3. Bending the space time continuum no more!
Vet Clinics can no longer be placed in Penthouses.
Yard Sale customers will no longer wander inside Sims’ houses and interact with their belongings. While prospective buyers are nice to have in any sale, this was just rude, this is NOT a Welcome Wagon.
Cats & Dogs
Game progress will no longer be lost when editing/adding/deleting career outfits in Create a Sim.
Fixed an issue that made Pets’ needs to not be fulfilled if not playing an active household.
Pets’ ehm… poop is now able to be used as plant fertilizer. Happy gardening!
Sims can now sell Flowers in stacks from their Inventory.
Sims will now appropriately put their Umbrellas away before performing some interactions. Because WooHoo while having an Umbrella out in the open, seems complicated, we are not judging… but seems complicated.
Fixed an issue that made Simmer created Holidays in the Calendar populate after a season ended.
Father Winter will now be able to remove his beard and change in Create a Sim if he is part of an active Household. But who would dare shave Father Winter’s beard?? Who?!
Get Famous
Fixed the issue with the Actor Career where Sims were unable to complete their gig when they would travel and return home before it was time for the gig.
Island Living
Lotta Cocolatas will now be made with actual Coconuts taken from Sims’ Inventories. What were they made from before? We will never know! Never accept imitation Lotta Cocolatas… never!
Fixed an issue in which some quick meals were requiring a Microwave while being Off-The-Grid when it is not needed. Yogurt needing a microwave? I think not!
Mermaids in Create a Sim will no longer be able to have their Traits randomized. This allows them to keep their Mermaidism, as well as their air of mystery and charm.
Mermaids now will wear appropriate career outfits when going to work. So I can picture this now, Mermaids as Doctors would be a great TV show.
Fixed an issue in which some Island Living Tank Tops were categorized incorrectly in Create a Sim.
Mermaid Children made in Create a Sim will now grow up to be fully-functioning Mer-dults.
The Go To Work button for Odd Jobs has been fixed for Sims on Vacation.
The Eyedropper tool will now work on Stilts instead of only working on the Foundation Trims.
Fixed an issue in which Sims in Off-The-Grid lots were showering constantly. Now they will shower when appropriate. Though, with this heatwave, anything goes in my opinion!
“Dr. Mermaid/Merman, what do you recommend?
“I am prescribing some Vitamin Sea”
Give Russkii more coffee please...
Discover University
Student Sims will not lose their Term Presentations Boards when signing up for another term.
Simmers with Seasons additionally installed: Student Sims will no longer receive Academic Probation if they were on planned Holidays through the Calendar.
Student Sims will no longer be labeled as Graduate after completing the Graduation Ceremony. Congratulations!
Fixed an issue in which homework assignment progression was too slow and timers might have been missing in some instances.
Fixed an issue in which Sims were taking showers fully clothed. As much as the current heat wave is giving us creative ideas to cool off, it would be more efficient to not be fully clothed when showering.
Hair Style ymHair_EP08MensShavedPonytail_Black has been updated for Teens, Adults, and Elders to display all swatches. Similarly yfHair_EP08ShortBobBraid_Black has been fixed to appear as an option for Teens.
Sims that re-enroll in University after graduating or dropping out, can now rejoin their Secret Society. Likewise, if Sims get suspended and re-enrolls their progress will not be lost.
Fixed an issue with the "Gameday Glute Accommodator" chair that occasionally could make Sims invisible if they placed it in their Inventory. We don’t know what other powers the "Gameday Glute Accommodator" may have but invisibility is now not one of them.
Sims in the Law Career can now Attend Depositions from their Computers and Phones. Because you don’t need to break your computer to complete an assignment, that seems impractical.
Vampire Coffins and Sleeping Pods can now count as Beds in University Dorms.
Fixed an issue in which the Write and Publish Research Paper interaction would disappear from the options if it was cancelled midway. I mean, I understand rage quitting something but not to the point of my options to do it disappearing...amirite?
Fixed an issue with yfBody_EP08DressParty_SolidPurple in which pendant necklaces were not able to be seen if this asset was worn by Sims.
Fixed an issue that could make the Soccer interaction Study Plays with drop out from the interaction queue.
Corrected Final Exam Requirements for Elective Courses to say that for studying they need to do so on Computers or Research Machines.
To anyone who may have noticed the tiny head effect in the thumbnails if you wore the Dragon or the Lobster mascot costume without their hats, that issue has been fixed.
Humanoid Robots will no longer be able to have Traits or Aspirations modified in Create a Sim. You are a real Sim to me Robot friend, you are to me.
If a Sim already knows about the Secret Society, is it still a secret? Time will tell.
Outdoor Retreat
Herbalism recipes can now work while Off-The-Grid, however only on Off-The-Grid supported stoves.
Dine Out
Random NPCs will not leave Hamburgers on tables at restaurants anymore. As much as we like to receive free food, we don’t think it is proper to get them randomly from a stranger.
Vampire Sims working on the Master Vampire Aspiration will no longer have the task “Survive for an Additional 20 Days as a Vampire” reset after traveling.
Vampire Sims with Full Sun Resistance are now able to properly tend to gardens and not tend to plants one at a time.
Fixed an issue in which you could set the Registered Vampire Lair Lot Trait for Venues.
Vampire child ears can now be changed after being aged-down from adult Dark Form.
The Rustic Candle Chandelier now has flame effects on the candles.
Jungle Adventure
Fans/Stans will no longer follow their adored celebrity into the jungles of Selvadorada.
Realm Of Magic
Spellcasters have regained access to Styled Looks.
Fixed an issue in which a Tank Top belonging to this pack was not categorized correctly in Create a Sim.
Hot Tubs that have been upgraded to unbreakable will no longer be broken upon performing the Zipzap Spell.
A Spellcaster is never not in vogue, but it’s always nice to have options.
We fixed an issue in which some hotkeys in Photo Mode (particularly E and Q) were not working.
After popular demand, the Libearian bookend will now cost Simoleons. Nothing’s for free, nothing’s for freeee... take it away!
Tiny Living
Murphy beds will now be more resilient after first use. Warranty terms pending.
Fixed an issue in which Game Consoles were not usable with the all in one entertainment systems.
Fixed an issue in which Hair Styles from this pack appeared with their color swatches out of order in Create a Sim.
Fixed an issue in which Sims could not Put Bed Up their Murphy Beds after WooHoo.
We have also adjusted their pricing and comfort levels, bang for your buck!
Now the “Media Marathoner All on the Wall” will be actually the Media Marathoner All on the Wall.
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