#how do you cope with the fact that your decade-long idol is not in fact what you made him up to be
roobylavender · 17 days
im really sorry if this question ends up being repetitive: but, if not for bruce’s over reliance on dick to regulate his thoughts and emotions, why would dick grow up into feeling like he needs to repress his emotions so much and his eagerness to act as people’s support? i know youve spoken about wolfman and his altering of their relationship but if ntt is generally an accurate portrayal of an adult dick, to me this nevertheless sounds like the consequences a parent-child relationship where the responsibilities are titled too much towards the child
i suppose this could also segue into asking for recs that would help me better understand your interpretation of their relationship 👀
not repetitive at all! to me the irony of wolfman's depiction of dick lies in that it is simultaneously something you can logically ascertain from prior canon but not for the reasons actually presented by wolfman. if that makes sense. he does extra work that isn't actually necessary to help explain why dick would act the way that he does because there's plenty of reasons for it without rewriting his history with bruce to have always been suppressed and edgy and dark. to me it makes far more sense to capitalize on the inevitable disconnect between bruce and dick as an adult and a child. batman: full circle is a good example of that dichotomy (and although it was published in the early 90s it built on mike w. barr's prior understanding of the relationship between dick and bruce that he wrote into the early 80s). bruce's primary concern for the people he works with is never standards or finesse but safety. he worries constantly about others coming to harm under his watch and with a child in particular those worries were exacerbated. he ran a tight ship not because he believed dick had anything to prove but because the only way dick could keep being robin was if he went about it safely. that was obv easy for an adult to understand. but not so much for a child
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to bruce these worries were practical and par for the course (as well as an expression of his love and protectiveness) but for dick their consequences formed the crux of his entire world. as a child he idolized everything about bruce. his heroism. his work ethic. his skill. his resolve. his preparedness. if dick couldn't live up to the standard he set for himself in idolizing bruce then what could he ever hope to amount to? that was the thought constantly going through his head. and it's why the bulk of his childhood and primary tenure as bruce's partner was so precariously protected by the fact that nothing bad ever really happened during it (and admittedly this framing is convenient because even chronologically speaking nothing very significant happened in their history with each other until dick left for university in 1969) (i know dixon opted to write that whole shtick with dent in his version of events but personally i never found it necessary to do so). there is enough there in the idea of dick working hard for the course of a decade to embody who he believed bruce to be that lends itself to it eventually being difficult for him to healthily express himself once the rift between them actually began to emerge
because what about bruce was there to actually see that was broken and dark before dick became an adult? i know a lot of dick fans hate batman #408 because they don't like that it enforced "retirement" upon dick (which i personally believe is a conclusion they come to because of the way batman #416 re-framed the same scene) but to me that's an inaccurate reading of the text. batman #408 was about bruce (admittedly far too belatedly) recognizing that he could not in good conscience continue to ask dick to go out and be a vigilante on what he considered to be his own "orders". he viewed dick's close call with death at the hands of the joker as something directly of his own making. although their tenure with each other had been wonderful if dick wanted to continue to be a vigilante it had to be on his own terms and of his own volition. obv that was logical to bruce and it was something dick managed to accept in the moment. but it's still hard to go from always having a purpose alongside someone you idolized to finally being entrusted entirely to forge your own
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in general i like the idea of dick the adult becoming privy to all of the personal problems and conflicts that come with being a vigilante. he was conveniently shielded from a lot of those problems as a child because all he had to do was be bruce's partner and hope to live up to the title. bruce had no reason to trauma dump on him or talk about his worries and concerns at length with him because it was never supposed to be dick's job to field those worries and concerns in the first place. he was a child. the only thing bruce wanted to do was to help channel his emotions through an outlet and provide him with a home to grow up in. but when you become an adult often that dynamic shifts. you're still not responsible for fielding those worries and concerns but you can perhaps be trusted with them. that's why i like the framing in batman #408 of dick now being a man. it's a subtle way to frame the double-edged sword of adulthood. the world is in your hands now but so will be the horrors that come with it. coming to terms with the real world that bruce lives in should be hard for dick. coming to terms with who bruce is when he's not perfect should be hard. coming to terms with how quietly bruce kept his grief because he did not see fit to overwhelm a child with it should be hard. that dichotomy of dick both wanting to be bruce's brother and his son should form the crux of their conflict with each other because you can't hope to be someone's equal and someone's protected at the same time in that kind of relationship. for dick to transition into the position of equal he has to expose himself to the fact that bruce is not in fact an idol but someone irrevocably human. and that should interfere significantly with his head and his own standards for himself
#all of this to say. i don't think it's so much about pre-ntt canon directly predicating ntt-dick's characterization#like it's not these events happened in the 60s and 70s so that's why he acts this way in the 80s#it's more the opposite. because these things Didn't happen in the 60s and 70s. that's why being on his own in the 80s is hard#dick wants so badly to be bruce's equal and an adult and a leader and someone trusted by others#but those are all things easier said than done. and the worst tragedy of it is that the bruce dick knows from childhood#is not the bruce he knows in adulthood. they are from the same person. but they are still different#because there are things dick is allowed to see as an adult that bruce spared him from when he was a child#and on one hand that was the right thing to do. but on the other hand it's devastating. because dick obv doesn't know how to cope#how do you cope with the fact that your decade-long idol is not in fact what you made him up to be#(and the thing is it's not that bruce isn't what dick made him up to be) (it's that he's also other things)#(he's sad. he's guilty. he's exhausted. sometimes he doesn't know how to go on)#reconciling with those realities should be unbearable for dick. because being robin has given him so much purpose#and while being batman gives bruce purpose too there are also so many times where he absolutely bends under the weight of it#and that sight should be frightening to dick#that's why i really like knightfall. or the potential of it because i mean prodigal did not deal with the aftermath of it#in a way that i liked at all. it was quite underwhelming#and then you guys obv know my issues with the framing of dick's reaction to jason's death and his conversation with bruce there#but the idea of dick needing to cope with bruce being a human capable of breaking under his own imposed duties is impt#and so my reading of their relationship is less about things written explicitly in text and more about drawing logical inferences#idk. i feel like i am all over the place i'm not sure if this sufficiently answers your question i'm sorryjgfkldghf#outbox
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indianparentingblog · 8 months
Learn Positive Parenting From Leading Bloggers Over The Best Parenting Blog Site
Regular followers of parenting blogs know well about the concept of parental blogging and how much parents these days require such support and guidance from experienced experts. There is another concept that has been in practice for some years now and has influenced parents of different age groups positively. According to this concept, parents must make their kids feel loved. They should realize that their parents are doing everything possible to make them achieve their dreams. They must receive the affection, support, and encouragement from their parents to go ahead in their chosen path. This is known as positive parenting and most bloggers these days are prioritizing this concept while sharing valuable tips for successful and effective parenting. 
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What is different in the concept of Positive Parenting? 
In a country like India, where the equation between parents and children was very different in the pre-independence era compared to the present day, adapting to a positive form of parenting is quite interesting. Friendship between parents and children and conversation without thinking twice is what every family needs at this point. With the emergence of technologies and innovations, human communication has been lagging for more than a few decades now. Even family members rarely share their feelings with each other. Parents from early generations are finding it quite difficult to cope with the new generation and forget about communication and understanding. But this has to end, and both sides need to make an effort to bridge the gap. 
Now, positive parenting is somewhat the effort from the parents’ side that can bring a sense of solidarity among children that parents are only wishing the very best for them. They must continue to see their idol in their parents. They search for the affection and unquestionable support that would encourage them to do their best. It is not about only taking care of your child. This is more about understanding their emotions and their chain of thoughts to participate in their lives. All the leading parenting sites promote these ideas through leading blogs to make parents realize their importance in their kids’ lives. 
Are these blogs sufficient enough to share pregnancy tips? 
The internet has earned the trust of its users long ago. Popular platforms for blogs, specially designed to share relevant content for pregnant women. The first-time would-be moms are highly excited and they have hundreds of queries each day from the leading bloggers. All the popular parenting bloggers make sure that first-time moms get to know the best tips and must stay healthy and strong to give her a child a healthy future. 
Interested readers can get to know multiple pregnancy tips for first time moms with all the details. All these tips are completely scientific and people who are sharing these ideas are confident about the same. As these blogs are available on an open platform, every reader can share their reviews or feedback. So, if there is anything that needs to be questioned before you accept the fact, pregnant women can do that easily. Choose the best site for quality content and make sure you are following all relevant content regularly to take care of yourself and the baby inside you.
Source- https://www.ganjingworld.com/news/learn-positive-parenting-from-leading-bloggers-over-the-best-parenting-blog-site/1g70s2tpdi5623d4Ay4pW8DTF1751c
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alittledizzy · 4 years
29 Things I Love About Dan
1. That he came out to his family via email. Aspirational.
2. Dude really, really loves his grandma.
3. That one time at a book signing when the bookstore overpromised tickets and there was a dad that was really upset because his daughter had been waiting in line so long and didn't get to meet them. The dad was just shouting at Dan and Phil and everyone else was trying to just quickly walk on but Dan stopped, turned around, and talked to the dad.
4. That he's the first person to defend someone he loves in any situation where he even perceives they're being shit upon, but in the same breath will make fun of them himself. He's the epitome of older brother attitude.
5. He spends a lot of money on clothes but then he wears what he buys every single day for a span of at least a year so he does at least get his money's worth.
6. That time on vyou when someone asked him what he looks for in a girl and his answer was the ring that fell off his hand last time that he really wants back.
7. His reaction to the Phil's wife story. I still laugh thinking about Sabrina and Lola. In the process of answering that he made a remark about how Phil leaves to go with his 'real' family and sometimes that just latches itself onto my brain. There was a similar comment during the blue/gold dress debate where Phil referenced Dan in with family and it's just... like, yeah, they're in love, they're in a relationship. But they're not just partners, they are full on out and out family to each other and that Dan found that at a time when he was so scared and felt so isolated with his own family is worth everything.
8. The depth of feeling in his voice during that one "Katie, Katie, Katie... Katie, Katie, Katie. No." liveshow answer. You know the one. He was having none of that and if Katie got verbally incinerated in the process of his answering, so be it.
9. When he'd be doing a liveshow and get on a tangent and end up talking about condiments or dips for like four minutes straight.
10. The way he never minded putting someone on blast that pissed him off but knew that it bothered Phil so he would consult with Phil first sometimes but then if the situation actually involved Phil being hurt in some way all bets were off he Was naming that trainer that made Phil puke he did not Care if Phil gave him an alias for the video Kai deserved what he got for pushing Phil too far.
11. That after a decade he still wants to impress Phil's family by doing things like cleaning before they come and making them all coffee.
12. And yet still made a cake to give to Phil in front of them that talked about wanting to see Phil's ass. The duality of man is real, indeed.
13. Nicer Internet. Young Minds. Make-a-Wish. Mermaids. He only just came into his own with being charity-minded in the last few years and I don't for a second doubt he does more privately than publicly and probably has some mental spirals about using his platform vs being accused of virtue signaling. But this is just one way I love watching him find his footing in the world as an adult with privilege.
14. He introduced an important word to my personal lexicon with Haru and I'd like the rest of the world to catch on because it's just a very specific action of lying while obviously lying and pretending you aren't lying and I love it.
15. When he was fifteen he was so in his emo kid feelings that he wanted black angel wings tattooed on his back.
16. That little tune he'd hum when he was trying to space out thoughts during liveshows.
17. That somehow he beat all the odds and is best friends with the first person he subscribed to (Bryony) and in a relationship with his teenage self's favorite youtuber (Phil, obviously). Teenage Dan had a really shit time of almost everything but in that one specific 'meet your idols' area he was truly blessed with all of the luck.
18. "All I can taste is cherry, all I can smell is cherry, all I can hear is cherry and all I can feel is cherry. Can't really see much though."
19. The fact that he owned up to previous bad takes and opinions and deleted old videos and tweets.
20. Litralee.
21. They originally wanted Phil to run the board at the radio show but he did such a bad job of it after the first episode that they gave it to Dan instead, and I think for someone with zero radio work experience or training Dan did an amazing job. He may spend a lot of time doubting himself but when a spotlight is on him he's clever and confident and adapts quickly.
22. The way when he says 'at all' he still sounds like his five year old self.
23.  That he tried to run the marathon last year, and didn't, and tried again this year. When you're someone that fears judgement for your failures and knows everything you do is scrutinized by a very large audience - not just fans but people waiting for you to fail so they can report on that, too - sharing in that way seems like it would be really hard. It was shit luck that he couldn't run it this year either but I have faith he's gonna cross that finish line because the man Dan Howell has turned into goes after what he wants and fuck what anyone else thinks or expects of him.
24. That one liveshow they did without pants. You know that was Dan's idea. Phil is a respectable young man who does not go live on the internet to thousands of people in just his underwear. But Dan? Dan would. Dan does. And Dan is a terrible blerson.
25. That in a video to ten million people he said with his whole chest that his relationship with Phil made him feel safe for the first time since he was a small child. And like, yeah, sure, I'm infatuated with their relationship so it made me happy on a personal level. But beyond that; putting words to things is clearly not easy for Dan. It took him decades to acknowledge he was gay to himself. It took decades plus a little to tell his family. Sometimes it doesn't matter how much people know things, giving it a label is fucking scary and I think his fear of labeling his relationship with Phil (to the public) felt like a different kind of exposure than just his sexuality and he still faced them both.
26. He clearly has a very complicated relationship with his parents and family in general but that one story he told about being young and on holiday to Disneyland Paris and his mum is terrified of roller coasters but went on one with him like six times because she didn't want him to be alone. I'm glad through all the badness and doubt and fear he's had at how conditional his parents' love might be, that he had those good memories as well.
27. It was Dan that coined the phrase 'post-baking universe.' He's very aware of the stages of their life and his growth and he shares that self-awareness with the viewers even if he doesn't share all the depth of reasoning behind them. (He also coined the term 'phan' but in that instance I think uhh he didn't know what he was doing so.)
28. That he's learned better coping mechanisms than lashing out online. That he's got therapy now and the option for medication when he needs it. That depression doesn't go away but he knows he has options and support now.
29. He's given us almost a decade of content to watch and rewatch and enjoy and view through the different lights of his growth and our own growth, and who knows what the future will hold.
Okay, last minute addition - we'll call it one to grow on:
30. That Starcourt selfie.
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peace-coast-island · 3 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Wandering around the Raindrop Park
Lately I've been feeling kinda off - I can't quite put it into words. The weird thing is, the events that happened over the past few days don't affect me directly - as in it's directly related to stuff happening to friends that have little or nothing to do with me. It's basically me being somewhat emotionally invested in someone or something even though I barely know the person. Kinda like the whole how do you miss someone you never even knew sorta thing.
Maybe part of it has to do with a lot of changes happening around the same time in the span of roughly a year or two. By that, I'm talking about a specific group of people - Jamie's entourage, to be exact. Since the entourage disbanded, everyone has still been keeping in touch for the most part. And since then, a lot of members have moved on, pursuing bigger things, working on new projects, coming a long way since the entourage days. A lot of them were just starting out back then and now here they are.
A couple weeks ago, Roselle passed away. It wasn't a surprise since she told us about her prognosis last year, but still sad nonetheless. She was a former teen idol actress and singer turned director with her own production company that she co-founded with a friend. I became a fan of her during her Amanda Savannah days, a role that shot her to stardom as a kid. Like many in her position, she had a sort of love-hate relationship with the character who made her famous.
After Amanda Savannah ended, Roselle wanted to take a break from acting to focus on college. During that hiatus, Roselle was going through a lot of changes, including being diagnosed with stage four cancer. Nearly a decade after Amanda Savannah, Roselle reemerged from the public, starting from the ground up as a director. As for acting and singing, she was willing to keep that open, but realistically, the chances of her going back to either one were slim to none.
I remember when I last hung out with Roselle, about a year ago, when we visited Windcrest Wolf, not too long after the beginning of the end. Roselle has been keeping us updated with her video diary, Business as Usual, which is basically about her final year. The end was quick for her, which is what she had hoped for, so she was able to carry on for as long as she could. In her final entry she said that she was at peace with her life and that she was ready to go, ready to see her mom again after all these years. A few days later she was gone.
That's why I'm here with Jamie and Nedra at the Raindrop Park. Well, part of the reason - there's another thing too. Another death unfortunately, one of someone who I never got to meet.
Two former entourage members, actress Nedra Aylen and stuntman Allan Townshend crossed paths due to a tragedy. Allan's cousin Stef was one of Nedra's close friends at Starling who was gravely injured in a motorcycle accident. The crash left Stef in a coma for years before passing away weeks ago, a few days after Roselle's death.
According to Nedra, Stef and Allan didn't have a good relationship as Stef was abused by his parents. I don't know Allan as well as Nedra, but he comes across as someone who's making an effort to right his wrongs. It still doesn't make up for his past actions, which he is aware of. The two visit Stef at the care center but other than that, they don't interact with each other much.
Given how different Nedra and Allan are in terms of their social circles/personality/upbringing, and such, it's unexpected that they ended up crossing paths through Jamie. Nedra's a classical actress, preferring the stage over the screen while being prolific in both. Allan does stunt work, which I don't know too much about, but basically it means he and Nedra, although they were in the same entourage, had absolutely nothing in common other than Stef.
People always talk about how important it is to form connections, especially through tragedy. You'd think that Nedra and Allan would at least be able to bond over that, but in reality, you can't always share your burdens with someone. In the case of Nedra and Allan - at least the way I see it through Nedra - them being friends won't do much with that burden they carry. That's not to say they're dealing with their problems alone - in fact, they're quite well adjusted despite the circumstances - it's just that they don't need to seek each other to help cope.
It's not that they dislike each other, it's just the fact that they're so different in such a way that forming a connection would feel forced. Nedra says they do keep in touch but other than that, they don't feel the need to keep up with each other. It's good to form connections, but sometimes there's people you just don't feel the need for a strong bond with, and that's okay.
I have a feeling that's the case with Nedra and Allan - they share a struggle but don't need to rely on each other to pull through. Sometimes it just works out like that.
Nedra believes that Allan wants to make peace with Stef, which is why he visits her regularly. Although he and Stef were never friends, they were close to coming to some sort of a truce, with Allan more likely to side with Stef than against her. After all, why would Stef decide to intervene on that fateful day when Allan backed himself into a corner? I imagine the guilt of surviving the accident as well as being the reason why it happened is what pushed Allan over the edge. Nedra says it's not up to her to forgive him for how he treated Stef, but she's willing to give him the benefit of the doubt as what he's going through is punishment enough.
Like with Roselle, Stef's death wasn't unexpected either. By then, Nedra knew that she was already long gone. She says it feels like a weight off her shoulders, the relief of knowing that Stef can finally rest in peace instead of being stuck in limbo. I can't imagine being in Stef's position, stuck to machines keeping me alive even though it's futile. I don't think I'd want to be kept alive on life support if it won't do anything except prolong the inevitable.
When I'm gone, let me go. I don't want to die a slow death where I become nothing but a husk of who I was.
Nedra stuck with her to the very end. Allan was there too but he kept his distance. The end came quickly and quietly, her heart stopped beating and that was it. She says it's been rough, but not as difficult as she thought it would be. Then again, she said she already made her peace with losing Stef so I think that helped a bit.
I can't imagine losing two friends in a short time like what Nedra's going through right now. That's why Jamie invited her along her travels so she can take some much needed time off, leading to us crossing paths at the Raindrop Park. Before coming here, Jamie and Nedra spent the weekend at the Sparkling Spa Resort, which they said they enjoyed a lot.
After the Raindrop Park they weren't sure where they were gonna go next before deciding on the camp. The timing happens to be perfect as another entourage member's gonna drop by later on along with some other friends for a fun event. It'll be good for Nedra and Jamie to see Jean again as we were talking about how she's one of the busier members.
Maybe one day I'll get Marlo to meet Jean and Nedra as she's big fans of them. She and Don are planning to come back, likely during a camp event, so maybe I can finally make her dreams come true. I told Nedra about Marlo and she's totally down for a get together with her and knowing Jean, she'll be all for it too. Now, if only we can find a date and time when all three are available...
The Raindrop Park is one of those places where it's easy to get lost in. Watching the raindrops fall is strangely mesmerizing, I can't take my eyes off them. In a way, I think it's a good thing, probably because I've had so much on my mind regarding the stuff I just mentioned, so maybe I needed to take the time to process the information. That, and of course, writing my thoughts out once I finally found the words.
Along with the mesmerizing raindrops, another thing that sticks out to me is the decor, like the benches. I really like the leafy designs of the benches and lampposts - a lot of art inspiration around here. The foliage is lovely too and the raindrops really add to the aesthetic. I'm partial to rainy days so of course I'd be drawn to something like this. The cloudy, somewhat gloomy sky seems fitting enough as well. Even though it's gray, there's still some sunlight poking through, so it's not completely dark.
The fog in my mind's clearing up a bit, even more so now that I've put my thoughts on paper. I also think being with Jamie and Nedra also helped, especially knowing that Nedra's gonna be all right. It's rough, but as she said, she's made peace with it. And as for Roselle, she was able to make the most out of the time she had left so she was able to leave with no regrets.
I hope that when the end comes for me, I can leave the world the same way Roselle did. Is that asking for too much?
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cromulentbookreview · 4 years
Sonata in A! K331! 3rd Movement!
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Funny thing is, this is surprisingly accurate. 
And by that I mean: The Kingdom of Back by Marie Lu!
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You don’t have to be a music fan to know the name Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. In fact, you probably have no idea what in the hell a Sonata in K K331 Third Movement even is until you hear it. Then you’ll know it immediately. In fact, you can know nothing about Mozart but still be familiar with many of his pieces. Maybe you had the misfortune to be forced to watch the movie Amadeus* in your German class (a movie that is probably not appropriate to show public high school students even if it’s dubbed in German) or have seen the 30 Rock parody episode where, instead of writing music, they create a porn video game. My point is: you know Mozart. Everyone knows Mozart, especially kids who were made to learn piano. Or, in my case, piano AND violin**. The main reason for that is, well, public domain, but also because Mozart is the shit. 
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I mean, I’m more of a Beethoven girl myself, and I have a lot of love for the 19th century Russians (Tchaikovsky and The Five FTW!), but, seriously, if you learn anything about music, you learn about Mozart. And, as someone semi-fluent in German, who has dedicated most of her life to learning German, you have no choice but to learn about the greats of German music. Yes, Austrians count as part of German music. As I’ve mentioned before, there was no “Germany” until 1871, and I’m including any and all native German speakers as part of German music. Austrians speak German. Kind of. I mean, 99.9% of my German teachers were either from southern Germany or Austria, so I may have a bit of a bias...though my main bias is against Swiss German which literally is not German stop calling it that, Switzerland!
What were we talking about?
Oh. Yeah. Mozart. 
You know he had a sister, right? One who was a musical prodigy in her own right, who used to play for the courts of Europe alongside her little brother, right?
Yeah, you probably don’t. Because back in the 18th century, women weren’t allowed to be composers or musical prodigies. Once they grew up, they got married, had children and were subsequently erased from history while the men in their family achieve immortality. 
Meet Maria Anna Mozart, known by her family as Nannerl. 
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The Kingdom of Back is Nannerl’s story.
Salzburg! 1759! Nannerl Mozart is only eight, but is desperate to please her father and prove her mettle as a musician. The Mozart family is in a perpetual state of one-missed-paycheck-away-from-homelessness, and Nannerl’s stage dad, Leopold, hopes to cash in on the whole child prodigy thing. Unfortunately, Nannerl’s first demonstration for a court musician goes wrong when she’s distracted by her baby brother, Wolferl. That night, Nannerl dreams of a beautiful kingdom full of music, and of a beautiful boy with glowing blue eyes. 
As she gets older, Nannerl is as shocked as her parents when Lil Wolferl shows a knack for music. She’s horrified to discover that she feels jealous of her baby brother, who idolizes her. One night, Nannerl and Wolferl are woken up by a strange light coming from their music room. When they investigate, they find the beautiful boy from Nannerl’s dream, in the flesh. He steals Nannerl’s music notebook then promptly jumps out the window.
Like so:
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Complete with broken glass.
Anyway, the next time Nannerl sees the boy, she’s out in Salzburg with her brother on a shopping trip when she opens the door to a shop’s storage room, only to find it leads to the magical kingdom she’d seen in her dream. The boy, Hyacinth, wants Nannerl’s help to reclaim his throne. In exchange, he will make sure Nannerl gets her greatest wish: to be remembered forever.
Shortly after, Nannerl and Wolferl are called to Vienna to play for the Emperor and Empress. Wolferl puts on quite the show, charming everyone in the room and even proposing to the Emperor and Empress’s youngest daughter. It’s after this that Nannerl and Wolferl’s parents decide to take them on a massive tour of Europe. In the long, dull carriage rides between destinations, Nannerl and Wolferl come up with a name and origin story for Hyacinth and the magical kingdom that they saw: The Kingdom of Back. As the tour continues and Wolfer’s fame rises, Nannerl worries more and more about being forgotten - that her fate is sealed: she will never be a composer and a musician, instead she will become a wife and mother and nothing more than a footnote in history.
But the Kingdom of Back is more than just a fantasy story shared between two bored kids. Hyacinth’s magic has an effect on our world, causing calamities and illness. As Nannerl struggles to cope with her conflicting emotions, Hyacinth starts to seem less like a fairy prince and more like something sinister. But his promises of fame and immortality to Nannerl are so very, very tempting. I mean, wouldn’t you be a little jealous if your baby brother was an 18th century child rockstar? 
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(Ok, the throwing of underthings may not have happened to Mozart, but it definitely happened to Liszt so that episode of the Simpsons isn’t entirely inaccurate).
 If you come into The Kingdom of Back expecting it to be something like Marie Lu’s other novels - namely, action packed sci-fi/fantasy serieses - you are bound to be disappointed. The Kingdom of Back is unlike all of Lu’s other novels - it is a standalone historical fantasy dedicated to someone who, in spite of her talent, was relegated to the dustbin of history just because she was a girl. I adore Marie Lu’s books (the Legend trilogy is probably one of the best YA trilogies ever - if you haven’t read it, stop everything and do that now, please) and I’m also a fan of music, 18th century Germans, and 18th century German musical composers so I wasn’t at all put off knowing that The Kingdom of Back wasn’t going to be like her other books. It was more like “holy shit, Marie Lu is wrote a book about Mozart’s sister, put it in my brain immediately, please.” The Kingdom of Back is just wonderful, you guys. Lu beautifully captures what it’s like to have a sibling that you love, but also envy. Lu’s writing is lyrical and enchanting without crossing into purple prose territory. Music can be difficult to capture in prose, but Lu manages to do so without alienating the reader with too many weird technical musical terms that would be off putting to the average reader (hi!). The way time works in the book is weird - you’re never quite sure when you are at any given time or how old anyone else, unless you have the timeline of the Mozart children’s grand tour open while you read. Months can go by in a single sentence which can be a bit jarring, but the book manages to condense a decade into 300 pages. I’d rather have 300 pages and a few pacing issues than way too much detail within 900 pages. 
My absolute favorite aspect of this book is Nannerl herself. Nannerl, as an 18th century girl, is bound by 18th century constraints - she’s not allowed to compose openly, as herself. She’s not allowed to talk back. She’s expected to look after her brother, as her position as older sister makes her mom-in-training. Nannerl is a good and proper 18th century lady, and she hates it. She hates the limits placed on her by society, but at the same time, she’s desperate to please her parents and earn their praise. Because what else can she do? It’s the shit situation women have experienced since time immaterial: conform, or else. Nannerl may seem meek and submissive compared to the likes of June from Legend or Emika from Warcross, but make no mistake, she is just as strong as they are. Her strength lies in her quiet resilience. Nannerl can’t exactly fight back against the system the way June and Emika do, so she rebels in other, quieter ways. She maintains eye contact for her father, waiting for him to break first or stays quiet when she’s expected to voice her praises. She creates a whole fantasy world in which to take refuge. Nannerl’s way of fighting back is subtle because it has to be. 
Unfortunately, it takes only a click of a Wikipedia link to know how Nannerl’s story ends. It is bittersweet and something that will definitely strike a chord (pun absolutely intended) with any girl or woman who reads The Kingdom of Back. 
RECOMMENDED FOR: Any girl or woman who has ever seen her accomplishments ignored or passed over in favor of a man’s, anyone with a sibling they’re just a little bit jealous of, music fans, Mozart fans, Marie Lu fans, anyone in the mood for a gorgeously-written YA historical fantasy.
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: Haydn aficionados, Leopold Mozart, children who were forced to learn piano, men’s rights activists, people who would mistake an 18th century girl’s quiet resilience for weakness.
RELEASE DATE: March 3, 2020 - hey, I promise cromulent reviews, not “on time” reviews or “reviews in advance of publication.”
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You can hear the 5th symphony with every haw.
*Please remember the movie Amadeus is also a historical fantasy - Salieri and Mozart were peers and were most likely friends, if not friendly. Also, Salieri had like, 8 kids and at least 1 mistress, he wasn’t some pious weirdo like he’s portrayed in the movie. I mean, he was Italian. F. Murray Abraham was awesome in it, though. My point is, don’t get your history from movies. It’s a bad idea.
Get it from Wikipedia, like a normal person.
That soundtrack, though. If you want an intro to Mozart’s music, that is a good way to go.
**Ahahahaha I was, then and now, and will forever remain, terrible at both. 
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upontheshelfreviews · 5 years
If there’s a reason why we’re able to recall the story of Snow White from memory, and why said princess is usually depicted with short hair, a cute bow and surrounded by woodland fauna, look no further than Disney. Their take on the Grimms’ fairy tale is the prime example of pop cultural osmosis. Even if you’ve never watched Disney’s Snow White, it’s easy to recognize when a piece of work is borrowing from it or spoofing it. And I can definitely see why – not only is it going eighty-plus years strong, but its influence on nearly every Disney feature to come after it is a profound one.
The real story of Disney’s Snow White begins in the early 1910’s when a young Walt Disney saw a silent film version of the Grimms’ fairytale starring Marguerite Clark. The movie stuck with him well into adulthood. One night, well after he had established himself as an animation giant the world over, Walt gathered his entire staff of animators and storymen and re-enacted the tale for them in a mesmerizing one-man show. They were enraptured, but what he told them next struck them dumb – they were going to take what he performed and turn it into a full-length film.
In Tony Goldmark’s epic(ally hilarious) retrospective of Epcot, he performs a quick sketch he summed up as “Walt Disney’s entire career in 55 seconds” where Walt presents his career-defining ideas to a myopic businessman capable of only saying “You fool, that’ll never work!”. Considering how animation is everywhere today, it’s easy to forget that an animated film was once seen as an impossible dream. The press hawked Snow White as “Disney’s Folly”, and Hollywood speculated that it would bankrupt the Mouse House. It very nearly did. Miraculously, a private showing of the half-finished feature to a banking firm impressed the investors enough to ensure its completion.
Snow White is touted as the very first animated movie – admittedly something of a lie on Disney’s behalf. Europe and Russia were experimenting with feature-length animation decades before Walt gave it a try. But consider this: most animated films predating Snow White’s conception are either sadly lost to us or barely count as such by just crossing the hour mark. With all the hard work poured into it showing in every scene, with each moment displaying a new breakthrough in the medium, Snow White might as well be the first completely animated movie after all. Hell, it’s the very first movie in the entire history of cinema that was created using STORYBOARDS. A tool used by virtually every single movie put out today. If that’s not groundbreaking enough, I don’t know what is.
But is Snow White really…but why does it…can it…
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“You know what? No. I’m not doing this teasing question thing before the review starts proper. OF COURSE Snow White is a masterpiece. OF COURSE most of it holds up. Let’s skip the middleman so I can explain why.”
After the opening credits we get the first of what will be many Disney leather bound books opening themselves to invite us into the world of the story. We’re informed that once upon a time there was a particularly Wicked Queen (nicknamed Grimhilde in promo features and the comics) who had a serious narcissistic personality disorder. Every day she consults her Magic Mirror™ to see who’s the fairest one of all and takes pride in being repeatedly told she holds said title. In the meantime she bullies her younger, prettier stepdaughter, the princess Snow White, and gives her the standard Cinderella treatment in the hopes that endless drudgery will wipe out the competition.
One fateful morning, however, the Mirror informs the Queen that she’s been bumped down to runner-up. She susses out that it’s Snow White who’s taken her place after the Mirror describes the newcomer as having “lips red as the rose, hair black as ebony, [and] skin white as snow”, but maybe the Queen is projecting here due to her extreme jealousy. Going by those three traits the Mirror could be describing almost anyone on the planet.
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Care to narrow it down a bit, buddy?
Now if you consider yourself a feminist or at the very least have progressive views regarding women, I know what you’re thinking – just another example of the patriarchy pitting shallow female stereotypes against each other, right? Well in a manner of speaking, yes. There’s plenty of evidence that the Brothers Grimm held some odious misogynistic beliefs that stemmed from a bad combination of the era they lived in, outdated religious teachings, and their own experiences with the opposite sex. It shows in their second fairy tale revisions –  the heroines are naïve bimbos in need of a man’s rescue, and the villains are evil stepmothers and witches who happen to be hideous 99% of the time – and those views have been reinforced in our society thanks to those particular iterations being passed down to today.
Here’s my way of viewing the central conflict: The Mirror’s news is a wake-up call that Snow White is coming into her own as a woman and princess. That means marriage to a prince and the end of the Wicked Queen’s rule. Snow White will have all the power and adulation while the Queen is forced to step down and become another footnote in ancient royal history. Up until now the Queen has gone out of her way put down her pretty young opponent with petty cruelty because there’s nothing stopping her; but when faced with the inevitable, she unflinchingly opts to take more drastic measures so she can keep the throne.
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If it weren’t for the fact the Queen’s unofficial moniker is Grimhilde and her transformation scene reveals a head of black hair, I’d suspect her real name was Cersei Lannister.
You also have to remember that the Queen takes the term “fairest” at face value. The Queen is beautiful, sure, but it’s a glacial beauty – cold, unfeeling, and nothing beneath the surface. All she cares about is looks and power. You’d have to be a pure loving soul or Woody Allen find something worthwhile in her. Snow White is beautiful too, though it’s her kindness and fair treatment of everyone that garners her the title of “fairest one of all”, not her appearance.
Speaking of, we follow that scene with Snow White (Adriana Casselotti) dressed in rags cleaning the castle courtyard. She shows her bird friends her wishing well and sings “I’m Wishing”, where she reveals her wish for her one true love to show up.
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Confession time: In childhood the title of my favorite Disney princess was neck and neck between Belle from Beauty and the Beast and Snow White. I’ve already discussed at length why I adore Belle, so I suppose I should do the same for Snow.
…turns out it’s more difficult than I thought.
For as long as I could remember, I was surrounded by Snow White paraphernalia – tapes, toys, dolls, music, games, artwork, bed sheets, I can even recall the ice show. Snow White is ingrained into my early years. It more than likely has to do with the timing of its brief return to theaters and first VHS release between 1993 and 1994, right at the peak of the Disney Renaissance, so I experienced Snow White-mania right alongside Lion King-mania, Beauty and the Beast-mania and various other Disneymanias that were rampant at that time.
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Even this one, embarrassingly.
As a result, I idolized Snow White as much the other princesses of the time, right down to making her the character I dressed up as the most for Halloween. I suppose what drew me to her was inherent kindness, ability to make friends with everyone, and her voice. Yes, I admit it. I don’t find Snow White’s warbling to be as irritating as everyone says it is. Maybe I’ve listened to it so much that I’ve grown immune. Then again I am that one Disney fan who doesn’t loathe It’s A Small World with every fiber of their being so maybe I should question my own tastes more.
Now as an adult with a critical eye who can put nostalgia behind me when necessary, is there something more to the character of Snow White that’s worth appreciating as much as the more-fleshed out princesses of the Renaissance and current Revival period?
I accept that I’m in the minority on this one, but I firmly say yes.
I know what you’re thinking – all Snow White does is smile and sing while she slaves under the Queen and the dwarfs and dreams of a handsome man to come carry her away, so I should turn in my feminist card for daring to suggest she’s a good character and role model for girls, right? Consider this: like Cinderella after her, Snow White’s happy nature and songs are her ways of coping with her unpleasant situation. It keeps her spirits up and in turn she tries to spread that positivity to others who need it as well. She refuses to let the Queen’s negativity turn her as sour as she is. All the little things Snow White reveals in what she does – her patience, pride in her work, healthy emotional balance, drive to help others, and warmth towards those smaller than her (in both a figurative and literal sense) – are all signs that she is capable of being a far better and beloved ruler and all around person than the Queen is. Plus, her reason for wanting to find love is two-fold: not only is she looking for someone with whom she can share a unique emotional understanding bond – which is something most every human craves – but it’s the also best possible means for her to escape from her stepmother’s abuse. Like I said earlier, once Snow White gets the ring, she gets to rule.
And what’s wrong with having a princess who can run a practical household? One could argue that it’s an example of traditional female roles desired by an oppressive patriarchal society on full display, but you want to know why millennials are called out for being lazy? Because baby boomers have cut out classes that teach things young adults actually need outside of school like how to properly cook and do laundry and pay your taxes since those weren’t seen as “essential enough to education”. So I have to admire a princess who, while not the most “progressive” of the bunch by today’s standards, is willing and able take care of herself and others when it comes to basic everyday needs. I think TheBrutallyHonestMom summed it up best in her post defending Snow White:
When we denigrate what Snow White accomplishes at the dwarfs’ cottage, when we rename her accomplishments to make them sound more impressive, more official, more valuable—management, administration, domestic CEO, sous chef, hospitality specialist—what we are really doing is saying that we don’t value the truly valuable work that she and so many other stay-at-home individuals do. Those words are a microaggression against what have traditionally been feminine roles, an attempt to align them with a patriarchal worldview where only those with the biggest titles and fattest paychecks matter. Snow White is domestic. She is a maid. She is a mother figure. She does take on the womanliest of the womanly roles. To claim that adopting these roles (and being good at them) somehow makes her a poor role model for my daughters is not a failure of Snow White’s imagination. It is a failure of ours.
Then there’s the matter of her actress too, which I can’t stay silent about. A few years ago it was revealed that in order to preserve the illusion of Snow White as a real character (a good many years before the company applied that same logic to their character performers at the theme parks I might add), Disney forced Adriana Casselotti to forego her screen credit and never take on another acting role again, essentially robbing her of a career. She only managed to appear in It’s A Wonderful Life and The Wizard of Oz because hers were uncredited minute parts. Casselotti had no regrets about choosing Snow White over a promising show business vocation, but I still call bull on the matter. If this kind of thing happened today, people would not stand for it, character illusions or not. There’s also crazy double standards since all the actors who played the dwarfs got to keep on acting; Sneezy’s voice actor was in Fun and Fancy Free for crying out loud! I love ya Walt, but that is one dick move. So if you’re a detractor cheering that you never have to hear Casselotti’s voice beyond this movie, keep in mind that’s all because of one man silencing her for the sake of his business.
So, Snow White. She cooks, cleans, delegates, teaches, loves, domestically kicks ass, and her behind the scenes story makes a strong case for the Time’s Up movement. Any questions?
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“Yes. You’re over 2000 words in and we haven’t even gotten to the dwarfs yet. Plan on getting off that soapbox sometime this decade?”
Snow’s singing attracts the attention of a handsome Prince (Harry Stockwell) passing by on his horse. But his forwardness startles the shy girl and sends her sprinting up to her room. He charms her out to her balcony by singing his one song in the feature…”One Song”. You gotta love it when the title matches the tune perfectly.
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“Wherefore art thou Prince? Deny thy father and refuse thy name!”
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“Sure I’ll gladly refuse my name – if I had one, that is.”
All joking aside, I have a soft spot for this scene. Stockwell’s voice has this old-time Broadway/operetta quality I’ve always liked, the lyrics are unironic purple prose that still feel genuine, Snow’s little excited gestures are adorable, and it’s framed beautifully. This is what got it into my heard early on that the most romantic gesture anyone can make is serenading someone from beneath their balcony.
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“Too bad you’re technically in a long distance relationship.”
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“I know. Propping up a phone beneath your window just doesn’t have the same effect.”
Snow returns his affections with a kiss delivered via a dove and departs the scene with one hell of a pair of bedroom eyes, especially for a Disney character.
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Daaaaaamn, girl! You already got him hooked, no need to gild the lily!
Unbeknownst to either of them, the Queen is watching overhead; Snow catching the eye of Prince Charming is what finally pushes her to take further action. She summons her Huntsman –
– to bring Snow White out into the forest and do away with her. Brief as this scene may be, there are two things I really like about it. First, the gravity. The Huntsman reacts with horror on being told what he must do, foreshadowing his eventual turnaround, yet with an icy hiss of “Silence!” and a short reminder of the price of failure, the Queen goads him back into line. We don’t know what the penalty for insubordination is, but it’s implied to be pretty nasty if she’s able to convince him otherwise with just a few words. Second, the Queen’s other demand. In the original fairytale, the Queen requested Snow White’s liver, lungs and heart so she could eat them and inherit her stepdaughter’s comely attributes.
But here in the film, she only wants the heart, and not for lunch. The Queen wants to keep it as a trophy. She even has a disturbingly appropriate box for it at the ready.
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Proof that she really puts the ‘grim’ in ‘Grimhilde’.
Snow White, now dressed in her iconic yellow and blue dress, goes out flower picking with the Huntsman waiting not far behind. She spies a lost baby bird, and the moment she turns her back to help it, the Huntsman moves in for the kill. It’s framed like the murderer creeping up to their next victim in a scary movie, slowly building up to the moment he confronts her, with tension you could cut with a – well, you know.
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Ultimately the Huntsman is moved by the princess’ humanity and can’t go through with the deed. Instead he reveals the Queen’s plot and pleads her to run, run away, Snow, and never return. Terrified, Snow White flees into the forest where her fears magnify her surroundings. Brambles become gnarled outstretched hands, logs are hungry snapping crocodiles, and there are eyes everywhere, always watching, boring into her every place she turns.
I should note that while developing Snow White, the Disney studio became something of an art college with fine arts and film study classes offered to the staff in order to hone their craft. Some of the movies they studied were horror flicks from the pre-Hays Code era, classics directed by the likes of James Whale and F.W. Murnau. The results speak for themselves. Scenes like this and the Queen’s transformation are why I consider Snow White my very first horror movie. The frightening imagery and darker themes all hide beneath a veneer of Disney childhood innocence. Like a proto-Pan’s Labyrinth, the terror as much psychological as it is fantastical.
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A young Sam Raimi watched this and vowed one day he’d make those trees even more terrifying and bad-touchy.
This scene is also the source of one of the most famous stories to come out of the film’s creation. During the planning of the part where Snow falls backwards through an open-mouthed cavern into a lake, one of the animators cried out in terror “Won’t that kill her??” And the whole room fell silent. They reached the point where they no longer thought of Snow White as a cartoon but as an actual person, something that had never happened before. That was the moment where they were officially, as Ben Vereen once put it, on the right track.
Overwhelmed, Snow White collapses in tears. She’s brought back to her senses by the usual cuddly forest inhabitants inexplicably drawn to female royalty in need of assistance. Of course, being the ever-thoughtful soul that she is, Snow apologizes for startling them and making a fuss over how afraid she was, once more putting others before herself. She bonds with the animals through the uplifting “With a Smile and a Song”. Then she spends several minutes talking to them and making plans for the future all in rhyme. I confess it’s one of the weaker moments of the movie, showing that the studio’s transition from the Silly Symphonies to full-fledged filmmaking hasn’t completely been made yet.
The critters lead Snow to a quaint cottage in need of a good cleaning service. Assuming the miniature-sized furniture means the inhabitants are orphaned children, she decides to surprise them by sprucing up the joint, hoping her act of kindness will make them forget her breaking and entering and they’ll let her stay. Said cleanup time is underscored by one of the more upbeat tunes in Disney’s songbook, “Whistle While You Work”. Like Mary Poppin’s “A Spoonful of Sugar” it’s all about finding joy in the little things that make the work go by quicker.
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“Here’s the last of the underwear, Bambi. And try not leave any ticks in the laundry this time!”
But as we all know, the cottage belongs not to seven children, but seven little people who work as jewel miners, all the while singing that famous mining song –
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“No, the one sung by dwarves.”
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All joking aside, Heigh-Ho is the best song in the movie, no contest. Easily the catchiest tune here if not the entire Disney canon. If it can keep a theater full of gremlins occupied, it’s doing something right.
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Sure, they whistle while they work for now. But once they find the Arkenstone it’s all downhill from here.
And let’s not kid ourselves, the dwarfs are the real reason why we keep returning to Snow White. Their quirk-matching names and designs make each one memorable, they’re endlessly entertaining, and they’re the characters that come the closest to having some form of arc. The group is a prime example of the illusion of life that is animation, exaggerated to a degree that they’re still believable in their movements and mannerisms. Dopey especially works well in this regard, a wonder considering much of his character was developed by happy accident. When an actor suitable enough couldn’t be found, they made the decision to simply mute him. Like much of Disney’s favorite animal sidekicks, they based his personality around that of a lovable dog, though I’d be lying if I didn’t see some Harpo Marx in there as well. As a result, his childlike playfulness and comic timing is up there with Chaplin’s Little Tramp. His hitch step was also an unexpected boon; after animator Frank Thomas put it in one of his scenes, Walt liked it so much that he insisted all previously animated footage of Dopey be redone to include that step. Incidentally, Frank’s popularity among the animation staff reached all-time lows after that announcement.
Snow White flops down for a quick nap on the beds upstairs just as the dwarfs return home. What follows is them sneaking about their now suspiciously squeaky-clean cottage and further establishing their personas through a series of finely-tuned gags (Walt paid five dollars for every good joke his guys could come up with, and this was when five dollars could take you out to dinner and a show). Dopey is elected to check the bedroom and he comes to the conclusion that Snow’s sleeping form is a monster. The dwarfs work up their courage to go kill the beast themselves only to realize in the nick of time that it’s just a harmless girl. But Grumpy, the clear-cut misogynist in the group, isn’t keen on having a “wicked-wiled” female refugee in their abode and shamelessly yells “Let ‘er wake up, she don’t belong here no-how!”
Snow wakes up and instantly charms over everyone except Grumpy as they introduce each other. The dwarfs are shocked and terrified to learn the Queen has put a hit out on her. Grumpy in particular declares the Queen is a powerful witch skilled in the black arts, which is true, and it raises a potent question. Is her magic common knowledge throughout the kingdom, or is it mere speculation? If it’s the former, how did that come to be? What happened to Snow White’s father the king anyhow? All this could make for a very interesting –
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“You know what, never mind, forget I said it -“
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“Too late! Jenkins, write that down! Bob’s gonna love it!”
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“Very good, sir. Shall I pre-heat your crack pipe in preparation for the first draft writing session?”
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“Does the Academy loathe streaming services? Hop to it, my man!”
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“Hey, I thought you left that jerk to go work for Don Bluth.”
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“Shh! I jumped ship after A Troll in Central Park and came back under a new identity. I couldn’t pass up the bankroll Disney’s been on since 2009.”
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“Mum’s the word.”
Grumpy’s certain that they’ll be in the Queen’s crosshairs once she learns they’ve been harboring Snow White and demands they kick her out at once. But Snow White stands up for herself and says she can take care of the house for them if they let her stay. Just like Belle offering herself in her father’s place, no one corners Snow into the position of housekeeper. She’s the one who puts herself out there, listing all her best qualities like she’s on an interview. It’s only when she does so (and also mentions she can bake a mean gooseberry pie) that the dwarfs overrule Grumpy and declare she’s welcome in their home.
Yet even when all is said and done, Snow makes it clear that if she’s the one doing the work, then the dwarfs must play by her rules. Immediately following their acceptance, she goes into full Team Mom mode, insisting they improve their manners and wash themselves before dinner’s ready. Doc attempts to get around it by saying they cleaned up “recently”, but despite her sweet nature, Snow won’t let them walk all over her. She does a cleanliness inspection that makes the dwarfs almost as bashful as Bashful himself, and even gets a good bit of sarcasm in (“Why Doc, I’m surprised.”) The dwarfs washing themselves is another one of those Silly Symphony-esque filler scenes, but at least it gives us more time for their fun shenanigans; though I have to wonder if dog piling Grumpy and half-drowning him takes it too far.
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“Where’s the money, Legrumpski? Where’s the fucking money??” “It’s down there somewhere, lemme take another look.”
Back at the castle, the Queen is showing off her newly acquired bodily organ to the Magic Mirror while demanding he validate her preconceptions of who’s fair and who’s not. Alas, the Mirror tattles on Snow White’s location and reveals that heart belonged to a pig, which I’ve got to say I’m glad they didn’t show how the Huntsman got ahold of.
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Infuriated, the Queen storms down to her secret lab (and no, there’s no wrong lever scene. I’m disappointed too). She brews up a potion made up of ingredients like scream of fright, a thunderbolt and partially hydrogenated dimethylpolysiloxane which will completely transform her into a disguise nobody could suspect her in, an aged peddler woman.
Was I afraid of this scene way back when? Of course, but it was one of those rare moments where I didn’t want to look away either. Here we have a woman dangerously obsessed with beauty becoming the very thing she loathes in order to sate her implacable desires. Not only that but in this disguise she’s able to set loose the insanity buried deep beneath her frigid calculating exterior, grinning and cackling like the witch that she is. The Queen never smiles once when she’s in her true form. But once she’s the old Hag and it’s all cackling and gap-toothed smiles, it’s extremely unnerving.
Case in point.
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“Anyone else miss the creepy fade to black where the villain’s eyes remain for a few seconds? Disney needs to bring that back.”
Major props to Lucille LaVerne, who gives a bone chilling and utterly unrecognizable performance as BOTH the Queen and the Hag. She made the switch from one role to the next by removing her false teeth between recording sessions. In doing so she gave us one of the great Disney villain performances.
The part where she preps the infamous poisoned apple does undercut some of her menace, however. The Hag is supposed to be sharing her scheming with a cowardly raven, but due to how much she stares directly into the camera while monologuing, it comes off as directly addressing the audience, like we’re watching her in a play. It’s not just the Silly Symphony style of storytelling creeping in, it’s melodramatic semi-vaudevillian theatrics that early Hollywood was moving well away from at this point. And again, what’s with the sudden speaking in rhyme?
At the last moment the Hag looks up a possible antidote to the poison and learns that it’s Love’s First Kiss. However she scoffs at the notion that Snow White can be saved because she’s counting on the dwarfs believing the princess is dead and burying her alive.
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“For those of you who claim Disney waters down fairy tales into saccharine pap, I point you to Snow White.”
And it doesn’t end there. As the Hag leaves the dungeons, she passes a cell where a skeleton is sprawled out between the bars, reaching for a water pitcher. It’s bad enough to imagine this poor soul dying of thirst, spending their last moments with salvation just out of their grasp, but the Hag openly mocks the skeleton and kicks the pitcher aside. If that’s not a deciding irredeemably evil factor moment, it comes pretty darn close.
This would have also tied into an important but ultimately scrapped sequence where the Queen kidnaps the Prince, locks him in the dungeon to keep him from saving Snow White and torments him by detailing her elaborate scheme.
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This sounds vaguely familiar…
Depending on which pitch you’re reading, the Prince refuses the Queen’s offer of marriage, and she enchants the chained-up skeletons of other scorned suitors to dance in an extremely misguided attempt keep him entertained while she’s out, or floods the dungeon to drown him. He makes a daring escape and rides to the rescue on horseback.
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Again, vaguely familiar…
Unfortunately we had to wait twenty-plus years for this to happen because the animators weren’t confident in their abilities to create a believable male character. This is why the Prince appears only in the beginning and the end of the movie (and by extension why the Cinderella’s Prince is barely in that feature as well). When it came to making Snow White look realistic, they subtly incorporated some rotoscoping in a few places (I’d call it cheating but it’s difficult to tell where it begins or ends because she looks that good eighty years later). But I guess it just wasn’t worth the effort to do the same for her love interest, who doesn’t even get the dignity of an official name (fans go back and forth between Florian and Ferdinand). He’s reduced to a deus ex machina – which to be fair is exactly how he was treated in the fairytale. The movie has the slight advantage over that, however, by setting him up before he arrives for that wake-up kiss.
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“And now it’s time for Silly Songs With Happy, the part of the review where Happy comes out and sings a silly song. Today’s interlude, appropriately titled “The Silly Song”, features choreography which has gone on to inspire many other Disney musical sequences dating as far ahead as the 70’s.”
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“Hold it!! It’s just the exact same movements with the Robin Hood cast grafted over them!”
“Is there a problem with that?”
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“Well…no…it’s just a bit distracting when you finally notice it. I mean I love Disney’s Robin Hood, but boy did they take the main character’s attitude towards stealing to heart when it came to the animation.”
And yes, “The Silly Song” itself is fun too. It’s one of the less remembered Disney tunes, though I have fond memories of it due to its inclusion in the Sing-Along video lineup. The decision to have it follow the Hag’s unsettling introduction makes perfect sense; I could imagine audiences experiencing it for the first time needed a bit of a breather after that.
I guess I should mention the musical number we could have had instead of this one, though. “Music in Your Soup” was a similarly lighthearted song that was fully recorded and animated before it was ultimately cut. It was expertly animated, featured more dwarf-Snow White interactions, and it also closed up a plot hole involving a bar of soap Dopey swallowed earlier. Still, it didn’t add much to the story overall and it disrupted the flow, and keeping both that and “The Silly Song” would have been superfluous; so as much as I like “Music In Your Soup” I think they made the right call in sticking with “The Silly Song”.
After the dancing, Snow regales the dwarfs with a love story, though they quickly figure out she’s talking about herself and her prince. She dispenses with the self-insert fanfiction and sings the movie’s eleven o’clock number “Someday My Prince Will Come”. Bawl all you want about setting women’s rights back a decade, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s still a lovely song, even without Casselotti’s vocals. In fact, much of the movie’s soundtrack has been a go-to for jazz artists through the decades ranging from Miles Davis to Dave Brubeck. The pure simplicity of Larry Morey’s lyrics and Frank Churchill’s melodies are ripe for riffing on. Virtually every cover I’ve found succeeds in the impossible task of measuring up to the original in some capacity. The action in the song itself is subtle and restrained, mainly focusing on the dwarfs’ reactions. It’s not only good storytelling, but a clever way to get around showing more of Snow White than the animators could handle; she was already tough enough to animate even with rotoscoping.
Snow realizes how late it’s getting and ushers the dwarfs to bed; however Doc and the others try to behave like gentlemen and allow her to sleep upstairs while they take up whatever space they can fill on the lower floor. It goes to show how much her kindness and politeness has had an influence on them, at least while she’s around. Them taking up whatever sleeping space they can find on the ground floor is an excuse to squeeze more gags in, but I’m fond of how it lets us wind down and take in this cozy atmosphere.
The next morning before they head out the dwarfs warn Snow White to beware of strangers. Even Grumpy can’t help but show concern in his own gruff tsundere way. It’s little touches like this that reveal Snow White’s unwavering compassion is chipping away at his chauvinist attitude and he really does care about her after all –
Hang on, they couldn’t spare ONE dwarf to stick around and keep an eye out in case the Queen does drop by? They’re really think the Queen isn’t going to make another murder attempt as soon as possible? They sadly must, because no sooner do the dwarfs heigh-ho off to work than the Hag creeps up like a meth user turned Jehovah’s Witness.
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“Hello, my name is Elder Grim. Would you care to learn more about our lord and savior Chernabog?”
After the animals fail to communicate the obvious danger, they fetch the dwarfs for help. Meanwhile the Hag has convinced Snow White to let her into the cottage and show off her “magic wishing apple”.
Already I can hear the slapping of a thousand facepalms through my screen. I get why, but there’s something about the situation that feels strangely relatable. The Queen is fully aware of Snow White’s gentle, trusting nature and knows how to take full advantage of the girl. Snow isn’t all smiles and open arms though. There’s a split second of regret the moment she divulges she’s by herself, and as the Hag literally corners her into tasting the poison apple her body language gives away how uncomfortable she is. Even the cottage itself grows darker and claustrophobic, mirroring her trapped state. Snow White knows there’s definitely something off about this stranger, but there’s the downside of her kind personality. She can’t bring herself to kick the old lady out no matter how wrong this scenario inherently feels.
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“Just keep smiling and slowly reach for the mace.”
Ultimately the Hag coaxes her into tasting the apple. Every breath leading up to it is dramatically intercut with the dwarfs led by Grumpy (further proof Snow White really has gotten through to the old softie) racing back to the cottage.
Do you want to know why the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is considered one of the scariest movies of all time? Because for all its promise of a gory spectacular, the violence is deliberately kept offscreen. Our imaginations fill in the blanks and come up with even worse terrors than they could possibly show. Snow White’s poisoning works on that logic. All we hear is her gasping and groaning as the Hag gleefully looks on, ending with the most cinematic shot of the film.
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If you’re still convinced Snow’s a dunce for biting the big apple, trust me, it’s a vast improvement over the original. The Queen showed up in disguise three times to kill Snow White with varying methods: strangulation by laces, a poisoned comb, and of course the apple. This was cut down to the last one for obvious reasons – not only would the story be repetitive and extremely padded if they remained, but it makes Snow White look like an idiot for falling for the same trap thrice in a row. The only time I’ve ever seen the inclusion of all three murder attempts work is in the anime The Legend of Snow White (which despite the laughably bad English dub is worth checking out). By the time the Queen comes around with the apple in that instance, Snow White is well aware of who she’s dealing with. But she plays along because the Queen has turned the kingdom to stone, and the only way to break the curse is by taking the bait and destroying her staff while she thinks she’s down, thus turning what was once an act of naivete into a heroic sacrifice.
The Hag exits the cottage feeling confident in who’s the fairest now just in time for the dwarfs to show up. They chase her through a thunderstorm up a cliff side. Literally trapped between a rock and a hard place, she attempts to dislodge a boulder and crush her pursuers. But Zeus is having none of that and a lightning bolt strikes the cliff, plummeting the Hag to her doom.
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To quote Linkara, “Thus the origin for ‘Rocks fall, everybody dies’.”
And in case you’re still thinking she could have survived that drop, even with that boulder tilting over after her, the vultures that have been tailing her since she left the castle begin circling lower and lower over the place where she now lies. A chilling, subtle way to show they’re getting a meal after all.
We fade to a wake the dwarfs are holding for Snow White, complete with organ music and weeping – LOTS of sad, silent, motionless weeping. Poor Grumpy gets the worst of it. One can only imagine the tsunami of emotion he must have felt coming home to see that she was making a pie just for him. Like “Someday My Prince Will Come” it shows how restraint can be an asset in acting for animation. Considering how it’s very much like a real-life wake and just how much everyone believes Snow White is truly dead, this was a tough scene to get through.
The seasons pass and we’re told through title cards that the dwarfs couldn’t find it in themselves to bury Snow White, so they built a glass coffin and kept constant vigil along with the depressed forest animals.
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“Clearly the idea of watching her slowly decompose over time never crossed their little minds.”
The funeral on top of the wake keeps piling on the sadness. We’re used to animated features moving us to tears, but you have to remember for audiences back then this was an entirely new experience because no animation dared to get this heavy. Think about it: Shirley Temple, Charlie Chaplin, the best and the brightest of Hollywood who poo-pooed Walt for his ridiculous idea – all moved to tears over Snow White. I can only imagine the satisfaction Walt must have felt hearing their sobbing at the premiere. Again, going back to that animator who felt genuine fear for her safety, the audience developed an emotional bond with the character just as they would for a real human on screen.
The Prince FINALLY shows up again still singing his One Song. Believing the love he has long searched for to be lost to him forever, he says his final farewell by bestowing her with Love’s First Kiss.
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“Ah – “
“If you make ONE necrophilia joke, I swear I’ll take all the Adam Sandler movies off the Shelf.”
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“Please, no!! I’ll have nothing to fully snark at!!”
The kiss does its work and Snow White awakens none the worse for wear. And since what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, she’s immune to all poison ingested via deciduous fruit now. That’ll make ruling the kingdom she’s inherited from her stepmother and disappeared father much easier. And for those of you complaining how a magical kiss is a cop out, trust me, it’s better than how the original fairytale resolved it.
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“Somewhere my love lies sleeping, and here she is! I’ll pay you dwarfs anything to let me take her back to my castle and keep her there as a memento of our tragic love.”
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“This had better be worth it, she weighs a freaking ton!” “OHH, there goes my hernia!” *BANG*
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*HACKHACKCOUGHHACK* “Thanks for the Heimlich, guys, damn apple’s been stuck in my throat for a year!”
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“Seriously, I’m not making that up. Plus, they invite the Queen to the wedding and force her to dance to death in red-hot iron shoes.”
Everyone rejoices, Snow White says goodbye to the dwarfs, and the Prince leads her on his horse to his shining palace in the clouds. They all live happily ever after, the end.
And that’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the very first animated Disney movie. Do I believe the American Film Institute’s claims that it’s the best animated film of all time? Well, to be honest, no. The main characters aren’t as developed compared to future Disney protagonists, the animation goes noticeably off model at times, and it’s got one foot stuck in the style of the Silly Symphonies shorts that came before.
Is it the most influential animated film, however? Of course! Without it animation wouldn’t be as mainstream as it is today. While the formula has been updated and subverted through the decades, most animated features follow a similar blueprint – a dastardly villain, fun side characters, memorable music, distinct visual flair, fighting, torture, true love, miracles, you get the picture. We wouldn’t have any of that without Snow White. Once upon a time, this movie was the Star Wars of its era; a groundbreaking, audience-thrilling blockbuster that changed the way people looked at movies. Part of that is because Snow White taps into an emotional simplicity in a manner few films are able to. It relies more on providing an emotional catharsis than logic, inviting us to experience the story as we once did through the eyes of a child, and in doing so captures the essence of a classic fairy tale.
In fact, looking at the ripple effect of how movies can influence one another across the years, Snow White ranks among one of the most influential movies made in general. Apart from Disney you can see its echoes in The Wizard of Oz, Gulliver’s Travels, Citizen Kane, and yes, the original Star Wars. Even Sergei Eisenstein, the man who revolutionized filmmaking with freaking Battleship Potemkin, declared Snow White to be the greatest film ever made.
…So why did Walt Disney come to hate it later on in life?
Every movie that’s met with acclaim and accolades is bound to hit some backlash for one reason or another. Maybe it’s been overhyped, or time hasn’t been that kind to it. For Walt, Snow White leaned into the latter as his artistic prowess grew. No creator likes looking at their past work because it’s easier to notice the flaws when viewing it through a more experienced eye (believe me, I know). That, and no matter what he did, it seemed impossible to escape from Snow White’s shadow. For decades everything he created was inevitably compared to it.
Hmm, the animation and music are an improvement, but what it’s really missing are some dwarfs.
Hmm, the creativity leaps off the charts, but if only the score had lyrics that rhyme with the words “shmeigh shmo”.
Hmm, it’s breathtaking and magical, but it’d be perfect if you could just sit and watch it for eighty minutes without interacting with any of it at all.
Hmm, it’s practically perfect in every way, but…um…uh…more dwarfs, dammit!!
Thankfully Walt’s displeasure mellowed after some time. As for Snow White, she’s still rightfully hailed as the one that started it all. The art is iconic, the characters are unforgettable, and virtually all the songs are Disney gold standards for a reason. Well before Rodgers and Hammerstein changed the face of musical theater by having the score and the book go hand in hand, Snow White did it first in the cinemas. In fact this was the first movie to ever have a commercially released soundtrack, another confounded idea Hollywood wouldn’t understand for quite a while. Though time may temper with modern expectations, Snow White is as much a classic now as it was destined to be eighty years ago, and nothing can touch it. It still is the fairest one of all.
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“HA! Try to remake/sequelize THAT, Disney!”
“Excuse me, is it too late to join this review?”
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“I’m sorry, who are you?”
“Oh, where are my manners? I’m Snow White’s sister, Rose Red.”
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“…You sure you’re not just a color-swapped OC clone from Deviantart?”
“Of course I’m not, silly! I’m in the fairytale and everything! Well, not THE fairytale per se, but there is one titled ‘Snow White and Rose Red’ where we’re siblings.”
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“Checks out. They’re technically related.”
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“Okay, but what are you doing here?”
“I was just wondering when you were going to discuss my upcoming movie!”
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“Oh yes! It’s going to be Disney’s Snow White all over again but from MY point of view! Isn’t that exciting?”
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“But…but you weren’t even in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.”
“I know! I was off to the side doing…well, you’ll have to wait and see! The lady who wrote that Gone Girl knockoff that takes place on a train and the Indecent Proposal remake is doing the screenplay and she is just delightful!”
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“…Excuse me for one moment.”
“Oh dear. Have I said something wrong?”
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“It’s ok. This is just the part of the review where Shelf goes berserk.”
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this review, please consider supporting me on Patreon. Special thanks to Amelia Jones and Gordhan Ranaj for their contributions.
You can vote for what movie you want me to look at next by leaving it in the comments or emailing me at [email protected]. Remember, you can only vote once a month. The list of movies available to vote for are under “What’s On the Shelf”.
Also, Patreon supporters get extra votes among other perks. If I reach the goal of $100, I can get back to reviewing animated series! I’m at the halfway mark right now, so please consider supporting me if you’re able.
Artwork by Charles Moss.
Most screencaps courtesy of animationscreencaps.com.
February Review: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) If there's a reason why we're able to recall the story of Snow White from memory, and why said princess is usually depicted with short hair, a cute bow and surrounded by woodland fauna, look no further than Disney.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
FEATURE: How ODDTAXI's Animals Take on Adult Loneliness and Coping
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  There’s a lot of good anime airing this season. Do you like intense war stories? Go watch 86 EIGHTY-SIX. Found family stories starring giant robots? SSSS.Dynazenon. Austere slice of life about a girl riding a motor scooter? Super Cub. But for those true blue anime-heads searching in vain for the shock of the new, the defining series of this spring for me has been ODDTAXI — an ongoing show about a walrus riding a cab that combines the rapid-fire prattle of Pulp Fiction with Twin Peaks’ sudden swings between comedy and festering horror.
  There are many reasons to love ODDTAXI. There’s the contrast between the humorous dialogue, loaded with references to everything from YouTube to Bruce Springsteen, and the lurking darkness that seeps in when you least expect it. There’s a diverse cast of characters, which includes down-on-their-luck comedians, indebted llamas smuggling meds, and gacha-mad cats out for revenge. It’s a show about many things: social media, the generation gap, the entertainment industry, organized crime, and mental illness. I’ve known older anime fans who are tired of shows about and for teenagers who want work targeted at their specific age bracket. To which I say: What kind of adult are you? A struggling college student? A working adult? No anime I’ve seen produced in the past decade explores the contradictions of modern adult life as thoroughly as ODDTAXI does.
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    But there’s something else about ODDTAXI that commands my attention. Folks I follow on the internet have been keeping a close eye on the taxi driver Odokawa, trying to figure out if the show’s animalistic character designs are nothing more than his hallucination. But outside of Odokawa, you just have to ask: is everyone else on the show doing okay?
  Just look at Shigaki and Baba, known together as the comedy duo "Homosapiens." Nobody wants to make it big in the comedy world as much as Shigaki does. Baba, his hapless partner and friend, is along for the ride. But when Baba begins to try out for other roles in the entertainment industry, he quickly eclipses Shigaki in fame. Baba doesn’t want success nearly as much as Shigaki, yet success falls right into his lap; despite working his butt off, Shigaki struggles to get by as a radio comedian. All Shigaki wants is to be recognized for his efforts, yet that recognition is always just out of reach. Will he die before he receives the acclaim he thinks he deserves?
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    Or see Tanaka, a game developer haunted since childhood by feelings of insufficiency — never cool enough to be someone’s friend, never smart or skilled enough to be worthy of love. He redirects those feelings first into hunting rare erasers as a child, and then into spending all of his savings on a gacha game. Desperately trying to obtain a rare dodo character in the game, he loses his job, his pet, and his own sanity. What kind of life would one have to live for a crude computer image of a dodo to be your white whale? Tanaka wants the dodo, but what does he need?
  Plenty of anime characters have ambitions. Some characters in ODDTAXI, like Shigaki, have ambitions, but others just want things. Some need money to pay their dues. Others buy CDs to support their favorite musical acts. Like many working adults who seek comfort in routine so as to avoid looking at the gaping hole at the center of their own lives, much of the cast of ODDTAXI participate in unhealthy coping mechanisms so as to forget their lack of control. They do so to escape the debtors breathing down their necks, the perceived happiness and success of their friends, and the fact that the idol you support will never really know or care about you.
  Since this is a show about adults, it’s also worth thinking about the elephant in the room: the ticking clock of age. Shigaki isn’t a Luffy or a Naruto, and he’s running out of time to make it big. What would Shigaki do with his life if he never does? What would someone like Tanaka be willing to sacrifice in order to prove that his life meant something? Meanwhile, the protagonist Odakawa is liked by others, justly or not, because he is reliable: as a 40-year-old taxi driver, he makes decisions according to his own principles and rarely succumbs to the insecurity chasing everyone else. Of course, we’ve seen hints that Odakawa is nursing an even deeper wound. We just don’t know.
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    There’s a ghost haunting Odakawa’s town. The teenage girl that goes missing at the start of the series, and whose presence is an ongoing mystery. But it’s also a hollow that torments every member of the cast in their own special way. A mysterious broken promise. It’s something that I know, and you know. The miracle of the city, the chance to have what you’ve always wanted, always out of reach. As ODDTAXI reaches its midpoint, we have already begun to see the human cost taken as the city’s linked strivers plot and counterplot on the streets for that shining impossible thing.
  A few weeks ago, a friend of mine on Twitter compared ODDTAXI to Paranoia Agent, Satoshi Kon’s bizarre 2004 drama about a vicious social contagion. I thought that comparison was on point, which is shocking: How many other shows are out there like Paranoia Agent? Nothing, until now. ODDTAXI is comparatively small and cheap, a show about a 40-year-old walrus who drives a cab. But if we see another show this year that strives as boldly to capture the social malaise that dominates capitalist city life  — that futile longing, that gnawing hunger leading to self-destruction  — I’ll be very surprised.
  Are you watching ODDTAXI? Who is your favorite character? What’s the most regrettable decision you’ve ever made playing a gacha game? Let us know in the comments!
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      Adam W is a Features Writer on Crunchyroll. When he isn't thinking about Beastars, he sporadically contributes with a loose coalition of friends to a blog called Isn't it Electrifying. You can find him on Twitter at: @wendeego
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a feature, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
By: Adam Wescott
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carib0us · 6 years
The Eyes of Rin 01: Hanayo, she’s gone.
Story 2 of The Neglected Shrine
She's gone, Hanayo.
"Being a school idol, it's tough."
"It is tough, honey."
"But it doesn't KILL YOU, Nico! It doesn't .. doesn't ... O-OBLITERATE you."
New couple Nico and Hanayo, and Rin's girlfriend Maki, struggle to cope when tragedy strikes at the heart of µ's.
For some reason, part-time shrine maiden Tojou Nozomi suddenly thought of the old, neglected shrine when the first long rays of sunset appeared at her feet as she swept the steps.
She had long known there was another, older shrine behind and a little to the north of the one she helped maintain. Over the years, it had been neglected and started to fall apart. Undoubtedly, the presence of the more popular shrine had eclipsed it. Nozomi knew that the bonze who had this shrine built a coupole of generations ago had written that the other shrine wasn't spiritually upright anymore. She also knew the one time she'd gone to look at it, it had filled her with unease. But saying so to other people would just look like reiigious competition, she assumed.
She tried to tell those close to her that it would be a bad idea to visit it. It did not seem to be maintained, and perhaps not even any priests lived there anymore. It was a wonder that someone in Tokyo hadn't reclaimed and used the real estate it represented, but often shrines had a preservation clause which the city had to honor. If it weren't so close to her shrine, Nozomi would have almost felt a little sad about it.
The building of this shrine had been seen as an aggressive move at the time and had engendered ill will. Especially so as people neglected the older shrine in favor of the new one. But that was many decades ago now; no one cared about shrine squabbles of the past nowadays.
One of Nozomi's friends who had not listened to her - because she'd been too excited about her upcoming skateboarding exhibition to pay attention - was Hoshizora Rin. In fact, Rin had been headed to the shrine Nozomi worked at while the shrine maiden was pondering it.
On seeing Nozomi, Rin was embarrassed about praying to show off in a skateboard competition on video.
"I'll do this another time," she thought, although the exhibition was soon.
Rin made her way away from the shrine, and by coincidence, she made out another shrine not far from the bigger, newer one Nozomi was at.
"Maybe this is a spiritual place just for me?" Rin wondered. She noticed a couple of blank wishes lying near the collection box. She pulled out the marker she'd brought to use at Nozomi's shrine and wrote a wish on it, then hung it on one of the pins still sticking out of the eaves.
Unhesitatingly, she dropped a coin into the mossy contribution box and rang the bell. It had a deep but muffled tone.
Placing her hands in front of her in prayer, she wished:
"I wish Rin can make a great impact in the skateboarding, and even get on the news nation-wide. Rin wants to do something unforgettable."
Rin somehow felt like her wish had been heard, and even granted. Satisfied, she turned around and walked home. On the way out she saw a couple of weathered hand-painted signs. One designated this as "Zankoku asobi jinja." And another, leaning towards the ground, said "Zangyaku akugi jinja." Well, Rin was never cruel, though she was often mischievous and playful. Maybe she had met the shrine half-way. So maybe it would grant her half a wish. Who could say.
Hoshizora had proven the most athletic of all the Otonokizaka "school idols."
Now in her senior year, she had enthusiastically agreed with some new kouhais that skateboarding should be a club there. The headmistress, Minami-sensei, did not agree and so Rin and the others had to practice away from school. Amazingly, Rin took to skateboarding more than anything before it. A natural, she even won a contest after only five months of skateboarding. She also looked dashing in her tomboy way. Boys thought she looked young and vigorous. Even some girls saw her as a "prince." At any rate, Rin got sponsors and started to skate at competitions and exhibitions that were televised. But the upcoming event was specail: only the best skateboarder girls in the Kanto area would be there. It was Rin's first time in the big leagues, so naturally she was dancing with excitement.
The exhibition and competition had gone well, and Rin had been a standout. Afterwards, some of the "extreme" skateboarders had gone on to do dangerous individual stunts. One of the sponsors had suggested someone skateboard down the railing of steps that ran a full two blocks, and had some curves and bends on the way down. Even the veteran skateboarders had refused. The railing was rickety and smooth and the conditions were terrible.
Rin eyed it curiously. "No way, Hoshizora!" said one of the best skateboarders. "If your curiosity gets you up on that rail, you will lose all nine lives, kitty!"
"Rin is pretty light and agile, nyan." Rin wanted to do it. It was just as she'd wished, something that would really stand out, and make an impact.
Some of the boarders turned away, others said angry words to the sponsor whose idea it was. The cameras, of course, all swung to Rin. She buckled on her helmet and squared her shoulders. With a nimble flip, she'd settled herself and her board on the flat part of the rail. Then with a cry of "Nyan!" she pushed forward, on to the down slope.
It was already on the news everywhere by the time Nico woke up and went online. "No!" she shouted. Hanayo was woken up, and looked at Nico, bleary-eyed. Nico was flipping from story to story, clearly upset. When Hanayo asked "What's going on, Nico-chan? Was there an attack?" Nico looked back at her. She knew she had tears in her eyes. She wondered somewhat frantically if there was any way she could delay this, keep Hanayo in the dark just a little longer. And really, there wasn't. How did Nico want Hanayo to learn about the awful truth?
She came back over to the bed. "Hanayo, pumpkin, something really awful has happened and I don't know how to tell you. It's Rin."
Hanayo got a really cold feeling.
"Is she - is she hurt, Nico?"
"She's gone, Hanayo. Some crazy skateboarding contest had her do something she wasn't able to and they killed her."
"Ki-killed her? Rin is dead? Rin is dead?"
"I'm so sorry, baby."
"No," said Hanayo. "You're lying. I know you are. Why would you say that?"
Nico opened up Hanayo's travel bag and packed some of her clothes and her toothbrush in it.
"What are you doing, Nico?" Hanayo demanded, angrily.
"I am going to take you home. You need to be with your family."
Hanayo started to believe this might not be a cruel joke, or a stupid mistake.
"Let me see."
Nico bowed her head and pointed at her computer.
The article that was up said that a young girl skateboarder had been killed doing a suicidal stunt riding a third of a kilometer on a steep, winding rail, at the prompting of an unethical sponsor in a competition that had not had any real oversight. Editorials were already saying there should be no more skateboarding competitions in Tokyo and the Hoshizora family was demanding justice. The picture of Rin was from another competition - she looked brave and very alive.
Hanayo couldn't stay standing. She staggered over to the bed and fell on it. Nico heard her tortured sobs and gave her a pat and kept on packing.
"Hanayo, honey? I'm ready to take you home. You shouldn't be away from your family at a time like this."
"Nico... Ni-Nico?"
"Hanayo, baby."
"Nico, you're my family too, please stay with me tonight at home."
Nico was really touched. Especially since she'd expected Hanayo to withdraw into herself. Without her best friend around, Hanayo lost some of her identity, and Nico was aware.
She knew, too, that Hanayo would be too devastated to be angry, right now. Well, Nico did anger well enough for two. The Rin she knew could be very shrewd when someone was running away from a problem, or giving her a dubious argument, or lying. But when it came to her personal safety, Rin was basically an idiot. Had she even turned 18 yet? Nico didn't think so. So they'd talked a young girl into killing herself on camera. That was murder in Nico's book.
Hanayo, meanwhile, had gotten herself together. The idea, the good, good idea, the only idea she had, she only had room for one idea at a time right now, was to just keep moving. Let doing things you needed to do numb you for a while.
She couldn't help herself - she read more in Nico's article. At the speed Rin had hit the railing at the fastest part, the rickety structure had entirely separated - it was a freak accident that she hit the joint just when a heavy-set group of about ten men had been leaning on it. They were all injured, though none of them had died.
The railing had catapulted Rin away, then fallen on her. For some reason the story used the word "obliterated" to describe what happened to Rin. As if they wanted to hurt Hanayo as much as possible.
Nico dragged Hanayo away and shut down her computer. "Please get in the car, baby."
Hanayo headed to the car, and Nico got in with the keys. Before she started it, she pulled out her phone. "I have to do this now, Hanayo, I promise I won't be long."
"Maki, this is Nico. Hanayo and I just heard the news. I am taking her to her parents' house. We thought of you, Maki. I'm so sorry. Some time soon, we should meet up." From Nico's face she wasn't hearing anything. Then Hanayo heard Maki's voice "I don't want to talk to anyone! Are you an idiot!? Go away!"
"Damn." Nico said as she pushed the off button. "That could have gone better."
Looking at Hanayo's even-more-stricken face she hastened to reassure her.
"Maki will eventually be glad we called right away, Hanayo, I promise. This is just her with her guard down. She needs time to build her armor back up."
Not for the first time, Hanayo thought Nico was a little cynical in her evaluations of people. But compared to Nico, she felt like she'd been spoiled. Oh, and Rin was dead.
Better not to think, she looked at Nico hopefully, and Nico started the car up. Pretty soon, they'd be at her parents house, and Hanayo could be hugged by her parents. And Rin was obliterated.
Wait. "So Rin didn't ..."
"No, I don't think she did. It was very quick."
"Being a school idol, it's tough."
"It is tough, honey."
"But it doesn't KILL YOU, Nico! It doesn't .. doesn't ... O-OBLITERATE you."
"It wasn't my place to tell Rin what to do. You know we weren't talking. And when you told her, she promised to be safe. She started at least protecting herself. And what do you think Maki is thinking? She's going to be a doctor. You think she wanted Rin doing this?"
"Why couldn't Maki talk her out of it?"
"We'll probably never know, honey. I am not going to ask Maki a question like that. It's not like I dislike her."
"When Maki's over it .. when she is ... Nico, she'll be single again."
"And so what, Hanayo? You think I'd leave you for her? I am not secretly harboring an intense and guilty love for that girl."
Hanayo had to smile at that - awfully SPECIFIC denial.
Then she remembered. "Rin's dead, Nico! She's dead! my best friend and we'll never see each other again! What do I do, Nico?" Nico was driving slowly so it didn't matter that Hanayo was clinging to her arm as she drove. "Let's just get you home," Nico said.
When they got there, however, the Hoshizoras were there.
Even though her parents smothered her in a tight hug, Hanayo pushed her hand back. Nico, who had been standing back, took her hand.
Mr. Hoshizora asked who that was. On being introduced to Nico, he asked if that wasn't the girl who got Rin in trouble all the time then stopped speaking to her. The Koizumis said that wasn't true. Nico was polite and respectful, and said "Sometimes, I think I did have ideas that got Rin, Honoka and me in trouble. I regret that. And I haven't been seeing Rin much after high school, I am sorry to say. Ummm" Nico paused. "I talked with Rin on the phone about three days ago, though."
The Hoshizoras were surprised. "What did she say?" As is unfortunately usual, before Rin's exhibition they hadn't had any long conversations, just the normal family talk in passing.
"She said she was on her way to the shrine to pray for success. She seemed very excited and happy. But"
Nico paused again. "But she never made it there. We have a friend who cares for it and she never saw Rin-chan, not all day. I happened to phone her that day, so I asked. Her name is Tojou Nozomi, she's at university now but it's not far. Rin's parents, I think you should talk to her. She told me she had a bad feeling about Rin, she's really spiritual."
If it had been Maki's parents, they would have dismissed Nico right then. As it was, Mr. Hoshizora looked at Hanayo - the girl they knew was Rin's best friend, and trustworthy.
"I .. I thinkyoushouldtalktohertoo!" Hanayo blurted out. Sbe also gave Nico a hurt look. Why hadn't she told Hanayo about those conversations? If Hanayo had known something ominous was coming, she could have pleaded with Rin to be extra careful, after all. But she agreed that talking to Nozomi would benefit Rin's parents. Her graceful and sympathetic personality was a good fit for grieving, angry parents.
Nico responded to what Hanayo was saying with her glance. "Hanayo I didn't mention it to you because I didn't see what you could do about something like Nozomi having a bad feeling. I did say she should talk to Maki about it, and I didn't suggest it in a nasty way."
Mrs. Hoshizora and Mrs. Koizumi had quietly started a conversation in low tones. Mrs. Koizumi turned to them at that and said "where is Maki-chan, and how is she doing."
"Umm she's at the place her parents rented for her near school .. and she's not doing well." Hanayo said. "Nico called her and she basically yelled at her and told her she wants everyone to leave her alone. But I don't think being alone is good."
Mrs. Hoshizora smiled sadly. "As Rin-chan's parents, we know how she feels. And you're right, it's not good. Do you have the address, and her phone number?" She turned to her husband "We should visit her. We'll understand her, and we may all feel a little better. It's what Rin-chan would want us to do, honey."
Mr. Hoshizora still had a hostile and suspicious feeling about the Yazawa girl. "Why are you here with Hanayo if you don't get along with Rin?" he asked her suddenly.
"I wa-wanted her to come, I asked her to come, I really want her here, Mr. Hoshizora."
"I understand that somehow there is the idea out there that Rin-chan and I were enemies, or on the outs or something?" Nico said pensively. "I actually have a history with her, and it's certainly not all bad. And it was often very close."
"Nico-chan, Honoka-sempai and Rin-chan were a kind of trio at Otonokizaka," Hanayo explained. "They did get in a lot of trouble, especially for pulling pranks, but they also had a lot of fun. Rin-chan used to tell me all the stories and she was so filled with enjoyment. And also her and Nico sometimes were closer than other times."
"If we keep hinting around, they are going to lose patience with me, Hanayo," Nico said. "They deserve to know as much about Rin's life as we can tell them, I think." She turned to the Hoshizoras.
"What do you know about Rin's dating life?"
Mr. Hoshizora answered, looking uncomfortable. "She told us she was dating a girl from Otonokizaka. I don't understand how that could be. Otonokizaka is a respectable school, and they are both girls. She said that it was Nishikino, a girl from her year, who was doing that 'school idol' thing with her. I didn't approve of them putting Rin in flashy clothes that showed off her body too much. But then again, maybe if we'd insisted she wear dresses, after she suddenly refused to one day, she would have had a more normal school life."
"Well," said Nico, "I am not ashamed of Rin. Hanayo isn't either."
Hanayo wanted Nico not to say any more but realized she would. So she shook her head. It's not like she could agree with being ashamed of Rin.
"So ..." Nico looked thoughtful. Then she said, decisively: "before Nishikino, was Hanayo here, and before her, was me."
She let that sink in.
"So, right now, you are looking at two of Rin's three girlfriends. And if I had been able to get through to Maki today you would be seeing the third one. We can't know if Rin would have grown up to like boys, too. Or get married. But we do know she liked girls. Some girls have always liked girls and girls have always dated. In the old days, they just had to sneak around and hide shamefully and lie about it. And Rin would never do that. It's not like Rin robbed a bank. I am not telling you to shame you or make you feel sad. Rin was happy with how you treated her, even after she told you she was dating Maki. You have nothing to feel bad about that way. I'm just saying, Rin was successful in her social life as well as her school life and her sports life. She got what she wanted, just not what other people might want for her."
"And there's this ..."
She pulled out a photo. It was Rin looking completely girly - and happy - in a beautiful white dress with a gigantic pink bow. She gave it to Mrs. Hoshizora who showed it to her husband. Nico stepped back, because she knew they wouldn't want her to say anything more. Indeed, they grew quiet and both of them had tears running down their faces.
A little while later Mr. Hoshizora went out with Mr. Koizumi to smoke.
"So, what weren't you two telling us about Rin," Mrs. Hoshizora asked, when the door was closed.
Nico looked at Hanayo, but kept quiet.
"What?" said Hanayo. You could tell she wanted to say "Someone help me!" but - and Nico realized it with a bit of both sadness and disappointment - normally that meant "Rin, help me!" and now Hanayo couldn't say that.
"It's nothing, it's just that when Nico said she and Rin were girlfriends, both of you looked uncomfortable, like she wasn't telling the truth. And you didn't explain why Rin had three girlfriends in a short time. Or why you two are together. I thought over what you said, and I agree: the time to know all about my daughter, so I can remember her properly, as she really was, is now."
Nico still left it up to Hanayo. She was the known quantity, much closer to Rin.
"We-well …. Really? You want to know?"
Mrs. Hoshizora nodded.
"If this is something I shouldn't be hearing about, I can go make more tea," Mrs. Koizumi said.
"We-well … it involves me as well, Mama … so … so I think you should hear, if I can tell Rin's mama."
Then, after quite a pause, where Hanayo looked down at the floor and gathered her courage from somewhere:
"Okay … you … you're right. Nico and Rin .. they weren't exactly girlfriends … umm I always loved Rin .. but .. she had a problem with .. sometimes … knowing what people were feeling or … what she should do … I don't know how to put it … she would just kind of charge forward and … sometimes .. it caused problems."
Mrs. Hoshizora nodded, it wasn't entirely a new element of Rin for her, after all.
"And … and … I know I was considered very innocent, and Maki, too … but Rin was the most innocent … about … such as .. sex and such."
"And Maki got some manga from Honoka … and Maki was reading … girl's love manga … and Rin .. saw it. And she nagged Maki a lot. I saw it. Until .. until Maki let her read one and she liked it but she made me and Maki explain it and it was super, super embarrassing. And I don't know, but she got excited while reading it and she figured .. who could she talk to about it besides me because I was getting so flustered, and Maki was saying 'I don't want to talk about it any more, Rin, show some modesty.' "
"So, ummm her usual gang was Honoka and Nico, right? And somehow she thought Honoka would be embarrassed because it was her manga, and she'd tell Kotori and Umi and Umi would say it was shameful, Rin was sure. So she thought, Nico! Nico will not only talk about this but maybe she'll know about it. And she did wait and drag Nico off to a room to discuss it. Nico was completely embarrassed but she was, umm a little worried about Rin running around school talking about girl's love, so she discussed it. A little less nervously than me and Maki, I guess? She is older. But anyways, umm Rin suggested they try doing what was in the manga and Nico said well you should do that with people you really like, and Rin said she really liked Nico, and Nico was flustered and trying to explain, and while she was explaining, Rin kind of umm pushed Nico against the wall and kissed her. It was Nico's first kiss and she was really shocked."
Mrs. Hoshizora and Mrs. Koizumi were obviously shocked as well.
"And," and by now Hanayo was in the moment, remembering what Rin and Nico had told her about that day, so she wasn't even looking up, just looking down and remembering and talking, "Nico was so shocked she didn't say anything, so Rin kissed her and her neck and kind of nibbled on her ear, and Rin put her hands on Nico's shirt and pushed it up and Nico wasn't wearing any bra, and Rin put her hands on Nico's … br-breasts and kept on kissing her and Nico was so shocked she just stood stark still and couldn't mo-move and Rin even .. she even touched Nico's place and she kept rubbing Nico's breast and kissing her all over and touching her and Nico had her mo-moment even though she was shocked and kind of hu-humiliated and when Rin was done Nico pulled her shirt down and she straightened her clothes and she ran away without a word and went home and I guess she went to her room and didn't talk to anyone and then she phoned me pretty late and she told me all about it and she was crying. So yeah calling that being Rin's girlfriend is pretty much a lie."
Mrs. Hoshizora asked gently, "Is there any more?"
Hanayo looked up with tears in her eyes and nodded.
"So, ummm even though Rin and I are usually inseparable, I was super, super mad at her and Nico couldn't stand to even see her and that's where Rin probably talked about it to you? And that went on for quite a while. We managed to keep doing practice somehow, but after that mostly Nico and I went home and Maki and Rin went home."
Mrs. Koizumi asked, "When did you and Rin get together, then?"
Hanayo looked up again.
"Well, after a few weeks, I decided to try explaining to Rin again. I mean, she looked so sad and she had no idea, really why everyone was mad at her. As hard as that is to believe. She was just so innocent in some ways."
Mrs. Hoshizora said, "You know, that's our fault. We just assumed Rin would figure out everything on her own, and now I see that that was never true. She takes after both her parents, I am afraid."
"I finally got Rin to understand that what she did with Nico was a sacred thing, that she took Nico's first kiss and first time without permission or any cooperation from Nico. That took a while. I told her what Nico meant, that only if you love someone should you do sex with them? Or something. And yes, people had sex just for fun, but Nico wasn't like that, even though normally she was one of the fun-loving trio. So the very next day Rin wanted to go home with me. And she said she thought that she and I liked each other the way Nico said people should to have sex, so we should try what was in Honoka's magazines. I wasn't really ready for that, or even to completely forgive Rin. I wanted to teach her that she should really try to be more aware of the situation and how people felt. But."
Hanayo looked down and didn't lift her head.
"I also thought about … about not just that I was super, super mad at Rin for what she did to Nico, but that it was Nico first, not me. And if Rin was wanting to do sex for fun, then all the girls that thought she was a handsome prince because she was cute and good at sports, she'd probably find a girlfriend right away. So, to keep Rin with me, I said yes. So we did. Even though I really wasn't ready and I didn't want to and I was so insecure. But the way Rin enjoyed my … my body .. was good and … and she said she loved me and only we would be together like that from now on. And I wanted that. So I said to the other girls in Muse that they should keep it a secret from the school but Rin and I were girlfriends now. Nico looked at me like I stabbed her in the back."
"I sent her a text and said, if Rin and I are together, Rin won't bother Nico. She never replied."
"And after that, it was Nico and Maki going home and Rin and me."
Mrs. Hoshizora said, "But how did it end up with Rin and Maki together, then?"
"We-well," Hanayo continued, "It wasn't for quite a while. When Rin told you about Maki is when they got together. Before that, it was me and Rin and Nico and Maki. When Rin did that with Nico, Nico was already in love with Maki. And once they went to Maki's house to study, and Maki had noticed how shaky Nico was these days. So it all came out and Nico was crying her eyes out and she stayed over and slept next to Maki, so it came out that Nico loved Maki. Maki liked Nico more than she liked anyone else, already, but she probably wasn't ready to be a girlfriend, just like I wasn't. But she felt sorry for Nico and she was curious as to what having a girlfriend would be like, so she said they should go out. Eventually they even did sex things together, but Nico was always nervous now. But she really clung to Maki. They didn't have their fights anymore, but sometimes if Maki slipped back to the old ways, Nico couldn't always fake a reply … she just got hurt or even teared up. Anyway, some days Maki had a great time with Nico. It was nice being so adored. Honestly, Nico was like a little kid the way she looked up to Maki, just worshipped her. But she was very clingy and jealous, I guess."
"Anyway, after a while .. months … Maki was under pressure from her family to cut out music .. under pressure from her teacher to work even harder at piano … under pressure from Muse to write more songs … and she started to think of her being with Nico as just more pressure. Everything was so serious. Nico was all she would love Maki forever. And in the meantime, Rin was becoming curious about what it would be like to .. umm to do sex things with other girls besides me … and because she's Rin … she told me … and I wouldn't go home with her and I almost stopped talking to her. And I guess Maki was complaining about the stress she was under to Rin … and complaining about how clingy Nico was … and finally I think she even said Nico was very shaky when they had sex and she even cried sometimes. Although she was very loving when they cuddled afterward. I hate saying all this, Nico!"
Nico just squeezed Hanayo's hand.
"Hanayo, you are my brave girl, and I give you permission to talk about anything. This is a once-in-a-lifetime conversation. Everyone here is taking this seriously. I am not worried a bit that what happened with me in the past is going to come out, except to people who are involved."
Hanayo looked Nico in the eye for a while, then hugged her. She turned around to the two older women. But she was looking at the floor again.
"Anyway, that's about it. When I was ignoring Rin and Nico was busy doing something with her siblings, Rin and Maki had sex. Then Rin told me, and I phoned Nico. Nico phoned Maki and they had a screaming fight over the phone that Nico's siblings heard. They'd never heard anything like it, and Nico couldn't forgive Maki for making her get like that. Maki knew she was doing something hurtful and wrong, but Rin, I think, only got it a little bit. If Rin felt guilty at all, she probably thought me avoiding her for a while was like breaking up, maybe?"
She looked up again ..
"It's amazing we were all able to still do our practices and performances. Nico and I both sent texts to Rin and Maki. We basically said we wouldn't drag our fight into Muse, and we wouldn't see each other outside of Muse, and please honor that. We were so heart-broken, and only each other understood each other. Eventually, we got together. Not in a fast-moving sexy way, but in a slow, careful way. I like how Nico always - always - pays attention to me and my feelings. It's how Rin was as a friend, but not as a girlfriend."
"The same is true for me," Nico said. It was her first time adding to the story. "I love how Hanayo knows how much things can break your heart and hurt you. And it was the same with Maki. When we were friends, even though we fought, she always had a sixth sense about how I felt, and that went away once we were girlfriends."
"And then we all sort of reconciled, eventually," Hanayo continued. "So that's why Nico's a little upset people would talk about it like she was Rin's enemy. I mean, Nico never, ever did one thing wrong dealing with Rin. She was a victim and she forgave Rin and tried to patch things up and let us be like before. It wasn't, quite, but we started to be able to be in the same place outside of school and outside of Muse. Things happened fast, it's true, but that was due to Rin and Maki. That's why Nico called Rin. It's not like it's super uncommon. And Rin and I started doing friend things again. It took longer for Nico and Maki and Nico wouldn't go somewhere where Maki was if she started to feel bad. But anyway, the truth is Rin and Maki cheated on us and broke our hearts, I guess."
Nico said then, "Well, I am now awfully glad Rin and I started to get along, now. I would hate to add guilt over not being reconciled to the sadness. And I can get mad along with you, Mrs. Hoshizora. And Maki. Maki and I are better at getting mad than Hanayo and Rin were. It's almost our specialty."
Mrs. Hoshizora took a very deep breath.
"Okay, I think I get the picture. I had no idea a girls' high school academy could be such a soap opera. So part of Nico's grievance with my daughter is that because Rin molested her and humiliated her, Nico was anxious about sex, and that's one of the complaints her girlfriend had, which led to her leaving Nico for Rin. I love my daughter, but I can't blame Nico."
"Well," Nico said, "I wouldn't wish away my relationship with Hanayo. Maybe Hanayo and I were meant to be - we have so much in common - and Rin and Hanayo and Maki and I were meant to be best friends. Although my friendship with Maki never really recovered. I am going to push it. She needs someone. You and your husband visiting her is a great idea. But I can't get too close to Maki right now because that would make Hanayo feel more insecure. Eventually I can, but now is too early. And without Rin and Maki getting together, I wouldn't be with Hanayo."
Mrs. Hoshizora smiled a little. "Yes, life can be strange like that. So as far as I understand Nico, she buried her quarrel with Rin and was back on good terms. Did you and Rin and Honoka return to your old ways?"
"Yes," Nico said. "We did go out, just the three of us, a couple of times sort of recently, and have fun. We visited an arcade and a ramen place and even put on a performance for a bunch of school kids at a playground when they asked us to. It was a lot of fun."
"And what about you, Hanayo?" Mrs. Hoshizora asked.
"Me-me?" Hanayo said. She touched her nose.
"Were you able to reconcile with Rin, too? And Maki?"
"With Rin, of course! I mean even when I was super, super mad at her I missed her. I'm so used to showing everything to her, discussing everything with her. Without her it's like missing an arm or something. And Maki is Nico's business, mostly. If it hadn't been her, if I am honest, it would have been someone. I still look up to her in a lot of ways. The one thing, though, is I don't want her trying to win Nico back now that she doesn't have Rin. If that makes me a bad person, so be it."
Mrs. Hoshizora smiled again. "I don't think you have it in you to be a bad person, or a bad friend, Hanayo-chan. Alright, the men went out to give us this time, and I think we're nearly done. You telling me all that was, of course, quite a shock, but Nico-chan is right, you are a brave girl. I thank you, I really do, for telling me the truth. We will definitely visit Maki as soon as we can. Perhaps even tonight. And the other girl - Tojou-san?"
"Tojou Nozomi," Hanayo said, nodding.
"You want us to talk with her for various reasons, correct?"
"Ye-yes." Hanayo couldn't explain why, exactly. Nico wrote down Nozomi's address and phone number and handed it to Mrs. Hoshizora. Below it, she wrote Maki's details.
"Very well, but would you two do me a favor, then?"
Hanayo and Nico looked at her expectantly.
"Would you go and talk to her about all this, first, and ask her if she's up for a visit from Rin's parents? It seems like simple courtesy to do that."
Nico and Hanayo looked at each other, then both nodded.
"Hanayo, it surprises me you never talked about any of this with us. We could have helped you, baby," Mrs. Koizumi said, "but then, you take after your parents, too."
Meanwhile Nico sent Maki a text: "We are at Hanayo's and we met the Hoshizoras. They want to visit you. Put up with it. You can't say they don't understand. They do. They won't be disapproving. Hanayo and I are going to talk to Nozomi. The offer to meet up is open forever."
"It was good to meet both of you, Hanayo, Nico." Mrs. Hoshizora paused. "Nico, I will mention getting angry together to Nishikino-san. I feel no mother should go through this, and to suffer for the foolishness and greed of another, it is not to be tolerated. I wish now I had kept Rin more controlled, but a great deal of the blame rests with the exhibitors and the sponsors. Rin would not have wanted to end skateboard contests in Tokyo. But if these people are punished so strongly they can no longer do this, that will be a lesson to the rest."
"Umm," Hanayo interrupted. "I wanted to say .. I wanted to say I will miss her every day, forever."
Mrs. Hoshizora teared up again. "Thank you, Hanayo, it's good someone else feels that way, too. And thank you both for telling me that before she was lost to us, Rin had happiness and romance and accomplishment in her life. I think she was better off when eight others were watching over her, so thank you for that. Hanayo, you are always welcome at our house, we have always felt like you were part of our family."
And with that, she left.
Mrs. Koizumi saw her to her car then came back in.
"Hanayo, Nico, I think you should get ready for bed. If you go to bed later, you will still probably talk much of the night and you won't get any sleep. I will come in in a bit with some tea and I will sit by the bed and we can talk a bit more."
With Nico and Hanayo sitting up and clinging to each other, they talked out their feelings with Mrs. Koizumi. Hanayo cried herself out, and after her mother went to bed, Nico and Hanayo still talked quietly for another couple of hours. They did manage to sleep, finally, and with Nico holding her, Hanayo didn't have nightmares.
They woke up at a normal time, and it was time to visit Nozomi.
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imogenrosemusi1142 · 5 years
TULLARA tells it like it is.
TULLARA is one of Australia’s most exciting up-and-coming folk singer/songwriters. At 24, she is nearly a decade into a career journey that has garnered her acclaim across the folk festival circuit, taken her overseas to Ireland and Europe, and produced the EP Better Hold On.
Rose Callaghan - her drummer of the last 18 months - joins her on tour, as they talk about the artistry, business, and mental health of being a young working performer.
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ROSE ~ You’re an incredible guitarist, how did you come to learn the instrument and how has it shaped your artistry? 
TULLARA ~ I started learning guitar when I was 13. My mother is a firm believer in musical influence. [There are] five kids in my family - I’m the youngest - and she made us all learn piano when we were younger. I went through year 7 without learning any [new] instrument, and she was like “alright, come on, you gotta pick something now ‘cause you need to be learning”. I was quite lucky with my [first guitar] teacher - he didn’t know too much about theory, but he played everything by ear, and so I’d take him a CD with my favourite songs on it and he’d listen to it and quickly learn it in a couple of minutes and teach it to me.
- Pretty unorthodox!
Right from the start [I] was learning how to use my ear, because I’d watch him do it and try the same thing at home.
Did you voice develop before or after?
I always mucked around. I didn’t really sing so much until I was maybe… 13? The singing sort of went hand in hand [with playing guitar]. I was 14 when I did my first music eisteddfod [a Welsh term for competitive events in the arts], and I won! [Mum asked my] sister’s old singing teacher “what do you think of her voice?” [and] she said “oh, it does need a bit of work, but god, can she play that guitar!” I was playing constantly. Mum talks about me following her around the farm, being like “listen to this/what do you think of this?”. [My] singing eventually got better as well… and then I started songwriting.
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Was there a particular music scene that nurtured your early career, and how did you find your way into it?
I went to my first folk festival when I was 16, just as a punter. Then I went to Woodford Folk Festival, and that was life-changing. That’s when I was like, “wow, music is what I want to do”. I met John Butler at Woodford, who was [one of] my idols at the time. He signed my guitar! A month later I played at Tamworth Music Festival, and mum entered me in CCMA National Talent Competition… and I won overall. I got $1500, and then I bought my first banjo. That was a huge turning point as well… I guess the folk music scene was the first real eye opener…
- You always wanted to play banjo?
I can’t really remember what originally inspired me… I think it was the Beverly Hillbillies TV show!
So you’re a self managed/self promoting artist: had you been managing yourself before being selected to participate in The Seed in 2016? Did that program impact the way you manage yourself?
The Seed Fund aims to help Australian artists from any background, creating art and music across any genre, to establish themselves as self-sustained, professional artists.
Since I was 18, I was self-managing with my sister. We just naturally started doing that, [because] we had a band together called Siskin River. We quickly realised all we have to do is [contact] these venues and try and get a gig. From 2011-2015, I was co-managing with my sister. When I started my solo project, that’s when I had to 100% manage everything I was doing. I started doing that for just under a year before I applied for The Seed’. [It]’s really good in the way that it was very inspiring, and I got to meet a lot of other self-managed [artists]. It made me see things more globally.
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Tullara and her sister Shalane as the duo Siskin River ~
”My songwriting’s moved from folk music to more pop/roots/rock sorta vibes, and that’s just me maturing in general”
Do you think it’s important to have an aesthetic in relation to musical presentation and self promotion? 
I think it’s important to have consistency in your image and how you present yourself. It’s interesting how some people will try and change your appearance because they don’t think it’s as cool as it could be… I’ve had some people suggest some things to me [like] “you should cut your dreadlocks off!”… because it’s a bit hippy and not mainstream enough. I always just try to be myself, but I’m making myself more presentable and neater [for the] mainstream, because I think that’s where my music has gone. My songwriting’s moved from folk music to more pop/roots/rock sorta vibes, and that’s just me maturing in general. Over time I’ve just tightened up my act and image a bit, because first impressions are 100% the most important thing in the music industry.
What do you find to be the main adversities that come with being a self-managed musician? 
When you don’t get the gigs that you’re trying to get. I can spend hours emailing venues or applying for festivals and I’ll get less than 10% of what I try for. It’s very time consuming, and there’s a lot of computer work, [so] instead of being creative, writing, and practicing, I’m spending the majority of my time on the computer. That’s something I struggled with last year. There’s [also] no minimum wage… it’s all so varied, especially with festivals and even pub shows. I’m learning now it’s almost what you ask for. it’s a bit of “smoke and mirrors”, but you never know [with that approach].
- The main positives? 
I just do whatever I want. I think about where I want to go/play. Having the control, having the freedom. And money-wise, 20% of what I earn isn’t going to a manager either.
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Now, how do you feel the music industry has treated you, not only as a self-managed musician, but as a self managed female musician? 
Mostly positively… mostly. I’ve definitely had a few ups and downs with being female. I’ve been ripped off - only a couple of times - but they’ve taken advantage of the fact I’m a solo female. But that’s not as strong as, say, a band of four dudes that are like “give me my fucking money!” - and I’ve said that before!. You need to be stronger sometimes to get what you’re owed. But mostly I’ve had a pretty good experience.
Have you heard people say similar things to other female artists?
Other female artists have had more of a rough time than I have.
- but you’ve noticed the difference in attitudes towards women.
Absolutely, 100%. I’ll go into a music store and ask [a storeman] for gauge 13 strings, and he’ll be like “that’s a bit heavy, you’re probably after 10’s or 11’s” [exasperated sigh]. Have you seen me play?! Can I have the 13’s please? So music stores have always been like that. Every time I enter one, someone goes “hi sweetheart, what are you after?”, and they lead you to the ukuleles [laughs].
Tullara continues with a plethora of cringe-inducing music store anecdotes, in keeping with the theme of being infantilised by men simply for being a woman. It’s a peculiar insight into this section of the industry culture.
This is a big question: How has the musician lifestyle of touring, writing, and recording effected your well being and mental health? 
There’s ten seconds of nervous laughter, before she sighs into her response.
Ah geez, it’s not great. I’ definitely not the specimen of health. It’s interesting… with touring - pub shows, for instance - you’re often given lots of free alcohol, and that seems to go hand-in-hand with the music industry. Sometimes, they’ll say “we’ll give you [some small] money, but we’ll give you free drinks all night [to make up for said small amount]”. It’s often an incentive to make it worth it. So that has taken a toll on my health since 2011. It’s part of the culture. I don’t have a good diet, but that’s definitely what I want to change.
She mentions there’s been a push for venues to offer free food - as opposed to free alcohol - in an effort to encourage sobriety at festivals.
-It’s not only physically, but mentally draining.
[Mmm]. The travel is definitely hard work, and I’ve done some crazy shit over the last year with it. Things like 10 flights within 7 days… and driving for hours on my own…. it’s a lot nicer when you’re touring with people, so I try to do that now whenever I can, because I want to have company, and it makes touring a lot easier. You need a lot more discipline when you’re on your own.
What are some things you do to make sure you look after your mental health while also trying to keep up with the demanding work load of self management? How do you not ‘burn out’? Any tips?
Try to plan a tour in a way that isn’t going to burn you out. I still find myself making that mistake… I’ll make sure I go to bed at a reasonable hour.
- So give yourself time, sleep!
Sleep is an important one - because if you’re not sleeping well, then by a week into the tour you’re gonna be shattered, and it will take a toll on your performance… your voice is one of the first things to go when you’re tired. Giving yourself a couple of days off [during] long tours is very important. It can get a little bit stressful… and even for your band members. I remember a drummer I had once who was like “it would have been nicer to have a couple of days off to explore this town I’ve never been to”. You gotta have fun! If you’re not having fun, what’s the point in doing it? Try and constantly learn something new… challenge yourself, and get better. That’s something I try and do, just learn new songs every now and then.
What is the highlight performance of your career so far? 
Aww, I like that [question]! Probably opening for The Waifs in Grafton at the Saraton Theatre. It was in my home town, in this heritage-listed theatre that seats nearly 1,000 people, and it’s just incredible opening for my teenaged-absolute-most-favourite band. And they got me up on stage with them for their last song!
Do you have any tips for how to cope with performance nerves/ anxiety?
I don’t get nervous so much anymore, if anything I crave nerves now! Make sure you’re prepared. Embrace the nerves!
What are your 3 favourite artists right now? 
You know my number 1! [laughs] Tay-Tay, I do absolutely love Taylor Swift. Number 2? Wallis Bird. 3… I feel like Electric Fields.
What’s next for you? You mentioned a big album!
I’ll be releasing my debut album later this year! Very exciting. It’s been a very long process. I’m going to Canada to finish it, [and I’ve] never been to Canada!
Any upcoming gigs?
Lots of gigs around NSW and Queensland, and the Woodford Planting Festival. Apparently you get to take home a tree! ☆
Tullara’s music can be found on all good digital streaming platforms, and through her official website.
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seanmalatesta · 5 years
3 Truths to Help You Age Well
Recently, I decided to grow a beard. I had one for a few weeks in my early 30s, but shaved it because it was too prickly and uneven. I decided to give it another go while on vacation a month ago.
Just for the fun of it, I posted a selfie on Instagram and asked people to vote on whether or not I should keep it. Over 60 percent of my followers said, “Yes, keep it.” But the comments were even more interesting.
One person wrote, “Awesome! Love it! You looked young previously, but now . . . you’ve ‘shaved’ 20 more years off! Keep it!” Another wrote, “To be honest, it makes you look older. (Did I just say that? You asked for it.) Also, not a fan of beards at all. I personally like the clean look.”
The Quest for the Fountain of Youth
Whether people said the beard made me look older or younger, they shared a common belief. This idea permeates contemporary culture, namely, that younger is good and older is bad.
Modern culture is obsessed with the pursuit of youthfulness. As a result, we have a multi-billion dollar industry whose primary purpose is to roll back the years and make us appear younger than we really are. Consider, for example, 
Hair coloring to “wash away the gray,”

Skin treatments, botox injections, and even cosmetic surgery to eliminate wrinkles,
Body implants to reverse the effects of aging
Exercise programs, protein supplements, and even steroid use to build back our muscle mass and give us the sculpted appearance of a 24-year-old.
When I’m traveling, I occasionally come across someone desperate to hang onto their youth—a man wearing an ill-fitting toupee, a woman who’s had a little too much cosmetic surgery, or a middle-aged person sporting skinny jeans. 
Of course, not all aids of this kind are bad. I use skin lotion and have long touted the importance of exercise. I’m not in favor of aging faster; I’m just unwilling to live in denial. I am getting older—and that’s not a bad thing.
Ancient cultures almost universally esteemed older people. For example, consider these three verses from the Bible:
“Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:32, NIV)
“The glory of young men is their strength, gray hair the splendor of the old” (Proverbs 20:29, NIV)
“Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness” (Proverbs 16:31, NIV).

According to this ancient wisdom, gray hair is a “splendor.” Rather than something to cover up, it’s something to be embraced, something glorious That’s still true in some places. But it’s the exact opposite of how our culture sees it.
The problem with this quest for eternal youth is that it makes us weaker, both as individuals and as a society. When we disdain aging and the effect that has on us, we feel a constant sense of discontent, failure, and even shame. The more we idolize youth, the more we dislike ourselves. No wonder Americans are the most medicated people on earth!
And as a society, we tend to miss out on the benefit of wisdom that comes with age. When we amplify the voices of youth but refuse to listen to those who are more mature, we lose decades of hard-won experience. 
So how do we reframe aging and make our peace with it? By recalibrating our belief system based on these three truths.
Three Truths About Aging
1. Death is inevitable. For many people, that is a scary thought. Aging is a reminder that they are moving toward the inevitable. Many cope by living in denial. 
Others aren’t quite sure about what happens after death, so they are desperate to prolong human life by any means possible. While I certainly want to live as long as possible, much of the longevity movement is based on the assumption that science will eventually “cure” death. It won’t, and the sooner we accept that fact the sooner we can be content with the aging process.
2. Aging is tolerable. Yes, we can slow the process. We can eat well, take supplements, and get sufficient rest and exercise—and I do. But at best these merely slow the process. We’re still going to age. For nearly all of us, wrinkles and gray hair are inevitable results.
But we don’t have to see this as a bad thing. Every life stage has its advantages. As the Roman philosopher Cicero observed, “Life has a single path and you travel it once. Each stage of life has its own appropriate qualities—weakness in childhood, seriousness in middle age, and maturity in old age. These are fruits that must be harvested in due season.” 
Sure, younger people usually have more energy, strength, and attractiveness. So what? Older people, generally speaking, have more experience, more money, and fewer obligations. Accept whatever life stage you are in gracefully, and enjoy its benefits. 
3. Wisdom is vital. The reason many cultures have esteemed the elderly is that, all things being equal, old age correlates with wisdom. This is the ability to choose a course of action based on knowledge, experience, and reflection. And that makes for a better life—both for us and for our communities.
While aging is inevitable; wisdom is optional. You have to choose it. This requires having the humility to acknowledge mistakes. We all make them, and that’s okay, provided we grow from them.
To do that, we need a disciplined practice of self-reflection. As George Santayana said, “Those who don’t learn from the past are destined to repeat it.” 
For me, daily journaling is the single best way to process my experiences in real time. In ensures that everything is processed, nothing wasted. It gives me a chance to wring the juice out of both the good and bad experiences. As a result, I can honestly say that I’m happier and living better than ever before. 
Reframe Your View
You view of aging matters because it determines whether you will become happier and wiser as you grow old, or be increasingly discontent and dissatisfied with your life. Having higher regard for old age begins by owning our own age. Stop denying it and trying to hide it. If we have wrinkles, awesome. Gray hair? That’s great. 
You get to choose what those things mean. You can listen to our culture and feel shame, or you can embrace them as signs of your increasing value to others.
from Michael Hyatt, Your Virtual Mentor https://ift.tt/2kO3b2n via IFTTT
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