#how has it been 8 years since firebringer???
gxlacticlove · 4 months
watching all the it's starkid innit? videos I can get my hands on and I'm actually crying at meredith and lauren singing together. they're so cute I love them so much.
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nogooddeetz · 2 years
i’ve been in a starkid mood so: here’s my personal ranking of the team starkid shows so far before i see nerdy prudes must die, because… why not? (my criteria depends on things like writing just as much as it depends on arbitrary things like what random character/song i imprinted on as a teen.)
anyway here is the list:
1. a very potter musical (it just can’t get better than this - even in today’s climate as they truly made a crackhead out of every one of joanne’s characters and plots and since she had nothing to do with the actual production so… fuck her)
2. the guy who didn’t like musicals (this one is, in my opinion, maybe the strongest show writing-wise they’ve done so far)
3. starship (this one was my absolute favorite when i was a teenager and it still has a special place in my heart - i love a good sci-fi trope plus taz as a character and a couple of the songs just hit so right for me)
4. the trail to oregon (i’m not even sure why but this one just works so well for me; 6 cast members, minimal set, nuclear family at the center of it and it’s just… so fucking funny)
5. a very potter sequel (nothing can quite reach the level of hilarity of the first avpm but this one is not all that far off)
6. firebringer (this has, in my opinion, some of the funniest writing; every one liner seems to hit right and that deserves props from me - plus several of the songs are good even out of context)
7. a very potter senior year (out of the trilogy it’s the most lackluster, which makes sense given the changes in things like cast and venue, but it still has that avpm energy that’s just delightful)
8. black friday (this one again definitely shows how far they’ve come with story-writing, but i just wasn’t as invested in the characters or taken by the songs in this one, with the very important exception of the song black friday! that one i think is one of the best songs they’ve ever written)
9. twisted (i enjoy this one as a whole, as a huge fan of wicked it speaks to me and is funny, i just once again wasn’t as invested in the characters or taken by the songs so it tends to fade into the background compared to some of the other shows on the list; i do want to say dylan saunders performs the shit out of ja’far though)
10. holy musical b@man! (this one is just generally hilarious; the whole vibe of the show is just ridiculous and it’s a fun, light watch with a few banger songs, though i didn’t get that much out of most of the characters - i did almost put it at #9 because of the songs and joe walker’s batman though)
11. me and my dick (i’ve only seen this one once and as it was the one to follow avpm, i think i was just kind of bored in comparison - there were definitely funny moments, but i can’t remember a single song if i’m honest)
12 ani: a parody (again, i’ve only seen this one once and i honestly don’t remember much, but the fact that i haven’t felt the need to rewatch it tells me enough - i think i was a little bored throughout watching it the first time)
(really the only ones i don’t rewatch consistently are the last two, so i like all the other 10 shows a lot and numbers 8-10 could really easily be shuffled around between their spots on the list)
what do you guys think? do you agree (are also correct)? did i piss you off severely? let’s discuss!
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intothewickedwood · 3 years
Starkid Show Ranking
So, for the last few months I’ve watched one Starkid musical a weekend. Best few months ever! Some I hadn’t seen in years and some I regularly see at least 3 times a year. A few I liked even more than I remembered. So here is my new ranking for which I like best! These are just my personal faves. Not saying which ones are best just putting in order which shows I like best. I think they’re all great!
13) Ani: A Parody
A genuinely good show. I love characters like Obi in it but I just don’t know jack about Star Wars.
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11) Black Friday
I love a lot of the music. It has some really great moments.
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10) Holy Musical B@man!
I did not give this show a chance all those years ago when I first watched. Maybe because I wasn’t big on batman. I am a huge Superman and DC fan in general though and the last rewatches I’ve had I’ve really enjoyed it! Love Superman and Batman’s dynamic. Really fun show with great music.
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9) Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier
Love the Wicked vibes. Never really been an Aladdin fan but I really like this show. Jafar and his wife’s story breaks my heart every time.
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8) The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
I love the fact it’s a horror comedy. The music is so good. It makes me laugh and cry. Great introduction to the Hatchetfield series.
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7) Firebringer
This show has a very special place in my heart. It was my mum’s first introduction to Starkid and she’s been the one person I’ve got who’s been watching Starkid with me ever since. We make so many references and it’s all thanks to this show! We watched it about 20 times the year it came out. The music is phenomenal, the family aspect of the show makes it feel like home.
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6) Trail To Oregon!
So my Nanna forced us to watch Little House and the Prairie with her for many years and this show has strong lhotp vibes. I feel such a warm feeling when watching this chaotic family and the musical is awesome! I cannot express how much I love the mother especially.
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5) Starship
This show is freaking hilarious. The characters are great and the story is beautiful. It was one I didn’t give a chance at first, given the space theme but I wish I’d done so earlier on because it’s really awesome.
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4) Me and My Dick
I loooove this show. It’s hilarious and heartfelt. It gives me such nostalgia. I love all the characters with all my heart. I love saying lines from this show and confusing people.
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3) A Very Potter Senior Year
Another heartfelt musical. I just cry at the end. I just love it so much.
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2) A Very Potter Musical
This was my first introduction ever to Harry Potter! And this trilogy was all I knew of Harry Potter for many years after. I now love hp and the starkid version but the starkid version of characters and Hogwarts will always be the real characters and Hogwarts to me. I was so confused when I first watched the movies and then the book. Some stuff I thought starkid had straight up made up. It was one of my first Starkid shows and will always have a special place in my heart. I love the characters so much it makes me emotional. They mean so much to me and a lot of them are my all time favourite characters in anything ever. I just want them to be happy! It’s hilarious and the songs are amazing.
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1) A Very Potter Sequel
Love this show so so much. I cry with laughter every time as I do with all the trilogy but especially this one. It’s one of my favourite things in the world and is in the top 4 musicals ever for this musical theatre nerd right here. The music is beyond totally awesome. I can’t express how much I love this show and this musical trilogy.
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youremyonlyhope · 3 years
Ok seeing all the rewatchers1000 posts has inspired me to rewatch Me and My Dick too.
It’s literally been a decade since I last watched this. I definitely was in high school. I think I’ve only watched this musical twice maybe 3 times, though I do genuinely love it.
It’s so strange that as a completely naive teenager whose introduction to most sexual jokes came from this musical, and is now greysexual, that the musical still managed to take hold of SUCH a special place in my heart.
Now let’s see if the Old Snatch is still my favorite character or not. I know I used to adore her.
Aww Joey’s a BABY. Oof the sound quality. I don’t know why I had my volume so low. “I love you more than anything... my Dick.”  Joe’s a baby too. “Never even seen a booby” why did that line just kill me. “Good grief” aww. The head tilt! I’ve listened the Apocalyptour soundtrack so many times over the years, that I’m not used to them actually finishing the sentence “It’s me and my dick!” Tell me why I’m singing along to Dick’s lines and not Joey’s? Awwww little baby Jaime. “And if we’re late for class, well I guess that’s ok!” “Is she gone?” “Yeah! I’m gone!” Oh my god she’s a salad. I can’t remember, did we make that into an insult like we did for toaster...
I’m also drinking a hard pear cider that I discovered my bodega sells earlier this week. It’s delicious.
Aww there’s a bit of the trumpet from Listen to Your Heart in the scene transition! The audience reaction to Miss Cooter’s name. Yesssss Ready to Go. Legitimately one of the best StarKid songs to this day. “AgNOooo3″ Aww Ali. Literally a baby. She was the reigning youngest StarKid for so long. “...and it’s only when the Silver and the Nitrogen find all THREE Oxygens that they finally solve the case!” “...Calm down.” Amazing.
God I forgot how short some of these parts were back when YouTube didn’t let you post more than 10 minutes.
Oh shoot how did I only just noticed the “This video is for big StarKids only!” in the description. That’s so cute. They tried. They did not succeed in keeping away the little StarKids.
Ok wait one more interruption before I press play on Part 3. I just noticed that the video says 12 years ago. I just gagged. Ok moving on.
Alle-Faye! She’s so good. Yessssssss The Old Snatch and Flopsy.  “Wide Receiver” I can’t. God I’m so used to the SPACE version that I nearly went straight into Flopsy’s verse after the Old Snatch’s. “What, I ain’t!” Brolden your voice. “Whiles, we’s, waits to be delivered, go ahead cry me a river, we agree that there’s no quid pro quo” That line has always been my favorite for some reason. I just love the jazzy rhythm. The whole jazzy vibe of the show is amazing. “Save your tears for lubrication!” Amazing.  “I know there’s so much more to what I think I see” I keep singing the new soprano line they used in Homecoming. “TOTES JUST TOTED!” amazing. God. That’s such a good song. It’d be the perfect opening number for the show, if Me and My Dick wasn’t the title number and needed in order to explain the concept of the show. Also I never realized that Corey, Arielle, Lily, and Richard are the only “ensemble” in the show. I don’t think I ever realized there were only 12 people in this entire cast... how many were in AVPM... now I gotta check. There were 17. Also there’s 13 in the cast, AJ just isn’t in Ready to Go. Also, Nicholas Joseph Strauss-Matathia. Fave.
“I heard Joey Richter ate his poop because his Dick told him to” What. “He looks like an old lesbian!” I forgot that joke. “I WANNA HAVE CARIBBEAN STUDY WITH YOU!” Iconic. Oh wait. It just hit me that of the 4 (or 8 if you count the genitalia) main characters, 3 (6) are women. Though of course, 2 vaginas are played by men, so it does come out to 4 and 4 for actors, but character-wise, it’s 6 and 2. That’s fun. Somehow this managed to be the most woman-dominant show other than Firebringer, in a way. “Thank you so much, for giving all that up, so I can have that with Vanessa and not with you” Amazing. I forgot that Devin has an operatic voice in this song. This song now makes me think of the time StarKid had a fan join Joe in singing this song at LeakyCon a few years ago. Purposefully to prank a fan with having to sing the least-well-known StarKid song. I will admit it is forgettable. Also the fan somewhat knew the song and stumbled through it pretty well, so all the StarKids were like “That went so much better than we though! We wanted to make a joke but you did it!” at the end. I love that Richard’s entire point in this show is just to make fun of Joey.
Aww. Every StarKid show needs an outdated reference. This time, it’s “I thought you’d go all Britney on me and have a spaz attack.” The sword of Gryffindor is in there. “A stiff outer lip” That probably went over my head as a teen. “Don’t be a stranger” “Never!” Love her. The slow building laugh at “She’s got long, beautiful, flowing hair.” Oh my god sorry I can’t get over how young Joey is, he’s a baby. “Are you nuts?” “A little” adorable. “We’re like Batman and Robin, or Superman... and his dick!” Amazing.
”And by pecker I assume you’re referring to a p-p-p-p-p-p... a cock” Nick my god. Knowing that Devin and Nick were really close friends in college (if I remember the story correctly, he coined “devdevnumnums” at orientation when they met and that was her tumblr url back in the day) makes this song even funner to me. God I love the Old Snatch. Oh my god the pearl necklaces. A costume piece that went over my head. ”Oh you must really be wet... behind the ears! With naiveté!” Lines that went over my head. OH MY GOD. TIFFANY HAS A RED ENV2! I HAD A RED ENV2 IN 2009! Oh my god just squeaked. What a throwback. Aww the Old Snatch.
I haven’t mentioned the blue headband yet, but I love the blue headband so much. “Don’t worry, no one’s gonna have sex with you while I’m here” *sincere nodding* Amazing. I forgot that line until about 2 seconds before it happened. “Do you want me to give you a back scratch?” “No we’re fine.” “No thanks.” I’m dead. THE TEXTBOOK. “She wants to have sex with us.” “She does?” “Yeah.” “Nice I did it!” Amazing. Oh the camerawork when Dick looks to his left for someone else. I’m glad they thought ahead with the camerawork even for their second show. AHHHH THE SOCK. I JUST SCREAMED. LIGHTING A MATCH?? I remembered Flopsy coming out like a monster about a second before it happened. “I’m not gonna fucking sing with you!” Another line that came back to me only just before it happened. Also, Brian looks really pretty with the make-up and the wig. I remember watching that entire scene when I was 14 and PRAYING my parents wouldn’t walk in and ask what I was watching. I was cringing the entire time, but this time it’s funny (and still made me cringe a bit because it’s meant to be awkward).
Awww here we go. The first scene of MAMD I ever saw because I wanted to know why everyone loved AJ so much. “I wish I was born without a dick. Or as a girl or something.” 2009 StarKid is accidentally sort of trans-inclusive for that one line. Sort of. I remember being SO confused seeing Dick run away out of context when I watched only this scene. And In context it’s still shocking. Aww the heartbeat. “Why hello there Joey.” AJ’S A BABY!!! HE’S SO YOUNG!! HE’S A BABY! I literally just squeaked. Oh my god he’s so young. “Wow the nine of hearts!” “That’s right the king of hearts!” “Ew!” “Read this. It’s a Jane Austen novel Joey.” Oh my god I was just talking to one of my coworkers about how obsessed I am with Jane Austen. Why did StarKid stop referencing her in their musicals?  Oh it’s Sense and Sensibility. So is Vanessa the Willoughby and Sally is the Colonel Brandon? Am I overthinking this? Am I slightly tipsy from 2 ciders because I have no alcohol tolerance? I’m gonna go with: they’re trying to draw a parallel there with the Marianne love triangle but making it Joey. I think it works. To my half asleep slightly tipsy mind. “Sometimes, your one true love turns out to be the person you initially... disliked.” Yes definitely, I forgot that line, but I caught on to that parallel correctly. I am SO HAPPY. “When did Jane Austen say that?” In half her novels Joey. Why specifically 223%? I cannot get over how little AJ is! He’s such a baby! He’s so young. Oh my god. So cute. I can’t. BRB gotta see if I can find an example of one of those old AJ Holmes Appreciate Day posts from like 2012 oh my god.
Ok so way back in 2011 and 2012, when a whole bunch of us had our own little group that posted constantly on the StarKidPotter FB wall (before FB introduced Timeline and messed up our system of posting), we used to do an AJ Holmes Appreciation Day and just post things about how awesome AJ was, but in like Chuck Norris 2010s style jokes. I just went back in my Facebook activity to see, and I wrote things like “Apple Juice is only firetrucking delicious because its initials are A.J.” and “AJ Holmes dares to disturb Goyle’s slumber!”
But the one that is relevant and I think I’m probably most proud of: “AJ Holmes doesn’t listen to his heart, his heart listens to him.”
Ok that’s my StarKid fandom history/walk down memory lane/intermission done. On to Act 2!
WAIT A SECOND. I am not done. I had posted “JK Rowling didn’t come up with the idea of Harry Potter, AJ Holmes whispered it into her ear.” and basically, did I accidentally predict A Very Potter Senior Year in 2011... StarKid, should I ask for royalties? (I’m kidding)
OK NOW I’m done and going on to Act 2. Also I have a headache now, which means I shouldn’t have drunk that second cider, I should have saved it for another time. Oh well. I’ll power through.
Oh my god. Dick on the street. Oh my god Nick saying “Fuck you!” over and over. I’m DEAD. Darren’s cameo oh my god. Corey and Arielle are amazing. “Wait that’s just a curtain” Oh, the 4th wall breaks. “Ever since I rescued Weenie from a bird” A BIRD. I FORGOT THE BIRD. Do we get to see the bird? The Land of the Dicks is such a great jazz song. Also flashback to me talking to some girls on the StarKid Takes Manhattan line who were younger than me and them saying “I’m worried they’ll sing a song from MAMD. My mom’s going to come to the concert, and she doesn’t know about that show.” and I said “Don’t worry. They only do Ready to Go or Listen to your Heart live. I mean, it’s not like they’re gonna sing Land of the Dicks. Hahaha” And then Lauren sang the Land of the Dicks. Which was AMAZING, but I remember turning to one of them when the opening started and mouthing “I am so sorry...” God Land of the Dicks is genuinely SUCH a good song oh my god. I hope AJ and Carlos are proud of it. Also oh my god. I gotta throw out some appreciation for Corey. Who honestly did not get the appreciation he deserved from the fandom until we started the Hatchetfield musicals. But I loved him so much in this show. Also Arielle is always such a pleasant surprise. I always forget how prominent she is in this show. I wish she did more things with StarKid. Was she even at Homecoming...
Joey’s face at nincompoop amazing. “Too bad you’ll never be a leading man because of that JAW of yours.” AWWWW. NOOOO WE LOVE THE JAW. “You’re forgetting the most important prop!” 4th wall breaks. “The hour is nigh!” Oh my god. “I don’t wanna see or be seen by anyone today.” Wow. Far too relatable. “THAT IS WAY TOO OVERWHELMING FOR A TUESDAY” the number of times over the last 11 years that I’ve thought of that line... The flower in the shoe and Old Snatch’s “Hows romantic.” I can’t. Oh my god. I just remembered “Raise my children!” “Sometime the best thing to say... is a kiss.” “Good line Joey!” “What?” “The fuck!?” That was the FUNNIEST line to me. “Did everybody hear that? Joey Richter has a limp little dick!” Oh Richard. “Oh my props.” Old Snatch oh my god. “Tiffany, doll, I love ya. But you are the dumbest fucking person, I have ever met, in my entire life” I love that line. And I love that the audience is laughing so hard they drown Nick out before he even finishes. I love the Old Snatch so much.
“Sex sex sex pussy pussy sex pussy sex pussy sex.” “Pussy. Sex.” I’m dead. This whole “pussy time” speech in insane. And so the incel movement began. “The president of the United States can’t even order out for some pussy or else he’s gonna get impeached.” “LEWINSKY.” Oh my god. I definitely did not know who Monica Lewinsky was when I was 14. Amazing. Actually maybe I learned who she was from MAMD... honestly, that’s a very real possibility. “What’s a pussy gotta do when she wants a dick? She just says ‘dick please?’ and the sun is blocked out by dicks.” I remembered sun blocked out line only seconds before it happened, and I was already laughing so hard. Also the caption says *indiscernible, it’s just too funny* for the next line Corey says since it’s completely drowned out by laughter and lost to history. Oof the “sex change” joke didn’t really age well. “Let’s go do jazz squares.” I love how Corey hits Arielle’s head with his hat so hard her beanie flies off.
“You’re a fatty. Joey look at me when you cry, you’re fatty.” “And what a poor choice of shirt.” “It’s the only one I have.” Oh my god Ali taking the tickets. Ahhh the caption says *wind carrying away all of Joey’s hopes and dreams* I’m dead. “Can the choir class come into the room yet?” “Because Joey Richter is CUH-RYING IN HERE.” oh my god. I thought about that line a few weeks ago for the first time in years and it killed me. And “I think he needs to be picked up” adorable. I can’t handle it. “Um, Joey, I love you.” “Thanks friend, I love you too.” Ahhhh help. Oh the audio got so much clearer suddenly for Sally’s confession. “I want all of you, Joey Richter. And all I can give in return is myself. I wish I could give you more.” Awwwwwwwww. That line. “But I... there’s a... wait I....... Shit.” The “shit” on cue with the music, amazing. Ahhh I forgot how cute of a song Even Though is. Hey, StarKid, why cut the parts mid-way through the song!? Stupid YouTube...
“Maybe she is the person who we initially disliked!” Hey we got there. “Listen to your heart.” “NO. You screwed everything up last time.” “And I could very well screw it up this time!” Lily as Sally’s Heart. Adorable. That little curtsy at “and now twenty-first century!” is so cute. I’m glad StarKid didn’t do the usual take-off-her-glasses-and-she’s-pretty route for Sally. “Well that’s probably because our hearts are dancing a waltz to a song in 4/4 time.” I love that joke and oh my god the caption says (Everyone appreciates the joke) amazing. Also I love that the Hearts are like... grasping and letting go of their hands in beat to the heartbeat. Miss Cooter coming out from between her legs oh my god. Joey kissing Miss Cooter. More things that initially went over my head. AHHHH THE WAY SHE PUSHES HER BACK DOWN THROUGH THE LEGS. I SCREAMED. “And that is not the man I see lying in a heap below me.” Yesssss Alle-Faye! Yes AJ! Nick in the background with just a sweatshirt over his Snatch dress, I can’t. “Someone tell him where his dick is” “He’s out to find his dick” That is the most ridiculous number in the show, and somehow it’s the only one that doesn’t have dancing genitalia in it.
“Take a douche, cutie.” “You eat until you are as fat as you are ugly.” “That’ll take forever.” Awww noooooo. “I know there’s someone out there who still thinks you’re beautiful.” “...Mom?” “No, she doesn’t think that” Ahh my heart. “Yeah it’s me, the Old Snatch!” I love her. There are some awkward cuts in this scene that make me wonder if lines were cut, or if it’s just how they edited the two camera angles. I remember singing this song on the street once while explaining MAMD to a friend. It didn’t help explain it. I love Lily as the High Council Pussy. “Pussies from the West are bringing snacks.” Such a fun song.
Oh my god. I will not repeat what the caption just called the High Council Pussy. I will instead call her what the lyrics in the description said, the High Council Pussy. Oh my god. “Rabble rabble rabble” StarKid should bring that back. “I’s dos! The Old Snatch” “The Old Snatch?” “Yeah that’s right, the Old Snatch.” I love her. I can’t handle the caption putting her name for every single line. Oh my god. I’m gonna just call her the Grand Pussy. I cannot. Ok so the Old Snatch says her name out loud. I do not remember that. And that word definitely went over my head as a 14 year old. Oh my god. “Love! My esteemed colleagues. LOVE!... For a dick.” I’m dead. The flopping with the rabbles, I’m dead. “She’s wasting our pussy time” Bringing back that joke. The Old Snatch has Snatch Scouts? Can we hear more about them?? “Because if I’m wrong and a dick can love, what does that say about you?” OH NO. OH NOOO. NO DON’T HURT MY GIRL LIKE THIS. “A dick won’t set foot in there twice.” NO. NO OLD SNATCH YOU’RE PERFECT. “Elder Vag” Ok see, I much prefer that title. Ok the Old Snatch taking off her wig... made me want to make a joke... but I can’t remember the word I’m thinking of and I don’t feel like googling it. I figured out that the word was merkin. The caption said (Flopsy queefs) and I died. “I’s woulds” “The Old Snatch!” “That’s right. The Old Snatch.” Best running joke. Best character. “Hey you, Old Snatch.” “That’s me. The Old Snatch.” I die every time. I forgot that Flopsy’s real name is Myrtle. “We’s gots works to do.” I’m not gonna make the joke. The Flight of the Pussies. I cannot. Also yesss Alle-Faye’s vocalizations (I’m 95% sure it’s Alle-Faye singing the high part).
“He has a dick, it’s not his dick!” Oh Joey. “I got a picture of him, you wanna see it? I take pictures of him.” Oh my god Joey. “There’s a big singing, dancing dick in front of you Joey. I think anything’s possible.” I mean. He really has a point. Ah Corey’s so good. This whole song is SO good. Dick stiff-arming Weenie is amazing. “Get that sad bishop out of here.” Yessss Corey. Awww there’s a gentle instrumental reprise of Me and My Dick playing in the background as Joey tried to get Dick back. Oh I forgot they actually reprise the song!
TIE HIM TO A CACTUS!??!?!? I literally couldn’t remember if the bird comes back, it does. Aww the ba-dum-tss at the Heart pun. “That’s the only way we can work it out. And if we’re all in this together, you can bet on it that we’re breaking free.” “Fabulous!” “Looks like the boys are back!” Will people understand how amazing that joke is in 20 years? Is this another doomed to be outdated joke? I remember when I did Kiss Me Kate in high school, someone had to outline all the 40s jokes so we’d know why they were funny, will someone one day make an outline of all the StarKid jokes from the 2010s to explain them? “Cause I’m just a little boy and you’re all walking pussies.” Amazing. “Today I’ve seen dicks and pussies, walking and talking and flying around.” “You Old Snatch.” “I am the Old Snatch” Love her. I never noticed Joey wiping his hands. “Guys follow me, I’ll take you back to our dimension.” Amazing. “And I want more than that, no. I deserve more.” Yes you do, you Old Snatch. I sort of need to know the backstory now of Big T’s old person and how they ended up being Tiffany’s first time. Tobias and Gladys?? I forgot their names. Ali flying back in with the tickets. Amazing. See I know the audience is laughing, and StarKid probably intended that last little Me and My Dick reprise to be funny between Big T and the Old Snatch, but it’s genuinely sweet. I’m really happy that the Old Snatch gets a happy ending.
”Miss Cooter did you just come in through the window?” “No you’re crazy, go back to sleep.” I don’t love Heaven on Earth as a song, but it’s still fun. Oh my god. I just screamed “JOE” out loud. Because all show I’ve been like “Don’t we see Rick’s dick at some point? Who plays Rick’s dick?” And just now I was doing a mental tally of the 12 13 cast members and I’m like “None of them can play Rick’s dick, they have their own roles to play in this finale. But I KNOW we saw that dick... who was it...” And then JoMo walked onstage. I really just screamed “JOE” out loud when I saw him. Oh my god. Once again the pearl necklace joke went over my head as a 14 year old. I love the audience reaction though, they finally all notice the necklaces at that moment if they didn’t notice them already. Ok I never understood the Palace of Auburn Hills joke. I assumed it was something going over my head when I was younger, but I just googled it and it’s actually just a Michigan joke. Also does JoMo come onstage and then immediately just go off? He’s gone. ”HYOOO!” so cute.
Aww and the Darren version of Ready to Go for the credits.
“And Joey Richter as himself” amazing.
Aww, Darren’s version of Even Though for the rest of the credits.
Ok so the Old Snatch is still the literal best character that StarKid has ever made. I love her so much and I love how Nick plays her. She is my favorite character in any StarKid show I think to this day.
CLARK WAS ON KEYBOARD?!?!?!?!?! WHAT?!?!?!?! CLARK!?!?!?!? YOU WERE HERE THIS EARLY?!?!?!?!?! oh my god. I legit just screamed “CLARK!?” seeing his name.
Also I think I always knew Darren was playing Guitar in the show, especially if he was there to do the cameo, but for some reason it didn’t really hit me until I saw his name just now. That’s so fun.
And Carlos! Yay! I wish Carlos had been able to do more stuff with StarKid.
Sorry, I’m still reeling from finding out that Clark has been in their bands for this long, for basically the entire time. I really thought he didn’t show up until around Starship. I am also ashamed that the fandom didn’t even truly know of his existence until SPACE Tour when he stole all our hearts in the Jim and Povolos section. And even then he wasn’t appreciated until Firebringer.
(Update a few weeks later: I found an old post of mine from 2012 where I acknowledge that Clark has been around since at least MAMD, so I guess at some point over the last decade I forgot that I already knew he’d been around this long.)
While rereading this post, it suddenly hit me that whenever people would ask what my StarKid dream role is, I’d always say Sally’s Heart. Honestly, it still is one I’d love to play.
I’m glad I rewatched it. It definitely is different now as an adult, especially an adult who’s older than all the StarKids were when they did the show. Some parts did not age well in the slightest, but it’s still very funny and the music is incredible thanks to AJ and Carlos (and Darren).
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transmortifried · 4 years
Tagged by @errorpaige
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you want to know better whoever you like!
1. Name/Nickname:  Kit/Kitkat/Kitten, if you call me the last one and we aren't dating, i will stab you
2. Gender:  nonbinary woman, i've described it as being a resident of the greater Woman metropolitan area
3. Star sign:  Aquarius
4. Height:  5′7″
5. Time:  4:20 pm, i swear that wasn't on purpose
6. Birthday:  around valentine's day
7. Favorite Band:  as of right this minute, blind guardian
8. Favorite Solo Artist:  guilhem desq. as above, this changes minute by minute
9. Song Stuck in My Head: well, it wasn't "we got work to do" from firebringer until i read paige's answer, but it definitely is now
10. Last Movie:  probably thor ragnarok?
11. Last Show:  riverdale, which i have been watching with the same energy as someone watching a toddler run around unsupervised with a fist full of permanent markers
12. When I Created This Blog:  around 2012, i think?
13. What I Post:   does anybody actually take blog theming seriously? i reblog goofs
14. Last Thing I Googled:  "7zip" because i just got a new laptop and i need to be able to open .7z files
15. Other Blogs:  transartifried, which is where i mirror my creative projects, and and-ill-form-the-catgirl-head, a url i'm squatting on for joke purposes
16. Do I get asks: not enough of them, seeing as 90% of my followers are all shy bottoms who are intimidated by my natural sexual charisma
17. Why I Chose My URL:  four way portmanteau of "trans," "transmogrified," "mortified", and "fried", which is a comprehensive stock-taking of my personality
18. Following:  90 blogs, a third of which are probably inactive
19. Followers:  929, would be more but y'all can't read apparently
20. Average Hours of Sleep:  between 6 and 10, varying with no discernible pattern
21. Lucky Number:  is it too much of a cliche to say 69?
22. Instruments:  none, never learned how to play music
23. What I Am Wearing: my work uniform, since i'm at work
24. Dream Job:  unemployed. i don't see the appeal of working a job every day. i work to live, not vice versa
25. Dream Trip:   2-stop trip, boston then vermont, see the girlfriends
26. Favourite Food:  spiced bun, frozen bake there was a cajun/vietnamese fusion place in town a while back that did a killer shrimp po boy, and i'm still thinking about it years after that place closed
27. Nationality: white
28. Favourite Song:  changes daily, today it's chariot by dark moor. on a real symphonic metal kick
29. Last Book I Read: Slammed In The Butt By My Handsome Laundry Detergent Pod, written by Chuck Tingle, as read by Justin McElroy, because listening to audiobooks is the same as reading and i'll fight anyone who says different
30. Top 3 fictional universes I would love to live in:  bad magical girl anime for preteens, because everybody has superpowers and nobody ever dies
i’ll tag @horse-piss, @kelagon, and @trans-mom​
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yea-im-smokin-pot · 4 years
this is boring but...STARKID SHOW RANKING
12. ani: a parody
ok so lemme explain, i love every starkid show, and i love ani. but i feel like its one of those shows where its like, some things are kinda better than this, yknow? also jar jar binks is one of the best characters in this musical.
11. firebringer
i literally perform this all the time in my room, but i feel like the writing on this isnt the bEeeSt? idk honestly. i love the female representation and im gay for lauren lopez, but this musical is not my absolute favorite.
10. holy musical b@man
i absolutely love the costumes, and i really dont wanna put it this low but iDk this is hard as fuuuuck. the writing is amazing, and by that i mean THE PUNS AND JOKES. they literally made the calendar man call batman and robin “april fools” and he also said “get ready to MARCH into your deaths” like WHAT. also jeff blim’s acting and timing is absolutely perfect.
9. me and my dick
i...fucking love this show? its one of the funniest shows if you’re into sex humor. joey’s heart is one of the best characters and boy am i a lesbian for ms. cooter. i absolutely love the production quality, its worse than a very potter musical somehow. i love how the quality of it has “5th grade sex ed” vibes. yknow?
8. a very potter sequel
oh boy am i gonna get hated for this. a very potter sequel is usually the favorite among the trilogy. ok in the harry potter trilogy, its not my absolute favorite, and it doesnt give the same vibe yknow??? but as a starkid show itself its really funny and the choreography is spectacular. thank james tolbert for that.
7. a very potter senior year
bro this one just HITS DIFFERENT YKNOW? if you ignore the fact that they have scripts on stage and that it seems rushed, then its really beautiful. i was watching it last night and i heard senior year play and i started SOBBING. the fact that it was the end of the trilogy was so sad. also, avpsy was supposed to be the last starkid show which makes it even sadder. the songs in this show are just so much better. for example, tonight this school is mine, sidekick, i was. THEYRE ALL B O P S ! joey richter’s vocals improved soo much and he deserved that solo.
6. twisted
DYLAN FREAKING SAUNDERS, GET THIS MAN ON BROADWAY. i love the character and emotion he put into ja’far. if i believed gets me every time, a tearjerker if i do say so myself. joe walker as prince achmed was the best choice honestly, now he’s one of my dream roles. also, jeff blim’s aladdin???? GOLDEN. thst scene where you find out he murdered his parents and he goes through this whole dialogue between his other identity is hilarious. the comedy is beautiful.
5. black friday
i might get attacked for putting this at number 5. but still, KENDALL NICOLE YAKSHE IS A FUCKING BLESSING. she’s only 13 and shes already top notch at acting. and honestly, i love mariah, i do, but im glad she didnt play lex. i loved angela’s version of her. also, IM SO HAPPY WE FINALLY HAVE AN ALTO. I CAN ACTUALLY SING TO BLACK FRIDAY AND CALIFORM.I.A. also, KIM WHALEN!!!!! HER VOCALS IN TAKE ME BACK ARE FUCKING ASTONISHING. robert manion is a BLESSING and jeff blim looks sosososo happy in this.
4. a very potter musical
i fucking love this musical. draco? a dream role. voldemort? mood. the songs? amazing. hotel? trivago. no but honestly, the reason why i like this musical so much is the nostalgia. whenever i listen to it just tear up a bit yknow? also this musical got me into glee so 😗✌️. also i feel like snape (joe moses) is so under appreciated in all three musicals??? like he’s so fucking funny. the music in this show is so good. also, quirrellmort??? beautiful.
3. the guy who didnt like musicals
and now, the musical that got me into starkid, this mess. ah yes, it was a hot july day. i was performing in a play, but oh shit i had strep!!! so i missed our last dress rehearsal :( but if it wasnt for that, i probably wouldn’t even know what starkid is. i remember trying to watch this musical when it first came out, but for some reason i had a fear of jeff blim so i turned it off. but i watched it and was like “DAYUM” also, robert manion’s hip wiggles are really fucking hot for some reason. i found this musical really funny and im really into comedy. the opening number? golden. the ending is where its at though, INEVITABLE. jon matteson has a really nice voice. and mariah rose faith, A GODDESS!!!! i had been watching mariah’s (@linguinismansion) covers ever since i got into theatre. i loved her dead girl walking cover and her world burn cover. (and now shes in mean girls!! wooo!) im also 90% sure mariah is why im a lesbian so...thanks...i guess?? anyway i love this show and its chaotic cast
2. trail to oregon
you guys are probably very confused as to why this is second. I TOLD YALL I LIKED COMEDY. jeff blim’s writing is fucking amazing. the music? godly. cornwallis? sexy. for some reason when i first watched this i found jeff blim sexy??? dont ask??? but its really hilarious and it honestly is just my family taking a road trip. c h a o t i c. the son is my dream role and if i ever play him then i want my name to be onion. dont ask. but i love the plot and music so much. also joey richter’s constant quick changes in independence are impressive as fuck!!! also he’s so good at every role in this musical. 11/10
1. starship
this might be a shocker since i never talk about it or have never used it in any of my posts. but every time i watch this musical, i cry. i fucking love status quo and joey richter has come so far in singing and theatre. he’s honestly so fucking good. status quo is the best starkid song, there i said it. also, im such a fucking lesbian for taz. her spanish accent, wow im gay. and dont get me started on dylan, the arm structure that you need to hold up pincer’s puppet, damn. he had his arms up for like 12 minutes!!! kick it up a notch is one of the best villain songs in all of starkid. also, brian holden is just fucking...making me question my sexuality, i dont know why but junior is cute as shit. it might be the hair i dont know. starship needs more recognition in the starkid fandom. im not saying it’s underrated like how ani and me and my dick are, but its very rare that you hear that this show is someone’s favorite. this musical is so fucking good and the music is just mWa! s p e c t a c u l a r.
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storms-dnd-archive · 5 years
My Top Fav Starkid Shows
Since I just watched Black Friday’s digital release now seems as good a time as any to rank my favorite musicals from Starkid.  I in no way think you should find these to be your favorites, they're just mine.  I’m gonna rank them in ascending order and explain a little why I chose that spot.  Please share with me your top lists as well!  Also, please be my friend and talk to me about musicals. 
12. Ani: A parody - I am sorry if I offend anyone, but I did not enjoy Ani very much. I did like how it seemed like a sports movie, and I didnt hate it. There were some funny moments. But on the whole, was just not a huge fan of this one. 
11. A Very Potter Senior Year - I know the quality is lower because they didnt have the same sort of time or resources to make it as nice as the other shows, but I think that warrants to be lower on the list. Also, the songs were not as memorable and the plot felt like it was forced a little. Still enjoyable, just to many issues to be higher on the list. 
10. Holy Musical, B@tman! - First, Lego Batman totally took inspiration from HMB, I can feel it in my bones.  So, I liked this musical, but there are not as many really strong songs that I catch myself remembering or wanting to sing along to. It's a cute story and I really like this one, it's just a little lower in quality for me.  Dark, Sad, Lonely Knight
9. Black Friday - This could possibly go up once I’ve seen it a few more times. I liked it, but the songs were not my favorite and as a story, it seems like it would have worked better as a play than a musical. But, maybe once the YouTube version drops I’ll feel differently.  I have spoiler opinions as well for the show, about what I super liked. But that will have to go on its own post.  Also, this has got to be the saddest show in the bunch. Like oof-a-rooni. I has the sad.  - cant name fav song, but Dylan Saunders ya’ll - 
8. Me and My Dick - Like A Very Potter Musical, this one is a classic for me. I watched it a lot when I was younger. I think it is incredibly funny and the plot is so off the wall surreal that a musical was literally the best choice medium it could have gone.  This spot is mostly nostalgic for me.  Ready to Go!
Bonus Tin Can Brothers: Spies Are Forever - Not the same group so technically should not be on the list at all, but it has enough of the same actors and people working on it that I think there is value in adding to the list.  I really liked this show at all. The songs were ok, but like Black Friday I think it would have worked better without being a musical. Still keep the opening song but perhaps it be a play the rest of the time.  The plot and story for this show are really great, the plot twist is amazing, and Curt Mega being a gay spy during a time during the Purple Scare is really something. (Check out Silvana LTD. on Youtube for a more comprehensive look on how brilliant this is.) Overall great show and I hope the Tin Can Brothers make more shows. 
7. Trail to Oregon - With some really great songs and one of the funniest shows in the lineup, there is so much to lobe about Trail to Oregon. It may not be the most dramatic plot or best songs, but because of how funny and enjoyable it is, it deserves a high spot. Basically, just a lot of fun. You Gotta Go - or - Pays to be an Animal
6. Firebringer - LESBIANS! -cough- So, this musical is great. It has a really nice polished feel that I think shows how far Starkid has come from its humble origins. It's also an original story and not a parody of anything, and that in its own right I think deserves a high spot on the list. Because it shows Starkid are not one-hit parody wonders. I think there is a lot to love about this one, with the lovable characters, political commentary, and really awesome visual effects.  Also, “I don't want to do the work today!” Into the Night!
5. A Very Potter Sequel - A really solid sequel. In its own right has a great plot while still tying to the first show's plot really nicely. Characterization is still great and all the new characters are very enjoyable. There are some great songs. Overall, it really pairs nicely with the original.  Harry Freakin Potter - or - Guy’s Like Potter
4. A Very Potter Musical - The OG, a Classic. Forever timeless. Where it all began and without we would have none of the other shows on this list. I wish more people or studios would put musicals online. Original, parody, or otherwise. There is such a strong need for creativity and fun musical entertainment. More people should take a chance. But anyways, such good music. Almost every song is a bop. The characters are hilarious and the plot is amazing.  I could go on but anyone bothering to read this post knows how good AVPM is. Granger Danger!
3. Twisted - I cried! This show is so well done. The blending of Wicked and Aladdin is so well done that you wish more villans would get this treatment. I would love to explore more stories in this manner. Not being a villain apologist but changing the story a bit and seeing a story from the perspective of someone everyone sees as a villain. Gosh, I love that concept.  This musical is great and I have very little critiques for it. Also, Dylan Saunders. If I believed in Wishes!
2. Starship - This originally would have been my absolute favorite and has been for a long time. But TGWDLM is just so catchy and the quality is so nice. Starship has better quality songs if comparing the two. The songs are really what make this, where almost every number is perfect and lends to the plot in the most cohesive way of all the Starkid shows. Also, a parody of Starship Trooper and the Littel Mermaid, sign me the fuck up. That is so original!  I love all the characters immensely and think that the character arcs are perhaps the best here than in any of the other shows. Overall, one of the best Starkid has done and I am always surprised it does not get more love from the community.  Also, the puppets are so great ya’ll! The puppets! Ok so my favorite song is Kick it Up a Notch, and it's my favorite villain song and possibly musical song, period. It is so jazzy and cool and catchy, I sing it all the time. Dylan Saunders has an amazing voice and this song highlights it in all the best ways. Also, Pincer looks amazing.  God, I love Starship. 
1. The Guy Who Didnt Like Musicals - Number 1! So, I gushed so much about Starship, how could any musical top it? Well, that's what I thought too until I watched TGWDLM a few times. While being a parody, on musicals as a whole and old SciFi, it is a fairly original plot. The acting here is some of the more natural feeling and better acted acting in all of the shows. It could practically be a movie (and I've seen so many requests that it become a movie, like please please become a movie!) The songs are perfect and have an emotional punch with each placement. None of them feel out of place and the ones that do feel that way with purpose since the Apotheosis is unnatural. The plot is just amazing, with perfect timing on emotional impact and moving purpose. The characters feel real and have good arcs. And although it ends rather bleakly, the twist ending actually lends to how unique and awesome of a musical it is. (Giving me strong Little Shop of Horrors vibes.) Overall, this is a musical I have watched several several times and recommended to a lot of people. It is really great and I will be the first person backing any Kickstarter or call to action that a movie would need to be made.  Best Song, besides all of them? La De Da De Day - or - Join Us (and Die)
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Question Tag. Rules: always post the rules. Answer the questions given to you and write 10 questions of your own. Tag 10 people.
 I was tagged by the lovely @fuck-yeah-firebringer, and cannot remember the last time I did anything like this so I might sound a bit awkward. :P
1. What’s your patronus/hogwarts house? I’ve actually never given either of these much thought tbh. I’d like to say owl or wolf, but they’re basically just animals I like a lot. Idk what would actually fit me. As for house... I’m definitely somewhere between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, and I could make an argument for either so I’m going to choose Ravenclaw.
2. Favourite musical? This is way too difficult to answer. I mean, I’ve adored Grease ever since I was about 6 years old and I still love it. But Jesus Christ Superstar is the one I’ve watched most (both on stage and on screen), unless you count The Rocky Horror Show. But then I’ve listened to Hamilton way more than any others. I’m going to say Spies are Forever just because that’s the one I cannot stop watching at the moment, and I seriously considered flying halfway around the world to see it last year.
3. Who on tumblr are you really glad you followed? So many people, I’m not even going to try and answer this fully because the answer would be way too long and I’d still miss people out. Instead I’ll just mention @hatersmakemeefamous because we ended up becoming friends irl and she has contributed not insignificantly to my pile of books I need to read, and @fuck-yeah-firebringer because I had been absolutely *dying* for someone to freak out to about Mary Kate Wiles. :’)
4. Do you have any pets? Not strictly pets, but my family keeps budgies and cockatiels.
5. What book/film/play changed your life? Yet another hard question to answer, and I’m not sure if that’s because I have too many or too few... Plenty of books have changed who I am as a person, and obviously that changes how my life plays out too. And of course books(/films/plays) can change the course of your life in small ways just because they give you something in common with other people who’ve read(/watched) them. But the closest I can come to what I think this question really means, is Looking for Alaska.
6. Opinion on The Cursed Child? The script reads like the most ridiculous cheesy fanfiction; not necessarily *bad* but definitely over the top and with several things that come totally out of nowhere and never start to make sense. I’m hoping it works better on stage where the subtlety generally comes from the actors, not from the script.
7. What’s your most prized possession? I don’t think I even *can* answer this honestly, because all the top competitors are either books or notes/cards that are from or associated with people I care about, so trying to pick one would essentially be picking between those people. Then when I try to think of anything else, there’s nothing else I care about enough for it to be an option. :’) I’ll just pick my gorgeous leatherbound copy of Great Expectations because I absolutely adore that as a book, as a beautiful item, and it has some really nice associations too but not quite as much as the other things I’m disqualifying for being too personal.
8. What fandoms are you in? Oh god, lots? Probably the only ones I get particularly involved with though are Dresden Files, Gilmore Girls, and Mary Kate Wiles/Shipwrecked.
9. Who’s your favourite person? Wow, yeah, so not answering that one. :’) I don’t even want to *pick* a favourite person, let alone announce that choice!
10. What’s your dream? Honestly pretty much just to be married somewhere that never gets too hot and have walls absolutely full of books.
My questions:
1. What’s the first album you can remember falling in love with? 2. Describe the most recent dream you had. Or the most recent *interesting* dream, if you feel the most recent one was too boring. 3. How many times have you read the book you’ve read most often? 4. What kind of weather are you most comfortable with? 5. Tell us about one of your favourite places, and a memory you have from there. 6. Do you have any signed books? 7. If you could get food with any one living person who you’ve never met, who would it be and what food would you pick? (Assuming they have no preference, unless you happen to know otherwise.) 8. What’s the nicest/most thoughtful thing someone’s ever done for you? 9. Name a book that you’ve always wanted to read but never got around to. 10. How would you describe your personal style?
And I totally do not have 10 people I could tag, so... @xserpx, @rottenvessels, @tragedy420, @clara--elizabeth, @scuffeddocs Naturally feel free to answer if you like, and if we’ve ever talked there’s a decent chance that I thought of you but just didn’t know if it would be weird for me to tag you. :’)
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1-98 coward
Talk about your first love: bet ok my first crush was my cousin’s best friend but like my first real love>>> i love i love i love you so much
What’s the most beautiful songs you’ve ever heard in your opinion?: bright by echosmithhhh
How’s your heart feeling right now?: really light for once, which feels nice
What kind of self care is your favorite to do?: just writing with my feelings
What’s your skincare routine?: god fuck i dont take care of myself
How did you get to be so beautiful?: IM NOT well probably the drugs
Do you have any stuffed animals?: yes oh my god
Best trip you’ve ever been on?: honestly my trip to georgia was so nice
Favorite thing about your room?: so rn im residing in the basement and i love having the cat there
Opinion on love?: love is so good
Are you affectionate?: YES
Who do you look up to?: my nana
Favorite poet?: uhhhhhhh i dont know
Song that makes you happy? How about one that calms you down when you’re in a bad place?: happy: climate change from firebringer. calm down: i just put on the rogues medley and pray that i can calm down at this rate
Do you play an instrument?: no
Do you do art? Using what (pencil, watercolor, etc)?: i cannot draw or art to save my life
Do you dance? What style of dance?: i do what you call bad dance
What’s your zodiac sign? Do you believe in astrology?: im a taurus , kind of believe
Favorite old film?: TKAM TKAM TKAM
What’s your hairstyle?: my signature is actually a ponytail, but i do a half up half down quite often
What weather is the most beautiful, in your opinion?: sunny summer mornings
What upsets you most about the world?: fuckin hate and bad people and mean parents
Are you in love right now?: y e s 
Do you have a crush? If so, talk about them!: well u see my crush is actually my boyfriend and i adore you so much
Do you have pets? Talk about something sweet about them!: i have 2dogs. emily is so fuckin soft and she hides under my bed whent hings get loud or she misses me. pepper literally climbs on top of me when i get home. and i have 1 cat, cash , who lies in bed with me
Do you have a lucky number?: 524 or 624
Have you ever wished on a star? What about on a fallen eyelash?: yes and yes
Do you believe emoji spells to work?: i dont know
Do you believe in magic in general?: a little bit
What’s the most beautiful thing in life, In your opinion?: love, happiness
Opinion on the color pink? What about baby blue?: pINK I LOVE PINK and baby blue is pretty
What instrumental sound is your favorite?: wind wind wind soft sind
Do you like the sound of wind? What about the sound of rain? wild: es rain: no, it makes me really upset?
Who makes you happy?: ollie, cam, my friends irl, my family 
What makes you happy?: im so easy to make happy,,,,i love getting good grades
Imagine your ideal life, the life you wish to make, what will that look like?: god,,,,i’d have a little farmhouse, in sort of the country, i’d have a couple kids and some dogs, id be married, i’d have some fruits i grow,,,,
Do you wear makeup? If so what’s your favorite type of makeup or specific makeup product? Favorite store to buy makeup?: i very rarely wear makeup. my fave is red lipstick, i get from ulta a lot
Do you wear dresses? If so what’s your favorite dress you own?: my fave dress is this red one ive got, it’s super pretty, but i dont have it anymore
Ever been heartbroken? How do you deal with it?: ive been heartbroken, but not in the romantic way..i didnt deal with it very well
Who’s your closest friend? What do you love about them? my closes friend is my friend abby. shes been my best friend for 8 years now. i love how energetic and friendl she is. she doesnt care what others think. 
Introvert or extrovert? ambivert
Do you like MBTI? What’s your MBTI? kind of, im an ENFP
Would you be a fairy, a mermaid, a vampire, a siren, a or an angel? FAIRY
What’s the best song a friend has ever introduced to you? it’s gonna sound so funny, it was the schuyler sisters
Parlez-vous français? a little bit, i can read simple stuff and kind of understand
Most beautiful place you’ve been to? my cousin’s town. everythign about it makes me happy.
Where/when do you truly feel at home? camp.
Does smiling put you in a better mood? Try it right now, you’re smile is goreous! i just smiled thank you
Favorite shoe you own? my crocs
Can you walk in stilettos? Do you like them? god i cannot walk in refular shoes how am i expected to walk in stilettos
Do you feel loved?  i think so
How do you express love to those you care about? it’s all i can express, love--i try my hardest to express it through everything
Favorite term(s) of endearment? baby, love, honey, sweetie
Most romantic thing someone’s ever done for you? literally,,,,love me for me? and also to calm me down if i was spirallng
When is the happiest you’ve ever been? i think it was this summer, i won an award at camp and it made me happy.
Are you happy right now? yeah
What makes you smile? a lot
Do you laugh a lot? i do
What’s your favorite kind of aesthetic? soft soft soft
Do you want to marry for love or for some other reason (like money)? love.
What would your dream wedding look like? Do you want to get married? i wanna get married. i never thought about my wedding.
Favorite flower? red roses
Favorite artist? van gogh
Favorite music artist? i dont know,,,
How kind do you think you are? Is kindness important to you? i think i can be kind. it’s really imprtant to me.
Ever made a playlist for someone? i have i have
Do you have anything you do to physically comfort you when your sad? Such as a favorite blanket? Or a relaxing bath? physically? if im with friends, i just want hugs,,,,but if im alone, idont really have anything
Early bird or night owl? early bird
Morning routine? coffee
Night routine? procrastiate sleep
What is the most lovely quality a person could have in your opinion? kindness
Do you cry often? Does crying help you get the emotions out? Do you feel better after? i dont cry often i hate crying crying makes me anxious
Do you like hugs? i love hugs
When was the last time you kissed someone? ive never had my first kiss
Are you small or tall? i am tiny
Do you like wholesome memes? yes
Favorite thing about the past? what i looked like
Do you ever wonder abou the future? yes yes yes
Have you ever lived in a different country than you currently live in? no
Do you like plane flights? Airports? i havent flown since i was 9, but yeah
Sunrises or sunsets? sets
The beach or a forest? beach
What time of day do you tend to be in the best mood? morning
Do you push yourself to act together and in a good mood even when you aren’t? yes, i try
Favorite kind of tree? pine!!
Do you care about the health of the Earth? YES
What did you like most about your childhood, if anything? god i was so,,,,motivated
Do you read a lot? What’s your favorite book? i used to read a lot, but as ive gotten older, ive struggled, i love little women
What are you most nostalgic for at the moment? summer
 What’s your favorite personality trait you have? i honestly, truly hate my personality.
List at least ONE thing you love about your appearance. my hair color
When was the last time you truly felt calm, without much of anything to worry about? honestly like an hour ago
Do you worry a lot? yes, my anxiety is all worry
The dazzling lights of the city or the relaxing countryside? country
Ever changed the shoelaces on one of your shoes? For what reason? no
Favorite pastry? tiramisu
Do you like doing little acts of kindness? yes
How’s your day/night going? todays been one of the best days in a long time.
0 notes