#how much is a carbon monoxide alarm
sycophantzealot · 10 months
have you watched saint oniisan will you watch saint oniisan.
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yahooo-official · 2 months
hey guys. the carbon monoxide detector in my home started going off earlier today. it turned out to be a false alarm, but i feel like i should take this opportunity to say: it is so important to have a carbon monoxide detector in your home! carbon monoxide is scentless and tasteless, so you won't know unless you have one! if you don't have one, get one! if you do have one, when was the last time you replaced its batteries? and how old is it? carbon monoxide detectors last for about 10 years, so if yours is older than that, replace it! if it dies, it could either go off indefinitely (which is what caused my family's incident,) or not go off when it's supposed to (this is much worse!)
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acapelladitty · 8 months
Monomania: Part 3
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Summary - As the latest victim of Homelander's cruel and obsessive nature, Hughie Campbell finds himself playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse with a man who proves just how monstrous a hero can be.
(tw: unhealthy obsession, n-con, manipulation, abusive language/behaviours, forced oral/hj, mild violence)
Parts 1 & 2
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"Oi, fuck off, Hughie. There's no way that happened."
Stopping dead in his tracks as he strode through the familiar hallways of Vought HQ, Homelander found himself straining his delicate hearing as he picked up the unmistakably smug and accented voice of William Butcher.
"You really are a fucking gimp." The voice continued, a bellied laugh quickly following the affectionate insult and something in how genuine it sounded sparked a twitch in Homelander's jaw - his stomach roiling with a feeling that a lesser man might call jealousy. Unwilling to contend with the possessive thought for the moment, he straightened his spine and turned the corner, almost walking into the man himself as he rounded the sharp turn.
"William!" Homelander greeted, venom hiding plainly across his tone as his lips stretched into a faux, welcoming grin. "I'm surprised to see you here." His eyes swept past the recognisable glare which William always afforded him to the even taller man standing just behind him - a cruel joy leaping into his chest as he met Hughie's eyes and watched the way that his eyes narrowed, and his hackles raised in an instant.
"And… Hughie, was it? Starlight's little,” he paused, “boyfriend?"
"Aww, you're famous, lad." William countered smoothly, his shoulders shifting to move in front of Hughie's body without thought as he subconsciously stood between the two, taking a moment to glance back at Hughie with a cocked smile. "Look, even the cunts up here know who you are. Remind me to get an autograph on my arse."
Fingers flexing against his gloves, the temptation to snap William’s fucking neck then and there was strong. Not only for the insult, but the way in which he thought he could, even unknowingly, interfere with his ongoing fun sparked a heated rage deep within his chest which surprised even him. Holding back the urge to lash out, Homelander instead settled his weight back on his heels as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Well, it was a pleasure as always.” Homelander bit out through gritted teeth. “But, places to be, heroic acts to fulfil. See you later, ladies." He smiled, the threat of violence unspoken but always present as he swept past the pair, ensuring to not spare an extra glance in Hughie's direction even as his familiar scent made his nose twitch in anticipation.
William was a wild card in his plans.
He was fond of Hughie, even an idiot could see that. The tight, defensive glare which burned from his skull when Hughie’s life was on the line and his rashness in trying to protect the man wasn’t well hidden. If William suspected anything of his little games then things would grow more complicated than he could be bothered with.
Turning to a new corridor as the two continued to leave, the last snippet of speech which Homelander picked up between the pair was Hughie telling Butcher to hold up in the lobby so he could use the bathroom. At the words, interest peaked in Homelander’s expression as his earlier irritation rose again to prick at his senses.
Oddly enough, Vought did not in fact monitor the bathrooms within the building with anything outside of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. A fact which made it very easy to slip into the bathroom only a few moments after hearing the door click shut.
As silent as the grave, the small bathroom was empty save for the rhythmic beat of Hughie's heart. Another temptation rose unbidden in his mind, sordid visions of having Hughie on his knees as he swallowed him down making his mouth momentarily dry but again it was too risky to follow through on. Not on home turf. Not with Vought eyes everywhere. There was only so much he could get away with without scandal.
But, like this…
Homelander approached Hughie from behind as he started to fumble with his jeans, his throat humming away at some unknown tune. Hands acting in a flash of movement, his right slipped around to cover Hughie's mouth as his left pushed his lower back forward - pinning him roughly to the wall by the urinal.
A muffled cry of surprise was held in place by his fingers as Hughie's heartrate spiked, rushing his blood around his body in sheer panic as he found himself unable to move.
"Midnight." Homelander growled, enjoying the feeling of power as his fingers pressed into Hughie's spine, knowing that a single squeeze could turn the bones there to dust. "Your apartment. If you're not alone then I'll kill anyone else who's there after having some fun." He paused, tilting his head closer until his nose was practically brushing the thick curls which hung on the back of Hughie's head as he inhaled the woody scent of him deeply.
"And wear something nice, little Hughie. I like effort." Homelander added, allowing his semi-hard bulge to brush against Hughie's hip. "Makes me hard."
And with one final testing sniff of the fear which was beginning to tinge the air, he released his hands and slipped free of the bathroom quicker than the human eye could comprehend.
Zipping from the bathroom to one of the nearby supply closets, Homelander pressed his back gently to the thick wooden door. His cock twitched within his costume, feeling heavy and hard as it remained trapped by the thick fabric, and he rolled the palm of his heel across it, teasing himself with a sharp exhale.
Oh, yes.
He could wait until midnight.
As the clock ticked down, Homelander couldn't deny the genuine excitement that nipped at his senses. Tonight, he would take his little game to the next level and finally get what he really wanted. The foreplay was all fun but his little interaction with Hughie in the bathroom had only solidified his determination and tonight would prove that Hughie was the right choice. Someone who could give him what he needed.
Patting his pocket to ensure that his planned surprise was safely stowed away, fantasy ruled his thoughts as he took off on the short trip to Hughie's apartment. Images of Hughie, his blazing eyes piercing his own as he wrapped those long legs around his waist, roiled within his mind. Those thin fingers squeezing at his throat as growls, bestial as fuck, slipped free of his curled lips. Hatred and fear. Adrenaline thick in the air. His cock slipping between Hughie's lips as he stared down at him.
Groaning as his feet landed on the balcony once more, Homelander was already breathless, and he took a moment to collect himself before slipping through the door. Immediately, he sensed Hughie and followed his heartbeat to find him sitting on one of the shitty couches which littered his cheaply furnished living room.
Lips splitting into a grin, Homelander took in the dark t-shirt and jeans which housed Hughie’s delightfully lanky frame with a giddy joy.
"Low effort. Wow." He popped his lips on the final word. “Really pulled out all the stops for me.”
"Fuck you." A simple reply as Hughie stood to his full, impressive height - the tension across his shoulders was unmissable. "And fuck whatever this is. But you won't hurt anyone else."
"I don't want to hurt anyone else." Homelander lied.
"Just me. Is that it? Some kind of fucked up punishment for Annie or Butcher just because you can't get to them instead?" Thoughts running away with him, Hughie's voice raised an octave as he quickly grew defensive at his continued confusion with his own predicament. "I won't hurt them. Annie. Butcher. Whatever sick shit you're planning. I won't. You'd be better killing me now."
"It's you I want, little Hughie. And as a show of," Homelander ruffled his shoulders until a satisfying pop went through his neck, "good will for our new arrangement, I even brought you this."
Throwing the item in his pocket over to Hughie's chest, he watched as Hughie caught it and brought it to eye level in the dim lighting before continuing.
"Take it."
Gazing down at the vial of compound v with obvious uncertainty, Hughie could only manage out a soft. "What? Why?"
"Take. It."
"You don't want to find out what'll happen if you don't." Homelander smiled, a strained smirk which did nothing to hide his irritation at the delay. "Trust me, little Hughie, you'll need your strength if you want to stand a chance against me. Take it and then you can get me. You can have me."
That did it, and a desperate determination entered Hughie's features as he slammed the small vial of liquid back. It was a determination which made Homelander's gut clench as he sadistically looked forward to stripping it away from him piece by sorry piece.
Arousal aside, it was interesting to watch a human react to the compound. Hughie's heartbeat picked up in an instant, pacing so quickly that Homelander watched with open fascination as his limbs trembled and a thin sheen of sweat erupted on his forehead. His movements even became quicker, fingers clenching and unleashing so quickly that it would be difficult for normal eyes to pick them up.
Little Hughie was all juiced up and Homelander held back a grunt as something unexpected joined the growing scent of sweat and adrenaline in the air.
Arousal which was definitely not his own.
In an instant and clearly hoping to catch him off-guard, Hughie lunged for him and Homelander laughed breathily as the sudden force knocked them both to the floor in a pile of thrashing limbs. Hughie's carpets were in rough shape, the stink of some cheap cleaning power making Homelander's noise twitch but he ignored it in favour of focusing on the welcomed heat which now pinned him to the floor.
Hughie's movements were a mess, the fresh power coursing through his veins making him jerky and uncontrolled. Almost animalistic in his unrestrained aggression as he straddled Homelander's waist.
"See. Now you have me. What next?" Homelander asked, his hips rolling despite himself as he ground himself into Hughie’s ass.
"Going to," Hughie panted and his fingers looped around Homelander's neck, "kill you."
"Really?" Homelander tutted, one hand wrapping around Hughie's hands to prevent any actual strangulation while the other dropped to Hughie's hip, fingers squeezing at the flesh there roughly enough to ensure some wicked bruising. "Do you think that's what's going to happen here?"
"Fuck. You." Hughie growled, some strands of his dark hair falling over his forehead with the effort of his movements.
"Maybe." Eyes dilating at the prospect, Homelander gave a mocking chuckle as he considered it. "But not tonight, little Hughie. Tonight, you're going to touch me."
"You're disgusting."
"And if you don't then I'll have to find someone else to do it. Maybe sweet Annie. I hear she's good with her mouth."
Pain, sharp and delicious, ricocheted through his jaw as Hughie's fist connected with his face. The sensation sparked a bloodlust which made his cock twitch and his tongue flick against his slack lips as he took in Hughie's furious gaze. The hand which had been pressing into Hughie's hips dropped, instead grasping messily at the seam of his costume as he struggled to pull the fabric down to free his cock.
Feeling the struggle as his gaze dipped to watch, revulsion twisted Hughie's features but with it came a hateful acceptance as he released Homelander's neck and instead slipped his ass back far enough to allow Homelander to slide his costume down far enough to allow his cock to spring free – the length immediately jutting proudly as it brushed his lower stomach.
Silence reigned for a moment, awaiting the break that would be the point of no return and Homelander gnashed his teeth impatiently as he snapped his hand around Hughie's wrist, forcing his hand onto his aching cock. The relief was immediate as the heat from Hughie's palm seemed to scorch the sensitive skin of his cock, giving him something concrete and cruel to focus on as his other hand slipped around Hughie's thigh, fingers digging in to his jeans.
Hughie's grip tightened painfully and Homelander unleashed a strangled gasped as Hughie’s fingers moved almost experimentally across his length - the bottom of his fist brushing the smattering of blonde pubic hair which lined the base of his cock.
"You're disgusting." Hughie spat, his anger and humiliation at being forced to pleasure a man he saw as a monster making his eyes flash and teeth bare themselves like an animal. "And this is fucked. It’s sick."
"But you're so good at it." Homelander countered with a throaty purr as his hips helped to thrust his cock into the hand jerking him off. "Look at how good you're doing it. Like you were made t-"
"You're a real fucking monster and I want to hear you admit it."
"Yeah, I'm a monster." Homelander gasped out, the words garbled and unclear as his breath caught in his throat due to Hughie's fingers brushing the ultra-sensitive ridge where his cockhead met the shaft. Hughie’s hand was dry and rough, almost irritating in how little it cared for his pleasure, and that dismissal made his head feel light as he allowed the rawness of the sensation to claw across his aching groin.
As though sensing his enjoyment, Hughie released his cock long enough to land a rough punch to his jaw, the blow forcing his head to the side once more as colour bloomed high in his cheeks at the rough contact.
"Say it right.”
"I'm a monster."
This time, the words were more of a whine as Homelander canted his hips against Hughie's ass - wordlessly begging for his hand again. True disgust rolled across Hughie's face as he reluctantly obliged, his fingers dropping to Homelander's cock once more to catch his aching length in a grip that would have been unbearably painful for a regular man.
"You're pathetic and cruel." Hughie continued, every snapped word matched by his hand as he twisted his wrist with each velvety jerk. "You're fucking sick. Insane."
Pinned to the floor and so fucking hard that he felt his cock was going to explode, Homelander could only whimper out weak agreements as his fingers clawed at Hughie's shoulders.
"Yes." Homelander agreed, repeating the word like a mantra as he chased his release. The tight band of arousal in his groin felt ready to snap, and his blurred eyes met Hughie's as he grunted out his pleasure.
There, buried beneath the hatred and disgust, lay a twisted satisfaction which made his balls tighten and his cock spasm; thin ropes of his release coating both his cock and the hand which continued to pump him through his orgasm. Hughie’s rough grip refused to relent, as though determined to force him to feel every touch and it prolonged the obscene line of pleasure and pain which his spasming cock was enduring.
Hughie liked hurting him.
Liked hitting him and humiliating him.
Little Hughie enjoyed hurting him in a way that he understood far too well and that was enough for him to know he had made the right choice.
Distracted as he were, Homelander almost didn't notice when Hughie released his cock until thin fingers were pushing at his lips with a brutal insistence. Drained from his orgasm, he opened his mouth as prompted and was immediately met with the taste of his own release as Hughie thrust his cum-soaked fingers deeply into his mouth.
It was unexpected and so fucking hot that Homelander couldn't stop his tongue from wrapping around the thin fingers as the salty tang of his mess clouded his senses further. Turned out Hughie had more in him that he could have suspected, and he played his part well as his rage and humiliation channelled into a very decent handjob.
Maybe he did deserve a reward and a cruel idea alit in Homelander's mind, something he suspected would solidify Hughie as his own and put an end to any dipshit ideas that he had any control between them.
Knocking Hughie to his back with one swift push, Homelander didn't give him a moment to breathe before his shaky hands were fumbling messily at Hughie's jeans until he had enough purchase to pull Hughie's cock free of his boxers.
A part of Homelander, the part that was still firmly rooted in the sickness of reality, knew that Hughie was only hard because of the adrenaline of the compound v; his cock responding to the fact that his heart was attempting to beat itself out of his chest. But an even deeper part of him understood that the darkness he saw reflected in Hughie was truly relishing the chance to punish him, to make him suffer for his 'wrongs', and that part of him would always make sure that he was ready to hurt him in the way that he wanted.
Fuck, he needed to taste him.
The saltiness of his own release was still harsh against his tongue and the pure need to wash it away with something even more twisted gnawed at his chest. It was too difficult to ignore, not that he tried, and he slid his body down Hughie's in an almost serpentine motion until he was able to kneel with his face coming to a halt between Hughie's outstretched legs.
Keeping a grip on Hughie's cock, Homelander marvelled for a moment at how long is felt in his palm. Longer than his own for sure but not quite as thick, and where his cock was ringed by a halo of pristine golden pubes, Hughie opted for a more closely shaven look with his pubic hair being dark and stubbled across the base of his cock.
"N-no!" Hughie stuttered, bravado fleeing him as he looked down his own body and realised what was going to happen. The horror washing across his face was as pretty as a picture and Homelander tilted his head to take it in better. "This isn't- you can't fucking do that."
"Can't? I can do anything I want. I'm the fucking Homelander."
And with that, Homelander strengthened his grip on Hughie's cock as he closed his lips over the head, his tongue quickly darting forward to wrap around and taste the new experience while his eyes marvelled at the aroused nausea which crossed Hughie’s features at the explicit act he was being made to endure.
Lacking experience, Homelander knew that his head skills were a mess as he tried to imitate the many people who had blown him over the years. His hand pumped gently across the base of Hughie's length, conscious of his vast strength, as his lips sucked at the head - knowing how sensitive his own was and how it was likely that Hughie would be the same.
A sharp pain in his scalp made him grunt as Hughie's fingers tugged at his hair, weakly attempting to pull him free of his cock as a series of gasping pleas and refusals broke free of his stuttering lips.
"What's that, little Hughie? Speak up. Kinda busy down here." Homelander darted his eyes between Hughie's face and the cock which now lay only an inch from his lips, coated by his own saliva and wickedly hard despite its owners’ protestations.
"Please, don't. Don't make me do it."
"I'm not making you do anything. I mean, look what you did for me. I'm just returning the favour. If you don't like me doing it then-"
Homelander’s gloved finger trailed along the tip of Hughie's cock, gathering a little of the pre-cum which was leaking from his tip. Bringing it to his lips, he made a loud popping noise with his finger as he licked it up with a cruel smile.
"-why the fuck are you as wet as a slut?
"You fucker!" Hughie hissed, his eyes glistening with a frustrated moisture as his body betrayed him. "Bastard! You knew what the compound v would do! You fucking knew! This isn't- I don't want this!"
Homelander hummed in quiet disagreement, sucking Hughie's cock between his lips once more as he kept him pinned to the floor by his hips. The scent of Hughie, the natural musk which seemed to haunt the man, invaded his senses and he sighed out in satisfaction as Hughie's cock gave a very definite twitch in his mouth and he knew that the inevitable was approaching.
With a strangled noise, a mild sob which could easily be mistaken for a groan, Hughie came and victory clawed around Homelander's heart as his unwanted release flooded his mouth. Ropes of cum coated his tongue and he swallowed them down greedily, making a show of his win by refusing to let up on his torments - continuing to lick and tease away at Hughie's cock until his struggles grew more desperate as overstimulation quickly set in.
Taking pity on his defeated prey, Homelander released him. In a few sharp movements, Hughie was gone from him in a flash - his body backing off across the carpet until his back struck the nearby wall. His softening cock hung free of his jeans, the tip of it glistening with his release and Homelander's spit and the expression on his face was so beautifully broken that Homelander remained on his stomach for a moment to admire it.
"Not so 'little' Hughie then." Homelander purred, sadistic joy at how perfectly his evening had gone making him chatty. "If I'd know that then maybe I would have set us up quicker than this. I think I'll blame William and his pointless vendetta."
"Leave-" Hughie muttered out, his voice hollowed, "just leave me alone."
Rising to his knees, Homelander followed Hughie's path towards the wall as he crawled towards him, only coming to a pause right in front of his prone frame. From here, the visible tremble of Hughie’s limbs as his arms wrapped around his knees was clear and Homelander almost felt a tendril of pity for him.
"Can't. Sorry." Homelander confessed, not truly feeling very sorry at all. "But I think we both know you're not mad at me. Nope. You're pissed that you came and that you liked making me come."
Whatever protests Hughie had went killed in the crib by Homelander placing one gloved finger over his lips.
"I saw it and if you lie it'll just make me angry."
"Why the compound v?" Hughie asked, the question catching Homelander off guard as his bleary eyes caught his own. "Why bother? It doesn't make a difference. Didn’t work."
"Despite what you think, little Hughie, I don't want you to break too easily. The compound v keeps things,” he hesitated to think of the best word to use, “interesting."
"Why me?"
His cock softened and sated, Homelander took a moment to tuck it away back into his costume as he fixed himself up fully.
"Because I can." Was his easy reply as he stood to his feet and ruffled his hand in Hughie's hair like stroking a well-behaved pup. "And because you've been a pain in my ass for too long. C'mon little Hughie, don’t be so glum, it'll be a ride and I'll always make sure that you get yours as much as I get mine."
That thought, more than anything else, seemed to be the straw that broke the camels’ back as a dry retch caught in the back of Hughie's throat and his unfocused eyes dropped to the floor.
Moving towards the kitchen to return to his easy escape route on the balcony, Homelander stopped long enough to throw one last dig at his new favourite toy.
"And remember, not a word to anyone about our little bouts of fun. I don’t share my things well."
With that, Homelander took off once more, diving into the night sky with a satisfied smile which those who knew him best shudder to understand as being one born of sadistic delight.
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Carbon monoxide is a “big enough” emergency that you can call the fire department and they will come check the levels/have someone from the gas company come out. It’s not a bother and they would much rather have you call than have it be an issue. Do not go back inside until it has been checked - the alarm went off for a reason and there’s no way for you to judge the airflow, etc for how fast it will clear up.
It’s not the fire department. We have a separate line for gas related emergencies which I found out today. I did call them. They didn’t advise evacuating but will send someone out to check.
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whilomm · 2 months
sick. I don't know how much legal weight this ruling has at the moment/how its gonna be enforced, but still.
Amazon has been deemed responsible for dangerous or faulty products sold by third-parties on Amazon.com after a unanimous vote by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) on Tuesday (July 30).
The vote determined that Amazon is a "distributor" and thus liable for any products that are found defective or hazardous. With the ruling, Amazon now bears the legal responsibility for any products that require a recall or destruction.
In an announcement the U.S. regulator said that over 400,000 products are subject; these include such items as carbon monoxide detectors that don't sound alarms, hairdryers without electrocution protection and children's pajamas that were found to be highly flammable.
"Amazon failed to notify the public about these hazardous products and did not take adequate steps to encourage its customers to return or destroy them, thereby leaving consumers at substantial risk of injury," the agency said.
the article says that amazon still intends to. appeal the decision and shit bc of course they do, so idk if its possible that it could be overturned I suppose, but hell it would be Really Fucking Nice if amazon at the very least took some goddamn responsibility for some of the dangerous shit they got on their site and had to do more to actually prevent this shit from being sold in the first place
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in-my-attic · 1 year
You read the same five books five summers ago, over and over. Lockwood and Co. Teenage ghost-hunters in an alternate version of London. You revel in the descriptions of corpses, the horrific acts that tie the ghosts to the places where they died, the characters not too much older than you facing down these terrors that make your own fears of crossing the street a little less pressing.
You download an audiobook four summers ago, The Outsider by Stephen King. You listen to it while you sit in the basement and play with your siblings’ legos, and when you enthusiastically summarize the plot to your mother, she asks how books like that don’t scare you. You shrug and say, Well, they’re not real. Unlike when the carbon monoxide alarm went off in the middle of night, and you, an anxious insomniac even at that age, were the only one who heard it, and had to wake up everyone else so they wouldn’t die in their sleep. It turned out that the batteries needed to be replaced, but since then, you’ve lived with a deep, unshakeable fear that your inability to fall asleep is the only thing between your family and disaster. (Years later, a psychiatrist will offer to prescribe you sleep medication, and you refuse for months without explaining why.)
You take a creative writing class three summers ago, and put Mary Downing Hahn as one of your favorite authors on a google forms question. Her stories are shorter, less intense than the Stephen King you spent all last summer with, but that means you can read dozens of them in a row, soaking up stories of ghosts in many forms. You paint your nails and your eye catches on the bottle of nail polish remover on the shelf, and you wonder what would happen if you drank it, how quickly the acetone in it would kill you. You google it on your mother’s computer and the next day she asks you if you drank nail polish remover. You say no, and go back to reading, too afraid to paint your nails in case your control slips and you can’t stop yourself from drinking it. You lose yourself a haunted old church with a cemetery out back, somehow less scary than the thoughts in your own head.
You spend the night at your friend’s house two summers ago, and you two watch Fear Street in her living room. You watch the murders with ghoulish delight, hanging on every piece of information that might explain what’s going on. Someone’s head gets pushed through a bread slicer and you both gasp in disgust, but neither of you look away. You fall out of touch with that friend when you start school again, and you are afraid to look at her in the hallway, in case she is righteously furious with you for abandoning her, even though she has so many other friends unfamiliar to you, and neither of you really meant to cut things off, it just sort of happened- but still.
You’ve been listening to podcasts for a while by last summer, and you find yourself coming back to the same episode of The Magnus Archives, even months after you’ve finished it. It tells the story of a man who lived alone, hearing footsteps in the hallway and knocking on his bedroom door. He bought a sturdy lock and never answered the knocking, and that was that. Your house isn’t that old, but it creaks and settles in the night, and you listen, heart pounding, each time. But like the man, you never get up. You feared the sounds of your own house long before hearing this tale, and listening to it is oddly comforting. Someone else shares your fear. Once, though, you see a light on in the hallway through the gap under your bedroom door, and when it doesn’t go away, you hide under the blankets and don’t fall asleep for hours. The next day, the bathroom light is still on, and you pull back to shower curtain, expecting an intruder hiding there, but find nothing. Your father comes out of his own room. Oh, I left that light on again. Sorry.
You decide to learn to skateboard this summer, and you do it while listening to a survival horror story about underground cities and the beings who guard them. The White Vault. You fall and scrape your elbow, and it puts you in mind of the way the skin sloughed off the arm of a character who became a monster himself. Part of you envies him, terrible as that sounds. You lose track of time spent in front of the mirror, picking and pulling and peeling at your own skin. If only it would all just fall away. Holding scissors sends shivers down your spine, because while part of you knows they can’t cut through your skin, part of you is also tempted to try. Part of you wants to be a bare skeleton for reasons you can’t explain, and the other part of you is terrified of not being able to hold that desire in check.
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ohvolewheredidyougo · 9 months
all my most favourite song lyrics (aka the ones i relate to the most)
this only has glass animals and radiohead, otherwise everyone would be scrolling for 10 minutes
“i wanna go back, i wanna go back
i wanna go back with a club and attack
i wanna take to my guns and break you
i gotta make my little foe take his own”
- flip by glass animals
“oh vole where did you go
dim lanterns held by groans
of beasties sad and tired
lost in the muck and
it’s all dank and gross
slugs on shrooms bubble smoke
through pipes and mondo rolls
their fuzzy warbles drone”
- wyrd by glass animals
“come on you hermit
you never fight back
why don’t you play with bows and arrows?
why don��t you dance like you’re sick in your mind?
why don’t you set your wings on fire?”
- cocoa hooves by glass animals
“i’m waking up
lost in boxes outside tesco
look like a bum
sipping codeine coca cola
thought that i was northern camden’s own flash gordon
sonic ray gun
gonna be a superstar”
- life itself by glass animals
- pork soda by glass animals
“did you say something? what’d you say?
was that your voice or was that me?
little voices, buzzing poison
backward noise from everything
dr swango says i’m psycho
says they all from neverland
they’ll never ever let me be
was that your voice or was that me?”
- mama’s gun by glass animals
“guess life is long
when soaked in sadness
on borrowed time
from mr madness
and so it goes
a choking rose back to be reborn
i wanna hold you like you’re mine”
- agnes by glass animals
“you’ve had too much of the digital love
you want everything live
you want things you can touch
make it feel like a movie you saw in your youth
make it feel like that song that just unopened you”
- dreamland by glass animals
“don’t wanna be around you
just wanna be like you”
- hot sugar by glass animals
- waterfalls coming out your mouth by glass animals
“ooo i’m breaking down
whispers would deafen me now
you don’t make a sound
heartbreak was never so loud
oooo i’m breaking down
whispers would deafen me now
you don’t make a sound
it’s all so incredibly loud
it’s all so incredibly loud”
- it’s all so incredibly loud by glass animals
“you used to be alright
what happened?
did the cat get your tongue?
did you string come undone?”
- 15 step by radiohead
“i have no idea what i am talking about
i am trapped in this body and can’t get out”
- bodysnatchers by radiohead
“you are my centre when i spin away
out of control on videotape”
- videotape by radiohead
“that there, that’s not me
i go where i please
i walk through walls
i float down the liffey
i’m not here
this isn’t happening”
- how to disappear completely by radiohead
“please could you stop the noise
i’m trying to get some rest
from all the unborn chicken voices in my head
when i am king you will be first against the wall
with your opinion
which is of no consequence at all”
- paranoid android by radiohead
“i’d tell all my friends but they’d never believe me
they’d think that i finally lost it completely
i’d show them the stars and the meaning of life
they’d shut me away but i’d be alright”
- subterranean homesick alien by radiohead
“one day i am gonna grow wings
a chemical reaction
hysterical and useless
hysterical and
let down and hanging around
crushed like a bug in the ground”
- let down by radiohead
“a heart that’s full up like a landfill
a job that slowly kills you
bruises that won’t heal
you look so tired unhappy
bring down the government
they don’t, they don’t speak for us
i’ll take a quiet life
a handshake of carbon monoxide
no alarms and no surprises
no alarms and no surprises
no alarms and no surprises
silent, silent”
- no surprises by radiohead
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judasrpc · 1 year
add context & change gendered language to your needs !! containts references to violence and horror.
if multi, please specify which muse(s) !! credit goes to the channel presidentsplayhorrorgames
" What the hell is it with you and creepy old places, [name]? "
" Let me guess, this is the neighborhood you grew up in? "
" That's like the fucking stone ages, [name], die already! "
" Is that a Pokémon or whatever it's called? "
" What the hell is that supposed to mean, [name]? "
" It's a very self-explanatory sentence. "
" I have a lot of confidence moving forward now. "
" Why are you so fucking negative all the time? "
" 'Cause I'm around you. "
" I told you assholes that we were caught in a paradox, but none of you guys wanted to believe me! "
" These are dangerous toes I'm stepping on. "
" Either he's French, or his parents did not like him as a child. "
" I mean, if your child was French, wouldn't you be disappointed? "
" Never mind, I see what you're laying down. "
" While you two nincompoops are over collecting the scraps of your brain cells, I already know the objective. "
" Good job, guys. Teamwork makes the dream work! "
" Ah, my favorite music from the menu. It's like I'm in a retirement home. "
" Did he just rip his fucking head off? "
" And what not to do! Like rip somebody's head off. "
" Just the casual things! I can reach items on the top shelf, airbend some electric waves, and land in prison for a double homicide. "
" Now you can only commit singular homicide. "
" You're vandalizing an already vandalized building. And it's not even vandalism, you're just moving some boxes around. "
" Funny, the second you mention work, he stops. "
" You know damn well that's too much like common sense. "
" Tall?? He's like the Jolly Green Giant! "
" Alright, listen here beanstalk- "
" I am not enjoying this music at all. This does not give me very friendly vibes. "
" Doesn't matter where it came from, we know where we have to go now. "
" Ah, you really just put anything in someone's mouth and roll with it, huh? "
" I don't even believe I said that yet in your imaginary little world. "
" The hell do you mean I can't misuse company time? I get paid three cents to move around boxes, I'll do whatever the hell I want. "
" Well, it looks like I'll take over for the time being! "
" I could say a lot right now, but I'll keep my mouth shut. "
" Welp, I see no problem moving forward here. Clearly no present danger that is alarming us to what's ahead. "
" I think Hell would be a better place to go than through that door. "
" A long and dark hallway never killed anybody. "
" Is it leaking carbon monoxide to kill us, hopefully? "
" Set the bar low? Got it- "
" It's not practical, but I can see why they implemented these things. "
" That's Business Failure 101! "
" Like I would waste the budget flopping around my Disneyland dick on the table because I wanted the under operations to feel magical. "
" If [name]'s hiding it, that doesn't promise anything good. "
" [Name] was definitely the kid to put the square blocks in the circle hole. "
" [Name], you probably sucked on a wooden spoon as entertainment. Hell, you'd probably do that now! "
" Damn, we're old! "
" You are old and I am not. "
" Are you smarter than a fifth grader? You can put the pieces together. "
" And with that note, I think it's about time we high-tail it out of here. "
" Have you seen how long that motherfucker's arm is? He could probably wear me like a sock puppet! "
" That's an image in my head I wish I could unsee. "
" First, jump off a cliff. Second- "
" Yeah, that really fucking helps, [name]. Just sit there and focus on commentary while you leave the puzzles to me! "
" I thought you said you were done questioning the logic? "
" And that's after five bankruptcies, two divorces, and a criminal record. "
" Another classic [name] joke. A couple more, and they might let you back on the late show. "
" He would know about shady business practices. "
" Yeah! A one percent increase in performance- Let's burst open the champagne bottles! "
" [Name], you would be the type of person to be concerned about international cybersecurity, but will watch online porn sites with so many viruses you'd think it came from a lab. "
" You old bastard, I genuinely wish you'd have a stroke. "
" You're just being an asshole, [name], but what else is new? "
" Those eyes look like they've been around since the Civil War. "
" What do you think I'm trying to do? So shut the hell up! "
" What can you say? I had to bring it home for the boys. "
" It's like the Victorian era vomited all over here. "
" This was not what I meant, but to each their own. "
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blazehedgehog · 1 year
It's wild how Tumblr's video player in the app keeps getting worse. I have autoplay off, so I have to tap on videos to watch them. I do this because autoplay is annoying, but also because the Tumblr app is a ridiculous memory hog (even more so than Chrome) and if videos are just ALLOWED to autoplay then it makes the app that much more likely to crash.
So I tap a video and it starts playing, and when it's done, I hit the back button. But I can still hear the video. It's not visibly playing that I can see, but it's obviously still playing (and looping!) somewhere in this app. I scroll the post far enough away that it unloads and finally I am free.
Tap on the next video. Happens again. Happens to every video. So I decide, well, I'll just pause the video before I hit the back button. But wait... Tumblr took away playback controls. There is no pause button. Tapping the video just shows/hides the text. EVEN TIKTOK HAS A PAUSE BUTTON, YOU ANIMALS.
Finally I figure it out: by tapping and holding, Tumblr will pause the video.
I pause one video and now all videos in the entire app are giving me "playback error" broken projector icons. Because I paused ONE video.
Is there a gas leak at the Tumblr offices? Have they checked their carbon monoxide alarms lately?
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eyesaremosaics · 9 months
Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes, I’ve had some very strange paranormal experiences that I can’t explain with logic no matter how much I have tried to explain it. When I was 19, I went to look at an apartment in Berkeley with my roommate/friend at the time. It was her grandfathers house, the top floor had been converted into an apartment. It had a big living room with big bay windows, a tiny galley style kitchen, a small bathroom, and two bedrooms. In 2007, 500$ each was a steal. We agreed to move in. That night I had a nightmare that the kitchen used to be a bedroom—and someone hung themselves there.
The next morning, my roommate called me freaked out saying she had a dream that the kitchen was a bedroom—and someone hung themselves there. Freaked out, I told her I had the same dream. She asked her grandfather who grew up in that house, and he told her that yes—it did used to be a bedroom, and someone had hung themselves there.
We decided to move in despite this, and the whole time we lived there we experienced all kinds of strange phenomena. I used to go visit my dad out of town, and my roommate asked me: “did you come home late last night?” I said no. She told me she heard someone come upstairs and unlock the door, then close the door. This happened often. There were many times I was in the shower, I heard someone come in, click, pop the door, and I came out and no one was there.
The hair on the back of our neck always stood up in the kitchen, and the windows would blow open with no wind. Our cabinets would all be open, even though we had never opened them.
The creepiest incident was this guy my friend was dating, stayed at our house while we were both at work. He played video games in the dark near our tv. He saw the reflection of someone walk behind him in the reflection on tv. He was so scared he never came back. Not even to retrieve his stuff.
After my friend went away to a medical facility, the carbon monoxide alarm went off, I couldn’t breathe, the room was full of gas (from the heater). I opened the windows, breathed fresh air and finally addressed the ghost. At the time I was going through a breakup. I was so sad. I said: “listen ghost, you’re sad. I’m sad. Can we please just leave each other alone, and let each other exist without scaring each other?” After that… I felt the ghost, but he didn’t bother me anymore.
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alternis · 2 years
actually one scene from the fic I'm not writing has been rolling around my head from pretty much the start of shs au
essentially what i would write would be:
open the chapter with the scenario of Tim living a fairly normal life with his mother Sandra, a martial arts instructor, and his sister Cassandra (her star pupil). there'd be mentions of cassandras dad who lost custody, tims dad not keeping in touch - and constant plans to met up with Sandra's sister carolynn which keep getting delayed/called off. it's a clearly fictionalised/idealised version of their relationship and things are a little Off, but slowly the scenario starts to degrade as tim keeps seeing glances of a middle aged couple that seems familiar. his mother and sister act 'oddly' (more like their real selves) and he has the same glitches where his real personality/memories break through for a moment. maybe a joke in there where Tim buys a carbon monoxide alarm for the apartment because hes paranoid there's a gas leak.
little things, piling up - the bridge out of town being under repair but nobody ever working on it, carolynn sending letters/texts but never phoning or coming over, Dr Wayne at the hospital asking ominous probing questions when tim tries to look into the odd personality changes and hallucinations he's experiencing, physical objects not operating under the correct rules of the physics but only being subtly off.
I'm not sure how I would resolve this exactly - I think I prefer having the reveal that all three of them (plus the multiple other heroes/villains who make cameos in the chapter) were all trapped in this false, probably magical illusion meant to make them docile and unthreatening by removing their 'motivation' to be heroes/villains. only, Tim and most of the other characters ruined it by being so paranoid/nosy/unable-to-relax that even without their 'inciting incident' or any reason to be suspicious, they were subconsciously fighting against the magic (and, in a very real sense, their own happiness).
I think in general seeing "what would life be like if we were 'normal' people" can be an interesting subject to explore. does it alter how the three of them see each other? or does the potential for empathy and understanding crumble because their histories/personalities are an insurmountable barrier that makes them incapable of having simple, happy lives without changing the past/becoming entirely different people. and I think it would be painful, and fun to write the emotional aftermath.
dunno I just like writing rugpull chapters, and psychologically bonking characters with a big cartoon hammer to see what they do next
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ashu966 · 23 days
Importance of Proper Ventilation To Avoid Fire Risks in the Homes
When considering safety measures in the home, most people generally frown upon more evident measures for fire safety such as smoke detectors, extinguishers, fire alarm systems, and fire sprinkler systems. Proper ventilation represents an oft-neglected aspect that really puts much into minimising the chances of fires at home. It is not just about keeping up good indoor air quality; rather, ventilation systems also play an important role in controlling fire behaviour and preventing the spread.
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The article explains why ventilation is important to fire safety, how it helps, what HVAC products help in this process, and the things one can do as a homeowner to ensure their home is properly ventilated against fires.
Understanding the Role of Ventilation in Fire Safety
The three elements which fires require to become active are oxygen, heat, and fuel. Together, these elements form what is often referred to as the "fire triangle." Ventilation is important in fire scenarios for allowing different amounts of oxygen to fuel a fire. Ventilation that is too small will lead to a buildup of heat and other gases that could enhance a fire's development; at the same time, too much ventilation might actually allow more oxygen to reach a fire and spread flames.
In other words, what has to be done is to strike a balance between the necessity for adequate ventilation to remove smoke and toxic fumes, on the one hand, while preventing too generous provisions for ventilation that may themselves feed the fire. It will, therefore, be seen from the above that a good system design in ventilation and proper maintenance at appropriate intervals play a very significant role in controlling these dynamics.
Types of Ventilation Systems: Natural vs. Mechanical
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There are the two main major types of ventilation systems: natural and mechanical.
Natural Ventilation: This is when there is a passage of air in and out of a building with the aid of windows, doors, or specially manufactured vents for the same purpose. In many homes, natural ventilation can be adequate for everyday living. It prevents the buildup of both heat and moisture, which would otherwise lead to discomfort. However, this process may not always be sufficient in the case of fire prevention measures and particularly so in tightly sealed or multi-story houses.
Mechanical Ventilation: If natural flow is inadequate, mechanical systems—included are fans, ducts, and HVAC systems (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning)—shall be used to control the quality of interior air. Mechanical ventilation provides constant air exchange and may be crucial for smoke and heat removal in case of fire. Such systems require maintenance to ensure that the devices work correctly when they are needed the most.
Why Proper Ventilation is Crucial for Fire Prevention
Several factors make proper ventilation essential for preventing and mitigating fire hazards:
Reducing Smoke Inhalation: In most cases, smoke is more dangerous than flames during a fire breakout. Proper ventilation removes smoke from the building, hence reducing the potential for inhalation, which may cause serious injuries or death. Smoke contains other toxic gases like carbon monoxide, which might overwhelm the occupants, rendering them incapable of escape.
Controlling Fire Spread: Ventilation will help in fire spread control by limiting the spread of fires through the removal of heat and smoke in the event of a fire outbreak. Properly installed ventilation systems will avoid the accumulation of hot gases that could ignite, thereby spreading fire to other portions of a building. Inadequate ventilation can cause what is known as a "flashover" effect, when the entire room suddenly ignites from trapped heat.
Balancing Oxygen Supply: Essentially, a fire needs oxygen to survive. Properly done ventilation systems ensure that oxygen supply is regulated as appropriate, effectively starving a fire of its fuel source. Poor design systems sometimes feed the flames with too much oxygen, which will result in the development of the fire. Proper planning and maintenance of ventilation systems are therefore required.
Improving Evacuation Routes: The reason for providing effective ventilation is that the way of exit may be kept clear from smoke so that persons inside may have a longer time for safe evacuation. In high buildings, stairways and corridors become filled with smoke in minutes and without good ventilation, evacuation is impossible.
Common Fire Hazards Linked to Poor Ventilation
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Several fire hazards are directly related to improper or poorly maintained ventilation systems:
Grease and Oil Buildup in Kitchens: Kitchens are highly prone to fire hazards resulting from spilled grease and oil, mostly due to inadequate ventilation. The grease particles may accumulate if there is no proper exhaust system to remove the fumes and hence offer a fire risk. A small spark may lead to a major kitchen fire.
Electrical Overheating: If there is poor ventilation in the areas surrounding electrical equipment, it may overheat; this can cause an electrical fire over time. Proper circulation of air around appliances and electronic devices averts this from happening.
Flammable Fumes: In places such as garages and workshops, a lot of chemicals and other flammable materials are stored, and ventilation will help spread the fumes out so they won't accumulate and ignite into a dangerous fire.
Types of HVAC Products for Proper Ventilation
Several HVAC products are specifically designed to ensure proper ventilation and help mitigate fire risks. Some common products include:
Supply Air Diffusers: These devices help in the uniformity of air within a room in order to ensure a balanced flow, hence effective space ventilation. In this process, they are able to play a very significant role in the prevention of fires through the prevention of heat and smoke accumulation.
Return/Exhaust Air Grilles: Grilles that would take away air from a room are used to ensure that stale or contaminated air is vented to the outside. This becomes more important if there may be the presence of flammable materials or grease particles, for example, in kitchens or garages.
Linear Bar Grilles: Linear bar grilles are installed in floors, walls, or ceilings and are utilised to guide air majorly in one direction. In the case of a fire, the tuned grilles help channel smoke in the opposite direction from the escape route and to keep the heat buildup at the lowest point.
Weatherproof Louvres: Generally fitted to a building's exterior, louvres admit air without allowing entry of rain and other debris. They may also form part of a fire-resisting barrier by maintaining continuous airflow without risk of failing.
Supply Registers and Grilles: The supply registers regulate the volume of air that enters a space, while the supply diffusers ensure that the air is appropriately spread. The two devices thus help maintain proper airflow to a space. Consequently, this reduces the risk of overheating caused by fire in case it breaks out or accumulation of smoke in such an instance.
Exhaust Hoods: These are generally located in kitchens to suck out of the air smoke, grease particles, and moisture. The chances of grease fires are also significantly minimised through the extraction of these fuel sources. Functional exhaust hoods are indispensable for preventing fires with cooking.
Best Practices for Ensuring Proper Ventilation in the Home
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Follow these best practices in proper ventilation to protect your home and family from potential fire risks:
Regular Maintenance of Ventilation Systems: The mechanical ventilation systems shall be periodically checked and maintained in a proper state; it includes, among other things, clogged filters, blocked ducts, and malfunction of fans that ruin air inflow.
Install Smoke Control Systems: Smoke control and fire sprinkler system should be installed in houses equipped with larger HVAC systems. The systems work in conjunction with built-in ventilation systems that regulate airflow in the event of a fire and send the smoke outside, giving easy exit routes.
Keep Kitchens Well-Ventilated: Kitchen exhaust fans and range hoods should be in proper working condition. Direct-duct, high-flow exhaust fans have the advantage of exchanging air quickly. In dirty conditions, filters have to be cleaned once a week to avoid a fire hazard from excess grease in the filters.
Ventilate Attics and Basements: Those are aspects easily overlooked, but turn into some of the major fire risks when not properly taken care of. So, make sure your house's attic and basement are clear, and their respective ventilation systems are working properly at all costs in trying to deter the build-up of heat and flammable materials inside these areas.
Ensure Compliance with Fire Safety Regulations: The building ventilation systems shall be designed to meet the requirements of fire safety under the Singapore Civil Defence Force. Professional consultation and frequent house checks should ensure that the same criteria are met in your home.
Ventilation is not only critical to good indoor air quality but also very helpful in both fire prevention and control. So, a well-designed and well-maintained ventilation system using quality HVAC products can protect your family from the devastating consequences a house fire can cause by minimising the potential risks of fire breakouts in your home. While smoke detectors and extinguishers are an integral part of fire safety, good ventilation practices can assist them in setting up a safer living environment. For more information and inquiry regarding fire equipment, contact Firetronics at (+65) 6484 1201.
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uncloseted · 2 months
i just decided i want to move to a new city in a year if i get a certain job. is this a realistic plan? how do remote jobs work if you move? what things should i take into account? i'm not american so i don't know how much you could help me but i assume there are some universal facts about moving that i should know
Okay so this will depend a little bit on the country you live in and where you're moving, but I can give some general advice about moving and things that may end up being things to consider. If you want to tell me roughly where you're located, I can give you a more detailed answer.
In general, I do think a year is enough time to plan a move and to figure out all of the details that are involved. Here are a few things I would do to make sure you're prepared:
Calculate the cost of living in the city that you're moving to and create a budget. Is this move a reasonable goal for you financially? How much will you be able to spend on a new place to live?
Start saving up. This will depend a little bit on where you are, but usually, moving costs can add up. In the US, you often need first month's rent and a security deposit that's equal to the cost of the rent to get a new apartment. You may also need to hire movers or buy new furniture, set up utilities and internet, and other expenses like that. If you're moving out of an apartment, you may also need to budget for things like the damage deposit or cleaning costs.
Figure out where in the city you want to live. Think about what you value in a neighborhood (walkability, noise levels, night life, how close it is to public transit, the neighborhood's general vibe), and come up with a few ideas for neighborhoods you think you might like. Then, if you can, staying with a friend who lives in the neighborhood or rent an Airbnb in that neighborhood so you can get a sense of what it's like to live there. You may realize that you love it, but you may also decide it's not for you. Another option is to move to a temporary place in the new city for a few months so that you can spend more time in the different neighborhoods and check out apartments in person.
A few months before your move, start looking for apartments. In a lot of places, apartments go quickly, and so they'll want you to be able to move in pretty close to when you express interest in the property. Generally, you want to make sure that your rent is no more than 1/3 of your income, although in practice, that's hard to do in a lot of places. When you're looking online, you can usually filter by price, type of property (house vs apartment vs room), number of rooms, amenities, etc. Also consider whether or not you'll need flatmates to help you cover the cost of your new place.
When you've found a few apartments you like, starting setting up tours. Photos online can be misleading, so it's important to see the property in person. Check the apartment for any damage, make sure all doors and windows can open and close, verify that the electrical outlets work, check the water quality, water pressure, and whether the faucets have both hot and cold water, and check for fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Ask about noise levels in the area, what the parking situation is (if you have a car), and what tenants like and dislike about the building and the area.
Once you've toured, you can apply to apartments. In my experience, they'll usually want proof of your income, your ID number, and references from previous places that you've lived. If you're approved, you'll typically find out within a few days. Some apartments will charge an application fee, so make sure you've budgeted for that as well.
Figure out how you're going to move all your stuff. Do you or a friend have a car that all your stuff fits in? Do you need to rent a moving truck? Do you need to hire movers? If you're planning on buying everything new, have a plan in place for at least getting a mattress/bed on your first day in your new place.
From there, set up your internet and utilities if needed, automate your rent payment if possible, and get renter's insurance if you think you'll need it. Update your address for your bank, credit cards, any online subscriptions you have, and inform the government that you've moved (in the US, you do this at the post office- I'm not sure in other places). In the US, you also have to update your driver's license, re-register your car, and re-register to vote if you move to a different state, but I suspect that having to do those things is probably specific to the US.
As far as remote jobs go, it will depend on the company and their policies. Generally, if a remote worker wants to move, a company is worried about legal liability, taxes, and convenience. How much these factors will impact you specifically depends on the country you live in, where you're moving from and to, and the remote company's policies. But for example, in the US, professional licensure is done on the state level, and so even if an employee works remotely, if they move out of the state, they create a legal problem for their employer. In the US, if an employee moves to a different state, the company may be responsible for different minimum wage, paid leave requirements, and other benefits that they weren't initially responsible for, which makes it more complicated and more expensive for them to keep the employee. If you're moving to a different time zone than where the company is located, there may be concerns about whether or not you'll be able to make all of the meetings that get scheduled. If the company you work for handles sensitive data, there may be additional rules and regulations about where a remote worker can be located. You should be able to check the regulations or specific considerations for remote workers where you live online, and that's also something you can ask a potential company in an interview. But generally, if a company already has employees who live where you're planning on moving, it should be okay.
That's all I can think of right now, but please feel free to send in any other questions you think of! I've moved a few times over the past couple of years and I work for a company that's fully remote, so I generally have a pretty good idea of how things work.
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yashsinha499 · 3 months
Understanding the Importance of Fire Curtains 
Did you know that the majority of casualties during a fire are caused by excessive smoke inhalation? Firefighters can put out the flames using different tools. However, to control the spread of both smoke and flames, it’s important to install fire protection systems in buildings. This is where fire curtains come into the picture. Read further to understand the importance of fire curtains. 
In the case of a fire incident, fire and smoke tend to spread from one part of a building to another through doorways, windows, pipes, and other gaps. However, fire curtains are fire protection barriers that can stop the smoke and flames from spreading across a building. The materials that are used to make fire curtains are fireproof in nature. Let us now discuss why fire curtains are important and how they function. 
Working Mechanism of Fire Curtains 
The working mechanism of fire curtains is very simple. Every building has a fire alarm system, which automatically goes off during a fire. In response to this alarm, the fire curtain immediately drops and creates a protective barrier. As a result, it closes any doorway or opening automatically as soon as the alarm rings. This stops the flames and smoke from spreading and escalating. This way, the residents of the building get sufficient time to vacate the building. 
What Makes Fire Curtains So Important? 
The smoke produced during a fire incident is extremely dangerous to human health. A lot of poisonous gases and chemicals are present in this smoke, such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxide among others. A fire curtain can protect the residents of the building from smoke inhalation. 
Lack of visibility is a major problem when a building catches fire. Due to this lack of visibility, it becomes difficult for the residents of the building to evacuate quickly. However, if fire curtains are installed in the building, then the spaces are much more visible, and the residents can exit the building easily. 
If your building has an open-plan layout, then installing a huge fire-protective door may not complement the overall look of the interiors. So, to keep the aesthetic appeal of the space intact, you can install fire curtains. They are easy to use, considering their automatic response to fire alarms. Also, they descend only during a fire emergency.  
While constructing buildings, it’s crucial for builders to follow all the fire safety regulations. After all, fire incidents are life-threatening events. So, every building must be equipped with sufficient fire protection systems. Among the several passive fire protection solutions, fire curtains are the most sought-after devices that can save lives as well as prevent structural damage. However, before installing fire curtains, make sure to do some research on the best fire curtains offered by renowned manufacturers. 
Vijay Systems Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Is known for saving lives by manufacturing and selling passive fire protection systems. Vijay Systems has more than 63 years of experience in the fire protection industry. All their fire stop products are environment-friendly and are approved on a global level. 
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ecotekproperty · 3 months
Emergency Boiler Repair: What to Do When Your Boiler Breaks Down
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If you are left in the cold during wintertime, finding yourself oblivious, waiting for an emergency boiler repair can wreak havoc on your home and your budget. For homeowners in London, knowing how to handle this emergency in the most effective way possible will save you time, money, and stress. 
This guide aims to offer a general point-by-point strategy for action in case of a boiler emergency, starting with immediate safety measures and the process of contacting professional help.
Immediate Steps to Take When Your Boiler Breaks Down:
The first thing you need to do when your boiler stops working is to make sure you are safe. If nothing else, leaking gas in the basement or an outright explosion is a much greater hazard when it comes from a boiler rather than an air-source heat pump. Shut down the boiler at once and also inspect any kind of odours that smell like gas. If you smell gas, get out of the house and call the National Gas Emergency Service at 0800 111 999.
Assessing the Problem: Basic Troubleshooting
Before you start to call the experts, just take a look at a few easy issues on the solution. Your thermostat is on and working if appropriate, and the boiler's pressure gauge should be around 1-2 bar. You should also look for an error code appearing on the boiler control panel. On more up-to-date boilers, blame is quite often laid with a code accompanying a boiler failure. You can look up what the codes mean in the boiler's manual.
Locating a Reliable Boiler Service Near You:
If normal troubleshooting has not worked, the problem may be more serious, and it is time to look for a service solution. If you search the term: "Vaillant boiler service near me," you will find many results of that. Vaillant has a good reputation for reliability, and if something goes wrong in the future, there are plenty of companies in London where this boiler is serviced. Check they are Gas Safe Registered, which means they are competent to work safely on gas appliances.
Contacting Professional Boiler Repair Services:
If you scale down enough potential services, you should contact them once to explain the problem. Give them plenty of information, like what kind of boiler you have, the brand and any fault codes it shows. Inquire about their availability, call-out charges, or if they have 24/7 emergency services. You can also check online reviews or get suggestions from relatives or friends to see which company is the most reliable.
Preparing for the Technician’s Visit:
As you wait for the technician to arrive, keep the boiler area clear: tackle any tidying up so that your boiler can be reached easily. Get all useful documents: manual, and past service records. This report assists the technician in narrowing down the source of the problem faster. In addition, keep pets and kids away so that accidents don't occur.
Ensuring Safety During Repairs:
During the repair process, it's important to ensure that all safety protocols are followed. Always ask to see the ID card of a Gas Safe registered technician. Reputable technicians will always have this identification. Provide as much information about the problem and how you want to solve it, and do not forget to ask for help if you find yourself stuck in any of the steps. This is to keep you aware of what is going on and why things are done for a reason.
Preventive Measures to Avoid Future Breakdowns:
Now that your boiler is fixed, remember that you can take steps to prevent future breakdowns. Boiler maintenance is important to keeping your unit in good shape. Hire a certified technician to perform an annual service to diagnose problems early on. Furthermore, you may purchase a carbon monoxide alarm from your local hardware store or online. They can provide you with a warning of lethal fuel leaks earlier than they grow to be a real threat.
Conclusion: Staying Prepared and Informed
Dealing with a boiler breakdown can be stressful, but with the right approach, you can handle the situation effectively. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be better prepared to ensure your safety, find reliable repair services, and prevent future issues. Regular maintenance and being informed about your boiler’s operation are crucial aspects of homeownership. By staying vigilant and proactive, you can ensure that your boiler continues to run smoothly, keeping your home warm and safe throughout the year.
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roombanker-iot · 5 months
Burglar Alarms for Rented Property, Why Should You Consider Installing One?
Should Apartment Renters Consider a Burglar Alarm System?  It is essential to determine whether it’s the duty of the property owner or the tenant to install a burglar alarm system.  
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While it's not yet determined why rental homes are more prone, it is clear that alarm systems for apartments keep tenants safe. Here are some of the reasons why renters require a burglar alarm system:
Ø Protection of possessions and property:  Tenants and landlords have to protect their property as vandalism or theft will cause financial losses to both.
Ø Insurance benefits: Properties with burglar alarm systems have lower insurance premiums as they are less prone to losses or damage by thieves.
Ø Crime deterrence: Security measures such as motion sensors, CCTV cameras, and house alarms deter possible burglars thus reducing the chances of property loss due to destruction or theft.
Ø Prevention measures: Security measures like sturdy locks on windows and doors are vital in hindering unauthorized property access.
Ø Increased value of the property: Rental homes with sturdy security measures are more desirable and safer for tenants. Installing security measures thus raises property value which is beneficial to landlords.
Intrusion detection alarm system is thus essential in rental homes as they ensure the safety of the possessions and property. Renters should thus consider a burglar alarm system as they will be guaranteed their security and the safety of their possessions.            
How Does Rental Property Security differ from Owner-occupied Security?
Owner-occupied and Rental property security differs in different aspects.
For Landlords
Landlords are required the property free and safe from hazards for their tenants. This includes fire and electrical safety and ascertaining those electrical systems such as fittings, appliances, and sockets are safe. They have to provide carbon monoxide and smoke detectors to tenants for their safety.
They also have to ensure that the building has escape routes in case of any incidents. Additionally, they must ensure that the sheds, doors, garages, and windows have well-maintained locks.
For Tenants
While landlords are legally required to keep tenants' property safe, they are not legally required to install security systems. However, tenants can converse with their landlords to decide the best alarm system to install.
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Here are some:
Ø Renters have to employ do-it-yourself (DIY) home security system kits to prevent invasive mounting and hardwiring.
Ø Renters could add nights and blinds for improved security and close their curtains to prevent prying eyes.
Ø Tenants have to install security systems that do not invade other units to avoid problems.   
Ø Renters may not be suited for long-term contracts because they might move from one place to another.
Ø In case renters install smart locks or secure door locks, they will have to share the new keys with the landlord.
Ø Renters should choose providers with customer-friendly and transparent policies for moving and monitoring the burglar alarm system.
How Much Is a Security System?
Installing a burglar alarm system is essential for your safety. Tenants need a security system because they are more prone to burglary than homeowners. But mostly, security systems have catered to homeowners with most of them being bound to the service provider by long-term contracts.
Currently, there are wireless systems that allow DIY installation. Such home security systems allow tenants to move and install their security systems with ease. DIY home security systems have an average cost of about $50 every month. They also offer flexible purchase options that allow buyers to choose a system that suits their budget. So, besides the monthly fees, you also have to account for the cost of the system which depends on your needs. 
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Other Affordable Ways to Improve Your Apartment Security
 If you find it costly to acquire and maintain a burglary alarm system, other affordable methods can help you improve the security of your rental apartment. These methods include:
Ø Keeping the car keys safe or hiding them in a safe place.
Ø Keep your valuables away from open doors and windows to avoid attracting thieves.
Ø Ensure that all the doors including the garage doors where you keep your valuables are secure.
Ø Use motion sensor lights to light up trespassers and notify them that they are approaching a secured place using yard signs or a window decal.
Ø Add supplementary locks such as bolts or chain locks to the doors for additional security.
Ø Ensure the windows and the doors are locked whenever you leave the property for the safety of your belongings.
Ø Enhance the lighting of your rental apartment by ensuring that the hallways and entryways are properly lit to dissuade possible invaders.
Ø Place dummy alarm systems and CCTVs in open locations to scare possible invaders.
Final Words
Landlords are responsible for providing security and ensuring that all places have lockable doors and windows, but they are not responsible for installing burglary alarm systems. It is the responsibility of tenants to ensure that their rental equipment is fitted with the best security measures for their safety and the safety of their property.
Installing DIY home security alarm systems is among the best approaches to help improve security but tenants who cannot afford security systems can choose to employ some affordable security measures.
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