#how much water should you drink a day in litres
ruelpsen · 9 months
Yes my bf has no kink experience! But damn you wouldn’t guess it cause he has jumped RIGHT. IN.
A sweet spot we’ve found for him is eating a big meal, drinking 1.5 litres of water to get all sloshy, then adding some carbonated beverages on top to make him burpy as well. Absolute GOD TIER combination, and this is his starting capacity 🥵 he chugs the 1.5L like it’s nothing and gets immediately more full and sloshy. So hot and awesome
He’ll grind on my leg while I touch myself watching him (my sensory issues have meant it’s hard for him to touch me lately - but we’ve been finding plenty of alternatives 😉) and there were a few times where I’d push on his upper stomach and he’d burp. So hot.
We’re both horny so much of the time now, it’s really added a dimension to our sex life.
Yesterday we had a date day/night and went to get massive milkshakes, then shopping then did some mini golf and got some Malaysian food. He also got a coke and was burping so much on the walk back to the car. Later we watched some YouTube while I played with his tits. Then we scrolled through some tumblr posts together and would talk about how hot they are and what we want to do. We both ended up cumming from that!! My shame about this with him has almost completely evaporated after that.
Sadly I’m away for 2 weeks but he has promised to tease me lots with some sexting and maybe even videos of him burping, I feel like I’m going to combust!
I’m thinking of asking if I should start my own tumblr blog and reblog things I find hot so he can scroll through them…
🦌 anon
Oh my god how does each update manage to keep getting better?! His capacity? Hot. The way you've incorporated burping into play? Hot. Dates that involve burping and end with orgasms? HOT. Sexting with burp videos? DEAR LORD!!!
Once again, I am totally amazed by your stories. Congrats on living the kinky dream of so many. And please do keep me/us readers posted as to if you create a blog!
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kfairydoll · 3 months
Drinking 3L + a day caused me to have facial bloat which made me look fat😱
and to my discovery here is why… that water measurement is
NOT for everyone!!
here is some info I found from the web:
overdrinking water can potentially cause water retention and facial bloating. When you consume excessive amounts of water, your kidneys may struggle to excrete the excess fluid efficiently, leading to temporary water retention (lasting from a few hours to an entire day). This can manifest as bloating, particularly noticeable in the face and around the eyes.
What the hell?? Then how much should I be drinking?
let’s find out mathematically…
This is the base Formula:
your weight (in kg) x 35 (base hydration factor) = total daily water intake
Now what if we are doing exercises? Then it will get a little bit more complicated.
you will have to add on the additional ml of water depending on what exercises you do.
Light Exercise:
Additional Water: Around 250-500 ml/day
Example: Walking, yoga, casual cycling
Moderate Exercise:
Additional Water: Around 500-750 ml/day
Example: Jogging, swimming, recreational sports
Intense Exercise:
Additional Water: Around 750-1000 ml/day or more
Example: High-intensity interval training (HIIT), competitive sports, endurance activities
TW: my extreme low weight
(my own body weight water intake calculated)
Example Calculation with my weight:
Base hydration = 40 kg × 35 ml/kg/day = 1400 ml/day.
I rounded up my weight but basically I need to drink 1400 a day if I don’t exercise.
Adding moderate exercise factor:
Total daily water intake = 1400 ml/day + 500 ml = 1900 ml/day.
I should drink approximately 1.9 liters (1900 ml) of water daily to maintain hydration needs if I exercise. I was drinking WAY too much.. no wonder my face looked so round, it was from drinking around 2.5 trying to reach 3L litres of water all day.
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jupitersolar · 2 years
Solar water heater 100 ltr price in Bangalore
Solar water heater 100 ltr price in Bangalore
Solar water heater 100 ltr price in Bangalore, You should know about solar power first before going for any solar thermal system. Solar thermal system is based on the principle of converting sunlight into hot water (or steam) for use in heating homes and buildings. Solar water heating systems, commonly called solar hot water systems, convert the sun's rays into energy using a black-body absorber located inside a glass collector. When the temperature drops below, however, the efficiency decreases rapidly. Most solar thermal collectors have a maximum working temperature . To install a Solar water heater 100 ltr price in Bangalore, contact Jupiter Solar , www.jupitersolars.in .
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What Is A Solar Water Heater?
What Is A Solar Water Heater?,a solar water heater is a device that converts solar energy into useful heat. These devices utilize the power of the sun to create a warm liquid that can then be applied to our homes and businesses. In effect, a solar water heater is similar to a conventional electric water heater; however, instead of electricity, sunlight does the work. Our bodies need water to survive and if we do not drink enough water, we become dehydrated. If we live in a desert area where there may not be much access to fresh drinking water, having access to heated water would be helpful.  Thus, a solar water heater could be a cost effective and environmentally friendly alternative.Buy solar water heater , contact Jupiter Solar , www.jupitersolars.in .
How Does Solar Power Work?
Solar powered water heaters make use of the sun's heat and convert it directly into usable hot water. There are several different types of solar water heaters depending on the desired output. The two basic designs are a direct (concentrating type) and indirect (reflecting type). Direct solar water heaters focus the sun's rays onto copper tubes , while indirect solar water heaters reflect the sunlight back towards the tubes. Both of these types of units produce hot water at high efficiencies, although the concentrating type has higher operating costs.
Cost And Efficiency Of Solar Water Heaters
To calculate how much you might save with a solar water heater, you'll need to determine the size and capacity of your current system along with an estimate of the total annual usage. Next, you'll need to figure out how much electricity you currently spend on your utility bill. Then simply divide those figures together. Your savings are determined by dividing the difference between your estimated monthly expenses and what you'd pay by the amount of energy your solar water heater produces. Let's assume you're saving $40 per month on your utility bills - that equals $480 annually. To calculate the approximate number of gallons of hot water produced by your existing system, multiply the volume of your tank by the average flow rate. Once again, let's say you have 5 gallons of storage capacity and your current flow rate is 10 gallons per day. That means you're producing 500 gallons of hot water each year. Divide that by 12 months to find your monthly consumption. Now subtract both the $240 annual savings and the $500 annual production from the $960 total cost of your present system. What's left over is how much money you stand to save by switching to a solar water heater.
Size And Capacity
You'll want to consider the size and capacity of the solar water heater you plan to install before making a decision. Many manufacturers offer models ranging from 100 litre to 200 solar water heaters. The larger the system, the greater the potential savings. Smaller systems can be installed outside while larger ones may requires a free standing structure . A good rule of thumb is to buy the largest solar heater unit possible. Keep in mind that the size of your home or business building will affect the size and weight of your solar water heater. Obviously, larger homes and buildings require bigger and heavier units.
Most solar water heaters are preassembled and ready to go once you've purchased them. However, they do require some installation work. After placing the solar heater unit in its final location, you'll need to add the hardware. Finally, fill the reservoir with water. Depending on where you live, the process may take a few hours before you start receiving hot water.
Solar water heaters don't require very high maintenance once they've been installed. You won't need to worry about replacing the elements until the solar water heating units are working or cleaning the panels since their performance will remain unchanged. However, you may want to clean the surface of the black-body absorbers every so often. Fortunately, they are easy to remove and replace. Also, remember to keep your unit clear of debris such as snow and leaves.
Water Heater
Water heating systems are used to warm water for bathing, cooking, washing purposes, etc. A solar water heater uses solar power to heat the water directly without using any fuel. In some cases, they use a storage tank where hot water is stored until required. These tanks are filled once a day and then heated by the sun. Heating water by boiling is considered efficient since many percentage of the energy goes . Solar water heaters, however, convert this thermal energy into electricity . Energy efficiency is thus increased. Other types of water heaters are gas-based, electric ones.
Storage Tank
The storage tank is the place where hot water is kept. When the temperature drops below a certain level, the pump sends water back to the boiler. Another type of storage tank is the closed loop system where water circulates continuously between the boiler and the tank.
A boiler is a device that takes water at room temperature and heats it to high temperatures. Once the water reaches these high temperatures, it is sent to a tank where the excess heat is removed and converted to useful energy. Depending on the size of the boiler, it may need to have a fan inside to remove extra heat. The fan can either run constantly or only while the water is being pumped.
Pumping System
Pumping systems move water from one point to another. There are many different pumps, but some of the most common ones include centrifugal, screw, and piston pumps.
Electric Motor
Electric motors are the devices that turn the mechanical energy of steam or electrical energy into kinetic energy. An electric motor uses electric current to create rotating force. The rotor spins within the stator, converting it to rotary motion. The electric motor converts electrical energy into rotational energy which is then transferred to the shaft turning the impeller blades.
Impeller Blades
Impellers are the blades that are attached to the shaft. To improve efficiency, the blades spin faster by increasing RPM (revolutions per minute). The higher RPM increases the pressure of the water pushing it outward forcing it to flow around the outside of the impeller blades. This helps the water leave the impeller blades in a continuous stream and exit the unit.
Air Pump
Air pumps help move air across surfaces, keeping them clean and preventing mold and bacteria buildup. Air pumps are often used in air conditioning units to move cool air over coils and condensers.
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havnblog · 2 months
🌱 Coffee: Max Good, Min Effort
My Coffee Setup
My wife and I love coffee — and we drink a lot of it. So we want it to be good, while still not being too much of a hassle to make every day. And this post is me highlighting the equipment we use, and the process.
This post isn't about how to make the _absolute_ best cup of coffee - but rather which steps you can take to make it pretty great, without adding _too_ much complexity.
What does a great cup of coffee taste like?
If you only want one-ish cup (and why I don’t like capsule machines)
When I say that we drink a lot of coffee, I mean that we drink coffee made of 0.75-1 litres of water/45-60 grams of beans. So it’s pretty obvious why something like a Nespresso capsule machine isn’t a viable option.
But other reasons I don’t like it, is that the coffee tastes much, much worse than alternatives, it can get expensive, and how much waste it creates. (For some info on environmental impact, check this video and this video.) In my book, capsules are Min Good, Min Effort.
I think capsule machines can be a viable option if you personally don’t drink coffee, but you want to have something to serve guests now and then (and you have room in your kitchen). But if you only want about one or two great cups of coffee for yourself, I’d either go for the quite quick AeroPress, or a more ritualistic pour-over, like a V60.
Video from AeroPress.
V60 (pour-over).
We sometimes make a pour-over — but most of the time, we use a (pretty) regular coffee-maker. 1 But they’re not all created equal.
What you need to make great coffee
0) Good water
I almost forgot this because in Norway, we are very lucky to have great water on tap. But depending on where you live, this might be an issue.
1) Coffee (duh)
Nothing matters more than the coffee you buy. As you’ve probably guessed, as I’ve linked to three of his videos already, I like James Hoffmann. So I’ll let him explain how to pick out good coffee.
But what’s relevant here, is that you “need” to buy fresh, whole beans.
2) A good place to store them
As you’re dealing with fresh produce (kind of), you require a good place to store them. Many bags are good at this, as long as you can get them tight, but there are also plenty of canisters available. 2
I use the Fellow Atoms 🖇️. Coffee doesn’t love sunlight, so it’s not optimal — but I just love the look of coffee! I like to put the label on it as well, to remember what we have at the moment.
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3) Scales
You also need to know how much of it to use. Some people seem to have the impression that weighing coffee is complicated — but I vehemently disagree. The coffee-makers I’m going to recommend have water containers like this:
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Please ignore the temporary bubbles!
OK, so when I have this much water, I need 45 grams of coffee beans. That’s just so much simpler than the guesswork involved with spoons (of different sizes).
I’m pleased with my Timemore scale 🖇️ (I have the 1.0, though). It’s accurate to .1 grams, has a timer function, and charges via USB-C. But a regular kitchen scale (even if it’s only accurate to 1 gram) is perfectly fine.
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Image from Timemore.
4) Grinder
The obvious downside of buying whole beans, is that you have to grind them yourself. However, a good thing about this (in addition to whole beans not going stale, like pre-ground ones), is that you can adapt the coarseness to preference. For my coffee-maker, you should always use 45 grams of coffee to 0.75 litres of water. But if you want it a bit stronger, you can just grind it a bit finer.
So you want a grinder where you can change the grind setting. A great starting-point, is the Wilfa Smart.
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We had that previously — but for our wedding we got an upgrade, with the Fellow Ode Gen 2 🖇️.
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Photo from Fellow.
But this is where I’d love some feedback from any coffee nerds out there: Because every review of the Ode Gen 2 I’ve read, has praised it for not producing much static when you grind. However, I think it does produce quite a lot of static — and I don’t think it grinds that uniformly… What gives?
So, while I’m not totally happy with my Ode grinder, it does have great reviews (from reputable reviewers).
4.5) A tiny spray-bottle
One thing that helps with the static (that almost all grinders produce), is to give the beans a tiny spray of water before you grind them. And to make that easier, you can buy a little bottle to keep on your counter.
5) Coffee-maker
There are a couple of reasons why Wilfa is a great brand to look at for a coffee-maker.
Good temperature control
The Norwegian brand, Wilfa, has co-operated with the (also Norwegian) coffee guru Tim Wendelboe when designing their coffee-makers. So it’s not surprising that they do the basics well.
Removable water tank
Most people use the carafe (the coffee gets brewed into) to fill up the water tank — but there are some good reasons for this not being the best design:
The tank is usually the place where the measurement lines are — so if you bring that to the sink, instead of the carafe, you don’t have to go back with the excess water.
The carafe gets dirty — and you don’t want the clean water to become less clean.
Variable drip size
Ideally, you’d want a different size of drip for different amounts of coffee — and most Wilfa models have this option.
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Image from Wilfa.
So this one you just set to the amount of water you’ve used. (However, because of space constraints, we recently moved from a Wilfa Svart Precision to a Wilfa Performance Compact, which has an automatic drip stop (with only one size) instead of.)
Looks good
This is subjective, of course!
There are other coffee-makers that fit these criteria, of course. (For instance, Fellow is making one that looks interesting.) But Wilfa is a good place to start!
6) Thermal carafe
Coffee being very hot makes it taste less. If you’re drinking bad coffee (like the one from a gas station machine), this is very beneficial: When the coffee gets told, it becomes a bitter nightmare. However, if the coffee is good, it still tastes good when colder. This coffee might actually taste too little while at its hottest — so many prefer it to cool down a bit before drinking.
So the optimal thing, if you’re drinking as much coffee as we do, would be to make several batches, and have them cool down to the perfect temperature every time. But if you can’t be bothered with that, here’s my advice:
If you want your coffee to preserve its heat (even though the coffee snobs are right in that pursuit not being optimal), putting it into a thermal container is better than keeping it on a hot-plate.
Furthermore, use small cups. That way you can pour a cup, and be able to drink it at your preferred temperature. With larger cups, I usually find that the first sips are too hot and the latest too cold.
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I actually prefer even smaller cups than this.
We have this carafe from Hario. I like it because you can brew V60 into it, it looks good, and is great to pour from. However, it’s not the best at keeping the heat. So when we need more heat-retention, we use a Hydro Flask.
Some coffee-makers come with a thermal carafe. This can be practical if you always use one — but you get less choice in looks and size, and you can’t not use one as easily.
Our process
1) Weigh the coffee
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I check how much I needed on the water tank if I don't remember. (The standard is 6g per 0,1 litre.)
2) Give the coffee a spray
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One press is enough. Where you do it depends on the grinder and container. (I'm not sure where it's best on my current setup.)
3) Grind the coffee
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You'll have to find your preferred setting, with some experimentation. There's usually an optimal time the brew should take — and if it takes too long, you should grind coarser (and the other way around).
(Oops, not sure what happened to the focus here! Got to take another image of this…)
4) Fill the water tank
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5) Rinse the filter paper
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This is supposed to remove the paper-taste. The white papers are also supposed to be better than the tan ones.
6) Pour in the coffee
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I’m not sure if this is poor uniformity from the Ode of not…
7) Brew (and wait)
8) Pour the coffee on a thermal carafe
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9) Put some water in the coffee-maker’s carafe
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Leaving it with a bit of water is supposed to give less coffee residue in the carafe over time.
To sum it up:
Buy good beans,
that you grind at home
(perhaps with a spray of water)
after you’ve weighed them out.
Use a good coffee-maker
with a removable water tank,
that you rinse the filter of,
and leave a bit of water in after use.
If you want to drink your coffee over a period of time,
put the coffee in a thermal carafe (instead of leaving it on a hot-plate),
and use small cups to get a larger portion of your total coffee drinking at your preferred temperature.
I personally don’t like French Press - but if you do, this guide is supposed to be good. ↩︎
James Hoffmann, of course, has a video on this as well. ↩︎
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What causes kidney stones treatment?
Dr. Snehal Shankar Gaikwad is the director, consultant, and  Best Nephrologist in Moshi Pune at Swanand Kidney Clinic, Bhosari, and Imperial Multispeciality Hospital, Chikali. 
Causes of Kidney stones:
The main cause is less urine production. At least 1 litre of urine has to be generated daily. Other risk factors include too much or too little exercise, prolonged dehydration, weight loss surgery, high protein levels, salt, or glucose levels, obesity, and gastric bypass surgery. Medical conditions like renal tubular acidosis, cystinuria, and hyperparathyroidism also cause kidney stones.
Treatment of Kidney stones:
Kidney Stones are excruciating. Also, there is no medication cure in conventional methods. Doctors give only painkillers and diuretics. But when pain is increased, only surgery becomes the option.
Also, drink at least 1.8 to 3.6 litres of water per day. It will help you to remove small-sized stones naturally. Citric acid contained in fruit juices is very beneficial. But avoid too much consumption. These juices are lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, celery juice, basil juice, Pomegranate juice, kidney bean broth, Dandelion root juice, and wheatgrass juice.
It depends on the size of the stone. Before going to surgery, the doctor also considers the symptoms. In Shock wave lithotripsy, shock waves are passed to the kidney. It breaks kidney stones into small pieces. The procedure takes 45 minutes to 1 hour using general anaesthesia. All pieces will pass out through urination. In Ureteroscopy, a long tool shaped like a tube is used to remove small-sized stones. If stones are larger then, these will be broken into small pieces. In Percutaneous nephrolithotomy, a tube is directly put into the kidney. The patient can be hospitalized for 2 to 3 days.
How can we prevent stones?
Drink a lot of water and other fluids to keep urine output at least more than 2 litres per day. For this amount of urine excretion, you need to drink at least 3-4 litres of fluid. A simple and practical guide is to keep the urine colour very light yellow. The darker the urine colour, the higher the salt concentration.
Reduce bad salts like calcium, oxalate, sodium, phosphorus and uric acid. Calcium is rich in dairy products and oxalate is rich in a lot of vegetables like spinach, beetroot, okra, leeks, rhubarb, cabbage etc, tea/coffee, chocolate and nuts. When we combine food containing calcium and oxalate, the excess salts get precipitated as calcium oxalate and get excreted in faeces, and not through kidneys.
 That's why the traditional teaching of calcium restriction failed to reduce stones. When calcium is restricted it increases oxalate excretion in the kidneys, thus increasing stone formation. Moderation (not restriction) in calcium intake is required. Milk products should always be combined with other food intake and not taken on an empty stomach.
Reduce salt intake to less than 4 g per day. Yes, it should be less than a teaspoon for the whole day!
Eat a lot of fruits. These are rich in stone inhibitors like potassium, citrate, magnesium, etc and also rich in antioxidants which protect against oxidative kidney damage.
Reduce animal protein intake. Animal proteins have a lot of stone-promoting contents. They also increase uric acid excretion.
Do aerobic exercises daily. A sedentary lifestyle damages not only the kidneys but also all vital organs.
Prevent and treat any urinary infection.
Prevent and treat lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and hypertension.
All of these practices can reduce the formation of a kidney stone. Despite all these efforts, you can still form a stone. Many of the factors causing stones cannot be still found using currently available technology. However, a complete evaluation including stone analysis, serum calcium, serum uric acid, serum parathyroid hormone, serum bicarbonate, and 24-hour urinary sodium, calcium, phosphorus, uric acid, magnesium, citrate, creatinine and urine pH can rule out common causes of stones. These tests will find out at least one abnormality in 97% of stone-formers. At Swanand Kidney Clinic, we offer advanced kidney stone treatment in Bhosari. 
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healthcaretipsandinfo · 3 months
What is The Impact Of Hydration in Preventing Kidney Stones
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Kidney stones are a common and painful condition that affects many individuals. Proper hydration plays a critical role in preventing the formation of kidney stones. This article explores the importance of hydration, the role of dietary choices, and how medications like Kestead XT Tablet can support kidney health.
What Are Kidney Stones?
Kidney stones are hard deposits of minerals and salts that form inside the kidneys. If they obstruct the urinary tract, they can cause severe pain and complications. Types of kidney stones include calcium oxalate, uric acid, struvite, and cystine stones.
What Is The Role of Hydration in Preventing Kidney Stones?
Importance of Hydration
Staying well-hydrated is one of the most effective ways to prevent kidney stones. Adequate fluid intake helps dilute the substances in urine that lead to stone formation. When urine is less concentrated, it reduces the likelihood of crystals forming and growing into stones.
Fluid Intake : High (8-10 glasses/day)
Impact on Kidney Stones : Reduces the concentration of minerals in urine, preventing stone formation
Fluid Intake : Moderate (5-7 glasses/day)
Impact on Kidney Stones : It may help, but not as effective as a higher intake
Fluid Intake : Low (<4 glasses/day)
Impact on Kidney Stones : Increases risk of concentrated urine and stone formation
How Much Water Should You Drink?
The recommended daily water intake for preventing kidney stones varies but generally falls around 8-10 glasses (2-2.5 litres) per day. However, individuals with a history of kidney stones or certain medical conditions may require more.
Dietary Considerations
Certain foods can increase the risk of kidney stone formation. High-oxalate foods like spinach, beets, and nuts should be consumed in moderation. Reducing sodium intake is also crucial, as high sodium levels can lead to higher calcium levels in the urine.
Food Type : High-oxalate
Examples : Spinach, nuts, beets
Effect on Kidney Stones : Can increase oxalate levels in urine
Food Type :High-sodium
Examples : Processed foods, snacks
Effect on Kidney Stones : Can increase calcium in urine
Food Type : Animal protein
Examples : Red meat, poultry
Effect on Kidney Stones : Can increase uric acid levels
Incorporating certain foods into your diet can help prevent kidney stones. Citrate-rich foods like lemons and oranges can inhibit stone formation. High-fiber foods and calcium-rich foods (in moderate amounts) are also beneficial.
Medication Support
In addition to dietary changes, medications like Kestead XT Tablet can help manage kidney stone formation. These medications often contain ingredients that prevent stone formation or help break down existing stones.
Medications for kidney stones can work in various ways. Some increase the solubility of minerals in urine, others reduce the amount of stone-forming substances, and some help break down existing stones to make them easier to pass.
Additional Prevention Strategies
Physical activity can help prevent kidney stones by maintaining a healthy body weight and reducing the risk of metabolic conditions that can lead to stone formation.
Avoiding Excessive Vitamins and Supplements
Certain vitamins and supplements, especially those with high doses of vitamin C or D, can increase the risk of kidney stones. Always consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.
Monitoring and Medical Consultation
Regular medical check-ups can help monitor kidney health and detect any early signs of stone formation. Urine tests, blood tests, and imaging studies like ultrasounds can provide valuable information.
If you have a history of kidney stones or are at high risk, consult a healthcare provider. They can provide personalised recommendations, adjust medications, and suggest specific dietary changes to prevent stones.
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kanupriyakhanna · 4 months
Stay Hydrated When You Are Breastfeeding - Kanupriya
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According to studies, it’s recommended that you drink more water than usual when you’re breastfeeding. Since your breast milk is made up of about 90 percent water, it’s important to drink plenty of water each day while planning your diet during your lactation period. Drinking enough water will not only keep you healthy and hydrated but will also help you produce and maintain your breast milk supply.
Tips to Get Enough Water Each Day
It can be difficult to keep a track of how much water you’re drinking when you are a busy new mom. A good way to get enough water in your breastfeeding meal plan is to keep a bottle of water near you to sip while you’re nursing. That way, you’ll be sure to gulp sufficient water when you need.
“Time” your water intake if you have a hard time remembering to drink it. Set an alarm for every hour and try to sip a few ounces each time the alarm goes off. You will soon be in the habit of drinking water.
You can also carry your water bottle with you when you’re on the go. Keep it in your diaper bag, or in the stroller pocket. By having water handy, you’ll be more likely to consume enough water throughout the day.
Check if You Are Consuming Enough Water
One way to determine if you are consuming enough water is to pay close attention to your urine. If your urine is almost clear or a pale yellow in colour — it means you are drinking enough water. However, if the urine is dark yellow or you realize that you are urinating less often than usual- then it’s a sign that you are probably dehydrated.
Recommended Water Intake During Breastfeeding During breastfeeding, the average intake of water should be minimum 3 litres. However, if you need precise information on how much water you should consume as per your health condition — contact Kanupriya Khanna. A certified nutritionist from Delhi, Kanupriya will not only share tips on how to get the right amount of water during breastfeeding but will also help you plan a good post delivery diet to stay healthy.
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beautygainslifestyle · 11 months
As we all know people are different and the same goes with their skin too. Skin could be differ as dry and flaky, combination, normal to dry and oily, every skin got their own treatments and their own good products according to their respective types.
Beside all this, there is so much more that we can include in our daily routine so that our skin gets better day by day.
Best thing is that we should know what our skin wants so that it can breathe and by skin I mean full body not only our face because same like our face our whole body craves for cleansing as well as moisturising.
Let's start with the topic then <3
 Drink a gallon : You all are familiar with how much our body needs water for living. It's a necessity and especially in women, they only drink when they get thirsty. So make sure at least you drink water daily 1-2 litres if not a gallon. What water does to our skin is it makes it more glowing and clearer. Proper hydration levels help the skin to become plump and improves its elasticity meaning it's less likely to crack and have irritations and blemishes.
Stop smoking if you do : As we all know how much smoking is injurious to our health and it's a fact that if we keep on doing it ,that will lead to make our skin look older and contribute to wrinkles. It creates pigmentation around and on the lips. Smoking also damages collagen and elastin — the fibres that give your skin strength and elasticity. In addition, the repetitive facial expressions you make when smoking such as pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out smoke which can contribute to wrinkles.In addition, smoking increases your risk of squamous cell skin cancer. If you smoke, the best way to protect your skin is to quit. Ask your doctor for tips or treatments to help you stop smoking.
Eat healthy : A healthy diet can help you look and feel your best. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. The association between diet and acne isn't clear but some research suggests that a diet rich in fish oil or fish oil supplements and low in unhealthy fats and processed or refined carbohydrates might promote younger looking skin. Drinking plenty of water helps keep your skin hydrated.
Manage stress : Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more sensitive and trigger acne breakouts and other skin problems. To encourage healthy skin and a healthy state of mind take steps to manage your stress. Get enough sleep, set reasonable limits, scale back your to-do list and make time to do the things you enjoy. The results might be more dramatic than you expect.
Sleep hard : “Beauty Sleep” is a real thing. Our bodies need 7 to 9 hours of restful sleep every night to restore, rejuvenate and repair. It’s like visiting the fountain of youth every night, as our skin produces new collagen when we sleep. To maintain strong sleep hygiene, experts recommend a consistent sleep schedule and a cool (65℉), dark environment. Build thirty minutes into your schedule to wind down before bed; this is a great time to wash your face and sleep tight by giving time to your skin to breathe.
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widowbitessting · 1 year
Okay okay so like I have two question, number one is should I assign myself an emotional since I talk alot here, and second how much water are toy supposed to drink on a day
You can choose one or I can love :) annnnd I think 2 - 3 litres a day!😳
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fishthegenderwitch · 1 year
Today I decided that I was going to sit down (no I didn't I was already sitting but now I'm high), and figure out what I need to get done before I leave the house in the morning or before I start artwork. (On my days off I'm going to be doing something related to art have to have to!)
So I have a list in order of what needs to get done before I leave the house. Interspersed are reminders to drink water, because from the time I get up in the morning, till I'm ready to leave the house I'll have been awake for approximately 2 hours. So I should have at least had a litre of water. I'm not structuring this like from 7:00 to 7:01 go to the bathroom or anything as regimented as that, but seeing a full list of things that I need to get done gives me the structure to focus on.
I have some exp in knowing I can absolutely be a morning person, if that morning is spent on myself. And it's absolutely 100% based on what I need to get done, what is necessary for a day, because my dog needs medication.
Because I know I need to give him eye drops in the morning I have to structure it around making sure that that actually happens because I have to take care of him!
When you write down how often you have to work out, or how long you want to meditate for it doesn't seem that long.
Something in my mind has shifted, to where I can now see it as self care and taking care of myself because I haven't done it very well in a long time. Been thinking about it, and planning every little detail and making decisions over and over (hahaaaa for years why)
Instead of a list of things that I think other people would be impressed if I did everyday. They're going to be impressed by me no matter what because I'm awesome, but I'll be actually getting it done instead of telling them what I'm going to do. That's far more important now, because clearly I'm in my IDGAF stage.
It took awhile. You hold onto stuff a long time sometimes.
Anyway, my first instinct was to share the list with you, but I've done that so much in the past and then had people tell me that it's a great idea and I get all excited cuz they praised me for something but then didn't do it lol. So! I'm going to start that routine here, before we even move, in order to set it for Murf.
I'm feeling really positive about this move.
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guarented · 1 year
Water Purifier On Rent In Bangalore | Guarented
 While Bangalore has done a decent job of supplying water across the city, given that it is hard, drinking it straight out of the tap might be an issue for some.  If you’re in Bangalore and are exploring ways to set up a drinking water supply at home, you’ve come to the right place. You can always get subscriptions for canned water, but that is not very efficient, and some folks have even caught such water supply being adulterated. Seasoned Bangalore residents say that their go-to way for setting up a drinking water supply in Bangalore is to get a water purifier. However, water purifiers, especially good, branded ones, are expensive. So how do you solve this? Get a water purifier on rent in Bangalore! 
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There are many reasons why water purifiers are popular among Bangaloreans. However, water purifiers are expensive appliances. They cost money and require a technician to come and install them for you. If you’d like to skip the expenses involved in buying one, Guarented has you covered! Here’s why you should get a water purifier on rent from Guarented.
Canned Water Subscriptions Vs Water Purifier On Rent
Here are a few reasons why Bangaloreans prefer water purifier on rent over subscribing to canned water deliveries. While on the surface, it looks like a good idea to have a 50-litre can of mineral water delivered to your home every few days. And if you’ve set up a subscription, you can pretty much forget about placing an order as and when you’ve run out of water. However, this entire system relies on your supplier’s credibility. If they’re not adhering to safety regulations or if they’re indulging in fraudulent practices, not only are you wasting money, but you’ll also be putting your health at risk. This is precisely why you need a water purifier on rent at your home.
When compared to the one-time cost of getting a water purifier on rent, purchasing canned water every week is actually a cost that adds up to quite a lot. If you opt to get a water purifier on rent, here’s how it will be beneficial
Affordable. Not heavy on your pocket like purchasing a water purifier
Guaranteed safe, pure drinking water dispensed right before your eyes
Flexible. Use as little or as long as you want and have it returned when you’re done using the purifier. 
Quality assurance. If you get a water purifier on rent from Guarented, you’ll get access to a smart water purifier that comes with app connectivity. 
Service warranty. If you pick Guarented to get a water purifier on rent in Bangalore, you’ll get a free service warranty that covers occasional maintenance and repairs. This means unexpected costs associated with breakdowns and services won’t drain your money.
Water Purifier On Rent From Guarented
When you get a water purifier on rent from Guarented, we promise to bring you the most premium product ever.  The ZunPure 6 Stage RO+UV+UF+TDS Control, with Water Quality Tracking from Phone, Smart Wi-Fi Water Purifier.
Yes, the name is quite a mouthful. But if you get this water purifier on rent in Bangalore, please know that it packs a ton of features! The ZunPure smart RO water purifier comes with app connectivity. It also has REAL-TIME TDS MONITORING from your mobile phone, so you can be confident about the quality and purity of the water you and your family are consuming. 
When you get this water purifier on rent in Bangalore, many of the inconveniences of purchasing a water purifier fizzle out. The smart ZunPure RO water purifier solves the problem of one-time high product costs and vague service costs that come with its monthly and quarterly subscription plans. 
The icing on top is that the ZunPure smart water purifier has a tank capacity of 12 L and comes with 6 rigorous stages of purification to give you the cleanest, purest water!  It is laced with all the latest filters SF, MF, RO, UF, and UV- a water purifier that has it all with real-time monitoring of the quality!
When you get this water purifier on rent with Guarented, it will come with free installation services. We also provide a free service warranty that will take care of maintenance and manufacturing defects.
Get Start On Your Water Purifier Subscription Right Away!
Head to our website to read more about the ZunPure water purifier, which is available for rent at around 500 Rupees a month! You can even make a custom combo with the purifier that includes any other appliance or furniture product of your choice to furnish your home in just a few clicks! So get started right away!
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eatingexpired · 2 years
How many Oz makes a liter?
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How many Oz makes a liter?
How many 8 oz cups are in a liter?
How many 12 oz cups are in a liter?
How many 20oz are in a liter?
How many oz a liter?
Does 4 cups equal 1 liter?
How many cups is a standard liter?
How many 8 oz glasses of water is 3 liters?
Does 8 oz make 1 cup?
How many 12 oz glasses are in a 2 liter?
How many cups are a liter?
How much of a cup is 12 oz?
How many 20 oz makes a liter?
How many 20 oz sodas are in a 2 liter?
How many 20 oz makes a gallon?
How many 20oz bottles of water should I drink a day?
How do you measure 1 liter in cups?
Can a cup hold 1 liter?
What is a liter water?
How many Litres can a cup hold?
How many 8 oz glasses of water are in a liter?
How many glass is 3 liters of water?
How much is 3 liters of water in bottles?
Is 3 liters of water too much?
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prettyhealthfood · 2 years
5 Tips for Healthy Meals #shorts
5 Tips for Healthy Meals/How To Gain From Healthy Meals
 If you assess your meals regarding the 5 guidelines below, you will be doing a better job than most towards getting the nutrients and energy your body needs.
 The 5 Tips are to
1) keep your meals colorful
2) keep your meals small and frequent
3) Keep your meals fresh.
4)Avoid sweet
5)Drink water1-2 liters daily
As we explore these criteria in a little more depth, it will highlight some reasons you should incorporate them into your lifestyle.
 1) Keep Your Healthy Meals Colorful
 Our body needs six different nutrients to function optimally during the day. These include carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins, minerals, and water.
 While carbohydrates ( like bread, potatoes, rice, and starchy vegetables) and protein ( like meat, beans, and dairy) should be components of every meal, the more fruits and vegetables you add, the healthier and more colorful your meal will be.
 2) Keep Your Healthy Meals Smaller and More Frequent
 A healthy eating schedule is going to vary from person to person. However, food is fuel. If you are hungry, eat. If you are not hungry, don't. For many people, enjoying 4-6 smaller meals every day actually helps them function more efficiently.
 Three square meals a day is sometimes the only thing someone has time to prepare and enjoy.
 More frequent, smaller meals keep your metabolism revved and make it less likely that you will store food as fat instead of burning it for fuel. It also keeps your energy levels and blood sugar levels steady
Read More: https://prettyhealthfood.com/ Get More Offers: https://museemarket.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdHGHF8HE8tN5kjHMM4f5-g
3) Keep Your Foods Fresh
 Eating healthy meals doesn't mean buying packaged foods that say they are healthy on the outside of the box. Healthy meals should include fresh foods.. What your body craves is nutrients, not preservatives and added chemicals.
 If everything you eat is unwrapped, microwaved, delivered, or frozen, you need a serious diet overhaul
 4) Why do we need to avoid sweet foods?
"The effects of added sugar intake — higher blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes, and fatty liver disease — are all linked to an increased risk for heart attack and stroke," says Dr. Hu.
 What happens when I stop eating sugar?
Image result for avoiding sweet food
You'll Have Healthier Teeth
 Your teeth will love you for it! Stop eating sugar and you'll lower your risk of heart disease dramatically because too much sugar in your diet heightens your risk of high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes — three primary risk factors for heart disease and cardiovascular decline.
 5)drink water1-2 liters daily
 On average our food is thought to contribute about 20% of our fluid intake which, therefore, suggests a woman should aim to drink about 1.6 liters and a man should aim for 2 litres.
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21388 · 2 years
This article will talk about the Best Methods to Save Water since this one is one of the top necessity of our body.
While many Australians will argue passionately that beer is the most important drink there is, nothing nourishes our body and soul like clean, fresh water. It is our no.1 irreplaceable life necessity. The human body can survive without food for weeks but barely a few days in the absence of water.
We are fortunate to have an all-day, full-week, whole-year access to clean water. Getting a drink of water has become as easy for us as turning on the nearest tap. Understandably, this ease of convenience has made us take the considerable resources required in getting fresh water to every Australian home for granted.
Did you know though that Australia is the driest populated continent on Earth yet we are among the highest consumers of water per capital in the world? With escalating climate change, our rainfall patterns are becoming increasingly less predictable. In our current environmental state, saving freshwater whenever, wherever we can has never been more important.
So here are some Best Methods to Save Water, how we can play a big part in the reduction of water use, protecting the freshwater ecosystem, while also saving money on our water bills.
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Get those leaky Taps fixed – Even a tap that drips at a snail’s pace can waste up to 20,000 litres per year. That is about two months worth of water you use on a daily basis. This is a precious resource you pay for but never use.
Install water-efficient showerheads & aerators – An excellent way to save water and money is to get high engineered taps and equipment installed in your house. They’ll help you cut down on the water bill significantly over the long run.
Water saving shower heads, flow restrictors and aerators through out your house or business can help to save water consumption and restrict excess water flow from taps in bathrooms, kitchen and laundries being wasted.
Replacing a 15L/min Shower head in a house with 4 occupants with a 9L/min on average will save on average $210 each year on water bills. If you were to replace the shower head with a 6L/min you will save on average $315 each year on water bills. As result of this you will also save money on your energy bill due to less water being heated up.
Limit your shower time – Showering is actually the most efficient water-saving method to bathe, but we might be spending much more than the required time in the bathroom. Limiting your shower time to four minutes, or say, the length of a song, can help reduce water consumption by the litres.
Always keep a cold one in the fridge – Especially in summer, always keep a water-filled bottle in the fridge. That way you never need to let the tap run until it dispenses water cold enough to drink.
Add some weight to older toilets – Older toilets are devoid of water conserving features (eg-dual flush) and end up using twice as much as the required amount. You can decrease the volume of each flush by simply adding some pebbles to take up some space in the cistern, or realistically its time to invest in new modern dual flush toilet.
Use only when full – Dishwashers and washing machines are notorious for using copious quantities of water. You can optimise your water usage tremendously if you use these only with full loads. You can also get energy-efficient dishwashers and washing machines that have custom settings to suit the load you put in.
Install a water tank – If you live in an area that sees plenty of rain, installing a water tank is an excellent option you should consider. Catching rain water and harnessing it to be recycled back in to your house is one way of reducing your carbon foot print and living more sustainably. A water tank is a very easy, practical, invest-once-profit-forever way of directly getting free, fresh rainwater that you can use for a variety of purposes like washing and gardening.
Install a Heat pump or Solar hot water system – Heat pump hot water heaters can operate in any season, day or night and do not rely on the sunlight. Heat pumps rely on extracting heat from the air. There is no structural load on your roof like traditional solar heaters and cuts energy use and greenhouse gas emissions by up to 61%
Solar hot water heaters operate on harnessing the power of the sun and on average can save up to 65% of your water heating energy consumption.
Grey water Systems – Grey water is waste water generated from baths, showers, washbasins and laundries, which can be diverted for use on lawns and gardens. Diverted and Filtered grey water systems can also be used for laundry and toilet cistern filling but generally its much more simpler and cheaper to use captured rain water for this application.
You can also consider looking into Green Plumbing – Best Methods to Save Water 
Green plumbing is the use of water-efficient modern systems in place of outdated water-wasting ones. It uses energy-saving appliances, low flow fixtures and new age innovative tech that costs less and lasts longer. Green plumbing involves an effortlessly sustainable use of water resources that not only helps reduce your impact on the environment, but also helps you save money over time.
Just like deciding to ride a bike or choosing public transport, installing energy efficient light bulbs, or recyling on a daily basis – green plumbing is a holisticaly great option to reduce the damage we do on a daily basis to this precious earth. All these methods are simple but excellent ways of saving water and energy in your home.
Plumber Sunshine Coast / Plumbing Sunshine Coast / Plumbers Sunshine Coast
Source: https://www.ecoearthplumbing.com.au/best-ways-to-save-water-at-home/
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lunchcase · 2 years
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Apple Cider 
Location: Snyder farm, Kitchener
Price: $17 CAD for 3L. Spicy price for a spicy drink?
Okay because I am ignorant in many things, for the longest time I was puzzling over this box and how I was supposed to drink it. Not the opening part, but the Cider part. Do I water it down? Is it vinegar for cooking? Do I just chug it whole and plain? Pure 100% apple frothing at the mouth?
Was very pleasantly surprised that the whole thing came in a bag (in the box) and there’s a little spout attached! Quaint. Wholesome. Every drink should be like this.
It smells very sweetly apple. Here I go.
Oh Jesus Christ, my whole mouth is apple, just 100% sweet apple, my palate is an orchard complete with roots and leaves and vines, and this sound like a nice description but what I mean is there is a whole-ass apple trying to stuff it’s way into my soul and it’s too much. Oh my gos okay you have to water it down - the intensity of an apple thrown like a baseball to my face - I’m going to throw up - I’ve essentially swallowed a mouthful of syrup - I should’ve known by how it bubbled -
Alright, so I’ve watered it down, and it’s drinkable now, but my heart still feels like someone stabbed it with adrenaline and now it wants to leap out of my chest in the form of an apple
I’m being interrogated. Everyone is wondering why I bought 3 litres of apple cider when I’ve never had it before. I didn’t know. I didn’t know
I thought it was basically apple juice. And it was from a farm. I wanted the authentic experience and now I have 2 days to finish 3 litres of apple cider
My heart is beating fast with the drug that is me drinking syrup mixed with sugar. That first completely unfiltered 100% sweet apple cider really kicked like a horse’s back legs
I would like to emphasize this has nothing to do with the apple cider, and everything to do with my stupidly bold mistake of dunking it down with ignorance
Day 2: with a little distance from the first nightmare, this is actually pretty good! I think a 50/50 apple cider to water ratio works well. There’s a clarity to the cider I would hesitate to apply to standard apple juice. Or I guess it’s just really fresh!
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