missa-moon · 11 months
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tigre-edi-rawr · 2 months
“until you make the unconscious conscious, it will drive your life and you will call it fate.”
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reading Atomic Habits by James Clear on a Sunday afternoon.
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the-innocuous · 2 years
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liyanshand · 1 year
Filosofi Teras, Psychology of Money & Atomic Habits
Awal tahun kemarin aku secara impulsif membaca 3 buku sekaligus: Filosofi Teras, The Psychology of Money, Atomic Habits.
Sepertinya itu juga kali pertama aku beli buku lagi setelah dua tahun. Awalnya agak skeptis, tapi penasaran kenapa semuanya best seller, semacam ingin tau, apa yang sedang society 'ributkan', karena terlalu lama mengurung diri dalam gua, hehehe.
Setelah baca ketiganya, aku membuat benang merah sendiri. Intinya EQ itu sangat penting. Kecerdasan emosional. Kalau dulu kita apa-apa harus tes IQ, kayanya sekarang harus tes EQ juga. Sepertinya topik ini pernah mencuat beberapa tahun lalu, waktu setiap sekolah selalu ada sesi training ESQ, dimana inti utamanya untuk membangun karakter dari Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ). Entah saat ini masih ada atau tidak. Ketika IQ cenderung turun secara genetis dan tidak bisa diubah, justru ESQ bisa, jadi letak harapan kehidupan yang lebih baik dan berjangka panjang bisa difokuskan pada ESQ.
Mari kita kembali ke tiga buku best seller ini.
The Psychology of Money menekankan bahwa mengelola uang dengan baik tidak ada hubungannya dengan IQ, justru lebih banyak berhubungangan dengan perilaku. Perilaku itu lebih sulit diajarkan bahkan kepada orang-orang yg sangat cerdas (IQ). Sering kita dengar, kalau mau tau sifat asli seseorang coba beri dia uang yang banyak. Sederhananya, jadilah manusia dengan regulasi emosi yang baik. Bukan kalau badmood sedikit langsung checkout shopee, atau pesan makanan yang sebenernya ngga perlu. Sederhana. Tapi begitu syulid. 😂
Atomic habits seperti menimpali The Psychology of Money. Perilaku bisa dibentuk. Kecerdasan emosi bisa diasah untuk membentuk perilaku yang baik dan sustain. Cara-caranya dijabarkan cukup detail di Atomic Habits. Konsisten adalah kunci. Ada seperangkat plan untuk mengarah kesana. Ciamik. Lagi-lagi. Sederhana, ngga ribet. tapi syulid untuk mereka yang mentalnya ngga siap. 😂
Lalu Filosofi Teras seperti makanan penutup yang segar dari 2 menu di atas, dimana stoisisme dibawa jadi lebih asik dan relatable. Ada dikotomi kendali dalam hidup kita yang sebenarnya ini juga disoundingkan oleh psikolog ketika kita konsultasi. Hal yang paling bisa kendalikan hanya diri kita sendiri. Respon orang, respon kakak/adik, perilaku suami/istri, cuaca, lalu lintas, tidak ada yang bisa kita kendalikan. Daripada membuang energi untuk emosi atas sesuatu yang sudah jelas-jelas di luar kendali, lebih baik kita memilih untuk mengendalikan respon diri kita. Ini kaitannya dengan seberapa jauh kita membuat plan, seberapa 'sempurna' rencana yang sudah dijalankan untuk menjadi lebih baik, seberapa konsistennya menjalankan 'atomic habits' tetap akan ada sesuatu di luar kendali kita. Hal-hal tidak terduga tetap akan terjadi dan kita bisa memilih respon yang lebih membangun. Ketika gagal, atau dalam kondisi yang kurang menguntungkan, kita bisa memilih-bukan terpaksa lho-untuk damai. Kalau terpaksa kan karena tidak punya pilihan. Tapi kalau kendali kita kembalikan ke diri kita sendiri, kita akan selalu punya pilihan. Tapi namanya juga manusia diberi pilihan damai atau perang itu sepertinya syulliidd begitu ya. 🤣
Jadi pada intinya, kecerdasan emosi (EQ) sangat dipertimbangkan untuk kelangsungan hidup yang lebih baik. kita berlomba-lomba membuat ranking, menentukan siapa yang IQ nya paling tinggi untuk memimpin, karena sekarang segalanya harus serba cepat dan tes IQ dan ranking adalah salahsatu jalan pintasnya, tapi lupa bagaimana IQ, EQ, dan juga SQ harusnya juga saling melengkapi, bagaimana mengasahnya supaya manusia-manusia semakin kuat untuk kehidupan saat ini yang semakin tidak makin (?).
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This breakthrough book from James Clear is the most comprehensive guide on how to change your habits and get 1% better every day.
Summary of Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
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cybergorillas · 1 year
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Man if I had a dollar for every time friends dismissed the time I put into building the habit of eating healthy and exercising, by just saying “I have good genetics…” It doesn’t take much… small habits have a compounding effect. Let’s go! spotted via @danfounder #hardworkpaysoff #atomichabits #microhabits #compoundingeffect #healthyhabits #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #plantbased #consciouseating #mogulgrind https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmwntappjin/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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harshayoga · 2 years
8 Secrets to waking up early | Yoga way
I guess this is something that’s getting difficult as days pass by. Hmmm…. Makes me wonder, Did we have this problem when we were kids ?. I don't think so !!! Was there ever a day when you missed school just because you woke up late?. I don't think so. Right ?
Then, What happened to you now?. If it’s not the fire of life & freedom that’s pushing you to work & serve beyond your limits, pushing your body & mind to extreme leading to exhaustion & the only way to rejuvenate is sleeping your way to happiness then that’s a good sign.
But, If you’re having trouble waking up just because you're lazy then here are 10 things that you’re doing wrong when you’re awake & what needs to be done to break this pattern
1.Sleep on time : You will never ever ever be able to wake up early if you don't sleep early. There is no big secret to this ! Don't come up with reasons to nurture your ego in the name of responsibility and family. 
For, In the end none of these matters. All that matters is how disciplined you wish to be to maintain the sanity of your mental health in the long run. Nothing, Nothing is more satisfying,rejuvenating & healing than a good night's sleep. Shut of the lights & go to sleep (without your phone) at 9.30pm.
2.Early dinner : 6pm - 7pm is the ideal time for dinner, not 9.30 pm or 10.30 pm. You need to give at least a 3 hours gap before you go to sleep after your last meal if you wish to wake up with a new wave of energy in you the following morning. No !!! You won't feel hungry early in the morning the following day. In Fact, you’ll have more energy than before. 
I’ve been doing this for years now. My morning intense yoga practice routine lasts for 2.5hrs & I’ve never felt any sort of tiredness or fatigue ever !!!
3.Workout an hour everyday : This indeed is a game changer to reset your biological clock and to get into a beast mode of work life balance. All your systems, Physical & mental will start obeying your command and dare not disturb you when it’s time to rest. Just 1 hours of planning to workout at least 5-6 days a week increases your waking up time by 95% when you maintain the consistency. Don't believe me ?. Give it a try yourself !
4. Twenty minutes of silence : We get so busy and occupied in the hustle and bustle of everyday life we never take a break to contemplate where we are & how we are feeling. We keep moving farther away from ourselves and ultimately feel lost. 
You may not have an hour to practice meditation everyday but you can cut down on your phone usage. I am sure you’ll find that you need 20 minutes to feel alive every single day !!!. Remember one thing, No one can help you in life except yourself !
5.Eat healthy : Cheat day is absolute “NONSENSE” !!!. Discipline isn't a rule imposed upon you, It is the way you've chosen to live to stand apart from the crowd. You can actually cut down on the number of hours of sleep and yet feel rested and rejuvenated if you are ruthless as to what goes into your system. 
Forget seeking respect from others. First, Respect your inner system and eat to please the divine seated in you. Food is the best self made medicine. If you do not have this approach towards food and are happy with what’s on your plate you’ll never be happy even if you go to MARS.
6.Gratitude  : Happiness, We've been seeking this in all the wrong places over the years.Only when you thank yourself for who you truly are and accept everything around you and show your gratitude, everytime you close your eyes you indeed will be one with the creation. No gratitude = incompleteness. If you’re someone who’s been feeling incomplete inspite of workout & meditation, Then this is what you are lacking in.
Just surrender and let the magic unfold.
7.Throw that phone away : If you’re spending more than 40-50 minutes a day on your phone scrolling and getting to know what is happening in the other person's life, then I’d say it's high time to start thinking about where your life is headed towards.
Phone has become the reality of everyday life and when you are addicted to this habit, The young     eyes that are watching you will blindly imitate the same. This indeed is worse than drug addiction. If you don't know where to draw the line. Forget Yoga, Even God can't help you. 
If the first & last act of your before you go to bed is scrolling through the new feed on social media. Forget away waking up early, You’ll never ever be able to die peacefully a few years down the line.
8.Soulful conversations : We talk, All throughout the day to countless people & have useless & baseless conversations about things that mean nothing to us. Instead of gaining clarity you’ll be plunged into an ocean of confusion and chaos. 
Satsang - The most commonly used word in yoga, It means being in the company of those who’ll light up your inner fire and make you feel alive. If you are not surrounding yourself with them you’ll never feel connected to yourself and it doesn't matter even if you sleep for 12 years, You’ll never experience contentment in its purest form. 
If this helps you gain even 5% clarity and makes you think about where you stand now & you make up your mind to change yourself, I’m gonna be the happiest person ever !
Feel free to share your view in the comments section if what you read made sense.
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myydays · 2 years
atomic habits- a review
today i'll be reviewing atomic habits by James Clear!!
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-this is actually one of my favorite books now :)
clear beautifully illustrates his four step model of habits- cue, craving, response, and reward- which has its roots in terms from something called operant conditioning in psychology. 
in his book he uses this model as the backbone of the steps to make habits that stick.
so there are four steps to making a habit.
-make it obvious
-make it attractive
-make it easy
-make it satisfying
and the inverse which is getting rid of a bad habit:
-make it invisible 
-make it unattractive
-make it difficult 
-make it unsatisfying 
throughout the book he explains how to go about implementing each step in your life, and also includes a variety of very interesting case studies. i loved reading these because i saw how these small tiny actions compounded into MAJOR results. 
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i also loved how he took it to a personal level and also talked about a major setback in his own life, and how he got over it and fulfilled his potential.
from an average high schooler who literally got a baseball bat smashed into his face,  he is now a successful author, entrepreneur and photographer. 
(clear makes things clear. get it. do you get the pun.)
i hope i can try and find some habits i can actually carry out using this book, and maybe you could as well ;D
well thats all for today!!
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jafartamam12 · 2 years
Learning English (70)
What If
In Gaur Gopal Das Youtube Video I found that there are two word that hold us back and encourage us to afraid to try something new, the words are What and If. What If is refer to our scary about uncertainties that contains our future. We often afraid to try and to conquer new challenge. The right is we must try and do them briefly, so we can know a new taste of experience and we got a new outlook through this challenge.
Kind of Old Transportation Mode
I have read today. Ive read a book Time Is More Valuable Than Money. In this part I read some explanation about all kind of old transportation that exist in Indonesia, they ara Delman, Becak, Bemo, Opelet, Bus Tingkat, Motor, etc. He has highlight through this book that we must be grateful for the technology that comes into our life. In the past age, we must spend 2 month to go to Makkah through ship and 13 hours to go to Bogor through Delman. And with some amazing technology we know that we just need 9 hours to go to Makkah and 2 hours to go to Bogor.
In addiiton we must utilize this amazing discovery with wisely mind. We must harness it as wise as possible. And, even though we got alleviate in transportation field now, we still need to do exercise to increase our healthy. Hold and stick it.
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wisdomwithbooks · 6 days
Atomic Habits: the life-changing million-copy #1 bestseller
“Atomic Habits” by James Clear delves into the science of habit formation and provides practical strategies for cultivating positive habits and overcoming negative ones. Clear underscores the notion that implementing small changes, or “atomic habits,” can yield remarkable results over time. The book offers valuable insights into the psychology of habit formation, emphasizing the power of…
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wiz-library · 2 months
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"📚 Dive into the transformative world of 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear! 💫✨ At WizLibrary, we're all about empowering you with the tools and knowledge to unlock your full potential. This book is a game-changer, and we highly recommend it to all our fellow wizards! 🧙‍♂️📖
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epicforwards · 3 months
Unleashing Potential: A Review of “Atomic Habits” by James Clear
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ayuranee · 4 months
Atomic Habits: Catatan bacaan di awal tahun
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Lao Tzu Sudah sejak lama ingin membaca buku ini dan syukurlah di bulan Desember ini akhirnya keturutan juga dan selesai membaca pas di penghujung tahun. Buku ini bagus sekali untuk dibaca khususnya buat siapapun yang ingin memulai membuat kebiasaan baru dan menghentikan kebiasaan-kebiasaan buruk. Kebetulan, moment-nya juga tepat, di awal…
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allbegins · 4 months
the Power of Tiny Changes: A Review of "Atomic Habits" by James Clear
the Power of Tiny Changes: A Review of "Atomic Habits" by James Clear
“Atomic Habits” by James Clear is a groundbreaking exploration of the science behind habits and how small changes can lead to remarkable results. In this review, we’ll delve into the key takeaways that make this book a must-read for anyone seeking personal and professional development. Key Takeaways: The Power of Atomic Habits: James Clear introduces the concept of “atomic habits,” emphasizing…
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otaviogilbert · 5 months
Atomic Habits I 7 Lessons in 7 Minutes That Will Change Your Life
Unlock the secrets to a transformative life with "Atomic Habits: 7 Lessons in 7 Minutes!" 🚀 Dive into a whirlwind of wisdom that will revolutionize the way you approach habits and unleash your full potential. 🌟 Whether you're on a journey of self-improvement or striving for success, these life-changing lessons will pave the way for a brighter future. 🔥 Don't miss out on the chance to supercharge your habits and elevate your life to new heights!
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