#how orochimaru stayed and destroyed himself
evilkitten3 · 11 months
thinking about the sannin and abandonment and the past following you wherever you go no matter how hard you try to leave it behind and staying and clinging to whatever you have left until it twists you into something unrecognizable and chases you out and clinging to it even after that while getting worse and worse and watching everything you love die and pushing away whatever you have left and abandoning people who need you because staying is killing you and leaving and leaving also killing you and the worst coping mechanisms known to man and trying so hard not to remember when you were just three kids with a teacher who adored you before everything collapsed in on itself now none of you can stand the sight of each other and the devastation of war and fame gained through clinging to your life and being so defined by survival that you forget to do anything else and people trying to rely on you when you can't even rely on you and dying alone with your regrets and the endless cycle of rebirth and alcoholism
#naruto#naruto shippuden#the legendary sannin#densetsu no sannin#jiraiya#senju tsunade#orochimaru#sarutobi hiruzen#i know jiraiya is. awful but. i do like him when he's not being gross#and there's a Lot going on there. it's just that the grossness is also there a lot#tsunade is so full of issues. like so full of them#also i find it really interesting how jiraiya left and tsunade left and orochimaru stayed#he always had problems too ofc but he became what he became because unlike jiraiya and tsunade he didn't leave#until he had to#how jiraiya and tsunade left for selfish reasons but were ultimately right to do so#how orochimaru stayed and destroyed himself#how sarutobi was the catalyst for so much bc he cared too much in the wrong ways#trusting people you've known for so long and trying so hard to be the man your teacher thought you could be#but never fully realizing the flaws in him or in your comrades or your students or yourself#being given a mantle you didn't ask for bc you offered yourself up as a sacrifice#being placed on a pedestal and being too afraid to step away from it or view yourself outside of it#being a sad tired old man who tried too hard in the wrong ways and not enough in the right ones#dying at the hands of someone you adored but also abandoned in your own right#loyalty and treachery and becoming something new and trying and failing and the consequences of your actions#killing someone you love. loving the person who's killing you. being morned by people who should and one day will hate you#fighting for an ideal that doesn't exist and never existed and never could exist but you can't admit it or else what's the point#living in a world that no longer remembers what a childhood looks like and maybe never knew to begin with#the world breaks you and everyone you love and you break yourself and the world and everyone you love and everyone you love breaks you too#also there's monkeys
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yu-huuuu · 2 years
:O I just saw your new post about Neji and a reader that ahs eyes like Gojo, Can you make one smiliar but with Itachi or Sasuke please?????? :O
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[ 🌸 ] I'll go with Sasuke this time since I'll be posting something for Itachi this week, so stay tuned <3
characters: sasuke uchiha,, some character mentions
genre: fluff;; light angst (sad sasuke)
warnings:  kidnapping mentions;; sasuke missing his family;; gn!reader(I hope you like annon);; sasuke experiencing love and denying being in love u.u
enjoy <3
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he had done it
Sasuke had left his home to seek more power.
He wasn't enough, he needed more power and he wasn't going to get it if he stayed with his teammates.
Sakura had reached out to him, she had begged him not to leave, he had a hard time saying no and that made him angry even though he didn't show it. Despite his annoyance, he wasn't going to take it out on her, Sakura wasn't to blame for all his misery, it was Itachi's, his older brother.
Sakura was his friend, a very close one.
'I'm not going to hurt her' Even if Sasuke wanted to, he couldn't hurt Sakura, perhaps because he inadvertently became very attached to her along with team seven. They were almost like family to him.
How bitter that word had become.
"Sakura..." Sasuke heard the pinkhead's soft gasp as he stepped up behind her.
'I'm not going to hurt her' before he knocked her out, he let her hear the last words that would be directed at her. After all, maybe this would be the last time they would see each other, that she would hear his voice… 'thanks for everything' was what he wanted to say, but instead he just came out with a bitter “thank you”, before knocking her out...
Sasuke couldn't leave her at her house, that would take a long time, so instead he left her soft body on a park bench, in his mind it was the least he could do.
The next morning Naruto arrived. Both fought in hand-to-hand combat, between punches, kicks and harsh words that were given, sasuke remembered his family.
The death that hurt him the most was of his beloved Mother. His Mom who was so affectionate and the one who was by his side. Oh, how much he missed her. And it was too bad that the last time he saw her was when she was lying dead on the cold floor next to her father. Perhaps remembering his Mother would not be so painful if his last memories of her were when she said goodbye to him, giving him his breakfast that same morning of the massacre.
The feelings were confused with his Dad, but if what his Mother said was true, then his Father loved him too much and Sasuke loved him too, that's why he always tried to be the son his father would have wanted, fearing disappointing him even though he wasn't here anymore, Sasuke would always have that fear.
What hurt him the most was Itachi, he was his world and he was also the one who destroyed him until he did it in small pieces. Sasuke hated himself on the darkest nights when he missed his presence, and even so, despite declaring and swearing that he hated his brother, he had that feeling of hesitation in killing him, perhaps because if he did, he would be left alone
Naruto couldn't and never could understand him and his pain. How dare he compare his pain with his? Naruto was inept, a fool, a loser who was born with nothing.
And he wasn't going to leave without letting him know first.
Despite wanting to cut ties, wanting to kill Naruto, he couldn't, something stopped him. Perhaps later, in a few years he would realize what stopped him, was the fact that he by default was still a child and he was afraid of being left alone again... but Sasuke would never admit it, because sometimes his pride was too much. stronger than his own will.
When he arrived with Orochimaru he didn't feel intimidated and if he felt that way he wouldn't show it, as soon as he finished his training he would end the life of that disgusting guy.
'I'm an avenger' he was and he wouldn't let anyone hurt anyone else, at least not like he was hurt in the past.
Several months passed in which Sasuke could feel the difference, he felt stronger, much more than he was before. After having finished some difficult exercises to exercise his Sharingan, Sasuke was on his way to the showers and in the middle of his journey that's when he saw you.
You were…beautiful, well within what was possible, since the band for the eyes hindered the full view of your face, but with what he could see you were in fact very beautiful. Sasuke wondered in the back of his mind who you were, but he would never approach you with such a dumb question, this was not his goal.
With a snort he ignored you as he hurried to the shower, ignoring the wetness of his hands and the heavy drumming of his heart, when was the last time he felt like this?
"Ridiculous…" Sasuke muttered not realizing that you were paying attention to him.
"Mmm... what a strange boy" you dared to whisper when you stopped listening to the footsteps of the person who passed sulking next to you. 'Well, it doesn't matter, I need to give my report to Lord Orochimaru' you thought as you let out a long breath, this would be a long day.
.- - - - -. .- - - - -. .- - - - -. .- - - - -.
The next time Sasuke saw you, it had only been a few weeks. You were talking to Kabuto about something.
"Aa Sasuke you're here, great" the man said before turning to you "Y/N this is Sasuke"
"A pleasure" you spoke, but your voice. Oh, your voice was so sweet and soft, it reminded him of his Mother's voice. Sasuke felt a little worried by that line of thought.
"I'm saying the same" he half muttered, Sasuke definitely didn't expect to meet you. He could feel his hands sweaty again. 'How annoying'
"Well I have to go, take care Y/N" Kabuto said turning to you "Sasuke" he spoke as he leaned a little towards him in farewell mode before leaving.
"See you Kabuto-san" you spoke, raising your hand a little, waving it as a sign of farewell.
Sasuke really didn't want to be around you, you put him in a way that he didn't want to be with, but before he could even turn around, you spoke.
“You are… the weird guy from the other day. I heard you sulking when you passed me" you spoke, as you went on in your sentence your voice became more smaller but Sasuke hardly paid attention to it.
Have you heard it? oh, Sasuke could feel himself cringing internally.
“... hn. forget it,” he muttered as best he could before walking away. no, he definitely wasn't running, he wasn't running and he definitely wasn't sweating or shaking or…
Who could he fool, Sasuke was so deep in thought that he didn't even think if you'd be able to get anywhere in the base by yourself with that eye band, he only started thinking about it when he got to his room with his head spinning and his heart beating hard against his chest.
'Shit…' he thought when he realized his mistake, he had left you alone.
with the same speed with which he entered his room was with which he left. Sasuke didn't know why he was so worried about you, it was ridiculous and yet he kept running to where he had last seen you.
'He's gone. How rude-' you thought before being interrupted by the same types of footsteps but more hurried from that boy. The footsteps stopped abruptly a few steps from you, you could hear his heavy breathing. He really ran fast, huh?
"I... are you okay?" you spoke without knowing exactly what to say.
"Yes..." the voice spoke a little agitated.
"And why did you run back?"
"because I'm sure you're a fool to guide yourself on this basis"
…wait, he really-
you felt a little offended now, but at the same time a thought came to your mind 'did he care about me?'.
“ummm… thanks” you really didn't know what to say next, so you said the first thing that came to your mind.
"So, do you want to accompany me to the dining room? I think I'm hungry"
From that day Sasuke would accompany you to dinner. It became like a routine for the two of you, at those meals you just talked incessantly and Sasuke always listened to you talk, and if you took a while to finish your food he would wait for you until you finished your last bite. He was sweet, in a way, it was like he was taking care of you.
Sasuke, on the other hand, was beginning to understand a little more about his feelings for you. Sasuke wasn't stupid, he knew what these feelings were, Love.
he had seen that feeling first hand in the interactions of his parents, Fugaku despite being a serious man, even Sasuke could see his icy gaze melt when he looked at his mother. and now Sasuke could understand that phrase that his paternal grandfather told him; "Even strong men can fall for the women they love."
Oh, how foolish Sasuke felt for falling in love on his way to revenge on his brother.
.- - - - -. .- - - - -. .- - - - -. .- - - - -.
Tonight you had decided to dine outside right under the stars, even though you couldn't see them, you wanted your faithful companion to feel comfortable with the view.
“is the sky beautiful?”
"It is…"
Just those words were needed to create a safe environment between the two of you, the food was hot and the breeze was nice, it was a perfect environment.
Sasuke, on the other hand, had a question running through his mind, why were you wearing a blindfold, he never asked since it was none of his business, but on nights like this when you looked so gorgeous? he couldn't help but wonder what your eyes would look like under that piece of cloth.
"Why are you wearing that blindfold?"
it was a simple question, but you were still surprised that he of all people would ask you.
"Well... I think it would be better if I show you" you spoke as you put down your tea, then reached your hands towards the blindfold.
when the blindfold fell, Sasuke saw you in the eye for the first time and you were more beautiful than he thought.
This was also the first time you saw him. You had already realized a few weeks ago that you were beginning to have feelings for Sasuke, always hearing his voice, but never seeing his face, now you understand why there was such a fuss when a woman saw Sasuke. he seems so ethereal.
"why do you hide your eyes?" You had almost missed the question, swallowing your nervousness and stopping the small blush, as you could you answered the reason why.
when you were born you had slightly weak eyes, you were five years old when Orochimaru kidnapped you for experiments. and they quickly gave results, your eyes became that way giving you various abilities but still your eyes needed to be at rest until it was time to fight. That was the main reason why despite your abilities Orochimaru did not possess your body.
After finishing your story, Sasuke let out a small whisper.
"I will become stronger"
"I will become stronger to protect you" he spoke louder this time.
Sasuke could make this promise to you for now, for while he would find a way to confess to you, perhaps he would when he has achieved all of his goals. perhaps he would think better of it when he had found the motivation to kill his brother again.
maybe he would put the hate aside, because Sasuke had found a new motivation protect you. Apparently his grandfather was right, how low can a man in love really fall...
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* Sasuke is a love with you, but a tough guy towards others. * when you're a couple, he'll draw you when you're asleep, but shhh it's a secret that no one should know, including you. * will always follow you when he is not doing something important, which is usually training and getting stronger. * It is probable that Sasuke has lost interest in killing his brother, but who knows you already changed many things in him...
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lemony-snickers · 2 years
I wonder if at some point, Kakashi might have seriously considered leaving Konoha.
In the end, he is too loyal and too determined to protect the people he loves to truly abandon his home.
But I wonder if he toyed with the idea. In the middle of the night, back slick with sweat after yet another nightmare.
He thinks of how Konoha destroyed his father, thrust Obito into a war he wasn’t ready for, instilled in Rin ideals that led her to believe killing herself was justified because it was in the best interests of the village. He thinks of Minato and Kushina slaughtered before their baby ever got to know them.
He wonders if maybe he’d be better off striking the Leaf symbol from his hitai-ate, leaving behind the strict shinobi code in favor of his own. A code which embraces the grey, prioritizes empathy.
Maybe he even toys with it a little, sneaks out of the village when he’s not on mission to see how long he can get away with before he’s missed; before a hawk circles above his hiding place to call him home.
Like when you’re a kid and you hop out your window, wander down the road or into the woods to a secret spot only you know. Just to test it out. Like “running away” just for a little while might fix whatever is broken.
You always go home, in the end. And so does Kakashi.
Because he would never forgive himself if he truly abandoned his post; the way Sakumo abandoned his son or Rin abandoned her surviving teammate.
I wonder if when Sasuke defects from his home in pursuit of Orochimaru—of power—Kakashi understands a little more than most because he’s considered the same path.
Weighed the price of leaving against the one he has already paid to stay.
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kissmekakashi · 6 months
Some Naruto x Sasuke headcanons I love to believe are true💞
Naruto bought a garden style house with a backyard and a tree on the outskirts of Konoha so that Sasuke can bask in the sun without anyone watching him
Sasuke learnt how to make ramen from scratch with Teuchi’s help so that he could surprise Naruto on his birthday
Naruto loves kissing Sasuke on his shoulder blades because he knows that weakens Sasuke
Sasuke loves how ticklish Naruto is and whenever he wants something to go his way, he starts a tickling fight
Naruto learns how to clean up after himself because he knows how strict Sasuke is about cleanliness
Sasuke loves cuddling Naruto as the big spoon and showering his face with kisses
Naruto knows Sasuke is not comfortable with PDA so he refrains from holding his hand no matter how much he wishes to
Sasuke knows how much Naruto yearns for reassurance and ends up holding his hand which makes Naruto smile brighter than the sun
Naruto kisses Sasuke’s knuckles whenever he can
Sasuke blushes looking at Naruto’s naked torso despite the fact that they have been together for years especially since Naruto became ripped over the years
Naruto makes the house a mini-zoo with cats, dogs and serpents being rescued all the time by him
Sasuke is on board with it
The house has a lot of photos of them, their friends and teachers
Iruka is the happiest to finally see them together
Sasuke has an arsenal of seductive weapons to destroy Naruto’s will, including the hooded eye look
Naruto loves Sasuke’s rinnegan and kisses his eyes everyday
Sasuke scavenged the remains of the Uchiha compound to find some things with Naruto
Naruto surprised Sasuke with a picture of his family and a picture of him and Itachi that he found at the Uchiha district
Sasuke loves to snuggle up to Naruto’s neck
Naruto runs hot which Sasuke loves
Sasuke starts making the dishes his mother made for him as a child to give Naruto a taste of his childhood
Naruto loves having Sasuke’s friends over and this warms Sasuke’s heart
Sasuke loves marking Naruto’s back with his nails and love bites on his neck
Naruto loves leaving bite marks on Orochimaru’s curse mark which makes Sasuke emotional
Naruto is bashful and shy about his relationship with Sasuke
Sasuke loves showing off his love bites in public with a resting bitch face
Naruto adores the way Sasuke calls him Dobe
Sasuke is the one to encourage Naruto into therapy
When they fight, Sasuke is the one to end it first because his heart aches
Naruto ends fights just as quickly and they resolve it calmly
With the help of Orochimaru’s research, Naruto and Sasuke welcomed Kawaki and planned for more babies (this is completely different from Boruto)
Naruto is the kinkier one between the two and loves trying new things with Sasuke
Sasuke, being the diva that he is, makes sure that Naruto begs before he agrees
Naruto’s all consuming love for Sasuke never ends
Sasuke fears the day he’ll die because he can no longer tolerate being away from Naruto for long
Naruto loves surprising Sasuke with little gifts
Sasuke brings trinkets from his travels to decorate the house
Kakashi realises how similar Naruto is to Minato when he sees him being domestic with Sasuke
Sasuke gets jealous of Gaara’s love for Naruto until he starts dating Lee (he is still apprehensive)
Their friends hate when either of them get drunk because they love to wax love poetries about each other (and their bodies)
Naruto loves being a father so much that he runs back home from work everyday to be with his kids
Sasuke slowly takes up the role of being stay-at-home parent until a mission calls for him, and somewhere, it heals him to bring up own his children and watch them grow, celebrating their achievements
Naruto abolishes child ninjas and raises the Genin age to 20 in order to destroy the concept of child soldiers
Sasuke helps open a orphanage and makes Iruka and Kurenai the heads
Naruto and Sasuke go out on dates every week and love spoiling with other with soft forms of love
Feel free to add more if you feel like it 🫂
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team7-headquarter · 1 year
Honestly I love and respect Sasuke so much for putting himself and his issues first, not his love life, not patriotism of any kind, not even Naruto.
One way or another, everyone in Konoha wanted him to pick a different battle, not understanding that he was not solely after revenge, but closure. No one knew the level of psychological damage he received from Itachi. It's not that Sasuke did not want to stay or that he didn't love his team. It's that it'd have kill him —to stay. No one there understood how he felt, no one there understood the magnitude of his suffering.
Yes, Kakashi went through awful things, lost the people he loved the most. Yet he found solace in following Sakumo and Obito's dream of defending the village and his comrades. He was honoring the memory of those he loved, Rin and Minato, Obito and Sakumo. He was loyal to their home.
That's why his situation can't be compared to the Uchiha Massacre. Sasuke was so much younger. He grew up in different circumstances, because Kakashi lost everyone at war, on the line of duty. Sasuke was betrayed by the person he admired and loved above all. They all talked as if they knew how it felt, they all told Sasuke how to deal with it, so yeah he was alone.
Not even Naruto understood, like I said.
With time, Naruto would reach the conclusion that his desire to save Sasuke was partially due his shinobi way of life, partially because Naruto could have ended just like that. Where Itachi was Sasuke breaking point (for the worst), Iruka was Naruto's saving grace. But such realization would take him years of anguish and suffering from both parts; why would Sasuke wait for them to see it?
The most important thing for Sasuke, right since the beginning, was his family, his clan. The most important person for him was Itachi, more than Naruto. His most important mission / goal was not protecting his friends or the Hidden Leaf, but finding closure for himself and his clan.
And like I said, I admire that with all my heart.
I'm not talking about if what he did was right or wrong, if he was in complete control of his actions or if he was manipulated by his trauma and other people, whatever. I'm not questioning his love for team 7 or how important they are to him. I'm not even undermining Orochimaru's connection with him, or team Takas importance, or if he should love Konoha or destroy it, if the Uchihas deserved his love and loyalty, if he deserved to live or die.
All I'm saying is that his reasons to put himself as his priority are as valid as Naruto's reasons to do what he does or seek what he seeks. Sasuke is not a worst character for not being like Naruto or any of his fellow konoha shinobis. He's not heartless for taking care of his own story or leaving a place where he can't find what he's looking for. For me he is one of the most real and human characters in the whole series, he's interesting, his motivation is complex in its roots and he is sooo much more than his simplified depiction in most fanworks.
I really enjoy Sasuke for himself, as an individual character with his own plot and decisions.
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trafalgarya · 1 year
uchiha sasuke. he's such a well written character.
he was born in one of the most prestigeous, if not the most, clan of konoha, the uchiha clan. he grew up in a lovely and affectionate family, having a brother that's proud of him, a mom that loves him, and a father that recognizes his talent and loved him as deeply as his mother, although he didn't showed it. one night, he came back to his house only to find his whole clan and his parents massacred, lying in a veritable bloodbath. and the murderer was no one else than the one he thought was truly loving with him, uchiha itachi. his brother. his inspiration. his model. itachi put him in a genjutsu where sasuke revived more than 500 000 times, triggering the buried feelings that the curse of his clan force him to feel. from then, he only created one bond with the one that was respectful enough to make sasuke smile : the nine tails demon receptacle and the failure of the village, uzumaki naruto.
at age 12, he literally sacrified himself to prevent naruto's death. but, thankfully, sasuke was alive.
during the chunin exams, some curse mark was put inside of him by no one else than one of the 3 legendary sannin, the one who acquired immortality and had an interest to the uchiha clan : orochimaru. since then, sasuke's one and only goal was to gain power to avenge his clan's honor and to kill his brother that he hated so much. he proceed to desert and betray his village. in a fight against naruto, he wanted to kill him to pulverize the only thing that was holding back, his friendship with naruto. but he couldn't resolve himself to kill his best friend, the only one that was silently here for him during these years.
2 years later, a certain uchiha madara told him the truth about his brother that he fought in a fight to the death. sasuke, not believing it at first, deduced later that all of this is konoha's fault, with the intention of destroying the village. with the help of madara, he then went straight to konoha to kill the temporary-named 6th hokage, shimaru danzo. he then saw his friends and his previous sensei that he fought. he attempted to kill her fellow, sakura, before she was saved by naruto, and naruto had a talk with him that he will save him from his hatred because he's his friend, which surprised sasuke. back some days before, he had a flashback of how his life would be different if he stayed at konoha alongside his best friend, which made him sad.
he was able to see his brother one more time, when he ressurected. itachi confirmed him that madara's story was true, and that he did all that for the village. he saw his brother dying by his eyes for the 2nd time.
on his final fight against naruto, both of them losed an arm. the most plausible theory on why he stayed with a destroyed arm is to show to the world, and to himself, how naruto did rescued him from this hatred and painful life. they're also platonic canonical soulmates, as naruto is the embodiment of the sun by being ashura's reincarnation, and sasuke is the embodiment of the moon by being indra's reincarnation.
overall, i'd say sasuke is the best naruto written character. he reflected how we would've react to the death of our family and feeling soooo helpless about him. i identify to him so much. he's my highest kin. i love this man. i will defend him and his actions even in my coffin.
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sasukerevolution · 3 years
How do you think Sasuke's personality would be if clan was never murdered? I always see so many AUs like this but all of them keep his personality from canon which makes it weird. Naruto fillers aren't much better in this, so I wanted to ask what do you think? (;
Good question!
I think some of the basics would stay the same:
Goal-orientation - Sasuke would always be the kind of person who works on a goal-to-goal basis, setting his sights on something he wants and going for it without thinking too much. This is something that's inherent to who he is as a person - he does this when he's a kid (most notable example being when he teaches himself the Fireball Jutsu), he does it at the start of the series (he wants to feed Naruto so he feeds Naruto), he does it all the way through the middle and end (he wants to free Orochimaru's prisoners so he frees Orochimaru's prisoners, he wants to destroy the Leaf so he tries to destroy the Leaf). The only complicated examples of this in canon are killing Itachi and leaving the Leaf because he didn't want to do those, so he spent more time thinking it over.
Sincerity - Sasuke doesn't bullshit or lie. He's very "innocent" that way and would have stayed like that. If extreme trauma didn't change this about him then the absence of trauma definitely wouldn't. It's just part of who he is.
Skepticism - Sasuke doesn't just believe everything he's told, which is why Itachi has to work so hard to trick him. Even without the trauma, he'd remain a thoughtful person who considers what others tell him carefully and weighs it against his own understanding of reality.
Creativity and individuality - Sasuke works hard to set himself apart from others, taking pleasure in crafting new jutsu, having "signature" aspects to his fighting style, and changing his outfits more than any other character in the series. Especially with Itachi still around, I think this part of Sasuke would stay the same. He's got a brand and he works hard on it.
Trusting in his feelings - Sasuke trusts his emotions a lot and lets them guide him. We see this mainly in Part II - in Part I, he does eventually swallow down a lot of his feelings to keep pursuing his goal of killing Itachi, but he does still trust them and uses them as a guide for making decisions like not to kill Naruto. In Part II, Sasuke literally just does whatever he feels like doing in the moment. It doesn't matter if Itachi would be upset with him for trying to destroy the Village because he centers his own grief and suffering, and doesn't need to tell himself lies about how what he's doing is actually best for people, etc. In the absence of the Massacre, I think we might actually see this become more pronounced, because he has less reasons to do things that contradict how he feels.
Autonomy-valuing - Sasuke hates when others try to manipulate him and pursues his own freedom relentlessly. In the absence of every party in the entire world trying to manipulate him literally all the time, this might be lower-key, but he would still care a lot about making his own decisions and choosing his own path.
As for things that might change...
Clan pride - Sasuke would be much better positioned to form an opinion on the Uchiha based on their actual values and goals. In canon he never really has the space for this; they're dead and he didn't know about anything they were up to while it was happening. I can't see Sasuke automatically accepting whatever roles they might try to push on him as he got older; he would think through it himself and decide what he wants to do.
Friendless - Sasuke does show interest in other kids and pays some attention to class dynamics. He makes friends with Sakura and Naruto despite his best efforts, and after he breaks free from Orochimaru he immediately assembles a team of his own. If the clan were still around, he also wouldn't have the pesky Mangekyo if-I-make-friends-I'll-have-to-kill-them thing hanging over his head. Since the Uchiha are so insular he might not have many friends outside the clan per se, but he would have friends.
Disrespect - Sasuke's straight up disrespectful during the events of Naruto. In all the flashbacks from when he's a kid, though, we do see that he's quite respectful, so in the absence of the Massacre he would probably be somewhat more respectful than what we see in canon.
Curiosity - in canon, Sasuke asks a lot of questions and seems curious to learn about the circumstances of others sometimes, but generally he's too focused on his goal to pursue this curiosity to any significant degree. I think without the heavy weight of the Massacre he might show more curiosity and interest in others.
At the heart of it, Sasuke is Sasuke is Sasuke. The fundamentals of his character would stay the same, but without all the trauma it would express itself differently. Thanks for the question! ♡
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
Lmao i love your art 💛. Also ngl I bet Sasuke would rlly like the mask thing. Maybe not the eye patch but he would totally be into the mask and its added mysteriousness at that age.
...really genuinely invested in the idea of writing a thing where Sasuke Stays and kinda develops more of a bond with Kakashi rather than getting trained by Orochimaru. And obviously he starts wearing a mask as part of that. Of course he won't admit in a thousand years that he looks up to Kakashi, but everyone is Aware and thinks it's incredibly cute, except Kakashi, who's in the tiniest bit of horrified denial that this kid seems to think he's an example to emulate
Bonus points: Sasuke still finds out about what happened to his clan and his brother. It drives a massive wedge into his relationship with the village. He starts brooding about revenge - of course he does; he's a fifteen year old boy who's entire world was ripped out from under him, only for him to discover it was the fault of the people he trusted most. The difference is, he's still embedded in the village when this happens. And Kakashi's loyalties are even more torn, between his home and the boy he raised.
The rules or his friends? Isn't that the age-old question?
Really, it's pretty obvious what he'll pick. Especially since Itachi was his kouhai, too.
Though he makes it clear that he's never going to do anything to harm Konohan civilians... Kakashi takes Sasuke's side. They stay as part of the village, all smiles on the surface. Doing this the ANBU way, the undercover way. Kakashi's helped Konoha bring down governments of enemy nations in the past. He's not betraying his country by doing the same here (so he tells himself). He's making it better. He's helping the last survivor of a genocide, enacted by their own people, lance a wound that should never have been allowed to fester.
Konoha needs to change, in order to grow. And if the old guard aren’t willing to admit that they are part of the problem...
Meanwhile, Sasuke is burning. Hate, misery, grief... But with all his friends around him - even if they don't fully understand what's going on - it's easier to remember that there are still innocent people in Konoha. He will not become the monster that the Elders tried to paint Itachi. He will uproot those who destroyed his family. He will expose them, and reveal the true tragedy of the Uchiha. And he will bring Itachi home.
(Not realising that this is the exact opposite of Itachi's wishes...)
Anyway, Sasuke and Kakashi do what needs to be done. But they do it quietly. Working together, in secret, to bring down the Hokage system and change things from within without killing loads of innocent civilians and establishing a global dictatorship lmao.
(That's quietly, not peacefully. Sasuke is absolutely going to murder the Elders and maybe Hiruzen despite Kakashi's attempts to stop him, and almost spark another ninja war. That's gonna cause Drama between him and Kakashi, for obvious reasons (I fought in those wars as a child, Sasuke! Think about the consequences of your actions, think about how many more children would have to go through that - that's the price we're talking about, here). But eh. Sasuke will deal with that when he gets to it)
And, uh, it goes without saying that they work together with Tenzou to fucking annihilate Danzo :)
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Wait why are they trying to kill Boruto?
Sorry I don't watch the show because, as you said, it sucks. But I love reading your Boruto trash talk posts and I wanna be in the loop!
I tried googling it but all that came up was theories about whether they were actually gonna go through with killing him. (Which honestly i hope they do so they stop making this sh*t)
The way you don't hold back when trash talking is mad funny. Much love💕
Whether they were actually gonna go through with killing him. (Which honestly I hope they do so they stop making this sh*t)
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣God!!!! Such a Troll you are... Anon.. I don't know why I am laughing at this line endlessly!!!
I think it's better to stay oblivious about this but since you asked!!!
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can’t stop laughing!!!
So, here's the thing.
That Boruto brat has been given a Karma Seal which is very similar to Orochimaru's Cursed Seal. Unlike Sasuke who could control it and stay human.... Boruto might turn into an Otsutsuki Alien whose power is incomprehensible and will destroy the whole world by making some Chakra Tree and shit.
So, When Boruto was worried about himself that he might turn into a monster..... Sasuke said this,
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To which that brat reacted like a Real Ninja in the Manga....
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“The thought of dying in the battle scares me, but.... I’m still prepared for it, like every other ninja! It’s just.... If my body gets taken over and I stop being myself... I don’t know what I might do to everyone!!! That scares me even more!!!”
Back then when this chapter was released, every Hinata and NH fans went crazy.... They slandered Sasuke and they theorized that Naruto will kill Sasuke if he touches his Son. 
And few chapters later... Naruto agreed with Sasuke’s decision.... This made the entire NH go koo koo crazy....
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Even though this looks OOC, Right after 3 pages, Boruto was given some Magical Pills as a cure. So, I think Manga didn’t want to explore this pointless emotional drama. 
From a narrative standpoint, We all know that Boruto will never die... Alright??? And even Boruto was okay with dying rather than transforming into a monster who destroys the whole world. 
Now.... What Anime did was.... 
They thoroughly disrespected the Canon... By Making Naruto disrespect Sasuke... 
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And play a LOVEY DOVEY FATHER CARD... All of a sudden Naruto puts Boruto above Sasuke.
And Boruto also became a lovey dovey son who wants to live more than anything... I mean everyone wants to live... but this isn’t what he promised with Sasuke....
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LOLOLOL..... This is not at what happened in Manga at all....!!!! Boruto is like a cry baby here... Naruto put down Sasuke... And I don’t know how to take these scenes anymore.
Now the Anime is playing right according to NH peeps whims by making Sasuke into a clown. They all assumed Naruto will fight Sasuke for promising to kill his Son..... Though Naruto technically didn’t fight Sasuke... He did pull his Collars!!!! Only to be given some Life Saving Pill in the next scene. 
So, yeah!!! That’s the gist of N and S trying to kill Boruto.
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madara-fate · 2 years
Hey, maddy. I kinda wanna know what you think of this post: https://leportraitducadavre.tumblr.com/post/168085920069/you-talk-a-lot-about-nh-but-what-about-ss
Before you try though I just wanna warn you that it’s really long, I did read all of it and I disagree. Somehow the person making the post is somehow not getting much about it nor SS’ dynamic, like Sakura was someone so selfish who thought only of herself, but then again they are one of those Sasuke Reformist Fans that think Sasuke should’ve destroyed Konoha and one of those extremists that also think Sakura was making fun of orphans, so I don’t really expect much. They were not reading in between the lines like they think they do and constantly downplay SS’ moments like someone who’s in-denial. My personal opinion on Sasuke’s revenge is completely the same as Sakura’s, I understand the justice shit they preach about and I think Sasuke trying to kill Itachi was a right thing but Sasuke’s methods in trying to do so was obviously self-destructive and questionable and I think that’s what most Sasuke fans don’t understand. Back in the Chunin Exams when Kakashi tried fixing or doing something to the Curse Seal that Orochimaru implanted on Sasuke, Kakashi stated that there are chances are he might die if it takes over him, so Kakashi said he’ll stop the fight but Sasuke said not to do it. Sasuke knows he might die and yet he still wants the fight to continue, he’s becoming self-destructive borderline suicidal, Sasuke’s path towards revenge is self-destructive, he thinks his life is all about revenge to the point he doesn’t see value in his life or his needs or wants as a person and that he lives and breaths to kill Itachi and whether he succeeds or not is where his worth lies. That’s why Sakura got worried and ask him to pull out and Naruto scolded him to listen to Sakura, and when he didn’t listen and the Curse Mark took over him he remembered Sakura worrying about him and Naruto scolding him and he was able to suppress it. He started caring about his well- being because there were people who would cry for him if he died, someone who would scold him if he ever gets hurt or does something stupid, he found another reason to live besides giving his life for revenge. We all know Sasuke thought he was spared because he wasn’t worth killing that’s why he’s so adamant to get stronger and yet he met people who valued him and Sakura literally cried for him when he died and didn’t thought he was pathetic for dying like that or something. Yet, some Sasuke fans don’t get it and think Sakura or Naruto just don’t understand Sasuke. They were never against Sasuke killing someone from the very beginning the problem is Sasuke isn’t taking care of himself and as people who care about him obviously they get worried. They focus so much on that justice shit like Sasuke knows if he’ll leave Konoha he’ll be lonely again and their talk about closure, Sasuke managed to kill Itachi but I don’t see a smile or peaceful expression on that face. The thing is that Sasuke decided to sacrifice his happiness for strength because he thinks that Naruto and Sakura are distractions that his precious memories and bonds are distractions, he cares about them deeply but also keeps a distance because he’s afraid. Sasuke knows how it feels to love someone so much and lose them in a blink of an eye and he saw Team 7 like his own family. He left not because he didn’t care, it’s because he cared too much that losing one of them would put him to great grief. They have an affect on him and he doesn’t want that. He doesn’t like that. So he cut them off, the thing is that people think that revenge would bring Sasuke any happiness or any peace of mind, maybe it would’ve if Sasuke decided to stay at Konoha and Team 7 would hunt Itachi together but that’s not what happened. Sasuke would kill Itachi and he still wouldn’t have the happiness and peace of mind his fans hope for him in fact what happened just made Sasuke think that opening yourself to someone would mean weakness Sasuke would end up old and alone, and they always talk about how Konoha killed his clan as if Sakura or Naruto know about that from the beginning and even if they did. Sasuke was healing in Team 7.
Sorry that post is too long and I'm honestly just not willing to read all of that when I'm pretty certain that it won't contain any arguments that I've never seen before.
That being said, I agree with your critique of the post.
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phantomchick · 4 years
Naruto Fic Rec Masterpost!
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Adoption by Defenestration; or, A Family Can Be A Fox Demon, Its Jinchuuriki, and Three Dozen Highly-Trained Assassins  by elumish Oneshot, Gen, Fluff, child neglect, Naruto gets unofficially adopted by his anbu guards and it’s incredibly cute Summary: He will not be the ANBU who let the jinchuuriki plummet to his death out a fourth story window. Let that be another ANBU’s legacy.
Being Over-Prepared is Impossible (and other mottos)  by Pleasedial123 Longfic, Gen, Team Seven, team as family, Bamf Kakashi, Bamf team 7, au, kakashi pov, Complete but part of a three part series and the third part is still ongoing, still highly recommend, what team 7 should have been, Skilled Teacher! Kakashi Summary: In one world, Kakashi awoke, felt grieved at being assigned a team he sees his own in, and he let that grief make him a lazy teacher.  He saw himself in Sasuke, Obito in Naruto, and Rin in Sakura. He woke, saw himself in them, and took a large step back, regretting accepting them as his new team.  In that world he was quite hands off - merely a watcher because it was so very painful to watch. He saw himself and all his mistakes in this new team of his. 
In this world, Kakashi awoke, saw the similarities, and instantly panicked. 
He suddenly realised what he had done, passing a team.  Kakashi was left scrambling not to repeat old mistakes and regrets. This team would not suffer the fate of his team.
In this world, simply put, Kakashi became a teacher.  This is the beginning of a new team seven.
Something in the water by maldoror_gw  Oneshot, Gen, Teen and Up for language, hilarious, Tsunade pov, fluff, mild crack, pre-shippuden post naruto,
Summary: "Sakura...what is that man reading?" Tsunade asked in a dangerous voice. Sakura's gaze twitched away from her ex-teacher to her new - and temperamental - mentor. "Erm...a book...written by a...well-respected member of the community...about...romance?" Tsunade noted with passing approval that Sakura was demonstrating both loyalty and quite a lot of imagination in defending her one-time team leader (who was now trying to edge around a pillar to get away from Tsunade's venomous glare).
backslide by blackkat Time travel, time travel fix it, mature, fluff, team seven, m/m, slow build romance, Naruto adopts himself, Uzumaki heritage, bamf Naruto, complete longfic, Summary: Naruto’s friends are gone, his lover is dying, Konoha is destroyed, and Madara’s second return has pushed the entire world to the brink. Hunted and harried, Naruto is sent back in time to upend Madara’s plan before it even starts, and sets about changing everything. Butterfly effect nothing: the world is at stake, and Naruto is hardly about to let it fall to ruin once more. Not while he’s still breathing.
Tobirama Kicks Some Sense Into Konoha by allseer15 Hurt/comfort, whump, emotional whump, time travel, fix it, time travel fix it, The ‘what if Tobirama came to the future saw an orphaned Naruto and adopted the shit out of him’ Fic, Iconique, child neglect, child abandonment, fluff, so much fluff, completed longfic, look I have a weakness for the time travel fix it trope at the best of times but this fic is good even looking at it without focusing on that! Prolonged Tobirama content, Senju lore, senju feels, Summary: The Hidden Leaf Village in Naruto's time seems to have forgotten just why the village was founded and have lost their way.  Through a mishap with a hiraishin seal, Tobirama finds himself during Naruto's time and he is having none of this nonsense. His brother may be gone, but he won't stand to have Hashirama's dream trampled so. And if he has to cause a civil war or burn the village down to the ground? Well that depends on how much resistance he meets. All Tobirama does know for certain is that no child will suffer underneath the protection of Konoha and if he has to take them in and care for them himself, then he will.
Hardest of hearts by blackkat Oneshot, Gen, look I really like blackkat’s naruto fic okay, part one of a completed three part series, all three parts are great, Fix its are the best, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Time Travel Fix It, Orochimaru redemption story, the sheer shadenfreude of one baddie fucking over another baddie, in this case Danzo, Obito has a ‘bad guy but not that bad of a guy’ solidarity moment with Orochimaru at the start and I loved it so there’s that, featuring a low key constantly horrified at this turn of events Minato,
Summary: Orochimaru gets one more chance. Just maybe, it will be enough to save him—and the entire world as well. 
A Snake In the Grass, a Wolf At the Door by blackkat Mature, Completed ten chapter fic, Orochimaru redemption story, Orochimaru/Kakashi’s dad, you read that right, quality Sakumo content, Families of Choice, Humour, Fluff and Angst, somewhat crackish, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, baby Kakashi being a cutie Summary: Orochimaru is on the edge of breaking when someone unexpected pulls him back to solid ground. When the time comes, he returns the favour.
Nukenin by WhisperingDarkness Gen, dimension travel, team seven, team as family, Kakashi actually being a good sensei even when he’s not a sensei at all, possessive kakashi, Team Seven is his team, Kinda Fluffy, Protective Kakashi, the ‘this might as well happen’ adaptability is real, Kakashi adopts team seven and team seven adopts kakashi, even though he’s illegal, 4 chapter fic, marked as complete as author doesn’t plan to continue it, but even taking these chapters as stand alone this fic is great,
Summary:  In the sealed scroll he finds a Bingo Book – his own page marking him as an S-class nukenin with flee-on-sight orders.  “Ok. That is definitely different.”  In his head he blames Naruto – even if his number one unpredictable student had been nowhere near him on this mission. When things go this stupidly impossibly wrong it must somehow be the future Hokage’s fault.
Ear to the Wall by Vodkassassin Ongoing, it’s really really good though! great Kakashi content, Minato is very stressed and I love him, Sickfic, Hurt/Comfort, whump, PTSD’d Kakashi gets to relive his childhood but gets a little bit of a real childhood along the way, ADHD Rin, time travel fix it, look I like what I like and what I like is fix its and time travel apparently, Kakashi adopts Orochimaru before he descends into douchbaggery, Orochimaru Redemption story, everyone is alive,   Summary: The Minato-sensei beams at him, and replies, “Kakashi! I’m glad you’re awake,” and, yup, that’s Minato-sensei’s voice. Kakashi falls back down against the bed, closing his eyes. It’s too short of a way down, and he clenches hands that are too tiny and feeble and not his in dog-print sheets he hasn’t owned for decades.
How To Save The World With No One Even Realising by IncompleteSentanc (Erava) Gen, Teen and Up, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, time travel fix it, Canonically Accurate OP Team 7, SuperBadass!Sakura, SuperBadass!Sasuke, SuperBadass!Naruto, RegularBadass!Shikamaru, Canonically Violent Sasuke, Equally Violent Sakura, Saving The World One Murder At A Time, Various Jinchuuriki, Team 7 As Super Villains, Doing Super Villainy Stuff, Like Murder, And Professional Eyeball Removal, Poor Obito, Poor Minato, AKA The Worst Four Months of Minato's Life, And Everyone Else's Too, Dark Humor, Bittersweet Ending, Dark Comedy, Crack treated seriously, completed 3 chapter fic, Well worth the read, Team 7 To The End! Summary: Minato knows at the beginning of the week that it's going to be a hellish one. Mostly because it starts with the kidnapping of one of his two remaining students, only a year after they'd lost the first one. He just doesn't realise at the time that it's not going to be a hellish week - it's going to be hell for quite a bit longer than that. It all starts with Rin's kidnapping, and her subsequent rescue at the hands of a mysteriously appearing, monstrously strong, murderously violent woman. A woman with cotton candy pink hair. It only devolves from there.
Just Killing Time by Elizabeth Culmer (edenfalling) Gen, Oneshot, Short and Sweet, Classic of The Fandom, Ficlet, Team 7, Kids being Kids, Fluff, Fluff and Humour, Slice of Life, Cute Kids
Summary: After Wave Country and before the chuunin exam, Team 7 kills time while waiting for Kakashi to show up. 
there lies a trail of fire behind us by BowAndDagger Gen, Madara is extremely confused but mostly on board, Time Travel au, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Bamf Naruto Uzumaki, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Except Zetsu, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Fix-It, Founders Era, clan wars era, Pre-Slash, POV Uchiha Madara, the Completed part one of an Ongoing/Incomplete series, completed 4 chapter fic, Summary: As he returns from a mission, Madara makes a strange encounter with an even stranger shinobi. Then, he’s summarily kidnapped to go on a quest to save the world by said weird shinobi. (He absolutely did not choose to follow the stranger on his own free will. He was kidnapped. He did not give chase. He did not.)
A Political Perspective by VJ Riddle  / MueraRashaye Ongoing, Possibly (Probably) Discontinued, Teen and Up, Gen, Team 7, training montage deluxe, Konoha is a murder village, Good Teacher! Kakashi, AU, slowly developing into Bamf team 7, Bamf Kakashi, slowly developing into Team as Family, lots of fun ideas, not crack, Minor Spoiler: Zabuza and Haku get x’d before their character development gets its chance to shine in this fic, Sometimes people don’t warn for that in the tags and it can be a dealbreaker in fic for me as I love those two, not a dealbreaker in the case of this fic though! Really good fic so far, kind of verging on dry in places but it always stays fun in the end with lots of interesting elements, I enjoy the character insight from the pov switching, and also how much of a headcase Kakashi is, graphic depictions of violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence,
Summary: Hatake Kakashi was a shinobi, and as a shinobi, the only people who could give him orders were his military superiors. The idea that a Council made up of civilians and peers was under the impression they could give him orders...displeased him. Or: He was ordered to pass Team 7. He was fine with that, until they actually passed.
Integrity by Liz_Starling Oneshot, Gen, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Compliant, Integrity, Child Neglect, BAMF Uzumaki Naruto, Reflections on Naruto’s inner workings as a person, promises,
Summary: Naruto keeps his word. Some people are loyal to their families. Some, their orders. Naruto is loyal to the only thing he’s been able to count on; the promises he makes.
Foundation (Build It Higher, Bury It Deeper) by RayShippouUchiha Ongoing, BUT EXCELLENT, it made me cry, Naruto feels, 6 chapter fic thus far, Bamf Naruto, Bamf Tsunade, Naruto deserved better, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Gen, Mature, Team 7, Uzumaki Feels, Abandonment, Tsunade gives Naruto the personal talk he deserved instead of finding out from a chakra imprint when he was dying, so we stan, I love this fic
Summary: It’s just… he’d thought, given his fight against Neji and then his confrontation with Gaara, that someone would finally really acknowledge what he’d done.  That beyond Iruka-sensei’s crushing hug and Kakashi-sensei’s absent pat, someone would actually notice that he’d won against both of them.
That he’d beaten a genius on his own and then had battled another jinchūriki to a stand still.
So while he hadn’t really expected to be promoted too he’d still ...
¦ part 1 ¦ part 2 ¦ part 3 ¦
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gakkubi · 3 years
Ame Trio's Personalities: Yahiko
I want to share some thoughts on the Ame Trio/Ame Orphans because I do think they have one of the most complex, interesting and beautiful arcs in the Narutoverse.
I will discuss their personalities and thoughts. This post is about Yahiko, there are also Nagato and Konan.
(1/3): I'll start with Yahiko because he's the one who dies first and influences the others' personalities.
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Although Yahiko is arguably the character who appears “less” among the Ame Trio - naturally, for dying first - he takes up significant part of the flashbacks he appears in. Jiraiya, Nagato, Konan; even in Obito’s memory of the Ame Trio - which serve the plot purpose of showing how Obito started manipulating Nagato - he spends most of the flashback interacting with Yahiko. Yahiko was extremely remarkable to all the people who met him, there is no doubt that Kishimoto took every opportunity he had to tell us he was a very important character.
Something I find very interesting about Yahiko is how easily he could be a villain; he has many of the personality traits of of classical villains. This is not accidental - in Chapter 372, when Jiraiya finds and confronts Konan, his memories of the Ame Orphans lead him to believe Yahiko was the one who first turned evil (in their conversation, Konan never clearly explains whose ideology they have embraced; it’s very implied Jiraiya was inclined to believe that was Yahiko).
This is built purposefully to confuse the audience regarding Pain’s identity as the one who possesses the rinnegan is Nagato; one has the “villainous” personality, the other has the power.
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Of course, we all know Yahiko is not a villain, even though he could easily be. Yahiko’s most powerful personality trait is his ambition; this trait is the one that will always surpass the others.
Yahiko is a survivor; we are shown repeatedly that he would do just about anything to to keep alive (and Nagato and Konan with him). We are shown some of his big and most drastic actions like stealing, but minor details like cooking, gathering supplies and stabilising a house for him and Konan - taking from the story and Nagato’s conversation with Jiraiya, it’s safe to assume Yahiko was the mastermind behind all the actions that allowed them to survive as children. Yahiko knew they needed power to survive, and we’re shown in the anime their journey to find Jiraiya and how he quickly learned to navigate in the warzone by being able to put himself in the shoes of his “enemies” and think like they did. Yahiko always had an extremely clear sense of what he wants and how to get there.
He is also a natural leader; we can’t say for sure how much of his leadership is actually his nature and how much it comes from needing to step up as the leader of the trio, given how Nagato and Konan have more passive personalities. The fact is, by the time Yahiko dies, he has been acting as a leader for more than half os his life; giving orders and being in control is his comfort zone. He will have control and boss others even if they don’t agree with him, which is clearly stated when he tells Konan he believes Nagato is the one who will bring peace; he put Nagato in that position regardless of Nagato’s opinions - Konan will support Nagato and not him, regardless who she thinks is the “bridge to peace” (Chapter 509).
In that particular flashback of Jiraiya, there are two classically villainous traits shown: the first is anger; it’s implied that Yahiko is a kid full of anger and hate, but in fact, he is a very emotional and sensitive person - in that, he is very similar to Nagato - although unlike him, Yahiko will almost always express his feelings. He’s angry because he’s in pain and won’t conform to his fate as a victim of a poor country. The second one is both his ambition and megalomania: He will change the country, no matter the lenghts he has to go through.
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Another strong trait of Yahiko’s thought process is that ends justify the means. This is proven by many of his actions; to survive, he will steal; to defend others, he will put his own life at risk - the ultimate proof of this is sacrificing his life to save Nagato and Konan from Hanzo. They are the ones who must survive no matter what; no matter if he dies. Although the famous “the end justify the means” sentence is usually associated with Machiavellianism, Yahiko doesn’t display the other traits needed such as manipulativeness and indifference to morality to classify him as a machiavellian person.
Yahiko could easily become a “villain”; he has unbreakable ambition and he’s willing to go to extreme lengths to get what he wants regardless of the opinion of those around him. I could easily say just about the very same about Obito, Madara and Orochimaru with a few changes here and there; I could even describe adult Nagato like that.
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Seeing this particular scene in Jiraiya's memory, his ambition and anger and a "well-intentioned world-domination" goal are enough to convince the reader to believe Yahiko is Pain, even before seeing his appearance. It's notable that Nagato doesn't reply anything while Yahiko is screaming at him, highlighting his more passive personality.
You, reader, must be rather shocked at what I'm saying, because Yahiko is the only one who was never evil among the three of them; in fact, the others turned evil because of his absence. Yahiko is such a special character because he was all those classically villainous traits, the key to his character lies in why he never turns evil despite all of that.
Ambition is the trait that will rule above all; but his vision comes second in command. We are shown Yahiko is a very sensitive child, he cries a lot, he's easy to anger because he's overwhelmed by the situation he finds himself in. In the same flashback that gives the audience all the reason to believe Yahiko could be Pain, Yahiko himself admits inflicting pain on others wouldn't work as a solution.
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The very fact that Yahiko wanted help from the very people who were destroying his country and were directly or indirectly responsible for him being an orphan (that is, foreigners) shows how the end goal was more important to him than the mean of how to get there; Nagato's initial distrust was the feeling most people would have in their situation, which shows another difference between their thought process; Nagato holds grudges (he could accept Jiraiya individually, but not Konoha, and he couldn't ever get over his parents or Yahiko's death) whereas Yahiko doesn't ever let any past event, situation or prejudice come between him and the goal he wants to achieve.
But ambition, vision and idealism (which I have not mentioned yet) are all traits he also shares with villains.
What makes Yahiko different from other villains, especially Nagato, is that he develops an amazing emotional intelligence to deal with the information his sensitivity gathers from the world.
Yahiko was extremely hopeful, positive and emotionally intelligent, all characteristics he shares with other heroes like Naruto. Throughout his life, the "classically villainous" characteristics of his childhood were outgrown by the "classically heroic" traits that gained strength overtime. Yahiko walked away from the evil path he could have easily taken by confronting his "villainous" traits.
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It was through the use of emotional intelligence that Yahiko dismantled the initial megalomania and revengfullness he displays in both Jiraiya's and Nagato's childhood flashbacks. It's important to highlight that Yahiko's "Savior Complex" was something that stayed with Nagato long after Yahiko no longer believed only a single powerful person could force peace upon others. Yahiko "grew out" of his childish megalomania - Nagato did the very opposite when absorbing many of Yahiko's characteristics after his death.
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His emotional intelligence can be clearly seen in Obito's memories of him in Chapter 607; in that same instance Yahiko was one of the few characters to rule out the idea of the masked man being Madara. Yahiko was not especially powerful or intelligent, so he rellied heavily in taking accurate conclusions from his observations of the world.
Another sign of Yahiko's emotional intelligence is his mirroring of Jiraiya's behavior - although it may be first seen as something done just for comedy, it shows how Yahiko was eager to understand other people - mirroring is a display of empathy. The natural inclination he had to understand other people led Yahiko to develop his peaceful philosophy, and was also used for him to gather allies (as shown in the anime).
It was both his emotional intelligence and his vision that kept him from becoming arrogant (and doing things like stealing Nagato's rinnegan to himself, as Jiraiya considered plausible). Whereas villains will usually harvest power for themselves, Yahiko knew that the key to the success of his plans didn't depend solely on him and his actions. He had to support others and believe in them. Understanding the value in community and extreme loyalty was a value Yahiko and Konan shared - a value Nagato also had, which was eventually displaced by other traits. It's important to note how Nagato and Konan perceive their memories of Yahiko differently; of course their flashbacks serve plot purposes, but they also show completely different aspects of his personality, and these differences in perception reflect the own values of Konan and Nagato.
Although his ambition, energy and protectiveness are displayed in both of their memories, other characteristics vary in intensity.
In Konan's memories, Yahiko is much more kind and calm, happy but also introspective. In her childhood memories, he appears more joyful and carefree - as an adult, it's shown how he is hurt by the war, how understanding has made him kind and and how he wants to protect his comrades both physically and mentally. In Nagato's memories, he appears much more angry and harsh in comparison - the anime even takes an effort to "soften" some of his actions; in the anime Yahiko gives back some of the stealing and also prays for Chibi in his death (instead of just scolding Nagato for crying and mourning as he does in the manga).
I don't know how manga to anime adaptations work but it's possible that, due to the difference in pace between manga and anime, Studio Pierrot realized Yahiko would come across much more "evil" if he wasn't softened - and I like the adaptations because it makes Nagato's memories less different than Konan's; all they did was add moments foreshadowing a much kinder personality Yahiko would display on the chapters later on.
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(Edit: I added this image from chapter 509 to better illustrate Yahiko's emotional intelligence using an actual canon moment where Yahiko himself reflects on his past feelings and how they changed as he grew up. I really like this chapter, and I think it's nice how soft and caring Yahiko behaves towards Nagato in Konan's flashbacks, worrying about his injuries and telling that "it's ok" and encouraging him to rest, as opposed to Nagato's own flashbacks that show younger Yahiko screaming and scolding him for behaving like a "crybaby" and "victim" while they were all struggling to survive. I think it's important to consider the scenarios of those flashbacks; Nagato's flashbacks find the characters all recently traumatized, while Konan's find them in a much more stable and safe period of their lives).
Yahiko was the first among the three to understand that the pursuit of "justice" would only result in more conflict as one's noble justice could be seen as mere acts of vengeance by another. All the Ame Orphans knew in their lives was war, suffering and trauma, so the decision to pursue a different path away from violence could only come from a person who could look inside their own heart without the fear of seeing ugly things and confront their feelings.
Yahiko's unshakable hope on his dream of bringing peace was a result of his ambition, his vision and emotional intelligence. His sensitivity led him to become a kind, caring person, who avoided violence as much as he could. We know he was extremely loyal to his ideals, preferring to sacrifice himself and die instead of giving up the peaceful philosophy he had established for the Akatsuki to fight Hanzo. The extreme loyalty and the will to sacrifice anything for that was another trait he shared with Konan.
Although I consider Yahiko's vision to be one of the pillars in his personality, he was also extremely naïve. Yahiko's hopefulness and faith in his dreams and plans were not countered by opposite personality traits like being cynical or hesitant. The first time we see Yahiko being naïve was at the very idea of approaching the Sannin and begging for training, which could have easily ended with them all killed (or, more likely, just ignored). Unfortunately for Yahiko, his biggest flaw was not putting limits to how much he believed his ideals, leading him to fall in a trap he could have easily avoided - I left this trait for last because the anime makes Yahiko's willingness to believe Hanzo a key reason for falling on his trap, even though the manga never shows evidence for that and only implies Yahiko's innocence by Nagato's perception of them being "still children." However, I still think it's fitting for someone who displayed early signs of megalomania to have such naïvety.
Other traits that were not mentioned are less about his ideals and more about his nature; Yahiko is also naturally expansive, friendly and unafraid- these traits help him to become both the trio and Akatsuki's leader. In Chapter 509 Konan mentions he was adored by the rest of the Akatsuki, and it's very implied in the manga (and shown in anime fillers) he lead the Akatsuki with a egalitarian philosophy, not abusing his positon as leader through authority, which is another important trait of his personality; Yahiko may be bossy and unreceptive to challenges on his orders, but he is not comfortable with hierarchy and the idea of some people acting as if they were better than others.
I won't talk much about Yahiko and Konan's romance as I don't believe "being in love" can be a part of someones personality, and I don't believe his decision to kill himself to save her and Nagato was influenced by being in love. His decision to sacrifice himself comes directly from his “ends justifying the means” logic, even if in that particular case the survival of Nagato and Konan is the end which can be justified by the loss of his own life.
I do believe, though, that there are many reasons why they could be attracted to each other and I'll highlight specially their loyalty. Yahiko and Konan are both extremely loyal people; Yahiko is loyal to his ideals, Konan is loyal to what she considers "her own'' - her friends, her people. They are also people who are full of faith in the things they believe in; we are never shown Yahiko having doubts on his plans, as well as we never see Konan ever doubting the capability of the people she supports. People who share such characteristics of loyalty and faith will find great comfort in each other, creating a positive circle of both giving and receiving love and support.
Yahiko's expansive and dominant personality, as well as his positivity and hopefulness contrast immensely with Konan and Nagato's passiveness and melancholy. He is shown to be a person who could deal with his pain and his traumas, and was likely the biggest emotional support of the other two; as he himself said, he had hopes and dreams, his dreams became Nagato and Konan's dreams. His death left an immense void that could not be filled with positive, healthy thoughts and feelings, as Nagato and Konan always relied on his hopeful ideals.
The very traits that could have easily made him a villain are the same ones which lead him to achieve his and the trio's survival. Yahiko's personality exists in a delicate ballance between many "classically villainous" traits and the abundance of other solid "classically heroic" foundations.
By taking a complete look at his character it's easy to understand why his death was something really, near-impossible to recover from given the circumstances, and why the love and respect they felt endured so long after his death.
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💌 uhh.. A Root Au, but Kakashi escapes with Tenzo.
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Root AU
Words: 3246
Note: I uh...I took down all the AU'S in a word doc and then forgot to make a note of 'Kakashi escapes with Tenzo' so i apologize and enjoy some hurt T.T
Yamato is a child experimented on by Orochimaru, who is found by a member of Anbu black ops after Orochimaru’s experiments are discovered and they leave their lab behind destroyed. Yamato is the only child who seems to have survived, so the operative gathers him up and promptly takes him to Lord Third.
After Sakumo’s death, Kakashi is approached by one of the village elders. Shimura Danzo. Weaving a tale of woo for the newly orphaned child, Danzo convinces him to train under him in Root to become a more powerful shinobi. One who can make up for the mistake that his father made.
Because Kakashi is still known by all of his friends and the village elders, Danzo cannot stop him from being placed onto a team with Obito and Rin. Hiruzen is aware that Danzo has been training Kakashi in the root, but so long as Kakashi gets along with his team he doesn’t much care and he doesn’t think that it’s something Minato needs to know about.
Kakashi does not get along with his teammates. He and Obito fought even more, though Kakashi would often straight-up ignore him, and he didn’t much care for Rin playing peacekeeper when her focus was supposed to be on learning to fight and protect herself.
When Team Minato is sent out on the Kannabi bridge mission, Kakashi is the only one who returns. Obito is taken out by Kakashi, who attacks him and kills him (so he thinks) when he decides to question his choice to finish the mission before worrying about Rin. Rin is left behind and is ultimately taken in by Iwagakure when they realize that her teammates are not coming back for her. She ends up becoming a medical shinobi for them, healing their shinobi when they need it and staying in the village. Allowing Konoha to think of her as dead.
Kakashi does manage to take one of Obito’s eyes, determined to protect the Uchiha’s secrets and return it to Danzo. Before he can get the second one though, he’s attacked. Thinking it’s the IWA shinobi, he attacks Obito’s body hoping to destroy it and runs. The attack was not IWA shinobi, but instead Zetsu who is able to save Obito’s body and get him to Madara.
When Minato finds Kakashi, the kid is covered in blood and weaving a tall tale about the massacre of his team. How he tried to save them, but barely managed to make it out with his own life. They’re lies he has been taught to say by Danzo, and he is excellent at weaving them. Ignoring the pain deep inside of his chest that screams for him to stop and tell the truth.
Kakashi has been told that emotions don’t matter. That the mission comes first, and he’s determined to remember that no matter how much his heart hurts.
With no team to work with, Kakashi is thrown into mission after mission. Given teams to lead, jobs to do. He’s a shinobi who makes a name for himself in his village and the world. Known as cold-blooded Kakashi by his allies, he’s known for being straight to the point and following the rules to the letter. The mission always comes first in his mind, no matter what the cost.
When Kakashi is 19, Danzo comes to him with a pink-haired kid and tells him that he will be training her going forward. It turns out that she has shown slight signs of having Mokuton that a Root operative happened to notice one day while watching over the village, and Danzo would like to make use of those skills. Since Lord Third already has a Mokuton user in Yamato, Danzo is determined to have this one in Root. He’ll take care of teaching her Mokuton through old scrolls, but any other training she needs to go through is for Kakashi to do.
This is how Hatake Kakashi finds himself training Haruno Sakura.
Training with Sakura is a bit overwhelming for her at times. She takes a while to adjust to Kakashi’s training style, but she’s also a quick learner. Before long not only is she getting used to the Mokuton she’s learning through scrolls Danzo has, but she’s also learning to use Suiton and Doton separately from Kakashi.
By the time she’s six, Sakura is a chunin going out on missions with Kakashi. She learns fast to take care of herself, and although Kakashi still maintains his ‘mission first’ mentality, he does find himself rather protective of the kid he has been entrusted to train.
Sakura excels under Kakashi’s training. Showing off a lot of talent as a shinobi, and learning how to cover her emotions and true intentions under a mask of innocence and subpar talent. It’s a skill that allows her to be placed into the Academy at the age of eleven and graduate at the age of twelve.
Placed on a team with Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, Sakura is expected to spy on the Jinchuuriki and the last Uchiha for Danzo. To keep track of them and ensure that nothing goes wrong in regards to them. With Yamato as their Jonin-sensei, the three of them begin their training. Sakura hides her skill in Mokuton as she has been doing for years.
The only time that Sakura slips up is during the Land of Waves mission. Seeing that her team is in danger and that her Sensei is distracted by Zabuza, Sakura uses her Mokuton to protect Sasuke and Naruto from Haku’s attack. A secret that Naruto never catches on to and Sasuke promises to keep for her when she tells him that it would get her into trouble that she doesn’t want to deal with.
When Sasuke leaves the village, and Naruto goes off to train Under Jiraiya-sama, Kakashi suggests Sakura try to learn medical Ninjutsu under the new Hokage Senju Tsunade. It would be good knowledge for her to have, and without a team and her true place in Root still unknown, it would give Danzo an ear into Tsunade’s conversations he is not a part of.
During those three years that Sakura is training under Tsunade, Kakashi is busy doing constant missions for Danzo. Helping him to solidify the alliances that he needs to get the power he wants, searching for information on the Akatsuki, and doing what he can to make sure that Konoha is staying strong from behind the scene.
The entire time, Kakashi struggles with the same feelings that he always has. He knows that he has a mission to do. That there are expectations of him that have been there since he was a kid. But he doesn’t feel good about the things he has to do. The senseless murder, leaving behind teammates. He hates it. It leaves him feeling dirty and disgusting.
When Naruto returns to the village, and after the Kazekage retrieval mission, Team seven is given a new teammate in Sai. Another operative of Danzo’s. Sai is an operative Kakashi hasn’t had much contact with but trusts heavily.
While Sai and Sakura take care of keeping an eye on Naruto and gathering intel for Danzo, Kakashi continues to work in the village. Organize missions for Root operatives, infiltrating Anbu with the odd mission he’s assigned with their operatives.
During the mission to Tenchi bridge, Sakura is put into a tight spot when Naruto loses control of his temper and begins to sprout tails. In a desperate attempt to protect herself, she uses her Mokuton to block Naruto’s attack from hitting her, allowing Yamato to see her Mokuton in action.
Once the mission is done and Sai has decided to hang around the team more, Yamato approaches Sakura about her Mokuton and where she learned it from. When she refuses to give him all of the information he’s seeking he realizes that there is more to the hot-headed medical ninja than he thought he knew and goes to Tsunade.
From that point, Sakura is on a bit of a shorter leash with Tenzo, but she’s also able to be more open about her skills. Showing off the things that Kakashi taught her as she was growing up and showing off the Mokuton that she learned from her scrolls. Although Tenzo is wary of her and her connection to Danzo, he is excited to work with another Mokuton user and help her improve in some small ways.
When Naruto goes to train with the Toads to achieve sage mode, Danzo decides it’s time for Sakura to take a break from her current mission (since Naruto is gone) and do some more training of her own.
Pein’s attack on the village still happens, but this time Kakashi isn’t the one to react. To try and protect the village first.
That job goes to Gai, who manages to get back with his team in time to protect Iruka from being killed by Pein and promptly starts fighting against the pain.
Partway through the fight, when things seem to be taking a turn for the worst, Kakashi shows up in front of a group of Shinobi that are about to be hit by Pein’s attack and uses his mud wall jutsu to protect them. He doesn’t say anything but promptly joins Gai in the fight against Pein.
Kakashi’s not sure why he decides to join. Danzo gives the order for his operatives to stand down but standing there watching people die snaps something inside of Kakashi. For the first time since he was a child, Kakashi can’t stand by any longer.
He knows it doesn’t make up for everything he did, but for once he can do something. Use his skills to protect someone.
He and Gai fight well together, giving Pein a run for his money and presenting a real challenge to him that is almost able to take him down.
Unfortunately, they don’t succeed in the end and Kakashi falls when he exhausts the last of his chakra to create a mud wall Jutsu to protect the village. Continuing to rebuild the Jutsu right up until he uses the last of his chakra and falls.
Naruto shows up from his training just in time to stop Pein from levelling the village, leaving Gai to get Kakashi’s body out of the way of danger and mourn the friend that he never got to make. The kid who always closed himself off from everyone else, even when Gai tried his hardest to crack through that wall he built up around himself.
It’s only during their fight against Pein that Gai realizes why Kakashi pushed him away. When Kakashi stands his ground and says he’s done letting people die for the mission. Done being a pawn for a man who cares so little for the village that he would stand back and watch everyone die when he could do something, anything, to help.
While he’s dead, Kakashi can see his father again. For the first time since he was five, he can confront the hurt and anger that he ignored for years. To face the man who wounded him so deeply.
It’s during that conversation that Kakashi realizes that he can’t follow Danzo any longer. That is all of the things he has been taught. All of the horrible acts he has done, resulting in blood on his hands, are not something he can continue with. They were never something he could handle doing, but he had always ignored his heart. Refused to hear reason even when it was slapping him in the face, because that was emotion and emotions weren’t allowed in Root.
Waking up again is a surprise to Kakashi, but seeing Gai’s face hovering over him, a soft smile there on his lips, is a gift he will gladly take. A second chance to right the wrongs that he made. It’s not something that he deserves, but it’s something he will do his best to follow through with.
Still needing to recover from the fight, Kakashi is unable to leave the village until after Danzo has been named the next Hokage and has left for the Kage summit. He knows that he’s not supposed to leave. That no Shinobi is, but with the right words and Sakura’s support he’s able to convince Yamato that it’s a good idea.
They make it just as Sasuke attacks the five Kage summit, missing Sasuke but being able to help the Kage’s against Suigetsu, Jugo and Tobi. Kakashi also manages to save Fuu and Torune from Tobi, pulling them out of the way just before he can teleport them away and having Naruto, Yamato, Sakura and Sai come in for the fight. Team Yamato continues to face off against Tobi until he leaves, but while he’s distracted Kakashi heads out to hunt down Danzo, knocking Fuu and Torune out before they can follow (he wears gloves due to scars on his hands from intense training with lightning, so he doesn’t have a problem striking Torune)
When he reaches the place where Danzo and Sasuke are fighting (thanks to a bit of help from the hounds) they’ve already nearly killed each other. Danzo has just grabbed Karin, determined to use her as a shield. When he notices Kakashi, he orders him to attack Sasuke.
Instead of following those orders, Kakashi moves in and grabs Karin. Pulling her away from danger while Sasuke strikes Danzo through the chest.
When the fight is done and Danzo is dead, Kakashi does what he knows he should regarding all of the Sharingan that Danzo has. He destroys the body. Striking him with a strong fire jutsu, and then setting the hounds on him while keeping Sasuke at bay so he can’t stop it.
Tobi does try to put a stop to it, but by the time he shows up Naruto and the rest of Team Yamato have shown up.
Once Tobi and Sasuke are gone, Yamato turns his attention to Kakashi and asks him what he plans to do next. A question that Kakashi doesn’t have an answer to. All he knows is that he needs to take care of Root. To help the operatives that Danzo twisted, just as he did with him, Sakura and Sai.
When Sakura suggests she can help him, Kakashi just smiles. The first genuine smile he gives her since becoming her Sensei when she was a kid and tells her that her place is with her team. That she has found her home in the world, and she shouldn’t leave it behind while he tries to find his own.
Although Kakashi does try to put his focus on Root, he has pulled away from that goal when Tsunade calls him into her office in regards to the impending war. As one of very few survivors who fought in the third great shinobi war, Kakashi is suggested to lead the tactical division of the allied shinobi forces. Although he doesn’t have that close of a relationship with Gai, he still asks for him as his second in command based on how well they worked together while fighting Pein.
The war is Kakashi’s chance to finally fight the way he always wanted to. Instead of having to focus on a mission, his job is to cut through the enemy and keep his allies alive. He gets to protect the people he’s fighting with, and it’s a freeing experience that he never realized he would love so much. To know he’s doing something good with his skills. Protecting people, instead of just taking lives.
The war is also a torment for Kakashi. Some of the people that he faces are those he has killed. Not just from enemy villages, but from Konoha as well. He’s forced to face the horrible things he did under Danzo’s instruction head first, and at time’s it’s too much for him. Gai is forced to cover for him and pull him out of panic attacks mid-battle because of the memories of everything he did, but he manages to pull through.
The worst moment of the war though is when he’s injured and finds himself face to face with a far too familiar face. A woman he thought long dead. Nohara Rin.
The two of them sit there in silence while Rin heals him, neither of them quite sure what to say. When Kakashi finally speaks, it’s just a simple apology. For leaving her behind when she needed them. For not being the teammate she needed.
As always, Rin just smiles. She tells him this is the life she needed. She found peace in Iwa. Was able to heal people and settle down with a beautiful wife. She’s excited to introduce Kakashi to them and holds no ill will towards Kakashi even after everything.
It’s the first time anyone ever sees Kakashi cry, although he does try to hide it in his arm. To push back his feelings and focus on the war ahead of them.
When Tobi is revealed to be Obito, Kakashi is struck with overwhelming fear. His past comes back to haunt him in the worst way possible. Even though Rin is alive, Obito chose his path because of how the world could allow its children to suffer so much. Including how Danzo twisted Kakashi so horribly, making him into nothing but an empty soldier for his use.
When Madara manages to activate the Infinite Tsukuyomi, Kakashi is the one beside Sauske, Naruto and Sasuke. Along with Obito, he’s pulled into the final battle against Kaguya, the fate of the world placed onto Naruto and Sasuke’s shoulders.
In the end, Obito still chooses to save Kakashi. Using his Sharingan to Kamui away the rod that would have killed him. When Kakashi demands to know why, reminding Obito that he’s no better than him, Obito just smiles and jokes that he doesn’t want to share the afterlife with Kakashi quite yet.
Kakashi, Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke ultimately pull together to defeat Kaguya. Using Kakashi’s plan, Sakura’s physical strength and Mokuton, and Naruto and Sasuke’s healing powers, they can seal away the goddess once again.
When all is said and done, Kakashi doesn’t know what to do with himself anymore. He has no place in Konoha or the world. No, where he belongs.
At least, that’s what he thinks. Others think differently.
Yamato and Gai both decide that Kakashi has a place in their life, as their friend. Sakura reminds him that he’s still her Sensei. Sai feels much the same as him but assures him that they’ll both find their place, and Tsunade already has a job for him as soon as they get home.
Taking over as Anbu Commander, it’s placed on Kakashi’s shoulders to reorganize the Black ops. First by integrating ex Root operatives into the ranks and retraining them, and then changing the system to better fit the new beliefs that he wants to follow. Of protecting those who are precious to you.
Although he has some doubts about taking the job, Yamato is given the position of Hokage a few months after the end of the war. With Sakura as his next choice for the position (since Naruto has decided that he has gotten the recognition and affections he wanted, and would rather travel with Sasuke for now) Yamato takes the job and with help from Kakashi, Gai, Anko, Shizune, and many others begin the process of changing the village for the better.
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zamblam · 3 years
Sasori and Deidara first met when Deidara was forcefully recruited into Akatsuki after being defeated by Itachi. Sasori needed a new partner after his previous partner, Orochimaru, defected from Akatsuki. Sasori commented on how Deidara seemed like someone who would die young. Sasori and Deidara would work together for about three years and nothing is really known about this time spent together. Both Sasori and Deidara consider themselves artists, though their artistic philosophies differed drastically. Sasori believed art was meant to last for an eternity for posterity and to leave something for the future. Deidara believed art was meant to last only for a moment, so that the artist can seek to create even greater art and even greater stimulation. These philosophies are reflected in their fighting techniques as Deidara uses detonating clay to explode enemies and Sasori uses puppets and even made his own body into a puppet so as to achieve immortality. Ironically Sasori prefers to end fights quickly and hates to keep people waiting, whereas Deidara likes to take his time with an opponent. This leads to frequent bickering between the two of them, even if they are being confronted by enemies. Deidara actually seems to respect Sasori’s art and his exceptional knowledge of it, referring to him as “Sasori no Danna” which means Master Sasori (in the English Anime it is translated as “Sasori my man”). Sasori has no respect for Deidara’s art, calling it a cheap pyrotechnics display and referring to him as a brat. Sasori often ends their arguments with threats to kill Deidara. In spite of threats to kill Deidara, Sasori often made efforts to protect him and often scolded him for not being more prepared in battle. Deidara seemed to enjoy getting an angry response out of his usually emotionless partner.
Kazekage Rescue Arc
Sasori and Deidara traveled towards Sunagakure, in which Sasori voiced concerns if Deidara was prepared enough to fight Gaara. Deidara assured Sasori that he brought his c3 clay just in case. They managed to infiltrate Sunagakure easily thanks to Sasori’s brainwashed ally Yura. Deidara makes a clay bird and asked what Sasori thought of his sculpture. Sasori replied by telling him not to keep him waiting. Deidara simply encouraged Sasori to watch the fight and enjoy the show. Though Deidara’s arms was destroyed in the fight, he managed to defeat Gaara and smiled at the thought of how angry Sasori would be for taking so long. They quickly left Sunagakure, but were confronted by Gaara’s brother Kankuro. After seeing Kankuro was a puppet master like himself, Sasori encouraged Deidara to go on ahead. Deidara smiled and confidently thought of how easily Sasori would defeat him. Kankuro attempted to attack Deidara before his departure, but Sasori quickly stopped the attack. Sasori defeated Kankuro and managed to catch up to Deidara, who seemed amused that Sasori was keeping him waiting for a change. They arrived at the Akatsuki headquarters and helped to seal the One Tailed Shukaku. They stayed behind to confront the team of ninjas that came to save Gaara. Deidara and Sasori get into an argument over who should fight Naruto. Sasori wanted to fight him so as to meet the quota of one jinchuriki each. Deidara wanted to fight him as he saw him as the perfect “canvas” for his art. This led to an argument about art, that didn’t stop even when Naruto, the person they were supposed to capture and were arguing about in the first place, attempted to attack them. Deidara created a clay bird and took off with Gaara’s body against Sasori’s wishes, to which Naruto and Kakashi followed. Sasori battled Chiyo and Sakura but was ultimately killed, though not before he informed them about a spy in among Orochimaru’s followers, revealing a grudge he held against his former partner. Meanwhile Deidara lost his other arm fighting Kakashi, and thought about how Sasori would be mad at him for not thinking ahead more carefully. Deidara hid as Chiyo and Sakura met up with Kakashi and Naruto. Shocked that Sasori was defeated, Deidara spoke to Sasori in his mind claiming “you relied too much on that puppet body of yours, even though it revealed your weak spot. Still it was a death worthy of an artist.” Deidara was then confronted by Team Guy, but managed to escape by faking his suicide by explosion.
Itachi Pursuit Arc
Now partnered with Tobi, Deidara learns of former Akatsuki member Orochimaru’s death. Deidara was seriously angered by this having wanted to kill Orochimaru in honor of Sasori. Sasori hated Orochimaru for betraying him and Akatsuki. Deidara decides the next best thing is to defeat Orochimaru’s killer Sasuke. Deidara becomes increasingly angry as Sasuke overcame each and every piece of art he threw at him, including his c4 Garuda which he was planning to use to kill Itachi. He ultimately uses his c0 “Ultimate Art”, which kills him in a massive suicide bombing but ultimately fails to kill Sasuke.
Shinobi World War Arc
Kabuto resurrects Sasori and Deidara for his army in the Fourth Shinobi War. He assigned them to the Surprise Attack and Diversion Platoon. Sasori and Deidara briefly argue about art, in which Sasori threatens to kill Deidara. Deidara replies that they are already dead so it didn’t matter. When they confront the Surprise Attack Division of the Allied Shinobi Forces. Deidara exclaims for them not to “underestimate this artistic duo”. Though they could not be killed do to the nature of the reanimation jutsu, Sasori still made attempts to protect Deidara from Omoi’s sword attack. They are quickly captured inside of two Black Ant Puppets belonging to Kankuro. Kankuro begins to tell Sasori how he has been immortalized because his soul carries on in his creations. Deidara becomes enraged, making fervent pleas for Sasori not to listen. He attempts to blow himself up with c0, but his explosion is stopped by Omoi’s lightning style. Sasori soul is released after he receives closure from Kankuro’s statement. This shocks Deidara, who yells out for Sasori to answer him. In an anime filler episode, Deidara manages to briefly escape from captivity with the help of Zetsu. While alone, Deidara reveals himself to be sad about how Sasori “went to soon” and how he was now alone. He is ultimately recaptured and his soul would be released after Kabuto undid the reincarnation jutsu.
Conclusions on Sasori and Deidara’s Relationship
Though the two of them are often fighting about their art, they seem to generally care for each other. Sasori constantly threatens to kill Deidara, but at the same time goes out of his way protect Deidara when they fight together such as from Kankuro in the Kazekage Rescue Arc and from Omoi in the Shinobi World War Arc. He also frequently lectures Deidara about being properly prepared in fights. Deidara seems enjoy getting Sasori angry at him, taking pleasure in making him wait and going against what Sasori wants when he takes Gaara’s body to lure Naruto away in the Kazekage Rescue Arc. Ironically he seems to display a lot more care for Sasori when he dies, like when he wanted to kill Orochimaru in honor of Sasori in the Itachi Pursuit Arc or in the Shinobi World War where he thought to himself how Sasori went to quickly and that he was now alone. Strangely enough when they are around each other they can’t seem to help but argue. Perhaps it was just too difficult for them to admit that they needed each other.
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avenger-hawk · 3 years
I've seen a lot of people who aren't fond of Itachi say something to the tune of 'Itachi's reveal made no sense because it contradicts his actions in part 1 too much'
For the most part, I disagree, I think almost all of Itachi's actions are perfectly understandable, no matter how cruel or extreme, from his point of view. In the lens of him trying to protect both Konoha and Sasuke, his extreme measures make sense, he's in an extreme situation and acts accordingly.
But there's always been one thing that I hadn't been able to reconcile for a while that I still thought was odd, and that was Itachi telling Sasuke that he needed to kill his best friend to become as strong as him. For me, that didn't make sense since we know Itachi wanted Sasuke to keep his bonds in Konoha to return there as a hero and live a happy life, and killing his best friend to follow Itachi's path would be very likely to destroy those bonds.
But then the thought occurred to me. What if Itachi saying that was a deliberate manipulation on his part? By telling Sasuke about that aspect of the Mangekyo and portraying it as the only way Sasuke could become stronger than him, Itachi was playing on Sasuke's intense desire to surpass Itachi. Presenting it as the only avenue forward in order to tilt Sasuke towards seeking out his own ways of becoming stronger in defiance of Itachi. As to why Itachi even told him about that aspect of the mangekyo to begin with, Itachi has already concerned himself about what information Sasuke receives and who he hears it from. If Itachi hadn't told him about the mangekyo, there was a possibility Sasuke could have learned it himself in some other manner, and independently come to the conclusion that he must kill his best friend to become stronger, which Itachi needed to steer him away from.
And hey, if this was indeed Itachi's intention, it worked! Sasuke absolutely did not kill Naruto and indeed sought out his own ways to surpass Itachi (even if he ended up leaving the village to do so, which Itachi didn't want).
Sorry if this topic is old news to you, it's something I'm happy to have finally hashed out in my head and I just wanted to put it into words and I wanted to know if you thought there was any basis to it.
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I can’t imagine what kishi really meant for Itachi in the very beginning, my opinion is that he/the staff had a vague idea of him not only being the reason behind Sasuke’s trauma, personality and motives, but also him being a mysterious character that might have had a secret, that he hadn’t flashed out completely back then and that he developed later. I have this opinion because idk if in the volumes or elsewhere (so I can’t find the source) I read that he took Gaara’s name from some city souvenir (???) and he came up with some other character names in a quite simplistic/random way. Ofc it’s 2 different things to name some characters in a story with many of them, and to come up with a cool backstory, but still.
I’m not idealistic in this because kishi disappointed me too much with the ending and the new shit, so I realized that too often fans tend to see more into every detail of a story because they love it very much and they love its characters, while the author ofc loves it (or the money that comes with it) but has different priorities, like deadlines, like structuring chapters in a way to stimulate readers' interest and curiosity.
This, to me, is the case of Itachi telling Sasuke to kill N*ruto to obtain MS. Ofc it might be like you said, part of his plan, telling Sasuke to do something horrible so that he’d sound even more cruel, and so that Sasuke would be so horrified that he’d find his own path, but on the other hand it was a hazard...because what if Sasuke’s need for revenge was stronger than his love for his best friend? And like you said, what if killing his best friend would have been seen as a crime by the village Itachi himself wanted Sasuke to stay in so much? Because a shinobi can’t just kill a comrade, it would have been a crime, even worse than deserting the village and joining Orochimaru in pt 1.
Itachi should have been 100% sure that this part of the plan worked, it’s a bit too risky imo, especially considering that what we know of Itachi’s plan is that he wanted Sasuke to focus on revenge to have a purpose, to stay in Konoha, be a shinobi there and kill him when he was strong enough. We know that his plan didn’t envision Sasuke leaving and joining Orochimaru, but that happened because they met in the inn and Itachi was forced to beat and humiliate his brother, which led to him feeling weak and powerless, so much that he had to seek strength outside the village, like Orochimaru wanted.
Still, this part of Itachi’s plan, despite having failed, makes more sense than the killing N*ruto part.
So to me it sounds like a plot hole, an inconsistency in kishi's writing, something he wrote to show how cruel villain Itachi was, and to show how in comparison Sasuke was different, despite betraying N*ruto and the village, but still being good in his heart, not being able to kill his best friend even though it would have granted him a greater power.
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I'm using both Naruto and Naruto: Shippuden events to explain the correlations because I can Disclaimer: This is based on my personal opinion as well as my interpretation of their birth charts so if you take offense to this then make your own fucking post good night
Hongjoong as Sasuke Uchiha (Part 2)
Part 1
After Sasuke is put on team 7 with Naruto and Sakura (also if anyone fucking says Sakura is useless personally fight me in my DMs without Sakura countless characters would be dead and I will no longer take this Sakura SLANDER) and Kakashi, he begins remembering what it's like to be close with someone; to care about someone who also cares for you. These bonds become incredibly important to him, and I would even go as far as to say he deeply loved his teammates and sensei, as if they were his own family.
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While Scorpios are indeed dark, secretive, and sometimes just straight up scary, they also have an immense capacity for emotional intimacy, and even though Sasuke himself was stripped of this because of his childhood, he finds himself being reminded of his ability to care about someone.
Hongjoong, even though he can get irritated quite easily, loves his members very deeply, and this is shown in little ways like treating them to a meal, offering advice when it's needed, and making sure everyone gets some of the spotlight. (I'm only gonna use pics when necessary now bc Tumblr is a cocksucker with a 10 pic limit ty)
Sasuke is eventually reminded of his thirst for revenge when Snake Daddy (Orochimaru) appears and fucks everything up. Basically, Snake Daddy tests Sasuke to see how powerful he is as the last Uchiha holding the Sharingan (visual jutsu that makes one much more powerful than most ninja). Sasuke, who is used to being the cool one always saving the day, actually fucking chokes and is saved by Naruto, who has gotten stronger. Realizing that Naruto, who was once a loser in his eyes, might actually be surpassing him lights a fire under his ass. Snake Daddy gives Sasuke a curse mark that feeds on his hatred and whenever the curse mark awakens Sasuke becomes psychotic and bloodthirsty. So Sasuke decides to follow the hatred that grows in him, and this makes him want his revenge more than the bonds he has created with his team.
Everyone in ATEEZ is competitive, though I think with Hongjoong, he could have the most potential to utilize it like Sasuke. Sasuke hates losing because his ego is bigger than fucking Saturn for most of the show. Put in a similar situation, I can see Hongjoong having a similar ego and going ballistic after being belittled not only by his beloved older brother but also by his seemingly inferior teammate who he didn't expect to catch up to him so quickly.
So Sasuke leaves the village seeking power from Orochimaru, and despite Naruto and the rest of the Konoha peeps efforts to bring him back, Sasuke basically says "fuck you" and goes to Snake Daddy anyway.
It's honestly the Scorpio for me. I can totally see Hongjoong severing emotional ties for a goal rooted in revenge and hatred. Being all dramatic and calling himself an "avenger". Emo af. Loner. Yeah.
So, yeah, even after years of being away from his team, EVEN AFTER HE ACTUALLY KILLS HIS BROTHER AND FINDS OUT THAT HIS BROTHER WAS SET UP AND NOT ACTUALLY A MONSTER, he goes even more psycho and promises to destroy the village that his brother was trying to protect....and then he does a bunch of crazy laughs, tries to kill his old teammates a few times, changes his mind and wants to become Hokage (village leader), and battles Naruto to the death and ends up losing his arm. After being redeemed and realizing what a dumbfuck he's been all this time, he rejects the prosthetic arm and just lives without his arm bc Emo™ culture is being a martyr.
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Hongjoong would completely do all of this, all the way down to the arm thing because he feels he doesn't deserve a new arm in light of all the shit he's put everyone through. And knocking up the chick that loved his dumbass til the very end and then never being around for their kid? Yeah. Sounds legit.
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Lol I actually love Sasuke, and we all know he loves Sakura and Sarada and he's just emotionally unavailable and super not sure how to be a dad but at least he tries man. And Hongjoong....is the strict dad that gives good advice.
Anyway, that was my analysis? comparison? of Sasuke and Hongjoong. Stay tuned for more members lol.
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