#how the fuck does he get to that conclusion ! it doesn't have to be fair ! odasaku was incredibly important to him !
monstersqueen · 1 year
i love that so far the reasons i've found why Odasaku's Death Is Totally Ango's Fault are :
his betrayal had a severe emotional impact that lead odasaku to choose death
if he had been with dazai when dazai tried to prevent odasaku to go fight mimic odasaku would have listened
if ango had been honest and they had worked together they could have saved him
i think the closest to a real reason i've found that is not just 'he lied to us :((' is that ango potentially reported gide's power to mori, and that's what made mori decide to use odasaku to destroy mimic
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linddzz · 9 months
Latest idea floating around in my head: a twist on the Hob saving Morpheus from the time-out ball, except that's where they first met each other.
Hob's still immortal, it's just that Death was the one who came and gave him the deal of meeting every 100 years
(is this also bc I'd love Death being Hob's centennial buddy? Her being way less reserved and straight up telling him who she is. Her delight at his delighting over life. The rage in him when Eleanor and Robyn die. Death took them and she wouldn't even say anything to him when she did it. Also I'd like to see him just immediately choke and squirm like a bastard as soon as he starts explaining his new shipping business to her in 1789. Yes and hell yes gimme Hobsie and Death as bros.)
So Hob is trying out new stuff again. He's never tried out being a magus and gets himself in as a member of Burgess' order and eventually an acolyte.
And then he's introduced to the "devil" that Burgess keeps in the dungeon. He's to help study up on strengthening the wards around the sphere and all that. And boy is he deeply, super uncomfortable with the sight of this frail man trapped in a cage.
("Don't let his pretty face fool you." Burgess will tell him, "the thing is a demon who would destroy us all if given half a chance."
To be fair, Morpheus does not help his case at all and his expression clearly says "you fuckin bet I will")
And Hob is Hob. So while he's working on studying up on wards (which so happens to involve a lot of careful, detailed study of the wards around the sphere) he's chatting at the thing in it. He complains about the boss, talks about the War, tells the demon about his day while the demon either glares at him or makes a hilariously big show of not paying attention. Sometimes Hob straight up shirks work (with a winking "you won't tell the boss right?") And just reads books.
And he nearly shrieks in surprise when he's reading some new novel called The Hobbit out loud and looks up to find the demon watching and obviously interested. So of course Hob is gonna keep reading him stories and keep studying those binding spells super closely.
And ok that's where I gotta admit the story doesn't have a solid conclusion in my head yet (besides obviously Hob is gonna bust Dream out and then get kissed a LOT) but I do have one bit where Morpheus first talks to him and of course it's just cryptic weird shit. Because Morpheus has started watching this shit-wizard who won't shut the fuck up back and can tell that something is OFF about him.
So just imagine Hob is yammering away about how he thinks the masters kid and the gardener have something going on, and he nearly shits himself when the "demon" presses a hand against the glass and says
"Death has touched you. I see it now. My siblings marks upon you. Is that what you are here for? To report to them? To let them see how low their family has come? So they do know what has come of me then, and they have sent you to chatter away and truly make it clear that they will do nothing."
Hob's just like. "WHAT?? SIBLINGS?! You TALK??! Hang on you know Death???!" But Morpheus already is back to curling in on himself in a furious pissy sulk
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milqueandsugar · 4 months
🌼☕` Crush, Crush, Soda! ` ☕🌼
Gen / Fluff
Includes / Alastor , Lucifer , Husk
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Shock. Horror. Dismay.
Forget wrench this is throwing a hauling truck into his plans
It's very sudden very sharp realization, like getting splashed with cold water
He was obviously aware he had taken to you, how could he not? You were polite, clever and oh so fun to carry a conversation with
Talking to you made radio seem boring!
He was not, however, aware that the other residents had noticed his kinship with you
He had over heard a conversation between Husker and the pink spider demon, where the insectoid sinner complained about how you got special treatment
Husker agreed, which was fair, but then mentioned how Alastor apparently fancied you and that was why
Fucking shock to him and Angel dust
After gripling with that cosmic terror for the night, and visiting Rosie once the clock hit an agreeable hour he had come to the conclusion that despite the impossible, he carried a flame for you
Once he calms down and rearranges his evil vision board to include you in it he lays it on THICK
He's the perfect gentleman, obviously, but he's courting you too so he goes above and beyond
Your chair? Pulled out. Your arm? Linked with his while you stroll. You? The venison steak of his eye baby
Charming comes naturally too him, he won both eve and Lillith over bro he has bublical level rizz
He's very, very comfortable around people he knows or simply doesn't care about, totally normal around Alastor who can kick rocks but a bit antsier and anxious around Charlie
His nerves get worse when he's trying to right himself, he can care very very deeply for someone and never feel nervous around them but the second he does something wrong his anxieties and insecurities come rushing back
He's not subtle, everything he does is flirtatious but in a spur of the moment kind of way he thinks nothing through
Confidence is sexy to him so he tries to show off things he's confident in like inventing/engineering and music!!
The biggest tell he is interested in someone is how excited he is to show off to them, to show how good he could be for them, to show how he betters their life
How he does this depends on you truly, in a rough spot financially? He pays for small things at first, dinner, lunch, something cute you liked at the store then builds to anything you want because you deserve it far more than him or anyone else here
Struggling with control since selling your soul? He puts you in position of power , he shows you what your capable of, what he knows you can do but you don't
He fills your needs faster than you realize you have them, hell is for suffering but it sure does feel like heaven when you're with him
| HUSK |
He's more calculated then the two idiots above, he knows that warmth in his chest when you make his drink, or sit at his bar until he's off or fix an out of place Feather
He's so attracted to you, how real you are, how unapologetically YOU you are, and how you make room for him in everything
He's totally love struck and totally aware of it which makes it even worse
He's doing his best to plan this out while also twirling his whiskers and kicking his feet when talking about you
He's not shy about his feelings but he know being with him is a danger to you, which he can't stand for
He does his best to secure your safety before actively courting you, what's the point of loving someone if you're not putting in the effort, and boy does he put in the EFFORT
Gentlemanly like Alastor but in his own gruff way
Likes to help you do things, teach you how to do things, he likes feeling useful and he likes how you come to him when you have problems
It reminds him a bit of his overlord days, and time with you builds his confidence and back bone back to what it was before Alastor, even if you aren't dating yet
Plays lots of card games with you, won't show you the cheats be knows until your dating, gotta keep you coming back for more yknow?
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giorno-plays-piano · 11 months
Her Fault
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Pairing: yandere!Toji Fushiguro x reader
Warnings: implied noncon, spiked drink, stalking, kidnapping, obsession, mention of Stockholm syndrome, Toji being a part of a gang.
Words: 1.2k
Summary: Toji knows nearly everything about her. Who she is, where she works, what's her address, where she keeps her keys, the code to unlock her phone... Except for the last two things, he didn't even need to have someone to spy on her because she told him everything herself. Somehow, she felt like she could trust him, poor girl. He appreciates her lapse in judgment.
"You should try something new for a change," Toji says with that smug expression on his face, making the woman next to him frown. "No offense, but those pathetic margaritas will be the end of you one day."
For a second, she looks stunned by his audacity, but it doesn't take her long to bite back at him, "Says who? The I-only-drink-whisky guy?"
He lets out a laugh at that, shaking his head. "Fair enough. How about we both try a new thing?"
As she stills, contemplating his offer, he already knows he'll win. She will order whatever he tells her to, and she will drink it like a good girl, not being able to tell the difference between the real drink and whatever concoction he will give her. Wouldn't work with a margarita she's been ordering ever since she appeared here one Friday evening.
He first saw her about half a year ago, wearing a fancy black dress and high heels like she was at the gala, not a local bar. Her hair was perfectly coiffed, and she wore that classy sort of makeup that suggested she was either at the wrong place or came here straight after work for god knows what reasons. Toji had no idea why she would show up at this bar dressed that way. Did she want to get laid and didn't know how?
The guy sitting next to her at the counter probably arrived at the same conclusion but dumbly decided to chase after her in the most stupid fashion, giving Toji an excuse to send him "I-will fucking-end-you" look and flex his biceps: girls digged that shit, and he was sure she'd take the bait. Naturally, the drunk dumbass left in a second while the woman looked impressed and thanked him for help. It was only natural to strike a conversation.
Pretty much first time going to a bar, she confessed, ordering a margarita. Why? She was a workaholic and, in addition, despised drunk people who couldn't control themselves. Why did she finally come? Wanted to find out what it's like since one drink couldn't hurt that much.
He thought she smelled really fucking nice.
Surprisingly, he didn't bang her the first night because she had a way with words that made him talk more than he usually did, and, by the time she was about to leave, he didn't feel like spoiling her first bar experience. She was probably going to return, anyway. Besides, Toji didn't like feeling so much at ease with a stranger, given the specifics of his work, so he was going to ring someone he knew to do a quick check-up on her and make sure that evening wasn't some elaborately planned scheme. God help her if it was.
But she was just an ordinary woman with an ordinary job with no relation to his business, so when she came the next Friday, Toji thought it was fucking nice to actually talk to someone for once. Why not? She wasn't even looking for a hookup, just for a human company.
That time, she wore a lovely dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, too, but she wasn't flirting with him even the slighest bit. He wasn't sure if he should have been offended by her lack of interest or felt good because she wanted to actually know him.
Since then, every Friday, she waltzes into the bar in her pretty dresses, smelling delicious, lands on the seat next to him, and talks to him like he's a friend. Not once has she batted her eyelashes at him or realized he was flaunting his physique one way or the other to flirt with her. She does, however, seem interested in how he's doing without being invasive or patronal, and it's been a really long time since anyone was that close to him. It genuinely feels good to see her face every Friday and hear her voice.
Toji knows nearly everything about her. Who she is, where she works, what's her address, where she slips her keys, the code to unlock her phone... Except for the last two things, he didn't even need to have someone to spy on her because she told him everything herself. Somehow, she felt like she could trust him, poor girl. He appreciates her lapse in judgment.
"Does that guy from work still bother you?" he asks, giving the barmen a sign to make that cocktail for her and looking back at her as if he really needs an answer. In reality, he already knows she has rejected the creep, and it pleases him to no end.
"No, thank God," she huffs, wincing like from a toothache. "Why the Hell do I attract all sorts of assholes? My own damn father has been an ass to me, too."
"Huh, your father?" Toji sends her a smirk. "Got daddy issues?
He can tell her face is burning even without looking at her expression.
"Oh my God, Toji!" She slaps his hand slightly, embarrassed and annoyed at his antics. "Why are you saying it like we're in a porno?"
That gets a good laugh out of him, and she visibly relaxes, smiling, before she promptly excuses herself to the bathroom, and the barmen finally lands her drink on the counter, secretly nodding to the man on the other side. There's nothing really dangerous in there that wouldn't get out of her system in a day, but that's enough time for Toji to finish everything he has planned.
Really, it's her fault for being naive and so fucking pretty. He could have already fucked her ages ago and forgotten all about the woman, but she just has to be too damn nice for her own good, making him long for Friday night and hear her talk. Besides, what is he supposed to do when she doesn't date and doesn't see even his most obvious attempts to flirt with her? He takes the easiest way out, really.
The drugs in her drink will make her pliant like a kitten, but, considering it's her third cocktail, it'll be a piece of cake to make her believe she just got drunk and ended up sleeping with him. Then he'll explain how she confessed to him and mention he likes her too. Depending on how it goes, Toji's prepared for 2 different outcomes: one, she accepts, and they start dating before he makes his next move; two, he chains her to his bed and waits till the Stockholm syndrome or whatever this thing's called kicks in and rewires her brain. Logically speaking, he prefers the first one, but his patience is wearing thin, and now he contemplates if he should just go with the second plan, anyway.
When she comes back, her delicious scent making him hard again, Toji sends her a smug smile and hands her the glass. Whatever she does, he knows where she'll end up after tonight.
Tags: @minshookie29
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slayfics · 7 months
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Explosive Tendencies a slow burn fan fiction about the readers developing relationship with Katsuki Bakugo.
Chapter Twenty: Planning for the School Festival.
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After Mina dragged you out of Katsuki's room and forced you into what she called "girl's study night" a screaming match ensued between you and her.
She insisted you explain why you went "crawling back" to Katsuki when he didn't even apologize.
You kept telling her that's not how things happened, but she wasn't satisfied. To be fair you weren't giving her the whole story. But- how could you?
Katsuki had come to you confidently to vent about the guilt he had been carrying around due to All Might losing his power. Katsuki assumed it was all his fault for getting kidnapped and had been carrying that weight around all this time.
You weren't about to break his trust and out his vulnerability to all the girls in the class.
Why couldn't Mina just trust you had a good reason to be friends with him again?
"Listen, I get you have a big crush on him but- that doesn't make it ok for you to let him treat you like garbage!" Mina yelled. You felt your face become hot as the rest of the girl's mouths had dropped open. What happened to Mina waiting for you to be ready to say that? This fight was really all it took for her to expose you in front of the rest of the girls? You felt your hands begin to shake with anger.
"I don't know why you're so invested in this Ashido! Is it because you're jealous?! You're the one who's been obsessed with who likes who and going around saying you want to fall in love someday! Why do you even care what I do? It doesn't concern you!" You yelled
Mina stood stunned by your words for a moment before defeatedly exclaiming, "You're right- it doesn't concern me," and walking away.
You two hadn't talked since.
She kept her distance from you in classes and training, and in the common room you could feel her staring daggers at you any time you were near Katsuki.
You tried to brush it off and stay focused on your work, but it became increasingly annoying to feel her negative energy around you every day.
The next day in class Aizawa announced that the School Festival would be occurring as it does every year, and your class needed to choose an event to put on.
The class erupted with ideas and arguments about ideas that never reached a conclusion. Aizawa had told your class that if you didn't have an idea by morning you would be going with his idea of a public lecture.
After class, almost everyone hung around in the common room to discuss ideas. Katsuki walked past everyone discussing and said he was going to sleep.
You looked around and made eye contact with Mina who was giving you a nasty glare. You let out a sigh and followed after Katsuki.
"Tch- following me?" he asked as you stepped into the elevator with him.
"I'm not trying to stay down here with Ashido giving me side eye all night. Besides you heard them in class. They didn't care for our ideas anyway," You responded as Katsuki pressed the elevator button to the fourth floor.
Katsuki grunted in agreement. "Whatever they choose is going to be lame as hell anyway, and I don't give a fuck. I've got enough to deal with from the supplement classes for the provisional license," he said as you both made your way into his dorm.
He sat on his bed, and you sat on his rolling chair.
"How have those been anyway?" You asked, trying to keep the worry out of your voice. You knew it had to be a lot, juggling those classes on top of everything else in the hero courses at U.A. 
"I'm fine- you don't need to ask," Katsuki said then looked away from you glaring at the floor as he contemplated. " You and Raccoon Eyes still haven't talked since that day?" he asked.
Katsuki wasn't dumb, he knew Mina was upset at you because from her perspective it looked like he had ignored you for three days then seemingly came back with no explanation. He knew you didn't tell Mina the truth- how he had cried like a damn baby to you that night shortly after his fight with Deku. He was grateful you didn't- but also felt guilty for putting a wedge in your friendship with Mina.
"No," you answered. "But I don't give a damn, she's just an extra anyway, right?" You teased.
Katsuki let out an amused huff. He knew you were lying. Of course, you cared. He noticed Mina was the only other person in the class you had gotten close to besides him and Eijiro.
"Yeah," he said still staring at the floor. If he could have, he would have thanked you for keeping his privacy and he would have apologized for rupturing your friendship, but... he just couldn't. So instead- "You want to get working on one of the dumb assignments we have due soon?"
"Yeah," You smiled at him excited for the invitation to work with him.
Katsuki glanced at your smile before making his way to grab his study materials. You were always so happy to be around him even when he knew he had to be a miserable company. It didn't make sense to him- but... he didn't hate it.
You two worked on your assignment until Katsuki declared it was getting too late. You looked at your phone and rolled your eyes.
"Still on grandpa time, huh?" you teased.
"Hey! I have a good sleep schedule and I need it with all this extra work alright!" He barked.
"I know I know- I'm just messing with you," you said and began to pack up your study supplies.
Katsuki eyed you putting your stuff away for a moment and then laid down on his bed stretching out.
You swung your backpack on your back, "Get some rest then Grandpa," you said playfully at him.
"Hm?" He said eyeing you. "You- don't have to leave," he said.
You froze and stared at him, returning his gaze. He was asking you to stay?
You dropped your backpack and sat back down on his rolling chair eyeing him curiously.
"You comfortable over there?" He asked.
"Uh-," You mumbled unsure of how to answer. You were unsure what he was trying to get at?
"You fell asleep over here before brat- you can make yourself more comfortable," he said in response to your quizzical look.
You felt your breath catch in your throat. Was he asking you to join him on the bed?
You moved slowly as you sat on the bed awkwardly.
Katsuki scoffed, "So- what stupid event do you think those extras are going to choose?"
"No idea- but if they choose Kaminari's maid cafe, I will be murdering someone," You responded laughing.
"Hm- too bad you wouldn't look bad in a maid outfit," Katsuki said laughing.
A bright blush illuminated your face.
"Oh shit- relax I'm just kidding, no need to turn into a damn tomato," he said laughing again.
You tried to brush off your reaction and turned away to hide your face. "Hey- you sure you want me in here much longer?" You asked.
"The hell do you mean? Would have told you to get the fuck out if I didn't," Katsuki said.
"It's just- I don't know- I'm sure you heard."
"Heard what?" He asked.
"Some of those rumors that spread around when Ashido pulled that stunt and dragged me out of your room when I tried to hide from her in the restroom," You explained After that night when the boys had seen your fight with Ashido, someone had run with some assumptions of why you were hiding in Katsuki's room.
"Oh," Katsuki exclaimed now understanding. "Look you can go if you want. Those extras are nosy as hell and need to mind their damn business. But- I don't give a damn about what any of them have to say so-," Katsuki said.
He was never good at words, so he couldn't just simply say he liked your company and didn't want you to leave. Especially now that you brought up those rumors he heard. He didn't want to feel like he was forcing you to stay.
"Just go if you're uncomfortable," He concluded.
"No! I- I don't care either... I just- whatever it doesn't matter," you said deciding to leave the conversation alone.
To Katsuki's surprise, you laid down next to him, "Ok- so who had the worst idea of an event?" You asked.
Katsuki let out an amused laugh, "Iida, who the fuck would come to a history lesson?!"
You laughed at his response, and the two of you talked until you had both dosed off into sleep.
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Tags: @anon-mouse223 @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @sikuthealien @queenpiranhadon @melrs21 @poemzcheng @kazuumii @bakunianadecorazon @ur-crusty-uncle @reads-stuff-quietly @chixkadee @perfectsukii @faetoraa @fem-weeb @nagicats @lees-chaotic-brain @maelibo
Just wanted to thank you all for reading and update you that there are 4 more chapters left!
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phantomrose96 · 1 month
I feel like it takes A Lot to collectively traumatize a fandom as fond of vivisection as the Danny Phantom fandom, but damn that'd do it. Fantastic fic!!!
Also I *love* the detail of the news report in the background of the breakfast scene. At first I was like "oh cool they're talking about PTSD, which he definitely seems to be developing" then I read it again and I was like "oh *fuck* they're talking *about Danny*" which is *chef's kiss* superb
Achievement unlocked! Danny gets to be an easter egg in his own story!!
I'm a fan of the trope (I guess it's a trope) of the secret-identity character who just has to listen powerlessly while the talking heads on the tv muse about what's happened to them. Doesn't matter if the broadcast is sympathetic or damning. Either way it hits for me.
When I was first piecing that scene together, I was intending to have Danny, Jack, and Jazz pay attention to the broadcast when it became obvious the reporters were talking about Phantom. It would be the vehicle to communicate to the audience that Phantom is slipping and Danny's definitely grappling with PTSD at this point.
But when I thought about it more, I wasn't actually in love with it as the delivery vehicle. Yeah I like the trope but it felt a little too much of just "I'm saying story details at the reader and using the newscaster as a mouth for that." It felt contrived in a way I don't like.
And what would everyone's reaction be? There wasn't a meaningful place to bring it. Like sure maybe Jack could scoff and say something like "Ghosts don't have complex feelings" or something else dismissive, but that wasn't constructive to the narrative I was building. What Jack thinks about Phantom isn't important to this kind of story. I could have Jazz maybe try to talk to Danny, but there's no way to do that with Jack in the room, and Jazz wouldn't need the newscasters for this anyway. It's her own baby brother, she'd have seen this before any tv host. And there's nothing important for Danny to gain from this. Other than maybe knowing his slipping is visible, but he knows.
So I came to a much better conclusion: ignore the news cast.
It does not need to be a contrived narrative device. It does not need to steer the scene. It does not need to misdirect me into unimportant conversations.
They ignore it. And THAT is so much more thematically potent to what is happening. Danny fighting through his denial. Danny shutting his friends out. The elephant in the room is ON THE TV and no one is even allowed to address it.
Tv host saying "Phantom has PTSD" isn't the vehicle I need for this "communicate to the reader Danny has PTSD" scene. THAT is much better done with Jack, and with his invention, and with the chekov's gun he's been dismantling and remantling the whole fic. It's done with Jack pointing a weapon at Danny - a thing which has occurred a THOUSAND times before - but it's different NOW, because of the trauma Danny is not coping with.
To be cliche, it's the show-don't-tell answer here. (And to be fair, there are PLENTY of places where "tell" is an entirely acceptable route and is often a necessary part of maintaining narrative velocity.) But in this case, the chill Fenton family breakfast atmosphere (tv ignored) snapping cold in the instant Jack draws the weapon on Danny is what the scene needed. The snap-change to Jack and Jazz's attitudes as they notice Danny's reaction. The "this isn't normal anymore" to a morning that was perfectly normal until this moment. And, only after that moment, revealing to the reader that Danny is crying.
The news cast gets to serve its best purpose as environmental storytelling. Confirming to the reader that this is bad enough to be impacting Phantom's ability to fight, to supplement the narrative which (coming from Danny's POV) is trying to not admit how bad it is. ("Super healing is cool!")
It gets to serve its purpose by being completely ignored. Until it's too late.
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catxfisher · 7 months
The best friend
Bokuto is absolutely shameless and a pervert. He was constantly whining and reaching out to you, pulling you towards him and begging you to let him touch you. He didn't even care if you were both in the company of others. He seemed to have no restraints, especially among his closest circle of friends.
You've already lost count of how many times he's reached out for you today to pull you onto his lap. While you effectively fended him off. But now his fingers find their way under the loose T-Shirt you’re wearing, its soft fabric clinging to your naked body. They trail up until he can cup your breast while Kuroo sits next to him. The attention of his best friend having shifted away from the TV and onto her.
"Relax baby, Tetsu doesn't mind," your boyfriend murmurs in your ear, as if he's trying to convince you. His warm breath brushes the sensitive skin of your neck and you can feel him grinning. Still, you try to pull away from his grip, but he doesn't let up, pressing his lips to your skin.
"Yes Y/N, I don't mind." Kuroo grins broadly at you, the first time he's involved himself in this conversation. Now his fingers find their way onto your skin as well, gripping your ankles as he helps Bokuto turn you in his lap until you're leaning back against him, facing Kuroo.
You couldn't explain how, but just a few minutes later, you were sitting naked in your boyfriend's lap, legs spread wide as Kuroo‘s lips found their way up your legs from your knees. With each kiss and each nip of his teeth against your skin, you were getting wetter and wetter.
"Shit Kou," Kuroo murmurs as he stares at you both from his dark eyes, "you really didn't understate, shes already fucking drenched." You can't understand how he can stay so calm when his fingers are only a few centimeters away from finally touching your pussy.
And it wasn't fair how he managed to incite your boyfriend with the few words he spoke. You feel Kous gaze on you. He's watching you closely. The way you're still trying to get away from the two men. How you bite your lower lip slightly as Kuroos fingers finally find their way between your legs and collect moisture between your pussy lips to show it to Bokuto. His fingers glistening in the slightly dim light of the dark living room.
"Yeah, she's so messy, isn't she?" Bokuto murmurs, his eyes firmly on his friend's fingers as they find their way back between your legs and start rubbing your clit in small circular motions.
Bokutos hands move to your thighs, which he grips firmly and spreads even wider. "Give her a kiss Tetsu. Trust me, she tastes incredible. Come on, give her a kiss and tell me how good she is." He is literally begging, almost as if he were the one waiting to be devoured. And it doesn't take long for the dark-haired man to slide backwards on the sofa cushions getting in a more comfortable position to reach her. But it's not fast enough for your boyfriend. His fingers tangle into his Kuroos hair before he presses his face firmly between your legs. His nose bumps against your clit and the sudden pressure elicits a moan from you, which is shortly followed by a muffled moan from between your legs. His tongue has found its way between your lips, licking at whatever you give him. Only when he has to catch his breath does he emerge again.
He lifts his head slightly to look at both you and your boyfriend behind you. His lips and chin are wet with your juices. And while the thought that he looks incredibly hot between your legs with his tousled hair runs through your mind, he comes to a similar conclusion. From his perspective, both you and Bokuto look incredible. Your face is covered in a slight blush, marked by lust and shyness. Bokutos face, on the other hand, is characterized by lust and almost madness as he waits for you to finally be devoured by his best friend. Kuroo wanted to take a photo of you, to have the sight forever.
He disappears between your legs again, spreading gentle kisses that make you want to beg for more. "Tetsu, please-", but that's not even necessary. His hot tongue teases you, alternating with lightly sucking on you. Meanwhile, his long index finger also finds its way between your legs, prodding at your entrence. He's slowly pushing in, while listening to your moans and Bokutos quickening breath. Kuroo thinks he's in heaven as his finger is sucked in, embraced by your tight, wet heat.
"Tell me how good it feels. How wet it is Tetsu, please! Tell me. Isn't she great?"
"Sounds like you'd love to lie between her legs Kou."
She feels her boyfriend's frantic breathing on the back of her neck. "Of course. Who wouldn't want that? Look at her, how beautiful she is. The way she wriggles and squirms between us. She sounds incredible and she feels even better. The best pussy I've ever had. Nothing and no one in this world feels as good as my baby does."
"Shit Kou, if you keep talking like that I almost feel bad, should I make room for you here?"
The two men almost seemed to have forgotten that we were actually in the middle of something here. "Tetsu, please continue." Your voice is an almost barely audible whisper, but even so, their attention is right back on you.
"Fuck, anything you want princess." And Kuroo resumes his task, working a second finger in. You're magical, he thinks. And he understands how someone like Bokuto can take a liking to you. Whenever he meets you, he can't help but notice how absolutely adorable you are. Everyone who met you was thrilled by you. You have a way about you that is absolutely captivating and your gentle, loving side makes you the favorite of the entire volleyball world. Loved by everyone, players and fans alike.
Kuroo knows about the conversations in the MSBY team's locker room. Knows that Bokuto takes out his remaining energy on you pretty much every day after training. Bullying himself into your slit and keeping you under him for sometimes hours, until he's finally exhausted and you're nothing but a moaning, trembling mass, no longer able to move in any way. He, on the other hand, wanted to be nice to you. To worship your pussy, to make sure that you turn to him when you want tenderness. But you make it so incredibly difficult for him to pull himself together and not just pounce on you. Your big eyes begging him for salvation and not breaking eye contact with him while your pussy is squeezing his fingers so deliciously.
A shaky sigh escapes his lips before they find their way back to your pussy as if they were magnets attracted to each other. His mouth smushed against you, his tongue hungrily swirling against your clit as he messily sucks and slurps at your juicy cunt. Kuroo loves to taste your sweet flavor as he enjoys the way you sigh and moan for him. His name escapes your lips in soft moans. The name of your boyfriends best friend. Only drowned out by the squelching sounds of your pussy as his fingers continue to drill into you in a fast rhythm.
"Shit, I can even hear how wet she is. Fuck, let me help Tetsu," comes Bokuto‘s pitiful moan from near your shoulder. His hand lets go of your thigh and advances to your belly and deeper, until he can wedge his hand between you and Kuroo. Until his fingers finally touch your clit and  Kuroos mouth moves lower as he licks up everything that drips out from you. The approving hum of Kuroo on your puffy folds has you moaning.
Bokuto loves it. At that moment, nothing appeals to him more than the image of his best friend between the legs of the woman he loves most. However, he can imagine one more thing, and he can hardly wait to put it into action. He wants to see his best friend finally fuck you. He wants to see if you would be just as good for him. Whether you would also have that look on your face under his best friend that always drives him crazy and ensures that he can't let go of you.
The attention you get from the two men - the perfect circular movements of your boyfriend on your clit and the delicious rubbing of Kuroos fingers on that spongy area inside you has you arching your back. It's so incredibly hot that you don't need much more until you are gushing. Your juices flowing out of you, wetting your thighs and the man between them. Only when you come down from your orgasm do the two men stop.
"Shit, that was so good," you gasp and Bokuto‘s breathing is also rapid, his chest rising and falling so violently that it moves you with it.
"We're not done yet baby" and the very next moment Bokuto has lifted you from his lap as if you weighed nothing. With you in his arms, he makes his way into the bedroom in the dark of the apartment. Kuroo is close on his heels, as if he can't bear to give you up already. Bokuto can understand that. He too had only tasted you once and was sure that he would never find a better woman.
No sooner had he set you down on the bed than the two men attacked each other again. Bokuto‘s lips find their way onto yours, he simply can't keep away from you any longer. While he does enjoy seeing you with his best friend, he also wanted to finally have you. His cock longs for you, wants to finally be deep inside delicious heat. But he can't give in just yet. He still has other plans. That's why he lets go of your lips after a few seconds. Instead, he helps you to get down on all fours on the bed. While he takes a seat on the side of the bed near your head, Kuroo remains standing at the foot of the bed. You glance over your shoulder at him. Waiting, inviting. What you don't notice is the look your boyfriend is giving him. Blazing desire, accompanied by an almost maniacal expression, as if his life depended on this finally happening.
You both watch as Kuroo slowly peels off his clothes and you lick your lips as he finally steps out of his jeans and you can see his boxers stretching over his hardness. Although you've only just come, you can feel your pussy throbbing and the desire to finally be filled properly overcomes you.
After he had finally taken off the last piece of fabric, he climbs onto the bed behind you. One large hand lightly stroking your back, he grips his cock with the other. The tip messily coated with precome as he dragged it over your slit, groaning at the feeling of your slick folds against him. And without hesitating any longer, he penetrates you with one deep thrust. While you enjoy the slight pain that his thick length brings, he can't stop himself from gasping for air. He had thrown his intention of being gentle and nice out of the window when your eager gaze hit him. When he saw how your tongue unconsciously swiped your lips when you finally saw him naked. When your pussy was presented like a gift just waiting for him alone.
Without giving you a chance to get used to him and his size, he begins to thrust into you. His hands found their way to your hips, where he held you to meet his every thrust and counteract the trembling of your legs. Hard and relentless, he moves inside you as he loses himself in the incredible feeling of your pussy. With a soft groan, he pushes you forward a get a view of your pussy swallowing his cock. He was convinced that this was the perfect fit, that he was destined to sink deep inside you. Your soppy cunt throbbed around him as he again slammed into you. The force made you lurch forward. Your fingers claw firmly into the sheet and you are hell-bent on taking this pounding, no intention of backing down.
"Tell me how it feels Tetsu. Have you ever had a pussy this good? Do you love the way she sucks you in?" Meanwhile, his hand has found its way to his own pants and even as he waits for an answer, he has freed himself from his clothes.
"Fuck, you weren't exaggerating. Will never get enough of this pussy." Kuroo gasps out the answer, punctuated by soft moans deep in his throat. He can feel his cock carving its way into you. It makes him dizzy how tight and small you are. Enjoying the pulsing, wet and soft velvet that gives in every time he buries himself into you. Listening to the soft moans that escape you, alternating with the high-pitched whines whenever he hits a spot inside you that you didn't even know existed and makes you clench down hard around him. Your boyfriend seems to have reached a point where he just can't stand to watch anymore. His eyes fixated on his best friend's cock disappearing into your pussy, your ass shaking with every thrust. It was enough to make his mouth water. You are simply too gorgeous as you willingly give yourself to his best friend.
He grips your chin with one hand and brings your mouth to the same level as his cock. Its soft tip is almost dark red and a few drops of precome have collected there. You are all too willing to let your tongue glide over it, licking it up and enjoying the slight saltiness. You spread kisses over his tip before opening your mouth and letting it slide slowly into your mouth. At least that's what you try to do. But Kuroo is still busy thrusting mercilessly into you, his every move pushing you across the bed and further and further towards your boyfriend, and soon you feel him deep in your throat as your nose bumps against his pubic bone.
"Fuck, you feel incredible every time." Your boyfriend's fingers grab your hair, keeping it in place at the back of your head, giving him a perfect view of his cock disappearing into your mouth and saliva dripping from the corner of your mouth. Your left hand finds its way onto Bokuto‘s thigh and your fingernails dig into his skin in an attempt to find some stability. With little choice, you allow yourself to be pushed back and forth between the two of them like a fucktoy. Each of Kuroo‘s thrusts pushes Bokuto deeper into your throat. You are so incredibly full, moaning as you clench around Kuroo and choke on Bokuto. The only sounds that fill the air are your moans and squelching noises.
 Between Kuroo‘s tip kissing your cervix and Bokuto‘s cock buried deep in your throat, it's hard to build a coherent thought. But that's also unnecessary. The only important thing right now is the indescribable feeling of being trapped between these two men.
"Being so stuffed looks good on you baby," Bokuto mutters, a wide grin on his face and Kuroo can't help but quietly agree: "You look fantastic. Your pussy is fucking addictive." Their remarks makes you moan, sending vibrations through Bokuto and your pussy clenching around Kuroo.
Your fingernails dig deeper into Bokuto‘s thighs, leaving deep crescent-shaped marks that he will probably carry with him for a while. But it helps you to stabilize yourself as your legs begin to tremble more and more, feeling like they're going to give way at any moment. And Bokuto loved feeling you like this. The sharp pain of your fingernails, but also the way every moan and groan of yours went through him, the way your throat felt. Perfectly molded to his cock. The way your lips stretched to wrap around his length and the saliva running down the corner of your mouth was more attractive to him than it probably should be, driving him closer to his release.
And you don't seem to need much more either. The way they push you back and forth between them and use you was almost enough to drive you over the edge. As you look at Bokuto through tear-filled eyes, Kuroo‘s hand slides between your legs. His fingers rub briefly over your sopping wet clit before he pinches it, catapulting you into your orgasm.
Cries of pleasure, muffled by the cock in your mouth, escape you and the tears roll down your cheeks. Bokuto can't suppress the smile that creeps onto his face as he watches you come on Kuroo‘s cock. Enjoying the view while he still meets your mouth with every of Kuroo’s thrusts and savors the feeling of your throat. Then he carefully pulls back and slides away from you to give you a chance to take a deep breath.
Without him in front of you to stabilize you, you fall forward and face first into the damp bedsheets. The only thing holding you up right now is the iron grip Kuroo has on your hips. Your pussy keeps clamping around his cock, trying to milk him, making him grind his teeth. He moves his hips in a slower, steady rhythm, fucking you through your orgasm. He takes advantage of the brief calm to move his hands to your ass and pull your cheeks apart, seeing the clear evidence of your orgasm and how it drips down your thigh. Only when your moans subside to soft whimpers and the vice-like clenching of your cunt comes to an end does he resume the hard rhythm, rutting inside you like there was no tomorrow. Pulling his cock out to the tip, then drilling right back into you with every thrust. His cock bulging against your stomach each time he buries himself to the hilt.
With trembling fingers you reach for his hand and guide it there, wanting him to feel how deep he is inside you.
"Holy shit" he lets out in a gasp as he feels his own cock below your belly button. His hand doesn't stay there for long. Instead, he moves it downwards to trace circles against your clit. It doesn't take long and he drives your exhausted body into another orgasm, making you clench down again and this time so hard, that you’re milking him dry. You feel him spill load after loadr inside of you. As soon as you both come down from your high he's pulling out watching your mixed juices dripping out of you. And while you try to catch your breath, he pushes his cum back into you with his thumb.
Meanwhile, Bokuto comes closer again. And just a quick glance at his face tells you that he's far from finished with you.
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
Human AU! More asexual Dream agenda. Morpheus used to question his sexuality in his late teens and contemplated that he might be somewhere on the asexual spectrum. It seemed fine to him back then, that is, until he realized how much he didn't fit in when all the relationships his peers had seemed to revolve around sex. So, Morpheus started dating, went out with a few guys, but it died out naturally after a few dates because he refused to have sex. Eventually, he meets Calliope at the uni, and he's really in love and determined to do anything to make this work. They finally have sex, and...it's nothing spectacular. Morpheus just doesn't get why people seem to prioritize it so much (like, how can his friend Cori dedicate so much time to fucking his way through London when there're so many more interesting things to do? reading, for instance!). Anyway, as time goes by, Morpheus tries to really grasp this whole sexual aspect of relationship but it just evades him. He watches porn (it does nothing for him, but he switches on a video every now and then for educational purposes - maybe he'll see something that Calliope might like), tries his fair share of sex toys (some of them are nice, alright, but...cuddling in the blanket is nicer, still?), and comes to a spectacular conclusion that something is very wrong with him. After all, it's him who doesn't meet normal expectations. To make things worse, he starts to notice that Calliope avoids having sex with him (she's tired after work, has a headache, isn't in the mood, etc., and this goes on and on for weeks that turn into months), becomes more distant, and they slowly drift apart. It's a matter of time till they break up. Morpheus takes this as his personal failure, concentrates on his work, even goes to therapy, though he sabotages it before he can actually spell out that he thinks he's asexual, and...he doesn't date. Like, at all. Why set himself for another failure and disappointment? Enter Hob Gadling. They meet accidentally (or not so accidentally, if you ask Hob's elder sister), and Hob is smitten from the word go. He pursues Morpheus insistently yet never creepy; he is, in fact, very understanding and accommodating, and even though Morpheus bristled like a sad wet cat at first (and at second, too), he can't deny anymore that he's in love. He's scared shitless to fuck this up over sex again, but somehow, Hob manages to do the unthinkable: he puts Morpheus at ease. He figures out Morpheus is ace early on, and he's fine with wanking by himself till the end of time if his partner never ever wants to tumble in bed. There're other intimacies to be shared, they also matter! Morpheus doesn't believe him at first, but with time (and lots of cuddles), he cautiously accepts that this may be true. With sex no longer an obligation in his Google calendar, Morpheus even feels attraction...sometimes. It's a rare occasion, but Morpheus is shocked when he experiences it for the first time: he's never truly felt a desire before, and letting go feels scary. Hob is there for him and feels delighted to gently guide him in this exploration. And when Morpheus doesn't want anything sexual, which is most of the time? Hob's still happy with his magnificent husband, their Netflix evenings, disastrous baking, long romantic walks, endless literature discussions, and his right hand.
Gosh, i love this!!! Love the idea that Dream being able to change his perception of sex because it no longer feels like a chore or something that he's been forced into doing (by societal expectations). Mostly he's still not interested but occasionally if he does get a stirring of attraction or desire, he can plop himself down in Hob’s lap and be his pillow princess for an hour or two.
Calliope is probably the happiest person when she sees how content Dream is these days. She and Dream can be good friends (now Dream isn't psyching himself up to have sex with her, and she isn't just constantly getting the vibe that her husband doesn't want her). It's much nicer to have coffee and gossip.
And Dream gets to go home to his husband. Maybe they'll take a shower together, or dance around the kitchen and have a midnight feast. And they'll go to sleep after making out until their lips are sore. Dream will feel no expectations, except the expectation of Hob’s love. That is absolutely guaranteed.
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martini-garnish · 7 months
Sorry not sorry for this one
Told y'all I might make the Vox girlies mad. CW for Valentino being there lmao.
18+ Minors DN fucking I. I already had to block 2 of you for following me I'm serious about this.
So many Vox fics the MC hates Valentino which is like very fair he's very hateable but there's also this pattern of Vox not wanting him anywhere near them and I'm gonna be real with you guys. I don't think he'd be protecting anyone for shit.
If he cared enough about a second situationship to want them to stick around then yea, he would probably try and make sure Val didn't get them under contract, but that's because he wants that position lbr. He would strongly discourage ripping them to pieces like one of Velvette's models, but if they're dumb enough to put themself in the line of fire it really can't be helped. And as I've said he certainly isn't above using either of them to manipulate the other into doing what he wants.
That's not to say he isn't conflicted about anything going on here. On one hand he does want to keep them to himself, Val has dozens of playthings so he should be able to keep this one just for him. But....
More than he'd be willing to admit he also wants them to get along. Probably a little too well. He has never wanted to watch two people fuck this bad in his life or afterlife.
Let's face it the man is an absolute voyeur, watching the people he's usually fucking go at it with eachother would run a close second place to watching Alastor getting his shit kicked in in terms of turning him on.
From another room or, preferably, with a front row seat. Somewhere he can run commentary. About how hot this is, about how he's so hard it hurts, how good this looks, how he wants it burned into his fucking brain and it is because there's no way he's not saving it.
Whether it's rough and violent or painfully, torturously slow depends on if he can convince Val to listen to him, because there's no way he's bottoming for some rando just because they're Vox's second favorite cocksleeve he is still calling some of the shots here- besides, he does want to see exactly what Vox sees in them, who can blame a man for being curious?
It's not a cuck thing as much as Vox can get a little riled up from humiliation this is different, he doesn't know who to focus on and just starts giving demands instructions to both of them about what the other likes. Though, that gets incoherent pretty fast given he's fucking his hand like stopping would kill him.
He also happens to have the restraint of a spoiled child and as much as watching this is driving him insane he very quickly comes to the conclusion that he needs to be in the middle of it. Right The Fuck Now Actually. Preferably inside of one of them with the other inside him (and 9/10 times that turns out in the orderyou would expect, sorry tops). He will Be the fucking get along shirt.
Also Low-key hoping but would never, ever admit that he wants them to get along so they can tag team praising and degrading him. You couldn't torture that info out of him though. Valentino has already tried.
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morskisir · 10 months
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Answer to this ask I had to post seperately because I reached the character limit or something.
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OHHHH Anon you are not ready. I think about this bastard so much and too deeply.
Before I get into it:
I love how you worded this question- gives a nice atmosphere.
Just to be clear this is all about RED Sniper. I apologise to any BLU Sniper enjoyers for I don't have thoughts about that guy.
I'm not the biggest fan of the comics for many reasons so don't mind me retconning a lot of that.
In the end these are all MY opinions and views of him- if you don't like them that's no problem. It's free real estate.
And FINALLY; my thoughts, under read more:
OKAY, let's start with what even got me to interpret him the way that I do; hell yeah baby, it's Meet the Sniper time.
I've seen MANY people often assume that Sniper is one of the most normal/chill people of the 2fort nine- but the impression I got is that he wants you to think he's normal so desperately despite everything else pointing to how fucking weird he actually is. Simply noticing the stuff he's saying makes it a lot more clear. The very beginning where he goes "Boom, headshot," making light of taking another person's life so swiftly. "Cause at the end of the day; as long as there's two people left on the planet- someone is gonna want someone dead," really positive light you see the world in, Sniper.
Of course you can take this as him being "realistic", and I do agree he's more of a realist than a pessimist or optimist, but "...have a plan to kill everyone you meet," is SO fucked up. Why is his first thought when meeting someone to know how to kill them? This to me is him not being able to properly connect to other people/understand them or actually SEE them as people. Not to mention his smile after delivering that shot in the timelapse of him sniping (AND after stabbing Spy). This cunt enjoys killing. He's not the type to slowly kill someone or torture them- but he is the type to feel satisfaction after planting a bullet in someone; give himself a pat on the back for it- or perhaps find humour in the kill.
The conclusion this brought me to is that he is an unreliable narrator in "Meet the Sniper". (Also the "..be polite," line. Yeah, sure, dude. Your voice lines are very polite.)
CAN WE TALK ABOUT HIS FUCKING TEETH? The way his teeth look and how much they're shown to the viewer by exaggerating his mouth movements feels like a "this guy is NOT normal" sign. No one in the game has teeth similar to him and his canines are HUGE. Like holy shit, he's an apex predator.
A comment @cheebuss (I know you wanna get tagged) saw once has been a running joke between us- it was basically "He indicates so he's normal," which is fucking hilarious, but I can genuinely refute that point. First of all we see him fucking speeding in the beginning of the video- to be fair we don't know what the speed limit on this road is, BUT:
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Cunt drives around with a broken side mirror. That's really unsafe, obviously. A good chunk of that mirror has gone to shit and he does not care to replace it (which feeds into my headcanon of him being stingy/not wanting to spend money because he lived on a farm and they did everything themselves). Speaking of his van; it gave me the impression he likes having everything he needs near him- he doesn't need a grand, expensive space to feel comfortable. (I headcanon that he's actually scared/unnerved by vast, empty spaces/buildings) ALSO I think he's messy and prefers the claustrophobia of his van. I like to believe his childhood room was much the same (to the detriment of his mother)- that's his safe space damn it!!!
And here I can transition into talking about his parents!!! : D Of course, not much was shown to us of Mr. & Mrs. Mundy, but we can still glean some stuff from the video- and partially- the comics.
His father very obviously disapproves of his job, calling him "a crazed gunman", and showing his morals do not align with Sniper's. Sniper calls for his mum during the phone call shown at the very end of the video- looking annoyed and somewhat distressed. It's clear to me that they've had this argument many times and Mrs. Mundy is the mediator in them. I think she disapproves of the job as much as her husband does, but is sick of hearing them argue to that extent. Regardless of this conflict, Sniper loves and cares for his parents- they are his world. He doesn't care for anyone else, most of the shit he does is for their sake and continuing to provide support so they can live a stable life at their farm as they get older. It's one of the nicest things about Sniper.
Although, I do think he struggled to get them to understand him properly. He is a quiet man who doesn't express a lot of his emotions. That will complicate things, especially if he doesn't talk about it- and he doesn't!!! : D
Despite this, I think they were the people he was closest to. Sniper, to me, is a guy who's never had friends and has been lonely as well as isolated his entire life. "Too weird to live, much too rare to die." And this is a VERY long time we're talking about; DECADES. Decades of minimum to no human connection. (Just to note; he is almost 50 to me. The comic writers fucked the timeline up and made him a 20 something year old. The Sin. Do not speak of it to me. It makes him less interesting/compelling I'm not kidding.) He is anxious in social settings, barely speaks up, and prefers to simply back away when he doesn't know how to deal with something. (SUPER DUPER AUTISM + SOCIAL ANXIETY!!!) Does he try to interact with his co-workers? Veeeeery little. He yearns for connection he convinces himself he doesn't need. He trusts no one. He's a mystery to them.
But hey!!! Less distractions from his job!!! (Bad transition) This man is genuinely incredible at what he does- I keep replaying the part where he reloads his rifle. He was not kidding about being efficient (he also kills the entire BLU team in that video??). The lad's got incredible patience, aim, control, and overall understanding of what he's doing. There's something fucked up about him observing the people he's targetting like prey, but let's leave that for when I mention his previous job as a tracker (if I do). I imagine the only thing he excelled at in school (he did go there!! He can write!!!) is maths, as that is very much needed when you're a sniper.
BTW I think he barely passed school; he hated being there, had no interest in school work and his teachers kept pestering him about his social life. Leave him alone, he doesn't need that (he does).
Most of his focus went to his parents' farm where I think he mostly took care of the animals....or went out to hunt them; which is how he learned to shoot out of a rifle in the first place. (His dad taught him.) He's not exactly an animal guy but he's also not not an animal guy.
It's complicated.
ANYWAYS, I've talked enough about one single video. Let's mention his in game voice lines a bit!
There's a LOT of material there but here's the stuff I want to mention:
He talks to himself a lot. He isn't out there with the others- his job is to be perched up somewhere high and shoot from a distance so he doesn't get spotted. He makes so many jokes that only HE's going to find funny, except "You've got a forehead on ya like a coffee table," which is genuinely the funniest thing he's ever said. Boy voices his thoughts and tries to entertain himself when he's alone- I don't judge him for that. He has to sit there for hours in complete focus (he helps himself via a lot of coffee). I DO judge the things he says, however.
He's violent. (WHAT!?) There's plenty of examples but I would like to mention one adressed to his teammates. One of the "Jeers" commands is "Should've saved a bullet for some of you blokes!" which, hey, what the fuck? That's scary. He got so frustrated he threatened his own team with murder. (It's kinda funny) To me this shows he's bad at controlling his outbursts or that he never learned how to deal with them. (Autism moment!!!)
He literally growls.
There's this line addressed to Spy: "What goes around comes around, you snotty little nance." If you're not aware- "nance" is derogatory Australian slang for a prissy, effeminate gay man. I headcanon Sniper as a homosexual man so it tickles me that he's so insecure about this fact. It's sad, absolutely, but I find humour in this horrible man being a homophobic homosexual. Project your insecurities onto a guy who can read people extremely well, why don't you. He won't do anything about it, I promise :) (Lie)
I was doing my best to not mention SniperSpy but CAN WE TALK ABOUT HIS LINES AIMED AT SPY AND HOW THEY'RE DIRECT RESPONSES TO THINGS SPY SAYS? (plus the highest number of revenge lines he has directed at someone is Spy)
-> = response to:
"Aww, did I get blood on your suit!?" -> "You got blood on my suit."
"I was never on your side either! Wanker!" -> "I never really was on your side."
"Ah, my God, you've been shot. Did you get a look at the handsome rogue who did it?" -> "I'll see you in hell, you handsome rogue."
There is so much more I could mention. I think whatever thing he has going on with Spy is super important to him, but I will hold back for your sake as I can talk about this for hours. You have no clue how many parallels there are, etc.
Anyways, he's in Expiration Date! A little bit! He doesn't say anything. <3 I'm proud of him!!! <3
He literally just stands around ominously in the shadows (and finds RED Spy being made fun of very amusing).
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(I just noticed he took his watch off and put it on his vest. This is an autism moment because I, too, hate having something on me that I don't usually have so I need to balance it out by removing something else; if I have it on me. Either way it's sensory suffering.) (Him being super attached to his hat and glasses is also an autism moment. He is no one without them.)
And then he has that one part in The Bread Fight(tm) where he gets confused by Pauling and Scout pushing the bomb.
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"Tails gets trolled" looking ass.
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I like watching him fall over.
After he falls here, he takes his kukri out which was... attached? situated? It was behind the strap of his arrow carrier. I think that's cool. I also think he wouldn't be doing that during matches because Spy is very much capable of stealing it/putting it away without Sniper noticing, even if it was literally on his back.
Also, I am a firm believer in "Sniper can only do one thing extremely well and has little to no interest in creative stuff," so I disagree with the idea of him being able to play a saxophone. You could say he was made to do that in school, but this guy is a smoker. I do not believe he can do that. You cannot convince me.
I think that's enough! This doesn't even go past the hypothetical tip of the iceberg, but it's a lot of words. This is the very basic stuff you have to know about how I see this cunt.
Thank you for letting me share some of my insanity.
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good things about ep. 7:
this episode was by far the best at working with film as a medium. there were still issues, to be mentioned soon, but this ep did a lot of things that impressed me on a level of cinematic structure and format:
some actual tension!! simply showing the trio running from cerberus created investment and stakes for me in a way no monster fight or other obstacle had before (a matter definitely enhanced by the music)
the use of flashbacks!! now, i have some issues with the content of those flashbacks, but since im basically getting two degrees in assessing media i know how to give credit where credit is due lmao. these flashbacks were doing interesting things cinematically, creating parallels with percy's experiences in the present, especially that last flashback where they continued poseidon's voiceover into the present moment. fuck yes!! use the medium of cinema to your ADVANTAGE!!
related to the use of flashbacks, the match cuts!! they were so good, as they helped make visual those narrative and characterological parallels being constructed through the flashbacks. film is an inherently visual and auditory medium, and it was so refreshing to see the show experimenting and making effective choices with those tools
some issues with ep. 7 and the series as a whole:
i'll admit it. im tired of the trio already knowing everything about every obstacle they face (having to improvise in the fight with cerberus was so refreshing and retained more of the spirit of the book as opposed to uh. every other obstacle). and i think this connects with show's overall struggle with writing, adaptation, and the medium of film. these writers have committed the cardinal sin of assuming their audience always needs explanation. in any writing class (fiction and screenwriting are my personal expertise), you are told to assume your audience is smarter than you think, bc a writer's instinct is to assume they need to be clear about action and themes out of a fear of confusing their audience and the end result of that situation is a boring, overly explanatory piece of work. (an re the young viewers, kids are freaking smart!! i literally teach kids of the age range these books are directed for and they are so quick-witted. kids don't need stuff handed to them on a platter, they know how to put puzzle pieces together.)
example of the aforementioned "too much knowledge" issue: the pearls. (people have already explained the issues with medusa, the casino, procrustes, etc., so im going for a new one that's been bugging me a bit.) after percy received four pearls, the general conclusion people came to was that one pearl would break, forcing them to have to choose three people to go/one to stay and thus making the choice more "meaningful" (i.e. bc the opportunity to save everyone had been stripped). it's a fair choice, a fair reason, a fair analysis, and this is a change that bothers me but much more minimally than other changes to the show. here's the deal: the reason they had to give four pearls in the show was bc the trio already knew exactly what the pearls would do. there was no reason to give only three pearls bc that would force a character (probably percy) to raise the question of like "hey, that's not enough to save four people!" so where am i going with this?
in the books and the musical, we get the alluring line of what belongs to the sea can always return to the sea. percy gets three pearls in the book and a seashell in the musical, where he doesn't know right away the specifics of what this gift does (the seashell is an excellent example of adapting a story to a new medium, as a low-budget theatrical production can't afford the effects of smashing three pearls and causing people to vanish from the stage, so blowing the seashell to open a portal was a great move that worked for the new medium and retained the spirit of the source material - percy having an epiphany well after receiving the gift about what, exactly, the gift did and how it would help him). in the show, they issue is that they already know, thus creating the dilemma of there being no reason not to give four pearls. again, not the worst choice the show has made, but it's another example of how the show's most pervasive issue is over-explaining and giving too much information to its characters.
in short: the pjo show doesn't understand "show don't tell." they love telling even though "showing" is Most Important in film as a medium, like it's even more important to show what's going on in film than it is in prose because cinema is an inherently collaborative medium that generates a visually-dominated product. the show clearly lacks a fundamental understanding of the medium it is working with!! and that is bad!!
another issue: the lighting. this show suffers from the current trend in film to make dark scenes impossible to see in.
more characterological problems: the gods are not imposing. just to speak of ep. 7 alone, why was hades so... banter-y? in the book he literally makes percy's hand "move... against [his] will" to show him the pearls. there was none of that power and domineering energy in the show!! the pjo show keeps hammering us over the head with what should be a series-long revelation about the gods' flaws and pettiness and spite and misuse of their incredible power, and yet all of the gods seem almost like... caricatures. where is their ability to be charismatic and threatening. to be lax and powerful. to remind us that they can, have, and will kill demigods.
core thematic issue: the show lacks the humor and fun and adolescent spirit of the books. i've seen a lot of people insist the show is directed for young readers of the book, which i don't disagree with, but the lack of humor and energy and vitality is undoubtedly turning off a lot of younger viewers. in a lot of instances, everything feels so gritty and angsty, lowkey like the winx adaptation (but on a less severe scale). we have moments of sass/sarcasm, moments of levity, but it doesn't feel like a core trait of the show (much less of percy) like it does in the book. and honestly, i think that's a loss! if rick wanted a grim pjo adaptation, fine, but i wish the show hadn't been advertised as something perfectly attuned to the spirit of the book bc it's just not. if it was, i'd be laughing a lot more.
now, let's talk about sally...
i don't love how they've characterized sally in this show. i respect that they wanted to "modernize" her character and more accurately demonstrate the struggles of a single parent raising a child with learning (and in percy's case, also magical) difficulties. i genuinely do respect that choice, and i can follow the thorough-lines created in the show that illustrate this revamping of her character. similarly, i can respect that they didn't want sally to seem like a stereotypical "passive" victim of abuse re gabe, hence her explicitly pushing back at him. that said...
i still don't think these are effective or necessary changes, because i don't think sally was portrayed as overly passive or as a perfectly equipped parent in the book. i understand the argument that gabe is still presented as abusive, i.e. that he checks her phone without permission and controls access to the car, but those moments feel so technical. when i rewatch those scenes and examine the acting (both line delivery and bodily cues), sally is outwardly derisive toward gabe ("who's yancy?" / sally sighs and shakes her head, exasperated, has the long blink to give an extra beat before responding: "the school."), yet at the same time there's a banter between them, where sally insists that she's going to go to montauk no matter what, and if gabe disagrees then she won't bring back both their sandwiches for the knicks game that they apparently watch together often (implied by "you know i hate watching the knicks alone!" "so do i!"). sally holds herself confidently in this scene (hands on her hips). gabe is forced to actually ask politely for his sandwich order (and notably holds his shoulders slightly inward, visually closing himself off in a physical representation of surrender). two of my friends, diehard pjo fans who are not literature or film scholars, were both confused as to why sally and gabe seemed to be bantering within a seemingly standard relationship dynamic - not necessarily the happiest of couples, but a standard married couple (as opposed to clear imbalance of power between them in the book).
to be clear, it's not that sally needs to be a "passive victim of abuse," and it's certainly not that the show needs to explicitly depict gabe hitting sally or percy for us to understand that he is abusive. my issue is that the show seems to have not understood what made sally a strong character initially: her willingness to endure anything for her son, including marrying an abusive man who smelled so rankly human in order to prevent monsters from finding them. like, sally resisted gabe's abuse in the book! the reason blue food is a major motif in the first place is because sally and gabe had a fight where gabe insisted blue food wasn't a thing, and thus percy observes that "ever since, my mom went out of her way to eat blue."
in other words, verbally standing up to one's abuser is not the only way to demonstrate that a character is not a stereotypically weak, helpless, passive victim. it's definitely an easy choice with regard to cinematic staging (and the show has a pattern of taking the easy way out of conflicts and nuance), but i think the real issue is that sally's vocal protests come in tandem with the defanging of gabe. why does his body language and tone falter in arguments with sally? does he not have the upper hand? where is the evidence of an imbalanced power dynamic? there is no one way to write abuse bc the tragic reality is that abuse happens in an infinite number of ways, but nonetheless i am frustrated with the route the show went down in the first ep bc it feels reductive to the core of sally's character and her strengths: her endurance, her implicit but present rebelliousness, and her love for her son.
im also not a fan of some of the flashbacks we're getting with sally. it's not that sally shouldn't be "allowed" to get frustrated ever, but a major element of her characterization in the books is that she didn't take that frustration out on percy. i just don't see sally jackson getting upset that percy doesn't want to swim (beside that, i can't imagine percy not wanting to swim lmao). i just don't see sally jackson almost aggressively telling percy that he is the one making their goodbye ugly (because he's being a kid?? who doesn't want to leave his mom?? you're telling me sally wouldn't recognize the root of his anxiety immediately??). i just don't see sally speaking vaguely to percy about there being things she has to do that he doesn't understand instead of doing her best to meet percy where he's at with her explanation. if someone is coming to this show without having read the books, i genuinely think they might be starting to question sally's parenting, i.e. if she was really as wonderful a mom as percy insists or if he simply sees her through rose-tinted glasses. bc here's the thing: percy does see sally and his mom's struggles through rose-tinted glasses, and it's because sally bottles up and hides her struggles and frustrations from him. she doesn't let percy witness those frustrations. as such, there's an incongruity between book!sally and show!sally that doesn't mesh for me.
in short, show!sally feels like a new character to me. that's fine if that's the route they wanted to take, but again: why advertise it as a faithful adaptation if you're not going to be faithful to the core elements of central characters?
im also disappointed by how much the show has stripped annabeth of her character besides her intelligence. i have some thoughts about the adultification of young Black girls and the fact that annabeth is Black in the pjo show, mostly that i can't tell yet whether the show has the self-awareness to offer commentary on this reality for many Black girls through annabeth's character being seemingly defined by her intelligence and maturity or if they're simply unwittingly replicating this circumstance. i need more material before i can make a concrete assessment here, but all the same, i wish they were allowing these kids and especially annabeth to be kids - to make mistakes, to fall into traps, to have little crushes and get flustered, and to not know everything about every monster/obstacle before they come to face it.
people have talked to death the issue of the pacing so i won't belabor it but in general this show has terrible pacing. the first two eps are rushed (we got so little luke that im concerned his betrayal won't have much heart/meaning/oomph in the final ep), the constant unnecessary exposition creates periods of narrative drudgery, most of the fights lack tension bc the choreography is effectively nonexistent, them missing the solstice deadline has so far sucked the wind of the energy of their quest (of which there wasn't much in the first place bc the show did a poor job establishing the looming threat of a globally destructive war being on the horizon), and in general there's no sense of stakes. sigh.
i probably have more thoughts, but i'll stop for now bc i've got a shit ton of assignments to work on. in sum: the show lacks an understanding of how film operates as a medium, and while the merit of the show as an adaptation can be debated, it's simply a poorly constructed and lackluster piece of tv.
(but on the bright side? the trio is killing it even with the weak material they've been given, and their acting talent is the only reason i and many of my friends have kept watching)
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woennix · 9 months
I'll be honest I am NOT surprised qFit will try to tell qPac about all of this.
By the end of his lore video the feeling I got was that he is going to fullfill the mission trying to believe that Madagio won't hurt anyone if he follows what he has been told to do. At the end qFit says: "I care about the people of this island. - I'll complete the job but you better not be using their data to do harm."
This to me sounds like someone who is ready to fight their boss if they do anything that will harm their loved ones. BUT he is not dumb, he knows that as said by the contract, if it came to a point where he had to disregard it in any way, his loved ones will be in danger. That's why he wants to ask qPac if he is ok with that risk.
What I will say is that I didn't expect qFit to be ready to has this talk so soon BUT with Ramon's pressure that doesn't seem that crazy to me.
I also wanna say another thing, mainly because I might be missing something or maybe there's being some kind of misunderstanding. As far as I know (and I might be wrong but I did check back on what Madagio said), the contract said that qFit is not advised to make attachments, BUT it never said it's against it or something thay might break it. Madagio just said it will complicate things, and it felt more like a warning to qFit to not distract himself with attachments or let them take priority to the mission. To be fair this is already happening, qFit is definetly at least thinking about prioritizing Ramón and qPac if it came down to it, but as long as qFit does what he's told and brings that data I do not think Madagio cares, and I didn't get that vibe from what he said during the contract either.
I say this because for now, from my understanding qFit is following the contract and has not broken it, and as long as he does this, his loved ones should be fine. And I think qFit is choosing to believe this data maybe won't be used for anything bad, since we still have no idea what it is for.
To be fair too, he is between two choices:
1. Break the contract, his loved ones making be punished, and he goes back to 2b2t.
2. Follow the contract, people might be hurt (tbh they will most likely be hurt) and get a chance to be free.
Like, none is good but only one of them has an actual chance to be somewhat of a happy ending, since there is a chance for Madagio to not use the data for anything nefarious.
The problem will come when the data is used for something harmful or he has to give qPac's or Ramon's data (and I am pretty sure he has it). Another way this could go wrong is if Madagio does something outside of the contract for his own benefit that harms others or qFit himself, like changing the rules of the contract or straight up breaking it and doing whatever the fuck he wants.
Basically my conclusion is: qFit is fucked either way so he is choosing the least fucked option and hoping Madagio isn't an actual asshole and will hurt everyone, by following the contract and getting a happy ending. He also knows Madagio IS most probably an asshole so he needs to be careful and warn qPac and is ready for a fight if necessary.
For now keep at the mission and hope for the best.
Or well, that's how personally I understood qFit's most recent lore.
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mysticfoxdesigns · 10 months
My drafts were being weird @skatermusic so here we are
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Heatwave headcanons
He was lower caste on Cybertron before coming to the Rescue Bots
This mf is shit at reading due to this, but he tries his best to hide it
His formal education is whatever they taught at the academy, and even then due to the age he was when he came in and his graduation year, his education level isn't as high as the others
He is street smart though, and has a basic understanding of things around him. He isn't stupid when you actually look into what he knows
Sometimes doubts his position as leader due to this. Majority of the team leaders have been fire bots, so he sometimes believes that is why he was chosen as Sigma 17's team leader
Doesn't help that their team's graduation was rushed. That part was never really explained to them
Out of all of the Sigma team he is closest to Chase, but isn't Amica level with him (that honor has been given to Blades)
Loves to lie to the humans about basic Cybertronian things. Things from how they sleep, refuel, if they can cry or not, all of that is fair game for him to lie about. Anything that can actually be useful for them to know, such as patching them up, he allows Blades to explain
Speaking of Blades, these two started to rough house more as Blade's confidence grew. The rest of the team likes to watch them wrestle with each other
Literally cannot tell if Quickshadow is either flirting with him or making fun of him. Blades does not make it any easier as well with his input
Blurr gets under his plating but most of that is due to him seeing a younger self in Blurr. He tries his best to guide Blurr away from making the same mistakes as him, but sometimes you just gotta let him learn the hard way
Will never admit it, but loves when Kade insists on them visiting different scenic areas of Griffin Rock. The scenery was one of the small things that made him want to stay
Speaking of these times, he will also never admit that he loves hearing the stories Kade tells him. When he isn't trying to pose up for others, Kade actually makes a good talking partner to the bot.
While he doesn't fully understand the whole Kaiju movie industry, he will admit that watching giant monsters beat the shit out of each other is entertaining. Kade has dragged him off to a Godzilla movie marathon
Cody throws off his guardian coding, especially with all of the danger he gets into
He teaches Cody with his holoform different self defense mechanisms, and sometimes drags Kade in to be the test dummy
Has broken his training dummy so many times that Boulder had refused to fix it for 2 solid months. After that they came to a conclusion to create a metal one
Will allow Chase to infodump about his detective movies and books, but if there were a test at the end, he would fail
Finds metal and punk music to be the most similar human music to his favorite Cybertronian genres of music
Use to follow Megatron's speeches due to his position in the lower caste, but gave up on him after the council meeting and the fall out after that
"Why the frag is half of this island brain dead?"
Has never killed a man or bot, but isn't opposed to it if he weren't a Rescue Bot and was under oath
Is very sassy after the bots are revealed to the community. Has ruined many of Huxley's clips by swearing in English
Swears the most in English, but Blades wins for Cybertronian swearing
Races Hightide in boat mode. Only won once because Hightide took pity
Would gladly fuck up MECH if they met
And those are some Heatwave headcanons! Hope you enjoy
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three--rings · 11 months
Okay so I know we're in this big anti-sex cultural moment.
And I know my own personal standards on this issue are way out there. I am a sex first relationship later person. It's just how I roll. So I'm biased.
But I have to say, everyone talks like it's definitely for sure that it was a bad idea for Ed and Stede to have sex when they did.
And honestly, like, I'm not even arguing with that. It was a very understandable time for them to have sex. There should have been some more talking either before or AFTER about how they were both feeling. But it wasn't ideal perhaps.
Still I want to be clear: I don't think them having sex is the fucking problem here.
Ed is overwhelmed and unsure of where he fits right now. He's been through a lot of trauma recently (and caused a lot of course.) So it's understandable why he'd feel unprepared to add sex with Stede on top of it all.
However, they both do very much want to have sex with each other. And when two people are in love and really attracted to each other and really want to have sex, even if they have other reasons why they are holding back from it...well, eventually they're going to have sex. Sooner or later, but probably sooner.
Time in this show is very difficult to gauge, especially this season. So some time has passed between the moonlight scene and the beginning of ep 6. Ed had his leathers back, he's not wearing the bell, things have changed and progressed. It's not the next day. Probably.
We don't get to know how much time it's been or what has been said in between. Ed seems basically in the same place mentally. If not a worse one. Progress is not being made.
It's easy to criticize Stede for initiating a rather aggressive pounce on Ed in the wake of his trauma. But he's clearly not thinking. That's his issue, separate from the question of whether Ed is ready, so I'm not going to get into it. But he does pause, and he looks to Ed for permission, which Ed gives before enthusiastically and passionately joining in.
They both just went through a scary time. They both are seeking comfort in each other. It means sooner comes rather than later in the inevitable 'they're GOING to fuck' race. I know that sentence is a trashfire but let's move on.
Ed is happy in the morning. He's a little nervous, with the breakfast, but he feels good about dumping his leathers. He's come to a decision. Even after he starts to get nervous after Stede talks about their career, he's mostly fine when they go eat. Relaxed, happy about what happened.
And then all the fame stuff starts and he's fine at first. He talks to Jackie and is fine about it until Jackie is like yeah but you have a problem with your man. He talks to Izzy.
Now he's REALLY done a 180. He doesn't see his desired life and Stede's desired life matching up. Stede apparently doesn't understand Ed and where he's at if he thinks they're going to be pirates together now.
This is the problem. This is what upsets Ed. he spirals for hours. He's running scenarios and coming to negative conclusions. He's not valuable or loveable if he's not Blackbeard. Stede doesn't want him if he doesn't fit into that life. He needs to move on. He is panicked and freaking out.
Then he talks to Stede, after already making the decision to leave and go fishing. Like, let's be clear, he doesn't decide that during their fight. He's decided and signed on. He's just saying goodbye.
It's only then that he brings up the sex. He does throw blame at Stede for it a bit, which I think is mostly fair. But he also isn't accounting for Stede's state of mind at the time. They were both off tilt. But he digs into that, and to me, I think he's using the sex as an excuse.
He didn't have a problem with the sex itself. He was happy in the morning and after. Smiling, smug, cute, loved up, having heart to hearts about mermaids and letters.
It was all the life/identity stuff that crashed in that shifted him. But he doesn't know how to talk about that. He doesn't know how to explain it or be vulnerable about his worst fears and self-worth issues.
So he goes on offense and says hey, actually, this is your fault. He picks the issue he has words for, the only one they've actually talked at all about.
Stede is NOT wrong when he identifies Ed as panicking and wanting to run. Stede is recognizing the behavior from himself.
Just like it's not about Ed wanting to fish, it's not about them going too fast. It's about them not communicating about their deepest needs and desires and fears.
They can have sex or not have sex, if they're not communicating it won't work. They could continue fucking like rabbits and have long talks in between sessions and get really really far. Or do what they've been doing which is NOT having sex and also not communicating which can go on forever and they won't get closer to happy.
I feel like fandom has latched on to this one thing as The Problem, because it's all Ed SAID was a problem. But we have lots of evidence otherwise.
I mean, even the conversation...Ed says it's too fast, Stede is like...okay well we can do whatever. He doesn't get defensive even though he's hurt. But that's not good enough, because that's not actually the problem. But at that point Ed really starts running away.
And they start getting more heated, both being sloppy at expressing themselves. (Stede is unfortunately pretty freaking drunk.)
I think they are both very avoidant personalities when it comes to this kind of thing, this kind of deeply personal conflict. Their anxieties keep them from being honest. And so the sex combined with Stede's killing of a man, and newfound fame, that all became a crisis that forced them to confront these issues. I think ultimately probably for the best, instead of not addressing them.
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lauralot89 · 1 year
I'm late on this because the book was published in 2020, but I only heard about it in the last month when I was reading an article about asexuality in fiction but in case anyone is out of the loop like me let me tell you about this glory
Loveless is a YA novel by Alice Oseman, author of Heartstopper and Solitaire. It tells the story of Georgia Warr, freshman at Durham University, and her realization that while she's in love with the idea of romance, the actuality of a romantic/sexual relationship repulses her.
Alice Oseman herself is aroace, which makes perfect sense because throughout the novel I kept asking myself, "How does she know? How does she know?! How did she get these thoughts out of my head?"
for my fellow ace and/or aro people, let me quote some of the lines that just got me straight in the soul:
"I had a theory that a lot of people's "celebrity crushes" were just faked to fit in."
"I was disgusted by the thought of him near me. Wanting things from me. That wasn't normal, was it?"
"Oh, God, this thing is actually real, it's not just in fanfics and movies. And I'm supposed to be doing it too."
"Did I even know what romantic feelings felt like?"
"He was clearly the sort of person who I should like romantically. Who I could like romantically. He looked like a boyfriend. I loved his personality. I'd loved his personality for years. So I could fall in love with him. With a little bit of effort. Definitely."
"I thought I'd understood what all these romantic things would feel like--butterflies and the spark and just knowing when you liked someone. I'd read about these feelings hundreds of times in books and fanfic. I'd watched way more romcoms than was probably normal for an eighteen-year-old. But now I was starting to wonder whether these things were just made up."
"Straight people don't think shit like that."
"Just because I'd never liked anyone didn't mean I never would. Did it?"
"I thought all the movies were exaggerating, but you're all really out there just craving genitals and embarrassment. This has to be some kind of huge joke."
"How could I feel so sad about giving up these things that I did not actually want?"
"I felt like I was grieving. I was grieving this fake life, a fantasy future that I was never going to live."
"How was it fair that everyone got to feel that except me?"
"I never had any crushes when I was a child. Not any real ones, anyway. Sometimes I confused friendships for them, or just thinking a guy was really cool."
"For a long time, I was just dating and having sex because that's what people did. And I wanted to feel like those people."
"You've been so confused about stuff. You really thought we could be together, because you do love me. Not in a romantic way, but just as strongly."
"Oh. This is an asexual thing. I forgot other people are obsessed with having sex."
seriously the entire time I spent with this book I just kept asking "was this written for me specifically?" because that's exactly how it felt.
It is a gorgeous book that explores that bizarre feeling of not knowing the word for what you are, not even knowing that you are something out of the ordinary because we don't define ourselves by what we lack and we just expect that one day, it'll happen and we'll be like everyone else. That struggle of trying to differentiate between loving someone and being in love with them, and trying to make the former into the latter and hurting everything in the process.
It is so good. 10/10, no complaints
also there's an asshole in the university's queer pride group who doesn't think aces belong and everyone hates him so that's fantastic, aphobes fuck off
in conclusion I highly recommend it
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daemon-in-my-head · 3 months
I'm sorry in advance. Spoiler, this is my personal opinion, but it's such a hard pet peeve of mine and I see it creeping back up again so;
There is no fucking way, not in this timeline nor any other. Heck not even in another universe, that Lord Enver fucking Gortash would ever associate with Lathander or even convert to his beliefs.
Do you know Lathander? He's the guy who goes 'hey y'all let's chill, take a nap, afterwards everything's gonna be wonderful again'. Yk. The one ever optimistic god who isn't even enemies with the fucking dead three. The one guy who values creativity and arts over everything. He's a god of patience, of second chances. Of trying again. He's 'nice and happy' incarnate.
I'm genuinely confused how people can read the bratty absolutely selfish and petty tyrant into that. Like, blorbofication this that, yada yada, Lathander is genuinely the polar opposite of Gortash and anything he stands for.
Second chances? That man blows up his hidden mad scientist layer just because PC got there. Doesn't even fucking matter if u intend to save his hostages. That's his layer, he told u not to, u didn't listen, so he arrives at the very logical and patient conclusion to blow a structure thats older than himself with a fair bit of history into a million little pieces.
May I also remind you that all of the things he did down there either served to prove his point that yes, his parents are absolutely vile or just straight up cruelty for funsies. That is not a chill guy and defo not a 2nd chances man.
Also, creativity. Yeah. We saw him get a portrait done. Yk what he usually uses them for? Right! Fucking propaganda. Yk the paintings in his already scarcely decorated office? Yeah there's a safe hidden beneath all of em. That guy doesn't value art for arts or creativities sake, he views it as a tool. Even his own creations are pretty exclusively tools or to serve his purpose. Oh also, respecting the arts? Yeah that man killed multiple bards cuz it would suit his goals. How the fuck does he respect art in any way, shape or form?
So all in all, that guy is farther removed from Lathander than any other person could ever be. Goddamn Astarion is closer to that God and he's one of the coven that was nearly eradicated by that church.
But yk who he's close to? With whom he shares resemblance and who else has a sun motive?
Cyric. Also known as the Prince of Lies, the Mad God, the Dark/Black Sun, the Face behind the Mask or the Lord of Three/Four Crowns. So essentially all titles you wouldn't have a hard time associating with the tyrant that play pretends to be a devil, the mastermind behind the Absolutes Plot and the madman who aims to usurp the dead three.
Cyric schemed his way into godhood much as Gortash schemed his way into nobility. Listen I'm not the greatest fan of Abdel Adrian either, but that guy had to slay a bunch of Bhaalspawn and confront a whole ass god to become a Duke. Gortash somehow talked his way into becoming an archduke in 10 years tops while actively developing pipe bombs rather than defeating a lord of murder. He is a fucking trickster. And a perfect one at that.
Also, lord of the four Crowns? Yes. Gortash, as Archduke, does rank higher than the council of four. Yk, the 4 Dukes that rule the Gate? One may say the 4 heads of the gate, the 4 fucking crowns?
Lord of Three Crowns? Well look who it is, the man who wants to usurp and claim the dead threes portfolio for himself and ascent to godhood. The one who orchestrated the cooperation between the three chosen and kept somewhat amicable relations between all of em.
He even looks close to the mortal Cyric for goodness sake:
"As a mortal man, Cyric had a lean athletic build. His dark brown hair outlined a face of sharp angles, highlighted by crow's-feet eyes, a pointed chin, and hawkish nose."
That's Gortash. Like. That's how you'd describe that tyrant.
And yk what else? Gortash and Bane share a fuck ton of similarities too. If Bane takes possession of a mortal it usually drives said mortal absolutely mad in the end. Gortash is still relatively sane (oddly enough) so that guy probably wasn't possessed. Meaning Bane didn't screw with his looks nd shit too much yet and his parents do have some resemblance with current Gortash so yeah, that man has probably always been a carbon copy of Banes colours.
And funny bit actually, did you know Bane, yeah that Bane, is considered a saviour in some regions? A hero? Much like our lovely little tyrant is?
So anyway. I needed to get that off my chest. I wholeheartedly do not understand how anyone can look at Gortash and see anything regarding Lathander when he's the perfect hidden love child of Bane and Cyric and literally the only thing that could somewhat be associated with Lathander is the sun motif, but even so Enver Gortash is a false light, a dark sun and that's Cyric, not Lathander. That man is no hero, no matter what he says. He's using 'the good of the people' for his own selfish reasons and to justify whatever vile acts he may get called out on. A pretty standard thing not so nice people do btw.
And like. It's literally in his name, Enver = Luminous, Gürtaş = strong stone. His name translates to strong, Luminous stone. Yk those artificial glow in the dark stones. Artifical. Man made, like his robots. I want to scream-
Visual rep of what I just said:
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