#how to choose the right mutual fund
noragaur · 7 months
Decoding the Art of Picking the Right Mutual Fund with Mr. Kalpen Parekh | Finology Quest
Discover the expert insights of Mr. Kalpen Parekh, Managing Director & CEO of DSP Mutual Fund, on the best mutual fund strategies for the Indian stock market. Learn about index funds, asset allocation, debt mutual funds, and more in this comprehensive course. Enhance your investment experience with valuable advice and make informed decisions about your investments. Start learning today with Finology Quest. Visit here to know more!
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bynux · 1 month
"don't vote for Harris or you're supporting genocide" "voting blue is still voting for fascists" Then what else do you expect us to do?
Here are some options y'all seem to insist on and why they're fucking stupid:
Vote Third Party :: Until we have ranked-choice voting (and probably even if we did have ranked-choice voting), it is practically impossible to make a 3rd-party candidate viable. There's not enough of the population that's far enough from moderate to give up their "safe" blue vote for some "revolutionary."
Don't Vote At All :: I'd prefer to pick my enemy. If I'm going to be working in spite of the government, or even against it in some ways, I'd rather the people I'm working against not already be targeting me for being queer, for example. If my options are "bad" or "much, much worse" I'm gonna pick "bad" and try to improve things from there.
Violent Revolution :: It's a cosplay power fantasy in the same vein as the Right-wingers looking for a reason to shoot protesters. Assuming you even have enough people organized and enough firepower to pull that off in the first place…have you prepared a plan to keep the innocents alive and safe? Are you sure you can keep supply chains for food and medicines intact? Are you sure there will be resources available for the disabled, the scared, the young and old, those who won't be able to fight and still need to be taken care of? Turns out revolution is ugly and causes a lot of undue collateral damage. Are the lives "saved" really going to outweigh those whose lives will be upended and destroyed? It's not like a newly-toppled, unorganized country will be able to do anything about Israel/Gaza, so you're just hurting and killing far more people than you're saving.
As for the power you do have to better things (and make Leftism more viable as a political stance in the US)?
Work at the level of your local government. If you're in a small enough town or neighborhood and think you have what it takes, run for local office. Be a local face of the left wing; you're far more likely to sway a small town to your views than the whole country, and each small town with a socialist-leaning government is a dot on the map for larger-scale viability, and you can help keep your community safe while trying to build up in scale.
Build community so we can keep each other safe if worse does come to worst. Push mutual aid initiatives, help at food banks, grow produce to donate to those in need, apply to work at your local free clinic, empower local businesses whenever possible so that if there is a socioeconomic collapse, you and those you love aren't left completely without resources.
Protest, and make it disruptive. You can be disruptive without being violent: graffiti, blocking roads, encampments, sit-ins, to name a few examples. Create inconveniences so it gets people's attention whether they like it or not.
Above all, FUCKING VOTE BLUE. You're choosing your enemy. You get to help decide if the government we're working in spite of is run by milquetoast neoliberal war hawks who do, on some rare occasions, actually make things marginally better…or full-tilt Christo-fascists who want to kill some of us for kissing people with the same genitals as us. There aren't any other options that are going to be picked. It sucks, but at the bare minimum we can pick the option that isn't going to actively murder us while we try to build up viability for a candidate who won't sell out brown people to an ethnostate.
If you aren't doing at least one of the things above, then don't lecture me about how I keep myself and my community safe. I'd love to see a United States (or some future iteration of it) that acknowledges the sovereign rights of indigenous peoples, that doesn't fund genocide, that provides healthcare as a basic human right, that doesn't meddle in every other country's business. But if we are to see that, let alone help that happen, we need to survive this next presidential administration.
Edit: y'all have lost reblog privileges. If you wanna screenshot this and have stupid unnuanced opinions OFF of my post, be my guest. Just leave me tf alone.
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goldkirk · 30 days
hey this isn’t aimed at anyone in particular but I’m saying it for the record here: if I tell you no, please stop messaging me about fundraisers and mutual aid.
I get enough messages that it’s impossible for me to keep up without devoting at least half an hour each day, when I’m not even on tumblr that long most days. Me having a boundary about this isn’t a moral failing, it’s a lifeboat for me on my own blog.
In my personal life I’m already advocating and donating literally as much as I can spare. This is not me not caring, it’s just me not willing to interact with that on the one place I go online to not interact with irl news and world events for the most part.
I cannot be upset all the time. I cannot be upset everywhere. I cannot use all my emotional and mental energy fielding my own upset from ongoing events. My options are to hold boundaries about this or stop coming online at all.
I’m all for sharing information and signal boosting to reasonable extents, but the scale of it this year is so large and so enduring that it is literally not possible to for me to participate on every account I have. I’ve previously shared links to Gaza eSIM donations and a major hub of verified Go Fund Mes here and elsewhere online. We, the online humans, know how to look those things up ourselves by now. There are many, many people choosing to do advocacy work, and right now, I can’t be one of them.
If you’re extremely upset when I tell you I can’t share/donate right now about a Gaza family or personal fundraiser you ask me to share here, just unfollow and block me. That’s what those buttons are for. Protect your own emotions and energy and get me off your feed instead of staying upset and continuing to engage with online people or content that upsets you.
Please don’t send repeated angry messages based on manufactured purity politics and moral outrage into my messages and inbox when I exercise the right to run my own blog.
#and on that note#I also think some people need to sit down and ask themselves#if their old end times anxieties and fears and preparations and word spreading#haven’t filtered straight into a new non religious end of society and end of modern world order anxiety that they’re pushing on other peopl#even if it is the end times#you cannot change that by beating your own anxieties into other people’s heads#people can care MORE when they are GIVEN ROOM TO BREATHE#first rule of sustainable activism is you can’t do it constantly and you can’t push it on people constantly#you have to pace it and you have have have have HAVE to play long games#short term activism burns you out and if it leads to full despair from burnout it can get you killed via depression#it’s not a joke#there’s a reason your elders have books and community lore about healthy activism even in times of crisis#they lived it. they learned from it. learn from them.#spend your time doing things that can make real impacts.#do little things online but unless you’re an actual information hub you shouldn’t be posting constantly about it#people won’t even want to follow you anymore eventually because that’s not why they followed you#and then you have no audience for your important message anyway.#I know this. I learned it myself on other accounts.#please. stop. harassing me.#how is harassing me going to make me MORE willing to change my mind and post? just because you demanded it?#I am an autonomous person#this is my ONE curated space on the website#you have a multitude of tags and other users#don’t waste energy on a person who already told you no. let’s call that activism rule number two#spend your energy where it’s not likely to be wasted#you’re needed for a long haul#act like it 😭#and stop spamming me 😭#hey little star whatcha gonna queue?
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hi big brother ! so i had an idea. what about headcanons for when mc has to go somewhere for some time, how would the m6 deal with it ? maybe spraying mc's perfume on a pillow and hugging it or writing every thought they have about mc. (this is totally not a self-indulgent idea (◔◡◔✿) )
The Arcana HCs: M6 when MC goes on a trip
~ hi little sister! oh my, what a completely not self-indulgent prompt. I'll be sure to stay extra uninspired while I write it (joking) @elysian-chaos I hope you like these! - brainrot ~
You're going on a trip? Without him? Why?!
Oh. Are you sure you don't need him to go with you?
Doesn't try to convince you otherwise, but will tell you that he'll miss you. To avoid falling into old habits, he decides that everything he does is "for MC."
He leaves the clinic on time without overworking himself "for MC." He only has one drink at the Rowdy Raven "for MC." He eats three times a day and drinks water at least twice "for MC."
He brushes his teeth "for MC." He puts on his coat "for MC." He washes his dishes "for MC." He clips his toenails "for MC."
Portia and Mazelinka start to give him grief for the amount of times a day he murmurs "for MC" before doing something mundane with a heroic air, but he lets them in return for crashing at their places
Because going through the day is busy and distracting enough, but when he gets home and it's exactly the way it was when he left? When he can't hear anyone else breathing in the house?
He hasn't spent one night at home since the first one after you left, choosing instead to show up at Mazelinka's or Portia's right before dinner with the biggest puppy dog eyes they've ever seen
He sporadically writes you long, poetry filled love letters, and sleeps with your replies tucked against his heart
When you get back his ginger chest hair is stained blue in splotches from where the ink rubbed off
Ah, the sweet, sweet taste of poetic justice
Asra's delightfully humble when you rub it in their face - they're the first to point out the irony and suggest they run the shop for you
He makes sure you have everything you need before you leave, puts you in touch with several trustworthy friends, encourages you through any travel anxiety, and waves happily at you as you walk out
And then they mope
The shop starts opening later and later, customers walk in to find a sleepy and depressed Asra behind the counter, and even Aisha and Salim have a tricky time cheering him up
Until two days in when they look up to the sound of the shop bell, and there's Muriel, grumpily following through on your request to check up on Asra while you're gone
Which results in the mountain man standing stoically in front of the counter, trying not to give in to his oldest friend's infectious laughter at how the tables have turned
Seeing how much his visits perk him up has Muriel dropping by almost every afternoon until you return, and the two have a great time catching up on life
Muriel even gets the chance to repay years of teasing when he goes upstairs and sees that Asra has dragged your entire wardrobe onto the bed so they can snooze buried in your smell
You have a lot of laundry to do when you get back
Almost smothers you with everything you need
Transportation? Clothes? Funds? Useful tools to not get lost? Enough paper and ink to write her a ten page letter every day?
She admires your determination to do this on your own merit and decides that she is going to follow suit. She is going to spend the extra time being the best Countess she can for Vesuvia (and you)
Two days in she can't stand the loneliness any more. Where is her MC when she just wants to sit back and relax after a long day? Where can she find someone who'll just treat her like a person?
She quickly finds that most of your mutual friends are unfortunately busy
Desperate times call for desperate measures
She writes to her sisters
Over the next few days, the Satrinava siblings descend on the Palace in hordes. The workload has never been so light, which leads to unexpectedly empty afternoons
And oh, those afternoons are so much more fun than she could have ever expected. Exploring the Heart and Temple districts, riding through the fields, even sparring and dance matches
She would almost feel guilty for how much fun she's having in your absence if she wasn't purchasing everything she saw that reminded her of you
You get home to a pile of presents and lots of sisterly teasing
He's sad to see you go, but he's not hugely bothered
He knows you're a competent traveler, and to be honest, he could use a little alone time. He loves you, but he also likes his introvert recharging time and he's used to being a little more isolated
Starts to get frustrated because for someone who likes being alone, it's a lot harder to enjoy than he remembers
Until he opens the door to his hut after a walk with Inanna to see Asra snoozing in front of the fire
It seems you saw fit to have them return all the favors Muriel did when they were the ones going off on a trip (they were more than happy to humor you) and make sure he didn't get too lonely
Between Asra's love for shaking things up and his own restlessness without you, Muriel suggests renovating the hut to surprise you
The two of them first built it when they were kids, so they know they can do better. It ends up being more fun than either of them expect and they get to really talk for the first time since the plague
The hut itself turns out beautifully - the beams are reinforced, it's given a new floor, any rickety furniture is repaired and replaced, and Asra takes it upon themself to paint the entire interior in beautiful detail
You get home to a yard full of chickens wearing mini bow ties (don't ask) and a Muriel who is very happy to have you back
Oh dear, you lowkey triggered her a little bit when you told her you were going on a trip by yourself
This is exactly how it always goes! The cool person she loves and admires takes off on an adventure and forgets all about her!
Until you remind her that the reason she can't join you is because she's also scheduled for a very cool trip to a different country as a representative of Vesuvia
The first half of your trip goes well with both of you on the road. She tracks your itinerary on one of her many maps and writes you letters with updates on Pepi and the crew every day
Until her trip ends halfway through yours and she's stuck waiting in Vesuvia until you get back
The only moment she stops to breathe is when she writes your daily letter and cooks herself dinner (all of them your favorites)
Other than that, she's too busy working to stay distracted. When she runs out of things to do at the Palace, she deep cleans her cottage, and then Julian's house, and tries to clean Mazelinka's
It's when Mazelinka looks over mid-afternoon to see Portia bustling in the door with a cutlass she "borrowed" from the Palace armory, begging for a distraction, that she intervenes
You get back to an empty cottage, only to find out that Portia's been challenging the Palace guards to sparring matches and sleeping at Mazelinka's every night
You're going on a trip? Without him? Why?! (pt. 2)
He knows that the job you've accepted will work better with only one person, and he knows that of the two of you you're the one who practices magic, but still!
Alternates between grumbling about you leaving and cheering you on because you're so cool, you don't need help, you've got this!
Thankfully, the town he stays in waiting for you knows and loves both of you and is happy to host one of their regular journeymen for the two days you'll be gone
This is fortunate, because Lucio's response to missing you is deciding to learn magic, regardless of his natural ability (or lack thereof) and ignoring the fact that he has nobody to teach him
After you leave that morning, he spends the rest of the day out in some poor farmer's field practicing magical attacks on their hay bales while Mercedes and Melchior terrorize all the local wildlife
He stops by the tavern for dinner early that evening, and after several drinks, decides to camp out in the town's square belting out tone-deaf ballads of your virtues
The townspeople love him for all he's done on different jobs for their sake, so the next morning they take turns asking for his assistance with different tasks to keep him out of trouble
You get back that evening to half the town telling you how much he missed you and a very tired (but satisfied) Lucio
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these-written-reveries · 11 months
➡ Mutuals, followers, and anyone else with a sense of humanity, please read this! Especially if you've been avoiding what's been happening in Palestine! This is partially me expressing my thoughts/feelings, but I do have a good point and helpful links at the end!
I have to say I am so heartbroken and disappointed to see people here actively choosing to engage in their own privilege and turning a blind eye to this tragedy. Apparently even boosting posts by reblogging is too much?
And of course, many of these people are white and have never experienced the world outside of their own white privilege and individualistic mindset (which stems directly from white supremacy/capitalism), so the thought of having to break out of that and feel uncomfortable for the sake of trying to help other people that aren't like them is like asking them to cut off their fucking arm. Meanwhile, people of color across the world have been doing so much to try to push for change, even though it was the white powers of the world who started this mess and are continuing to support it. If anything, as white people, we have an even stronger responsibility to clean up the mess our ancestors started. ESPECIALLY when our corrupt white leaders refuse to stand up and do the right thing. It is unfortunate and unfair that the responsibility lands on us everyday people to try to stop a literal genocide, but it is the reality of our present times. And we must do the right thing!
Because what happens if we all don't contribute to this? What happens if this movement for change fizzles out bc people decide to turn away from it bc it's hard/uncomfortable/scary? Well, not only will Palestinians be potentially wiped out of existence, but our world as we know it will stand no chance at ever changing. If we don't come together as humans and form community (locally & internationally), if we don't stand by our fellow siblings from other parts of the world and fight for their lives/freedom, change will never happen. And we need change, on so many levels. Do you guys really think this doesn't affect you? It affects ALL OF US. If not now, then it will later. If we can't even come together against a genocide of people, how are we ever gonna be able to stand together for any other movement of change?
This is OUR responsibility, as humans, as people. Many of our world leaders and people in power lack humanity, but that doesn't mean we don't. Right? Please prove me right here. Because seeing some of my mutuals agreeing with posts about people saying "you don't have to engage in what's going on or try to help if it makes you uncomfy, guys 🥺" is so disheartening. And let me be clear, I am not encouraging you to doomscroll all day and throw away your personal lives and cause yourselves to mentally spiral and burn yourselves out (possibly even more than you already are). What each of us is capable of doing to help this movement is gonna look different, depending on the person. But doing something is better than nothing at all. And yes, if you have any empathy in your hearts, you are going to feel pain and heartache and rage over what is happening in Palestine. Good! Use those feelings to continue to push for change! Let's actually make good use of our humanity and our privilege!
Here are some small, but impactful ways to help:
BOOST POSTS (don't just like them, reblog! This helps more than you think it does, even if you don't have many followers! It's about making noise and not allowing social media to suppress our voices!) Tag them with things such as #palestine #free palestine #gaza #free gaza
Contact your representatives/government! (The US and Europe sites provided will write an automatic script for you, but you can also find a pre-written script for your country here if you don't know where to begin with writing your own!)
United States (At the end of the script, you should add something along the lines of "If you do not stand with Palestine and vote to stop funding Israel, I will not be voting for you next election.")
Europe (click on your country at the top of the page and it'll tell you who your representatives are, how to reach them, and provide a script that you can copy and paste!)
3. Take part in the BDS movement by choosing not to support as many brands on this list as you can!
4. Donate (free option included!)
Click the button on this site (can be done once every 24 hours) and you will be helping to donate to Palestinians for free! Every click takes money from the sponsors who support this cause and gives it to Palestinians. (I plan on setting an alarm every day to remind me to press this button, and I suggest you do too!)
If you have money to spare for this cause, donate to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund!
5. Finally, learn what you can, even in small doses! This guide gives great info on the past/present regarding Palestine and provides lots of sources! This is perfect if you're interested in learning more, but don't know where to begin.
Bottom line: it doesn't take a whole lot of effort to take action and contribute to this movement. Small action is still action and -with enough of it- can lead to big change! The hardest part is working to unwind/unlearn/recognize our individualistic mindsets and our privilege and choosing to do and be better! Change is only possible if we all do our part to make it happen. So let's make it happen! ❤️
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strawberrysatellite · 11 months
i did one thing right
inspired by taylor swift’s call it what you want
Tumblr media
word count: 2.9k
Y/N and Harry met in October.
It was one of those super cliche Halloween meet cutes. But it was that Halloween party that brought them together, so they supposed the cliches weren’t all that eye roll worthy.
Truthfully, they already knew of each other; Y/N was what she likes to call a semi-influencer (she had a few hundred thousand followers- enough to make a living off of- but never really liked grouping herself with other influencers considering most of the ones she had met always looked down on her for not having millions of followers, and were known to be less than stellar people) and Harry was a tattoo artist. They followed each other because of some mutual friends who mentioned Harry to Y/N in passing after she had spoken about wanting to get a tattoo at some point.
So the two knew of each other’s existence, liked a few of the other’s posts, but had never actually met before that night.
Y/N was so glad to be going to a party that wasn’t brand funded or overflowing with other influencers. Don’t get her wrong, she was eternally grateful that she was in the position she was; being an influencer meant she was able to work whenever, wherever, and didn’t have half of the stresses as people with more conventional jobs. All she had to do was post her little youtube videos talking about her favourite books or the clothes she’s been wearing recently, share pictures on her perfectly curated Instagram, and make TikToks with trending songs in the background.
But it got so exhausting sometimes.
She felt like she was constantly performing, putting on a face for people to judge and critique. People seemed to forget that there was a real person behind the virtual image she portrayed; the amount of hate comments she received were nowhere near what she assumed other content creators got, but there were enough daily to where it got to her sometimes. Just because she chooses to put out content for people, doesn’t mean that she’s giving them permission to give opinions on every detail of her life.
It’s like she’s constantly just floating in this liminal space, trying to bend over backwards to please her followers whilst also trying to stay true to herself.
That’s one of the things most important to Y/N- being as true to herself as possible. After meeting more than her fair share of other influencers, she knows that most of the time the kind and polite image they project online is completely contradictory to their actual personalities.
The last thing she would ever want is someone thinking she was rude. It gives her nightmares just thinking about it. Especially considering she worked in hospitality through university before she gained an online platform, so she’s had more than enough rude encounters with the general public (and she also understands how important it is to be kind to people. And to always tip waiters.).
So really, Y/N was just happy to shed her ‘online’ persona for a couple of hours and be around her friends without feeling the need to perform for anyone or please them.
Also, she really really loved Halloween and was super excited to dress up as Juliet from the movie with Leo DiCaprio, complete with silky white dress and clip on angel wings. It was casual enough to where she didn’t feel like she was going overboard, but dressy enough to where she still felt in the Halloween spirit.
When she actually got to the little pub where Sarah had told her the group was meeting, she was met with the sight of Sarah and her long time boyfriend Mitch sat in a corner booth and dressed as Velma and Shaggy from Scooby Doo, complete with bright orange turtleneck and coke bottle glasses.
“Look at you guys! Cutest couple I ever did see!” Y/N manages to get her words out through laughs- she doesn’t think she’s ever seen Mitch in anything but black, nevermind puke green.
“Yeah, laugh it up.” Mitch’s eyes roll but he gives her a slight smile and a warm hug. That’s a secret between him and Y/N- Mitch is secretly a huge hugger. He just has to be either high or slightly tipsy to come anywhere close.
“Look at you, honey! Real life angel.” Sarah’s warm tone interrupts Mitch’s grumbling, her eyes crinkling with a smile behind her fake glasses and full fringe.
“Thank you, thank you. I do try.” Y/N curtsies and nearly falls about in giggles. “I’m gonna go get a drink and mingle, think I saw Niall on the way in.”
She sets off through the packed pub after a wave to the couple at the booth, trying to avoid knocking into people with her slightly inconvenient wings.
She likes this. Likes not being immediately recognised. Likes not being considered an internet celebrity. Likes being treated like a normal person. Loves being around people she can be herself with.
When she does eventually get to the bar, she finds another figure already talking with the bartender. From what she guesses, it’s a guy. An attractive guy.
Well, from the back of his head he seems attractive.
She guesses over 6 foot, with long hair down to his shoulders and a sheer black almost blousey shirt loosely buttoned. And the skinny jeans make him look like something straight out of a tumblr post.
Through the chiffon fabric of his shirt she’s able to see the masterpiece that is his back. There must be well over a hundred tattoos collated across it, spreading down his arms and wrapping around his neck. Most- if not all- are monochrome, and only serve to make him look even more intimidating.
Kinda turns her on, if she’s being completely transparent.
Making her way next to him to wait for the bartender to be free, she somehow manages to bump him with her new temporary appendages, startling him enough to make him twist to see who it was.
When he does turn around, she’s greeted with his actual costume: a skull painted on one half of his face and only serving to accentuate the impossibly perfect structure of his face. He has model-worthy cheekbones and brows so furrowed he seems to have been born with a frown.
Upon seeing Y/N in her angelic fluster though, he softens up and a look of recognition flashes through his eyes.
“Oh, hi. Y/N, right?” He asks, as if he hasn’t looked at her Instagram more times than can be considered healthy. Like he doesn’t view her stories daily just to see what she’s interested in and which books she’s reading at that moment. Like he doesn’t get hot and blushy when he gets the little notification to say she liked one of his posts.
It takes her a minute to place him, having been slightly caught up in the aura he radiates, “Hi! Harry…right? God, I hope you are, otherwise I’ll look like such a massive bitch. Okay, even if you aren’t Harry, please just go along with it.”
Her world stops turning when she hears the chuckle he lets out at her anxious word vomit. Like, literally stops on its axis. She’s pretty sure she hears the screech of it skidding to a halt, the elevator music that plays in her ears after her brain turns to mush.
“No, love. I’m Harry, don’t worry.” An amused smile covers his face, endeared with her rambling that he’s familiar with after watching her videos where she rants about book characters and their “stupid, unrealistic actions” and why Gus Everett was actually the best book boyfriend ever (he had no idea who that was- just took her word for it) and why her favourite Starbucks drink is the best ever and how she’s so upset that it’s being taken off the menu because it’s seasonal.
A relieved breath whooshes out of her pouted lips, face now covered in a slight flush, “Oh, thank fucking god. How embarrassing would that have been? I’ve probably made it so much worse now, huh? Nice one, Y/N. Fucking idiot.” Her eyes roll at her own actions, words coming out as barely a mumble, and Harry’s smile just grows even more.
She’s cute when she rambles, he thinks.
“Honestly, don’t worry ‘bout it. Won’t mention it. Never happened.” His hand comes up to graze her shoulder comfortingly and a tangible spark passes between them, “D’ya want me to get you a drink? We can go sit with Mitch and them lot?” Harry secretly crosses in fingers in the hopes that she takes him up on his offer.
Her smile is wide and relaxed, looking up at him like he’d just gifted her a litter of kittens, “That would be so nice, thanks Harry. Listen, don’t judge me but my favourite drink is..”
As long as she keeps smiling at him like that, Harry doesn’t think it possible to ever judge her.
Their first date is kept casual and relaxed- which you wouldn’t be able to tell by the sweat Harry is currently working up just thinking about meeting up with her for an official date- and Harry decides to take her to the shop, named Satellite Studios, after a walk around Hyde Park and a stop in Pret to get chai lattes. She had been asking him for a while now to show her his tattoo shop and some of his sketches (yes, she had seen them on his Instagram, but she was on the pull and this was the one talking point she could think of at the time- also, she truly did want a tattoo, so this worked perfectly).
Harry didn’t expect that the date would end with him actually giving Y/N a tattoo, but here he was, perched over her and inking the skin of her collarbone. She had decided on a quote she lived by- ‘treat people with kindness’.
A month or so later, and the two are freshly into couple status, still just getting comfortable referring to the other as their significant other.
It’s late November by this point, and Die Hard (the first one, obviously) is playing on Harry’s TV while the two sit on his black velvet couch, Harry sprawled on one end whilst Y/N lays horizontally and props her feet up on his lap underneath a fuzzy blanket. Neither of them are that into the film, only putting it on to fill the silence, and so Y/N decides to scroll through Instagram to check the comments on her recent post.
She had actually really liked it; the picture was one Harry had taken of her when they went to Waterstones, a puffer jacket wrapped around her while she carries a stack of books and looks back at the camera, smiling wide and mid-laugh (she recalls his joke- something about being replaced by fictional men- and a tiny smile breaks on her face when she remembers how proud he looked at having made her laugh).
Only, that smile quickly disappears when she begins to read the comments.
Of course, there’s so many from her fans and other influencer friends being so sweet and love;y, complementing her and talking about how relatable the caption was (something along the lines of “a book for every situation”). But there were more rude ones than normal. Of course she was more than used to people being rude by this point, she had been a content creator for long enough now that she knew how to compartmentalise and ignore hate. But it was nearing her time of the month and she was feeling extra sensitive and seeing people talk about how annoying she seemed, or how she looked to be gaining weight, or how they just in general disliked her, really wasn’t what she needed.
A small sniffle makes Harry’s ears perk up and his head shoots towards his girlfriend- she wasn’t ill the last time he checked, why was she sniffl-.
His face completely drops when he sees the face of his sweet girl covered in tears, cheeks glistening and flushed, lips pouted and more pink than usual, eyes watery and glassy. “Hey, pretty girl, what’s up? Come on, talk to me.” He immediately leaps up and kneels beside her, hand cradling her cheek and thumb wiping under her reddened eyes.
She just shakes her head and frustratedly wipes her face, “Nothing, I’m just being stupid.”
Harry tuts at her and reaches up with his other hand, gripping her face gently but with enough strength to force her to look at him, “It’s not stupid if it’s making you cry like this, honey. Tell me what happened, babe, let me help, hm?” He doesn’t want to force her to talk if she truly doesn’t want to, but he can’t bear to see her so distraught and dishevelled.
Her face collapses at his gentle words, “I just- people are so mean. I don’t know what I did to deserve it. They’re so- it’s just,” A heavy breath is released from her cry-swollen lips and her head leans into his palm.
“I know, lovely girl. You didn’t do anything. Don’t listen to them, they’re just bitter and projecting onto anyone they can.” He feels anger flare in the bottom of his chest. How could anyone be anything but sweet to his lovely girl? The last thing he would ever want to do would be to make her feel as though he’s angry with her, so he reigns it in for her sake, but knows that he may have to go to the gym for an extra hour to let it out.
“I just wish I could get away from it all for a bit. Like I love my job- you know I do. But it just would be nice to run away for a bit.” The words come out sad, unenthusiastic- nothing like his girlfriend normally sounds- and it haunts him. He has to do something.
That’s how the two find themselves in Scotland for a month. Just them, their rented cottage in the Highlands, and Harry’s tiny black kitten, Pumpkin. Harry had booked them a train from Paddington Station to Edinburgh that same night when Y/N finished crying, wrapped up next to him in his black silk sheets with tear tracks still staining her face.
Harry figures he can trust Mitch to look after the shop whilst he’s gone, having saved enough days up to take off for a bit (and being the owner of the shop meaning he’s his own boss and can afford to) and he tells Y/N not to even open Instagram or YouTube or TikTok until they get back home, going so far as to delete them from her phone.
“Out of sight, out of mind, my petal.” He tells her with a kiss on the tip of her nose upon seeing her slight frown.
The couple spend every waking moment together, making breakfast together in the morning (or really, afternoon considering neither of them bothers with an alarm upon having nowhere to be) and eating it lazing on the couch with an old movie on in the background- Y/N has rediscovered how much she truly loves The Sound of Music after watching it nearly daily for a month. They take walks around the lake near their cottage, skimming stones and having competitions on who can throw one the farthest; usually Harry wins, but Y/N calls it unfair everytime because of the wingspan advantage and how strong his hands are after years of tattooing. Their favourite part is how they spend the week of Christmas: they take a train into Edinburgh city centre, go window shopping and wander around the markets, marvelling at the displays and thousands of twinkling fairy lights, Harry calls his mum from the cottage on Christmas Eve and lets her know he’ll be round in a couple weeks to drop presents off, and the two exchange gifts whilst sat next to the giant log burner fireplace.
Neither went too crazy on the other after having only been official for a little over two months, but Harry gifts Y/N a new Kindle (she had been complaining for months how hers was out of storage and “soooooooo” slow) and a delicate necklace with a silver ‘H’ pendant dangling from it.
“Not because I’m like claiming you, or some shit.” He hastily explains when he sees the furrow of her brows.”But I just- I know you, sweet girl, and I want you to have a little piece of me wherever you are.” Y/N’s lip trembles at his words and she nearly mauls him with how fast she tackles him with a hug.
“I love it, H. Thank you.”
Y/N in turn gifts him a vintage Fleetwood Mac vinyl that she had scoured every London flea market for and a new sketchpad with some pencils he had been eyeing for weeks but couldn’t justify buying himself.
When the two do eventually return home, Y/N’s phone is hit with an influx of comments from fans wondering where she had disappeared to and, instead of doing the (technically) right thing and answering their questions, she decides her next post will be a picture of the chain around her neck and Harry’s tattooed hand lazily draped over her shoulder and her tattoo on display. Unexplained, but enough to reintroduce herself onto the internet after people not having heard from her for months.
She tags him in the picture, leading to his already substantial following increasing rapidly, his page (‘satellitestudios’) being mostly pictures of his work and sketches, the occasional black and white filtered selfie or picture with a celebrity client (the one he brags about most being Dave Grohl), with the most recent post being a black and white picture of the bottom half of his face, bunny teeth on full show with Y/N kissing his cheek and captioned ‘kissy.’.
Of course her fans go wild, flooding her comments with questions and labels, rumours and timeline theories. She decides they can call it what they like, but she’s happy. So very happy.
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jamesshawgames · 2 years
Big Update 2 of 2!
Relics 3 ending guide
Here is your definitive guide to the Relics 3 Endgame. This is going to get long and very very complex, so I’ll hide it under the jump so as not to annoy folk…
There are two parts to the guide. Part 1 will tell you how to maximize the chances of keeping your friends and allies alive. (If you want to do a nightmare run and get them all killed, just do the opposite of what this guide says!) Part 2 will tell you what the major end-states are and how to get them.
Part 1: How (Not) To Kill All Your Friends
One way to keep all your friends alive is very straightforward – don’t bring anybody with you. The way to achieve this is to have incredibly poor relationship stats with everybody. There are two reasons why you might not want to do this, however: 1) it will make the Endgame very difficult for you; 2) it will require you to play through three whole games as a character who is a colossal dick to everybody they meet. If you don’t fancy doing this, there are other ways to keep the blorbos breathing.
Some of the “friend deaths” that can occur are the result of bad choices you might make in the Endgame. Others are the result of how many forces you start with, which itself will be determined by choices that you have made throughout the trilogy. The two main numbers to watch are the number of your friends and allies who agree to come and fight (you want as many as possible to get you lots of tactical options), and the number of soldiers that Anderson is able to recruit for the mission (again, the more the better). We’ll start with the soldiers.
Anderson’s Forces
You can go into the endgame with anything between 30 and 90 troops. You want something towards the higher end to maximize your chances. Here’s how to get the numbers up:
The basic number is 30 – 20 Royal Marines and 10 US military personnel. If you start with just 30, you can be sure that at least a couple of your buddies will kick the bucket. So how do we improve the odds?
If you are rich, you will be offered the option to give Anderson money to recruit mercenaries. Depending on how rich you are, this will either get you an extra 10 or an extra 20 troops to start with (and your Fortune stat will take a hit). Alternatively, if you have high Political Impact, you will be offered the chance to have called some of the people you have helped and asked for volunteers. Again, you’ll get 10 or 20, depending on how high your stat is. These two approaches are mutually exclusive: you can use your money or your political impact, but not both.
If you successfully exposed (and reported) Winter, the Oxford traitor, then Anderson will have impressed his bosses and won more support from the higher-ups, getting you an extra 10 starting troops.
If you chose to send Anderson the co-ordinates of the treasure of the Annunciacion in Book 3 Chapter 4, then that will also get you an additional 10 mercenaries.
If you got Marius Stokes to fund Anderson, then this will get you an additional 10 soldiers. In order to do this, you need to discover Stokes’s letter in Book 2 Chapter 6, you need to choose either to blackmail him or to keep hold of the letter, and, when you encounter Stokes in Interlude 4, you need to tell him to start funding Anderson.
If you left Jorge Gainza alive at the end of Book 2, he will surprise everybody by doing the right thing and sending you money, feeling that he owes you for not killing him when you could, and you’ll use that money to hire 10 mercenaries. Alternatively, if Gainza is dead and his son Ezekiel won the prize in Book 2, then Zeke will come through for you and send you some cash, also getting you 10 mercenaries.
If, at the end of all this, you have fewer than 50 soldiers and you have brought a rich companion with you (meaning Esme/Abdul, Dominique or María), then your rich friend will stump up enough cash to take your numbers up to 50, to give you more of a chance.
You need to keep these numbers high for a couple of reasons. Firstly, if the numbers drop below a certain level, then any of your friends who are with the main strike force will start to die. If the number of soldiers drops below 30, one of your friends (randomly determined) will be killed. If it drops below 20, a second randomly-determined friend will die. If it drops below 10, you’ll lose a third. Also if, at the end of the game, the number of soldiers is below 20, then they will get overwhelmed by the SS and you will die at the end of the game (thought you’ll still have a chance to save the world and get a heroic sacrifice epilogue).
Friends and Allies:
The basic rules for whether a friend will join you for the final attack are as follows:
If you’re in a romantic relationship with a character, they will always join you.
If you have a good relationship with a character (65 or above), they will join you.
Any characters who join you will be available to fight. You can do one of three things with them: have them join your small group of three who will be taking the secondary path; assign them a specialist mission to complete which will help keep Strike Force Alpha’s numbers up; or have them join the main assault.
There are a few exceptions to the general rules above:
Sam will always join you, whatever the status of your relationship. However, if they got badly injured in Congo, they will be too traumatized to take part in the assault itself. They’ll be there for moral support, but they won’t be able to actually fight.
Stevo will always join you if he survived Tibet. However, he doesn’t fight like a normal team member. He has his own special role: he’ll be providing air support!
Rémy will choose to join or not join based on the usual rules. However, he will not fight, since he’s not really a fighter. But he’s still worth bringing along: his massive brain will identify a tactical opportunity which your team would otherwise miss, which will make one of your specialist missions a lot easier, so he contributes in his own way!
In addition to this, it’s possible to get a few extra bonus friends to come along.
If Zhu comes along with you, and if you helped Zhu save his friend Yun in Book 2 Chapter 4, then Zhu will bring Yun with him and she’ll be available to join the assault! She’s had the same training as Zhu and is therefore very competent, so she can be a big help.
If you saved the life of Yelena Vasilevsakaya at the end of Book 2, then she will also come along and help you out. Again, a very highly-trained secret agent. Definitely an asset to the squad!
Lastly, if you met Gus in Peru (Book 3 Chapter 5), then you’ll remember that he promised you his help in the future. Well, here’s where he comes through for you! As an ex-mercenary, he sure does have skills that you can use.
You also, of course, need to decide what to do with each of your friends and allies. The first decision is which two companions do you want to take with you? There are two viable approaches to this:
“Balance the Party”. Pick companions who are strong in areas where your MC is weak. Since you’ll be able to ask them to do many tasks for you on the way to the carxite, this can maximize your options.
“Save the Blorbos”. Pick the two people you least want to get hurt.
Characters in your party will only die if you ask them to accomplish some task that they don’t have the skills for. Ask Cleo (who can’t shoot) to take that tricky marksman’s shot, and she’s likely to fail and get a bullet in the head for her trouble. So if you really want to protect the people on your team, the simple way to do it is simply not to ask either of them to do anything and just do everything yourself. You may take a bit of a beating from this, but at least your two pals will be guaranteed to survive! (Unless they run into the Randomized Death Minefield without any of your team having the requisite skills to get past. That’s why the Balance the Party approach makes sense!)
After sorting out your own team, you need to choose friends to carry out the specialist missions that Anderson has identified. You can choose not to appoint any specialists, but if you do this then Strike Team Alpha will take more of a beating, and any friends you have in the main strike team will be at risk. So it’s recommended that you try to cover all of the specialist ops, but again you need to be a little bit careful. Choosing the wrong person for the job will not only fail the task, but get the specialist killed too!
Task 1 will only be available if Stevo is in the party. You need someone who is athletic and combat capable to take down the AA batteries. You really want to do this one if you can, since Stevo’s air support is a real lifesaver in the final stages of the assault. Abdul will get the job done; better choices are Yelena, Yun, Zhu or Esme, all of whom are good shooters and can thus use the cliffs as a snipers’ nest when the job is finished, which gets you extra bonuses later in the assault. Anybody else will fail and die.
Task 2 (the gatehouse) is where Rémy comes into his own. Anderson has found a way to get through the gatehouse, but it requires a specialist who is male, speaks German and is convincing. If Rémy is there, he’s found an alternative route: you need an athlete who is sneaky.
To succeed via Anderson’s route, you should pick Zhu or Gus. To succeed via Rémy’s route, you can pick Zhu, Dominique or Yelena. Anybody else will die.
Task 3 (the sally port) needs somebody who can fight and who is a good leader. Esme, Yun or Gus will do it.
So, in summary – to keep people alive, you need to start with as many friends, and as many soldiers, as possible. Pick either people who complement your skills or who you particularly want to protect to come with you: to really be sure that they survive, never ask them to do anything. Choose your specialists as recommended above, and make sure to fulfil all three tasks. If you do these things, you’ll have a very good chance of getting through without casualties! Good luck!
Part 2 - End States
There are six main world end-states in the game. I’ll list them by their achievement name.
Pax Britannica: This is where you execute the mission. You secure the carxite and hand it over to the British. You get this ending by taking down Sabine any way you can and then choosing not to use or electrify the carxite, but to guard it.As long as you still have more than 20 troops, you’ll be able to hand it over to the British. It doesn’t end all that great, sadly. The Brits use the power of the carxite to usher in an era of global British Empire. In the epilogue, you can choose whether to collaborate with the empire, to fight it, or to try to stay out of politics – which might affect the future of your relationship.
Status Quo Post Bellum: This is where you follow Anderson’s advice and destroy the carxite. Nobody gets all that power, and 20th century history unfolds pretty much as it has out here in the “real world”. You’ll get lots of choices about what you do with the rest of your life etc. You can get to this ending by killing Sabine any way you can and choosing to electrify the carxite.
Anagnorisis: A similar end-state to the above, but reached in a different way. After Sabine is taken care of, choose to use the carxite. (Everybody should do this at least once anyway – you get to destroy the whole Wehrmacht and make Hitler’s body explode from the inside, it’s kinda amazing!) Then, as the Most High Essence is taking over your consciousness, you need to come back from the brink and regain control of your body! There are two ways you can do this: if you have Carxite Affinity 100, you’ll be too powerful for the Essence to overpower; if you have an RO who is still alive and a strong relationship with them, then your love for them can bring you back (if you’re single, then it’ll be the strength of your friendship with Sam that can save you, assuming that they’re still alive). After you break contact, the carxite’s powers will dissipate and it’ll become inert and so you’ll end up in a modified version of the Status Quo ending.
Deus Ex Machina: This is what happens if you use the carxite and either choose not to fight back against the Essence, or if you try to fight back against the Essence and fail. You effectively become a monstrous alien god called The Hegemon, ruling over earth until your Most High brethren return. Most of your old friends will become freedom fighters trying to take you down and liberate humanity.
Unum Pro Multis Dabitur Caput: Only achievable if you end the game with a low number of soldiers (20 or less). They will be overwhelmed and the SS will storm in and kill you. However, if you have chosen to electrify the carxite, you will still die a hero, because you will have neutralized it and prevented the Nazis from being able to use it. For all the noble sacrifice fans out there!
Imperium Sine Fine: Yup, this is the baddun. You get killed by the SS, as above, but you haven’t electrified the carxite. The Nazis get it, use it, and become rulers of planet earth. Oops.
I did warn you that this would be really long and complicated! But I hope it’s useful. Happy epilogue-hunting!
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fin2peace · 4 months
Mutual Funds Made Easy: A Guide to Beginners.
What is a Mutual Fund?
Hey buddy, Mutual funds are a type of investment vehicle that pools money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other assets. The mutual fund is managed by a professional fund manager who makes investment decisions on behalf of the investors, to maximize returns while minimizing risk.
Types of Mutual Funds
There are several types of mutual funds, including equity funds, fixed-income funds, balanced funds, index funds, and specialty funds. Equity funds invest in stocks, fixed-income funds invest in bonds, and balanced funds invest in a mix of stocks and bonds. Index funds are designed to track a specific market index, such as the S&P 500, while specialty funds focus on a particular sector or industry.
Benefits of investing in mutual funds
Mutual funds offer several benefits, including diversification, professional management, convenience, and flexibility. Diversification is important because it helps reduce the risk of losses by spreading investments across many different assets. Professional management ensures that your money is invested by a trained and experienced professional. Mutual funds are also convenient because they can be purchased and sold through a brokerage account or financial advisor. Additionally, they offer a high level of flexibility, allowing you to buy or sell shares at any time.
Risks of investing in mutual funds
All investments come with some level of risk, and mutual funds are no exception. The value of mutual funds can fluctuate based on changes in the financial markets, and past performance is not always an indicator of future performance. Additionally, mutual funds charge fees and expenses, which can eat into your returns over time.
Choosing a mutual fund
When choosing a mutual fund, it’s important to consider your investment goals, risk tolerance, and investment time horizon. You should also research the fund’s fees and expenses, as well as its historical performance. Finally, consider working with a financial advisor who can help you choose the right mutual funds for your portfolio.
I will give two tips on checking to choose a mutual fund before investing first one is
Performance History: Look at the fund’s past performance over a period of time, preferably five to ten years. While past performance is not an indicator of future returns, it can give you an idea of how the fund has performed during different market conditions. You can check easily on grow app or whatever app you like it.
Expense Ratio: The expense ratio represents the cost of managing the fund and is deducted from your returns. Look for funds with a lower expense ratio, as high fees can eat into your returns over time.
I will show pictures of higher expense ratios and lower expense ratios.
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Monitoring your mutual fund
After you invest in a mutual fund, it’s important to monitor your investment regularly to ensure that it continues to meet your investment goals. This may involve reviewing the fund’s performance, fees, and expenses, as well as rebalancing your portfolio periodically to maintain a diversified mix of investments.
Remember, mutual funds can be a great way to invest in the stock market and other assets without having to choose individual stocks or assets yourself. However, it’s important to do your research and carefully consider the risks and potential rewards before investing.
Hope you enjoy and like this blog post. Later on, I will post a full detailed blog on Mutual funds. Make sure to share with your friends and comment with your opinions and subscribe.
The information provided on this blog is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. I am not a certified financial advisor and do not hold any professional licenses in the finance industry. Any financial decisions you make based on the information provided on this blog are at your own risk. Please consult with a certified financial advisor before making any significant financial decisions.
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crossnetics · 5 months
Crossnetics: a platform for earning influencers
Introduction to Crossnetics
Crossnetics is a multifunctional platform for Influencer Marketing that makes it easy to find Influencers, digital specialists, and advertisers. Based on blockchain, the platform guarantees secure collaboration thanks to smart contracts. Crossnetics offers influencers a unique opportunity to earn and promote through mutual PR with bloggers with your target audience, and facilitates effective brand engagement.
You already have everything you need to gain global reach and increase your income! Crossnetics will help you with everything from accessing advertisers to withdrawing funds from anywhere in the world! 
Benefits of Crossnetics for Influencers
On Crossnetics, all aspects of advertiser interaction are centralized. Influencers can manage campaigns, track their performance, and communicate with advertisers through a single system. 
With Crossnetics' advanced analytics tools, Influencers can find projects that match their audience's interests. This increases the chances of successful interactions and increased revenue from advertising campaigns.
Smart contracts on Crossnetics automate the fulfillment of deal terms, ensuring transparency and fairness in payments. Influencers can rest assured that all campaign terms will be strictly followed, and payment will be made in full as agreed.
Crossnetics allows Influencers to participate in affiliate programs, expanding earning opportunities through affiliate links and promo codes. This approach increases potential revenue and will enable Influencers to offer exclusive discounts and offers to their audience.
Crossnetics Mutual PR for Influencers
The Crossnetics platform provides unique opportunities for cross-promotion, allowing influencers to expand their audiences and strengthen their professional relationships. From audience sharing to collaborative projects, learn how to utilize these tools to increase your visibility and revenue.
Crossnetics uses advanced analytics tools to analyze audiences, allowing Influencers to find peers with similar or overlapping audience interests. The platform also makes it easy to organize collaborative promotions and events such as joint broadcasts, blog posts, or joint contests. With smart contracts, Crossnetics ensures that all terms of cooperation are met, which is important when organizing cross-promotions. Influencers can be sure that all agreements will be honored and their rights and interests protected. 
Crossnetics offers tools to automate routine processes related to reciprocal PR.
Crossnetics' Mutual PR platform is a powerful tool for expanding your influence and strengthening your professional relationships in influencer marketing. With the platform's sophisticated tools and support, every Influencer can effectively utilize cross-promotion to achieve their business goals and increase revenue.
Crossnetics is your ideal partner to grow your revenue. The platform provides all the tools and opportunities you need to realize your ambitions. Crossnetics works with a wide range of brands worldwide, giving Influencers unique opportunities to collaborate. Whether local startups or international corporations, every Influencer will be able to find the right projects that match his or her interests and audience.
Crossnetics provides access to an in-depth analysis of campaign performance. Influencers can track reach, audience engagement, and conversion rates, allowing them to optimize promotion strategies and increase revenue from each campaign.
Regardless of the geographic location of your audience, Crossnetics will enable you to monetize them internationally. This means you can attract subscribers and earn from audiences not only in your country but also beyond.
Crossnetics offers simple and reliable ways to withdraw your earnings. With smart contracts and reliable payment systems, you can quickly and securely transfer your earnings via web3 wallet, regardless of your location.
Using Crossnetics, Influencers get a platform for cooperation with advertisers and a powerful tool for achieving international success and financial well-being.
Using the Crossnetics platform gives Influencers access to a wide range of tools to monetize their content. With Crossnetics, Influencers can not only make money but also build strong partnerships with brands based on advanced technologies and transparent terms of cooperation.
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missielynne · 5 months
The thing is, Trevor cares A LOT about materialistic crap, status and what other people think---being invited to the 'right' parties, socializing with "hot" girls, showing off his money etc. So I disagree with you totally that Trevor is someone who doesn't care about social status or the judgment of other people---but I think he and Hetty relate BECAUSE they have that in common. They're both (more in life but especially in death) shallow, vain, materialistic, arrogant, way too into popularity and status etc so they understand that about each other in a way many of the other ghosts like Flower, Thor, Sas, Pete etc. can't. And now they've both seen that other things in life (and afterlife haha) matter a lot more, so I kind of feel like they can grow together in certain ways even now that they're no longer physically involved and I highly doubt the show has plans to ever make them romantically involved again. It's funny how people in our fandom seem to view Trevor as this nearly perfect, sweet guy who's always eager to help, because he's such an obnoxious, shallow, social climbing, frat boy asshole most of the time, but he -like Hetty - do both have goodness in them. They can bring that out in each other but I really think the show thinks of them as just friends with benefits who no longer want those benefits, not a real couple who will ever end up officially together. Just my thoughts!
You have a good point. Maybe I should say that while he does care about status, it's not in the same way she does, you know? Like for her, it's life or death but for him, it seems like "It would be cool if I got invited to that party or meet that person" but if something came up where he had to choose, he, unlike Hetty, would be able to choose the person over the lifestyle if the connection was strong enough because as a guy (and because he wouldn't be trapped and in trouble if he lost money) he has multiple ways he can fund his lifestyle while still having the loved one.
What gives me pause about the whole 'social climber' aspect of his life is how he says he doesn't care about what Nigel thinks of him and Hetty's affair. That, to me, shows he's not AS much about it as Hetty is, even if it's a mutual part of their personalities and being able to pass that on to her is something good he has going for him. His social climbing is a WANT vs hers that was a NEED, if I make sense and since she's dead, the need isn't there anymore and he can help her see a different sort of world and focus on other things.
As to whether or not they're gonna be endgame, I'm a fan but I think it could go either way, so I just think I'll go along for the ride and see what happens. :)
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Hi hi. Question: how does one start investing? Like, can I straight up go to the business' or a financial website and buy stock like that, or do I first need to open a special account to put my intended stock'ing money in? Do I need a middleman to move the money around, or can I do it myself?
Before you start investing, it's important to understand that investing involves risk and you could lose money. That being said, here are some general steps to help you get started:
Educate yourself: Learn as much as you can about investing. Read books, articles, and watch videos to get a basic understanding of how the stock market works, different types of investments, and strategies for investing.
Determine your goals and risk tolerance: Figure out why you want to invest and how much risk you're willing to take. Your investment goals and risk tolerance will help you choose the right investments for you.
Open an investment account: You'll need to open a brokerage account to invest in the stock market. There are many online brokers that offer easy account setup and low fees, such as Fidelity, Charles Schwab, and Robinhood.
Fund your account: You'll need to transfer money into your brokerage account before you can start investing. You can usually transfer money directly from your bank account.
Choose your investments: Once you have money in your account, you can start choosing investments to buy. You can buy individual stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and more.
Place your order: Once you've chosen your investments, you can place an order to buy them. You can do this online through your brokerage account.
Monitor your investments: Keep an eye on your investments and make adjustments as needed. The stock market can be volatile, so it's important to stay informed about your investments and be prepared to make changes if necessary.
While you can certainly invest on your own, it may be helpful to work with a financial advisor if you're new to investing or if you have a significant amount of money to invest. A financial advisor can help you develop an investment plan that aligns with your goals and risk tolerance and provide guidance along the way.
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swarajpro · 9 months
Exploring Peer-to-Peer Investments Through a P2P Lending Platform in Jabalpur
In today's fast-changing financial world, investors continually seek avenues to grow their finances while being mindful of risks. However, many individuals primarily focus on mutual funds and stocks for investment, unaware of the broader spectrum of available options. Let's explore the challenges investors face and learn how a P2P lending platform in Jabalpur helps them with the best investment opportunities.
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Understanding Investor Challenges in Alternate Investment Avenues
As people try to make more money from their investments, they face problems because they don’t know about different ways to invest.
High Barriers to Entry:Investing in assets like real estate demands substantial capital, thus limiting access for many investors to diversify their portfolios effectively.
Opaque Investment Processes:Traditional investment structures can be complex and difficult to comprehend, making it challenging for investors to understand underlying risks and potential returns.
Lack of Information:Not having enough details about where to invest can make it tough to choose the right option. This might make people hesitant to invest at all.
Low Returns:Sometimes, the money invested doesn't grow much, offering lower profits compared to what people expected.
Limited Diversification:Investors might not have enough different types of investments. This lack of variety can make their money more at risk if one investment doesn’t do well.
Lack of Personalised Recommendations:Generic investment advice fails to cater to individual financial goals, risk appetites, and investment horizons, impacting the relevance of investment decisions.
The Potential of P2P Investments in India
Mutual funds are a reliable investment avenue today, but there are more such promising asset classes unexplored by investors. Swaraj FinPro, the best mutual funds investment services in Jabalpur, offers investments in one such asset class with Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, backed by RBI guidelines where individuals can lend their money on higher interest while other individuals borrow funds from multiple investors through a digital platform. This transformative approach creates a marketplace connecting borrowers and lenders, facilitating secured personal loans while managing the loan life cycle to provide monthly returns to lenders. Here are the benefits of P2P lending platforms for investors:
Higher Potential Returns
P2P lending platforms typically yield higher interest rate to investors, compared to conventional savings accounts and investors can potentially benefit from higher returns up to 12%*.
Diversification Opportunities
By investing across a variety of borrowers on P2P platforms, investors can spread their risk and potentially increase returns by diversifying their investments.
Accessibility and Specific Advantages
P2P lending provides access to investments previously unavailable through traditional channels. Investors can participate with smaller investment amounts, diversify portfolios, and select the tenure.
Passive Income
P2P lending allows investors to earn interest regularly, providing a potential source of passive income.
Potential for Higher Yields
As investors can choose the tenure and interest rates they are willing to accept for lending, there's potential for higher yields based on their risk appetite.
Tailoring Investments for Investors
Swaraj FinPro empowers investors in Jabalpur and pan India to explore P2P lending as an accessible, reliable, and potentially lucrative avenue for diversification and growth within their investment portfolios. P2P lending works well because it's clear, gives different choices, and doesn’t lock your money away for too long.
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k00299935 · 10 months
(Workshop 2- filo construction)
In this workshop we were shown how to sew on fabric using embroydary hoops. We first had to design what it was we wanted to sew, and I felt imspiration immediatley upon seeing the round hoop.
It made me think of a womb. And given the topic of my project is on the disruption caused to animals lives by humans, I wanted to design a cow fetus in the womb.
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I felt inspired by the japanese artwork known as kintsugi, in which a broken piece of pottery is glued back together with glue and gold powder. Giving a once broken object new life and beauty.
In a way, farm animals such as cows are born broken. Not because they are animals, but because they are being born into a world that had already decided their fate. To be exploited, abused and then killed for their meat. While humans are born with an array of choices infront of them, animals do not get such luxury. Even in the womb their fates have been sealed. They will be broken the second they are born, so in a way they already are.
I wanted to explore this idea visually in this workshop, so I decided to make the cow fetus look like a piece of japanese kintsugi pottery.
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I used blue thread and gold paint in the workshop to protray kintsugi, I got a bit done during the 2 hour workshop and then continued working on it during throughout the week.
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Once I was finished the cow fetus I felt like I needed to protray more. I believe all humans and animals are equal, in my eyes the value of a tiny fish is just as important as a grown human. Yet we tourture them, use them and kill them. Just because we feel entitled, and superior.
But In the womb all creatures are all safe and nestled in the nest of our mothers. We are all connected in the sense that we were all in a womb once, but then our lives as humans and animals differ so much once we are born.
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With that, I decided to sew a human fetus in opposition to the cow fetus. I protrayed the same kintsugi effect and used the same colours to protray equality in spirit and essence, that is ignored by millions every single day.
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Perhaps they share the same struggle. If both fetus are female then they both shall be viewed as one thing. Baby factories. With the new laws on abortion in america, and many countries following in its footsteps, more and more women are losing bodily autonomy. Female cows are forcefully impregnated to produce more livestock for the meat industry, and more milk for the dairy industry. They do not get a choice. They do not get to decide whether they want to be pregnant or not, and once their wombs are used up and they can no longer reproduce, they are slaughtered for their meat. I cannot understand how some women fight for their right to bodily autonomy while funding the forceful impregnation of millions of cows everyday.
So perhaps both fetuses are connected not only in colour and design, but in mutual struggle over their right to choose what happens in their bodies. The difference however, is one fetus will be able to speak up and defend herself, while exploiting the fetus that will not be able to defend herself.
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What about their choice?
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zfundsofficial · 1 day
Understanding the Role of a Mutual Fund Distributor in your Investment Journey
A mutual fund distributor or agent can be a financial entity or an individual who helps existing investors manage their mutual funds and potential investors acquire and invest in mutual fund schemes that align with their personal investment goals. In India, these mutual funds distributors are registered and regularized by the Security Exchange Board of India to ensure ethical practices. Also, the mutual fund distributors need to be certified by AMFI i.e. association of mutual funds in India.
Mutual fund distributors act as a bridge between fund houses and investors who are seeking to create a diversified portfolio. Their major responsibility areas are assisting and advising the investors, helping in acquiring the mutual fund units, helping in the selection of different SIPs, monitoring, and management of investments, redemption and sale, ongoing support and assistance. Depending on the type of SIP and portfolio management, a fee is charged by these mutual fund investors which is also called commission.  
Role of Mutual fund distributor in your Investment Journey
Creating awareness and educating about mutual funds: One of the primary functions of mutual funds distributors is to spread awareness about different and upcoming mutual fund schemes, their benefits, and tax savings linked to them. These agents help investors to inculcate disciplined investment and saving habits to create a substantial retirement corpus.
Selecting the correct investment plan and scheme: After understanding your income and expense levels, risk, and return expectations, these distributors can help you select a suitable scheme from the pool of options available in the market. For beginners, choosing the correct scheme can be very confusing and that's where a good certified distributor can help you.
Helping in smooth transactions: A mutual fund distributor can play a vital role in selling and buying mutual funds according to market trends and schemes.
Help you make informed choices: By providing regular support and keeping the investors informed about the performance of their portfolio, mutual fund distributors can help the investors make the correct decision at the correct time. 
How to choose the right Mutual fund distributor for your investment journey?
It is evident that mutual fund distributors can play a vital role in the overall investment process. To take the maximum benefit and attain the investment goals, it is mandatory to have a knowledgeable, well-qualified, experienced, and suitable distributor. A good mutual fund agent or distributor can transform your investment journey into a more profitable one. An investor can find himself a good distributor by the below-mentioned steps.
In the financial industry referrals can be very important. Investors can ask around in family and friend circle groups with similar investment goals for good mutual fund distributors and get in touch with the same intermediary.
To make a suitable investment strategy, you must only look for a distributor who understands and prioritizes your personal financial goals and background.
Before finalizing a mutual fund distributor or agent the investors must check their eligibility and qualifications under AMFI to ensure the ethical practices and credibility of the advisor. It will safeguard you from financial fraud, data theft, etc.
You will need to have constant communication with your mutual fund distributor to manage and enhance your portfolio. You must determine the availability, responsiveness, and promptness of potential distributors.
The mutual fund distributors must be transparent about the fees for advising and maintaining the investment portfolios. The investors must ensure that there are no hidden charges involved.
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How to Effectively Collaborate with Influencers on Decentralized Platforms by Leaders at Decentralized Platforms such as Limitless Crowd Fund
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, decentralized platforms are gaining prominence for their innovative approaches to online interaction and collaboration. These platforms offer unique opportunities for connecting with influencers, enabling more direct and authentic engagement. Effective collaboration with influencers on decentralized platforms requires a strategic approach that leverages the unique features of these networks. This blog explores key strategies for successfully partnering with influencers within decentralized ecosystems, highlighting how these approaches can enhance the visibility and impact of innovative projects.
Decentralized platforms offer a distinctive environment that differs from traditional social media networks. Understanding and adapting to these differences is crucial for fostering successful collaborations. By employing targeted strategies and leveraging the unique advantages of decentralized platforms, you can maximize the effectiveness of influencer partnerships and drive meaningful engagement for your projects.
Understanding Decentralized Platforms
Decentralized platforms operate on blockchain technology, which provides a distributed and transparent framework for interactions. Unlike traditional platforms, decentralized networks are not controlled by a single entity but are instead managed by a network of participants. This decentralization fosters greater transparency and security, offering unique opportunities for influencer collaborations.
Additionally, decentralized platforms like Limitless Crowd Fund often incorporate token-based economies, where participants earn or trade digital assets for their contributions. Understanding these mechanisms can help you tailor your collaboration strategies to align with the platform's economic model and engage influencers effectively. By familiarizing yourself with the platform's structure and incentives, you can develop more targeted and impactful collaboration strategies.
Identifying Relevant Influencers
Identifying influencers who align with your project’s values and goals is crucial for a successful collaboration. On decentralized platforms such as Limitless Crowd Fund, influencers may have different profiles and reach compared to traditional social media. Utilize platform-specific tools and analytics to find influencers who are active and influential within your niche.
Moreover, look for influencers who have demonstrated genuine engagement and a positive reputation within the decentralized community. Their credibility and relevance will enhance the effectiveness of your collaboration and ensure that your project reaches the right audience. Conduct thorough research to ensure that the influencers you choose are well-suited to promote your innovative project.
Crafting a Compelling Collaboration Proposal
A compelling collaboration proposal is essential for capturing the interest of influencers on decentralized platforms including Limitless Crowd Fund. Clearly articulate your project's objectives, the benefits of the collaboration, and how it aligns with the influencer's interests and values. Highlight the unique aspects of your project and explain why it would be a valuable opportunity for both parties.
Additionally, be transparent about the terms of the collaboration, including compensation, deliverables, and timelines. Providing a clear and detailed proposal helps build trust and ensures that both parties have a mutual understanding of the expectations and goals. A well-crafted proposal increases the likelihood of a successful partnership and fosters a positive working relationship.
Leveraging Platform-Specific Features
Decentralized platforms often offer unique features that can enhance collaboration efforts. For instance, some platforms utilize smart contracts to facilitate and automate agreements between parties. Leveraging these features can streamline the collaboration process and ensure that terms are met efficiently.
Additionally, consider utilizing platform-specific tools for content distribution and engagement. Many decentralized platforms like Limitless Crowd Fund offer innovative methods for sharing content, such as decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) or tokenized incentives. By integrating these features into your collaboration strategy, you can enhance the reach and impact of your project while aligning with the platform’s technological advantages.
Building Authentic Relationships
Building authentic relationships with influencers is key to successful collaboration. Engage with influencers genuinely and respectfully, showing appreciation for their work and contributions to the decentralized community. Establishing a positive rapport helps foster trust and encourages more meaningful and effective collaborations.
Furthermore, maintain open communication throughout the collaboration process. Regularly update influencers on project developments, provide feedback, and address any concerns promptly. By nurturing a collaborative and transparent relationship, you enhance the overall effectiveness of your partnership and contribute to a positive experience for both parties.
Measuring and Analyzing Collaboration Impact
Measuring and analyzing the impact of your collaboration with influencers is essential for understanding its effectiveness and making data-driven decisions. Utilize platform-specific analytics tools to track key metrics such as engagement rates, reach, and conversions resulting from the collaboration. These insights help assess the success of the partnership and identify areas for improvement.
Additionally, gather qualitative feedback from influencers and their audiences to gain a deeper understanding of the collaboration's impact. Analyzing both quantitative and qualitative data allows you to refine your collaboration strategies and optimize future partnerships. By continuously evaluating and adapting your approach, you can maximize the benefits of influencer collaborations on decentralized platforms such as Limitless Crowd Fund.
Effectively collaborating with influencers on decentralized platforms requires a strategic approach that leverages the unique features and opportunities offered by these networks. By understanding the platform's structure, identifying relevant influencers, and crafting compelling proposals, you can build successful partnerships that enhance the visibility and impact of your innovative projects. Leveraging platform-specific features, building authentic relationships, and measuring collaboration impact further contribute to achieving meaningful and successful influencer collaborations. As decentralized platforms continue to evolve, adopting these strategies will ensure that your projects benefit from impactful and productive influencer engagements.
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fcfwealth · 2 days
How Can the Best Wealth Management Advisors in Jaipur Help Investors Choose the Right SIP?
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Many people know that SIPs (Systematic Investment Plans) are an effective way to invest in mutual funds, but choosing the right SIP can be confusing. With numerous options, it's hard to know which one suits you best. That’s where the best wealth management advisors in Jaipur come in—they guide you in selecting the SIP that aligns with your goals, risk tolerance, and financial timeline.
How To Select the Right SIP as per Wealth Management Advisors?
1. Goal Alignment: Advisors help define your financial goals—whether it's saving for a home, education, or retirement—and recommend SIPs that best support those objectives.
2. Risk Assessment: Every investor is unique and mostly has a different risk tolerance than others. Advisors assess your comfort level with market fluctuations and suggest SIPs that match your risk profile, from low-risk debt funds to higher-risk equity funds. Flying Colors, the best wealth management advisory in Jaipur, can help you throughout.
3. Investment Horizon: Advisors evaluate the duration you can commit to the investment. For long-term goals, they may suggest equity-based SIPs, while short-term goals might be better suited to debt or balanced funds.
4. Fund Performance: Experienced advisors review the historical performance of mutual funds, ensuring the SIP you choose has a track record of delivering stable returns over time.
5. Diversification: Advisors help build a diversified portfolio by recommending SIPs across various sectors and asset classes, reducing risk while aiming for consistent growth.
6. Tax Efficiency: They consider tax-saving SIP options like ELSS (Equity Linked Saving Schemes), which offer both potential returns and tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.
Choosing the right SIP for your goals requires carefully considering your risk tolerance and your investment horizon. The right professionals can provide valuable guidance to ensure that your SIP investment aligns with your needs, helping you achieve your financial goals more effectively. With their expertise, you can confidently navigate the wide array of options and build a strong, well-diversified investment portfolio.
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