#how to make rc boat
DIY a Boat - From Popsicle Sticks / Handmade popsicle sticks boat
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meowshark12 · 26 days
i know it won't work (rc)(4)
series summary: you're best friends with topper, kelce, and rafe. it has never bothered you to see them with other girls, knowing that they usually only have flings, but, when rafe gets what appears to be a girlfriend, how does this change things?
(not canon)rafe x kook!reader, original characters
chapter 4 summary: day on the boat. another party. jealousy. do our protagonists finally become aware??
warnings: some violence kinda not really graphic tho
1 2 3 4
6.2k words OOPS SORRY
not very proofread toward the bottom. hope you like it though.
chapter 4: the druthers
You step on to the boat, the familiar feeling of the ebb and flow of the waves already lulling you into a false sense of comfort. You're greeted by Rafe with a "Hey," and a small smile and by Amber with a look that you can't exactly decipher. You ignore her, but you don't miss how his eyes dart away from you after his glance lingers for a second too long.
"Hey guys!! Who wants a drink?" Kelce announces as he is the last one to step foot on the boat. He always has known how to break the tension quite well. The awkwardness is forgotten as you all greet Kelce and begin to make yourselves comfortable on the familiar yacht you have embarked. You give Kelce a quick hug and he hands you your favorite drink, already prepared for you.
Your boys were always attentive to you, Stella, and Macey. Always remembering your favorite drinks, knowing the most obscure things about you (your obsession with your favorite animal, Macey's lego collection, and why Stella loved crab rangoons so much), and making sure to be friendly with and respected by your parents. Though none of you had ever pursued any of the others, you knew there had to be small crushes that each person had but chose to bury.
Macey was the most obvious about it, pining after Topper without a care in the world. She would always say it was a joke, but, when he started dating Sarah, she was more than joking with how upset she was. Topper liked the attention and would probably get with her if she made the first move, and only if there would be no consequences.
Everyone loves Stella. She's the most beautiful and down to earth girl. She was the mediator of your friend group, almost impossible not to love her. Stella had never mentioned it, but you could tell that she liked the attention that Kelce gave her. He liked her too (obviously), though he tried to hide the blush that creeped up his neck when she gave him various compliments or when her touch lingered too long.
Rafe was always the toughest to crack. Though he took the most comfort in you, telling you about his family and other things that he didn't even tell the boys, it was always hard to tell what Rafe was thinking.
You had never had a favorite, though you seemed to always gravitate more toward Rafe. Maybe it was something about his looks, his captivating blue eyes and effortless handsomeness drawing you in. Or maybe it was the way he seemed to need you sometimes, not opening up to anyone but you, calling you whenever he just needed someone to talk to. But you felt like you treated all the boys equally.
None of the boys had ever seemed to crush on you.
This is not to say you aren't enchantingly beautiful. The boys are your best friends, but they were first pulled in by your beauty and charming personality. The main reason Rafe and Kelce wanted Topper to bring you (and your friends) along was because they wanted to know why such a gorgeous girl wanted to hang around Topper. But, you had never noticed anyone reacting to you the way they did to others. Although this didn't hurt your feelings. You were glad to have such good friends, and it wasn't like you felt that you were missing something.
Last summer, the Druthers was your group's favorite spot to hangout during the hot summer days where you found yourselves in need of some entertainment. Kelce would always suggest taking a dip in your pool (which you had all done millions of times before), but Rafe had managed to save you from hosting many times by coaxing Kelce onto the Druthers with a beer in hand and the promise of free beer and food all day long.
Since Ward was away for most of last summer, you spent most of your time on that boat, laying out, swimming, drinking, napping, dancing, partying, etc. You name it, it probably happened on that boat.
Your favorite memory of the Druthers was the day it started storming out of nowhere. Nobody had checked the weather, anticipating that the day would be as sunny as it was long. But, the 6 of you were mid-dip in the water when the storm clouds on the horizon began rolling in faster than you had thought possible.
Before you knew it, the sky was black and it was pouring down rain right on you and your friends who were still in the water.
Instead of getting out, you began laughing and floated on your back, letting the rain water cascade over your body to disappear in the water beneath you. Soon after, your other friends joined you, all enjoying the rain, until the thunder struck.
When you heard the thunder, the six of you raced back to the boat (Kelce won) and hurried to get under the cover.
Your bag was the only one left out on the deck and your belongings were already soaked. You decide to enjoy the feeling of the rain, since your dry clothes and towel were already wet and there was no saving them, but Rafe comes over to you after a few minutes and drags you to the covered portion of the yacht.
"What the hell were you doing out there??" he asks bewildered. Water hangs on to his features, tracing lines over the contours of his face.
"Sorry! All my stuff was wet and I wouldn't have a towel, so I figured I would appreciate the rain! We haven't gotten rain all summer." you explain, still dripping wet and clad in your swimsuit, feeling self conscious as those around you are already covered by their towels. You cross your arms around yourself.
"Oh my god, yn. You're something else..." he trails off, laughing slightly and pinching the bridge of his nose before he speaks again. "You know Rose stocks this thing with like a million towels, right?" he pauses, then says, "c'mon, I'll get you one"
You follow behind him down the hallway, the boat rocking and causing your wet feet to slip slightly on the tile floor. Rafe stops in front of a closet, and, sure enough, it was full to the brim with expensive, monogrammed towels. He hands you one.
"Thank you," you say, looking up at him. "I'm sorry... you really didn't have to come get me. I would've been fine and come in eventually." you begin to explain while wrapping the towel around your shaking shoulders.
"It's fine, yn..." he begins, "I just didn't want you to freeze to death, or slip and fall and hit your head... or... I don't know, I was just worried about you and I don't want to be the one in charge if something bad happens to you." he finishes, looking somewhat distraught as he looks back into your eyes.
"Rafe." you say, and he couldn't be more attentive if he tried, "I promise, I would've been fine. I was on my way back in when you came to get me anyway." you lie with a smile. At this, he nods and looks into your eyes, the light reflecting just right to make them hold onto his attention more than ever before. You're basically having a staring contest at this point, for nobody has spoken in almost a minute.
His gaze trails over the rest of your face, and he notices that you're still trembling and your lips are a shade of purple.
"Okay, fine. Just come with me" he finally says, and you follow him down to one of the bedrooms on the boat. The bedroom was clearly his, resembling the one he had at Tanneyhill quite well and the pictures on the wall were a dead giveaway. He goes into a drawer and pulls out a pair of gray sweatpants, a pair of socks, and an old UNC hoodie, one that you haven't seen since the first few times you met Rafe. "Change into this."
"Rafe, it's fine." you protest, but he cuts you off.
"No, yn." he shoves the clothes into your arms. "Your clothes are soaked and I can't have you getting hypothermia on me. Just change and come upstairs." He says, and with that he leaves the room.
After you change, you head back up to where your friends are gathered, still drinking and carrying on. The rain clearly did not affect their high spirits.
"There you are!" says Stella. "Nice outfit. We are trying to get the tv to work but Rafe must be poor or something and his Netflix won't work out here." she explains, making a jab at Rafe.
"Hey, hey, okay give me the remote and I'll get it to work." Rafe comes to his own defense and the rest of you laugh.
You sit down next to Kelce, and Topper comes over to you with a drink in each hand, one for you of course. You quietly thank him before he leaves to sit in a chair, and you begin listening in on the conversation that Stella, Macey, and Kelce are having ('is water wet?' like Kelce starts it bc you were just rained on in water and he's like 'but does that mean the water is now wet' and the girls are like 'ur dumb').
You're sat on the large couch with Kelce, while Stella and Macey share a smaller one. Topper is in a chair across from the girls. Rafe stands in front of you all, trying to fix the tv. As the conversation dies down, the focus is turned to Rafe.
He is clearly not making any progress, as he turns the tv off and puts the remote on the table, announcing "we don't talk enough, lets not watch tv and just talk to each other for once!" and he sits next to you on the couch.
The events of today are already not beginning to mirror your favorite day on the Druthers.
For one thing, there are seven of you. An odd number, always leaving someone out. For another thing, Rafe was totally preoccupied by Amber, leaving the five of you to wonder why you were on his boat in the first place.
The five of you sat on the deck, lounging and each of you with a drink in your hand. Rafe and Amber were inside, doing God only knows what.
You lay sprawled out, your legs over Toppers lap as he sat up beside you. Kelce mirrored Topper on your other side, his sunglasses on and arms on either side of the boat behind him. Stella was engrossed in her book and her vodka cran, and Macey sat next to Topper with her legs out on a table, nursing her beer. The five of you were quiet, enjoying each others company, yet still somehow on edge because of the presence of a plus-one.
Almost an hour passes before one of you speaks.
"Why aren't we swimming?" Topper says after finishing his third beer. Your ears perk up at this, excited at the idea of getting into the water.
"I'm down," Kelce says, to which you all agree. By the time you all are ready to get in the water, Rafe and Amber appear out of thin air, ready to swim right along side you.
Rafe is on your right, Amber to his right, as you are preparing to jump off the boat.
"Going swimming without me?" he teases, but you aren't in the mood for his antics right now.
"Didn't think you'd ever come back outside," you say, and you follow your words with a swift dive under the surface of the cool water beneath you.
The rest of your friends (Topper, Kelce, and your girls) jump in after you, not totally sure what you had responded to Rafe, but excited to swim nonetheless.
You look up to see Rafe and Amber staring at you from the deck, but you begin to float on your back before you can find it in you to care that she's here. The five of you swim around for a few minutes before they coming wading over to you.
"Oh, look who decided to join us," Macey mumbles to nobody in particular. You stifle a laugh, not wanting to draw attention to yourselves.
The seven of you swim for a while with no issues, other than Amber clinging to Rafe like she had never been in water higher than her knees. Stella is the first to go back on to the boat after about 30 minutes, and the rest of you follow.
You are on the deck, drying off, when you hear Amber complain. "Rafey, my shirt is all wet, I can't wear this!!" she cries to Rafe. The nickname is new.
You shoot a look to your friends. "Rafey?" you mouth to Macey. She rolls her eyes.
Rafe looks at you and your friends before he looks back to her.
"Why don't you just wear your bathing suit top for a while? We aren't leaving any time soon," he suggests, knowing that the five of you (just the boys to his face) would make fun of him endlessly for giving a girl his clothes.
"Ugh, no. I'm not doing that. I don't do my 10-step skincare routine just to get sunburnt." she replies, which you had to admit was a somewhat valid point. But, as she holds her shirt in her had, you notice that it is mostly dry.
"Fine," Rafe says, "follow me," and they go upstairs.
When they return, Amber is wearing Rafe's UNC sweatshirt.
While on the boat together, the four of you were told by Topper that there would be a boneyard party tonight. You all agreed to have Topper drive there in his Jeep, bringing you five.
So, you and your girls got together at Stella's house after to get ready and pregame (though, to be honest, you were still buzzed from earlier).
Stella let you borrow a top of hers, a pretty, lacey top that was the perfect color on your skin tone and fit you like a glove, while you wore a pair of jean shorts and sandals.
The three of you were buzzing with excitement. Boneyard parties included all sides of the island, including hot pogues and hot tourons. You all needed to branch out sometimes, which was why the boneyard parties (usually only around once or twice a summer) were the best.
It was around 9pm when Macey gets a call from Topper, assuming they are on their way. She picks it up.
"Hey, you on your way?" she asks, though the question was rather rhetorical.
"...about that..." Topper trails, one hand on the wheel, the other holding his phone. Macey puts the call on speaker.
"what the fuck do you mean 'about that' Top? You're on your way, aren't you?" she asks, still thinking he's joking.
"So basically... well, I guess that you could say," he begins again before he is interrupted by another voice.
"Is that yn?" the voice says, "Give me the phone" and before you know it, you were talking to Rafe.
"YN! Hey, so, Top wanted to give me and Amber a ride, so there's no more room in the car with the four of us, so you and Stels and Mace are gonna have to find another way there, kay?" he says in a drunken ramble and you hear Topper protest on the other end. The three of you were seething.
"Rafe. Give the phone back to Topper." Macey says.
"Kay, don't be mad, see you later bye" he finishes, clearly happy with how he delivered the news.
"Topper what the fuck is wrong with you??" Macey nearly yells.
As Topper begins to defend himself, you pull out your phone to start texting other people to give you a ride. Your phone hovers over the name, but you find yourself mad enough at the boys that you quickly type out a message and hit send anyway.
Before you know it, you're sat in the passenger seat of John Townsends Audi convertible on your way to the boneyard. Your girls are behind you in the backseat, and you are nearly there.
"Thanks again for taking us," you say to John with a small smile. He pulls in to the parking lot of the beach. He looks over at you.
"Anytime." He says and looks into your eyes. His gaze lingers over your face.
"Ok ladies let's go!" Macey announces, clearly drunk enough to ruin a moment.
The four of you exit the car, you and John following behind Stella and Macey, close enough to see them, but far enough that you can't hear a word they're saying.
"I hope you know, I kinda missed you." John says as you reach the edge of the beach. He takes your hand.
"Only kinda??" you say, and the two of you laugh lightly. He shakes his head at your joke, and you continue through the silence that settles. "I hope you know that my friends will lose their minds if they see us together," you say, but you let him take your hand anyway.
"I hope you know that I don't really care what they think," he whispers and kisses you on the hand before leading you into the boneyard party.
Stella and Macey are already waiting for you with a beer from the keg in their hands. They pull you out of John's grasp, but it wasn't missed by anyone that the two of you came in together.
John walks over to his friends, who greet him with a pat on the back. You are pulled over to yours. Kelce, Topper, Rafe, and Amber stand together.
"What the fuck." Kelce is the first to speak. You're not as mad at Kelce, so you just give him a small shrug.
"No really, yn, what the fuck?" Topper asks.
"Oh I'm sorry, I thought I was supposed to get another ride?" you say incredulously, pretending you don't know what is wrong with your actions.
"Not with that guy, yn." Topper responds. He looks between Rafe and Kelce. Kelce has a look of betrayal on his face, while Rafe has a look of pure hatred.
"I don't understand, John is like super nice!" Amber comes to your defense.
"You can date him then, Amber." Topper bites back, staring at you.
You let there be a few seconds of silence before speaking again.
"So was I just supposed to not come to the party then?" You ask, wondering what the right option was. Topper rolls his eyes and pulls you aside from the group, who begin to interrogate Stella and Macey about how long 'this' has been rekindled.
"Yn." Topper says.
"What, Top?" you ask, "I really don't understand what's so wrong about him taking us here because you wouldn't! It's not like he was my first choice or anything."
"Yn, you could've had anyone on our side of the island come and pick you up and you chose him, of all people?" he responds.
"Top, you were supposed to pick me up. But you didn't. So I texted him. This is not totally my fault. If you wouldn't have picked up Rafe and Amber instead of us..." he interrupts you.
"Rafe begged us for a ride!! He wanted us to take him and Amber and leave early so we could leave her here." Topper blurts out, leaving you more than confused.
"What?" you begin to ask but are interrupted by Stella.
"Macey just threw up." She says, looking between you and Topper. The two of you point at each other at the same time, as if to say 'not my job!' Topper rolls his eyes and walks over to where Macey is sat on a log, hunched over.
When you arrive, trailing behind Topper, you see Rafe and Kelce on either side of Macey to support her as she stays hunched. Kelce is talking to her, while Rafe tries (and fails) to tie her hair out of her face. Amber is nowhere to be found.
"We've got it from here, boys." Stella says to Rafe and Kelce. You walk around the log on the side Rafe is sat on. He looks up at you and gives you a look that is rather hard to read, when you offer him your hand to help him up. He takes your hand and you help him, but you weren't fully prepared for his weight (and drunkeness) and he fell into you. You stop his momentum with a hand on his chest, still holding his hand in your other one.
"Sorry," he says meekly, your hands still together. You laugh it off and take Rafe's seat, and Stella takes Kelce's. The boys walk away, except Topper.
"Hi, Macey girl" you begin, using the nickname and singsongy voice you only use when she's in need of some support. "You doing ok?" you ask, genuinely concerned because, if Stella came over to you, that meant it was serious.
She mumbles something that you don't quite catch, when Topper says that he will just take her home.
"You don't have to do that, Top," you say, about to offer to drive her when you realize you have no car to transport her in.
"Yeah, Topper, I'm ok." Macey says, and there is a silence that follows. That is, until Macey throws up again right in front of Topper.
"I'm gonna take you home." Topper says finally.
"I'll go with you," Stella offers, "I'll ride in the back with her so she doesn't throw up."
"I might as well go too then, it's gonna be no fun without you guys here." You add.
"No, yn, you should stay with Kelce and Rafe. You're the most sober here, you should keep an eye on them. I'll come and get you guys after I bring Mace and Stella home." Topper says, already getting up with Macey and pulling his keys out of his pocket before you can object.
They walk away and, before you know it, the Jeep is gone down the road. You make your way over to the fire, hoping to find some semblance of your friends. You run into John, who has clearly had more to drink than when he brought you here, since he is stumbling all over you and trying to get you to dance with him. You promise him a dance another time, and set out further on your way.
You finally find Kelce after around 15 minutes of searching. He's at the keg, and you let out a sigh of relief. But you still don't know where Rafe is.
"Hey. They took Macey home, and Topper will be back for us later." you say, looking around for Rafe as you do.
"Okay," Kelce begins, "did Stella go too then?" he asks, his question hinting at a crush that Kelce might have on a certain someone.
You raise an eyebrow at him. "Yes... she went too." you pause, seeing that he has accepted it. You move on, "Where's Rafe?" you say, finally getting to your point.
Now, it's Kelce's turn to raise an eyebrow. "Why do you ask?" he says, voice obviously hinting at something.
"What do you even mean? I just wanted to know where he is, Topper told me to keep an eye on you two because you're apparently super hammered." You say.
"Oh, well, I don't know, it just seems to me like you might have a little crush on Rafe." he says, wiggling his eyebrows.
"What??" you ask, "Kelce you're crazy, Rafe's my best friend, just like you and Topper."
"He might be your best friend, but it's not just like me and Topper, that's for sure." He says finally.
"Oh my god, you really are hammered." you say. "Where was the last place you saw him? Topper will be here to pick us up soon."
"Last I saw he was making out with Amber behind that tree." Kelce says, searching you for a reaction. When he doesn't get one, he continues, "Ok fine I saw him go out behind the dunes. but don't be too long getting him because I want to go home"
You ignore the last part, setting out to go behind the dune. When you pass Amber on her way back, all she says to you is, "Good luck, he told me he didn't want to talk."
And it seemed like good luck was what you had. You sat down next to Rafe, and he put his forehead straight onto your shoulder. You reach your hand up to rest on his head, and you lean your head onto his. You slowly feel your arm dampen, but you ignore the tears because that seems like what Rafe would want you to do. You couldn't tell if he was drunk and emotional, or just emotional.
You let a minute go by before you speak. "You wanna talk about it?" you ask, not expecting an answer.
"Not really," he mumbles into your shoulder.
"Okay," you say back. You wait another minute before speaking again. His head has turned to look out at the water. You turn to him before you say, "If you don't want to talk now, we don't have to. But Kelce wanted me to get you quick because he wants to go home. Is that ok?" you say, gauging his response to get an insight into how he is really feeling.
He laughs, but it doesn't reach his eyes like it usually would. "Yeah, that's fine." He says. Neither of you move. He finally lifts his head off your shoulder and stands up, offering you his hand. You take it, and he pulls you up without anyone falling onto anyone else. He doesn't drop your hand.
You lead him to find Kelce, where you two separate to wrangle him and both are then able to get him into the front seat of Topper's Jeep.
"What took you so long?" Topper asks.
"Just couldn't find these freaks, and then, once I did, Kelce tried to run away and drink even more." You say, covering Rafe's tracks. "You're babysitting him tonight, by the way." You say to Topper.
"That's fine, we are all staying at your house anyway." he mentions without even so much as a look in the mirror at you.
"What?!" you say.
"Your parents aren't home, and we have two, maybe three, drunk people who need help. Mine are home and they hate when we come home drunk."
"Fine, as long as you're taking care of Kelce." You say.
He agrees. You turn to look at Rafe, who is looking out the window of the car. You tap his hand that is on the seat next to you. He looks and gives you a small smile before looking back out the window.
You arrive to your house, where Topper pulls in the driveway. Topper is able to get Kelce out of the car and into the house before either you or Rafe move an inch.
"You wanna go in?" you ask. He doesn't move, but you know he heard you.
"Not really," he says honestly, turning to face you.
"Let's go in." you say, grabbing his hands together. "We can order pizza and watch Revenge of the Sith if you want?" you suggest, throwing out his favorite movie and his favorite meal to cheer him up at least a little bit.
"...okay, if you insist." he says with a hint of a smile on his face, and he follows you out of the car and inside.
You order the pizza when you get inside after you check on both Macey (who is sound asleep in your guest room) and Kelce (who is laying restlessly in your brother's bed asking Topper where Stella is). You come back to the living room where you see Stella sitting on one of your couches talking to Rafe, and you send her up to Kelce. There is quiet as you watch her ascend the stairs. You clear your throat and turn to Rafe, who is sat on the other couch.
"I ordered the pizza, it should be here soon." you say, trying to break the ice. He looks at you in acknowledgement and then turns back to his phone.
You come to stand in front of him, the backs of your legs touching the coffee table that is centered in the room, and the front of your knees just barely brushing the inside of his thighs. You sit down on the table, something your mother would reprimand you for, and Rafe puts his phone down.
He avoids your gaze. "You know I'm gonna ask you what's wrong, right?" you say, obviously.
"I know," he says, and he looks down, "I was just kinda waiting to see if you would forget about it."
"I wasn't gonna forget about it, you know that." you say honestly, looking at him as he finally meets your eyes. His blue eyes shine with the hint of a tear forming, and you admire how he still manages to look good even after he has cried.
He sighs, wiping under his eyes before a tear can escape. "Its just that..." he pauses, and your eyes prompt him to continue with his sentence, "tomorrow is the anniversary of the day my mom died, and Ward and Rose are leaving to go to the Bahamas." he finishes.
"Oh wow, Rafe, I didn't realize, I'm so sorry." you say, and that's all you can really manage to get out. You put your hand on his leg.
"Its really ok," he tries to brush the feelings off, "I just thought my dad still cared about her a little bit, even though he's with Rose now I thought he would still think about her sometimes or even know the day she passed away." he pauses his ramble, "It just still hurts a lot more than I thought it would, you know?" he says finally, sitting up and moving toward the edge of the couch, his elbows resting on his knees. Your legs are nearly intertwined, your hand still on his leg.
"It's definitely not 'okay', Rafe. This is a big deal. How you feel is a big deal... to me especially. I'm so sorry that it seems like Ward doesn't care." You pause, noticing that his hand is resting on his leg close enough that his fingers brush both your hand and your leg that is in between his. "...I promise you that this is important, and it's more than okay that you are still grieving her. She was so amazing. I have no idea what it's like, and I'm so sorry that you have to know."
"Thanks, yn" he says, but you know your words aren't going to heal his pain completely. You smile at him. He grabs your hands and gives them three tight squeezes when the doorbell rings.
"I'll get it, it's probably just the pizza," you look through the peephole of your front door, and you see John, looking out of breath and leaning on your doorframe.
You open the door, "Oh, hey, John," you say, loud enough for Rafe to hear and hopefully come over to the door. "What are you doing here?"
"I just needed to make sure you got home okay," he slurs, running a hand through his hair. He looks past you into your house and you close the door a little bit.
"Oh, yeah, all good, thanks for checking." you say, confused how he got here since his car wasn't in your driveway.
"Yeah of course... I ran here once I noticed you were gone. I just needed you to be safe." he explains, getting closer to you and stumbling as you back away slightly.
"Yep, all good here." you begin to tell him goodbye when he interrupts.
"Is that Topper's car?" he asks, his words blending together, and you nod. "...oh yeah, I was just thinking that's weird because you asked me to give you a ride because you didn't want to ride with Topper, and now he's here..."
"...well Topper is still my best friend, I couldn't be mad at him for too long, plus we worked everything out." you start, and you finish by saying, "so, thanks for checking in, I really appreciate it, but we are all good!"
"yeah of course, so what are you up to now?" he begins, looking into the house behind you again.
"Hey what's taking so long?" Rafe comes up to you, and his confidence falters slightly when he sees John. "What is he doing here?"
"He was just leaving, Rafe. He just wanted to check in on us and make sure everyone was safe." you explain, never having seen the two boys interact. All you knew was that Rafe hated him, and John wasn't so fond of Rafe either.
"Yeah just wanted to make sure my girl was okay, you know?" John says, and Rafe steps forward, blocking you from sight due to his tall and broad stature.
"Yeah, she's fine. So, why don't you get going now, huh?" Rafe says, clearly trying to hold back the anger that was sparked in him by the comment that John made about you being 'his girl'. If anything you were Stella's girl, Macey's girl, Your Boys' girl, Rafe's girl, most definitely not John Townsend's girl.
"I don't know... yn was just about to invite me in to stay for a while, said she missed me" John lies, drunkenly trying to get a rise out of Rafe. And whether it was Rafe's emotions talking, or whether Rafe just really wanted to punch John Townsend in his stupid pretty-boy face, one punch was thrown, and then suddenly the boys are fighting on your front porch.
You tried to get them to stop, but it was no use. The pizza guy pulls into the driveway a minute or so later, and Rafe stops beating on poor John's pretty face. John stands and gives Rafe one final shove before walking away. "Bye, yn, text me if you're ever tired of these losers." he says, and with that, he was gone. Rafe is still breathing heavily. You tip the pizza guy and he leaves very soon after his arrival.
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." you say, hoping that Rafe will follow you inside. He waits until John is out of sight, then he does, you place the pizza box on the counter, and you begin rummaging through your cabinets for your first aid supplies.
"Sit," you command, once you've found the supplies. He sits, and, even sitting, he is almost eye level with you. You begin to clean one of the wounds he has on his face, the one that already seems to be swelling.
"You didn't have to do that," you say after a few minutes go by.
"I know." he responds.
"I hate it when you fight," you say.
"I know." he responds.
"This bruise looks like it's gonna hurt pretty bad tomorrow," you begin.
"You should see the other guy." he says and tries to crack a small smile.
You smile sadly, thinking about the handful of other times you'd had to patch Rafe up. "I remember the first time I ever had to do this," you begin to reminisce, "you had gotten into a fight with someone in school about something in ninth grade gym class, and then they sent you to the nurse before you could go to the principal's" you say, laughing lightly at the memory, and you finish cleaning the cut near his eye.
He smiles, "you were in the nurse for a migraine, and you told me she was out for a little but that you could try your best to help me." You pick up his hand, cleaning the cuts on his knuckles from 'the other guy'
"yeah, that was when I was convinced I was gonna be a nurse, so I was determined to patch up your skinned elbow really well so maybe the nurse would hire me." you say, laughing at the memory as you finish putting a bandage on his knuckles. "I shouldn't keep having to do this," you joke, but you don't drop his hand.
"You should stop making me get in fights over you," he retorts quietly without thinking, looking up at you and hoping you didn't realize what he said.
"You should stop getting in fights... wait, over me?" you say, perplexed. He looks away, before he gets up from the chair and clears his throat.
"Let's put the pizza in the fridge, if we aren't gonna eat any now?" he says while packing up the pizza into a bag.
"Why did you say that?" you ask, still frozen in place.
"Say what? We should put this pizza away if we aren't gonna eat it." he says, acting oblivious.
"No, Rafe, the other thing." you say, expecting an answer.
"We can just talk about it later. It's nothing." he says, and he finishes packing up the pizza and puts it in the fridge.
"Really?" you say, now leaning on the counter.
"Yes, really, yn." he responds, walking past you and giving you a small squeeze on the shoulder before heading upstairs and leaving you by yourself in the kitchen.
"Goodnight, yn" he says quietly as he leaves.
"...goodnight." you say, still confused.
a/n sorry started school this week forgot to post. hope you enjoy, not [proofread!
🏷️list: @flvredcas @rafesno1bae @kiiyomei @silkylovey @girlwedontcare @sunny1616 @asterizee @pillowprincess4him @patychieffi @rafeslittleangel @anightlikethisss @drewsdirtyslut @mattyskies @theyluvmesblog @gothamgirl2024 @ujws5 @kmhbygss @kaiparkerwifes
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adasknife · 5 months
I have to talk about Ada's "What do you think?" & "Don't think too hard, handsome" after Leon asks her whether she's trying to use him again so jus bear with me, k?
I remember reading a comment from someone year ago how that sentence is her doing a 180° to her response to mean she's definitely not trying to use him again and that had to be the most illogical thing I've seen. Like, this is Ada were talking about, she knew Leon in RC, she used him, but she also gave him an out to just get out of her way, yet he refuses because he wants to be a hero. Now let's go back to her response, Leon's clearly angry and untrusting towards her, that's why he asks her in the first place. And the real reasoning for Ada's "don't think too hard, handsome" is actually because he shouldn't think too hard, because it's clear as day that she did use him to her benefits, albeit because it was convenient so she doubles it down that he actually has an answer to his own question, hence his "Story of my life" after she grappled away.
But yea, i love Ada, she's consistent in the remake and i hope it'll stay that way.
coming to the conclusion of ada will stop using leon in that exact section is funny. because not even hours ago, ada did this:
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but i think leon needs closure from ada and ada refuses to give it to him. in my personal opinion, ada in the remake just thinks leon is hot and nothing more. she teases him for having feelings of anger (their first fight scene and boat scene) because, "hey, i moved on from raccoon city, why didn't you?"
so, when she says, "why do you think?" to his question. she is making 'fun' of him. teasing that she affected his life so much. (trauma bonding from leon kennedy himself)
the "don't think too hard, handsome." is once again teasing him. she doesn't have planned in her tiny schedule to use leon. he just happens to be there. if she needs to use leon, she will
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onlyseokmins · 6 months
Spicy things I think abt a lot in rc...
Vying for Versailles:
All of it tbh specifically ft the amount of threesomes and Alexandre's debauched yearning and long ass smut scene whew
Hearts of Trespia:
Whoever wrote that meme of "man loses everything and becomes 10x hotter" so true
I love Wyatt but reinhold is super special to ME his scenes were hot and kinda unhinged for no reason grrr
The first smut scene is so intimate and tender :(
Rage of the Titans:
Considering mc's goddess incarnation and yet she can sleep w/ like every character past, future, present and enemies before deciding on a main LI in s3????? 😭
And despite how many spicy scenes there were, they were all pretty damn good for no reason
Marshall's was unfairly hot with a bit of angst at the end ffs might replay just for him, Murphy's def a certified freak, Jason's a menace, Adrian's had me feeling emo, and Theo's got me gasping and reeling STILL from the whole "five-two thrusts" and making her COUNT the slow ones....
Chasing You 1 & 2
Alexander's freaky ass w/ his bondage teaching, attic scene, boat scene, and the greenhouse scene in CY2!!
His god complex makes me wanna d-word but we move
Sam's were spicy in CY1 but I really don't remember them all that much idk he kinda annoyed me but I like him much better in CY2 😋
Ezra's choking is wack 💀 can't wait to punt his ass sorry not sorry
Heaven's Secret 1 & 2
Tbh Lucifer's spicy scenes were kinda random and wack 😭 HS2 def sold me tho w/ his stupid angst self
The whole fingering outside his jail cell got me weak tho
Mimi tasting like raspberry!!! I knew that first Christopher!! F U!
Dino's flying scene too ok pop off or fly off king
Malbonte's scenes 💯 BITING AH
His post wedding scene convinced me I picked the right man it had me kicking and screaming when I saw the options 😭
I refuse to romance and satisfy Astaroth's perversions but he is a freak and their reactions in the memory isles got me dead
The Flower From Tiamat's Flower
Tbh still not sure if mc took the Dragon dong mad respect if she did 😭
Song of the Crimson Nile
Also Set's fuckin reference to a peach (if u pick that perfume) for no reason what a heathen
Amen is such a thirsty mfer my god I only took his scenes to laugh at his thirsty ass 😭 I *need* to know how this ends rn
Legend of the Willow
Also also him tying up his hair before going down on Mei OKAY
Threxio u dumb tease 😭
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plague-of-insomnia · 1 year
do u think a bizarre doll (or whatever we're calling them now?) could disobey ut? or do u think they're "pre-programmed" to like/follow him?
hope ur doing better! ❤❤❤❤❤
Hey, anon! Today was actually a pretty bad day but I’m feeling a little better after a nap, at least.
This is a cool question bc it’s something that @apocalypticromantic666 and I have actually discussed a lot. (Feel free to weigh in here too if you want, AR.)
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DO bizarre dolls HAVE to obey UT, or can they rebel? Does he include something in their records that forces them to do what he wants or do they have free will?
Related to this, AR has a theory that BD’s can’t lie. Like Sebastian, they may be able to lie by omission, but they may not be able to directly lie.
Honestly, I don’t think I can answer your question definitively one way or another. Especially since we don’t know who is and isn’t a BD now that we know some exist like Layla (or lolibitch as I like to call her lol), who can completely pass as human until they reveal themselves.
I don’t think anyone except Doll is a BD right now at the orphanage, but we don’t really have a way to know. After all, Layla even completely fooled Ronald, a reaper. BUT we also know now that reapers cannot see souls, so that complicates matters.
I honestly think it would be cool and make sense depending what UT’s goals are if BDs can’t under normal circumstances disobey him. It would also potentially make RC a bit less of a villain. After all, it’s not like he chose to get sacrificed and killed, have his soul eaten by a demon, his body mutilated, and brought back to life…. (I still hate him though bc I didn’t like who he was before he died but that’s another story).
But this issue will potentially come into play this arc with Doll. It’s still unclear if Doll wants revenge against Snake as well, or if he’s excluded from that plan. All they said was “I’ll send THEM to hell,” and the original Japanese was also vague.
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And we don’t know if/when Snake learns the truth if he would side with Doll or the servants/Finny/OC either. It would potentially depend on HOW he finds out, and if he factors in that despite what Ciel did (have them killed/killed them/lied), he DID risk his own life so that Snake’s snakes would survive, even giving them his place on the life boats. In a sense, he saved them twice. He didn’t have to do that at all. He could have insisted snake abandon his friends (the snakes), or insisted on protecting himself first. We know that’s not who Ciel is despite what he tries to claim and act like, but I do hope Snake remembers that. Bc it really stuck with me the last time I rewatched Book of Atlantic.
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So yeah, if BDs cannot disobey, then Doll cannot do anything except act on their revenge. If that happens, Snake will have to pick between killing Doll/protecting Finny potentially, or helping Doll kill him. I know that he’s been upset about losing his family and was ready to kill Ciel for it in the murder arc, but I have a hard time believing he could so easily turn on Finny and kill him. He must know by now how indebted to Ciel everyone is and how loyal Finny in particular is.
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Adding to this, there’s the possibility that Finny and Snake could have been experiments of UT’s as well. AR has a theory that the snakes may actually have/be bizarre dolls in a sense that they along with Snake may all share pieces of a soul/records, sort of how Layla seems to have two diff people in one body. (Which is what I think he’s using the orphans for, making that kind of BD.) So that could be another added complication.
I do also wanna address the fact that it’s possible Ut doesn’t have any programming that forces BD’s to obey him outright. Like, he can’t tell RC “sit” and he must sit down.
However, he may have crafted their records in such a way that they will act in accordance to his wishes. So, for example, Doll may be unable to act against the programming of revenge no matter how persuasive Snake may be. It may be completely impossible for a BD to go against that coding.
Again, I kinda like that idea and it fits nicely thematically with the whole revenge element of the manga and the futility of many actions we’ve seen as the story has progressed. Since Yana seems to like Shakespeare and Kuro definitely has Shakespearean tragedy vibes, it would fit to have characters who are quite literally doomed by their own inescapable narrative (their altered records).
I hope this wasn’t too rambling and made some sense. Thank you for such a great question. I hope you have a good weekend :).
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salty-protagonist · 1 year
Determining Star Lords with Astrology (Part 2)
This post references back to Part 1 and includes the analysis for Polaris and Canopus.
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Polaris ****
Polaris is the most common blood type in the series. But what makes it special is the fact that we actually met Lord Polaris (with his identity concealed)!
I assume that Lord Polaris is male because he is/was a butler and it is traditionally a masculine role.
Polaris is the “Pole Star” that moves around very slightly compared to the average star movement has has been used as a guide to determine the direction of north over many centuries. It’s part of the Ursa Minor (Little Bear) constellation.
Polaris is known for being a trusty guidepost that leads people with a purpose. These qualities are shared with his identities as butler.
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The second thing we know about Lord Polaris is that he is dead. When did he die? Was he always dead? Well, according to the fan translation I’m putting here, he was alive until very recently. (If anyone has the official copies, it would be great if you’d share your wisdom because the English translations are not sold in my region and I have no means to look for one at the moment)
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Blue stars are the hottest stars (simply due to the electron jumps in their atomic levels). Here, I’m guessing it’s either to talk about Lord Sirius because he is more powerful compared to the other Lords, or to talk about Lord Sirius because it is associated with the Phantomhives who’s trademark colour is blue. (Ciel means sky in French as you all know, which is blue). A third possibility would be to talk about Lord Sirius, since it’s a white-blue star (sourced from the internet).
I would like to elaborate more on this but I will do so regarding chapter 169 in the future when Polaris becomes relevant again. I was busy at the time 169 came out so I couldn’t directly comment on it at the time.
Moving on, the reason why I mentioned the official translation is because how I understand the panel above is as he wasn’t dead at the time. So I want to make sure the meaning is as close to that as possible. Nevertheless, something has happened between RC reveal and ch169 for Polaris to have died. Perhaps when RC stopped being Lord Sirius, it also meant the fall of the Blue Star that led Polaris to sacrifice himself in a cultish way? Or RC needed an organ and Undertaker took it from Polaris?
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Still, I don’t think we can create solid connections between any butler character we already know and Lord Polaris. Many new characters were introduced during the last few years so it would be safe to assume he hasn’t been seen in the story before this.
(Disclaimer: Most if this is regarding ch 169, so if any of this has been mentioned by someone else before, original credits are directed to them)
Canopus** (Doll)
This is where the theories for the orphanage arc start
I will be connecting Canopus to the dog orphanage because all the other Lord seem to have connections to one of the new settings. Although orphanage is the only one left (process of elimination), there are still some connections between Canopus and Lord Canopus who I think is Doll.
Canopus is the second brightest star in the sky (1st is obviously Sirius) and it is a part of the Carina constellation, which stands for the lower part of a ship. Carina used to be a part of the Argo Navis ex-constellation until it was divided into 3 others. Argo Navis means Argo Ship. It is the ship used for the quest for the Golden Fleece. Carina doesn’t have a legend for itself so it ties with the myth for Argo Navis. Other 2 constellations that were a part of Argo Navis are Vela and Puppis, whose names also stand for parts of a ship.
How ships and sailors tie in with Doll is through the circus which was named “Noah’s Ark Circus”. To summarize, Noah had a boat (Ark) which carried 2 of each species on Earth to conserve life after God flooded everything else.
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If we consider Argo Navis as Noah’s Ark Circus, we can relate Carina, Vela and Puppis to the 3 pieces of the circus. Carina is Doll, Snake is Vela and the deceased circus members are Puppis (meaning back of the ship therefore making it seem like they’re left behind in a roundabout way).
We already know that Doll is a bizarre doll and a newer model too. So, it corresponds with the other confirmed Lord Polaris, and relates to Layla as Vega. It would make sense for Undertaker to have revived someone without any family to look for them and to have given them command over a blood collection operation.
Let’s look at the Canopus bedroom in Sphere Music Hall blood experiments wing.
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Compared to the rooms of all the other star lords, it doesn’t have any personal decoration or belonging of any kind. Much like a hospital or a hotel room, it seems to be for temporary residence. A logical explanation regarding Doll would be that she was only kept here until she was able to move on her own. The bandages could be from the injuries Sebastian gave her.
The lack of any personal belonging could be because Doll is used to frequently moving around rooms in the circus. She didn’t do anything special to settle in with OC when they were roommates too.
The placement of the stool doesn’t match either object in the room. It’s too far back for anyone to have looked into the mirror (for makeup or sth you know) or for someone to have helped whoever was on the bed to take of the bandages in the orientation shown above. Maybe it was pushed away as Doll went up to the mirror and saw that Undertaker fixed her eye after ripping off her bandages by herself. (This is very deep speculation without any concrete proof)
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The speech bubble belonging to Lord Canopus is impatient, wanting to begin the plan for bringing back RC. This could be about Doll wanting to take revenge on OC as soon as possible.
I would also like imagine Doll’s real name is Carina, because it’s a great name with a beautiful meaning. It peaked in the era that she is living in as well.
Thank you for reading!
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rcmumbai · 25 days
RC Transmitter and Receiver: The Heart of Remote-Controlled Vehicles in India
RC transmitter and receiver India, remote control vehicles India, RC hobby India, RC car parts India, RC drone parts India
Remote-controlled (RC) vehicles have gained immense popularity in India, offering enthusiasts a thrilling way to experience the thrill of speed and control. The core components of any RC vehicle are the transmitter and receiver, which enable wireless communication and control. In this article, we will delve into the world of RC transmitters and receivers in India, exploring their functions, types, and key considerations for choosing the right equipment.
RC Mumbai, your one-stop-shop for all your drone needs in India. We offer a wide range of high-quality Lipo batteries, drone accessories, multirotor parts, and FPV racing accessories.
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Understanding RC Transmitters and Receivers
An RC transmitter is a handheld device that sends radio signals to control the functions of an RC vehicle. It typically includes joysticks, buttons, and switches for steering, throttle, and other controls. The RC receiver, installed within the vehicle, receives these signals and translates them into commands for the motors, servos, and other components.
Types of RC Transmitters
2-Channel Transmitters: These are basic transmitters suitable for simple RC vehicles like cars and boats, offering control over two functions (e.g., steering and throttle).
4-Channel Transmitters: More versatile than 2-channel transmitters, they are commonly used for RC helicopters, drones, and complex RC cars, providing control over four functions (e.g., steering, throttle, pitch, and roll).
6-Channel and Above Transmitters: These high-end transmitters are designed for advanced RC vehicles, offering control over multiple functions and often featuring programmable features.
Factors to Consider When Choosing an RC Transmitter and Receiver
Compatibility: Ensure that the transmitter and receiver are compatible with your RC vehicle's specific brand and model.
Range: The range of the transmitter determines how far you can control your RC vehicle. Consider the size of your flying field or driving area.
Channels: Choose a transmitter with the appropriate number of channels based on the complexity of your RC vehicle.
Features: Look for additional features like programmable functions, telemetry, and voice output that can enhance your RC experience.
Budget: Set a budget for your transmitter and receiver based on your needs and preferences. There are options available to suit various budgets.
Popular RC Transmitter and Receiver Brands in India
Several reputable brands offer high-quality RC transmitters and receivers in India. Some of the most popular options include:
Futaba: Known for their reliability and precision, Futaba transmitters are widely used by RC enthusiasts.
Spektrum: Offering a wide range of products, Spektrum is another popular choice for RC transmitters and receivers.
FlySky: Known for their affordable options, FlySky provides good value for money.
Hitec: Hitec offers a variety of transmitters and receivers suitable for different RC vehicles.
RC transmitters and receivers in India are essential components for operating remote-controlled vehicles. By understanding the different types, factors to consider, and popular brands, you can make an informed decision when purchasing these equipment. With the right transmitter and receiver, you can enjoy countless hours of fun and excitement with your RC vehicles.
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theblogs2024 · 2 months
The Ultimate Battery Group Size Chart Guideline: Simplifying Your Battery Collection
Choosing the proper battery to your motor vehicle or machines is often a daunting job, Primarily With all the myriad of selections readily available out there. A single very important element to consider would be the battery team size, which performs a substantial function in ensuring the battery matches correctly and performs optimally. On this page, we will provide a comprehensive guideline to comprehension battery team sizes, how to interpret a battery group dimensions chart, and tips for selecting the appropriate battery for your preferences.
What on earth is Battery Team Size? Battery group dimensions is an ordinary classification that specifies the Actual physical Proportions, terminal places, and sort of the battery. This classification system is regulated from the Battery Council Global (BCI) and helps individuals and makers ensure compatibility among batteries and autos or equipment.
Comprehending Battery Group Size Chart A battery group sizing chart gives crucial information regarding different battery sizes, which includes their dimensions, terminal configurations, and suitable car kinds. Here’s ways to go through and use a battery group sizing chart proficiently:
Team Dimension Code
Just about every battery is assigned a gaggle dimension code (e.g., 24, 35, 75). This code suggests the battery's Proportions and terminal arrangement. Actual physical Proportions
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The chart lists the battery’s length, width, and peak in inches or millimeters. Making sure the battery suits within the specified Place in your automobile or machines is crucial. Terminal Configuration
The place and type of terminals (posts or studs) are specified, which is vital for good connection and fit. Software Compatibility
Some charts indicate the kinds of automobiles or products suitable with Every single team sizing, aiding in quick identification of suitable batteries. Frequent Battery Group Measurements Here are several of the commonest battery group sizes as well as their common applications:
Team 24
Dimensions: 10.twenty five x 6.8125 x eight.875 inches Purposes: More mature vehicles, smaller to mid-sized automobiles, and some boats. Team 35
Dimensions: 9.0625 x 6.875 x 8.875 inches Programs: Lots of Japanese-manufactured automobiles and small to mid-sized cars. Group 48 (H6)
Dimensions: 12.0625 x 6.875 x 7.5625 inches Applications: European autos plus some large American automobiles. Team sixty five
Proportions: twelve.0625 x 7.5 x 7.5625 inches Purposes: Large vehicles, SUVs, plus some business cars. Group seventy five
Dimensions: nine.0625 x 7.0625 x 7.875 inches Programs: Common Motors motor vehicles, notably mid-sized and compact automobiles. Guidelines for Selecting the correct Battery Group Size Look at the Operator’s Handbook
Your motor vehicle or tools's owner’s guide normally specifies the advisable battery group sizing. Measure the Battery Compartment
In the event the handbook is unavailable, evaluate the battery compartment to ensure the new battery will healthy adequately. Look at Terminal Places
Make sure the terminal areas match your car’s or equipment’s connections to stop set up troubles. Evaluate Your Electricity Requirements
Evaluate the Cold Cranking Amps (CCA) and Reserve Ability (RC) to ensure the battery fulfills your ability needs, specifically in Severe climatic conditions. Seek advice from a Professional
For anyone who is unsure, check with with knowledgeable mechanic or battery expert to acquire recommendations according to your certain wants. Conclusion Comprehension battery group sizes is important for selecting the correct battery on your motor vehicle or devices. By familiarizing on your own with battery group sizing charts and thinking about critical things such as Proportions, terminal configurations, and application compatibility, you can make an educated determination and guarantee best performance. Use this guidebook like a reference to simplify your battery variety method and make sure you choose the very best battery for your needs.
Take a look at The range of battery team dimensions readily available and come across an ideal match on your car or equipment currently!
To know more details visit here: Group Size Guide
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Silver's new house:
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I love the piano opening. And the dramatics.
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He's right by the beach. Or at the very least this is his beach side house.
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No matter what, I am forever delighted that they were able to get TIG out of retirement to reprise his role. Like kudos to everyone who came back for this show.
Kreese is an unknown caller to Silver which makes sense he was using the dojo's number.
I also love that Silver picks up, here's "Hey, long time" and then doesn't say another word and hangs up on him. 🤣🤣🤣And changes to playing a very dramatic song.
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This is supposed to pick up right where the last one left off, like literally seconds after, and yet we've got new kids in the yard.
Johnny literally trying to teach at the same time but seperately from Daniel. They're confusing each other, and the students and should've lesson planned before hand. Though they do all line up when Johnny tells them to, which I don't think Daniel's had them do before.
I guess they try to translate the rock to: Envy sees only the garden without the rocks.
And Bert hits Mitch straight into the rock, which they're both Johnny's eagle fangs.
Don't you teach any defense? (No he needs you to teach him some)
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Great question
It is interesting to see each style with the others right there. Because Demetri and Sam just sort of never stop circling each other until Demetri explains one needs to be provoked so Johnny throws a bottle at him.
It weird that they're teaching together but not.
Like Daniel has them waxing the car so Johnny has them clean the van which is full of RC cola.
Do the students drive? Carpool? If so where do they park? Do their parents drop them off?
Johnny once again made equipment out of whatever he could find, which is tires, glass, a baseball bat, a boat paddle and metal drums he set on fire which both Miyagi-do and Eagle Fang use, though Chris pukes in the boat.
Why are they fighting inside the house? Eli's foot goes through the paper in the doors.
Robby hasnt officially joined Cobra kai despite the gi in the season finale. and he doesnt think its a good idea, just credits kreeses strike first to ending trouble in juvie and needing a palce to crash but doesnt want to be a pawn. Kreese says hes not a pawn but a king.
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Kreese pulling the your dad picked Miggy over you
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Being a champion according to Kreese is a reputation that follows you the rest of your life. Please note that all the trophies in the dojo were Johnny's and yet everyone treats him like garbage.
Amanda running in with a baseball bat and Anthony with his tablet ready to witness his mom kickass.
Their security password is Outlander
They didn't go to the police because of the PR nightmare for their business and don't want Sam to have to relive it.
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the dream
Amanda has nicknamed Johnny Captain Eagle Claw
Tired progress for they didn't beat each other up.
I feel like for a moment Daniel really is positive and hopefully around Johnny and it's refreshing.
Sam hears her dad call her LaRusso 2.0 and how they'll win because of her and that it'll show everyone Cobra Kai doesn't work, especially Robby. So...making Sam a pawn.
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fajita and grilled vegetables, pico de gallo, and corn and flour tortillas. Dude's learning after his pollo tacos.
Oh hey we have our first coke product, I believe that's due to this being the first netflix season.
He got the recipe off the Chilli's website (though I looked and if they did have a recipe up I think it's gone now)
fajita and grilled vegetables, pico de gallo, and corn and flour tortillas. Dude's learning after his pollo tacos.
Oh hey we have our first coke product, I believe that's due to this being the first netflix season.
He got the recipe off the Chilli's website (though I looked and if they did have a recipe up I think it's gone now)
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I don't know why but for some reason I thought Johnny bought the fajitas and passed it off as his own. But no, he actually made it. Proud of him. That didn't look awful.
Johnny knows that they're Ecuadorian, I wonder if he just doesn't know the food and because his first date with Carmen was Mexican food he just assumed they share some cuisine.
Also he hasn't talked to Miguel about liking Carmen or how everything went with Ali and how it was just two old friends catching up, but I get why Carmen was like let's take it slow and not rush into things because there's still all this danger.
Kreese just sort of shows up places, even when there's signs that say no trespassing. It's interesting that he knows where Terry lives.
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I guess Silver's lived here for a while. This staff person's name is Carla and Silver runs to help her when she leans down to try and get what she dropped.
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Terry Silver, welcome back.
Kreese thrown by the fact Terry is having a party.
Cheyenne calls Silver: Terrance
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Kreese seems to be getting along with Cheyenne. Says he'll take 2 mimosas, she takes his hand and they walk off laughing/giggling.
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Listen literally doing this is dumb. Like you two were trying to teach at the exact same time. But teaching opposing viewpoints in general around the same time, by taking turns, like any small child knows, wouldn't be bad for them.
I appreciate the kids being like wait a second we're training together, why are the eagle fang going up front. They didn't realize on day 2 they might need to break out the SDRP: Sensei Dispute Resolution Protocol.
Wait where did Johnny's sleeveless eagle fang shirt go? Is it Netflix's fault Johnny has sleeves?
Practicing their front sweeps on hawk
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Robby don't be an unsafe dumbass, you do need a spotter. Listen to Tory.
Kreese put up a bullitin board in the backroom. Why there where Robby sleeps and they only sometimes work out there I don't know.
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Some Silver cars, or possibly his friends.
Silver, is that a sand garden? With smooth sand? Why? Aren't you supposed to draw lines in the sand in that thing for meditation?
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Kreese is sitting with so many people which is wild since there's a whole empty couch across from him.
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It's totally organic and Cheyenne recommends dipping it in the cashew cilantro sauce.
Terry and Kreese have known each other for 50 years, met in 'nam, special forces. And Silver didn't tell Cheyenne he was in the military.
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Kreese literally a second away from murder but also, a what the fuck Terry with the 'what nice new friends you have Terrance.' with a strained smile.
This party is for Cheyenne's mindfullness app, it's a launch party. It's so kids outside of LA, in places like Ohio can learn mindfulness
The vipers karate team. 🤣
Kreese gives Silver a challenge of a look like are you going to let her call it the vipers? Silver corrects her.
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he does not realize how much danger he's in. calling it a phase is what broke Kreese.
I kinda love that the kids can't focus with Johnny teaching outside.
One of the Eagle Fang kid's name is Gus.
Daniel calls out to Johnny: Sensei Lawrence and Johnny responds: Yes sir.
Hawk inspired by the art on the wall after Johnny tells him to walk it off. Like I know it feels like Hawk is being picked on, but I kind of wonder if Johnny did that on purpose so they could get their frustration out asap and move on.
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According to Demetri that is the sparring deck where Mr. Miyagi's great grandfather taught karate on the waterfront
The reason why I think maybe Johnny did it on purpose is the Miyagi-do's are all pissed at him and it's only them that show up pissed, the eagle fangs seem to have gotten it out of their system, at least a little. Because Chris tells him he's not wanted there.
Johnny: Everything's a disaster with you. Which is how it does sound most of the time. But Daniel is surprised by that. Ali's right, I think they enjoy bickering. Just so long as they don't go for the low blows.
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This is Daniel once again kinda taking his anger out on one of the students when they don't need it. And based off the way Hawk rushes of and Johnny asks Daniel what he did makes me think Johnny was slowly working on taking Hawk back in and trying to get that aggression out of his own team. Fixing those burned bridges.
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These idiots
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Except apparently Hawk, huh Daniel?
Under what roof? We're outside. 🤣
They're bickering over silly shit now which is better, I mean some of it's real like over Hawk and their students, but the roof is funny. Though it also points out that Daniel has the power to make the dojo-less.
Miguel pulling out the big gun. Rocky III
Miguel for this situation you need to be Appollo. Johnny: Why can't LaRusso be Apollo? 🤣
Is Sam driving a Mercedes? Yup.
Sam's at the skate park, already having talked to her dad. (How dare they not show us that convo too. Did the SDRP determine both get Rocky III pep talks or is there a different one for Daniel?)
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Robby at a different skatepark than before, i also think he must've gotten a new board. Because I don't think Daniel would've let him easily leave if he showed up to get his stuff and with the new security system there's no way he would've been able to sneak in and get his stuff, not without Amanda coming running in with a baseball bat.
The bottom of his board was covered in stuff on both boards, and for one of them the top was completely worn this one looks new. Did Grandpa Kreese buy that for you? Where'd you get all your clothes and your board? (Other than that Netflix money?)
Remember when youtube had it and so Robby was wearing the same thing for days because he was literally homeless and on the run?
And! Miguel always had the same beaten up backpack? People mention how they can tell and I never noticed before, but you can. But now he has a newer backpack.
Apparently this skatepark is where Sam looked for Robby every day while he was on the run.
Sam having the same convo with Robby that Tory did.
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I want to point out that Sam and Tory being mad at Robby when they're the ones who wouldn't stop fighting...
She says she never stopped caring about Robby even though she was mad at him. Robby: "Never stopped caring about Miguel either."
Sam saying she knows and it was more complicated then she thought but Robby tells her she had a choice and she chose.
Same tells him he's a good person, his father knows it, her father knows it and he shouldn't make the wrong choice. And Robby snaps.
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Poor Johnny, but at the same time. Robby can go a little feral. He tried to stop a fight and it ended up throwing him in juvie. His dad tried, but then didn't believe in Robby that he'd been trying to stop the fight because he hadn't heard Robby's side. Daniel dropped him twice. Sam dropped him too. His mom's in rehab and he's essentially homeless and not going to school and everyone is telling him that the guy whose letting him crash at his dojo is evil, but he's also spent forever listening to Daniel say Johnny's evil. And he knows Johnny didn't like Daniel, so...yeah poor kid.
"The it looks like I get to be the first person to ever tell you this. You're not getting what you want" Damn Robby, going for the throat there. I mean he lived with the LaRussos, so he knows that she pretty much gets what she wants without much repercussions when she does something wrong.
Speaking of which, I wish we'd seen Anthony's reaction to living with Robby and their relationship.
Sam saying 'just remember, this was your choice' when Robby's not even on team cobra kai, just literally sleeping there. She...i hate to say it, sounds like Kreese with that.
they jumped the timeline from 30 years ago to 35 years ago, which Johnny did too in the Ali episode.
Terry thinks John wants money, and is upset that they didn't finish what they were supposed to do because Kreese vanished on him.
Terry's demeanor changes like he can't believe Kreese is still fighting Daniel. "Danny-boy?"
I love how there's this big build up and then Silver says 'no'.
Terry thought he could conquer the world in the 80s, he (cough the writers or maybe netflix) blame TKK3 on cocaine.
Apparently Terry hit rock bottom after TKK3 as well, but got himself into therapy and well he looks good and has a great place. he also found 'clarity'
"turns out you disappearing was the best thing that ever happened to me."
Kreese leaves with a wink
I do like that they kept Johnny practicing what he's going to say:
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"we got off on the wrong foot. I'm sorry for interrupting your class today. No. Don't apologize it shows weakness."
Johnny planned to call, Daniel just shows up. This time he doesn't try to break the door down.
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Daniel apologizes for snapping and Johnny's like you should be sorry. Which I think is the first time he kind of is like hey the way you snap at me isn't cool.
I also love that Daniel brought Johnny's beer of choice. Which I truly wish they'd hadn't pulled away from that scene and actually shown us Johnny's face to Daniel showing up on his doorstep with his favorite beer. 🤣
Johnny why would you just pour out the ham liquid all over your floor? You live here man.
The way Daniel stutters and looks disgusted. It's bad enough he's drinking Johnny's beer. Literally Daniel: "Uh, uh n-no. No, I'm, I'm...I'm good."
He is doing a bit better.
"I understand how difficult it must be coming to my dojo."
Oof. Not the right way to go there. "For the sake of the kids, I think it's time you officially join Miyagi-do."
Like I think Johnny gets that Miyagi-do has a rich history but his point is more, why should I give up my independence as a dojo and follow you? But Daniel takes it more as my dojo's older, has a richer history and yours is 3 weeks old and you started it in the park and got the name from the poster. which is kind of rude to Johnny since technically all the kids except Sam were originally his, even Demetri for like 2 lessons.
So technically for active dojo's, Johnny's been an active sensei longer than Johnny (at least for teaching outside of the family). And saying that there's not a good place to fight is a really good point. they have too many students for the space, Miyagi-do works well for one or a few students, but once you get more...well. It was originally Mr. Miyagi's home, it wasn't ever mean to be a dojo.
Then Daniel brings up that Johnny's using his dojo for free, which he was also using the park for free. So? He also was perfectly fine at Cobra Kai until you upped the prices on him and all the other tennants. And he was doing well financially until Kreese stole his dojo. Yes he's there for free, but come on.
Johnny did steal the car, or more accurately, kept it. And he's right, you even agree, it's a shitty car.
They enjoy arguing but Daniel realizes their bickering and gives up on them and Johnny softly agrees that it won't work.
Sam calls Johnny by Johnny.
Hawk showing up to Miyagi do with a sledgehammer is concerning for a guy who trashed the dojo before. Don't worry kiddo Johnny totally would plan to take you with him, the downfall is he wouldn't be training with Demetri.
it's interesting how when Hawk was there Kyler fell behind everyone else, and also thought Robby was the coolest but now is pissy about Robby being there and even seems to be trying to take over that void Hawk left.
I don't know how Tory handles it, pretty much all her friends are gone.
Robby proving himself to them by telling them anyone who lands a hit means he'll leave but otherwise he's training them, because he's merging coba kai and miyagi do, which is what Daniel and Johnny are supposed to be doing but Robby is ahead of the curve. Because like his dad said, he's smart.
I think this is the first time Tory has actually watched Robby fight.
Tory needs a cobra kai buddy that is not Kyler. 🤣
She's the only one to land a point and it's a kick to the face. Robby, your dad's got some cursed blood there, protect your face bud, you're going to get a lot more of those if you've got the same shit luck. And protect your neck.
"Light traffic today?" "What's that supposed to mean?" "Nothing, I'm just surprised you got here on time is all" "Why wouldn't I be?"
Like they've had one lesson together, one day, and he came with all his students, so that doesn't necessarily mean Johnny's late to class. And when else would Daniel have had a chance to know whether Johnny is running late or not????? Like Daniel that little jab doesn't make sense.
Hawk literally breaking down the fence to give them more space. "You're both right. Talk is cheap so I'm building a bridge." And then Demetri showing up with the plans for an Okinawan sparring deck, Eli designed it himself. I'm proud of Eli for planning this and creating it and working together.
Mr. Miyagi had another car back there??????
"They think they're better than us" (Robby is telling the truth Miyagi-do does believe it's better)
Cheyanne asks for a bottle of montrachet from the cellar. This is wine that apparently costs between: $170 and $2900 and is purchased through a broker and is considered one of the best. So she's asking for his best wine.
would like to point out that they purposefully slicked back Robby's hair for his officially 'joined cobra kai' look.
Cobra kai once again filling out with random unnamed extras that are new
Kreese delighted that Robby is there leading his students.
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How much money did Kamen wine give to have their wine on display and kicked by Silver?
I don't know if that painting is ruined or better. 🤣He didn't even clean up the glass. What happens when you back down there for another bottle of wine huh? What if you go down there drunk and barefoot? Future you or your staff are going to be pissed.
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rchobbyproducts · 3 months
RC Boat Models from EXHOBBY for the Win
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It’s a perfect sunny day, the lake is calm, and you are all set to launch your RC boat for an exhilarating sailing or racing session on the water. You power up your boat, but instead of smoothly gliding across the surface, your boat sputters, struggles to steer, or worst of all, it doesn’t move at all. Seems frustrating, right? Every RC boat enthusiast might have experienced this issue at least once in their lifetime. If you are one of them and are looking for better models, we have some excellent options that perform seamlessly on water! We value our hobbyists, and to help you with the best models, here’s our handpicked selection!
VOLANTEXRC Atomic XS Remote Control RC Boat
Looking for something small yet powerful? This model has got you covered! Designed with water fins and trim tabs, the superior engineering of this boat keeps it stably running in pool, lake or even river. The high speed RC boat comes with a 2.4GHz remote controller with a 120-meter signal range and the radio controlled boat can be raced for quite a time due to its dual rechargeable batteries and waterproof design featuring durable anti-flip hull design, robust structure and crack-resistant nature.
Source: https://www.exhobby.com/products/volantexrc-atomic-xs-remote-control-boat-with-2-batteries-reverse-function-795-5-blue
VOLANTEXRC Atomic Brushless High Speed Racing RC Catamaran
A gem in our inventory, this one comes with a power brushless motor that can race at 40 MPH ad blow other radio-controlled boats out in the water. With an improved waterproof design, and ABS unibody hull, the boat is completely waterproof and you get complete protection from impact damage or high-speed driving.
Source: https://www.exhobby.com/products/atomicx-40mph-high-speed-boat-with-abs-unibody-blow-plastic-hull-792-6-rtr-black
VOLANTEXRC Vector Lumen RC Electric Boats for Pools 20mph LED Light
Do you want a boat with fun nigh-driving LED lights? If the answer is yes, this vector lumen model with LED lights can offer excellent performance with features such as reverse movement and auto-self righting, so you never flip over!
Source: https://www.exhobby.com/products/volantexrc-rc-electric-boats-795-6-red
VOLANTEXRC RC Shark Toys for Pool
Although this one is not exactly in the shape of a conventional boat, but think about how cool it will be to have an RC boat that’s made in the shape of a shark? Well, when you go for this model from EXHOBBY, you get a highly-realistic, waterproof design with dual motors, remote control and long play time with 2 rechargeable batteries. Besides, the model can also rotate 360-degrees with its bionic joints, so we would say it’s a fun addition to your collection!
Source: https://exhobby.com/products/stemtron-rc-shark-toys
Looking for Top-Notch RC Boats?
Well, the quality of boats also determines how frequently remote-controlled boats break down on the water. Whether you are looking for RC racing boats with a unibody ABS hull and capsize recover design, RC pool boats, or RC sailboats, EXHOBBY has a selection of different models, including speedboats, sailboats, and yachts that cater to hobbyists of all levels. Offered by VOLANTEXRC at EXHOBBY, the RC boats are available in different sizes and are suitable for different levels of pilots. Need more information, or want to make a purchase? Visit our website today!
Source: https://www.exhobby.com/collections/rc-boats
Blog Source: https://rchobbyproducts.wordpress.com/2024/06/13/rc-boat-models-from-exhobby-for-the-win/
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I FEEL you so hard. Have had my iphone XR since 2019 and it works ok (battery life is still ok and it doesn’t crash ALL the time) but i can’t wait until it’s practically a brick so i can switch to an android without guilt. The faceID kills me and I’m practically never using it (got a thin scratch in the glass above the selfie camera 2 years ago, so i have to make sure no light is randomly bouncing on the scratch when I unlock my phone, or the halo blocks everything) and it’s like having a babysitter version of a phone. I’m not allowed to use any applications not vetoed by Apple Inc. and almost all features are so much less customisable… sure, and iphone is great in some regards (5S and XR have been surprisingly good models in my experience) but for the past 3 years I’ve felt soo limited by Apple’s philosophy
Well, good news (or bad depending on how long you want to keep that phone), the iPhone XR is most likely next on Apple's chopping block of support. The iPhone 8, 8 Plus, and X were all dropped with the release of iOS 17, last September. If Apple keeps on their linear path, this September, with the release of iOS 18, the iPhone XR, XS, and XS Max will all be dropped. Apple usually gives phones two years of security patches after they're dropped, however, so it depends on what you consider a "brick." I, unfortunately, have an iPhone 12-series phone, so I've got at least two more years of updates left, four if I wanna push my goal to the security update deadline.
Also, for the Face ID issue, idk if you've tried this, but try doing a rescan. Go to Settings > Face ID & Passcode, and click "Set Up an Alternate Appearance." I don't know if all iPhones have this. I think they may have added it for the iPhone 12-series and newer, but if you have it, give it a try and see if it helps smooth over Face ID. By teaching it what you look like with the scratch interfering, it may be able to better compensate for it. If you're phone doesn't have that, you could always try tapping "Reset Face ID," too, to force it to re-scan. Although, with damaged glass, I don't know if it'll let you.
The App Store is another point of contention for me, too. I have a 2011 MacBook Pro that's been "obsolete" since 2017, when macOS High Sierra stopped getting updates. I wiped the drive clean and put Linux (Zorin OS) on it, and it's actually been really great. It runs like it's native. The problem, though, is that using Linux has opened my eyes to just how few free & open-source apps support iOS because of Apple's bullshit App Store requirements and $99/year developer fee. A lot of the apps I use on this computer are great, and they support Android, but they don't support iOS. It's a real bummer, and I'm just tired, in general, of not being able to do the things I want with my phone, so unless Apple decides to get really cool, really fast, this will certainly be my last iPhone. (Especially with iOS 18 coming with RCS Message support, almost entirely eliminating the difference between iMessage and Android to iPhone messaging.)
And I'm not trying to shit on Apple too much because Google is worse in plenty of ways. I have plenty of Apple devices from an iPhone, to an M1 iMac, to an Apple TV, etc. Apple makes really good hardware (with the exception of its repairability). Their problem is that they hold themselves back with their own greed. We've seen it with plenty of devices. The Apple Vision Pro is a great example. Apple thought they could use their brand image to make the device successful, but they recently had to cut production in half because demand fell off so steeply. If VisionOS was open and easy to develop for, then I'm sure it could've been a success, but Apple's desire to control everything has gotten in its way. I mean, who wants to develop for a $3,500 headset where you have to pay $99/year for a developer account, and then $400 for an Apple Vision Proprietary Port to USB-C adapter?
The Mac is honestly in the same boat. I saw a YouTube Short of a developer explaining why they dropped Mac Support, and it makes sense. To make an app on each platform you have to:
Have a PC
Code the app in any application of your preference.
Compile for Windows
Have the same PC
Code the app in any application of your preference.
Start a Virtual Machine and open the project inside it.
Compile for Linux
Buy Mac hardware ($600 for the base model Mac mini)
Pay Apple $99/year for a developer account
Code the app in Apple's Xcode
Acquire and add a Code Signature to the app so that macOS doesn't throw a fake error when attempting to open it.
Compile for macOS
If you want to upload your app to the Mac App Store, get Apple's blessing that it follows their guidelines.
Wait at least 24-hours before updates are published so Apple can approve them.
Give Apple a 15-30% cut of any money made from the App.
I used to thing that macOS had shit app support because developers just didn't want to support a niche market, but now I know it's the opposite that is true. Even if Linux has an even smaller market, it's as easy as clicking another button or booting up a free Virtual Machine and then clicking said button. You can use all the same hardware and programs. It's literally free to compile for Linux, and it expands your user base.
Meanwhile, for macOS, you have to spend a minimum of $700 just to make the app. Then, if you're not an A-List developer, you have to give a portion of your proceeds to Apple so you can put your app on their App Store for the exposure. Who the fuck would wanna do that?
Apple's death grip on their products worked for the iPhone and Apple Watch because they were both relatively new products to their respective category, but in a market where technology is starting to plateau, I'm simply no longer interested in supporting this behavior, mostly because I want to be able to use my favorite FOSS on all my devices, not just the non-Apple ones.
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pupperchris · 5 months
RE Infinite Darkness Could've Been Better
I watched AND rewatched RE: Infinite Darkness andddd it was great! But this is yet another instance where I wish Claire was the MC whereas Leon was the supporting role. Leon is involved bcs it's his job, but Claire got involved bcs she's a journalist trying to get to the bottom of things so if we saw them meet up during Claire's investigation then Leon would tell her details leading to them working together. ANYWAYS I want to comment on all the new characters (That are now dead ☺️) but #LOVED PATRICK he just looks like a wet cat like all the time😭 and he's just doing his best💕 he doesn't like Leon in the beginning for whatever reason I just wish we saw him more in action cuz it's clear that he's an agent maybe not as experienced as Leon but ik he has some sweet moves in him.
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Shen Mei was also lovely. RIP Shen Mei you would've loved Ada Wong😪 I felt so bad for her tho bcs she cares for her brother, and she genuinely wanted to bring justice to the victims of Raccoon City and Panamstan ONLY TO GET KILLED BY JASON 😭 I just know how betrayed she felt when she figured out Jason wasn't in the same boat as her like she thought they were in it together💀
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now...Jason I like you...but...I HATE YOU. Idk I felt like they were making him too...emo like "it starts with fear then you cultivate it and watch it spread and that's terror 🐺👿" like brooo shut upppp you doing too much 😭 like I think if maybe he tried to speak out in some way or like Shen Mei and he have been secretly exposing bits and pieces of Panamstan and Raccoon City but keeps getting covered up I would see Jason's POV like yes bro! Turn into a BOW and show them!! Like I can see him getting impatient and resorting to that like making Shen Mei and Jason two sides of the same coin, I think their dynamic and character itself would've been more interesting that way. Also, I don't think he would kill Shen Mei bcs to my understanding they've been together for like a long time SO IT MADE NO SENSE FOR JASON TO KILL HER. If you wanted Jason to kill her make it accidental bcs I would think he cares about her since she's been there since day 1. So Leon's character was AMAZING in this series they got his funny and serious side at the same time this is what Degeneration Leon should've been instead of the awkward mewing mess he is in that first movie and I wish that we could've seen that nice back and forth we get with Claire and him since he was more playful in this series also I think that that would've aided their break up scene at the end💔(IK IT WASNT A BREAKUP SCENE BUT IT FELT LIKE ONE DAMMIT😭)
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bcs then Claire knows abt the chip and since Leon knows abt her investigation she's under the assumption that Leon would give it to her, but with Leon not giving it to her she almost views him as a bad guy bcs there been through so much trouble to get it and come out alive and he just kind of brushes her off🫤...Okay now CLAIRE I LOVE HER homegirl so good at her job that the government had to kidnap her☺️ there's not much to say just like how passionate and compassionate she is through all of it she's amazing literally can't do any harm I don't have much to say abt her character bcs she doesn't go through and arc but she's just I think disappointed in Leon I really like the line "That outfit doesn't suit you" bcs it has a deeper meaning like in the beginning of it its like haha you look silly😊 to her not recognizing him anymore like the suit represents the government that covered up the RC incident and the outfit doesn't suit the same rookie cop that she met all those years ago😕MAYBE I'm reading too into it but that's my #take all in all it was a great show 5.5/10 I might make more posts abt it but this is it for now
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j-a-smiths-blog · 5 months
2234 11Apr24: Chapter 102.
I'm slowly procrastinating when I should be making headway on my two projects.
The life-sized treadle lathe and the stop motion animation film set. Granted I did take 2 days off to play driver and then that caused me to take today off to relax a bit. The wife is ordering me to do some graphic design tomorrow so we can print and wrap candies for our nephews birthday party even though his birthday is today. We figured it better to have people over on the weekend to not affect school.
So I might be able to find time to set up and start cutting more wood tomorrow so I can make progress on the carpenter shop set.
With the carpenter shop set, I am looking to use the plywood as it's easy to rip through with the hand saw. It's not too expensive, and it's fairly light weight. I'd still like to get a small table saw to be able to rip 2x4 wood down into 1/6th scale lumber.
I'm thinking that after I complete the carpenter shop diorama and film, my next big project will focus on building a 1/6th scale rc boat. This would be a long term project that would allow for some serious Behind the Scenes build photos as well as utilizing my engineering skills I learned through my time in the Navy to build an operational engineering plant.
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This is the style of ship I'd build as it's not super huge but it again exactly small either.... but to be more realistic and feasible I'd probably be better off building a small yacht for my figures because atleast that gives more opportunity I feel atleast... who knows. I have to really weigh my options because to build a boat and film things I'd need a boat for myself as well... going to and from the house to shore and then along the land would gather so many people to look and it would be slightly challenging as people would want to touch, that's why I feel a small sailing yacht would be the better option to go with.
See how this works... I'm trying to focus on the stop motion film and already thinking months in advance to something totally different now?!?!?!
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developerwith1 · 6 months
Choosing the Perfect Group 26/26R Battery: A Buyer's Guide
Picture this: You're about to embark on a road trip, your car packed, playlists ready, and then... your car refuses to start. Turns out, your battery decided it's the perfect time to retire. Now, if you've ever found yourself puzzled in the battery aisle, wondering which battery fits your car like a glove, you're not alone. Today, we're zoning in on the Group 26/26R battery – a popular choice for many vehicles, offering a mix of performance, reliability, and longevity. Whether you're a car enthusiast or someone who just wants their car to start without a fuss, this guide is tailored just for you. Let's navigate the maze of choosing the perfect Group 26 battery together.
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Understanding Group 26/26R Batteries
Ever wondered what the 'Group' in Group 26 stands for? It's basically a sizing guide – like shoe sizes but for batteries. The Group 26/26R designation tells you about the battery's physical dimensions, terminal locations, and sometimes, the power capacity. It's essential knowledge that ensures you don't end up with a battery that's a square peg for a round hole.
Group 26 Battery: The Basics
Think of the Group 26 battery as the reliable old pair of jeans you reach for, knowing they'll fit perfectly. These batteries are versatile, fitting a wide range of vehicles from cars to small boats, and offer a solid balance between longevity and power.
Group 26R Battery: What Sets It Apart
The 'R' in Group 26R stands for 'Reverse.' Imagine you've got a mirror that flips things around – that's what the Group 26R does with the battery terminals. This slight tweak makes it suitable for vehicles that require this specific configuration.
Identifying Your Needs
What's your battery for? A daily commute, long road trips, or maybe a vehicle that sees more garage time than road? Your usage directly impacts the type of battery that's best for you.
Comparing Battery Specifications
Batteries are like snowflakes – no two are exactly alike. Delving into ampere-hours (Ah), cold cranking amps (CCA), and reserve capacity (RC) helps you understand which battery will hold up best under your specific conditions.
Understanding Battery Lifespan
Not all batteries age like fine wine. Knowing what affects a battery's lifespan – from temperature extremes to driving habits – can help you make a choice that won't leave you stranded.
Maintenance and Care
A battery is like a pet; it thrives on care and attention. Regular checks and maintenance can prevent unexpected failures and extend your battery's life.
Installation Tips
Installing a battery can be a DIY task, but it's not as simple as plugging in a USB cable. A few tips and tricks can make the installation smoother, ensuring your battery starts off on the right foot.
Price vs. Performance
Weighing the cost against the battery's performance is crucial. It's tempting to go for the cheapest option, but like fast food, it might not be the best choice for your health (or in this case, your vehicle's health).
Warranty and Support
A good warranty can be a lifesaver. It's the safety net that catches you if your battery decides to take an early retirement. Understanding warranty terms can save you money and headaches down the line.
Recycling Your Old Battery
When it's time to part with your old battery, remember that it's not just trash. Batteries are recyclable, and disposing of them properly is a small step you can take to help the planet.
Where to Buy
From brick-and-mortar stores to online marketplaces, options abound. But not all sellers are created equal. Knowing where to buy can ensure you get a genuine, high-quality battery at a fair price.
The wisdom of the crowd can be invaluable when shopping for a battery. User reviews and feedback offer real-world insights into how a battery performs under various conditions. It's like getting advice from a thousand friends who've been in your shoes. Look for patterns in reviews to gauge reliability, longevity, and customer service experiences.
Choosing the right Group 26/26R battery doesn't have to be a daunting task. With a bit of knowledge and understanding of your needs, you can select a battery that provides reliable performance, fits your budget, and meets your vehicle’s requirements. Remember, the perfect battery is the one that matches your lifestyle and usage patterns. It's the silent guardian that ensures your journey, whether it's to the grocery store or across the country, is smooth and uninterrupted. So, take your time, do your homework, and choose wisely. Your vehicle (and future self) will thank you for it.
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allaboutmodelships · 8 months
10 Amazing Facts About Ship Models: How to Build, Collect, and Display Them
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Ship models are fascinating for many people, from hobbyists to experts. They show the beauty and diversity of ships from different times and places. They also reveal the skill and artistry of the model makers. If you love ship models or want to start your own collection, here are 10 amazing facts and tips about these miniature wonders.
A Rich History
Ship modeling has a rich history dating back thousands of years. Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians and Greeks, crafted scale models of boats and ships for religious rituals, burial practices, and naval warfare simulations.
Precision Craftsmanship
Building ship models requires precision craftsmanship and attention to detail. Skilled model makers meticulously study historical blueprints, photographs, and archival records to ensure accuracy in every aspect of the vessel's design.
Materials Matter
Ship models can be constructed from a variety of materials, including wood, plastic, metal, and even paper. Traditional wooden models offer a classic appeal, while modern materials like resin and fiberglass provide durability and versatility.
Scale and Size
Ship models come in various scales, ranging from tiny desktop displays to museum-quality replicas spanning several feet in length. Common scales include 1:48, 1:72, and 1:100, with larger scales allowing for greater detail and realism.
Types of Models
Ship models can be categorized into three main types: static display models, radio-controlled (RC) models, and sailing models. Static display models are typically built for decorative purposes, while RC and sailing models are designed for active use on the water.
Collecting Treasures
Ship model collecting is a popular hobby worldwide, with enthusiasts seeking out rare and unique pieces to add to their collections. Collectors often focus on specific themes or periods, such as naval history, maritime exploration, or famous ships and vessels.
Preserving the Past
Ship models play a vital role in preserving maritime heritage and history. Museums, maritime institutions, and private collectors alike cherish these miniature replicas as valuable artifacts that offer insights into naval architecture, engineering, and design.
Displaying with Style
Proper display is essential for showcasing ship models effectively. Display cases, shelves, and dedicated cabinets offer protection from dust and damage while allowing enthusiasts to admire their collections from all angles.
Building Your Own
For those with a passion for hands-on craftsmanship, building ship models from scratch or from kits can be a rewarding and fulfilling hobby. Beginners can start with simple kits and gradually progress to more complex projects as their skills improve.
Embracing Innovation
Advancements in technology has revolutionized ship modeling. 3D ship models, created using computer-aided design (CAD) software and cutting-edge 3D printing technology, offer unprecedented levels of accuracy and detail.
Ship modeling is more than a hobby, it’s a way to learn, create, and admire the beauty and diversity of ships throughout history. As you enjoy this rewarding activity, you may want to check out the products of Premier Ship Models, a company that specializes in making realistic and stunning 3D ship models. Whether you're just starting out or have a large collection, you'll find something that will spark your interest and love for the ocean and its vessels. 
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Harnessing Power with a 4S LiPo Battery: A Comprehensive Guide
In the realm of remote-controlled gadgets, drones, and other electronic marvels, the term "4S LiPo battery" has gained immense popularity as a powerhouse of energy. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or a newcomer, understanding what a 4S LiPo battery is and how it can supercharge your projects is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive into the world of 4S LiPo batteries, exploring their definition, applications, and where to acquire them.
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Decoding 4S LiPo Batteries
A 4S LiPo battery, often referred to as a 4-cell LiPo battery, is a rechargeable power source composed of four individual lithium-polymer (LiPo) cells connected in series. Each cell typically carries a nominal voltage of 3.7 volts, resulting in a total nominal voltage of 14.8 volts for a 4S LiPo battery pack. This configuration is chosen for its ability to provide a robust balance between voltage and capacity, making it a favored choice for a broad spectrum of electronic devices and applications.
Applications of 4S LiPo Batteries
The versatility of 4S LiPo batteries makes them a preferred power source in various fields. Here are some common uses for 4S LiPo batteries:
RC Enthusiasts: Remote-controlled cars, trucks, helicopters, and boats often rely on 4S LiPo batteries to deliver the significant power needed for propulsion and control systems.
Drone Enthusiasts: Many high-performance drones, quadcopters, and UAVs employ 4S LiPo batteries for their ability to provide a substantial power boost, resulting in extended flight times and enhanced maneuverability.
DIY Projects: Electronics hobbyists and DIY enthusiasts frequently turn to 4S LiPo batteries to power their custom projects, from robot prototypes to autonomous vehicles.
Key Features of 4S LiPo Batteries
Understanding the key features of 4S LiPo batteries is crucial when selecting the right power source for your specific needs. Here are some vital characteristics to consider:
Voltage: A 4S LiPo battery pack typically boasts a nominal voltage of 14.8 volts. This elevated voltage level is well-suited for applications demanding high power output.
Capacity: The capacity of a 4S LiPo battery is measured in milliampere-hours (mAh) and dictates how long the battery can supply power before necessitating recharging.
Connector Types: 4S LiPo batteries come with various connector types, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of devices and projects.
Size and Weight: Depending on your application, you may need to consider the physical dimensions and weight of the 4S LiPo battery to ensure it fits and functions seamlessly.
Where to Find 4S LiPo Batteries
If you're on the hunt for a dependable 4S LiPo battery to power your endeavors, there are several avenues to explore:
Online Retailers: Websites such as Amazon, eBay, and specialized hobby shops offer an extensive selection of 4S LiPo batteries, catering to different capacities and configurations.
Local Hobby Stores: Don't overlook local hobby shops or electronics stores that cater to enthusiasts, as they often stock 4S LiPo batteries in-store, along with expert advice.
Manufacturer Websites: Some battery manufacturers maintain their own online stores, allowing you to purchase 4S LiPo batteries directly and ensuring product authenticity.
In conclusion, 4S LiPo batteries are a powerhouse of energy and a trusted power source in the world of remote-controlled vehicles, drones, and DIY electronics projects. Understanding their specifications and applications is crucial when selecting the right battery for your needs. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of electronics, a reliable 4S LiPo battery can provide the power boost you need for your projects and adventures. So, explore your options and elevate your electronic experiences with the robust performance of 4S LiPo batteries today.
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