#how to see conversation history on snapchat
grac3333 · 6 months
georgia stanway x reader
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“so……how was your run?” it was about midday and you were sat across from olly, georgia’s boyfriend just trying to make conversation. You didn’t like him very much and you were certain that he didn’t like you either. but seeing as this lockdown didn’t seem like it was going to stop soon you were trying to put an effort in.
“it was good. thanks” he replied glancing up from his phone to look at you. you sighed and rolled your eyes at his lack of effort with you before standing up and walking out of the room.
you and Georgia had met when you had moved to barrow-in-furness, way back when you were 12 and joined dowdales school. coming from liverpool you had a pretty strong scouse accent but it had died down from living in south london for the past few years.
you had moved when your parents split up, your dad getting custody and he wanted to go back to his family. for you and your older brother to see where he grew up.
your aunt owned a small cafe that was next to a local rugby club (whitch you would soon learn that gorgias house backed onto) and the rest was pretty much history.
but right now you faced a dilemma. through the door you stood outside was georgia and your phone. but georgia was doing and interview and you really wanted your phone.
you decided to just go really quietly, grab your phone then leave. like a ninja. so you slowly opened the door and crept in. g was sat on the floor with her laptop on the low table in front of her and milo laying on her lap. sadly though, the laptop was facing the door so you were caught in the act.
“sorry I have an intruder” georgia teased smiling at you, her eyes gleaming.
“i just forgot my phone” you rolled your eyes at her but grinned back.
“is that y/n l/n i hear” you heard a familiar voice call from the laptop and your smile grew.
“is that my least favourite right back i hear” you teased walking closer and g patter the space behind her to sit down. you did, sitting beside her, your thighs pressing together and you flashed at smile at the camera. milo seemed to enjoy your presence as he jumped up and clambered onto your lap.
“and we are now joined by one of england’s and chelsea’s super star y/n l/n” ben haines announced while you waved at him.
“hi, thank you and sorry for just barging in” you smiled, stroking milo who had seemingly fallen asleep on your lap.
“no worries it’s a pleasure to have you” he smiled.
“right now say hi to me” the other person on the call demanded.
“hey luce miss you” you said and the face of lucy bronze smiled, happy to be acknowledged.
“miss you toooo” she said blowing you a kiss.
“oi get a room you two” g grinned from next to you so you pinched her thigh as she yelped.
“come now geogia don’t be jealous” lucy teased and g rolled her eyes playfully.
“yeah g don’t be jealous” you parroted lucys words and it was g’s turn to pinch your thigh.
“sush you or ill kick you out” she threatened and you closed your mouth quickly as she grinned to herself. you currently played for chelsea in london but seeing as you lived alone, had to come to ride out the lockdown with your best mate in sunny manny.
“anyway back to the question” ben was quick to bring the conversation back to the topic to the video and you weren’t sure if you should leave or not. you weren’t supposed to be there and was slightly worried they didn’t want you there.
as if she could read your thoughts g put her hand over yours. “You might as well stay” she said. “please” she added as if you were even thinking of leaving after she asked you to stay. you nodded, squeezing her hand in reply. you would do anything for georgia.
“right on the topic of phone what was your first social media app” ben asked.
“i think mine was snapchat” g answered and you looked up at her.
“oh come on” ben looked genuinely shocked.
“shut up” lucy said in disbelief, smiling.
“yeah it was, cause i was dead late to social media. i just wasn’t interested. but i do remember i had snapchat” g tried to reason and i smiled at the look on lucy’s face.
“georgia actually dosn’t text people - wait no y/n don’t sit there ginning when you are the worst at this! right basically the both of you only text people on snapchat and like it’s the stupidest thing i have ever seen” lucy went off on a little rant seeing you into a little fit of giggles.
“nah but it’s just- it’s just like easier innit” you reasoned elbowing g for her to help back you both up.
“yeah you just get used to it. and it’s better cause you know why, you actually have to open it to see what it says otherwise like on whatsApp you read it then forget to reply” she replied with you nodding.
“and you can send pictures easier! so if you like, wanna show your mates you can be like, this is what I’m having for me tea and it’s so much easier!” you grinned, your words rushing out and not many much sense in a sentence.
“ah no why would I send someone what i’m having for me tea!” lucy laughed.
“because lucy bronze that’s what friends do sometimes but you wouldn’t know cause your to old and don’t have any friends!” you teased and g beside you started laughing her head off making you laugh as well.
“i used to have my hair in like dreads” g answer the new question.
“oh my god i remember thattt” you said laughing at the memory of baby faced georgia with braids.
“yeah i remember georgia turned up to training one day with her hair full on braided like i could see her scalp” lucy recalled making you laugh again.
g whipped up a baby photos of her with braids on her phone.
“oh bless you were such a cute baby!” you cooed at the phone (as if you hadn’t see the photo a thousand times before) before looking up. “what happened” you grinned and she pinched your cheeks playfully but your cheeks flushed, especially as her big brown eyes bore into yours.
“anyway so i used to always have my hair in like dreadlockes” you snapped out of whatever you were in so g could explain her photos.
“you look a bit confused as to why you’ve made that decision in the picture” ben said.
“that’s just her happy face” lucy smiled making you all laugh. “like death stare”
“what about you y/n what was your worst fashion choice” ben asked.
“oh god probably like when i used to rock a bob” you said cringing at the memory.
“that’s not even that bad man, of course that’s yours, you’ve always been a little model” lucy rolled her eyes grinning.
“yeah always been bloody gorgeous” g tapped your nose as you blushed.
“ummm i don’t remember my first poster but when i moved to barrow i had about a million one direction posters” you giggled and g laughed next to you.
“lord you should have seen this girls room it have covered in one direction” g laughed with you.
“what can i say i love one direction” you smiled.
“guys thank you so much for you three making me feel incredibly old and nice and nostalgic at the same time” ben laughed.
“no worries”
“thanks for having us”
a while later your head was on g’s stomach as her hands ran through your hair.
“i’m really happy you came to stay with me. ive missed you now you live all the way in london” she mumbled quietly but you could still hear her.
before you moved to chelsea, you had the fattest crush on g and you were pretty sure she liked you back. lingering stares were shared along with soft touches and rosy cheeks. g was your best friend but she was also so much more that than.
but you moved. it wasn’t anything to do with her at all but you had to put your career first and as much as you weren’t a chelsea fan at all, they were winning things you wanted to win and playing games you wanted to play in.
anyway you moved and the next england camp you heard all about how olly had asked her out. you were sad but needed to get over it. you went gonna let a stupid little crush ruin childhood friendship.
“i’ve missed you to g” you replied and she smiled. “your my best friend” you added and little did you know that even though she had olly, georgia’s heart broke a little as you said it.
hey guys this is my fic after and very very very long time just reading woso fics. always love feedback but please be nice. thank you for reading xoxoxoxo
Also I’m hoping for a pt 2?!?!
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Extra extra! Arthur x Reader: part 1
Tabloid Journalist! Undercover! Reader x Old money! Yandere! Tutor
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“What are your socials?” He thumbs through his phone as he waits for you to pack up, rather impatiently. Arthur had been tutoring you for the last hour or two. While he started with just English it was clear after a couple sessions that your math, history, science, and- well pretty much everything needed a spruce up. The idea of someone under his tutelage looking that dumb under his care ground his gears. So now the study sessions lasted hours for most days of the week. 
“You getting soft on me Artie? What happened to- This is just tutoring. I’m not your friend and I never will be,” You made your voice nasally and pushed up some imaginary glasses. 
“And we won’t be. I just want your instagram,” He rolls his eyes and subconsciously adjusts his very real glasses. You were everything he detested in most people his age. You had no manners, you didn’t take much of anything seriously, you were all play and no work. Or so he thought. The longer the two of you spent time with one another he realized maybe the things he thought were common were actually quite… good. 
“I don’t have one. I don’t have any social media actually. I find life more zen without them,” You shrug and sling your bag over your shoulder. 
“Pretentious, but alright.” 
“Oh, I do not want to hear that from you. Mr. I only read classic literature and drink plain hot black tea,” the empty library and setting sun added to the pressure of getting going, “Can you watch my things real quick actually. I have to run to the bathroom before I skedattle.”
“Got a hot date?” He leaned back on the hind legs of his chair. The question left a bitter taste in his mouth but it was entirely plausible. You shouldn’t be focusing on dates with the state of your grades but you weren’t unattractive. It wouldn’t surprise him if you were asked out by some of the jackasses he sees hanging all over you upon occasion. Maybe if you shared socials he can keep tabs and make sure you’re putting your energy in the right activities. 
“No, I just have dinner with Professor Lysander a couple nights a week in town. A home cooked meal beats the cafeteria any day,” The school cafeteria was nothing to sniff at. Five star chefs catered every meal of the day and even snacks. There was always something about home cooked meals though, growing up with family dinners you were elated to finally be rid of them as an adult, but as it turns out it just wasn’t the same without them. You try and not let on just how urgent the whole bathroom thing was weighing on you but you definitely wanted to finish this conversation quickly. Arthur pulled a disgusted face that just screamed ‘Egads! How uncouth!’ In that posh accent of his. 
“At his house? That’s a bit inappropriate, don’t you think? What if he’s some kind of closet psycho?” He let his chair fall back into place with a muted thud. 
“Nah, it’s fine. I’ll be right back,” you waved him off absentmindedly and subtly sped off to the restroom. Arthur scoffed and eyed your bag sitting where you sat in your stead. He looked around to see if there was anyone else around before flipping it open and peering inside, your pins jingled softly with the motion.
He wasn’t sure what he was expecting. There were books, pens, pads, and a tube of lipgloss. The pockets however were also full. Keys, gum, and… a camera. Cameras were strictly forbidden on campus, this college was as close to a secret at you could get and the staff intended to keep it that way. A loud buzz made him nearly jump out of his chair, he put everything back in your bag and looked for the source of the noise. Your phone’s Lock Screen was aglow with notifications. While the content was hidden on the standby screen, the apps were clear as day. Instagram, Snapchat, BeReal, even Pinterest. Did you seriously not want him to follow you that badly? 
The sound of your heels clicked and he leaned back in his chair, forcing a casual posture. “Thanks, for watching my stuff and thanks again for tutoring. You might be an asshole but you aren’t a half bad teacher,” You picked up your bag once more and gestured to the door. 
“Yeah, sure, fine,” he waved his hand dismissively, “I’m going with you to Lysander’s. If there isn’t anything weird going on, surly the invitation is open to all his students,” his hand just barely ghosted the small of your back as you both left the library. 
“Okay, I don’t see why not. Whatever helps you sleep at night man. I hope you like quiche,” You shrugged. 
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dtupdates-archive · 11 months
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♡—DREAM posted on Twitter. Transcript under the cut.
“-stuff from last year-
Thousands of likes on this is crazy. Using a 10 second clip to purposefully spread misinformation and lie is so disgustingly vile. I did not “admit to doing horrible things”, at all, literally the exact opposite happened. Here’s summarized context for those that want to see what was actually said;
“No one was groomed. She lied about taking legal action, she lied about providing more proof later, and lied about almost everything that was shared. It’s been over a year since she said she would provide proof. I have and will be releasing the Snapchat data, Instagram logs, twitter history, and timeline, which proves by a matter of fact that she deleted certain messages, lied and hid context, and that she never provided these easily obtainable logs because they contradicted some of her own words.
I primarily used Snapchat as a messaging platform before I revealed my face because I was hiding what I looked like and everything else about my life IRL. I had many people from online games & content creation on it, and used it for everything, so I didn’t look at Snapchat as a big deal. I changed my mind on that before this even happened and made a private Snapchat for close friends.
Her story contradicts itself many times. with her saying that we planned a local meet up, while I was faceless and would literally leave the state just to go to the dentist, and hadn’t shown my face to even my best friends yet. with her liking and replying to tweets of mine and defending me from criticism, only a week before she posted about how horrible I was. with her not posting a single screenshot, video, log, or ANY BIT of evidence of anything that she claimed, other than that we had friendly conversation. With her DMing me from her IRL Instagram, with no fan posts and only her real life info, deleting posts, and actively hiding that she was currently a big parasocial fan.
On top of that, she had something in her bio insinuating that she was an adult, so I had no reason to even think about her age. Nothing inappropriate happened so I wasn’t looking into whether she was 17.9, 18, or 30. It doesn’t even matter if she wasn’t an adult, because we were just having short friendly conversation, she wasn’t groomed, and we weren’t even friends. I even (provably) tried deleting her from my Instagram inbox multiple times but Instagram doesn’t let you unless you block someone.
I did not reply in detail publicly (besides denying the accusation immediately) at first, due to waiting on her claim that she was taking legal action & providing more proof, and advice from a lawyer. She never did either. I did not lash out publicly in frustration, because I had to be very careful and think about how my response could impact future victims willingness to come forward against an abuser. I’ll be going into more organized detail later in a video on one of my channels, with far more than this, and just uploading all of everything for anyone to go through. but there’s a lot to say and it’s a delicate thing to talk about in general.””
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thelustdevil · 1 year
18+ below the cut MDNI
NB!Reader x Various, no specific characters mentioned but my personal list is at the bottom.
CW: Sexual content, romantic themes, relationship dynamics, gray romantic area.
The two of you had a complicated relationship… it wasn’t always terrible. But people didn’t understand it. So you didn’t talk about it much, and they didn’t ask.
Going to high school together, then university. Falling in love between the two. Then breaking up halfway through your third year of university. By the beginning of your last year, you rarely said a polite hello in the hallways. In public you were nothing more than a previous flame, all burnt out now.
In private, that all changed. Those embers would never go out.
He’d bury himself inside you just to feel the warmth of your soft, wet walls. Running your fingers up and down his spine as you sit on his lap. Strands of his hair tickle your neck while his forehead rests on your shoulder. Sometimes he’d lay you down on your side, cock still buried inside you, and the afternoon would be spent sleeping in each others arms. Only to wake up to his slow thrusting, strong arms caging you in while they hold him above you. Your legs are pushed to the sides. He’s loving you right now, savoring the feeling of your like he’d ever have the chance of forgetting it.
Are you thinking about me? Is it going too far?
Little things he’d ask you. He’d whisper them against your back while his arms are wrapped around you. Every time you’d reassure him. If you really weren’t okay with this, you wouldn’t be here. Simple as that. You remind him that both of you have grown up a lot since you first met. Conversations like this flow easier. Communication flows easier.
He’d laugh. He knew that was jokingly directed at him. Before you’d even had time to think, he would be between your legs, apologizing once more for his previous juvenile actions. You both knew he’d been forgiven ten times over but you also knew he wouldn’t stop.
You don’t date anyone else. Or sleep with anyone else. Not that either of you wanted to.
It didn’t feel like your relationship was a secret. Nor did it feel like a relationship. But it felt right. Privacy had always been thing for you two. Your relationship was public conversation when you had a history of academic prowess and extracurricular athletic success. But it was also your little oasis amid busy lives and building future careers, being functioning young adults. And it still was. Only now, the two of you were the only souls that knew of it.
Dates were a thing, they just happened at home or far from it. Pictures of the two of you smiling in front of different dazzling views sprinkled both of your bedrooms. He wouldn’t admit it but you tell him you know he just wants to fuck you near every landmark. So this whole country has your touch lingering everywhere. He’s says you’re being dramatic and he couldn’t possibly help how hot you are in vacation mode.
Call it an obsession but every free moment is spent together. Or spent texting each other, quick Snapchat videos and goofy memes sent back and forth. Even if you weren’t directly interacting with him, he was on your mind. The image of him clouded your thoughts while you daydreamed. You felt his touch ghosting over your skin while laid in bed at night. His voice beckoned you from your dreams, promising visions of a future starring only you two.
You knew he felt the same. He’d confessed his feelings during late nights, your bodies intertwined keeping the nights chill at bay. Hushed whispers escaped his lips as he buried himself closer to you. Telling you how he sees you when closes his eyes at night. He can feel the way your touch warms his body even when you aren’t there. Visions of you in his mind flashing around. Nothing felt as real as you. Nothing felt as right.
Those were the nights you spent the longest ruining the sheets. Those nights he buried himself deep inside you every time he came. You knew your body would never accept someone as deeply as you did him. He touched every part of you when he fucked you. The feeling stronger than any drug you’d ever taken. This shit was soul deep, and both of you thrives in it.
You knew one day things would shift. Paths would align and finally the two of you could build the life you actually wanted. Nothing framed by contracts or business. Just you and your man against it all.
EREN, Levi, Connie, BAKUGO, Izuku, KIRI, Sero, Hitoshi, SHOTO, Shouta, YUJI, Megumi, YUTA, GOJO, TOJI.
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the-final-sif · 2 years
I forget if you've been asked this before or not, but I wanted to swing back to the metadata conversation. You said you thought it was unlikely that Amanda would be able to get the stuff back by this point, so I wanted to know, what are her legal options if she is unable to get the metadata?
Okay!! So, with the help of some of my friends who actually use snapchat, I was able to actually figure this out, and uh, what I found has made me significantly more suspicious of Amanda's claims.
So, snapchat metadata for this time period would actually still be available! I was unsure if it was because I read conflicting reports, but I had friends test out the "my data" feature and they were able to access metadata for the time period that Amanda claims the sexting took place. So not only would metadata be available, but it would be available within minutes.
Specifically, in requested data you can see who sent a snap or chat, what kind of message was sent, and when it was sent. You can also see message history, and if there was a private story shared with a person, when they viewed it and what the file type was. For saved messages, you can see the actual text of the message & who sent it. Here's a visualization of that:
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(screenshots provided by lovely people in discord and used with permission, first one shows snap message history for unsaved messages, second one shows snap message history for saved messages (the blue bar is a censored username, normally you would see the sender), third shows record of viewed snap stories).
So, Amanda would be able to request this data. She would be able to get logs to show any messages that were saved at the time, and a log of all messages from Dream's account sent to her, and what kind of message they were.
Now, honestly, finding all this out has made me incredibly doubtful of Amanda's claims. Because here's the thing, snapchat doesn't just send you an email with this data when you request it, they send you a link where you can download the data. A link you could then send to other people. Since that link is from an outside party, it would be impossible for her to edit the data in there.
During the period where she was active on twitter, Amanda was actively digging up "evidence", and showing screenshots/claiming she was going to provide proof. Now, all she would've need to do to provide incredibly strong proof of her claim would be finding an unrelated 3rd party (she was in contact with a number of people providing evidence, so anyone she trusted to not share other information would've worked), sending them the link to the data that snapchat provides (so the data can't be edited), and then letting them download + share the relevant information (record/log of messages with the account in question, saved and unsaved).
That's something that could've been done in a matter of 10-15 minutes at most. It would've completely put to rest whether or not Dream's account sent her any photos/videos during the period she alleged, and confirmed the messages that she had saved as real. By having a third party outside the situation verify what happened and confirm the logs from snapchat directly, there wouldn't be a way for her to edit anything. That would be pretty damning evidence as well.
Now, to be clear, I'm still firmly in the camp of "none of this should've happened on twitter, she should've gone to talk to a lawyer" and I'm glad that she logged off to talk to the police/a lawyer regardless of the outcome.
That being said, the fact that she was actively on twitter and going out of her way to find and provide "evidence" including making claims about going live on twitch, sending screenshots to other people, responding to dms about how she had proof, etc. And then admitting she had no physical evidence when she should've had these logs easily accessible and verifiable by other human beings. I've seen reports that people were messaging her/explaining how to access the data as well, so I can't see a way she wouldn't know about this option. But as far as I've been able to see, she never requested the data or replied to people telling her how to.
Well. That uh. That looks really really bad for her claims. I was under the assumption before that accessing this kind of data would be hard or impossible, but everyone who tested it for me was able to get it in minutes without any issues. Including back at the same time period. It's actually much easier to get this data than it is to record a video on another phone to show messages, and it's would've been very strong evidence that could be confirmed by third parties without a possibility of editing.
The fact that she was going out of her way to try to provide evidence only to admit she didn't have proof when she should is extremely suspect. If these events actually occurred, then she should have a way to prove 1) that all her snapchat messages that she had saved are real/unedited and 2) that Dream sent her image/video files at the time she alleges there was sexting between them. The fact she doesn't seem to have/didn't provide that is... well, it removes a lot of credibility.
I'm still waiting for a lawsuit/for the parties involved to figure stuff out between them before I have a definitive opinion. Sometimes people make strange choices. However, knowing now that she should've had access to hard to dispute evidence and never mentioned/even attempted to share it leans me heavily towards the "it's fake" side of things. Who knows though.
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modelbus · 2 years
Hello!! I was wondering if you could do a sort of academic rivals to lovers with Wilbur?? Story or headcanons, you choose 🤎
You are my new favorite person. I genuinely LIVE for academic rivals to lovers. One day I’ll probably make a whole story, but for now you get my very specific headcanons <3
Pairing: Wilbur x Gn!reader
Academic Asshole
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You two were always neck in neck for every single class. No matter how many teachers tried to stop it, Wilbur always flashed his perfect score at you, and you always returned the favor.
And when you went out of your way to make a remark towards him, he always returned one right back at you. His was often paired with a term of endearment, like "darling" or "love", but said in such a way you knew it for what it was: an attempt to rile you up.
You hated him. From his stupidly pretentious outfit to that guitar he always had, you absolutely hated him. You didn’t even know when it started at this point—nobody did. It was a matter of fact in the school: you and Wilbur were mortal enemies.
Until your English teacher decided to ruin your lives and put you together for a group project.
“I’ve assigned your groups on the board. Get together and exchange numbers, snapchats, social medias, whatever you guys do.” The teacher announces, immediately going on his computer once he’s done.
You scan the board for your name, doing a double take once you see it next to Wilbur’s. There’s no way the teacher put you together by accident. Teachers actively avoided letting either of you anywhere close to each other after the debate incident in history.
“Sir, I think there’s been a mistake.” Wilbur says loudly, alerting the entire class to what’s going on.
“Yeah, there’s no way I can work with him.” You agree.
“Exactly what I was thinking but about you.” He shoots back.
“It wasn’t a mistake. You two have been nonstop bickering since the day you stepped in here. So you either learn to work together or fail. Your choice.”
This was going to be a long project.
The second you swap numbers to talk about the project, he's constantly bugging you. Flashing the bright red 100 wasn't enough for him anymore, he had to text you about it for three hours to rub it in.
His texts are a weird mix between flirting and bragging, which often leave you mildly confused and annoyed.
100% would text you "I got 100 on that test, what about you" and when you respond with "Fuck you" He'd reply with "Anytime you want darling <3" just to piss you off.
Because you're both aiming for the best grade, the project turns out to be absolutely huge which requires a lot of time spent together. At first, the awkward silence and stilted conversations were unbearable, but now you almost looked forward to working on the project.
Once you start to actually talk to him, you realize his personality isn't just trying to show you up in everything. He's actually kind of funny.
And, when a day of working on the project in the library together runs late, you learn another thing. He's not quite the asshole you thought he was.
"See you tomorrow in class. You'll have the page done?" You stand up, gathering your belongings and shrugging on your coat as you do.
"Only if you'll have the citations done." Wilbur responds, shutting down his laptop. "Woah, it got late. Are you walking?"
"Yeah, it's not far."
"In the dark?"
"It's not far." You repeat.
Why does he even care? He should be glad if some monster decides to kill you. His competition would be gone.
"I'll walk you then."
"I don't need-"
"Nonsense. You said it wasn't far anyways."
You frown at him, crossing your arms. What was he playing at? Was he trying to learn your address to secretly sneak in and ruin your notes or something?
"I don't need a fucking babysitter to walk home."
"I'm a companion." Is his counter. "Besides, I'm about to walk out of here the same way as you so it'll be really awkward if I didn't walk you home."
Not bothering to hide it, you scan him head to toe for any hint of an ulterior motive.
"I'm not a total dick." He groans. "If you really don't want me to-"
"Fine." You huff.
Wilbur grins at you, and you realize you've played into his trap. Checkmate.
"Don't look so resigned. I just don't want you getting kidnapped. Then who'll complete the citations?"
For some reason, his words draw a smile out of you.
"What, can't handle extra work?" You tease.
"Citations?" He shudders. "Not when it comes to them."
Now you're laughing, and his eyes are lighting up.
"Oh, citations! How they wound me! They are my kryptonite and I, superman! My Achilles heel!" He plays up.
Maybe, just maybe, you had judged your academic rival a little wrong.
By the time the project is due, Wilbur is absolutely head over perfectly shined shoes for you. You though? You're still in a lot of denial.
Somehow you managed to not add up all the times you two spent time together that wasn't strictly academic. He loved to invite you to random spots in the town, and you never once declined.
It's only after he invites you to celebrate turning in the paper that you realize. After all, he has no reason to want to celebrate with you. But yet, there you two are at dinner.
”I didn’t even know this place existed.” You admit, looking around.
It’s a small place, hidden between bigger restaurants. Somehow that didn’t deter the place though, considering it was quite lively. A little stage sat snug in the corner for performers while holiday lights were strung across the ceiling. Nearly every table was full but Wilbur had somehow managed to get you two in.
“Most people don’t until they come here.”
He looks around like you had, something fond in his eyes. You can’t help but lean forward, wanting to know why.
“The owner is a friend. I’ve played here a few times.” Wilbur explains. “It’s where I first performed.”
“Right there?” You motion to the stage.
“How horrible were you?”
He laughs. “I got booed off the stage!”
“But you came back. Got better.”
“How do you know that?”
Wilbur’s teasing, a certain lift to his voice that you’ve come to be familiar with. It doesn’t matter, because you can’t help the flush creeping up on you.
“Thought you’d know by now. I’m pretty smart.” You cover up.
It’s not very smooth, but the waiter serves as your saving grace.
Wilbur makes the first move. Truthfully, he’s always had a little bit of a thing for you and has always had more confidence than you.
And, of course, you’re nerds so there’s some literary references in there.
Wilbur leans down slowly so that you could stop him if you wanted to.
He was walking you back home from the restaurant before you had stopped the both of you to point out a squirrel. You were close enough to be brushing against each other before he had turned and cupped your face, cutting you off.
“We are a tragedy waiting to happen.” You breathe, a mere inch apart.
The distance felt like too little and too much at the same time. No matter how desperately you wanted to close it, you felt like you had to warn him. Two enemies turned lovers? You knew the story of Romeo and Juliet too well for this.
“Good thing I like Shakespeare.”
You smile, and he closes the gap.
Honorable mention of something he’d definitely say after kissing you to flirt: “You’ve bewitched me, body and soul.” (Pride and Prejudice)
When the other students figure out you’re dating, your English teacher takes all the credit.
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davekat-sucks · 9 months
Hey thanks for your perspective! I like seeing what other people think of a piece of media I engage with, and I can take in what another person’s perspective can be compared to mine. I always thought it was tough to keep up with HS^2, and before Yiffy it was boring. I read the prologue for HS^2 and it was nice, but ultimately pointless.
You make a good point about Jane, and I gotta describe the surreal decision for how they builded up to Jane’s villain arc.
So there is a series of snapchats from 11/11/2016 to 12/31/16 (I think) showing conversations between Jane and Roxy (calliope is there) discussing the celebration of the return of the gods on Earth C by blowing up the moon. Jane has her transportalizer hijacked by the felt, run by Jack Noir and Jane’s account now gets post updates from felt members. Roxy and Calliope attempt to get help but Jane successfully defends herself against the felt and enslaves Jack Noir with a tiaratop, and then puts Clover in charge of her snapchat account. She escapes before the moon explodes.
So the buildup to Jane being racist was her being kidnapped and then giving her social media to a leprechaun, who worked for the main bad guy of Homestuck who is last seen on his knees with the evil red Betty Crocker thing around his neck.
Yeah I can see why Jane became evil, she was the CEO of a corporation, and running corporations just make you literally irredeemably cruel to everyone. (If you can’t tell I’m being sarcastic)
To give credit to epilogues/postcanon apologists when they argue that the story’s character’s are not acting out of character, just rather changed over time or were always like this, but just didn’t have the unrestricted worship and authority Earth C gave them, they are in a sense, correct.
What postcanon apologists forget to argue is if the execution of this change in character works within the media it is produced under, and I gotta say, an obscure set of snapchat posts released after the credits that were only dug up by fans following the Homestuck Pinterest account which preluded a character’s villain arc by having her kidnapped and unkidnap herself was a poorly executed start to a vaillain arc, maybe they should have done more with the whole Jack possessed by the tiaratop thing and Jane running the most powerful corporation on Earth C, but I don’t write Homestuck.
The tiaratop thing only gets elaborated on in Homestuck^2 later on when in panels you can see tiaratops on Crockercorp soldiers in the April 2020 updates, nearly a whole year after the epilogues dropped. Before that I’d just assumed all the people decided in unity to be racist because Jane said so and most people can’t think for themselves actually, and just believe what a nice looking authority figure says. That last part might be true considering how well James Roach has gotten along with the Homestuck fandom.
So what is the moral of the story to all this? Well being a CEO of a corporation makes you a fascist because being in a position of power makes you think you’re better than everyone else and that they should be sorted into categories you consider lesser and better by your standards.
Sure there is actual human history to the rise of fascism and why some aristocrats and corporate businessmen supported the cause but I ain’t reading all that, my hypothesis is simple to understand and affirms all the premonitions I have about the world around me, so it must be correct!
So basically the Homestuck snapchats predicted Elon Musk buying Twitter and retweeting conspiracy theorist tweets because Elon Musk is the CEO of 5 companies now.
And look out for Disney CEO Bob Iger, he’s making bad and boring Disney movies with minority lead actors ON PURPOSE to radicalize fans of old, better cinematic franchises to bring about the 4th reich!!!
Funny enough, the aim for Jane Crocker being the villain in Homestuck 2 was also to make her an allegory for DONALD TRUMP. Even the bonus story for these random nothingbuger OCs made by WhatPumpkin, were suppose to be people getting BERNIE SANDERS to become President. They even advertise support for Bernie Sanders on the official HOMESTUCK TWITTER ACCOUNT. Of course, Bernie Sanders dropped out of presidential election. HS Twitter had to delete it and WhatPumpkin had to cancel that side story. Needless to say, the force of politics in Homestuck 2 was that bad.
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khaicrafts · 2 months
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They lived in an age where life seemed picture perfect through the photos posted on social media. It was easy to get a little envious of his classmates posting their highlight reels while he was busying every brain cell he had to work on his projects in the lab; his true passions that made it seem like he was missing out on life.
Little did he know, life was really just beginning. There was nothing on Instagram or Snapchat that could compare to his new surroundings in the camp inhabited by creatures of myth. Finding out that he kind of was one too via his divine blood?
"This is so epic," he whispered. Knelt in front of the statue of Hephaestus, the chalice of liquid held in his hands. The substance that would trigger his latent powers. That's right. He was going to get POWERS and he didn't have to hey bitten by some insect or...well. He may as well had been an orphan...bit he lacked Bruce Wayne's inheritance. He had that brilliance though.
The choice was clear. Mostly. Every other second that passed, he wondered if he should really be giving up to be here after he worked so hard to build himself. Then again, why live in the world mundane when he could be divine....
"It's like an elixir...it's gonna build strength. It's going to level me up..." He mumbled to himself. Then, he quickly guzzled down the ambrosia. It seemed fine at first until the world around him began to fade. He fell back until he hit the bed he'd once slept on those years in his group home. That twinge of seeing the other kids always leaving or actually being adopted. That...didn't matter anymore? Why was he even here and thinking about that? He was an adult now and actually doing well. He had his education. He had the lab at school. Which...
He noticed something on fire outside the bedroom window. Across the way, the familiar large structure of one of the school's labs was up in flames. How could he see the school from his old bedroom? Each wad on completely different sides of the country...
"You're so chained to your accomplishments. You pride your work over your heart." A fiery facsimile of the professor who guided him on his path to tech school spoke to him with an even tone, but he could hear the underlying aggression. "What's all that work for when you don't have a fami-"
"I've seen the Princess and the Frog, Mam." Khai interjected as he squinted at the figure. "I know how you're going to steer this conversation. Just because I value my work doesn't mean I can't find value in people or welcome them into my life. On my terms, I either fuck with them or I don't, vice versa but my mind, will always be my crown to show off. " Khai retorted. His boldness only led to the sudden combustion of himself. His glasses, cardigan and dark hair burned away, revealing his muscular physique, ash blonde hair, and his brown eyes now burning fiery orange; literally molten.
"This is my fate right? I'll use my brilliance to help guide the course of history. With great power cones great responsibility, I know this! And, yo? I've just noticed..." he looks down at his unharmed yet burning physique. "THE FIRE DOESN'T BOTHER ME ANYWAY." He belted before feeling the heat only intensify until finally the whole room erupted...
Only hours later did the son of Hephaestus find himself waking up in the bed of his cabin. It felt like a horrible hangover. He coughed, smoke escaping from between his lips as he smirked lazily.
"I always knew I was kinda fire, but damn. Hold up, did I just go Super Saiyan!?" the thought pinged in his mind as he recalled the color change of his hair. He bolted up and tried to get to his feet, only to fumble and realize how exhausted he truly still was while he faceplanted into the floor of his room.
"Not Super Saiyan enough..."
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Was passing by and smelled a steaming heap of drama lol. Cause I'm like that, I went back and read every single ask about the big discussion to make sure I saw everything.
Not that anyone asked me, but with my psych hat on and having participated in the discussion myself and on the opposing side to you but having thoroughly enjoyed it, here are my takeaways:
1. I communicate a little but similarly to you. I separate emotions from facts and opinion and I feel that most times I should be able to have a brutally logical, articulated debate with someone without worrying about their feelings. However, the topic itself made that a big gamble. It's one of those topics that is deeply emotional and weaved through with layers upon layers of other emotional things like self-worth, values, purpose in life, culture, family, traditions, etc etc etc. A large number of people would simply be unable to have a conversation on this topic without their emotions getting mixed in.
2. But here's the kicker- just because a topic is emotionallt laden doesn't mean that you're responsible for someone taking it personally and running with it. One thing I do agree with, perhaps only tag moots/followers in such things that you know aren't bothered and are not easily triggered. And don't tag anything with "smut" that doesn't actually have explicit sex in it. I know it's tempting, it helps it get more traction but it's not good tagging etiquette. "Clogging the tags" they call it. However, even if you tagged someone in something, it's their choice whether to take it as a personal attack, a simple question, or ignore it altogether. Personally I've not responded to every single thing you've tagged me in or felt obligated to because sometimes I just have no opinion or nothing to say, or maybe I disagree but I'm not in the mood to discuss. No one HAS to respond to anything, it's a choice. They can also choose whether they get into a fight with you or not.
3. Other than that, there are loads of other things that affect how people perceive a topic or your take on a topic in general, and some of those were evident in people's answers. Like their own history, their beliefs about themselves, about the world, about what they think they deserve or what is realistic, what they feel they're entitled to (entitled isn't an outright bad word folks, by the way). Those things can be like an Instagram or Snapchat filter, they can make us see things differently to what they actually are. For anyone that wants to actually learn about this and work on themselves, search "cognitive distortions". There are at least 15 of them, over 15 different ways that our thinking can get wonky and starts being unhelpful to us.
4. We had a lot of discussion and not once did I feel disrespected for holding a different view to you. It's not even about "disagreeing" because it's so personal and subjective. I didn't see you pushing other people to come around to your point of view, I saw you just laying out your personal reasons for choosing not to have children. And plenty of other people who wanted children were perfectly happy to participate in the discussion, give their own reasoning and experiences and weren't disrespected or manipulated by you in any way.
5. This was a broad topic. Tagged or not, if there was no prior history of you discussing it with a particular person or having had heated exchanges with them in the past, then them taking it personally or seeing disrespect in your words is them choosing to take it that way.
Hello my love! @muselin
You're my fave psych moot and I'm so glad you've taken the time to come on here to respond to me! I feel stronger when you're around.
The 'clogging the tags' etiquette is a valid point and i didn't get that its bad etiquette so I'll take the steps as to not do that again.
And thank you for the time to read through every single ask, that would have been a long time and a lot of tea being spilled.
I'm honestly a bit too mentally fatigued to really elaborate more on the important of the post but just know that you have made some very beautiful points that everyone should see because they do add value to the topic that was discussed.
Truly, from the bottom of my heart. I am so grateful to have found you on this app.
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roosterforme · 1 year
Hi em, I hope you're doing well. I just want you to know that there is no other page on any other platform that i feel safe unless it's yours! With that being said, I could do with some advice?
I've had HORRIBLE dating history. The amount of times I've been messed around by men is unreal. The amount of failed talking stages I have had is humbling.
Anyways, i'm on the dating app hinge and a little over a week ago I matched with a guy that in all honesty, I could genuinely see myself being with. I know it's not been that long, but i really, REALLY like him.
It started off well, the conversation we had on hinge was a bit dry so I asked him for his socials (pushing myself out of my comfort zone because I hate asking). So, he gives me his snapchat and we start talking. It was going really well so he asked me if i wanted to facetime. I was looking for excuses not to but my best friend told me just to go for it because it could turn out really well - it did in fact go really well and we were on call for nearly 5 hours (12am-5am).
On our call we both agreed that we were looking for something more long term, we had a laugh, got to know each other on an appropriate level and it went really well.
After that we were sending voice notes constantly, we called again the next night and i’ve been getting good morning/ goodnight texts, he’s calling me darling (it makes me fold so fast).
But about 3 days in there was a lil bit of a wobble in which we both came across as quite blunt towards one another and obviously we talked about it - we were both really tired from working and it can often be difficult to tell someone’s tone over text messages etc.
However, I really struggle during talking stages with my anxiety, I can get attached quite fast and I find myself beginning to overthink everything so this may just be what I’m doing now, but the good morning texts have pretty much stopped, he just leaves me on delivered and then carries the conversation on the next day. We haven’t called again despite me asking if he wants to and him saying absolutely, and the reply times are getting longer. Also, some of his messages are quite dry though 90% of the time if the conversation begins to fizzle out he will find a way to bring it back.
Tonight however, I feel a bit stuck. Now, this could just be me overthinking the situation, but last night I sent him a voice note about me wanting to dye my hair red (I did it), but I was on delivered until this morning when he said sorry for not replying and that he was up playing a game then he went to sleep, to show him my hair and he asked what my plans were for the day, he also said he was going out with one of his friends who was home visiting as he goes to university. So, I replied and sent him a video of my new hair along with a message pretty much saying if he’s not able to open it because he’s out then no worries. He replied nearly 10 hours later saying ‘looks good’ no kisses on the end or anything so i replied with ‘ty’ and he left me on read for an hour.
At this point are started panicking so messaged him again asking how his day was and he replied with ‘good thanks, you?’, I replied with ‘it was good thank you. What did you get up to?x’ and yet again I’ve been left on delivered for 4 hours though he may have just gone to bed.
He was also going to come and meet me for the first time next week though he’s not mentioned anything about it, but i’m so worried and scared like what if he thinks I’m fat? I have braces what if he thinks they’re ugly? What if he thinks i’m annoying
This is such a frustrating situation to be in because when i’m single, I’m perfectly okay and happy and content most of the time though recently i’ve found myself really missing being in a relationship and I really am looking for something safe, secure and long term.
So, this is what I’m worried about:
1. Am I doing everything wrong?
2. Am I just going crazy and overthinking the situation or are things a bit sus?
3. How do I keep him interested? I really am no good at talking to people and getting further than 2-4 weeks tops.
4. Any tips on how to reduce anxiety on the matter?
I’m so sorry for sending you this whole ass essay!!!!!
Hey sweet nonny! Damn, okay... I really hope I can be helpful here, but full disclosure, I've never used a dating app (I just tried to have a one night stand and ended up married). So I'm going to invite everyone else to join the conversation as well, as long as they have something positive/constructive to add.
First of all, the talking stage is awkward no matter what. Like at least a little bit. And if you haven't met in person yet, he could very well just be busy with school and life. But since things started off strong, I would mention how the two of you planned for him to come out so you could meet in person. Bring that up again and see what he says. Maybe that will get it back on track.
I don't think you're doing anything wrong.
I think it's like 50/50 normal sounding and sus sounding.
If he's the dude for you, then he'll be interested in whatever you have to tell him. And he'll work just as hard to keep you engaging with him.
If you're feeling anxious, just remember he is only one guy. And you're not desperate for attention, because you are endlessly cool.
I hope this was helpful! Keep me updated. (Anyone have something to add for nonny?)
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rosepetalsthings · 2 years
ohhhh i get your frustration believe me, used to follow them, loved them in fact, but they turned hypocrite on a dime, their bullshit gave me a an anxiety attack bc i honest to god thought disgusting chats/photos/etc surfaced, couldn't look at the actual thing for so long because i was so afraid it would trigger me (personal history with this sort of thing) but then after a day or two finally got brave enough to look, just to see the most absolutely bland uninterested desert dry chat known to man and the exact total of 3 basic bitch compliments you would see under a facebook selfie. no joke, my chats with my group work teammates were more interesting ffs. them and the damn twitter update account almost caused me to have a medical emergency bc of how hard their statements scared me and all bc of this???? talk about being irresponsible of their large follower counts, maybe next time they criticize dream about his "irresponsible reactions" they should all take a god damn long look into a mirror. dw people can disagree with me, just my opinion
I have heard a few different people state how the way the updates account presented the account caused them to go into various levels of panic and couldn't bring themselves to look into the actual evidence being provided. Regardless of outcome, it was irresponsible at best and downright dangerous at worse, and opened themselves up to their own lawsuits if dream is proven innocent in a court (granted, I doubt he'd go for it).
I think that looking at the transcript of what's actually being said really helped me to calm down as well (although I am so sorry you had to go through that. It sounds horrible and never should have happened). It's easier to think objectively about something when you can actually read what's being presented to you. Granted I wish that the transcript that got going around included the snapchats, but whatever.
Which is a total of about 25 messages from him on Instagram spanning over a year and a half, where half of them are one word or two word responses. Of which we know that Amanda has deleted at least 3 messages from herself.
The snapchats are much more open for debate, but looking at it objectively we never actually see her side of the conversation, and we do not know the context of the conversation beyond what Amanda has provided. Whether you view the comments as compliments or flirting is up to you, but we have three messages from Dream that could be construed as flirting, one of which should be noted is a seperate screenshot. And absolutely no context to any of those because none of her messages were saved.
The point however is that mostly the updates account caused mass hysteria on what is a fairly tame conversation, causing people to have panic attacks and other medical emergencies, and generally added to the panic that ensued.
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priyanshisingh · 4 months
Online Apparel Market Insights: Comprehensive Global Forecast (2023-2032)
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The Online Apparel Market has demonstrated consistent expansion and is projected to maintain a robust CAGR of 6.00% from 2024 to 2032. Valued at USD 545812.2 million in 2023, this market is expected to reach USD 922138.2 million by 2032.
The online apparel market represents a significant and rapidly growing segment of the broader e-commerce landscape, encompassing the sale of clothing, footwear, and accessories through digital platforms. This market has been transformed by technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and the increasing ubiquity of internet access and smartphones. Consumers now prefer the convenience, variety, and competitive pricing offered by online shopping over traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Major online apparel retailers such as Amazon, ASOS, and Zalando, along with brand-specific e-commerce sites and niche fashion marketplaces, dominate this space.
Technological innovations are reshaping the online apparel market. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies are enhancing the online shopping experience by enabling virtual try-ons, which help customers visualize how garments will look and fit. Additionally, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms are improving personalization, offering tailored recommendations based on individual browsing and purchasing behavior. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also drives higher conversion rates and loyalty.
Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the online apparel market, with consumers showing a growing preference for eco-friendly and ethically produced clothing. Brands and retailers are responding by offering sustainable collections, using recycled materials, and adopting transparent supply chain practices. Moreover, the rise of the circular fashion economy, including second-hand marketplaces and clothing rental services, reflects a shift towards more sustainable consumption patterns.
The impact of the online apparel market on the new generation, particularly Millennials and Generation Z, is profound and multifaceted. This demographic, often referred to as digital natives, has grown up with technology and the internet, fundamentally shaping their shopping behaviors and expectations. Here are several key impacts:
1. Convenience and Accessibility
Online shopping offers unparalleled convenience, allowing the new generation to browse, compare, and purchase apparel from anywhere and at any time. This accessibility has transformed how young consumers approach shopping, making it an integral part of their daily lives. The ability to shop on-the-go via smartphones has particularly influenced their purchasing habits.
2. Influence of Social Media
Social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat play a crucial role in the fashion choices of the new generation. Influencers, celebrities, and peers share their style, creating trends and influencing purchasing decisions. Social media integration in online apparel shopping allows for direct links to products, making it easier for young consumers to buy what they see online immediately.
3. Personalization and Customization
The new generation values personalized shopping experiences. Online apparel retailers leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to offer tailored recommendations based on individual preferences, browsing history, and purchasing behavior. This personalization enhances the shopping experience, making it more engaging and relevant.
4. Sustainability and Ethical Consumption
Younger consumers are increasingly aware of environmental and social issues, influencing their shopping choices towards sustainable and ethically produced apparel. They prefer brands that prioritize sustainability, use eco-friendly materials, and adopt fair labor practices. The transparency provided by many online retailers regarding their sustainability efforts resonates strongly with this demographic.
5. Virtual Try-Ons and Augmented Reality
Innovations such as virtual try-ons and augmented reality (AR) have significantly impacted the online apparel market for the new generation. These technologies allow consumers to visualize how clothes will look and fit without trying them on physically, reducing uncertainty and enhancing confidence in their purchases.
6. Fast Fashion vs. Conscious Consumption
While the convenience of online shopping has fueled the fast fashion trend, with young consumers often purchasing inexpensive and trendy items frequently, there is a counter-movement towards more conscious consumption. This shift is driven by increasing awareness of the environmental and social impacts of fast fashion. Many in the new generation are seeking out sustainable brands and second-hand marketplaces, reflecting a growing preference for quality over quantity and a desire to reduce their carbon footprint.
7. Community and Peer Influence
The new generation places high value on community and peer influence. Online platforms enable the formation of virtual communities where fashion trends and styles are discussed, reviewed, and recommended. This peer influence is a powerful driver in the decision-making process, as young consumers tend to trust recommendations from their social circles.
8. Subscription and Rental Services
The rise of subscription-based models and clothing rental services has also impacted the new generation’s approach to apparel. These services offer flexibility and variety, allowing consumers to frequently update their wardrobe without the commitment of ownership. This model appeals to the new generation’s desire for variety and sustainability, as it promotes reuse and reduces waste.
9. Economic Factors
Economic considerations also play a role. The new generation often faces financial constraints due to student loans and economic uncertainties. Online apparel shopping offers them access to a wider range of price points and deals, making it easier to find affordable fashion options. Discount codes, flash sales, and loyalty programs are particularly attractive to budget-conscious young consumers.
10. Cultural and Global Influences
The online apparel market exposes the new generation to a diverse array of global fashion trends and cultures. This exposure broadens their fashion choices and influences their style preferences. The ability to purchase international brands and unique items from around the world has diversified their wardrobes and fostered a more global fashion sense.
Online Apparel Market Trending Factors:
The online apparel market is witnessing several trending factors that are shaping its growth and evolution. One of the most significant trends is the increasing demand for sustainable and ethically produced clothing. Consumers, especially Millennials and Generation Z, are prioritizing brands that emphasize environmental responsibility and social ethics. This shift is prompting retailers to adopt eco-friendly practices, use recycled materials, and ensure transparency in their supply chains. Additionally, the rise of social media and influencer marketing is revolutionizing how fashion is discovered and purchased. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest are key to driving trends and sales, with influencers playing a pivotal role in shaping consumer preferences.
Technological advancements are also transforming the online apparel market. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies are enhancing the shopping experience by allowing customers to virtually try on clothes, improving fit accuracy, and reducing return rates. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are being used to offer personalized recommendations, creating a more tailored and engaging shopping experience. Moreover, the integration of AI-driven chatbots and customer service tools is enhancing customer support and satisfaction.
Key Players-
White Fox
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/online-apparel-market
The online apparel market presents numerous growth opportunities, driven by evolving consumer behaviors, technological advancements, and emerging market trends. Here are some of the key growth opportunities in this sector:
1. Expansion into Emerging Markets
Emerging markets, particularly in Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Africa, offer significant growth potential for the online apparel market. Increasing internet penetration, growing middle-class populations, and rising disposable incomes in these regions are driving the adoption of online shopping. Establishing a strong presence in these markets can open up new revenue streams for online apparel retailers.
2. Leveraging Technology and Innovation
Technological advancements such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) are transforming the online shopping experience. AI and machine learning can enhance personalization, offering tailored recommendations and improving customer satisfaction. AR and VR enable virtual try-ons, helping customers visualize how garments will look and fit, reducing return rates and increasing conversion rates.
3. Sustainability and Ethical Fashion
As consumers become more environmentally conscious, there is a growing demand for sustainable and ethically produced apparel. Online retailers can capitalize on this trend by offering eco-friendly products, using recycled materials, and adopting transparent supply chain practices. Marketing these initiatives effectively can attract environmentally conscious consumers and build brand loyalty.
4. Omnichannel Retailing
Integrating online and offline channels to create a seamless shopping experience is a significant growth opportunity. Omnichannel retailing allows customers to browse and purchase products through multiple channels, including online platforms, physical stores, and mobile apps. Providing options such as buy online, pick up in-store (BOPIS), and easy returns in physical locations can enhance customer convenience and drive sales.
5. Customization and Personalization
Offering customized and personalized products is a powerful way to differentiate in the crowded online apparel market. Customization options, such as made-to-order clothing or personalized design choices, can cater to individual preferences and boost customer satisfaction. Advanced data analytics and AI can help in delivering personalized shopping experiences, further driving customer engagement and loyalty.
6. Subscription Models and Rental Services
Subscription-based models and clothing rental services provide consumers with the flexibility to update their wardrobes regularly without the need to purchase outright. These models appeal to young, fashion-conscious consumers who seek variety and sustainability. By offering curated subscription boxes or rental options, online apparel retailers can tap into this growing segment and generate recurring revenue.
7. Social Commerce and Influencer Partnerships
Social media platforms are becoming powerful tools for driving sales in the online apparel market. Collaborating with influencers and leveraging social commerce features, such as shoppable posts and in-app purchases, can significantly boost brand visibility and reach. Engaging content, live streaming, and influencer endorsements can drive traffic and conversions, especially among younger consumers.
8. Enhanced Customer Experience
Investing in customer experience is crucial for retaining and attracting customers. This includes providing fast and reliable shipping, easy returns, responsive customer service, and a user-friendly website or app. Implementing chatbots and AI-driven customer support can improve service efficiency and customer satisfaction.
9. Data-Driven Marketing
Utilizing data analytics to understand customer behavior and preferences can lead to more effective marketing strategies. Personalized marketing campaigns, targeted promotions, and loyalty programs based on customer data can enhance engagement and drive sales. Understanding purchasing patterns and trends allows retailers to optimize inventory management and reduce overstock or stockouts.
10. Global Expansion and Localization
Expanding globally while adapting to local markets is a strategic growth opportunity. This involves localizing product offerings, marketing strategies, and payment options to suit regional preferences and cultural nuances. Establishing local warehouses and partnerships with local logistics providers can improve delivery times and customer satisfaction.
Product Categories:
Gender-based Segmentation:
Men’s Apparel and Accessories
Women’s Apparel and Accessories
Children’s Apparel and Accessories
Age-based Segmentation:
Adult Apparel
Teen Apparel
Kids’ Apparel
Occasion-based Segmentation:
Casual Wear
Formal Wear
Activewear and Athleisure
Seasonal Wear
Style-based Segmentation:
Fashion-forward Brands
Classic and Timeless Styles
Streetwear and Urban Fashion
Bohemian and Boho-chic
Minimalist and Contemporary
Browse the full report –�� https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/online-apparel-market
Browse Our Blog: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/online-apparel-market-outlook-global-ew9cc
Contact Us:
Phone: +91 6232 49 3207
Website: https://www.credenceresearch.com
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djaxadserverblog · 2 years
Adtech Trends 2023 - DJAX Adserver
It's no secret that the advertising industry has changed drastically in the last few years, with a dramatic shift towards digital and interactive adtech solutions. As we move closer to 2023, the trends in adtech are continuing to evolve and develop. In this article, we'll explore some of the key trends that are emerging in the current climate, and how they might shape the industry's future. From micro-targeting capabilities to increased automation, these trends will have huge implications for how companies approach their marketing strategies going forward. Read on to learn more about what you can expect from Adtech in 2023!
Ad Tech Trends That We Can Expect in 2023
In 2023, we can expect several major trends in adtech. First, we will see continued growth in programmatic advertising, as more brands and publishers automated their advertising processes. This will lead to increased efficiency and effectiveness in ad buying and selling, as well as better targeting of ads to consumers.
Second, we will see a continued move towards mobile advertising, as more consumers use their smartphones and other mobile devices to access the internet. This trend will be driven by the continued growth of smartphone usage and the increasing availability of high-speed mobile data networks.
Third, we will see more brands using data to target their ads to specific audiences. This practice, known as “programmatic targeting”, allows advertisers to target ads based on factors such as demographics, interests, and even past purchase history. We can expect this trend to grow in popularity as brands increasingly look for ways to reach their target consumers with highly relevant ads.
Fourth, we will continue to see a shift away from traditional display advertising formats such as banner ads. Instead, we will see an increase in the use of native advertising and other content-based formats that are better suited for mobile devices and social media platforms.
Finally, we can expect to see a continued increase in the use of video advertising. Video is an incredibly effective format for delivering messages and engaging with audiences, and it is only going to become more popular in the years ahead.
AdTech Trends For 2023
AdTech is an ever-changing landscape. Every year, new technologies and platforms emerge, while others become obsolete. It can be difficult to keep up with the latest trends, let alone predict what will be big in the coming year. However, there are a few key AdTech trends that we think will be big in 2023:
Programmatic TV: This trend has been gaining traction for a few years now and is only set to grow in popularity. Programmatic TV allows for more targeted and efficient advertising by using data to better understand viewer behavior. This means that advertisers can reach their target audience more effectively, resulting in higher ROI.
OTT Advertising: Over-the-top (OTT) services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video are becoming increasingly popular, especially among younger viewers. This presents a huge opportunity for advertisers, as they can reach this captive audience through OTT advertising.
Native Advertising: Native advertising is another form of targeted advertising that is growing in popularity. Unlike traditional display ads, native ads are designed to blend in with the surrounding content and look like they belong there. This makes them less intrusive and more effective at driving conversions.
Social Media Advertising: Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat offer huge potential for advertisers. With billions of active users spending hours on these platforms every day, there is a vast audience to reach with your message. In addition, social media platforms
There are a few AdTech trends to watch for in 2023. The first is the continued rise of programmatic advertising. This means that more and more ads will be bought and sold using automated systems.
Another trend to watch out for is the increasing use of data-driven marketing. This approach relies on using data to segment audiences and target them with specific messaging. This can be extremely effective, but it also raises privacy concerns. As data becomes more central to marketing campaigns, these concerns will need to be addressed.
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0 notes
gingeraleluke · 3 years
Heartbeat: a song that always reminds me of Timothée is Pretty Boy by The Neighbourhood 🫀
𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆 𝗯𝗼𝘆
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i really want this one to be a surprise, so if you are worried about triggers, you can check the tags, since the triggers spoil it!
otherwise, enjoy trying to figure out where this one is going ;)
this is an AU, you and timothée are in highschool
even if my heart stops beating
you’re the only thing i need
with me
“hey!” timothée was looking at the number on his watch when he heard you yell his name after being engulfed in a crowd of fans. they shoved and pushed to get to the gate, as close to timothée as possible, and when you and your boyfriend walked past them and up the stairs, you somehow got washed away in the crowd after being stopped by a security guard.
fans had found out that he would be at the game today and decided to camp outside of the event, much to your dismay. with those earbuds in his ears, he could hardly hear anything— but his brain would always point out your voice, even in a crowd. normally, you wouldn’t want him listening to music while being with you, but this wasn’t any normal day.
“she’s with me!” grabbing your hand, he pulled you up and out of the swarm of people. his eyes found yours, both of you feeling stressed from the lack of wholeness. you two needed to be together.
even if the earth starts shaking
you’re the only thing i need
with me
your fingers interlaced with his as you both approached the football field. you followed him up the bleachers, watching people gasp and flash pictures at the sight of you two together.
“this is so cool.” his eyes were wide as he turned around, watching all of the people surrounding them in the bleachers. he ripped out one of his headphones, letting it fall to his side.
yes, it was just a small football game for their highschool, but with timothée being the star that he was, people made it a very big deal. on normal days, timothée e wouldn’t even bother showing up to a stupid high school game, but this wasn’t any normal day.
even if the sky’s on fire
got you here, it’s alright
with me
you felt timothée rub his thumb over the back of your hand as you both walked down the stairs to one of the first seats. his arm never left your back, even when you guys stood still.
you turned around to see holly from your history class. “hey!” you wrap your arms around her, she being taller since she was the row behind you.
and if it’s all over
i’m taking this moment
with me
“hey tim.”
“holly.” he nodded, smiling politely. his hands were in the slim pockets of his black skinny jeans and the sleeves of his white button up was rolled up.
“you guys can chat, i’m gonna go buy us some waters before the game starts. do you want anything?”
pretty boy
you did this with me boy
now it’s all about to end
“are you sure you will be okay?”
“yeah, i’ve got it. we’ve got plenty of time.” he assured you.
“i don’t know, timmy. maybe you should stay with y/n…” holly looked at him, concerned.
“no, it’s fine. he will be back for the game.” you looked at him, giving him permission to leave. you couldn’t tell; but he had slipped his earbuds in as music flooded through his ears.
baby girl
look where we made it girl
now we’re falling
“hey, get me an ice cream!” you called out after him as he trotted down the steps.
you turned to holly, taking note of the way that she bit her lip and the bright red flash on her watch.
“so, how did you spend today?” your words were a mixture of bitter and sweet.
“me and jeff just visited people, you know. we took some pictures, talked about how well we have been doing in school. i checked on snapchat, i guess everyone skipped.” she spoke, her pale arms crossed against her stomach. “you know, me and mr. norman had an actually good conversation yesterday.”
“oh, really?”
as long as i got you
i’m gonna be alright
“mmhm. i guess sometimes people need the certain push to show their true colors.” you could hear timothée’s shoes squeak against the steps.
you looked over at the water bottle he put in your hand, while holly stared at him. “where is y/n’s ice cream?”
“hm? oh—you wanted ice cream?”
“yeah, i asked.”
“shit, i’m sorry baby.” he chuckled, bending over to place the water bottle down. “i’ll go get it.”
as long as i got you
yeah i’m not afraid to die
“wait, but—“ you checked your watch, when timothée stopped you.
“we’ve got like half an hour, babe. it’s fine.” he kissed you on the cheek before walking back down to the field.
you watched as he fist bumped football players while making his way to the food truck.
while zoning out, staring up at the sky and trying to make out shapes, you heard holly gasp behind you.
even if my heart stops beating
you’re the only thing i need
with me
you turned to see her run down the stairs, faster than you had ever seen her run before. you would have thought that a serial killer was chasing her. her legs wobbled as she booked it across the feild.
your brows furrowed and you watched her grab jeff’s arm and say something to him. the two of them ran away, out of the court and out of view. multiple football players followed after them, all of them seemingly terrified and quicker than usual.
even if the earth starts shaking
you’re the only thing worth taking
along with me
eventually, almost everyone had fled out of the stands and you could hear numerous shouts of panic. your anxiety hit like a rocket and you checked your watch, seeing that it was still on the same number as it was five minutes ago.
it was dead.
you dropped the watch and looked up to see timothée looking at his watch while walking with ice cream in his hand.
even if the sky’s on fire
got you here it’s alright
with me
you felt like you were going to be sick.
you waved your hands out and screamed his name at the top of your lungs. he looked up and smiled at you briefly before dropping down in the middle of the field to tie his shoes.
“NO! TIMOTHÉE!” the stands were empty and you began to jump down the seat in front of you. it was no use. he couldn’t see anything or hear anything as he focused on his shoe laces.
he was completely oblivious.
until the first meteor hit.
and if it’s all over
i’m taking this moment
with me.
just a yard away from him, a huge rock of fire had landed and caught his attention. he fell backwards and looked up at you. you could see the fear in his eyes from a mile away as you watched more people continue running, blocking your way.
you landed with your palms flat on the turf and ran in a zig zag— hearing loud crashes of fire come from all around you.
wherever i’m going
i’m happy you’re coming
with me
one hit a little too close to timothée, making your soul leave your body.
“NO!” you could feel the pebbles stuck in the cracks of your palm and your knees were burning. car alarms beeped from the parking lot and you and timothée were the only people left.
just you two, in an open feild.
you finally reached him, watching the tears fall down his face. he was broken.
“what happened, what hurts?”
he lifted his hand and you caught the smell of the sizzling flesh that had been hit from the ash of the rocks. the sky was a bright red with deep purple tones that made the ending oh so eerie.
“it’s okay.” timothée looked at you, before looking over to his right. “i got your ice cream.”
you smiled, feeling the streams of water emerge from your eyes and roll down to your neck. your face was warm and everything felt empty inside.
“i didn’t want it to be like this.”
“i know.” timothée smiled.
“get up! we have to go.” you sobbed, begging him to stand up with you.
i’m lucky you’re coming
with me
“go where?” his voice was gravely and he was crying just as much as you were. “it’s okay, love. it’s over.”
you wrapped your arms around his waist as several more strikes were made to the earth. “i’m so sorry.”
you sobbed, your mouth was hung open and your teeth were chattering. you couldn’t even bare to care about the apocalypse, more so upset about not having more time with him.
“i’m gonna be with you.” he croaked. his burned hand grabbed yours, wincing at the pain.
“forever, right?”
you nodded and kissed him one last time before everything went black.
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thiserichann · 4 years
cookies and cream - lee jeno
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reader x jeno
genre: smut, strangers to fuck buddies, humor if you squint hard enough
word count: 4k-ish
warnings: recklessness (she met with a stranger online, don’t do it kids) excessive lying, 18+ scenes that includes: oral (f receiving) face riding, soft dom!jeno?
This is merely a work of fiction and is not meant to hurt the image of Jeno and NCT. Again, don’t be as reckless as OP. This was just a fantasy of mine that I’ve been dying to get out of my system.
Holy fuck.
That's the only word that you've managed to utter when you decided to check your messages that morning.
You got bored in the middle of the class and decided to sneak a peek on your phone to pass the time. The class is recorded anyways so you can always just go back to the parts of the lessons that you've missed.
But holy fuck.
You never expected to see THAT so early in the morning.
"Miss Y/N?"
You snapped back to reality and stopped malfunctioning for a second when somebody called your name. Everyone including your professor remained quiet and all eyes are on you.
"Oh. Sir what’s the question again?"
You answered nervously as you tried to review your notes and backtrack on what he is discussing a few moments ago.
"I see that you're distracted in the middle of my class again. Mind sharing what you're occupied with?"
"Uhm. I was watching KPOP fancams, sir."
"Fancams won't get you into law school, Miss Y/N. Phones off please."
You tucked your phone back to your pocket and never picked it up again since. The professor started blabbering again but no information is being retained on your head. It stayed that way at your other classes.
You wished you were looking at some KPOP fancams earlier. You’ve watched fancams at class before and got away with it unscathed.
Oh no. It was a goddamn dick pic.
A good one, too.
It was from a guy that you met in a kink site a few days ago. You created the account out of boredom and expected nothing to come out from it. It’s all the flirting and sexting without all the unnecessary commitment
It only took you a few minutes to set up an account. For some privacy, you made a random birthdate and a random nickname, because like hell would you share your real information to these people. You also picked a racy picture of a lady that looked a bit like you and passed it off as your own.
Within minutes, your inbox is flooded with messages. Most of them, however, are from men who are old enough to be your father.
Well, you were bored, so you entertained everyone and then went on back to your boring, vanilla life. A few political history and theory books later, you went back to see which ones messaged you on the site.
And that's where you've met him.
The most gorgeous piece of meat alive.
He seems like a nice guy. He introduced himself as LJ and your age aren’t that far off from each other. LJ is the only one who actually engaged in conversation besides "want to fuck?" or "are you horny?"
As soon as you started messaging back and forth, you scrolled on his profile to see what he looks like. The only thing is, his profile looked a whole lot like those high fashion male underwear photoshoots.
It was an array topless pictures (presumably his, you just can’t be bothered to check if it is actually his). It featured his sculpted abs and biceps, cropped up all the way to his full lips. Despite not seeing his whole face, you knew very well that he’s a hunk. To say you were intrigued is an understatement.
Since then, you've been talking back and forth through Snapchat (your secret one because you're not stupid) and sent him actual pictures of yourself, completely omitting the face. You took one from your bed, your bathtub, and probably every part of your house that you felt is sexy enough to be included on the pics.
You can't tell him if it's him or the repressed sexual urges finally manifesting itself after more than a year of not getting laid, but every text to and from him made your heart race. It was something that you looked forward to every hour everyday.
Hours went by that you totally forgot leaving him on read. You climbed up to your bed to rest your back to the headboard and opened your unread messages.
You: Hey svlr. School stuff.
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  He opened the chat and started typing right away.
  LJ: Oh good. I thought I did something wrong to upset you.
You: Not at all. I loved the pic by the way. It literally knocked my socks off.
LJ: Just the socks?
You: You can take the rest of it off yourself ;)
You scoffed. The flirty banter has always been there ever since you started talking but nothing really came out of it.
LJ: If only I could :(
You: I know. Covid’s a bitch.
You set your phone aside for a second to go to the bathroom. On your way, you picked up some snacks at the fridge and sat back down to your bed, only to find your phone blowing up.
LJ: If you're down maybe we could meet
LJ: It's totally fine if you don't want to
LJ: I just made it weird, didn't I?
LJ: I'm so sorry I brought it up in the first place
LJ: I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable
LJ: Hello?
LJ: I'm really sorry
You: Chill. I'm right here
You: I just went to the bathroom
LJ: Oh
You: I'd be lying if I said I don't want to meet you as well
You: Well... I wouldn't write off the idea
You: But with the Covid
LJ: Thoughts?
You: I don't think it's a great idea
The screen says Seen right at the bottom but it took him a couple more minutes before finally replying.
LJ: I understand
LJ: But in case you change your mind, I'll leave the time and place up to you
LJ: I’ll take care of the rest
LJ: Deal?
You: I'll sleep on it.
You: Speaking of sleep, I gotta go. Morning class.
LJ: Okay. I guess this is good night then
You didn't, in fact, talk to him the day after.
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You'd be lying if you said that you didn't want to see him and his abs in real life. But as someone who overthinks a lot, you just can't shake off the risk.
You: Good night. Talk to you tomorrow.
What if he's not really the guy in the pics? Or he’s psycho in real life? What if he's infected the virus?
You sighed.
Why must some global pandemic ruin your sex life?
You waited until the end of the day before you finally replied to LJ. The last thing that he texted was a brief good morning from earlier in the day and nothing else. He’s actually a pretty sweet guy, totally not worth ghosting, and you actually liked talking to him as a friend that you can share your sentiments with.
With your guilt finally eating you up, you took a break from your assigned readings and sat back at your bed to rest for the day. Your fingers hovered over the keyboard for a minute, thinking of something to say to him. It took you a few tries before finally hitting the send button.
You: So, I thought about it
LJ: And?
You: I need to know I can trust you
LJ: Okay. How?
You: I don’t know. Send me a proof that you’re real. Get tested?
You: Is that fine with you?
Within a split second, he sent his reply.
He actually did it.
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You couldn’t believe it but he actually did it.
LJ: Consider it done.
He got tested for physical, including the virus test, and passed with flying colors. He even sent you a vid of him inside a medical clinic.
He just sent the uncensored results this morning where you can clearly see his real name.
Lee Jeno.
Seems legit.
Well, the uncreative nickname shouldn’t matter now because the results meant only one thing.
You’re gonna have to push through with your promise.
You got ready around noon that day. You can’t remember the last time that you actually got ready to meet someone that’s not a delivery guy or a relative passing on something to your family.
As someone who overthinks a lot, you actually got everything covered. You picked a place near a restaurant to eat. The police station is just a few blocks away just in case something happens, and right in front of a library…
“Where’re are you off to?”
You raised your backpack to show to your mother.
“I’m off to the library. I needed to get these renewed. Maybe pick up a novel or two.”
She looks at you from head to toe, eyeing that incredibly loose hoodie, faded denim jeans, some worn out sneakers that looked like it’s supposed to be thrown away years ago and a medical mask that covers about ¾ of your bare face. It’s just your usual attire whenever you go out for errands.
She just nodded and went back to watching her favorite soap opera.
“It’s nice that you’re out of your room for once. Take some cookies from the kitchen so you’ll have something to eat in case you get hungry.”
… as an alibi to get away from your strict parents.
As soon as you left the door and made sure that you’re out of sight, you found the nearest public toilet and grabbed a whole other outfit from your backpack. The hoodie is replaced by a white, ruffled see-through blouse and you ditched the jeans for a tight skirt that’s at least four inches above your knees. You tousled your hair a little bit and put on some powder and tiny hint of lipstick before putting your facemask back on again.
It’s been a while since you’ve done an elaborate scheme like this. Your skills got a little bit rusty, but they always work.
Sometimes you wonder if you’re really meant to be lawyer or a criminal instead.
You stepped out of the toilet and blended right back into society.
Now all you have to do is find wherever the hell LJ is.
Jeno sat anxiously as he waited for you right inside the café. He’s on his fourth cup of coffee but it didn’t do anything to calm his nerves down (geez I wonder why).
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You: I’m almost at the café.
He’s been staring at his phone the whole time. Once he received your message, which is a pic of you in the bathroom after the outfit change, he almost choked on his drink.
This message sent him on a panic as he turned his camera on to see how he looked. He did some minor adjustments to his hair and he wiped off his eyeglasses clean with the sleeves of his hoodie (which did nothing for him by the way) and then casually sat down and played it off cool like he hasn’t been waiting for you for over an hour.
On your perspective, you walked inside the café and looked around for LJ. Fortunately, there was only guy inside the café, twiddling with his phone on his hands and as he kept on peeking through the glass windows as if he’s looking for someone.
From afar, he actually looked really cute. His appearance, a shy, nerdy dude with glasses, looked way off from the fuckboy image that you expected him to have in reference to the messages that you’ve been getting from him.
It’s always the quiet ones that are kinky. You should know, you are one.
You walked over to his table and tapped his shoulders to get his attention.
He froze for a moment before he finally managed to turn around and face you.
“You’re actually here.”
“I know. I’m just as surprised as you are.”
tap tap tap tap
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The room is so quiet that the only thing you can hear is the sound of your heels tapping against the tiled floor. You can say that that is one of your observable annoying habits tapping your foot on the floor when you're a nervous wreck.
Sighing in retaliation, you removed your hoodie, fanning yourself as you tried to relax and get comfy on the hotel couch (which should be comfortable enough since you paid a shit ton of money on that room), switching the TV on to get your mind off of things. The lackluster array of shitty sitcoms didn’t distract you at all, but it instead reminded you of the reasons why you’re in that room in the first place.
Having nothing to do to pass the time, you paced back and forth in the room, finally sitting down once you realized that it looks way worse than you just tapping your foot. You folded your arms right across your chest, looking at the watch from time to time but the hands of the clock seem to be moving slower the more you stare at it.
Quarantine started almost a year ago and it's been very hard for you. Sexually. It's been almost a year since you've been touched by a man and you’re more than ready to jump on anyone’s dick at any this point,
Too bad that that dick is taking his sweet time in the bathroom.
tap tap tap tap
Your foot found its rhythm once again, only this time, you’re not nervous anymore. Your patience is wearing thin.
As if summoned by the constant tapping, the guy comes out of the bathroom, just casually drying himself while wearing nothing but the towel dangerously hanging on his waist and a boyish smile on his lips.
No biggie.
Suddenly, you’re not tapping anymore.
Head empty, just thoughts of a hot guy patting down a towel all over his toned body.
“I hope I didn’t make you wait for too long.”
He spoke, tossing aside the towel on his hands on the sofa, finally giving you a full view of him and all his glory.
You must admit, you’re skeptical at first. The guy that’s been sending you faceless thirst traps just days ago, telling you how he’d fuck you senseless looked a lot different from the guy who entered the hotel room just a moment ago.
He came in wearing those black oversized hoodies that did a great job in hiding his best features. His hair was a bit long for your taste, covering half of his face while the face mask hid the other.
But this man right here in front you, he’s Adonis.
You unconsciously bit your lower lip, earning a chuckle from the guy.
“I’m guessing that you’d like to start now?”
You nodded, the tension and awkwardness rendering you unable to speak.
He smiles as he takes the remote from you, turning off the television because the main show is about to start.
You started to tense up again, eyes wide as you realized that he’s now right beside you, wrapping his arms around you as soon as he sat down. He leans over, soft lips coming into contact with your exposed neck and shoulders, landing small pecks all over.
You sat there breathless as he slowly ran his fingers to the side of your thighs, tracing circles at it while giving small, reassuring kisses on your neck and shoulders. It’s as if he’s asking you for your consent, waiting for you to open up to him before he makes a move.
He got his answer when you turned around to face him, running your fingers into his cheeks before cupping his face, your lips finally touching his. He moved in the same pace as earlier, slow and calculating. You got a bit impatient once again, biting his lower lips gently to let him know that he can do more.
He grabbed you by the waist and successfully placed you on top of him. The kiss got even more sloppy as you ran your hands through nape, then into his soft locks. His hands travelled once again, finger running through legs again, stopping as soon as he reached the hem of your skirt, flipping it up to reveal the thin lace material that barely covered your core. You took that as initiative to remove the towel on his waist and grinded against his growing member, the friction and heat enough to earn a groan out of him.
He held your waist once again, firmly this time, halting your movement completely.
You broke away from the kiss, staring him in the eyes to read his face.
“Something wrong?”
“Hold tight.”
You were about to ask about what hold tight mean, but your arms cling unto him involuntarily as he lifts the both of you out of the sofa.
Jeno laid you gently in the bed, making sure not to break eye contact as he does so. He looked like he's about to eat you alive, which is enough to send flush to your cheeks.
“I would’ve loved to bend you over that sofa, but I think it’s just proper that our first time will be on the bed.”
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"God. You're beautiful."
He then ran his fingers towards the thin fabric of your blouse, feeling every part of your torso like he's memorizing every detail of it. His hands then travelled in your chest, squeezing the swell of your breasts on each hand, fingers shaking as he does so. It felt like an artist admiring his delicate work of art.
He situated himself between your legs, taking a moment to admire you first before doing anything else.
He started to run his hand on your cleavage and stopped on the uppermost button of your blouse, taking his time to remove all of them and placing a kisses at the exposed skin. After all of the buttons are taken care of, you lifted your body up and slid off the fabric. Your black lacy bra finally made its appearance. You took the liberty of taking that off too, as slow and as you possibly can.
 Jeno just stared at your body in awe, breathing heavily as his eyes scanned your naked glory.
He said under this breath before leaning down to claim your lips once again. You're turned on by how much attention he's giving your body now. You're usually loud in bed but his gestures are making you bashful. You've never felt this beautiful before.
You can feel his hands trembling as it travels all over your body, his kisses getting even more needy. There was moans of satisfaction every time he would lick your lips. Jeno was kissing you like you were oxygen and he needed to breath.
His hands travelled south, running across your thigh and your now aching core. You're about to remove your skirt and underwear but he stopped your hands midway.
"Keep it."
He took your hands away from your skirt and placed them just above your head.
"Just sit there and relax baby. Let me treat you."
You did just like he told you and gave him full control of your body.
"Good girl."
His lips brushed your ears, whispering sweet nothings about how beautiful you are under him. His kisses then went down to your neck, using his tongue and teeth, marking everything he can get his mouth on with his saliva. Meanwhile, his hands finally touched you down there, massaging your still clothed wetness.
His middle and index finger felt your slit, moving it in swift motion in search for your clit.
"Oh my god. That's it."
You gasped as his fingers finally hit the right spot, tossing your head back as his fingers made circles at your bundle or nerves.
You opened your legs more, leaning on your arms on your back, head tossed back and eyes closed as you feel your impending orgasm.
He dipped his hand inside your underwear and collected some of your essence with his fingers. The mental picture of him licking his fingers deliciously is enough to get you off for weeks.
It didn't take long before he took your panties off and his ducked his head down. He opened your legs once again and licked one long stripe on your core, making sure to taste all of you. You sat there and watch as he hungrily takes all of you in his mouth, acting like your pussy is a full course meal and he's been starving for years.
Within moments, you've become a moaning, toe curled mess. You ran your fingers to his blonde hair, guiding him on how to move his tongue and fingers on you. At one point, he bit some of your sensitive skin, making you scream a string of curses under your breath.
"Stop stop stop."
You grab a fistful of his hair and he paused from what he was doing. You pushed him gently away from you, leaving him staring at you confusedly. The confusion didn't last long when you flipped your current position, you're now on top.
"Can I ride your face?"
At this point, you're bold and horny enough to use your words and ask him. He just nodded, sliding himself from underneath you and went back to eating you like a champ. You grabbed his hands and placed them across your chest, squeezing your breasts to send him a message. He was quick to pick up and followed suit, pinching your nipples right in between fingers while your ride his face to orgasm.
"Shit. I'm coming..."
  You writhed from above him as you come undone. Your body felt cold all over. Your eyes are ringing, feeling dizzy as you almost passed out while you bucked your hips a few more times to milk your release.
You didn’t have time to recover when you heard your phone ringing from outside. Your legs felt a little shaky and you almost tumbled and hit your head in the wall if Jeno didn’t help you get up. You  sat down on the floor, butt-ass naked as you frantically searched for your phone from under all of your stuff before you finally pressed the answer button.
“Yes mom?”
“Where have you been? Your father’s been looking for you at the library. He’s picking you up on your way home.”
You buried your head on the couch to shake off the buzzing feeling on your head. You placed a pillow on your body while you searched for your discarded clothes all over the hotel room.
“Oh yeah. I went to the café and got something to eat. Tell Dad I’ll meet him outside the library.”
“Okay sweetie. Can you pick up some groceries on your way back? I’ll text you the list.”
“Yeah mom. Bye.”
You breathe a sigh of relief as you started putting on the outfit that you wore when you left home.
“Where are you going?”
Jeno reluctantly got dressed as well, his shy demeanor came back as soon as he wore his glasses and fixed his hair.
“I got to go, Jeno. I’m sorry that I’m leaving in such a bad time…”
You went over to him and placed a sweet kiss on his lips.
“I promise to make it up to you next time, okay? I’d love to meet you again.”
You grabbed a paper bag from your backpack and handed it to him, waving as you bolted out the door.
After fixing his things, he sat down for a moment and took a quick peek inside the package that you left him.
It was a ziplock bag of full of cookies and a whole other treat.
You left him your two-piece lace lingerie.
To be continued.
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tommybaholland · 4 years
Hiya! I was wondering if I could request a one-shot with Sugawara where the reader is his best friend and secretly loves him but he doesn’t know? Then maybe another person catches his attention and the reader starts to distance themselves from Suga to try to spare themselves the hurt? Then maybe turns out the other person was just using Suga/wasn’t serious bout him and he realizes that the person he really loves is the reader but now they’re staying away from him and just angst and fluff and dramatic confessions?? Sorry if it’s far too much detail, I get carried away. Your writing is amazing, keep up the fantastic work!
somebody, some body
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featuring: sugawara 
goddddd i’m so sorry i am late with a post AGAIN. this has been way overdue to be posted actually, and last night i finished it and was almost done with editing but accidentally lost everything i added and edited in the draft :// so thank you for being patient with me! this ended up being pretty long, so hopefully that makes up for the wait :) anyway, i really liked this idea! i have a little personal experience with this kind of situation, so it was fun to explore those feelings a bit. thanks for requesting and enjoy!
you didn’t always know that you would be in love with koshi sugawara. your dynamic was always friendly, and nothing more. so where did you go wrong?
when you think back to your history with suga, you could never find yourself resenting any time you spent with him. it all started when you moved into his neighborhood and as a shy child, you didn’t have the easiest time making friends. but he was a kind boy who was around your age and made it easy for you to form a bond with him. after all those years, neither one of you had changed that much. you were still reserved at heart but, he was the one who pushed you to things that you both could enjoy. 
one is joining the high school volleyball club together. you weren’t usually one to go outside of your comfort zone, but with him, you felt like you could do anything. he had you fuel your enthusiasm and you had him to thank for that. volleyball ended up being a great idea because it was quite a versatile sport that anyone could play. you found that you were quite athletic and took a liking to the libero position. there was just something exciting about digging a ball off the ground and rolling on the floor to get back up again. also, it looked pretty cool. 
so that was great until you hurt your shoulder during a game, which ended up being more severe than it seemed. now you couldn’t lift your left arm very far over your head unless you wanted to dislocate your shoulder again. it was already a tough recovery period because all you wanted to do was get back to the game. 
he was there with you for the entirety of it and even though he mostly encouraged you, he had to make sure you knew you wouldn’t do anything to hurt yourself. you felt helpless. it was the lowest he had ever seen you and he did everything he could to lift you back up again.
that was something you could never take for granted with him. 
the thing about you and suga is that you were in constant contact, especially during school. if it wasn’t sending each other funny memes or tiktoks, you were either on snapchat with each other or texting. sometimes simultaneously. 
are you alive?? 
yeah i’m awake, unfortunately
what do u want sugar-wara 
whoa how are you up this early lol and sugar is my thing ok
let’s go get sweet buns before class
ur right, it is ur thing. ur sugar-wara
okay i’ll meet you by the light in 15 
there was a lonely intersection in your neighborhood with a red stoplight that seems to have malfunctioned and now the light never stops blinking. you and suga lived on the same street, with the intersection being a perfect place to literally meet in the middle. 
“hey, sugar-- uh oh. someone doesn’t look so sweet today!”
he was always so peppy in the mornings. 
“yeah, well, maybe if someone didn’t wake me up with their annoying texts..”
“if you really don’t want to be woken up, you’d put your phone on do not disturb. you can thank me later for being your alarm clock.” 
he gave you a bright smile and a few head pats before you set off down the road to your favorite bakery which happened to be on the way to school. you didn’t go every morning, but most days it was necessary for you to start your day off right. 
“how’s the team looking this year, mr. vice captain?”
“pretty good, actually! four first years joined the team and one of them’s over six feet tall. our blocks will be unstoppable!”
 there were several things you loved about suga but, if there was one thing you enjoyed most, it was hearing him get psyched about volleyball. even though you couldn’t play anymore, his undying enthusiasm for the sport made you feel like you were living through him vicariously. 
“and there’s one who’s on the shorter side, only a little taller than noya. but he seems to have so much energy and drive, it’s just-- i don’t know, i have a feeling we could actually make it to nationals this year.” 
“wow, that’s great!” 
“you should come to practice and see them! also we just got asahi back so i need to make sure my sets really land.” 
“kou, you know i love watching you guys but isn’t that what kiyoko’s there for?”
“well, yeah, but you know how i play best!”
“yeah, sure. it’s not like i have anything better to do.” 
“you never let me down!” 
 his smile never let you down. 
it was your senior year of high school and it felt like things were going to be nothing but great.
“so...speaking of you knowing me best,” he started rather hesitantly.
“what would you do if i...made you dinner?”
“oh, uh, oh, no. not, like, i make you dinner but, like...rei finally agreed to come around tonight and i thought i’d make something for them.”
“oh, um,” you tried to force a smile. “yeah, i think they’d like that.”
“yeah? you don’t think it’s too cheesy or anything? we haven’t hung out very much but i’d thought it would be a nice way to show them that i mean what i feel, you know?”
“yeah, yeah! that sounds perfect, kou..”
if only they knew that they were so lucky. 
you knew about this person, rei. they were your teammate and even a friend at one time. they transferred to karasuno during your second year and you bonded over your shared interest of the libero position. they didn’t get to play much that season until you got injured and had to quit playing. 
to see them fill that position so easily, it made you feel so type of way. a way that suga couldn’t know because even though he was there for you, he couldn’t deny his feelings. you remember when he told you that he liked them. about how he’s liked them ever since they came to karasuno and about how he was nervous to talk to them. 
and guess what?
you encouraged him. you encouraged him to try to pursue someone who you knew and liked, so now you had to hide that you were envious of both their position on the team AND the fact that your best friend is in love with them. 
at first, you tried to look at it as a positive point. you were still friendly with them, but volleyball was the only thing that connected you so you didn’t talk to them that much anymore. but now that suga, the person you’re closest to, was talking to them, it opened up the possibility that you would be able to reconnect with them. you had to be supportive. you were his friend, his closest friend, after all. 
the next morning you didn’t wake up from a text from suga. no, it took several snooze buttons to wake you up, which already put you in a bad mood. 
it’s ur turn now. are u alive??
i actually woke up to my alarms, how weird. u must be dead lol 
also have you done the english assignment yet? i need serious help >_<
you weren’t afraid to double, triple, even quadruple text him because more often than not, he did that to you. sometimes he’d even send longish paragraphs as he did later that day when classes had already started. 
hey sorry today has just been filled with fun and thriving and good stuff! rei asked me if i wanted to meet up with them before school last night and they made me some sweet buns and they were soooo good. i think we’re going to eat lunch together with some of their friends from vbc. ugh english sucks for me too. idk why you think i’m good at it
you almost jumped at the gesture to reply. it was never this long that he would go without text you at least one dumb thing. 
haha it’s okay don’t be sorry! so i guess last night went well?
also ur great at english sugar-wara what r u talking about??
it surprised you how quickly they seemed to become so friendly. it was kinda weird that he would already be spending a lot of time with her and now meeting all her friends. he probably already knew of them though, with volleyball and everything. the thoughts of how long you would have to wait for a reply crept in your mind, but that was quickly erased by an elapsed period of only a few minutes. 
yeah it went great! they had never had someone cook for them before, so they really liked it. this morning they told me they’d show me how to make fried eggs bc i said i dont know how to use a stove lol 
wait you made a whole meal for this person and u don’t know how to use the stove??
i used a crockpot and microwave ok :// don’t make fun of me dingus 
well a stove would definitely broaden ur horizons lmao that’s nice it went well though 
thank you i hope its going well 
that conversation was truly the end of the beginning. 
Every day after that seemed to happen the same way. you’d wake up, no text from suga. he hadn’t even replied to what you last said the previous night. you didn’t see him much either, but you knew who he was with probably. you would still stop by at volleyball practice where you did get to see him but they were there also. so you found yourself dipping out a lot more. 
it just felt weird. seeing him talk to someone he didn’t even know before. they didn’t even know him. even when you two were on the team together, they never once showed much interest in him and now it just seemed strange that they would. 
the transition was particularly difficult for you, as much as you didn’t want to admit it. one night you were so overwhelmed with work because you had waited too long to do it. frantically texting suga was an understatement. 
you knew you couldn’t put all your reliance on him but it was weird that he wasn’t replying on a school night as he was just as much a procrastinator as you. you dragged yourself through the night, trying to put together a somewhat coherent speech for english the next day. which, again, started as it had for the past few weeks. you still hadn’t heard from him, but it doesn’t even matter anymore. by the time he replied, it was almost embarrassing on your part. 
oh my god y/n i’m so sorry i didn’t reply sooner. i tried to get all my work done early so i could hang out with rei last night and i was asking my mom for advice and she told me to just pay attention to them as much as possible so i just wanted to be with them, you know? but i really hope you didn’t beat yourself up too much about it and that you got at least a little sleep. i’m sure your speech went well :) 
you sounded desperate for his help and meanwhile, he’s genuinely trying to show someone how much they mean to him. could you look any more stupid? 
you didn’t even want to reply but you felt like you had to. 
no don’t be sorry koshi! if anything i’m sorry i was just super frustrated in the moment and didn’t know what to do. i managed to pull something halfway decent together i think so it’s all okay now 
was it okay though? 
that was when you realized that things would never be the same. you’re his best friend and that’s simply it. you mean something to him, but not the same something that they mean to him. you couldn’t go to him when you help because then you’d be taking his time away from someone who wanted to feel that special meaning. it was a hard pill to swallow, for sure. but there were still several questions that lingered in the potential of what your relationship could be.
isn’t it possible to be both a best friend and a partner at the same time? you didn’t see any problem with it, so why couldn’t it be true? 
two weeks past and suga, your best friend, decided to let you in on some news. 
going up against all these powerhouse schools is definitely tough but it’ll help our team in the long run. we’re really amped to play seijoh soon but also i have an s/o now who can come and cheer us on 
WAIT you guys made it official?? when?
haha we’ve been official for like two weeks now 
oh well that’s great! 
(what the actual hell.)
months went by and you saw suga maybe two or three times. and only saw him, usually with the rest of the volleyball team or with rei and their friends. you texted now and then but it wasn’t the same. you had to accept that it wouldn’t be the same, so you did. you had a good group of friends who you spent more of your time with, as well as trying to focus as much as possible on school. entrance exams were coming up and you couldn’t let this be your downfall, even though you and suga had previously talked about possibly going to the same college together. but that wasn’t important anymore. 
you had your priorities and suga had his. 
which was the biggest reason why you decided not to go to the game against aoba johsai. you told him that you would try to make it, if schoolwork and college prep courses would lend you the chance. you were just trying to focus on yourself and work hard in on your own. you still texted him just to show that you still cared. 
sorry i couldn’t make it to the game! how did it go?
we lost :’(( we were so close too 
oh no :( i’m sorry kou. but i know you guys will get them next time!
he never replied, which only made you want to grow further from him. 
summer vacation rolled around and it was about a month out from suga’s birthday. a strange text appeared from someone you didn’t expect. 
Hey so I wanted to get manga for suga for his bday but I cannot for the life of me remember which ones he has so can you try to casually ask him which ones he has? like the next time you guys talk about manga or something?
you felt weird that they were asking for your help, considering that they now spent more time with him than you did. but you weren’t going to completely ignore them either.
to be honest we haven’t talked a whole lot lately but i’ll try to subtly ask him 
Okay awesome thanks!
what were you thinking of getting him?
Deathnote lol nothing original
hmm maybe the new aot volume? 
Yeah, that’s a good one. Or maybe BNHA
yeah that too! do you still want me to ask him? 
Yeah could you? 
yeah sure!
Yay thanks! 
okay i’ll let you know what i find out
going through with this was even worse. if it were you, you’d take him to see his favorite artist in concert. he wasn’t never much of a concert guy but he would talk about how badly he wanted to go see them live. or a more lowkey and personal option would be to customize a crewneck for him. you had a knack for designing and decorating plain-looking clothes and he would try to do it himself but would always remark how much better yours always turned out. 
but this time you’re simply the messenger and wouldn’t get that chance to get him something you know he’d love. not that he wouldn’t like manga, but it just seemed like they weren’t putting a ton of thought into it. maybe you couldn’t blame them though, it had only been a few months that they had been dating. 
that conversation honestly seemed more out-of-the-blue than anything, but you were hoping that suga would be as oblivious as ever. it didn’t even matter in the end because he never even answered your subtle way of asking. you didn’t feel like double texting because a.) you hadn’t done that in months and b.) it seemed too obvious. 
in the end, you did all that you could do and told rei that you had no information to provide, even after a week had passed. that was your, now monthly, interaction with suga that month. 
but it wasn’t like you weren’t thinking about him. 
your interactions moved from text to strictly snapchat, where you would hold streaks for considerable amounts of time. but every time you seemed to break contact with him, you found yourself blaming them. but you couldn’t blame them. they were with him, dating him. they had a right to claim a spot by his side. you had learned to pull back and just live your life. 
but life didn’t want you to have a great time either. albeit through a simple app like snapchat, he was the one asking you if you were okay. at this point, you would probably just deflect but somehow, you found yourself telling him about how you didn’t do so well on your entrance exams, despite having done what you could to prepare for them. you just thought you were so focused to do well, but maybe it was too much focus. you told him it would be alright. another notification came through.
snapchat from sugar wara  
you opened it to a selfie of him, one that was angled upwards to position him looking right up into the camera, his wide hazel eyes being the centerpiece of the photo. the caption simply said, “promise?”
and that was when it happened. you felt something different in your heart like it was knocked around in your chest. you smiled at the simple response and replied, “yeah i promise!!” 
it felt strange, but you finally admitted it, 
you were in love with koshi sugawara. 
timing was, without a doubt, a demise in all of your previous relationship endeavors. you could never seem to get that part right, also coming in too fast or not knowing if you should wait. you had only hoped that someone you liked would like you just as much. so catching feelings for someone, strong feelings at that, was not part of your current life plans. let alone with suga, someone you were, at one point, extremely close to. 
you know so much about him and what scared you was that your confession would be the only one that could mess up whatever relationship you had left with him. why couldn’t you just enjoy where you stood with him? why should your selfish feeling have to get in the way? 
stupid was an understatement as you how you felt. he was still dating rei, and that didn’t look like it was going to end anytime soon. you didn’t know what to do or how to cope. you can fight your feelings, but they can’t change right away. and for as long as you’ve known suga, the history you’ve shared with him, it seemed like these feelings weren’t leaving anytime soon. 
you spent the next couple of weeks trying to get everything out, while simultaneously trying to forget. you vented about it to your friends and while most of them offered advice, you stuck with just remaining stagnant. one of them suggested that you confess to him but that was what you feared most: that your feeling would become so overwhelming that you had to do something impulsive to relieve them. he would probably never talk to you again. there was nothing you could do. he was in a relationship with someone he really likes. why would you try to ruin that for him? 
you didn’t go to any of the preliminaries, mostly because of prep courses and trying to prepare for the next round of entrance exams. you still kept up with suga and saw that they won in the game against seijoh and we now going to the finals against shiratorizawa. you swiped up on his story and typed a simple, “omg that's amazing!! see I knew you guys could do it.” you continue to scroll through your phone, not thinking that much about it until a notification popped up.
sugar wara is typing…
snapchat from sugar wara
yeah it was great! Wish you could have been here though :(
me too! college prep courses seem to have been taking up all my time :P
is there any chance that you could try to find time to come to finals? 
we've been trying to get all the support that we can
plus it would be nice to see a familiar face there :) 
yeah i'll see what i can do to try to be there!
 wymd a familiar face? hasn't rei been going to the prelims?
they have been but we actually broke up about two weeks ago
i sort of initiated it but i promise it's okay
your eyes almost fell out of your head when you read that 2 weeks ago you were talking about how you were in love with him and were and decided to accept that it wasn't going to happen. now you're hearing that at the same time they had broken up? It seemed odd and... bittersweet. 
oh no i'm sorry kou :(
you bit your lip as you couldn't help but ask.
wdym you initiated it tho?
so kageyama has been killing it as our setter especially with his quick attack move with hinata 
rei was worried that i wasn't being treated fairly bc i'm a senior and vice-captain and all that. i tried to reassure them that i just want to see our team thrive and go to nationals but they still were worried about it and would talk about how they would go to games and never see me play once
it's been hard especially that it happened right before the seijoh game and now before finals
yeah i'm sure it's been difficult 
but don't beat yourself don't blame yourself so much! the team needs your support just as much as it needs players. nobody could replace that :)
thanks y/n :) i appreciate you so much
although you thought you would be happy, you can’t help but still feel weird about this whole thing. you felt like the ball was in your court but your bum arm couldn’t receive it properly. your feelings for him had been strong and you felt like you had to pack them all the way so now it just felt wrong to let them flow out again. but now that there was no conflict of interest, did you have to hide your feelings? 
it was more complicated than it was before. you didn't know how anything was going to play out at all and that kinda scared you. you did know one thing though, and that was how to be a loyal friend to suga because that's all you ever were from the start and that's what you could and would be for the future.
it was the friday before the finals game. 
you decided to stay late after school to maximize your focus on studying. it seemed to have worked because the sun was going down before you knew it. you wanted to get ahead on work so you could go to the game tomorrow. you and suga had been talking more recently and while it wasn’t as much as it used to be, it was more than it had been in the past several months. 
you quickly gathered up your things and left school for the night. the pretty orange and pink sky lit your way home through the quiet town and into the residential parts. at that point, the dark had met and light and-
“y/n! hey, wait!”
you turned to see none other than suga, jogging up behind you to catch up. you smiled at his sudden presence, looking past him to see the small group of the rest of the team. 
“hey! funny seeing you here.”
“yeah, haha,” he chuckled, catching his breath from suddenly running a considerable distance. “are you going home?”
“can i walk with you?”
“of course.”
great! so i’m guessing you stayed late at school? you’re still wearing your uniform.”
“oh, yeah,” you affirmed, looking down at your monotonous outfit. “i just wanted to be all caught up on work and studying so i could go to the game tomorrow.”
“oh, yeah? that’s good to hear! yeah, we were-- we just had a late practice. coach left before us but we wanted to stay a little longer.”
“i hope you guys win tomorrow, it seems like you’ve been working really hard.”
“yeah, i hope so too. we’ve come a long way in such a short amount of time, it just feels like we can’t stop now.” 
you nodded in agreement. there was a beat of silence just then, and while it wasn’t awkward, it felt like something was lingering in the air.
“so, um,” he spoke up after several seconds. his eyes met yours and you felt that pang in your chest again, quickly looking away. “it’s been a while, huh?”
“yeah. yeah, it has, i guess,” you laughed lightly. you reached the intersection with the never-ending blinking stoplight and you turned around to face him.
“but i guess i’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
“yeah. yeah!”
“okay, get some sleep. goodnight.”
he nodded and you grinned at him before turning around to walk the rest of the way home until his voice stopped you again.
“hey, y/n?”
“yeah, kou?”
he looked down and all around, anywhere but your face.
“i, um, i know things have been kinda weird between for a while but it’s made me realize that i missed you, a lot.”
“yeah, i missed you, too.”
“but it’s also made me realize that i enjoy spending time with you and talking to you. like, even now, just talking to you makes me feel-- i don’t know. it makes me feel at ease like i’m home. and i’d really like to spend more time with you because i, um, i really like you.”
“you, you what?”
“i really like you, sugar.”
in all the ways you had imagined this happening, you never thought that you would feel your face fall to a frown, your heart beating in your ears. something just didn’t sit right with you about it.
“i, i, i don’t know what to say...”
“it’s okay if you don’t! i just wanted to tell you.”
“but why are you telling me this now?”
“do you-- do you not feel the same?”
“no. no! i’ve been wanting to hear you say something like that for so long, it’s just. you broke up with rei not too long ago and-- i don’t know. something isn’t right about it.” you shook your head, unsure of what you were trying to say.
“it’s how i feel,” he shrugged. “i just wanted to tell you and have a good feeling to hold onto to make tomorrow a little easier.”
you looked at him in disbelief.
“oh, so you think you can confess all that to me right before this big game and that i’ll automatically reciprocate those feelings when you just broke up with someone not even a month ago? i’m not a second choice--”
“no, sugar, listen, that’s not how i meant it at all--”
“no sugawara.” those words made him go quiet instantly. you never used his full name, there was always some sort of play on it, so this was serious. 
“maybe that’s not how you meant it, but that’s how i’m taking it. i’ve been wanting to tell you for so long how i felt but i wanted to respect your feelings so i didn’t. so please, respect mine. i’m not the good luck charm that you can just confess to and expect that it’ll all be okay. this just isn’t right. i’m sorry, koshi. 
your voice broke as his name left your lips, tears beginning to fall. you didn’t even give him a chance to respond, a rush of adrenaline telling you to quickly turn and get out of there. 
you didn’t get much sleep that night. 
it was hard not to think about your conflicted feelings over suga’s confession. you had hoped for that moment for a long time but the timing simply wasn’t right. how funny and ironic is that? you thought your timing was off. maybe you were meant for each other in that way. you couldn’t help but let your feelings get the best of you and you were beginning to become what you feared most from him. you thought he would immediately reject you and make you feel bad about ever saying anything about how you felt. but the roles are reversed and that was the part that blindsided you the most. 
you didn’t think that how you reacted was wrong but you also couldn’t imagine how he was feeling right now. he just wanted to feel good right before a big game but that backfired right in his face. some might call it karma, but part of you thought he didn’t deserve it. 
the pressure was setting in as the game went into the fifth and final set. what made it worse was kageyama wouldn’t be starting that set, his nose bleeding from the spike he took to the face. suga was genuinely thrilled to be a teacher, a mentor, and a support system for his fellow teammates. he didn’t mind that another, rather talented, setter had joined the team because that meant he wouldn’t have to worry about passing the position over to someone who he thought didn’t deserve it. 
he almost forgot he was actually a player on the team when everyone looked to him to fill in. this was his moment and it just happened to be at the most overwhelming part of this game. Both teams were tired while simultaneously running on pure adrenaline to see who was going to come out on top. 
suga had an opportunity, not only to start the set but be the trailblazer for their success. 
the nerves set in as he held up the paddle with the number nine on it, kageyama holding it up with him for a moment. It was symbolic in a way. suga always thought he’d be passing the baton to him, his successor as karasuno’s official setter, but this felt just as sentimental. Suga hadn’t played much this season but he got to watch the team grow into something that it once was: something great. They’ve had their share of loss and strife but it finally seemed like they had come so far and the only direction they can go is up. 
the nerves set in as he looked around, anywhere to ease them. His eyes automatically went to the team banner, black with the simple word ‘fly’ written over it, where all the school and their supporters were watching. he went down the line quickly but the wave of a hand caught his eye. his eyes shifted back and felt that familiar grin on him.
it was you. 
“c’mon suga! You can do it!”
and so he did. 
once the final ball hit the ground, the room was quiet with shock. it had been tight for most of the game but no one really expected this outcome. they were going to nationals. daichi, suga, and asahi embraced, taking in the satisfying feeling of victory. 
after the awards ceremony, you were buzzing with excitement for them, trying to calmly follow the rest of the crowd out of the gym. you could tell they were somewhere along the hallway as another crowd formed to congratulate the winning team. you weaved in and out of it, even getting on your toes to see if you could spot a familiar head of gray hair. 
you finally caught a glance at him from afar, his smile growing as his eyes locked onto yours.
you mimicked his expression and found your feet moving quicker than your brain could process. he put in the same amount of haste to meet you in the middle. you both stopped at about an arm’s length away from each other. his flushed cheeks and slightly red but glistening eyes held your smile as you decided to speak first. 
“hey, kou.”
“hey, sugar.”
another minute couldn’t be wasted as you finally crashed into one another. it felt better to hold somebody that you knew and genuinely loved. you could be sure that he felt the same way as he held your body tightly against him. 
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heyo haikyuu night! send any requests right here..
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