#how would wilford or dark react?
craftartz67 · 2 years
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Light The Detective
If Abe ever found out that Avery(DA) was stuck in the mirror because of Dark. I think they would do the same ritual as Celine did with Damien. They would probably be the more stable version of Dark.
Couldn’t decide if Light’s aura should be yellow and green or purple and yellow.
Inspired by @all-i-do-is-write and @staticsketchbook
Light Headcannons:
they/them or He/Him
They still want revenge against dark and Wilford(they by punch bother dark and wil in the face)
Light’s aura are yellow and purple(yellow for Abe and purple for DA)
They still do detective work
Nice, but dramatic and could monologue for hours on end
They still don’t know how to feel about the other egos
But come to have a soft spot for the them and will practically sacrifice their life for them(courtesy of the DA being a sacrificing idiot)
Will harm anyone if any of the egos get hurt
Gets along well with the septic egos
They are extremely powerful and just as dangerous as dark
later on they start to develop feeling for Wilford and Dark
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iamvegorott · 9 months
Could you maybe do Dapperstache with “you got me flowers?” and “you always see the good in people. Even me.”
“You got me flowers?” “You always see the good in people. Even me.”
“I’m so shocked that Bubblegum’s late.” Anti giggled as he and the other Septiceyes entered the meeting room, seeing the other Ipliers, Phantom, Mare, and Mad.
“He's informed me of his tardiness,” Dark stated as he gestured for them to take their seats.
“Now that's actually shocking.” Chase chuckled.
“Did he say anything to you?” Marvin asked JJ, getting a head shake in response.
“He's probably looking for his pants.” Jackie chuckled, taking his seat next to Phantom.
“I wouldn't mind if you couldn't find your pants~” Phantom giggled, grinning as his comment made Jackie stutter and blush.
“Why would he want that?” Mad asked, but before Mare could say anything, his eyes widened. “Gross!” 
“Let’s get started, and Wilford will take his place when he arrives.” Dark, out of habit, guided Anti to sit before walking across the room to sit in his seat. While the others didn’t have assigned seats, they often sat in the same spot, meaning the chair beside JJ would be empty until Wilford was there. 
“Five bucks, Wilford’s gonna do something dramatic,” Bing said to Chase.
“Ten, it’s going to involve a gift,” Google said, getting surprised looks from the other two.
“Googs, you’re making a bet?” Bing asked. 
“I’m feeling lucky.” Google chuckled with a grin. Chase and Bing shared a look mixed with concern and curiosity. 
“To start everything, I’d like to assign some jobs I’ve gathered. I have highlighted which ones would be best suited for each group.” Dark took one of the packets from the stack of papers beside him, split the pile in half, and passed them down either side of himself.
“Now’s the time for Wilf to burst in,” Yancy muttered to Illinois as he slid the stack to him. 
“Wilford does usually have some perfect-” Illinois was cut off by Wilford walking in. “-timing.” He finished with a chuckle. 
“Look at those flowers,” Mad whispered in awe to Mare. Mare and some of the others took mental notes on how their partners reacted to seeing Wilford walking in with a large bouquet. The flowers were carnations, white with pink on the edge of each petal. Wilford went to JJ with the biggest smile and handed him the bouquet. 
“Wil, you got me flowers?” JJ asked. “What’s the occasion?” 
“No occasion. I just wanted to get you a gift.” Wilford said. 
“No reason at all?” JJ giggled, taking one of the flowers out of the collection and smelled it. Somehow, the flower had an even sweeter scent than usual. 
“Well, you always see the good in people. Even me.” Wilford’s smile softened to a more adoring one. 
“You are the sweetest.” JJ tugged on Wilford’s suspender to pull him into a quick kiss. “I’ll keep this one right here.” He tucked the flower into the chest pocket of his vest. 
“What’d you do?” Chase asked Marvin when he noticed him moving his hand in the air, a slight glow to his fingers. 
“Just making sure that flower lasts as long as them,” Marvin answered with a casual shrug. 
“I will bite you.” 
“If you two are finished with your moment, we have work to do,” Dark said to Wilford and JJ. 
“Oh, yes, yes.” Wilford waved both hands as he sat. “Real quick though, Anti, do you have a favorite flower?” 
“Chrysanthemums, why?” Anti answered. 
“Just curious~” Wilford said, eyes directly at Dark. 
“As we were,” Dark said after clearing his throat. 
Soft and Sweet Sentence Starters: Link
@bookwormscififan @brokentimewatch
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my-ass-is-where · 26 days
I have a silly question. How does the fam react when they see Host looking up and talking about someone called The Writer?
"I assume he's speaking to whatever force in the universe makes things happen without his influence." Dark shrugs. "It's a sort of spirituality."
Wilford points up. "You mean the Other Configuration Of Being that puts us on Tumblr?"
Bim looks up, eyes squinted suspiciously. "Now that you mention it... what does he mean by that?" He's clearly never given it much thought before.
Doc shakes his head. "I... try not to let it haunt me.If he's speaking to something like... Fate..." He shudders, the word still a trigger for him all these years later. "I-I don't want it to be anything other than him yelling at his own form of god."
Bing is fiddling with a little robot, not looking up as he answers. "Either Dark was right way back and Fate is totally a thing and Host can talk to it, or he's like, religious. Either way I'm not messing with it dude."
Yancy nods. "And if it is reals, it's bein' nice to's us lately."
Eric chews his thumbnail. "I-I don't want to think abo-about it."
Blue, Red, Green, and Yellow all just shrug. It's something for Host to understand- they know he'd explain it if he felt it something that would help to explain.
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 1 year
She sighs and texts Dark ‘Goodnight’ too. She goes to bed and hopes he gets better. While she is laying on her bed she wishes she didn’t mentioned Celine. She doesn’t want to lose another friend again, but she was thankful Dark didn’t react as bad as she thought to her mistake. He took worse the possibility of having to talk about it to his family. He didn’t look angry, he looked…vulnerable.
And Cecilia just wanted to help him.
That night, Dark goes into the living room.
The whole household knows by now. If they didn't overhear it with their supernatural hearing, they probably asked Yancy or Bing why Cecilia left so abruptly, why they looked so shaken up, or why Dark was so quiet in his room.
When he gets into the living room, it's just Eric. Eric looks up at him and blanches, all the stolen and recycled blood leaving his face.
Soon, The Googles have herded the rest of the family into the living room, except for Wilford. Doc just looks tired, three long gashes from Bim's claws still bleeding underneath gauze on his cheek. Dark should take him out to hunt as punishment, but he...
He can't. So instead he whispers to a Google, who brings in a bag of blood, pries Doc's mouth open, and forces his fangs into it.
Bim's contusions are long gone now, the bruise from being choked by a Google in Dark's stead healed completely mere moments after it was given so many hours ago. He doesn't look Dark in the eye, instead shifting his glare between the now healing and miserable Doc and the floor.
Yancy and Bing sit close together, their eyes jumping all around around the room, lingering on some things but never on Dark.
The Host sits, muttering so quietly that it's inaudible even to the vampires in the room.
"What do you all know?" Dark says quietly.
"Totally forgot, we promise."
Dark holds up a hand at Yancy and Bing's rushed replies. "Be honest. Or else."
The two lean closer together, pressing their sides so tightly they might be hoping to just help each other explode and escape from this. Bing speaks up for both of them. "... She said you uh, told her you had a sister."
Bim scoffs. "It's just one of his tactics, you fucking dimwits. If he had a sister she'd be living with us."
"She would," Dark says, his voice so soft, so low, so hurt, that even Doc, mouth bloodied as it is, looks at him with almost... concern.
"She would," Dark says again, "If I had turned her. But I didn't."
Bim's eyes are wide, mouth dropped open just slightly, just enough to show his fangs. Doc is leaning forward, curious and almost pitying in his expression. Bing and Yancy are sinking into the couch, wincing, and Eric fares no better as he brings his knees to his chest and sucks in shuddering breaths. The Host remains the same as he was, rotten blood streaking down his face and staining his coat.
"I was young," Dark says, "And stupid. Wilford was not yet... himself. We were still navigating this gift. We didn't understand it as a gift." Dark looks into Doc's eyes now. "And we hoped to reject it. And so we stayed, unaging, Wilford slowly... leaving, me, and I was so preoccupied focusing on how we were changing that I didn't realize how much she was, as well. I saw her hair gray and her skin sag, and yet I still so believed that we were cursed, and I couldn't do the same to her."
"And then one day, she came to me, and she held my hand, and she died." He swallows, his voice choked, and Doc is so stunned in his seat that he may well be a statue. Bim looks just as shocked, mouth now fully dropped open, while Host stays as he is and the other three try even harder to stop existing.
"It was too late to save her. But then- then you." He looks at Yancy. "And you were important to me. And I realized, I would lose you the same way. And I knew couldn't let that happen. Ever again. To anyone I cared about."
He looks at Doc again. "You're lucky," he stresses. " All of you are. Your only family is immortal. Mine wasn't, and I could have fixed that, and I refused to. And now none of us will ever experience that pain in our endless lives."
Doc is frozen, eyes wide and mouth clamped firmly shut, a war of a million emotions raging behind those shining eyes and tight, taught muscles. Bim slumps back into his seat, staring at Dark in a whole new light, before shifting his gaze to Doc. "So that's why you favor-"
"Do not," Dark growls, not as low or as fearsome as he can as a vampire, but still enough rage behind it to make Bim flinch and shrink in on himself, "Do not, speculate, about how this guides my actions. Do not speculate about her. Wilford doesn't remember her passing, and I don't want any of you bringing her up to him, looking for more information. It could send him on a spiral, and that will be punished. Severely. This is all you will know about her, do you understand me?"
Eric squeaks out a shaky, tearful 'Yes'. Bing and Yancy just nod, while The Host still doesn't engage in any capacity. Bim swallows and nods vigorously, while Doc seems to take a few moments to process. And when he does-
"So she... wanted to stay human," he says slowly. "And you-"
"Let her. And it was the wrong choice."
Doc looks down at the ground, and then nods. "No questions," he says quietly, but Dark can tell his mind is racing.
"Back to your rooms."
The Googles "help" anyone hesitant or too terrified to move get back to their rooms, and Dark moves to the couch. He sinks into it, and-
He'd been crying.
He has no idea if the tears started while the others were still watching.
Maybe it'll do some good. He saw, in Doc's eyes, some kind of... understanding, begins to dawn. But he'd be foolish to hope it was the right understanding, that Doc took it as the cautionary tale it was and not some... nonsense validation of his rebellion.
"So! What're we watching?"
Dark doesn't startle at Wilford's sudden appearance. He just wipes his eyes, takes a shuddering deep breath, and sighs. "Whatever you want, Wil."
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weirdmixofweirdness · 11 months
TW: Gun, Implied death/murder, Blood, Slight gore
It was a rare sight to see Darkiplier smile. In fact, seeing him in any emotional state at all was relatively new, even to Warfstache. Especially to Warfstache. Despite all efforts, the reporter could never seem to make Dark even crack a smile (though he still tried again and again every day). Now, however, the usually numb-looking being was chatting with the others, making small talk, smiling, chuckling. Their skin even looked alive. It made them look like…someone else, though as to who, he couldn’t put his finger on. All he knew was that they wore the face of an old friend, one far older than the friend they usually were.
 Mayhaps, he woke up in another dimension again. With how jumbled everything was, it could have very well been the case. No use questioning how. Apparently, while thinking, his eyes remained on Dark. The now human-looking being moved their head as if to say ‘come over here.’ Who was Wilford to refuse an invitation like that? They were friends, after all. Sure, Dark didn’t always react fondly to his ideas. Well, to be honest, they never did; but friends don’t always agree, right? The reporter made his way to Dark. People around him made way for him. They stared at him, as he went, with expressionless faces. Their gazes followed Warfstache, even when he reached his friend. 
“You know, Will,” Dark began, though, it didn’t sound like Dark at all. It was lighter, softer. A cadence he knew from somewhere.
“If you wanted to speak with me, you could have asked,” he said with a soft smile. 
“You know I prefer to play the long game, ol’ boy,” Wilford’s voice came out different, less slurred than usual. He didn’t question it, though. Every now and then, his voice would slip into its former pattern. It wasn’t an unusual occurrence, though it still felt odd whenever it happened.  
“It’s always games with you,” Dam-Dark chuckles, his smile seeming to widen. 
“They could get you in trouble one day, you know,” their voice was a playful warning, laced with warmth. A kind of warmth that could only come from–
“Damien? Well, it’s about time I found you.” 
“You found me, did you?” Damien asked. 
“So your game is hide and seek? Wouldn’t I need to hide for that?” he retorted. 
“But, you have been,” Wiford laughed, as if the mayor was telling a joke. He had to be. The reporter could have sworn that the mayor was the one who had started this game…how many years ago? He couldn’t really remember. Time was just a flash of quickly moving events, too many to keep track of. The mayor just stared at him, worried. 
“Now, where is Celine hiding?” Wilford asked like it was a casual question between friends. 
“Will,” Damien’s smile quickly faded into serious concern as he leaned in and responded, “She’s asleep,” in a low voice. A light echo could be heard from the mayor.  
“Well, do you know when she’s waking up?” the reporter’s voice was full of denial. 
“I’d very much love to see her again.” He missed their nights together. The dancing in the back courtyard. Their conversations under the stars. Them going behind Marc’s back–
“I think you would know,” Damien said, sudden condescension filling his tone. His face was then blank, yet full of rage. In a blink, the mayor was unconscious on the wood floor. The once clean, polished floor was covered in a puddle of blood around Damien. Looking at his hands, Wilford found a gun in his hand. But, he didn’t kill him. He couldn’t have. 
“Hello, old friend,” another familiar voice said behind him. Turning around, Wilford saw Marc. He was dressed in his silk robe. A bullet hole could be seen out of his right temple, a never ending waterfall of blood flowing out of it. How was—he had watched the actor fall to the ground. Marc made his way in front of Wilford, grabbing his gun. 
“Have you forgotten?” the actor leaned the barrel of the gun to his bleeding temple. 
“Or are you just too afraid to remember?” he pulled the trigger, the sound of the gun jolting the reporter awake. 
Gonna be posting these late and out of order, so apologies in advance.
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severeddreamz · 1 year
Until The Party.
chapter 1 sneak peak: 8 days until the party.
cws/tws: blood, hanahaki, self hatred (?)
(can you tell this is my first time submitting fanfiction to the site,,,)
word count: 774
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Pure rage.
Pure Agony.
That’s all that surged through Dark’s veins.
He was filled with disgusting agony, and he was so angry with himself.
How could he let his emotions see the light of day again? He swore to himself he would never let that happen again, and yet, he did.
He looked at himself in the mirror, tears swelling in his eyes. Blood and spit smeared around his lips, staining his beard. A few seeds and petals stuck to his mouth. It felt disturbing against his face, but he couldn’t be bothered to remove it. The numb, agonizing feeling in his arms made it hard for him to want to move them. It was like any movement would make his skin feel thick and heavy against his bones. It was a gross sensation.
Dark’s dull, exhausted eyes began to trail around the room instead of his body. The black, elegant frame of the mirror, the marble counter, the gray, blood-stained floors. Blood. It was hard to try to take his mind off what had just happened when the whole room had evidence of it. The monochrome demon glanced at the gory, white and pink petals that acted like boats on top of the blood he had spit out.
How could he let himself fall in love with him? He was supposed to be a cold, powerful being. He wasn’t supposed to feel these emotions. He felt his face get wet. Fuck, now he was crying. Why was he crying? Slowly, he lifted his hands up to wipe the tears away, the uncomfortable feeling in his arms bouncing back and forth in his skin. It felt so awful. He just wanted to lie down and pray for this to go away, but he knew damn well this wouldn’t just go away in the morning. This would keep growing worse and worse until he died. Why did he have to fall back in love with him? The demon sniffled, his chest stuttering as his breath went shaky and heavy.
The sound of the air from the vent rushing into the room startled him, causing him to flinch. Flinching. He flinched. Fear. He wasn’t allowed to feel that. He wasn’t supposed to be like this. He was supposed to be pow-
“Darkk?? Hellooo?!”
A peppy voice called out from behind the bathroom door, interrupting his thoughts. A soft, candy-like smell wafted in the air. That was always the sign of who was at the door.
The demon glanced over at the closed door, eyes widening. Quickly, he reached for a towel to wash off the blood and saliva from his face and floor. He had to get rid of any evidence as possible.
“What is it, Wilford?”
He asked, trying to keep his voice steady, wanting to avoid sounding weak. The demon didn’t want to cause Wilford to worry about him. He hated it when people worried about him. It felt unnecessary. He peeled off the petals from his face and shoved them into his pants’ pocket and kneeled to the floor to try and remove the mess.
“Oh, well, we haven’t seen you since the afternoon, and it’s already almost midnight!”
Dark held back a sigh, biting his tongue. He squeezed his eyes shut, clutching the towel tighter. Every urge to just demand him to leave bubbled in his chest.
“I’m perfectly fine. There’s no need to worry about me.”
He assured with slight urgency in his voice. He picked up the remaining petals, placed them in his pocket, and threw the bloodied towel into the hamper that rested right next to the sink. He arranged a few clothes and towels to bury it. His hands began to shake slightly, a tight, twisting feeling within his chest springing to life. The demon had no idea what was going on with him. What was his body reacting like this? He hated it.
“Are you sure? You sound a little off!”
Dark bit back a sharp remark. He couldn’t reveal to the man on the other side of the door that he wasn’t alright.
“Wilford, please. I’m completely okay.”
An annoyed sigh came from the other side of the door. Dark could hear the man lean against the door, the new weight pressing the closed door as far as it could go.
“..Will you at least pay a visit downstairs? We’re worried abo-“
Silence filled the air. For what felt like hours, yet was only about a minute, the two didn’t speak to each other. Wilford eventually was the first to speak up.
“…We’ll be downstairs if you’d like to join us.”
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iamfruitie · 1 year
Dark has an unexpected rut and Anti takes care of it-
Dark was going about his usual evening routine, which was work. He signed paper after paper, reading, rereading, proofreading, and ensuring everything was how it should be. His job was to have everything organized perfectly. To have everything in line so there was no harm. No one got hurt if everything got planned to the second. But the more time went on, the more he struggled to focus. 
A warmth slowly started to build in the pit of his stomach, it was easy to ignore as he focused, but it grew and grew, and soon Dark could feel some sweat dripping down his back. He bit the inside of his cheek as it finally clicked what was happening to him. His rut wasn’t due for a month but kicked in early for some reason. 
“Damn it,” Dark grunted, leaning back in his chair and covering his face with his hands. There was still so much to do. He didn’t have time to deal with this. 
“Hey, Darky!” Anti greeted loudly as he casually strolled into the office. 
“Go.” Dark tried to hold back his growl, praying that the scent of an omega wouldn’t drive him too crazy. 
“You good there? You-” Anti paused when Dark’s scent hit him. “Are you in a rut?” 
“Go.” Dark couldn’t stop his growl this time, placing his hands on the edge of the desk and gripping hard enough to make his knuckles white. Hopefully, he didn’t break his desk. 
“I can help, you know.” Anti offered, locking the door behind him before heading closer to Dark. 
“I will not risk-”
“I’m on the pill, dumbass.” 
“I wasn’t-”
“Sure.” Anti cut Dark off again and was now right next to him. “But, as I was saying, let me help you.” He placed a hand on the back of Dark’s neck and watched as that got the other to shiver. 
“I don’t need help.” Dark pushed away from the desk and tried to stand, but Anti slipped to the front of him and pushed him back into his seat with both hands on his shoulders. 
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Dark. You’d rather groan and moan and suffer for a whole week than fuck me for a day or two?” Anti wasn’t shocked when Dark’s hands went to his hips, holding him firmly. 
“Why would you want to help me like that?” Dark asked, his pupils wide with a lust he was still trying to deny and ignore. But Anti could smell the arousal, and a glance down at Dark’s obvious erection showed that being around was adding to it. 
“One reason is that you being a mess is annoying. Another is that you being out for a whole week involves being bored since there will be no work. And finally, I’ve wanted to have sex with you for a long time.” Anti grinned widely at the last part. “I want you to fuck me brainless~” He softly giggled and ran his hands down to Dark’s chest. Anti licked the corner of his lips, seeing how Dark’s breathing seemed to get just a bit faster, and he could feel that hold on his hips getting tighter. He wasn’t lying. He’s fantasized about getting Dark in his bed, and with how Dark was reacting to him, he wasn’t the only one who’s had those kinds of dirty, dirty thoughts. 
“I don’t know,” Dark said after several long moments of silence. Anti couldn’t blame Dark for being hesitant. He was always a prideful man. A little help, some guidance, would likely help. 
“How about I go down on my knees and at least give you some relief with my mouth?” Anti offered, already lowering himself, and Dark let him go to do so. “You can always tell me to stop at any time.” He added as he went ahead with undoing Dark’s pants. 
“Alright.” Dark caved much easier than Anti expected, but if ruts were like heats, any help felt like heaven. It made Anti wonder if Dark’s ever had help with this. Ever since he’s known him, he just disappeared during that time. He was very close to Wilford. Maybe he got some aid from him? Anti let those thoughts fade as he found himself with Dark’s pants and boxers halfway down his thighs and his very hard cock in his hand. 
“It’s even bigger than I thought it’d be~” Anti winked up at Dark, trying to break some of the tension. 
“Anti.” Dark’s voice was hard to read. It was either a desperate plead or a grunt of irritation. Likely both, and that’s how Anti decided to interpret it. 
“Fine, fine. I’ll get to it.” Anti clicked his tongue before taking just a second to wet his mouth and then popping the head of Dark’s cock into it. He immediately felt the warmth hit his tongue, and the taste was sweeter than expected.
“Fuck~” Dark groaned, putting a hand on Anti’s head and running it through his hair. Anti hummed at the approval and slowly bobbed his head, keeping a hand wrapped around the base and moving it to match his mouth. “Holy shit.” Another curse came out, and Dark lightly gripped Anti’s hair. 
Anti didn’t know a lot about Dark’s sexual go-to's or how he liked every little thing, but he did know that he’d be sensitive as hell in his rut and could easily make him cum quickly. That became his goal after letting himself adjust to Dark’s size, and he began moving his head faster. His hair got tugged on in reaction, and Anti rolled his tongue around the tip every time he reached the top. That got another tug on his hair. 
“Anti, fucking-ah~” Dark urged Anti to go faster, and Anti was more than willing to oblige. Anti could also feel the base beginning to swell, and he squeezed the spot, earning a low moan from Dark. Anti kept that pressure the best he could as the knot continued to form, and he wasn’t shocked that it was only a few more moments before Dark yanked his head away and was moaning again, cumming on Anti’s face. 
“Someone likes it messy~” Anti giggled, licking away what he could get to with just his tongue. Dark was lightly panting, looking down at him with a darker shade on his cheeks. He took his hand off Anti’s head and stretched over him, opening a drawer to his desk and pulling out a tissue. Dark stayed silent as he cleaned off Anti’s face with it. “So? How are we feeling? Want me to leave? I can-” Anti didn’t finish before Dark yanked him up and kissed him. His hands squeezed Anti’s ass, and could feel a hint of slick soaking through his pants from getting himself worked up from the blowjob. 
“You said you wanted me to fuck you brainless. I’ll gladly do that.” Dark growled into Anti’s ear. “I hope your schedule is clear for the next few days.” 
“It was, but I think someone’s going to fill it up~” Anti rolled his hips down, feeling that Dark was already getting hard again. He loved an alpha in their rut since they could and would keep going and going, and…Anti gasped when Dark bucked against him and dug his fingers in. 
“Let’s get to it them.” 
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melancholypancakes · 2 years
I know nobody ask for this but what if Y/n remembers their past life?
How would they react after remembering everything?
What will they do?
Will they still stand by Darkiplier side or go rouge?
Well, this is how I see Y/n reaction, I call this the “Forgiving Route”.
*Y/n angrily screams breaking plates and cup and knocks down a unfamiliar but yet familiar frame*
*Y/n carefully pictures up broken frame of a mayor and district attorney*
Y/n:….*sniff* ngh…
*Y/n falls to their knees and cries waterfall tears*
*Y/n screams in their knees*
*Y/n covers their mouth and sobs uncontrollably*
*Dark walks by and stops seeing the living room a mess and Y/n is crying*
*Dark asks Y/n in a worried tone as if something has happened*
*Y/n gasp and looks at Dark*
*Y/n was upset and angry yes, but that anger and grief was from their previous life but in this life they cared about Dark and the other egos*
*Y/n was conflicted, should they yell at Dark for trapping them in the mirror realm or hug him?*
Y/n thoughts: no, fighting, yelling, anger won’t change what happened. Dark, Wilford and the others are my friends. Dark been through so much and…maybe he feels guilty.
*Y/n makes a choice on their own and decides to not yell nor hug but tell him*
*Y/n wipes her tears and stands up*
Y/n:…Dark I-I remember….everything.
*Y/n looks at Dark and sees him stiff and a guilt on his face*
*Dark had no idea they would remember a part of him was glad while the other part wasn’t and felt even more guilty*
*Dark was wondering if they would yell at him with cruel words he knew he probably deserved*
Y/n: Dark…I know why you put me in the mirror realm, while I didn’t agree with the choice Damien and Celine made with me I understood why that was the only way.
Y/n: rather it was to keep me safe or use my old body, I am feeling upset and angry but these feelings I don’t have for you in this life but in the previous life..when I was the DA.
*Dark was confused this sounded like they were choosing to forgive him, to forgive them*
Y/n: I just want you to know, I forgive you and these past feelings won’t change how I feel about you nor will it change my mind on killing Mark.
Y/n: I want you to get you’re body back and for Mark to suffer for what’s he’s done to us all.
Y/n: But Being upset won’t change the past, I don’t want to feel angry or sadness with you.
*Dark was at a loss for words, he never expected Y/n to forgive him*
Dark: aren’t you angry? Y/n you shouldn’t forgive me for what I did to you! I took away you’re body! I trapped you in the mirror! I betrayed you!
Y/n: I know…like I said I’ve forgiven you don’t I have that choice?
Y/n: A choice not to be angry about past mistakes. Now that I remembered I realized their was no other way for me to live life with my body.
Y/n: Dark. I was dead, I couldn’t move my body and my soul only existed in the upside down.
Y/n: Damien just wanted to keep me safe, Celine wanted to use my body so she and Damien could get their revenge on Mark.
Y/n: Even so, she felt guilty and still does…doesn’t she?
*Dark frozen then looks down in guilt, Y/n was right his guilt was from Celine, he had feelings only Damien would have for the DA he had for Y/n*
Y/n: I was in the mirror realm for years…then when I broke the mirror I was reborn.
Y/n: maybe Ignorance was bliss but I need to know and when I remember I started to feel angry but I’m glad I remember…at least I knew who I was and who I was to you Dark…
*Y/n then holds Dark hand*
Y/n: So, please stop beating yourself up about it. I forgive Damien, I forgive Celine, I forgive you and I forgive Wilford…because none of you two took away our lives but Mark.
Y/n: Wilford may have shot me but it was an accident…nothing but an accident, while Mark was intentionally killing us all rather literally or mentally.
*Dark stayed silent, still confused why Y/n was being so forgiving after everything*
*Y/n embraces Dark in a hug and he stands there and slowly embraces her warmth*
*Y/n and Darkiplier share a long and warm hug…*
I know, some might not agree to this but I see reincarnated! Y/n and the DA as two different people but the same.
I do believe the DA would be furious and never forgive what Mark, Wilford or Dark for what they did to them.
Mark for taking there life away, Wilford shooting them even if it was an accident and Dark for leaving them in the mirror realm after taking over their body.
I do see in this scenario the DA still loves Damien but can’t forgive for what he and Celine did to them.
As for Reincarnated! Y/n they don’t know anything, they don’t remember their past lives but what they do know is Mark isn’t what he pretends to be.
“A good person. A hero. A good man.”
They know their friends are The Markiplier egos, including Wilford and Darkiplier.
Y/n knows that they feel something deeper than friendship with Darkiplier but they both are probably not ready to take that step just yet.
When Y/n remember I see them upset but they soon realized these aren’t their feelings towards Dark but their past self.
Y/n cares for Dark and their friends they made, they chose to forgive because they know fighting won’t change what happened and in this life They can start over.
So, yes Y/n more forgiving than the DA :)
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ruthiesrambles2 · 1 year
Fics I'm never gonna finish part 20: Ruth's Letter
Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh this was one of THE first things I ever wrote for Mel/Ruth it's does not sound in character at all and I don't even care it's so sappy
Dear Melanie,
This is a letter to you, but knowing you will never get to read it, it's a letter to myself, too. There are so many words I didn't get to speak out loud. So many moments of anger that should have been understanding, or at least, trying to understand.
So I'll start with the big one. I think I loved you, Melanie. Love you. Putting it here on the paper feels so insignificant and yet, solidifies it. I do love you, Melanie, and I think I always have, if not from the moment we met then at the least from the first time you kissed me, all those revolutions ago. You had drunk too much at that party, you were stressed I think, and knowing what I know now I bet you were dying to have a small break from all the responsibilities of being you. You smiled at me afterwards, that cocky smile you do with only half your mouth. And then the moment passed and you were dancing, I was back to serving.
But god, Melanie, I don't know how I managed to survive that night. You were all I could think about for weeks on end. Is that love? I felt like a schoolgirl with a crush on the teacher. You were my superior. Later on I found out about Ben, too. Makes sense, the two of you, and more so now we know the truth, but it hurt my heart.
And besides all that, Melanie, you're a woman. It's so old fashioned of me, I know, I can feel you laughing. It's the end of the world and sad little Ruth still thinks gender matters, like half the train aren't already sleeping with anyone they lay eyes on. Forgive me, Melanie, but it was a new experience for me and I was shaken.
So when you didn't mention it the next day, or the one after that, I didn't bring it up either.
Then there was the supply room. If my poor mind was confused already, you can imagine how I felt after that. You made me feel things I've never felt before, you lit a fire inside me. And bloody hell, I didn't want it to ever burn out. I spent every minute of every day seeking your approval, holding out for the stolen minutes you would let your guard down. I could never tell you how I felt and so I took what I could get, pretending I didn't care that all we were doing was stress relief, pretending I didn't care that as soon as we were done you were straight back to being the Head of Hospitality. I pretended so hard that over the years I guess I started to believe it. Being friends was enough.
And you really were my best friend. You are my best friend. Stuck in this bloody train, you made it bearable for me. The Wilford thing makes sense to me now, I think, knowing what we know. I think you were doing what you thought was right. But like all lies it devours itself, each day the lie getting bigger, needing more and more effort to maintain. Jesus, Melanie, no wonder you never slept.
I need you to know how much it hurt that you didn't trust me with the secret. I don't need to know all the reasons why you couldn't tell me, I get it, but I loved you, and I loved him, and that broke something inside of me. I don't know if I'll ever quite get over it. If you were here… I don't know. I want to forgive you, but wanting is not enough. I wanted you for seven years, so trust me, I know. It's not enough.
I am sorry though, for how badly I reacted. I said some things that I can't take back. If I had known, then, that our time was so limited…but I didn't. Loving you but not having you was hard. Hating you but loving you was harder. So when you came up with your Breslauer plan, I couldn't say stop. Don't go. I couldn't say goodbye the way I wanted, there at the border.
And now… I suppose it is too late. I feel you still, burned into my soul, but it has been so many months since we couldn't save you. So many months in the cold and dark. I miss you, Melanie. I love you.
There's some hope, now, from your data, from Layton and his pirate crew. I'm not sure you'd recognise me anymore, running around with tailies. That's one of my reasons for writing this letter. I need to make good to you, to myself. There's someone who I've grown close to, since you left. He helps me get through the long nights, just like you did, and he brightens my days. It's a strange partnership but this is a strange new world. He makes me feel good, he builds me up, and he stays.
It's not like I'm asking you permission. I would want you to know, though. Know that he makes the loneliness disappear. He makes me laugh even when all I can see is despair. I want you to know that I am doing okay, and that I never stopped thinking about you.
I don't know what this is. A confession? A diary? A waste of stationery that I'll burn before I go to sleep. I just need to talk to my best friend one more time.
I wish I could have told you, Melanie, and now I'll never get the chance.
I love you.
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thecorps456 · 2 years
I've been seeing a lot of "How this character would react to you doing this" So this is how The Mariplier Egos would react to you(the DA) hurting yourself.
· He won't say it but he cares about you so when he sees you hurting yourself he's going to freak out
· he'd be running around grabbing anything to help as your just in his arms
· He would be holding on to you like someone or something was taking you away and he'd most likely be in tears
· the poor baby has abandoned you in the mirror and he feels like he'll lose you and this is your revenge for that
· After he bandaged you up he'll cuddle with you the breast of the night his face in your chest
· The poor baby will be so confused on why such a Butifull and or handsome person would hurt yourself
· He'll be asking so many questions as he's bandaging you up and once he figured out he'll be trying to kill everyone who hurt you
· He'll give you candy's and cuddle with you on the couch
· The asshat has lost so much and he will cry the second he finds out
· He'll hold you and cry and your just hugging him telling him your not leaving him again
· He'll be like Dark and cuddle you and hide his face in your chest
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theashofwkm · 6 years
What would happen
If, one year, Wilford dressed up in a military uniform for Halloween?
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
Falling asleep with your head on their shoulder, you babble about how much you love them and how cute they are...how do the egos react?
You're too tired to open your eyes, but if you could you'd see Mark absolutely melting
Hes the human equivalent of a pile of simp soup at this point. With stary eyes, fuzzy feelings and all. Can't belive he managed to get you as a s/o
He just shushed you, telling you to get some sleep. Don't get me wrong. Your declaration of undying love thawed away at his otherwise cold heart, but Dark would rather you get some rest <3
He almost pushed you off him when he sees you falling asleep. But once Anti hears his name come out of your mouth, he pauses.
"-an I jus' love you sooooo much Antiii."
"Damn right ye do. Nowh get offa meh-"
Yeah he loves you
He leaned his head on top of yours, curling up and chuckling occasionally at your words that were slurred with exhaustion. You eventually drifted off on Wilfords shoulder, not noticing the tickle of his mustache when he kissed you goodnight.
Recuperates the compliments and loving comments with his own about you. If any inmates had passed your cell at that moment, all they would have seen was two sleepy lovebirds enjoying each other presence
He mostly likey has to move you back to you room on the ship. Probably becuase you fell asleep with a soft "I love you" while he was working on a loud prodject
Tucks you in awwww :))
Unless you're stroking his ego with yout sleepy words, Actor will shake you awake harshly
"Don't you dare drool on this robe! It's made of the finest silk from china!"
You gather enough energy to blow him a tired raspberry
"I jus' love you so muchhh Illyyy. You're so sweeeet an, uh, prettyyy."
"That's mighty kind of you darlin. But try to sleep okay? We have a big adventure to continue tomorrow"
"Mk Illyyyy."
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artsyfangirl · 2 years
I mean like while they are under the Egg’s influence they can remember everything before and after the Influence. But when or IF they escape they forget everything about the Egg. It’s voice, it’s feeling, it’s threats. Everything.
the Egg wouldn’t threaten y/n, the Egg pretends to be people’s friend to get them to listen. [Eret said I think 0-0] so the Egg uses Their wings as a advantage since y/n would forgive them. Or even make one of the other members do it.
^Their ask accidentally came in two parts, so they asked me to crop and slide the second part in.
Hmm… damn. But if the Egg didn’t threaten them, who did? Or was the Egg seeding subconscious stuff? Or like, very subtly threaten them? Any way, this is interesting.
So, the boys rescue you? Cus when I first read this, I immediately thought of how the Egos would react, right?
So, they’re all soooo confused. They’ve broken into the room and fought off all of the Egg’s minions, so one of them snatched you and they all retreated (I could see Dark doing it, but then also the Actor, but that’s kinda illogical, since they’d be two of the primary fighters, so then The Host, but he’d be fighting too, with his narration, then Google, but he’s fighting… maybe Marvin or Jackie?).
You’re still under the Egg’s influence, so either Dark teleports in a bottle of Prime Water, or Actor just summons it into existence, and they use that.
They’re shocked to learn that you don’t remember anything about the Egg. Like, ‘what?’ Anti actually fucking screamed that. So we’re adding ‘mind fucking you’ to the list of the Egg’s crimes?
Oh shit, the Egg better watch out in that case. Cus Dark, Actor, Anti, The Host, Wilford, and a few others are SEVERELY PISSED.
They know what that can do to people. Case in point, Actor fucks with people’s minds, The Host controls people through narration, and Anti fucks around with the other Septics.
Dark is literally the result of both Actor’s mind fuckery and Celine’s manipulation plus her actions after being let into the body, and he also regularly manipulates people, and Wilford is both the definition of mind fuckery and is the one most baseline affected by what happened all those years ago.
Celine is seething. Like, the angriest she could EVER be. And Damien’s not far behind her.
The Egg better prepare it’s best warriors. Cus they’re not going to stop until it’s dead.
Meanwhile you can not only feel the energy of the normal Egos AND the more powerful ones, but you can SEE Actor and Dark’s auras, and you’re just so confused, like, ‘I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m very uncomfortable with the energy we’ve created in the studio today’.
A/N: I really enjoyed this, so please, any time you have ideas for the Egos, let me know!!
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ask-will-and-dark · 2 years
So, I can't stop thinking about that clip I saw (yesterday, I think) of Mark in the Disney channel show. I keep wondering what would happen if Disney Mark joined the neighborhood and how the other egos would react. Like, he's just this kid-friendly, squeaky clean character and Dark, Wilford, Yandereplier, Yancy, Googleplier, and everyone else are just like "What are you? How do you exist?"
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hello fellow person,in regards to your recent post! ive been desperately scrambling all over tumblr for an open req ask, and i wanted to throw this idea:
How would the egos react to the reader who is indifferent of their self-care (not taking amounts of water for a few days, forgetting to shower, eat or change clothes, spending ungodly amounts of hours working.. that good stuff.)
i hope you have a wonderful time-!
List of Characters: Dark, Wilford, Actor, Dr.iplier, Eric Derekson, and Bimtrimmer.
Warning: N/A
Requested: Yes
Enjoy my first Fanfic/Headcanon write!
-Dark would be confused at first. He wouldn’t understand why someone wouldn’t take care of their hygiene/SelfCare.
-After about a week, he would start commenting on Y/N lack of hygiene/SelfCare. He would say things like, “Y/N, you should drink more water” or “Have you eaten yet?”
-Dark would start bringing Y/N food and water when they were busy doing work they didn’t finish at work or school.
- Dark would remind Y/N to shower, and if they didn’t shower or they blew it off, he would stare at them, Y/N would get annoyed of his staring.
“Are you going to shower?”
“Later, I’m working.”
“You’ll forget if you don’t do it now.”
“Will you stop staring at me if I shower.”
-Dark tells Y/N that they should take breaks from work and relax a little, and if they still worked after Dark’s suggestion’, it wasn’t a suggestion. He would close their laptop and tell them to take a break if that didn’t work. He would drag Y/N out of their chair.
Wilford Warfstache:
-Wilford would be concerned. First, he would constantly remind Y/N to eat, drink water, shower, and he would do their laundry and dishes.
-But after a while, he starts to get frustrated with Y/N lack of trying. He would tell Y/N to go shower, and if they didn’t listen, he would drag them to the shower and push them in the shower even though Y/N is completely clothed.
-if Wilford sees Y/N works for too long for his liking, he would lock all of Y/N stuff in a safe and wouldn’t give it back to them until they relaxed for a little bit.
-Wilford also would hug or latch onto Y/N until they stopped working before locking their stuff away. He believes cuddles and hugs fix everything.
-He would check in with Y/N every 30 minutes to an hour just to make sure they’re there okay and not overworking themselves. It kind of gets annoying.
Actor Mark:
-He would be a bitch at first.
-Actor would make comments like
“You smell like shit. Take a shower!”
“Your clothes have stains on them!”
“You’ve been working all night! You haven’t given me any attention!”
-After a while, he would start to get concerned, but he doesn’t know how to express his concerns.
-Actor would make a bubble bath and then drag Y/N to the bathroom.
-Actor cooks full course meals every night and doesn’t leave the room until Y/N has tried everything. He is too proud of his work for Y/N not to appreciate it, and he wants them to eat.
-He washes Y/N’s clothes but doesn’t tell them cause he doesn’t want Y/N to call him a simp, so Y/N finds fresh clothes in their drawer.
-He tries his best, but he doesn’t want to be judge by the others, which makes him seem a little bit distant, but Y/N can see he is trying.
Dr.iplier (Matthew):
-Dr.iplier/Matthew would be upset, and he would lecture Y/N on their lack of care for their hygiene.
-He would constantly remind them how important self-care is and why they should keep up their hygiene, but in a very annoying way.
-He after a while would get concerned and start asking questions like why Y/N isn’t taking care of themself or why they don’t have the motivation to take care of themself.
-He would try and push the reader to take breaks or would remind them every so often to eat or drink water.
-Dr.iplier would clean their room and try to help them to the best of his abilities
-Y/N sees Dr.iplier trying and tries to do as he says to make him feel better
Eric Derekson:
-Eric would be concerned
-Eric would doesn’t remind the reader to do anything because he doesn’t want to come off as annoying
-Eric would clean Y/Ns room and would bring them food, water, and of course, cookies or cupcakes
-He would complain about the reader smelling or anything, but he would make little comments like, “you should shower. It has been a few days, but only if you want to.”
-Y/N would see him trying to be nice and would shower
-Eric is a sweet bean
Bim Trimmer:
-Bim is a confusing one to determine his emotion on the subject
-Bim would spray the reader with a hose
“This is how I clean the corpses I eat, so it’s a good way to wash off.”
“I’m Not One Of Your Cropses, Am I!”
“No, but you stink.”
-Bim would try to make Y/N food, but it would be human meat, so after a while, he stopped
-He would throw a bottle of water at the reader if they haven’t drunk any water yet, and he
-He steals the reader’s laptop if they are overworking themself
-Bim is annoying, but he has good intentions
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
-petpet- Hope you’re getting good rest and feeling a bit better today! 😴👍
Descendants of the Trio AU:
For your comical entertainment, consider if the sibling squad (Space, Illinois, Heist, Date + Yancy) ried to prepare an elegant dinner at the Manor. Together. It could’ve been for a holiday or just something done on the fly. “Brotherly bonding.”
Oh, how about for Eric’s birthday? If anyone could unite for a cause, it would be for Eric.
Picture Heist and Illinois competitively cooking but getting nowhere in putting anything on the table. They often forget about the food, because they’re too busy criticizing and critiquing the other’s technique. (Heist did make a pretty decent breakfast in HWM, but Illinois exploring the world may have made him feel a bit educated in terms of cuisine. On Illy’s own, he feels like a Kraft Mac ‘N Cheese kinda guy, but you can’t tell me that the man doesn’t know fine spices from all the mummy tombs he’s explored.)—Everything’s debated: Salt-pepper ratios, what to season your pan with, which ingredients are acceptable in a dish, etc. 
Space has to take charge by giving Heist and Illinois a recipe book of various things (per Eric’s preferences) to stop their bickering if they were to get anything done.
Date is in charge of decor. Maybe that ability to make romantic items appear becomes useful…Maybe it doesn’t. If he has to go to the store, it’ll be with borrowed money. Of course. (I wonder if Dark gave the boys specialized ‘Markiplier Inc.’ credit cards in case of an emergency.)
Yancy inherits Wilford’s ability and fondness for baking, so he’s got it covered for the birthday cake and desserts. Something about the  camaraderie makes him feel nostalgic for doing these sorts of things for his prison fam, so he’s having a blast! (I like to picture Yancy would always be a little awed to work with /actual/ fresh ingredients—like fruit.) Just hopefully, he’s well-versed with /modern/ kitchen appliances, you know? I’d think he’d be more comfortable with gasoline stoves and ovens than the electric ones.
Space is busy making sure the Manor doesn’t burn down and ensures everything is put together in time. He hadn’t felt this much urge to have his fire extinguisher ready in a very, very long time. Definitely feeling the stress of his father to keep the boys on task without property damage.
No, Dark doesn’t know a thing about anything of this. So, when he enters the Manor with Eric—It’s a bit of a surprise for him too.
—Melody anon
*bumps head into the pets like a cat* :D Thank you! I do feel better, got a little sleep last night this time XD
I think Ego Manor has older appliances honestly, because half the people there still struggle with what a Flip-phone is sometimes. So Yancy should be very comfortable!
Date's ability helps a little bit, probably. Eric likes flowers, so those are easy, and he can probably get tablecloths and napkins folded into animals and stuff like that. But for streamer and such, has to go to the store (he does indeed have a Family Credit Card, most of the money comes from Bim's shows and The Googles getting money in in various ways, from Stock Market to straight-up hacking banks)
Space has a new respect for The Captain after this XD He had already respected them anyway but now it's tripled.
Heist and Illinois for sure burn everything before Space takes over XD Burn or undercooked trying to get done faster than the other. Probably they both somehow curse a dish by accident too. Stop playing with mysterious ancient items, boys!
Dark doesn't know how to react at first, and then hears Space organized it all and the next day gives Space a pair of his old cufflinks from when he was mayor. "I noticed you needed them when you wore that suit last night," is all he says about it.
He's very proud.
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