#mayor damien x da
melancholypancakes · 1 year
Author note: Here's a love triangle script i made with Mark, Y/n and Dark.
We all know why Y/n chooses Dark ;)
Why.. why do you always choose him?!" a voice echo in the darkness.
Y/n gasped and turns as she was in Dark's embrace, Dark glared at the red figure.
The figure stomps as it growls before forming into Mark.
"Why won't you love me the way you love him?!" his nostrils flared as hatred ran through his veins.
"Why do you look at him like that?!" Mark exclaimed.
"He's not even Damien and you still choose him y/n!" He exclaimed once more, demanding an answer.
"Because She's not a psychopath like you!" Dark exclaimed as Y/n looked up at him.
Before he could say more she pressed on his chest to show she could handle this.
"He may not be the man I knew, but he has both Damien and Celine parts," Y/n says as she stares into Mark's red eyes.
"No matter what form he's still the person I love." she declares as she warmly smiles at Dark.
"Mark, maybe once upon a time I once cared for you but I could never love you," she says gazing at him with pity.
"Not because I was with Damien but because you were corrupted, cruel, vicious, and narcissistic." Y/n glares at Mark as he gazes back.
He was shocked, by her confession how could she not love him?
"You could never truly love me, you loved Celine but like she." She once more tears Mark with her voice.
"You and I weren't meant to be, I knew who my true love was.." Y/n says warmly as she holds onto Dark's hand.
"One more thing. "Y/n" is not my name." she glares at Mark.
"My name is Ruthanne Kobayashi, title me a villainess in your story!" she exclaims as she grins.
" I could care less! I choose my actions, my words, and my voice from now on!" Ruthabbe proudly exclaims being free to be herself.
Mark growls in frustration as he witnesses "Damien" once again ending up with Y/n.
Dark, may not had be Damien but history was repeating itself once more...
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otterlyinluv · 2 years
A touch of darkness (pt.2)
Here's part 1
Summary: What happened after the office incident OR in which Yancy tries to eat breakfast and Wilford becomes a matchmaker
Pairing: Darkiplier x DA!Reader
Tags: sfw, fluffy, jealous Dark, proximity, thunderstorm, comfort, confessions and realisations
A/N: I apologize for the long wait, I actually finished it earlier but I decided to scrap the last third and rewrite it completely- Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Word count: 2.9k
"So you like Mr. Doom and gloom, so what?"
You almost choked on the chocolate milk Wilford made you.
"No, that doesn't make sense. Nothing even happened. He just fixed my computer, and then I felt weird."
Wilford raised an eyebrow at you.
"My dear, you might not see it, but you look like a lovesick fool."
Your face started to feel warm.
"No, I do not! I came for advice, Wilford, but now I know I chose the wrong person." You stood up from the armchair, leaving the chocolate milk on the desk, when Wilford started to wave his arms around.
"Okay, okay, fine, I'll stop." He grabbed you by the shoulders and plopped you back on the armchair.
"Now," he said, no longer in the spot he was a second ago. His little teleporting shenanigans didn't bother you as much as they did during the first months of your stay at the mansion. Whenever he suddenly disappeared and reappeared at a completely different place, you'd always get a mini heart attack, which lead to him doing it even more frequently to mess with you. What you hadn't realized then was he did it only to get you used to things that weren’t exactly normal. Wilford was a good guy at heart even if his methods were a bit... unconventional.
"Since you don't believe me, we'll go about it in a different way." You turned around to where he was. He made you stand up from the chair and gripped your hands.
"Which thoughts race through your head like fluttering butterflies frolicking in a field when he’s with you? How does he make you feel in general?"
The corner of your mouth turned up at the metaphor, and you looked off into the distance. After the encounter in your office, you started bumping into each other far more frequently than before. Or maybe you noticed him more. And when you did see each other, his gaze seemed to linger on you a suspiciously long time. Whenever you made eye contact during meetings, you felt a flutter in your chest. A flutter you didn't feel with anyone else.
You looked at Wilford with a sense of epiphany. His eyes seemed to light up.
"Am I interrupting something?" Dark said, standing in the doorway, his arms crossed.
You ripped your hands from Wilfords'.
"Oh, Darkie. Why we were just having a lovely chat, nothing for you to worry about." Wilford drawled, putting his arm over your shoulder.
Dark's eyes darted to your shoulder, and his gaze hardened. The colored aura that surrounded him seemed to gain a more blue hue. It only lasted a couple of seconds before he rolled his neck.
"Excuse me." He suddenly ran off out of the room, his fists clenched.
You saw Wilford grinning out of the corner of your vision as he put his arm away from you.
"Wilford, what did you do?" You said, glaring at him.
"I just gave him a little push, that's all." 
You really wanted some cereal.
The mansion was pleasantly quiet because you liked to wake up earlier than everyone else. While listening to Illinois boast about all his adventures or Google try to subtly persuade you to grant him admin privileges was entertaining once in a while, it wasn't something you wanted to do first thing in the morning.
You were able to find your favorite brand of cereal, a spoon, and some milk. The only thing that was missing was a bowl. You looked into the cupboard where the bowls usually were, but there were none. You wondered who kept misplacing the contents of the cupboards and kept searching.
Still nothing.
You grabbed a chair to stand on so you could reach the cupboards that were higher up. You carefully stood up on it and opened the one closest to you. Finally!
Unfortunately for you, the bowls were on the top shelf. You huffed and stood on your tiptoes. After stretching your arm as far as you could, you were finally able to grab a suitable bow.
But you leaned back so suddenly you lost your balance. You flailed your arms in a futile attempt to regain stability. You mentally prepared yourself to come into contact with the cold hard floor when you felt someone grab your waist to support you.
You let out a relieved breath only to look down at the grey hands, which were now firmly holding you in place. The area which the hands were in contact with was completely devoid of color. You turned around to see Dark without his signature jacket, his eyes wide. You were frozen, but your skin burned where his hands were.
"You should be more careful. You would have fallen if I hadn't gotten to you in time."
You couldn't move. The only thing you felt was the oddly gentle hold he had on you. The bowl, which you were now holding safely, was the last of your worries.
"Still as clumsy as ever," he chuckled under his breath. His thumbs twitched, and you blinked at each other in realization of your compromising position.
He cleared his throat as he stepped back as if burned, removing his hands in the process. You carefully got down from the chair.
It was so quiet you could almost hear his aura crackle in the air like static.
"I, uh... Thank you for... that."
"You are welcome," he said quietly.
You were looking at the ground, your face strangely warm. Your gaze traveled to his shirt, the first two buttons undone, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His hands bordered with blue and red the hands that held you were now hanging at his sides.
You stared too long. You could feel him looking at you. You glanced at him.
He was looking straight at you. So intensely that you felt like he could see directly into your soul. So expressively, his eyes seemed more brown than black.
He took a shuddering breath.
"Is youse making cereal? Leave some for me!" Your head jolted to Yancy standing in the doorway.
Dark snapped out of whatever trance he was in and promptly left the room with no parting words.
"Woah, what got him so worked up?" Yancy walked to you as you looked at the door, deep in thought.
"I'd like to know that too."
After having finished your perfect bowl of cereal, it was back to sitting in your tiny office. Normally, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. Nothing special, just you sitting behind your desk working at your computer. Except you weren't. You couldn't.
Not when whenever you closed your eyes, you could remember Dark standing over you so clearly. Your little... encounter happened a few weeks ago, yet you still couldn't focus properly while you were here. It took you at least half an hour to distract yourself enough to at least start working. It was frustrating, but there wasn't much you could do. Talk to him about it when he has most likely forgotten about it already? Yeah, sure.
Now that you thought about it, there was something else that was making you unfocused today. Why did Dark look like he wanted to murder Wilford when he was just being touchy as usual?
And this morning... He just caught you out of politeness so you wouldn't fall flat on your face. Or maybe he just didn't want you to break the bowl. You didn't allow yourself to even consider the possibility that maybe he didn't want to see you hurt. And the way his hands stayed on your waist just a few seconds more... Boy, did you forget how to talk then.
Maybe you were looking into it too much. Sure, he was nicer than before, but he could simply be more comfortable with you. As a friend. Yeah, that must be it.
Satisfied with your thinking session, you were ready to get to work.
Your concentration was disturbed by the sound of your door opening, followed by a thud of something heavy being dumped in, and then the door immediately slammed shut again.
You looked up from your computer to a sight you never would have expected - Dark rapping at the door, violently shaking the door handle.
"Now Damie, remember what I told you. If you want something, go get it!" Wilford slurred, his voice muffled by the door.
"Wilford, open the door this instant, or I swear I will kill you. I am serious."
"Oh, promises, promises. Focus your energy on the important things!" Wilford's voice faded away as he supposedly walked away from the door.
"That insufferable..." he mumbled to himself, turning around.
His clothes were wrinkled as if someone tried to physically push him into the room but was met with resistance. You couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.
"Uhm, welcome, I guess."
He sighed. "Hi."
"So, what happened for you to end up here of all places?" You leaned on your arm. It might have been an unexpected situation, but that didn't mean you weren't going to enjoy it. Dark, on the other side, seemed really determined to fulfill his promise to Wilford. "When Wil sets his mind to something, nothing can stop him. Not even me." He tried to open the door to emphasize his point, and as expected, it didn't budge.
"Can you not get out by... other means?" You never really knew how his powers worked. And you doubted he would tell you even if you did ask.
"No. I don't know how he did it, but he managed to completely lock me out -" He looked around. "-or in. Technically."
As his eyes surveyed the room, you realized how small it was. It was enough for you, but Dark seemed to fill a big part of the room just with the colored aura that surrounded him. Come to think of it, why was he standing so far away from where you were?
"Well, I'm guessing we're going to be here for some time, so why don't we sit down somewhere more comfortable?" You pointed to a light brown sofa leaning against a wall. His eyes followed your hand to the middle-sized sofa. You winced. You didn't want to make it awkward for him to sit down there alone, but maybe he would rather you didn't sit with him. Why didn't you just ask him what he wanted in the first place-
He simply nodded and sat on the sofa. Having no other choice, you plopped down next to him.
Small raindrops started hitting the window.
You turned to say something to fill the silence at the same time as he did, which resulted in you looking away from each other. He let out the quietest chuckle, and you couldn't help yourself but do the same.
"You can go first." Dark said.
"Ah, it wasn't anything specific, just that the rain is getting stronger." You expected him to simply nod and direct the topic somewhere else. Instead, he looked over to the window. The rain was now strong enough to be audible if you were both quiet, which is what was happening now. Dark looked as if he was observing the rain. As if simply the fact you told him about it gave it value.
"It indeed is."
After a couple of seconds, he took a breath. "I've never noticed how small this office is."
"You're right, but I like it. It makes it feel cozy. It also holds memories more easily. " In fact, your brain was recalling a rather specific memory involving him. But you doubted he would be thinking of that.
"Well, I'm glad. The area carries a certain air that only you have."
"Oh, and what might that be?" You smirked.
"Comfort. Something you want to return to and treasure every moment spent with."
You stared at him wide-eyed.
"Ah, I said too much, didn't I? Forgive me." He looked to the door.
You were touched by how highly he thought of you. Yet there was an unspoken implication in his statement.
Thunder rang out.
You flinched and crashed into Dark. His arms shot out, cradling you against him.
"Are you alright?"
You squeezed your eyes closed as you tried to focus on your breathing.
"I... I'm just scared of thunder. The sound..." You trailed off, heart beating rapidly in your chest.
His hold on you tightened as he gently moved your head to the crook of his neck. He rubbed his hand across your back in soothing motions with a soft "Shh" every couple of seconds. You let him hold you until you eventually stopped shaking like a leaf in the wind.
That's when you realized what a compromising position you were in and stared at him in shock.
"I apologize, I overstepped." He frowned, untangling his hands from you.
As soon as you felt the absence of him, you realized.
"I don't mind." You said, and his face visibly relaxed. "I actually don't mind a lot of things when it comes to you. Simply being with you is... nice."
He let out a quiet laugh. You wished you could put the sound in a bottle. "You're just saying that because we are stuck together."
You laughed and let out a rebuttal.
Minutes passed with other witty remarks, and before you could realize, the brief rainstorm had completely passed. You were confused that you hadn't heard another thunder since there had to have been at least one. But you had gotten too involved in Dark's quips to notice the sound. Dark cracking jokes... now that was something you would have never imagined.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Dark asked, leaning his head on his arm.
"You were staring at me without saying anything for a while now, so I figured you had something interesting going on in that brain of yours."
Heat rushed into your cheeks. You didn't realize you had been looking right at him.
You cleared your throat and saw him smiling out of the corner of your eye. "I was just wondering," you smiled back, "do you often run away?"
Dark quickly turned his head away in shame.
"First, it was when I was talking with Wilford. You came in and then suddenly excused yourself. Then, this morning, too... What's going on? Did I do something?"
He sighed. "No, no, you didn't do anything. It's me." He added quietly.
"How so?"
He responded after a couple of seconds. "I am afraid that if I tell you, a lot of things might change... between us." The look in his dark eyes was earnest, almost nostalgic.
You pondered upon his statement for a few seconds. "Does change always have to be bad?"
As soon as you said the sentence, you were hit with a sense of deja vu. You felt like you've said it before, but how?
In tandem with your confusion, a slight shock spread on his features. As if in a trance, you put your hand on his cheek. Looking him up and down, you studied his features. There was nothing different from what you've come to know. Why were you expecting to see something else?
Your fingers moved on your own in a caress.
His eyes fluttered shut. You traced over his forehead, moving to his cheekbones when you ended up near his lips. Features oh so familiar like you knew them for years. Now that his eyes were closed, he seemed different. At peace. So close.
He opened his eyes, and there it was again. The two of you in your office. The proximity close enough to feel electrifying. None of you said anything as a decision hung in the air. But only up until his onyx-like eyes flicked from your own to your lips.
He smiled. "Would it be foolish of me to say I want to kiss you right now?"
And you answered by leaning in.
You let yourselves be entangled by the sheer amount of emotion as your lips brushed against each other. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you even closer like he wanted to drown himself in you. You basked in the softness of your embrace, finally feeling as if everything has fallen into place.
He pulled away as you tried to catch your breath.
"So beautiful." He whispered, tenderly tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
Before you could respond, he went right back in. Not that you minded, of course.
No sooner than a minute had passed were you interrupted by your office door swinging open.
"Glad to see you've finally figured yourselves out! Now, if we could-" Wilford's voice was cut off as Dark slammed the door with a motion of his hand.
He brushed his hair away from his face and turned back to you.
"It did look like he needed something." You gazed at the door pensively.
"I am sure he did, but," he smoothed out your shirt, "I do believe you don't want anyone seeing you like this."
You tried to keep from laughing as you regarded his own disheveled appearance. "You're not too neat either, Sir 'Irons his shirts every morning'."
He rolled his eyes but smiled at you regardless. Getting up from the couch, he held out his hand, which you accepted, and headed to whatever wacky escapade Wilford was up to this time.
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buc-eebarnes · 1 year
truth is only hearsay
Start with misdemeanors and we'll make a business out of them.
pairing: mayorattorney
tags: pre-wkm, moral dilemmas, implied extortion, corruption, tension
rated G || 991 words
“I—I don’t know what you want me to say, Damien,” you feigned a laugh. Your palms were sweating. Your mind felt like cotton. “Are you—are you yanking my chain right now?” He shook his head. His voice was gravelly. “No. No, I'm not.” After a beat, “What would be the charges?”
read on ao3!
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elenavr13 · 1 year
Darkiplier/Damien Playlist (Updated)
172 songs
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Evermore- Dan Stevens
Everybody Wants To Tule the World- Lorde
Control- Halsey
Gasoline- Halsey
Dynasty- MIIA
Judas- Lady Gaga
Take Me To Church- Hozier
Castle- Halsey
Sing To Me- MISSIO
Kamikazee- MISSIO
Panic Room- Au/Ra
Isolate- Sub Urban
Elastic Heart (Rock Cover)- Written by Wolves
Crossfire- Stephen
Dead!- My Chemical Romance
Stressed Out- Twenty One Pilots
Look What You Made Me Do- Taylor Swift
Smooth Criminal- Michael Jackson
The Voice of Darkiplier- Markiplier
I’ll Be Good- Jaymes Young
I Wanna Be Yours- Arctic Monkeys
Do I Wanna Know- Arctic Monkeys
In His Eyes- Jekyll & Hyde (musical)
Can You Feel My Heart- Bring Me to the Horizon
Feeling Good- Michael Buble
Can You Feel My Heart x Favorite Dress (slowed)- Miro remix
My Demons- Starset
Achilles Come Down- Gang of Youth
Monster- Skillet
What’s the Use of Feeling Blue- Caleb Hyles
Where I Want to Be- Chess in Concert
Can’t Help Falling In Love- Ice Nine Kills
The American Nightmare- Ice Nine Kills
A Grave Mistake- Ice Nine Kills
Left Behind- DAGames
Farewell II Flesh- Ice Nine Kills
Below the Surface- Griffinilla
The Wrecked and the Worried- NateWantsToBattle
You Can’t Take Me Anywhere- NateWantsToBattle
Goner- Twenty One Pilots
You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid- The Offspring
Fake You Out- Twenty One Pilots
Miss You- Corpse
Epoch- The Living Tombstone
In the End- Linkin Park
Me, Myself & Hyde- Ice Nine Kills
The World In My Hands- Ice Nine Kills
Popular Monster- Falling In Reverse
Monster- Imagine Dragons
What I Could Have Been- Sting
Hushh- AViVA
Phantom of the Opera
Darkside- NEONI
Broken- DNMO & Sub Urban
Killer In the Mirror- Set It Off
Doubt- Twenty One Pilots
I’m Not Okay- My Chemical Romance
Friends on the Other Side- Princess and the Frog
Apologize- One Republic
My Lullaby (metal cover)- Jonathan Young
I See Red (slowed)- Everybody Loves an Outlaw
Tear In My Heart- Twenty One Pilots
I Hate Everything About You- Three Days Grace
F.L.Y- Ice Nine Kills
Migraine- Twenty One Pilots
Car Radio- Twenty One Pilots
Demons- MISSIO
Villain- KDA
Royalty- Egzod & Maestro Chives ft. Neoni
The Red Means I Love You- Madds Buckley
Loser- Neoni
Not Ready To Die- Avenged Sevenfold
I Want You- Mitski
Poltergeist- Corpse
Life Waster- Corpse
All Of Me (slowed)- John Legend
Young And Beautiful- Lana Del Rey
Dark Paradise (slowed)- Lana Del Rey
How Villains Are Made- Madalen Duke
Love and War- Fluerie
Dark Things- Adona
Wicked Game- Ursine Vulpine
Neptune- Sleeping At Last
Enemy- Tommee Profitt
Far From Home (The Raven)- Sam Tinnesz
City Of The Dead- Eurielle
Throne- Saint Mesa
Paint it, Black- Ciara cover
Man Or A Monster- Sam Tinnesz
Dark On Me- Starset
Hell’s Comin’ With Me- Poor Mans Poison
Wires- The Neighbourhood
Liquid Smooth- Mitski
Little Dark Age- MGMT
Devil In Disguise- Elvis (LLusion)
Toxic- 2WEI
Dark Room- Foreign Figures & EJ Michels
Heathens- Twenty One Pilots
Dance With The Devil- Breaking Benjamin
Black Out Days- Phantogram
Somewhere Only We Know- Keane
Monsters- Ruelle
Whispers In The Dark- Skillet
Salvaged- NateWantsToBattle
Saint Bernard- Lincoln
F*ck You- Silent Child
I Know Those Eyes/This Man Is Dead- Thomas Borchert, Brandi Burkhardt
Broken Inside- Broken Iris
Sweet Dreams- Besomorph
Saints- Echos
Screaming Bloody Murder- Sum 41
Dandelions (slowed)- Ruth B
Master Mirror- Ashley Serena
Everyday A Little Death- The Count of Monte Cristo
FREAK- Jordan Friction
Broken (slowed)- lovelytheband
Michelle- Sir Chloe
Like A Villain- BAD OMENS
If It’s Vengeance You Want- Unlike Pluto
Monster- Fight The Fade
Listen Before I Go- Billie Eilish
Mary On a Cross (slowed)- Ghost
Nervous- Lola Blanc
Unravel- Johnathan Young
Lost In Paradise- Evanescence
Lies- Evanescence
Haunted- Laura Les
Dread- Unlike Pluto
Monsters- Shinedown
Black Soul- Shinedown
Sorrow- Sleeping At Last
Seeing Red- Saint Chaos
Villain- Bella Poarch
Lithium- Nirvana
Smells Like Teen Spirit- Nirvana
Down With The Sickness- Disturbed
Animal I Have Become- Three Day Grace
Greed- Godsmack
One of Us is the Killer- The Dillinger Escape Plan
All The King’s Horses- Karmina
Gilded Lily- Cults
Haunted & Unwanted- NateWantsToBattle
Symbol of My Regret- NateWantsToBattle
In My Head- NateWantsToBattle
Vendetta- Unsecret & Krigare
Nothing To Me- NateWantsToBattle
Chasing Cars- Sleeping At Last
Villain- MISSIO
Used to the Darkness- Des Rocs
Unforgiven- Ghost Nation
Monster- Starset
Eight- Sleeping At Last
Already Gone- Sleeping At Last
Devilish- The Phantoms
Motherland- Reach
Falling Away From Me- Korn
Just a Man- Jorge Rivera-Herrans & EPIC Ensemble
Something Wicked- Starset
Darkness in Me- Fight The Fade
I Would Die for You- In This Moment
Eye For An Eye- Rina Sawayama
Psycho in my Head- Skillet
Done With Everything- Line So Thin
Monster- Besomorph
Twisted Games- Night Panda, Krigarè
Killer Inside of Me- Willyecho
King For A Day- Pierce The Veil ft. Kellin Quinn
someone i’m not- Layto
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Guys!! I just made the most accurate mayor damien bot ever!
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coff33notforme · 2 years
I need him dead
A/n: Hitting you guys with another Damien drabble. I actually really like how this turned out, and I wrote it to be a cliffhanger for a series so you know. This was also kind of an Au idea I had where Celine ends up dead, but I'm not going to spoil to much because I plan to write more for this Au.
Synopsis: After the years of being trapped with Damien in the endless winter woods, he finally decides to finish what Mark started.
Pairing: Damien and Gn! Reader, could be read as Romantic or Platonic
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“I don’t know what you want me to say, I knew you wouldn’t be happy with my decision. So I didn’t tell you, what more is there to say?” 
His tone was dim, his dead eyes watching the snow falling outside, with a bitterness you couldn’t describe. 
Your eyebrows furrowed, your eyes glossy with betrayal, illuminated by the flickering light of the dying flame that sat in the cold, dirtied fireplace. Small specks of ashes and dust clung to the wall as small embers popped from the swaying fire.
The light casted your figure against the dark wall behind you. Your heart was beating so fast that you could feel it hammering against your chest. His heavy eyes told you everything, yet you still felt inclined to rebuttal his unspoken argument.   
“Why? Why do you want to do this? We don’t kill for personal gain, that's not who we are.” 
your tone weary, your eyes just as heavy, purple bags hanging from beneath. You looked as exhausted as you felt, every breath seemed to put a strain on your whole body, a burning, aching strain.
You knew exactly how this would end, and to be honest, you didn’t really care anymore, but one of you had to be good, right? This was just the part you had to play. 
“That’s not who we used to be at least, rules change when the game changes, dear. I thought you’d at least understand that.” his voice merely a hushed whisper. A crowded silence filled the room. Before he sighed, speaking again. 
“I was a good man, but I can’t be that man anymore, not here. It doesn’t matter what we do here there is no judge, because we're already in hell my love.”
His voice remained shallow, that nickname he used to sing to you so sweetly, that once made your heart flutter, now only filled you with dread.
His dark gaze drifted solemnly to the creaky wood of the old cabin, and it seemed almost like the wood creaked and swayed under his prying eyes. Damien let out a breathy chuckle. 
“Do you remember when we built this cabin?” your breath hitched, his tone was filled with longing, a melancholy look swirling in his chocolate eyes.
“Yes, I remember.” you replied meekly
Damien's head slowly rose up, his hollow gaze seeping into you, tearing you open. 
“Then you know, we have to kill Mark.” 
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theknightmarket · 6 months
Being influenced by other media is for losers.
Anyway, if you haven’t listened to Starkid’s Twisted, go do it, specifically A Thousand and One Nights, If I Believed, and the Finale, and make sure not to think about Dark/Damien and the DA.
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fgfluidity · 2 years
Summary: There’s nothing wrong with an autumn amusement.
Pairing: Mayor Attorney (Damien x DA) but it’s light
Warnings: Just some good clean fun, really.
a fall commission
my ko-fi
@opprose​ @vverebeast​ @mirrorslament​ @statictay​ @otterlyinluv​ @flerpdederp​
It wasn’t meant to be anything more than a fair.
Autumn always meant the fair, a rather large affair with decent funding from the local chamber of commerce and a few charitable businesses. The square would be filled with people and booths, advertising delicious-smelling food and hand-crafted wares.
You always enjoyed it, and now is no exception.
Thankfully, the air is a touch crisp, leaving you cozy in your soft knit. It’s a bit big, maybe, but that makes the sweater all the more comfortable as you peer into booth after booth, curious.
Carvings, jewelry, snacks… nothing persuades you to pull out your wallet, but you aren’t the only one at the fair. Out of courtesy, you glance over your shoulder to where you last spotted Damien.
He isn’t there. Or— no, there he is, a few feet away, caught up in conversation with some constituent you don’t recognize.
As expected, really, with his position, but you can’t help a sigh. You’d hoped for some alone time, as much as being in a public space as public officials can qualify; it’s so rare you get a moment to simply be good friends spending time together.
You have little room to judge him for taking work along with him, though. Goodness knows you’ve brought case files on trips before, carefully tucked away in your bag and ready for any spare moment.
You’ve gotten the lecture before.
He gets the excuse of his work not being so avoidable, as much as it irks you. When you’re the face of the city, everyone has to say something when they see you.
Just as you’re debating the best way to sneak in and sweep him away, because you’re just as entitled to a bit of his time as anyone else, he nods to his conversation partner and turns away. The moment he spots you through the throng, he makes a beeline right for you, his limp be damned.
“Thank goodness,” he sighs once he’s at your side. “Perhaps now they’ll realize this is an appearance for pleasure, rather than politics.”
“I wouldn’t bet money on it,” you point out, patting his arm sympathetically. “It’s so hard being the mayor, isn’t it? Everyone clamoring for your attention?”
He gives you a look. “It’s the most loathsome part of my job, if that’s what you mean. I’m not Mark.”
“Fair, but it’s not so bad. It could certainly be worse.” You wrinkle your nose. “Remember my university job?”
He shudders, hand clenching the grip of his cane tighter just for a moment. “I certainly do. I’d take any election over that— though it does give me an idea.”
You look to him curiously, and he gives a sly smile. “Do you think that was any more frightening than the haunted house?”
“Haunted-?” You bark a laugh, not derisive but surprised. “Infinitely. Are you interested in a little scare in the name of the season, though?”
“I have nowhere else I’d want to be.” He smiles at you, warm, and gestures forward. “I’ve heard it’s just down the way— and you can protect me with your killer fists all you like.”
You gesture for his cane with a grin. “With your cane, I think you might be a match for me these days. Any ghouls that come for us should think twice.”
From the look of the haunted house, though, you can’t imagine it filled to the brim with frights. It’s artificially shabby, a storefront decorated with fibrous cotton and fabric and old boards, without the dust and rot to add any authenticity.
It’s mostly quiet, too, no scary records or actors making noise, no one tempting passersby into the dark depths. By all accounts, it just looks like an abandoned building; the only thing that marks it as an attraction at all is the hand-painted sign above the door saying as such.
Damien must note your apprehension, because he nudges your shoulder lightly. “It’s the town fair,” he explains, “and besides: the people who come out always seem to have had fun. It won’t be so frightening.”
“I’m more worried it won’t be frightening at all,” you reply. “It ought to be, shouldn’t it? It’s a haunted house.”
Damien nods, giving the facade his own once-over. “I’m sure they did their best,” he assures you, smiling. “By all means, my friend, you first.”
If he were anyone else, you might expect he held some ulterior motive in pushing you ahead of him into the building. Mark, for instance, would have shut the door behind you or disappeared the moment you took eyes off him; Damien, however, remains a comforting presence at your back as you walk forward.
The inside— or, at least, this first room— seems to be the same as the outside in terms of decor: sheets over furniture, boards over windows, with the singular addition of a few paper cutouts of seasonally ‘scary’ things like skeletons and pumpkins.
In all, it’s a bit of a disappointment, until a shadow skirts around one of the counters unexpectedly. Thankfully, you don’t yelp, but you do jump and stumble back a step or two.
“Oh—“ Damien’s warm hand presses into your shoulder blade to keep you steady, and he peers around you for the culprit. “Oh— it’s only a little cat. Are you alright?”
You heave a breath, heat rushing to your face in your embarrassment. “Yes, I’m alright. I wasn’t expecting a cat in here.”
In the flesh, the cat gracefully leaps up onto the counter it came from, curling its long tail around dainty black paws. With glittering gold-green eyes, it watches you, then lazily blinks. It accepts a scritch when you extend your fingers, butting gently into your hand, which you’ll take as an apology.
“Seems you’ve made a friend of our host,” Damien teases gently, and you give him a wry look over your shoulder. “You always had a way with others.”
“I only didn’t realize it extended to cats,” you comment dryly. “Well, little miss, do you have anything more in the way of scares, or are the only things that should be afraid in here mice?”
The cat blinks at you again, then saunters down the counter, casually as any cat could manage. It jumps down with a mrrrow, then pads over the hardwood to a far door, just slightly ajar.
Could it really know what you asked for? A little chill runs up your spine at the thought, and another once you look through the crack in the door.
Nothing but pitch black, the same as the cat’s silky fur.
He’s looking at the door when you glance back, brow slightly furrowed, but you couldn’t guess his thoughts. Finally, he steps around you. “Maybe it’s a little more magical than we thought,” he murmurs. “Stay behind me.”
You don’t dare stray a step or two from his back. Not even when he swings open the door, and any ambient light— noise, anything— vanishes.
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ribcage-bitch-ass · 2 years
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Dark and the DA. There's not much of a story here, I just liked the idea of Dark being forced to face the DA.
Drawn by me not an AI LMAO
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i-am-03 · 2 years
Currently making some powerpoint for my business plan and
now all im thinking is the d/a and damien just half jokingly plans to build a dessert bakery shop together if they didnt go with law or retirement
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melancholypancakes · 2 years
This is going to be two separate scripts but the thought of this makes me sad 🥺
Dark: I shouldn’t had been blocking the past from Y/n and it looks like I’m still making excuses to them.
Wilford: Is that what I’ve been doing?
Wilford: But Celine didn’t mean to Damien!
*Tears fall from Wilford eyes*
Dark: But you were hurt. Badly hurt.
Wilford: I was badly hurt…
*Wilford looks at Dark*
Wilford: How did you stop hurting?
*Wilford talking about the DA*
*Dark looks at him with shock then he hugs Wilford as tears fall slowly*
Dark: I didn’t…
*Flashback memory*
*Little Alice playing in the forest*
*Wilford watching her from a far*
*Alice picks up a chubby mouse and runs up to Wilford*
Wilford: ? What is that you got there Alice?
Little Alice: a mouse! I want to name her!
Wilford: And what will you name her?
Little Alice: Miss Cheddar! Because she loves eating cheese see!
*Miss Cheddar eating cheese in her tiny hands*
Little Alice: ?
Wilford: Oh, it’s nothing you just remind me of someone I Loved…her name was Celine she use to give funny names to everything…she was so funny like that.
Little Alice: Do you think I could meet her too like you’re other friends?
*Wilford smiles at her sadly*
Wilford: Maybe one day…she’s sleeping for now.
Wilford: C’mon, never mind that Dark is waiting.
*Wilford grabs Alice’s hand and they walk back to the tea table*
Scripts are inspired from this video
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otterlyinluv · 2 years
A touch of darkness (pt.1)
Link to part 2
Summary: Dark convinced himself he must stay as far away from you as possible for your sake. That all changes when you start experiencing feelings you hadn't before.
Pairing: Darkiplier x DA!Reader
Tags: sfw, pining, proximity, general confusion caused by feelings
A/N: This is the first time I posted my writing somewhere. Hope you like it! (there will be more romance in the next part)
Word count: 1.2k
Damien, who always made sure you knew he was with you by touching you. Holding the small of your back when guiding you places. Putting a hand on your shoulder when you were getting mad at someone. Leaning into your touch when you held him.
But when you showed up at the new ego manor as a reincarnation from the mirror, Dark felt conflicted. You looked like the person he used to hold so frequently it became second nature. Even your soul was the same. But you weren't who you used to be. You didn't remember. At first, he kept a distance from you. Not an obscenely big one just enough to respect your private space.
And after a suspiciously short amount of time, he felt as if he was missing something. He felt an itch of sorts.
He found his eyes wandering to your hands. He wondered what it would be like to hold them. How they would feel compared to his. After thoughts such as these, he would shake his head in hopes that it would keep any similar ones at bay. After all, you were not his anymore.
You were extremely confused. Any time you stood next to Dark to point out something on his computer, he always moved away even if it was just by an inch. Every time you tapped his shoulder to get his attention, he would stare at your hand for a split second. Even if you accidentally bumped into him, he would visibly freeze. It was official. Dark most probably hated you. Okay, maybe hate was a strong word, but he didn't want to be close to you, that's for sure.
You didn't even know why you minded it. You got plenty of hugs from Wilford and the occasional hand around your shoulder from Illinois, so it's not like you lacked physical contact.
While you were sure he at least tolerated you, he obviously didn't want to spend more time with you than necessary. But, seeing as you two worked together rather often, you were in a rather bad situation. You didn't want to make him uncomfortable. So, you tried not to invade his personal space as much as you could.
A knock on your already open door disturbed you from your task of tracking down where Mark could possibly be. Not looking up from the screen, you uttered a quiet "Come in". The familiar sound of dress shoes made you tear your eyes away from the computer. Dark stopped just in front of your desk.
"Oh. Hi, Dark."
He didn't usually come into your little corner office. If you could call it an office. You were the one to look for him when you needed something or to share any new discoveries.
"I received complaints about the computers... I worked out the issues with the others already."
"Oh, okay..." You let him join you on the other side of the desk. But before you could leave him your chair, he reached for the computer mouse and put his left hand on the other side. Which meant you were trapped between his arms. Great.
To ease the increasingly awkward atmosphere, you said: "I thought Google fixed problems with computers."
He replied after a couple of seconds. "It's more of an organizational issue. His program doesn't extend to the placement of the files."
You nodded your head. You could feel his shoulder on the back of your head. Whether it was his shoulder or not was only a guess. You've never been this close before. Given his distaste for such closeness, he must have been suffering.
Instead of focusing on your proximity, you opted to look at the monitor. Search by name. Copy. Paste to another folder. Search through already existing folders. Copy. Paste.
You couldn't understand why he insisted on being the one to rearrange the misplaced files when you were perfectly capable of doing so yourself. Granted, he was much faster and more efficient than you would ever be. The room was filled with clicks and your rapid heartbeat. He still hasn't moved from his original position. In fact, it seemed as if he was even closer than in the beginning.
He let out a deep sigh, which you felt on the top of your head. You assumed it was because he couldn't find the file he was looking for. Or you would, have you not been so terribly plagued by thoughts racing in your head.
"There are only a few files left." There was a deep rumble in his voice that you wouldn't have heard if he wasn't so close to you. You weren't used to this. At all. He always made it seem like he wanted to be as physically far away from you as possible, but with the way he stood right now...
You didn't mind it as much as you should have. The lack of distance felt suspiciously comforting even though it was something you weren't used to. It was quite peculiar.
"That should be all of them."
His hand started withdrawing from the mouse, so you turned around to thank him when you froze. His face was mere inches apart from your own. You didn't expect him to be so close. Because of the proximity, you noticed his eyes weren't a deep shade of brown like many of the other inhabitants' of the mansion. They were black like a starless night sky. The color was rather pleasing. For a split second, you could've sworn you saw his eyes flick to your lips. But before you could confirm whether it was actually true, his gaze was back in your eyes. He drew in a sharp breath.
"I... I should go." He shook his head, but you caught him by the hand before he could move any further.
"Wait. This seems familiar." His body went rigid at your words.
"Familiar in what way?"
"I don't know just you, me... us?"
His eyebrows furrowed slightly.
"Are you doing this? Have you discovered a new power of influencing minds and are testing it out on me?" Your lips spread in a cheeky smile.
"That is ridiculous." He said sharply. "Even if I had that sort of ability, I would never use it on you."
His tone of voice was harsh, but his eyes... Slightly wide, eyebrows furrowed as if he was offended by your accusation, but his eyes held feelings. Fear. Though you were unsure what exactly he was afraid of.
He pulled his hand from yours with surprising gentleness.
He opened his mouth as if to say something but shook his head. "I believe my work here is done."
Fixing his suit jacket lapels, he started making his way to the door.
You stood up abruptly.
He stopped and turned towards you slowly.
You yourself were confused about your sudden urgency for him to stay. You half expected him to simply shake his head, chastise you for wasting his time, and go wherever he needed to go. But he didn't. He stood there. Waiting.
"I... I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me."
You swore something akin to disappointment appeared in his eyes before his look became neutral once again. He nodded his head and left the room.
You sank back in your chair. Why did you just do that? There was a foreign pang in your heart after you heard the door close. With each of his steps turning quieter and quieter, you felt like you were... missing something. You could not figure out what.
But maybe someone else could help.
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buc-eebarnes · 2 years
could we get a “pressing a kiss to the other’s forehead as they sleep” with mayor damien and the da?
hello anon! thank you for your request! this is the second of the damien x da double feature, the first of which is this fic: fill my lungs, fill my head
from this prompt list. requests are closed at this time.
with sweetness, with you
pairing: damien x the district attorney
tags: forehead kisses, literal sleeping together, established relationship, secret relationship, damien-centric
rated T || 1080 words || read on ao3!
Damien wakes to a lightning storm thrashing outside the window.
His eyes blink lazily, but the noise doesn’t bother him in the least. He welcomes rainy days—there’s always been something so calming about the pitter-patter of it, the coziness that blankets the city after a dry spell.
He looks down at where he’s curled around his district attorney, sleeping soundly in his arms. Their ages-old face always looked so young whenever they rested. Damien thinks it’s the only time that they can really, truly let go of all their troubles, of their burdens.
Thunder rumbles again. The attorney shifts slightly, but not enough to wake. Damien rests his cheek on top of their head, absentmindedly stroking their shoulders.
He tries going back to sleep, but it’s difficult. He managed to fall asleep as soon as he and his attorney were finished with their…nighttime activities…but now that he has woken up, it seems like the drowsiness has evaded him.
The clock on the table reads 3:55 AM. He huffs a sigh and mentally runs through his schedule for the day.
He has to be in the office in four hours. Around 9 AM, he has meetings that run until noon. The rest of the day is dedicated to driving around the city and inspecting all of the different areas that need his attention. It’s going to be a long one, but at least the party will be something to look forward to in the evening. Like his attorney said, it’d be nice to see Mark again.
The thought of his friend puts a heavy weight on his mind.
It’s been a few years since Celine ran away with William. Damien didn’t know that anything was transpiring between the two; anytime he asked Mark how they were doing, or anytime he tried approaching Celine, they had always shrugged it off.
Damien didn’t realize how much they’d been fighting. How they were throwing things at each other, screaming obscenities and insults at one another. He only saw when he and William had come to the house when the spouses had been in the middle of their biggest fight and William, in an attempt to prevent Celine from getting hurt, had just taken Damien’s sister away, leaving Mark in shambles and cursing out his adoptive brother.
There was love there, once. Damien had been wary of their relationship since its conception, but he had always supported them, no matter what, even when Celine had started pursuing occult practices and Mark rose to fame as an actor.
He hasn’t talked to his sister since the incident. He wonders if she’ll be at the party.
Mark, he’s heard even less from. Ever since Celine left, he’d holed himself up in the manor, never stepping outside, not even taking on any roles or projects. He was a recluse in the public’s eye, and even some of his more determined fans didn’t seem to know what happened to him.
The district attorney, at one point, had marched up to the manor every single day for three months. They’d left food, groceries, things that Mark needed to keep functioning. Benjamin always met them at the door, and he always said the same thing, sadly,
“I apologize, but the master is not feeling well today.”
The district attorney cared a lot about Mark. In college, they both had a bond that not even Damien could break. They were inseparable—thick as thieves. Mark was more of a best friend to the attorney than he ever was. Their dynamic changed only when Celine and Mark got together.
They never said anything, but the change in his friend’s demeanor was palpable.
To his knowledge, nothing romantic had ever transpired between the two. He’d asked the attorney, once.
Something sad and dark passed through their eyes, but they shook their head vehemently. “No. Nothing’ll ever happen between me and him.”
And that was that.
Damien supposes that falling in love with the attorney was something that couldn’t be avoided. They were gorgeous. They were full of life. Personable. Easy to talk to. You could go to them with any problem and they’d give you solid advice. They’d never bullshit him.
They were kind, too. Attentive. Considerate. Encouraging. Even when the attorney had bad days, they never failed to think of others.
Falling in love was both gradual and quick. There was a pull to them that Damien couldn’t shake, and there was nothing else in the world that would have made him stray away. “Ride or die,” they had once said, taking his hand and bringing it up to their lips. “You’ve stuck with me this far. I’ll stick with you in the days to come.”
He was actually surprised when the attorney was the one to approach him with their feelings. It made Damien elated—he’d been harboring something for them for years, and to hear the attorney return it…
It’s a shame, however, that they have to keep their relationship a secret. Regimes have survived on less, but a scandal regarding the most well-liked mayor in decades and a promising newly-elected district attorney would have sent the media for a spin. Damien’s family was affluent and powerful. Word would have gotten out that the attorney was only able to get the position because they were connected to his family, and no one would have taken the time to acknowledge his friend’s hard work, to consider the other side of it all.
So this is what they have settled with. A house that they share, but none of their family members or their friends know. Damien debated on whether he should have told Mark or Celine, or William, for that matter, as they were all within the circle to know, but he secretly liked that this was theirs. As much as he would love for their relationship to be public, it just wasn’t feasible.
The attorney sleeps soundly against the raging storm. Damien gently kisses their temple, and they snuggle further into his hold.
In the morning, he will go through his routine, and in the evening, he will meet with the rest of his friends at Markiplier Manor. He will have a good time with old friends, and he will finally face Mark after a year of silence. And who knows what might happen? He and the attorney might be able to tell their friends the news of their relationship.
Life is theirs to choose, after all.
buy me a coffee!
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marinecanary · 9 months
Begging on my hands and knees for someone to write a Mayor Attorney fanfic based on I Can See You by Taylor Swift
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mothgodofchaos · 2 years
Could be angsty Imagine request for Darkiplier and the reader being stuck inside due to a raging snowstorm outside reader's place? Maybe they has a lil camping stove for hot drinks and food and plenty of blankets and things should be fine ( but Dark keeps getting flashes of the DA as reader does things that they did one time Damien and the DA were stuck in the office due to a snowstorm and angst! or maybe it just strikes a fond cord in Dark and it's cute and fluffy. Completely up to you! )
I really like this request! Certainly took it in more of a fluffy direction than I intended, but I think people will still enjoy it.
Darkiplier x GN!Reader, TW: mention of death, fire Words: 1076
It was cold in your cabin, but you insisted to Dark that a vacation away from the manor would be good for both of you, but especially him. You wanted him to actually enjoy his vacation, and apparently the snowstorm outside was insistent on the both of you staying. Dark wasn’t in his normal suit, instead opting for more of a layered sweater look, a collared shirt underneath his dark blue crewneck. You could tell he didn’t wear this kind of look often, but he looked, almost softer? The edge that he normally looks like he’s on is gone, like he’s finally allowing himself to be comfortable. His posture has also changed, shoulders more relaxed, and his smile seems a bit more genuine.
To him, he viewed you as his entire world. As much as he knew he would have to get done when he got back to the manor, a weekend away in the woods would do him some good. What he wasn’t expecting was to be reminded of your past life so much. When he had pulled you from that mirror, you were different, and it took much repairing on both of your parts to come back to the place you started. His eyes followed you as you put a kettle on top of the wood fire stove that he was keeping up. The glow of the fire flickered across the cabin, casting moving shadows that almost made it look like the two of you were dancing.
He had brought the record player, setting it in the corner. For now, the only background noise remained to be the crackle of the fire, but his heart sung as he watched you move. When you both had been younger, different people, yet still the same, you would come up to his cabin in the winter time. He looked forward to it, just the two of you, the one vacation he always made sure to take time off for ahead of time. At first when you created the tradition, you tried to plan things like skiing and snowboarding, but you both soon came to realize that you simply just enjoyed each others’ company, and began just staying in the cabin for the majority of it.
Bright winter mornings on the front porch over peppermint tea, cuddling on the couch by the fire, watching a movie on the projector that he always brought, watching him chop wood out back while you prepped dinner. It was homey, domestic, something that you both equally craved, but couldn’t have due to the nature of your jobs.
You had both joked about quitting your jobs and dropping off the face of the Earth just to hide up in the cabin, but neither of you had the heart to leave the city in disrepair and possible turmoil if you did. And then that fateful night, full of death, betrayal, and heartbreak. You both left anyways, but not of your own accord. Both victims of the circumstances that left you both hurting each other in the process. The ring you now wear is a testament to that time, when he had planned on surprising you on that fateful night. There was supposed to be a beautiful sky that evening, not that he would’ve been looking anywhere but at you.
Now you’re both shells of the people you once used to be, the mayor and district attorney long forgotten to the obituaries column of a hundred year old newspaper. His aura glowed blue, his sister finally resting. It was calm, the ringing that normally followed him calmed, adding into the ambiance of the setting if it was even there at all. The creaking of snow on the roof outside, the crackling of the wood, the near silent hum of the song you were singing to yourself. It was a perfect orchestration just for him, just here, just with you.
But nothing could bring back those days at the old cabin, nothing could bring back the way things had been, nothing could bring back your friends and loved ones that you lost on that night. So you had both promised each other that you’d make new memories. Above the mantel hung photographs, the original ones that he had held onto, rescued from that manor. Repaired, restored, the smiling faces looking back at you. His sister’s wedding day, his election day, William’s promotion to colonel, Mark’s premiere for his breakout role. You were all there, supportive, loving.
That manor drove you all apart. Slowly corrupting Mark, and eventually the rest of you. Wilford knew not of his previous life, Damien and Celine forced to cohabitate for the rest of their lives, your skin cracked like the mirror you were left in. Where Mark was, you didn’t even know anymore. You hoped that the friend and confidant you once knew is still in there, the one who you knew never wanted to hurt any of you in the first place. You knew what the entity could do to all of you, and you were all living examples of the frankenstein ways of this dark force.
The kettle finished and you pulled out the tea cups. A light blue one with a white rose for him, and a gold one with a red rose for you. Although the colors were more up Mark’s alley, something about it felt right. You had always been the more loud and fanciful of the two of you, even with his previous job being the mayor. Sure he had to go to these parties, but you were the one that kept him from getting bored and weary. He looked forward to making you laugh as he spoke in circles with donors and backers, that smile was all he ever wanted to see.
You snuggled in next to him as you blew on your tea, him waiting for his to cool on the coffee table as the record player started up. You rested your head on his shoulder, his hand rubbing your arm as it wrapped around your shoulders. Your previous life ended one hundred years ago, your second life was those hundred years of waiting apart. But this new life that you were creating together, that would surely last a lifetime. His other hand held your free one, matching rings shining in the firelight together as you got cozy under the blanket.
Life is ours to choose, and your choice was each other. Forever.
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Two darks AU: chapter 1
(Note: this is set in 2nd/3rd pov, y/n will be referred to as DA/you/they/them)
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You put the photo down, and quickly go to your phone. Picking it up and start calling Celine. While still wiping your tears, carefully taking some tissues. “um…Y/N?…” oh Celine picked up. You say hello to her, “why did you call me?” Celine asks, her voice becoming colder. You explain very quickly to not make her more…aggressive. that you wanted to check up on her, “oh…that’s…very kind of you..” her voice becomes softer, more…kinder. silence fills the air. “Um..Y/N could you please come by? I…haven’t been..well.” The nervousness in Celine’s voice, it cracks. You answer and say ok, “ok…thanks..” Celine hangs up. You were still wiping away tears, as more came down. Quickly grabbing more tissues, as you think about Celine. Celine was- is a seer, a psychic. A fortune teller. To be exact. You weren’t sure, when,where or if. You weren’t sure if you were friends, you weren’t sure when you became ‘closer’ to Celine, you weren’t sure where you had even met.
All you knew was, you and Celine had become ‘something’ , not close enough to become friends but not far enough to be Acquaintances. The tears stopped slowly, you put down the tissues. Quickly going to wash your face. Putting the cold water onto your face, feeling it become cold to the touch. You look up into the mirror, it L̴̞̤̠̿͊̒ǒ̴̙̰͐͝ͅo̴̡̲͌̄k̴͉̱̮̒s̶͚̳̓̌ disfigured. It felt disfigured. you exit the bathroom very quickly, feeling an emptiness. Ȁ̸͖̀n̵͇̬͕̽̀͘ ̶̯̺̃͌̊ͅẹ̵̻͑͜m̵̧̫̉ͅp̷̳̠͛͊ẗ̷̻̈̚i̵̭̐̅͝n̷̲͍͐̏e̸͍̒ṡ̸̀͜s̵̳͉͌ ̸̧̀̊ṱ̸͆h̷͇͔͂a̴̖͋̌t̵̩̥͐̊ ̶̦̀̐c̶̲̜̈́̕a̵̝͚̮͛̆n̷̥͎̈̕ ̵̞́̈́͘n̵̢̳̥͆͆̚ö̶̪̮̪̑͐ẗ̴̠́̕͜͜ ̸̬̥͇̀̈́b̶̡́͜e̷̩̫͊ ̸̡͍̾̓̔s̸͎͓̩̿̍a̶̪̙̥̓͘t̵̡͚̲̅̓̚ḭ̶̛̯s̸̗̺̅̕͜f̸̛͉̲͎̐i̶̱̐͂͘ē̴̹̰̑ͅḍ̸̩̍.̷̳̭͍̓̓. You shrug the feeling off, no matter how much it bothered you. You had to get to Celine, help her, and make sure that T̴̗͑͛̈́h̸̘̝̑̚e̴̬̱̼̽̌ ̴̯͗͑͠s̶͓̀̅a̴̛͓̼̔̒͜m̵̗̖͉̍̀͘ḙ̷̢̩̈́̈́͛ ̴̝͑m̷̘̱̟̊ȉ̴̧̥͇s̷͎͇͂̌̊ṫ̴̰͙a̶̼̲̮̎̈́k̷͍̖̻͑͋e̷̲̣͆̈͜ ̷̡͎͈̂d̴͎̐̉̀o̸̬̜̰̍̍e̴̡̟͖͆s̸̛͔͈̖̿̀n̸͉͆̿̈’̷̢̭̅͜t̸̩͒ ̵̘̈́̈͘h̶̨̹̺͝a̵̱͠p̵̺̀p̸̥͙̽͜e̶͉̍̈́n̴̖͘ ̶̲̤͗̈́a̵̙͕͆̾g̵͇̽́ạ̴̟̳̽̆i̵̹̓̋̉n̸̹͋. Who knew, a seer, A SEER. Could be such good friends with a lawyer? You didn’t. That’s for sure. You look back at the photo, the photo of you,mark,Celine,will. And Damien.
You felt sick. But Persevered, trying not to get distracted, which you had already failed…you needed to get to Celine. Fast. You quickly run out the door.
You knock on the door, it opens. Showing Celine with ruined mascara running down her face, “oh…Y/n. Hello..” she mumbled with unease, “come in.” She opens the door fully. Letting you inside as you walk in, “thank you for coming.” You nod as she walks away, following her. “So…I’m sure you have heard about…what happened to him…” she states, you nod again. “And…you know about the divorce…” you open your mouth to say something but quickly shut it, “I was wondering if you could take this letter to mar-“ she got interrupted, by a small door bell ring. “Um, one small moment..” she smiles sheepishly, It goes off again. She opens the door, to see a small letter. She takes it and opens it, carefully reading it with caution. “Oh..mark is having a party.” She shows you the letter, “he says it’s a ‘farewell’ party..” you read it carefully as you look at the letter you hear Celine mumble, “..jerk..can’t even give us time to grieve…” her voice, cold and hoarse. “Um..will you be going to the party? I’m sure your invited, the letter is probably waiting at your home…” said Celine with so much hope and uncertainty yet awkwardness.
You shrug. maybe you should go, Damien was your friend after all, And Celine probably needed you for moral support. “Oh. It’s getting late…you should leave..” she says quickly and quietly, Staring at the clock, you also look at it. 7:43pm. Celine quickly ushers you out,
“w-well it was nice! See you later!” She pushes you out and close the door behind you. You could hear crying and breaking glass as you walk away, slowly through the dimly light streets of the town. The mayor missing. Everyone was on edge. No one knew what else was gonna happen. Not even you. It was terrible, an entire town on edge, terrified of going missing too.
Oh how lovely the night was. How lovely the stars shined, how lovely the wind flowed around like water waves in the ocean.
Oh how lovely he was.
Oh how lovely you are.
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