swede1952 · 3 months
Good morning. 🕶️🌊🦈
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13 June 2024
Did you watch first runs of The Howdy Doody Show on TV? If you did, you know what that means? That's right, you are a senior citizen, like me. ;) I'll bet there are a lot of folks now-a-days who never heard of Howdy Doody or Clarabell the Clown. Did you know that Robert Keeshan, aka Captain Kangaroo, was the first to play Clarabell the Clown? I didn't until this morning. I should probably mention Buffalo Bob who was the show's host or maybe cohost, Howdy Doody was a puppet after all. People born in this century are likely not to know of what I speak, for them there are sunny days, and everything is AOK … wait that is 20th century as well.
"I'm pretty sure Howdy Doody was a puppet!" - Adrian Monk
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xomoosexo · 2 years
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justicerikai · 5 months
Hi! Thank you for all the translations, I love reading your translator notes contextualising the jokes/puns, they're very informative and really adds to the series tbh. Anyways, I'm not sure if I just missed reading about it but what does Iori's luliho mean? Or is it just something he says haha. Also, do you mind pointing the puns in Rikai's part (in the new song) hfkdjs only if you want to!
Good luck with your job related admin! I respect the dedication omg 💪
offering only the best kind of edutainment on the world wide web.
nowww this is 100% my own interpretation so i'm not going to say it's correct but it does make the most sense to me.
the best way i can contextualize it is by saying that it's a quirky "greeting" or "catchphrase" of some kind that's more versatile than a greeting (well specifically to crsm in da house, since he says it at the end of the lyric).
yui from the oregairu (my youth romantic comedy is wrong as i expected) series sort of has her own greeting: yahallo!
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an other, not uniquely attributed to a single character but is generally known, is wanbankon. which is konbanwa in a different order. fun fact! chiniwanko from crsm jamboree is a goofy take on konnichiwa in that same vein. (chiniwanko is an other case of unique charisma-isms at play)
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(btw, the eng subs left it out & made it just a general greeting. but you could do some fun stuff with it. my take on it is taking howdydoody and just switching the first letters around- dowdyhoody.)
however while wanbankon & chiniwanko deviates a little in execution, it's the spirit that's the same behind luliho & yahallo: a silly way of saying hello. english is not exempt of it ofc, there's hi-de-ho, yoohoo, hwi etc.
essentially: yes, it is something he Just says. kind of like a custom iori word, unique to him. which is again, a shame that the eng subs took it and localized it into something that removes the uniqueness.
as for the other part: ah there's no puns in rikai song lyric, its just a general grievance i have with the official subs so far. its my fave thing about him......
& thank you! i just simply want to go to school to hone my conversational jpn (and jpn in general) and then find a job in the localisation field. but i have gotten so many curveballs thrown at me during the entire process that i'm about to ohse myself but i have a few days left to, hopefully, finally, get it sorted out. o(-(
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Clarabell the clown wishes you all a Safe and Happy April Fool's Day! #clown #funnyclown #aprilfools #aprilfoolsday #howdydoody #itshowdydoodytime
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abominationvault · 5 months
Session 33: Sat 27 Apr 2024
Luna and Sprocket welcome Baby Wee Jock Number 2 into the world! The doctors want to keep Luna for a while to keep an eye on her so she and Sprocket won’t be with us tonight, a poor excuse. We will have a character sheet rolled up for BWJ2 for next week though, so he better be ready by then. :) Jorg’ath will pilot Luna, Skabb will take Sprocket and Augustus.
Sprocket is first, or rather, next. We were fighting big oil spitting spider things? Skabb, piloting them, has Augustus assess which one looks more injured - the one to the south of this little cave, she is told. He does a couple of fist slams, but both miss.
Hartvig looks at his spells. “Line? Cone! Aww, degrees…?” He throws up some ancient dust, but his character sheet isn’t working so he and the DM piece it together manually. “It’s DC35,” Hartvig tells him. DM, immediately: “That sounds wrong entirely.” The scalathrax misses the DC and takes some damage… DM calculating... “... You stinker!” Hartvig Guides Luna as she’s next.
Jorg’ath has her dash and hide, ready for next round. He’s up next, so he sidesteps and flanks the first scalathrax - taking him out of melee with the second. Do they have attacks of opportunity…?
(The DM remembers that Hartvig and Jorg’ath are both Clumsy 1 and Slowed 1, from last week due to scalathrax venom. Jorg’ath: “Son of a bitch!”)
Jorg’ath hits with his Greatsword for 25, doing a green 16 damage for 20 total! Something is starting to exude from between the plates of the scalathrax.
It’s their turn next - one shoots leg quills at Jorg’ath, 25 to hit for 10 damage. Another goes to Hartvig, but it misses. Oh no - because he’s Clumsy and Slowed, it did hit after all. Then the scalathrax shoots at Skabb, for 11 damage. The other scalathrax bites Augustus, but 16 misses. It goes again, 29 definitely hits. 14 damage. It has an action left so it bites again - 22 also hits for 13 more damage.
Skabb has a weird feeling, like a mental itch, but she has no idea what it’s about. She used Magic Missile last week, if she uses it today might it break? Yes, she is told. “Ballbags.” Can she pour a potion down Jorg’ath’s throat? Yes, for 6 healing. Not a lot but he’ll take it. What would happen if she used the wand, she asks? She can overcharge it, but will risking destroying it. Success and it’s fixable, failure and it’s broken forever. She does Slashing Gust cantrip instead. “And that is all. And I’d like it to leave me alone now please.”
Nadia has a go at sticking one to the floor with a glue bullet, even being reminded that these creatures are very oily. She was two points off a crit… Because of their slickness, they can treat any result of an escape roll as one level higher. She shoots the other one but misses. Nadia: "Sidebar - do we want to see this through or try to run away?" Jorg’ath is all in, and so is Hartvig; on we go then.
(DM: “Second sidebar, always take tactical advice off the raging barbarian. Always.”)
(Jorg’ath does some back seat piloting of Sprocket and is told to get knotted.)
Sprocket Boosts Eidolon, making Augustus a bit more tougherer, and Augustus does some battering but misses. Shove is a second attack, so he does that - 22 hits for a howdydoodis! Does the goo go far enough to reach Skabb’s open mouth? (Yes, and it also hits Jorg’ath.) He has an action left, so Augustus moves to get up to the other one. (Jorg’ath is still back seat piloting. “… Fine, but you can explain it to Sprocket,” Skabb tells him.)
Hartvig Needle Darts, but misses, looks sheepish and heals himself. For 1HP. “Yaaaaaaay.” Wait - he’s Slowed and only has two actions, so he can't do the Heal. “Okay, I’ll take that one hit point back off then.” He does get the spell slot back though, so not all is lost.
Luna peeks out from her dark corner and starts shooting - 13 misses. Jorg’ath Hero Points it, “because they’re not my Hero Points.” 16 and 9 both miss.
Jorg’ath and his six hit points are off, flanking the scalathrax with Augustus, a red 12 to hit. “This is bad.” 8 also misses, and he’s also Slowed so that’s him done.
The scalathrax is up and it bites Jorg’ath, then Augustus, then shoots a dart at Hartvig. 17 misses Jorg’ath, 23 hits Augustus (for 23! He is no more and Sprocket is down...) and 12 misses Hartvig, much to his relief.
Skabb whips a sling bullet, 25 hits for 1 whole damage. She uses the other wand to heal “lizard-tits”. She does him 10 healing.
Nadia shoots 3 times, misses twice, only does 3 damage.
Sprocketses is regretting using his Hero Point, but he’s only Dying 1 - 16 is a success on his Death Save. He loses the Dying condition, and is now at 0HP. Now he’s only Wounded 1.
Hartvig. Who’s dying the worst, he wants to know. Sprocket, probably, but Jorg’ath isn’t great either. He does a level 2 Heal on Jorg’ath for 20. “Would you like to Heal his mouth closed,” Skabb asks. Hartvig will go a bit wrong if he uses his Focus spell, so he Guides the cat.
Luna shoots with a 17, but that misses. Jorg’ath is pretty sure our crit machine is broken. “How is this happening?” 13 also misses, and Luna slinks back into the shadows.
Jorg’ath does some slashing - 10 damage. Nice. He Rages, because he forgot he wasn’t already, then finally, he will - how big is this beast? Medium. “He’s getting thrown! I’m gonna suplex this motherfucker. Oh… That’s sad.”
The scalathrax will bite Jorg’ath - 34 hits for 19 damage. It bites him again - 19 misses. Third attack is an 8.
Skabb has a death wish so she goes and flanks the scalathrax, earning herself a Hero Point and an approval box that says ‘everyone liked that’. She bites it but misses, so she Hero Points it. That also misses, so for her third action she bites again. Natural 1 for a big red 5. She starts chewing her own arm, thinking it’s a scalathrax leg.
Nadia does 3 more damage, but that’s all. Sprocket is down but stable.
Hartvig moves and casts Needles. “Ahhhh, get Needled!” 21 hits now that Skabb is flanking it, for 13 piercing damage, yeah! That’s us working as a team, that is. He gets a Hero Point.
Luna shoots but misses, then again, then hides. She’s usually better at this. “Rats,” Jorg’ath says, knowing that’s what she usually says.
Jorg’ath swings and misses. He has a go at Intimidating it, puffing his chest out. 24! It is Frightened 1! He punches at it, 21 hits for 6 bludgeoning. He gets a Hero Point!
It bites him twice, then Skabb - 30 to hit Jorg’ath, 14 misses, and 8 misses Skabb as well.
Skabb is up. She goes in with her Grill of Aberration Bane again, but misses. If she does a ray spell, will it hit the other people flanking the scalathrax? The DM will check… Nope, she’s good. 24 hits for 12 cold damage and a howdydoodis!
The legs freeze like little see-through popsicles; she snaps them off and stuffs them in her backpack.
I bow out because I’m not feeling too clever this week. Lovely Skabb takes over the notes from here…
We mooched around the cave and found two secret doors. One to the east and one to the north. No treasure to be found (apart from the delicious seafood platter). Returned to town and we’re all healed and rested in the temple. All conditions removed. We then went and did a spend, buying a repeating crossbow, 2 cartridges (each containing 5 bolts) and an extra 20 bolts for the lovely Nadia. This will work with all of her class features and if put in her bandolier will be a plus 1. She can fire 5 bolts before needing to reload. We also bought 4 holy waters given that we think all the levels of this dive will be riddled with deadites. Nadia has 2 and Luna has the other two (should be added to inventories). We bought Luna a plus 1 bow, which is in her inventory. J’orgarth bought Skabb two healing potions to repay her for his greedy ways in battle. We met a Tengu called Magiloy. He runs a hipster alchemy micro brewery. Jorgarth decided he wanted to be his buddy so sent Sprocketses and Hartvig to big him up. He’s now friendly towards jorgarth only and indifferent to the rest of us. When you are his friend you can work for him as a lab rat for his latest alchemical yum yums. We wondered if Nadia might also like to be his chum to access his alchemical know how/training? Plan for next week: More bird fancying Mischief with Skabbers Check in on Augie in our new gaff Return to crabville to check out the secret doors
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yourcomedyminute · 1 year
Your Comedy Minute: Scott Tells Me About A Bull Named Howdy Doody In A Car #Bull #Cow #Steer #HowdyDoody #Beef #Norfolk #Nebraska #LeeMeyer #Police #Warning #Car #Ford #Crown #Victoria #DavidLetterman #Funny #Comedy #Laugh #Humor #Shorts 
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travsd · 4 years
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#peanutgallery #buffalobob #howdydoody travsd.Wordpress.com/2012/11/27/Buffalo-Bob-smith-sells-twinkies/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CIG1kmHjke6ZZxpbwpkkg2YvZOWGAmFWIuQlWM0/?igshid=1moinwr6ldyjq
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slickcatbooks · 2 years
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Two “A” first editions from the late 1940’s! For all you Little Golden Book collectors! #slickcatbooks #greatbooksgreatmemories #katiethekitten #howdydoody #howdydoodyscircus #littlegoldenbook #littlegoldenbooks #goldenbook #goldenbooks #kathrynandbyronjackson #aliceprovensen #martinprovensen #aliceandmartinprovensen #edwardkean #lizdauber #dangormley #circus #circuses #clarabell #clarabelltheclown https://www.instagram.com/p/CeLOyzLOZq4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thegodbeast-mushi · 2 years
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Toy scores!!! Everything $1 or less except the Mexican bootleg luchador was $2. 😉💪😎 @theartofmjofficial has a new hairdo…his mohawk revival!!! #brownville #brownvillenebraska #brownvillene #nebraska #roadtrip #lincoln #lincolnne #fleamarketfinds #toyfinds #marxdinosaurs #marx #marxtoys #jurassicpark #jurassicparktoys #luchador #mexicanbootegs #howdydoody #fisherpriceadventurepeople #xrayman #muscletoys #muscletoy #musclefigures #littlerubberguys #lincolnnebraska #thegodbeast #portugueseplayboy #godbeast #mowhawk #fleamarket #brownvillefleamarket (at Brownville, Nebraska) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeG2Gu5Oac-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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snowplantstore · 3 years
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. ◆60-70's kid's Howdy Doody sweatshirt (Sold out) #60s#70s#kids#HowdyDoody#Vintagesweatshirt#Vintagestock #snowplant #snow_plant #snow_plant_store #snowplantstore #usedclothing #vintage_clothing #vintage #asakusa #im #スノープラント#古着屋#古着#ヴィンテージ#浅草古着屋#浅草 ... 【ご来店の際のお願い】 ⚫︎ご入店時は、マスク着用をお願い致します。 ⚫︎ご入店前のアルコール消毒にご協力をお願い致します。(入り口のアルコールをご利用ください。) ⚫︎混雑時、入店制限をさせていただく場合がございます。 ⚫︎マスク着用での対応とさせていただきます。共用部分のアルコール消毒・ドアを開けて換気をし営業致します。 . . 東京都台東区浅草5-50-6 1F 03-5849-4310 営業日 : 火・水・土・日 営業時間 : 13:00〜19:00 WEB SHOP : https://snowplant.buyshop.jp ※お店へのお電話でのお問い合わせは、営業時間内にお願い致します。その他DMにてお問い合わせください。 ※通販対応もしております。 (SNOW PLANT) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXs6GrvvVdv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shopping490490 · 3 years
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https://www.ebay.com/itm/165027898479 #puppet #forsale #howdydoody #vintage #collectibles https://linktr.ee/shopping490490 #ebay #mercari #shopify #etsy #poshmark #bonanzamarket #twitter #tumblr #facebook #instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CUAxSz8LvNa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vintagebaron · 6 years
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#howdydoody #buffalobobsmith #ventriloquist #record #vinyl #vinyligclub
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lootbylouise · 4 years
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Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Vintage Cowboy Boots with Spurs Mid Century Ceramic Salt and Pepper Shakers Howdy Doody Boots Tall Brown #ceramic #cowboyboot #spurs #texas #saltandpepper #spiceshaker #howdydoody #cowboy https://etsy.me/3kbOYqk (at Clear Lake, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLkOGywFcBD/?igshid=1wms7t6pgiaua
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Howdy Doody Ventriloquist Doll dated 1972 by National Broadcast Co. - Great piece for you 1950s decor or for the tv collector. Purchase on post or visit us at www.bit.ly/HowdyDoody1972Doll - #sezzle #1950s #50style #MCM #50sdecor #dolls #vintage #vintagedolls #puppets #tvcharacters #televisioncollectibles #collectibles #tv #HowdyDoody #NationalBroadcastingCo #NBC #vintagetoys #toys #TGIT #Thursday #shopping https://www.instagram.com/p/CKUNHQHADNA/?igshid=1p5b6p14i34oh
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phantombraxiatel-14 · 9 months
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Here's something I'll be working on for the coming year. It's my take on a classic children's television series. I'll upload the completed drawings on either the 23rd or the 27th of 2024.
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abominationvault · 5 months
Session 32: Sat Apr 20 2024
Doctors. Bloody weirdos. Skabb is eating, quote, “Some kind of awful-looking salad”, so she and Jorg’ath will be on mute for a while. (There’s sea-cheese in it.) Luna is nearing her due date and ready to welcome Baby Wee Jock 2 into the world, more updates as we receive them. :)
Ooooh I forgot we’re in initiative and moved Nadia, whoops. I put her back.
Luna is up first, so she assesses the situation and does some moving and counting, spots a corpselight about to descend into a body. She toys with the idea of distracting it by pretending to be a corpse herself, but decides against it. Has she got anything chunky she can lob at the skeleton to smash it? She searches her bag, in vain. She decides to pick up a dainty little conference room chair and chuck it. Improvised weapons! She does take a -2 penalty as she’s not proficient, but she rolls a 29 so it don’t matter. 1d4+1 for 2 damage, boo. But they’re weak to bludgeoning so it ends up a 7! “How many pieces is the skeleton in now?” she wants to know.
Nadia stabs the newly risen body with her bayonet (Sprocket: “gun knife!”), and then wonders what would happen if she smashed a healing potion over the head of the body. Would it hurt it…? It’s undead… She decides to have a go, and rolls all crits for 19 bludgeoning damage and 8 more damage from the potion, earning herself a Hero Point.
Hartvig finds a wine cellar. “Ah perfect! Well, I’ll see you guys later.” No corpses in here, so he generously saves the wine for after the fight.
(Sprocket still wants his swarm of cutlery, because it can pin enemies. Hartvig: “Your homunculus can pin stuff too, just in a WWE style.”)
Hartvig wants to do Torturous Trauma, but it relies on the target having internal organs. Skeletons, not known for that. He can do a Heal? He only has two actions left. Some confusion left over from last week about how his signature spell works, he does it anyway but the corpselight saves. It does take half damage, 24 halved to 12. Hartvig, muttering: “… I was reading the wrong spell… … Right, I’m finished.”
Sprocket directs his sacrificial (“I mean, ‘good buddy homunculus’,”) to bite the skeleton in front of it. 27 hits for 4 damage, no poison damage. Again, 20 hits for 4 more. He then casts Dungeon Bidet on it, it saves but I don’t hear if it takes half damage or not. Augustus wants to throw a chair over Nadia’s head, the DM will let him try with a -2 penalty as there is an elf-tiefling in the way. 29 still hits and howdydoodis!
“Augustus brings a chair into the ring!” If his face was capable of expressions he’d be grinning, as it is he creaks like a ship under sail.
Jorg’ath stomps into the room, briefly hampered by Grabby Cat (Skabb: “hehe!”), and exits the game. On his return, he feels left out by all these people throwing things, so he picks up a table with his Oversized Throw feat and smashes it over the head of the corpse in the side room with Luna and Sprocket. 14 to hit. “Oh, come on now.” He Hero Points that for 28. 3 plus his Strength modifier (4) and some extra added by the DM for 12 damage total. He swings his javelin at it as well for good measure, but 13 misses.
Little Skabber. She wanted to jump up on the big dining table and is dismayed briefly when she thinks Jorg’ath has thrown it, but he actually threw a smaller table so the big one is still there. Pleased, she scrambles up onto it, takes out her sling and whips it around her head - 27 for 9 damage, 16 misses, Hero Point but it’s worse.
The three corpselights in light form flicker and fade, but the one in front of the homunculus claws at it. 9 misses. (Peanut gallery: “Some sub-standard clawing there.” “What a shame.”)
Luna goes in with her rapier to rattle the skeleton’s bones a bit. 26 - how de do dis! “I smash it into gravel, and roll it around on the floor like marbles.”
The remaining lights blink out. We won! Final Fantasy fanfare.
Jorg’ath finds a room - no, a black hole! - and the DM suddenly gets very excited. Storage bins, tools, lumps of stone. He rolls initiative - whuh? (Luna wants to nip over and shut the door behind him.)
A new friend!
Around him are more bodies, too broken for the corpselights to inhabit. He thinks something hid in here and got crushed, somehow? Sadly, he can’t target New Friend because it’s invisible. (Hartvig: “Experimental Chinese stealth armour!” This week, we have been mostly playing, Fallout.)
Jorg’ath uses some Battle Medicine, but rolls Poorly. He Hero Points it for Worse. He does a big squeal so we all know he needs help, and next round we can all roll and join in. Lastly he reaches into his pocket for some chalk, crushes it and throws it into the air. (Impressed noises from all of us.) 24 with his Greatsword (and it’s magical too, he learned his lesson from the last time he fought fuckin’ ghosts) and it takes 10 slashing damage.
Hartvig, with a heavy sigh: “Why do we never fight anything with internal organs, [DM]?”
The chalky bitch gets a turn, and Jorg’ath suggests it fucks off back down its hole. It declines, and hits him for 22 bludgeoning damage. “… That really hurt me. Not just physically, that hurt me emotionally too.”
Sprocket is the first to wade in. How long does he have the homunculus for? (Hartvig: “Don’t tell me you’re fed up of it already. You said you’d feed it and look after it.”) Augustus moves to the door and opens it, assesses the situation, and slowly closes the door. Sprocket moves to the big table and does a Phase Bolt for 9 damage.
Luna is next. She shoots, misses, shoots, misses. “Shit. Nothing. I’m done.”
Jorg’ath, and 18 with his greatsword misses. Wait - no, it does miss, as does the ten. (H: “Are you sure it’s a great sword?” J: “… We’ll have less of that, thank you.” H, giggling: “I got in trouble!”) Jorg’ath chugs a potion and rolls a 1 for his healing. Woof.
Hartvig didn’t see where everyone went, and whips around looking for them. He locates the door and walks to it, and instantly forgets the plan he had. “Needle darts! Oh…” He Hero Points for a 20 to hit. He is using the silver he was given, and deals 13 damage! “Fuck yeah! Get killed.”
Jorg’ath’s new friend does a Telekinetic Storm at him:
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It shoots a bunch of stuff from one of the bins at him, with a -2 to hit. 20 damage. Jorg’ath: “I am fully dead. I’m having a BIG lie-down.” 16 hits Augustus as well, for 20 more damage. It screeches at us: “GET OUT! GET OUT!!!” (Jorg’ath: “I didn’t even really want to get in.”)
Skabber has two options, and doesn’t know what to do. Will Magic Missile hurt it? She could Disrupt Undead instead…? Magic Missile, 3 actions, 11 damage, plus more next time.
Nadia uses one of her ghost bombs, discovering that the poltergeist isn’t weak to positive damage. It does take all of it though. She ends her turn standing over Sprocket.
Sprocket is next, and he will not summon a homunculus again. (“Come, Gavin, from the nether realm!”) Instead he will do a little bit of Phase Bolting. “Oooh, no he won’t. Ah, I’ll spend a Hero Point.” He does it 6 damage, and Augustus will do an Electric Arc for a green 9 damage. DM: “Stinker!” The poltergeist saves against his attack, launched “with verve and panache, but very little skill” ( - Hartvig).
Luna goes for an electric arc as well, it saves but takes half her 8 damage for 4. She hides below the table height. DM: “You are confident that you are hidden.”
Jorg’ath makes a death save, while gurgling: a 12, success. He has no Hero Points to stabilise himself…
A turn late, Hartvig Heals him with a 2 actioner for 16+6, 22 total. Better than a slap in the face with a wet fish. What to do with his remaining action? He doesn’t want to make his curse worse, but what he has in mind is a good spell, and will tell him a lot about the poltergeist. And give him a +2 roll on his next attack. He decides it’s not worth getting dusty for so he gives Guidance to the Poltergeist. No wait, to Skabber.
Jorg’ath makes a request of the DM, he wants to keep some of his HP until the next round, but the DM is capricious and merciless and the poltergeist would rather he died, so she attacks him instead with a 19 to hit. Fortunately that misses, or he’d be taking 31 more damage. 32 does hit him, however, and does 14 damage. Sadly that’s also a critical hit as it’s 10 more than his AC. DM: “Excellent!” 26 more damage, and Jorg’ath has another lie-down. (He’s now wounded 1 and dying 2. We need to get him out of that room. He insists he can get to Dying 5 before he's really in trouble, but we would rather not let things spiral quite that far out of control.)
Skabber’s wand goes off again doing 4 more Magic Missile damage. She goes to do a 2 action heal on the lizard, but is asked not to. A 3 action might hurt the poltergeist…? Skabb can’t see it - would she need to move? No! She whips out her other wand (level 1 item) and does a 3 action Heal, returning some HP to all of us who are injured. 4, and that’s enough for a howdydoodis!
We all make a Religion check as we add 4 more HP to our totals. Skabb and Hartvig know the only way to put a poltergeist to rest is to do a funeral. Hartvig: “… I do it. I go in and wave my hands around in an occult way and say, ‘get out of it! You.’” Poltergeist dispatched, we sit down for some healing.
Sprocket does some Risky Surgery on Jorg’ath, who is on a whopping 4 HP. There is an outside chance that it will kill him, as it does a d8 damage first. Jorg’ath tells him to picture him as the wounded triceratops from Jurassic Park. “Do it.” Sprocket gives him a healing potion first. “Wimp.”
18 Medicine check is a success, which the feat transforms into a critical success! Jorg'ath was Wounded 2, and is now no longer wounded at all. Skabb: “Run, Sprocket, he might be about to hump you.” Sprocket: “No! I’m tiny and not load-bearing.”
Skabb snuffles for treasure. Secret DM roll, and she is confident that there is nothing here except junk and bits of skeleton. She asks Jorg’ath to lower her into the pit to search for slugs and spiders. It is a metal pipe, rusty and dank-smelling. “Oooh! I might stay here.” No bugs, but she can hear Jorg’ath's heavy breathing up top, and a faint dripping sound. Jorg’ath: “That’s just my blood.”
She sneaks and scuttles along the pipe, looking for things that are either juicy or worrisome. She hears a gruff male voice say, “I can smell you, goblin!” Is it the werewolf?
“Oh hi! Sorry. My mistake. Is this your territory too?”
“You’re damn right! Fuck off!”
So it is the werewolf. Skabb will be fucking off then. Maybe if we bought him a bacon roll he’d be a bit friendlier? There is a Gregg’s near here... Sprocket: "We want to cheer him up, not make a permanent enemy of him."
“Can you smell this?” Skabb shouts at the werewolf as she leaves, and farts. Performance check: 20! We all hear the fart, and Skabb giggling. She exits quickly, as “this is one I can taste.”
Has Sprocket been reading his book about teleportation? He has. He does an Arcana check: 17. “That many.” He is making progress, but doesn’t have the ritual down yet. (Jorg’ath is asking, as he’s found another teleportation circle.)
Jorg’ath selects some fine vintages from the wine room to give to Hartvig to thank him for saving him. It all looks a bit dusty and crap, if he had someone here who knew wines he might be able to find a good one. (Poor Society check.) Sprocket has a go, since he seems to inexplicably know things. True to form, it works - he finds 3 valuable bottles worth 20gp each in amongst the crap. “These 3 are good for drinkin’!” (Danny Glover Danny Glover Danny Glover.) Jorg’ath gives one to Hartvig.
Skabb is still snuffling for treasures. She is starting to form a picture of what might have happened here. (Is there a ye olde toaster in the bath, Jorg’ath wants to know. Again with the Fallout.)
More Perception checks from Luna - she finds a door. Skabb spots another teleportation circle, this one with the silver intact. Columbo-Skabb continues her search. (Jorg’ath is singing, Performance 7. Hartvig recognises a traditional lizard-folk war yodel.)
Luna’s door is not trapped, and if she moves some stuff in the right order it will open.
Skabb thinks she knows what happened here, so she jumps up on the table to announce it Columbo style. She believes the skeletons are the remains of some kind of thieves guild. Perhaps Velcro brought them here, but something happened so she ordered her cooks to poison them. Then the cooks poisoned themselves, also on her orders.
Luna opens her door and finds a dark, natural cave tunnel. The floor is strewn with bones and metal scraps. Old armour and weapons, she thinks. Skabb says that the tunnel will lead back to the werewolf room. She wants to send Grabby Cat for a recce, since Luna doesn’t have darkvision. As she’s not a real raccoon, perhaps the werewolf won’t smell her.
Then, this appears in the chat:
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Jorg’ath, singsong: “There goes Grabby!”
Grabby Cat makes a Reflex save - nat 20 for a green 25! The DM will allow her an action. Jorg’ath wants her to draw a picture of a Scalathrax. She retreats back to us instead, and communicates what she saw to Skabb. There are two of them, in a big pool of water, and the cave splits into three directions. She thinks one leads to the werewolf.
We’ve encountered this before:
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We describe it to Jorg’ath, who wasn’t here when we encountered the last one. “Big… Slathering jaws…” “Delicious!”, Skabb puts in.
They are oily and weak to fire, Sprocket remembers. (Hartvig: “And lemon juice. And tartar sauce.”) We could take ‘em! Jorg’ath might need a bit more healing first, though. Skabb has a go, but manages to roll 8 damage. “You’re going to get a really cool scar out of this,” she tells him as she splats mud in the wound from Sprocket’s surgery.
Sprocket does surgery on himself. “It’s fine as long as I roll good on the Medicine check. … Ah, Hero Point.”
Hartvig can sneak, and he can Produce Flame. Grabby has a hankering for crab, will he go and set them alight? “Don’t get too close or they’ll spit oil at you and turn you to paste.” Hartvig will Heal us all with Sprocket’s Heal scrolls before he goes. 9 HP back for us all, yay!
Skabb wants to cast something on Hartvig. “I promise it doesn’t involve mud. Or spit.” Sprocket tells her that Scalathraxes are aberrations, so she casts Blood Ward to protect Hartvig from those.
Hartvig and Jorg’ath both do a big sneak, rolled by the DM; Hartvig is more confident than Jorg’ath that he’s actually hidden. Jorg’ath will hang back until Hartvig hollers for help, at which point he will come and be a meat shield.
Produce Flame is a bit weedy so Hartvig does this:
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A critical success! The closest one takes 18 Fire damage, and gives a horrible high pitched squeal. Hartvig rolls initiative, and marks off a Focus Point…
We all roll to join in, with varying levels of enthusiasm.
Nadia is up first, but requests to drop to the bottom of the order. Request granted, Sprocket steps up. He runs under the table toward the room with the tunnel entrance. He and Augustus have a thumb war, with nothing else they can really do.
Hartvig. “Already?” Does he have more fire… He kind of does, but it’s less cool. Focusing on the same one, he casts Produce Flame. DM: “Spider crab says no.” 19 misses… Hartvig Hero Points it for worse. (It was a risky one.) He hides in a corner and waits for his friends to come and get him out of the shit.
Luna is next. “Stealth cat! Do some stealth-catting!” Luna has fallen asleep, so Sprocket pilots her instead. She zips to the front of the queue and fires her bow; 20 misses. “Aaaaaand, slinking back down the corridor.”
Lizard boy has scuttled off, so Skabb goes to retrieve him. On his return, he strides in looking confident and does a big Rage roar. Then he smashes the Scalasgdpfhyjffx in the face, with more acid damage on top of his 13 slashing. 24 hits.
Now the scsdgljdfhldfjh;ljx gets a turn - it moves up and pukes oil all over Jorg’ath and Hartvig. Reflex saves, Hartvig makes his and Jorg’ath doesn’t. “It put the hurt on me, real good,” he says as he takes his 20 critical poison damage and becomes temporarily weak to fire. In addition, when he crit fails with his weapon he will drop it, as he is now oiled like a fish.
Another does the same thing, to both again. “Oh, son of a gun!” Both fail, Hartvig critically this time. (Nope - he has protection from Skabb’s spell so he takes 14 HP back.)
(The DM’s Fallout settlements need more concrete so we will go until we get back to Hartvig again and call it there.)
Skabb does Slashing Gust - 23 to hit both of them for 9 slashing damage, yeah. DM: “Stinker. Nicely done.” 23 is just what we needed to hit, so we make a note of that.
Hartvig: “We’ve got them on the ropes now. We’ve surrounded them from within!”
Nadia uses her glue bullet and misses, and with that less than stellar round complete, we call it.
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