#however this fic is gonna be throughout highschool entirely
sharklemonss · 2 years
My blog is barren right now because literally all of my brainpower is being put into this fic I'm writing so um. Here's a snippet bc im overambitious and it's gonna be a while
"Hey," Laurence's voice broke him out of his thoughts, "hand me your yearbook, man. I promise I won't make fun of you this time." His hand was held out, a kind smile on his face instead of a mischievous one this time. Without a second thought, Garroth handed it over, and Laurance seemed to whip a sharpie out of nowhere. He scribbled something on the back page, quickly and with practiced ease. Snapping the book shut, he passed it back to Garroth, a proud smirk now gracing his lips.
Thinking it was best to make light of the situation, Garroth clutched the book close to his chest before turning to fully face his friend. "You better not have written anything inappropriate. My parents check my yearbook, y'know." He crossed his arms, watching as Lauranced feigned fear and gasped quite loudly.
"Oh no, I can't bear the thought of your parents looking upon my abomination!" Laurance cried, clutching his chest and stumbling back dramatically. "Hide it under your bed, say I burned it, anything so they don't lay their eyes upon such horror!"
For a moment, Garroth laughed. He laughed until his stomach hurt, tears welling in his eyes. Being with him felt so good; he always got jittery when he knew they would be around each other again. He looked forward to their walks, butterflies tickling the walls of his stomach when the time approached. He could easily say Laurance was his best friend. He hoped they could stay that way over summer.
Regretfully, when he calmed down, his smile slightly fell. "I have to go," Garroth spoke quietly, the words loud in the crisp summer air. The word "goodbye" sounded sour, like it meant more than just parting ways. He didn't want to say it.
Laurance nodded in understanding. His smile never left, though, as he slowly walked backwards. "See you later, Garroth." He waved, leaving him to his own devices as he walked his own way home.
Opening the book, he looks carefully at the last page. In bright orange sharpie in the bottom corner sits a phone number and a little note.
"Hoping you like me better than the other numbers littered here. Here's to a fun summer together! -Laurance"
Smiling gently, he looks in the direction Laurance walked in. "Yeah," Garroth mumbled to himself, a little more hopeful, "see you later."
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sparklydreamies · 4 years
Best Shot
Group: Stray Kids
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 4500+
Summary: Han Jisung, certified quiet boy, has never really understood the hype about love and romance. That is until he has to step out of his comfort zone and onto the basketball court to impress that one person he can’t stop thinking about
Main Themes: highschool!AU, basketball!AU, internalized homophobia, friends-to-lovers
a/n: Hi guys! This is my first time writing a slow burn, multi chapter fic! I worked very hard on this and I am proud of the results. I will try and upload more chapters regularly :) Enjoy!!
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From the outside, Han Jisung would seem to be the average high school senior. He goes to school, comes home, does his average two or three hours of homework, maybe picks up a shift at the bakery he works at, and tries his best to maintain his barely existent social life.
Jisung always has had a way of emitting this friendly air that all desirable friends have. There aren’t many people who have had a conversation with him that can honestly say that they dislike him. He would not be considered overly popular, or overly smart, or overly artistic; however, nobody could deny his good looks.
He had the type of face that many actors would kill for. Of course he knew this, but he tried hard to not define himself by it. He was used to getting the occasional side glace from his female classmates, or opening his locker to a love letter or two from some hopeful freshman that believed she had a chance with him.
The truth about Jisung was, perhaps he wasn’t as average as many would have suspected. Sure nobody really knew about it, but he wasn’t interested in those girls.
He's dated girls, he's kissed girls, but he has never once felt the spark from them that high school dramas and romance movies have trained him to expect. He walks around the school as the center of attention to some of these girls, and he can’t even seem to figure out why.
Maybe the whole thing is just overrated. Maybe movies and dramas have over exaggerated the entire concept of teenage romance. Maybe he just hasn’t found the right girl yet. Maybe it’s worth holding himself out for the girl that would change his experience with romance.
Then again, he is just young. He doesn’t have a good enough understanding of the whole idea to make that kind of judgement. The easiest thing for him to do is to focus on school and live his teenage years right, so he won’t regret it.
Other than the fact that he saw his friends and his favourite biology teacher everyday, school was a nightmare. Jisung shouldn’t complain about it though; school was awful for everyone his age. It was only one more year before he could leave the last four of them behind. Not only did Jisung have to deal with the pressures of school from his teachers and peers during the day, but he had to come home every night to a family that had one goal and one goal for him only- to get into one of the world’s top 100 universities.
He knows that he shouldn’t complain about his parents; he knows that they only want the best for him, but he still can’t shake the stress of it all. Sometimes it seems like his academics are all they care about.
Nevertheless, Jisung deals with it. The same way he deals with everything in his life.
“Jisung, did you hear about the basketball teams party?”
Of course he had. Everybody had. And just like always, Jisung has no interest in going.
“Felix, why do you always care so much about those stupid parties?” Jisung answered.
Lee Felix was one of Jisung’s two best friends. They had known each other since primary school, when Jisung accidentally tripped Felix during a game of capture the flag. The two had been inseparable all throughout their school years.
Felix had a dumbfounded look on his face as he processed what Jisung said.
“Why do I care? Because I should!” he whined, “Jisung, we’re seniors and we have been to what, like two parties?” Jisung could tell Felix wanted to go.
“Actually no,” Kim Seungmin said, dropping his bag down beside the table where the other two were eating lunch and sitting down, “Felix has been to like two parties, and Jisung hasn’t been to any.”
Felix gave a sort of I told you so gesture to Jisung, which the latter waved off. “It’s so overrated,” Jisung explained, “a bunch of drunk, horny teenagers... rubbing together or something.. I don’t know, it just sounds gross.”
“Give Felix a drink, and you’ll have yourself a drunk, horny teenager,” Seungmin commented, and Felix punched him in the arm.
“Jisung, think about it?” Felix begged, and Jisung sighed.
“I’m sorry dude, did you even get invited?”
The only thing worse than going to a high school party was going to a high school party that they weren’t invited to.
Felix scoffed at him, “it’s open invite, it’s always open invite. You know that.”
The bell rang throughout the cafeteria, and all around them kids began packing up to get to their next class.
“I’ll think about it.” Jisung reluctantly said. There was no way he was going to go.
“Attention teachers. At this time, please dismiss all students on the varsity boys basketball team for their away game today against Eastmile High. Students, wish our boys luck!”
The announcements blared throughout the school, just in case anybody didn’t already know about what kings the boys on the basketball team were. They always had a near full turnout at all of their games, they had girls lining up out the door for their numbers, and of course, they had the street credit of those amazing parties they always throw.
Jisungs eyes flicked towards a boy rise from his seat on the other side of the room. Of course it was Hwang Hyunjin.
“Yeah, just go. Good luck Mr. Hwang,” Jisung’s math teacher said, and Hyunjin mumbled a quick thanks, packed up his books, and headed for the door for another inevitable win.
Hyunjin and Jisung used to be very close in primary school, mainly due to the fact that they lived about four houses down from each other. When they got old enough for their parents to trust them, they used to walk to school together.
Things change, that’s just the way it was. During their first year of high school, Jisung was immediately tagged as the “quiet kid”, whereas Hyunjin made it on the basketball team and the soccer team, making him a double threat jock. Jisung was fine with that for a while, they still hung out on weekends every so often, and they’d be invited to each other’s birthday celebrations. Eventually, Hyunjin began to drift apart from Jisung more and more. Soon, he stopped saying hi to him in the halls. By the time senior year came around, Hyunjin and Jisung were strangers.
But that’s fine. Everybody loses their primary school friends when they go to high school, it’s just how it is.
Jisung continued on his practice problems, even though there was only five minutes left until the bell rang and he could leave. Jisung never felt he was that good in math, but he has no choice but improve if he wants to make it into a good school.
The bell rang shortly after that, and Jisung packed up his books, hastily shoving them in his bag.
“Do you have any plans for the weekend, Mr. Han?” Jisung’s teacher asked, and this was one of those times that Jisung mentally cursed that the seating plan has him in front of the teacher’s desk.
“Uh, no actually, not really.” He answered dryly, hoping that his teacher would just leave it at that. Ah, but he was a dreamer.
“What?” his teacher asked, “but you’re a high school senior and it’s Friday night!”
Jisung scoffed a little bit in his head. So? he wanted to ask.
“Yeah I don’t know yet, maybe I’ll do something with my friends,” Jisung wished this guy would see how he doesn’t want to talk anymore, and thankfully, the man was distracted by a small girl from the back row.
“Sir, can I ask a question about the homework?” she asked, and Jisung took this opportunity to leave with the wave of other students filing out of the classrooms into the overly crowded halls.
Jisung made his way over to Felix’s locker, which is conveniently near Seungmin’s locker. It was the next hall over from his math class, and when he turned the corner, he saw that the two of them were already there, talking and packing their bags.
“What’s going on?” Jisung asked, leaning up against the locker beside Felix’s. Felix bent down to zip up his back pack,
“We’re talking about the party tonight,” Seungmin answered nonchalantly. Of course they were.
“My mom’s gonna drive us since I can’t drive and Seungmin’s keys are confiscated,” Felix added. Jisung knew there was more. “That is, unless a friendly little introvert would mind helping us out, and experiencing this great thing I’m always hearing about, what is it called again Seungmin?”
“I believe you’re looking for the word fun, Felix.”
Felix snapped his fingers, “That’s it! Fun!” Felix smiled sickeningly at Jisung. There it was.
Jisung groaned, but finally agreed to give the boys a ride to the party. Jisung got his licence over the summer, and he saved up all of his tips from his job at the bakery, plus his birthday and Christmas money to afford a car. Of course, not only his parents are abusing the fact that they have a son who can drive, but Jisung’s friends are also begging and bribing him all the time for rides places.
“This is going to be so much fun, you won’t regret it!” Felix shouted.
The three of them walked over to Jisung’s locker so that he could get packed up, and then made their way outside to Jisung’s car, where Jisung would drive them home from school. Jisung’s car was not the prettiest or the most functional, but it was good enough to get from point A to point B.
When Jisung dropped Felix off at his place, Felix reminded him to be ready and to pick them up at 8:00 so that they can make it to the party at 8:30. Jisung nodded him off and drove himself back home.
Jisung’s mom wasn’t happy about him going to a party that night. She was concerned because he had a biology test on the following Tuesday. Even though that was the class Jisung was most confident with, she still wanted him to spend as long as he can studying. She finally agreed to let him go when he told her that he would go to see his teacher at lunch and after school on Monday for extra study time.
Jisung knew he was done for when Chaeryeong found out he was actually going to a real high school senior party.
Chaeryeong was Jisung’s little sister, who was a good three years younger than him. She was a freshman at his school, and never ceased to butt into his life, even though socially, her’s was much better.
“Please take me with you,” she begged him after she found out about his plans during dinner, “I just want to know what it’s like,”
Chaeryeong, just like a good number of freshmen, still had a large group of friends from her primary school, as well as many new people that she had just met this year. Even though she was only about one month into her high school career, she already had the numbers of more people than Jisung got in his four years of going to that school.
Jisung would be one to call Chaeryeong popular.
“I told you before, you aren’t old enough to go to parties like these, mom is barely letting me go,” Jisung argued. Chaeryeong obviously only wanted to go to this party so that she could brag to her friends that she went to a senior party hosted by the varsity basketball team. The last thing Jisung wanted for his sister is for her to be exposed to all those perverted teenage boys.
“I am so old enough, and besides you owe me one!” Jisung rolled his eyes as he walked up the stairs to his bedroom.
“I don’t owe you shit, now please leave me alone.”
“But Hyunjin will be there!” she whined as she followed him up the stairs. Jisung felt his stomach drop when he remembered about the fact that Hyunjin would be there. Maybe he won’t show? No, this is a basketball team party, of course he’ll be there. Jisung might just have to try and avoid that awkward encounter with his old friend.
Jisung knew about Chaeryeong’s big fat crush on Hyunjin, and it sickened him. Sure, Jisung knew that Hyunjin was attractive for girls like Chaeryeong, but that didn’t give her the right to drool over his childhood best friend.
Jisung stopped outside his door and looked Chaeryeong in her eyes. “Please stay away from him, he won’t even be interested in you anyways,” she pouted at Jisung.
“You don’t know that,” She mumbled, avoiding his gaze. Jisung sighed. As annoying as she could be sometimes, he had to admit that he hated to see her upset. She began picking at her freshly painted nails.
“Chae, I can’t take you with me, okay?” she sighed at him and nodded her head. “Maybe another time.”
Jisung turned away from his sulky little sister into his bedroom, and locked the door behind him. His room was messy, but not too messy that he couldn’t focus in it. It would be better to call it disorganized.
Jisung dressed himself in just some black jeans and a hoodie. There was no need to go all fancy for this party, especially when he could already tell he wouldn’t be there long.
8:00 came faster than he thought it would.
Jisung had a weird feeling in his stomach while he grabbed his car keys and yelled goodbye to his mom. He didn’t know if it was nerves, or excitement, or anxiety. Maybe it was all three. He hoped to God that this party would go over well because if he did something embarrassing, it would further marginalize him from the rest of his classmates. He also hoped that this party wouldn’t get as crazy as he sees in movies.
Felix and Seungmin were more than ecstatic to be going to another basketball team party. They spent the whole car ride filling Jisung in on what great things happened at the other parties the other two went to, as well as speculating what might happen tonight. Jisung was amazed at how excited the other boys seemed because for him, all of these recounts seemed like horror stories. Jisung felt that weird feeling in his chest again when Felix told him they were close to Bang Chan’s house, where the party was.
“Who knows,” Felix started, “maybe we’ll even meet some girls tonight.”
Jisung supposed that was true. Maybe making out with a cute girl would make this night a little less awful.
“Felix, remember last time when those three girls took their tops off?” Seungmin said, excitedly hitting Felix in the arm. Felix giggled as he remembered the incident. Maybe this party would be okay if something like that were to happen again.
“You guys are such pervs,” Jisung chuckled, expecting nothing less than that from his friends. Jisung was happy that he had such light-hearted friends though, it made for funny conversations.
“Shit, we’re here” Seungmin commented, and Jisung’s eyes laid on the house at the end of the street. Cars were lined up down the road, people were dancing on the grass, and music was blaring from the house loud enough that Jisung could feel a slight vibration all the way over in his car. Great.
“Holy fuck, it looks awesome!” Felix was practically buzzing from the passenger seat, itching to get out and pour himself a cup of whatever the hell was in there. Jisung managed to find a spot that wasn’t already taken, and parked his car.
The three boys left their car, and made their way over the grass on the front lawn. The house was crowded with people, and the music was already starting the give Jisung a headache. At least he was smart enough not to drag Chaeryeong into this mess.
The three of them grabbed beers from one of the coolers in the living room, and made their way around the house.
“Oh my god, this is so cool!” Felix yelled, just loud enough that Jisung could hear it over the music. “Do you like it?” He asked Jisung.
“Uh,” Jisung started. He wanted to say no, that he wanted to go home, that he didn’t want to risk seeing his old primary school friends, but he also didn’t want to spoil the mood for Felix, who obviously loved these things so much. “Yeah, it’s much better than I thought it would be!” he yelled back, and Felix gave him a satisfied grin.
All around them, people were dancing, drinking, groping, and sucking each others faces. There was also one girl crying, but Jisung couldn’t tell if they were happy tears or sad tears. Seungmin had noticed a pretty girl staring at him, so he ended up ditching Felix and Jisung. That was fine; Jisung still had Felix.
Felix and Jisung were both probably a bit too many beers in, and slowly, Jisung found himself to be enjoying the foreign experience more and more. He had drank alcohol before, but he had never been fully drunk. He didn’t even know if he was drunk now. All he knew was that he loved parties. He loved all of the music they played, he loved spending time with Felix, he loved watching drunk people do stupid things.
Jisung left to go to the bathroom, which he has to do very often when he drinks, and found the stairs where Jisung and Felix were sitting to be empty. Felix ditched him.
Sober Jisung would have been pissed, but drunk Jisung noticed a girl looking at him, which made him happier.
She was cute, with long dark hair and a pretty face. Her eyes were all sparkly, Jisung noticed. She was standing with two other girls, but her attention was on Jisung. Boldly, Jisung began to approach her. The girl got the message, and walked towards him, too.
“Hi,” Jisung started. The girl giggled at him.
“Hi,” she said back, “I’m Nayeon”
Jisung told her his name. The girl, Nayeon, took his hand and led him to a hallway. Jisung thought she was enchanting. Her smile was beautiful, her hands were delicate, her skin was smooth and pale. All at once, she pressed her lips against his.
Jisung panicked a little bit. Things were moving very fast for him at that time, and he didn’t know what he should do. What should he do with his hands? Was she expecting him to do something? His mind was racing.
He thought that he would feel that spark that he was waiting for, but it never happened. Jisung was nervous and anxious while kissing Nayeon. She seemed confident enough, and Jisung knew that Felix would kill to be in his position, but it just made him uncomfortable.
Nayeon wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, licking at his bottom lip. He gasped a little bit, which she used to dip her tongue in his mouth. That was the line for Jisung.
Jisung pushed Nayeon off of him, which startled her.
“Stop,” he gasped. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and struggled to catch his breath. He felt his face heat up. His head was spinning.
When he looked up, Nayeon looked absolutely terrified.
“I’m so sorry,” she quickly said, “I-I just assumed, I though you wanted-”
“I thought I did too,” he assured. He was so confused. “’Scuse me, I have to find my friends,” he slurred, and took off down the hallway.
The music was making his head foggy and he felt dazed. He was dizzy, and he felt extremely nauseous. He knew what was about to happen, so he quickly raced himself through the crowds of people that smell like sweat and cheap liquor. As soon as he reached the bathroom, he threw up.
Jisung felt gross and sick, and he kept throwing up in Bang Chan’s bathroom. Once he finished throwing up all of his internal organs, he just sat there. He sat on the bathroom floor, and waited for the world to stop spinning.
Maybe he shouldn’t have sat there for so long because all of the sudden, Jisung heard the door open. He turned his head around to see Lee Minho standing in the door frame. Perfect.
Lee Minho was the captain of the varsity basketball team. If all cool and popular teenagers had a leader, it would be Lee Minho. He was handsome as all hell, which Jisung noticed upon his arrival. Jisung always overhears girls talking about him in the hallways. They talk about everything from how good of a kisser they think he is, to what their names would be if they were married, to how good they think his thighs looked in the school uniform.
Lee Minho wasn’t particularly that smart, but it was okay because he was charming and pretty. Jisung has heard all the rumors about the girls he pulls, and Jisung believes every single one of them.
Jisung snapped back into reality when he realized the predicament he was in. Jisung was sitting on the bathroom floor with a face as pale as the moon, and eyes as sunken in as a skeletons. Jisung couldn’t make himself stand up, so he just sat there, eyes on the boy in front of him.
Minho looked startled when he walked in, but his face transformed into one of concern.
“Are you okay?” he asked, crouching down so he could be face to face with the sickly boy. “You look like shit,” he added on. Jisung chuckled a little bit at that.
Jisung stared at the lines of worry across Minho’s face. He still felt so nauseous.
“You’re Jisung, right?” Minho asked. Jisung slowly nodded his head. How did Minho even know who he was? “I know that because of Hyunjin. You look very out of it,” Jisung smiled at Minho. “I’ll be right back”.
Minho stood up to leave, and much to Jisung’s embarrassment, he heard himself whine a little bit. Minho left the bathroom, and Jisung closed his eyes.
Jisung heard the door open again, and he saw Minho with a bottle of water in his hands.
“Drink this, it will make your head less dizzy,” he advised, and Jisung drank from the bottle. “Have you been drinking water tonight?”
Almost instantly after he took a sip, he felt his head begin to clear up. “I’ve been drinking...” Jisung started, wincing at how his voice sounds, “...but it hasn’t been water,” he finished. Minho chuckled at him.
“Jisung, don’t you know that when you drink, you need to have water with it? or else you’ll end up-” Minho paused and examined Jisung’s face, “-like this”.
Jisung smiled and took another sip. He shrugged at the statement.
“First time,” he mumbled. Minho tsked at him.
The older boy stood up and grabbed a washcloth from Chan’s sink drawer. He wet it with cold water, and sat back down by Jisung, who was focused on quickly finishing the water.
“Is it okay if I touch your face?” Minho asked, and Jisung smiled sweetly, nodding his head. Minho gently placed his hand on Jisungs chin and dabbed at his forehead with the washcloth. “You need to be careful when you drink,” Minho said, “did you drive here?” Jisung nodded. “Well you won’t be driving home,”
Jisung closed his eyes as the other boy made his way down his face with the washcloth, dabbing lightly over his eyes, across his cheeks, and even gently on his neck.
“You’re good at this,” Jisung mumbled, and Minho grinned at him.
“I have experience,” he answered.
That was one of the last things Jisung remembered about that night.
Jisung woke up with a searing headache. It felt like he was weighed down to the bed, and his brain was being split open. Then, it occurred to Jisung that he didn’t know exactly where he was or what happened at the end of last night.
Slowly, he pried his eyes open just enough to see the similar pattern of his bedspread. He was in his bed, safe and sound.
After a few minutes of questioning his life’s choices, he had decided that he was going to kill Lee Felix and Kim Seungmin for convincing him to go to that party. Cautiously, Jisung sat up in his bed, and saw from the clock on his wall that it was about noon. He groaned and made his way downstairs to get some water.
Once he drank a sufficient amount, he sat down at the kitchen table. His head was pounding, and he felt like he was going to explode. He sat there, trying to regain his strength, sanity, and memory.
How did he get home?
Maybe Seungmin drove him home with his car. He does have his licence after all.
“Han Jisung!” a shrill voice screamed, and Jisung stood up, giving himself a worse headache.
“Ahh! What is it Chaeryeong?” he groaned. His sister giggled and sat down on the table swinging her legs.
“How was your party?” she asked sweetly, as if she didn’t just rip his brain out of his head.
“It was fine,” Jisung answered, sitting back down in his seat. He knew that she wanted to say something. After a moment, he looked up and met her eyes. “What?” he asked.
“Mom’s pretty pissed off that you came home blackout drunk at 3:00 in the morning,” she answered. Jisung was caught off guard.
“Chae, how exactly did I get home? I didn’t drive, did I?” he asked, and she shook her head. Immediately, he felt a weight lift off his shoulders.
Chaeryeong punched him in the arm, “but thanks for the heads up, asshole,”
Jisung groaned and rubbed his arm, which stung like a bitch. “What the hell? What heads up?”
“The heads up about Hyunjin dropping you off! I answered the door for him in my pajamas! He looked absolutely beautiful, and I was in my pajamas!” she whined, and Jisung felt his stomach drop again.
“Hyunjin drove me home?” he asked.
“Jesus, how much did you have to drink anyway? Yeah, he dropped you off.” Chaeryeong stood back up. “I think you should go back over there and thank him, and you should take me with you,” she winked at Jisung. Jisung moaned and stood up.
Just then, he felt his phone vibrate in his pants, which he never ended up taking off from last night. It was a text from an unknown number.
Unknown: Hey, it’s Minho, I hope you don’t mind me getting your number from Hyunjin lol
Unknown: I just wanted to make sure you were doing well after last night
Unknown: Text me when you get this!
Why did Jisung’s heart get warm when he saw that?
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fanficcreator · 6 years
Naively in Love (Bucky x Reader) Part 1
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//Word Count: 1,710
Part 2
Highschool AU
Warnings: None
Notes: I know, I know, it’s been forever and a day since I’ve updated but that’s in the past! I’m glad to be back and hopefully I’ll be updating more frequently. This is somewhat of a “get back on my feet” fic that’s gonna be a couple of parts, hope y’all enjoy it! 
In the dim light of a setting sun, one would never believe that the slightest details could be noticed. But as a gaggle of teenagers hung around their school’s entrance, each and every detail was noticed in the (e/c) eyed starry gaze of a naive little girl. She was curled up in her favorite spot of the school, shielded by a tree’s reaching branches and surrounded by her notebooks of homework. 
She’d never seen anyone else but herself stay this late after school, but she wasn’t complaining in the slightest. People watching was one her favorite past times, anyway. However, upon looking closer, she realized that the group loitering a little ways down the grassy hill from her wasn’t just random people who went to her school.
It was James Buchanan Barnes and his group of friends. 
Butterflies were set alight in her stomach as she let the realization settle in.  She liked to call him Bucky in her mind; it takes the intimidating edge off of his name. She wouldn’t let go of the idea that she was falling in love. She never will. 
She was falling in love with Bucky Barnes: the football star of the school and the self-proclaimed heart breaker. How cliche but so so inviting. She found herself falling victim to his charms, and decided to let this be the single thing that she doesn’t over-think. 
Big mistake.
‘There he is...’ (y/n) thought to herself. Her lunch had gone cold as she occupied her time ogling over her crush. She set her chin in her hand and her eyes droop, locking her face into the classic love-struck look. Her cheeks felt warm as she let her mind run free with imaginary dates and ‘what-ifs’. 
She imagined picnics on warm summer days and carnival dates and kisses under the setting sun, her mind was reeling with tropes that she’d read about online. And her heart was filled with a fragile hope of those possibly coming true. 
“You’re drooling.” The friend sitting beside her elbowed her in her side, quite literally knocking (y/n) back into reality. She snickered when (y/n) tired to deny her. “You better wipe your mouth before Prince Charming sees you.” 
“Whatever,” she mumbled as she swiped her lip with her thumb, actually quite startled to find her finger coming away slightly wet, “it’s not like he would notice me anyway...”
Her friend just rolled her eyes, “This act is getting tired, (y/n), I’ve told you a million times that you’re someone worth noticing. You’ve gotta get it out of your head that you’re just some background character or something. It’s not healthy.” 
“I know, I know,” she dismissed, not wanting to hear another lecture on self worth, “But can you blame me? All throughout middle school I was nothing but ‘the quiet one’ in class, even the teachers thought of me that way.” (y/n) set her chin back into her hand, and she used her other to idly pick at her food. 
“Middle school was four years ago!” she exclaimed, “Wake up and smell the stress, (y/n), we’re in our last year of high school now. The labels that you had back then don’t matter anymore.”  
(y/n) just sighed in defeat as she dropped her fork onto the table, “I know.” Her tone, though low, seemed to indicate that she had let her friend’s words sink in, finally. When she turned to face her, she gave her a small smile, thanking her without saying a word. 
Her friend gave her a chuckle and a shove in her shoulder, “The best way for you to thank me, would be to listen to me.” 
“Yeah yeah...” (y/n) dismissed as she pick up her fork from the table, “I’m working on it.” 
“Mm hm,” she responded, returning to her lunch as well and glancing back over to Bucky and his group of boys when they randomly decided to get rowdy. She was quite startled to meet the blue eyed gaze of Bucky himself, but quickly got over herself and elbowed (y/n) in her side, “Don’t look now, but Prince Charming is looking this way.” 
“What made you wanna tell me that?” she asked, slightly annoyed, “It’s not like I’m the only person on this side of the room.” 
“I think he might be looking at you, (y/n). If not at you then he’s eyeing down the poster behind us pretty hard.” When (y/n) merely rolled her eyes and shook her head, her friend said, “go ahead and test it then. Wave at him and see if he waves back.” 
Begrudgingly, (y/n) sent a smile and a small wave Bucky’s way, faltering in her wave when he returned it with a smirk. The smile on (y/n) face grew as she felt butterflies in her stomach and warmth on her cheeks. He noticed her. He noticed her. 
“You’re welcome,” Her friend proclaimed boastfully as she took a bite out of her sandwich.
“Shut up.” (y/n) responded, a chuckle softening her words as she rode on the giddiness of being noticed by her crush.
For the rest of her lunch period, (y/n) idly ate her cold lunch as she let her mind continue daydreaming about what the she and Bucky could be. Certain things deserved to be seen through rosy glasses.
When she finally arrived at her home, she unceremoniously threw her body onto her bed and rested her eyes for a few moments before pulling out her phone. 
As she idly scrolled through her social media, it notified her that she had gotten a message. She dismissed it at the moment, taking as her friend sending her a random post that she thought was funny, but upon further inspection, she realized that it certainly was not her friend. 
The message was from Bucky Barnes, the boy who randomly decided to notice her that day after months of looking the other way. 
She gripped her phone as she stared at the sudden notification, biting her lip in anticipation and slight fear of what it might say. She didn’t want to seem too desperate by answering it seconds after she got it, but she could only distract herself for two minutes before she couldn’t handle the anxiety anymore. 
With a calming breath, yet a pounding heart, she tapped the top of her screen to open up the message. 
bbarnes: Hey
One simple word. That’s all it took to have her heart dropping into her stomach and her palms sweating.
(y/n): Hi 
She thought it would be best if he would carry the conversation, seeing as he was the one who reached out to her in the first place. And, the less words she says, the less of a chance she has of scaring him off by seeming too eager or talkative. 
bbarnes: I noticed you under the tree earlier...any reason why you stay there after school? 
The giddiness in her system over-powered her slight suspicion of why he decided to notice her after years of over-looking her in the halls. So, without hesitation, she explained herself, letting her smile over-take her cheeks. 
(y/n): It’s just my favorite place to sit is all. What about you? Why do you and your friends loiter outside the building after school? 
She read and reread her message before sending it to him, and after a few moments of waiting if he would respond to her, she began to worry if her response was too long or if her question caught him off guard. 
bbarnes: Where else do you expect a group of teenage boys to hang around? 
(y/n): I dunno...a mall maybe?
bbarnes: That’s too legal for our taste. We wanna feel like rebels, and loitering is as far as my friends are planning to go. Pretty dangerous, I know.
(y/n): Crime is a pretty slippery slope, man. Be careful, cuz before you know it, you’ll be stealing candy bars from grocery stores. 
bbarnes: Too late for me, doll, I stole a Twix this afternoon. I’m already a cold hard criminal ;) 
She couldn’t believe she was actually talking to him. She was elated to find out that he had a personality. Most of the boys at her school tend to have the personality of rice cracker. (y/n) would be devastated if that proved to be true for Bucky. And he wasn’t half bad at holding a conversation. 
bbarnes: All joking aside, don’t you have any friends to keep you company? I’m sure sitting all alone is boring for you.
(y/n): I do...but she has to get home in enough time to take her afternoon nap before her parents nag at there to get her chores done. 
bbarnes: Only one friend in the entire student body?
(y/n): I like to keep my circle small. Past experiences have told me that big groups lead to bigger problems. 
bbarnes: Ah, I see. Well, you’re welcome to join my group if you want. I don’t like seeing you under that tree all by yourself. 
(y/n): I don’t know...I don’t want to mess anything up. 
bbarnes: Trust me, you wouldn’t. The boys need a calm girl like you to ground them. They’ve been a little rowdy lately.
(y/n): You think it’s my job to calm your friends down? 
bbarnes: Not necessarily your job...more like volunteer work. I can’t control ‘em on my own, doll, I need back up. 
(y/n):  Can you promise me that none of you guys are gonna drop me for some random boy? 
bbarnes: I can’t make that a promise, but I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for any trouble makers ;)
bbarnes: Are you in or out?
(y/n) knew that this interaction seemed too good to be true. She knew that he had to have some kind of ulterior motive with this. But, she also knew that this had the potential to be a really great experience for her. It could be her first love. She didn’t want to let her overly critical brain to get in the way of that chance. 
So instead of listening to her brain, she decided to listen to her heart. And for the first time in her life, she felt the freedom of living like a teenager. Naively, and caution free. 
(y/n): I’m in.
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megalodun · 7 years
Sunshine, Coffee, and Eyes
Josh Dun / Reader
Hi. This is my first imagine / fic on this blog, so take it easy 😚. Also, feel free to request any time. (Also, this was made on mobile, so apologies for any spelling/alignment errors. I suck at proofreading.
Pairing/s: Josh Dun, Reader
Trigger warnings: Emptiness?? Aside from that, none.
Smut: No. This one’s mostly cutes-y
y/n = your name
It was all you ever saw. When you woke up in the morning, the sun never shined – in your​ perspective. Everything was in blues, in greys, in whites – it was cold. This day was no different.
You didn’t know when this started – the last time you felt the sun seemed like ages ago. Maybe it was back in highschool, when everything seemed so bright and happy – or maybe it was when you got accepted on your very first – and current job as a barista. For the longest time, the smell of coffee enticed you, but no matter how good the brew was, it never gave back the sun.
You weren’t sad, no, not depressed. Everything just felt so…empty.
You sat up on your bed, rubbing your eyes. The curtains were closed, not that you minded – the sun wasn’t coming in anyway.
You trudged your way to your small kitchen, pressing yourself a cup – ah, French Press, your favourite. The smell made you smile, as you prepared yourself for work.
The cafe was fairly quiet. There were a fewer customers, not that you minded. You liked the peace. Your co-worker, Leigh, groaned.
“Its so boring today,” she whined, tapping away at her phone.
You looked up from your own. “We work at a cafe, Leigh. You’re supposed to be accustomed to silence. Unless you’re at like, Starbucks,” you exclaimed, giving her the side eye.
“Whatever,” she rolled her eyes. “I crave social attention.”
“I don’t.”
“Truth,” Leigh let out a small giggle.
You and Leigh have become fairly close. She worked here before you did, and she was thrilled to hear that there was gonna be a new barista. Truthfully, you despised her at first – talkative, snarky, whiny – you tried to avoid contact with her as much as you can, only to fail and have her blasting random stories on your ear basically your entire shift. Over time though, you came to appreciate that someone was willingly talking to you, and slowly (but surely) started opening up to her. She became your best – and only friend, for over 2 years now. Your day wasn’t complete without her constant ranting, whether personal or on the phone.
She never made the sun shine, though.
The two of you sat behind the counter, Leigh stiffling giggles as she read memes, and you putting one earphone on while looking for a song to play. Usually employees weren’t allowed to be on their phones on their working hours, but your manager makes exceptions when the day is slow – so long as you still do your responsibilities.
You couldn’t pick a song. The amount of times you clicked ‘next’ on your phone was now incomprehendable, so you gave up and put your phone down. Right at that second, the chimes of the front door jingled, signalling an entering customer. You and Leigh immediately went to your positions and prepared to greet whoever.
And that ‘whoever’ surprised you. A tuft of pink hair stuck out from his cap, which was on backwards – his lips etched in a soft smile, and those eyes – you quietly marveled at his sight. You mentally slapped yourself as you stood behind the register.
“Good morning,” you managed to spurt out.
The man smiled, his eyes starting to squint – you thought it was adorable.
“Good morning,” he says and stops to look at the menu.
“I’ll just have a french press, make that medium,” he said, as you fumbled around the register, inputting his order.
“W-Would you like anything else? We – have, er, breakfast items available,” you stuttered out. He pondered for a moment.
“Pancakes sound nice right about now,” he finally decided. “I’ll have a serving.”
“Okay – um,” you finished typing in his order. You took a medium cup, and realized that you had to ask his name – gulp.
“What name should I put – I mean write?” your mind was still jumbled.
Josh has been frequently visiting the café, at times twice a week, at times, thrice. You noticed that whenever you greeted him, his smile made his eyes squinty and barely there – but when Leigh did, his smile was softer, and more formal. Thoughts ran into your mind, but you immediately pushed them out. Today, you greeted him – and he was with someone else, too.
“Good morning, Josh,” you and Leigh already had him at first name basis, which was a thing you did to your regulars. “French Press and Pancakes again?” you ask.
“French Press, but make it waffles this time,” he grinned. You softly smiled and inputted his order.
“How about you, sir?” you looked at the man Josh was with – messy brown hair, soft eyes. He looked tired.
“I’ll have was he’s having,” he says, bumping his hand on Josh’s shoulder.
You took two cups and wrote Josh’s name.
“May I ask for your name?” you directed to the other dude.
“Mmmmmmm, Tyler,” he says, yawing. You wrote his name, got their payment, and they mumbled a ‘thank you’ before heading off to their seats.
“He has a friend with today?” Leigh peers at you. You shrug your elbows.
“Looks like it. He looks really tired,” you told Leigh your observation.
“That’s what coffee’s for,” Leigh said as you two worked on their order – you on the French Press, Leigh on the waffles. After you finish, you put them in a tray and set them on the counter.
“Order for Josh and Tyler!” you projected. They both stood from their seats and walked to the counter. Josh, once again, smipes at you, and you thought you saw Tyler smirking while looking back and forth between you and Josh. They went back to their seats and you saw Josh slightly punch tlTyler in the arm while the latter was giggling and looking at you. You felt tour cheeks flush and went back to Leigh.
“That Josh dude,” Leigh says. “He’s pretty cute, yeah?’
You were taken aback by her question. “I - Um, I don’t know – maybe? I guess.” you stammered out. Leigh gave out a giggle.
“Shut it, y/n. You’ve been checking him out since he first visited!” Leigh said, rather too loud for comfort, and you immediately shushed her with a finger.
“Leigh! They might hear!” you whisper at her. She stifled another laugh.
“So you DO like him,” she smirked. You groaned, but your cheeks were flushed pink. You couldn’t really deny your attraction to Josh. His voice was low, yet gentle and calm – his hair was unique, and you liked it, and his eyes – the way they squint when he smiles – thinking about it made you fluster a bit more.
And all the while, Leigh was wheezing in hysteria.
When you woke up the next day, you opened the curtains for a change. The view from your window wasn’t very impressive, but it was something. On this particular day, however, you noticed that everything was a little brighter. You wondered why, but didn’t dwell too much into it. You did tour usual routine, and headed out the door. You opted to walk today – the cafe around 30 minutes by feet. You breathed in cold air – you could really use the exercise.
Upon crossing an intersection, you spot a tuft of pink hair in front of you – you felt fluttery, but shook it off. For some reason however, your mind decided it was a good idea to catch up to him.
“Josh?” you cautiously approached, in case it wasn’t the said person.
“Oh hey!” his shocked expression made you giggle inside. “You’re the lady at the café!”
“That’s me. I was just on my way there, and I saw you – so I thought I might come say hi,” you smiled. You thought you saw him blush.
“I’m on my way there too, actually!” He smiled – you sihed in your head. His squinty eyes did things to you and your mind.
“Aren’t you with Tyler?” you ask, since Tyler has become a frequent customer as well.
“Nah, said he wanted to sleep in,” he chuckled. “So, you walk to work?”
“Just today, I thought I might get some exercise,” you replied. “I usually go on my bike or a cab.”
“That’s cool,” he shrugged. Both of you continued to walk silently – you occasionally looking up at him.
What you didn’t know was that he was looking at you, too.
“Y'know, I’ve been your customer since, forever, I guess, but I’ve never actually learned your name?” he glanced at you.
You grinned. “Y/n. Y/n F/n. Nice to formally meet you, I guess,” your mind was overflowing with emotions and thoughts at this point.
“And I’m Josh Dun. Nice to meet you too!” There it was again – the eyes. Those adorable, squinty eyes.
Throughout the walk, both of you talked – your favourite bands, singers, actors – your favourite colours, hobbies, books – your preferred coffee – everything. You both even slowed your paces to maximize the time spent, Albeit neither one of you knowing.
Finally, you both enter the café; again, it was pretty quiet.
“Uh - I’ll go on then,” you say. He nods as you go behind the counter, putting your apron on. Leigh stares at you the entirity of the time.
“Spill it,” she smirks. Your face reddens.
“You. Josh. Together. Spill it!” Leigh basically begs; you sigh and whisper everything to her. Her face brightens up and shakes your arm vigorously.
“Uh–um…Ahem,” a voice in front of the counter snaps you two out of your gossip time, only to see Josh. “Order?”
Leigh pushes you to the register, all the while your face reddens. You take Josh’s usual order, and quickly scramble to Leigh.
“I hate you right now,” you groan. Leigh laughs and pats your back.
The morning progresses. Tyler actually comes in a little later, and you see him and Josh talk, Josh looking rather excited for some reason. Tyler keeps looking at you – then him – then back at you again all the while Josh talks to him. You shake your head from your thoughts and continue to work. Later, you see Josh scribble something on a tissue paper, leaving it on top of the plate. They leave, and you go to their table to clean up.
You also take the tissue paper, just to see. Written on it was a phone number, and a small note – 'Talking to you was fun. Text me sometime? Josh.’ You mentally squeal, and shove the tissue in your pocket.
Each day is brighter and more vibrant. You started texting Josh right after work that day, which was a week ago, and he still continues his regular visits, sometimes with or without Tyler.
As you were pressing your coffee, your phone buzzes – Josh’s name on the screen.
- 'Want to walk together today?’
You quickly type a reply.
- 'Yeah, sure! Same intersection?’
Ever since that day too, you started walking to the café together. You’ve learnt a lot about Josh – how he drums for a living, how he and Tyler has a band, on what colour his hair is next – on why he colours his hair.
He also learns about you, too. How coffee entices you, how you and Leigh became close, how you have next to no friends aside from Leigh, and now Josh. He says Tyler’s your friend, too.
You suddenly ask him about his regularity in the café.
He smiles. “The ambience is nice,” he pauses a moment. “The coffee tastes really nice, too.”
All the while you were staring at hime, not noticing the blush on your cheeks as you watch his lips move as he talks. He stops and looks at you too.
You both werw outside the doors of the café, mindlessly staring at each other.
“And…uh,” he hesitates. “And…maybe because I really, really like one of the baristas,” he smiles and looks away, redness in his cheeks.
Your face reddens. You stomach leaps. You stammer for a response, to no avail. Instead, you stare at him in awe. He looks back at you and smiles, his eyes getting squinty.
“God, I love it when you do that,” a giggle escapes your throat.
“Do what?”
“Squint your eyes when you smile. It’s adorable,” you say softly, almost a whisper.
“I-I really like you, y/n,” he breathes out.
Rays. Rays of sunlight hit your face and illuminate your eyes. The tress have their vibrancy on full, and it seems to be warmer than usual.
“I - um, I do too Josh,” you pause. “A lot.”
“Thank goodness,” he exclaimes as he wraps you in a hug. You hug him back, your eyes wandering the sunlit streets of your town.
He unwarps you from his arms and stares at you – his gaze scanning you beaming face, as he slowly leans in.
“Y/N!” Leigh suddenly barges out and upon seeing you two, widens her eyes.
“Oh! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, I’ll go back in now,” she smiles sheepishly as she rushes back – you see her go to the table where lo and behold, Tyler was. He gives a two thumbs up, and starts giggling with Leigh.
Josh looked at you again and smiled. “Should we go in?”
You smile back. “Yeah. I gotta get your French Press ready,” you say with a wink and a peck on his cheek – and run to do your barista duties.
okay sorry if that bored you 😩
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Gotham’s Most Wanted [The Joker x Harley] part 3
Day 3 of JokerxHarley Week: Lust
(This fic is going to be a series, one chapter for each day of the week, but some chapters may have more to do with the theme of the day than others) Check out @jokerxharleyweek for other submissions
I know this is ridiculously late, but I’m notorious for not updating on time, I will try to get the rest of the chapters out soon!
Summary: Harleen Quinzel finds someone she never expected in a world she’s convinced is out to get her. (Highschool AU)
“Let’s just not go to school today,” Jack suggested, his hands holding onto her hips in the hallway of their building. “My mom’s not gonna be home all day.” He leaned in whispering lightly in her ear.
It had been a total of three days since she had kissed Jack for the first time. Three days. And she had spent every second at his side since then. He liked having his hands on her at all times pretty much, liked showing she was his, because there may not be a lot of people who talk to her at school, but that didn’t mean they didn’t look. J didn’t like people to look, just him, only he could look. And he enjoyed looking.
“You know I wanna J, but my dad will kill me if he’s sees I’m absent.” She looked up at him pouty, she learned pretty quick that her pouts held a certain effect on him.
“Come on Harl, you stole all those fancy computers, and you’re practically glued to them, just hack the school system. Make it look like you’re there.” He could make anything sound tempting. She was pretty sure if he asked her to jump off a cliff like that, she’d do it.
“That’s illegal J,” She smiled, and he laughed lowly, sliding his hands up to her waist, tightening his grip.
“And everything else we do together isn’t?” He asked. All she needed were those few moments of extra attentiveness from him, in reality she had no objections to spending the day with him in an empty apartment, it sounded pretty good to her.
“Okay,” she shrugged. He had been very close to her throughout the entire conversation, and when she agreed to his proposition, he leaned down and kissed her roughly, pushing her up against the wall with his lips. It took everything she had not to start smiling as wide as she could. Instead she kissed back with the same intensity, wrapping her arms around his neck. He wasted no picking her up, and placing her legs around his waist before carrying her through the door to his apartment.
He tossed her onto his mess of a bed, jumping on top of her before she could really process the scene. She had only ever been in here one other time, and it was for the same type of situation she was in now. She hadn’t really been in the mindset to take in information, nor was she now, but she had enough wits about her to take in that the room was a mess, and a messy room reflects a messy mind, but she already knew that about him.
She tried to wrap her arms around him neck again as he kissed along her jawline, eventually moving down to her neck, but he growled and snatched her wrists, slamming the bed, and holding them there in a bruising grip. She giggled, J loved his control.
He had began to leave hickeys near the base of her neck, and around the back, carefully chosen spots her father wouldn’t see, but then he stopped, sitting up. He was still straddling her, but his intense blue eyes held a hard stare on her neck.
“Where’d you get these Harls, because I sure as held didn’t make them?” She was utterly confused at this point, seeing as only he had ever given her hickeys before, and they definitely weren’t on her neck. His fingers trailed along her neck, and when his finger pressed painfully into one of the marks, she remembered her father’s fingerprint bruises.
She squirmed uncomfortably under his gaze, as she was unwilling to give him an answer. She didn’t want to tell him about her father, there was no telling what he’d do with that information, but she knew it would just make things worse.
“They’re not hickeys J, I swear it.” She promised, biting her lip out of nerves.
“Then how did you get circular bruises on your neck Doll?” He leant back down over top of her, hand on either side of her head so all she could see was him.
“Let this one slid J, you know I only got eyes for you?”
“Doesn’t mean other people don’t have eyes for you.” He muttered, but he pulled her into a kiss anyway. He grabbed her by the wrists again, but this time using them to pull her into a sitting position, her on his lap with her legs around him. “So what does daddy’s lil harlequin want done to her today?” He asked as he pulled her shirt over her head.
Harlequin. She could have died at the mere mention of the nickname he’d given her, it was so clever. It sounded eerily similar to her real name, and as a harlequin was a form of jester, she was the perfect match to him as he was the ‘clown’. The name had even led to him calling her Harley Quinn, and Harley, which she loved even more.
“Anything daddy wants.” She giggled. She wasn’t expecting to become such a cliche girl with daddy issues, but daddy kink was hot as all hell, and he started it. “You got a condom?”
“Nah, I think I left them at yours.” He shrugged laying her back down on the bed, eyes hungry. However she put a hand up to stop him.
“No rubber, no Harley.” She said firmly.
“Come on Harls, it’s one time.” He practically purred running his hands don her body, making her eyes roll back into her head, but she shook it off.
“Nuh uh J.” She pushed him off her so he was laying next to her on the bed.
“So now what are we gonna do?” He whined.
“Get yourself a condom, and we’ll get right back to what we were doing.”
“Fine, then I guess we’re headed to your place.”
“Well I guess my dad isn’t home ’til this evening, and mom’s passed out last time I checked.”
“Then, come on.” He threw her over his shoulder, and basically sprinted across the hall, tossing her into her own bed, and digging around the tiny room for his box of condoms.
Harley just sat on the bed holding her stomach from laughing, as he looked frantically. She couldn’t contain herself when all she saw an arm appear from the floor over the side of her bed triumphantly clutching the box of condoms. His face was elated when he stood up.
“Phew,” he sighed happily, “now, back to business.”
Suddenly, Harley was smushed underneath him, as he attacked her with kisses, and the laughter stopped, this wasn’t so funny anymore.
“Making up for lost time,” he breathed as he place more hickeys on her breasts, he had marked her so many times at this point that there was no question who she belonged to now. Harleen Quinzel may have been enslaved to her father, but Harley Quinn only answered to J.
Blood was rushing in her ears, as he made his way down her body, and maybe that’s why she didn’t hear him. She was always so careful to listen, but she had made the fatal mistake to get caught up in herself. J was inching her pants off painfully slow went he burst in.
“So! You’re a little fucking whore now aren’t ya!” Her father roared, charging at them. Easily flinging Jack aside, he grabbed her by the arm, yanking her fully off the bed and onto the floor at his feet. The fall would no doubt leave harsh bruises on her knees. Then he grabbed a fist full of her pigtails.
This seemed to be his new favourite part of her body to drag her by. As a small kid, when her hair was the shortest, most platinum blond blunt bob cut, with choppy bangs, he went for the ankles. She assumed it was because he liked the thought of the uneven floorboards creating more bruising and scratching up her back as he pulled her across the floor. But as she got older, and her hair grew just a bit longer and darkened, her legs got stronger. She was beginning to teach herself gymnastics so she could kick her legs out of his grasps with relative ease, and she learned a few nicely places kicks could allow her enough time to run from the apartment all together. When her father caught onto this, he moved onto the wrists. It offered less pain for her, but much more effective in transporting her from one side of the apartment to another, and just as degrading. Although, when her hair reached its current length, and she started wearing it in pigtails, he found a way to bring intense pain back into the equation, and even more of a struggle for her as it was impossible to keep her footing with this method.
“I won’t have a whore in my house hold, you wanna fuck all the boys and be a slut, you can do it somewhere else.” His voice was low, and shaking. She couldn’t remember the last time she had seen him so mad. Her knees were scraped to pieces as he hauled her across the floor. Her mother was in the living room, just standing there. Staring.
“Fucking do something!” Harley yelled at her, tears streaming down her face. “You’re my mother, help me!” She screeched. Lillian Quinzel just dragged her haggard, broken down body back into the bedroom, and collapsed.
“Here we are!” Max declared, feigning enthusiasm. Her father slid open the window that led to their fire escape. The latter to the ground had long since rusted to nothingness, leaving a rickety frame you’d have to be suicidal to attempt to climb down from.
“Dad, stop!” She pleaded, crying, and struggling as he shoved her out the window, marooning her on the landing. She still was only in her underwear, and they were in the midst of a brutally cold winter.
“Now, to deal with the sex crazed boy in your room.” He told her, before slamming the window shut, trapping her.
“No!” She banged on the window, screaming for someone to let her in
It was as if he left her on a deserted island. She could scream for help all she wanted, but no could hear her.
She sat on the frozen metal platform for hours, watching the sky turn dark, and hazy, or maybe that was just her vision going blurry. Her body had moved on from shaking uncontrollably, to not moving at all. She could see the light layer of frost that coated her skin, pretty soon, she’d become a part of this damn fire escape, and it would be like she never existed at all.
You’ve never really been cold until you’ve felt cold like this. Until you’ve literally had no option but to stay where you were and take it. You’ve never been cold until you’ve had nothing to remotely helpful to keep you warm, not until all you could do was wrap your own bony, uncovered arms around yourself and wait. Not until shake so much you physically can’t stop until your body freezes over, and when you do freeze over, you’re so still you think you could be paralyzed. All that movement just stops, and you get colder. Once you have your own personal layer of frost you think it can’t possibly get worse, but every minute it gets colder, and you reach a level of suicidal you didn’t think was possible. A level where you can’t move a muscle, so you’re just begging so force of nature to take you out. Did I forget to mention the crying? Yeah, you can’t stop crying, and the tears freeze on your face and you’re even colder. You have never been cold until you’ve been cold like this.
When all the stars had finally lit up the sky, and it was inky black, she heard a small tap on the window. She moved her head as fast she could to see who it was, but as fast as she could was a slow, shaky speed, and she could hear her frost crackling as she did so. She saw to big green, glassy eyes, and then the window opened.
Harley burst into tears.
She had never felt so broken, and alone as she did spending that day on the fire escape. She had, at one point tried to shake the landing so the icicle directly above her would fall and end the day for her. The only reason she didn’t get up and roll off the side of the railing was because she was frozen in position.
her mother reached out an pulled Harley back outside when she realized she was so frozen she couldn’t move on her own. When her feet landed on the floor inside, she fell straight to the ground, and wept. So happy to be back inside, but also so damn tired. She was melting ice, and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to thaw anymore.
“The boy has been knocked out on your bedroom floor all day, your father’s asleep.” He mother whispered softly, then she was gone as quickly as she’d come.
Harley lay there for what felt like another hour, but in reality it could have been five minutes. She had lost all feeling in every body part she had during the day outside, and regaining feeling was a painful process. The cold would bite and scratch at you until you could no longer feel it, but getting that feeling back lit your body on fire, and brought back every damning symptom of the cold the numbness relieved you from.
When her frosty legs could again hold her weight, she headed to her room. Her mother had said J had been knocked out on her floor all day. What could her father had done to him?
When she pulled back the curtain to her bedroom, guilt punched her hard in the gut. J was lying on the floor beside her bed, and next to him, the baseball bat she kept underneath her bed. She had brought this on to him. If she hadn’t insisted on being his friends, and pushed, and been so forward about her feelings for him, he wouldn’t be here.
She dropped to her knees and crawled toward his black and blue figure. His right eye was swollen, tinged a mixture of reds, blacks, and purples. That the only damage she could see, she knew her father well enough to know that damage would extend greatly underneath his clothes.
“J?” She whispered, praying she wasn’t talking to a corpse. “It’s me.” To her relief he grunted. “Hey, you’re alive,” she smiled despite their situation, “now open your eyes babe.”
“Can’t, hurts too much.” He groaned, only moving his mouth. She just hoped he was refusing to move, and not that he actually couldn’t.
“No, J, I need you to look at me, please?” Her voice cracked, and she was on the verge of tears again. At least rate she would become dehydrated within five minutes.
She watched him reluctantly blink his eyes open. The one with that nasty bruise surrounding it, was bleeding into the white of the eye, and he could barely open it, but the other looked intact. He shifted his gaze toward her, and his eyes flashed. He slid himself into a sitting position against the wall in so much haste, that it caused him to sharply wince in pain.
“Harley, what happened to you? You’re blue! Come here.” He opened his arms, and she curled into him thankfully. “Babe, you’re ice to the touch.”
“Dad put me outside all day, trapped me on the fire escape.” She explained, as he pulled the comforter from her bed to cover them. He obviously wasn’t moving tonight.
“How long is all day? How long have we been here?”
“Well, I’m guessing the reason he came home was because he got the call from the school about me being absent, so I think that was around 10am, and he probably got me outside around 10:30, so if my math is correct, I’m going to say around 13 hours.”
“With no clothes on? In the winter? You’re probably sick Harls!” He tightened his grip around her, rubbing her arms in a useless attempt to warm her up.
“Yeah, and my dad probably broke multiple bones in your body.” She replied, utterly defeated.
“He’s not going to get away with this.”
“He always does.”
“So that’s where you got those bruises, huh? Pops likes to think choking you will scare you into behaving?”
“It works so well, doesn’t it?”
“And this cut?” She felt his fingers run along her hairline.
“That be from my head constantly hitting the toilet after he practically drowned me.”
“No one touches you, but me.” He was holding onto her now, she was sure he would leave his own fingerprint bruises on her waist. “Kiss me.” It came out of no where, so demanding, and abrupt. He wanted to feel something, feel they were still there, still on earth.
Blue, frosty lips met swollen bleeding ones for a perfect dance of the broken hearted.
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