adam-n-dog · 9 months
OOC Post-
Been thinkin about making a Warlock account.....
I already run both Adam here and Beelzebub over at @former-prince-of-hell, so I'm not sure if I should also make a Warlock, but he's also one of my favorite Silly Little Guys. He's got such potential. (Aka this is me praying to our Lord and Saviour Neil Gaiman to bring him back for season three)
So I'm going to make a poll. (Fair warning, I may jump the gun on the poll if the answers are proving heavy in one direction or the other. I'm impatient.)
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paint-water-again · 2 years
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grimmssnarl · 2 years
@vailour​: Vail vc: how am I taller than a Grimmsnarl now
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perfect height at which to gut-punch
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sweeterthanmydreams · 2 years
Ya know, I was gonna start by going through old posts at sweeterthanmysketches before but I think I’ll save myself the psychic damage and not. That’s a problem for Future Taffy.
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riftiee · 5 months
finished up the sketch
[ sketch / wip ]
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telvayns · 2 months
what’s ur ao3?
you can find me here!
for anyone who didn't know, in a couple days' time i will be posting the first chapter or so from my fitzier pale rider (1985) au, revelation 6:8, for cowboyshowfest!! i'm very happy w/ how it's turned out so i'm really excited to see what people think of it.
you can get a taster for it from the first art i did w/ this au right here!
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tiktowafel · 2 years
What are your hc's for Kodai?!
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very unexpressive and extremely reserved, has trouble communicating and making friends
Reiko managed to befriend her soon after they started going to UA and for a good while Yui would only talk to her and no one else. it would probably remain like this if Kendo hadn't decided to step in and make her socialize with the other girls out of concern
despite not being very social she's very determined to be a hero
as a kid she used to have a very strong bond with her older brother, who had the same quirk as her, because he was friendly and very supportive of her dreams
it all fell apart when he turned out to be a villain working with a gang of thieves (i imagine a size manipulation quirk would be extremely useful for a thief). Yui, who was 12 at the time, felt extremely betrayed and promised to become a hero so she can make up for everything he did and prove her quirk can be used for good. her brother currently in prison and she refuses to visit him
this event caused her to develop trust issues, which is part of the reason why she's so quiet. it also messed up her family pretty bad
Reiko is the only person who knows this, Yui doesn't feel like she's ready to tell anyone else about her past
now for some less heavy stuff
she's considered the prettiest girl in class but is completely oblivious to that
she has slight dimples and an incredibly cute smile. it's a bit of a shame that it's such a rare sight
as i said - at first she was only friends with Reiko and didn't talk to anyone else. after some time she warmed up to the other 1-b girls, particularly Kendo and Ibara
she doesn't really get along with the boys though, the only one she considers her friend is Honenuki, her work study partner
she likes the academia aesthetic, particularly the clothing. like blazers, turtlenecks, plaid skirts...
interested in arts and crafts. very skilled too
her room is full of various handmade decorations but still very clean and organized
she sometimes uses her quirk for things that require lots of precision
problems with threading a needle? just make the needle larger lol
she likes making those yarn friendship bracelets (even those with very complicated patterns) but for herself. if you want a friendship bracelet from Yui you have to be Worthy with a capital W
shes also good at origami paper folding, embroidery and sewing
likes rain but hates thunderstorms (the sound of rain is nice and relaxing. thunder is not)
prefers instrumental music over music with lyrics
and tea over coffee
horror movies have almost zero effect on her. she'd watch the most gruesome shit imaginable and still look like :I
it's canon that she really, really likes tomatoes
to the point of weirding other people out
one time Kendo woke up in the middle of the night and went to the kitchen to grab a snack. she found Yui just... sitting there and happily eating a tomato as if it was an apple. they refuse to speak of that incident
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yoink34 · 1 year
Being eepy is doing something to me
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cryptidunknown · 10 months
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andiaquarium-moved · 1 year
kind of want to draw an image based off a song but its a song ive ALREADY drawn something based off of so *walks around in circles
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popflythesky · 2 months
cake is on sale... 'im saving money!' i buy. cake is 30 dollars
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swagforbirds · 2 years
my assistant: Oh, boss, i have to report that your last 7 posts were... flops. im sorry.
me, lips quivering, eyes wet, at my office table: i... hrrrngh... *starts hitting my own head* stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid
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starlit-mansion · 1 year
I forgot to put away the carton of milk i bought hours ago and had to dump it out :(
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tarvalian · 2 years
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Two thousand years and hundreds of horizons. A myriad of dawns, red-stained with blood- they said you could see an eternity within his eyes... and that it was as cold as the void that awaits us at the end of time- a legend who never wanted to be.
Did you convince yourself it was right at the time? When you lost count of all the lives you claimed? It was more than you ever named... oh fallen angel, lost soul who could not die.
You never found the one you were searching for. Where did you go, one who cannot die? The void will not take you... so whence did you hide?
A story not over, only paused for a time. Breath not taken, suffocating inside. One who holds eternity within his eyes, cold as ice.
Stranger's child, never born, with eyes as cold as ice and eternity veiled just behind...
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mysteryshoptls · 2 months
R Ace Trappola - Luxe Couture Vignette
"My perception just lagged hard"
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[Fairest City – Crystal Galleria]
Ace: Alright, it's finally the free roam time I've been waiting for! That brand-name shop looks good, and so does that one… But I think I'll have to pass on 'em!
Azul: Oh? You don't plan on visiting those stores?
Ace: I mean, I'm not anywhere close to being able to afford all those high-brand clothes. But you already knew that when you asked, right, Azul-senpai?
Ace: But it's not like I've completely given up on doing any shopping, though. I'm thinkin' about checkin' out some of the secondary line shops.
Azul: Ah, yes, there are many high-end brands that are developing products aimed at the broader marked instead of just their main audience.
Ace: Yeah, yeah. I did some digging after heading back to the hotel yesterday, and…
Ace: Looks to me like those secondary line shops have fits that suit me better.
Azul: Hm. And what sort of look do you tend to like, Ace-san?
Ace: I guess my likes reflect my usual getup. I dress pretty casual.
Ace: I like clothes that are easy to move around in, and aren't really high-maintenance. And I can't really deal with looks that are too stiff.
Ace: I'd probably say that most of my outfits have a splash of the current trends, but also have a bit of an edge to it.
Ace: On the other hand, I can only imagine you wearing pretty stiff and formal stuff.
Azul: I suppose. Of course, it does depend on the time and occasion.
Ace: Maaan, I know you got some real good sense about these things. It'd be greaaat if you could tag along and pick out some clothes for me~
Azul: Well, let me see… I do have some interest in how those secondary line brands develop their merchandise.
Azul: There's no reason for me to not join you as I observe their establishments. HOWEVER! You will, of course, be paying for yourself.
Ace: Tch. Guess he saw right through me. Suuucks.
Ace: Oh well, let's go, then.
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Ace: Hmmm, where's the store I was checking out yesterday…? Oh, found it. Azul-senpai, it's over here.
Azul: The store does seem to have a grand appearance, yes… But I can see that the designs here are rather different from the signature line.
Ace: Looks pretty good, huh? Let's go in!
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Ace: Woah, check out this stylish sweater! The shape's pretty good, and I bet it'd work with all sorts of outfits. And the price…
Ace: ONLY 30,000 MADOL [300 Thaumarks]! THAT'S SO CHEAP!
Azul: Calm yourself, Ace-san. Is 30,000 Madol for one sweater considered cheap to you?
Ace: After seeing all those Luxe prices set for the rich and famous, I guess my perception just lagged hard.
Ace: But I think I should be able to buy at least one thing from this shop with my pocket money.
Ace: Azul-senpai, I'm countin' on you to pick out something nice for me.
Azul: What do you think about that black blazer on the mannequin over there? It has a stunning silhouette.
Ace: Ooh, you're right. It's got a pretty slender and sleek profile!
Azul: Underneath it… How about this collared white shirt? It would probably look good with a striped tie, as well.
Azul: If you combine it with these center-pressed slacks and leather shoes, you would do well in any establishment that requires a dress code.
Ace: Cool, I woulda expected nothing less from something you've selected, Azul-senpai. Pretty formal and mature.
Ace: It's a pretty different look than what I normally would go for, but I guess I should at least give it a try.
Azul: I am pleased you like it.
Ace: If I were to buy everything that you chose for me… Urgh, that's over 100,000 Madol [1,000 Thaumarks]!
Azul: Well, this might be a secondary line, but it is still a brand-named shop.
Ace: Hrrrngh, maybe I'll do just this blazer… It's not really something I already own or anything.
Ace: And black pretty much goes with anything, so it makes it easy to come up with outfits…
Ace: It's a shorter style, too, so it might actually go for a casual look with my hoody and jeans.
Azul: That is a combination that hadn't even crossed my mind… Yet, I agree, I'm sure it would suit you immensely.
Ace: So that look would be like a combination of our two fashion senses, then.
Ace: If it's just the blazer, I think I could just barely afford it, but… My funds when I return to campus'll be pretty low…
Ace: Ooh, I have an idea! Can you let me work some hours at the Mostro Lounge?
Ace: I can be pretty good with my hands. You've seen that before, right, Azul-senpai?
Azul: Yes, of course. And we have a mountain load of tasks to be done. I look forward to your wonderful hard work, Ace-san.
Ace: …Shoot. Did I just put myself up for something I shouldn't have?
Ace: Uhhh… Hope you'll go easy on me~
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Requested by @ordinaryanon.
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drill-teeth-art · 13 days
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Tempos... Umgh... Hrrrngh...
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