karkatbug · 3 months
does anyone else have a to do list that includes shit like:
leave nice comment on [davekat] fic
queue more [davekat] posts on tumblr
do laundry [think about davekat laundry scene]
buy groceries
tweet "is it the middle of february yet" to try and manifest an early hs2 update
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aprilblossomgirl · 11 months
I must admit I now have this twisted obsession over home school the series. I didn't realize I have this kind of unhealthy addiction on consuming something I couldn't pinpoint whether it's right or wrong. It was as if the show meant to show something so obviously right/wrong yet I can't not question if it tried to manipulate me into having certain feelings I shouldn't have instead. The use of name Home School here feels like contradicting what its name supposedly reflects. Or, perhaps, that's another (social) critique on how both home and school should be operating, thrown in a heart wrenching way through the stories of each of these students.
What I wasn't aware before is that I, and maybe many other, need some extra care watching this show. In my case, it can be emotionally triggering with a lot of memory callback to one of the most unpleasant period in my life, which happened without warning. But with 18 episodes and 13 diverse student characters, if the writing could stay consistently solid, I think the payoff will be good at the end. And I'm looking forward to it.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
i feel kinda bad cause like im a fickin of cronus ampora, yeah? and i dont havwe any memories but i WVANT to havwe memories yk? cause i feel kinda left out haha
funky mod guy i havwe twvo questions for you: 1) do you have any tips for idk,,, unlocking? memories? and 2) is it like a bad thing if someone doesnt havwe any kin or fictivwe memories at all?
( sorry btwv if this seemed a bit vwent-y)
i feel kinda bad cause like im a fickin of cronus ampora, yeah? and i dont have any memories but i WANT to have memories yk? cause i feel kinda left out haha
funky mod guy i have two questions for you: 1) do you have any tips for idk,,, unlocking? memories? and 2) is it like a bad thing if someone doesnt have any kin or fictive memories at all?
( sorry btw if this seemed a bit vent-y)"
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mntcoronet · 6 years
(in drama class, doing their own thing in a corner)
rose: Is that maple syrup on top of that cupboard?
jade: :0 shelf syrup!!
dave: i’m gonna eat it
jade: dave no!!! no shelf syrup!!
(runs into tiny side room to consume shelf syrup)
jade: what are you doing-
dave, being suspicious in the dark side room of the class: ,,,
jade, laughing hysterically: ,,, w hy
—— a few minutes later ——
jade: did you actually eat the shelf syrup??
dave: i can neither confirm nor deny th-
jade: dAVE NO!!!
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when i find my dave im gonna hug him, cry, yell at him some, and maybe shake him a bit. hug and cry bc i miss him so much and its b33n furevfur since ive s33n him even just in our canon and yell and shake him beclaws he shouldnt have just gone and done that he should have talked to me first at least i would have understood i KNEW evfurrything that happened befur he and davesprite got seperated! it just makes me kinda mad he didnt talk to me or karkitty!! we would have understood!!
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wh0rem0nger · 5 years
What little I’ve seen of @hstexts’s blog is already legendary and I’d pay an arm and a leg to be in a group chat with those people
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glitchfern · 7 years
I would die to be in @hstexts group chat holy shit
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agaezii · 6 years
  Transliterando, do grego, conseguimos de imediato "mais emoções" ou seja, uma capacidade de adquirir emoções do meio externo. Mas o significado é um tanto quanto mais profundo, podendo ser interpretado em dois principais caminhos: a capacidade de adquirir emoções a partir de uma situação vivida por outra pessoa e seus efeitos sobre a pessoa, e a capacidade de interpretar emocionalmente os entes que lhe cercam (mesmo que inanimados).   Algumas vezes não entendemos o porquê dessa capacidade. Ela pode parecer estranha, ou até um tanto quanto prejudicial para nós, seres humanos. Não sabemos viver bem isoladamente, prezar pelo bem do outro, ao passo que dependemos do convívio social para nossa felicidade, é prezar pelo nosso próprio bem. Em certo nível, o desenvolvimento de empatia faz parte do desenvolvimento de nosso amor próprio e de nossa busca pela felicidade.
  O homem pode ser até mesmo mais vazio que o abismo. Mas se enche de si quando olha ao outro e vê algo além de seu próprio vazio.
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karkatbug · 7 months
just wanna say i am also rediscovering homestuck a decade later we're in this together comrade
Aww welcome back! I hope you have fun re-experiencing all your favourite moments (and maybe some new ones? are you reading hs2?)
I feel bad because my reread is at a standstill rn but I hope I can get back to it soon 🥹
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
Hello MPC, is there or could there be an alternative tag to "hstext" (like "typing quirks" or something?) recently an alter of ours had an ask tagged as hstext and while we understand that its used for blacklisting purposes, it still upset zzem very much as itz very uncomfortable with people comparing itz typing to homestuck.
We understand if it cant be changed but we thought it might be worth asking
I assume they are the Rotom? Not sure, but it was the most recent confession! Sure, it’s been changed to bluetext! Sorry about that, I thought they were homestuck! That’s usually my go to for uncommon text time!
Mod Party Cat!
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mntcoronet · 6 years
@ the mutuals who like & rb a ton of my posts cos i reblog a lot or something idk,
I see you and I very much appreciate you
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Sometimes I try to convince myself that Harry is ugly to make the feels easier to deal with then shortly after I want to punch myself in the face for thinking such a horrible thing.
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agaezii · 6 years
Por que acabou? - Uma perspectiva achista
(E nada especialista).
 Tudo que acaba, em algum momento começou. Quando se começa algo, possuímos determinadas propriedades. Características, emoções, apegos, e memórias.
 Quando se conhece alguém, não se sabe como essa pessoa é. Não se sabe do que ela gosta, e não se sabe como gostamos dela em nossa vida. As relações entre os modos da pessoa e nossas emoções sobre tais modos não foram estabelecidas ainda. Não sabemos como o olhar dessa pessoa pode nos afetar. Somos uma pessoa sem conhecimento neste aspecto.
 Após determinada convivência, gostamos ou não dessa pessoa. Amamos ou não ela. Conhecemos nossas emoções sobre ela, e neste ponto sim podemos dizer o que nelas nos afeta. Porém sabemos como diversas outras coisas nos afetam, o tempo passou, sentidos mudaram e nossa inteligência mudou de diversas formas. Não somos a mesma pessoa que começou essa relação.
 Não é justo que qualquer pessoa cobre de alguém diferente daquele que começou a relação, que ele a mantenha. E nunca seremos os mesmos. Tudo sempre nos muda. Nem mesmo você mesmo pode cobrar de si que mantenha essa relação.
 Algo acabar significa apenas uma mudança de estado, afinal todas aquelas emoções ainda existem em você. Apenas o nome se tornou outro: Memórias.
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