#httyd homecoming criticism
nightfury-2001 · 10 months
Something that especially bothers me about the ending of 3. Is that they want to have their sad "The dragons leaving" ending. and also have them still get to be friends.
They want you to be sad at the dragons leaving, that hiccup and everyone else might never see their best friends ever again.
But they still want their cute ending where hiccups gets get to play with toothless's kids.
They want you to be sad that hiccup misses his friend on the holidays and wants him to be there with him.
And then he comes in, eats the fish, and leaves. Or in the snoggletog log thing, are just kinda there like the dragons never left.
They really did want to have their cake and it too, and not just with the things you've mentioned.
"Hiccup and Toothless' friendship is the friendship of a lifetime and they're canonically platonic soulmates but also a big part of this film is about how Toothless' instincts and attraction to the Light Fury become more important than his bond with Hiccup. Also the only reason that Toothless didn't accept the auto-tail in GOTNF was because there wasn't a hot girl Fury around that he needed to impress. Oh and Toothless almost murders Hiccup during the reunion scene before barely recognizing him at the last second."
"The Light Fury represents the call of the wild - she's a regal, powerful, fierce creature that's untainted by humanity - but she's also the cute marketable girlfriend™ character who has pink sparkly hearts on her forehead. She couldn't have interesting markings that weren't made out of glitter because they might have looked too much like scars. Also she sounds and acts like a domestic cat."
"Toothless is a wild animal with the instincts, behaviors, and needs to match and where he truly belongs is in the wild and Hiccup needs to learn to accept that but also he's the protagonist's adorable "pet" that runs around panting and slobbering and acting like a dog but also he's this extremely intelligent being that's smarter than any real non-human animal and he has many humanlike behaviors and he can draw and understand the value of art and he can quickly understand and negotiate in a hostage situation and he has an updated design that makes him look more humanlike and emote in more humanlike ways than ever before."
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femhiccy · 12 days
I have enough, I have to say it, I love HTTYD, Hiccup raised me, I love his character, he is my comfort boy and this make situation even worse, I FUCKING HATE HTTYD HOMECOMING ... the way they treat him... I love agnst, whump and all, but for the love of Thor, I rewach franchise and homecoming piss me of. They treat him like before toothy, probably because he is different, and don't feat to vikings standards... but really? After all he goes through!? He almost died for all of them multiple times. He fought for peace, risking everything he had, and they... they count on him only when they were in danger. In other situations, all they did was doubt. I seen a coment who said that in the beginning they respect him becouse he was first who had dragon and only who knew how to train them, but it's visible even in third movie like they respected astrid more, even when he was the fucking chief, why? Because now everyone had dragon and knew how to deal with them.... i unfortunately don't remember who's coment was that, but it's broke something inside me. Only toothles and dragons fully accepted him, now they are gone, and my boy left alone... i know, he have children, wife, but comone even they don't respect him. He is too kind for them all... i hate homecoming so much. Sometimes I wish Hiccup been a Vlian... becouse he doesn't deserve that ending... He was the hero, real hero. Dragons treated him better than humans. Don't get me wrong, I love HTTYD, the movies, the shorts, the series, and I even love HTTYD THW! This franchise is my childhood, they my comfort movies, Hiccup is a huge part of my life and reson why I am still alive... literally, I am not hyperbolic... but homecoming ... see my comfort character be treated like that again, after all what he done...pissing me of...
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I’ve had like three people ask about pepper lore so here it mcfreaking is for those interested! This is a basic overview of him, his deal, his timeline, a basic reference and a link to a Pinterest board and Spotify playlist
He is SO important to me and a big part of what I post about httyd. There’s more to him of course but what I have in this post is just the basics. Pls send me asks if you have any questions ab him
Pepper the pitiful is my httyd oc, who started as a shameless self insert but has become his own thing eventually. He’s snotlouts childhood best friend and a big ol dyke which becomes a problem when snotlout develops a crush on him. He tries his best and is brave and good at archery but forgetful and flakey and also drinks too much probably. He and ruffnut are a thing. This is what he looks like
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This is his timeline! Not everything described happens on screen
Pre canon-Httyd 1: Pepper is childhood friends with Snotlout, something that his parents were NOT happy about. This is because the jorgensons are assholes. His parents gave him the title “the pitiful” so that he’d be ignored for combat training for his perceived weakness, which didn’t work because he spent so much time with snotlout everyone kind of noticed he knew how to shoot a bow. During httyd 1 he doesn’t really do much of anything except during the final red death showdown, when he and a timberjack try to help.
Rob/dob: The timberjack is revealed to be named Fogcleaver, and her and pepper become a team. Peppers arc during Rob/dob is learning to be reliable in battle. He always means well and tries to help but never shows up to anything on time, sleeps in late, and often spaces out mid-battle without realizing. Just a flaky guy. There’s an episode where he has a whole lesbian realization thing with short hair ruffnut which is then, in the style of Rob/dob, never brought up for the rest of the show
Rtte: During rtte pepper is now a lot more reliable and probably takes viking melatonin so his sleep doesn’t get in the way of training or fighting. A lot of his conflict during rtte is learning to stop covering or making excuses for Snotlout when he does asshole shit. He learns that even if he’s the only person that can stand to be around snotlout, it doesn’t mean he has to unconditionally protect him from all criticism. He learns to stop being so protective, which kind of helps snotlout realize that he’s doing asshole shit and improve! Also, a really big part of this entire show is snotlouts hopeless pining after him. It’s played for laughs most of the time, but when hiccstrid happens snotlout immediately falls flat on his face in love with him, which is hard because pepper is 100% a lesbian at this point and snotlout is friendzoned so many times. So many times. Snotlout is like a brother to him. There’s nothing he can do about it.
Httyd 2: Snotlout gets over pepper after realizing he’s a big dyke, and Pepper joins in in whatever the fishlegs/snotlout/ruffnut love triangle thing was to compete for Ruffnut.
Httyd 3: Pepper and Snotlout finally talk their shit out and at this point they become basically siblings. They are now siblings in everything but family. Ruffnut chooses Pepper and they les is up. Pepper says goodbye to Fogcleaver.
Homecoming-Post canon: Pepper and Ruffnut are now wine aunts
If anyone is interested in his Pinterest board, here it is. https://pin.it/76DeoxEkj
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kingofthewilderwest · 2 years
I'm seeing a lot of complaints about the dragon designs in TNR, but I actually liked them. (With the exception of Wu and Weiʼs wings, which look awkward). What do you think about the dragon designs?
I have more fun talking in an upbeat way about the latest media myself! I’ll be honest about my opinions of the dragon designs below, including the good, the bad, and the ugly, but I hope you won’t think I descend into complaints, because I have no intention of complaining for a second. And there’s lots I enjoy and will highlight. TNR honestly does give us some great dragon design material.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Feathers and Plowhorn's designs are fantastic, a perfect reflection of the DreamWorks Dragons universe: taking unique inspirations from unexpected creatures and combining them with lovable, whimsical designs. The limitations to their appearance is the animation budget, not the design itself. Imagine how stupendous they’d look with the budget of a movie theatrical release: they’re just that good they’d deserve to be on the big screen!
Feathers is beautiful, long, and lithe, the forms I’ve gravitated to since I was a kid drawing my own serpentine creatures. With Plowhorn, the combination of the gem horn and the beetle wings was a stroke of ingenuity. Give the artists my applause for creating such uniqueness!
Now we’re getting into the polite constructive criticism territory. I don’t think Webmaster is a good design for a rider dragon. For a single episode enemy, that’d be fine. But I don’t think the shape is conceptually graspable enough to imprint on viewers in the way a main character’s dragon should.
I think Wu and Wei looks clunky and unappealing. In theory the colors should work together, but they don’t. And the dragon’s shape does not work. I hope you’re not upset at my personal opinion, but for those interested into what I really think, I admit I find the design ugly. Which is a shame, because I love the notion of expanding HTTYD dragons beyond Vikingdom into other cultures’ understandings, like Chinese dragons.
I’m not a fan of Thunder’s look. It could be worse but it could be improved. The blaze on the face, for whatever reason, doesn’t come off looking appealing. Mostly, though, it’s the proportions with Thunder that feel “off.” I get that they gave him a lanky, young cat sort of look, but the result is his whole body feels “off.” The flatness of his head combined with the skinniness of his neck is the start of the awkwardness.
Granted, I'd prefer he weren’t a Night Light at all, and I have my bias in that I didn’t like the original trio of Night Lights introduced in Homecoming (in that case, it’s because of how they were babyified). So that needs to be taken into account when I say I don’t care for Thunder’s appearance: the whole premise isn’t catering to someone like me. Chances are you’d be hard pressed to make any Fury-adjacent creature appeal to me in a modern show.
As far as the rest of the dragon designs in the show, I want to make a post where I glibly rate everyone! Go through every dragon, old and new, that TNR shows. I appreciate that we see some but not all of the old species and that the high majority of the screen time is on new dragons. Off the top of my head, the vomiting pus bag is the best thing I have seen in my thirty years on earth. I. Love. It. I would buy merchandise of that dude! The Sky Torcher is a cool concept, though needs more budget and a few tweaks, but it certainly stuck with me among the many new dragons we’ve seen. I hate how the Bubblehorn looks with an utter passion. But overall, I have fun seeing how the new dragons look! And I think there are way more positives than negatives when it comes to the designs of background, non-rider dragons! Definitely can’t complain to MORE DRAGONS!
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gaylactic-fire · 3 years
Why do you hate httyd 3 so much? Also is it a thing that’s generally hated by people in the fandom?
Oh anon ANON. I could talk about this for days on end bc honestly I have so many opinions. But I’ll boil it down as best I can w bullet points.
(Also in terms of the fandom it’s kinda hard to tell?? Httyd 3 is very divisive. I’ve seen its avid fans and its avid haters. Overall I’d say the fandom seems to lean more on negative but please don’t take my word on that.)
Anyway, salt:
- Ultimately, HTTYD 3 basically dumped a steaming turd over the morals and messages that the first two movies. 1 was all about being able to change the world through kindness and having an open mind. 2 said “No actually, you can’t change the minds of some people, but you can still fight for what you believe in and you CAN win”. But 3 said “Actually humans are terrible and the world can’t be changed so the dragons should just hide away for the rest of their lives”. And just???? How was a franchise that was all about overcoming challenges and foes reduced to having such a pitiful and bleak ending???
- The idea perpetuated in the film that platonic love is lesser to romantic love. This film reeked of heteronormative themes and pushed the idea that settling down and having children with a spouse is the ultimate “happy ending”. (Which is especially untrue for Hiccup if he wasn’t OOC) Not only is the theme overdone to death, but the whole idea that romantic love is superior to friendship is so gross in of itself. Romantic love is wonderful, yes, but teach kids that it’s not the be all and end all. Teach kids that friendship and family are absolutely just as important. And the HTTYD franchise was doing a PERFECT job at that until the third movie.
-The Light Fury. God what can I say about her that hasn’t been said already? Her design itself doesn’t irk me as much as some other people, but it’s the thought process behind her design that gets me mad. They literally stated in the artbook that they didn’t even want her to look reptilian because she had to be ✨sexy✨ and ✨feminine✨ enough to get Toothless panting like a horny dog. It’s a load of misogynistic design choices at play. Also not to mention she has as much personality as a pile of dirt. She pretty much exists solely to please Toothless and is barely given any development or screen time of her own.
- One of the biggest mysteries of the entire franchise: what happened to the night furies? Was answered in one of the most underwhelming and shitty ways possible. We waited years for an answer only for Grimmel to be like “I killed them all lol”. No flashbacks. Barely any explanations. Just some guy claiming to have wiped an entire species off the earth, conveniently bar one. It was a major let down. Especially considering that if Grimmel wasn’t bullshitting, Toothless really will be the last of his kind, which is very heartbreaking.
- The ending is extremely frustrating and dumb. There was literally no reason for the dragons to leave to THW. The film tired to hammer home this message that they deserved to be “free” which I COULD get behind but the thing is....the dragons literally were extremely happy and content with their lives. They loved having riders. Dragon riding was never portrayed as abusive or cruel. It’s like the filmmakers saw real world issues regarding animal captivity and decided “Hey let’s try tackle this in our film even though it makes no sense with how we’ve portrayed the relationship between dragons and humans”. There was also the point that the dragons would be “safe” in THW, but really?? Would they?? They act as if they weren’t able to defeat Grimmel‘s army and they had no other choice but to send the dragons away for their own protection but they??? Literally defeated him??? Onscreen???? And it’s not like this was new territory for them. Half of Race To The Edge dealt with dragon hunters (and Viggo was honestly more intimidating than Grimmel.) Also!!! At the very end where Toothless doesn’t recognize Hiccup? God that was absolutely heartbreaking. A whole six years of friendship erased and forgotten. It states on the wiki that between Toothless leaving and that scene the two had absolutely NO CONTACT. Why??? This is never explained at all??? Yeah sure Hiccup and Toothless are best friends but let’s not attempt to make any contact for like 10 years. And for all Hiccup knew, that tailfin could’ve faltered and Toothless could’ve been dead because of it. It’s just so, so bad an ending and it makes me very, very mad.
Then of course there’s more stuff I could touch on, like the bastardization of Toothless’ character and how a lot of the great female characters like Valka are just completely swept aside. But I’d be here all night if I went over everything that ticked me off.
I hope this cleared things up anon. And honestly thank you for asking me bc sometimes raging on THW is therapeutic lol.
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australet789 · 5 years
The ironic part of HTTYD Homecoming is that, it implies that the dragons, or at least the babies, are bored in The Hidden World and would prefer a life with the humans
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aevyk-ing · 4 years
I’ve finally found out what has been bothering me about Hiccup’s beard: you can no longer see the scar of his chin.
That scar was really important; it symbolized his connection with ALL the dragons, not just Toothless and it was the reason why Valka recognized him as his son. Scars are a reminder of our past, of our strenght.
Also, hair doesn’t grow on most scars.
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philocake · 5 years
Yep, you guessed it, more HTTYD Homecoming salt
I am feeling extra salty today after rewatching the thing and reading the comment sections of the clips shown on Youtube. Today, I’m going to complain about worldbuilding. And some other stuff, cause every second of this short is wrong.
Alright, let me remind myself how rushed this thing is before I get into tearing it apart. It’s not even funny. All the dialogue feels forced and out of character like half of the time, and the pacing is just really strange. Yes, yes, it’s a short, it has lower budget, blah, blah, blah... Not a valid excuse. One, they made the same mistake they made in HTTYD3: too much plot for too little screentime. Two, Gift of the Night Fury had several things to say and yet the pacing was not awkward at all. It really felt like part of the first movie instead of something with less budget thrown into it.
Gift of the Night Fury was nice and heartwarming, and every single character and all they said and did stayed true to the film’s canon. They actually show us how the characters have been doing and give us a little bit of development, and every funny and cute moment is perfectly balanced. Homecoming has none of that. It tries to be charming and its attempts come across as desperate and weird, and man, don’t get me started on how much they clung to comedy - yet again, same mistake with HTTYD3. The jokes and funny comments are just so out of character, so unnecessary, so sudden, so repetitive and so half-hearted that I can’t even force a smile and give the writers any pity for trying.
I’m sorry, but the “and then it hit me” joke was only funny the first time. When a 20 minute short starts milking jokes, you know they have no idea what they’re doing and just want to make you laugh so you can ignore their fatal flaws.
Anyway, let me talk about character development and worldbuilding, because man Homecoming completely smashed these two very important concepts that Gift of the Night Fury treated with impeccable respect.
The characters have been destroyed. The whole play thing was a mess and no one should’ve acted they way they did. Why is Hiccup okay with that disaster? He’s the chief, he should have a little more saying in what they do and don’t do. Yes, he’s Hiccup, he’s gonna be goofy and all... but being goofy does not equal to being a helpless idiot. Actually, HTTYD3 and Homecoming both seem to have deemed it a good idea to turn perfectly good, stable characters into idiots for the sake of comedy. Take Tuffnut, for example. Yes, we all know the twins. We all know how they are. We also know that Tuffnut is not that big of a moron. And omfg, don’t even get me started on Gobber. I’ve always liked his character, but in Homecoming... I don’t even have the words. He’s awful. He’s annoying. He’s stupid. He’s not Gobber. I didn’t think you could destroy a character this badly after HTTYD3, but here we are. I don’t even want to talk more about what he does in detail because it pisses me off so much. That person is just not Gobber. Nothing else to say.
Speaking of characters... Where the absolute hell is Valka. They destroyed her enough in HTTYD3 (physically, too) and now they just throw her out of the picture and offer no explanations? Not a single mention? The yak-nog got a cameo and she didn’t? Fantastic! I want to think she did the most sensible thing and ran off to live with the dragons, somehow. Would be better than the freakshow Berk is. I would do the same if I lived surrounded by 1-dimensional morons, Val.
More problems on Berk, let’s see... Why don’t the kids know about Stoick and are allowed to trash his statue without being called out? Shouldn’t he be talked about like he’s the stuff of legends (which he is) to every kid? Hiccup was told countless stories about him when he was little. Yes, he’s his son, but that shouldn’t give only him the privilege of listening to stories. And speaking of telling kids things, why have Hiccup and Astrid not told their kids about the dragons sooner? You’d think these two, of all people, would be so excited to educate their little ones about the marvels of those creatures. They look like they’re at least 6+ both, they should have already known about Berk’s history with dragons. But of course, Homecoming couldn’t afford that. Gotta have some sort of plot going on!
Now, to the Hidden World... I’ll be honest with you, I found that scene with Toothless drawing Hiccup to be absolutely depressing. Not because he’s longing his best friend (which he shouldn’t, because the damn director stated he forgot about him), but because he should feel miserable trapped in that place. He and his kids should feel miserable. For one, the Light Fury is literally a controlling ass. Did you see how offended she looked when Toothless dared to remember his past life with the human that changed his life? Oh, how dare he! His life must only be centered around her and her numb skull! After all, she’s this random dragon he fell in love with in 3 seconds! Gotta love how she acted all bitchy until he was forced to comfort her. My headcanon is that she’s literally controlling him with pheromones. The real Toothless is too smart to stay with such a plain, useless, unaccepting dragon for the rest of his life.
As for his kids, yes I did say they should be unhappy. The only thing they can do is wrestle each other and play with whatever those floating orb thingies are supposed to be. Wow, how fun... They’re little baby dragons, trying to enjoy their early years of life! In the outside world, they would have been able to see the sky, interact with the environment, discover all the animals that surround them, travel back and forth with their parents... but they’re stuck on that pretty cage, bored out of their lives. The Hidden World is literally captivity.
Look at it, this poor thing is so miserable... No wonder it was so desperate to look for adventures, so much that even a drawing of a creature it has never seen gave it the magical abilities to find New Berk.
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Which brings me to another point, how did the Night Lights find New Berk? How did they know they were supposeed to find something outside the Hidden World only via a drawing? And how were they able to fly for so long? And how did Toothless and the Light Fury know exactly where to find them? Also, earlier on, why did the Light Fury even light up that glowing rock thingie when they were in the Hidden World? She’s that awful, controlling of a dragon that she can’t even let her kids sleep in peace. And she huffed out green fire? What is happening?
The plot of Homecoming is just forced, and it’s really stinkin’ obvious this thing was done for money and nothing more. You’ve got cute little Toothless babies (I find the Night Lights to be rather hideous, but that’s just me) and you’ve got cute little Hiccstrid kids. Obviously you want to make money off of that, because more than half the fandom won’t give a shit if they make sense or not.
These people just went right ahead and trashed the third movie’s canon to make this cashgrab. Let’s ignore the fact that the director explicitly stated that Toothless had forgotten about Hiccup for a second and focus on what happens on the short. Toothless immediately recognizes Hiccup while he’s in a suit just by his scent and voice, but in the third movie he just has to wait till the hand trick comes up to recgonize him. Toothless was also totally cool with people, and that smug look he gave his family after letting Gobber touch him just proves he was there to make them see how great humans are. And yet he acts like he will murder a few unarmed humans that came slightly close to his home, with no way in? Suuuure.
Actually, let me vent a little here about what I said earlier - HTTYD3 and Homecoming both just destroyed the hand touch thing and I will never forgive them for that. It was supposed to be a unique moment, a special and unforgettable action that started it all, but now they’ve gotta milk it for the feels. The reverse hand touch in HTTYD3 was so forced I actually sighed, and then they just kept forcing it throughout. Shame on y’all.
I could go on for days tearing this thing apart... but I don’t want to give this thing more of my time than it deserves.
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belluzinhaa · 5 years
seriously you guys love to criticize the later httyd contents just because they didn't turn out to be what you expected them to be or because they didn't handle subjects they way you though they should've. seems like some people are never satisfied with what they are received, honestly it's so annoying.
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nightfury-2001 · 4 years
So in regards to Dart, I realised that she has scars on her face. They're hard to see in the wrong light, and they're really faint, but there's one between her eyes and one on her left brow ridge. Just thought it was really weird that a baby dragon, with two parents and in the 'safety' of THW would have scars, regardless of how faint they are.
I looked at the highest quality image of Dart I could find and like?? I think she may have even more scars than that????
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Not sure if all the things I circled are actually scars (some may just be wrinkles or larger scales at an odd angle, etc.) but most of the ones on her head (like the one on her brow that you pointed out) really do look like actual scars. I guess they wanted to give her more details even if her having scars is kinda odd if you think about it...?  
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howtodrawyourdragon · 5 years
To avoid spoilers:
I like how THW made such a big deal about Hiccup “unhealthily clinging to Toothless” when his father has only passed away a year prior to the movie’s events (he really didn’t.) and then has Gobber obsess over his friend’s death even a decade later.
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lumiidragon · 2 years
What is your opinion on The Nine Realms?
So I'll start by saying The Nine Realms is, by no means, an animated masterpiece. It has its flaws, it has is animation icks, it also has its design...flops.
However, I actually have really been enjoying the series! I know it's kinda funny, especially since I'm so critical over THW and Homecoming, but it's pretty easy for me to separate it from the HTTYD main storyline and enjoy it as its own thing.
Now, I certainly have my own rants and issues with the series coughcoughJUNcoughcough- and I certainly won't say it can hold a candle to series like RTTE, but Tom and Thunder are fun, even if Thunder's design is incredibly weak and hardly likeable flgkjdfgj
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kingofthewilderwest · 5 years
The movie creators didn’t name the Light Fury. This was intentional because she’s a wild dragon. 
So naming the Nightlights is nothing more than marketing squishiness as an easy way to get people fawning over them. Jussayin’.
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wicked-ghoul · 4 years
Probably No One Else Will Care But That’s Fine This Is Mostly For Me:
Thoughts on my two Fav Franchises:
How To Train You Dragon:
HTTYD 1: The best of the three films! Very few complaints, just a damn solid movie!
Gift of the Night Fury: Cute short film. Watch it every Christmas! The best/most memorable part is definitely the ending with the tail fin ;.; I cried man, I cried.
Riders/Defenders of Berk: It’s fine. Nothing really noteworthy. Many episodes retcon the films characterization and world building for the sake of episode plots which is annoying but it’s otherwise a cute little show. I watch it when I want Dragons but not the EMOTION of Dragons.
Race to the Edge: I watched the first two seasons and Hated it so much I had to stop! I’ve heard it gets better as it goes but I was never invested in the shows enough to stick around and find out.
HTTYD 2: While it’s a step back from the first film in terms of writing, it’s still my personal favorite! Hiccup’s outfit, Toothless becoming Alpha to protect him, VALKA <3 Also it’s the darkest of the trilogy but never feels gratuitous about it which is nice.
The Comics: Never read them...
HTTYD 3: I was so determined to enjoy this film when it came out I ignored a lot of the criticism of the film, but looking back now and seeing what people have to say it’s definitely got a lot of problems in it’s execution and I totally understand why people were so put off by it. I still enjoy it though, but the criticisms are valid and reasonable.
Homecoming: Fuck this short. Aside from a couple funny/cute moments, it’s filled with awkward characterization and retconning Zephyr’s thoughts on Toothless to justify it’s existence.
Steven Universe:
Og Steven Universe: This is easily one of my favorite shows of all time! It’s got a focus problem and you can tell they were rushed to finish it but it works in spite of it’s flaws. It helped me through a really hard time and I will always be grateful to this show and the ending message in it’s finale Change Your Mind.
The Movie: The best thing in the franchise (writing wise at least). Like Dragons 1, I have very few complaints! Spinel is My Problem Child/Serotonin Machine and the musical numbers slap!
Future: Obviously well intended but very poorly executed. The episodes on their own were mostly well written but they all had different ideas of what Steven’s charactor arc actually was and so it never really Goes anywhere. The final episode tries to show the Gems and Steven have grown and are healing but it comes across like a reinforcement of all their problems and like they didn’t grow or learn at all and the “healing” feels phony. Has plenty of good things in it, but the whole’s not greater than the sum of it’s parts and the ending is disappointing.
Attack/Save/Unleash the Light: Never played them, they look fun though!
Dove Ads: Pretty hokey but that’s to be expected from PSA’s lol The ads are cute and I appreciate the messages they send.
Anti-Racism PSAs: Pretty much same as above. The Garnet one felt off for some reason but the ones with Pearl and Amethyst were great and have really important messages that, again, I’m glad they’re sending.
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sundowncryptid · 4 years
My HTTYD 3 Criticisms
This is gonna be a long one so I’m gonna put my criticisms under a read more
Just wanted to make a post listing all of the HTTYD 3 criticisms I have (this isn’t an attack on people who liked the movie, it’s totally valid if you did, I just want to list some stuff that I didn’t like and stuff that, in my opinion, didn’t work in the movie)
- The Light Fury logically shouldn’t have been able to cloak in the first scene when she’s caged up, she would have needed to fly through a plasma blast and there’s no way she did that whilst caged??
- Snotlout hitting on Valka was just really weird and uncomfortable
- There’s no way Grimmel killed all of the Night Furies, he’s just one man with a bunch of Deathgrippers and a crossbow
- The Deathgrippers are portrayed as an ‘evil’ species of dragon, but the dragons are said to be just wild animals?? How can a wild animal be ‘evil’ and have evil intentions if they’re just wild animals? It’s not their fault that their diet consists of other dragons
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- The Deathgrippers are also being controlled, drugged and held captive by Grimmel too, just like the Light Fury, but they don’t also deserve to be rescued too??
- If the Light Fury is so scared of humans why did she decide to pick Hiccup up and yeet him?? Surely she would have tried to avoid being seen and especially being touched by them after being caged and drugged by dragon hunters?? If Toothless had looked like he was in danger I could understand her trying to intervene and get rid of Hiccup but she intentionally came towards him unprovoked
- The Light Fury tried to kill Hiccup twice and Toothless didn’t growl once?? (I know she’s scared and I don’t blame her for lashing out at humans after being drugged and caged but I would’ve expected a stronger reaction from Toothless) But in the third date scene the Light Fury steps on a line in his drawing and that’s when he chooses to growl at her
- it feels like all of the other villains in the movie were just dumbed down to make Grimmel look smart
- Grimmel’s Night Fury info contradicts what the franchise has said or shown about Night Furies previously:
1. He said that Night Furies can’t fly for long periods without rest, yet Toothless has one of the biggest wing surface area to body ratios in the franchise and his wings are soaring wings like an eagles, and so he should be able to fly for maybe 4-6 hours straight without rest
2. He said Night Furies can’t survive cold temperatures but Toothless has been living in Berk for 6 years without an issue, and Berk is supposed to be freezing for most of the year according to Hiccup
- New Berk is only accessible by dragon, so how does New Berk trade with other villages? And sail out to catch fish for food? After all of the dragons are gone??
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- Night Furies having the ability to cloak is pointless, they’re nocturnal and camouflaged when flying at night so they don’t need to be able to cloak. Idk maybe it could be a leftover adaption that they retained??
- Hiccup is portrayed as ‘naive’ for thinking that Toothless will come back to him
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Toothless and Hiccup don’t have a parent-kid relationship. That would suggest that Toothless wants to get away from Hiccup and be more independent, yet he never showed an interest in flying without Hiccup until the Light Fury came along, and that was only because she wouldn’t let Hiccup get near her. If Toothless never showed signs wanting to leave Hiccup or fly on his own in the past then why is Hiccup naive for thinking that he’ll come back?
- Just a small thing but I would’ve liked to see Valka discovering the Hidden World with Hiccup, it would’ve been a nice to see them bonding over the discovery and it could’ve shown how far their mother-son relationship has come in a year
- The Mushroom Forest in the Hidden World must produce spores, and long exposure to mushroom spores causes lung inflammation so surely the dragons living in the Hidden World wouldn’t be able to breathe properly and would get sick from breathing in spores??
- The Light Furies don’t seem to fit with the Hidden World’s bright, saturated colours, their white, pale scales would stand out against the colourful vegetation growing there
- What if a group of Deathgrippers infiltrated the Hidden World? Wouldn’t the Hidden World dragons be trapped and cornered inside?
- Toothless didn’t consider his flock at all when he disappeared with the Light Fury for a day, shouldn’t he have been with them to help protect them just in case, especially since Grimmel just burned down their previous home and may still be tracking them?
- How can Toothless be the king of the hidden world, a place he only discovered hours ago, and command it? Wouldn’t the dragons there already have an alpha dragon??
- It would’ve been nice to have a moment in the Hidden World where Toothless seems homesick and misses Hiccup, just to know he at least still cares about him and hasn’t forgotten
- When the Light Fury comes back to New Berk and smells Grimmel she flies towards him instead of the opposite way??
- Toothless sacrifices his entire flock (including hatchlings) and lets them be caged up by the dragon hunters to save a girl he only met 3 days ago (not saying he shouldn’t care about the Light Fury but he should probably care a lot more about the well-being of the flock he’s been in charge of and has known for a year)
- The Light Fury is somehow aware enough in her drugged state to be able to fly straight with Grimmel on her back in the final chase scene (same point applies to the Deathgrippers throughout the entire movie now that I think about it)
- The Deathgrippers that were still attached to Grimmel’s airship as it crashed into the water weren’t at least attempted to be rescued and were left to drown
- The Deathgrippers shouldn’t have been able to catch up to two of the fastest dragons species in the franchise in the final chase scene
- Coming to the conclusion of the dragons leaving felt rushed and out of the blue
- The message at the end of this film totally contradicts the other two films; the first movie was based around the fact that dragons aren’t the wild, savage beasts that they are thought to be, but beings capable of human-like intelligence and emotion. HTTYD 3 contradicts this by saying the dragons are just wild animals and they can’t help following and listening to instinct.
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HTTYD 2’s end message was even though there are bad people out there, we will still fight for what’s right, even if we have to go up against armies and armadas, we will change the world bit by bit so that people and dragons can live together in peace.
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HTTYD 3 scraps that message and instead of fighting for the dragons and changing the world for the better, the dragons are just sent away to hide in a hole in the ocean indefinitely and are just left to hope that someone picks up where Berk left off. They beat the warlords pretty easily, Grimmel is gone and the Light Fury has started coming around to Hiccup so why do the dragons have to go all of a sudden?? New Berk isn’t accessible by bad guys (unless they have control of a dragon) and Berk has an entire flock of dragons on their side controlled by a Night Fury so their island is easily defendable.
They are in one of the best positions to continue rescuing, saving and protecting dragons yet that’s when they choose to give up?? Hiccup didn’t even give up in HTTYD 2 when his dad was killed by Drago but he beats a bunch of warlords and an apparently famed Night Fury hunter and that’s when he gives up?? It doesn’t make sense to me
- Toothless was able to smell the Light Fury from miles away in the exodus scene but wasn’t able to smell Hiccup from the rock he was lying on in that decade time skip and almost attacked him and his family, even though in the first film when Toothless was an actual wild dragon he knew Hiccup wasn’t a threat if he wasn’t holding a weapon
- Kinda bummed that Toothless’ appearance didn’t change between the ages of 21 and 31 in that decade time skip, I expected more nubs (the Light Fury too)
- The Homecoming short just proves that if people and dragons aren’t united anymore things just kind of almost go back to the way they were in HTTYD 1 (making the whole 6 years of human-dragon companionship just kind of pointless), the new generations of Berk will never grow up with dragons alongside them and see with their own eyes that they are more than just wild beasts (and apparently they weren’t being taught about dragons either until they put on the show about them according to the short), and dragons will never grow up alongside humans to see that some are good and want to help them, not trap and kill them.
- How is someone in the future supposed to pick up where Berk left off fighting for the dragons and uniting them when the Hidden World is so hostile towards humans?? No human is able to enter without getting swarmed by dragons
If you made it all the way to the bottom thanks for reading :] and again, I’m not trying to attack anyone who liked the movie, I’m just listing the things I, personally, didn’t like about it and the things that I thought didn’t work.
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What you guys are really missing amidst all the criticisms of HTTYD: Homecoming is that it’s actually a not-so-subtle message about how Dreamworks wants to reboot the entire series with Stoick as the hero. There will be way more Light Fury and Toothless will act like both an animal and a creature of human intelligence within the same scene.  Certain characters will inexplicably disappear throughout the franchise, and there will be a special 2021 Snoggletog crossover with Rescue Riders that will completely mess up the continuity of the entire franchise.
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