#huhhhh heh
gooptrials · 9 months
oh i was thinking. thinking earlier...
post-End, when Randal and Dwayne are sorta living together.. thinking about how they would stay on opposite sides of the house and whatever yeah yeah i know. but eventually they would begin to crave human interaction and whatnot and i think. Randal would initiate the first touch since The End (not The End, actually when he was tending to Dwayne's lip but i feel like that can be categorized as the very end of The End.) and i think he would ask Dwayne for a hug or something?? but the way i see it going is it starts out with Randal smiling like "oh, yes, finally i can feel the warmth of another person." but he kinda slowly starts to twitch and grimace and frown but keeps hugging Dwayne because he knows they both need it. and after that they don't talk for a while until February 27th i wanna say? (Randal visited Dwayne on January 1st and began staying there that day) . i think they would just try to put everything behind them and act like nothing happened because they both can't stand to think about it willingly anymore.
but yeah it's like the opposite of that trope where someone smiles when they're hugged...idk it's such a basic thing but ive been reeling over it. i like Randal emotions a lot, he's a very conflicted guy.
i cannot even begin to imagine what Dwayne would be feeling during that hug. thinking about it makes me want to cry so i will leave that for a later date and focus on Randy for now..
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instarsandcrime · 7 months
Someone Worth Falling For
Hi hello! Long time lurker in the community, first time poster. I'm not sure how good this is because it's my first snz fic. But practice makes perfect-- even if my writing tends to lean on corny fluff! So I might as well log what I write and hope things get better from here. Enjoy! <3
“Bless you.”
“Hihh’chiew! Htch'CHIEW! HET’CHHHIEW! Ohhh…”
Lucifer groaned, forcing gurgling blow after blow into his handkerchief. Face glowing gold in embarrassment when he peered up from the fabric to see another pair stare back.
“...Excuse mbe.” He finally rasped out.
“Absolutely not.” Lilith pursed her lips, “Ten times in a row! I've seen less out of fits than sinners allergic to their own feathers and fur. Are you sure you’re alright, my love?”
She'd offered a way out. She'd offered a way out several times. But the response was always so scripted that it bordered on comical. An orderly list that only the Sin of Pride could obsessively memorize by heart.
“Why, there's dothi’g– snff– nothing to tell!” Lucifer beamed between congested sniffles, one armed wrapped tightly around her waist. “I just want to help my wife get ready for her first night off. And a party? My goodness, now why would I pass up such a rare and wonderful opportunity?”
“And that’s very sweet of you, darling.” His other half hummed when a string of pearls draped around her neck, “But I’m just as happy to stay home if you’re feeling unwell.”
The demon king’s hand jerked as he weaved a comb from a puff of golden smoke. “Me? Catch a cold? Pfft, what? Like a sinner? Even if I’m fallen, archangels don’t get sick. It’s in our biology.”
2. Pull the archangel card.
“Yes. I’ve been told that holy beings tend to avoid illness– or rather, those who reside in Heaven. Where everything from the sky to the ground is designed to be absolutely perfect. But here, you are victim to the worst torture imaginable. And I believe there’s been a newer Overlord that’s taken a seat at the table– that one you had a meeting with the other day? The one that embodies pestilence.” As her hair was lovingly tended to, Lilith raised her head ever-so-slightly to kiss her doting husband’s jaw. She nearly cooed at the way he melted on the spot.
“As hypocritical as it sounds, I wouldn’t be so quick to ju- …j-juhhdge…” Lucifer froze, quickly rubbing his nose to satiate a tickle. Lilith’s face dropped to something so freely unimpressed because his last tactic was always to
3. Hide his symptoms. Poorly.
“H-huhhhh…ho-hold on…” Lucifer raised a claw, handkerchief in the other. “I-I’m fine, it must…m-must be…s-suhh-something in…in the air— h-heh! Oh my, ex-excuse– Et’chiew! HET’chiew! HETCHHIEWW!”
“Bless you again.” His wife winced as the comb was unceremoniously dropped to the floor with a sharp clatter. 
“Th-thahhnk– hhhHITSH!” Caught in a hitching jag, Lucifer quickly pinched his nose– and to his dismay, the slight buzz became an angry swarm.
“Let me just–”
“HIH’CHH! H-hihhh! HIH’TCH! ‘TCH! ‘TSHHH! I can’t s-st-stohhHT’CHNX’iew! Hih! Hhhih…hghh…nnh…” Lucifer’s ragged breathing slowed, peeping open a watery eye. Kneeled close, Lilith’s finger pressed under his nose, draped against her own handkerchief.
“See? Was asking for help so hard?” She smiled. Lucifer only swallowed, wordlessly taking the cloth in his palm. Silently he made his way to the side of her vanity, hopping on its desk. Eyes downcast, frown tucked behind cotton and smudged lipstick. “Be honest with me. There’s something more to your stubbornness this time, isn’t there?”
“N-no, of course not! I’m. I’m just– it’s…” Empty words trailed off into a muffled whisper.
“I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”
“It’s– well–” Lucifer cleared his aching throat, biting back a cough before he lowered his makeshift mask. “It’s…it’s humiliating, that’s all. I trapped you down here with me. You had the opportunity to live in an eternal paradise. And now you have this one night to go out and party and enjoy yourself and I just– I know it’s not even close to that kind of perfection-- but I’d be ruining another chance at freedom all over again! And all because you think that I might have caught a cold? I’m fine! This is fine! I’ve been through worse! I’m just a little…a-a…a little snehh…” He quickly pressed the well-soaked cloth to his nose, trying in vain to hold some control over his next fit.
“Hit’shew! ‘Chiew! Hep’shiew! H’tsh! Heh’TSHIEWW! HA’SHHHIEW! HA’PSHHHIEWW!” He cradled his forehead with a palm, blinking stars from his eyes. “A…a little sneezy. Ugh, ‘scuse mbe.”
All too suddenly his chin was lifted, and his vision cleared to meet a piercing gaze. “Lucifer. Darling. Love of my life. Do you know where I’d be if I wasn’t down here with you?”
“N…ndo?” He muttered nervously.
“With Adam.” Her voice curdled like spoiled milk, “I would trade a thousand rings of Hell just to never see his face again. Taking care of you tonight wouldn’t be a curse. It would be a blessing. In fact, it would be a new opportunity at freedom for me. Now, I can finally repay the favor you gave to me so long ago.” 
“Snf! I’m sorry, I– I don’t understand.”
Two strong arms lifted the demon king. “Then let me remind you of the day that we fell together.”
It took seconds too late for the fallen angel to realize what was happening, and Lucifer’s lovesick blush blended with his illness. Before he could even open his mouth to protest he was set gently on the bed, and his wife immediately went to work.
“First,” Well-manicured claws slowly unbuttoned his vest, “Since I was unable to move, you helped me get into something more comfortable until I could dress myself again.”
“I-I did, didn’t I?” A tense smile began to unfurl, and Lucifer allowed his other half to prop him against the headboard, slipping off his boots like he were made of gold and porcelain.
“After that, when I was feeling less restricted, you checked me for any injuries or illness.” A cool forehead bumped softly against something damp and burning, not bothering to worry about smudging freshly applied foundation. “And while I didn’t have a fever, you certainly do now.”
“I–” Lucifer paused, feeling delicate hands intertwine with his own. Slowly he retracted his forked tongue, tasting the bitter words in his mouth. “--I, um. I have to admit, I feel just a smidge under the weather.”
“Well would you look at that! No longer a saint, but you still cast miracles.”
“I do my best.” The fallen angel croaked out a weak chuckle, tired eyes lighting up when Lilith stopped to kiss his knuckles, lips briefly brushing over a golden wedding ring.
“Oh, what was next? Let’s see.” She got up, pacing around the room, “You bandaged my open wounds and wouldn’t let me begin my work as queen until I was off my feet.”
“I still have some mighty big scars from all the kicks you bucked me with.” Lucifer huffed.
His better half looked unashamedly proud, crossing her arms until they locked tight around her chest. “And as I said before, I will do what you have done to me. I’m sure it’ll do you well to give your more inventive powers a rest–” the fallen creator groaned miserably, “--while a servant fetches us some medicine and tea to wash it down with. As well as–”
“Hhhih!” Lucifer’s nose twitched, and he couldn’t help the frustrated sigh that mingled with unsteady breaths. Both handkerchiefs soiled, the demon flicked his wrist and summoned a third, “Oh for the love of– this i-ihhh…is getting rihh-ridiculuh…huhhh..hhh’tsh! Hut’Sshhhieww! Ha’TSHIEW! HET’CH’HHHIEW!”
“--a few tissue boxes. Bless you.”
“...I’b sorry for all the trouble. Snff!” A hacking cough broke through the apology.
“Trouble? Lucifer dear, it’s no trouble at all.” She consoled, sitting by his bedside. “You said it yourself. It’s just a cold. And you seem to forget that, when your caretaking was near its end, you refused to leave me until I truly needed space. You said that if I would permit you to stay, all I needed to do is ask. Well? Would you like me to stay?”
Painted nails fidgeted with the hem of a long cocktail dress and, despite everything that’s happened, Lilith offered a silent prayer to whatever higher power would listen.
Lucifer took a deep breath, “Th-then– um. If you wouldn’t mind lending a hand?”
“I’d be delighted to.” His other half hummed, kissing the red dimples on his cheeks, “You really do have no idea how much you were worth falling for.”
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shakysniffles · 2 years
okay 💙 won the lil poll I made about which OC I should write a thing for so I've given him a name (Chris) and written a lil thing! When I get a bit more time I might add to this....
Tags: male, headcold, perfume, arousal, m/f
obligatory minors dni and this is n/s/f/w :)
Scott sniffled, dragging a knuckle under his nose and holding it still as he read over the monthly reports. He was exhausted, wiped out from the previous night's escapades and the nasty bug he'd managed to pick up, but he knew the annual board presentation had to take priority.
He'd played hard and now it was time to cough up the payment and work to match.
If only the damn tickle would stop assaulting him. He pressed his finger against his nostrils harder, feeling them flare beneath his touch.
"Oh Scott?" called Amy, popping her head into the open office. "Jeff wants that deck by two."
He groaned, fuzzily wiping away the droplets that had fallen on the screen.
"Whadt was that, Ames?"
"Wow," she said. "You look terrible."
"Thags," he said, sniffling as he reached for a tissue.
"Jusdt a cold sedttling ind by dose. Loogks worse then idt is."
"Does it sound worse too?" asked Amy drily. "You gonna be okay for our lunch break?"
"You sdtill wandt be? The lidttle guy's as interested as ever"
He tried to leer in her direction before breaking off into sneezes again. Scott sniffed and plucked a tissue from the box, blowing his nose loudly.
"We can sgkip." he said forlornly. "I don'dt want you to catch this."
Amy laughed.
"I wouldn't want to leave the little guy hanging," she said with a wink.
She leaned down, her mouth hovering next to his ear so he could hear her breathing, her top button left open so he could see directly down her shirt. She wore a black lacy bra, the soft fabric clinging to her breasts and (he caught his breath with a jolt of arousal that shot straight to his cock) straining where her nipples had grown hard beneath them.
He could feel the fabric of his own underwear straining too, and a high whine escaped his throat.
He didn't need to see her lips to know the way they curved upwards.
"I've booked meeting room 6," she murmured in his ear. "Twenty minutes. Bring a condom."
She was even closer now, close enough for her delicate perfume to waft towards him, floating gently in the air between them as the volatile particles caressed his sensitive nose.
Without warning, his head reared back and his nostrils exploded.
His hand came up too late, tissues trailing miles behind and there was nothing to stop the mess that flew from him, spray peppering her blouse, her bra, her skin.
He couldn't stop that awful sniff that followed, not the shudder that ripped through him after such a big sneeze and he pressed the tissue under his nose with a groan, unable to stop staring at the wetness that coated Amy's breasts, nor the way the contact of cold moisture had caused goosebumps to spread across her breasts.
"I'mb so sorry," he groaned.
Amy straightened and looked down at him, her eyes dark and unreadable, an odd flush spreading across her cheeks and licking its way down her neck.
"Twenty minutes," she repeated.
Then she left, Scott still half-mortified and half-hard in his seat, with looming deadlines from both his supervisor and his secretary.
He didn't know if he could last.
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skaiwrites · 2 months
"Cross Contamination":
[we open in a dimly lit church. two figures who know only the other's screen name meet for the first time]
jesusbitch57: thank you so much for meeting me, it has been ridiculous trying to find other people into cross contamination
nutwhore28: tell me about it! i swear people are wayyyy too concerned about the consequences
jesusbitch57: right!? like I'm an adult, i know what's gonna happen to me when this is all over, now put that thang in my mouth!
nutwhore28: finally someone who gets it! and by the way thanks for picking out the location. i was a little concerned at first about breaking into a Catholic church, but it really adds to the ambiance
jesusbitch57: right? and plus they have the best crosses
nutwhore28 (slowly realizing): um. yeah, too bad we'll mostly be in the kitchen, heh
jesusbitch57 (still oblivious): oh, well we can certainly start in the kitchen if you want, but if I'm being honest I've kind of had my eyes on that crucifix in the main hall for months now
nutwhore28: right... [holding fingers out in the shape of a T] cross contamination?
jesusbitch57: uh huhhhh
nutwhore28 (pouting): cross-contamination [makes a switching motion with hands]
jesusbitch57 (catching on): oh you want me to kill you?
nutwhore28: Jesus Christ! [jesusbitch57 makes the Sign of the Cross] No! I have my EpiPen. We were just talking about how I'm prepared for the consequences
jesusbitch57: oh... okay. wait, no you still need to go to the hospital after using an EpiPen. I'm not taking you to the hospital. that's way too money to spend on a hookup
nutwhore28: I am aware of how allergic reactions work, thank you. if I want to go to the hospital that's my own prerogative.
jesusbitch57: you got hospital money?
nutwhore28: of course I've got hospital money. you think I'd do cross-contamination play if I didn't have hospital money?
jesusbitch57: well okay that changes things. we can– we can do this but under one condition. you've gotta marry me first.
nutwhore28: marry you? are you trying to kill me for my money?!
jesusbitch57: hold on now, I'm not trying to kill you. You're trying to kill you. I'm just trying to make the best out of a bad situation!
nutwhore28: oh my God [jesusbitch57 makes the Sign of the Cross] we're done here. I'm going home
jesusbitch57: no wait! okay give me half an hour to grab some things from the store and we can indulge your fantasy, okay? I promise I'll make it worth your while
[cut to: one hour later, in the same church. jesusbitch57 and nutwhore28 are putting their shirts back on]
nutwhore28: oh that was amazing. we definitely need to go to the hospital now though. do you know where I put my EpiPen?
jesusbitch57: no need. remember I went to the store? I put itching powder in your food so it would feel like you were having an allergic reaction without putting you in any real danger
nutwhore28: yes– I do– I will marry you. marry me. marry me please
[a door slams shut in the distance. Enter Father Donahue]
Father Donahue: you are already married! in the eyes of the Lord
nutwhore28: who said that! who's there!
Father Donahue: I am Father Donahue. I work here. You broke into a Catholic church an hour and a half before Sunday morning Mass. Did you think no one would be watching?
jesusbitch57: you were watching us, Father?
Father Donahue: the Lord is always watching. why shouldn't I also from time to time. [he walks towards them, papers in his hand] now, sign here and here and you shall be married in the eyes of the County as well as the Lord
nutwhore28: oh screw "the eyes of the Lord"
Father Donahue: you already did! on that crucifix over there! I saw it happen!
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angelxxreaper · 11 months
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So people!! I need help!!
I mean- x)
I love designing clothes and all of different alt or non alt stuff just for fun and huhhhh, i really wanna do some those past days but i have no inspiration :'D
Soooo if ya have ideas write them in the comments and i'll do something with the comments everyday or something! Because i need that- o.o
So if you have any ideas (could be just asthethic, style, a piece of clothes, a design, a posture like- anything!!) Ya can share then here and i'll try to do something out of that!!:3
Thanks for you attention heh!!-w -
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feverinfeveroutfic · 1 year
sunburn | crushcrushcrush
“Is there a reason why you brought me in here, Lou?”
”Yeah, but, uh—kinda—keep your voice down, though. God forbid we have someone walk in here and see us, especially since there are cameras everywhere in the building. Plus, you know, it’s bad enough I sorta committed the affair.”
”Let’s see, if I recall correctly, it’s in this stall here. I remember Eric pointing it out to me when he came in here the other day and he ran by me saying that Zelda would get a kick out of it.”
“Okay. Um. Where is it? I’m lookin’ here in this stall and I’m not—oh, there it is.”
”Yeah! Okay, I’ll go over here in the one next to you… and you just put your head close to the hole and when you see me, give it a nice little blow.”
”Okay. Um… god, I’m glad we’re doing this in a dressing room and not the men’s room.”
”I know, right? Okay, I’m undoing my pants. You see me?”
”Oh, yes, I see you, alright. Heh. Nice and juicy like a fat sausage.”
”Yowza! Okay, now, I’m going to put my hands behind my head and let you guide my way—”
”Oh, wow, Lou, you taste good. Nice and delicate.”
”Your tongue is like velvet! Woof!”
”Oh, right, right, right. Phew. That’s delicious right there.”
”You’re already kinda drippin’ a bit, babes.”
”Huhhhh, you’re telling me. I can feel it. I’m also hopin’ the metal doesn’t crush my dick.”
”It won’t. I’ll give you a hand job and a crush all on your own before that happens. Oops, got a little bit on my chest.”
”Keep going, keep going, keep going.”
”I wish you could see me, Lou—I just put my hand down my pants to get myself going. You taste a lot better because of it.”
”Oh, man. Oh, man!”
”Lou, hold still!”
”I’m trying, I’m trying, I’m trying…”
”Daaaaaaaamn, you’re hard as diamond!”
”I can feel it! Fucking hell!”
”Yeah, baby, gimme some more of those juices.”
”Huh—oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man! I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!”
”Not if I do it first, big boy!”
“Yeah. That’s how we do it in Rhode Island, baby.”
”California, too.”
”Would you like some more and I can orgasm for you a second time?”
”Maybe outside? I feel like the entire store just heard us, ha!”
”Man, and I thought I was brazen, heh. I need a napkin.”
”Yeah, I do, too. Man, I haven’t jizzed that much in a long time.”
”You came right in my mouth, too. Consider that a win as well.”
”Now, if only I can make you come in my mouth next.”
”Ha! Good luck with that, pony boy.”
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yes hold on let me find green alex wilder gifset. okay so. alien alex is hot and ill say it!!! evil alex unfortunately... is hot and im sad to admit it. why do i keep calling him hot bro sorry i will lore dump now
so the root of all evil (heh) runaways s3 ep10. god damn it. it's the season finale and the way it's set up just really felt like they were setting up a fourth season and they didn't know the show was cancelled there's sooo many plot holes. so apparently someone in the fam tried to blow up his office at work. so he blames them and plots to destroy them all. revenge. yeah im confused too. his family, his eveything, and hes just gonna kill em now. sure. thats like. basically it. theres not more to it.
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rosemary-bells · 3 years
guess who spent 1k+ s-chips on the luke mr....!
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aceoftrashies · 3 years
Diavolo,barbatos and lucifer allergy headcanons pwease 👉👈
[You got it! 👍]
[Lord] Diavolo, Barbatos, & Lucifer Allergy Headcanons:
[Lord] Diavolo:
- he isn't very allergic to a lot of things, his immune system is pretty damn strong
- but his allergy to dust is one of the main reasons why his room is never dusty (thanks to Barbatos of course)
- his sneeze isn't extremely loud, but vocal as well
- like; "heh'SCHUH!!"
- he sometimes laughs as he rubs his nose and excuses himself with such politeness
- will turn away if he's talking to someone or during a meeting to muffle sneezes into his arm
- he has tried to talk through the urge to sneeze, but it fails (and it's pretty funny too)
- dust gets him into uncontrollable sneezing and coughing fits, which Barbatos helps him get through after the room is cleaned
- he's allergic to dust as well, but is also very allergic to Cerberus
- his eyes start watering and nose turns a cute shade of pink when around Cerberus-- so he excuses himself out of the room
- he sometimes wears a mask when dusting so he doesn't breathe it in (he sometimes doesn't because he probably took allergy meds)
- he tries to stifle his sneezes when in a meeting or with people
- but when he's alone he lets them out (that or when his allergies are bad-- stifles create an endless fit for him)
- he can't help but let out a small sound when he stifles, and his normal sneezes are kind of wet sounding
-stifled sneeze; "hh'kXXNT!"
- normal sneeze; "hih'kshew!! heh... heh'kshew!!"
- his only allergy is to angel feathers from their wings (there's a previous headcanon for that :>)
- he tries to holdback his sneezes as much as he can, and stifles them often so no one notices
- if an angel (Simeon) opens their wings around Lucifer, his eyes will get a little watery and his nose turns red and he immediately sneezes
- has pretty lengthy buildups when he can't control it (which yess 💕)
- he often excuses himself to leave the room for a moment to gain control over his nose (and simeon chuckles like a lil sadist)
- Barbatos and Lord Diavolo try to help Lucifer with his allergies, whether it's giving him medication or some tissues (although he probably keeps a handkerchief on him)
- stifled sneeze: "hih'chh! chh! shu!"
- regular sneeze: "ahhh... h-hahhhhh... hah'tshih! huhhhh... excuse me, i-- hih-!! hih'tschew!!"
[I hope these were good!}
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snally · 3 years
i remember when i was in college there was like a whole thing online about ppl buying shirts with uzumaki stuff on them not knowing what it was and people being mad about it (cause fake manga girls i guess. also copyright infringement but i think thats more on the sellers. anyway) and then in one class i had there was a girl wearing one so i was like "cool uzumaki shirt" and she didn't know what it was so in my mind i was like "heh fake manga girl 😏" and then fast forward like 2 years later to my senior year i was chilling with my friend dakota (you know. dakota) and she was like "i remember when you told me what uzumaki was i went home and bought it and read the whole thing in one sitting and its one of my favorite books now" and i was like HUHHHH cause first of all i didn't even realize she (my friend, dakota) was the same girl as fake manga girl. but really goes to show dont u think
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the-nysh · 4 years
Forward: this is gonna be another one of those cursed™ observation posts, but somebody’s gotta document it! even I’m not blind to what Murata’s been doing lately! (Some can probably already guess where I’m going with this, but hey, now it’s time to clinically provide some further character visual evidence~)
Sonic’s 🍑 has competition?!
HUH?! Alright, so I originally thought and quite frankly assumed Sonic was the Reigning Champion in this department, as joked about in many fanworks and as canonically depicted (from ch44):
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Right? That seems pretty typical and expected of Sonic. No surprise there. Ok, but now let’s look at Murata’s most recent drawings of Sonic to compare (ch78 and 87 bonus ch):
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Hmmm?? 🤔 Seems...a little different? I knew Sonic lost some weight from the whole cooked monster cell fiasco, but…something else feels off here, like his body type or proportions have changed. He’s looking more compact with muscle and less curves for one thing. (His serious training paying off?) To compare, here’s Flash (+bonus Tatsu) with more of that classic curvature (ch94 bonus):
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(Well now, that’s pretty fabulous, heh.) So…what’s happening here? Is Murata’s style and/or his tastes evolving in certain ways in this department??? Cause it’s not just Sonic whose sculpted definition has been affected. We’ll need more character examples from the other main guys to find out!
Saitama (ch44, 61 bonus, 75, 85, 89). Looking impressively solid and sturdy as a hard-boiled egg should! (Especially that last one.) As expected of sensei~
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Plus we can’t forget these iconic paired panels (and how Murata draws the difference between muscle and metal, ch21 and 84/85 respectively):
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Which brings us to Genos (+bonus Fubuki, ch44, 64, 80, 83, 93):
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Alright, alright! Murata’s certainly not shy about defining his form in the nude, but gosh is there a stark ramrod difference in body type between him and Fubuki! :O
And lastly, that leaves us with Murata’s poster boy and Reigning Champion in the backs department, Garou (ch89, 90, 93, 126, 129):
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Wait, what. HUHHHH??? (I said backs, not...omg Murata, what you doin?!) It seems ever since Murata put him in a skin-tight body suit (or less), he’s been gratuitously defining more of Garou’s other uhh, assets to show off the rest of his entire backside too. (Murata’s thirst is so transparent~ Also since when the heck did current Garou gain more shapely curves than current Sonic?! What! Is this an equivalent exchange thing for gaining speed?! Just scroll back up to compare with the bottom 4 examples here; I’m still shook in disbelief too.) Funnily enough, Murata’s even self-aware and savvy enough to literally refer to it as ガロ肉 (Garou meat)! Ahhh! And to top it all off, here’s some fabulously fitting fanart by mmonsterbones. I’ll leave it at that for all the visual evidence, and your mileage may vary on who’s the current and/or preferred standout here, but nevertheless, Murata’s noticeably up to something when it comes to drawing these guys’ 🍑’s lately and it shows!
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jellyfish-grave · 3 years
I made a little something
huhhh I tried making an alternate version of chapter 5 for drmc it's explaned better during drmc what led to this situation, but huhhhh here you go Not gonna lie, there's a lot of Komahina, so if you're not a fan of that, please don't read it'll hurt your eyes There's also a lot of spoilers for sdr2 but I mean Hey You're reading a rewriting of chapter 5 you gotta know what you're doing There will also be some illustrations yaaay (read under the cut)
"Fearless, the determined boy ran to the storage’s door. “Nagito!! Are you in here?!”
Hearing no answer, he gripped onto the knob of the door, ready to push forward, but his fellow pink friend stopped him.
“Maybe it’s a trap. I’ll open.” She said as she pushed Hajime away, opening the door.
Little did they know, that would change everything that was about to happen.
A song none of them knew was playing, and the room was bathed in darkness.
The three people that were left from their class joined in, standing in the doorframe.
Hajime, Chiaki, Hiyoko, Akane and Kazuichi were all staring at the pitch black entrance.
All five looked at the dark room, motionless, except one.
Hajime ran in immediately, calling Nagito’s name to find him.
But a fire started and soon the entire room was filled in these deadly red shapes. Hajime was burning, but he kept on going forward. Even if Hajime’s past actions always were questionable, and even if everyone probably hates him as much as Nagito, everyone yelled at him to come back.
Especially Hiyoko who’s only friend left was Hajime since Mahiru disappeared yesterday.
She was screaming in tears. She didn’t want to lose her only parent figure left.
She used to hate him, thought he was dumb and useless, like Mikan. But now she’s gotten used to him, since Mahiru did too. She also somehow managed to develop a feeling of compassion towards Nagito.
Loosing all three in two days was the worst.
The childish dancer almost ran into the fire to make Hajime come back, but Chiaki held her back.
Meanwhile, Hajime was dying piece by piece.
He was burning himself in every way of the term.
He didn’t want to lose him.
The only on who ever understood him.
If he said in that video that he was there, he’s trusting him. He’d go through fire if it is the cost to see him again.
Red was blurring his vision, yet he walked forward. After some moment, he couldn’t hear everyone’s screams anymore.
All he could hear was the crisping sounds of the flames, and his own voice calling for his name.
He found his way through a path that wasn’t so filled with fire, but the heat was still killing him slowly....
Until a hand reached for him.
The hand pulled him over, in an area that wasn’t filled with flames.
He was powerless, motionless, until he saw who just saved him.
With a relief, he was finally able to say his name in a calm way. « Nagito!.. »
Nagito was tied onto a bar of metal with ropes, only his right hand was free. His left hand was all the way to the other side of the metal bar. His mouth covered in duck tape, he wasn’t able to talk.
Hajime came forward, still crouched on the ground to not breath the fire’s gas.
He took the duck tape off, and immediately said:
“What are you doing here?! What’s going on?!
-...heh. I guess....my plan failed.”
Nagito didn’t even answer the question properly, though that was enough for Hajime to understand:
“You...planned this?
-Yeah well....I guess it’s no use anymore.
-Why would you do that?? Are you insane??
-Maybe...maybe I am.
Both looked at each other, then around them.
The flames were getting closer and closer, they had no time left.
“Do you know if there’s still a way I can get you out?...
-Ahah...no. I made it impossible...
-Why would you....
-It would take too long to explain what my goal was...”
Hajime couldn’t believe was he was hearing.
They were about to die... that’s it. It’s the end.
“I also turned off the sprinklers of this room so that the fire couldn’t die out...
-Are you serious right now?? Do you want to die that badly??”
No answers.
“Please...don’t try and understand what’s going on....not right now...I’m dying soon anyways. So no need to worry.
-What do you mean “no need to worry”?? Where is my opinion in this?? Everyone hates me except you and Mahiru!! And you two have been gone for a day!!
-What are you trying to say?...
- I...”
“I need you godammit!!”
Hajime started crying. He was still sitting right in front of Nagito.
“....but...I’m sure you’ll do fine without me...if I kill myself you’re safe.
-What do you...mean?
-There’s a rule that states only two murders can be done at once. If I kill myself now, monokuma will be forced to save you.
It took several seconds for Hajime to realize what Nagito just said.
“You killed Mahiru?!?!”
Hajime was understanding less and less what was going on. Why would he do that??
“No. I didn’t.”
He marked a pause.
“You did.
-Please, lie to the others. Tell them I confessed for the murder of Mahiru. Tell them I killed her.
-Wh-Why would I do that??
-To survive.”
It was too much to process.
Too much. Too much.
All he started to actually realize is that Nagito was about to die.
“I don’t understand....
-You don’t have to.”
Hajime leaned in. He hugged Nagito as strong as he could. So tight Nagito couldn’t move anymore. He then whispered:
“If we force monokuma to break a rule...do you think the others will be safe?...
-....what are you doing?...
-I’m hugging you.
-I know but....why?...
-I’m stopping you from suiciding. If we both stick to each other until the fire comes closer, there’s no way only one of us will die.
-But...it’s completely possi-“
Hajime didn’t know about the spear hanging on top of them. He didn’t want to know either.
He wanted to believe that no, there was no way Nagito could die without him.
So to shut him up, he kissed him.
He didn’t want Nagito to tell him what was about to happen.
What was about to happen, he knew. He knew Nagito would find a way no matter what Hajime would’ve done.
They were kissing, here, in the fire, on the verge of death.
The fire was burning so badly the both of them, and yet the both of them wanted to stay here.
But Nagito realized this was the last moment he could save Hajime.
So he pushed Hajime away.
He stopped holding onto the spear, in the back of the pillar, and Hajime vision was filled with blood.
Out of rage, Hajime immediately took the spear away. It was heavy, but he didn’t care.
He didn’t have the time to realize what just happened before his eyes, he didn’t have the time to actually think about his actions.
He pierced himself through with the very same spear.
He was crying, he yelled. Yelled his name.
He didn’t know what he was doing anymore.
His vision was getting as blurry as how pink it was.
He was lying there, on the ground, next to Nagito.
What was that feeling he was experiencing?
What was it called again?
No. Still not.
That was it.
..." So yeah- This little text right there is called "Pink" So here's the illustration for it (click for better quality pls)
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I also made a version with red blood for the ones who aren't scared of blood-
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promisebymin · 4 years
idk why but I never looked at twices’ ages until now and I’m like what . I was way off 😶 I thought most of them would be 99-02 liners except nayeon n jihyo since they were in jyp for the longest soooo I assumed they were the oldest members which I was right abt kinda ... I knew nayeons age bc milf jokes heh so I was like ok jihyo is same yr too but . WTFFF MISS JIHYO IS A 97liner . SO IS MINA . THATS A YR OLDER THAN ME . n dahyun is from my year aka 98 ??? HUHHHH !! I was so wrong abt their ages but I did get chaeyoung n tzuyu in the right age range ndshahsj but everyone else ages shocked me I was thinking they were youNGER than me
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elyvorg · 5 years
Its the ficwriting corner of the celeste fandom, there are like 3 of us and i just made one of the others post the woman with calculus meme over the fact that celeste mountain is on an island
…wait, it is on an island, but it’s also in Canada. Does Canada have islands that are just a mountain and nothing else? And even if it does, how did Madeline drive there? Huhhhh.
(Hello, multiple asks in fairly short succession! I’m pretty sure now that this is all the same anon, heh. Gonna put them all in the same post to avoid clogging things up.)
Anonymous said:
personally my headcanon is that either a, the Bird is the Avatar of the Mountain, or b, there are two Birds and one is Part of Granny and one is the Avatar of the Mountain and the Granny one was just like, im gonna permanently cosplay the Avatar of the Mountain, and Granny was just like okay that works! (stopping time and giving other people superpowers seems a little overpowered for a Shadow but perfectly within the skillset of the avian avatar of an eldritch mountain god)
Huh, I never considered the angle of it being an avatar of the Mountain, but that makes a lot of sense. Madeline does only gain the ability to dash once the bird tells her how to. I always kind of assumed that the dash ability was just something that automatically happens to everyone once they get close enough to the Mountain and that point in the prologue was when she was close enough to activate the power, but it could have been the bird giving it to her, hm. (Though trying too hard to work the platforming mechanics into the story makes things pretty awkward. Is Madeline actually experiencing dying and respawning all those times? And if she is, then that means she’s going through a tough challenge, sure, but it also means that she’s in literally no danger because she cannot possibly die here.)
If the bird really is solely the avatar of the Mountain and not Granny’s Shadow at all, then that means that Granny just up and befriended the Mountain itself, which… yes, I can definitely see her doing that without a care in the world.
Anonymous said:
i like how ch9 revealed that maddy is trans, incidentally turning all the transitional cutscenes in the Summit into terrible visual puns (the sunrise colours used are specifically the trans flag colours)
It is really cool that they put in a couple of details suggesting Madeline is most likely trans!  (hello I’ve been kind of wanting an excuse to talk about this so I hope you don’t mind if I use this as one)
I say “most likely” because it still isn’t completely confirmed, unless the creators have made some kind of official statement on it that I’m unaware of. People have been saying Madeline is canonically trans, which is teeeeechnically not true, although I do understand the desire to jump on this and phrase it that way when there’s practically no canon trans characters anywhere in anything remotely mainstream. Outright confirmation in canon would be some kind of direct mention of it in the dialogue, but as it is, the details in her room still have some vague deniability to them. Although her being trans is definitely the more likely explanation for these details, it is possible Madeline just supports gay and trans people because everyone should and wants to show her support despite not necessarily being either, and it’s possible she just happened to have short hair when she was little even if she didn’t think she was a boy back then. (Honestly the photo clinches it for me more than the flag does because at that kind of age she probably wasn’t deciding her own hairstyle and her mom was probably just cutting her hair based on the gender she thought her child was.)
But it is still super, super cool that those details are there and very strongly indicating that she probably is trans even if the writers didn’t want to explicitly confirm it in the story (because after all that’s not really what the story is about anyway). With this, the creators have made it clear that they’re very happy with the idea of Madeline being trans and have given fans a solid reason to see her that way, which is a lot more than most characters ever get. Anyone can say she’s trans now and nobody is going to be able to turn around and argue “but there isn’t any reason to think that”, because yo there sure is. Not that headcanoning a character as anything is ever wrong even if there’s no evidence for it, that’s the point of headcanons, but it’s much nicer and more fun to be able to do that when there is evidence and it feels more likely to really be the “truth” about this character.
My own personal opinion on whether Madeline is trans is basically an “ehh, yeah, probably I guess?” but not quite coming fully down on one side, because in my personal view on the story, being most interested in Madeline in terms of her mental health issues and her Shadow and her emotional journey, this isn’t that relevant to it and so I’m not as invested in this part of her. (I totally understand why trans people would be very invested and excited about this and happy to be able to see that aspect of themselves in her, though!) Assuming Madeline is trans, it doesn’t seem to be too strongly connected to her issues, because if she wasn’t completely confident in her identity as a woman then her Shadow would probably have mentioned things that could be read as having to do with that, and people would have been able to theorise that she was trans way before chapter 9 all but said so. So I can only assume that Madeline must have figured it out when she was quite young and has been fully transitioned for a while. It certainly seems that her mom is completely supportive with it, calling her Madeline and very clearly loving her daughter for who she is, which probably helps Madeline a lot on that front. It could still be slightly connected to some things in her issues, though - I mentioned in my original big Celeste post that it seems Madeline has some level of trust issues, although the details are kept vague, so that could potentially have to do with people having found out that she’s trans and being really shitty about it.
(I do like to think, if Madeline is trans, that at some point over the apparently years she’s been friends with Theo by now, she’d have come to trust him enough to tell him about it. You know he’d be totally cool with it.)
Anonymous said:
if given the opportunity PoM would totally make wavedash dot powerpoint esque powerpoint presentations for maddy but on topics like “we might have a crush” or “cats: should we pet them more” or “maddy you forgot to take your meds today” or “should we buy milk” and madeline would find them absolutely hilarious
Bwahaha. That would be glorious. Maybe we can pretend Madeline sometimes has dreams like that after chapter 9. (I’m pretty sure there’s a thing in Jungian psychology about how your Shadow can influence your dreams, which explains why Madeline was able to talk to her in chapter 9 despite not being on the Mountain, even if the wavedashing powerpoint was clearly her and not her Shadow that time.)
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Tagged by @nerdygaykitten thank youuu these are fun!
Are you named after anyone? Well my buddy gave me the nickname Sas, short for Sassy Pants. So... I think I was named after my penchant for snark and shitty puns.
When was the last time you 😢? Honestly it’s been a while since I had a good (or, well, bad) cry. The last full-on cry was back in May, and honestly, it changed my relationship with someone I was close to in drastic but ultimately helpful ways, since it drove me to finally unload all my emotional baggage onto a therapist, hehe.
Do you have kids? Unless you count the OC babes in my stories, no.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? In writing through certain characters, or in non-fiction through my voice (I DON’T KNOW why I’m such a snarky anecdote-narrator but I just am). In real life I only unlock my sarcasm potential with people I’m not anxious around.
What’s your eye colour? That dark color many people call “black”. But really, bruh, no one’s eyes are completely black, because otherwise how tf would you see the pupils? Huh? Huhhhh? So, very dark brown.
Scary movie or happy ending? Happy endings (with a dash of sad).
Any special talents? Besides endless stream-of-consciousness daydreams and an abundance of procrastination energy, I also have the much-envied gift of perfect pitch, to the surprise of my choir instructors back in the day.
Where were you born? In a hospital. (Heh.) In China.
What are your hobbies? In my free time I like to torment the hug-worthy, the morally-gray, and the irredeemable characters who are by-products and important fragments of my mercurial imagination. This is often done in the form of daydreaming, and sometimes done in the form of writing. I hope to be able to do the latter a lot more.
Do you have any pets? I like the concept of owning a big, floofy dog just as chaotic as I am, but I don’t consider myself responsible enough for one atm, emotionally as well as financially.
What sports do you play/have you played? The only sports I can tolerate (besides speed-walking due to impatience) are biking and swimming. So, those. 
How tall are you? 1.72m, and has been since I was 14, which let me pass as an adult for way earlier than is good for me. *Evil chuckle.* 
Favourite subject? If you mean in school, in the life that I had just left behind... Psychology, literature (but creative writing in particular), visual arts, and the occasional dash of drama when social anxiety isn’t being a bitch.
Dream job? I want to be commissioned and paid advances that would let me roam around the house trying to convince my hellbrain to let me settle down and write, all day, every day.
Tagging @hidden-inside-of-you @gear65 @lilyaceofdiamonds @dreamywritingdragon @greenmountaingirl @peacocktalk @kinoglowworm @one-sane-asylum @moirabartons @rabulousfandom
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