#human and pig dna similarity
kosheeka · 7 months
What are Fibroblast Cells?
he pig genome is three times closer to our genome that that of mice. Take the example of cystic fibrosis, the introduction of the mutation responsible for the disease in mice has not shown the exact course of the disease however, recent reports show the successful recapitulation of the disease in pig models. As there is a similarity between the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract, and the pancreas between pigs and humans, research on diseases and toxicology can be carried out on these models  with Swine Fibroblast Cells (Walters et al, 2013).
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dzthenerd490 · 2 months
File: Resident Evil 8
Code Name: The Megamycete/ Mother Miranda
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: A majority of the mass was killed during the assault by the Global Occult Coalition. Though the few scraps that remained were harvested and contained by the Foundation later. The soul sample of SCP-AGE is contained at Site-AO to be regularly used in testing. 
It is contained within the level 5 biohazard labs, within a biohazard canister stored in one of the freezers locked by a 6-digit lock. Within the canister is a trap sac of necrosis venom that will pop the moment someone forces the freezer open and tries to steal SCP-AGE. This will also occur if SCP-AGE somehow gains sentience and breaks out on its own. The same procedure is to be relied on during a containment breach. 
Description: SCP-AGE was a large colony of underground mold that, like regular mold, can devour the corpses of any dead organism it comes across. However, unlike normal mold it catalogues the biological characteristics and memories of whatever it devours. Because SCP-AGE is a mold it is also able to infect whoever comes too close to it, randomly giving them memories, biological, and physical traits of all its previous victims. Due to the random mutations and gaining of random memories exposure to SCP-AGE causes people to go insane and become monsters. Though they never try to harm SCP-AGE and sometimes even maintain the intelligence to go out and kill random organisms to feed to SCP-AGE. Though their bodies cannot handle the mutations for long and they end up dying after a month or so. 
The mutations that SCP-AGE victims can receive all depends on the creatures who died within its vicinity. This includes cave fish, bats, wolves, pigs, and humans. It's also possible for genetic mutations to occur leading to almost unexplainable anomalous abilities within the victims. Such anomalous abilities include casting illusions, Metallokinesis, Rapid Regeneration, Biological Mutation, Size Mutation, Mind Control, Insectomancy, Pyromancy, Electromancy, and Hydrokinesis. 
This was originally all the anomalous properties of SCP-AGE, but it was mutated and experimented with by Person of Interest: Mother Miranda. For those that don't know, Miranda is a member of one of the front companies of Group of Interest: Neo Umbrella and one of the only people who knew of Neo Umbrella's true nature. She was also the mysterious investor involved with the creation of SCP-AFZ.
She is a Romanian Proto-Sarkite that was born in the late 18th Century and had a baby. However, a rival Sarkic Clan known as [data expunged] famous for creating the Spanish Flu infection came to the village and killed her daughter. She decided to bury her daughter in the mountains and die with her but there she encountered SCP-AGE. The SCP-AGE absorbed her daughter's body and infused with her, because she was a Sarkite she was able to resist the negative effects of the infection and became SCP-AGE itself. 
She then created SCP-AGE-Gift or the Cadou as she called it. SCP-AGE-Gift is a small parasitic creature made of a concentrated version of the mold from SCP-AGE. With it, Miranda would infect people by having it latch onto them and enter their bodies. It reads their DNA and fuses them with whatever is most stable with their bodies. The result is either an SCP-AGE-Monarch or an SCP-AGE-Servant instance depending on the uniqueness of their biological signature. 
SCP-AGE-Monarch is someone with extremely unique biological signature such as genetic mutations, hereditary diseases, and especially anomalous status. This results in them gaining extremely unique characteristics and abilities form SCP-AGE-Gift's. SCP-AGE-Monarch commonly has great regenerative abilities and the ability to control SCP-AGE-Servant's. Quite similar to SCP-AFZ each one has a secondary form where the grow stronger as a result. However, unlike SCP-AFZ their abilities aren't limited to mold and can become anything related to SCP-AGE's past victims. They can gain either one or several powerful abilities as described earlier. The only difference is these abilities are not random anymore and are now given to those that are compatible with their DNA. 
SCP-AGG-Servants are much different in that their DNA is more stable but because of that they gain very basic mutations. These mutations typically, lead to the host gaining wolf like characteristics, making them resemble what a traditional werewolf would appear mid transformation. They are the most common mutation and act as true food soldiers for SCP-AGE-Monarchs and Person of Interest: Miranda. There are other mutations such as transforming into reptilian mermaid like monsters that are fast swimmers and good at camouflage. Then there are mutations where the arms are replaced with bat wings and the tongue is elongated and able to drink blood like a mosquito.
It should be noted that SCP-AGE is actually the progenitor of SCP-AFZ hence why there are some key similarities between the two. In fact, Person of Interest: Miranda the primary host and controller of SCP-AGE was originally a scientist within Group of Interest: Neo Umbrella. She worked in and helped create the from company "The Connections" and was the head researcher in creating SCP-AFZ in hopes of perfectly resurrecting her dead daughter; she considered the project a failure and quickly left as a result. 
It was actually thanks to research of SCP-AFZ's corpse and her remaining instances that led the Foundation to SCP-AGE in 2021. She was shown maintaining the religion of her Sarkic Clan known as the "Black Wings" long after its extinction by her own hands. She apparently tried to use the flesh of her brethren to make the perfect vessel for her daughter, but only succeeded in making SCP-AGE stronger as a result. She later repopulated the village with regular humans and indoctrinated them into her religion. It's unknown when and where she got these people, but it is assumed she recreated the village sometime in the middle of the 20th century. They were made to believe she was a savior and prophet of the religion thanks to her anomalous abilities, all while she kidnapped people in the village regularly and experimented on them with SCP-AGE-Gift instances.
She eventually created the SCP-AGE-Monarchs and gave them different territories within the village to perform their own experiments in hopes the results would further progress her own. However, she instead got the results she wanted out of pure coincidence when Person of Interest: Ethan Winters and Mia Winters had a daughter. She was given essence of SCP-AGE by hereditary infection from her father who as it turns out was an SCP-AFZ-2 instance that was able to fully resist SCP-AGZ's control somehow. This resulted in their daughter Rosemary Winters to have anomalous powers that can grow beyond anything SCP-AGE and SCP-AFZ. 
Unfortunately, Miranda found out of Rose's existence, and was determined to capture her. Worst off, the Global Occult Coalition intercepted her plan and tried to kill her while kidnapping Rose and Ethan Winters to prevent any of Miranda's SCP-AGE instances to take her back. Due to their incompetence, they failed, and Miranda got Rose. Ethan Winters, MTF Ares-8 unit David Anderson, and a civilian Elena Lupu managed to defeat Miranda despite having no Foundation or GOC assistance. Later SCP-AGE was destroyed by Ethan Winters thanks to an explosive placed by Global Occult Coalition Agent Chris Redfield. Please see Addendum X-42 for details. 
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oh-yes-i-did-not · 1 year
Okay so for those either too young to remember or who were alive during but it never really affected them based on where they lived, Mad Cow Disease
Mad Cow Disease was thing in the late 80′s and the entire 90′s, all the way to early 00′s and it was an international scare. Like, we had disinfecting stations on international airports because of it.
It was a virus passed from animals to humans and this didn’t happen somewhere random in Asia, where, idk, bats and pigs interact and infect the food chain, but in Europe. In UK to be precise.
It affected only cows at first and only agriculture paid any attention, since any animal infected needed to be put down. Like no shit, those animals couldn’t even walk with how bad they were shaking and if you want to google this, be prepared. It doesn’t look nice, it looks ugly and horrifying and it will likely traumatize someone.
And the mode of transfer was not evident. There are videos and photos, showing cow carcasses being burned and someone trying to claim that was early days but that was very much not the reality in the beginning. In fact, all the research showed it is not possible for Mad Cow Disease to infect humans. In fact2, a similar disease was already known in lambs for decades and that one could not infect humans, so it was a no brainer to say, a similar disease in cows can also NEVER infect humans, so no precautions with the carcass needed.
But the thing is, how we processed meat had changed drastically between the lambs being a stable, grown at home meat, and then cows, or beef, becoming dominant with supermarkets. This is basically the “you see this, this is animal paste from a teletubby machine” video, except the paste wasn’t fed to humans. It’s known as meat and bone meal and it was all the leftover stuff from abattoirs, ground up and fed back to the animals as valuable protein.
You might see where this is going.
So let’s talk about prion diseases.
Well, as much as I, a random person know about them. Prions are proteins and proteins are not DNA or RNA, which are most likely familiar to anyone who has googled Covid, or any novel corona viruses in general. They’re the viruses a vaccine is made for.
Prion diseases are, in fact, mostly known because of cannibalism. Kuru is a famous disease among one specific tribe on Pacific Islands, caused by their tradition of consuming their relatives flesh after death. In fact, I just fact checked on which ocean and was told that the Kuru was mainly affecting kids and women because the men ate limbs and muscles and women and kids got the brain and basically all the best, fatty parts. Which, ironically, carried the disease.
And yes, in any survivalist culture fat, innards, and cartilage and the “bad parts” are the best because they contain the most nutrients so no, you do no get to twist this into the men taking the best, so fuck of terfs. This post is not for you.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease was already known by the time of Mad Cow Disease, it was a brain destroying disease affecting the elderly population. Mad Cow became variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, or vCJD and was picked up because it mainly affected the young.
And in case you didn’t get it already, the link was infected cow carcasses being processed to meat and bone meal to be fed back to cows, because infected prion diseases spread through cannibalism. Or more specifically, spine and brain stem.
(so you’re relatively safe eating just the thigh or any muscle tbh)
So in the end, Mad Cow Disease didn’t kill that many people, only few hundreds, if I recall correctly.
But the thing that was found out about the prion diseases because of Kuru was that while some people exhibited symptoms and died really early, most had an incubation period of DECADES, aka 50 years. So the inevitable conclusion about vCJD is that it has only claimed it’s first victims and that majority are still waiting to appear and die.
Because the thing about prion diseases? There is currently no cure. And the fact that no one seems to remember this and that there is no awareness of it is not helping.
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teecupangel · 1 year
So just a story idea.
What if minerva is like Desmond's real mother. And she is like "he dies for the greater good and all that bullsh*t"
And than make it like a real angst fic where his human mother does not care and his "real" mother sees him only as a pig for Slaughter. But wait he doesn't lissen to Minerva and goes his own pad.
That was never the plan. And what if he like becomes really powerful after he dies by the appels hands.
Like trow him at anytime and people will think he is a god. And Desmond just want to be left alone.
Or maybe Minerva loves Desmond and does everything to save him.
Sorry for English
(There’s no need to be sorry. I understood the idea :))
Why not have both?
Minerva is Desmond’s real mother in the sense that she manipulated the calculations to ensure he was born, weaving her own DNA into him to ensure that he would be more than humans and more than any of the Sages. She watched over him using the Eye and nudged events along the way to ensure he follows the path she had laid out for him.
William Miles’ wife, the human who gave birth to Desmond, only had him because of her obligations to William Miles but she never wanted to be a mother. She didn’t think she would make a good one and she never bothered to try being one, treating Desmond just like any other kids on the Farm.
The loneliness and desire for a maternal figure formed some kind of connection between him and Minerva thanks to her DNA in him and the Eye. They would hold conversations while Desmond was asleep, similar to how Minerva talked to Ezio back in the vault.
In the end, Desmond runs away from the Farm because he learned that Minerva is his mother but she had him for the sake of humanity. Desmond assumed that meant that Minerva was just like his human mother who don’t even see him as her son. The pain was enough to break their connection and Minerva simply let him go as she could still nudge the events without Desmond knowing.
And Minerva truly did believe that Desmond dying for the sake of the greater good was fine.
Until she talked to him in the Grand Temple.
Yes, letting Juno escape was a factor in her plea for Desmond to let the world burn.
But more importantly, she realized she did love him as a son after realizing how powerless she was when Juno’s control forced him into a coma.
But she knew he would never believe her if she told him that she was willing to let the world burn if it meant he would live.
So she did what she could do, use up all the remaining time she had back in the past to update the Grand Temple, to change the future and give Desmond a chance to be happy.
In a calculation that the Isus did not choose…
The Grand Temple activates once Desmond uses the device and saves Desmond by destroying his human body and was ready to transfer his consciousness to an Isu-human body that Minerva had preferred.
But it was up to Desmond when he would wake up.
Past, present and future were but a suggestion as he floated in the Grey and Minerva…
Minerva watched as Desmond made his choice without even realizing she was behind him the entire time.
And this time…
Minerva did not follow him.
She turned off her Eye and sat on her chair, closing her eyes as she waited for the end.
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muppenthings · 1 year
What do your ocs eat?
My free time. ;(
Hehehe ok really now! Since you didn't specify which OC/s I will present to you, a general list for them all!
Mentions of eating animals below
Coastal and Oceanic mers are omnivores. They eat fish, shellfish, kelp, plants by the shore, seagrass and such. Coastal mers are more harvesters and eat less fish and more kelp while Oceanic are hunters and eat more fish. Merry is a coastal mer so they eat lots of kelp, seagrass and shellfish. :)
Cetus and Tide are carnivores, so they eat primarily meat/fish. Tide still eats whatever, because his metabolism is higher than normal due to being very active for a Leviathan. He'll eat kelp (some kelp he'll eat just for the taste) if there's nothing else, even if he doesn't get anything out of it. Plus he just likes eating in general (hates being hungry) and is always curious to try something new (he did loot ships transporting food for some time). Cetus is much pickier. If he had a choice he'd only eat cetaceans. But alas, the humans decide his diet for him. So he has to settle with more fish and red meat (sheep, cow, pig etc) with only the occasional whale.
Alvin is a carnivore too. Nagas are opportunistic so he'll eat anything he can get hold of. Boar, moose, deer, bear, fish, cow all's good. As he currently lives on a ranch, he's guarding the rancher's animals as part of an agreement. So now he mostly eats the domesticated animals he's rationed, with the odd predator that attempts to hunt the animals he's guarding. :)
Like all Saehls, Runt is a piscivore and mainly eats fish, shellfish, octopus and crustaceans. He can eat certain vegetables and fruits/berries too (like melon, banana, blueberries, pumpkins) but the nutrients he needs comes from fish! He's very happy to have some human food too (as long as it's rice or oatmeal based and thus safe).
Elmer is an omnivore and he can eat whatever's available, like a human can. Before he was sealed, he'd hunt giant elks native to the area or any other large game. But if the hunting failed, or the winter was particularly bad, he'd eat tree bark or branches. These are things he can't really digest but it filled an achingly empty stomach. He also ate honeycombs (think the entire nest) or plucked fruit from trees.
Coby became a carnivore after being infused with alien DNA (poor thing was a vegetarian before :,)). Any and all meat is acceptable and needed to keep his instincts from taking over.
Snuffy's diet was answered here!
Pyrra's species eats lots of grains, fruits & vegetables, seeds & nuts, fungi, eggs and insects. Meanwhile Erzikas has a similar diet, but with more fish and less grains. Thurior eats more meat, vegetables and grains! Her species also digest lactose very well, so dairy products is a staple in their diet.
Keiki is opportunistic too and will eat any giant sea creatures like sea serpents, fish, cetaceans, crustaceans etc. He'll also eat any Titanik fruits/vegetation he can reach from the shore. And he'll also eat ocean magic currents, basically magic. Magic fuels him for a lot longer than other foods. :)
Hilda, Frida, Alfredo, Archer, dr. Pugh, Brian, Jonathan, Alice, Magdaleine, Taniel, Amelia and Samuel are all humans. So they have a human diet. Lots of variations tho as they live in different timeperiods, cultures, lifestyles and worlds. And have different allergies and intolerances. But that's just too specific to get into.
Birdie (borrower) eats whatever she can get, but she's got a sweet tooth. If she aquires a toffee then that's what she'll eat the next couple of days. Who needs the food pyramid
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pokemon-ash-aus · 2 years
I'm late bc I fell asleep but
Trubbishtwo came to being because they expected him to be dead not long after being created. Instead of properly taking care of it, once they thought he was dead one scientist in particular thought it'd be easier to just toss him, because he was very small at the time, no one would realize.
The process that normally would make Trubbish is actually what saved him, his body fusing with the process to survive. A combination of two man made pokemon. Sort of like evolving to survive. He was much smaller than other Mewtwo for a long time, because in all technicality he should be dead. Similar to TC's pig, he had one foot in the grave, but instead of becoming a ghost he became poison type because of the chemical reaction from the industrial waste.
A Garbodor is the only reason he survived after that, as she took care of him along side her egg born Trubbish as he struggled to get used to his body and having to learn how to keep the bag part of him taken care of. As far as the Trubbish know, he's just a funny looking one of them. He's their brother. Originally he only cared about other man made pokemon. Voltorb, Porygon, Trubbish, and Banette just for examples. If humans had a hand in creating them, he'd make sure they were treated just like any "normal" Pokemon. Plenty of people had suddenly become ill only to find their pokemon gone after they're seen treating even one of the more man made ones wrong. Trubbishtwo had no qualms with it. He was saving ones like him, and others as well to boot.
He doesn't know Mew knows of his existence, and Mew can't look at him at the moment because it seems what people have done using its DNA and it hurts Mew, because it can see how much pain Trubbishtwo is in mentally, having experienced death once already and having to be seen as worse than others of his kinds because of how he was made by the few who know what he is.
Ooooooooh!!!!! We had the same braincell for this!!!!
For mine it was just cause Team Rocket doesnt care for proper waste management that they just tossed this one babytwo into a bag. Chemical reaction from the liquids on said two + the improper care would have made it into a poison/psychic.
Unlike yours tho, mine defo didnt survive and only had a few waking moments trying to get out before passing away.
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codgod-moved · 2 years
I can tell you a bit about evolution/ natural selection for that. Humans have 3 colour cones in their eyes, red green and blue, to see colour because that had an evolutionary advantage. Our ancestors were heavily reliant on betties and fruits and such and so we can tell when things are red because ripe berry tasty. A lot of prey animals don't have red cones because they don't need it, and they specced into a wider field of vision sensitive to movement (predators) instead. If there's no evolutionary advantage to having red cones there's less chance of a random mutation of that occuring to spread through a population, even if it's technically benign. We are predators with front facing eyes to better judge dept. Modern day humans don't rely on full colour vision at all really. Colourblind people don't disproportionately die which is why those traits still occur in the population. But colour vision isn't exactly dissappearing either, because it's just kind of benign. Natural selection based on environmental pressure doesn't really occur in the current human population at large like it would for most other populations. As an addition to that, 10,000 years is a relatively short time in the scheme of evolution. As I understand it in this au netherborns were originally humans that settled down in the nether, and based on the above I'd say that for the most part they'd still have the normal range of colour vision, but that is a bottleneck event (a small non-representative portion of a population getting seperated from the rest) so it's perfectly possible the rate of colourblindness to normal vision is totally skewed in either direction. Or maybe the dna altering mushrooms messed with them idk. That's really up to you I just like biology
Also pigs itl have dichromatic vision (2 cones) but they apparently see red green and blue in varying amounts bc their cones are a bit different than humans, but they mostly see in large swatches of colour, less detailed. Piglins appear to be predators however with front facing eyes and with what you're saying, omnivores like humans. However thry also originated in the nether where green isn't really a thing at all for the most part, so maybe they just see red and blue? Maybe they can see ultraviolet like birds and such I feel like the mushrooms have some of that kind of colour.
Tldr; I think netherborns have a normal human range of vision and piglins see red and blue and maybe ultraviolet. Sorry this is so uh. Long and technical
do NOT apologise for this being long and technical that just made it fun to read. though my eyes did kinda glaze over reading this so thank u for the tldr at the end LOL
so i’m thinking based on All That. that maybe netherborns do generally have full colour vision Yeah but colourblindness is far more common among netherborns than it is in humans 🤔 especially taking into account the dna altering mushrooms (maybe they can see shrimp colours lol) and the fact that they’re almost all some varying level of piglin hybrid anyway
and yeah as rose mentioned in the tags it’d probably manifest similar to tritanopia considering the colour scheme of the nether
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shyampyari · 2 years
Humans and birds are a different matter. Yet they, too, share a lot of DNA -- 65 percent
Humans and dogs share 84 percent of their DNA.
Humans and mice share nearly 90 percent of human DNA.
The genetic DNA similarity between pigs and human beings is 98%
Cats are more like us than you'd think. A 2007 study found that about 90 per cent of the genes in the Abyssinian domestic cat are similar to humans.
Domesticated cattle [ Cows and more ] share about 80 per cent of their genes with humans, according to a
2009 report in the journal Science.
An article from national geographic says, how a quarter of cow genome comes from snakes.
Even bananas share 60 percent of human DNA.
I think in Sanskrit, leaf means ‘prana’ which is the breath or the life and cows are generally regarded as the source of creation also ‘soul’ and pigs can be seen as Varaha in a way and snakes are ancestors in a lot of cultures.
Cats are so feminine and dogs are amazing.
They share so much of our emotions as well as DNA.
Logically, ethically, you really don’t think it would mess up the root of everything?
I mean, messing around with animals?
it was so beautiful to go through how every creature is connected to each other in a way and then you had to end it with that
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suvarnarekha · 2 years
Humans and birds are a different matter. Yet they, too, share a lot of DNA -- 65 percent
Humans and dogs share 84 percent of their DNA.
Humans and mice share nearly 90 percent of human DNA.
The genetic DNA similarity between pigs and human beings is 98%
Cats are more like us than you'd think. A 2007 study found that about 90 per cent of the genes in the Abyssinian domestic cat are similar to humans.
Domesticated cattle [ Cows and more ] share about 80 per cent of their genes with humans, according to a
2009 report in the journal Science.
An article from national geographic says, how a quarter of cow genome comes from snakes.
Even bananas share 60 percent of human DNA.
I think in Sanskrit, leaf means ‘prana’ which is the breath or the life and cows are generally regarded as the source of creation also ‘soul’ and pigs can be seen as Varaha in a way and snakes are ancestors in a lot of cultures.
Cats are so feminine and dogs are amazing.
They share so much of our emotions as well as DNA.
Logically, ethically, you really don’t think it would mess up the root of everything?
Eating animals is certainly messing things up!
They share so much of our emotions as well as DNA.
Logically, ethically, you really don’t think it would mess up the root of everything?
Okay I am not sure I get your point but here we go. I myself am not a proper vegan so I therefore have no right to shame people consuming whatever they desire. Logically, with the facts you stated it kind of rounds up to an emotional understanding of whether we should consume animals or not. 
People might argue that humans are omnivores and hence can eat both plants and animals. Herein the counter argument can be that we, homo sapiens, actually have a choice of eating either plants or animals. The ones who choose to slaughter lives of the latter are hereby, immoral and unethical. 
Now one might counter by saying that its about being a part of the good old food chain (holistically, food web). Humans have evolved from a period where initially hunter-gathering were the sole options of obtaining food, and that later we started cultivating food of their own rather than depending on hunting. So looking at evolution, its natural to have a meat-centric diet. They’d even add the fact that a lot of the planet’s land mass is not arable. There, animals are a proficient way to generate eatable food from.
I would have said do whatever you want just don’t be a hypocrite about it. But everything has flaws, nuances, variations, distinctions etc. 
This might come handy here, but then again- well, better not create a vicious cycle now. 
aight i need to lighten this atmosphere (sorry not sorry)
dear non gentle people,
we present to you ✨deoxyribo nuclic acid stuff✨
but no seriously the fact that i share a fourth of dna with a flower william wordsworth romanticized in his poetry is actually groovy as heck
also why is even the human genome "made up of bits of DNA that have copied themselves and jumped around" like is anything original left in this world or what smh
Cats are so feminine and dogs are amazing.
i don't even know why but i do not find this cute because
i am scared of every living vertebrae containing two chambered heart/three chambered/four chambered heart
that's about it istg it is not funny at all especially with frogs and creepy reptiles frogging around in this rainy-painy season 
...not very good with endings, am i? :/
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What I'm going to say is going to sound sexist
I don't understand why the female gender I say gender because go across everything that has a female
I don't know why the female gender feels obligated to omnipotence I don't know why a female should they just automatically in their brain tell themselves they just have this magical believe that they are entitled to absolute power and not to any responsibility at all
I don't know what kind of mental illness you have to have that tells you that you are entitled to power but not responsibility or consequences of your actions ?
Whatever it is I just keep I keep calling it females schizophrenia
This Mass delusion that women have about everything in existence women will also change the constant rules when living with them and get mad at you for not memorizing them when they're constantly just Making Shit up and remaking Shit up and continue to make Shit up but pretend like it always was that way !
Women constantly change the rules around men and then in their head tell themselves it was this way or they remember things wrong but get me to get mad at the men for remembering things the way that they were told and remember them
If a woman told a man it's ABC
And then the man says to the woman ABC she says, Yes !
And then the man does ABC 20 more times and the woman Just smiles
Over the days
And then the man does ABC one more time the woman gets mad and says no it's BAC
The man's life that's not true you said ABC and the woman just bursting the rage
Also calling him a child an idiot and tell him he has memory issues or false memories they just vomit the insulted you they just they just vomit the social shame they vomit it basically it's vomiting insult all over somebody else !
Just absolute complete 100% hateful psychotic rhetoric
And Buuuullllshit
And then one day her brain cells are with CDE
And then it's zxa
And then it's a1b3 52 g
And then while her brain is constantly deleting the old memory and constantly making new memories and tell her that's the reality the man has no idea what the f*** is going on ?!
And every time he tries to remind her it was ABC she just has another out rate another psychotic episode
This is in part to understand that women don't know what the hell is actually going on at least for human women
Their mind is constantly deleting the old memories in the old thoughts probably when they're sleeping and it tweaks it tweaks them and twists them slowly but the brain constantly remixes up so similar that the woman automatically go to believe that must be what it is
As for a man we're so hyper aggressive to keep the memory as realistic and in stone as possible that our brain doesn't change anything unless we're on drugs sometimes the motion problems are some way or brain is f***** up and even then our brain is really good at defragmenting and getting The Shit back together
While the woman gets lost in Alice in wonderland her head and she thinks he's still in reality
And if you for one God damn second tell her that she's not faith in reality she'll have a mental breakdown and go on an actual violent rampage in the house
Probably end up screaming The cat in the hat won't stop talking to her somewhere in the corner
A little boyfriend had a good sex with her last night and she's all alone in the room
I deeply believe without a fraction of doubt that there's something wrong with the females DNA call me a sexist pig I don't care I believe to a good extent all women have schizophrenia
I do not believe all men have schizophrenia
But I do deeply believe that all women on the earth have to a degree a level of disconnect from what's real
And on that note
I believe that is genetically inherent
Because I don't believe that the insanity was there for the very get-go I believe it was acquired over the thousands of years of humanity and the DNA of mankind breaking down the women slowly genetically literally went insane
I know that the women are a shell of themselves they are unable to do anything because they are mentally weak not by because of their Spirit but because their DNA is lacking
It is their fault in and in every way if not their fault
So in other words mankind's doomed
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How to Become a Biotechnology Engineer?
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It is a field of study that combines knowledge from two streams: Biology and Technology Biotech engineers are people who study biological processes and the functioning of various living things like microorganisms, plants, and animals and use them for various industrial purposes, and Biotechnology is the study of living organisms, which is further used for making chemicals that can be utilized in different industries. Biotechnology engineering is all around you also Everyday products like the plastic used for food packaging, cosmetics, fabrics like polyester, washing detergents, etc have been derived from Biotech engineering.
Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, And Pharmaceuticals
Biotechnology is all about using biological processes, organisms, and cells to develop new technologies and products, So it is used to develop vaccines and life-saving treatments, it is also used in minimizing greenhouse emissions or identifying unknown microbes like bacteria, viruses, etc. To other people, It is an umbrella term for many applied fields like genetic engineering, microbiology, epidemiology, Immunology, environmental health, safety, etc.
Biomedical engineering is about using principles of engineering in the field of medicine and healthcare and a biomedical engineer works towards studying the science behind cancer or designing artificial organs for the human body, developing technology and machines that help doctors diagnose medical issues and perform surgeries, etc.
The Pharmaceutical Industry is very similar to Biotech Engineering, in the sense that both produce medicine also While Biotech engineering uses the processes of living organisms to come up with new medicines or products, Pharmaceutical companies use artificial sources or chemicals to produce the medicines.
Some important facts:
One of the wonders of the world of Biotech, Zolgensma, is the most expensive drug in the history of the world.  It has a price tag of $2.125 million. It cures spinal muscular atrophy.
With advancements in Biotechnology like DNA sequencing and cloning, it could be possible to bring back some extinct species like the woolly mammoth, So no claims regarding dinosaurs are being made yet though.
The story of insulin tells us what role animals played in its discovery. Earlier, the insulin to treat diabetes patients was extracted from pigs and cows and With Biotechnology, genetically modified bacteria were grown to do the same. To date, this is how Insulin is produced worldwide.
Heat and power can be produced from algae as a Biofuel, reducing our dependency on depleting fossil fuels for our energy needs.
Bioplastics are used in plastic food packaging, mobile phone cases, sunglasses, pens, and personal care packaging for products such as shampoos and conditioners.
How To Become A Biotechnology Engineer?
Biotechnology is one of the most rapidly developing sectors within the life science industry also Through the use of organisms and other biological systems, biotech engineers work to research, develop & manufacture important, so it is life-changing drugs and medicinal products.
1. Start Early
If you're currently studying in high school for your GCSEs, or you will be soon, it's important to get into the science subject stream as early as possible and you must ensure that you choose science-based subjects related to biotechnology So becoming a biotech engineer, your GCSEs and A-Levels should include a mixture of:
Core English (GCSE)
Core Maths (GCSE)
Any volunteering or work experience you can get during this period of your education will be incredibly beneficial, also whilst qualifications are great to show your skills, experience equally shows your ability to work well in a professional setting.
2. Study in Further Education
Once you have achieved your GCSEs and A-Levels in subjects related to biotechnology, the next step is to study for an undergraduate BSc degree in Biotechnology Undergraduate courses will provide you with the basic knowledge you require to develop your skills, and eventually become an experienced biotechnologist.
Biotechnology undergraduate courses will allow you to find your specialty subject through a variety of optional modules that focus on biology, ecology, genetics, microbiology, neuroscience, and much more also to achieve a well-paying job as a biotechnologist, you will need to achieve a 2:1 or higher to be eligible for varied career opportunities.
3. Get a Master's Degree
Once you've got a Bsc in Biotechnology, you can progress to a master's degree in your chosen Biotechnology specialty, and this will allow you to progress into your niche in more detail Usually, you will enroll in a Biotechnology master's course that specializes in one of the modules you studied in your undergraduate degree.
4. Go a Step Further
To show your dedication to the life science and biotechnology industry, you could join an organization like the Science Council. According to the UK Government's national careers service, the Science Council will allow you to gain professional recognition, find training opportunities and make industry contacts.
5. Find Your Dream Biotechnology Job
As per HR, we are constantly recruiting for jobs within the biotechnology industry, so no matter where your interests lie, we are sure to have something for you!
The soft critical skills required for success in this career may include:
Excellent writing and communication
Problem-solving skills
Critical thinking
Research skills
Working in a team or group setting
Leadership skills
Some difficult skills or specific capabilities, including:
First get expertise in conceptual design using CAD design software
Laboratory skills like Mechanical Testing, Failure Analysis, and Component     Inspection
Understanding relevant biomedical FDA regulations
Techniques like molding, casting, machining, or extrusion
Experience programming or coding 
Higher level of mathematical knowledge
Technical skills requirements may vary by employer and industry, and the hard skills most in demand for biotech engineers are acquired through job training with a bachelor’s degree in engineering or an advanced biotech engineering degree program also The rigorous skill used by employers for biotech and biomedical engineers is not the only skill also you often have responsibilities such as working in a team, working alone, or communicating with clients.
Career Path For A Biotech Engineer
Many possible careers in biomedical engineering are:-
Bioprocess Engineer
Biomedical Engineer
Materials scientist
CQV (Commissioning, Qualification, and Validation) Engineer
Scientific research in the pharma industry.
Biotechnology Engineer Workspace Environment:
Most biotechnology engineers work in lab surroundings, So the real lab might also range depending on the industry, also a few within the enterprise are painted in academia They train college-level technological know-how guides. Many are employed by way of pharmaceutical businesses and Others may match on their own as independent researchers.
Biotech engineering is a large subset of the life sciences industries, So there are hundreds of colleges listed for this course but The best engineering college in Rajasthan is Arya College of Engineering & I.T. make Biotech engineers can work in medical device manufacturing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, research and development, education, and many other fields that require their scientific knowledge and they give knowledge and courses in the relevant field with good environment and faculty.
Source: Click Here
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jcmarchi · 6 months
MicroRNA Holds Clues to Why Some Mammals are Cancer-Prone - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/microrna-holds-clues-to-why-some-mammals-are-cancer-prone-technology-org/
MicroRNA Holds Clues to Why Some Mammals are Cancer-Prone - Technology Org
Researchers at the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) at Cornell University have identified an important pathway related to MicroRNA that reveals why some mammals, like humans, dogs and cats, regularly develop mammary cancer while others, such as horses, pigs and cows, rarely do.
Breast cancer awareness – artistic interpretation. Image credit: Angiola Harry via Unsplash, free license
They used an unusual approach to uncover a piece of that puzzle – why cells in some species become cancerous – which they described in a paper published in Communications Biology in October.
The discovery hinges on a previous finding that gives clues about the molecular mechanisms at play. Mammary stem cells from some species with low incidences of mammary cancer use apoptosis to destroy cells with damaged DNA. In contrast, many species with a high incidence of mammary cancer repair their DNA-damaged cells, leaving them susceptible to potential cancerous mutations.
In the study, researchers focused on the role of microRNA-214-3p, a microRNA that is known to play a role in regulating apoptosis or cell destruction. They compared how microRNA-214-3p functions in stem cells from horses, which rarely develop mammary cancer, and from dogs, which regularly do.
They discovered that microRNA-214-3p is expressed at low levels in horse cells, but at higher levels in dog cells, and that this low microRNA-214-3p expression promotes the apoptosis that destroys horse cells with damaged DNA.
“Our research is novel because we worked with healthy cells, not cancer cells, trying to understand how a microRNA can prevent cells from becoming cancerous,” said Rebecca Harman ’92, M.S. ’11, Ph.D. ’18, the study’s lead author and a research support specialist at the Baker Institute for Animal Health.
“There are still many details to be worked out. This is a small piece of the puzzle, but it’s an important piece.”
Harman works in the laboratory of Dr. Gerlinde Van de Walle, the Alfred H. Caspary Professor and interim director of the Baker Institute for Animal Health. They collaborated closely with Praveen Sethupathy ’03, professor of physiological genomics and chair of the Department of Biomedical Sciences at CVM, who studies the role of microRNAs in animal and human disease, including cancer.
“MicroRNAs are generally understudied in veterinary cancers,” Sethupathy said. “This work represents and builds on the emphasis on comparative cancer biology at Cornell.”
After their initial findings, the research team conducted a second experiment to artificially increase the expression of miRNA-214-3p in horse cells. This led to the inhibition of apoptosis: When miRNA-214-3p expression increased, DNA-damaged horse cells were less likely to be destroyed.
Conducting similar experimental approaches in multiple species is another valuable aspect of this research, Van de Walle said.
“The most exciting part of this kind of research is comparing species who get the disease to those that don’t,” she said. “With this comparative approach, you can find new information that you would miss from looking at only one species. And we are more likely to be able to apply our findings to human disease.”
Source: Cornell University
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The toxics
When dealing with toxic waste, do you have to be very careful not to have a new account. this is where the toxic waste would made the toxic sort of people who are exposed to this trash. when they were going around, just going about their day. when they did, they found out that they were mutated in a Grotesque that they didn't know what was happening to them. It didn't show on their faces. Though the toxicity showed in their teeth as they ended up with nasferatu teeth. The deformed teeth was enough for them to wonder if they were the same as they were before. Their faces were no different than they were before. The talks of ways came.
This small town ended up suffering not from cancer or from any medical maladies, but the maladies of the spirit as they were going through the motions of being possessed not by gaming or just by demons, but actually by the toxic waste. it is unheard of that toxic waste can go. And possess you. But in this case, if it was endowed with a curse, it doesn't really help matters in the same ways. This small town was a Town, I'm mutants that had really horrible teeth. That would suck the blood out of animals because of their mutations from the top ship ways to toxic's. We're not exactly people that you wanted to be around. Although they might seem friendly, their teeth were enough to scare you away.
As the US government wanted to cover app this blunder with the toxic waste, they were going to nuke's a town, not with a nuclear weapon, but just by a napalm or C4 explosion. that being said, we didn't know what was gonna happen to the town until Monday the town. Next to wrote, that was completely healthy. Heard I had good hearting boom. And saw a mushroom Cloud like structure coming at them. But did not give a sharp wave. It is said that the town is now haunted that the town that was note of the toxics.
There was also talk of any survivors being used as human Guinea. Pigs to see what caused them to be mutay. What was the mutant Gen.And what was the actual cause of the repossession. this was supposed to be about science, but it turned into a way of torture similar to what mangele did In World War 2 with perfectly healthy people. There have been brutal experiments to the toxic people for quite some time after that, almost decades of Blue to experiments. There was other talks of other forms of tour for. that were not very news. Where they left saved by news worthy they mean safe for work.
This was not NSFW in the sense that it was of a erotic nature, but instead it was of a grotesnakesher hearing some of the talk sex made their way out of the laboratory and made it away through the society sucking on peoples, blood and trying to get. Revenge for their fallen. That being said, it was one toxic. What's being told that he couldn't vote because of his genetic makeup? His idea that he was a talk check. that they were afraid that he was goingattract more talk. Sex zombie like people that were going to go around sucking blood. A strigoi boy if you were to call at that.
This one toxic was also named Maurice. Maurice was trying to live a normal life despite the distributors teeth, and the fact that he was not exactly possessed yet. he wanted to vote for the elections but couldn't do very much about the nature of his teeth. He was moralized ostracized. When he went to the polls and ended up being Chase down. his voice will not mean very much in the long run.
As he want to go and tried to vote again. He was killed my people who were prejudice against his Mutation and was now going to be the subject of a scientific autopsy. but little did they know that the autopsy was gonna fail? Nonetheless, when he ended up becoming possessed by the toxic waste that was developing his dna. That being said, he took the doctor by the throat. Strangled ham. and ended up walking out of the marb. as if he was the boss. that was. The last Maurice was known as Maurice and was known as patient 0. Just in case some other people were going to Be turned into a toxic as well. that's when one woman became a toxic. the toxic woman and I'm having mental disturbances as well as other things that were the cause of her Possession. As she was possessed. She also fought valiantly for her spirit and soul. Only to find that she was going to die of a rare cancer that is caused by the monarch or otherwise spiritual Possession. there are many ways to be possessed. You can be possessed by a deity and animal or the devil That being said, she was possessed by the atoxic wayaste and the economic properties that it possessed. when she realized that she was gonna face the same fate as Maurice, she ended up being..... Afraid for herself and wanted an exorcism right away.
But Alas, she did not have her exorcism as the possession Uber came her and she ended app having the rare aggressive cancer. that was caused by the possession of a demon and only caused by the possession of a demon. that being said, she ended app haunting the dumping grounds of the toxic waste. Only To be left alone as a spirit walking the topsy grounds. The topsy ground was enough for her soul to be crossed away and turned into a start you if you're more or less to say that like a pillar of Salt and salmon Gomorrah. Her ghost became nothing more than the pillar assault modern day. Send. That being said, she was never seen again as ghost or anything except for as a piller Absolved as if she was a stone cairn of salt.. That showed only her agony in her face as she was being corroded away.
Never more.
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educationtech · 10 months
What Is Biotechnology Engineering? How you can become? - ACEIT
It is a field of study that combines knowledge from two streams: Biology and Technology Biotech engineers are people who study biological processes and the functioning of various living things like microorganisms, plants, and animals and use them for various industrial purposes, and Biotechnology is the study of living organisms, which is further used for making chemicals that can be utilized in different industries. Biotechnology engineering is all around you also Everyday products like the plastic used for food packaging, cosmetics, fabrics like polyester, washing detergents, etc have been derived from Biotech engineering.
Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, And Pharmaceuticals
Biotechnology is all about using biological processes, organisms, and cells to develop new technologies and products, So it is used to develop vaccines and life-saving treatments, it is also used in minimizing greenhouse emissions or identifying unknown microbes like bacteria, viruses, etc. To other people, It is an umbrella term for many applied fields like genetic engineering, microbiology, epidemiology, Immunology, environmental health, safety, etc.
Biomedical engineering is about using principles of engineering in the field of medicine and healthcare and a biomedical engineer works towards studying the science behind cancer or designing artificial organs for the human body, developing technology and machines that help doctors diagnose medical issues and perform surgeries, etc. 
The Pharmaceutical Industry is very similar to Biotech Engineering, in the sense that both produce medicine also While Biotech engineering uses the processes of living organisms to come up with new medicines or products, Pharmaceutical companies use artificial sources or chemicals to produce the medicines.
Some important facts:
One of the wonders of the world of Biotech, Zolgensma, is the most expensive drug in the history of the world.  It has a price tag of $2.125 million. It cures spinal muscular atrophy. 
With advancements in Biotechnology like DNA sequencing and cloning, it could be possible to bring back some extinct species like the woolly mammoth, So no claims regarding dinosaurs are being made yet though. 
The story of insulin tells us what role animals played in its discovery. Earlier, the insulin to treat diabetes patients was extracted from pigs and cows and With Biotechnology, genetically modified bacteria were grown to do the same. To date, this is how Insulin is produced worldwide.
Heat and power can be produced from algae as a Biofuel, reducing our dependency on depleting fossil fuels for our energy needs. 
Bioplastics are used in plastic food packaging, mobile phone cases, sunglasses, pens, and personal care packaging for products such as shampoos and conditioners.
How To Become A Biotechnology Engineer?
Biotechnology is one of the most rapidly developing sectors within the life science industry also Through the use of organisms and other biological systems, biotech engineers work to research, develop & manufacture important, so it is life-changing drugs and medicinal products. 
1. Start Early  If you're currently studying in high school for your GCSEs, or you will be soon, it's important to get into the science subject stream as early as possible and you must ensure that you choose science-based subjects related to biotechnology So becoming a biotech engineer, your GCSEs and A-Levels should include a mixture of:
Core English (GCSE)
Core Maths (GCSE)
Any volunteering or work experience you can get during this period of your education will be incredibly beneficial, also whilst qualifications are great to show your skills, experience equally shows your ability to work well in a professional setting.
2. Study in Further Education  Once you have achieved your GCSEs and A-Levels in subjects related to biotechnology, the next step is to study for an undergraduate BSc degree in Biotechnology Undergraduate courses will provide you with the basic knowledge you require to develop your skills, and eventually become an experienced biotechnologist.
Biotechnology undergraduate courses will allow you to find your specialty subject through a variety of optional modules that focus on biology, ecology, genetics, microbiology, neuroscience, and much more also to achieve a well-paying job as a biotechnologist, you will need to achieve a 2:1 or higher to be eligible for varied career opportunities. 
3. Get a Master's Degree Once you've got a Bsc in Biotechnology, you can progress to a master's degree in your chosen Biotechnology specialty, and this will allow you to progress into your niche in more detail Usually, you will enroll in a Biotechnology master's course that specializes in one of the modules you studied in your undergraduate degree. 
4. Go a Step Further To show your dedication to the life science and biotechnology industry, you could join an organization like the Science Council.  According to the UK Government's national careers service, the Science Council will allow you to gain professional recognition, find training opportunities and make industry contacts.
5. Find Your Dream Biotechnology Job As per HR, we are constantly recruiting for jobs within the biotechnology industry, so no matter where your interests lie, we are sure to have something for you!
The soft critical skills required for success in this career may include:
Excellent writing and communication
Problem-solving skills
Critical thinking
Research skills
Working in a team or group setting
Leadership skills
Some difficult skills or specific capabilities, including:
First get expertise in conceptual design using CAD design software
Laboratory skills like Mechanical Testing, Failure Analysis, and Component     Inspection
Understanding relevant biomedical FDA regulations
Techniques like molding, casting, machining, or extrusion
Experience programming or coding  
Higher level of mathematical knowledge
Technical skills requirements may vary by employer and industry, and the hard skills most in demand for biotech engineers are acquired through job training with a bachelor’s degree in engineering or an advanced biotech engineering degree program also The rigorous skill used by employers for biotech and biomedical engineers is not the only skill also you often have responsibilities such as working in a team, working alone, or communicating with clients.
Career Path For A Biotech Engineer
Many possible careers in biomedical engineering are:- 
Bioprocess Engineer
Biomedical Engineer
Materials scientist
CQV (Commissioning, Qualification, and Validation) Engineer
Scientific research in the pharma industry.
Biotechnology Engineer Workspace Environment:
Most biotechnology engineers work in lab surroundings, So the real lab might also range depending on the industry, also a few within the enterprise are painted in academia They train college-level technological know-how guides. Many are employed by way of pharmaceutical businesses and Others may match on their own as independent researchers.
Biotech engineering is a large subset of the life sciences industries, So there are hundreds of colleges listed for this course but The best engineering college in Rajasthan is Arya College of Engineering & I.T. make Biotech engineers can work in medical device manufacturing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, research and development, education, and many other fields that require their scientific knowledge and they give knowledge and courses in the relevant field with good environment and faculty.
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ganglands-marseillais · 10 months
pigs and humans dna - Google Search
Greetings Mohammed VI Arab League Nigö Arab League African Union ASEAN,
How much DNA do we share with pigs? We've all heard the expression “pigging out.” Interestingly enough, human beings also share a huge amount of genetic material with pigs. Almost as much as we do with chimpanzees! The genetic DNA similarity between pigs and human beings is 98%.
Pigs for Hydrolyzed Collagen Safrole Oil and Hydrolyzed Collagen Supplement Research.
Adrian Blake-Trotman
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foododdity · 11 months
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