#humans were created by a race of aliens to be slaves
netherzon · 1 year
Was excited to read a book about spirituality this morning
The preface: there are two distinct types of human beings genetically, I elaborate in Ch 9
Me: .....*jumps to Ch 9, suspicious*
Ch 9: The ancient astronauts theories of civilization make sense for explaining how fucked up “Judeo-Christianity” is in its relationship to the natural world, and its a shame academia has disregarded them just because some non-intellectuals have argued in their favor poorly
Me: ._.
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dailyadventureprompts · 6 months
Do the ethnostates inherent in major fantasy ever feel real weird to you? You’ve got elftopia (full of elves, where everyone speaks elf and worships the elf gods), orc-hold (full of orcs and maybe their slaves, where everyone speaks orc and worships the orc gods), and dwarfton (made by the dwarves! for the dwarves!).
You might have some cosmopolitan areas, usually human-dominant, but those are usually rare enough in-setting that they need to be pointed out separately. Is this just based on a misunderstanding of the medieval era, and the assumption that countries were all racially homogenous?
This has been bouncing around my brain the last little while. Do you have any thoughts on that? Is it just in my head?
I think what you've noticed is a quirk of derivative fantasy writing, which like a lot of hangups with the genre originates in people trying to crib Tolkien's work without really understanding what he was going for:
Though it contains a lot of detail, Tolkien's world is not grounded. It functions according a narrative logic that changes depending on what work in particular you're focusing on at the time (The Hobbit is a fairytale full of tricks and riddles, Lord of the Rings is a heroic epic, The Silmirilion is a legendary history).
One of the reasons the races are separate is to instill the feeling of wonder in the hobbits as POV characters for the reader, other folk live in far off places and are supposed to feel more legendary than our comparatively mundane friends from the shire. The Movies captured this well where going east in middle earth was like going back in time to a more and more mythologized past.
In real life, people don't stay static for thousands of years, no matter how long their people live. They meet, mingle, war and trade. Empires rise and fall creating shrapnel as they go, cultures adapt to a changing environment. This means that any geographic cross section you make is going to be a collage of different influences where uniformity is a glaring aberration.
What the bad Tolkien knockoffs did was take his image of a mythical world and tried to make it run in a realistic setting. Tolkien can say the subterranean dwarven kingdom of Erebor lasted for a thousand years without having to worry about birthrates or demographic shifts or the logistics of farming in a cave because he's writing the sort of story where those things don't matter. D&D and other properties like it however INSIST that their worlds are grounded and realistic but have to bend over backwards to keep things static and hegemonic.
Likewise contributing to the "ethnostate" feeling is early d&d (backbone of the fantasy genre that it is) being created by a bunch of White Midwestern Americans who were not only coming from a background of fantasy wargaming but were working during the depths of the coldwar. Hard borders and incompatible ideologies, cultural hegemony and intellectual isolation, a conception of the world that focused around antagonism between US and THEM. These were people born in the era of segregation for whom the idea of cultural and racial osmosis was alien, to the point where mingling between different fantasy races produced the "mongrelman" monster, natural pickpockets who combined the worst aspects of all their component parts, unwelcome in good society who were most often found as slaves.
This inability to appreciate cultural exchange is likewise why the central d&d pantheon has a ton of human gods with specific carveouts for other races (eventually supplemented with a bunch of race specific minor gods who are various riffs on the same thing). Rather than being universal ideals, the gods were seen as entities just as tribalistic as their followers.
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bogleech · 1 year
i dont really go to dr who or anything but i feel like your nazi/fascism allegory immediately falls through once you make whatever youre using "born like that", implying that everyone that is a nazi or everyone that is a facist was Born evil and therefore you dont have to worry about falling victim to nazi rhetoric because Youre not one of those evil bad guys and you dont have to worry about any of your friends or family being neo nazis because clearly theyre one of the good guys + you can easily tell who the bad guys are even though its. a far much more complex thing than that and youre going to run into someone that you think is a cool, chill person but it turns out theyre jsut really good at hiding their fascist beliefs.
Yeah, exactly, if a narrative wants me to think the alien invaders are actually morally despicable then they need to show me that they're capable of anything we would consider kindness or that not all of them are the same! If they hatch out of the queen slug's spores with an automatic instinct to find and eat babies then that can't really be considered any more good or evil than a cat's drive to eat birds. It's an unfortunate problem for other species but never works as an allegory for an ideological choice! One of the best subversions of this are the Orks in Warhammer 40,000, of all things. If I remember right, they were the result of an advanced species using biotechnology to create their own "warrior caste," deliberately "stupider" and driven by a lust for violence, so basically a sub-race created by eugenicists be expendable military slaves. How well that worked out for the civilization is obvious, but the setting never treats the Orks as necessarily good or evil but more of a chaotic force that has no idea what it's really doing at any given time. Conversely, the Yeerks in Animorphs were given a lot of complex, conflicting motivations that feel pretty human. I ultimately end up feeling bad for them as a whole because they're pitiful little slugs you can crush with one hand, and most of what they do is driven by a mix of fear and radical indoctrination. Their leader, however, pretty much is a space hitler who can be held completely accountable for the war as well for horrible things done to his own kind in order to enforce their obedience. And we do still get good-guy yeerks who rebel against that system!
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des-no9 · 5 months
Des' Githyanki Genitals HC
Hey and welcome to another lore dump of Des' githyanki HCs!!! As usual, we're all about sex and fucking in here, and githyanki are aliens. So we gotta make their bits fun.
Also, they lay eggs now (never used to apparently, we'll get to that). So I've accounted for that in their genitals.
Also!! I'l got different HCs for the Older generation githyanki -think Voss and Orpheus age- as I HC the githyanki that were alive during their rebellion, and not long after it, differ somewhat to modern githyanki like Lae'zel, and one of my OCs who will be modelling, Tuj.
Gonna go chronologically here, and start with the oldies. Voss is my model for this (obviously).
This is a long post btw lol. Also disclaimer: I'm only talking about the githyanki mostly. Thinking about the githzerai and their reproduction is a whole other beast LOL. Enjoy <3
Obvious TW for talk of slavery, breeding, eggs, violence, rape, lots of genitalia talk and art by yours truly
Older Generation Githyanki Genitals - during ensalvement to early Vlaakiths.
So the vague general consensus in the lore seems to be that the gith originally descended from humans in the very beginning, and this makes me think that their genitals early on during their enslavement and early in their freedom were closer to what we know our human genitalia to be.
But, then we have the illithid's experiments and how that changed their physiology quite vastly over the X number of years.
I HC that many of the illithid colonies varied, and so therefore so did the githyanki (shall be using githyanki to refer to them then even if that wasn't their name then). Some colonies were more focused purely on the numbers, breeding, breeding to send to other colonies for X purposes in their slavery. (I HC Vlaakith I was a branded breeding slave). So would have efficient genitalia. Maybe very little sexual dimorphism. Maybe closer to the modern githyanki like now with asexual breeding.
Some other colonies (like one I HC Voss came from) were bred purely as soldiers, attack and guard dogs. So they refined their physiology very strictly to breed the best, the strongest. Bearing in mind the need for the best warriors and breeders, so therefore keeping their genitalia tucked away and protected when not in use was essential.
It also makes me think things about some of the illithid colonies essentially neutering the githyanki in gestation and only keeping a select few breeders (much parallels to modern githyanki lol) basically to stop their slaves having sexual desire for each other or anything else, cutting it off and only having necessary urges. But I digress.
Basically during this era and the early years before they started breeding through eggs, I HC there was MUCH more variance in their genitalia (and probably some of their other physiology honestly) before it started to become much more streamlined through their eggs and no doubt the Vlaakiths interfering with their breeding to create the best, supreme, unified race in the one Vlaakith's vision.
So, I sketched up what I imagined Voss' genitals to be (obviously). I HC he has a slit where his bits are protected during fighting, since he was bred to be a fighter/attack dog for the illithid.
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NOTE: his slit extends further down.
Notes and important points if you can't read my writing:
cock (easy word to use for it) sheathed inside slit
slit widens and gets wet when aroused, and the skin inside is rough, but is usually wrapped around to protect the cock even if the slit widens on arousal
cock can be pulled out from its sheath manually and how it sits soft
so, Voss' is a little different to the rest of his colonies would have looked purely because it's scarred to shit (from his hubris) They mostly all had two dicks, but the scar tissue healed his together (don't worry, he gets them separated again :>) and they can stick together as one if you want during arousal, or can be used as two For Their Pleasure :tm:
the tip can move independently. Very sensitive.
can come through slit and cock
slit gets wet and easily over stimulated
can come from slit stimulation alone
I think his colony bred more 'traditionally' how we know it as humans. Voss was a traditionally bred and live birth baby to me (Orpheus too). I think a lot of the early githyanki were traditionally bred as we know it, but some with varying ways of conception, birth lengths, delivery, even incubation
I like to think that maybe little spikes come out of the ridges on his cock to embed into whoever he's fucking if he wants to, to hold them in place, for some extra pain and usual githyanki sadism. This was specific to his colony and maybe one or two others, and maybe appears again in some modern githyanki.
I HC Orpheus has a slit too, but is maybe a little more in the human camp to what we know genitalia to be like since he's also ancient and a traditional non-egg baby. Closer to the ancestors they came from. I just like to HC that because he IS a little more....gentler, rounder, smooth, 'humanised' than a lot of the other githyanki we see. I love thinking about the little differences that set Orpheus apart from his people, even though he IS his people, the lifeblood of them. The blood of their Mother. Anyway, I digress.
Basically, for the oldies I think there's a LOT of freedom to be creative and almost do anything, using the illithid experiments, that they're aliens and so much unknown as our excuse. Also don't forget the most important - fun, and shoving all our kinks onto our fictional loves 24/7.
Modern Githyanki Genitalia HCS - egg time
So, the shift to egg laying and apparently it's asexual. I have a LOT of thoughts about this. With this happening thousands of years ago and also with them transitioning from NOT egg laying (putting in the assumption of live births here) to egg laying, there would be some sort of accommodation and change in their physiology for this, right?
Also this doesn't happen quickly. Magic can help yes! Also, they're aliens. Aliens can defy everything and anything we know as humans. I try not to press too much of our human and earth knowledge and experience onto alien races because who is to say their experiences and such are like ours. And also it makes it more fun for me to step away from the known into unknown and other possibilities. But anyway.
Lae'zel says the transition happened to egg laying after they were freed from the illithid and under Vlaakith's power. Now, I like to HC that Vlaakith kind of has this under her control (and therefore, all the subsequent Vlaakith's control). It's kind of like, a mass population control, sterilisation, selective, experimental and controlled breeding to try create her own perfect race in essence.
The execution is flawed, of course. Probably changes over time with all the (over 100) of Vlaakiths and leadership changes, in-fighting, evolution of the githyanki from the beginning of their enslavement to now. But the idea is there. And it sticks.
Okay so. As above I mentioned I HC there was a lot of differences between the githyanki in their genitalia from the different illithid colonies. And at first, transitioning to egg laying was probably a slow process as the first generation probably died out, or through their own ghustils, technology, psionics, they started to try to change their own bodies to accommodate egg laying. Some failed, some managed it. It was a difficult process that also in essence weeded out the weak for Vlaakith too.
And then once the eggs started laying, hatching, they probably still tinkered with them. Making sure the hatchlings that were born would be able to breed more and were born right, strong, and the proper future of their people. There were still probably live births happening at the very start during the transition, but magic and psionics probably sped this process along - even if it was probably very traumatic for a lot of newly annointed githyanki. Jumping from being experimented on by illithid in slave colonies to experimenting on yourself, and by your ghustil on order of your Queen? Fantastic. Just brilliant.
Fast forward to now and the githyanki genitalia are mostly uniform I think. Much more so than when they first gained their freedom and called themselves githyanki.
I think there's probably still some differences. Like genetic anomalies. And also that the atmosphere/plane etc of long-term creches can have influences on their hatcheries/eggs. Say a creche on a completely different material plane to Faerun's, or it's near like somewhere with intense psionic or void energy. I think things like that could (and do in canon!) have definite changes on physiology. (NOTE: I also like thinking about this in regard to things like skin-tone, texture, spot pattern, hair colour, face shape, accent.....the list is endless lol)
Okay. So. Without further delay here is my OC Tuj'da to model his bits for you :3
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some githyanki have less/more slits. Less is much less common as three is standard for efficient egg-laying.
all sexes can lay eggs
their shape and layout can look unique/different. eg, longer, smaller, more protruding. Think like different penis and vulva shapes. (Note: I took a lot of inspiration for the shape of their genitals from Art Deco shapes and style lol)
much like the older generation githyanki slits if they had them, they widen when aroused, and also when carrying eggs and to lay them
some githyanki are more sensitive in their smaller/egg slits than their main slits
their is sexual dimorphism between their genitals usually, but that can only be seen when aroused.
their cock positioning can be different too from where it comes from, and folds up and inside the githyanki. Lots of githyanki can control the length of their cock by using their psionics, but does require significant concentration and skill
very sensitive at the middle of their cock so some of them like to shorten it to cover that bit up to last even longer sometimes
they can be fucked with their cock tucked inside. It's uncomfortable for some, for others it's the best thing on the menu.
very short refractory period, if at all
they cum a lot. It tastes kind of sweet.
(after Vlaakith's sterilisation and population control is dissolved) fertilisation often requires psonics of some sort
I'm undecided on this, but for such a violent race that rape and also enjoy consenting sexual violence, I think maybe they'd also evolve/keep/develop the small spikes in their ridges that they can make pop out at will to embed into their partner. These ALSO come out from the ridged skin inside the sheath, not just the cock :>
their skin in general is rougher, tougher than other istik races so can take a much rougher fuck, and I think a willing istik's first time with a githyanki partner, there might be a bit of adjustment for...soreness lol
I haven't got many HCs for their actual fertilisation, their eggs, pregnancy etc as pregnancy etc can be a bit of squick for me, but most other things around it and eggs etc are okay. So I haven't thought too much about the actual way they GET egged up, lay them, fertilised etc. Maybe that's for another day.
For now, hope you enjoy these HCs! Some of them may change/I may adapt them as I continue to write the githyanki, but I feel like I'm happy with most of this!
Feel free to use any and all if you enjoy them <3! Thank you for reading and getting this far, hah. I just love the githyanki so much, they bring me so much joy. And I hope they do to you too.
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cyren-myadd · 5 months
Avatar Theory Time: What if Eywa's "plan" for humanity is similar to the Swarm from Love Death & Robots? 🤔
So I was watching Love Death & Robots the other day (great sci-fi show, highly recommend!) and the episode, "Swarm," got me thinking about what Eywa will do in the future of the franchise. Also, I put "plan" in quotes because it's still unclear what Eywa's capacity is to understand and react to the world around her. Regardless of if Eywa is a rational, intelligent being that can plan ahead or is more like a non-sentient super-organism just reacting to stimuli in its environment, my theory about what Eywa will do in the future remains the same.
To give an overview, "Swarm" is about a pair of human scientists who go to investigate a diverse insect-like alien colony they refer to as the Swarm. The female scientist genuinely wants to learn about the Swarm, but the male scientist sees potential in exploiting the Swarm to create an army of alien slaves. Eventually, he talks the female scientist into helping him, arguing that the aliens aren't sentient so it wouldn't really be cruel to enslave them. Little do they know, the Swarm does possess a hidden hivemind-like intelligence. This intelligence senses the threat they pose and reacts by gruesomely assimilating the female scientist into its hivemind, which gives it access to her memories and lets it better understand the threat humanity poses to it. The Swarm tells the surviving male scientist that it will use them to breed its own "humans" to protect itself from humanity, revealing that some of the insectoid members of the Swarm are actually descendants of once-intelligent races that tried to exploit the Swarm, but ended up being absorbed into it just like the female scientist.
In light of some of the leaked info we've found, I think Eywa and the actions she will take to protect herself from humanity might be similar (though more benevolent) to the Swarm.
Just like in the LD&R episode, humans came to Pandora to exploit its resources, and were surprised when Eywa reacted to their presence with her "immune response." Eywa only triggered her immune response after she absorbed Grace's consciousness/memories and Jake warned her that humans would do to Pandora what they did to Earth, giving her a better understanding of the danger humanity posed and the necessity of fighting back against them. This is similar to how the Swarm gained a better understanding of humanity after absorbing the female scientist into its hivemind.
Now to get into some of the speculative territory: by now, most of us have seen the leaks about Spider gaining the miraculous ability to breathe the Pandoran atmosphere despite the fact that humans are in no way adapted to breathe in that environment. This concept felt completely far-fetched for the Avatar universe when I first heard it, however, it came from a real script accidentally shown in the Avatar BTS footage, confirming that its a concept they currently are or previously were considering in the Avatar universe. Ever since I first heard about it, I've been turning it over and over in my mind wondering how and why this would happen to Spider, especially since it there is no precedence for something like that being possible in the Avatar universe.
Watching "Swarm" made me wonder if adapting Spider's body to survive on Pandora is part of some greater "plan" to protect Pandora from humanity. With how technologically advanced the humans are, it's clear that Eywa's immune response won't cut it anymore, and she'll need to do something more drastic if she's going to keep Pandora safe. In LD&R, the Swarm protected itself from multiple intelligent races that wanted to exploit it by assimilating them into its colony. The races that were assimilated ended up evolving from their original forms to be better suited for life in the colony, which included losing their intelligence and becoming mindless drones just like the colony's natives. I think Eywa might do something similar to the humans that come to Pandora (or only to the friendly humans), assimilating them into her biosphere where she'd have sway over them just how she has sway over the Na'vi and discourages them from harming the environment. Sort of a "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" situation. The main difference being that the Swarm is doing this aggressively whereas Eywa seems like a more benevolent entity.
To be clear, I am NOT a believer in the Eywa-is-evil-and-controls-the-Na'vi-by-forcing-them-to-stay-in-the-stone-age theory. I see it more like a symbiotic relationship, where the Na'vi have free will and choose not to harm the environment because Eywa connects to them and provides them with everything they need. If humans were given everything they needed, it would remove the incentive for exploiting the environment for resources, and they would be able to coexist with Eywa like the Na'vi do.
All this would ultimately result in an ending with a positive message where some of the humans stay on Pandora and can live there without being dependent upon technology to survive, and the rest of the humans return to Earth and do some Wall-E type stuff to reverse the pollution damage and make the planet livable. And if the Earth humans ever get too greedy and want to exploit Pandora again, the Pandoran humans are there to act as diplomats or soldiers to protect Pandora from exploitation. The fact that they are human themselves means they can react to any human threats with more intelligence than simply throwing wild animals at them until the problem goes away.
TLDR: Eywa has a long-term plan to protect Pandora from the human invasion by assimilating friendly humans into her biosphere, similar to how the Swarm protected itself against humanity by breeding its own "human" soldiers.
What do you guys think of this idea? Am I onto something or am I just slowly going crazy waiting for Avatar 3 lol? Do you have any other theories for the long-term fate of humanity in the Avatar franchise? And why the heck is Spider going to be able to breathe the poisonous atmosphere???
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gepetordi1 · 12 days
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In his 1976 book The Twelfth Planet, Russian-American author Zecharia Sitchin claimed that the Anunnaki were actually a race of extraterrestrial beings from the undiscovered planet Nibiru, who came to Earth around 500,000 years ago in order to mine gold.
According to Sitchin, the Anunnaki genetically engineered homo erectus to create modern humans to work as their slaves. Sitchin claimed that the Anunnaki were forced to leave Earth when Antarctic glaciers melted, causing the Flood of Noah, which also destroyed the Anunnaki’s bases on Earth. These had to be rebuilt and the Nephilim, needing more humans to help in this massive effort, taught them agriculture.
Ronald H. Fritze writes that, according to Sitchin, “the Annunaki built the pyramids and all the other monumental structures from around the world that ancient astronaut theorists consider so impossible to build without highly advanced technologies.“Sitchin also claimed that the Anunnaki had left behind human-alien hybrids, some of whom may still be alive today, unaware of their alien ancestry. Sitchin expanded on this mythology in later works, including The Stairway to Heaven (1980) and The Wars of Gods and Men (1985). In The End of Days: Armageddon and the Prophecy of the Return (2007), Sitchin predicted that the Anunnaki would return to earth, possibly as soon as 2012, corresponding to the end of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar.
Source: Anunnaki Origins
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bowldrips · 2 years
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[Images with text overlay
Panel 1:
The Vikings didn’t have WHITE or NORDIC pride.They didn’t know
what the Hel those things were.
Image: ‘Trade negotiations in the country of Eastern Slavs.’ (1909) By Sergei Vasilyevich Ivanov.
Panel 2:
Racism is the belief that humans are or should be classified into “races”, with criteria usually based on political motives, not reliable scientific data. Race =/= Ethnicity
Image: Phrenology Booth, Ohio 1938
Panel 3:
This nonsense started in the 1600s, in the American colonies to divide and alienate poor “white” people, indentured servants and African slaves.
Image: A depiction of the Gloucester County conspiracy
Panel 4:
Nordicism, an ideology of racial separatism which viewed Nordics* as an endangered racial group was created much later.In the late 19th century.*Joseph Deniker coined this name for an ethnic group. And also, the term, “ethnic group.”
Image: Sigurd and Fafnir (1906)
Panel 5:
Such ideas from“racial science”grew in popularity and acceptance throughout the 20th and 21st centuries.
Image: Cartoon of Hitler with his trousers pulled down to reveal swastika boxers with the caption: LET’S CATCH HIM WITH HIS “PANZERS” down!
Image: Solid black background]
Some References:
ORIGIN OF THE IDEA OF RACE by Audrey Smedley, Anthropology Newsletter, November 1997
The Invention of the White Race, Verso Books
Europeans invented the concept of race as we know it, by Anjana Cruz
How America invented Racism — and Why you Don’t Have to Hate Black People to be a Racist, by Rachel Bjerstedt
Medieval history scholars are suddenly on the front lines in the fight against white supremacists , by Brent Bambury
We need to have a talk about Folkish Heathenry, by Grumpy Lokean Elder
What The Heathen Community Needs to Know by lokavinr
Wikipedia entry for Nordic race
Were Medieval People Racist?, The Public Medievalist
Some good tags contributed to the OP:
#Though racism wasn’t invented by the US #it was invented during the Enlightenment to justify the profits and economic growth of colonialism and slavery #Many of our ~Enlightenment Luminaries~ also contributed to building this execrable philosophy #something that has been deliberately overlooked in the teaching of philosophy for decades #It WAS greatly expanded upon and developed into a political philosophy in the US however
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 5 months
Lich-Queen, pt 6
(Fair warning: this is gory) If you want to read the rest of the series, you'll find links in the pinned post on my blog!
This time, my entry into the hall was triumphant, complete with fanfare. The highest nobles of Ceredell hauled the doors open like common slaves, and they pressed their once vibrant lips to trumpets. Hundreds of men and women turned at the sight of me, and a wave of clapping descended upon me. I flicked a manic curtsey, then gestured at the table before me, laid out as if for a buffet.
“Let me honour you all with a gift,” I announced. “Come, watch the death of the last nobleman of fallen Ceredell!”
A revenant wheeled Tamaris out. He was splayed on a board, arms spread apart. His face was white with agony, legs twisted. I tsked at him, inspecting his bonds. “Looks like your wings have crumpled, my butterfly,” I whispered. “I wish it could have been different.”
Tamaris met my eyes, and my half-dead heart crumpled to see the love in his gaze. “It is not too late, Ire,” he said. “Do not do this. Do not succumb.” His fingers twitched in my direction, an open hand offering forgiveness.
“It is you people who should apologise,” I hissed, slapping that hand. “I am taking my blood-right.” Turning to the audience, I said, “Let us begin our last course!”
Tamaris froze, finally understanding. I took the knife from Death-in-me, placing it along his chest. “I love you,” I said, loud enough for all to hear me. “And I will make you love me too.”
Then I began carving him alive. I started with the skin, peeling it from his ribs like lifting the skin off a potato. Tamaris howled in agony, his voice touching the heavens. My orchestra matched him, starting up an accompaniment of strings and bass.
Blood blossomed like a rose, painting my gloves crimson as I lovingly opened up his flesh for the world to see. His wings formed, dripping red as my butterfly of torment emerged from his chrysalis.
With my magic, I kept him alive beyond the bounds of humanity. As I hacked out his ribs, pulling the first hunk of meat and placing it on a plate, I was struck by the beauty of his face. Even weeping, eyes bulging, nails ripped off from clawing at wood, there was a noble gallance to him. I smiled, and tenderly tore out another rib.
His wails did not stumble, did not falter, even as the delicious scent of grilled Tamaris emanated from below my stage. I unravelled his intestines, the grey ropes spilling out, as the first of my new allies feasted on my love. His offal was affectionately wrapped around my arms, draped about me like a stole. Extracting his lungs, I regretfully turned his insides over to the grill for my guests.
His kidneys were next, laid out beside a leaky liver. With delicate care, I had left his heart framed in the hollow cave of his torso, like a singular rose in a vase. It pulsated and pumped, alien and oh-so-familiar.
Viscera dripped onto the floor with wet splotches, and I could not help but giggle. The power I held in my hands, to feast upon my own beloved's flesh, to create this masterpiece of butchery… It was, for lack of a better word, aortic.
I stuck my claws into his chest cavity and ripped out his heart, leaving him dependent on my necromancy to live. He was mine, once and for all. I raised my fist triumphantly, still-beating heart in my hands. The mass below me fell silent, the music fading, even Tamaris' ululations reduced to noiseless croaks.
“Know that I am Queen,” I announced to them, to my new allies. “I rule!” Words deserted me in my ecstasy, and I released a scream. It bounced off the walls and dug into my chest, no trace of the human I had once been within it.
My people let out a full-chested cheer, like the eruption of a volcano. A thousand voices held testament to my crown. I turned to Tamaris. His eyes begged me to stop this madness. 
I kissed him passionately, lips touching his, coaxing his tongue out. The rusty taste of his mouth made my dead heart race, a virgin on her wedding night. I closed my eyes, pulling him closer with an assertive arm. For one moment, we could be on the wedding altar.
But that moment ended. I closed my jaws on his tongue, sharp teeth severing it, and ripped it out. Blood gushed in the air as I gulped the slippery flesh down. “Ahh,” I sighed tenderly. Sensually, I ran my claws around the orbitals of his eyes, tracing his eyelid, probing at his eyeball. It popped out with breathtaking ease, and I devoured the gooey feast.
Placing his heart to my lips, I kissed it lovingly. My tongue delved into the gaping arteries, devouring it. Tangy flavour exploded on my tongue, and I basked in its divinity. 
Was there any act more intimate than cannibalism? I could not think of anything. Those haunted sockets of his, mouth hanging slack, gory and broken beyond repair, held a bond deeper than any ring or vow. 
This was true love. 
I threw my head and laughed. Snapping my fingers, I severed my magic and his bonds at once. My love fell like a ragdoll, discarded and worthless. The ghouls would fix up all the remnants and serve it to my guests.
As I began walking away, the last dregs of my humanity compelled me to stop. I turned back, grabbed the hollow of his throat lightly, and whispered, “Have your eternal peace, my love. ‘Tis the least you deserve.” 
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rien-maz · 2 months
And so, I finished watching this show and you know, dumber than this show can only be the Disney cartoon of the century, for both are storyless, holey, raw and meaningless pictures that make you want to wash your eyes out.
So this is a continuation or addition to the first post about analyzing this "miracle". https://www.tumblr.com/rien-maz/755293709600456704/and-so-i-avoiding-all-spoilers-finished-my
First, I still had hope that Leslie would deign to "plug" the plot holes in the last two episodes, but no, that didn't happen.
After watching, there are still a bunch of questions and here are a few of them:
How did Mei get saved? How did our Sith pretty boy find her? How were the two twins created? Why are they the same person? Why does Darth Plagas show up there? What is his significance? Why doesn't physics work in this show? Why the fuck is Yoda suddenly unable to sense with the jedi force? What role does Mei's mark on her forehead play? Why are the two sisters acolyte? And so it goes on and on ad infinitum.
A little disclaimer: this post will contain rude words and phrases, heaps of sarcasm, and a suggestion that the ratings of this show be collapsed for spitting Leslie Hadland in the face of all Star Wars fans.
Let's start with the seventh episode: Leslie apparently wanted to add action to her terrible picture and filmed a scene of Saul chasing after Mei, trying to mimic Fast and Furious. But!
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Before that, I had a question, how does Mei know about the concept of hell? Because I don't remember the star wars universe talking about heaven and hell even once. If my memory serves me correctly, all dead souls "fall into the Force".
Oh yeah, in this fine series we also have the "unkillable protagonist" principle at work, who went through the atmosphere at breakneck speed and didn't even bother to use the Force to slow his fall. Yeah, yeah, screw the basic skills of Force users.
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I laughed at the conversation between the Senator and our main antagonist in the form of a green-skinned woman (I didn't even try to remember her name and I won't apologize for that). Did you smell something in that scene?
Oh yes, the romanticization of violence, particularly the dark side of the Force. Leslie, ignoring all the laws of Lucas' universe, made the Sith not the rapists and murderers who are alien to the humanity and compassion that kept slaves during the Emperor's reign on Dromund Kaas, and not only in those times. Even going back to the origins of the Sith, we know that the Sith were a race that lived on Korriban (if I remember correctly), and wow, you wouldn't believe it! They had slaves as a class in society too. Leslie made the Sith the poor saps that crave freedom from Jedi oppression.
Leslie is fucked up if she wants to romanticize those who killed, who betrayed, who plotted against each other, who destroyed, who perverted and who are simply evil in the flesh (the same Nikhilus, Darth Plagas, Darth Bane, Darth Tyranus, Darth Sidious (where else), etc.). Basically, Leslie romanticized Anakin Skywalker's killing of children with such a moment. After all, oh oh oh oh he's a poor guy who chose to be free of a "delusional cult".
Well done! Way to go! Good point, because killing other people is so cool, right, Leslie Hadland? That's what you're doing in this fucking show, saying that all Jedi are fucking egomaniacs who care about their own feelings and emotions (Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Obi-Wan Kenobi and the rest of the Jedi, along with their codes and teachings, fuck you).
But back to the series and its dumb plot, which there isn't.
Where were we? Oh yeah, on how I'm trashing this whole show and Leslie.
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So, let's get on with it. The actors' performance was mentioned in the first post, so I won't repeat for the hundredth time what characters are flat, emotionless and so on. But I will talk about the motivation of the characters, that is, its absence. Seriously, neither the handsome Sith, nor Mei, nor Saul, nor Osha has any motivation. Osha hasn't changed at all since the first episode, she doesn't learn anything and just moves from one point to another just because other characters drag her there.
Zimmir's motivation for taking Acolyte's child as an apprentice is incomprehensible at all, simply because Leslie forgot to tell him what he's for and what powers he has.
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I also have a question about the transformation of Oshi's lightsaber from blue to red. Because I only remember about the synthetic crystals that the Sith used to create their sword. But after poking around on the internet, I removed that statement. I didn't get a chance to pick on Leslie, unfortunately.
The biggest complaint about the last two episodes is where Mundi went and why Yoda, being the most powerful Jedi, didn't feel Zimmer cut out a group of Jedi and didn't feel cheated by Rowe (oh! I even remembered her name!) Why does the Jedi High Council care so absolutely nothing about missing and dead Jedi? Oh yeah, Leslie wants to show that, say, look what scum and moral freaks the Jedi are, just selfish!
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In general, I could grumble for a long time, but I think you understood the main point and also realized how stupid this series is. As Dmitry Puchkov said "wasted time is a pity. One hundred percent digested feces."
So, in the end, what do we have? Osha and Zimmir's love line; Jedi egomaniacs and the romanticization of violence.
In fact, I suggest that for this spit, no, for the fact that Leslie spit in the face of Star Wars fans, to collapse the rating of this product on all platforms, so that Leslie realized that it is not worth offending fans.
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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Author Octavia E. Butler Author (1947–2006)
Known for blending science fiction with African-American spiritualism. Her novels include Patternmaster, Kindred, Dawn and Parable of the Sower.
Writer Octavia Estelle Butler was born in Pasadena, California, on June 22, 1947, later breaking new ground as a woman and an African American in the realm of science fiction. Butler thrived in a genre typically dominated by white males. She lost her father at a young age and was raised by her mother. To support the family, her mother worked as a maid.
As a child, Octavia E. Butler was known for her shyness and her impressive height. She was dyslexic, but she didn't let this challenge deter her from developing a love of books. Butler started creating her own stories early on, and she decided to make writing her life's work around the age of 10. She later earned an associate degree from Pasadena City College. Butler also studied her craft with Harlan Ellison at the Clarion Fiction Writers Workshop.
To make ends meet, Butler took all sorts of jobs while maintaining a strict writing schedule. She was known to work for several hours very early in the morning each day. In 1976, Butler published her first novel, Patternmaster. This book would ultimately become part of an ongoing storyline about a group of people with telepathic powers called Patternists. The other related titles are Mind of My Mind (1977), Wild Seed (1980) and Clay's Ark (1984). (Butler's publishing house would later group the works as the Patternist series, presenting them in a different reading order from when they were chronologically published.)
In 1979, Butler had a career breakthrough with Kindred. The novel tells the story of an African-American woman who travels back in time to save a white slave owner—her own ancestor. In part, Butler drew some inspiration from her mother's work. "I didn't like seeing her go through back doors," she once said, according to The New York Times. "If my mother hadn't put up with all those humiliations, I wouldn't have eaten very well or lived very comfortably. So I wanted to write a novel that would make others feel the history: the pain and fear that black people have had to live through in order to endure."
For some writers, science fiction serves as means to delve into fantasy. But for Butler, it largely served as a vehicle to address issues facing humanity. It was this passionate interest in the human experience that imbued her work with a certain depth and complexity. In the mid-1980s, Butler began to receive critical recognition for her work. She won the 1984 Best Short Story Hugo Award for "Speech Sounds." That same year, the novelette "Bloodchild" won a Nebula Award and later a Hugo as well.
In the late 1980s, Butler published her Xenogenesis trilogy—Dawn (1987), Adulthood Rites (1988) and Imago (1989). This series of books explores issues of genetics and race. To insure their mutual survival, humans reproduce with aliens known as the Oankali. Butler received much praise for this trilogy. She went on to write the two-installment Parable series—Parable of the Sower (1993) and Parable of the Talents (1998).
In 1995, Butler received a "genius" grant from the MacArthur Foundation—becoming the first science-fiction writer to do so—which allowed her to buy a house for her mother and herself.
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beelze-bruh · 30 days
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Martian Humans were discovered on the planet Mars, contacted in the year 3990. These creatures are the genetically modified descendants of Humans, who found that it was impossible to gestate healthy offspring under the natural gravity of the planet. Without planetary gravity manipulation technology, their best bet for creating somewhat healthy descendants on the planet was through genetic engineering, selecting for genes that would give them denser muscle and bone tissue to keep them durable enough to perform hard labor, larger hearts to more effectively pump blood throughout their bodies, and shorter stature to curtail risk of malnutrition and allow them to function more efficiently in the small enclosed spaces of spaceships and Martian habitat bases. This full scale colonization of the desolate planet occurred in response to a “white identity crisis” experienced by many pale-skinned humans as a reaction to growing ethnic diversity across earth. After a disastrous “race war” movement manifested across the globe, white purity elites formed political groups focused on establishing a white homeland on Martian soil, mounting expeditions to the red planet where they waged war on and enslaved the prisoner population of preexisting Martian penal colonies, creating a caste system to enforce the institution. This produced the all white generation of genetically modified Martian offspring that took control of the planet, breeding in great numbers and using their inherited institution of slavery to great effect, expanding mining and plantation operations wider than ever before seen on the planet. Using the massive quantities of uranium formed in the planet’s crust from millennia of radiation bombardment, Martians built the largest nuclear stockpile ever seen in human history. The Martian ethnostate recognized itself as a more “highly evolved” form of “Terran” humanity, considering themselves “Homo sapiens martius” despite all scientific evidence pointing to the fact that they are not genetically distinct enough to be considered a subspecies. The severely limited genetic diversity of Martians led to a bottleneck effect, and eventually inbreeding. Assimilation into the Ecosystem did not go smoothly, put in a few words. There was debate whether or not to exterminate the entire Martian population due to the risk they posed of spreading slavery across the universe and the fact that standard Terran Humans had already joined the collective, but it was decided that this was too extreme and would set a dangerous precedent, so the assimilation process went as usual, ending with the Raid phase dissolving all Martian governmental bodies by force. The Martians were infuriated by this swift defeat but recognized the importance of preserving their species' existence on their homeland and didn't push further. Upon introduction to the Ecosystem, they were disgusted by its multicultural assortment of alien life living alongside one another and mostly kept to themselves, still adorned in their traditional military garb and confident in their slogan that “Father Mars Shall Rise Again”. For decades, several slave states established by Martians on Ecosystem worlds have been broken up, routinely putting the continued preservation of these people's core society into question.
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neptuniadoesstuff · 23 days
could I have a loredump on the different ASGD organizations and governments? >:D (if you wanna lol- I just love reading your lore /vpos)
Stellowbark Corp: A organization/governing Colony striving for peace of different races & findings of information of different animals, plants, & artifacts. One of their most well known members is a man named "Chris". (Hint hint)
Conversion (Placeholder name): A colony which governs a few planets but is CLEARLY dedicated to the torture of non-human species. Basically genetic purists.
BlackSun Inc: A secret organization/division owned by "Conversion" which experimenst on alien species & transforms them into slave soldiers. Also creates humonculi for the sole purpose of working for them.
Enerald Rhombus: This organization is one owned by the governing bodies on Earth (in this universe) who strive for peace & equality but foes have some dark secrets.
Topaz Glare: This colony was a research/exploration based colony. It was actually a division of ER before it became defunct after it was founded out they were treating their crewmates on the ship like trash.
Thats all I have atm.
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creature-wizard · 1 year
New Ager Gigi Young's take on the ancient aliens thing seems to be that the whole narrative was created to infantilize and demoralize humanity. She seems to think that if you believe you were created as a slave race (as Erich von Daniken claimed), you won't be able to see yourself as anything else. For Gigi Young, it seems that the only way to maintain any sort of self-esteem is to believe that you're the most glorious, advanced being in the whole universe.
This seems like a highly, highly flawed coping mechanism I've seen among some people, where they try to avoid feeling inadequate by making themselves believe that they are the absolute best. Unfortunately, reality always has a way of poking holes in these self-told myths, and they very rarely react in a healthy and appropriate manner.
You can see this kind of thing among a number of white supremacists, who essentially believe that the only way they can have any sort of self-esteem is to be allowed to believe that their culture is objectively the best and never did anything wrong. These are the sorts of people who claim that critical race theory is child abuse.
Furthermore, Gigi Young seems to believe that the alien beings that other New Agers frequently work with are actually demons and fallen angels. This really isn't any better than your standard claims that the aliens are here to help us ascend, because it basically comes out of another strain of right wing thinking. It's a claim made by Bill Schnoebelen, a known fraud who perpetuated the Satanic Panic.
So even if Gigi Young doesn't personally believe in some of the more popular New Age stuff, we can still see how her beliefs and attitudes line up with right wing thinking and fearmongering.
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enigmascosmicos · 5 months
"Global Blockbuster 'Anunnaki' Banned Worldwide - Unveiling Ancient Alien Secrets and Forbidden Knowledge!"
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This is the History Movie Forbidden And Blocked Worldwide
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Cyberspace seems to have barely left the trail in the slightest so there is no viewing information about the movie Anunnaki. Not to escape the interview with movie director, Jon Gress, also never removed from the search for cyberspace, plus the official site of the movie Anunnaki also never disappeared.
#Anunnaki, History Movie Forbidden
Zecharia Sitchin was born in Russia and raised in Palestine, where he gained much knowledge of modern and ancient Hebrew, Semitic and European languages, Old Testament, and archaeological history in the Near East. Sitchin graduated from the University of London majoring in economic history, and became a prominent journalist and editor in Israel for many years, then lived and wrote in New York.
Sitchin has translated from the Sumerian text, based on the Vedic tale, the original Greek and Hebrew quotations from the Bible. His ability to translate multiple languages ​​is considered a major achievement, not many people have the ability to decipher the Tablet Adapa Sumerian language made from clay originated from 6000 years ago, an elusive language.
At least Sitchin has spent decades as an archaeologist and historian in the Middle East. He examined the ancient writings of the Sumerian civilization, then published 5 Paperbacks entitled 'The Earth Chronicles', a documentary interaction of the Nibirian nation on Earth in ancient times.
Historical Movies Forbidden And Blocked Worldwide
Based on Sitchin's story, the Anunnaki film was produced independently but lacked the cost, and then various agencies set it up as a banned and banned worldwide history movie. Earth was once inhabited by Anunnaki who is considered a creature that descends from Heaven. They make colonies and mine gold and other minerals, build ports and airports suspected to be in Iraq and Iran, living as an idealist society with small colonies.
Similar Cuneiform-like tablets suddenly appear in several places around the world, which explains the continued knowledge of stars, farming, farming, even social structures introduced to mankind by advanced civilizations. The film tells the story of history once written in tablets and ancient inscriptions, written originally from civilization before Egypt appeared in the world.
They return when the earth is filled with genetic material mixed with his DNA and use it as a slave to miners, agriculture, and other work in Sumer. In the Anunnaki story has created humans, Homo sapiens and Homo Erectus, through genetic manipulation.
Then Enlil and Enki were sent from Nibiru to rule the earth, they were given the task of dealing with all the power and control of the created beings. They gave architecture knowledge to the ancient Sumerians, agriculture, astronomy, and cultural exchange / offerings to the Gods in the form of minerals, food, and other materials. The Nibiru people disguised themselves as fishmen, lions, birds, and other creatures, as a sign that people should worship them. This is what Moses opposed, he destroyed all the shapes of a creature, one of the traditions exaggerated by the ancient model.
Then the Pleiades were involved in the 3 Golden Age in Egypt, they tried to end the worship created by the Nibiru and the Sirian gods, and replaced it with the concept of 'The One' or monotheistic. But in the fight against differences in the concept of Trust has involved all humans, fighting each other instead of fighting the God who is the real enemy behind the scenes. Since then, every 3600 years there has been a major event on Earth that is currently documented as a major disaster. The Great Flood story of religion and culture in the world has narrated the destruction of the slave race for revolting their rulers, the sterile earth back from the creature without conscience.
#Limited History Films Raised From The Original Text of Ancient Sumerian Tablets
Actually Sitchin strongly emphasizes the story that mentions a creature called the Devil, building a civilization forward so that humans will worship him. Ancient texts of ancient names and events that are different from modern-day designations, occurred long before monotheistic religions were born on Earth. The ancients knew this by another name, they did not know the Devil's name, they only knew the creatures of Nibiru and the Pleiades had descended to Earth.
On July 5, 2006, X-Squared Radio has promoted the movie '1Anunnaki' in an exclusive interview with Jon Gress. He mentioned that the first digital film 'Anunnaki Trilogy' produced Jaguar Films will make the biggest jump in the history of anthropology. The film is a factual first chapter of the Sumerian Tablet, telling how it suddenly came to be the most advanced civilization in the world. Many people still do not know why there are glyphs on earth long before the Egyptians reached their peak.
In the Anunnaki movie story, it has reached two different human versions. Kill humans as demigods, in the holy books of three religions known as Nephlim or giant man, Ad. Temporary versions of other humans are smaller, more easily created and understood as mortal beings. The Second Descent The human version has now filled the surface of the earth, one that has already happened and continues to the truth.
If the Anunnaki story goes through theaters-the whole world, then the meaning of the three Western and Western monotheistic religions will emerge. Surely this would damage the religious countries, and destroy Darwin's Theory of Evolution. The impact of the Anunnaki film will change the human understanding of itself and its placement in the universe. So no wonder, various government and private parties immediately closed and set Anunnaki as a history movie that is banned from running and banned all over the world.
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[-]wanabe (61)hace 6 años
good article
2 votos
[-]leewilliamson (-10)(1)hace 6 años
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cotecoyotegrrrl · 5 months
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Author Octavia E. Butler Author (1947–2006)
Known for blending science fiction with African-American spiritualism. Her novels include Patternmaster, Kindred, Dawn and Parable of the Sower.
Writer Octavia Estelle Butler was born in Pasadena, California, on June 22, 1947, later breaking new ground as a woman and an African American in the realm of science fiction. Butler thrived in a genre typically dominated by white males. She lost her father at a young age and was raised by her mother. To support the family, her mother worked as a maid.
As a child, Octavia E. Butler was known for her shyness and her impressive height. She was dyslexic, but she didn't let this challenge deter her from developing a love of books. Butler started creating her own stories early on, and she decided to make writing her life's work around the age of 10. She later earned an associate degree from Pasadena City College. Butler also studied her craft with Harlan Ellison at the Clarion Fiction Writers Workshop.
To make ends meet, Butler took all sorts of jobs while maintaining a strict writing schedule. She was known to work for several hours very early in the morning each day. In 1976, Butler published her first novel, Patternmaster. This book would ultimately become part of an ongoing storyline about a group of people with telepathic powers called Patternists. The other related titles are Mind of My Mind (1977), Wild Seed (1980) and Clay's Ark (1984). (Butler's publishing house would later group the works as the Patternist series, presenting them in a different reading order from when they were chronologically published.)
In 1979, Butler had a career breakthrough with Kindred. The novel tells the story of an African-American woman who travels back in time to save a white slave owner—her own ancestor. In part, Butler drew some inspiration from her mother's work. "I didn't like seeing her go through back doors," she once said, according to The New York Times. "If my mother hadn't put up with all those humiliations, I wouldn't have eaten very well or lived very comfortably. So I wanted to write a novel that would make others feel the history: the pain and fear that black people have had to live through in order to endure."
For some writers, science fiction serves as means to delve into fantasy. But for Butler, it largely served as a vehicle to address issues facing humanity. It was this passionate interest in the human experience that imbued her work with a certain depth and complexity. In the mid-1980s, Butler began to receive critical recognition for her work. She won the 1984 Best Short Story Hugo Award for "Speech Sounds." That same year, the novelette "Bloodchild" won a Nebula Award and later a Hugo as well.
In the late 1980s, Butler published her Xenogenesis trilogy—Dawn (1987), Adulthood Rites (1988) and Imago (1989). This series of books explores issues of genetics and race. To insure their mutual survival, humans reproduce with aliens known as the Oankali. Butler received much praise for this trilogy. She went on to write the two-installment Parable series—Parable of the Sower (1993) and Parable of the Talents (1998).
In 1995, Butler received a "genius" grant from the MacArthur Foundation—becoming the first science-fiction writer to do so—which allowed her to buy a house for her mother and herself.
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quarktrinity · 10 months
quark watches star trek season 1 episode 11
were meeting pike yaaayyyy i remember him from episode 0. very depressed and kind of horny but repressed about it.
...unsure if thats the same actor. i dont think it is
uh oh pike is in a sci-fi wheelchair and he can only talk through beeps :( what happened buddy
him and spock are conspiring? spock is challenging him.
kirk keeps Looking at ladies
spock says pike sent him a message and everyone says thats impossible but kirk believes him anyway because obviously theyre in love.
spocks sneaking around. no idea what hes doing
"i could run off half-cocked given a good reason" phrasing, mccoy
pike is gone?????? the enterprise is leaving without kirk????
this episodes kinda dragging its feet a little bit
spooooock what are you dooooiiiiiing
is spock doing insurrection. spock are you brutus-ing
oh shit pikes on the enterprise
spock is arresting himself??????
what the hell is going on
ok so the computers in charge now? and theyre going to talos IV? no idea what that means
spock specifically wants to be court martialed by pike and is pleading guilty. what
cant remember if this footage is from episode 0 but its definitely the same cast
no wait yeah this is definitely footage from episode 0
episode 0 was weird. i found it interesting but it was pretty icky
wait is this just showing me episode 0 again
jesus it is
i forgot about the space fax machine....
talos IV is apparently forbidden and spock is showing them episode 0 as evidence in court???
uggghhhhh this episode was so icky
gist of it: psychic aliens make illusions super well, they have a human girl named vina and want to create a race of human slaves by taking captain pike and making him and vina adam and eve and putting pike in weird scenarios to get him to fall in love with vina and it gets super weird and kind of gross, but eventually pike beats them by making his mind unreadable through the power of sheer hatred and beats their asses. he gets away but vina doesnt want to come, so instead he lets the aliens make an illusion of him for her to keep as like a psychic sex doll? its weird.
kirk has spock locked up before they can finish watching episode 0
time for part 2 -_-
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