onestepbackwards · 2 years
What’s All the Buzz About? Pt. 3
Hello! Welcome to part 3 of my Bee Hybrid Submas fic! ヾ(•ω•`)o Once again, this fic is inspired by @r0-boat‘s BeeGearStation Au! Please go check it out, their content is a must read! If you want to know what the bees look like, please check out @antidotesprout! They did some amazing art for the au, and their art is just amazing in general! I struggled a bit with this chapter, much like the last, but I still feel a bit better with this one than the last one. I apologize if it kinda feels like its everywhere, but I still hope you enjoy! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) Happy new year everyone!
Summary: Your first night seems to go well enough! However, you still have a lot to get used to with your new friends. The Kings decide what better way to ease your worries, than give you a small tour? CW: Description of leg injury, anxiety, nightmares, mentions of cave ins, mentions of coercion, Hybrid!Submas, bee hybrid Emmet, bee hybrid Ingo, Word Count: 6075 words! ->First: Link ->Previous: Link ->Next: Link ------
The bees were way more knowledgeable in human health care than you had expected. Sure, they didn’t have medical equipment like a hospital was equipped with, but within an hour, the Kings and several drones were able to quickly figure out all the issues with your leg. They determined where your leg was broken, and just how deep the breaks were. 
Somehow through some touching, and buzzing, and a few other things with equipment, they were able to figure it all out in an hour. Thankfully, much to your relief, the bees had determined the breaks weren’t as bad as you anticipated. Most were hairline fractures, scattered in a few spots on your leg. However, there were two areas that needed more attention, and a cast. Since you had walked for so long on these injuries, those two breaks had worsened.
Other than that, it was mostly bruising and scabbing. Nothing else internally appeared to be majorly damaged.
The Kings and drones laid it all out for you in a way you somewhat understood, before getting to work.
Less than an hour later, they had your leg cleaned and patched up, and wrapped in a makeshift cast. It appeared to be made from some sort of silk cloth, and was firmly held in place with the hive’s wax. Even if it wasn’t a cast by a normal hospital's standards, it still seemed to easily function as one. After that, a platter of different fruit was brought in, along with some water. “We want our guest to have the best possible recovery, yup!” Emmet had chimed in as you stared in wonder of all the fruit. Both Kings insisted you eat as much as you could, and drink as much water as possible. When you had protested that they needn't give you so much, they simply shook their heads at you. “We have plenty of supplies and food to go around from our reserves and greenhouses. Food is not an issue, and you are our guest and patient. We will not be sloppy when it comes to your care.” Ingo had told you, his eyes sharp and voice firm. You really didn’t want to argue with a King, and he told you in a tone that more or less said his word was final. After that, just as you had begun to eat, a drone brought you a cup of what you thought was honey. You could only stare at it, confused, until the drone’s wings buzzed, capturing your attention. “It’s for you! Our honey, this kind specifically, was made in order to heal wounds and help fight bacteria! We have high hopes it shall help with your injuries!”
He seemed rather excited, his grin wide as you took the cup.
“...Thank you.” You told him, genuinely sincere. You could hardly believe that the hive was offering you their own honey. You had heard online and from some other folks, bee hybrid hives kept most their honey for themselves, only giving the rest up for means of trade. It wasn’t like regular bee honey. What you had in your hand was way more valuable. You nearly couldn’t believe they were letting you have some. You had been holding what many humans would consider a treasure. Something some would consider more valuable than gold. Not only that, the food had been absolutely delicious. You swear you had never had fruit so fresh, or so tasty before. It made the pain in your leg a lot more bearable. That, and getting some food in your stomach after everything helped calm you down a bit. You didn’t realize how hungry you were until after the first bite. You didn’t see it, but both Kings were incredibly pleased. As you had eaten, Ingo and Emmet had gone over a recovery plan of sorts with you. “It would be best if you stayed off the leg as much as possible. Unfortunately, we don’t have any crutches at the moment, but we will soon fix that for you.” Ingo told you, going over a clip board. Emmet hummed, before piping up after him. “Until then, we will have help ready to carry you anywhere in the hive you should need to go.” He said with a nod, and you could only look at him with slight surprise. “I’m not just restricted to this room?” You asked for clarification. To be fair, you expected to just be put in this room or an infirmary until you were well. Maybe get some time outside if they felt generous, or even just drop you off in the city after giving you a cast. Both twins looked at you, slightly shocked. “No, of course not! We would be horrible hosts to keep you locked up! You are our guest! Not our prisoner!” Ingo assured you, looking somewhat disturbed at the very idea. Both twins shared a panicked look. “We won’t keep you restricted to one area! There are some places we’d prefer you not enter without supervision for safety, but we don’t wish to keep you in this room against your will!” Ingo quickly explained. Himself and Emmet did not want you thinking you were a prisoner. It was the last thing they wanted you to think. If you assumed you couldn’t leave, or had to stay in a room, you would hate being here. They didn’t want you to hate this place. If you hated this place, you would want to leave, they couldn’t have that. Both Kings wouldn’t keep you here against your will, of course. However, they were so desperate. They needed a Queen, and a Queen who wanted to be here. One who loved their hive. If you wanted to explore, they would happily let you! In fact, they wanted you to look around. Surely, if you liked it, you would be more enticed to stay? That, and if they got you used to the area, that would only be a bonus. How can you rule a hive if you don’t have a basic layout of your home? Meanwhile, different thoughts were going through your head. However, you were sure about one thing. You were relieved. Even though you had resigned yourself to possibly being stuck into one room, the fact that they would let you wander around was a huge relief. By the looks of it, if you even wanted to leave, they wouldn’t hold you hostage. It was a weight off of your shoulders. After they finished patching you up, and your leg felt even a little better, you could just leave. But you couldn’t help but pause. Did you even want to leave that soon? Your eyes went back to your injured leg, which lightly throbbed against the pillow it was elevated on. Thoughts from earlier popped in your head briefly, though not so much in a wave like they had before. If no one was looking for you… Why not stay? At least until you could fully walk? You wouldn’t outstay your welcome, of course. If they asked you to leave tomorrow, you’d do so, thankful they at least did this much for you. But you’d let them take care of you. Why would it matter anyway, if you were missing for a while longer in the city? Call yourself petty, but if your boss and coworkers were sitting on their thumbs, terrified they had killed you, why not let them stew a little bit. As much as it hurt to think, you didn’t exactly have people waiting for you at home, anyway. What would your work even do? Sue you for getting trapped in a cave and not showing up for work? Hah. As if. The moment you were out of here, you were most definitely putting in a letter of resignation. You didn’t care if you had to live a bit more strictly with your money. What you had gone through was horrible, and you were not going to stay at a company that may not have even alerted authorities that you may or may not be dead. So your mind was made. Unless they asked you to leave sooner, you would let them take care of you until you could at least walk on your own again. That was your last thought as you later went to bed that night. The Kings and drones eventually left you be, assuring you they would bring you more things later on. They knew though you needed to rest, and keeping you up would only stall your healing process. So after you had finished your food, they bid you farewell, and left you to your thoughts. Though the Kings told you should you need them, they will leave some drones outside your door. “If you need anything, anything at all, please call for them! They will be ready to help you all through the night.” You wanted to tell Ingo they didn’t have to do that, but you got the feeling that would be another argument you wouldn’t be winning. However, you were kind of grateful for the drones outside your door. If you had to get up and use the restroom, or were hungry, you would at least have some help. They were already helping you more than any help you would have had if you had made it back home. Thankfully, after the Kings had left, it didn’t take as long to fall asleep as you had assumed it would. 
You only laid in the bed for a while, partially covered by the soft blanket. The bed was incredibly comfortable. Much to your relief, you didn’t have to be alone with your thoughts for too long. Perhaps it was the fatigue and exhaustion, or the adrenaline crash. Or maybe it could be the faint sound of rumbling and buzzing that helped you relax. When you weren’t fearing for your life, the sounds were a bit more comforting. Maybe it was a bit of everything, but you were able to fall asleep with relative ease. Sleep itself though, was not as great as you had hoped it would be. You were restless most the night, and the dull ache of your leg did little to help with your comfort. Not to mention you couldn’t exactly move around in your sleep with the pain, and the giant cast on your leg. There were also a few times you would wake up in a panic, unsure where you were. When it finally hit you what had all happened, unease settled back in your gut as you fell asleep. Then there were the dreams. More like nightmares, really. In some, you didn’t move in time, and ended up painfully crushed. Sometimes you died instantly, others, you were stuck, and died slowly underneath some rubble. In other dreams, you saw your coworkers laughing at you as you struggled to crawl out from the cave in. “You should have just died. Do us all a favor.” “You would have made an excellent write off. Why can’t you stay dead?” “Maybe if you had been more enthusiastic, you wouldn’t have been stuck here in the first place, idiot.” “Why didn’t you come right back to work? How disappointing. I’m afraid we can’t keep you here if you can’t prioritize your job over trivial matters. We’re going to have to let you go.” Safe to say, you didn’t get much rest that night. 
You later woke up around 9 in the morning. Thankfully, your phone had not died yet, though it was certainly low on battery. Having used its flashlight for so long last night definitely took its toll on the remaining charge. The phone had roughly 15% left. A weight settled in your stomach as everything came back to you the more you woke up. You were still in a bee hybrid hive, with a broken leg, and a phone that was nearly dead. Taking a deep breath, you counted to five, and exhaled. You were safe. You weren’t alone in the tunnel. The Kings and the drones wanted to help you, they didn’t want you dead. That familiar spike of anxiety tried to bubble up in your chest, but you took another deep breath. It was okay. You were okay. 
Suddenly, the sound of your stomach growling filled the room. …You were also quite hungry.
You then looked at your leg, which you had to slightly readjust on the pillow that was supposed to be elevating your leg. 
It wasn’t in as much pain as it had been yesterday, but it now had a very painful ache. You could feel nearly every throb of your pulse, just from how your nerves seemed to light up with each pump of your heart. The pain could be worse, you supposed. It certainly felt a lot better than what it had last night, that was for sure. You fiddled with your phone for a while, trying to come to terms with everything. You weren’t as much of an emotional mess as last night, but you were still certainly a bit of a wreck. But you were safe. And the Bees were very kind. That was something you couldn’t get out of your head. They took the time and effort for you to be comfortable, and help you out. 
It made you feel… kind of special, if you were being honest. You couldn’t remember the last time of someone, or multiple someones taking care of you, and so seriously as well. Your stomach growled again, and you winced, and looked towards the door across the room. Should you call out for the drones who were said to be just outside?
Thankfully, as you were mulling over what to do, there was a knock on the door to your room. You stared at it a moment, taken a bit off guard, before answering. “Come in…?” Much to your surprise, Emmet poked his head through the door. When his eyes landed on you, his already present smile widened. The King entered the room, two drones trailing behind him. He clapped his hands together as he approached your bed. “Good morning!” Behind him the drone on the right walked up to you, carrying a platter with a plate of fruit, and what looked like honey on the side. He happily held it next to you, while the other drone stood next to your leg. Emmet stood next to you beside the drone with food. “Did you sleep well?” He asked, leaning towards you, his antennae twitching this way and that. You blinked. “Um… I slept okay? Kind of restless, I guess.” You told him. Emmet’s smile twitched for a moment, and he tilted his head. You could have sworn his face turned into one of concern and panic for a split second. “Ah, were there any issues? How can we help?” he asked, his face a bit more serious than before. Even the drones seemed a bit curious and serious about the issue. You shook your head quickly. “Oh, no, it was nothing any of you did. I think the stress and the mild pain from my leg… It was a bit hard to stay asleep for long periods of time. It was all me!” you told them. The King shared a look with the drones, before looking back at you. His smile was still on his face, though he seemed less upset than before. Unknown to you, he was a lot more relieved than you would have thought. If anything had gone wrong, and had been because of his hive, he would have had some choice words with those who may have caused you discomfort. No doubt Ingo would have been very upset as well. A lot was riding on keeping you happy and comfortable. That, and…. Well… Emmet watched you closely as you spoke, and he held his wings back from twitching. You were so kind. From the moment he met you, he knew you were something special, and you have been nothing but friendly to him. Even if this didn’t work out, he didn’t want you to be uncomfortable. 
If anything, he at least wanted to be your friend. It’s not everyday they meet a nice human, after all. It was another reason why he wanted you to be comfortable. Still, he stood up straight, and snapped his fingers. The drone next to your leg stood up immediately, and he waved for him to follow
The two shared some words that you couldn’t quite hear or make out. Though after a moment, the drone stood up, saluted, and quickly headed out the door. 
You could only watch in slight confusion, until the drone next to you held out the platter.
“Here! The Kings made sure to go over the list of things you could and could not eat, before we prepared this for you!” 
He gently sat the platter in your lap, and you could only look in amazement. 
Different fruit was set out on a few bowls and plates, some that were even out of season were right here for you to eat. On the side were a few smaller bowls of honey, and it once again reminded you of how you were more or less holding something that many would find highly valuable.
“This looks delicious!” You couldn’t help but comment in awe. The fruit all looked fresh, and if the honey was anything like it had been last night, you had no doubts it would be tasty. “Sorry for the lack of variety. We are currently working on that.” He told you, though you just shook your head again. As you took a bite, you could only moan at the delicious taste. You swore, it tasted even better than the meal you had last night. Though you missed the dark look the King sent the drone. He hadn’t exactly wanted you to worry about that. “Mm! It’s no issue at all, it’s amazing!” The drone happily drank in your praises, though nearly jumped when Emmet tightly put a hand on his shoulder. “The fruit is grown right here at the hive. I hope you find it to meet your expectations.” You hummed as you ate, pouring some more honey on to some of the fruit you planned to eat. It truly was delicious. 
Taking a few more bites, you were surprised to hear knocking at your door again. Quickly swallowing back some food, you glanced at the door, then back at the bee hybrids in the room. Emmet simply gave you a smile.
“Um… Come in?” You called out, though a bit unsure. You weren’t sure why, but it felt odd being the one to let others in when the King was standing right next to you. 
Perhaps they were taking your privacy seriously as well? Not entering unless you gave permission? …The thought was incredibly sweet. The door opening brought you out of your thoughts for a moment, and you were slightly surprised to see Ingo walk in. The moment he entered, his eyes landed on you. He looked you over, and seemed rather pleased. “Good morning! How are you feeling? Did you rest well?” He spoke. His voice was a bit loud, but not enough to bother you. In fact, he seemed rather excited and curious to see you, if the tone of his voice was anything to go by. “Oh… I was just telling Emmet and the drone I slept okay. Was kind of restless, and my leg woke me up a time or two from the pain. Everything else though has been very nice.” You quickly explained, catching the other King up. Emmet quickly walked over to the other King, and whispered something in his ear. His eyes widened in understanding, and he gave Emmet a nod. When Ingo turned back to you, he stood up a bit straighter. “I see. We shall do our best to help with your comfort. If there is anything you need, please, do not hesitate to let us know. We can help if you need something for the pain. Anything else, we will do our best to assist.” You simply stared at him, trying to grasp what he had said. It was still a bit early, after all. How did you get so lucky? You had nearly died in the abandoned subway tunnels just yesterday, and now you were being treated like some esteemed guest in a royal bee hybrid hive? Even you wouldn’t believe yourself if you heard you say it. It sounded so outlandish. It was something you were still coming to terms with. It didn’t quite feel real.
As you dwelled on your situation a little more, you almost missed how there was more knocking at your door. Ingo answered it this time, talking to a cute little drone who popped his head in through the doorway. Both whispered something to the other, before the drone handed Ingo something. A few more words were exchanged, and Ingo closed the door. Heading back to you, you were surprised when he handed you an unopened bottle of pain medication, and some water. “How did you-” You began to ask, before Emmet cut in. “We have our ways! No need to worry.” Him saying that only made you want to worry, but hey, who were you to argue with something like this? They were helping you feel better, so you really had no means to ask or judge how they got medicine for you to take. You were more or less finished with your delicious meal, and put the tray to the side. The drone nearby happily took it off your bed as you grabbed the bottle of medication and water. It was surprisingly good quality stuff that would no doubt be strong. Thankfully it was stuff you could handle. 
Though you briefly wondered just how they got their hands on this stuff. You needed an ID to purchase this, and it was a brand new bottle, still completely sealed. You opened your mouth to ask, but the words fell flat on your tongue. Again, you were being treated for free. Perhaps it was best if you don’t ask questions. As you screwed the bottle open, you missed the shared look between the twin Kings. They may or may not have had a drone or two break into a pharmacy after doing some research, taking different medications they normally wouldn’t be able to provide for you. They didn’t just take it without leaving anything though! Just because they hardly dealt with humans, didn’t mean they didn’t have a concept of their trade. They did their research, and left behind enough cash they had accumulated over the decade behind. Cash they had saved in case they had to deal with humans in the future. It was a decision Ingo was glad he made, back when they had first become Kings. The former Queen despised humans, and didn’t take care to learn about them. Ingo and Emmet wanted to, at least to have some sort of knowledge in case they ever had to deal with them. Saving any money they came across proved to be beneficial. The idea of stealing needlessly didn’t sit right with either King. Both watched you take a small pill, relieved you didn’t ask questions. What you didn’t know wouldn’t hurt you. 
After you quickly finished up the glass of water you had been given, Ingo cleared his throat once again. “If you would like, we can take you out to some parts of the hive! I’m sure you’d like to see the greenhouses, and a few other places of note!” Your eyes widened slightly. Sure, they gave you permission earlier to walk around and such, but it sounded as if they were offering you a tour of sorts. If you were being honest with yourself… It sounded kind of fun.
Then you looked at your leg, which throbbed in a painful reminder that again, you couldn’t exactly use it. “I’d love to, but… Do you have a wheelchair, or a cane I may use?” You asked. Emmet’s head tilted as he hummed in thought. His wings buzzed for a moment, before he shook his head. “I do not believe we have any on the premises at the moment.” You felt your excitement drop, though Ingo caught your attention with a gentle clap of his hands.
“However! We would be happy to carry you, if you are comfortable with that!” Recalling them carrying you last night, you felt your hand tug on the fabric of your shirt. Surely they wouldn’t offer if they really weren’t comfortable with it, right? …Plus, you kinda liked being carried. They held you so easily, like you were as light as a feather. Not to mention, they were very handsome King Bees. And you were still somewhat riding on the high that you were probably one of the only humans in a long time that was willingly being carried by a King bee hybrid. You felt very special indeed. It wasn’t like you were taking advantage, either. They were offering, and it's not like you could currently walk anyway. 
Mind made up, you looked up at the two Kings, and nodded. 
“I don’t mind! I would love to see the hive.” Every hybrid in the room stood up straight in excitement, including the drone. They all buzzed their wings, almost in an interesting rhythm. 
Before you could dwell on it, you let out a squeak when Emmet was suddenly in front of you, oh so gently scooping you up in his arms. Instinctively, you wrapped your arms around his neck, holding yourself close to him as he easily adjusted you in his grip. 
Emmet’s antennae twitched eagerly, and he let out a small hum as you held yourself close to him. He was quickly learning he liked holding and carrying you. You were just so cute and tiny, he can’t help but enjoy it! He also purposely ignored the jealous glint in his twin’s eyes, and the needy sounding buzz from the drone. If they wanted to hold you, they should have been faster. 
Not his fault they were too slow to hold cute little ‘ol you. 
“Come! Let us depart!” He spoke cheerfully, heading towards the door. He may or may not have thrown a smug look to the others in the room as he walked by.
Emmet confidently walked through your doorway, and several drones scattered at the sudden appearance of the King. It seems they were caught listening in. Emmet paid them no mind. They had mentioned something about drones being outside your door for assistance, but you couldn’t help but feel those ones had been just curious about what had been going on. It was almost cute to see them all scatter away. Ingo followed you both out the door, his frown a bit deeper than normal, though he covered his face with his hat. He wouldn’t let you see him upset over something so silly. But it was a bit irritating. He also wanted to get close and impress you! Emmet also sticking his tongue out at him and throwing him smug looks from over his shoulder was not helping Ingo’s mood.
Regardless, he stepped beside you and Emmet, drawing your attention. 
“First, let us take you to the gardens, and the greenhouses! It would be our honor to have you see something we pride ourselves in!”
You cutely tilted your head as they both began walking down the hall.
“Say, if you don’t mind me asking, why do you guys have gardens and greenhouses?” 
It was something that you had been wondering in the back of your mind. They brought up these places several times, but you were unsure of their use. 
Sure, it sounds obvious, probably for food supply and such. However, you had been under the impression bee hybrids also went out and found giant plants for pollen and food, which existed around Unova from the sheer amount of other hybrids out there. Giant plants started evolving when other large insect hybrids came into existence, if you remembered correctly. If there was a tiny version, it was a 50-50 shot of having a giant counterpart in select parts of the region. They were kept under close observation, but it’s been something scientists have been studying for decades. You know, details. Still, it was something you were curious about. Thankfully, both seemed eager to explain. 
“The greenhouses are for personal food supplies, and special for trades. The gardens are similar, but are for seasonal luxuries and other miscellaneous plants.” Emmet chirped, his wings eagerly twitching behind him. “Some plants can only be grown and harvested in our gardens, so we use seasonal ones. The greenhouses have less variety, but are consistent all year.” Ingo piped in from beside you as he led the group into another large room. It made sense. With the amount of local large plants in the area, or lack thereof, seeing as it was the subway under the city, they probably needed to be self-sustained somehow. Though your thoughts shifted as you idly looked at each room you passed. Both twins would give you a brief description of each area. The first area had been another hub, the hive apparently needed several to keep up with upkeep of honey and drones. It had been huge, with walls covered in honeycombs, much like the first hub you had seen. There were also drones flying and running around, each trying to complete their own tasks, or talking with others for work. You were just as fascinated as you had been when you saw the other hub last night. Neither King seemed as interested as you, but still gave you another description of what was going on. Truth be told, this was business as usual to them. Especially since they had been drones themselves at one point. The hub area, as interesting as it might be to a human, was nothing more than an everyday sight. Even as Kings, they spent a lot of time here overseeing storage and trades. Though a thought did run through Ingo’s mind. If you were interested, that was a good sign. The older King was sure himself and his brother could handle business aspects of the hive, but if you were interested… That was an incredible plus, especially if anything were to happen to either King. Both would handle the work like this, but you needed to have an idea, if you were to become a Queen. Perhaps they should double down on their explanations on areas that interest you? Emmet had to hold in his excitement. The very thought of teaching you these things was incredibly exciting to him. If you were interested, surely you would be less likely to leave? Or at the very least, maybe come back and visit if you had to go back up into the city? Emmet couldn’t help but daydream a bit as he carried you, Ingo droning on beside him about how the drones did different jobs, and had different occupations. You probably would still want to go back to your home after all of this. That was something they couldn’t stop. But surely you would want to come back! And Emmet couldn’t help but wonder what your home looked like. Would you let him see it? Let one of them take you home? Would you invite them in, and show them all your cute human things? Emmet felt his antennae twitch as his excitement grew, and Ingo gave him an odd look, but continued on as you all exited the huge area. The younger King couldn’t help but continue to let his mind wander. Would you be willing to teach them different human things? Show them your more personal belongings? He had to keep himself from buzzing in excitement. Both Kings were wary of humans, sure, but that didn’t mean they weren’t curious. You were so kind and nice, the idea of learning these things from you made him all the more eager. Emmet had been so lost in his head, he nearly stumbled when Ingo elbowed him. As he had been lost in his thoughts, he hardly noticed how far they had walked, and how they were approaching the first set of greenhouses. As much as he wanted to give Ingo a glare, he was glad his twin had regained his attention. Seeing your reaction to the large buildings hidden underground was nothing short of a fuzzy feeling. …And a bit of an ego boost. Your eyes were wide as you took everything in. These ‘buildings’ underground vaguely looked like greenhouses you were accustomed to, but still so incredibly different. They had windows, but were still vaguely made of wood, steel, and wax. They had large lights above head, supplying light to the large plants you could see through the windows. “...How?” You couldn't help but ask, nearly at a loss for words as Emmet brought you into the closest building. “We built it, of course! Through the help of trade, and some knowledge from a neighboring ant hybrid colony, we were able to build something like this.” Ingo explained briefly to you, his eyes shining in excitement at your interest. 
“Woah…” You mumbled, looking over the various rows of plants.
There were a few drones in the room, flying or walking here and there. Some were picking from some plants, others were taking care of said plants.
Some curiously peeked at you from behind flowers and pots, others were too engrossed in their work to notice you three had arrived. Some walked by, giving the Kings a small greeting before continuing on their way. Taking a deep breath, you happily took it in. When was the last time you had smelt such seemingly clean, floral air? Not to mention how much it was enhanced by the smell of honey lingering in the air.
Emmet hummed, a bright smile on his face as he watched your face light up. You seemed so relaxed!
Ingo couldn’t help but feel some tension leave his body, seeing you so excited. The greenhouses were what some in the hive considered dull work, since it’s all work and care underground. Most preferred the wilds outside Nimbasa city, and the wild areas beyond that across all of Unova. “I take it you like it?” Ingo couldn’t help but tease, the edges of his mouth almost twitching upwards in a smile when you looked back at him.
“I do! It’s beautiful here! And there is a… I dunno how to put it… A freshness here? The air is so clear here, it’s not something you can traditionally find in Nimbasa…” Both Kings seemed to stand up straighter at the praise. Even the drones who overheard seemed to buzz slightly at your kind words.
“Thank you! We appreciate your praise verrry much!” You took the moment to look at Ingo and Emmet, who seemed to bask in your words. They seemed so happy that some human appreciated their work. Did no one ever tell them good job? Or were they just unused to humans complimenting their hard work and their hive?
Both Kings, and even the drones, looked kinda cute as they soaked in your compliments. The way they seemed to stand up higher, and wiggle their wings a bit… It was incredibly endearing.
Not to mention how handsome they all looked when they were all so happy. It made your heart want to skip a beat.
Before those thoughts could go any further, you let out a small noise of surprise when you were lifted from Emmet’s grasp.
Ever so gently, Ingo adjusted you in his own grasp, gleefully ignoring the glare from his younger twin.
Emmet had gotten to hold you for long enough. It was his turn.
He had wanted to show you these areas himself after all. Emmet may have beaten him to the punch earlier, but now was his time to shine.
Even if his brother’s look was promising an argument later.
“Now, shall we head to the gardens, my dear?” He asked, his eyes shining brightly.
You smiled back, nearly taking his breath away. A small blush on your face at the nickname.
“I would love to!”
Oh yes, stealing you away for now was definitely worth the pain Emmet would no doubt give him.
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r0-boat · 2 years
It's 5 a.m. let's do this
Pokemon men with the audio Accounts because I'm trash pt 1 (Submas edition)
Nsfw will be mentioned
CW: the mentioning of yandere,and non-consensual touching as well as non consensual sex
Please he try so hard not to let the mic Peak.
He likes it when you can see hear the sex being done in the audio so he tries to add sound effects for that.
Ingo mostly does boyfriend experience audios and just stuff that starts with fluff, his most popular audio was the one where he was a priest in your temple and he worshipped your body every night.
Occasionally he would post something a little darker Maybe an audio where he uses the listener as a fuck toy. Or maybe a yandere audio where he finally kidnaps The Listener after watching them for months.
Sometimes when he gets a hit of inspiration he'll do improv or his own script but most of the time it's usually other people's scripts that he really likes.
God his Ramble faps are a gift from God. Moaning growling and whimpering and little bits of dirty talk. One of his ramblefap will have him whimpering for attention "please, please let me taste you" but then his other ramblefap would be completely different completely growling Fucking his fleshlight frustrated that his toy isn't enough he needs a warm wet hole to fuck his seed into.
Pet names he calls his listener
Sweet one /sweet heart
My love
Surprisingly this content is very well edited. You would be surprised that this was not his full-time job.
Well to be fair he doesn't really post very often but when he does expect a full-on audio roleplay.
Emmet has a bad habit of explaining where he's touching the listener. Maybe because of love language is physical touch and he's desperately trying to Incorporated in his content.
Emmet uses this account for his more darker/kinky desires. The ones where he is the listeners boss and he occasionally gropes them and you can hear his thoughts the entire time.
Yandere audios are most common. He has one where his dear listener was visiting him and they just so happen to walk in his room to see thousands and thousands of pictures of them on the wall, all of those pictures how do you showing emotion in some way but most of them are pictures of you having a smile
Emmet almost exclusively does his own Scripts but occasionally there will be a script that he really really likes.His content touches a lot of dark and kinky stuff so he tries to let people know that if it isn't for you please don't listen he also has a variety of nice relaxing after care audios.
Bonus: he did a collab with ingo where he played as twin brother. The audio was a yandere one in which Emmet playing as the yandere tries to act like his twin brother in order get in bed with his partner. A Comment under the audio asked if they were really twins and when he answered with a yes he was flooded with requests to do collabs with ingo again.
Pet names he calls his listener
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smallestapplin · 2 years
Ingoxreader S/o topping sub Ingo. Honestly I feel like Ingo has a praise kink and is very touch starved. This man needs to be taken care of after a long day at work. (Ps I love your writing it's so good!)
A man of culture I see, don’t worry, I got ya! Also I apologize this took me all day, I was gonna make it like headcanons with a little scenario and then…..I kinda went a little crazy, I hope you enjoy! (Also thank you!! That makes me so happy to hear:D!!)
The reader is kept gender neutral, but if you ever want anything else just ask!
Your poor sweet subway boss of a boyfriend, he works so hard, always stressing himself out over paper work, the stoic man needs a break and you have just the idea, it’s only a matter of waiting for him to come home to give him the attention he desperately needs, but in the meantime you can get everything ready for him.
Coming home late once again Ingo sighs, hanging up his hat and coat, he figures you’re asleep, he did come home rather late, it’s past midnight, but luckily he has the day off tomorrow, maybe you two can have date night in, he knows he hasn’t been around much with all the work he has been doing.
“Welcome home babe.”
Ingo jumps a bit at your soft voice “ah darling, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you.”
You shake your head “you didn’t wake m, I figured you’d be coming home around now so I stayed up.”
The subway boss melts, you stayed up just for him? You’re too sweet to him, the tired man gives you a sweet kiss if only to show you how grateful he is for you.
“Come on, I ran a nice warm bath for you, you deserve some relaxation.”
And like that you were dragging him off to the master bathroom, true while he was tired he was still wide awake, and you did go through all the trouble of doing this for him, he didn’t know how much until you two entered the bathroom, the lights were off, the only source of light was from a few small candles, the bath water still has steam coming off of it so you ran this very recently, with a bath bomb still fizzing though nearly done, the soft smell of lavender filling the room.
“Beloved, you didn’t have to do this for me.” Ingo didn’t get an answer, you just started undoing his tie, placing a peck on his cheek.
“I wanted to, you’ve been working so hard, you deserve a reward and some down time, now strip, the water won’t stay warm forever.” Your smile warms him up more than the bath water ever could.
After he strips you take his clothes so they can be washed in the morning while you let him soak in the tub for as long as he wants.
Ingo just sinks into the warm water, it feels so good on his stiff muscles, massaging the oils into his skin, it’s so peaceful, you even left him a radio to play his classic music on, you truly thought of everything for him, he washed himself up but rested in the water until it started getting cold, unsure for how long he was in there he peeks out of the bathroom first to check on you, seeing you’re still awake he walks out, towel around his waist after he ran it through his hair.
“Thank you, my love, that was very refreshing.” Another kiss to your forehead this time, he begins looking for pajama pants to wear to bed, only for you arms to wrap around his waist.
“You’re still so tense, after all you’ve done? My good boy needs another reward, don’t you agree?” Your voice was low, almost in a sultry drawl.
Ingo can feel a light blush on his face as you gently pull him towards the bed, with a tender push he was flat on his back on the bed, with you straddling his hips, leaning down pressing your chests together, you give him a sweet smile, far too innocent for what he knows you’re about to do.
Those kisses that left him breathless slowly moved towards his neck, whining at you delicate bites and kisses you give him, he can feel one of your hands moving up his body in a feather light touch before moving back down, your nails leaving nice thin scratch marks on his pale stomach.
“M-my love I wish to return the favor.” Your poor sweet Ingo.
moving off his neck you chuckle “nope! Tonight is all about you, you deserve it after all, you’ve been such a sweetheart these last few weeks, you need to be reminded of that.”
His face flushes as his silver eyes look around, he doesn’t want to reveal how much he loves your praise, but the stoic man is sure you already know.
And it’s clear that you do when you grind against his hardening cock.
“Aw my sweet boy, I’m so happy you’re enjoying this, I love to please you.”
With that gleam in your eyes as he shudders tells him he is in for a long night, you slide off of him to the floor on your knees, unwrapping the towel from his waist exposing him to the cool room air.
“You’re always so pretty, even now, I wish I could have a picture of you like this to keep forever.” Your hands slide up his thighs to hold his shaky legs in place.
“Don’t say things like that.” The words were muffled as the man covers his eyes with his arm, embarrassed you would even say such a thing.
“Ingooo, I want to see your handsome face, please?” You pout when he doesn’t budge, but you have your ways.
You take his leaking tip in your mouth, giving it a few kisses in between sucks, moving to get enough of his dick wet before you prepare yourself, taking a few deep breaths before
taking all of him in, stopping once you got to the base.
Ingo’s arm flies off his face at the sudden wet warmth, hands gripping the sheets til his knuckles started turning white, gasping while fighting to control his hips, he looks down at you, your eyes meet his alabaster ones, he looks so cute and you’ve barely done a thing, eyes unfocused, his hair sticking to his sweaty face, lips wet from your earlier passionate kisses, his body covered in your marks, he is perfection.
Pulling your mouth off him, pecking his shaft “you look so gorgeous, my sweet pretty boy, all for me, how did I get so lucky.”
You didn’t give him a chance to respond, your nails carefully dig into his thighs as you bob your head on his dick, sucking and licking up everything he has to offer, he throws his head back, bucking his hips as he cries out.
You’re so happy he isn’t a quiet man, you squirm as you can feel your core throbbing, he sounds so pretty, his whimpers and moans only fuel you more, desperate to hear more of his lewd sounds.
The sensation of your nails dragging along his thighs, along with you deep throating him in your warm mouth are becoming too much for him, it feels too good!
“Mmm! Please! N-not yet! I don’t, fuuuck, don’t wanna cum yet!” He almost loses it at the vibrations of your whine around him as you slip him out of your mouth.
“Does my sweet boy wanna fill me up instead?” You giggle at his desperation.
“Yes please, please I want to cum inside you!”
You coo “anything for my sweetheart.”
You move him further up the bed, letting him get comfy on the pillows while you strip out of your clothes, giving him a show when dropping your underwear and crawling towards him, hovering over your sweet man you use one hand to cup his face, rubbing your thumb against his cheek.
“I love you so much, such a good pretty boy for me.”
You grab his shaft and angle just right, letting it catch your entrance before sinking down until your hips are flushed together.
“Mmm, fuck you stretch me out so well.” Licking your lips you stare down at the trembling mess beneath you.
“Ah!” Watching Ingo try to stay composed like this is so cute, makes ruining him all the better.
“Please move.” He sounds so winded, he is adorable.
You lift just a little before letting gravity pull you back down, giving him a slow build up, his hands gripping your hips as he pants, once you’re sure he’s settled you lean foreword, arms on either side of his head before you pick up the pace, the new angle lets him hit so much deeper inside you.
“Oh fuck! S-so good! Oh such a good boy for me, So sweet, mmm!” You try to keep your voice level, but he feels so good, and it seems you aren’t alone.
His tongue lolling out as he drools, tears welling up in his rolled back eyes, the pleasure was too much.
“‘M your good boy, ah! S’much!” Ingo can’t help but thrust up into you, you feel too good around him, your heat clenching around him as his cock abuses your sweet spots, you feel him twitch.
“Is my handsome man, gonna cum for me? Hm? Gonna pump me full? Let it all out love, you’ve been so good for me.” With a few more thrusts and a cry of your name he spills inside of you, the warmth flooding your insides and another thrust makes you cum, stats fill both of your visions.
He falls limp against the bed trying to catch his breath, you kiss his forehead as you move a stray piece of hair.
“You did so well, so good, lemme clean you up again, yeah?”
His whimper makes you freeze.
“C…can we lay like this for a bit?”
You can’t fight the smile you have “of course, anything for you.”
You spent a few hours laying on top of him, cooing at him and telling him how wonderful is he, despite his returned calm demeanor he is still blushing and trying to return the love even as he trips over his words.
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submasscribes · 2 years
Request: Maybe Ingo writing a love letter to his sweetheart? Sfw if that's ok? :0
♡I can do sfw romance. I sap that soppy shiz right up!♡
Contains: IngoxReader, romance
Ingo gulped as he gripped the envelope in his hands and pressed it against his chest. Today was the day he was finally going to express his feelings for you. Emmet had pressured him into finally addmitting his crush, or rather he threatened if Ingo didn't then he would tell you for him. Ingo hated the idea so he reluctantly agreed, in the form of a love letter. Emmet teased him for being so childish but agreed it was acceptable only if he gave you the note in person.
Work was over and you were set to pass by on the way home. You took the train daily for your work so he knew when and where you would be at this time. He let out a long sigh to calm his nerves and marched over to meet you at your stop. When the train slowed down and you stepped off onto the platform you were pleased to be greeted by Ingo. "What a lovely surprise Ingo, I'm glad to see you." The twin smiled faintly at your welcoming words and gestured for you to follow him. He was cute blushing slightly and too shy to speak. You decided to humor him and followed along behind him.
He had brought you to his office, a quiet spot away from the evening commute. Ingo shut the door behind you and turned to you, hia face now bright red. He avoided eye contact as he fumbled in his jacket pocket. You giggled at how cute he was in this moment. A neat paper envelope was swiftly handed to you. You took it curiously. Inspecting the letter you took note of how neatly he had written your name in cursive. "P-please read it. I... I would like to be present when you read the contence... It means a great deal to me." Immediately you knew what it was, a love letter. You had suspected that Ingo had feelings for you for a while now but chose to wait to see if he would make a move. He had started to act shyly around you for a few weeks now and you had caught him staring a few times only for him to turn bright red and look away.
You opened the letter to read his note.
'Dear ______.
While I find this rather difficult to say aloud I believe writing my feelings down may prove to be more effective. I am sure you may have noticed by now my affection towards you, afterall you are quite intelligent and observant. My heart races when I see you, when I think of you I feel the most beautiful warm sensation. I believe you to be quite beautiful, smart, a strong trainer and independent. All amazing qualities indeed. I have come to the conclusion that I must be falling for you and it is about time I expressed these emotions to you. I feel strongly about you and would like to pursue a relationship if you would allow it. Please let me know how you feel in response.
Yours Turley, Ingo.'
You giggled as you read the letter, it was written so professionally like it was a report. Cute, he put so much effort into the letter. His handwriting is so clean and beautiful. "Is... Is it funny?" Ingo asked nervously. His expression was worried. You smiled and shook your head.
"Ingo it's beautiful." His eyes lit up at your reply.
"Really? That makes me so relieved. And... What are your feelings... Towards me?" His voice spoke softly. You beamed as you stepped forward grabbing his coat and pulling him into a tight embrace.
"I feel the same." You felt him hug you back when you told him. You could feel his happiness radiate from him as you held each other. What a beautiful start to your relationship.
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jossambird · 2 years
whats an au you really like and want to write for ingoxreader? 👀
Hello Anon!
Ive actually already talked about a certain idea to 2 friends of mine on here who seemed to like it and Ive started writing the bare bones of it!
The AU? Hanahaki Disease AU 👀
I dont want to give too much away of what Ive written but I think youll like it! Though, I understand not everyone likes Hanahaki but Im planning to write a good smutty ending and a bad angsty ending!
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
What’s All the Buzz About? Pt. 2
Hello I am back again with part 2 of my Bee Hybird Submas fic (❁´◡`❁) The fic is inspired by @r0-boat‘s BeeGearStation Au! Please go check out her work, it’s really fun and amazing to read! The designs for the hybrids were heavily inspired by @antidotesprout! Please go check them out as well! Their art is truly amazing! I struggled a bit with this chapter, I will not lie. I apologize if it feels a teeny bit off. It felt like I was a bit everywhere with this one. Regardless, I hope you all enjoy the chapter! Summary: After an unfortunate cave in, you find out the subway tunnels you were trapped in were actually now part of a Bee Hybrid hive. Thankfully, one of the twin Kings have offered to take care of you until you recover! Though you were thankful for the help, you can’t help but be a bit nervous at what you might encounter... CW: Leg injury, minor anxiety attack, spiraling dark thoughts, mentions of a cave in, mentions or coercion, bee hybrids, Hybrid!Submas, King Bee Emmet, King Bee Ingo, Word Count: 6744 words! >Previous: Link >Next: Link ------
Your day has gone from bad, to horrible, to damn near unbelievable. From being coerced into going ‘exploring’ with your boss and coworkers, to being stuck and injured in the subway tunnels from a cave in thanks to said boss and coworkers, then to being found by a King bee hybrid. You didn’t even think King bees existed, let alone hybrid ones. And now? You were being carried bridal style by said King bee hybrid, who happily hummed as he strolled through the tunnels, carrying you to his hive. He had offered to help you rest and recover, assuring you no harm would come to you in his care. Seeing as your leg was completely out of commission, you had no idea where you were in the tunnels, and you were terribly exhausted, you decided to take him up on his offer. ...Not like you had much of a choice. But, he seemed genuine and kind, and you were just so done with everything. You needed a break. Even if it meant being taken to a live hive full of bees, as long as you got some food and sleep, you’d take it at this point. Even if it was a bit odd. Emmet had insisted on carrying you, and you were a bit hesitant at first. However, your leg was in no shape to continue having pressure, so you accepted his offer. He had even insisted on walking instead of flying, worried he might jostle your leg if he flew through the tunnels. You were a little touched he, a complete stranger, seemed to care so much. If you were being honest, you were also a bit mystified by the man, you couldn’t help but look him over. He was tall, taller than any human you had ever seen. No doubt he was easily over 7 feet. The way he held you in his arms made you feel especially small. He also wore a uniform of sorts. It was a white uniform, though he wore a golden tie, and his coat had gold patterns on the sleeves and along the middle. You couldn’t help but think it looked good on him. For some reason, it really fit him, though you couldn’t explain why. …And you may or may not have found it adorable how his antennae fit through the brim of his white hat, twitching every now and again. “See something you like?” He suddenly asked, jogging you out of your thoughts. His eyes playfully glinted as they stared back at your own. You could feel your face heat up, knowing you had been caught staring. His smile seemed to grow almost smug at your blush, and his antennae twitched. “I… Was looking at your uniform. Sorry.” you quickly apologized. Emmet only seemed amused. Your face burned hotter as he continued to stare. Thankfully, he decided to give you a break, and you felt him shift you ever so slightly. “Do you like it? My uniform? It is inspired by the role of the subway boss that this city used to have!” He excitedly gushed to you, trying to show off his outfit. You couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm. “It looks nice on you. Did you make it?” You asked, trying to make small talk, and feeling more comfortable, seeing how happy he was. Emmet’s smile brightened, and you couldn’t help but think his smile looked good on him. “No, but I had commissioned a friend of the hive to make it for my brother and myself! Through trade, they even made extra Depot Agent uniforms for the drones!” He explained. You blinked. “...So the whole hive is themed like the subway?” You asked, a bit surprised. Emmet nodded excitedly.
“Yup yup! The drones were quite taken with the uniforms! After the Queen died, we had more freedom to do as we wished, dress as we wished.” You were still a bit surprised. You hadn’t heard of insect hybrid colonies or hives doing this, but it was kind of a cute visual, if you were being honest. Though you couldn’t help but wonder a bit at what he said. Just when had their Queen died? Had he not always been a King? How did that even work? You didn’t think hives even had King bees. Then there was the fact he didn’t exactly seem pleased when he talked about his former Queen. You couldn’t help but wonder if their reign hadn’t been a peaceful one. Were they strict? Overbearing maybe? Or maybe even worse in ways you didn’t want to imagine. As much as you wanted to ask, you wondered if it would be rude to do so, especially seeing as he was one of the current Kings. That was another thing you were curious about. You knew hives usually only had one Queen. From you could remember, you know that regular hives could sometimes have two Queens, but this wasn’t a regular bee hive. Could hybrid hives even have multiple royals? Perhaps it wasn’t impossible. As you thought this, you nearly missed the large door covered in wax that Emmet carried you through. It was such a shock, you nearly blanked out from the large area. Everything was covered in wax and combs. There were bee hybrids everywhere you looked! Some were flying throughout the room, others were on the walls, others were milling about on the floor, heading to one place or another. Some bees were even chatting with each other, and checking on papers or clip boards. 
This definitely explained all the buzzing you had been hearing, and the drones digging tunnels into the walls was the rumbling, you assumed. True to Emmet’s word earlier, the bees all seemed to be wearing variations of the Depot Agent uniforms that the station used to have. Despite what some might call as chaos, you couldn’t help but find it all finely organized. If you were being honest with yourself, you were in awe at what you were seeing. Chances were, you were one of the few humans that ever even got to step foot in a hybrid hive, let alone this hive in particular. “Impressed?” Emmet’s voice once again shocked you out of your thoughts. His eyes seemed to almost light up as he watched you take in the hive. “It’s… Wow! I haven’t seen anything like this before. It’s so cool!” You spoke quietly, still amazed at the sights of the hive. Emmet couldn’t help but feel his antennae twitch at your words and expression, and his body straightened up with pride. It was a step forward! After all, how could you rule a hive, if you didn’t even like how it looked? That, and the fact that the cute human he found liked his home! You were impressed with what you saw so far, and this was only a small part of the whole structure! Not to mention, you didn’t seem freaked out in the slightest. He had to hold back his wings from buzzing in excitement. It was no secret amongst insect hybrids that they were not well liked among human kind. He had heard all sorts of things from other hybrids, and even from some humans himself. It wasn’t exactly fun being called or referred to as a ‘creepy crawly hybrid’, either. Most humans stayed clear of his kind, and his kind likewise did the same. Sure, there was the little hiccup when you first saw him, but it was now obvious it was from your situation, and your nerves. You seemed un-bothered about his and the drones’ appearances now that you were a bit more calm! Yes, this was already going a lot smoother than he had originally aimed for. Meanwhile, as Emmet carried you further into the hive, you couldn’t help but shift a bit in Emmet’s hold every now and then. Every time you passed a bee, if they weren’t busy, they’d see you in the King’s grip, and stare. Some seemed confused, Some seemed suspicious, others almost looked as awed as you felt. But much to Emmet’s word, they did nothing to you. They didn’t even stop the King hybrid as he merrily carried you along. The stares made you a bit uneasy. Just what would have happened if Emmet had not come across you? Would they have attacked on sight? Or had given you directions out of the tunnels? You couldn’t help but think of the ‘what ifs’, and just how close you could have possibly been to death. This didn’t go unnoticed by Emmet. You didn’t seem bothered by the drones themselves, but you seemed a bit skittish when they openly stared at you both. He supposed he couldn’t blame you. You were in a very vulnerable state. Though it made him feel a bit sad you felt this way. But no matter! Himself and Ingo could get the hive used to you in no time. He was sure with a little bit of kindness, and a bit of a push, you would grow comfortable with his drones as well! After all, he really didn’t want you scared of the other bees, especially when you seemed so interested in them. Truly, as long as himself and Ingo said so, the drones would never lift a finger towards you. He had to make you comfortable. Though that left another thing lingering in Emmet’s mind. No doubt Ingo wouldn’t be pleased with him bringing a random human into the hive without consulting him first. Emmet was sure Ingo would listen to reason when he heard your story, and saw you were injured. His older twin may be wary of humans, but he had always been curious of them, and a big softie to boot, despite his strict face. Ingo also didn’t like turning people away who needed help, unless it hurt the hive. But how to get Ingo on his side for his grand plan? How to convince him? As he went over his minor mental dilemma, you could only admire the hive as Emmet crossed the giant area, taking you into a large hallway. The few bees in the area quickly moved out of his way. Although many had their eyes on you, they still took time to greet the King. Some offered a small wave or smile, others gave a brief bow. It made you critically aware of just how casually you had been treating someone considered royalty this whole time. He didn’t seem upset or anything, from what you could tell. Still, you couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. Have you done anything offensive that you were unaware of? You don’t think you’ve done or said anything, but you couldn’t help but feel a bit weird about it. “Um… Mr. Emmet…” You spoke up gently. His eyes landed back on you. “Yes? You may just refer to me as Emmet.” He told you. Despite the assurance, you could help but still be a bit nervous. “About that… Should I be referring to you with a royal title as well? I don’t want to offend you…” You spoke, unsure about the situation. He was being kind enough to let you stay and heal, you didn’t want him upset. At your question, he seemed to stop for a moment and think. “No. You are not a drone, you are a guest of the hive. Emmet is just fine.” He told you, though. “But thank you for asking!” You let out a sigh of relief. You hadn’t offended him, and you had permission to just refer to him as his name. An odd thing to have been hung up on, but you couldn’t afford to piss a King off, you figure. Before you could dwell more on it, Emmet turned a corner, and entered a rather large room. Like the hall and the large room from before, it was covered in wax, and had several dozen honeycombs littering the walls. There were several drones flying around, checking on the combs, or milling about. A few drones were even on the beds, some hidden behind curtains, others being checked on by other drones. The room itself had several beds across the room, and you easily figured this must be an infirmary of sorts. As Emmet walked in, almost all eyes were on the King and you. You fought the urge to squirm in his hold as he carried you to the corner of the room. A few drones moved out of his way, and he gently placed you down on a very soft cot of sorts. “Give me just a moment, please.” He told you, and ushered a few drones over, and walked a bit of ways away to speak to them. You sat on the elevated bed, looking around the room, though it was a little hard to do so. The bed Emmet had chosen for you had a curtain around the side of it, so you took in what you could. The drones especially had caught your attention, not just the ones talking to Emmet. The King hadn’t been kidding about a subway theme for the hive. Almost all the drones walking and flying around were wearing the green Depot Agent uniform that the official subway used in the heart of Nimbasa city. They each had 2 sets of arms, one through the regular sleeves, and a pair of arms just under the other pair, ripped through the uniform. An odd detail you also noticed. The King only seemed to have one pair of arms. You supposed that was normal? Though you didn’t know enough about King bee anatomy to dispute it. You couldn’t help but also notice little details about the drones. They all looked very similar at a glance, sure, but they each had their own unique little traits. From height, weight, muscle (did bees have muscles???), wings, and even fuzz and face details. They looked so cool. You couldn’t help but find them interesting to watch. You were already a bit of a people watcher, so getting to watch hybrid bee drones move around and work like this was fascinating to you. But you also didn’t want to just stare at them. Was that rude? Probably. Though it’s not like you had anything else you could do. It was the only thing capturing your attention, and distracting you a bit from the increasing pain your leg was in. Emmet was too far away for you to hear what he was saying to the drones, though you did see some salute him, and run out of the infirmary. He seemed to then instruct another set of bees, occasionally gesturing to you. Whatever he was saying seemed to catch them by surprise, though he had their utmost attention. Some even had clipboards, and were furiously writing down notes, occasionally glancing your way, then back at the King. You weren’t quite sure if that was a good thing or not. Before you could dwell on it further, Emmet quickly returned to your side with several of the drones he had been talking with. He seemed excited, along with the bees, who all seemed eager to see you.
“Excellent news! I have some drones on standby learning more about human anatomy to help you heal comfortably. As they go over the information, the hive’s medics will be looking over you to the best of their ability. Will that be alright with you?” He asked, looking over at you expectantly. 
You blinked, trying to process what he just said for a moment. That… Was already a lot. You just expected maybe to have a bed and wait for the break to heal so you could leave, maybe get it rebroken at an ER so it could heal properly. This was going above and beyond what you expected them to do for you. They waited for you to answer patiently, and you finally nodded your head. “I… Okay. That will be alright.” Perhaps you should have given it more thought, but the bees were already moving after you gave them the okay. Still, thoughts couldn’t help but flow through your mind. Should you have agreed? When will you be better? When would you be able to go home? You felt the exhaustion hit you when you thought about everything going on in your life, now that you had ended up trapped. Did your boss call anyone? What about your coworkers? Had they left you in that tunnel to die? Have they even alerted the police you had been left behind, probably injured and alone? Did they even think you were alive?
…Did they even care? Would you end up just a passing thought? Would your boss cover up your disappearance?
Would your family even be informed?
You could feel your mind quickly beginning to spiral as you really began to think about everything. 
Your breathing was picking up, and your vision was beginning to blur. Faintly, you could feel yourself beginning to sweat. Just out of your vision, you were barely aware of the drones moving around you, until you felt a cold hand on your shoulder. The touch startled you, and you looked up. Emmet was looking at you, and the smile you had gotten used to seeing on his face was nowhere to be seen. “Are you alright?” He asked, clearly concerned. 
You had begun to smell… Off. Nor had you looked completely there. When you had started shaking and breathing quickly, he was quick to worry. What was wrong? Was this a human thing? Was it the shock wearing off? 
Different questions ran through his mind, and his wings twitched with worry. When you turned to look up at him, he felt his breath catch. The way you looked at him made you seem so vulnerable. It really hit him in that moment, just how much you must be going through. He couldn’t say if it was physical pain, mental pain, or a mixture of everything, but you were trying so hard not to break. You took a moment to stare at him, before reaching up, and rubbing the tears that threatened to fall away. His presence had luckily snapped you out of it before you fell in too deep. “Y-Yeah. Sorry. Just… overwhelmed. Sorry ‘bout that.” You mumbled, looking away from him, a bit embarrassed. Emmet thought to himself for a moment. He really couldn’t imagine what you must be feeling, or what you are going through. Emmet had no idea what kind of life you lived, especially since he had just met you about an hour ago. There was a slight peace in his mind, knowing this was probably just stress in general, not fear from his hive. But he would not lie. He was worried about you. The stress you were under must be immense. 
Internally, he went over what you may need in his head. First, you needed medical aid, which his drones were already working on. He had already sent several to grab some human medical aid supplies that he knew had been left behind when the subway was abandoned. After that, you probably needed rest, first and foremost. That, and food and water, something he had sent several other drones on a mission to find. If he recalled correctly, humans could eat a lot of things, including fruit. Some fruit, added with some of their honey, and you should be feeling better in no time! But first, you needed medical attention and rest. 
Perhaps he should move you to a separate room? You’ll probably feel more at ease, with less curious eyes on you. Just as he opened his mouth to ask if you’d like that, the doors to the infirmary burst open. “EMMET!” Emmet winced. You meanwhile, jumped at the sudden loud noise. When you faced the direction of the doors, you were surprised to see another bee hybrid the size of Emmet turn the corner. “Emmet, just what do you think you are-” He said, beginning to lecture the other hybrid, only to pause when he saw you past the curtains. You shied back a bit from his intense gaze. The hybrid stared at you for a moment, mouth agape as he looked you over. His eyes landed on your injured leg, before he glanced back at you, and then back to Emmet. As he did so, you got a good look at him. This must be Emmet’s twin brother. Emmet hadn’t specified how he had a twin, only mentioning to you in the tunnels he was one of the twin Kings of the hive. And they certainly looked like it, as they stood side by side. Where Emmet’s coat was white and gold, his brother’s was black and gold. Even his trousers were black, along with his little hat, which also had a gold trim above the rim. Other than that, the only physical difference was the frown on his brother’s face, where Emmet still had a smile. Though you could tell the smile was now a nervous one. Those two were nearly identical. 
You fought back the heat rising in your cheeks as he stared at you. 
He was just as pretty as his brother. A beat passed, and Emmet tried to speak up.
“Ingo-” Ingo(?) quickly turned to Emmet, before casting one more glance at you, then pulling his brother away from the bed you were on. You could only hope you weren’t getting Emmet in trouble by being here… Emmet however, was more or less expecting this to happen, just not as soon as it did. Ingo pulled him into the corner of the infirmary, making sure you were out of sight and hearing range, before his brother’s eyes were on him. “I can explain-” Emmet began, before Ingo crossed his arms, wings twitching in irritation. “Yes, please do. Why did you think it would be a good idea to bring a human into the hive, without consulting anyone first?” Despite how upset his brother seemed, Emmet held himself back from sighing in relief. He could read his twin better than anyone. Ingo was upset, sure, but also incredibly curious. No doubt after seeing your injury, he had an idea what had happened, but wanted to hear it from Emmet himself. Emmet took a deep breath, before explaining. “I was in the tunnels north of here, going over the expansion progress from our workers. I had been flying back, when I saw the human limping in the dark at the first diverging set of tracks.” He began, and he had Ingo’s immediate attention. “From the split tracks? So they came in from the poorly sealed entrance that had been broken into a few years ago? Isn’t that still unstable?” Ingo asked, his tone growing worried. Emmet nodded in confirmation. “Yes. Apparently, they came down here because they were made to by their boss and his drones. From what I could gather, somehow the entrance caved in, and the human’s leg was crushed, and they were left behind.” Ingo’s eyes widened, and he glanced back in the direction of the cot you were sitting on, before landing back on Emmet. “And they walked all the way to the crossroads? With a broken leg?” Emmet grinned at Ingo’s awestruck expression. “Nope! They walked even further.” Ingo looked at him in disbelief. “I followed them for a while, unaware that they had been injured. I was curious as to why they were down here, and if they were here for the hive. I had concluded they were actually injured, and approached them about 30 minutes out from the north lobby.” Emmet’s hands raised as he tried to explain what happened, his wings and antennae twitching as he did so. “They were startled at first, but seemed surprised, rather than scared to see me. In fact, I think they were rather impressed.” Ingo stared at him for a moment. “So they weren’t scared of you, an insect hybrid?” Emmet shook his head, his grin growing. “Nope. They seemed surprised to see me, but did not fear me!”
It was mostly the truth. Sure, he did scare you, but that was more situational than his hybrid status.
What Ingo didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Ingo had an odd look on his face, and raised a hand to his chin as he continued to think. “So, I offered them help. They were alone, and were about to walk into the hive anyways. They are injured, and are no threat.” Emmet assured Ingo, though continued to speak. “I apologize for not informing you first, I-” Emmet began, and Ingo raised his hand, causing Emmet to pause. “I can see where you are coming from now. No apology needed. I apologize instead for yelling at you in front of our guest. I owe them an apology as well, it seems.”
Emmet’s smile widened. He knew it would not take much for Ingo to waver over this!
Though before his brother could walk over to see you, he grabbed Ingo’s sleeve.
“I would like to talk to you momentarily in private, after this.” Ingo looked over Emmet’s expression, trying to glean just what he wanted to talk about, though nodded his head anyway. Judging by Emmet’s tone and face, he was serious. “Okay. Will do.” After that, Emmet let go of Ingo’s jacket, and both walked back over to the bed you were sitting on, talking to a drone with a clipboard. “...No, not particularly. I should be fine eating that.” They heard you say, and the drone eagerly wrote something down. Both you and the drone looked up when both twins arrived. The drone did a small bow in greeting, before continuing to write. Ingo cleared his throat, before tilting his head towards. “Hello, I would like to apologize for my earlier outburst. I had not been made aware of the situation. I hope you can forgive me for startling you.” Ingo said, putting a hand to his chest, and doing a small bow. Ingo felt a bit embarrassed that he had yelled and intimidated you. If you were truly an injured human who Emmet deemed no threat, then he would treat you like a guest. Both of them dreamed of being good hosts to those who needed it, even if they weren’t going out of their way to have guests. It was something the last Queen hadn’t been, and they wished to change that. What better way than starting with an injured human? You were a bit speechless though, seeing the other King of the hive just come up and apologize to you. “Oh… It’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong.” You told him, tilting your head. Emmet had mentioned he would need to let his brother know at some point, though you guessed the drones must have gotten the news to his twin first. Ingo shook his head. “I still yelled without knowing the situation. I apologize for doing so.” Despite the frown on his face, he seemed genuinely upset. It tugged at your heart a little bit. You gave him a small smile. “I accept your apology then. I’m not upset!” The hybrid then gave you a nod, and what looked like a small smile. “I’m glad. Now then, how is everything? What do you need?” He asked, clapping his hands together. You blinked, and looked between the two royals, and then to the drone. “Uh… I’m okay? I was telling the drone here what I can and can’t eat.” The drone next to you nodded, giving a small salute. “Yes! We wanted to be sure there was no risk for any allergies, and if we needed to get anything for specific dietary needs.” It was kind of sweet, and considerate, you thought. You wouldn’t have figured the bee hybrids to be more concerned over your needs than your own fucking job and coworkers. But hey, you were thankful. You weren’t gonna complain. Hell, you were half tempted to thank them on your hands and knees. They could have killed you, or left you to rot, completely lost in the tunnels. Instead, the hive actively wanted to help you so far. 
The Kings, and even the few drones you have met so far all seemed nice. They were all gentle with you, and were making sure you were comfortable before doing anything with you or your leg. The other drones didn’t make you as nervous now, after talking with one of them. From what you could gather, most were genuinely just curious, which was a relief for you. 
Both the Kings looked between you and the drone. “We also have a list of any allergies to be aware of, and the others are currently on their way back with some medical supplies.” The drone piped up again, twirling the pen between his fingers. You nodded. “Yeah. Thank you by the way. I appreciate you all taking the time for that.” You said, making sure to look at all three of them. It wasn’t much, but you at least wanted to vocalize it. The drone smiled brightly, and his wings cutely buzzed behind him. “It’s no problem at all!” Ingo and Emmet nodded at you as well. “Yes, it is no trouble! Thank you for being patient with us as we figure things out. We have not had a human in the hive in over a decade, so forgive us if it takes some time to figure things out.” Ingo said, thanking you instead. You had to hold yourself back from getting a bit flustered. Your emotions were definitely a bit high strung tonight. You felt like your nerves were all over the place. Still, it was a bit nice to be treated so kindly like this. When was the last time anyone had shown you such concern and kindness? Emmet then brought up his hand, and caught your attention. “I was thinking. Would you like a room, instead of the infirmary?” he asked, with a cute tilt of his head. Your eyes widened at the question, and you shook your head, hands waving. “Oh, no, you don’t have to do that! I’m just thankful for the help as it is, no need to go out of your way for me! It’s okay, I-” You tried to finish speaking, only for Ingo to speak up. “Nonsense! You are our guest. Let us take care of you!” Emmet nodded, clapping his hands in a familiar fashion to Ingo. “Yup! Yup! It is no problem!” The drone next to you all hummed, and put the end of the pen against his mouth. “It’s true, despite how cluttered it looks, we have the space. There are plenty of empty rooms we have ready on standby for guests. Some were made for future projects that never saw fruition. Others are remnants from the subway system, we just have not found a use for them.” He explained. “Honestly, it would be no issue! Please, allow us to treat you.” Ingo finished, and you felt all their eyes on you, almost eager to please. You had to hold back your jaw from dropping. You… Were not expecting this kind of treatment. Genuinely, you felt like it wasn’t necessary to go above and beyond for you, but you could tell that arguing as such would probably be a losing battle. “Okay. If you insist.” You said, albeit a bit unsure. Ingo clapped his hands one more time, his eyes lighting up. “Bravo! We shall have you healed up in no time!” You were expecting Emmet to come pick you up again, though were surprised when Ingo walked over, and held out his arms. “May I carry you to your destination?” His silver eyes were on you, waiting expectantly. You suddenly felt a bit flustered, but nodded your head. “You may.” Ingo’s wings buzzed for a moment, almost as if he was excited. Then he reached out, gently scooping you up in his arms, being mindful of your injured leg. You let out a small gasp at the action, and held onto his shoulders as he slightly adjusted you to a more comfortable hold. You happen to look up, and meet his eyes again. The silver, just like Emmet's, almost seemed to glow. It nearly took your breath away. Emmet cleared his throat, causing you both to break eye contact, and turned to the drone. “Please have some drones make sure room 15c is ready. We shall depart shortly.” The drone nodded, and immediately scurried off. Emmet turned towards you, and gave you another bright smile. “The room is more or less already set up, for the rare chance we host visitors and merchants from other colonies. It should be ready when we arrive.” You nodded, a bit overwhelmed again. It has been a long day, and it wasn’t even ten pm yet. A part of you wondered if this was all just a fever dream of some sort. Perhaps you were really just at home, and having the most realistic dream of your life. It wasn’t. You knew it wasn’t a dream. The pain, the fear from earlier, that was too real of an experience. Still, a part of you could hardly believe the situation you were currently in. Just how many humans got to say they were carried bridal style by two King Bee Hybrids in one night? …Granted, you didn’t think most humans could even say they got stuck in a cave thanks to their coworkers, and nearly stumble upon a hybrid hive either. It had been a long day. You were brought out of your thoughts though, when Ingo and Emmet began walking, taking you back into the hallway from before. They continued down the long hallway, occasionally pointing out things of interest to you. Different drones, a few rooms with food, or honeycombs, some rooms with what looked like a lot of paperwork. It was all fascinating to you. As you admired the different rooms you passed, you failed to notice how the twin’s eyes seemed to almost always be on you.
Ingo nearly couldn’t believe it. He was holding a human! One that wasn’t afraid!
He had seen a few humans before, back when he had been a drone. However, he had never shown himself unless necessary. The few times he had, never really went well. 
They were either terrified, grossed out, or felt they were above him. 
It was enough to make him want to keep his distance. 
He knew not all humans were that way, but the few experiences he had made him want to avoid going out and making contact. Unless it was absolutely necessary, of course.
Which unfortunately, would have had to have been soon, regardless of his feelings.
But then he saw you. 
You piqued his curiosity. 
A human who wasn’t afraid? Who happily chatted with them and the drones?
Not to mention, you were rather easy on the eyes. You were easily one of the most attractive humans he had ever seen He looked at Emmet from the corner of his eye. His twin’s gaze was on you, even as he explained how a room was set up that they had passed. For a brief moment, Emmet’s eyes met his, before going back to you. You had potential. You could be perfect, just what the hive needed. Now it made a bit more sense. Emmet was kind. He would have helped you regardless, unless you had been hostile back in the tunnels. His younger twin didn’t like seeing others suffer. With that broken leg of yours, you definitely needed help, and Emmet wouldn’t have ignored that. However, if Emmet had wanted, he could have easily just taken you out of the tunnels, and into the city for help. No doubt you would have been taken care of. But Ingo could see the bigger picture. Emmet wanted to make a great impression on you. He wanted to help. Wanted you to like him, and to like the rest of the hive. And Ingo knew why.
You had potential to be the perfect Queen the hive needed. Ingo felt the gears turning in his head. Emmet was making gamble, putting his eggs in a single basket like this. However, both were getting desperate. They couldn’t support the hive forever on their own, and there weren’t any other bee hybrid hives in the nearby area to help with this issue. That, and bee hybrids specifically could be terribly territorial. He doubted any would help unless it had major benefits to their own hive. With their own hive being in the state it was in, just reaching out was a risk neither wanted to particularly take. So helping you like this, it was a huge gamble. 
But ingo looked over at your cute, curious expression, and felt his antennae twitch.
This was a gamble Ingo decided he wanted to take stakes in. 
One thing was for certain, Ingo and Emmet were very similar in a lot of things. One of those things being both enjoyed a risk. You weren’t some trophy to be won, nor would they treat you as such. But you were worth the effort to try and win over, he could feel it. They would not force you to take this role, of course. Everyone would only end up miserable if that were the case. You and the drones did not deserve that. Especially after the last Queen’s rule. But he had to have hope over this. His eyes once again landed over on Emmet. His brother had mentioned wanting to talk to him privately. Ingo had a feeling that it was over you, and the possibilities laid out before them.
He looked forward to that conversation. However, it would have to wait. The room was fast approaching, and they had to get you as comfortable as possible. These next few weeks were going to possibly be rough for you as you healed, so Ingo was eager to get you comfortable as soon as they were able. When they approached the room, Emmet was quick to walk up front and open the door. Ingo gave him a nod, and brought you inside. Your eyes widened as you took in the sight. The room was a little dusty, but still fairly clean. A bed was at the back of the room next to a wall, with a cute little black end table. The bed itself had basic black sheets, with a gold comforter and pillow cases.
‘Cute…’ you couldn’t help but think. The walls were a dark gray, and had a few posters from the old subway, and what looked like motivational posters as well. There was also what looked like a restroom off to the side, something you were very thankful to see. Ingo carried you through the room, and ever so gently laid you down on the bed. It was a lot bigger up close. Was it a king size? Before you could ask, Emmet placed his hands on his waist, and nodded. “Excellent. Is the room to your liking?” He asked, genuinely curious. You looked around the room a little more, before nodding your head with a small smile. “It’s very nice, thank you for letting me use it.” Both twins seemed to almost preen under your thanks, standing a little straighter. “Of course! We’re glad to be of service.” Ingo then turned to Emmet, and whispered something to him, causing the other twin to nod. Ingo turned back.
“We will try getting some more furnishing for you when the opportunity arises, we apologize in advance for that.” He told you suddenly, and you felt your eyes widen. Before you could tell them it wasn’t necessary, the door was knocked on, and a few drones peeked their heads in. They looked at you all, curious, though especially curious about you. Emmet waved them in, and they shuffled into the room. There were four in total, all wearing the cute little Depot Agent uniform. “We have the medical supplies!” The smallest one said with a cheer, and the biggest one behind them held up a box full of first aid equipment. “Bravo! Excellent!” Ingo praised them, and the bees sat up in pride. 
Then, everyone turned towards you, and you suddenly felt a bit small at their intense gazed.
You could only hope they knew how to properly help you.
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
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Ghost!reader after meeting the subway bosses
LMAO YEA That sums it up rather nicely dsjfkdjf You just wanna be resurrected so you can go home with your boys and sleep with them and help them cook and hang out more :(
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
What about Ingo and/or Emmet with a trans male partner?
Sure thing Anon! Here you go and I hope you enjoy! (*^-^*)
Ingo and Emmet with a trans male partner headcanons!
△Ingo△: -Dating either twin as a trans man wouldn’t be too much different. Both twins would accept you right off the bat. -Ingo, for starters, would be elated that you trust him enough to tell him this, whenever you decide to come out to him, regardless if it’s before or after you begin to transition. He may not know what it’s like personally to be trans, and the difficulties that can surround it, but he does understand you trust him quite a lot to let him know. -Ends up doing research on his own about transitioning. Not only so he can understand things better, but he feels it may even come in handy in the future! All sorts of passengers join the subway, after all! -If you are ever feeling the dysphoria, He offers you some of his clothes. He knows it may not help, but he’s trying. He wants you to be as comfortable in your own body as possible! He has more than just his formal clothes to choose from, if you don’t want his regular suit and tie outfit. -However, if you reject his offer, he’ll completely understand! -He WILL still do his best to hype you up, however, on your rough days. Expect lots of compliments. He will compliment your hair, your jawline, how great your clothes fit you, and how cool you look! -He’s just so proud of you! How can he not be? To him, you are so strong and amazing! -As a Subway Boss, it’s practically in his job description to help people become their best selves. He’ll be honored if you let him support you in any way possible, especially if you're just beginning to medically transition. Anything you need, from a person to vent to, to help with anything medical, he’s here for you. -If anyone dares to say something transphobic to you or about you in earshot, expect him to go off on them. You hardly ever see Ingo so genuinely angry. It’s actually kind of scary. -He won’t get physical, but he is willing to ban said person from the subway. Gear Station has no place for assholes like that. -If you’ll let him, he’ll buy all sorts of little things with the trans flag on them. Pins, pillow cases, cups, you name it. He loves seeing you smile whenever he gives them to you! ▼Emmet▼: -Is also super excited that you trust him enough to tell him if you are trans! -Expect a lot of questions. Emmet plans on doing research, yes, but he also feels one of the best ways to learn about trans men and their experiences is directly from you. -However, if you become uncomfortable with his questions, don’t hesitate to let him know! He knows he can be nosy, and some of those are personal questions. If you don’t like them, he’ll make sure to knock it off. -Is normally physically intimate, but will also knock it off if it makes you uncomfortable. Just say the word, and he’ll dial it back a few notches! -He will still compliment you though. He may not be as loud as Ingo, but his compliments are just as enthusiastic. -Expect clothes shopping! If you are just starting your transition, or if you have been out for a while, he wants to go clothes shopping with you! He wants to find out your taste in clothes, so why not make a date out of it? -Will gush about you to anyone who will listen. All the time. All the depot agents know you before you ever even step foot in the station. “Have you seen my amazing boyfriend? He’s verrry handsome! I have pictures, wanna see?” -No one will misgender you on his watch. Emmet WILL fight someone for you. He will get physical. If you ask him not to punch someone, expect him to demand a battle instead. He will make a scene, and he will make sure the asshole is thoroughly embarrassed. -He is also not above using his status to help you out, if need be. Someone at work bothering you about being a trans man? Would be a shame if a Subway Boss complained to your higher ups about the jerk in question… -Expect anyone who gives you trouble to be banned from the subway as well. Emmet doesn’t play around when it comes to your happiness and safety.
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
What about Ingo with an s/o whose personality is very similar to his own? Like, he's used to Emmet whose personality is very different than his. How would he feel about a partner who is just like him?
Hello! You got it Anon! I hope you enjoy! (❁´◡`❁)
Ingo with a partner similar in personality
- Honestly, Ingo would find you and your personality rather comforting.
- He loves his brother and his personality. He does! However, there's something about having a partner more like him that he really enjoys.
- You're much more reserved than most, and awfully kind and polite. It's something he honestly finds rather grounding, especially on tougher days.
- People always said he was a comforting person to be around once they got to know him. He never really thought about it, until he met you. People claimed you both were very similar, and it began to open his eyes to what they meant.
- Your kindness blows him away, most days. You are incredibly considerate to everyone you meet, and are very patient. Something he finds to be a blessing as of late. When he's having a long day, he can't thank you enough for waiting for him.
- Ingo loves his job, but understands it can be rough when he has a partner, seeing how his work takes up so much of his time. Having patience to deal with his late nights and busy days takes a lot off his shoulders.
- Speaking of work, you two are each other’s biggest supporters. Ingo is well known for cheering others on, wanting them to be their very best. The very same goes for his partner.
- Of course, you’re his biggest cheerleader as well! Whenever he tells you about work, and his accomplishments, your praise quickly follows. If you visit him during lunch, and praise him for how hard he’s been working, all fatigue is practically gone for the rest of the day. Your words of encouragement renewing his vigor tenfold.
- You both also are great at taking care of the other. Ingo knows full well he can be a workaholic. If your personality also aligns like this, he’ll keep a close eye on you to make sure you take care of yourself.
- He knows how easy it is to slip into the ‘just one more paper...’ mentality. If you’re up late at work, expect him to visit you if he can. He’ll try and change your mind about working late, but he also understands more than anyone sometimes certain things have to be completed. If he’s off work, expect him to either stay with you till you finish, or head home to make you a meal.
- Meanwhile, it’s the same when it’s him staying overtime. Usually between him and his twin, they can knock paperwork back by the end of the day. Sometimes though, the day is rough on both of them, and they fall behind.
- When this happens, he can expect to see you drop off a meal for him and his brother. If you don’t have work, you insist on staying with them, at the very least. You also are quick to drag him and his brother home if you feel they are overworking themselves.
- He might complain about it, but there’s never any real resentment or bite in his words. The fact you care enough about both of them and their wellbeing warms his heart.
Overall, Ingo very much appreciates a partner who has a similar personality as him!
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r0-boat · 2 years
Honestly with all the Melli thirst going on here I am just reminded how much I absolutely love the idea of established IngoxReader and Melli being just the most jealous ho in existence. He is extra mean to both of you just because you oughta feel even a FRACTION of how you hurt him. His daydreams go from you finally realizing how much better he is to replaying that scene of Ingo lifting you to kiss you over and over again in his head. Damn bastard doesn't know how good he has it. It's only because he is a freakishly strong brute of a man, he's seen how easy it is for him to lift stuff all the time. Show off. So smug about it too, so polite all the time when Melli is giving him nothing but mean and harsh comments. Stupid, senile old man, he can just picture it right now him lifting you up to lay you down in his cruddy cottage and you spreading for him and him taking his coat off and helping you out of your clothes, laying you bare for him to admire while he strokes himself (He's hung too, of course) and he lifts your legs over his shoulders and he enters you and he makes such a pleased face when he does and his breath is probably a bit shaky and he looks at him with such gentle eyes an- Wait. WAIT? BONER?! FOR WHICH ONE? OH FUCK MELLI FOR WHICH ONE?
Tldr: Melli supremely hating Ingo for getting with you which developes into Melli thirsting for both of you. Wanting nothing more than to be a pretty little fucktoy for the both of you. (The opportunies here! Fantasizing? Cucking? Melli being both of your third party you invite along for a good tripple sometimes? Something that, against all odds, actually becomes a healthy Poly relationship over time after you managed to get this idiot to stop being such a little bitch? ALL OF THE ABOVE? POSSIBILITIES)
We stan Bi melli
Melli hears moan and accidentally find ingo's cabin, he looks into the bedroom window to see ingo drilling you into his futon
Melli isn't sure who to be jealous of
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jossambird · 2 years
hey ronnie! are you still writing youur ingoxreader fic? sirry if you’ve talked about it and i missed it uwu
Hello Anon! No worries, you are good!
Yes I am still writing it! 🤩
Im a bit slow in writing at the moment due to things going on in my life and such but its still being written and edited, and will then pass into the hands of my amazing beta reader (whom I shant name but she knows herself).
Once thats done, itll be available for your little peepers! 😉
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