#hyeju scenarios
gowonders · 6 months
Please Hyeju x 13th Member Reader Where she’s sorta like Yves, she hasn’t joined any company but ends up joining Loossemble and sorta Hyeju’s reaction to that? I’m sorry I can’t talk for shit😭😭
oh you KNOWWW i love writing idol!reader 😈😈 nah let me absolutely destroy this😋😋 i kinda turned this into a mini lil fic so.. HAHAHAHHA also i’m so so so so sorry this took me ages, ive hit a point where i hate everything i write 😭😭
super-glue ♥ s.hj
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warnings; english isn’t my first language, not proofread, mentions of the whole loona situation (☹️), other then that, mainly fluff, lmk if i missed any!!!!!!
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hyeju huffs over her phone as she texts you, she saw your message on how you just felt really demotivated from idol work after your last company really set you and the rest of the members up. her heart sank, she knew how you felt, but she definitely had the smallest hope that you could redebut together. ‘i get how you feel, yn! there’s no rush, take the time you need because it’s seriously deserved.” she responds, putting her phone to the side as she thinks over her career. she was going to sign with a company her some of her other bandmates were under, and she was over the moon to be with them, of course.. but you were close! like.. super glue level close, so the thought of possibly debuting without you kinda.. crushed her.
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fast forward a few weeks.. and you and hyeju haven’t talked for a second. a little more, actually. you had been so busy catching up with all your family, and still figuring out what’d you’d do from here on out, and hyeju was so busy working on her redebut.. that you just didn’t talk all that much. and it killed her, and maybe killed you more. it wasn’t exactly intentional, but you both definitely felt bad.
and it definitely felt awkward to make a big decision without your other half. you had two ideas for the future lined up, either go back to being an idol and try to sign with a company, or start being a producer and songwriter. this was definitely something you’d ask hyeju about.. but you knew how busy she was! last time you met, she gushed about the new company and how she’s truly happy, having a stage name she actually likes, how the company isn’t an absolute chore to deal with.. and how she was redebuting any day now! and you were definitely proud, but you couldn’t really reach out to her, but you know how comebacks went.. you can’t really judge. but you really wished you could have her, in this one decision.. but..
you could make this a happy thing, for the both of you.
you had kind of been leaning to redebut anyways, and hyejus company didn’t seem bad at all with the way she spoke so highly of them, and to be fair.. your other bandmates were there too, you could surprise hyeju maybe? you could just tell how much she missed you, you guys were so close.
so, you might’ve spent your evening going to her company, and you might’ve asked if you could sign with them.. and your week was totally spent working on drawing up a contract.. which went through! that might’ve been the longest week of your life, but it was about to be worth it. really, really worth it.
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“yn?” you hear from behind you as you walk in the hallways of your new entertainment. your eyes widen as you turn around, seeing gowon looking at you with a tilted head. “what has you coming around here?” she asks, a grin rising on her face as she sees you smile and start to explain. “i kinda.. maybe.. joined this company… and maybe the group…??…” you practically whisper, and her grin grows more and more. “wh- uh- i missed you.. but like, does anyone know?” she responds, moving to be next to you. you shake your head, looking at the girl next to you. “well, do you wanna see the rest of the girls?” gowon asks, a smile on her face.. but she wasn’t really asking.. it was more a command, and you couldn’t deny her. “how could i say no….” you trail off, and with that you’re getting dragged to a practice room.
“guyssss… look who’s here~” gowon says in a singsong tone, nudging you in front of her as you’re presented with four other girls from your group, and while you’re all happy to see them all.. you’re most happy to see the one you’re the closest to— hyeju! and clearly, by the looks of it, so is she, with the way she shoots up and runs to you, giggling as she closes you into a tight hug. “yn!!” she squeals, both a mixture of excited and shocked to see you. “i- i thought you were done with being an idol for a bit..!!” she stutters, pulling away from you and looking into your wide eyes, practically prioritizing herself over the others. “hm.. it was kinda a surprise.. let’s catch up? all of us?”
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kingmaker-a · 1 year
You're a Keeper | Olivia Hye
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Hogwarts AU
Related Works: Ecdysis
Slytherin!Olivia Hye x Gryffindor!Reader
Main Cast: Olivia Hye, Kim Lip, Somin, J.Seph, Yoongi, Ryujin, Sly/Ecdysis OC, Yoohyeon Minor Cast: Gayoon Mentioned: Momo, Yeji, Lisa, Jihyo, Hyuna
Warnings: First date woes, mentions of anxiety and nerves
Word Count: 7.3k
Genre: Fluff and Angst
Premise: Asking some out on a date is a test of bravery, asking out your longtime rival is an even bigger one even if it is a dare.
A/N: Once again wanna blame team brainrot @sanccharine and @foolish-sparrow for this one. Took longer than I thought it would, it's also double the length I though it'd be.
Also set in the same universe and time as Ecdysis, but I don't think it's required to understand everything that happens, it just provides a little bit of context.
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It had been Jungeun’s idea, a pointed barb-like jab meant to unsettle your rival,  to throw her off balance.
Still it's unseemly the way your knee bounces in place. 
“Alright today we’ll be learning the Muffliato charm,” Professor Byun’s eyes dance across the class, a soft click of his tongue. “Considering what happened last class. I’m forced to assign you your pairs.”
There’s a smirk as his eyes land on you. “Miss Son, you’re with the keeper.”
A scowl wrestles across her lips as she begrudgingly moves from her seat, she moves like she's weighed down by an anchor. 
"Gryffindork." She greets, barbed tongue. 
Your quill twirls through your fingers, "it's not exactly Christmas for me either."
Especially with Jungeun’s gaze lingering over, a tangy sweet smile that could only compare to the devil. 
Her hand sweeps through her ripe orange hair, a knowing wink flutters towards you. 
Your relationship with Olivia has always been… Complicated to say the least. 
Memories flutter like butterflies, you were… Enemies? Rivals? 
Still you understood little of her… Dislike towards you, tracing all the way back to your first year. 
Potions class, so young and fresh-faced at least by comparison, when the cold blizzard of her frosty demeanor was only but a snowflake.
You had to admit she caught your eye at first glance, even in the dark fringed shadows of the dim classroom. The sharp edge of her eyes, beautiful like a readied dagger.
If only she was only half as jagged.
Your cauldron bubbles as your hands tremble. Potions was a fine art, that you had little faith in yourself with, it didn’t help she seemed like a fish taking to water.
Her movements are efficient yet almost dance-like.
It was hypnotizing to say the least.
You’d later learn from a few others that potions were in her blood, her great grandmother had started a potion empire off of the back of her hard work.
Your family had no such claim.
One of the few problems being a muggle, acclimation.
Time blurs everything besides your early set infatuation, destroyed by the bubbling explosion of your cauldron coating you in viscous potion fluid.
The mortification still lingers in your veins, deep and detestable, you’re just glad the self-deprecation had long since passed, but a sprinkle of an unneeded ingredient.
She twists ever so slightly under your gaze, like the slow melt of ice cream. 
“Do you have an eye problem or something?” She bites, still even you can tell her fangs are nowhere near as sharp.
“Only when it’s you.”
Her eyes quirk in surprise, the slightest tilt of her head. “That… didn't come out the way you thought it would?”
You huff ever so slightly, maybe old memories were throwing you off?
“Just try the charm already.”
There’s the twinge of her familiar smile, a simple flick of her wand, “muffliato”
It looked simple enough.
Your eyes narrow across her features, “how do you know it worked?”
There’s the slightest roll of her eyes, an ever so charming smirk. “What’d you want me to do? Share a secret? As if Gryffindork.”
A sigh parts your lips, the ghostly remnants of annoyance. “Fine, just say something you wouldn’t be caught dead saying.”
She gives a soft reluctant nod. “Fine… You’re a better quidditch player than me.”
Your gaze hovers over the rest of the class, no raucous remarks or biting howls, nothing but burning silence as they focused on their own wandwork.
A victory no one else gets to witness. 
There's the illicit taunt of her smile, piercing and strong. 
"Your turn loser."
There's a burden that hitches itself against your chest, an opportune time to follow Jungeun's plan. 
It's weird frenetic energy that lingers in your veins as you command your wand, you know it's not the charm. 
Jihyo would say it was nerves or anxiety. 
Something you usually didn't experience, though scented candles often made a decent shield. 
"Muffliato," you feel the faint hint of magic in the air. 
It’s a relentless coil you can barely stop, the words part through your lips before you can stop them.
There’s a flash of surprise, a rare occurrence for the often aloof chaser, spiny and sharp. The slightest quiver in her brow ticks away like seconds on a clock.
The silence sucks all the air out of your lungs, something you hope she can’t notice. Still, if you knew that’s all it took for her to shut up you would’ve done so sooner.
“I-Uh,” a rare weak stutter as she melts slowly like forgotten ice cream in a heated summer. Her voice shakes almost unsure.
There’s a nervous dry gulp that racks through her throat, something you mirror instantaneously. 
Her eyes narrow against yours like focused steel.
“Sure, I um, would like that.”
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Hogwarts has a slightly different edge in the wake of your bravery, an illicit secret held only by three. 
Still, no one talked about the annoying semantics of actually sorting out a date, when you both were so busy. 
Or how much you wanted to throw up afterwards, still there’s a frazzled excitement that lingers in your veins, a buzzing dancing limelight.
Waves bounce and lap at the boast, dancing with crystalised moonlight, the closest thing you and Jungeun had to a hideout. Neither of you were the smart or lucky type to find one of the mysterious passage ways that seemed to linger in every crevice of stone.
Jungeun arches an eyebrow, her eyes floating over you with a practiced poise, "and she just agreed? Just like that?" 
Still there’s a hint of strain, a world of magic and this is what she can't suspend her disbelief with?
"Yeah? Why don't you believe in me?" 
She smiles that dancing smile you're so used to, it plays against a knife's edge. "Don't get me wrong buddy, I love you."
Her lips boil and twist, machinations in sugar coating. 
"You're not exactly smooth to put it lightly," there's the blossoming dance of a light chuckle.
You bite back an annoyed grimace, considering she’d known you since you were kids it was hard to argue against her.
She places a palm against your shoulder, “still, there’s something wonderfully endearing about the way you throw yourself at everything.”
Your tongue pokes at the lining of your cheek, you can’t tell if you want to shove her into the lake or pull her into a hug.
The former would be funnier.
Her feet dance along the edge almost mockingly, the moon drifts through the night air. 
The sole spotlight. 
Still you catch the edges of a cocked eyebrow, as her fingers fidgets absently. 
"You don't think she's up to something do you?" 
Your eyebrows crease under surprised weight, "it's not like you to worry Lippie."
The slightest hint of a frown lines her lips, a slight twitch of her nose highlighted by moonlight. 
"I can handle myself."
"I know, it's just… You weren't supposed to actually go on a date." there's a roll of her eyes you can't quite make out, made only obvious by the flare of hip with a rested hand and an annoyed tilt of her head. 
It's almost piercing, when you feel her gaze level against you. 
Like staring down a dragon or a dementor. 
"She seemed… Earnest."
That wasn't a lie. 
You catch the slightest huff leaving her lips as she takes a seat on the concrete edge, her feet dance against the almost glassy surface of Black Lake. 
You swear there's the tiniest grumble before she pats the concrete right next to her. 
"Do you remember when we were first years paddling across the lake," her eyes bounce across the lake like skipping stones.
"It's hard to forget, it was the first time I saw a castle in real life." 
You catch the glimmer of her teeth, a heated chuckle bounces through the air. 
"Yeah, well I made a promise to myself that day," her eyes return to you with that piercing glaze. 
It holds tight in the air like frosted snow in an eternal winter. 
"And what was that?" 
You feel her fingers crest your shoulders, "that I'd always have your back."
You sense there's something else, something more. 
"But… I won't hide the moments I disagree with."
"...Wait, don't tell me you're jealous, Lippie."
There's a grimace of annoyance that flashes over her flared smile, a roll of her eyes as her fingers settle on the bridge of her nose. 
Still a chuckle rumbles past her painted lips. 
"No you idiot, I'm just worried. She's always been out to get you ever since we were first years in potions class."
Your eyes flutter as a shrug floats through your shoulders. "She hasn't, wasn't that bad."
"Do I have to remind you how many detentions you've been in because of her?" 
None this year, though it did line up with both of you joining your respective quidditch teams. 
A rare moment lingers on the edge of your brow, you'd gotten dangerously close to detention during flying class at the beginning of the year. 
You remember the morning dew that danced in the green grass, the morning sun stretching with an aching need through the lawn. 
A hawk-eyed glare drags across the class with a flared scowl etched into the teeth of Professor Gong. 
"Why am I not surprised to see you centered in this mess, Miss Son?" Her tongue clicks at the edge of teeth, raking with a seething edge. 
Wind billows with a light breeze, your eyes linger on Olivia. A rare dance of remorse at the grasp of her lips. 
"I explicitly told all of you to remain off your brooms while I assisted Miss Hirai to the hospital wing," another flare dances across her eyes as her words sink like daggers into each and every one of you. "So why is it that I find Miss Son parading about on her broom?”
It had been her idea, a test of skill, a race.
Something you were happy to indulge in, anything to wipe the smirk from her face.
It’s rare to catch her almost shrinking underneath the instructor’s pointed glare, something was amiss.
Instructor Gong’s eyes twist across the class for any sort of explanation.
There would be none.
A beleaguered sigh dances from her lips, “very well. 20 points deducted from Slytherin and detention for the rest of the week.”
It almost tugs at your heart, the way her voice begs.
“But what Miss Son? You’re a talented flyer and I’ve given you plenty of chances because of that.” Her eyes narrow. “You need to understand that your actions have consequences.”
Her mouth opens with a begging ache even if words fail to tumble out.
Perhaps Instructor Gong was right.
Olivia’s gaze twinkles over the class, with an almost foreign softness, edged with an aching plea.
It was rare to see her so… docile and wounded.
Whispers dance through class like fluttering butterflies, even you can’t ignore the ruffle of laughter.
“I heard Slytherin’s Quidditch trials are this week.”
“Well, looks like she’s definitely not making it onto the Quidditch team.”
“What a loser, it’s all she’s been talking about.”
It hits like an anchor, you were partially responsible for indulging her. Your lungs vibrate with electric anxiety as your eyes linger over Olivia's sullen look.
Still you speak up.
“Actually, Instructor Gong it was my idea.”
A bold-faced lie.
You catch the echoes of surprise that linger on Olivia’s face, a twisted tilt of her face and knotted brows.
Something mirrored equally by Instructor Gong.
“Did I hear that right, Keeper?”
“Yes, maam.”
No need to get further on her bad side.
Her eyes bounce between you and Olivia, a furrowed brow and a deep breath. 
“Very well, 20 points to Gryffindor.”
Jihyo was gonna chew you out for losing points, especially when Slytherin could’ve lost po-
“Wait? To?”
“Are your ears not working, Keeper? I would be remiss to reward your bravery, especially when Gryffindor would’ve gained more from Miss Son’s detention.”
Perhaps, that’s the moment that softened Olivia to your charm.
Jungeun’s chuckle snaps you back.
“I doubt it buddy. Maybe she just feels like she owes you?”
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The fireplace dances with a charmed brilliance, the smell of firewood hangs cozily in the air. Your fingers flick through old worn pages, yet try as you may there’s an uncomfortable edge that clings to your skin despite the snugness of your common room.
Your hand rakes through your hair with an exasperated sigh.
“Everything alright Keeps?” He strides with a clam ease, his own book clasped tight in his grasp, the slightest hint of worry furrowed into his brow.
“Uh-yeah?” Your lips crease and bow, anxiety lingers at the fringes. “I just-”
“Girl problems?” Crescent moon eyes shine with a hallowed warmth. “As your senior, I don’t mind giving some advice.”
Another voice bounces against the familiar stone walls, you can practically imagine the way her eyes roll.
“Ugh, don’t listen to him, he's an idiot.” Somin prowls over your shoulder, catching the briefest glimpse of your textbook before deciding the conversation at hand was far more interesting.
Still, J.Seph has his signature calm smile. “What makes you say that? I’ve been on plenty of dates.”
Somin’s features dance with a teasing smile like a hunter catching prey in a trap. “Yet, here you are without a girlfriend.”
“I resent that.”
“You’re supposed to,” her gaze twists over you with a soft smile. “Who's the lucky person Keeper? Jihyo wouldn’t give us the details.”
“Probably scared we’d date crash.”
That was an issue you definitely didn’t want to think about.
“Yeah, like I’m gonna tell either of you.”
Somin just shrugs. “Fair enough, don’t blame you.”
“So did you ask them on a date or the other way around?” J.seph asks, finding a deep comfort in a nearby couch.
“What is this? 21 questions.”
Somin releases a sigh, “he means well believe it or not.”
“Just trying to do my job as a senior.”
“Mmh, sure sure J.”
“I asked if you must know.”
The warm crackle of fire is the only sound that lingers in the air, an awkward silence hangs thick like fog.
Still a question hangs at the edge of your lips, a weighted tension you’d done your best to ignore.
“What do I do if she only said yes because she felt like she owed me?”
“Well, uh…” J.seph shifts uncomfortably in his seat, fingers working at his chin hoping to channel great philosophers no doubt.
“I don’t actually know Keeps.”
“Can’t say I have better advice than J for once. Jihyo would probably know what to do… But you risk the chance of her getting overprotective.”
You’d heard stories from the other members. 
Well intended horror stories.
An undisputed counterweight to Slytherin’s carefree captain.
J.Seph hums a rare tune, akin to a light bulb electrified for the first time in centuries. “Regardless, I think you should take the chance you’ve been given, whether she agreed out of pity or genuine interest. Plus try to get a gauge on their general like if you don’t know them already.”
Somin nods along with a surprised countenance, “I would recommend going to Lisa for outfit advice though.”
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It was weird to find Olivia mulling about in the hallway mere meters away from the hospital wing. Even weirder still was the pointed glare easily rivaling the ones she’d commonly level at you in years past.
It’s out of place in the usually calm atmosphere.
“Should I be worried or jealous that someone else has managed to draw your ire?”
Her glare is still piercing even if it isn’t aimed at you,still you catch the lingering menace in the air as she warns someone she has her eyes on them. 
Your eyes peek past her shoulder for the briefest of moments, you see the familiar flare of hair denoting one Min Yoongi, prefect, chaser prodigy and personal nightmare fuel for your hopes of being a decent keeper.
You also notice Sly, Slytherin Duel Captain and the center of a cyclone of rumors, many best left unsaid.
Well at least if you liked your bones being unbroken.
According to rumors at least.
Rumors and hearsay aside, you didn’t want to get on the wrong side of them. Their prowess had led to the dissolution of Crossed Wands on the off chance they’d participate.
Yet here she was prodding a sleeping bear, granted from a decent enough distance to maybe get away.
Her eyes never detract from the conversation between the two except for the brief moment she takes you in. 
“Oh, it’s just you.”
No insulting nicknames or scathing remarks.
It’s somehow more odd and unsettling than a stray dementor or boggart.
“Huh, I can see why you’re by the hospital wing, something is surely wrong with you.”
Her eyes clamp shut, a strained almost frustrated sigh drags along her throat. “Could you shut up? I’m trying to eavesdrop.”
Still, you can't help but notice the slightest softened edge to her hostility. 
"Anything in particular we're listening out for?" Your voice nothing but a hushed whisper. 
"Well, if you must know, it turns out Yoongi's leaning to the Ryujin side of things regretfully."
Cocked eyebrow is your only response, well, at least until you realise she isn't gonna look your way. 
Too focused on the hushed conversation. 
"Yes, regretfully I'm on team Yeji becau-" her eyes dart over you with a flash of surprise. "-That's beside the point, it's a whole thing in a quidditch team."
You do your best to make out the words exchanged, yet it's a swirling jumbled mess. 
"Didn't peg you for a romant-" 
You catch the briefest glimmer of fluster as she hushes you with a wave of her hand. 
"Shut up, it's just getting good."
It's rare to see the slow bloom of a smile on her lips, at least in your presence. Still you can't help but feel the slightest twinkle of joy in your chest as the tiniest curve of her lips graces her face. 
Still her eyes follow and bounce like a really good book, you swear she's so lost in the conversation that she forgot about your presence. 
The thought is punctuated with an ecstatic fist pump. The beginnings of happy laughter rumble through her cheeks before her eyes land on you. 
She clears her throat. 
"Oh, uh. Yoohyeon finally made a move on Sly."
"The muggle snake?"
Her eyes snap to you with a sharpened precision, the slow roll of her neck reveals a layer of frost and cold you hadn't quite seen from her before. 
"You want to say that again?" 
You hear the shift in the sleeves of her robe. 
The slow draw of a wand. 
You hadn't ever seen her so quick to fight, not in the years that you've known her. 
Well more of butted heads, but that made no difference. 
Still, you'd heard from the other Gryffindor kids about the Slytherin obsession. 
The Wizarding World was an odd place, a struggle that you were still having a hard time adjusting to even now. 
Your eyebrows knit together as you slowly raise your palms, "I meant no offense. I could never understand the wizard obsession with blood."
Slowly the layer of frost melts with realization, a flash of widened eyes as she stows her wand hastily. 
A deep sigh passed through lips, like a pressure valve releasing what it can. 
Her nose scrunches. 
There is the slightest hum of acknowledgement. "That does explain a lot though."
Her lips purse as her eyes linger softly against your face. 
"I'm sorry, I'm not usually so quic-" 
You knew that already, she was typically more bark than bite in the violent sense. 
Mutually assured destruction however, wasn't outside of the question. Many shared detentions had driven that point home. 
"To violence, I know."
You offer the briefest flutter of a smile, a small reassurance. 
There's a grumble of words you can't quite make out. 
"What was that?" 
"Hm? Oh, stress amongst other things has been getting to me. Professor K won't let me take my wand onto the quidditch field."
"Why's that?" 
There’s a hesitation, a smile slowly creeps on to her lips. 
“Violent outbursts.”
A laugh blisters through your throat, violent and abrupt. 
"Now, that sounds more like you." A smile teems at the edge of your lips. Crossing your arms you can't help but notice the slightly cute if annoyed glare. "But have you tried de-stressing a little? Scented candles and breathing exercises are usually my go to."
There's a shift to her eyes, an almost soft surprise. "Hm, you didn't seem like the type."
"We all have our secrets and quirks, Olivia."
You don't quite catch the small hint of a frown as her name rolls off your tongue. 
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Months had fluttered by in the blink of an eye, even the sorrowful taste of defeat bubbles past without fanfare, you’re too focused on other things.
Your veins cackle with frenetic energy, matched only by the racing beat of your heart. Your feet pace against cobblestone paths, Hogsmeade was often a point of comfort. The delicate cozy warmth and the flow of butterbeer a shield against the stress of Hogwarts life.
Yet it’s anything but.
“Everything alright love?” An unfamiliar voice, a practiced glimmer of teeth, prim and proper.
Only now do you feel it, the ignored anxious edge that bites at your skin.
“You’ve been pacing around for quite a bit.”
“Uh-yeah, just a bit nervous.” Your fingers wash over the back of your neck.
There’s an almost knowing smile that blisters across her lips. “First date?”
“How’d you know?”
“You come to know the signs over the years,” a flash of recognition bursts across her eyes. “Where are my manners, Madam Heo, but Gayoon works just fine.”
She offers a hand, soft against the firm callouses of your own hand. “Everyone calls me Keeper.”
There’s the slightest twinkle in her eyes, a brilliant smile. “Keeper was my position back in school.”
You catch a slight quirk in her eyebrows. “You’re the one who asked Olivia on a date aren’t you?”
“Surely you didn’t gather that from nerves.”
A brief chuckle lingers against her lips, “No Hyuna told me. She was surprised that someone built up the courage.”
“Ah, right. I believe it’s professor Kim now,” a finger taps across her cheek. “She teaches ancient runes I think?”
“You think? I thought she was a friend of yours.”
She nods, “we are, we’ve been friends since our time as students but I found some subjects awfully dull, ancient runes being one of them.”
“Anyway, enough about me. You should come inside, Olivia will be here any minute now.”
It’s calmer than you expected, lingering remarks from Lisa and Somin of garish tackiness fall on deaf ears. Candles hum with a delicate warmth, there’s a romantic moodiness that hangs in the air.
“What happened to the-”
There’s a hum of a smile.
“The tackiness? Got rid of it when I finally scrounged enough Galleons together to become the official owner. So please tell your friends it’s safe to come back.”
She guides you to a table nestled in the corner far from prying eyes. There’s a sudden seriousness to her expression.  “Actually, what made you decide to have your date here? It can’t have been the raving reviews of your peers.”
“Jihyo, my team captain. She said and I quote, if you intend to take your date seriously, take her somewhere serious. The Three Broomsticks is no place for romance.” You cock your head to the side, a slight chuckle dances across your lips remembering her barely veiled anger. “Do you think she had a bad date at the Broomsticks?”
A smile skirts across her lips. “Maybe? Did you want some advice?”
“Yeah, that’d be great actually, everyone has been less than helpful.”
“Compliment her when she comes in, tell her she looks great." She practically prances around your table. "Good conversation is a must but most importantly be yourself."
The front door bell rings with a crisp edge, the jingle instantly puts you on edge. There's a heightened prickle itching against your skin, an uncomfortable warmth. 
"Sounds like she's here, I'll be back with tea and refreshments."
It takes all your strength to not sink into your chair, it takes you even more to peel yourself away. 
You wanted to make a good impression. 
Needed to. 
Still your heart pounds in your throat with each step, the weakest parts of your mind begging to run and hide. 
The door clatters shut. 
She's beautiful. 
Well and truly. 
It socks you in the chest harder than a depulso charm, even in spite of the aloofness that lingers in her eyes and dances on her lips. 
Perfect wind tousled hair matched only by the shroud of her leather jacket. You can't help but kick yourself for not asking her out sooner. 
She's effervescent, a hand trails through hair. She looks like she'd pull you into the night on top of a motorcycle for the ride of your life. 
A troubled look lingers in her eyes, a tangle of worry knots her eyebrows. 
"Is there something on my face Gryffindork?" 
Her hands dive into the pockets of her jacket as her tongue runs over her teeth. 
"Uh, what? No… It's just ah you look great."
Do you offer a handshake? Go for a hug or what? 
Man you should've really asked for more help. 
Though it's not like you could Google it on Hogwarts ground. 
Her worry almost weighs heavier at your words, "thanks? I didn't think it would suit me but Yooh insisted."
She almost paces under your gaze. 
Right, you should take her to your table. "Our table's right over here."
You barely hide the tremble in your leg as you take a seat. 
"I didn't think you were the type for a tea shop."
"I'm not usually but I figured it would be a nice change of pace from the Three Broomsticks."
Her fingers dance in place with an almost pedantic edge. "That's certainly brave." 
Even in the candlelit warmth, her voice runs cold with a biting edge. 
A frown deepens across her lips as her eyes avoid yours, "Did you wait for long?" 
"No, not at all."
It bubbles in your chest, the lingering silence spoils and rots into anxiety unhinged. 
Her mouth opens, thoughts, words lingering on the edge go unsaid.
This was certainly going great. It’s not like you could both talk about the quidditch game either, a bitter point for both parties involved.
Even if Slytherin won.
Your throat runs dry.
There’s a subtle cough to your side, Gayoon. A small safety blanket against the waves of bouncing anxiety even if your heart feels seasick amongst the swell.
“Here’s your tea, as well as some cake, on the house,” she flashes you a smile, running a hand over your shoulder with a comforting squeeze as she places the cake on the table. 
Olivia's eyes light up with a barely concealed joy, "thanks."
Gayoon leaves without any further words only offering a thumbs up. 
Olivia's teaspoon swipes through a slice of cake like the flash of a knife. "Oh that's good."
"Should I be concerned that you get special treatment from Madam Heo?" There's a bite-like edge to her words, snarky and barbed. It only takes a gaze at her eyes to know it's unintentional, a brief flash of worry. 
The front door jingles and your heart sinks. 
Everything was not okay, your skin prickles, blisters with an anxious heat equivalent to the sun. 
Boots pad across the floor pounding against your heart. Still, there’s an almost wasted attempt at stealth on Yoongi’s part as his companion’s laughter echoes through the air.
“I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop,” there’s an almost unsung happiness to Ryujin’s voice, candid and real compared to the stories you’d heard from your seniors. 
A bright enthused smile.
She hardly seemed like the promiscuous type.
“If all it’d take was winning the Quidditch cup-” her smile sinks as her eyes latch onto you and Olivia. “There’s the other shoe.”
“Wh-?” A flash of panic dances across his eyes. “Fuck.”
His wand moves with a familiar poise.
“Earth to Gryffindork,” Olivia’s hand waves in front of your eyes, there’s a hum that lines her throat as she scans your face.
“Sorry,” you offer the shake of your head. Still, you can’t quite focus on Olivia. “What’s up?”
“I was wondering if you wanted some cake.”
It’s hard to focus with daggers pointed straight at your head, Yoongi settles into his seat with a muffled huff, eyes never quite leaving your head. You couldn’t help but feel like prey under the gaze of a snake-like predator.
Your teeth grind against each other, tensed with an anxious edge. 
If you weren’t over thinking every small interaction before, you certainly are now. The air feels stuffy and hard to breathe, it’s almost hard to believe this started out as a dare.
You’d taken the excuse and run with it, so too had your anxiety you suppose. A thinly veiled shield if she rejected you.
“Uh, I’m not hungry.” Her eyes narrow against you as you force a smile across your lips. “You have it.”
“...Alright.” There’s the slightest pout that you catch, yet, if she doesn’t believe you she certainly doesn’t say anything.
She eats slowly but surely in the suffocating silence.
You can't help but feel pinned against Yoongi's gaze, a scowl forms at the edge of his lips twisting into a frown. 
Olivia's eyebrows twitch, furrowed with thinly veiled annoyance. Her lips tighten, yet somehow there's a softness to her as she takes a deep breath. 
"Are you okay?" Fight as you may, your fingers tug at your collar as you gulp dryly on air. "You haven't touched your tea."
Words choke against your throat without a noise.
Her eyes trail, following your gaze, snapping against Yoongi. A grumble lines her throat, her grip tense against the table, you swear you can hear the creak of wood bending against her strength.
“Of course that idiot is here with Ryujin.” The venom simmers and boils, barely concealed in your presence. 
Even in spite of her anger, you can’t help but think about how you could’ve been a better date. You should’ve remained focused on your date, fearless like a true Gryffindor. Instead here you were watching a potential trainwreck.
Could’ve asked her about her day.
Hell, you should’ve brought flowers, despite her appearance she seemed like a closet romantic.
Could’ve been smoother overall.
The front door jingles with an almost panicked rush, everything comes to a crawl in that moment.
She already has her wand drawn, she always was quicker on the draw. Still your fingers fumble against your own wand before it clatters to the floor. 
You should’ve talked her down, instead of being lost in the mists of your own anxiety. Even then? What would you have said?  It almost feels like crossing a boundary, who were you to tell her what to do?
You catch an almost mirrored spark of magic at the tip of Yoongi’s wand, still there’s an almost reflexive panic like he was staring down a Graphorn.
Frankly you could see it.
Still, part of you moves instinctively to protect her, even as your wand lays forgotten to the side. Your muscles bounce and buckle as you push yourself in front of her. 
Your shoulder shudders under her strength as she shoves you to the ground, anger seethes in every fiber of her body.
Both of their wands soar through the air, clattering to the floor.
The voice echoes without the deep-seated desperation you’d heard on the Quidditch field, instead you catch the wisps of an almost annoyed sigh. You’d never known Slyherin’s duel captain on a personal level, it came with the territory of being a Gryffindor.
Despite the look of pure mortification that flashes across Olivia's eyes, anger and rage still boils to the top as her fists clench, rushing recklessly at Yoongi.
“Seriously?” there’s a roll of the captain’s eyes, as they grapple against Olivia’s fury. Still there’s an almost pleased look that dances across their lips, impressed by Olivia’s gumption. 
“Yooh, why don’t you look after the kid while I deal with things in here,” there’s an almost honey sweet like quality that lingers against the nickname, despite the physical pressure.
You feel a soft hand tug you to your feet, an endearing smile. “Sorry about this, we’re not usually this bad.”
She pulls out of the tea shop and suddenly you can breathe again, the embers of sunset crest the hills soaking the world in an orange honey warmth. 
She checks you over with a soft smile, a stark contrast to the almost domineering warmonger that nearly maimed J.Seph on the Quidditch field. 
Her lips purse into a frown, “Sorry again.”
“It’s okay, I’m no worse for wear,” your eyebrows knot together. “Right?”
She chuckles, “Peak physical health, but I can’t imagine you have the highest opinion of Slytherin, especially given the last couple occasions.”
Occasions was one way to put it.
“I don’t mind if you dislike us, especially if it’s because of what happened on the Quidditch field.” her teeth tug anxiously at her lips. “But please don’t hold it against Olivia.”
“I mean I still came to the date didn’t I?”
“I mean, yeah.” she nods, “but chivalry is one of your house qualities.”
That wasn’t wrong. 
It’s like a gust of wind.
“I like her a lot.”
She smiles, “then you should tell her that. Though-”
The front door jingles as Sly stretches with a yawn. “It’ll have to wait, those two morons have to clean up the tea shop.”
You could never understand the duel captain’s nickname.
“And you’re not helping them?” annoyance knots across her eyebrows. “You should be making things easier for the lovebirds, not harder.”
There’s a roll of Sly’s eyes. “Because you made it easier for me right?”
“I-” she pouts grumpily, somehow it’s more cute than angry. She rolls her eyes in turn. “You stupefy someone once.”
“You did it more than once-”
“I did not!” Her boots stomp into the ground.
“You’re saying you didn’t make me stupid in love?” A teasing smirk lines their lips, you swear you can taste bile at the fringes of your throat.
Still, she melts, a blush blooms across her cheeks.
“Plus I distinctly remember someone avoiding me for a couple months,” despite the context you catch a smile on the feared captain’s lips.
“Because I was mortified, well that and…” her voice trails off lost in thought. “What if she does the same thin-”
“She won’t,” there’s firm confidence that you wish you had.
“What makes you so sure?” Yoohyeon’s eyebrows knit together much like your own. 
“Just call it a feeling,” Sly’s eyes wash over you with a piercing calculativeness that you previously didn’t notice. “You don’t have your wand right?”
Your palms pad over every familiar spot coming up with nothing.
A cocky smirk lingers, “She’ll return it, she has to.”
“That’s… Sly.”
Your comment earns you a wink, “it’s nice to know my genius doesn’t go unnoticed. Olivia might have to watch out before I have a new favorite junior.”  
“Anyway, Yooh. I can hear the Three Broomsticks calling our name so we should make our exit.”
Ironic that you’ve gotten more help from the Slytherin quidditch team than your own.
Well, Lisa and Jihyo were excluded obviously.
“Oh, and Keeper?”
“Good luck, you’re gonna need it.”
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A yawn tugs at your lips as you rest against the edge of your bed.
Maybe you’d been a little pre-emptive in praising Sly. You feel it like a dripping leak  in your heart.
What if she only agreed to the date because she felt like she owed you? It’s a thought you shouldn’t linger on.
But you can’t help it.
Jungeun doesn’t respond to any of your messages.
Maybe she was already asleep?
The alternative was less than ideal.
Before you can mope any longer an owl swoops into your dorm practically throwing an envelope square at your face before departing.
You don’t even need to read who it’s from, the owl’s decorum was more than enough evidence to go off of.
We need to talk, meet me at the clock tower courtyard.
It wasn’t unheard of for you to sneak out, frankly the opposite. Yet, somehow there’s something illicit about sneaking out to meet Olivia. 
The cool night air whips at your skin, still it aches more in anticipation for what the night could bring.
You spot her sitting at the edge of the fountain, knuckle white grip holding her in place. A troubled look lingers with a staining grimace.
A frown settles in place on her lips. There’s a curt coldness to her voice. 
You settle next to her, “everything alright?”
She scoffs, “I dunno.” Her voice reeks with a biting sarcasm. “I spent my afternoon cleaning up a tea shop after a disaster date, so I’m doing fucking dandy Keeper.”
A sigh passes through your lips, flecks of cold settle in your chest. It takes everything you have to speak. “I’m guessing you don’t want to talk about it then?”
“What, no-” A deep breath as her fingers run across her eyebrows. “Yes. I dunno.”
There’s a frustration that bounces in her eyes, she huffs passing you your wand. “Can you do me a favor?”
Forget this ever happened?
Never talk to her again?
“P-Light this candle,” she pulls a candle from her coat pocket.
Another deep breath as she closes her eyes, still you catch the embers of annoyance in her voice. “Because, Sly took my wand away.”
“Oh, yeah sure thing.”
The candle blooms with a subtle warmth, lavender saunters through the air easing the rough hewn edges of your anxious heart.
It’s easy to sit in the small warmth of the lavender candle and gaze at the stars, twinkle and glisten with an unrivaled luster. It’s easy to forget how truly beautiful the stars can be without the hustle and bustle of muggle life.
Your eyes trickle over Olivia lost in the enamour of the stars, a smile settles on your lips.
Your heart aches with burden, knowing you have to be the one to break such a beautiful silence.
Her fist snaps its grip to your shirt, a frown settles on her lips. Yet her eyes remain starbound.
Her grip tightens, pulling at the fabric of your shirt. Yet somehow her voice is softer than a snowflake.
“Please don’t ruin this.”
“Ruin what?”
“You don’t get it, this was my chance.” there’s a soft tentativeness as she finally looks at you. “I know it was just a stupid dare but I thought maybe, just maybe that’d you’d fall for me if I tried hard enough.”
“But I screwed it up, royally.”
You can’t help but smile, “it wasn’t that bad.”
“I’m sorry did you start a fight and shove your date to the side? No, I didn't think so.” 
“So you can be a bit passionate.”
“And I ate all of the stupid cake by myself and I didn’t compliment you even though you looked great-”
“I killed any conversation by being boring-”
You press your hand against her tightened grip.
You catch the burning flicker of annoyance as it threatens to bloom into a forest fire. Only now do you realize it was directed at herself.
“I like you,” a deep breath to gather your strength. “A lot.”
Her eyebrows knit together as her eyes narrow against yours, hesitation quivers at her brow expecting a trap.
“...I  thought you hated me?”
It’s almost bewildering to hear her say that.
“I thought you hated me since potions class.”
“What, why?” There’s a lingering incredulousness that clouds her eyes.
“Because you sabotaged my cauldron.”
“Oh my god you’re an idiot Keeper, I tried saving your cauldron after you fucked up.” Despite her annoyance you catch a glimmer of teeth straying across her features.
You’d take an annoyed smile.
“Huh,” still a question lingers. “Why’d you decide to help a random muggle?”
“You really don’t remember huh?” She rolls her eyes. “You helped me with my luggage after my parents bailed. I tried finding you after the sorting hat ceremony but by that point you were already joined by the hip with Jungeun.”
“She is more than a little overprotective.”
“You know I thought you guys were together for the longest time.”
“Me and Jungeun? Hell no, we grew up together plus she has her eye on a prefect.”
“Is that why she causes so much trouble? Please tell me it isn’t Yoongi, that’d be gross.”
You can’t help but laugh at the sour expression on her face.
“Indeed it would be, Olivia.” you turn to her with a wistful smile, if only your date had gone half as well as right now.
But what was a journey without a little bit of turbulence?
“Please, don’t call me that.” She frowns.
“What? Oli-”
“Okay?” One of the few times confundus could be replicated without magic.
“Hyeju.” She takes a deep breath, eyes lingering on the stars to give her strength. “That’s my actual name.”
Did you even want to ask? Probably not. Purebloods were always more than a little weird.
“Does anyone else call you by that name?”
“No one except for you… hopefully.”
"Why me?" 
There's the tiniest hint of a huff that flares at the edge of her nostrils. "Because, and I say this praying it doesn't go to your head. But I think you're a keeper."
There's an almost forbidden softness to those last few words, they ache with a feeling she can't quite put into words. It's undeniably her. 
"Thanks for noticing I am in fact a keeper-" there's the flare of a teasing smile against the edge of your lips. A pointed snarky jab finds its mark as you feel her grip tighten with the scrunch of her nose. 
"You k-" 
It's almost sudden, the way she melts. A flare of softness that you can't quite catch in the clouds in her eyes. 
She pulls herself deep into your shoulder, a flooded content warmth flows through your chest. 
Everything is perfect in those small stray seconds and minutes, the twinkle of the stars feels brighter and radiant. 
A kiss begs itself across your lips and onto the crown of her head as you pull her closer, basking in the starlight. 
Her grip tightens against your shirt with an almost dangerous strength before fading into the obscurity of your warmth. 
It's tranquil and perfect in those moments, lost adrift in a sea of stars. 
Your eyes dance and linger with mirth, brought out of step only by the soft gingerly touch of her fingertips against your jaw. 
There's a timidness that doesn't go unnoticed, a dainty delicate touch. A fear that the moment would shatter like glass under her touch. 
Still she musters her courage, a thumb swipes across your cheek as she peels herself away from your warm embrace. 
She presses her soft lips against yours. 
You'd always hear stories about how a first kiss is akin to fireworks or the strike of lightning. 
This was nothing like that, instead you feel warm, fuzzy it's the slow billowing warmth of something more. 
A cozy cottage in the middle of winter, where kids knock on your front door and ask how you stayed together. 
Three magical words only by her touch. 
"You're a keeper."
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tzuyuscloud · 11 months
Hello!! So, I saw your Loona as students and as school crushes thingy and was wondering if you could do a imagine on Olivia gaining a crush on fem reader and starting to come to school for her and getting teased by her members for it. -🥥
From Hyeju’s first day of school til recently she has always been the quiet gamer nerd who stayed to herself. She has earned herself many nicknames like “emo girl” and much others but she always turned a blind eye to the names. She has never had anything excited happen to her while she was in school, but the day she saw you she felt like she had a reason to show up everyday.
Her heart pounded whenever she saw you in the hallways with your friend group. Hyeju damn near memorized your schedule just so she could know when to take bathroom breaks when she was in class so that you guys could cross paths. You always thought that seeing the girl was just a coincidence but it was planned all along.
“Hyeju wanna eat outside or in the cafeteria?” Sooyoung asked her quiet friend who seemed to be in a trance today. “Hello?” Sooyoung snapped her fingers grabbing the younger girl’s attention.
“oops, sorry” Hyeju apologized as she was caught eyeballing y/n and her friend group. “Who were you staring at?” Yeojin teased.
“Gasp! do you have a crush on y/n?!!” Gowon giggled. They all poked and teased her about the crush causing her to blush a deep red.
“Thats why you haven’t been skipping school lately!!” Yeojin smacked Hyeju on the shoulder earning a cold glare from the older girl.
“Yahh!!! leave me aloneee” Hyeju whines as they all teased her.
Little did she know that from afar you overheard the teasing and smiled to yourself.
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authorforrosie · 2 years
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Dating Olivia Hye From Loona Would Include:
•You and Son Hyeju first met under the cherry blossoms. Where she saw you standing there looking glorious. She only had the thought that she needs a date with you. Which she did two days after you gave her your number.
•Son Hyeju asked you to be her girlfriend after she went to the art gallery with you. Since art is your passion.
•You help her to rest when she doesn’t have a comeback or tour. You help her at bed, adjusting her pillows and tucking her into the blankets.
•Son Hyeju takes care of you when you are injured because of how clumsy you can be.
•You get video games for her to play since you know how much she loves gaming. Mostly when there’s no comeback or no tour.
•Son Hyeju gets you all the merchandise from Loona. You often pull her photocards. You fangirl then about how she is your ultimate bias
•You support her in everything she does. Mostly when she has a comeback, tour’s, photoshoots or interviews. You always come along since you keep her calm and relax her.
•Son Hyeju often feels like she can't show or tell you enough how much she and her bandmates from Loona appreciate you. Besides your effort to make her and her bandmates very happy.
•You cried while yelling „Yes” four times when Son Hyeju got down on one knee in front of you. She asked you to marry her on stage. While being on tour together with her bandmates.
•Son Hyeju still cries whenever she thinks back to the day when she asked you to marry her. It’s one of the best day’s in her life.
•You help her bandmates to make Son Hyeju more comfortable and take care of her. Since she is very shy. Definitely more shy than you.
• Son Hyeju pouts when you can’t kiss her because of her or your work. You are their photographer. Since you are a very successful and famous photographer worldwide.
•You marry Son Hyeju under the Cherry Blossoms where you both first met each other. Her bandmates and your family cried at your wedding. Since it’s very romantic in their opinions.
•Son Hyeju teased her family and bandmates for crying at her wedding. Later she admitted that she cried because you looked so beautiful in that white wedding dress.
•You are like a sister and an unofficial Loona member for Son Hyeju’s bandmates. They loved you for Son Hyeju. You are perfect for her in their opinions.
•You bring them food when they have recordings or dance practice. Which all of them kissed you on the cheeks for. When it was Son Hyeju’s turn she attacked your whole face with many kisses. Which always makes your cheeks flush red in a blush and giggle with a shy expression on your face.
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kimsohn · 1 year
if it's okay to request can you make one shot with olivia hye (college!au with angst but happy ending) 🙏🙏🙏
universe . olivia hye x gn!reader about . 669 words, angst + fluff warnings . rejection
you don't have the heart to face hyeju, but the universe has other plans.
confessing to her at the university festival might've been the worst mistake of your life, but you're glad you don't have to spend time pining over her anymore. the many years you'd spent by her side, trying your hardest to hide lingering feelings had now ended, and although she'd run away from your firework-lit confession in the blink of an eye, at least the torture was over.
however, it was now replaced by an even more painful question. was the confession worth it to stay true to yourself, or should you have hidden in a mere attempt to have her somehow? the gaping hyeju-shaped hole in your heart used to be filled with the semblance of friendship, but now you have nothing to disguise it anymore.
but the ping on your phone seems like a figment of your imagination, because how can the very person that has been the object of your demise for years suddenly want to meet up? whether real or true, it has you rushing out of your physics lecture ten minutes early, bleary-eyed in disbelief.
and somehow, the hole starts to overflow with something new. hope.
the university's central water fountain hasn't changed, reminiscent of the times you'd meet up here with hyeju to walk her back to the dorms, but the people that frequent it have. hyeju sits on the ledge with her hands in the pockets of her oversized hoodie, head hung low and eyes scrunched shut. the sound of your shoes hitting the pavement makes her look up, wide-eyed and fearful.
"y/n," she whispers, standing up as you draw closer to her.
you can't tell whether it's the harsh wind or her mere presence is making your eyes blurry, but you might have the slightest guess as to what it is with the pang in your heart. she looks so beautiful that it's easy to believe this is just a dream, and despite the weary features the both of you adorn from sleepless nights, you feel anything but tired.
"why are you here?" you mumble, afraid to speak any louder in fear that your voice will crack and tears will overflow.
"i... i wanted to apologize."
the hope in your heart starts to dwindle.
"for rejecting me? it's okay, you can't force yourself to feel the same way."
"no!" she exclaims, grasping your folded arms and holding on tightly as if it was all she could do to make you stay, "i'm apologizing for running away. i was just in shock, and i was so scared to face you because no words were coming out of my mouth. i didn't want to disappoint you."
"well, you already did. you could've at least rejected me instead of running away; it would've hurt less."
the words are harsh, but it was something she needed to hear. communication was extremely important to you, and you'd at least assumed that you'd be given enough respect to be verbally rejected. if you were going to gain closure now, you needed to let her know how much it meant to you.
"you don't understand. i didn't run away because i was scared to reject you, i ran away because i was scared to confess to you."
the world seems to spin as you find yourself at a loss for words.
"confess?" you speak, your throat dry and hoarse.
"yes. i love you y/n, and i'm so, so sorry i couldn't tell you that night."
the glistening tears on her cheeks are the last thing you see before you pull her into a hug, wrapping your arms around her middle like you'd done for many days together. the cool breeze doesn't affect the two of you anymore, and as you stop shivering and start embracing, the wind seems to quiet down to let you have your moment.
the universe did indeed have other plans for you, but this time, you're thankful.
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gahyeonszn · 11 months
loona masterlist!
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✰ heejin
take it (M)
✰ hyunjin
✰ haseul
✰ yeojin
✰ vivi
✰ kim lip
✰ jinsoul
helping hand (M)
✰ choerry
✰ yves
✰ chuu
✰ gowon
✰ hyeju
✰ ot 12
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Disclaimer: Everything shared on this blog is purely fictional. The stories, characters, and scenarios are products of creative imagination. Understand the clear distinction between fantasy and reality.
Respect is key: Be cool and respectful to everyone here. No need for drama or being a jerk. Treat others how you'd like to be treated, and we'll all have a good time.
Adults only: This blog is strictly for folks who are 18 and older. Let's keep things legal and follow the rules (of Tumblr). The line is drawn at idols born in 2005.
I'll do my best: I can't promise to reply to every message or ask, but I'll try my darnedest. Just remember I'm only human, and sometimes life gets in the way. Don't take it personally.
I am excited to announce that commissions are now open! If you're interested in having your personalized smut with heavier kinks/themes than the usual ones , you can check it out here or just shoot me a DM.
If you can't or/and don't want to spend on a commission, no worries! I will still be sharing some random smut requests here and there but it will take longer time to get completed. The commissions are just a way for me to earn some extra income. Thank you in advance for all the support!
On The House:
Manner Matters - Irene Red Velvet
Extra Hour - Hyeju LOOSSEMBLE
Bad Manager - Huening Bahiyyih KEP1ER
Punish The Daughter - Chaehyun KEP1ER
A Flying Fuck - Lily NMIXX
Dick's Inside Out - G!P Ryujin ITZY
Birthday "Cake" - Handong Dreamcatcher
Wrong Place: Hanni NewJeans
Career's Dead End: Jinni NMIXX
Rave-Up: Hyunjin LOOSSEMBLE
Special Guest: Yujin × Youngeun KEP1ER
Smut Dump:
Sponsor's Choice: YooA Oh My Girl
Defiled Heroine: Arin Oh My Girl
Smut Dump 1: Wonyoung
Smut Dump 2: Saerom
Smut Dump 3: SinB
Smut Dump 4: Karina
Smut Dump 5: Haseul
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sinswithpleasure · 4 months
I feel exactly the same! The image of those idols doing something so out there is such a turn on. Do you have any idols in mind or ones you think would enjoy/love it?
I get to put photos!!!!
1. Yves, as expected
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2. Hyeju (lowkey). I think she might like being showered more than actually drinking it.
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3. Ningning. I think she's a little wild.
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4. Winter, but only in a WinRina scenario. She's babygirl.
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5. Wonyoung. Shower, not drink, but she seems like she'd love to have her pretty face and body covered in warm piss (G!P Yujin, maybe? If that's your thing?)
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I'll stop here! What about you, anon?
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siyooungi · 2 years
Hi I’d love to request a a scenario where choerry and reader (13th member) doesn’t get along bc reader is like cold hearted sometimes and secretly likes choerry. Till, reader heard choerry being frightened of like a thunderstorm and comforts her and confessed!
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Pairing: Choerry x Fem!Reader
Idol: Choi Yerim (Loona)
Warning(s): None!
A/N: It slightly hurt to write this because Choerry is such a sweetheart and I don’t know how anyone could possibly be cold towards her.
“Did you guys hear that it was going to rain today?” Yeojin asked, causing everyone to turn their attention to her. Haseul and Choerry were the ones who seemed to listen more closely after hearing those words.
You were all chilling in the living room as some show was playing on the tv in the background. Some were watching and some were on their phone.
“Yeah, I heard it was going to be pretty bad.” Kim Lip chimed in, earning a few groans from everyone. Rainy weather was always nice but when it was intense, it wasn’t as calming as it normally would be.
“It’s going to be thundering later on tonight.” Hyeju spoke after she looked up from her phone, causing another simultaneous round of groans.
It was always a pain when bad weather came around, specifically thunderstorms. There were a few members scared of them, some more than others and it would result in the older ones to look after them, even if they were scared themselves.
Thunderstorms didn’t scare you as much and although you weren’t part of the unnie line, you still provided comfort to others, including the older ones.
“In case of a blackout, there’s some candles and flashlights in the cabinet.” Yves stated as she stood up, making her way over to the cabinet she was referring to and opening it for everyone to see. The mention of a potential blackout only seemed to further worry Choerry and as you looked over at her, you picked up on that. Her leg was bouncing and her arms were crossed. You’ve always paid close attention to her and her mannerisms.
See, you and Choerry may not have had the closest relationship due to you both being complete opposites, but that didn’t mean you didn’t care for her. If anything, you cared too much for her. Part of the reason being the fact that you have feelings for her and that she’s one of your members. It was expected of you to care for her. The issue is that you were so closed off when it came to her and she never knew why, but you knew very well why.
“I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight.” Choerry murmured, to which you chuckled lightly. “It’s just rain, you’ll be fine.” You reassured before standing up and heading to your room, separating yourself from everyone. She watched you the whole way until you were out of sight.
“Don’t worry Yerim, you’ll be okay.” Haseul spoke softly as she patted her on the head, smiling. “Y/N is probably going to sleep in another room so she doesn’t have to deal with me.” Choerry half-heartedly joked, causing the others to let out a few laughs while shaking their head at her comment.
Unbeknownst to you, Choerry would often get hurt at your coldness towards her. She would see how you’d react to some of the other members and wondered why you wouldn’t be as warm with her as you were with them. There were also quite a few times where her feelings got hurt because of tone of your words.
After your departure, everyone eventually retreated back to their shared rooms and went on about their day. Soon enough, you heard a knock at the door and the only person you could think of it being, was Choerry.
“It’s your room too, Yerim.” You stated, not bothering to look up to the door and continuing to read your book. The door opened and there stood an awkward Choerry. “Right, sorry.” She spoke sheepishly, avoiding any possible eye contact with you and made her way to her side of the room.
You didn’t even acknowledge her and to her, it definitely stung but she chose to brush it off since that’s just how you were. However, she didn’t know that you were still able to see her in your peripheral vision, a small smile on your face as you noticed her trying to get comfortable in her bed.
You both were just doing your own thing and due to the silence on the other side of the room, you assumed she was just on her phone. It was like that for a few hours and you’re sure at one point she actually fell asleep, but woke up after there was noise heard from outside of the room. It was around 8pm, and that usually signaled that someone was cooking in the kitchen.
However, that wouldn’t be the only sound to be heard when a booming noise came from outside, startling Choerry. You heard some screams coming from the kitchen so you assumed it scared a few of the girls as well.
You looked over at Choerry, who now had the blanket over her head. You knew how terrified she was of thunderstorms and you honestly felt bad, really bad.
Another rumble from the sky was heard and a whimper followed after that. You were certain that the sound came from Choerry and it only made you feel worse, wanting nothing more but to hold her and assure her that’s everything is okay.
“Choerry..” You whispered, causing her to slowly lower the blanket to where only her eyes were visible. You found that incredibly adorable but you didn’t let that distract you from your original motive, which was to comfort her.
“You should come over here, I know you’re not a big fan of thunderstorms.” You continued as you lifted up your covers, that were just waiting for her to get under.. You could tell she was very hesitant.
“Why do you care?” She asked, her voice much lower than you’re used to. Hearing that felt like a direct hit to the heart. If only she knew how much you truly cared.
“Because I do, now you can come here or i’m coming to you.” You spoke, your tone cold but a slight softness to it. Before Choerry could say anything back, lightning struck and thunder followed, causing her to scream and cover her ears. “Guess i’m coming to you.” You mumbled to yourself before pulling the covers off you and stepping out of bed.
You made your way over to her and kneeled down once you reached her bed. “Can you move over, please?” You asked, to which she scooted over without saying anything. You climbed under the covers, sitting up and facing her.
You opened your mouth to say something but of course, you were interrupted by another roar outside. Choerry immediately held onto you and hid her head in your neck, completely catching you off guard. Your hands were awkwardly ghosting over her until you snapped back into reality when another whimper left her mouth, causing you to wrap your arms around her.
She gripped onto your shirt tighter as a way to prevent you from leaving. As if you’d leave her especially in a time like this. If anything, you would stay here for as long as she wished, and also because you wanted to.
“I’m not going anywhere, I promise.” You whispered into her hair, using your free hand to caress it. You were holding her very closely as the commotion outside continued. You were sure it was going to go on for awhile, but you were willing to comfort her for the time being.
“Why are you doing this?” Choerry whispered, clearly confused by your actions. The question confused you at first, but you understood why she would question your actions.
“Because I want to, Yerim.” You spoke, coming off harsher than you had intended to, which was not at all. She muttered a small ‘sorry’ and went quiet. You realized how you sounded and mentally facepalmed yourself.
“No, I’m sorry..” You softened your tone, causing her to lift her head from your neck and look at you. “Why are you apologizing?” She asked as her eyebrows furrowed and she placed her hand on yours. Such a simple action, yet it made your heart skip a beat. The fact that she always remained sweet to you despite you not being the same towards her, was mind boggling to you and it only further affirmed the feelings you felt for her.
“I’m always so cold towards you and I truly don’t mean to be.” You began, looking down and avoiding eye contact with her. Even though you couldn’t see her, you could tell she was listening attentively once she squeezed your hand gently.
“I just- I like you so much and I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to handle and process my feelings, and I know it seems that I don’t care about you but I really do. More than you could ever know.” You confessed, feeling significantly more self-conscious now that you’ve let everything out.
A few seconds of silence passed and you slowly looked up to see her reaction, fearful of what it might be but still curious. You were met with a smile and it caused your lips to curve into a smile. Her smile was contagious on its own.
“I feel the same way..” She admitted and your eyebrows furrowed. Of course, you were more than ecstatic, but you didn’t understand how she could reciprocate the feelings when you didn’t treat her as warmly as you should’ve.
“I know what you’re thinking, but there’s a reason for why i’m more sensitive when it comes to you.” She continued after noticing your visible confusion. “But-“ You didn’t have a chance to finish when lips connected with yours, leaving you stunned. Before you could reciprocate, Choerry pulled back.
“I’m so sorry!“ She quickly apologized, feeling extremely flustered. “I thought-“ She was interrupted by you cupping her face and placing your lips on hers, once again. She melted into the kiss and you did the same. It felt magical and butterflies were erupting in your stomach.
Eventually, you both pulled away with a smile and put your foreheads together. You couldn’t help but giggle and she joined in, softly shoving you until you fell back onto the pillows. She laid next to you and rested her head on her hand, smiling down at you. Your found yourself blushing when you noticed the loving gaze she was sending your way. Words could not express how you felt at that moment.
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lewisvinga · 2 years
sneaky kisses | kim lip x reader
requested; yes
request; Hello! I'd like to ask for a scenario with Kim Lip (loona) where her gf (an idol) will do a collab with loona, but the members don't know they're dating. Something cute would be perfect :(
a/n; guys i actually suck at endings idk how to end things how do u guys do it (¬_¬;)
loona masterlist!
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Jungeun internally screams as she sees Aespa, the group you’re in, in the SM practice room. Loona and Aespa were going to do a collab for MAMA. But both of your groups don’t know that you and her are dating and when Jungeun is around you, she can’t keep her hands off of you.
During practice, she internally fights herself to not run over to you. Every time you sent her a smile, she wanted to drop everything just to hug and kiss you. To make matters worse, you were set up as partners in part of the dance.
“Do you wanna give us away?” You mumble to her after everyone was set up in pairs. She grumbles and reluctantly moved her hands from your waist.
“I just want to kiss you.” She mumbles as the dance instructor goes over the dance movements for the pairs. She instructed Jungeun to grab your waist to which she excitedly complied.
You couldn’t help but let out a snort after seeing your girlfriends sneaky yet overly excited smile about basically holding you. Your laugh caught the attention of both of your groups as Jungeun quietly scolds you.
“Now look who is giving us away!” She scolds you, trying to hide the smile that was slowly creeping up on her lips.
You playfully roll your eyes as your focus went back to the dance instructor. Luckily, you had a 10 minute break soon. Jungeun quickly drags you to the nearest bathroom without making it obvious that you were dating.
The moment the bathroom door closed, your girlfriend immediately clung onto you like a koala, pressing kisses all over your face. “I’ve missed you so much! All day I had to see you and not kiss you!”
“Jungeun!” You squeal as her soft yet quick kisses continued to land across your face. “That tickles!” You giggle as she pulls away.
Jungeun pouts at you, “Can’t even give sneaky kisses to my girlfriend!”
You playfully roll your eyes as you gently cup her cheeks. The blonde cheekily smiles since she already knew what was going to happen. You sweetly and gently kiss her pink pouty lips, a small smile threatening to appear on both of your lips.
Jungeun sighs in satisfaction, happy that she got to be kissing her girlfriend. Her happiness didn’t last long when the bathroom door slammed open.
“Told you, Minjeong! I was right!” The familiar screeches of Yizhou filled both le your ears.
“I was right too! I told you my senses were tingling!” Yeojin exclaims, earning a groan from Hyeju and Chaewon.
Both you and Jungeun quickly pull away and with wide shocked eyes, you look over at the door and spot both of your groups. Your girlfriend nervously laughs and grabs your hand. She shrugs before saying, “Oops, you caught us!”
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satogumis · 4 months
umm okay so i think i know how misun’s storyline is going to go like ive always had this idea set ever since she was rory and was an hyeju fc lol but i just. Mehh because ive always treated misun like she’s separate from nct but i feel like everyones mostly following for the scenarios and stuff with dream which i definitely get but they dont follow for the heavy grittiness of her life and how she is who she is currently 💀 plus im lowkey scared cause its very triggering topics and i dont want people to be like ‘??? wtf why would you write abt that’ so it kinda … sets me off of actually publishing any of her chapters
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authorforrosie · 2 years
Requested by: anonymous.
Request: I would love if you could do a piece about girlfriend Olivia Hye comforting the reader who is struggling with personal issues in their life (whatever you feel okay writing about!) Gen!reader or fem!reader is fine, whichever you prefer!
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Title: Son Hyeju (Olivia) is your girlfriend and comfort you.
Pairing: Son Hyeju x You [GxG]
Warnings: Personal Issues, egotistical parents, falling behind in college.
Words: 985.
Son Hyeju had a worried expression on her face when she didn't hear anything or see any messages from you. It's very unusually for you to not communicate with her via phone when she has a busy day at the studio. Her mind couldn't function at all around lunch that's why her manager send her home for a few days to rest.
Tears rolled down her cheeks exact to the moment when her manager's car arrived in front of her house. She couldn't even say a 'thank you' or 'bye' because of how worried she really is. She glanced around nervously. Being worried really made her anxious. She yelled your name and ran into every room downstairs. Her worried expression changed to relief only for a moment. It changed back to worried when her eyes glanced to tears on your cheeks.
„Darling I am home." Whispered Son Hyeju with worry in her voice. She saw how you stirred from your sleep. She sighed in sadness when she noticed your lips trembling and your y/e/c eyes getting watery from tears.
You sat up on the bed with your back to the headboard when Son Hyeju sat down next at you. She opened her arms wide.
„Come here and let it all out." Coaxed Son Hyeju with softness in her voice. You crawled on her lap in her open arms with more tears rolling down your cheeks.
„Let it all out. Shh." Whispered Son Hyeju into your ear with comfort in her voice. You sobbed and sobbed until you ran out of tears. That's when your sobbing turned into soft sniffling.
You nuzzled your face into her neck. She noticed her white blouse getting wet by your tears. Which she definitely didn't care about since you are what matters to her.
„What's wrong my sweet sweet darling..." Asked Son Hyeju with worry in her voice. It broke her heart to pieces when you are sobbing or tears up.
You glanced into her brown eyes with your  y/e/c eyes when she moved her fingers under your chin to make you look into her eyes. Your eyes answered almost every question for her. Since your eyes looked very dull and sad.
„I am failing the subject that my parents forced me into. Because they want me to study business on college. They never ask what I want to do you know. I don't want to get into business and I am not interest into that subject. I am more into the subject acting, art and photography." Answered you with passion in your voice. Son Hyeju only nodded with her head and thought about what to say to give you more comfort.
One of her two hands moved to your back to rub it with a sad expression on her face. It caused her to be sad when you are feeling sad. She kissed your forehead with much comfort and love.
„You know you don't have to do what your parents tell you to do. You are an adult now and you have me by your side. I will always be here to love and support you in everything you do or want to do. You should learn to do your own thing and your parents opinions shouldn't matter to you. Because they are clearly very egotistical for forcing to do something that you don't want to do." Comforted Son Hyeju with sweetness in her voice. Her hand caressed your cheeks which flushed red in a blush.
„You are absolutely right thank you. Will you always be by my side. Because I know that my parents aren't gonna be by my side for a long time. Since they only care about themselves and their business." Asked you with hope in your voice.
It broke her heart when she heard the hope in your voice. Because you will always have her by your side. You don't need to have hope in her own opinions.
„Oh baby girl you don't even need to have hope. Me and my bandmates will always be by your side to love and support you in everything you do or want to do." Answered Son Hyeju with confidence in her voice. She kissed your cheeks.
„Let's watch Netflix and cuddle baby girl. We all day since I have a few days off to rest. I was so worried about you that my brain couldn't function at work." Suggested Son Hyeju with happiness in her voice. You clapped in your hands really fast at the thought of spending a few days alone with her.
Her hand took the remote and clicked on the Netflix button. A smile on your face when she turned on 'my first first love' for you. Since it's your favorite K-Drama on Netflix. She chuckled a moment when she saw how your eyes lit up when you saw the K-Drama title. A wide smile on your lips.
„Yes please baby..." Smiled you with a smile that reached your beautiful y/e/c eyes.
Son Hyeju walked away for a moment to get dressed into more comfortable clothes. A cute pyjama which matches your Pikachu pyjama. When she came back to the bed she felt her heart fluttering because you cuddled with the Pikachu plushy that she got for you on tour with Loona.
„I love you my sweet baby girl. Mwah.” State Son Hyeju with admiration and love in her voice. She gave you a passionately peck on your lips. Your cheeks flushed red in a blush when you realized how passionately the peck on lips really were.
You gave her a peck on the lips mumbling a happily „I love you most.” Son Hyeju smiled which reached her eyes and she wrapped her arms around your torso. Cuddling you in a cute position on your queen-sized bed.
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raevior · 10 months
hi all!! i’m new to tumblr, so here’s an introduction!
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about me ^^
age: 19
sign: libra
loc: usa
lang: eng/中文
sexuality: bisexual
crochet, drawing, painting, cats, kpop, hamsters, kdrama, cdramas, cpop, sleeping, youtube, roblox, reading, vkei, sunsets, vinyls, the ocean, night time, city life, romance, flowers, uncanny counter, alice in borderland, anime
ult groups and biases:
loona - hyunjin, choerry, gowon and hyeju
billlie - haruna and siyoon
nct - taeyong
new jeans - haerin and minji
ateez - wooyoung and mingi
fave animes: dororo, tomodachi game, attack on titan, blue lock, black clover, assassination classroom, chainsaw man, jujutsu kaisen, hxh, demon slayer, erased, nana 🤍
i’ve always enjoyed writing and reading, and i love to bring mine and other peoples scenarios to life! so i’ve come on here to write fanfiction/one shots. i will always put descriptions and tw on all of my writings! most will center around kpop idols and k actors.
i started writing fanfic at around 14(?), and i’ve always enjoyed both reading and writing. i prefer to write lengthy stories but am also okay with writing short scenarios and one shots! i have decided to jump back into the community since i’ve noticed over the years, a lot of fanfics are written very poorly; that being poor grammar, no plot, no lead ups or anything. and it’s quite annoying! you know that feeling when you think you find a great story, but when you start reading it, it’s very disappointing. i’m here to save the day!!
i’m planning on making a carrd to better introduce myself. for now, im looking for moots! please make sure to read the DNI below before!
DNI: under 17 years old, stray kids fan, gg anti, solo stan, like gore, promote ed and unhealthy habits
BYF: i am 19!! soon to be 20. i am not comfortable with being friends/moots with anyone under the age of 17.
thank you all for reading! let’s be friends! 🤍
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okayeojin · 2 years
GOD I HAVE THIS HYEJU SCENARIO THAT'S SO DAMN GOOD ITS MAKING ME BLUSH SM. i wanna post it right now SO BAD but its so late that i dont trust myself enough to spot every mistake, so ill wait until tomorrow 😭
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starorbitsworld · 2 years
In Another Lifetime
Request:  Heejin has been in love with you for years but has to watch you be in a relationship with Hyeju?
Genre: angst
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: cursing, mental self-harm
Notes:  Hi stars! It's been a long time since I wrote, wowww... Finally, I am done with school for the summer and I have more time to write! Not going to lie, I cried a little writing this fic so be prepared. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy reading and please remember this is ALL fiction. Once again, stay safe you wonderful stars and I appreciate the never-ending support! - Rora
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Without officially addressing it to herself, Heejin grew a silent crush on you. The feelings started to develop slowly during middle school, specifically after your middle school graduation. At first, she thought it was just annoying hormones that were making her feel bubbly whenever she saw you. Or how flustered she would get around you. However, that didn't explain why she frequently caught herself getting jealous over you due to the smallest things. When she did, she'd mentally slap herself as a way of correcting the belief that friends shouldn't feel or act that way towards their best friend. 
In order to combat those feelings of jealousy and confusion, Heejin decided to spend less and less time with you during high school. In her time away from you, she met a new friend, Kim Hyunjin. She was a weird girl for sure, but one that was kind and fun nonetheless. 
Those feelings seemed to leave in the presence of Hyunjin and her studies. She found herself laughing again and finding a bit of motivation whenever Hyunjin was there. However, all that changed during her sophomore year of high school. The day Heejin's life fell apart. The day during the last season when the colorful leaves began to fall off the dry trees. Only then did she realize the gravity of her resurfacing feelings. 
It wasn't unusual for you to put your grades and achievements over menial and fleeting crushes. That was until you met Son Hyeju, a transfer student going into sophomore year with you. She was mysterious, sarcastic, yet extremely thoughtful which undoubtedly caught your eye, as well as many others. She had dark eyebrows, shiny black hair, and her eyes were as piercing as a wolf. She was captivating in so many ways, and you caught yourself wanting to get to know more.
As if the gods were on your side, you got paired with the newbie for an English presentation on Shakespeare. To your surprise, she wasn't as quiet as you thought she would be. She stayed focused on her work but made jokes about how dumb Romeo and Juliet were every now and then. 
Although the gods seemed to have an endeavor against Heejin. From across the room, she could see you lightly slap Hyeju's arm after a stupid joke she made, which made Heejin gag from cringe. And she saw how Hyeju made quick glances towards you when you were focusing on reading. Every little action between you two made her want to gouge her eyes out and scream into her pillow at home. 
While the sun beamed on you and Hyeju, Heejin was left in the shadows with a cloud over her head which looked like it was about to burst. Knowing that she couldn't drop her pen and run home, in disgust and annoyance, she turned her head away from the cavity-aching sight and focused back on her work while drowning out your laughs to her pathetic jokes. 
After a few weeks, Heejin had the pleasure of witnessing you and Hyeju getting closer and closer. Which meant the friendship you once had together started fading faster. In the meantime, Heejin continued to spend her time with Hyunjin, mostly studying but occasionally going to cafés, since Hyunjin had a liking for bread and other pastries. The time spent together was nice, almost calming. Although at times, she couldn't help but think of you holding the hand of someone else. 
Unfortunately, those intrusive thoughts never went away. No matter how hard she tried to ignore them, they never seemed to disappear. Maybe it was the feeling of regret or even disappointment that didn't allow her to be at peace with herself or in anything that she did. Hanging out with other friends didn't feel the same as hanging out with you. Playing sports didn't feel as enjoyable to play if you weren't there cheering her on in the stands. Even her guitar led her to strum somber melodies written along with lyrics that somehow were all about you. 
It ate her up inside to pretend to feel something artificial and in unison with suppressing her true emotions. Her heartstrings pinged so loudly it made her flinch when she saw you holding Hyeju's hand in the school hallway. Her heart wrenched every fucking minute she saw you. The jealousy she pushed down only grew, and now bit the tip of her tongue. No matter how much she wanted to ignore the feeling, it came back tenfold. She was angry at herself for feeling this way and even more upset she couldn’t be honest with herself. 
The following week, Heejin noticed Hyeju wasn’t at school, although she didn’t question her sudden disappearance. Instead, she quietly yet happily assumed she had work or some family matters to attend. Heejin saw this as an opportunity to finally talk to you, even if she was anxious and had second thoughts. Although, she knew deep down that she was done regretting things in her life. She was done telling herself that her feelings were nothing when she knew the truth. She was done living a lie she made up in her head out of pride and stubbornness. 
During free time that afternoon, she assumed you would be sitting under the Dogwood tree near the open courtyard. It was a secluded but underrated area on campus. It was a quiet place and today was the best day to be out in the cool breeze. When Heejin saw a figure’s back pressed against the bark of the tree and white petals spread around the ground, she knew it was you. She smirked a little at the memory of her running to you after late classes just to see you waiting by the tree seeing you give her the biggest smile you could muster. Although the memory was sweet, it was just that, a memory and that bitter feeling brought her back to reality again. 
Taking a deep breath, she straightened her back and started reciting the exact words she was going to tell you in her head. She knew she was prepared because she's been thinking about saying these drawn out sentences to you for months. The sentences that caused her so much anxiety to realize but so much relief to say out loud. Reassuring herself once more, Heejin started to lightly trud over to our peaceful figure, hands clenching the straps of her book bag. 
“Hey… Y/n. Long time no see, huh,” Heejin said, coming up to your side with an apprehensive and awkward wave.
“Oh, Heejin! What are you doing he-here?” You looked around the area quickly, indicating that this was a place you both knew well. Well enough to have some deeply rooted memories tied to the ground. 
“Ah well, I just wanted to see how you were!” She knew she shouldn’t back down now but seeing your confused and innocent face caused her to panic. 
“You wanted to see how I was? After how many months of ignoring me?” Your  words struck her, causing her to choke up. Although she should have expected it, she didn’t want to prepare for your backlash. Heejin knew she hurt you, but she wasn’t ready to hear how much she hurt you through your own words. 
“Yeah.. I know my timing isn’t perfect and I’m sorry but.. I guess there have, just been some things I wanted to get off my chest. Words that I wanted to let you know.”
“And why should I listen to you?” There it was, the question Heejin was afraid you would ask. It caused her so much fear because there wasn’t an answer. You could simply tell her to leave and she would, living with the guilt of never telling you how she felt. 
“You don’t need to. I mean.. you don’t need to listen to me, if you don’t want to,” Saying those words left her defeated as she knew you could just say one thing and it would leave her empty. 
“I think if it's one thing I know I deserve, it’s an explanation,” You closed your laptop and looked at Heejin. Heejin couldn’t read your expression, your eyes, like she used to. Looking at you face-to-face after so much time passed where she avoided you, brought back an even deeper feeling that left her understanding more about herself. 
“You do Y/n, and that's why I’m here. I know I hurt you because of what I did. I know I’m an awful person, even a friend, for making you hurt as much as I did because of some selfish reason that I wasn’t ready to confront myself with. I wasn’t ready to tell myself that you, you made me feel something so strong. Something I was terrified of letting myself feel because I knew I would lose myself losing you. I was ignorant and self-deprecating. So.. I’m sorry I allowed those things to be more of a priority than you,” Heejin gulped back a tear and tried to remain as professional as she could.
“Now you realize? After how many months, if not years? You were my best friend since middle school Heejin. You fucking left me! So no, I don’t think you understand how much you hurt me. I felt all that you felt and more. I felt betrayed or like I did something wrong, said something wrong. But no matter how desperate I tried to reach you, you pushed me away before I could say anything,” Heejin saw you clench your jaw and noticed how stren your face had become. She was taken aback by some of the things you said but nonetheless understood where you came from.
“I know.. I know, that's why I’m here apologizing. Because I know a couple of words from an apology won’t fix everything, but at least you know how I feel. At least you’re aware that I’m sorry and I could help create a small closure between us,” The words you wanted to hear for years finally found you but caused more pain hearing them come from Heejin’s lips. 
“Even if I wanted to believe you, I don’t. You’re here apologizing to me because YOU can’t handle it. I found my closure a long time ago, Heejin,” Every time she heard you say her name it was a jab at her soul. She knew you were right, everything you said was valid.
“You don’t have to believe me or trust me. But everything I’m saying right now is true. I know I can’t make you feel something I want you to feel, but please know at least.. I’m sorry.,” And she knew that's all she could do. 
“I couldn’t handle how you made me feel for years. Now finally, when I’M happy and have come to terms that we aren’t supposed to be, you run to me in tears asking for forgiveness and for me to pretend a simple apology will make up for the pain YOU caused me. If you believe that, you truly don’t understand how much you hurt me,” In the middle of your lecture you stood up, rage filling your blood and tears filling your eyes. 
“I-,” Heejin felt the torment in her chest where you pushed her away with your pointer finger and where your words drove deeper into her heart like a rough dagger. 
“Now I think you know how I feel too.”
Your words, once sweet, were filled with bitterness. She honestly should've expected the response. But subconsciously holding on to the least bit of hope that maybe you felt a spark between the two of you, kept her going. However your words caused all that hope to dissipate in thin air. Merely a thought that brought tears to her eyes, a feeling she was terrified of feeling, the reality she was afraid of facing. 
All Heejin could do was look down to the ground. An overwhelming feeling of numbness washed over her, unable to let anything escape her throat. 
A loud ping shot through the air and both you and Heejin looked at your bag. You picked up your bag scurrying to grab something and lifting your phone out. You saw a text from Hyeju and Heejin saw your eyes glint while looking at the screen. Once against reminding her of the way you used to look at her with such adortion, but being too blind to notice it at the time. 
“I need to take this,” You looked up at Heejin, wiping away your tear stained face with the back of your hand and clearing your throat. You picked up your book bag and slung it over your shoulder getting ready to walk away from your childhood best friend for the last time. One last time you looked into her deep brown eyes. “Maybe in another lifetime it will be different for us,” And with that, you left a void in Heejin’s heart, as she did yours. 
Heejin watched you walk away until she couldn’t see you anymore. Sitting there under the dogwood tree, she silently let tears fall down her face until she felt her neck wet and her nose stuffy. 
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suga-honey-icedtea · 2 years
Gummy Butterflies and Glittery Hairclips | Son Hyeju (Olivia Hye)
a/n: this was a request and it was supposed to be a drabble but...i had too many ideas all at once. i'm really hoping i can start posting things again regularly and jumping back into writing more. i have a lot planned, not even just what's on my posting scheudle. so, i hope everyone sticks around to see what's to come! i hope you enjoy this, too, and let me know what you think or want next! :)
leave your thoughts: here
my other writing: here
word count: 7,051 words
“Are you even listening?” The question was sharp and pulled Hyeju out of her daydreams. Blinking rapidly, her head turned and she was faced with a disappointed-looking Yerim and two giggling girls, Chaewon and Yeojin. Hyeju slowly realized that Yerim must have been explaining something, otherwise her face wouldn’t look so pinched and annoyed. “What were you even staring at?”
“She was oogling the cheer squad again.” Chaewon whispered, earning a sharp jab from Yeojin and a glare from Hyeju. “What? I’m not wrong, am I? You’re always staring at them, Joo. The gay is absolutely oozing out of you when you stare.”
“I was not staring!” Hyeju tried to defend herself, but her blushing cheeks gave her away. Yerim could only sigh and hang her head.
“Moving on! You’re still coming with us to the party at Heejin’s house, right? This is the first time we’ve ever been invited and I don’t want to miss out.” Yerim launched into her spiel once more about matching outfits and getting the makeup right. Hyeju was half listening, her focus starting to land back on the cheer squad practicing not far from where the four of them sat. Chaewon hadn’t been lying when she claimed that Hyeju was staring, but it was a mystery as to just who she was staring at. They figured it was the squad as a whole, but Hyeju was only focused on one particular figure jumping around in a thin white tank top.
It was the girl that Hyeju had been secretly pining after since the third grade. The same girl who picked Hyeju to draw portraits of in fifth grade when no one wanted to work with the scary-looking girl. The same girl who played Juliet to Hyeju’s Romeo in their sophomore English class in high school and made Hyeju’s heart flutter. It was as if she really meant the words and heart eyes she had on while reading the lines directly to her. And it was now the same girl, the one Hyeju had known since they were kids, that was practicing her cheer moves for the first football game of the season for their university. Her name was Y/N, and it made Hyeju clam up and relax all at once to hear her soft voice and light laughter.
Just as she began to daydream about a life where they owned dogs together, Hyeju was smacked with a notebook. Jumping, her eyes were wide as they landed on Yerim, who was glaring once more.
“Just show up at my house on Saturday, Hyeju. We’ll take care of everything.” Yeojin giggled and they split up at the same time cheer practice ended. Hyeju lost sight of Y/N when she looked back, sighing and gathering her things to head to her dorm for a quick nap. She planned to get a good nap in before having to jump into assignments. She planned to get those done, at least as many as her brain could handle, and then relax with some food and a show she wanted to binge-watch. Which show should she watch tonight, she wondered as she adjusted to strap of her bag on her shoulder. She was entirely lost in her fantasy, her mind beginning to wander into the shows that she could show to Y/N once they adopted their third dog.
At least, that was the trajectory of her imagination until she ended up on her ass with people giggling at the unfortunate incident. She could see one of her notebooks splayed out with the handouts laying everywhere across the concrete. Hyeju only blinked at the mess, her eyebrows furrowing deeply as she looked to the other person involved. And she really was going to lay into their ass, truly. Hyeju did not have the ultimate resting bitch face for nothing. She was intimidating and scary and she would be damned if she let this person get away with hindering her progress to a nice nap.
“What the fuck? Watch where you’re-”
“I am so sorry! I totally wasn’t paying attention, completely my fault!” It was the soft voice that silenced Hyeju completely and when her eyes landed on the other person that was scrambling to gather what Hyeju had dropped before focusing on gathering her things, she realized just who had run into her. “I’m such an airhead! I was staring at the trees and was thinking about what plants I could find at the garden center tomorrow when I went and I wasn’t looking where I was going. I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” Y/N held the notebook tightly to her chest, leaning close to Hyeju’s face before her mouth formed a small ‘o’ shape and she was smiling. “Wait, Hyeju? Is that you?”
“O-Oh, Y/N. Nice to see you again. How have you been?” Hyeju tried to be nonchalant, totally scrambling to get up on her feet once she noticed Y/N doing the same. Standing up so close to one another, Hyeju nearly groaned at the height difference. She was so small, it was so cute. If she just wrapped her arms around Y/N and held her tightly her face would be all smooshed up against-
“I’ve been good! Just super busy with practices and stuff for the cheer squad. And my classes, of course! What about you? I haven’t seen you in a while but you don’t look much different. Still beautiful as always.” Y/N giggled and if Hyeju didn’t know her, she would’ve thought she was flirting. The sad truth, that left a bittersweet smile on her face, was that Y/N was always overly friendly like that. She always threw compliments around and Hyeju knew that she shouldn’t take it that much to heart. Y/N was by no means a bitch and never meant her kind words, but Hyeju knew better than to think it was an invitation to flirt.
Hyeju nodded, affirming she’d been well, too. It grew silent between them, the conversation running dry and Hyeju began to panic for a moment. She didn’t want to leave Y/N so soon, her nap completely disappearing from her mind now. She cursed her awkward and introverted nature in providing adequate conversation skills when Y/N cleared her throat.
“Are you going to be at the game this Saturday?” Y/N suddenly asked, her cheeks looking flushed but Hyeju was convinced it was just from practice. There was no way they could look so perfectly pink from asking if Hyeju would be at the game. It was the wind, though Hyeju just noticed that it wasn’t really windy at all after she thought of it. “It’ll be my first game on the squad! Would be great to see a familiar face in the crowd and all.”
Normally, Hyeju would never be caught dead at such an event. Sports were a mortal enemy to her and she could never understand the hype for them. Yet, she found herself quickly nodding in response and smiling so big, Hyeju knew her smile looked fake and so cheesy. “Of course, I’m going! Sports are super cool and I can’t wait to see you out there! You’ll do great, of course.” Hyeju chuckled nervously, and she was thankful that Y/N didn’t catch on to it. Instead, Y/N thanked her and had to run so Hyeju was left to her own company much sooner than she wanted.
“What is wrong with me? ‘Sports are super cool’? I think I need a drink instead of a nap.” Hyeju made a disgusted face before pulling her bag tighter to her body and heading off to her dorm for her nap or a drink, whichever found her first.
Music thumped softly in the background as chatter filled the air of the nature-filled bedroom. Yerim’s room was always calming, a perfect setting for studying and for getting ready for parties. Hyeju always loved sitting in Yerim’s room and just enjoying the atmosphere it gave off. She just wished it could distract her thoughts from a certain cheerleader. She hadn’t gone to the game like she’d promised Y/N she would, so she felt a little guilty about that. Not enough to be crying and seeking out forgiveness, because she genuinely hated sports. It was enough, though, to have her mind completely occupied by the cute cheerleader in her uniform possibly looking for her among the crowd.
Her thoughts were running in all directions until a soft click on the side of Hyeju’s head brought her attention back to the present. Chaewon’s face appeared in the mirror that Hyeju had been sitting in front of for the past twenty minutes. Chaewon backed away from Hyeju, looking proud of her creation. “You’re finished! A masterpiece, I must admit.”
She grabbed a smaller mirror to hand to her impromptu client and Hyeju had to admit as she looked at her hair, she looked damn good. Combining Yerim’s makeup skills, Yeojin’s fashion expertise, and Chaewon’s magic hands when it came to hair, Hyeju was looking quite delicious. She continued to examine herself for a few seconds longer before her eyes caught a glint in the mirror’s reflection. “Are these glitter clips?”
“Duh! Need something to offset the totally spooked-out outfit you’re wearing. Can’t have you looking too scary to approach. Plus, they’re super cute!” Chaewon gave a tiny shrug and skipped off to get her makeup done.
Looking back in the mirror, Hyeju lightly touched the light pink and white glittery clips adorning her hair. They did look pretty cute. In all honesty, they didn’t stand out like some garish accessory. They fit with her outfit, in a weird way. With a shrug of her own, she turned from the mirror to head to the kitchen. Yeojin was already in the kitchen, pulling out the different ingredients for the pregame drinks that Hyeju was in charge of making. That was her role for party prep sessions. Yeojin picks out the outfits, Yerim does the makeup, Chaewon does the hair, and Hyeju makes the fun juice concoctions that make them all fuzzy and warm. Her mixes were pretty lethal, too, though they weren’t anything worse than what they would probably find at the party.
“Hyeju! Guess what I heard.” Yeojin sang with a little smirk as she leaned on the counter next to Hyeju’s mixing station. Hyeju only gave her a grunt, deciding to focus on her sole job of pregame drinks versus whatever news Yeojin was going to give. Most of the time, Yeojin’s gossip snippets were dumb and meant nothing. Hyeju couldn’t care less about them; that was most days. This week, however, seemed to be different. “I heard that the cheer squad was coming to celebrate their first performance going well. We lost the game, but they’re still celebrating, it seems.”
The bottle that Hyeju had been holding slipped from her hand and landed in the bowl below. Yeojin gasped and Hyeju gripped the edges of the bowl for dear life until things steadied out. The silence that followed was deafening and Yeojin said a quick prayer for her life as Hyeju turned to glare at her. “The whole cheer squad?”
“The whole cheer squad.” Yeojin confirmed. She watched Hyeju with worried eyes as the older girl looked back to the bowl and picked up the half-emptied bottle. Without another word, Hyeju lifted the bottle to her lips and took a giant gulp of the alcohol that sloshed inside before continuing to pour it into the bowl. “Joo? Are you okay?”
“Just dandy, Yeojin. Perfectly peachy.” She hoped that Yeojin could tell she was being sarcastic. Luckily, Yeojin didn’t push anything further and even left the room to find the others. She was probably scared, but Hyeju couldn’t find it in her to care that she potentially freaked out her friend. Hyeju sighed and tried to focus on the drink mixing.
Of course, she’d told the others what had happened after they left the other day. And how Hyeju had run into Y/N again the next day at Hyeju’s favorite fast-food restaurant. And the day after that, when Yerim and Hyeju went plant shopping for Yerim’s next plant baby. Y/N was looking at plants at the same store as them. It seemed like every day through the week they had run into one another. Now, Hyeju didn’t believe in cosmic signs, not usually, at least. But, as she finished mixing the pregame drink for the night and serving cups for the other girls, she had to admit that perhaps the universe was trying to say something important.
Instead of focusing on it, however, Hyeju ignored it and instead, made it her silent goal to get as drunk as possible. She wanted to forget the week and no one was going to stop her. No one but Yerim whined about it but, even Yerim forgot her warnings as soon as the four of them entered the large party that was spilling out onto several lawns. The music was loud and with the pregame drinks already buzzing through Hyeju’s system, it wasn’t too many drinks later when she was dancing on the designated dance floor fuzzy and swaying to the thumping music. Chaewon was dancing with her, the two of them giggling and enjoying themselves in the suffocating heat of the room. It was a short-lived moment, though, as Chaewon eventually was swept up by some frat guy wanting something far more intimate than Hyeju needed to know the details about. She knew that Chaewon would give the details later, anyway, much to everyone’s dismay.
Making her way through the sea of bodies after being ditched, Hyeju stumbled into the kitchen for another drink. She wanted something strong, so she clumsily mixed several of the big bottles sitting around before heading out into the backyard of the house. There were fewer people out there, gathered around a fire that wasn’t really necessary in the still warm weather. Hyeju passed the small group and stumbled her way to a secluded swing in the back that no one else was near. She could see the stars from there and they entertained her for some time before she felt the swing move. “Hey! I’m sitting here and didn’t say that anyone could join me-”
“I thought I could keep you company. You looked really lonely over here by yourself, Hyeju.” Blinking several times, Hyeju stared past the drunk haze clouding her vision to see a flushed Y/N beside her. She had a cup in her hand, too, but it looked empty. Y/N noticed Hyeju staring at the cup and she laughed nervously. “I-It’s not alcohol...anymore! I switched it out for water. One was enough for me!”
“You’re actually here.” Hyeju blurted out, still staring like Y/N had two heads instead of just one. Maybe it was the blurred vision adding the second head. It was still beautiful like the first. Either way, Hyeju gulped and shook her head to fix her vision. “I mean, I heard you would be here but I wasn’t sure if you really would be, you know?”
“Well, of course, I came! I heard you were going to be here, too, so I had to come and see you, Hyeju.” In the low light, Hyeju couldn’t tell if Y/N’s flushed cheeks were just leftover from whatever she’d drank or if she was blushing. Either way, it was cute and Hyeju couldn’t stop herself from saying so out loud.
“That’s so cute. You’re so cute, Y/N.” The soft sigh left her mouth and it took a few seconds of Y/N staring at her with wide eyes to realize what she’d just said out loud. Hyeju’s mouth fell open and all that could come out was random sounds and grunts trying to refute the statement. Hyeju wanted to suck it back into her mind, to take it out of the space that she released it into.
Y/N squeaked and finally, Hyeju was lifted from her trance. “Y-You really mean that, Hyeju? You think I’m cute?” It made her heart hurt, seeing Y/N look so shy and soft. She wanted to know where she could sign up to see this every day, every minute for the rest of her life. For some reason, marriage didn’t seem solid enough for what she was wanting at that exact moment.
“I do, yeah. Always thought you were cute.” Hyeju shrugged and threw caution to the wind as the alcohol roared through her body. When she sobered up, she’d regret every word that slurred out of her mouth but right now, she needed Y/N to know what her heart had been screaming for years. “I’ve really liked you since we were like, eight or nine.”
“That long?” Y/N gasped softly, leaning forward on the swing she was sitting on. Her eyes were trained on the grass in front of them, not on Hyeju, so the latter couldn’t figure out what her face looked like. Was it good news? Bad? It sounded like it was a good thing, but Hyeju began to chew on her lip as silence slipped in between them like a gross, slimy worm. As the anxiety built up inside her, she registered Y/N moving closer to her side. “You’ve really liked little old me that long?”
Hyeju watched her get closer on her swing, her cheeks blazing red in the darkness like two little night lights. For once, she was thankful that it seemed Y/N couldn’t notice the blush blooming on her own cheeks. Gulping down some cold air, Hyeju nodded and she felt her heart speed up like crazy at the sight of Y/N’s eyes lighting up. “I really have liked you that long. Every day you seemed to make my heart go crazier and crazier.” Hyeju nervously laughed and when she felt Y/N’s thigh lightly touch her own, she froze up completely. “I’ve always fantasized about kissing you; ever since we played Romeo and Juliet in our freshman English class back in high school, I’ve pictured it.”
The darkness of night, Hyeju quickly picked up on, was annoying at this point since she couldn’t tell what Y/N was doing. All she could make out was moving blobs and the alcohol wasn’t helping her discern which shapes were what. In the next moment, however, she didn’t need the light to figure out what was happening. Hyeju felt a soft object press against her cheek. It was slightly sticky, making Hyeju’s body ignite when she registered it was lipgloss. Y/N’s cherry lipgloss she’d been using since the end of middle school. Y/N’s lipgloss. That meant Y/N had kissed her cheek. If this were a cartoon, Hyeju knew that for sure smoke would be pouring out of her ears.
“I-I know that’s not what you fantasized about, probably. I know it’s not what I’ve thought about over and over again, but I want to save our actual first kiss for a date. Where we’re soberer…” Y/N explained, and Hyeju wanted to melt at how cute and small she sounded. The moment she felt Y/N’s fingers prodding at her hand, Hyeju scooped it up and interlocked their fingers without a second thought. A soft giggle erupted from Y/N and Hyeju smiled as true happiness erupted through her. “If that’s something you’d want-”
“Yes. Yes, I would, god yes.” Hyeju groaned and squeezed the other girl’s hand before sighing in contentment. “It would be an honor to go on a date with you, Y/N, you have no idea.” Hyeju laughed lightly and relaxed more on her swing. It was comfortably silent for a few minutes afterward, nothing more about a date being said between them. Hyeju didn’t need anything else said, just knowing that Y/N wanted to go on one with her was enough to give her happiness for a decade. Hyeju wanted to properly ask Y/N out on a date once they were both sober, anyway.
Feeling Y/N’s hand slip from her own, Hyeju didn’t think anything of it until she felt light touches on the top of her head. “These are so pretty.” She felt Y/N’s breath against her forehead, her cheeks heating up and then Hyeju realized her clips were being investigated. Poking at the other one Y/N wasn’t looking at, Hyeju chuckled while Y/N oogled over the tiny clips. “Do you mind if I play with your hair, Joo? I like these clips a lot but I wanna play with it. It always looks so pretty.”
She couldn’t say no, even if she wanted to but that wasn’t reality in any universe. Nodding once, Y/N gave a little cheer before carding her fingers in Hyeju’s hair. The clips left her hair one by one, slipping into Y/N’s pocket from what Hyeju could see through the dark. That was the least important thing on her mind, honestly. She was more focused on Y/N slowly brushing her hair with her fingers. Closing her eyes and leaning against Y/N’s body, Hyeju let the other play around with her hair for what felt like hours. Time didn’t exist when they were together and Hyeju would’ve let Y/N do anything to her in the time they were together. Feeling a light pat on her head, though, brought Hyeju out of a trance and she could see Y/N standing in front of her again.
“I haven’t seen your hair in a braid before, so I braided it. You look so beautiful.” Y/N softly spoke, letting her fingers trail down from Hyeju’s hair to her cheek to brush against the soft skin lightly. It was driving her crazy and standing up, Hyeju gently cupped Y/N’s cheek with her hand. Her eyes studied Y/N’s face close up, trying to memorize each little freckle and bump on her skin. Looking into Y/N’s eyes after a few moments, Hyeju opened her mouth to begin an apology to the girl for ruining their first kiss so soon, because God, did she want to kiss her so badly right then and there. Unfortunately, the moment was ruined at the sound of Y/N’s name being called. Y/N had her attention stolen from Hyeju and the cheerleader looked back at Hyeju sheepishly once she confirmed who it was. “I think I gotta go, Joo. I’m sorry.” Without wasting another moment, Y/N lightly kissed Hyeju’s cheek again and ran off toward the thumping party. The same party Hyeju almost forgot the two of them were at. Hyeju sighed as she sat back down on the swing, wishing their moment together could have lasted longer. She wanted to hold Y/N closer to her body just a little longer, to kiss her just a little more.
Shortly after Y/N had left her, Hyeju was being sought out and dragged out of the party to head home with her drunk and giggling friends. Just as predicted, Chaewon was relaying the experience of the frat boy, which apparently went so very wrong. Everyone was laughing as they walked, except the very distracted and distraught Hyeju. Noticing this shift in demeanor, Yeojin squinted at Hyeju’s face. “Joo? What were you up to? Yerim said you were outside in the backyard?” All eyes landed on Hyeju and with a shrug, she kept her own eyes forward and off her friends. Telling them what had happened wouldn’t be worth it, she decided. Nothing of huge importance happened and they would only begin to bug her about setting up a date if she told them.
“Just needed some fresh air. That party was really stuffy.” Hyeju revealed and it was satisfying enough for her friends. She thanked the heavens they were drunk off their asses, as well. She wanted to keep her meeting with Y/N to herself for a little while longer and let her drunk fantasy play out further on the walk home.
Monday had come before anybody was really ready for it. Classes were in session again and Hyeju found it too hard to focus on them when she had a whole mutual crush out there just existing. A smile formed on her face as she stared at the leaves on the trees outside of the window way more than usual, daydreaming about what could be. It didn’t go unnoticed in the following weeks after the party, her friends were slowly beginning to pick up on her weird behavior.
“Hey, Joo, what’s up with you?” Chaewon dropped her pen in her textbook one day they were studying in the library after the party had passed. Hyeju had been staring out at something through the window for a solid ten minutes. It was beginning to be a little weird even for her. “You’ve been acting so weird lately. Ever since that party a few weeks ago. What’s going on?”
“Huh? Nothing, I’m fine.” Hyeju shrugged it off, looking back to her work with furrowed brows, trying to pretend like she hadn’t been daydreaming about Y/N again. Chaewon said nothing else, just watching her friend for a minute before her brain started turning cogs. Something happened at the party, but she didn’t know what. Was it something bad? Maybe, if she wasn’t telling anyone. But then again, Hyeju was weird and didn’t even share the good things. Chaewon would have to consult the other two on this matter when they had a chance. Which came sooner than she thought, as Hyeju left for the bathroom a few minutes later. As soon as Chaewon was able to talk to them alone, she huffed and launched into her idea. “I think something happened to Hyeju at the party a few weeks ago. She’s been acting way more closed off than usual.”
“Oh, no. Do you think one of the frat guys touched her or something…” Yeojin bit her lip nervously at the idea, but Yerim pushed her over and off the chair she was sitting on in the library. “Hey! It is a legitimate concern.” Yeojin whined as she defended herself but Yerim only shushed her, eyes wide and focused on something in the distance. Chaewon and Yeojin were confused, following Yerim’s stare across the library to the source of her shock. Their eyes landed on Y/N, though that wasn’t the thing that had Yerim’s mouth falling open. A glint in her hair was what caught the girls’ attention and upon staring for a few seconds longer, gasps erupted from Yeojin and Chaewon. “No fucking–”
“Are those my hair clips?” Chaewon whisper yelled to the other two sitting right next to her. With confirming nods, Chaewon’s eyes narrowed on the girl laughing in the distance, the dots connecting before she gasped again. It had to be what happened, and looking at the other two, Chaewon’s shock grew into a mischievous smile. “I know exactly what happened.” The other two girls leaned closer to hear her ideas, and as Chaewon opened her mouth to relay her mental gymnastics to reach her conclusion, Hyeju was back.
“What are you guys doing? You look like drug dealers in a meeting.” The comment was spoken in a slight huff as Hyeju sat down, wiggling and getting comfortable once again in her seat. The other three simply stared in silence, blinking and looking between Hyeju and the distant Y/N still standing and talking animatedly with her friend. When Hyeju looked up from her book again to see them staring, her eyes grew wide in confusion. “What? Is something on my face?”
“Holy shit! You fucked Y/N, didn’t you?” Yeojin blurted out loud, gaining the attention of several people around them trying to study peacefully. Hyeju’s face instantly became red as she stared at her friend in shock. In the distance, unbeknownst to Hyeju, Y/N turned with a small pout in confusion at the sound of her name being spoken from far away. Searching the tables and chairs scattered through the library, her eyes finally landed on the trio still huddled together, sitting across from someone that Y/N knew anywhere, even from the back of her head. Saying goodbye to the person she was talking to, she began walking toward the table and the trio began to scramble and collect themselves. “Oh, fuck, I didn’t think I was that loud–”
“God, Yeojin, you dumbass. You need to learn to shut the fuck up.”
“Now she’s coming to rip into us or cry or something and then Hyeju will kill us.”
“Who–” Hyeju stared at her friends with furrowed brows and began to turn around to see who they were staring at, but she was stopped as two arms wrapped around her shoulders from behind. She didn’t have to look, now, to see who was hugging her so tight. Reaching up and patting one of the arms lightly and blushing, Hyeju finally turned around to look up at the girl in question. “Y/N! I didn’t know you were here today.”
“I came to work on a group project! We just finished, actually. Are you working on stuff, too?” Y/N smiled warmly at Hyeju, sucking the latter into a world where just the two of them existed. Yerim, Yeojin, and Chaewon simply watched in shock as Hyeju and Y/N talked animatedly about classwork. The conversation ended sooner than Hyeju had really wanted if her face said anything, but she didn’t stop Y/N from leaving. With a wave, Hyeju watched Y/N walk away like a puppy watching her owner leave her.
Deciding to take matters into her hands for the better, Yeojin decided to use her loud mouth for good. Standing up, she cupped her hands around her mouth and called for Y/N again. Hyeju’s head whipped around, eyes wide and cheeks dark red in embarrassment. Y/N stopped walking and looked back at Yeojin with a smile, not moving from where she stood. “Do you want to go to a movie with Hyeju this Friday? 4:00 pm sound good?”
“What are you doing?” Hyeju hissed at Yeojin, glaring at her as she tried to hide her face from the other people staring. Y/N, however, was blushing happily and nodded with a little thumbs up. Chaewon and Yerim sighed in relief as Yeojin laughed and held up her own thumbs up. “Cool! She’ll come and pick you up, then!” Sitting back down, she wore a proud smile in the face of Hyeju’s burning anger toward her, deciding that acting nonchalant about it was better than cowering at the daggers being thrown her way. “There, now you have a date!”
“I hate you.” Hyeju huffed and slowly felt safe enough to sit up completely. Returning to their work separately, silence slipped in and things felt calm once again before Hyeju whispered softly just for the three of them to hear. “And no, we didn’t fuck. She just played with my hair and kissed my cheek.”
“Those clips look better on her, anyway.” Yeojin mumbled back, earning a kick from Yerim as Chaewon giggled. Hyeju could only sigh, trying not to explode from the impending doom that a date meant. A movie wasn’t the worst first date that she could think to take Y/N on. At least they could hold hands in the dark while they watched whatever was on and if it was scary, she could protect Y/N from the monsters on the screen. She didn’t even know if any horror movies were out, but she ignored that fact and focused on how her hand would feel touching Y/N’s waist to hold her close.
Floating off into her daydreams again, the other three couldn’t help but feel a weight slip off their shoulders. Seeing Hyeju this happy was strange but far better than her longing puppy stares. A celebration in Yeojin’s honor for setting them up finally was in order later, without Hyeju, of course.
Looking up at the large apartment building, Hyeju leaned against the side of her car with her hands in her pockets. To an outsider, she looked like a fierce, mysterious person that had an interesting back story. In reality, she was a nervous wreck, fiddling around with her keys in one pocket and her debit card in the other. She had texted Y/N that she was on her way, the latter sending back a bunch of cute emojis in response. Another text was sent when she arrived, and ever since, she’d been standing outside her car, waiting. Hyeju hadn’t been waiting very long, honestly, so she wasn’t mad when Y/N finally came running out the door to the building. Not that she would be mad under any other circumstances, because it was Y/N and she deserved all the time she wanted to get ready. Running up to Hyeju, Y/N wrapped her arms around the stoic girl and giggled sweetly when Hyeju hugged her back. Hyeju could just about melt but kept her cool as Y/N pulled back and Hyeju could see the glittery butterflies adorning her hair.
“I’m sorry it took me a while to get down here. I was making sure my roommate knew when exactly to feed my turtle and what to feed him.” Y/N explained but Hyeju brushed it off, assuring her that it was no big deal at all. Silence awkwardly fell between them and when Hyeju realized she was just staring, she cleared her throat and smiled sheepishly.
“Y-You look fantastic! So beautiful, Y/N.”
“I think you look absolutely gorgeous, too, Joo.” Y/N smiled and Hyeju felt her heart do all kinds of leaps in her chest. Laughing nervously and looking down at her feet, Hyeju stepped away from the side of the car and opened the passenger side for Y/N. She watched Y/N climb in and once she was securely in the car, Hyeju closed the door and ran around to her side of the car. “Do you know what movie you want to see? I have no idea what’s even out right now.”
“I was thinking of this cute romance movie that just came out!” Y/N gasped and began to gush about it as Hyeju buckled into her seat, making sure Y/N was buckled into her seat, too. Her brows furrowed as she started the car and started to drive to the theater. “It’s supposed to be a historical fiction type of romance! The only downside is that it’s straight people, so the romance is a little too cheesy sometimes.”
Listening to her ramble about the movie, soon moving on to books she was reading and the poems that she liked to read over and over again, to the plants that she named, Hyeju couldn’t be happier. Her smile was permanent on her face the whole time she listened to her talk, and she couldn’t help but feel like being anywhere but right where she was must be hell on Earth. Because Y/N was the angel she always felt drawn to and that car was heaven. Parking the car once they arrived, Y/N excitedly unbuckled herself and made to open her door before Hyeju shouted at the movement.
“Wait!” Bolting out of her seat once she was unbuckled and the car was off, Hyeju ran around the car to Y/N’s door. Dusting herself off once she was in position, Hyeju carefully opened the door with a bow and a smile. “My lady, we have arrived.”
“Oh, my gosh, Joo! You don’t have to open doors for me.” Y/N blushed as she climbed out of the car, shuffling out of the way before adjusting the skirt she had on. Hyeju only smile at her when she looked at her, head shaking in disagreement.
“I have to! You’re my date and I intend on treating you properly.” Holding her hand out for Y/N, Hyeju held it gently when she placed it in her own and led her date to the doors, holding those open, too. Hyeju even paid for their tickets when they reached the booth, much to YN’s dismay. When they stepped further into the lobby, they watched the boards to let them know when they could start seating in the theater. Deciding to wait as the theater is being cleaned, the pair sat down at a little table, facing each other with shy smiles. Hyeju eventually began to look around, noticing the snack counter across the way. “Should we get some snacks? I kind of want some popcorn or something.”
“Snacks for sure!” Y/N gasped softly, quickly turning to look at where Hyeju was looking. Hopping up quickly, she stuck her hand out to Hyeju, smiling widely at her date. “I’ll pay for those.” Y/N insisted and pouted at Hyeju as the latter slowly opened her mouth to protest Y/N spending any money on this date. Eventually, she agreed and Y/N grabbed her hand to drag her up to the snack counter. Hyeju pouted the whole time until she had a popcorn container in one hand and her favorite drink in the other. She was so focused on dousing her popcorn in butter, she almost didn’t see Y/N come up next to her to douse her own popcorn in butter. When she was satisfied, Hyeju stepped away and watched Y/N fix her popcorn up, noticing the other items in her hand.
“What did you get to drink?” Hyeju motioned to the drink as they finally made their way to the theater. When no reply came, Hyeju gave her a confused look until she noticed Y/N’s mouth was full of popcorn. She playfully rolled her eyes and the pair found a seat in the now clean and still mostly lit theater. “You like your popcorn that much?”
“Yes! I really like it. And I got some lemonade with these gummies!” Once they were seated, Y/N carefully set things down before holding out the box for Hyeju to see. A small frown appeared on her face as she eyed the candy, a brow-raising when she looked to her date with some doubt.
“Butterfly gummies?”
“They’re so good! They’re my favorite. I got two boxes.” Y/N quickly produced the second box, slowly blushing as she looked down at the drawings of butterflies on the outside. “I wanted to share some with you if you wanted some. I know sometimes people don’t like candy–”
“I would love some, cutie.” Hyeju beamed when she noticed Y/N blush more, holding her hand open for some gummies. Y/N dumped some into her hand and soon, the lights were dimming for the start of the commercials. Hyeju didn’t usually eat candy like this, finding it annoying when it stuck to her teeth, but it was actually better than she thought. It was only a plus that it happened to be Y/N’s favorite candy. It was hard to focus on the movie with Hyeju’s thoughts constantly going back to the fact that her long-time crush was sitting right next to her. And she was holding her hand the whole time, shortly starting sometime after the lights went off. She also wasn’t planning on having the movie make her cry either, but toward the end, she was gently taking tissues that Y/N was offering.
When they stepped out of the theater, letting the cool evening breeze blow through their hair, Y/N stretched as Hyeju dabbed at her eyes. “That was a lot better than I thought it would be! I really liked it.” Y/N commented and looked at Hyeju, giggling when she saw her date still dabbing at her eyes. “I guess you liked it?”
“It was really good, better than I thought, too. You picked a really good one!” Hyeju wrapped her arm around Y/N’s shoulders and pulled her close to her side, almost humming happily at how close they were as they walked back to Hyeju’s car. It fell silent when they got in, the whole ride back to Y/N’s apartment being quiet as both occupants were occupied with their own thoughts. Nothing was really said until Hyeju was parking her car outside Y/N’s building and getting out to open her door. “I really had a good time, even though all we did was watch a movie.”
“I really liked it, though. It was so nice to just be with you.” Y/N spoke softly and looked away from Hyeju shyly, swaying slightly as they stood there. “I’d really like to do it again sometime if you want to–”
“I’d love to go out again, really soon.” Without letting Y/N finish, Hyeju jumped at the chance to confirm a second date, smiling as Y/N giggled. The two fell silent once again and Hyeju felt her heart begin to speed up with the silence. Reaching out, Hyeju gently cupped Y/N’s cheeks and smiled as she leaned close, kissing her lips so softly it almost felt like she was kissing a cloud. After a few seconds, Hyeju pulled away and let her hands fall from Y/N’s face. “Thank you for going out with me. I hope you have a really good night.”
“Thank you for taking me out, Joo. You’re really adorable, you know that?” Biting her lip slightly, she tried to fight the huge smile making its way onto her face as Hyeju blushed profusely. “Make sure to text me when you get home, okay?” Y/N stared at Hyeju until she nodded, nodding herself before taking a few steps back from her date. “Goodnight, Joo. Sweet dreams.” She giggled one last time before turning and walking inside her building. When Hyeju saw her disappear inside, she let out a huge breath and smiled like she was crazy, feeling her entire body tingle with excitement. The whole drive back to her dorm was nothing but Y/N and how Hyeju couldn’t wait to go on another date with her cheerleader girlfriend.
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