#hyena!faunus Ruby
howlingday · 8 months
Hyena!Faunus Ruby SUPERPOST
Ruby: Me~!
Blake: Urp! Did you roll around in trash?!
Ruby: Yup~!
Yang: Uh, why?
Ruby: Because I am the leader~!
Fun Fact! Hyenas will roll around in dung and carcasses they've found. The exact reason is unknown, though one theory states that the action serves as a means of improving their status within the group.
Weiss: Ruby, I need you to stay away... I'm incredibly sick, and-
Ruby: (Finishing Weiss' soup) Pah! Sorry, did you say something, Weiss?
Weiss: ...I'm gonna throw up.
Fun Fact! Hyenas are immune to almost every disease, including anthrax and rabies. It is believed this was a development in their evolution to improve their role as scavengers. There have even been cases in which trash consumed by the hyenas helps improve human immunity by removing harmful pathogens and preventing them from spreading, such as anthrax and bovine tuberculosis.
Ruby: You gonna eat that?
Yang: (Hands over steak bone) Nah, you go ahead.
Ruby: (Crunches bone)
Blake: ...Wow.
Yang: You think that's impressive? Wait 'til it comes out!
Ruby: (Mouth full of bone shards) Yeng, dun be grosh!
Fun Fact! Hyenas will eat and digest bones. This diet results in their dung not only being nearly completely white, but also rich in calcium, which is good for soil, and contain bone shards used by birds for nests.
Yang: Ruby Rose!
Ruby: (Gulps)
Yang: I thought you grew out of your teething phase!
Ruby: I did!
Yang: (Holding up a half-eaten rubber eraser) Then what's this?!
Ruby: ...Treat?
Fun Fact! Although there are health benefits to having hyenas around, they are still considered a pest for their tendency to chew on and eat rubber, such as from tires of airplanes. This is especially enticing to hyenas when there is dung on them. This behavior can negatively impact humans to the point plane wheels are protected with barbed wire!
Ruby: Jaune! Jaune!
Jaune: Mm, what? (Yawns) What time is... (Looks around, Atop Beacon Tower) HOW-?!
Ruby: C'mon! C'mon! Let's play!
Fun Fact! There are reports of hyenas attacking humans, including an elderly man who was dragged from his bed over 80 miles away from his home, and when the search party found his body, his lower half was completely missing. Authorities urge residents to stay indoors at night with all openings shut.
Ruby: (Crying)
Blake: Are you okay?
Ruby: I'm sorry, baby. I-I have to. Forgive me. (Pulls out screwdriver, Holds down Magnhild)
Yang: Yeah, she... gets like this every time she upgrades a weapon.
Ruby: (Pries open casing, Blubbering) F-F-Forgib me, zwee behbeh...
Blake: That's... uncomfortable.
Nora: No kidding.
Fun Fact! Hyenas will practice infanticide to improve their status within the group. A female will always be a member of the group, and this heirarchy is usually determined by violence. An observed hyena targeted and killed her sister's two cubs to establish herself higher in the pecking order.
Ruby: One day, Jaune and Ren will leave, and they'll find their own harem of sexy girls to fall in love with.
Pyrrha: Uh, that's not going to happen.
Ruby: Why not?
Nora: Renny is gonna stay with me, forever and ever!
Ruby: What about Jaune?
Pyrrha: W-Well, hopefully, he can stay as our leader.
Ren: Huh?
Jaune: What do you mean?
Ruby: I am disgusted, and revolted, and even though I dedicate my life to the ways of our Huntress ancestors, THIS is the thanks I get?! (Climbs into garbage can)
Jaune: Ru-
Ruby: (Slams lid shut)
Fun Fact! Hyena males will be given a choice at adulthood, aka 2 years. If they choose to stay in the pack, they will maintain the status their mothers have achieved, though their choice of mate is severely limited by other females to prevent incest. Males who leave will have more females to choose from, though they will have to fight for their place in a heirarchy. It should be noted that the highest ranked male is still lower than the lowest ranked female.
Ruby: (In the pool)
Blake: (In the pool)
Ruby: ...
Blake: ...
Ruby: (Smiles)
Blake: ...Oh, that's nasty.
Fun Fact! During the dry season, hyenas will sit in any water mud puddle they can find. They will remain in this water, even while using it as a bathroom.
Dino Krakata Gigantia Faunus Summer
Summer: (Towering over her classmates) Hm... I see no foes...
Summer: ONLY PREY.
Fun Fact! Dino Krakata Gigantia was the megafauna ancestor of hyenas, weighing more than 800 pounds and standing more than 6 feet long. Evidence shows they too shared a powerful set of jaws for crushing and eating bones.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 7 months
Canid Faunus Relationships
One: The "Domestic" Faunus
Penny: I love you! I missed you! You're just the best! Is there anything I can do to make your day better?
Most dogs were bred for hunting, be it game or vermin, but even the most naturally aggressive dogs needs proper companionship and socialization.
Two: The "Wolf" Faunus
Ruby: Hey. Let's go out and do something! My whole family wants to meet you, so we should probably do that soon, to! They'll love you!
Ruby: My Mom will probably talk about grandpuppies or something ... Not that we should worry ... Or that I'd complain about having any ...
Contrary to popular belief, there isn't an 'alpha' in wild Wolf Packs, as they are primarily made of a family of wolves where the Parents are the leaders, simply due to age and experience.
Three: The "Fox" faunus
Pyrrha: Oh no~ It looks like you lost your belts~ Now what Will you do~
Foxes are strictly Monogamous creatures, but do prefer a solitary lifestyle outside of their Den with their family.
Bonus: The "Hyena" Faunus
Cinder: *Heavy Breathing* You ... And Me .... Now ...
Hyenas are neither Canine or Feline, but rather are their own thing. The Females lead the packs.
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goth-albino-angel · 6 years
Hey, for that RWBY thing, can I get 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17,and 20 (evil grin)
1. Favorite RWBY character?
Blake Belladonna
3. Top three favorite songs from the RWBY soundtracks?
This Will Be the Day from volume one soundtrackDie from volume two soundtrackBoop from volume two soundtrack
5. What would your own semblance be if you could choose one?
Manipulationof emotions. Similar to Jasper Hale from Twilight
7. Which RWBY ship would you to see become canon?
Ithink this question is actually asking me “which RWBY ship will annoy you theleast considering the writing quality”. I’d have to say… either Blake/Sun orRen/Nora. Their the only ships that have gotten even a proper amount of contentin canon to be considered getting close. No other ship has gotten even close toas much material and setup as them except maybe Oscar/Ruby.
9. Do you have a favorite type of Grimm? If yes, which is it?
11. Which character’s backstory would you like to know more of in upcoming volumes?
Therearen’t that many important characters in the show, even less of them areactually interesting. We’ve gotten the backstories for all four main charactersat this point, and also for two less important characters, and for several tertiarycharacters. I want actual character interaction, please.
13. If you could wield another character’s weapon, which would you pick?
Neptune’s Trident
15. What type of faunus would you be? Do you have a favorite faunus character?
Most likely, I’d be either a raccoon faunus (with the stripe over my eyes) or a hyena faunus (hopefully with the ears and now… a different… body part…). Ilia is definitely my favorite faunus, just because her faunus power is so cool. 
17. Out of all the professors and headmasters we have seen, who do you like the most?
Glynda.Glynda is the least annoying, least infuriating, second most trustworthy of allof them. Plus, she has zero time for your shit.
20. Do you drink milk? Asking for a friend, it’s not Ruby.
Only in cereal, only if it’s gotchocolate syrup in it, or only if I’m desperate to go to sleep and have exhaustedevery other option.
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kaiyeti · 7 years
Ruby: Man, I never thought Weiss would be the jealous type. *Ruby said to Blake as the two walked down the streets of Vale together.* At least not when it came to me and Penny.
Blake: In all fairness, despite what Weiss may say, You are her best friend and now that you are spending more time with Penny since you two started dating she feels left out. *Blake pointed out, remembering how Weiss's voice could be heard from Ruby's scroll along the entire café they were at.*
Ruby: Whaaaa? I Spread tons of time with Weiss. Sometimes even against my will. *Ruby said before letting out a sigh.* Sigh, I'm kinda envy you and Yang.
Blake: Envy us? Why? *Blake asked rising an eyebrow at her young friend.*
Ruby: You two never get jealous of others when you hang out with other people. That is so awesome!
Blake: Hahaha, Ruby. It's not that impressive. Yang and I just trust eachother and know that we don't have any reasons to become jealous. Though Yang can be a bit overprotect when people can't take no for an answer. *Blake laughing, Smiling a bit with her last statement as Ruby puts her hands together as if she was praying*
Ruby: Rest in piece Drunken birdy faunus guy. At least Yang made you fly. Huh? *Ruby suddenly stopped looking across the street.* Oh speaking of my sis. There she is. How is she with though. *Ruby pointed out, squinting her eyes to try to recognize the people she is with.*
Blake: *Blake Stopped and followed Ruby's gaze to indeed see her girlfriend sitting at an outside bar with a few people.* Oh yeah. Yang said she be hanging out with some old friends. *She thought to herself as a smile slowly formed on her face at the site of Yang's laughing face before Ruby said something at immediately caught her attention.*
Ruby: HAH! That's Ico! Oh my god I haven't seen him in years! *Ruby gasped with a giddy smile.*
Blake: Ico? *Blake asked trying to figure out which one of Yang's friends she was talking.*
Ruby: *Ruby stared at Blake for a second before lightly palming her forehead.* Oh right. You never met him. *Ruby then pointed to the a the guy with hyena ears and hairstyle talking to Yang making her laugh.* That's Ico. The Hyena Faunus. We used to hang out all the time. He ways told the best joke and is kinda the reason why Yang makes such bad puns.
Blake: Ah. I see. I guess we should thank you him for that. *Blake said with a bit of sarcasm, watching The other Faunus lean towards Yang, brushing some of her hair away t whisper something in her ear, surprising Blake that Yang would allow him to do so only to be more surprised and shocked with Yang blushes and laughs harder as she joking shoves him.* They seem... Close. How could you two never mentioned him.
Ruby: Oh Well. It's only been like four or three and half years since He and Yang broke up and he moved to Vacuo to Shade Academy. I guess it never came up.
Blake: Oh I see. I'm surprise he didn't come to the vi-Wait WHAT!? *Blake began innocently before whipping her head around toward Ruby so fast she could have got whiplash, a shocked expression covering her face.*
Ruby: *It was at this moment Ruby knew. She fucked up.* Oh, uh, Yeaaaaah. Yang and Ico... Kinda... dated...
Blake: So you mean that guy, *Blake said pointing to Ico, who is laughing patting Yang's lap after Yang told a joke, making the cat faunus grit her teeth.* Is Yang's Ex?
Ruby: Uuuuuuuuh... Yes? *Ruby quietly muttered pocking her fingers together.* B-but it was a mutual break up! They weren't even that serious.
Blake: Oh... Okay then. As long it wasn't a bad break up and it was seirous. *Blake mutter, feeling ridiculous for feeling worried as she watches Ico place his arm around Yang's shoulder and he leaned over to to tip glasses with the girl next to Yang.* Is he always that clingy though? *she asked with a frown.*
Ruby: Oh yeah. At least they are at a bar and have their shirts on. Hehe, Man Dad was piiiiiishit. *Ruby laugh before realizing what she said and tried to stop Blake was her sister's girlfriend quickly marched across the street.* Blake! BLAKE! WAIT!
Yang: HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh Man, Ico. That was hilarious. Hahahahaha!*Yang laughed as she banged her fist against the bar, Wiping a tear out of her eye.* Hehehe, Oh boy. Seriously though. I can't believe your wife let you do that. *She said hand her ex back his scroll.*
Ico: Hehehe, Oh she focken loved it. And it got her rock hard to later at night as you can see. Hahaha. *Ico Smirked looking at the pic of him and his wife on a muddy bike with a very noticeable bulge under Ico's wife bathing suit, taking a swig of his beer.* Mmm, So what about ye, ya sun dragon? Hey you managed to hook a keeper yet?
Yang: Oh I hope so. *Yang smiled dreamily.* I'm dating my partner and best friend, Blake. She is the best. She is so beautiful and has the cuuuutest kitty ears. Oh ahhaha And whenever she is annoyed she-
Ico: She star looking like at grumpcat.
Yang: Yeah... How did you?
Ico: Because I think she coming towards us wit yar sis lass. *Ico pointed behind Yang as he took another swig of his beer.*
Yang: Huh? Oh Hey BlakMMM? *Yang Yang started to greet after turning to see her girlfriend before she took hold of her cheek and pulled her into a heated passionate kiss, Moaning slightly as Blake's hand ran through her hair to pull her closer to deepen the kiss with her tongue.*
Ruby: Ew gross... Hey Ico. *Ruby frowned then smiled to her old friend.*
Ico: Wassup Rosey. You got taller. *Ico greeted back giving Ruby a quick hug as they watched Blake make out with Yang.* Yar sis scored big I see.
Ruby: Yeah She isn't normally like this.
Blake: *It was then Blake pulled away leaving a dazed, panting, blushing, and seemingly fainting Yang to lean against she.* Hello. I'm Blake. Yang's GIRLFRIEND.
Ico: Yea. Pleasure to meet ya. I'm Ico. Ya mind teaching me how to do that to me wife? Yar anniversary is coming up and i like to get the same efect on her. *Ico greeted back with a smirk as he pointed to Yang and laughed as Blake started to blush with an embarrassment.*
Blake: Your... wife... Oh god.
Ruby: Jealous is a funny thing ain't it.
Blake: Shut uMM!? *Blake tried to say before Yang pulled her into the same kiss and then lifted her up and headed out the door.*
Yang: Ihavetogo.ItwasniceseeyaIco.BYE!
Ico: Cheers *He smiled raising his glass before Looking At ruby with a serious look.* Are ya allowed in here?
Ruby: Yep and after seeing that I'm going need a drink.
Ico: A pint for the young las to wash away the site of har sistor gitting lucky, Please!
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