#hyo at the back 🥺
bb-donghae · 1 year
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pttwice · 3 months
little!momo is frustrated because autistic!hyo is not playing with her or responding to her voice, tried so many games and toys but hyo just didn't understand the games🥺
hi anon! i don't think i have enough for a whole fic for this but i do have some thoughts for sweet little!momo and littleautistic!jihyo
little!momo would be patient at first and try to play super complicated games with littleautistic!jihyo. i think that their mamas would try and gently tell momo that hyo doesn't understand the game because it's too complicated so momo tries another game.
momo ends up getting candy land out since it's a pretty simple game, but hyo's not interested at all and is instead playing with her weighted unicorn stuffy.
momo gets the game all set up and tries to hand hyo a piece but hyo just keeps playing with her stuffy :( she tries to call for hyo and push the piece into her hand, but hyo refuses to take it or listen to her.
momo isn't discouraged though and tries another game. this one is even easier and all they have to do is flip the cards over to match them to another card.
"see, hyo? dis one's easy."
when momo realizes that hyo won't play that game either, she gets out her barbies. she tries to sit in front of hyo and play with her unicorn stuffy, but hyo whines and turns around, pulling her stuffy close to her chest.
their mamas watch from a distance to make sure they're not hurting each other or upsetting each other, but don't step in to see if they'll be able to figure it out themselves.
eventually, momo gets frustrated enough and throws her barbies on the floor, storming off into her bedroom.
when she comes out a little while later, hyo's still playing with her unicorn stuffy. she slowly walks in, and now that she's calmed down a bit, she sits back down beside hyo and picks her barbies up again.
for the first time in at least half an hour, hyo looks up from her unicorn stuffy and up at momo's hands. she gently reaches out to touch them and then scoots closer to momo.
hyo's focus quickly returns to her unicorn stuffy, but now her thigh is pressed up against momo's. it may not look like much, but to momo, it means the world.
momo continues to play with her barbies beside hyo, just happy that she's at least playing beside her. it may be different from how she's used to playing, but that's okay.
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puphyo · 9 months
can I request sleepy and clingy baby Hyo 🥺 Nayeon's still talking to the other members and the noise of the surrounding is kind of annoying baby Hyo so that's why she's fighting off sleep even though her eyelids are so heavy already
it was fairly late, and while the members were still talking, jihyo, who had regressed upon getting home with everyone, had wound up sitting next to nayeon on the couch, nose tucked into nayeon’s collarbone, breathing in her scent. but nayeon wasn’t in bed, nor in the bedroom yet, she still sat in the living room, talking to momo? jeongyeon? hyo wasn’t too sure, she wasn’t paying attention, she was paying more attention to the way nayeon’s hands would stop rubbing her back, or how every time hyo nuzzled against nayeon, she chuckled.
“honey, why don’t you go to bed if you’re tired? hmm?” nayeon asked, feeling jihyo shake her head to say no against her chest. “why not, sweetheart?”
“come wit’ hyo,” jihyo whined, rubbing her head harder and harder against nayeon. she loved cuddling with nayeon to get to sleep, and when she was small, it was nearly impossible for jihyo to sleep without nayeon holding her. nayeon let out a sigh, though it didnt sound like she was upset with hyo, more it was her being amused at hyo’s demands.
“you’re barely awake, honey, how ‘bout i go tuck you in and i’ll join you in a bit? sound good?” nayeon asked again, feeling the girl shake her head against nayeon’s chest. nayeon chuckled, then adjusted how she was sitting on the couch, then pulled jihyo to be fully onto her lap. “alright then. but i’m going to be talking for a while, honey.”
jihyo nodded against the crook of her neck, her eyelids still heavy, but feeling heavier by the moment, until she felt nayeon talk again. while she liked nayeon talking, and being able to feel it when nayeon talks, now was not the time for that. hyo was sleepy. she wanted nayeon to come to bed with her, not be left in the bed without nayeon. she whined, not loudly, hopefully just enough for nayeon to hear that the baby was displeased with nayeon’s talking, who chuckled again.
eventually, hyo’s eyelids got too heavy to fight off entirely, and her eyes sunk fully shut, her body lost its tensed muscles to keep her upright. hyo melted into nayeon’s chest, a shaky breath left her. nayeon shook her head, but wrapped her own arms around jihyo, rubbing and patting her back in a pattern. despite all of the fighting off sleep that hyo did, she couldn’t help but fall asleep in nayeon’s embrace, despite her talking. the pattern that she was using was a pattern that always put her to sleep. she fell asleep only a few minutes after nayeon had begun patting her, to which nayeon only breathed out a laugh, talking quieter now that hyo was asleep.
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jihyocentric · 1 year
yES YES EXACTLY and ometimes kitten!hyo would try to act like a brat just to get a rile out of her owner but then owner!sana would just ask her "Would you like some cuddles?" and a few chin scratches from sana then boom she's back to bbgirl again. All soft and purring on sana's lap. They're both so sOOFT!
jihyo trying to get sana's attention while sana is making important calls 🥺 i like to think that sana is mostly patient with her, she knows how needy jihyo can be... (mina wouldn't be so patient, but we're talking about sahyo here!)
sana will have jihyo on her lap all the time, even if she can't pay much attention to her. at least that way jihyo gets to rub herself on sana, like coating sana with her scent and purring with her head tucked on sana's neck :((
we always talk about how kitten hyo is a brat but tbh sometimes sana deserves it... sana arrives late? jihyo will ignore her, with the biggest pout ever. sana is too tired to touch her? jihyo won't allow sana to hug her during the night, knowing sana can't sleep without her stress ball to hug, because if her needs can't be taken care of, then sana doesn't deserve cuddles either. sana forgets she promised jihyo to go out with her? jihyo will act like a bad kitten until sana realizes her mistake.
the true question is... is it jihyo's fault? i mean she can push it a little too far (which mostly leads to her with a bruised butt in the end, if sana is kind enough to let it pass with only that) but sana nearly forces her be a brat! jihyo has no other options!!
(owner sana scratching kitten hyo's chin!)
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milkbreadtoast · 10 months
Ask and ye shall receive! I am here to ask you to tell us all about your OCs! What kind of world do they live in? What kind of story do you want to tell with them? Their personalities? Your favorite aspects of each of them? What do you associate with them, like, what thing, when you see it, makes you go "ohhhhh! This reminds me of them!" Please tell us!
OMG.... THANK U FOR ASKING AAAH 🥺🥺🥺 so im going to answer this for the 2 OCs i drew and posted most recently... these guys...
FIRST OF ALL want to start off w a disclaimer that I'm going to talk abt them as if it's like. a story or webtoon or webnovel that im going to make but in reality i think theres a slim chance of me making that a reality even tho i rly want to TT but its still fun to think abt/develop them...
This OC story has a main 4 (2 guys and 2 girls); there's a 💙girl, 💚guy (the 2 protagonists) and ❤️girl and 💜guy (on the opposing/"antagonist" side). This story is actually based off a dream I had back in 2018 LMAO but my subconscious just gave me the very basic concept/vibes (like a prompt basically) and i had to flesh it out from there... also only 3/4 showed up in the dream, the 💜guy I had to make from scratch and he went thru the most changes(+all r still being developed)
-what kind of world do they live in?
So in this universe there's a power system/a small percent of the population has powers... I've just been generically calling them "psychic powers/espers" like in mp100 (超能力/초능력, lit: superpowers) bc i dont have a name for them like "nen" or anything... I'm not going to go into detail of how it works yet but I think it does share some similarities w mp100 (like how some r born w it and others can awaken it thru stress)... Anyway, both 💚 and 💜 are very strong psychics(aka have strong power)... I think all 4 of the main charas have some powers, or at least 3/4 (💙 is also a very strong psychic.) Other than that I guess it takes place in modern day Korea..? Except... I may be Korean American but I know very little about actual Korea/have never lived there, so if I was ever to make this story a reality(again prob neverㅠ), I'd have to do a lot of research and/or have a Korean writing partner/consultant...
-their personalities (v basic intro)
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💚guy... His name is Hyojun (lastname tbd) and he's the son of a rly rich family (3/4 mcs are from rich familys...def influenced by ouran smhdsj). Even tho he's from rich society, he doesn't really look or act like it (he's handsome, but has a rough/rowdy look), and really detests this environment and most of the people; finds them suffocating, obnoxious, scummy, Fake, etc. He has a rebellious personality, hates rules and values freedom... He's also really good at and enjoys fighting/sparring. He is a powerful psychic and is also physically strong (knows martial arts + how to fight). (yyh yusuke is def one of his influences heh..) The "hyo" in his name means filial piety/duty... basically a name given with the hope that he'd be an obedient and dutiful son...
His color motif is green💚 and his animal motif is snake🐍 (secondary motif: lizards in general). He's one of the 2 protagonists!! (The other is the 💙girl)
I like the idea of one of the protags having an atypical animal motif that's often associated with evil (or being slimy/conniving etc) like a snake... tried to incorporate this subtly into his design too (slit pupils + cute fang(s)... the fangs give him a cat/dogboy look but it's actually bc snake motif😙)
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💜🦋: I kind of designed him to be a foil to hyojun and contrast him in many ways... He's one of the main "antagonists" of the story! (in that he's on the side opposing the "protagonists"... not that he's necessarily "evil"...) He's the heir to a very rich & powerful family, and Unlike the rough and rebellious Hyojun, he's refined, elegant, reserved, calm, polite and gentle. His design is made to look very soft in contrast to Hyojun's sharp edges (literally designed him to contrast hyojun in as many ways as possible lmao🫣). He's also a powerful psychic. He and his family are involved in some shady business behind the scenes... He usually seems kind and gentle, but he's hiding a lot of things behind his smile... He and Hyojun may be opposites in terms of personality, but they may have more similarities than they seem. 👀 I'm being vague but KDJSKDN basically know that he's the smiley faker type... like Clotted Cream Cookie... (clotted actually matched so many of the ideas i had for this OC which I think is 1 reason why I got so attached to him when he came out bdkbdn... his lore is diff but his personality/vibes r p similar + both have parental issues/trauma...)
His color motif is purple💜 (+yellow) and his motif is butterfly🦋!! (/moths? +insects in general) I really love this motif for him bc butterflies have an image of being docile, fragile, gentle and pretty... I love the trope of villains/antagonists with aesthetics/motifs that are soft/pretty/unassuming and atypical of villains... Just like w hyojun having a 🐍 motif as a protagonist... But I also love the butterfly motif because besides being pretty, as insects, there's a somewhat creepy/horror element to them too? I think the duality of butterflies suits the duality of his chara perfectly... And I tried to incorporate the motif into his design thru his spotted eyes... They're normally light on dark and look like sparkly eyeshines, but the colors invert when he's using his powers and become dark spots on light, inspired by spotted butterfly eyes (u can google "butterfly eyes"), creating an entirely different vibe + invoking slight trypophobia (but in the latest/final iteration of his design I simplified the spots to just 3 as to not go overboard)
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(Btw I actually wanted all the psychic charas eyes to look diff when using their powers as a cool visual indicator... 💜's are prob the coolest atm but Hyojun💚's eyes also change/invert; they go from black w a light green slit pupil to green with a black slit pupil)
-what kind of story do u want to tell w them?
If I had to describe it, it'd be like a mix of a shounen/action genre piece (action scenes, fighting, facing an evil org, superpowers etc) and at the same time play heavily off of/include a lot of elements/tropes of the shoujo/romance genre??? This won't make sense without more context but... there'd be a lot of insp from/playing off of (and subverting) tropes from shoujo romance manga/webtoons... while at the same time blending it with the action genre... The goal is to draw heavily from both and take these tropes and mash and twist them up and create something new and really fun (and hopefully funny... I def want it to be a comedy kdhfj. But also I want it to include well rounded characters with deep and angsty backstories and relationships... def a lot of overcoming trauma...) Even the makeup of the main 4 mirrors the main character tropes of both the action/shounen and romance/shoujo genres... there's 4 main charas, mirroring the main 4 of some of my fav shounens (mainly YYH and HxH), but they're also evenly split in terms of gender, 2 guys and 2 girls, which mirrors the main cast formula of the romance genre (ex: female lead, male lead, sub male lead, sub female lead/rival)... It's definitely going to have a strong theme of friendship/found family/platonic bonds (as is typical of shounen genre) bc I eat that sht up... It wouldn't be classified as a "romance", but that doesn't mean it won't have romance... just not in the direction one might expect... Idk how much I should say but it'd be sooo hetbait dkbfdjd I love the idea so much... (hetbait but actually gay kshdjdh)
Anyway I want to make a story that'd have readers (like the webtoon commenters i see) confused about what genre it is lmaoo... like is this supposed to be action or romance... and also be like who am i supposed to ship... KFJSKJ (i have my own ships but it'd be fun to see who ppl would ship during the course of it... ppl liking diff ship dynamics... fantasizes abt it being a real thing even tho it prob wont happen lmao)
I need to draw updated art of 💙girl and ❤️girl..!! In the meantime here's some older art of 💙girl(2021-2022) that I apparently never posted... my pookie she is everything to me mfbdn Her name is Seol!
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And here's some even older art (2018-2019)!! I've had these charas since 2018 (well... 💜 didnt exist back then... conceptualized in 2019) but I only drew/developed them once in a blue moon bc i usually just draw fanart of my hyperfixations🥹... sorry for neglecting u, ocs...
edit: I realized I forgot a very important piece of info... ages MCNDNB Hyojun and Seol are both 20 (at least for now? it could change) and 💜guy(NEED TO NAME HIM SOON FR) is like 1-2 yrs older. hmm... when i first made them they were my age but now theyre younger lmaoo. Maybe I'll age them up or not but they're all over 18 at least
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onceuponaloonatic · 2 years
so sorry i've been mia for so long 🥺🥺 i had some personal stuff come up but it's over now (just in time for ttt!!) 👍 thanks for all the messages and love 💕 i missed you guys 💕💕💕💕so here's a misahyo au piece, cause i love this au.
tw: anxiety, mentioned teasing/implied bullying, all the other things this au has
Sana couldn’t help the mounting guilt as she watched Jihyo run around their house. She wanted to help, she should help, but she couldn’t bring herself to do more than watch as Jihyo ran around like a mad woman.
“Babe, do you know where Mr. Squeaks is?” Sana was interrupted in her thoughts when Jihyo appeared before her.
“Which one if that again?”
“The turtle.” Jihyo answered, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Sana had no idea how Jihyo remembered all of their daughter’s stuffed animals’ names, but it was an impressive talent.
“If it’s not in her room, I have no idea.” Jihyo let out a long sigh before collapsing on the couch next to Sana.
“I’m spiraling, aren’t I?”
“A little.” Sana answered, bringing herself to give her wife a small smile. “But she’ll appreciate the effort.”
“I just- hate when she’s upset.”
“I do too.”And Sana wanted to feel like Jihyo did. All concerned and protective, all motherly. But Sana hadn’t been feeling too motherly lately. And it was eating her alive. She went through phases. Some days, she was able to let her anxieties go and be the perfect mom for her daughter. Others, her hands shook and she could barely bring herself to think about anything other than the fear of her parents turning up at her door every five seconds. It was hard not to think about the past, and she hated the hold people she thought she had left behind still held on her.
“I’m going to try and talk with her a bit to see what happened. Mina told me she’s taking her to get some ice cream, so maybe she’ll be in a good mood by the time she gets home.”
“Jihyo, I think Nico’s stomach would fall apart before she felt better.” Sana sighed. “You heard her on the phone. It was full out hysterics.”
“I know.” Jihyo sighed. “I was so happy for her. You know she struggles making friends her own age, I hoped this slumber party would be a good thing for her.” Jihyo picked up a stuffed animal on the couch and added it to the pile she already had going. Jihyo had gathered all of Nico’s favorite stuffed animals for her, so when she got home they would be ready.
“I just- I don’t think she was ready.” Sana answered. “She’s younger than all the other kids in her grade. Sure she doesn’t struggle academically but I do worry what this will do to her future social outlook.”
“I agree. But we tried therapy. She cried until we took her home and promised to never take her back.” Jihyo sighed.
“That wasn't a good therapist. He never tried to make her feel comfortable.”
“I’m not having this argument again.” Jihyo sighed before getting up. “I’m going to run her a bath. Mina should be home with her soon.”
“Okay. I’m sorry. I know this has all been… tough.” Sana squeezed Jihyo’s hand. “You’ve been really strong through all of this. Me, Mina, Nico, you've been there for all of our craziness lately. Thank you.”
“Sana.” Jihyo pulled her and Sana’s joined hands to her lips before laying a kiss on Sana’s hand. “What your feeling is not crazy. There's a lot going on right now. But you know what?” Jihyo leaned forward and Sana couldn't help but smile at the closeness.
“I know we will get through it all.” Jihyo kissed Sana quickly. “Now. I’m going to run the pinkest, best smelling bubble bath I can.”
“I… I just- I'm scared.” Jihyo’s eyes immediately widened and she sat next to Sana on the couch.
“About what?”
“I-I’m scared I’m not… Motherly enough.”
“Sana, you are the woman who stayed up with Nico all night after she had a nightmare last week just to make sure she was okay. And it's not just that. You love our girl, and she loves you.”
“I just- I haven't made her lunch in weeks. I haven't taken her for ice cream or drove her to dance practice or god read her a bedtime story in weeks Hyo.”
“Those things are nice, but they don't make you a mom Sana. You aren't always going to be able to be there for Nico, that's okay. That's what Mina and I are for. You love Nico so much. That other stuff is nice, but really that's all that matters.” Jihyo leaned in and gave Sana another kiss. “Can I ask you to do something for me?”
“When Nico gets home, give her a big hug. She’ll love it.” Jihyo gave Sana one last peck before getting and going upstairs. Sana couldn't help but smile at her wife as she left. Jihyo always knew what to say to make her feel just a little bit better, and she loved her to death for it.
The sound of the garage opened spooked Sana out of the silence she had been sitting in since Jihyo left. It wasn't long before the door swung open and Sana wasn't alone in the living room anymore.
“Hi.” Sana hated how tiny Nico looked next to Mina. She was hiding behind Mina’s legs, holding one of Mina’s hands.
“Hi.” Sana returned. “Hey Nico, come here.” Sana opened her arms and Nico immediately ran to her. Sana picked her up and held her as tightly as she could, and it wasn't long before Nico started crying again.
“I’m so sorry those girls were mean to you sweetie.” Sana rubbed Nico’s back gently, making eye contact with Mina as her wife bent down next to them.
“I talked to their parents. They said they would have a talk with them about how their behavior wasn't okay.” Mina put one hand over Sana’s. “And someone got sprinkles with their ice cream today.”
“Oh yeah? Impressive. It's hard to talk ka-san into sprinkles.” Nico giggled between sobs at the comment.
“Yeah, well she repaid me by getting chocolate ice cream all over her shirt.” Mina rolled her eyes in faux annoyance.
“Oh? Well it's a good thing mama is running a bath for you.” Sana smiled as Nico started to calm down. “So why don't we get you up there, and then we can watch Moana, with all of your favorite stuffed animals. Does that sound good?”
“Uh-hum.” Nico pulled her face away from Sana’s shirt.
“There you go.” Sana commented as Nico’s tears calmed. “I love you.” Sana kissed Nico’s forehead.
“Love you too.” Nico sniffled and Mina quickly reached for a tissue, letting the child blow her nose before Mina wiped the stray tears off her face.
“Let's get you into the bath.” Sana commented.
“Okay.” Nico nodded, cuddling close to Sana as Sana stood up.
“And will Mrs.Myoui be joining us this evening?”
“I wouldn't miss bath time for the world.” Mina let out a smile as she leaned over and pecked Sana’s cheek. “Love you.”
“Love you too.” Sana answered easily. She took a deep breath as Mina took one of her hands and thought back to what Jihyo said.
Everything would be okay.
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baekairen · 2 years
with their 17 years long-standing friendship, it's fun to see their closeness and fondness towards each other through humantable!
seung gi had made hyo joo the ending fairy for humantable's season 1. how cute! I love this bestie behavior. 🥰
HUMANTABLE episode 10:
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There are also a few Table Concerts that Seung Gi filmed with Hyo Joo.
For You
Don't You Know
they also sang a duet "Don't You Know", which is Hyo Joo's original single.
as of the moment, HumanTable is on a season break, but it's set to come back real soon! please anticipate Seung Gi's new works 🥰
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thewhumpyrabbit · 2 years
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Business Proposal (사내맞선) - Whump List
Synopsis: In disguise as her friend, Ha-ri shows up to a blind date to scare him away. But plans go awry when he turns out to be her CEO — and makes a proposal.
Where to watch: Netflix
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Whumpee: Kang Tae-Mu played by Ahn Hyo-Seop
Episode 1: Nothing
Episode 2: A shoe flies through the air and hits him in the face, nose bleed 2x, pushed and falls back
Episode 3: Someone accidentally bumps their head into his head and he gets knocked out, unconscious, rubbing his head, mentions previously being dizzy, upset, concerned for someone
Episode 4: Not whump but this is the first episode where he seems genuinely happy (🥺💕), teary eyed/shocked
Episode 5: Hand shaking, slams fist on his desk, angry, concerned for someone but holds back because he doesn’t want them to think he cares, getting worked up/upset, worried about someone and looking for them, helps someone who’s about to fall over, hallucinating
Episode 6: Frustrated, smacked a few times (comedic), it begins to rain while he’s driving and he starts to have a panic attack (heavy breathing, ringing in ears, hands shaking), angry, flashback to traumatic memory as a child and his panic attack continues until it stops raining
Episode 7: Concerned for someone, angry, concerned for someone
Episode 8: Punched
Episode 9: Nothing
Episode 10: It starts to rain and he gets a worried expression on his face, he almost hits someone on a motorcycle and he swerves
Episode 11: Arm in a cast, concern for him, talking about his parents death, crying, asleep in hospital bed, helped to put his sweater on and he groans in pain, angry, unwrapping his bandaged arm, hit (comedic), worried, not whump but his hair is messy the whole episode and it’s glorious
Episode 12: Pushed (comedic), punched in the arm multiple times (comedic)
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bluenpjm · 2 years
alison,, hello~! I am so happy you returned with ITW 🖤 this chapter was beautiful~ I lack in words and vocabulary to try and compliment it,,, but I really love it~~ my heart is heavy for so many of the people in it. I love hyori with namjoon tragic and hopeful love story,, I love how jimin who was always someone too perfect to fall in love gets anxious around carolina,,, I love how yoongi still fights for her as she fights for him, it feels real and so beautiful. I love how the brothers react opposite to what is happening to them... seokjin letter to her was heartbreaking 😭 the friendship between the girls was so cute (the girls stand together~) and I also love how she met jungkookie~ the moment felt real and like a movie or even a real life scene. I cant wait for the chapter 3~ and thank you for writing it again 🖤
harin~~ hello! 👋🏻
first of all, thank you so much for all the support! you were one of the main reasons for me to bring this story back! hyo always tells me how much you like it~ so thank you for the support 🥺
i can't choose a favorite character out of everyone in it! they are all perfect and damaged in their ways. i can't wait to show you what's to come! 💛
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anotherfanaccount · 2 years
Thank you for the free concert smtown and all the incredible performances. Tvxq suju my beloved legends. Would really have loved exo to be there but anyway thank you Kai for guarding the exo fort alone. NCT obviously were everywhere, thanks to their numbers but my god that ZOO stage was epic. Boa is a queen, Red velvet were the iconic group and aespa the freshest of the bunch wrecking it all up. Hyo was really cool, so was Taeyeon. Shinee really came from every corner just not together. Kangta's voice never fails.
Also. Eunhyuk the main dancer never disappoints. All the solo performances which were great, he captured the screen just by being his idol self.
All in all that was good 3 and half hour show. The production had a budget and it didn't disappoint.
Did have a wish for a California Love stage but we can't have it all, can we.
Hoping next year we will see EXO is back🥺
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pttwice · 7 months
can i request little!SMC taking care of baby hyo? 🥺
hi anon! :) aaabsolutely! i think they would love taking care of a teeny tiny hyo
|| little!dachaetzu, little!jihyo ||
"Okay, girls. Mommy and I are just going to be gone for 30 minutes. Can you take care of your Hyo until we're back?" Jeongyeon bent over, making sure the three girls were paying attention.
"Yes, mama!" They all shouted in unison, looking over at Hyo who was currently only interested in the red plastic ball she was trying to put in her mouth.
Once Jeongyeon left with Nayeon and Hyo had finally realized that her mamas were gone, the waterworks started.
Chaeyoung was the first one to notice, looking at the other two littles to see if they knew what to do.
"Well, what does mommy usually do when Hyo's crying?" Dahyun looked at Tzuyu who just shrugged her shoulders, going over to Hyo. She picked the baby up and sat her in her lap, but Hyo wanted nobody but her mamas.
"Maybe Hyo's hungry?" Tzuyu moved quickly to catch the baby's head before she tipped over.
Chaeyoung nodded, rushing to the fridge to find the yogurt she had seen her mamas feed her. Chaeyoung sat beside the two littles and the baby, holding the yogurt up to see if Hyo would eat it.
"Look, Hyo. You like the blueberry yogurt." Chaeyoung smiled but it was quickly turned into a frown when Hyo took one look at the yogurt and started to cry even louder.
The littles sighed and watched as Chaeyoung walked back to the fridge. Before she made it to put the yogurt away, she tripped over the ball that Hyo had been playing with. She squeezed the yogurt, causing it to shoot up and land on her head. She caught herself before she fell but now, she was covered in blueberry yogurt.
Chaeyoung turned around and once Hyo caught sight of her, her tears quickly turned into giggles. Dahyun and Tzuyu looked down at Hyo and then up at Chaeyoung, laughing themselves.
Chaeyoung looked at her reflection in the oven door and chuckled, throwing the now empty yogurt away before she wiped herself off. When she joined the three on the floor, Hyo was still laughing.
At least she was laughing now instead of crying, but that would only last so long. The littles took what limited time they had to try and come up with a plan to entertain the baby for the next 25 minutes.
The littles spread a few of Hyo's playmats out in the living room. The little tied some of her toys with string and held them as they sat on the couch. Hyo was sitting on one of the mats, one of her balls in her hand as she looked at her sisters, confusion evident on her face.
Dahyun was the first to wiggle one of the toys in front of Hyo. "Do you to go fishing, Hyo?" Dahyun smiled, moving the strawberry teether a little closer to the baby.
Hyo's face lit up when she realized what it was and leaned forward to grab it. Dahyun pulled it back a little bit, causing Hyo to whine and pout, but when Dahyun put it closer to her again, she caught it. She pulled on it and excitedly shoved the teether in her mouth, happily giggling.
Chaeyoung was the next to hold one of Hyo's toys out. She had one of her big plastic rings and she knew that Hyo absolutely loved those. As soon as Hyo saw it, she dropped the teether on the mats and crawled over to the ring. She sat down and reached out for it, now understanding the game the littles were playing with her.
Hyo's happy laughter filled the room each time she grabbed for the toy, laughing even harder when she would get the toy from the girls. Tzuyu took a few pictures for her mamas, enjoying how happy the baby was.
"Yay! Hyo got the butterfly!" Tzuyu clapped her hands, watching as Hyo excitedly waved the butterfly in the air before setting it back down, eyes already on the next toy that Chaeyoung was holding up.
"This one's gonna be harder, Hyo." Chaeyoung had a small star on her new string, waving it back and forth a little faster. Hyo really had to work to get this one, but she was loving every second of it. Once she finally got the star, all three littles cheered, watching in adoration as Hyo stuck the star in her mouth, constant giggles leaving her.
After almost 15 minutes of Hyo's fishing, she was finally tired. She laid crawled over to Dahyun, holding her hands up so she could sit in the little's lap. Dahyun smiled and picked Hyo up, kissing the top of her head as the baby settled into her sister's chest.
Hyo let out a content sigh and babbled quietly before closing her eyes, snuggling even further into Dahyun. Thanks to the littles making up that fun game, Hyo didn't need to worry that her mamas weren't there to love her and pay attention to her.
By the time they got back, Nayeon and Jeongyeon were surprised at the sight on the couch. Hyo was cuddled up with Dahyun while Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were watching TV. They didn't doubt that the littles would be able to take care of their baby, but they didn't think they'd be able to get her to sleep like this.
Nayeon cooed at the sight and took a few pictures before she sat down beside her babies. She whispered a quick thank you to each other them and tried to pry Hyo off of Dahyun so she could put her baby down for a proper nap, but Hyo wouldn't budge. Her grip on Dahyun's shirt got tighter and a small whine fell from her lips.
Hyos mamas were never ones to argue if she was asleep. If their baby wanted to lay on Dahyun, then she could lay on Dahyun.
Hyo quickly settled back into Dahyun, a small smile on her lips as she drifted back to sleep.
"What did you guys do with Hyo?" Jeongyeon sat beside Nayeon, surprised that Hyo was so quickly asleep.
"We played fishing." Chaeyoung whispered, pointing to the toys still tied with string on the playmats.
The littles mamas looked over at the playmat, eyebrows raised in curiosity. If fishing was such a successful game, then maybe they'd have to try it sometime.
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jihyocentric · 1 year
every ask u answer abt puppy!hyo is just …chefs kiss 🤌🏼. i love that au so much theyre jus a bunch of (adorable) losers :’)). does puppy!hyo go to the vet? if so, is she the type of pup to be scared of going or would she not care? does she need nayeon or jeong to be there with her for emotional support? does hyo have any other funny dog like characteristics? (for example the pup cups and the hidden pills in food) i love all ur works and jus everything abt ur page in general.
i should be sleeping rn but i can't fall asleep so absolutely let's talk about the most precious pup!
3mix is really the best! cutest losers ever. in pup hyo specifically i love how jihyo is 2yeon's baby... like she's so so precious to them. it doesn't matter that she's a possessive pup, that she doesn't let nayeon work at home or that she eats half of their food when they have a meal together. all of those things can and will be forgiven simply because she's cute and they love her!
i think she goes to a doctor that's specialized in hybrids... so kind of a regular doctor, but she has to get checked often because her body works differently than regular humans.
i'd say she's hypersensitive. loud sounds can make her stressed and hurt her ears (except for nayeon's scandalous laugh, hyo loves it), she's clumsy so she often gets bruised and hurts her tail, and she might have ruts when she's not supposed to, so they give her some pills to control it — which nayeon has to hide in her food of course, or else jihyo won't take them at all.
and yes she's scared 😭 i'd say she's anxious about what the doctor will say. she might think she has a serious disease or something when really she only has a few scratches that need to be taken care of! and i totally see 2yeon pampering her when they notice she's scared 🥺 she really needs their reassurance :(
i'd say that she has a strong pup personality but she's a lazy puppy unless she's at the park. at home she's really just a lapdog who wants to be with nayeon and jeongyeon all the time. she can't always be with jeongyeon bc they don't live together yet, but when she can she will NOT leave jeongyeon's side. unless nayeon wants her attention! oh, and she loves to bite them. playfully of course! she loves belly rubs too, and she gets LOTS of it!
i like to think that hyo is hesitant to play with dog toys 😭 like if nayeon or jeongyeon give her a ball she'll tell them she's not playing with it because she's not "that type" of dog... but if 2yeon throw it somewhere she'll run to catch it :(( she's really silly and they love her lots!
also whenever nayeon drops her at jeongyeon's, she'll spend the entire time following jeongyeon around, asking her "what are you doing" and jeongyeon thinks it's both annyoing and adorable. jihyo doesn't know she might be annoying, she's just genuinely curious and it's what makes jeongyeon melt the most :(
lastly, have you heard about that "liquid cat" thing? i think jihyo is a liquid pup. she doesn't mind being handled by 2yeon at all, it's like she doesn't even notice she's being carried sometimes. if she falls asleep on the couch, nayeon takes her back to bed and she doesn't feel a thing. she will only wake up with a lot of persistence, really.
ooh and when she sleeps and dreams about things she likes, her tail wags! nayeon can always tell when she's dreaming 🥺 her face looks peaceful but her tail wags and her ears twitch!
that's the pup hyo of the day! thank you for passing by! i think i can go to sleep now hehe
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pupvivi · 4 years
daily thoughts of friend shape moon bear 🥺 bear hyo fishing in the river while the big cats watch her (and the fish she has caught) and just sana splashing on the side
Jihyo looks forward to when the river is full of fish, they practically jump into her mouth, and it's fun to feel like a provider. If only she could get Sana to go splash around at a different part so she could focus.
Regardless she made duel with the distraction waiting for Sana to drive into the water before planning her next attack. Jaws ready, Jihyo sank her teeth into the nearest fish, a look of satisfaction in her eyes as she turned back to slow off her catch.
Nayeon was watching, and quite frankly she was ready to take out from Jihyo, but she figured she would try and appeal to the bear. Knowing enough sweet gestures would soften her up.
Despite her fur being wet, Nayeon still greeted her on the shore, pressing her nose against Jihyo's in an effort to convince Jihyo to drop her fish, but seeing right through her, Jihyo huffed and held on tighter.
Nayeon huffed and lifted a paw, her ears flicked down as she released a pitiful mewl, one not even worthy of coming from a big cat such as herself, but it always worked, and Jihyo dropped the treat, before return back to the water.
Jihyo: 0 Nayeon: 1
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kdramaxoxo · 4 years
i just finished my sophomore year of college... and the first thing i did was watch healer again. i haven’t watched kdrama since the summer bc school has been killing me and the only thing i have on my watchlist is melting me softly (ji chang wook 🥺) do you have any other recommendations on anything that has come out in the past year? thank you and i hope ur having a good day !
Welcome back to Kdrama World!
I know this is going to sound absolutely crazy, but you should take Melting Me Softly off of your watchlist. I mean you can totally watch it for JCW’s beautiful face (I mean, I did and then dropped it after 6 episodes) but it’s really...not...very...good... Just do what I did and watch Healer for the third time, or rewatch Suspicious Partner :P
Great K-Dramas From This Past Year (2019 - mid 2020)
My Favorites:
Extraordinary You (fantasy, romance, high school, softest most magical couple alert)
Her Private Life (rom com, park min young!)
Psychopath Diary (thriller, black comedy, this one is not for everyone, yoon shi yoon!!)
Be Melodramatic (slice of life, girl power, comedy, most underrated drama)
He is Psychometric (sci-fi, romance, crime, soft & goofy JinYoung)
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Just Great K-dramas:
Crash Landing On You (romance, what k-dramas are all about, north korea squad!)
A Piece of Your Mind (romance, slow burn, super soft couple)
Angel’s Last Mission (fantasy, romance, melo, you will cry)
One Spring Night (slow burn romance, slice of life, Jung Hae In doing what Jung Hae In does best)
Search: WWW (workplace, noona romance, hot girls in power suits)
The Secret Life Of My Secretary (rom com, dummies in love, fluffy & silly, when the grumpy one falls for the sunshine one)
Tale of Nokdu (Historical, romance, comedy but you will cry because it’s historical and that’s how that works)
Touch Your Heart (rom com featuring the grim reaper and sunny! (well, not really but the actors who played them). Soft and silly.)
When the Camellia Blooms (slice of life in a small town, mystery, romance, Gong Hyo Jin!)
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Let Me Save You Some Time a.k.a. Not Very Good K-Dramas (2019-2020)
Sure, you can TOTALLY ignore my advice and sometimes I’m garbage for a terrible show. I’ll never judge since I’ve watched Boys Over Flowers...twice. But below are dramas I dropped (even after the heartbreak of my favorite people being in them, ahem the top two listed SIGH)
Melting Me Softly (such a disappointment to see my bias’s drama tank, honestly what a mess)
The King: Eternal Monarch (so much money, so many pretty faces, so many good actors and one medium actor, how could they do this to me?)
Abyss (I’ll just leave this one here with no comment)
My Absolute Boyfriend (I dropped this one but honestly, I kinda think everyone should just watch it so we can make fun of it together lol)
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woozi · 2 years
henlo yza <333
it's so great to see woobin back on screen 🥺, i forgot to tell you, before homecha it was when the weather is fine which was ( still is shjddj) my comfort drama. i think the most favorite parts from it are the book club the characters held at this bookstore every week and everyone would bring something books, poetry to read aloud. the quotes and poems were so <//3 whole drama overall is is like hot chocolate <3 but unlike homecha which was warm and light, it's cold, sad and melancholic jdjdkd a slow burn tbh but it's the kind of sad which gives comfort? i hope i make sense 😭. not many ppl liked it hdjdkdkd ig it's not for everyone.
in a way ( the first two episodes) our blues reminds me of when the weather is fine but on lighter tone. it's like writers mixed both dramas and created this one hddjdk :3
ALSO ( im so sorry for ranting about drama lmao 😭😭😭 ) i checked what ahn hyo seop is working on next and it's remake of a taiwanese drama called " someday or one day" i watched it last year it literally blew my mind 😭 the plot was so goood. it's a time travelling drama! im very excited to see ahn hyo seop in remake of this. business proposal really made me like him (had never seen any previous projects of his).
speaking of which, what have been your current obsessions? dhjfkfk
japan + us tour 😭😭😭😭😭 SCREAMING, that's how it always is 😔
im so excited for the darling btw <3 ( little confession, i have never liked darling for nickname dhsjdjdkdk i've only liked variations of names as nicknames instead of an actual one hdjddk)
tonight's teaser was so pretty omg. honestly wasn't looking forward to it that much dhjdjdkd but teasers and all have been pretty decent so im excited. im afraid im gonna be bias wrecked hard by w̶o̶n̶u̶ 🤕 this is so sick and twisted i don't wanna go back to being bias wrecked again 😭 by him 😭🤕💀 anyway.
what are your thoughts on teasers <3?
OH MY GOD YOU'RE SO- HSHDHDJDJDJKDDK YOU'RE SUCH A GENIUS YZA 😭 i will definitely keep this in mind and ask my tattoo artist to add one of my bday thank you sm for the idea!! problem is moon on my birthday was barely visible 😭 2% waxing crescent </3 it still might look good on last end i guess <3
hdjdkfkf it's 6th july, when is yours? is it in late july? hdhdjdkd
has your break started already? honestly week offs should never end </3 hope you're enjoying and resting along with catching up w your uni work <//3, sending goodest vibes your way hehe <3 love you
"whole drama overall is is like hot chocolate" THE WAY YOU HAVE WITH WORDS OH MY GOD???????????
also SOOO so valid <3 you're giving me SOO many good reccs omg thank u ma'am i'll def keep u posted <3 AND NOOOO OMG dont be sorry at all i love hearing from u!! NOW i havent seen a t-drama im VERY VERY excited to check this out
also nothing new tbh my obsession is procrastinating JFDJKFDJKFD ok but to answer that seriously it's still gifmaking lmao 😭😭 it really is my outlet
i get why so many artists are going for us tours though (the restrictions are... very light if any, to say the least, on there) but still fdjkjfkfjdk idk
AND OMGGGGGGGGG HOW DID U FIND DARLING 👀 do u like it? not like it? meh? 👀 ALSO WIG FJKFJKJFKD darling kinda sounds like sumn an old lady will call u i get that JDJKF
AND I KNOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! the teasers aren't bringing something entirely new to the table, but i still like them! i think the video teaser was what made me the most excited though!! AND NOT WONU DFJFDJK WHY AM I ALWAYS SURROUNDED BY WWRIDEULS!! (i get it though.. I REALLY DO... HAS ANYONE SEEN THE DUDE.. thats why he's always topping the carat polls) the glitch on his name made me laugh 😭😭
OFC ANYTHING FOR U <33333 also 2% that is literally a line lmAOO
ALSO OH MY GODDDDDD YOU'RE ALSO A JULY BABIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! im so obsessed w u <3 it really is thats why i have that as my main's url JFDJKJKFD VERY late july (29)
my break's ending this weekend and i have NOT done much for the past 2 weeks i feel so ASHAMED BUT LIKE FDJJKDJKDFJKDFJ I NEED PROFESSIONAL HELP ATP I THINK LMAO holy shit 😭😭😭
thank u for always catching up and sharing ur life w me 🥺 how have you been? i hope you are well and fine <333333 ily THE MOSTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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twilightau · 2 years
MAKS!!! HI!!! just wanted to pop by 💗💗 firstly thank u sm for the moodboard tag and OH MAH GOSHHH urs is so so so pretty 😭❤️ the warm browns and the cats AND SUNGHOON IN THE MIDDLE IM— ajdjdks i love it sm 🥺🥺
also!!! I TOTALLY FORGOT TO ASK U! could u pretty please add me to ur taglist for ur prince series?! i totally forgot to ask way back when i read it and i just saw that u added jungwon’s part IM SCREAMING W EXCITEMENTTTTY 😩😩 OMG BRB IM RUNNING SPRINTING TOWARD IT NOBODY CAN STOP MEEEEEE FJHFJJS
anyway!!! thank u sm && hope you have the bestest day/night!! 💓
omg hi mai 🥺 thank you for the compliment and no lie,,,i struggled HARD since i do have some aesthetic photos but those were for my themes and it felt like cheating so i tried to choose a variety which ended up being all my food pics and ahn hyo seop’s (an actor) cat LMAO
furthermore, YES OF COURSE HONEY IT WOULD BE AN HONOR!!! such a fan of triage rn idk what to do 😩 you’re writing of heeseung has increased my spectrum of fictional boys i would fall in love with woxjwjrjejd
def tell me when you think once you find time to check out the jungwon version! <33
and i had a good day 🥰 hope you’re having one too❣️
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