#hypothetically what if i write a fic with this concept and it's as brutal as 11:11..... hehe jk jk
merakiui · 1 year
okay but what about mangaka jade who is known for writing some of the most batshit insane stories? they’re always so bloody and graphic, scenes depicting victims having their organs removed are always so… realistic in their portrayal some internet users have begun suspecting him of the bodies found around the city! but it’s just fiction, of course - it’s not like he derives any pleasure from seeing the human body disfigured beyond belief, until it’s but a lump of flesh and organs in disarray. just don’t question too much when you receive a request to model for mangaka! jade, even if the location he sends you is hours away from the city >_<
OOOOOO imagine being an internet sleuth trying to decipher the strange and mysterious mangaka known only by the pen name: naoh. They're a very talented artist and storyteller, but they're just so shrouded in anonymity! naoh never attends any conventions or events, but they do self-publish and sell their works through doujinshi and manga websites. naoh is rather particular when it comes to their work. They never resell works that have already been published. In essence, once a work is sold out it's never going to be sold again, and they only ever create a maximum of two works each year with limited numbers of copies. naoh themself isn't very active on their social media, only ever posting the rare WIP or an update on when a new work will be up for sale. Despite their quiet social media presence, they have gained quite the following. naoh never follows anyone on their account, and it seems like they rarely engage with fellow mangaka and creators with similar interests. They work alone.
You're a fan of naoh's work. The way they draw the human body is fascinating. It's something that could be seen in an anatomy textbook; it's always so realistic and yet still so eerily beautiful and stylized! You'll never forget how they draw emaciated bodies. It's an image imprinted in your brain: horrifyingly realistic and skeletal, a figure so gaunt it's quite literally skin and bones drowning in clothing that can no longer fit comfortably. You've always wondered how they manage to draw such visceral scenes (like the ones depicting clinical dissections or decaying corpses). And then there's the way they depict fear. It's almost always raw, stretching the characters' features into something horrific. It looks so real; it feels tangible. Fans often speculate if naoh has a job in law enforcement or any other profession that deals with the more grotesque and graphic sides of humans, which could be references for some of their horror stories and could explain why they're so good at depicting details.
But then there are the fans who go beyond simple, innocent curiosity and begin to ask disturbing questions: What if naoh isn't with law enforcement? What if, rather, they're the exact opposite: a criminal? It feels like a silly theory, but when you flip through the physical copies of their work and compare the plots to the yet-to-be-solved cases throughout the past few months you begin to spot a few minor similarities. They're never glaring; after all, naoh is a master of crafting both cutthroat terrors and subtle horrors. The type that builds suspense over time. The type that crawls into your head through your ear to whisper nonsense at night. The type that slowly forms a picture over time, but once you realize this it will have been too late.
In their most recent work, a young man is out for a hike when he takes a stumble and falls down a dangerous slope, landing on a rocky outcrop that breaks his leg and leaves him trapped many feet above the ground. He tries to call for help, but no one seems to hear his voice. He spends days on the outcrop, slowly losing hope and sanity. By the end of the story, he's so certain he's going to die that he drags himself over to the edge and free-falls to the ground below. He lands in a spattering mess of shattered bone and stringy, bloody muscle. A lump of a human. The cruel twist is that his hiking partner had actually left to get help as soon as he had fallen and that the man had only been stuck up there for ten hours. Not even a full day, yet panic seized him and left him in hysterics. Had he remained calm and waited, he would have been saved.
It's a terrifying concept made even more scary when you realize there was a story just like this that hit the news. Only it wasn't a man who had slipped. A woman had been out for a run through mountainous woods; she was training for an upcoming cross-country journey through uneven terrain when she sustained blunt force trauma to the head. Many suspect her running buddy to be at fault, as she was never found, and it's theorized she's still on the run. The woman had attempted to flee, but with her head injuries her senses were vastly impaired and she took too many wrong turns. Police suspect she unintentionally ran herself to the edge of a cliff. From there, the story is foggy and difficult to piece together, but it ends terribly: she was found at the very bottom days later, decomposing in thorny bushes, her body mangled and twisted and smashed beyond recognition. The pathologist noted her body was in such disrepair that it's unclear what truly killed her, whether the fall or injuries she had sustained prior to the fall.
And it isn't just this story that somewhat mirrors naoh's works (often it's a setting or a circumstance or a facet of the true crime itself incorporated. Very rarely is it about the victim). You read up on very long threads regarding naoh and their identity, and slowly you find yourself doing research of your own. You have no idea where to start, so for now you keep track of each story you hear on the news and try to match pieces of it to naoh's works in hopes of learning anything new. Unsolved cases, though plentiful and murky, are where you turn to, as well as the discussion boards online. So many people are convinced naoh is a killer. After reading a few rational theories, you're beginning to think so, too. (Though something tells you it could be coincidence, or it could be naoh taking inspiration from reality. They might not even be a murderer like some think; it might just be hateful people trying to sully their name.)
One day, while scouring naoh's social media for any clues, you get the idea to type the pen name into the search bar as if it might yield something interesting. And the first thing that pops up is: Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), known commonly as lye or caustic soda, is... You stop reading and scramble to grab naoh's first-ever work: a work in which that same chemical plays a major role in murder. NaOH is a substance that, when heated to a certain degree, can dissolve a human body into a syrupy liquid in just three hours.
And that's the pen name of a mangaka who writes and illustrates horror stories about the sordid sides of humankind. A mangaka who might just be a murderer racking up a horrifying kill count, and no one knows anything about them or where they might be in the world. Most of all, no one knows where they'll strike next and who will fall victim to a dangerous killer.
naoh is a mangaka catalouging their murders, and you're determined to prove it.
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total-drama-brainrot · 7 months
So I see you've asked for Rice Krispies song inspos, and I seek to deliver with TWO songs!
This one's Already Dead by KittenSneeze. It's a FNAF:SB song about Vanny constantly trying to fight free of Glitchtrap's control. Which seems fitting given Noah's circumstances. Especially the line 'I'm already dead since you got in my head'.
Particularly brutal given how Noah was the one to give Alejandro permission to hypnotize him in the first place.
Here's Discord's Puppet, a MLP grimdark song about an immortal god of chaos keeping the one he loves as a puppet rather than letting her pass!
It's very much a song for the 'worst case scenario' ending. An Alejandro who's so victorious that all that remains on the outside is Alejandro's version of Noah, while the real Noah can do nothing but watch, if he's even still there anymore. For this one I think the last line is the most fitting, being 'It's your eternal shame.'
Noah has to get one last, futile quip in there. Even though Alejandro isn't listening because Noah is just singing so beautifully.
Ooooh, I'm absolutely here for it.
The first song is definitely fitting for Noah's internal struggle against Alejandro's control, especially Vanny's repeated bouts of self-doubt in herself. Since Noah knows that hypnosis, no matter how 'absolute' it is, isn't the same as full-on mind control (no matter how much he likens the two as the same thing, Noah knows he still has some semblance of autonomy, it's just greatly diminished), he's always going to have that nagging thought in the back of his head; "do I want to follow his orders?"
The answer there is a resounding no, of course. But the added punishment of his psychosomatic shock collar* as well as his susceptibility to obedience whilst under the trance doesn't really give him much of a choice regardless.
Also, those bridge verses where Vanny and Glitchtrap have their little back and fourth? That's so accurate to Alejandro and Noah's confessional confrontation in chapter two- especially the line "I hold the key to free you," which is exactly what Alejandro is holding over Noah; the freedom of his mind from post-hypnotic triggers.
Though Alejandro hasn't actually had the chance to make Noah do anything under his control. Yet.
As for the second song! I actually held a poll (though I've since deleted it) asking if people wanted the RK fic to have a 'good' or 'bad' ending, and the first option won by a pretty overwhelming majority. I won't spoil my intentions for the 'good end' here, but what I had envisioned for the hypothetical 'bad ending' was something slightly similar to Fluttershy's situation.
Though, in that 'bad end', Noah isn't exactly fighting back anymore like Fluttershy is. It's very dark, and very tragic, and I won't get into it here because I'd end up writing a whole essay on the vague plot I had floating around in my noggin.
I do like the imagery of Noah being a 'living puppet' though. It fits with Alejandro's whole ventriloquism/puppet master motif he had going on in "This Is How We Will End It", and the toy/doll imagery I used for Noah in the fic itself.
* I have so many notes explaining why Noah experiences The Static and The Shocks but I'm not sure if I'll have someone in-universe explain the phenomenon, since I've mostly been making up the plot as I go along (with certain ideas/concepts/scenes working as the backbone of this whole AU), so I'm hesitant to divulge that now if it's potentially going to feature in the fic itself.
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whetstonefires · 1 year
spiral emoji and umbrella emoji for the ask game?
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
hmmm i have had another segment of that AU where Carrie Kelly is Tim's Robin mostly written for years, I keep fiddling with the ending. it's one of those fics i'm gonna summarize with an excerpt, I'm thinking this one:
Robin almost tripped over herself, stopping so hard, but she sorted her limbs out without actually falling down the roof, and dropped into a defensive stance. “Who are you?” she demanded. The stranger cocked his head. “I’m Batman,” he said. His voice was a little less deep than Tim’s, flatter and throatier, so that instead of making a pronouncement from on high, he came off as stating crushingly obvious fact. Robin glared. “You’re not.” “Am.” “I’m Robin! I know Batman. You’re not him.” This Batman’s mouth twitched with amusement, almost the same way Tim’s did. “Other Batman.”
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
You know this is hard. I don't generally remember ideas existed if I don't write at least 2k of them down immediately ngl. And from my abandoned drafts there's so many....oh!
Okay here's one that I think is super funny but I can tell I'm never gonna finish. I was complaining in the groupchat that I'd just read a fic that asked me to believe modern AU Wei Wuxian dated Jin Zixun, got dumped by him, and was broken up about it. Impossible.
I was like, if you want to use an existing villain as a fuckboi ex, still why pick the guy who never once had the power to do anything to Wei Wuxian except annoy him? There's options! And then like. We've actually seen shitty boyfriend Wen Chao done, usually a coercion situation. Xue Yang is a semi-plausible abusive ex if you make them the same age and shift some other variables around, seen that.
You know what none of us had seen? Su She.
And it's weird people don't use Su She for this! He's pretty capable, he's a hard worker, he has to be decent looking if he was allowed to be a Lan disciple, he's not totally dumb. He's deeply selfish but in a mildly complicated way. He's dollar store option Lan Wangji, that's his whole bag!
If you're going to have wwx settling for shitty guys (which like I think that's really ooc because Wei Wuxian had no particular interest in having a love life before it turned out he was hip-deep in True Love and he's a brutal judge of character, but if that's your plot, maybe he's doing some queer version of comphet where you gotta be with someone or your identity isn't valid idk) Su She should be at the top of the list.
Now, for my money, with my fairly demanding standards wrt character motive, I can't see Su She successfully bagging wwx without being genuinely into him, because Wei Wuxian's nose for bullshit is superhumanly powerful. But that's not hard to set up.
All you need to justify Su She pursuing Wei Wuxian with genuine intent is for Wei Wuxian to validate Su She's feelings at a critical moment when they're young--say, coming across him directly following the Waterborne Abyss arc, when Su She was no doubt given the rough side of Lan Qiren's tongue at the very least, for losing his sword and being ungracious and so forth. And sympathizing with all his intense feelings of being hard-done-by and disrespected and so forth. (We will assume there was not outright treacherous behavior from Su She at this point.)
Su She will demonstrably follow you to the ends of the earth and through a river of blood for making him feel properly valued. I do wonder whether he's an orphan or just has shit parents. (I wonder this about Jin Zixun also lmao. His parents wouldn't actually need to be shitty, if they were just totally overruled by Jin Guangshan.)
A lot of what he admires in Jin Guangyao is also true of wwx; when they met wwx was on top of the world, making him a target of envy and resentment, but you could definitely reshuffle that if you started early and showed Su She the right background cards.
And Wei Wuxian does not usually decide he likes people who turn out not to deserve it, through a combination of strong insight, the fact that his faith in people typically inspires them to return that devotion, and that it's just not that kind of story. But he is strongly biased to keep liking someone once he starts, in a funny ADHD kinda way where he doesn't really think about you if you're not there but treats you like no time has passed when you come back, so if he decided this ridiculous sulky unLanish Lan was his friend it would take a lot to change his mind. Su She would remind him of both Jiang Cheng and Lan Zhan, which would help.
The other half of the brainstorming, that had a plot rather than just character setup, was a modern AU fic where (as I've seen done a couple of times) Lan Wangji was dating Mo Xuanyu in the attempt to get over Wei Wuxian, and Wei Wuxian was dating Su She, who unlike Lan Wangji actually like. Said something. Out loud with his mouth words lmao.
And then, probably by watching lwj watch wwx at a party or something, Su She figured out that Lan Wangji was pining for his boyfriend, and because of his intrinsic jealous shithead qualities he was ecstatic because he finally had something Lan Wangji wanted and couldn't have.
So he went out of his way to gloat and flaunt, and kind of lost track of the actual reasons he had sought out this relationship in the first place in favor of his weird Hanguang-jun complex.
And ultimately he destroys both relationships--poor Mo Xuanyu ah?--and fucks himself over, and you get a wangxian endgame.
I actually seriously considered really writing this, from Su She pov mostly, but the thing was the 'scenario for wwx to attract su she's loyalty' was grounded in the canon setup and the dating scenario required a low-homophobia modern setting, and just thinking about doing the worldbuilding to make them match made me tired and bored. I don't like modern AUs and their chief virtue is recontextualization in a familiar context, if I've gotta build some kinda smushworld then where's the value added?
And the idea, while very funny, just isn't my thing enough to dig in and work for. I'm not inspired by dating drama. If anyone wants to adopt it they're welcome!
Here's a bit (set in the smushworld) I wrote that I really liked, where su she and wwx are texting back and forth in their late teens:
>Jiang Cheng would never forgive me if I ran off. >Because he’s counting on you to run his Sect for him. >He absolutely is not. Jiang Cheng will work himself into the ground before he lets me do his job for him. He didn’t admit that of course the Sect Heir was counting on him, but he didn’t disagree, which was basically the same thing. Wei Wuxian worked very hard, for all it looked like he didn't, and was rewarded for it, but Su Minshan knew that even in Jiang the equal opportunity only went so far—he was the Sect Leader’s pet for personal reasons, not just on merit, and even so he could never rise to be the equal of the blood heir. It was infuriating sometimes how that didn’t bother him. Have more ambition! >You’re so lucky, Su Minshan wrote, because he was jealous, he was so so jealous. It was just hard to hate Wei Wuxian. >I am! <3 But let’s see, outside the main family how important can a person get in Lan Sect? You can make a plan. Weeks of effort did not produce any particularly good plans. The most realistic one took forty years to show results. >Maybe I should just kill Lan Wangji and use a spell to disguise myself and take his place, Su Minshan joked. >Haha! Minshan-xiong, I’m sorry, you couldn’t pull off being Lan Zhan. That hurt, an unexpected cold dagger to the ribs. Wei Wuxian was his friend! >Why not! he typed angrily. Was his playing too weak, his swordsmanship, his deportment? Would even Wei Wuxian tell him he was just not good enough? >Because you could never resist saying something bitchy when you had the chance, and he keeps all the bitching inside his head. Su Minshan put his head down and laughed until he thought he might cry.
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arcane-ish · 3 years
My boy Ekko, leader of tomorrow plot bunnies
Story concepts that I wish people would use in fic that I don't think will ever happen because it's too plotty but I'm going to do it anyway, because dammit my boy Ekko is a true leader!
Ekko is the middle ground between Vander and Silco
AU where both Vander and Silco are around either as competing leaders in Zaun or still working together, but still disagreeing over the best methods.
In the end, it is Ekko who convinces them that it isn't just between violence and inaction, but that they have to find a healthy middle ground where they still proactively push for change but with "medium-level" tactics. And he makes it clear to them that the piece they've been missing is more aggressively and proactively building up the community and creating infrastructure (from schools to water purification plants) and defending said infrastructure if Piltover or the chem barons come for it.
He's also their future son in law
A Noxian Invasion
I would LOVE for someone to write a really in-depth fanfic where Noxus tries to invade Piltover. They would definitely contact people in Zaun and offer them independence within the Noxian empire and revenge on Piltover if they help Noxus take over Piltover.
And Ekko (or whatever other leaders are left in Piltover) would have to decide, do they fight for Noxus? For Piltover? Do they try to stay out of it? What if some people within Zaun (ie some chem barons) to ally with Noxus, do they fight their own then?
If they try to decide their home against Noxus, how is their relationship with Piltover, does it bond them together fighting side by side, is Piltover still snooty about their abilities? Is Piltover trying to use Zaunites as cheap cannon fodder? Do Zaunites employ more brutal or more guerilla tactics?
Silco and Ekko have a serious political debate
I would love a fanfic where Ekko, masked, as Firelight leader comes to meet with Silco. He for example demands that Silco stop the Shimmer trade and Silco is very "don't try to talk about things you don't understand, we need the Shimmer trade to be economically independent" versus Ekko's "it's hurting people right now". And Silco might beat back with Ekko is wasting his time by trying to fight Silco when he should be fighting Piltover. And Ekko could hit back by accusing Silco of having spent the last years sitting on his ass and getting rich and not advancing the revolution.
Silco tries to rope in Ekko... for a while
Now I personally think that in canon Silco didn't consider worth his time or a useful idiot at the most. (or you know, a traitor because he fights Silco rather than fighting against Piltover)
But I would love a hypothetical fanfic where Silco decides he is going to indulge Ekko a little bit and see where Ekko's loyalties lie. I think from a character point of view Silco isn't really interested anymore in allies that aren't just straight up taking orders from him/neatly slot themselves in underneath him. But let's say for whatever reason he thinks it might be convenient to toy with Ekko for a bit.
He asks Ekko what he can offer Ekko in exchange for Ekko working for him or at least ramp down the attacks a bit or do a specific job for him (maybe they have a chem baron rival or somebody like Urgot or Camille who both of them dislike and want to get rid of, or they both have people in Stillwater they want to be broken out and yes it would be awesome if Silco sent Jinx, partially as a provocation with how many Firelights she has killed, but they have to work together to get whatever thing they want to get done done). Let's say Ekko dares Silco to build a school or a community center and in turn Silco does that but tries to get Ekko tied up in the day to day details of running that thing. (in my mind at this point Ekko is all doing his while still being masked, but whatever works for the story)
Ekko founds the Zaunite Justice League
In recent League lore Ekko recruits a Zaunite girl from I think one of the higher/mid levels from Zaun with electric powers named Zeri. I would love for him to recruit more League characters, I guess the young ones like Ezreal or even Seraphine would make the most sense. Or Viktor could be their tech guy. And yes of course he would also try to recruit Jinx or at least have her as a loose ally which would cause problems with other team members.
Maybe Caitlyn and Vi would somewhat skeptically watch this development.
Maybe a Noxian plot or a Void plot (ie there are some cultists try to let in the Void and they are spread out all over the city)? Or just general anti Chembaron stuff?
(alternatively, this could also lend itself to a comedy story where they do nothing but hang around in their clubhouse and squabble over what they should do next)
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coldflasher · 3 years
okay HYPOTHETICALLY. out of all these coldflash fanfics which ones would people wanna read most bc i am a fic-writing goblin and i cannot choose so someone’s gonna have to tell me what to focus my energy on
also bear in mind these are in various stages of completion so i cannot promise when any of them will be finished but most of them are over 20k already lmao ripppp
- s5/6 rewrite mashup/fix-it where barry and len’s adopted son comes back from the future to save barry from crisis and ends up making it way worse, and also crisis doesn’t end up being derailed by oliver bloody queen
- body swap fic (barry and len are enemies with benefits, they get whammied by a meta and switch bodies during sex and they have to bang a lot to try and switch back, and barry almost singlehandedly destroys len’s criminal empire through sheer incompetence. i am very partial to this one i can’t lie) 
- fic where they get whammied by a meta that makes them fall madly in love and they decide running off to vegas to get married is the best idea ever and team flash have to chase them to vegas and stop them (this is actually just a long one shot and also i’ve been working on it on and off since 2016 so i should prooooobably do this one first... but will i? doubtful)
- devil wears prada au (okay but HEAR ME OUT. len as miranda. demanding. cold. doesn’t suffer fools gladly. decked out in designer clothing from head to toe. meanwhile barry fetches his coffee and trips over his own feet and they end up sharing a hotel room at paris fashion week and there’s only one bed, duh.)
- angsty infantino street inspired au where barry comes to len again for help with another meta problem, and cisco’s like “dude you have to stop doing this” and barry pretends he cannot hear because he’s got unresolved feelings for len that he’s obviously in denial about. but whoops, len finds out that he’s dead in the future and barry didn’t tell him and you can imagine how well he takes it. and then barry is in the horrible position of having to try and recapture len and send him back to the legends to die... (this one is an angst fest and does NOT have a happy ending just so you’re all forewarned lmao. it’s probably gonna take me longer than the rest of them cos im gonna need to be ~emotionally prepared~) (and considering i feel like i write at a snail’s pace anyway that is saying something)
- aaaaand finally i have a very fucked up one that’s basically what would have happened if family of rogues went in totally the opposite direction and instead of team flash saving lisa and barry and len’s relationship changing irreparably, they fuck up and lisa dies. then len snaps and goes on a deeply fucked up rampage and tries to destroy barry’s whole life ❤ (this one is the one i have the least for, it’s basically just a concept but it’s gonna be insane and messy and brutal and deeply violent *sighs happily*)
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