#arcane plotbunnies
arcane-ish · 2 years
Sexclub!Jinx plotbunny
"normal" brain progression
Stage 1 => Actually, Jinx displays both dominant and submissive traits. She seems like somebody who hasn't figured herself out yet and probably needs to heal and work on herself before she can have a fully happy and healthy relationship.
Stage 2 => I could actually really picture Jinx finding happiness in a polygamous relationship with multiple people, each one being able to fulfill her different moods.
Stage 3 => LOL, Jinx would probably need a full sex club worth of people to fulfill her different moods, needs and kinks
Stage 4 =>
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There should be a modern!AU where Silco either bequeaths or gives older!Jinx a sex club he happened to have lying around to run and use to figure herself out. She can do with it what she wants, watch the customers, approach any of them, interact with the domme-y or the sub-y side of it to try out what interests her and figure out what she likes.
Also, because I love timebomb, Ekko in a lot of ways is her neutral place to decompress and just hang out and get her mind off of things. He's only allowed sometimes at the club. They have like a secret emoji signal system about what mood she's in and whether he can come to the club to be with her in that mood.
There are some times where he absolutely isn't allowed to come, some darker moods and kinks she isn't willing to share yet.
A variety of characters and couples from League or Arcane also seek out the club and Jinx watches (imo Jinx had a little bit of a jealous voyeur thing going on, especially in the beginning where she isn't completely sure of herself yet), learns and interacts (sexually) with some of them. The sky's the limits on who would come, whether Jinx would like them, what she would do with them, what she would learn from them.
Furthermore, on occasion, during the day, Jinx also locks the club down entirely and invites all her friends for pizza and Mario Kart when she gets bored with the pagentry and posturing of some kinks.
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loveforever86 · 3 years
Mel and Jayce are so perfect together, a unique combination of love, desire, beauty and power.
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zaundads · 3 years
modern au
Vander x Silco AU modern plotbunnies 
They meet in juvie. The staff is horribly abusive, and Silco plans a revolution to overthrow them and expose them. 
They meet in jail. Either they arrive on the same day and vow to stick together. Or Vander was there first, takes one look at Silco, decides that Silco won’t last a week alone and takes him in. Or Silco has been there before and is delighted at the thought of latching onto the new guy and explaining the lay of the land to him. 
They are roomates in college, both in on a scholarship. Both are chronically short on money. Silco decides to make some money on the side doing phone sex/erotic voice recordings (he is too insecure about his looks to do streaming). Watch Vander suffer as he has to constantly listen to Silco doing his best, sexiest voice readings as Vander tries to get any studying done. 
Alternatively, they are college roommates and Silco talks Vander into cam-ing (ie streaming himself in his underwear, jerking off etc). Silco gets very possessive and manager-y for something that is just them, a webcam and their dorm room. (they are probably hiding from the university that they are doing it because it could get them kicked out) 
Hear me out: barber/hairdresser!Silco, Vander comes in for a shave.Sparks fly. (but seriously, barber!Silco with a shaving knife, could so see that as a solo art)
As a contrast to Silco being insecure about his looks: erotic dancer Silco (He’s an artist dammit! not a chippendale!), bouncer!Vander. 
I was thinking tattoo artist!Vander and art student!Silco but then I thought the basis of Vander and Silco are that they are from a similar background, so how about: competing tattoo artists Vander and Silco and eventually to prove their craft they alternate tattooing each other, leaving their marks on each other.  
Grumpy patient!Silco has been in a car accident, Vander is his at home nurse or physical therapy trainer. 
Chef x restaurant critic. Either Silco as the haughty chef who gets offended that anybody would even try to write a critique on him or Silco as grumpy critic and Vander as the super laid back chef. 
I could do a million more, but since I know there is probably no chance in hell anybody picks them up I’m gonna stop ;) 
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amlovelies · 2 years
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags
thank you for the tags 💜 @griever-receiver @horchatabun and @kittlesandbugs. I’ll tag @wayhavenots @plotbunny-bundle @rosarx @griffin-wood @vmpnano @lightinger @nerdferatum @danielsullivan @freckled-lili and @coldshrugs I think this has already started to make the rounds so sorry if you’ve already been tagged and no pressure obviously
in no particular order:
Julia Ortega (fhr)
Mason/morgan (twc)
rose tyler (doctor who)
ventress (star wars)
seven of nine (star trek)
sevika (arcane)
Melisande Shahrizai (kushiel’s legacy)
alistair theirin (dragon age)
leah (stardew valley)
steve rogers/captain america (marvel)
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darkicedragon · 3 years
Fanfic: Braid
Fandom: Arcane: League of Legends Summary: Jinx wanted help with her hair; Silco wasn't quite sure what to do about it. Notes: Set between act 1 and act 2. 'I have all these xeno ideas I have bouncing around in my brain! ....Let's write family feels instead!' Brain, why. (Okay, it's a very short fic I can pretty much get done in one sitting, that's why). Except this did not turn out to be as short as I thought it would. orz I might just use this as a collection post of Jinx and Silco getting to know each other, but we'll see what plotbunnies pop out. 'This will only be two scenes! Barely even 400 words!' Nine scenes later... Rating: G Genre: General Word count: 2,304 Status: Complete "Hey, Silco...?" Silco glanced over from the report he was reading over, Jinx hovering at the doorway, the stuffed rabbit clutched in her hand. He'd asked her if she wanted rid of it, so she could cast off and forget the memories tied to it, but her eyes had welled up with tears and he didn't bring it up again.
"What is it?" "Could you tie up my hair?" Tie up...? "You...don't know how to do it yourself?" Surely she was old enough to? When he'd met her, her hair had been braided back - right now, her hair was loose around her shoulders, though it was messy, as if an attempt to tie it back had been made. Her gaze slid away, her hold on the bunny tightening. "Vi or V-Vander used to do it for me..." Ah. If Vander could do it, then he should be able to. "Come here then," he said, setting the report down on his desk. She brightened immediately, and she dashed over, sitting on his lap. "I found the juggling balls underneath my bed this morning," Jinx told him. She continued on, but Silco only half listened to her, staring at her head. What exactly was he meant to do now? "Have you done this before...?" Jinx asked, looking at him over her shoulder. He glanced towards the door, where it had been left ajar, but he hadn't heard any approaching footsteps since Jinx had arrived. It had been out of habit, and he pursed his lips, exhaling. "No," he said, focusing on her hair again. The others wouldn't expect him to know how to tie up hair, and a child wouldn't care, but... He wasn't one to admit any weaknesses. It grated, but he needed to gain the girl's trust so she would be easier to control or wouldn't consider running away. Just long enough until he had her sister, at least. "Okay!" She moved so she was sitting sideways on his leg instead. "You separate them into three parts, and then you do this!" Her hands were a flurry of movement, tumbling over each other and Silco tried to follow them, trying to make sense of what she was doing. At least she didn't seem put out by his lack of knowledge. "I thought you said didn't know how to do it?" "Well..." Jinx's hands slowed. "That's what it looked like they were doing?" "...I see." No help there then. But if she was sure it was in three sections, then it was a starting point. He did what he could, until each parting seemed equal thick. Now for the actual braid. He made a reasonable guess about what he should do next. There were only three sections so that limited the way they could be twisted over each other. His fingers were clumsy as he moved them, and a few times, Jinx exclaimed in pain when he'd pulled too hard. Silco was used to hearing such a noise, but he was usually doing it intentionally, so that he could get what he wanted. This wasn't the same. When he finished, he frowned at the mess in front of him. Hair was everywhere, already working themselves free of the braid. It more looked like a scruffy ponytail than a braid. "Thanks, Silco!" Jinx said as she hopped off, dashing for the door. She seemed happy enough with it. But he could do better. * * * Silco watched as the woman was escorted into his office, her eyes darting around, never settling anywhere. Though they returned to his eye when she did look at him. She was sat on the chair opposite his desk and she fidgeted with her cuff as he let the silence drag out second by second. "Tell me," he said, leaning his elbows on the table, intertwining his fingers. "Yes?" she squeaked, her eyes wide, every muscle taut as she paid every ounce of attention onto him now. "Do you know how to braid hair?" "A br-? Ah, I mean, of course I do!" "Good," he said, seeing confusion flitting across her features in how her brows drew in together, her mouth open as if to ask a question. She knew better than to talk unprompted, which was better than others. "Teach me." Her eyes went wide, but she nodded. * * * Silco toyed with the thread-braid he'd created under Dyna's guidance as she left, escorted the way she came in. The braid was much neater than his first attempt, though that could really be because it was made of three threads rather than hair. He heard a sigh, but he continued studying the braid, committing it to memory. "What is it?" Sevika didn't answer straight away, walking towards his desk instead. "Really? All this, for her?" He leaned back, seeing her narrowed  eyes, the hint of a curled lip. She was still leaning to the side, adjusting to the weight of her new arm, even though she tried to hide it under her cloak. "You don't think she's going to talk?" she continued, jerking her head towards the door. "Oh, I expect her to," Silco said, collecting the braids and setting them inside his drawer. "That was my intention, after all." Sevika's gaze flicked to the drawer before going back to him. "You want word to spread you've a sudden interest in braids." "For 'Powder'," he added. The name felt strange on his tongue. It wasn't her name; it wasn't the name she responded to. "Once word gets out that I have her-" And he had made sure to mention her a few times by name, about the length of her hair, how she seemed sensitive to pulling, to make sure the information would stick. "-what do you think will happen?" Sevika was quiet for a few seconds, then she made a soft sound. "The sister will come to you." "Exactly," he said, closing the drawer. "I just have to wait." He wouldn't have to for long. * * * "Hey, Silco?" Jinx was light on her feet, Silco sometimes only noticing her when she spoke. He had been busy with deciding what to do with The Last Drop though - there were numerous venues he could pursue through it. He just had to decide on what. "Yes?" Jinx seemed to need a lot of things when she came to him. She was hungry. She couldn't sleep. She wanted to hear a story. She wanted her hair braided. It was using up a lot of his time that he could have used for something else that needed done, but she was also coming often enough that he was beginning to figure out some of the patterns. Sometimes he was wrong though, so it was better he waited for her to say, lest she become tearful again. He had no idea how to deal with that. Her loose hair made it relatively clear what she would want. "Are you busy?" she asked, eyes darting around the room. He glanced at the list in his hand, the papers piled up over his desk. "Not too much." He could spare a few minutes. "Okay! Could you tie up my hair?" she asked, holding up a few hair ties. "Yes," he said, pushing himself away from his desk. He was getting faster at braiding her hair now, his fingers learning the movements. She seemed to be...happier as well, since he wasn't pulling on her hair, and she appeared she liked the braid better now. She had also started humming under her breath as he continued, a song he had never heard before. "There," he said once he had finished, leaning back to inspect his work. "Thanks, Silco!" She barely checked, a hand merely swiping over it before she threw herself at him. He stilled, like the first time she had done this, her arms reaching around him. It...was something he was unused to, everyone else keeping a safe distance from him until he invaded theirs. The very few who tried to approach him this closely always wanted something from him. But then. Jinx also wanted something from him. He patted her head with one hand, wrapping his other arm around her shoulders. She was so small, but had so much trust that he wouldn't hurt her. His gaze drifted over to the papers spread over his desk before being drawn back to Jinx again. The hug shouldn't take too much longer. * * * "What do you mean, she's dead?" Silco hissed. Marcus didn't flinch. Much. He was already settling into his new position, but it also meant he was less able to leave Piltover whenever Silco summoned him. "We...found her body in the river." Hmph, maybe the fight had taken a bigger toll on the sister than he'd thought. "Fine. You can leave." He pulling out the bag of money from one of his drawers, tossing it towards Marcus. Marcus caught it, sliding it into one of his pockets without checking the contents, his lips pursed. Either trusting Silco, or trusting him too much - Silco would find out eventually. Marcus left after without a word, the muffled jingle of coin following him. Silco sighed, tapping a finger on his desk. It would explain why he hadn't heard anything about the sister through his information network. With the sister no longer alive, there was no reason to keep Jinx around any longer. But... "Silco?" Jinx poked her head in, eyes darting in the direction Marcus had gone. Had she heard? Did she care? She had said herself that she had no sister. To her, her sister and the relationship with her was already dead. It wouldn't make any difference if he told her or not. "I'm free," he said, sweeping his gaze around his desk, making sure there was nothing there about Jinx's sister within sight. She smiled, ducking into the room. He didn't need Jinx now. But she didn't have to leave immediately yet either. * * * "Your hair is getting rather long now," Silco murmured as he brushed out Jinx's hair. It was getting close to waist length. He was faster at braiding her hair, but because of the length, it still took him as long as the first time he had attempted. How long ago was that now...? "Yeah," Jinx said, "but I like it." Hm. "Well, do you think it's time you learn how to do it yourself?" She span around to stare at him, her eyes wide? "You'll teach me?" "Your hair is long enough that we can do it at the same time." It would make it easier to show her on her own hair, how it would feel, rather than on much smaller pieces of thread. Silco split her hair into halves and started to show her what to do. * * * Jinx's braid was messy and uneven, though it was neater than his own first attempt. The lower section tidied up as she started getting used to the movements needed. She was a fast learner. He already knew that, watching how her machines changed with each iteration, but she had already known the basics when they met. This was something new. "I think you can do it yourself now," he said. "You...did well." Praise was foreign on his lips. Praise that he meant, not twisted into an attack, or freely given because the outcome had already been expected. Jinx beamed at him. The effort was worth it, seeing her reaction. Her smile slipped away though, Jinx bowing her head as she played with her braid, holding it next to Silco's. "Buuut I still need more practice, right?" she said, looking at him from the corner of her eyes. "So you still need to braid my hair until then." Sneaky girl. She didn't want their little sessions to end. "All right," he said, nodding. "Until then." He was willing to play along. For her sake. This time, he was ready for her lunge, his arms already open for her, and closing around her at the same time her arms wrapped around him. * * * Silco paused the next time he saw Jinx, furrowing his brow in confusion. "What do you think?" she said, twirling in a circle. "I...thought you would just do the one braid?" Silco said. It was how her hair had always been and she hadn't seemed like she'd wanted to change it. "Yeah, but I like my hair like this now." She flipped one braid so that it swung around. "I can practice more with too, and. I dunno. It reminds me when you taught me how to too." ...Oh. That was why...? * * * Silco heard the soft creak of his office door open, and it was clear who it was when they didn't announce their presence. Though it was a surprise when Jinx didn't enter, clambering up to the rafts. When he lifted his gaze, Jinx wasn't looking at him, playing with her braids, twisting them around her bruised knuckles. Hm. Over the years, it had become easier to read her, and it was clear when she wanted as she plucked at her hair tie. He set his pen down, pulling out the brush he kept in his drawer. She brightened softly, walking over as he pushed his chair back. His arms were already open when she leaned in for the hug. She was trembling slightly, hugging him tighter, and he patted her back, letting her decide when to let go. She held on longer than usual before leaning away, turning so her back was to him. "How did it go?" he asked, tugging one of the hair ties free and starting to brush. "Well..." Jinx began. He listened as the words poured out, brushing out her hair and began to braid.
___ I write this, and it turns out the scene that inspired all this ended up not making the cut, whoops.
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jujyfru1t · 3 years
Fandom Snowflake Challenge #6: Create something
(Crossposted from Dreamwidth)
I don't know how to @ or tag people on DW, but verhalen has a brilliant setup that I plan to adopt in the future. Well, a Completed Works masterlist might be a bit much because between listing my over 60 oneshot and just linking to my page, yknow...? what I mean is I applaud them for doing that though ^_^U
Their WIP status page gave me a lot of ideas and I hope to do the same thing-- more of a "here's top-of-mind plotbunnies + the order of my ongoing series + actual WIPs" if I ever get the multichapter fic fires burning (my ficlet collections don't count. but maybe they should hmmmm). That being said, I wasn't sure if I'd have anything for this one. Howevverrrr, I diiiid finish Arcane a few days ago and god. god. top show of the new year so far (yes i did watch it fandom-blind, i'm so happy i diiiidd). what with a metric ton of pain, I ended up writing a small fix-it ficlet. (no i didn't post it right this second whaddya mean) Here's the AO3 link; it will also be up on FF.net and it's on my Tumblr writeblog.
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gorgeousgalatea · 3 years
For the fanfiction writer asks: 2, 5, 12, 33, 40, and 47. And as for the title - "The Finer Things (Are Finite Things)."
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one?
“Write” is a strong word right now unfortunately. RWBY remains my most prolific fandom at least; despite my tenuous relationship with canon I haven’t had anything seize my plotbunny interest to the same degree, although I have scattered wips for The Magnus Archives, Genshin Impact, Witch Hat Atelier, Resident Evil, Arcane, and Thor: the Dark World. Pluuuus some dusty old posted wips for Avatar the Last Airbender and Katekyo Hitman Reborn I still feel guilty about never finishing. But yeah, RWBY’s still the top dog right now.
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi chaptered stories, which would it be and why?
On average my more recent (...for a given value of ‘recent’) multi-chaptered fics are all ideas I got heavily invested in and prooobably have yet to finish, so favorites are hard. I guess I would go with Ten Things About the Vongola Family by dint that I can pretend it’s finished. Although it technically isn’t and is also a list fic rather than an ongoing narrative...Apology Not Included is actually finished, let’s say that. Even though two chapters is probably also cheating.
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?
If I’ve written their POV it probably means they’re a favorite XD Qrow has sass for days and I love writing quips, Raven has the kind of morally reprehensible self justification that is my jam, Ozpin and Salem are opposite sides of some really juicy immortality studies...I’m a huge fan of snark, moral ambiguity and angst, really.
Although shoutout to Rokudo Mukuro from Katekyo Hitman Reborn several fandoms back who happened to be a body hopping, conniving, morally bankrupt illusionist whose abilities stemmed from several lifetimes of reincarnation contained in an eye that may have been implanted in him by the abusive cadre of mad scientists he wiped out in revenge, who after a stint as an antagonist became an ally by necessity while having maybe three standards and showing absolutely no remorse whatsoever and goddamn if that isn’t a ridiculous number of my favorite things all rolled into a single character.
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
There’s been so many super sweet ones, I can’t choose! The one I get the biggest buzz from are the ones that say my characterization is on point, because that’s what I really strive for, but it also gives me the warm fuzzies when people pull their favorite quotes or engage with the narrative because that really gives me the sense that my writing managed to resonate with them emotionally. Compliments, man. They’re great.
40) Do people know you write fanfiction?
I don’t hide it but I don’t volunteer the information either. And chances are anyone who has to ask is not someone I would feel comfortable having read most of my fic lol
47) Here’s a fic title - insert a made up title. What would this story be about?
The Finer Things (Are Finite Things)
Hmm, I’d say this sounds like an Ozpin identity study? The give-and-take in identity between immortal and incarnation, and the value of a singular lifetime--knowing that things are capable of ending when he has a mission and an enemy that refuse to. And to toss some shipping into it, how Qrow’s Semblance emphatically draws attention to the finite in a way Ozpin is uniquely qualified to appreciate...and as I write this I realize that this is less a specific story idea and more just the shipping dynamic I work with, oops I hope that is okay @_@
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shadowphoenixrider · 7 years
(A plotbunny bit me and I had to write it out. Set during BFA if you squint, but no spoilers.)
The half-troll was...interesting.
The Loa were aware of half-trolls, as unusual as they were, but few were offered to them in the rituals of normal troll infants.
Especially when the troll blood mixed with human.
There was, predictably, an uproar. Half elven trolls were distasteful, but at least they were at least a derivative of troll, even if warped by arcane energies to lesser form.
But humans were different. They weren’t even similar, let alone the fact that they both shared a deep, burning enmity for the other. The soft, weak upstarts that seemed even more irritating than the elves were.
And yet, here was a troll that shared human blood. Through love, even. And offered to the Loa as if the child were just another.
Most of the Loa rejected the child. Shirvallah especially demanded that no Loa give their blessing to the half-breed, Hir’eek too wanting nothing to do with it. Gonk may have been the patron of the child’s mother, but he too refused, though he cited that the child was too weak to hunt as a proper troll would, and he would not squander his blessing so. Shadra considered it. But even she decided the half-troll wasn’t worthy enough. What would a half-human achieve, after all? It was likely to earn nothing but fear and derision, and the Silk Dancer couldn’t see a web to weave with it.
But Bwonsamdi...
The others weren’t surprised. The Death Loa had no qualms who he took; everyone died, troll or not. The others turned their gaze away when they had made their decisions; either because they figured he would reject the child too, or they didn’t care for his choice.
He considered the child carefully. Half Darkspear, and half human. He always had a soft spot for the Darkspear; they seemed to constantly surprise him and stay true to their nature, and as a result he was a little more lenient to the tribe than others (though he would never admit that to the others).
The half troll half human was another surprise entirely, however.
He knew the mother’s exploits; one of Gonk’s followers though she did leave offerings for Bwonsamdi too. He’d come close to taking her to the Other Side a couple of times, before she’d been pulled back to the living (one of those by her mate, amusingly enough). She’d become estranged from her tribe in recent months, both because of her choice of mate and the actions of the ‘Horde’, but she’d stayed true to being a troll through it all.
Down to performing this ritual to offer her baby to the Loa for their blessing.
The human...Bwonsamdi knew of him, gleaned from the souls he’d collected over time. A powerful mage, instrumental in many of the events the Loa had witnessed over their time stalking Azeroth. And now working to save it. There was an irony that the human behaved in a very troll-like manner, even without knowing it. Perhaps that explained the hunter’s inexplicable draw to him.
Then again, love was well out of the Death Loa’s pervade.
He stared at the spirit of the child, offered to the Loa by a mother who probably knew deep down that her half-blood would be rejected. Yet she did anyway, just in case. If Bwonsamdi turned away too, the child would lack the regeneration the trolls were known for. In that, she would be human.
Bwonsamdi did not feel any pity at this. The trolls were their vassals who had to prove themselves to the Loa, and if the child showed no promise, then there would be no blessing forthcoming. Both sides knew this.
Yet, this child did show promise. Shadra could perhaps see a little further than he, but Bwonsamdi was no fool. Something glimmered in this child’s future; what, he didn’t know, but he felt it. Perhaps Shadra’s expectations had been too high, expecting more out of a half-troll than a whole troll. Surely she sensed, as he did, the arcane power slumbering within the baby. It was to be expected, with such a strong mage as a parent, but still...there was potential, even if the child would never be as renowned as her father.
The Death Loa pondered a little longer. He couldn’t exactly decide. there was potential there, yes, but...the child was half-human. She would certainly have a struggle to grow up. Yet if she succeeded...
Bwonsamdi reached forward towards the little spirit of the child, and, with exquisite care, touched a bony claw to the half-troll’s forehead.
“Here be a small token of my blessin’.” He spoke. “Better den nothin’, but not da real ting. Not yet.” He grinned wide as the spirit began to fade, decision made. “Let’s be seein’ what ya make o’ it.”
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arcane-ish · 3 years
Timebomb (Jinx x Ekko) and Ekko bunnies
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I’ve been thinking about the Jinx x Ekko scenes (and yeah I will forever be pissed that Riot left the majority of their characterization in supplementary material, so most people likely aren’t even aware of it: Enemy Music Video, Ekko Cinematic, True Genius short, original Get Jinxed music video) . It hurt my shipper heart how down on Jinx he was and how little faith he had in her, and how his words were so gruff and had comparatively little melancholy (and how later after the fight he becomes pretty focused on other stuff and doesn’t really mention her anymore). Yes even though I guess he was just frontin and we see in the fight that she does get to him. And again his point of view makes sense considering Jinx shot one of his people, somebody who was basically a child right in front of him, so he probably had to steel himself against her to keep going. 
In my mind, Jinx and Ekko were kind of set up as opposites. Ekko is more like the gentle revolutionary hope for the Undercity. Like a lot of people were worried about how the show would handle the whole revolution aspect and how many media pieces say “yes but the people arguing for violent revolution like Sylas or Silco are all assholes, so let’s keep the status quo”. Ekko’s community gives me strong vibes of modern leftist anarchist community projects that try to figure out new ways of living together. 
And on the other side you have Jinx who likely blew their peace deal to bits and might be the reason why the war with the topside will go on violently. 
This could set up a really interesting dynamic between the two of them, very two sides of the same coin, very across the trench/romeo and juliet but violent. And though I don’t like Ekko being so hard on Jinx, I guess that offers the potential for a character journey as he softens to her or as she goes against his perception of her, which I guess if written write could be healthier than just he pines and she doesn’t care. If there is something on his side that she could conceivably work for or that he could work on. 
Basically, plz Riot, just give me some quality Timebomb, I want to ship them so bad, but you gotta give me stuff. 
Anyway, here are some Jinx x Ekko plotbunnies. 
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As mentioned, I’m not much of a fanfiction writer (English is not my first language and I’m flat out not very good), but if I could write, these are the plotbunnies on my mind after that season 1 ending. (in the unlikely case that anybody wants them they are all up for adoption, do with them what you will)
Things that arguably should have happened
Okay, so a lot of people have commented that rather than leaving with Cait, Vi should have stayed with Jinx and Ekko should have taken Cait to safety. So that, Ekko basically does Vi’s storyline. Ekko reacts to the Kirammann mansion and how Caitlyn’s lives, maybe Ekko has some thoughts on the end of Marcus and how naive Cait was about the corruption, Ekko gets to face the council and rant at them, maybe Ekko and Mel share a look, Ekko grumpily goes to Jayce and tells him where the Shimmer plant is. 
Ekko vs Silco
Ekko hated Silco. Silco had a reason to hate Ekko since the Ekko fight caused Jinx’s injuries on the bridge. They really would have deserved a confrontation. Maybe after the bridge an angry and desperrate Ekko decides to attack Silco after Singed’s lab? 
Or after Silco wakes up at Singed’s lab and Jinx is gone he is angey and decides to go after Ekko? Maybe he gives a villain speech that he always knew where their hideout was but before he let them live because it was useful to him to have them as a scapegoat? 
Maybe Ekko is all “you poisoned her!” and Silco is all “this is the real her! I set her free! that was always her” and Ekko is all “No, I knew her!”. 
Jinx at the topside but she hates it
So in my Silco post I came up with an AU where Silco lives, the deal with the topside goes through (maybe in this version they actually manage to talk Jinx down instead of just Mel’s power saving the council), but anyway the point is that the cities are at relative peace and Cait makes her parents take in both Vi and Jinx. 
Vi and Cait of course are schmooching it up, but Jinx feels like an outsider, doesn’t feel accepted, feels homesick and sneaks back to the undercity and meets up with Ekko
Expanded version: Jinx on medication
A more complex version would be maybe if there actually was some traces of psychiatry in this world and maybe there is medication or the magic equivalent to maybe bind the voices in Jinx’s head? But it’s all still very new and unsure how it works and Jinx isn’t sure she likes it. 
And she sneaks back to the undercity to talk to Ekko (I do want to see he rreaction to Ekko’s mural). 
Maybe Ekko is all gruff like “well that can’t undo the things you did” or grumpily asking her whether she likes her nice life in the big mansion now. 
Ekko musings
Would love to get an Ekko point of view of Jinx shooting the Firelight. 
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Would love to see an Ekko point of view on him having captured Vi and her being back and being unsure what her loyalties are. 
Would love an introspective piece on Ekko gazing at the mural of Powder before going to face Jinx in battle. 
Would love an Ekko point of view on the Vi and Cait hug (in my head it would be something like “good for them”). 
Also wouldn’t mind an Ekko perspective on Sllco. Maybe he tracks them. 
Also, mabye at some time Ekko thought about giving jinx a birthday present. Either he leaves it somewhere for her to find, or he decides against it and places it in front of the mural instead. Maybe he’s always been giving the mural Powder birthday presents and one day Jinx finds them. 
Mob queen Jinx versus Ekko (with smut)
So after Silco is dead Jinx takes over (maybe somebody else is running operations in the background, but she is the big scary figurehead) and her and Ekko are in a battle within the city. 
Like I can picture this really tense scene where Jinx attacks the sancuary and is shocked to see the mural there and just then Ekko and the firelights ambush her and Ekko is like seething with rage like “You attacked my home, I will never forgive you”. And then Jinx uncharacteristically calls a retreat. And then in her office she has an extended conversation with her voices and then decides to to sneak to wherever Ekko is and try to seduce him. 
I could picture either her trying to be seductive or just straight up tying him and trying to torture him a bit. Ekko would of course gruffly resist with like “I hate you” and “you are not of sound mind” and “I love Powder, not you” (up to anybody how successful he would be). 
[I sure hope Ekko likes cb torture if he ever brings up Powder in a situation like this]
Speaking of dark smut, Ekko thinks of Jinx while (non-lovingly) being with somebody else
In my head canon Ekko is basically a sweet guy, so if he was dating somebody he would do it because he cared for them and he wouldn’t think of Jinx while with them. But somehow my head goes, what if it was a sexual situation that wasn’t very loving. 
Like either he is at a brothel or maybe a topsider invited him to a sexy bath house to negotiate (yes this is inspired by Mel’s mom, but doesn’t have to be her) and while it happens Ekko keeps seeing Jinx and he doesn’t want to and he tries to think of something else. 
(bonus angst points if Jinx is there spying on the situation and overhears him say Powder’s name, being torn between being angry that he said Powder’s name and being intrigued because that’s how she finds out that he’s into her)
Speaking of which...
Jinx versus Powder
I think a really interesting shippy fic between the two of them would be that Ekko taunts Jinx that he doesn’t like her, he liked Powder. And at first Jinx is hurt by that, but then she begins to realize that he’s lying and so she taunts him back and tells him that he is into her after all. 
And he like denies it and she is like “Powder was never this free and you love it, Powder would never have ridden the skies with you” and he insists like “I knew Powder” and tells all this stories about how Powder was fun loving and creative too (like in the enemy music video or in Vi’s flashbacks of the really young powder) and Jinx is like “I’m still all that (but with a darker twist)”. 
And Jinx is like all “Powder was weak, you would never have been happy with her, you would always have tried to protect her” or like “Powder was a dream, we both know the world isn’t sweet like that”. 
And it effectively comes to a stalemate or Ekko going pensive “Hmmmm” as Jinx walks off. 
Going to school AU: both Jinx and Ekko go to topside university
Basically happy AU where the relationships between undercity and topside are a bit better and both Jinx and Ekko get a scholarship upside and it’s basically their freshman year experience with them having trouble fitting in and liking each other and they begin dating and they help each other study. 
Maybe Jace and Viktor show up as their professors. 
Going to school AU: only Ekko goes to school
Okay, also going to school AU, but here only Ekko goes because he has nice/acceptable parents, as per Ekko’s universe story. So they managed to get one of the rare scholarships topside and Ekko and Powder have this really tragic and touching goodybe as he leaves for school. Maybe Viktor is there  to greet him since he was a previous scholarship kid and he explain to Ekko what it is like as a Zaunite in a Piltover school. 
Lot’s of introspective stuff about Ekko being torn between two worlds, missing his home. 
Maybe Powder comes to visit him and he shows her some of his inventions and it hurts because Ekko can tell she is so talented, but she flunks the entry tests because she gets nervous. Maybe he keeps sneaking her in when it’s forbidden, maybe he tries to teach her in secret what he learned but it’s hard to juggle that and his school work. Maybe he begins arguing with the university that the system is unfair and VIktor warns him that he might get kicked out. 
Everybody goes to a Seraphine concert
Okay, so one of the more contentious lore bits of League of Legends is that canonically there is a happy pretty Zaunite pop superstar named Seraphine. 
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Cait is canonically a huge fangirl of her. 
Caityln:Seraphine! Would it be inappropriate to ask you for an autograph?"
Caityln: "I was so looking forwards to your next concert, Seraphine."
So, Seraphine is giving a concert to bring people together. Cait and Vi of course are there too, Cait is fangirlling out and Cait and Vi are smooching it up in the audience. Some of Ekko’s friends want to go and he decides to come along though maybe he is a bit snobby about not liking the music or thinking Seraphine is too idealistic. Ekko is there bobbing along, when he sees that Jinx has snuck into the concert, too. 
Ekko leaves his friends behind to follow Jinx and confront her (maybe he worries that she is there to attack the concert?). They trade words, maybe they bond, maybe they both pretend they don’t like the music, but actually do kinda like it. Maybe they smooch and then part and agree to pretend it never happened as soon as the concert is over. (maybe Jinx immediately breaks that agreement and teases him about it whenever they come across each other again)
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arcane-ish · 3 years
Arcane Parenting Week - Jinx
So there is a challenge Arcane's A+ Parenting Week.  I will try to do meta for it. But since I’m interested in the topic, I thought I would try to post some prompts in the hopes that maybe somebody will be inspired and pick them up. There are daily prompts but those are optional. So I’m doing my plot bunnies based on character on the general theme of parents or mentors.
It's getting late, it's basically almost started, so I'm dropping in some last minutes ones.
Silco telling Jinx about killing Vander
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I remarked before on this scene where Jinx talks about Silco stabbing Vander in the back.
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I would love a kind of twisted good!parent fic where Silco realizes that Jinx blames herself for the death of Vander and the boys and he tells her that she shouldn't blame herself for Vander's death, he's the one who stabbed Vander/Vander was still alive after the explosion/Vander would have succumbed to his Silco injuries eventually.
With him taking her to the location and "re-enacting" the scene (just like he to some extent reenacts the drowning) for her.
The Vander knife
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Okay I've seen people say that this is the Vander knife. I wonder how she got it. Did Silco gift it to her? He dropped it at the end of Act 1. Did she sneak back on her own to get it? Did they go together? Does Silco have it somewhere stored and she just knows where to get it?
Vander struggling to connect to Powder
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Personally, I've always kind of headcanoned Powder as being extremely attached to Vi and that hence Vander has some trouble getting through to her.
I could go for some really heartbreaking "I get it, but it's okay, we have more time left, I'm not going to rush her" and then of course the irony is that they don't have the time.
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arcane-ish · 3 years
Never One Without The Other
So League of Legends has this concept of Kindred - The Wolf and The Lamb
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It’s one of the representations of death on Runeterra. 
You can see a lore summary here or here (spirit blossom lore here). Basically the idea is that originally one being cleaved itself into two parts, light and dark, wolf and lamb, so it would never be alone. 
Wolf: Lamb calls Lamb: Wolf strikes
They represent the two types of death, peaceful death for lamb, violent death for wolf. Respectively people who accept death versus people who struggle against it. Lamb hunts souls/people down with a white bow, wolf tears them apart with its jaws.  Lamb: What do all stories have in common, dear wolf? Wolf: They end.
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Wolf: How long will we be together? Lamb: Forever more.
Of course in Arcane, you might have heard people calling out the easter egg of people cos playing as wolf and lamb in the brothel. 
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Something that makes a lot of sense, as there is some sort of romantic vibe to wolf and lamb being tied to each other forever (with their tagline “never one without the other”) even if they are not a couple in the typical sense.  And of course this scene implies that at least some people in Arcane’s Piltover & Zaun believe in Kindred or at least have heard of the myth. 
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Wolf: I see water! Lamb: They are called tears. 
Anyway, this made me really think of Silco and whether in death he would have seen Lamb or Wolf. Wonder if anybody has covered that? Silco seemed kind of at peace with dying with Jinx being there. I think that would be an interesting take that he always thought that he would encounter Wolf, but he meets lamb instead. 
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Silco doesn’t really strike me as a guy prone to religion, but if he believed in something I feel like Kindred might be up his alley with this undercurrent of “Everything dies/death comes for everybody”.  Lamb: All things linger Wolf: In our shadow
If you are interested, you can listed to their voice lines to set the mood. 
League Runeterra Vs. LoL champions
And yes this ramble was brought to you by this Silco’s dying moments fic: 
Vander is waiting for him in the water. It’s the old river, gray with silt and filth that Silco tasted in his mouth, an echo that used to linger in his lungs.
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arcane-ish · 3 years
Me: Happy Zaundads AU where Vander decides to get over his self-loathing and just love Silco (cuz Vander hates Silco because Sil reminds him of all the parts he hates about himself) and they team up to fight Piltover and raise Jinx together.
Also me: As a result, Ekko loses all faith in humanity because he always idolized Vander and he can't believe that Vander would shack up with the man who murdered Benzo. He becomes a crazed rat person avenger in the sewers where he meets and teams up with Zac and Twitch from the games.
Jinx: I want that one! Yes, the seething deranged mad scientist avenger one who hangs out with a talking rat and a living slime. I know you hate my evil monster dads, but when can you come over for dinner? I promise I give blowjobs.
Ekko: *hisssssses* *scowls* *shows up anyway because blowjobs* *Jinx makes him shower first* [because she's not *that* crazy]
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arcane-ish · 3 years
Jinx & Ekko Plotbunnies
Bunny 1:  Paint
Hear me out, 
Jinx smudging Ekko’s face paint with her thumbs as/before she kisses him. 
That’s it. That’s the bunny. 
Bunny 2: Masequerade
Ekko and Jinx independently infiltrate a fancy Piltover masquerade party. Time come across each other, recognize each other, but can’t blow each other’s cover. Bonus if Mel, Jayce or any other Piltover characters are also hanging around that party. 
Anyway, should ideally end up with Ekko and Jinx causing a ton of creative mischief together, preferrably of the vandalism kind. 
Maybe with an element of that because they are masked Ekko can let loose a bit more and let himself enjoy being around her and having fun with her. 
Bunny 3. High
During a battle Ekko actually gets doused with a drug. Not like sex pollen stuff, but more like makes him hyper and reckless. Jinx finds him, notes his condition but is surprisingly gentle-lady like and brings him home safely (like maybe only after a short detour and maybe some new paint on his face).
Bunny 4: Ekko won’t hand Jinx to the enforcers
After Silco’s death and the attack on the council the undercity is crawling with enforcers. Jinx gets injured. She ends up at the firelights and they debate what to do with her. Ekko is adament that no matter what she did they would never hand one of theirs over to the enforcers.  As he waits for her to wake up he plans to ask her what she intends to do next now that Silco is dead. Like a tiny part of him hopes that now that she is no longer under Silco’s control and orders it will be something he can live with. 
Maybe they have a heated argument about Vi before she departs? Like she says her goal is to revenge and she taunts him whether he intends to keep helping enforcers and he tells her that is the last time that she was “welcome” here and to never come back to the firelights. 
Maybe they have one “gulp” moment as she leaves he tells her that he is sorry for her loss (like not specifying whether it’s about Silco or losing Vi to an enforcers) and hugs her from behind and it’s all angsty and painful and then she runs off. 
Bunny 5: tinker contest
So maybe Ekko and Jinx have like this tech-tech game where he builds like alarm systems and traps to protect the Firelight sanctuary and every time he comes by Jinx has cracked and disabled them and he has to grit his teeth and come up with new and better ones. (like maybe sometimes she leaves him a letter like “great job, this one almost took me 10 minutes”). 
Bunny 6: Jinx and the sanctuary
So Amanda Overton wrote that Jinx and Ekko have known about each other for a while (including that Ekko is Firelight leader). So how about Jinx sneaking itno the Firelight compound (not to do anything, after all Silco doesn’t want her to harm them since he is using them as cover and scapegoats for his criminal dealings). Like maybe she sees the mural and gets mad and defaces it. Or maybe one night she just lies under the tree and stares at it in wonder. 
Bunny 7: Ekko gets sent to boarding Piltover school
After the horrific explosion killed Mylo, Clag and potentially Vi, and Benzo was just murdered Ekko’s parents get worried about his safety send him to go to a school in Piltover. Of course Ekko can’t stand it there, but torn between the love for his parents, his love for Zaun and concern for Powder he keeps breaking out. (seriously, anybody else think that that would be a great plot point to cover in season 2? To explain what kind of contact Jinx and Ekko did or didn’t have in the years in between)
(stab my heart if rather than Jinx seeing that as evidence he betrayed/abandoned her too, Jinx actually pushes him away because she’s a Jinx and she wants him to have a safe life in Piltover)
(stab my heart twice if Ekko actually runs into Viktor and Viktor speaks of his own experiences in a Piltovan school as a Zaunite)
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arcane-ish · 3 years
BTW, it is my stated goal to convince all of fandom of Arcane’s Ekko’s smut potential and no I’m not remote sorry for it. 
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If you can’t take Ekko thirsting, this is an Arcane Ekko thirst post: 
Also, bless those Timebomb fan artists who draw him like he’s the world’s tallest stud muffin. I mean, not that I don’t like cute Ekko, but tall Ekko is just .... guh. 
Also, can we talk about how Ekko can basically do ballet? 
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Mumble, mumble, something, something, *limber*. 
Seriously, where is my Timebomb Step Up / Ballet School AU? 
Also underexplored dynamics (some shippy, some considerably less so): 
- Ekko / Viktor: shy guy Viktor having a crush on cool guy Ekko or vice versa? Maybe with a mentor angle?  - Ekko / Jayce: rivals to lovers, considering how much game!Ekko seems to dislike game!Jayce?  - Ekko / Mel: so like they meet at a party and they like smut it up because they are the prettiest people in Arcane? okay, so maybe Ekko becomes the official speaker/representative of Zaun and Mel tries to mentor him on political savyness? or Mel goes undercover into Zaun because she had heard of Ekko and wants to check him out?  - Ekko / Silco: so... I’m not into non-con, but let’s just say the non-con potential in either direction is considerable, because the hate it definitely there on Ekko’s side and while we don’t really get much from Silco what he thinks about Ekko, it just seems very plausible that he would despise Ekko, as they have directly competing world views in regards to how to advance Zaun and in regards to Jinx, while still having the common baseline of being deeply invested in both Zaun and Jinx. And I guess the obligatory “corruption arc” respectively “Silco adopts X instead of Jinx/in addition to Jinx” AU. Or maybe they are forced to team up to save Jinx together and learn to respect if not each other but at least how they both care about Jinx in their own way.  - Ekko / Firelights: so they haven’t really told us much about the Firelights, but ... what if they were all free love and poly? And Ekko has like two partners there and they all make sweet love? Seriously, where is “character of choice or reader gets invited to a firefly party and is all 0o and Ekko is all ‘well yes, we all love everybody here, wanna join in on my threesome?’”. 
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arcane-ish · 3 years
Thoughts on Miner!Silco and Poverty in Zaun
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I know Silco growing up in the mines is a bit of a controversial take, but it made me think of a couple of things. 
Have you ever considered that within the context of the universe... we are kind of mostly seeing the middle/upper class of the Undercity? 
The upper class of Zaun are the chembarons and Silco is basically on their level even if he might not be the richest of them/doesn’t choose to fully live like them. 
Benzo runs his own shop. Vander owns and runs a bar. Ekko at least based on League lore has two hard working parents who were at least considering applying him to Piltover University. Viktor and Sky apparently have parents who did that successfully. 
We get a glimpse of the beggars and drug addicts of Zaun. 
But here’s the thing, other than crime ,Zaun should be running on mining and factories. I remember reading some stuff just how shit factory was in Europe ca 1900. And I assume mine work was even worse. Like “family of 10 living in a single room”, like “I can’t afford a room, let alone an apartment, so I rent a shared bed where when I leave to do dayshift some person with nightshift comes and sleeps in that bed because we both can’t even affort to rent a whole bed” (no privacy, no place to store personal affects), immediately spending everything you earn on alcohol to deal with the gruelling work (so work so you can pay for the drug that makes the work bearable), companies that don’t pay you with money but with store vouchers so you can only buy in their own stores where they hike up the prizes that nobody would accept on the free market. 
Granted, some of these things could be different in the fictional world of Runeterra (for example: if beause of magic contraceptives are a standard thing then you would have fewer problems specifically related to large families or to wedlock children drama), but overall... there should be people like that. Miners and factory workers and sailors who do the actual backbreaking work. 
Like for all the lip service Arcane pays to class warfare topic, it still is pretty “let’s play the cute romantic” parts of poverty and not actually showing the people whose backs the city is actually built on. 
BTW, while is probably is not that deep, we should not “underestimate grew up working in the mines.“ No “Silco was a miner” and no “Silco’s family were miners and so he grew up in the mines”. Whether intended or not, that sounds mightily we are talking the child labor kind of mines.  
Anyway, here are some miner!Silco plotbunnies or general “wow, poverty is shit, you know” plotbunnies. 
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Ekko, progress day and the toll: Is there a toll on the bridge? Because it feels like there should be a toll (if there are tolls, are there special passes that alllow you to go through without paying the toll? does Viktor haev one?). That’s why Silco cares so much about free access to the hex gates. So picture this, Ekko’s parents save up all their money to pay for the toll so they can take him up to attend the Progress Day festivities. On the way there maybe they get roughed up by the toll collectors. Maybe that day Ekko vows that he will never pay that toll in his life anymore, he will always just sneak into the city. 
Circles of hell: you know, somebody who is a good writer could probably write a really good “circles of hell” type story on Zaun. Where the highest areas that are closest to Piltover are fanciest because the air is cleaner. It’s where the chem barons live. But maybe that’s also where the “fancy” brothels and clubs are where some Pilties go to party if they are feeling adventurous, maybe that’s where the dock workers and sailors are. Then maybe there is the rank where the people live who have “nicer” factory and mining jobs, like clerks or foremans. Then the Lanes are somewhere in the middle, maybe they are like the “party district” but for the Zaunites themseles. Maybe next ring is where the poorer workers live and then there are the lowest rings, like the one for the drug addicts we saw or where the miners and shit shovelers.are from. 
Wow, sheets and stuff: Just the first time young!Silco sleeps in a bed with actual white sheets and it’s all fancy and wide eyed luxury to him. (maybe they don’t get clean water down in the mines? maybe they all stink because the water of the Pilt river is poisoned? or maybe clean water is a relatively recent addition only introduced by the topside because it kept being obnoxious to them when there’s always plagues breaking out in the undercity)
Poor people live with their parents (especially in crowded places): Recently I took a “guided by a local” tour in a big city in Europe. One thing the guide talked about is that the real estate prices are so high that nobody can afford their own apartment which means 1.) young people live forever with their parents and often don’t get married till late because they can’t afford a place with their spouse anyway 2.) because people live with their parents and there is no privacy young couples go and meet in the public parks to fuck. I just feel like there should be fic that incorporates that concept if it set in Zaun with a regular Zaunite. 
(it should be noted that even the upper class Cait and Jayce are living/appear to be living with their parents, we should just consider that that is doubly so the case for poor people)
(we should btw consider the option that Viktor is always working because he actually does not have a place to live because he can’t afford an apartment in Piltover and doesn’t have a Piltover patron family the way Jayce had, or that Skye always has to go back and forth between Piltover and Zaun with a special passport because she too can’t afford an apartment in Piltover)
Class differences within the undercity: So, how long have Benzo, Silco and Vander known each other? Were they all miners? Maybe at least one of them was a “Laner” and they only met after child laborer Silco decided to escape from the mines (either to join the revolution or to pursue a life in crime instead). Or maybe some of their group are workers, but one of them is like the Foreman’s kid and it’s like all angsty yearning from afar. 
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A day in Piltover: Them sneaking into Piltover (again refusing to pay the toll) to have fun and fuck around and get drunk and maybe whistle at some Pilties but of course enforcers are hassling you for “looking poor” in Piltover and loitering (do you have a passport? where is your toll slip?)
BTW: “go crawl back into the hole you came from, animal” sure hit’s different if you buy into the prosed “grew up working in the mines” background. Like, wow, Benzo you asshole. 
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arcane-ish · 3 years
Random crackfic idea. You know these fantasy movies where the companion is a talking sword?
Picture this: Silco finds out after a while that Vander survived and Singed as him. He goes to him like "I could kill you, but I decided you should suffer more, you should have to watch my rise and what I'm doing to your Lanes". He procures some powerful magic that puts Vander's body in stasis but seals his soul into an item (maybe a pendant). Which he carries around with and sometimes pulls out if there is something interesting to see (and also puts away if there is something he doesn't want Vander to see, like Jinx or whenever he is having a soft moment).
Eventually, the item starts talking to him.
(Vander): Gods, your life is boring. *Silco doesn't react because he's not gonna be a publicly ranting lunatic like Jinx and instead lights a cigar.* (Vander): I'd kill for a smoke.
(In my head, they eventually trade places. After episode 9 a heavily injured Silco drags himself to Vander, goes "You have to go save my girl, she is out there and she's mad with grief and I can't save her" and flips the spell. So now Warwick is prowling the streets, looking for Jinx while disembodied voice Silco shouts instructions at him and updates him on various events.
Much snark happens.)
(optional: Vander/Warwick eventually goes back to free sleeping beauty Silco from stasis and get him some serious medical attention)
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