pumpkinfairybun · 11 months
Woojoong and hyunnlix getting together for a foursome and alphas Woo and Hyunjin watching their respective mates, omegas blueberryjoong and blueberrylix make out and clumsily try to please eachother
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Lix and Joong would be so whiny and desperate - grinding their cocks together desperate for some relief while Wooyoung and Hyunjin just watch, amused by their efforts knowing neither of their omegas will be truly satisfied without their alpha's knots. But they let them struggle and tire themselves out trying until they're both in tears, practically crying in frustration.
Wooyoung and Hyunjin would give in finally and fuck them both from behind while JoongLix continue to make out, mostly too tired and delirious to do more than pant into eachothers open mouths.
I am feral for this concept. I wish I were a writer. I would write this. I need it.
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hyuwujin · 6 years
train rides
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pairing: reader x felix
genre: the fluffiest fluff :)
length: 2.5k words
warnings: none
summary: Spending the day with Felix is always a blast but your feelings for him certainly give you an internal conflict. Should you risk ruining a meaningful friendship by confessing or remain in the safety of the friend-zone by keeping quiet?
a/n: wOAHHH this is probably the fluffiest thing i’ve ever written but i hope y’all like it! honestly, this took me wayyyy too long but here it finally is!! i’d like to thank my fav bbs @hyyunjinn @hyunjinh @seungchanie bc i’ve been hyping this up for a while and you had to deal with it asdfgh;;;thank you for giving me the motivation to finally finish it!! ILYYYY<333
also @straykidzz and @ultnamjin i dont think i ever mentioned my fic to you??but i love and appreciate you soooo much! (pssst we should also talk more bc ily)
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“C’mon Y/N! This way,” an eager Felix pulled you by the wrist into the train station. Furrowing your brows at his enthusiasm, you looked around the nearly empty train station for a sign of anything worth enthusing over. 
“You still haven’t even told me where we’re going,” you grumbled, dragging your feet against the stained orange floor tiles. 
“It’s a Wednesday afternoon. There aren’t many people on the train since they’re already at work,” Felix grinned, guiding you into one of the train cars. You looked around the close to empty car––a mother and a child sat at the far corner and a well dressed man staring down at his brief case in the middle of the car––and shrugged with a nod of acknowledgement. 
Felix let go of your wrist to grab one of the poles inside the train car. He spun around the metal pole, effortlessly, and motioned around the empty car with his hand. “See?”
“Where are we going?” You couldn’t contain your curiosity and wondered what was making Felix so excited.
“The train’s last stop is at that theme park you mentioned last week. I know you wanted to go so–o let’s go!” Felix settled down in a seat and patted the seat next to him with a smile.
“Felix, you do realize it’s freezing out, right?” You pointed to the jackets you were both wearing. 
Adjusting the beanie on his head, Felix sighed. “But the park’s open! Besides, all that walking will tire us out anyway.”
“If I catch a cold, I’m blaming you,” you squinted your eyes and pointed an accusing finger at Felix. 
“Then I’ll be the one to take care of you,” Felix winked with a cheeky smile, causing you to snap your gaze away from him to avoid him seeing the blush creeping up your neck. 
“No–o. I’ll get you sick so you’ll suffer with me.”
“You would do that to me?” Felix placed a hand on his chest in feigned hurt. 
Looking back at him, you stared blankly at his obviously fake pained expression. “Yes.”
Scoffing at your reply, Felix looked away from you and towards the closing train car doors. “Stand clear of the closing doors please.” 
Plopping in the seat beside him, you nudged him. “It’s a long ride. You sure you made the right choice?” Throwing him a grin, you continued to nudge his side with your elbow.
“Now that I think about it…” Felix trailed off, looking up as if in thought. Looking back down at you, he scrunched his nose up and nodded. “As annoying as you can be, how many Felix and Y/N days do we have nowadays?”
“Hey! If anything, you’re the annoying one in this friendship!” 
“Yeah right,” Felix chuckled lowly, causing your stomach to do a flip. Can he not do that? “You’re definitely the annoying one. Who’s the one who showed up at the dorm at two am because you wanted to be fed?” 
“Hey! I was hungry, alright? You show up at my place at unusual times, too!”
“For good reason!” 
“You know you can send memes by message, right? You don’t have to come over and show me them!”
“I like to see your reactions,” Felix softly smiled at you and you felt yourself smiling, too. 
The train stopped at its designated stops, hence more people entered the train car and soon, you found yourself squished next to Felix with strangers sat on either side of you. 
“There aren’t many people on the train since everyone’s at work, huh?” You mocked, glancing at Felix.
Unplugging one of his earphones from his ear, he sighed, “I didn’t think it’d get this packed! Besides, our stop is soon. Don’t worry.” 
“You’re lying aren’t you?” You asked, monotonously.
“Psh, no…maybe.”
You huffed in response and crossed your arms stubbornly over your chest. Rolling his eyes with a smile, he returned the earphone to his ear and nodded his head along to whatever he was listening to. 
Without him noticing, you peered at Felix and watched as his eyebrows furrowed and his nose twitched as he continued to listen to music. 
“Excuse me,” you felt a nudge on the other side of you. Turning your head, you smiled politely at the old woman who was beaming at you.
“You two are very cute.”
“Excuse me?” You raised your eyebrows in surprise at her statement. 
“You are dating, aren’t you?” The old woman raised an amused brow and glanced over at the oblivious boy beside you.
“What? Me and him? No. No way! W–We’re just friends,” you shook your head profusely at her accusation. She thought you and Felix were dating? On what planet would your interactions make it seem like you were dating?
“Oh, that’s a shame,” the woman looked down at her lap with a sad smile.
That only confused you further and you furrowed your eyebrows. “Why?”
“My husband and I…we were the same way when we were kids. You two bickered and teased back on forth just like we had so it was quite easy to assume,” the old woman looked back up with a soft smile.
“Really?” You turned your body away from Felix to face the old woman and stared at her with curious eyes.
“Mhm,” she hummed and looked up in reminiscence. Leaning closer to you, she mumbled with a nudge, “You also look at him with desire, love.”
Choking on a cough, you leaned back away from her. “W–what? No, I don’t!”
“Well, of course you say that. But you can’t see how others look at you. Does he not notice?”
Slumping your shoulders in defeat, you sighed. “If I made it that obvious to strangers in a train, he probably does. Annnnd that means he probably chooses to ignore it.”
Swatting your hand with a scoff, the woman shook her head. “How old are you? You’re in your teens? Boys at this age can be very oblivious. Believe me, I have my fair share of grandsons and they don’t know the difference between having a girl look at them and having a girl really look at them.”
Laughing lightly, you nodded in understanding. Looking back at Felix, you wondered if that was the case. Maybe he didn’t notice.
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“Are we there yet?” You nagged, playfully smacking Felix’s arm in impatience. 
“Y/N, for the millionth time, two more stops!” 
The train ride was much longer than you thought and it didn’t help that Felix was practically ignoring you to listen to his own music. Rude, you thought to yourself with an eye roll. 
Most of the people had left a few stops earlier than yours, including the old woman who was sat beside you––she left patting your hand and wishing you luck, whatever that meant–––and now it was back to you and Felix in the train cart alone with the exception of very few people.
Leaning your head back, a sigh escaped your slightly chapped lips. Feeling your eyelids become heavier, you fluttered your eyes shut. You listened and focused on the squeaks of the train against the tracks, the light chatter of other passengers and Felix’s foot tapping.
A light shake to your shoulder woke you up. Humming in response, you slowly blinked awake. 
Chuckling at your sleepy expression, Felix pointed to the open train car doors, “We’re here.”
Leaping up from the seat, a grin found it’s way to your face. “Finally!”
“Come on. This train’s going to get full soon from people leaving the park,” Felix tugged you by the hand closer to him and guided you out of the train. 
“Wha–” you trailed off when exiting the train station. Looking up at the already darkened sky, you pouted. “If was daytime when we left!”
“You said it yourself; It’s still cold so it’s still getting dark early,” Felix looked away from the sky to glance at you. 
“Well, what are we waiting for then? We’re here finally!” You pulled Felix toward the entrance––you didn’t even notice you’d been holding his hand since you left the train car––and grinned widely. 
“See? Even thought it’s chilly, people are still here,” Felix motioned with his free hand toward others strolling down the boardwalk leading to the games and rides. 
“They’re crazy,” you instinctively shivered, causing you to shove your own free hand into your coat pocket. Acknowledging your slightly quivering nature, Felix put his hand up and took off the dark beanie on his head and placed it on yours. 
“You’re here, too, aren’t you?” You didn’t have to look at Felix to know he was smirking. 
“Only because you dragged me,” you reminded with a pointed expression. 
“Now now, we’re here to have fun! Where’d you like to go first?” 
Felix looked down at you with a soft smile and you couldn’t help but mirror it.
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“Okay I’ll admit, that was probably the most fun I’ve had in a while,” you laughed, heaving the large stuffed pink giraffe over your shoulder into the train station. 
“Me too! I’m glad we finally got to hang out again. You know, since the debut is coming closer, we haven’t gotten many chances to see each other,” Felix smiled, sadly, lugging his own giant teddy bear on his shoulders. 
“Hey! Even with you and the guys’ debut coming, there’s no way I won’t still see you! Hell, I’ll come by the studio or practice rooms every day if I have to!” 
Stopping in his tracks, Felix turned around. “Really?”
“Of course,” you furrowed your brows, wondering why he’d question it. Before Felix could say anything else, the train car caught your gaze and your face fell. More specifically, the packed train car.
“We won’t have seats!” You whined rushing past Felix and grabbing his hand on the way. Entering the cart, you both looked around for any seats and your shouldered hunched in defeat when neither of you found one.
“It’s okay. We’ll just stand until people get off,” Felix shrugged, guiding you through people near an empty space for standing. 
“Dude, do you know how lazy I am?” 
Rolling his eyes, Felix nodded slowly, “Y/N, I was the one who carried you on my back for the past two hours.”
“Oh,” you looked away, bashfully, “…right.”
“So where you going to put these?” Felix flicked his head toward the giraffe you held close to your chest and the teddy bear under one of his right arm. 
“These? It’s just the giraffe,” you scrunched your eyebrows and looked down at the stuffed toy.
“There’s no way this giant teddy bear is going to fit in my room. You should have it.”
“And you think I have the room?” After a moment of silence, you gnawed at your lip and tapped your foot against the train car’s floor. “Well, if you insist.”
Felix smiled to himself in victory and took a step closer to you. Widening your eyes, you instinctively took a step back. Furrowing his brows at your antics, Felix put his hand up and grabbed ahold of the bar above your head. 
Oh, that was what he was doing.
You mentally scolded yourself at where your thoughts went.
“Hold onto me.”
Blinking rapidly, you looked up at Felix. “Huh!?”
“The train’s going to leave soon. You don’t have anything to hold onto,” Felix continued to stare at you in concern. Were you okay?
“Oh,” you took one hand off the giraffe and grasped onto his arm. A blush crept up your neck and you looked down and stared down at your shoes as if they were the most interesting things you’ve seen all day.
The train jerked forward causing you stumble…right into Felix’s chest. If you weren’t blushing before, your face was probably as red as a tomato now.
“Uh,” you stuttered, looking up at Felix’s own widened eyes. “S–sorry.”
Just as you were going to pull away, Felix wrapped his free hand around you. “I got you.”
Great, you thought. Now I’m hyperventilating.
You stayed like that for a while and you couldn’t complain. As much as you were flustered, you enjoyed being this close to Felix. He smells good.
After some passengers had left the train at their stop, you both sat next to each other at the nearest open seats. 
“Huh? What?” You shook your head out of the trance you were currently in and smiled apologetically at the boy beside you. “Did you say something?”
“What’s going on in that head of yours? It looks you’ve been having a mental battle,” Felix lightly tapped at your temple and smiled. 
“It’s nothing,” you shook your head with a wave of your hand. 
“You sure?” Felix pressed. He needs to stop looking at me like that.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.”
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“You know I could’ve walked home alone, right?” You raised an eyebrow as you and Felix stood in front of your house. 
“It’s late. Gotta know you’re safe.” Felix shoved his hands into his jacket pockets and rocked back on forth by the heals and balls of his feet.
“Thanks,” you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and unlocked your front door. Pushing the giant stuffed animals into your house by your feet, you entered your home.
“Hey, wait,” Felix called out, causing you to turn around.
“Hm?” You turned around.
“When’s our next date?”
Choking on a breath, you blinked, “Sorry I don’t think I heard you right. Say that again?”
“Our next date?”
“This wAS A DATE!?” You felt the blush you managed to keep away from your face for the time being begin to slowly spread to your cheeks.
“Come on, Y/N. I spent my money on you, held your hand, hell, I even carried you but let’s not get into that, and won you stuffed toys. Doesn’t that sound like a date to you?” Felix smiled, cheekily, still rocking forward and backward.
“I uh––” you averted your gaze to look at the ground. “You mean, you feel the same way?”
“Same way? Of course, Y/N. Not gonna lie…you’re pretty obvious,” Felix shrugged.
Widening your eyes in surprise, you shouted, “You mean you’ve known? This whole time?”
“Everyone knows by now,” Felix rolled his eyes with a smile at your expression, “the guys were practically begging me to hurry and man up and tell you my feelings.”
“…I really don’t know what to say.”
“Don’t say anything. How ‘bout I pick you up tomorrow morning for some breakfast? We could chat about us then. Now, rest up,” Felix turned to go and you opened your mouth and closed it multiple times though no words came out.
“Goodnight!” You finally managed to shout after him. 
“Night Y/N,” Felix said in a singsong voice without bothering to turn around. “See you tomorrow for our second date.”
You closed the door behind you with a sigh and leant against it before looking down at the two large stuffed animals on the floor. Could I get any more cliche than this? 
Ignoring your thoughts, you squealed and scurried up to your room not able to wait for the next day.
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realstraykids · 6 years
ayeee i gotchu. you don’t wanna talk about lizards? fine let’s talk about cHANS KILLER SMILE BC WHEW🤧
the sun is jealous of chan’s smile 🤧
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jinnielovebot · 6 years
💕 send this to ten other people who you think are wonderful! keep the game going! 💕
@bangchans said: 💕 send this to ten other people who you think are wonderful! keep the game going! 💕
@stray-kids-dork said: Give ♡ this ♡ to ♡ the ♡ twelve ♡ nicest ♡ people ♡ you ♡ know ♡ if ♡ you ♡ get ♡ five ♡ back ♡ you ♡ must ♡ be ♡ perfect ♡ xoxo
@hyunnlix said: 💕 send this to ten other people who you think are wonderful! keep the game going! 💕 (you my kween and i appreciate you a l w a y s)
@chrisbangchuu said: 💗💫 Send this to ten other people who you think are wonderful! Keep the game going!
thank u all!!! u are my fave ppl in the whole wide world and i wld give u all the stars in the sky!! except u deserve more like the entire universe tho :// love u all ;u;
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seungmqn · 6 years
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spearbe · 6 years
THANK YOU!! kinda sad about leaving spearkook but new month new me ig alsjdbdjskks
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skfics · 6 years
— can you recommend me an uwu jisung / minho / hyunjin / felix fics? thanks uwu ;; btw have a nice day to y'all admins 💞💞
thank you!! we hope you have a good day too! I assume that means fluff…- mika
jisung (han) // fake dating au by @chenle (1/1 | 3250 words)
to put it shortly, jisung owes u a favour u covered for his dumbass in sophomore year when he decided to visit tokyo and couldn’t come back a week before finals so u had tutored him over skype and written ur notes TWICE so u could give them to him when he came back WHICH IS WHY U STILL HAVE PANDA EYES IN SENIOR YEAR
it’s you by @changbeanie (1/1 | 2371 words)
“This isn’t a good idea, Y/n” Jisung said, sneaking through your backyard cautiously, not wanting to wake your parents.
“C’mon. Live a little, and stop being such a goody two shoes,” you said quietly. You eased open the gate with as little force as possible, trying your hardest not to make a decibel of noise.
Jisung whispered, “Are you sure we should be going out? Aren’t there coyotes in your neighborhood?” The boy looked at you with wide eyes. You could almost see a hint of fear in them.
haunted house!au with lee minho by @skizmin (1/1 | 2608 words)
minho falls in love with the actor that jump scared him inside the haunted house at a carnival
of ramen and duck slippers by @minjinlix (1/1 | 2430 words)
The first time you run into Lee Minho, it’s 3am and he’s drunk.
You’re in your pajamas, hair more unkempt than a bird’s nest, and you’ve walked across the street from your university dorm to pick up some midnight ramen from the local convenience store. Well, 3am ramen actually. You and your roommate Jisung had been marathoning your favorite TV show in celebration of the end of another week of classes but he had fallen fast asleep next to you, his snores getting louder and louder by the minute.  You didn’t have the heart to shove him off your bed, and you figured you were craving some spicy noodles anyway, so you had slipped your feet into your duck-printed dorm slippers and left the building.
ramblings by @doublekn0t-archive (1/1 | 2733 words)
Hyunjin was bored. Like, I’m going to go outside and stare at the jisung bored. As he scrolled through his phone, something Changbin had reposted caught his eye.
‘Check out my friends radio show! It’s called ramblings! I help them out with it from time to time! It’s every Wednesday and Saturday from 2 pm to 5pm~’
Subsequently it was almost 2 and if Changbin was helping out, it had to be good. He grabbed all the snacks he could find and bundled up in a fluffy blanket. The cold, rain ridden air fluttered, causing a slight chill through this room. Despite it, he couldn’t help but admire the grey clouds from his windows.
sweet tooth by @kamino-ink​ (1/1 | 2656 words)
While most of your friends are connected to their soulmates by tattoos, dreams, or voices inside their heads, you are connected to yours by taste; it wouldn’t seem so bad if it wasn’t for the fact everything they ate was sweet.
roommates by @changbeanie (1/1 | 3541 words)
I wrapped my hands around my vanilla latte, sitting in front of the coffee shop near my apartment complex. I had recently put up an offer on Facebook stating that I needed a new roommate, since Woojin left for graduate school. The next day, a guy named Felix messaged me asking me about the offer. Currently, I am sitting outside a corner cafe waiting for this person to show up, who is apparently ten minutes late.
train rides by @hyunnlix​ (1/1 | 2518 words)
Spending the day with Felix is always a blast but your feelings for him certainly give you an internal conflict. Should you risk ruining a meaningful friendship by confessing or remain in the safety of the friend-zone by keeping quiet?
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felixthekoala · 6 years
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Bias Tag!
(yea that’s right Felix, my lollipop is bigger so HA)
I was tagged by the lovely: @3rachans @himeaegyo  @hyyunjinn and @ninewestay 
Tagging: @softstraykids @leeknows @seungmqn @doublekn0t @hyunnlix @bangchanmix @changbeanie and @bangchant
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hyuwujin · 6 years
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~ Reacting to the i am NOT trailer w/ Chan ~
ayo ya girl is back with more chan(garoo) texts bc idk he’s all i got so far;;;i will be doing these with the other members so look out for those ayeee;;;i also did the first two screenshots when it came out but didn’t post it?? so here it is!! hope you lovelies like it<3
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realstraykids · 6 years
chan’s smile can murder me on a daily basis :))))
yes his smile is truly a blessing 🤧🤧
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threeracha · 6 years
yes your honor, this post,,this post right here is what i want engraved on my tombstone !
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jinnielovebot · 6 years
ooop i followed you bc I saw you on cici’s blog and then went to yours and your most recent post was complaint about APUSH and I went “i reLATE LET ME SMASH THE FOLLOW BUTTON” :)))) ilyyyyy!
ranting abt school warms the heart and brings ppl together 😫😫😫 JASHDAJH ILY2 I HOPE YOURE DOING WELL BB 💓
tell me when/why you followed me! 
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seungmqn · 6 years
i’m just scrolling through your blog and omg you’re such a sweetheart ily so much astrella😭💕✨💖💕✨
Me?? A sweetheart?? Omg ajdmsbdjs sTOP before I cry 🤧🤧 You’re so precious omg I love you so much please take care of yourself 💗💗💗💗
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spearbe · 6 years
do you know any skz blogs you recommend to follow? i recently unfollowed a lot of inactive blogs and i’m in need of more ppl 💕 thank you
oh yes totally!! i got u uwu 
| @straykidsupdate | @fy-skz | @straykidsvideo | @forskz | @skzinc | @skgfx | @straykidznet | 
| @lqkimwoojin | @lqkimseungmin | @lqscb | @straykidslq | @sklq | @lq3racha | @lq-bangchan | @lq-hanjisung | @lq-hwanghyunjin | @lqhyunjinnie | @lqchangbinnie | @lq-leeminho | @lqhhj |
| @3noracha | @leadchan | @binnieseason | @realstraykids | @channie97 | @hxnjisung | @oo-line | @167crn | @etherealstraykids | @kncwlee | @hanracha | @jiisung | @bangchans | @owojin | @threeracha | @bangchant | @kim-woojins | @chanqlix | @virgolix | @jinnielovebot | @minhomygod | @felixeslee | @kkamist | @jeongin | @strgaykids | @skizdos | @raspberryminho | @seungmqn | @hyyunjinn | @lxx-fxlix | 
| @realstraykids | @hxnjisung | @oo-line | @bangchcn | @hyunjeno | @owojin | @bangchant | @strayaykids | @flirtfelix | @hyuinjinnie | @virgolix | @kkamist | @jeongin | @thespearb | @hyyunjinn | @leeknows | @pillix | 
| @channies-kitchen | @sugarbin | @stray-k1ds | @luvknow | @changbeanie | @chanqlix | @gayracha | @tojisung | @jisquish | @hanlix | @hyunnlix | @cloudyhyunjin | @ultrasoftstraykids | @3rachans | @straykidsscribbles | @elizabethsproductions | @leeknows | @uwujinnie | @felixmahdork​ | 
| @softraincloud | @seungminsmile | @saltbin | @prod3racha | @peachanlix | @vanillachangbin | @angiflxwies | @yes3racha | @deathandgeology | @jisungified | @seungmin-jpeg | @mari-paints | 
| @spear-bean | @gayracha | @strayboys | @jisquish | @jisunglive | @strgaykids | @meatmeinthemiddle-mark | @snailseungminiee | @yes3racha | @kim-squishmin | @woojinshairwasblue | @straykidshan | @straynation | @3rachans | @taeyomi | @strayjokes | @honeyboyhyunjin | @bundlesandbeanies | @hanniehats | @stray-kids-stuff | @sechangbin | @astraykidsdaydream | @straymemes | 
| @stray-moon | @daisyjisung | @curlychans | @chainbin | @astrochannie | @iridescentbee | @wlwskz | @wlwnderland | @j3rachans | @fewix | @fallenangelgirl | @jikseu | @uwustraykids | @jisungssmile | @prince-hyunjin | @jisungsings | @uwulix | @felixdabs | @felix-my-amatus | @kxmwoojxn | @hyuinjin | @seungmin-wrecked | @straykidsthetype | @fairyfelix | 
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minhomygod · 6 years
hey rach ily even tho you called me a binch ;)))) ~scooby doo mutual
Wow Alyssa I love you too even if you were a binch ((you’re not actually omg Alyssa I’m sorry forgive me I was trying to figure out who you were for like 3 hours ajxbsjxbsj 😭😭💖))
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hyyunjinn · 6 years
Today was my first day back at school and wow I’m so wore out and sad. Do you possibly have any cute Hyunjin fanfic recs???? It’s okay if you don’t, I just really need the fluff
oh nooooo please feel better! it’s only the first day of school, if you keep a positive mindset things will pick up
AND YEAH OF COURSE I GOT SOME RECOMMENDATIONS! It’s been about a month since I read any skz fics but I’ll give you some of my favorites
luvknow’s barista!hyunjin (but their entire barista!skz au is soooo good I really recommend all of it
seoulscenarios‘s fashion major!hyunjin (and again, their ENTIRE college!skz au is SO GOOD I LOVE ALL OF THEM A LOT HAHAH)
it’s you by doraehan (not necessarily all fluff but I absolutely adore this fic)
sprb-exe‘s youtuber!hyunjin 
hanlix’s soulmate!hyunjin (I REALLY LOVE THIS ONE UGH)
lucky charm by godrics 
baebbaeby‘s boyfriend!hyunjin
1 A.M. by cocacolabiased 
leefelixs’ boyfriend!hyunjin (this is one of my ultimate favorite ones) 
changbeanie’s time travel aus [ original | spin off ] (I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THIS ONE BECAUSE idk I think the concept it so good and tbh, I prefer the spin off haha)
redamancy by hyunnlix
just friends by stray4419
… i’m gonna rec my fics too kdjssafd
charmander is not a digimon 
I hope you feel better reading these fics!
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