#i DO hope its an original zelda story
veggiecorner · 11 months
are there any specific irl people who you think are worthy of playing link? I know thinking of actual good castings will just disappoint me in the long run but I cannot think of someone I would be ok with playing link and it is driving me INSANE. Also, talking link, mute link, or kinda quiet link?
I love myself (arguable) so i'm not gonna look at white men
The initial announcement, regardless of WHO it is will emotionally hurt all of us - even if its a good casting (really doubt that, unless they get the person who casted people for the one piece live action). I don't think the Zelda movie is going to be awful, I just...at the moment can't even imagine how it'll be...well, feeling like Zelda. I also associate live action with more serious themes so it's hard to think of an actor who could capture the fun and whimsical parts of Zelda - if there are even going to be parts of it.
As for how much Link talks......tbh i always KNEW Link was eventually going to talk, I didn't have a problem with that. But I do see him as kinda quiet, only speaking when necessary. Like...less talkative than he is in the mangas. I would be sooo pleasantly surprised and happy if they went with a mute Link but lets be for real.............
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majorproblems77 · 25 days
Sacred realm competition entry!
This is my participation in the @zelda-the-sacred-realm's writing and art competition, for the theme Adventure. I love this comic so much and I love the characters. I've tried my best to characterise them based on the information we have.
We are sending our friend Link on an adventure today, and I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it. (To be honest, i really enjoyed making this and ill probably continue it in the future.)
And a thank you to the creator, for giving us the opportunity to create stuff like this. This was so much fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else has come up with as well.
It will be Cross-posted to my A03 account (And my writing account)- As soon as I figure out how to tag it so it's findable
For now, I introduce
You're a hero too, a sacred realm short story
- 1705 words
“It’ll be an adventure!”
He was already on enough of an adventure thank you very much. According to Wind, they had come across a Temple entrance of some kind, and The young spirit seemed eager to explore its depths
“Uhh Sky?” Link asked softly. Standing behind the spirit as the sky hero walked ahead of the group.
“Look over there. You see that.” Wind bounced on the balls of his feet and pointed to his right towards a large-looking tunnel. Engravings curved around the wall.  “Theres a tunnel here. And where you find engravings like this. There's often a temple not far behind. With puzzles!”
“A puzzle?” Link asked. “Like from the stories?”
“Yeah!” Wind smiled, his eyes searching the wall. “Guaranteed there’s a puzzle in there.”
“Gods and spirits often leave things for heroes to find later. I got these from a temple!” Sky turned his head to show his earrings. The light of the hero's spirit shone across them as Link looked closer at them. “Originally these were fireproof earrings for my adventures through a volcano.”
“You think I’ll get anything like that?” Link looked back to the forest behind them as they entered the tunnel.
“Well, you are a hero.” Sky smiled. Placing a hand to Link’s back. Turning his head to look at him. “So I would think so!”
Link smiled softly, as Wind ran ahead. Ushering him forward. “Come on!”
Wind lead the way into the tunnel as the group entered the darkness. “Is it very long? Do I need a torch?” The realm’s hero asked, wringing his hands nervously as he continued to follow the group.
The tunnel opened out to large pit in the middle of the room. Decorated in red and blue torches the top of the walls had runes across it. Sunlight filtered through the ceiling, as the three separated. Time walked to one of the walls, investigating it. While, Link walked to the large pit which sat central in the room.
“Uhh… What do I do?” Link turned back to Sky, who had paused between the two. Looking to the ceiling above the hole, then down at it. He moved across the room to stand besides Link. Sky looked around the room. Eyes pausing on time for a moment. A hand raised to his chin.  “Well. If I had to guess…”
“Hang on.” Sky paused. Looking to Time who had a hand raised. Then to Link. “I think he should figure it out.”
“Why?” Wind raised an eyebrow. Crossing his arms. “We are here for a reason. Surely we should be helping him when we can.”
“And if there's another spirit barrier?” Time said, stopping the hero of the wind’s in his tracks. He pointed a finger towards the hero of the Sky. “You were out of action for a week by hopping into the fight.”
“Hoping into the fight was the right thing to do.” Sky shot back quickly. His voice not accusatory for the moment, but a hint of annoyance on the tip of his tongue.
“I had it handled.”
“Did you?” A pause. “Or did that thing inside the medallion have to save you.” Sky pointed to the item on Link’s chest. Eyes fixed on Time.
Link’s eyes widened at that. The spirit, which he’d nicknamed amulet, was still a mystery to him. Every time it entered the fray he felt helpless. Like a prisoner in his own body. He took a step back and lowered his head. Biting his lower lip as he looked down at the item in question. Placing a hand under it so he could look at it again. The lights of the hero’s spirits shining bright across the surface. Twilight, Wild and Worlds light’s shining dimly.
 The medallion was a warning and a burden, its golden surface a cruel reminder that he still had a lot to learn.
“uhh, guys.” Wind walked over to Link while the others locked eyes with each other. The tension cut with a knife. “Maybe you should wait…”
“Link.” Sky’s voice was immediately laced with guilt as he heard the spirit move around him. His eyes searched the walls below him and they met a small platform. About five feet below him. An eyebrow raised as he turned. “I shouldn’t have…”
“Now look what you’ve done.” Time stood with his arms crossed.
“I…. I didn’t.” Sky stuttered. Looking over to the man in question. Who was leaning over the edge of the platform. Having spotted the same one he had. “Link Wait!”
Link wasn’t paying attention to the spirit beside him. His eyes fixed on a platform below him as he moved around the pit slightly. Placing a foot right on the edge of the pit he took a breath.
Here goes nothing….
Link jumped onto the platform below him, and felt the feeling of shifting through a barrier. Another spirit barrier. The others wouldn’t be coming with him.
“Link!”  Sky’s voice above him he didn’t look up. “Link! Wait!” Slowly walking over to the edge of the ledge he was on allowed him to. He could do this. He could do this. He could…
Oh…. There was no platform there. There was no platform there! Nonnonononono.
He looked upward. Trying to see if he could jump back out. Taking a step back, The feeling of a plate pushing down startled him. He looked to his foot and spotted a pressure plate.
Oh no…
 The walls began to rumble and shake. The platform began moving. The sound of stone grinding as the platform began to retract into the wall from which it came.
“Oh nononono,” he slid backwards and scrambled to the wall. “Nononono, please stop please stop please stop.”
“Link! Link! To your Right!” Wind’s voice sounded over the noise. He looked up rapidly to see the hero of Sky pointing, “Down! And to your right!”
He looked right and saw another platform springing from the wall. A little lower. Panic rising he looked up to see Sky and Wind pointing to it. “That one! THAT ONE!” The spirits voice sounded worried. He appeared to be leaning down but recoiled as blue flames licked at his fingers.
He nodded, standing up on shaky feet he jumped down another five feet.
Another plate. Another shifting platform. As he jumped lower and lower.
The further we went the braver he became.
It was just jumping down a few stairs he’s fine. Well more than a few, but as sky said. He was a hero, right? He should be able to do this in his sleep.
Finally, he made it to the floor. Looking up from his spot he could still see the yellow glow of Sky and Time above him.
“Link! Are you okay?!” The sky hero’s voice echoed down the tunnel as the last of the platforms disappeared into the wall.
“Yes!” Hands to his knees he took a few deep breaths before straightening up. Looking around the walls were a deep grey, illuminated by the faint glow of lanterns dotted across the wall. The ground shifted around his feet, the sand falling away as he made his way around. Placing a hand to the wall he walked the pit’s perimeter to find a switch. But found nothing.
“There’s nothing down here!” He shouted up towards Sky who disappeared past the lip before returning. “I can't find a way up!” Looking across the walls they were decorated with random poles and circular patterns. He felt fear grip him.
Trapped. He was trapped.
“We can't get down to you from here!” Wind’s voice shouted down. “Think you can disable the spirit barrier somehow?!”
“I don’t think so!” He tried to keep his voice steady. Don’t want to panic Sky. “I’ll keep looking.”
“What do you see?!” Time also leaned his head over the pit, his face as stoic as ever.
“Just a bunch of Sand…” He looked to the floor and crouched. Brushing at the floor. More sand met him. The way it shifted made him pause. It didn’t seem all that deep. And there was an indentation buffed in the ground.
A door? A way out? Deeper into the ground. Great.
He began to dig around the edges of the square indented in the floor. If he just kept digging. And digging. And digging. Hoping He might find a way out of this mess.
His fingers brushed a latch as his digging became more frantic.
He revealed a door, and his eyes widened. “Guys! Guys, I found a door!”
His fingers latched the handle and pulled, opening a pit of darkness. The sound of sand falling into it filled his ears as the ground around him shifted. Looking into the darkness he could just about make out the floor below him. He’d have to jump into the pit, which would close the hatch…
A One-way drop.
“Sky! You guys better get back in the medallion!”
“What did you find?!” The Skyloftians's voice sounded. The outline of shining light filtered down towards him. A hand raised to his forehead as he squinted his eyes. “Are you okay?!”
“There’s a hatch in the floor!” Looking more closely he spotted carvings dotted across the wall.  “I think. I think Wind was right! I think it’s a temple!”
“Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's go!” Wind’s voice echoed around him as swirling wind shifted around him and light burst back into the medallion. His spirit shone as bright as ever along side the others.
The swirling sounds of fire and lightning echoing through the air rang in his ears as the spirits flew down the tunnel and nestled inside the medallion.
He wouldn’t be alone, he just had to remember that.
The door above him loomed red and blue dancing across the wall. He raised a hand to the surface and pushed. The door creaking forward darkness met him as he reached to his right. Looking between a red torch and a blue torch before grabbing the red torch, and holding it close to his chest as he took a deep breath. Walking into the darkness. One thought echoed through his mind.
Time for an adventure.
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pocketseizure · 16 days
Do you think such amazing contents from the Master Works would’ve helped better the story of TOTK? The Hylia entrusted the Sacred Stones to the Zonai and the Age of the Gods is a shocking revelation to anyone who have read it. Especially the murals of Ganondorf, the stargate-zonai like portal, Link and Zelda’s exploring the Temple of Light, Kotake and Koume, the Zonai ruins on the surface, the Hyrule Restoration festival, and Zelda’s time in the distant past (with Sonia as the pair bonded). I feel the developers should’ve saved those ideas for a DLC.
My feelings about Tears of the Kingdom are complicated, as it's impossible to think about the game without considering it as a commercial product. Due to the breakout success of Breath of the Wild, I'm afraid that the Legend of Zelda franchise as a whole has become too big to fail. What this means is that Nintendo is treating the franchise as a financial safety net that will help them cover potential losses on more original and experimental projects. On one hand, I can appreciate how this benefits creative potential on a larger scale. On the other hand, I can't help but wish that the story of Tears of the Kingdom were allowed to be more complicated. I understand why a lot of the content teased in the Master Works artbook was cut, but it's still a shame that the darker atmosphere and narrative nuance suggested by the early concept art was toned down into something more appealing to a broader audience.
My hope is that the developers allow the Hyrule of Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom to rest on its laurels, and that they return to some of their more intriguing ideas in an entirely new game (perhaps on a new console). Based on what I've seen, the innovations and twists on the series formula expressed in Echoes of Wisdom give me a cautious sense of optimism that this is possible.
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let me help you botw shippers by sharing my original suspected plot
so. basically i originally was like "what if we got to fight the champions in the divine beasts?" and when i found out that wasn't how it worked i was really sad but lemme spill it on out for ya. basically the whole thing up to ruta (who should be everyone's first divine beast imo, but im using it as an example) is the same, you wake up in the shrine of resurrection, you get the paraglider from the old man, you go to kakariko and talk to impa, etc etc. but when you get into ruta (or whatever your first divine beast was) its quiet. the sos tones in the music are much more audible. you find a sign that says "go to the guidance stone and get the map. i'm trusting you, link." or something along the lines of that, and you go, and you clear out the terminals and stuff and go to the main control unit. that's where you'd fight a blight, right? wrong. mipha (or the champion of that respective beast) drops down, covered in malice, with a malice eyeball near her heart. (the eyeball locations vary for each of the champions, urbosa has one on her hand, revali's is on his head, and daruk's is on his right knuckle. these correspond to not only their ablilities but their personalities as well. ex. revali's big ego) her eyes are black and she's a lot stronger, she'll hit you with giant waves that do a lot of damage. occasionally she'll scream out something like "you can do it link" or "help" or just a general noise of discomfort, and you have to hit the eyeball and only the eyeball (if you can.) if you miss the eyeball and hit mipha she'll take damage, which is uh. not what you want, obviously. in phase 2 of her fight she'll do ice mixed in with the waves, and might dash in and spear you with the lightscale trident. when you finally clear off the eyeball's health (around 800 hp if its your first or second beast, the original of waterblight, or 1600 if its your third or fourth) it will do a very dramatic... disappearance? and the malice will go away from mipha. this triggers a cutscene, she'll fall to the ground, using her arms to break the fall n' then look up at link. he'll offer her a hand up, she'll take it and say something like this. "You know, Link, I've been waiting for quite some time... I never lost hope. I knew you'd come to save us. You must go save the others (or if fourth, "You must go save the princess,"), I'll be here, locked onto Hyrule Castle, ready to strike with Ruta at just the right moment. I'd like you to take this ability to help you. It will take a lot from me, but I can recover. I have decided to call it, "Mipha's Grace." Now, go, Link. Save the others. I'm counting on you." And then you fade away like you normally do. Now of course these dialogues, bossfights, and cutscenes vary. Maybe I'll post about the other champion bossfights later but I wanna get to after you beat Ganon. In this, there's a postgame. All of the champions (if you cleared the Beasts and freed them from the malice. If not, you've already saved them before Ganon) come to Hyrule Castle to congratulate you, come see Zelda, etc.. Now that Ganon's sealed away, the Champions can go see their successors, for lack of a better word, and these have cutscenes that will *make you cry*. The Divine Beasts are adventure-able again, and you can hang out, get any chests you missed, and really whatever you want. You can hang out with the champions in their home villages, maybe even.... do a love story (GASP but this would never be canon probably. if i make a mod for this it will happen but if not its stuck in this tumblr post.) with them. There's a lot that you could probably do, a lot of postgame potential. You could go and hang out anywhere you wanted in the Vast Region Of Hyrule(TM). anyway yeah, take that ass you will.
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
feelings on the ‘link who went into the shrine of resurrection isnt the same one who came out’ theory/hc? apologies if this has already been clarified
sigh. this theory occupies the exact same niche in my mind as the "link is dead in mm" theory tbh (by which i mean its the bane of my fucking existence.) Technically, i believe it is possible within the preestablished lore of the franchise. However, I think the only way you come to a conclusion like this is by deliberately ignoring a lot of the writing of the game.
in my opinion, loz as a franchise is at its best when it functions as a thematic narrative. my favorite games in the series all function as narratives on two levels--the first is the obvious one, the hero's journey story that the player actually physically plays through. the second level is the one that really hooks ME on these games though, and that's the thematic level. oot, for example, is essentially a story about a young boy going on a journey to save his kingdom. But on a thematic level, it's about the relationships between adults and children and the trauma of growing up. breath of the wild functions similarly. essentially it is a story about a boy waking up with no memories and saving a princess from a monster. but on a thematic level, botw is a commentary on trauma and growth and healing.
the gist of the theory you're talking about is that the original pre-calamity link was unable to be resurrected and the shrine of resurrection just made a new one in his place, and that's why he has no memories. depending on how deep into the theory you go, some suggest that everyone the original link knew pre-calamity is in on this conspiracy and are deliberately gaslighting the new link into believing he is the same person as the original. to be entirely honest, i think it technically works on a purely literal level. COULD the shrine of resurrection have probably made a new link? yes. COULD zelda and everyone else be conspiring to convince link he's a real boy? sure. technically yes. there's not REALLY anything wrong with this from an in-universe standpoint. it's all technically possible. but imo the only way to come to this conclusion is to ignore the fact that botw functions on a secondary level as a metaphor.
I think there's a tendency among a certain type of superfan to forget that media is created by PEOPLE, and that writing decisions are made deliberately. especially in a game as vast and immersive as botw, it's admittedly easy to forget sometimes that the world and the narrative were crafted by human beings and therefore narrative and worldbuilding decisions were made for a reason. but if you take a step back and analyze it from a writer's perspective, botw's thematic narrative is almost richer than its face-value story. it's built into the characters, the world, the lore, EVERYTHING in the game is structured around its central themes. this is part of what i believe makes botw such a successful and relatable game. Its central message, that it's never too late for growth, that healing is possible, that just because things are broken doesn't mean they can't be fixed, is woven so beautifully into the very bones of the game. There's a REASON that link wakes up with no memories, and it's not because he's a victim of a kingdom-wide conspiracy about his own death. it's because he is meant to seem broken beyond repair. he wakes up on the near-abandoned great plateau--DELIBERATELY abandoned, because the player is meant to view the world as broken beyond repair at this point in the story, with no memories, no heart containers, no stamina. A shell of the warrior he once was. and the rest of the game is dedicated to the discovery that he can heal. he can find his memories, he can grow stronger, he can form new relationships and he can do better. hope was not lost when he fled hyrule castle 100 years ago. hope is never lost so long as there are people who are willing to keep trying to rebuild. hyrule is not a dead, abandoned kingdom as it first seems when you awake. Hyrule is ALIVE. there are cities and stables and merchants and travelers and people living and dying and continuing on every single day.
to suggest that link didn't actually survive requires you to, at best, deliberately ignore all of that thematic setup, and at worst, retcon it out of existence. if link isn't really link, if the whole world is conspiring against him, then that means that the original link really was doomed. that he can never heal from what happened to him. that he was exactly what he believed himself to be--a failure who doomed hyrule to a century of suffering. it removes link's agency and his impact as the main character of this story--if he was never hurt in the first place, he has nothing to heal from. there's no message there, nothing to be learned. he's just going through the motions of the story because he's been told to--arguably falling into the exact same trap that the original did.
again, is the theory technically plausible? yes. in-universe, the groundwork exists for it to have happened. but if you refuse to look at a narrative outside of its own governing universe, it's easy to forget that people tell stories for a reason. botw is written the way it is because its writers had something to say. Why does link lose all his memories after the shrine? In-universe, this is a mystery, yes. to someone who is only willing to examine that plot point within the confines of that universe, yeah, it seems like a plot hole, and yeah, this theory might explain it. but from a writer's perspective, it's not a plot hole at all. it's a clear, deliberate writing decision. just because a story asks you to suspend your disbelief a little bit for the sake of the greater narrative doesn't mean that the writers are actually secretly plotting a conspiracy and link isn't really link. it means you're being asked to either willingly suspend your disbelief, or examine why you're being asked to do so from a writing standpoint.
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expanding-hyrule · 2 days
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This is largely a repost of the original version I did on @amelias-zelda-calamity-quintet to add to the pinned post, but for the sake of having it here on this blog too as its own post:
The Expanding Hyrule Community Discord!
Much like the name Expanding Hyrule and Original Legends, all of this is very new. And open to feedback 110%. But, much like the fact that there is no name for this niche of the Zelda community, there's not a place either. So we need one so we can pick a name together!
A lot of the assets are temp reused stuff from my fic, MoaH, but the asset is also a guild symbol and what better way to start an adventure with adventurers than with a guild! Union metaphor, adventure tie in, it'll get changed, but until a name gets picked, the acronym would be "EH" which is not as enthusiastic as I'd like to be about this. So, what is the server now!
At the top, I want to mention that I am solo-modding this at the moment, so the scale of what the server can do will scale based on that and whenever I get a mod situation figured out. Which is why:
Server is 16+. For this particular brand of building community, I want to have a space open to new storytellers and established storytellers alike. I am however only one person and until I have more Discord savvy folks to help, I don't know that I have the energy to deal with very young folks.
To the meat of it: this server is, for the purposes of this post, what I'm currently calling "Original Legend" Zelda stories. These are stories that aren't based on any particular game, they would be their own games if they were ever adapted. If you tell stories in that niche or are interested in those kinds of stories, here's your place to help us pick a name for this community and support it!
If you write Original Legend fic, have an Original Legend comic, or generally make fanworks in this niche, you can get your own subcategory set up on the server for boosting and promoting your Hyrule. A community of book clubs is the idea. All you gotta do is head to the Expanding Hyrule section of the server, give me some details on how you want to set up your subsection of the server, and there you go, a place to collect resources for your work maybe a little easier than shifting through a blog or hoping the tags don't break. Here's a few of mine on the server already as examples:
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(Some of these subcategories can get big, so minimized for space, here's mine for example)
Continuing on that point, the events section is open for request. If you upload on a schedule or one off but you know the day, I'll get an event set up so folks can get reminders of your releases. Additionally, if you do streams for your art or art for creators in this space, will also happily add those into the events.
For folks that like engaging with Zelda fanworks, yo! You get to help us build a new part of the community! This fandom has built niches before, like the Links Meet niche. Here's another one that we can set up together! And as creators in this space, we need your help because this genre has no central identity for us to organize behind. You get to help create that!
What are y'all waiting for? The pic is linked with the invite, here it is again (x), and it's on the pinned post for this blog.
(This post has external links, so reblogs help a ton!)
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dreadfutures · 6 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @plisuu and @rosella-writes - and tagging the whole rest of the DA FanFic server crew:
@warpedlegacy @rakshadow @effelants @bluewren @breninarthur @ar-lath-ma-cully @ir0n-angel @inquisimer @crackinglamb @theluckywizard @nirikeehan @oxygenforthewicked @exalted-dawn-drabbles @melisusthewee @blarrghe @agentkatie @delicatefade @leggywillow @about2dance
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Maximum Ride, Pokemon, Spirited Away, Zelda, Pathfinder CRPGs, Elden Ring, Dishonored, and of course, Dragon Age
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Dead Pasts and Dread Futures (Dragon Age)
Hero of the Wild (Legend of Zelda: BOTW)
When the Wind Whispers (Legend of Zelda: BOTW)
The Brave Guide (Dragon Age)
Light in the Dark (LOZ)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I try to. I fall behind very frequently but I always try to say thank you. So many people tell me why these stories touch them, and to share that with me, is such a gift that deserves acknowledgement.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably 'The Hope of Fen'Harel' (on AO3) or the scene where Solas finds out that young Ixchel is dead (here on tumblr).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
the road seems too wild for mixing it with blues (Dragon Age) - literally it is a Solavellan happiest of happy endings. There are brown butter donuts.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes. Not infrequently.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sometimes! I do try to write titillating smut but if it's in my longfics, it's got to be for character reasons and serve the plot. But I have more than one smut oneshot that's just there to get people hot lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I have had ideas copied wholecloth.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of, but you are free to do so as long as you tag me and properly credit via the "inspired by" on AO3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! ALL of my Maximum Ride fics were co-written. Literally sending passages back and forth over *yahoo instant messenger.* It was an absolute fucking joy. Those fics are gone now though lol.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Prooooooobablyyyyyyy Haku/Chihiro. I will read absolute drivel if it's got them in it.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I WILL ABSOLUTELY FINISH MY BOTW FICS I AM WORKING ON THEM OKAY?! The one i don't think i will ever do is my young!Ixchel fic. It's too fucking sad. But it lives in my head and calls to me.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dreamy prose, evocative horror, and really motivated plots.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm verbose, I have a hard time connecting scenes / passing time without it feeling like it's dragging.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
So, for fantasy languages that you have to conlang -- I think you should just write it in English. Especially if you're not making up YOUR OWN conlang and instead relying on the work of a notorious jackass. I have taken to "[[brackets and italics]]" to indicate when dialogue is happening in Elvhen. In real life languages, such as Spanish, the current movement in ownvoices communities is to include the dialogue in its original tongue, with no italics. Readers are smart. They can look it up. And they need to get used to languages other than their own without it seeming other, alien, or magical. In my original novels, where Spanish is often used, I stick with this rule.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Maximum Ride or Spirited Away.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
it ends or it doesn't (Dragon Age), my Felassan-as-Benoit-Blanc arlathvhen murder mystery!
blank form below:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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skyloftian-nutcase · 6 days
Since I see you've asking lots of people this, I'm throwing the love right back at ya!
It’s “appreciate yourself” hours! Pick five pieces of writing/art that you’ve done that you love and talk about them! ❤️❤️❤️
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aowhebfofhsnwowuwbe AHHH YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY THIS MADE ME ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for asking ❤️❤️❤️😭
Well, let’s see…
I know this isn’t a popular AU of mine, but I really love the Imprisoning War AU (and, consequently, Golden Mercy as well) with my whole heart. Also it has invaded my brain so freaking much I might actually explode LOL. Idk, my mental health and life in general have been not as optimal as I would like, and this AU has been my outlet for that, which is why it’s far more hurt and less comfort than most people like. But I relate to the characters in different ways (people pleaser Link my beloved haha dude I get trying to make everything work for everyone and trying to say yes to everyone and burning yourself out; forever alone and somehow the most rational one Hemisi I feel you girl; everyone relying on you and you have to do it because when you don’t the world falls apart Zelda keep up the good fight girl), I like exploring what happens when you really push the “Zelink has to happen every time, even at the expense of other relationships” agenda that sometimes is tossed around (no hate to Zelink or its shippers, I enjoy some Zelink ships and I know many Zelink shippers who are wonderful. I just hate the idea of forcing them together all the time when there are other relationships that are clearly there lol, I’m salty about how Hyrule Warriors handled it but it was fan service so whatevs. ANYWAY. It creates great drama), and I like showing a realistic depiction of the absolute, if you’ll pardon the expression, shit show that would be left behind in the wake of such a disastrous war that Ganondorf created. It also sets up Ganondorf’s expectations, worries, and views really well for Golden Mercy, and I’m pretty excited to write a Hyrule Warriors long fic and try to redeem that giant jerk while still making it realistic and recognizing he’s a complicated guy. :) They’re all complicated, and I love characters so it’s just so much fun for me. Also, making anybody turn into a good Dad is obviously a passion of mine LOL. I’ll shut up now, but I really love this AU. ❤️ (technically I lumped two stories together for this but they’re all part of the same AU so… there lol)
Blood of the Hero is probably my current favorite long fic that I’m actively updating. The LoZ fandom is sorely lacking good parental figures (and I understand part of that is because Link just doesn’t have parents in his games and partly because people are projecting and that’s understandable), so I wanted to fix it dang it. LET LINK HAVE PARENTS WHO LOVE HIM. BOTW TALKED ABOUT HIS FAMILY. Anyway, I also love letting adults actually have a role in saving the world instead of always leaving it to the poor overwhelmed kids LOL, making them middle aged parents is an absolute bonus. And Abel being constantly tired and burnt out and done with the world speaks to my soul, and Tilieth being the one to hold on to hope despite everything and still have sensitivity and femininity to her while still being a strong character also speaks to my soul. I love them both, and I love showing how determined they are to protect their kids, as any good parent should be. They’re heavily inspired by my own parents, as well as myself, and what I would interpret Link’s parents to be like based on his upbringing and personality, so it was really fun creating their personalities. :)
I have so many Sky-centric stories that I love, but I think my favorite is probably Paradox, I had such a fun experience writing it and loved the idea of giving Fierce Deity an origin story while creating a sense of urgency and confusion and mystery and wrapping it all in a sickfic. :) I cranked that sucker out in thirty minutes and I still think it’s one of my best one shots.
I can only take partial credit for this since @nancyheart11 came up with the original premise, and because @smilesrobotlover has contributed so much as well, but I do love Dad Squad with all my heart. They’re such idiots, I adore them and their quest to save their sons who already technically saved themselves because they’re heroes. Also, the latest development in my brain of including TotK Ganondorf as the main villain from Hero of Shadow seems appropriate in making the big baddie a Bad Dad in a Dad Squad story LOL. Having Majora’s Mask in the hands of Kohga gives me life, though, and I will forever be grateful to Nancy for coming up with that premise HA. I haven’t written much for it lately, but I do love it so much. Also props to her for publishing it on AO3, I could never LOL, I’ll just throw random things on tumblr hahaha. Also, just all the fun we’re all having - the fact that multiple people have written/drawn for this AU makes it all the more precious to me, they’re our collective characters and we all get to play in the sandbox. ❤️
I don’t do much art, I’m not very good at it, but I do want to share one since I’ve shared a bit of it. I have a few pieces I’m actually really proud of, and it’s equal liking for all of them, but I’ll share just one so I don’t talk too much.
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I really like this one because for once I kind of drew a face well?? And it’s at an angle I don’t usually draw and it turned out ok?? Also I’ve never drawn rain or wet hair, and I think it turned out well. And I just like Power’s design, especially at this stage in his life where his war attire/design is mixing with his royal attire/design, even if I can’t give it justice. :) Also, I think his tired expression turned out pretty well? Like he has an actual expression?? Anyway. I think it’s decent, I like it. :)
Thank you for this ask, it made me really happy and I couldn’t wait to answer it! :D But I have like 60 works on AO3 and even more here on tumblr, so there was no way I could narrow it all down, but I think I’ve listed most of my absolute favorites. :)
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hollowtones · 1 year
what were your thoughts on Age of Calamity? I saw a bunch of ppl hating on it recently and it was weird bc i had found myself REALLY liking it and felt as if the general consensus was that it was a fun game
I don't tend to put much stock into "a bunch of people are all suddenly saying they like / dislike some piece of media". I think it's fair to assume people are going to have diverse opinions on anything at any given time forever, and sometimes people's thoughts change over time, and sometimes people feel like talking about it & sometimes they don't.
Anyways, I liked it. I think Musou games are inherently kinda divisive. You either like the gameplay formula or you straight up hate it. I'm the Musou Enjoyer, & I think it's one of the stronger entries in the franchise. Do I like it better than the original "Hyrule Warriors"? Hard to say! That's some really damn big shoes to fill. "Hyrule Warriors" was fuckin phenomenal. One of the peaks of the series, IMO (up there with "Samurai Warriors 4-II" and "One Piece Pirate Warriors 3"). "Age of Calamity" is definitely close, though. Real fun spins on the formula. Lotsa fun and diverse movesets for the characters, which is one of the things you hope for in these games. Frankly they coulda met just that bar and it would've been at least okay in my book. Surprisingly big roster!! I never checked out the DLC stuff but I'm glad Purah and Robbie got to be playable characters. Their designs in this were real fun.
I don't really go into a Musou game expecting much out of the story, especially if it's a licensed spin-off thing. I thought its writing was fine, though. It was a cute "what if" scenario, and I liked that characters from "Breath of the Wild" got more of a spotlight, had more room to breathe, got to be characters. I thought their writing & interactions were fun. It's the sorta thing I wish we got more of in "Breath of the Wild", though IDK how that could have fit into the original game without it being a different game entirely. I felt pretty "whatever" about the original characters, but that's how I felt about the original "Hyrule Warriors" too, haha. (I did like Li'l Baby Eggs, though.)
The overall plot was... fine. You go into it expecting "well this is just a retelling of the past, we know how this ends", and then they do their fun twist, and everything after that is Fine. It's Okay. The thing that really gets me into the writing of a Zelda game is the atmosphere of the world, and that's not something you're going to get out of the "beat up 30000 bokoblins with your friends" game. And, again, I don't expect anything writing-wise in a Musou game to wow me, considering how it's usually "here's broad strokes about the setting this is based on, now here's justification for you to get into fights". I thought it was fine, and it didn't detract from the bits I really liked (the character interactions & the mechanics).
There's a buncha stuff I never ended up unlocking or finishing in the game. (I finished the big main storyline, but that tends to be, like... a quarter of what these games have to offer. I'm pulling that number out of my ass, haha.) I'll go back to it some day. IDK if I'd want to stream it again, but it might be fun to slot in at some point when Puzz and I hit up the other Zelda games.
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shock-micro · 8 months
Hi, I'm Mira, a silly robot on the internet! I'm... frankly, a lot of things, so I'll bring them up as necessary. To start, I'm transfem and robokin! This much should be clear. It's who I am!
I used to mainly do Minecraft stuff, trying to make the game live up to its visual potential while staying within the confines of the vanilla game's engine. Now, I don't do that as much, but it's still a fun game to mess with. Take a nice sunset from those days!
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My interests are mostly gaming-related, but I've tried to dabble in art occasionally. I like all sorts of games, like Zelda, Pokémon, Minecraft, Celeste, Hollow Knight, Rain World, Cassette Beasts, Risk of Rain, Ultrakill, Bug Fables, In Stars And Time... the list goes on. I like more than that, too, and I'll keep adding more as I play more games!
I get very excited over things sometimes, so please bare with me if I ramble a lot about stuff! This includes: vagueposting about games I've become obsessed with, ranting about music or game design in something, and more!
Feel free to send me asks whether we're mutuals or not!
I do have a sona, designed by a good friend of mine, @quantumpickle! I don't quite have a reference sheet, but I don't really care if you get it inaccurate- I love seeing how different people interpret the design. Whatever you do, though, don't forget the body fat- it's a reflection of who I am, at the end of the day. If you want a good picture of what I look like, look at Pickle's amazing work:
My posts are mostly reblogs, but I always end each session of scrolling with a post of my own, to know where to end next time I log on. I try as best I can to keep this account safe for work in both reblogs and original posts, though I am an adult. I will say something if this ever changes.
I am plural, sharing a body with a rabbit girl named Moon, a zoroark named Zoey, a wasp named Aspen, and a roach named Yui. They'll chime in every once in a while, with Moon being represented by her blue text and formal language, Zoey being represented by her red text and general attitude, Aspen being represented by her orange text and her demeanor, and Yui being represented by their purple text and their cadence. You can call us "Team Berry" as a collective!
Hello, all! It's Moon. It's always a pleasure to be here! I do love an opportunity to talk to all you folks, even if I'm not usually there to respond.
heya, it's zoey. not sure how often i'll use this thing, but it's good to keep options open, y'know? ✌️.
hey guys, i'm aspen! not sure how i got here, but it's quite a treat to finally learn how you giants live! i'm always open for conversation if you send me an ask.
Greetings. I am Yui, from the same place of origin as Aspen, though a different region. Fate works in mysterious ways.
I do have a partner, and I will always talk about them given the opportunity, but I carry a certain form of love for all of my close friends. The people I know mean a lot to me.
I love the simple things in life, from food, to nature, to the contrast of light and dark in both a literal and literary sense. I often find myself overwhelmed by everything that goes on in the world, but I find comfort in knowing the bad stuff is only a few bad people out of a beautifully diverse species.
If you couldn't tell, I generally prefer looking on the bright side and finding something to love about things rather than staying miserable all of the time. I don't get out much, and so I'd much rather give people that light to hold onto than spread the same old bleak story that you've heard from countless other people, regardless of how important it is to share. Change is built on hope, after all.
Change is something I believe in, more than any normal god. It's all around us, from the seasons, to the stars, to the rain, to the fleeting emotions of ours. I believe in our ability to change things, that we can all make a positive impact on our own lives, the lives of others, and the world. I believe in our ability to change ourselves, and that people shouldn't be afraid to become who they want to be. I believe some level of change is necessary for a happy life, and I strive to leave every day as a better version of myself.
Normally people put a DNI in their bio or their pinned post, but I don't really care to do that. If you're a bitch, I'll block and move on. I don't care how you use a label, or where the other folks in your head came from, or whatever other queer-adjacent drama is the hot topic, I accept you regardless. I'm ace, I still love my partner, I can love anyone, I use it/its pronouns, I'm robokin, I've got four other folks in my head and I don't know how they got here, do you really think I'd hate you for being you?
That's actually an important point- even if I do think something someone's done is unforgivable, I believe that bad people are still people. In some ways, that makes things better, they have lives outside of what they commit, but it also makes things worse when you realize someone woke up and actively chose to perpetuate genocide. Some people are genuinely that bad, others are just misguided and can be helped. Ultimately, it's not my job to "save" anyone. I just try to provide a light of kindness when I can.
Wow, that was long-winded for a post that's just supposed to describe me. I suppose that's in-character for me, though. Agree with me or not, I don't really care, as long as you're respectful. I hope you've found this post helpful in understanding who I am as a person, long-winded as it is. Have a good one, whoever and wherever you are.
(...now how do I pin this?)
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mistresslrigtar · 7 months
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Chapter Twenty-nine: Make a Wish! (written for @zelinktines24 day 29 prompt)
Well, we've reached the end of this journey. I hope you all have enjoyed it as much as I have sharing it with you. Most of my stories are inspired by music. Below is a link to the playlist for this story. I think you will especially appreciate the lyrics to the song She by Charles Aznavour and Herbert Kletzmer
Me, I’ll take her laughter and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
For where she goes, I’ve got to be
The meaning of my life is she
Third Time's a Charm playlist
Read below or HERE
Zelda’s startled gasp when Mineru begins to fade from sight breaks Link’s heart. It’s clear she forged a deep bond with her ancestors, and if she deserves anything, she deserves to be loved and have someone besides him and Impa tell her how proud they are of her. He doesn’t have more time to reflect upon it, since it seems their friends must have had some meeting beforehand to recite a pledge of fealty to Zelda. Except, none of them seem to remember all of it and trail off one-by-one half-way through. It’s the thought that counts and if the way Zelda’s eyes are shimmering and she smiles the watery smile that always makes Link want to pull her into his arms and kiss the tears away is any indication, she’s been made verklempt by their effort.
A heavy crumbling sound behind Link draws his eye and he turns his head to see, with Mineru’s departure, the mechsuit has collapsed and lies in pieces. He’s surprised when his eyes burn at the sight, and he blinks several times. Even though Purah had successfully removed the secret stone, the machine had remained intact for the journey to the floating archipelago. It seems Mineru has truly passed on to the spirit realm. He catches Zelda’s eye and sees she’s come to the same conclusion–it’d been Mineru’s spirit, not the stone that held the machine together.
Nodding, Zelda steps to the altar, and Link does his best not to allow the vision of her standing in the exact same spot, wearing an ancient dress, holding her secret stone, while fear and determination play over her features as she debates what she’s about to do, consume him.
She catches his eyes and all he sees on her face is eager anticipation for what their future will bring. Today, she’s not alone, but flanked by Yunobo and Riju. Steadily holding her gaze, Link takes the Secret Stone from the construct Purah hands him and moves to stand between Tulin and Sidon. Once he’s in place Zelda places her stone in the center of the stone pedestal. They all follow suit until the six stones form a circle. 
“Today you made a vow to stand with me to bring forth an everlasting peace to the kingdom of Hyrule. I am honored to have you at my side, and together I know we can make a difference in the lives of our people.” Zelda takes a moment to look at each of them before resting her gaze upon Link. “This chapter is closing, and our final act will be to destroy the stones to ensure they can never be used for evil again, and to seal the Master Sword in this altar around which we stand.”
They’d spent many hours debating if this was the right choice, or if they should journey back to the Lost Woods to return the sword to its pedestal there. In the end, Zelda convinced Link the power emanating from the Temple of Time was just as sacred as that of the Great Deku Tree. It seemed fitting for the sword to be returned to a resting place that mirrors that of its origins described in the ancient texts that told of the first hero. 
Raising her hand, a soft golden light emanates from Zelda's fingertips and flows into the stones. As the stones begin to glow brighter, she sings the ancient melody Link had first heard her sing in the shrine. The light in the stones grows brighter and brighter and when it reaches the point that it's nearly blinding, Zelda nods to Link as she continues singing.
The Master Sword’s hum harmonizes with Zelda’s song when Link pulls it from his scabbard. Holding it aloft, the glowing blue blade pulses in time to the music. Even though he’s prepared for this moment and asked for it, Link hesitates. The sword has never spoken to him with words, but he has always had an innate sense of what it wanted him to do. He feels it’s power vibrating down his arm to his core, and he knows it’s ready to be laid to rest. A weight lifts from his shoulders as he grips the hilt with both hands and turns the blade to point toward the altar.
Locking eyes with Zelda he sees the same burden lifting from her as she pours her power into the stones and when she smiles he knows it’s time. Link plunges the blade between the glowing stones, fusing its power with Zelda’s. As the sword sinks into the pedestal, the stones shatter and absorb into the blade. 
They all shield their eyes from the blinding light that blooms around the sword as it seals itself in the stone. Zelda lowers her hands to her sides as her song comes to a close. The sword’s hum fades away along with the brilliant blue as it falls into a deep slumber. 
The sky has darkened to a deep indigo as the sun sank closer to the horizon during the ritual. Stars are appearing, dotting the heavens above with their twinkling light. Several streak through the atmosphere, blazing a trail. 
“Make a wish!” Purah’s chipper voice breaks the silence.
Link smiles. Zelda told him long ago falling stars aren’t stars at all, but pieces of debris from space, burning in the atmosphere. He knows Purah knows this, but she’s never been able to fully let her childlike wonder go.
He meets Zelda’s eyes, glowing brighter than any star, shooting or otherwise. The only wish he ever made over and over every time he chased a falling star has already come true.
Thank you everyone for liking and reblogging. I hope you all enjoyed!
Final shout out to @floraunderground. TYSM my friend!!
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vifetoile · 5 months
Tagging @mudora because I really liked their Ocarina of Time analysis of the Zonai and the Golden Goddesses and @roy-dcm2 because i liked their analysis of Majora's origins
I was seeing some meta about the goddess Hylia and her "chosen" and it seemed to boil down to the idea that in the legend of zelda, destiny is all-powerful and imbues all story beats, major and minor. And something about that just rubbed me the wrong way and it's not because i just find hylia and demise very boring
There may always be lads in green, and there always be a princess or two, but I think free will is still very much a force in the world of Hyrule and its neighbors.
Destiny is a powerful force, that cannot be denied. Revali, for instance, never could have been the Hero himself; that role always belongs to a Hylian youth named Link. A Sheikah named Impa will invariably be tied to the Princess. And yet I can't shake the feeling that free will is present in the lives of everyday people, and even those destined to live the cycle over and again, they can chose how they will express their destiny.
Free will is what builds Tarrey Town and what enables Impa to open Kakariko Village (OoT) to the common folk. Free will is what Midna exercises to break the mirror of twilight. Groose's character development is free will. FURTHERMORE in Termina, Link comes as a reminder of people's agency. He helps the people who have lost all hope. What do people do when they've lost hope? They forget they have free will.
Free will prompts Zelda in OoT to bisect the timeline and break her own heart in the name of childhood & love. Bisecting the timeline doesn't serve any purpose of destiny, in fact it throws destiny into a big ol tizzy. It's not a divine act, it's a human one from a human perspective.
Hell, if there is no free will, then the gods laugh whenever Zelda and Link fall in love.
Video games are an interesting medium in which to discuss free will versus destiny--- I mean, you're controlling a little dude but you yourself are following breadcrumbs laid down by a creator who definitely exists. But I think that Hyrule is meant to be a setting where free will matters, even if only to contrast when the overwhelming symphony of Destiny does come to town. Hyrule is a land to explore and find joy in discovery, for the player and for Link, and I can't square that with the idea that Destiny is everywhere and no one has any choice at all.
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deadlygronkle · 1 year
Ancestor's Legacy chapter 14
The Desert: Chapter 4
Prev Ao3
Word count: 6,290
“What the fuck is this Ebo?!”
That was the phrase that woke Twilight up. As he tried to move and look around he felt pain radiating from every muscle in his body.
Twilight tried to recall what happened the previous day. He was caught in the tent, slammed into the mysterious potion filled rack, pain, and then he was caught soon after.
“Well, how would I know that this would happen?” Ebo angrily responded.
“Enough you two,” Terea, their leader, interrupted, “Ebo status report, what are we dealing with?”
Twilight could hear a pen being tapped on a wooden board, “Its size increased by roughly half of what its original height was added on. So, according to my hypothesis, it will have increased speed, strength, senses, be hungrier, but also be far more volatile than before,”
“Volatile?” the first voice, Laven asked irritably, “What is that supposed to mean?”
Twilight finally managed to open both eyes, and lift up his head ever so slightly from the ground. The three were arguing and talking some distance away. Luckily they weren’t aware he was awake yet.
“Well it will be more aggressive and have a lower patience level. I bet it will lash out unexpectedly,” Ebo gestured to the board.
“Can you control it?” Terea asked suddenly, “Or do we need to put it down while it is still asleep?”
“We are NOT doing that. We spent far too much effort capturing that mutt just for it to be thrown away,” Laven spoke this time with conviction.
“I will need to check, but I am sure we have the ingredients for me to create a potion of mind control,” Ebo nodded to himself, “and if it works then i can design a more permanent solution,”
Twilight stretched his neck and looked around as they stood in silence. Slowly but surely he was able to move his body and ignore the stinging pain. He was in a cage that would be far too big for him usually, but from what they said it was just about the right size for him now.
Cages surrounded him, most were empty, and some had the usual monsters of his Hyrule. Looks like they didn’t move him from the camp, despite what he did here earlier.
“Why do you want to kill it now? You are the one that suggested to put it in a cage first,” Laven asked, “Ebo was satisfied with keeping it barely alive so he could experiment on it,”
Terea’s fists clenched and unclenched, “.....doesn’t look familiar to either of you? Remember those murals in the castle,”
“Yeah, now that you mentioned it,” Ebo hummed thoughtfully, “It does look extremely similar to that wolf,”
“Did you ever pay attention to something other than your tests?” Laven pointed at Twilight, “That wasn’t JUST a wolf, it was the Divine Beast! Chosen by the Spring Spirits to protect Hyrule just as the hero was,”
“Oh yeah,” Ebo sounded as though he didn’t quite care, “you think it's related to the beast?”
“No doubt about that,” Terea answered shrugging, “I don’t think it is The Beast though, the fur is far too long, perhaps it's the offspring of it,”
So that is the story Zelda told about his wolf form. At least it made him and his wolf form sound like different people. Even more lucky that he decided to grow his hair out a bit, the longer fur definitely hid his identity better than anything else he could have thought of.
“You think if we feed it it will listen to us?” Ebo asked, filled with hope.
“It is an intelligent wolf that isn’t affected by the Zone of course…..” Laven trailed off, staring at the wide awake Twilight.
“Laven?” Ebo, waved a hand in their face.
Laven’s response was to grab Ebo’s face and turn him towards Twilight.
“Oh- Oh!” Ebo ran over, sliding to the door of the cage, “Why hello there erm- Wolf!”
Twilight growled, ignored his aching body, and got up. He was not going to be lying down as they surrounded him.
Ebo was tall and scrawny, not the tallest but still decently tall. He had the rounded ears of a human with brown hair, and pasty pale skin to match. Twilight couldn’t see the color of Ebo’s eyes due to a round pair of glasses resting on a stubby nose.
Ebo was the mage of the group, but yet Twilight has never seen a human use magic before. Nor did he ever hear from anyone of the chain of humans using dark magic.
Terea let out a tired sigh, “Ebo I know you are excited but get away from the beast,”
“Come on it won’t do anything-” Ebo started, sticking his hand in the cage. When Twilight lunged to bite, or at least nip it, Laven grabbed the taller by his shirt collar and dragged him back at the last second.
“You were saying?” Laven asked, faltering slightly, “Why is the mutt looking at me like that?”
Laven was the shortest of the three by at least a foot. This interloper had straight black hair cut off at the chin and the pointed ears of a Hylian. They had tanned scarred skin. Even having one similar to his own from years of having this chain on on their own wrist.
“Maybe stop calling the creepily intelligent wolf a ‘mutt’? It looks like it is covering quickly from its growth spurt too,” Terea said this while walking up to join the other two.
The tallest was obviously the leader of the three. She, unlike her companions, had broad shoulders and muscular arms. She had pale red hair pulled back into a ponytail, and amber eyes that suggested her being Gerudo. Though her paleness, pointed ears, and sharp features suggested she was more Hylian than anything else.
Twilight growled at the three, subtly leaning on the cage to test it. Even with his larger size and enhanced strength the cage didn’t even groan from the test. Which was somewhat lucky as they didn’t suspect a thing.
“My name is Ebo, the red haired one is Terea, and the short one-”
“Are you serious?” Laven protested, while Terea snorted slightly.
“Is Laven!” Ebo finished, undeterred.
Twilight didn’t snarl or growl anymore, but he did glare. They weren’t worth the energy of snarling, but that didn’t mean he was going to allow them near him.
“How long is this going to even last?” Terea asked curiously, bending down to look dead into Twilight’s blue eyes.
This time, Twilight did snarl, hackles raised and all.
“My best guess is a week,” Ebo started fiddling with his clothes absentmindedly, “Something like that, probably less seeing how quickly it happened,”
Twilight lifted a paw up into the air hearing the familiar clacking of metal on metal. Somehow his manacle managed to grow with him. Having an amputated hand due to the stupid thing would not be easy to explain to the others when he got back. Especially without revealing his secret.
“Do you think it's hungry? I doubt there has been much to hunt or eat around here,” Ebo spoke up suddenly.
“Definitely,” Laven nodded.
“Probably has an enhanced metabolism too,” Terea added.
Ebo clapped, making Twilight jerk and growl at the human, “I got it! I will make the potion and spike a slab of meat with it! Eating the potion would definitely be more effective than just pouring it on the beast,”
“Should we really say this in front of the beast? We already agreed it is far too smart for its own good, being related to a goddesses made monster won’t earn us any favors, even with us treating it kindly,” Laven gestured to Twilight.
“Please, the goddesses have never looked down at us with kindness. So what the worst they can do when all they’ve done is ignore us?” Terea looked down at Twilight like he was the scum of Hyrule.
“We all know we should avoid their wrath for this to work,” Laven argued, “Or else that hero will be sent, even if his relationship with the Queen is questionable,”
The tension between the two was so thick Twilight could have cut it with a knife. It looked like this was an often point of conflict between the two as Ebo actually noticed it. Ebo silently sighed as he watched Terea open her mouth to retort.
“I just thought of something!” Ebo interrupted the two with a pointed look, “With the leftover remnants of the potion I can fashion a collar of sorts that will control the wolf while it’s on it!”
“And how long would THAT take?” Terea looked over at the mage.
“Well the potion would be an hour or two once I double check to make sure we have everything,” Ebo started counting on his fingers, “A day or two?”
“Alright well,” Laven took a deep breath, “What monsters are on the agenda today?”
Ebo thought for a moment before groaning, “Bulbins, they are the WORST,”
“Then let’s not do it today,” Terea’s eyes gleamed.
“What?” Laven’s face scrunched up in confusion.
“That would set us behind!” Ebo argued, hands going out to his side.
“It’s late and besides-” Terea grinned, “We have a new beast that will need some opponents tomorrow,”
Ebo started wiggling in place, “Oh! Yes that would be- I need to get everything ready-”
“The potion and meat first?” Laven suggested, as Ebo switched directions to the tent.
“You on patrol while I make sure the monsters won’t escape?” Terea asked as if they didn’t fight mere minutes ago.
Twilight laid back down stiffly. He still ached from that potion that fell on him, and now keeping his muscles tightly bound ready for a fight. But now he had an escape plan, leave while he was out of this cage tomorrow.
The only caveat was escaping the mind control. He never dealt with anything like that during his journey. Surely it couldn’t be too hard to break free.
Twilight watched the three meander around the camp calmly. Ebo was cooking something that smelt rancid from here, he would definitely not be eating that. In fact, despite the gnawing hunger, he wouldn’t eat anything given to him by the interlopers. Not after the conversation he heard.
Later, just as Twilight thought, Ebo brought a slab of meat that reeked of the potion. It smelled of rotten eggs and dark magic. Twilight let out a low growl, pushing the meat as far away as he could. Which in the small cage wasn’t very far.
“Oh come on!” Ebo’s face fell, “Why won’t you eat it?”
“Told ya,” Laven pinched their nose closed, “It knew what we were talking about, even if it didn’t that thing smells awful,”
“I spent hours slaving away-” Ebo started before Terea placed a hand on the other.
“It will eat it eventually. Now come on you both, we will splash some of it on the beast in the morning if it refuses to eat it by morning,” Terea started pulling the other with her, watching Twilight with one eye.
“Oh good idea!” Ebo nodded, “but we might have to do that anyway- the fresher the effect is the better!”
Twilight listened to the three walking back to their own dinner as he pushed his out of the cage. That way he wouldn’t be tempted to eat it in the slightest.
Once it hit the sand Twilight laid his head down in between his paws. At least he could regain some strength via sleep. Maybe the hunger would be better in the morning.
Twilight woke up to the gentle, familiar sound of an ocarina playing. Time often played it if he was the last one on watch for the night, and, for a moment, Twilight believed he was back with the others. That thought was thrown out the moment he remembered where he was, and the implications of hearing the ocarina could mean.
Twilight opened his eyes and frantically looked around. What greeted him was the golden poe that has been following him since he got back to his world. The music stopped as Twilight stared at the poe flabbergasted.
Shade had to be in his wolf form, being so close to the ground, but Twilight wasn’t sure he wanted to look his mentor in the face. After all, getting captured by the interlopers hurt Twilight’s pride more than he cared to admit.
Though it took only a few minutes of awkward silence before Twilight gave in. Activating his Wolf Sense Twilight came face to face with the Golden Wolf.
The Golden wolf looked vaguely irritated as he snorted at Twilight. Twilight bowed his head sheepishly, looking up to see the trademarked one eyed disapproving stare.
“My child,” The other wolf greeted in a strict tone, “Why are you still here?”
Twilight looked away, “I needed to see what was going to happen- what those elixirs did to me,”
Shade simply growled slowly, no words spoken but Twilight knew that Shade didn’t believe him. No matter what era Time (or Shade) somehow always knew when Twilight was making excuses.
Shade during their training always told him that “excuses blinded you from progress you could make”. It was one of Twilight's more difficult lessons to learn from the spirit. The lesson was even difficult to keep up nowadays.
“I…. could barely get up, much less fight my way out of here. Hell, I am not sure I will be able to tomorrow,” Twilight whined out, both ears pinned back as he glanced back up to his mentor.
In an instant the spirit’s expression softened, “Good, you remember the lessons,”
The golden wolf started to glow and change. There wasn’t a bright light, nor was it an immediate transformation. In fact it was similar to his own relatively slow transformation where you could clearly see the transformation.
As the transformation happened Twilight looked back frantically at the interloper’s tent. Luckily he didn’t hear anything from the tent, nor did he see a lantern get lit. He whimpered slightly remembering how those three needed a soul for whatever they were planning.
“Do not worry about me,” Shade spoke, as if reading Twilight’s thoughts and voice croaking from disuse, “I made my choice,”
Twilight turned his head back around inquisitively to see that Shade had completely changed. Though his form was not one that Twilight had ever seen his ancestor use.
Shade had on his signature helmet, but rather than see the smiling skull Twilight was familiar with he saw a bandana covering the lower mouth, and bandages covering Shade’s empty eye. In fact all of the places where Twilight could originally see bone, or see through the spirit was wrapped up with bandages, like a mummy.
Even the armor was in slightly better condition than what was previously seen by the Orodonian. Shade even had some better chainmail on, making it difficult to see his torso was wrapped in bandages.
Twilight made an inquisitive noise at the poe, but was ignored as Shade directed his attention to the cursed slab of steak. With his gauntlet, Shade picked up the slab as wordless magic covered both the poe and the meat in a blinding glow.
When the light faded Twilight shook his head and whined. It was so bright compared to the eternal twilight his eyes had gotten used to in the zone.
Then slowly but surely Shade placed the slab of meat into the cage silently. Twilight looked up at the red eyed stalfos as sniffed it warrily. What he smelled was not the rotten meat like it was earlier but rather it smelled of home. The Ordon spring, Faron Woods, and his treehouse, it was a welcoming scent compared to the constant and potent smell of dark magic.
Twilight glanced back up at his mentor who was kneeling in front of the cage, one arm resting on his knee, the other hanging by his side. Shade nodded encouragingly at the wolf, wanting Twilight to eat the slab.
After one last test sniff, Twilight dug in. The raw meat somehow tasted fresh and not gritting, despite it being in the sand and outside for hours. At that point hunger took over as Twilight greedily ate every last crumb. It was somehow enough to fill him up, despite the fact he hasn’t eaten in at least a day.
“They are here,” Shade spoke once Twilight had finished.
Twilight looked up and tilted his head while whining. He even looked behind him, but the tent was still quiet with inactivity. Twilight let out a confused noise looking back to Shade, only to feel a gauntlet be placed on his head.
Somehow, Shade’s arm had phased through the bars but still made contact with Twilight. Shade had froze for a moment, eye clearing staring at his hand. Twilight could feel Shade’s hand tentatively move through the fur on Twilight’s head.
Then Shade retracted his hand through the bars seamlessly. Shade’s red eye then focused on his hand as he flexed and clenched it. It was almost like the poe was in a trance, clearly deep in thought with his head tilted to the side.
“Shade?” Twilight asked, voice coming out as a small, confused bark.
That broke Shade out of his trance, dropping his hand back to his side, he then spoke gravely, “I- I am fine pup, THEY are here. You must escape, if not…..”
Shade looked away getting up, “Who knows what will happen to the others,”
The others?! Twilight stood up in alarm. Though he couldn’t talk to the poe anymore as Shade just vanished. Just…. gone, no light or nothing, simply vanished in front of Twilight’s eyes.
Twilight snarled to himself as he flopped back onto the cool ground of his cell. He couldn't escape yet, he needed to see who had the keys. At the very least he needed to get out of this cage. Then to deal with the chain he could get a rock to break it or maybe even the Great Fairy could help him loosen it.
Either way he would have to wait until morning, or the Zone’s equivalent. Then at the first moment he can, he will break free. Causing as much havoc as possible while finding the ‘others’.
Twilight prayed to whatever goddess that was watching him that it wasn’t the other Links. Though the way Shade referred to them, it made him think that he was close to them. Time was counting down, and no matter what, whoever they were, Twilight needed to help them.
Twilight laid down, deciding to get some rest while he can. After all, tomorrow is when he gets out of here.
“Well I’ll be,” Laven spoke, waking Twilight up, “It actually ate that nasty meat!”
“Hey!” Ebo shouted from near the fire, “I spent hours working on spiking that!”
“Lav don’t be rude,” Terea came out of the tent looking bedraggled, “Ebo it was sitting outside for hours, who knows when the beast actually touched the rotten meat,”
Ebo sent a raspberry to the taller, “It takes longer than a couple of hours for meat to rot! Though now it would be a tad spoiled…”
“How did it even get the meat back to eat it?” Laven brought up, “By the time we went to bed the meat was lying in the sand,”
Twilight decided to only listen to the conversation and feign sleep. He didn’t want to deal with their panic if he so much as looked at Laven wrong again. For some reason yesterday he felt particularly angry, probably that “volatile” thing Ebo mentioned.
“You’re right! Just how did it do that?” Ebo’s voice was right next to the cage.
“Does it really matter?” Terea called out, presumably still from the fire, “As long as that beast is still locked up why should we care?”
“Yesterday you were so determined to find out what it was doing here!” Laven yelled back, “Where was that curiosity and what if someone was here in the middle of the night?”
“A: it is too early to be worrying about that mutt and B: there are no footprints, and we would’ve woken up if someone was here! Those monsters aren’t exactly quiet,” Terea mixed something that sloshed unpleasantly, “Now come over here and eat!”
Laven’s steps walked over to the front of his cage and rattled the door. Twilight, to keep suspicion low, let out a quiet warning growl. The Hylian scoffed before their footsteps retreated back to the campfire and Twilight was left to his thoughts.
Last night's events definitely did happen, the meat and Twilight’s hunger being gone was proof enough of that. Those three had no idea Shade was here, though they were suspicious.
Shade’s soul would probably be perfect for whatever they need one for, and his would look garbage in comparison. Having a soul that has been tainted by dark and Twili magic has made it more resistant to those kinds of spells. Hopefully that means that the mind control will be less effective.
Eventually the three finished eating their breakfast and started to get to work. Twilight watched as they pushed cages from all around the area into a mock arena, his included.
“So, are we ready to start?” Terea asked, now back to their personality from the previous night.
“Not quite yet,” Ebo brought out a flask, rock, and fern from his coat.
After a moment of silence Laven spoke, “Alright I’ll bite, why the rock?”
“It’s a geode first of all,” Ebo split it apart to reveal purple insides, “And secondly, we need to activate the mind control! First I’ll pour some of the spare potion onto the beast, and using the plant and geode I will make basically a controller,”
“Ah,” Terea nodded, “Are we sure we need to use that potion though? We don’t have a lot to spare,”
“It’s better if we have some fresh on him,” Ebo repeated, popping the top off of the flask, “It won’t take much, all I have to do is get it on its fur!”
To prove this Ebo sent the liquid flying out and onto Twilight. He couldn’t even try to dodge it, not with his bigger form and such a small cage. Just like the potion that made him grow, it tingled unpleasantly as it soaked in, but did not start making him ache like the other did.
“It’s…. Oddly docile today,” Laven sounded confused, “It had barely look at us today,”
“I’m guessing the potion made it more aggravated than usual, and this is what it's like most of the time,” Terea answered.
“We also did lock it up,”
“That too,”
“Would you both be quiet!” Ebo glared back at the two, “I have never done this before and I need to concentrate!”
Both fell silent as Ebo started reading from a book, chanting. The tingling got worse, almost like fire ants were crawling up his body and onto his head. Letting out a whine and shaking his head the feeling persisted. Then just as it started it stopped, right when Ebo stopped chanting.
Ebo held up a blackened rock, “There done! With this we will be able to command the wolf to do whatever we please!”
“Is that part of the spell?” Terea pointed at Twilight.
“What?” Laven asked, “I don’t see anything,”
“The beast’s fur is glowing,” Terea informed them, looking suspiciously at Twilight.
Twilight also couldn’t see or feel anything besides a faint warmth in his chest.
“I don’t see anything,” Ebo looked down at his book, “I’m sure it's just a side effect and nothing to worry about!”
“Alright what’s next?” Laven interrupted, "Do I get on top of the cages to release the bokoblin now….?”
“We should test it first,” Terea gestured for Ebo to do something.
“Oh! Right.. Uh-” Ebo floundered for a second, “Wolf, sit!”
Twilight felt his muscles twitch uncomfortably, prompting him to forcibly lean back nearly sitting down in the process. Rather than continuing the motion, he let out a small growl and stood back up and glared at his captors.
“Maybe this time say it like it isn’t a request?” Laven suggested, hand waving in the air carelessly.
“Ok,” Ebo took in a deep breath, “SIT!”
Instantly Twilight felt all of his muscles spasm, making him drop into a sitting position. He couldn't move a muscle, just frozen in place. He could look around frantically as the interlopers seemed to be happy that it actually worked.
“Good job,” Terea slapped Ebo on the back, “Now who should we put it up against first?”
“Uh the bokoblins?” Laven spoke, no longer where Twilight could see them, “Start easy, work to more difficult beasts,”
“I have to agree with Laven. I don’t know how well this will hold up,” Ebo admitted.
“Alright then,” Terea shrugged, “Laven?”
Twilight could hear sharp metallic twangs from Laven’s supposed direction, “On it!”
Terea grabbed keys from her belt, “Make sure that beast doesn’t bite me ok?”
“I don’t think it is going to do anything anytime soon,” Ebo joked as the cage door flung open.
Once Terea was out of the way Ebo ordered Twilight to go forward. Just like before, Twilight couldn’t control himself as his body forced him to go into the arena and sit back down. In front of him a bokoblin was released by Laven, who was balancing on top of the cage bars, somehow unlocking it from up there.
“Ok Wolf FIGHT!” Ebo yelled, blackened stone glittering disgustingly.
Twilight got up, and started circling the bokoblin. He didn’t want to do this, not in the slightest. But that magic forced him to snarl and wait for the bokoblin to strike.
Luckily he didn’t have to wait long as the bokoblin let out a cry and jumped at him. With the ease of years of practice, even in his larger form, Twilight sidestepped the attack and lunged. He got the Bokoblin by the neck, and bit down, snapping its neck and killing it instantly.
At least it didn’t suffer, that much Twilight could control, even if all he tasted was the disgusting monster's blood.
“Did you see that?! It killed it effortlessly! We need to up the difficulty,” Ebo frantically started writing on a clipboard, vibrating in place.
“Lizalfos?” Terea suggested, “those bastards are quick enough it should give it at least some trouble,”
“Good idea!” Ebo chirped before calling out “Laven?”
“On it!” Laven hopped to the cage with a thrashing violent unarmored lizalfos in it.
“Careful!” Terea yelled.
“Yeah yeah,” Laven grumbled, shoving their key into a slot at the top of the cage, opening the door.
A poor design of the cage with an extra unlocking mechanism made the doors far more fragile than what cages were supposed to be. Something that Twilight could definitely use to his advantage later.
This time the monster wasted no time in lunging at Twilight. This time Twilight had no qualms of disposing of the lizalfos early unlike the bokoblin. Everyone from the Chain knows that his bokoblins are perhaps the stupidest of the bunch after all, especially those wielding clubs.
As the Lizaflos leaped into the air Twilight wasted no time in diving under, grabbing the monster by the foot, and slamming it back down. The lizalfos started trying to crawl away, foot now broken and useless, but Twilight simply jumped on the back of the beast, stopping it in its tracks as his claws cut into its flesh easily.
As he went to deal the ‘fatal blow’ Ebo’s voice called out, “Wait- No stop!”
Twilight forcibly froze as the monster under him wiggled. He needed to finish this now before the lizalfos escapes.
“What are you doing?!” Terea hissed.
“That’s our only uninfected Lizalfos! We need it alive!” Ebo then called out again, “WOLF STOP!”
This time though a simple command wasn’t going to stop him as he raised his head back. Only pausing slighting at Ebo’s commands as sunk his teeth into the neck of the beast. It took more effort to crush the neck of this one compared to the bokoblin, but in the end the lizalfos went still.
He hated killing monsters this way. It was gruesome and unhygienic, but it was the only way to kill them quickly right now. Dealing with it just had to be something to come to terms with.
“No….” Ebo whined, “Why didn’t the beast listen….”
“Probably flight or fight response ‘bo,” Terea spoke, voice soothing and low, “You did have the mutt stop while it was on top of the beast. Whatever training it had probably took over and that was that,”
Twilight glanced over his shoulder at the two. While they were right about training, it was more to not repeat past mistakes. He didn’t need any more near fatal encounters with lizalfos in this lifetime.
Twilight’s ear followed the sound of Laven walking to the end of the cages, “Would more power make the spell more effective so that doesn’t happen again? You only used that fern for the energy source,”
“That was just a conduit so it connected the geode to the beast,” Ebo sounded thoughtful, “I suppose I can use what we… collected to put more power in my words,”
“Are you sure about that? You heard the stories about what happened to others trying to wield it,” Terea sounded concerned.
“It should be alright! It's only one spell after all,” Ebo’s hopeful voice echoed.
With his interest now piqued, Twilight turned fully around, only to stop dead in his tracks, blood turning cold. On a necklace, attached by a gold chain that wrapped around was a piece of a dark nearly stone like colored glass.
How did these people manage to get a piece of the Mirror of Twilight?
Thoughts swarmed through his head about the possibilities. Unaware of the fact he started growling, hackles raised as he continued to stare at the piece. Feeling as though an invisible thread was fraying at the edge the longer he stared at it.
“Uh guys?” Laven spoke, Twilight refusing to take his eyes off the shard, “I think we have a problem,”
The other two directed their attention to Twilight. Ebo took a step back, and Twilight mirrored it by taking a step forward, still focused on the shard. Terea grabbed her whip, slowly unraveling it.
“Would you look at that?” Terea smirked cockily, but all Twilight could smell was fear from her, “The beast knows what we have,”
“What should we do?” Ebo asked, not masking his fear.
“You have the rock,” Terea tried to raise an arm, but let it drop as Twilight snarled like a feral beast.
“Careful,” Laven called out from their perch quieting down as Twilight looked towards them, “I don’t think the mutt will be running away anytime soon,”
“B-beast lay down,” Ebo spoke, voice shaking, hand fiddling with the chain.
Twilight lowered ever so slightly, making it look more like he was getting ready to pounce than him laying down. That command was stronger than previous ones, but Twilight wasn’t about to lay down. Not to someone with THAT relic.
“O-oh,” Laven spoke softly, “I can definitely see the glowing now!”
“Shit! Ebo you have to get that wolf under control now!” Terea was no longer hiding how freaked out she was.
Ebo screamed, “WOLF LAY DOWN!”
The spell hit Twilight like a train. He could feel the corrupting magic of the Shard radiating from here. Though for some reason, the pressure almost immediately lessened to a bearable degree, a warm feeling settling into his bones.
It felt as though that invisible thread snapped violently. Twilight ran at the two, caution gone to the wind, letting out a noise somewhere between a howl and snarl that rattled the cages around him.
“BOTH OF YOU RUN!” Terea screamed, rushing to meet Twilight, whip now fully drawn.
Twilight jumped back to avoid an arrow that Laven shot while yelling, “What?!”
Terea missed Twilight with her whip, “Don’t you see?! This wolf isn’t related to the Divine Beast, it IS the Divine Beast!”
That pause was all Twilight needed to grab onto the whip and pull. Terea didn’t let go, making her lose her balance.
Dropping the whip from his mouth Twilight lunged, grabbing onto her arm. Terea let out a scream of pain trying to shake the hero from her arm. If he was smaller than that surely would have worked, but he was large enough that the action simply made him stand on his hind legs.
Twilight’s blue eyes met Terea’s amber ones. All he could see was fear, and all he could smell was terror and metallic blood. Twilight usually at that point would usually lessen his grip, seeing such a terrified look.
But that didn’t matter to Twilight, all he could feel was rage. Rage at these people for causing this to happen, rage at Shade for giving such cryptic responses, and rage at all that happened to him in the past couple of weeks. At this moment all that anger came to him in one huge addicting rush, and he was going to make the PAY for what they have done.
Twilight broke the staring contest by dropping back down to all fours, once again making Terea off balance. While biting hard enough to keep his fangs deep into the arm, but not deep enough to sever the arm from the body. Twilight used his momentum to fling Terea over his head and into the wall of cages.
“TEREA!” Laven screamed, shooting more arrows at Twilight, all of which were easily dodged.
Terea was out cold from the impact. Twilight shifted his gaze to the archer, head turning slowly. Laven’s eyes widened and Twilight could smell the anxiety and fear increase.
Twilight snarled like a wild animal, as he bashed his side into a cage, allowing the bulbin out. Twilight had no need to kill it, and the Bulbin, even if a little bit infected with twilight, had no reason to attack him.
There was easier prey, and at the current moment, monsters almost saw Twilight as one of them. If not for the rage in his eyes, and the white parts of his pelt glowing then he would look just like them. Just another thing that Twilight would usually kill without another thought.
As Laven ran across the cages towards Terea, Twilight continued to bash in cage doors. Those that tried to kill him swiftly died a bloody death.
Everything became a blood red blur. Lunging at cages, biting, watching, hunting the interlopers. When Twilight gained some semblance of control again, Laven was standing over the limp Terea, bleeding from multiple cuts on their body, and surrounded by monsters looking for easy pickings. Using two daggers to try and keep them at bay.
Twilight huffed, remembering the last of the three. Ebo was all alone, the monsters didn’t know it, but that’s who the easiest prey was.
Twilight let his instincts take control, picking up the scent from among the ruined camp. This one made it far too easy. Ebo stopped in the tent, before taking off. The scent was too fresh. He spent too long in the tent and not enough time escaping him.
He took off running, not letting a second go wasted. Easily dodging past the traps set. Soon he was at the top of a sand dune, looking down at the human scrambling below, unaware how close Twilight is.
Twilight couldn’t help himself. He howled, and did it loudly. Finally he caught the one with the shard. That one caused this, maybe if the caster died or the mirror piece was contained then the zone would fall.
The human looked up and gasped, scrambling more and more, barely getting anywhere. Twilight took his time getting down, savoring the victory. His paws dipped so deep into the sand that his manacle was hidden.
Ebo chanted something, a bolt of black fire shot off. It was easy to dodge as the mage started scooting back, chanting something while holding the shard. He needed to be quick, who knows what spell was being casted.
The sifting of sands to the left of him, made Twilight instinctively duck down. A beast, some flew directly over him, crashing into the sands. Easily pinning the dazed beast with one paw, Twilight looked down briefly at it.
The beast was an adult male lion. Why the fuck was a lion here of all places? This is far from their natural habitat, unless of course it was summoned.
Twilight looked back up to the human mage. Only to find him gone, scent making Twilight believe he managed to teleport away. The few seconds it took for Twilight to pin the lion down, the human managed to escape. The human with the piece of the mirror.
Twilight growled looking down at the panicked blue eyes of the lion. This one had to be a summons, no normal lion would have a mane tinted with blue and silver.
“Wa- wait!” the lion spoke, voice familiar enough that it stopped Twilight dead in his tracks.
“WARRIORS!” Another familiar voice yelled from the top of a dune where the lion came from, the silhouette being that of a wolf.
Twilight jerked his head back down at the lion, sniffing it to confirm what he just heard. Stumbling off of the lion, all semblance of rage and anger leaked out of him as he starred with horror, knowing what nearly happened to his friend.
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blueskittlesart · 2 years
Something that I wish I saw more people talk about is that 10,000 years between cycles is a /really/ long time. Like, all of human civilization long. Personally I think that feels like too long and it kinda frustrates me, like, stagnating in the middle ages for that long just seems incredibly unlikely. What're your thoughts on this? Do you think there's a reason they chose this time frame? That is has some sort of significance, some thematic tie-in to waiting and hope, etc?
the 10k year gap is the most important piece of botw's setting and it's fundamentally the reason everything in the story happens. you're right that it seems frustratingly long. that's deliberate. 10k years of peace is an unprecedented amount of time, especially for hyrule, which we know to be stuck in a repeating cycle which has NEVER taken that long to reset before. if you want to know why i think the gap happens in terms of like, in-universe cause and effect you can read this, but from a writing perspective, the 10k year gap gives context to the entire setting of botw.
botw is one of the most interesting explorations of the franchise's lore to date because it shows us a hyrule which has essentially forgotten its own history. every game post-sksw except botw has shows us hylians with a decent understanding of the creation myth and the reincarnation cycle. how much is remembered and accurate varies from game to game, but hyruleans almost always know that the goddess hylia gave humans a gift (the triforce) which offered a wish/ultimate power, and that throughout history evil forces have risen up to try to claim that power for themselves, requiring the goddess's heir and a hero chosen by fate to work together to defeat that evil. sometimes the courage/wisdom/power balance will be well-known, sometimes it won't be, but they almost always have at least a baseline understanding of that story. botw hyrule does not.
botw hyruleans have only the most surface-level understanding of what's actually going on irt ganon -- they know that he is somehow related to another evil force which rose 10k years ago, they know that the princess is supposed to inherit a power with the capability of stopping ganon, and they know that the soldier who is capable of wielding the master sword is supposed to help the princess somehow. this is the complete extent of their knowledge. it's unclear if zelda even knows that her power is because she is directly related to the original reincarnation of hylia or not. the triforce has been completely lost to time, and with it the reason why ANY OF THIS is happening in the first place. with so little actual understanding of the conflict they find themselves in the middle of, OF COURSE link and zelda are doomed to fail. Zelda can't possibly awaken her sealing power with no understanding of where it comes from. Link can't possibly defeat ganon without zelda's power to back him up, not to mention the inadequacy he feels for not being able to hear the sword's "voice" -- presumably fi, who hasn't been heard in a single game since sksw, but link doesn't KNOW that. he only knows that there's a voice he's supposed to hear that he can't. no one in hyrule has any idea what ganon's motivation for attacking them is because they don't even have any CONCEPT of the triforce anymore. they had no chance of winning because they had no understanding of what they were up against. and the REASON they have no understanding about what they're up against is because it's been then thousand years since that knowledge was last topical. maybe the knowledge was passed down for a hundred, or even a thousand years after the last cycle, but after a couple thousand years of peace humans will start to wonder why they bother learning all this complicated war history if it's never going to be topical again. thus, the knowledge that might have saved modern link and zelda is lost to time, and so when the time comes that a new hero and princess ARE needed, they are forced to spend years carrying out empty gestures, with no clue what they ACTUALLY need to defeat ganon. i think the most obvious example of this is the spring ceremonies zelda does in botw. they're obviously imitations of the purifying ceremonies sksw zelda went through to regain her memories as the goddess hylia, but to botw zelda they're just motions she has to carry out in the hopes of gaining hylia's power. she doesn't understand the significance behind the motions she's carrying out, so of course she doesn't get the desired result.
so yeah, tldr the 10k year gap is the most important framing device in all of botw. it contextualizes the struggles of link and zelda as they attempt to recreate a story they only have a few burnt pages of. thank you for coming to my ted talk
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snail-studios · 6 months
hello!!! hope u're having an awesome day/evening :DD so anyway, what got u into botw/tloz? also what other fandoms are u in? ur art is so cute btw!!! ♡
awww hii!!!!! thank you for the question and for saying my art is cute! :D :D :D
♡ big long rant below vvv ♡
i first played botw on the wii seven years ago with my big brother when i was really young! at first..i hated it :V the wii sucked and it was SO STRESSFUL when the stal-monsters came and started attacking me! i even tried diving underwater but just got shot a ton,.. so i didn't play it for a year or so before i got it on the switch and absolutely fell in love with it. it was the most beautiful game i'd ever played, i could be a cute boy and run around naked plus I could ahve a horse. i named her milky and i didn't know i could register her so i left her outside of kakariko and she dissapeared. rip milky ;_;
so after about two years of aimlessly exploring hyrule i found some youtube videos during the pandemic. and it was all theories and cutscenes and one about a romance? and i, being a little fruit, saw te pretty girl on the thumbnail and was instantly hooked. because i was link and link was me, so i wanted to see how i could get a cool elf girlfriend (for perfectly straight reasons, of course -w-). so i was entranced with zelink, and princess zelda. i looked at fanart, i shipped until i realised....this was a boring ship and i didn't even like zelda too much, and i hadn't even watched any of the cutscenes yet.
so i watch aaalll the cutscenes, including a very special one, mipha's touch. cue little me squealing and kicking my legs because it's a mermaid and she heals and she's REALLY pretty. so i begin playing through botw's story in earnest. and i try to get to ruta- fail, and do vah medoh instead (and become obsessed with revali..dark days indeed).but now that i have revali's gale i can easily get to zora's domain and OMG! A SHARK PRINCE!!! AND HE'S MIPHA'S LITTLE BROTHER! SO SHE'S ALIVE!
but wait......why was he referring to her in past tense?
and then i see the statue and have a full link moment because i've played hours and hours just so i can see her and seh's dead????????????/ are you friken kidding me???????????????
i struggle through ruta, kill waterblight after many failed attempts and get the cutscene tm . and i'm shattered, but i've realised that this ship is canon af. mipha loved link and he's looking at her with such intensity. and..you know. i'm a young girl with too much time on my hands because of the pandemic. so i start learning to draw mipha so i can make art -w- and she really fuelled my love for art because she makes me happy okay!! 😭😭
after ages of becoming as OP as possible i get through the rest of botw and kill ganon like seven times and woah :0 who would have guessed---aoc comes rolling along. and the trailers have mipha!
and i love aoc and it just fuels my love for botw even more. so now i've completed all of the shrines and am working through the korok seeds =w=
as for other fandoms i'm in i'm a little active in the dunmeshi fandom, same with pjo and nier but it's really mostly just loz stuff atp because there's no way i'm letting mipha go after sixish years and her changing my brain chemistry ♡
i'd love to be more active in all fandoms but believe it or not i can be pretty shy + don't have much time on my hands ;w;U
my dream is for my original story to get its own fandom once it's up hehe ♡
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magpie-sherlock · 2 months
Oh gosh it is the evening and I realize I never told you about High Fantasy Star Wars like I said I was going to
Okay SO
Some exposition: It's January of this year. I'm about halfway through my Clone Wars binge with my brother, rewatching it in its entirety for the first time since I was like, eight. I also happen to be a Heroforge addict, having already made several Legend of Zelda-themed miniature sets. I decide to apply my love of Star Wars to my addiction, and then decide that since Heroforge has way more options for fantasy than science fiction, that I will lean WAY into the whole "Star Wars Is Just A Fairy Tale Set In Space" thing.
Things get WAY out of control, and instead of a simple "Here's all the main characters of The Clone Wars in a miniature set", I wind up with a whole AU.
A lot of the story and stuff can be found under the #hfsw tag on my main blog, or by going to my (somewhat; I'm working on it) dedicated AU sideblog, @high-fantasy-sw, but since those are kind of chaotic at the moment, I'll also have a brief rundown here:
The main body (and by that I mean the fic adaptation that I'm writing) of the AU focuses on the Prequels, The Clone Wars, and the Original Trilogy. However, me being the Star War-crazed nerd that I am, I also do have stuff for Rebels, The Bad Batch, Tales of the Jedi/Tales of the Empire, and sometimes the Sequels (the first three are canon to the AU even though they aren't part of the main story; the Sequels are not, but I still like to mess around with them a little).
The plot remains nearly identical to the canon universe, just tweaked to fit the Fantasy worldbuilding.
Because I liked the idea of needing to travel long distances on ships to reach other planets, I decided to not make the setting a single continent with each of the planets being a country on the continent. Instead, the world is set in an archipelago on a great sea, with each of the planets as its own island or chain of islands.
(Side note but one thing I'm very proud of is that each character fights with a distinct weapon, and even each Jedi's individual lightsaber is unique to them.)
I haven't really posted much about this either under the tag or on the main blog, but as I am a sucker for symbolism and motifs and what not, there are several distinct fantasy... "subgenres", I guess you could call them, in the AU that are supposed to symbolise what a character or organization or what-have-you represents. To name a few, the Jedi are heavily influenced by Arthuriana (because holy monk-knights and the ideals of chivalry), the war-like and highly-traditional Mandalorians are inspired by Ancient Rome, Padme specifically has a very classic-fairy-tale motif because of her high ideals and hope for the future, and the Empire (and the island of Coruscant, to an extent) is represented by a very grim version of steampunk, because of its desire to dominate and control through mechanical means.
I do have to put a disclaimer on this work: I never claimed historical accuracy in this AU. My whole thing is, "If I think it's a cool idea, in it goes", and so while several aspects of the story and worldbuilding are drawn from history (especially the Jedi and the Mandalorians), it's more of an inspiration than a strictly accurate thing. If historical accuracy is your thing, I would suggest going and checking out @/an-old-lady's Medieval Star Wars AU, which was a huge inspiration on my own idea, VERY cool, and with much more historical authenticity than my story.
Oh gosh I hope I wasn't overstepping with this infodump, and if I was feel free to ignore. But if you enjoyed this rant, I'm so glad! I hope you have a great day :D
ahsjfkfbbdnfkejnfkekrnd I LOVE THIS
I need to go to bed but i am most definitely looking into this more tmr bc YES I AGREE
and ur so real for the “if i like i add” thing. frfr
the archipelago idea is EXQUISITE. and i love the arthurian addition to the jedi
you did not overstep at all! i love infodumps, and i am currently eeting this one. feel free to infodumo any time friend!
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