#i DONT know anything about working as a model or how ppl get into it or do it steadily on the side
britneyshakespeare · 1 month
genuinely also curious from other ppl who have drawn from live models. whenever i talk about this experience ppl ask me if the models were all attractive and young and in-shape. in my figure drawing class only two of the regular models could somewhat fit that description. most of them were middle-aged or older people of ordinary (but diverse) proportions. like my experience may not be representative but i find it curious that ppl hear about modelling for a drawing class and wonder if that's like a hot 20-something job. it doesn't seem to be lol
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jvzebel-x · 1 year
#'wUtS sO wrOnG aBouT tRyInG tO gEt HawAiIaNs oFf tHe StReeTs--'#'im HaWaIiAn tOo n tHiS iS wHy wE cAnT gEt aHeaD--'#girl just say youre one of the extremely few hawaiians who grew up on those islands&had the privilege not to spend any time homeless#&shut the fuck up LMAO.#there is no 'pOliTiCs' to be on the right or wrong side of LMAO we do not need an outsider haole who owns land while the bulk of OUR ppl#left on the islands is fucking homeless&we sure as shit dont need him or any of his ppl telling us how they plan on assauging that fact#WITHOUT giving up their land or their power lmao like shut the FUCK up.#tell me w/o telling me that you dont know anything about the state of homelssness in the islands lmao.#he wants to set up tiny home camps to model after the one thats been up in kakaako for years like kakaako isnt STILL home to the largest#homeless camp on oahu or like ppl who are homeless&housing insecure-- ACROSS THE NATION not just in hawaii-- havent been talking for YEARS#about why these mini camps meant to mirror homelss shelters but w/ individual rooms to give the illusion of privacy#while 'advocates&volunteers' demand ID&talk down to you&refuse to let you bring in your own items or exist according to your own schedule.#tell me w/o telling me youve never dealt w/ actual land development issues in your life lmao even w/ these terrible plans#what PLANET do the protected historic lands need to lose protection so the state can work w/ PRIVATE LAND OWNERSHIP to build these places?#'i Am HaWaIiAn--' girl shut the fuck up why should that matter to me if youre sucking haole cock&telling us were all failing#bc we wont do the same LMAO.#hope sacrificing your integrity&connection to us is worth it white supremacy will have a ball using you until you act up.
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kaphzzz · 8 months
hi, https://www.tumblr.com/kaphzzz/718898842212433920 on the fifth photo you have arthur/charles in this position, just wondering how did you do that? what mod did you use? I’ve been trying to find an animation/scenario mod where you can put in two npcs (like dancing, brawling etc) for photos, and you’re the only person I’ve come across so far who seems like they have something like that :”) sorry if I’ve got it wrong!
hi!!! ur good!! you mean this one?
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i use rampage trainer! it has thousands of scenarios and tens of thousands of animations! altho when i first got rampage it was missing a lot of its animation dictionaries for some reason so i had to write a parser to get the anims from a datamined anim file from the rdr3_discoveries github repo. if thats also the case for you heres the link to the full list i parsed that you can replace /RampageFiles/Lists/PedAnimList.txt with:
(on kind of a side note i think it takes away a bit of the 'magic', if u will, from ppl who dont play with mods looking at these kind of staged/posed pics without knowing exactly how they were forced into these positions (lol) if the process is laid out but nonetheless im happy to explain as best i can :3)
so in general since its pretty much impossible to know all 40000+ animations you just kind of try to find one that has at least one frame of animation that suits the pose you have in mind and just sort of play with it until you get a shot thats just right. for me i knew i wanted a pose for leaning back against the table and one for leaning forward with hands placed on the table, so for chorles i think i used (this was a while ago i cant remember exactly sorry!) one of the scenarios you get with key word "lean" and it was probably the lean back wall scenario, and for orther it was read train plans or bank teller lean on counter... but yeah in general you kind of just have to browse through thw scenarios and animations and keep track of interesting ones you might want to use later, and try to match the anims (if they move around a lot) to get a good snap of when they are in a position you like!
idk how others do it but thats how i do it. probably not the most efficient workflow but i have yet to browse thru all the anims so i can only work with the anims im familiar with.
if you want dancing, try searching for related keywords. rampage allows you to search for keywords for both scenarios and animations! once ur familiar with how they name their animations you should be able to find just about anything. for dancing just searching for "dance" should prompt quite a few results.
as for brawling i think actually making ur characters fight would be the best way to take action pics. in rampage u can also change ur model and spawn npcs and force them to fight u. u can also get the battle creator mod to spawn fights as well.
btw if ur looking for anything similar to this specific pic, i actually think @foundynnel might know more about intimate/suggestive animations and scenarios given some very cute sadie/arthur pics they've made, hiiii @foundynnel sorry to bother u but if u see this would u like to throw in ur two cents? 🥺🌹 i could learn a thing or two as well! 💕
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moonshine-nightlight · 5 months
Hello! I Just wanted to let you know that I LOVED the published ver. of "Don't Shoot the Messenger". And I was so excited to hear that Dale and Sana's story might get published too.
At first I was really unsure about getting the book, as I didn't want to be disappointed if the changes made didn't translate well compared to the original. BUT YOU KNOCKED MY EXPECTATIONS RIGHT OUT OF THE WATER!! IT WAS SO GOOD!!
Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I'm so excited for your future projects. And I wish you luck on your future publishing endeavours because I will be buying all future published books by you. And no one can stop me haha >:D
I also wanted to ask if there's a chance that any of your other previous works will also be published? Of course it's a huge effort of time and resources to publish something. But I do hold out hope that I might one day hold Heshi's story in my hands because truthfully it's such a comfort to me and I go back to it periodically to reread. I love that snakey boi. NO PRESSURE THO. If that's not in the cards, just the fact that it exists as a story is wonderful. Thank you so much for all the writing you do.
anyway, bye
hi! thanks so much! i really liked what DSM actually was and focused on my own edits and that of my editors just honing it to be the best version of itself - so i'm glad that came through and you liked it!
if ur interested in too much info about my self-publishing plans, pls see under the read more
Dale and Sana's story definitely will be self-published,its just a matter of when. it's also probably gonna get more tweaks than DSM due to the length and the way the story evolved over 2 years lol
thank you so much for your support and encouragement with publishing! i'm so happy people are excited about actually buying my stories lol
As for previous short stories that getting published, the answer is yes, i do have plans to publish them as well, they're just a lower priority for multiple reasons. firstly, me and everyone wants NWWD the most so its #1.
For 'Finally Woken' i actually already have the first 2 chapters converted to 3rd POV, however, its shorter than DSM and so would cost nearly as much to have edited but would sell for less (and amazon will try to tell me the spine is too narrow lol) so my current thoughts are to bundle it with 'Selfish' (helpfully already in 3rd person) and make a Naga Novella (called like 'Tangled Up in Tails' or something lol) with both of them in it so i can release it priced similarly to DSM.
For 'Sacrifice', i actually have plans to make that a 5 novella series about different forgotten deities returning to the same town, with 'Sacrifice' likely being offered as a cheaper, first book about a month or so before the second is published to get people into the series. the rest of the novellas would likely not go up on tumblr/AO3 at all and would only be published. i'd like to use this hypothetical series to see how that sort of model would work for me. i've planned out the 5 novellas to some extent but nothings really written yet besides 'Sacrifice'. as a complete project, its very low on my list after everything i'll b posting here and NWWD publishing, so since 'Sacrifice' is tied to that, its not likely to get published anytime soon.
For 'Snapped', i'd likely do something similar to 'Finally Woken' - write another short Sci-Fi/Alien story and bundle them together for publishing. However, i dont currently have anything written that would work so that's also a low priority evn if 'Snapped' is already 3rd POV.
I'm really excited to self-publish my work, but its expensive and what I've made from DSM has come nowhere close to covering my costs and likely won't. the only good thing is basically all the costs are up-front so its easy to jsut keep the books out there and making money when ppl buy it. i have a good job and am happy to spend my money to get my work out there and hope over time self-publishing will break-even, but that will take years at a minimum so it'll be slow going in the beginning.
my goal is to get everything self-published so it'll just be a matter of time - i too want to hold a copy of Heshi's story in my hands lol
thank you for all your support and giving me a chance to ramble about all my self-publishing plans!
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captainmera · 10 months
Hello Mera..
I gotta say, thank you for creating "In Blood We Rise". Seriously I just wanna kidnap Theo and Oliver for being the cutest guys ever *slowly kidnaps them throught magic*
But in all seriousness, if you could give an advice to beginner comic artists, what would you give them?
first of all, thanks for reading! :D
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Further advise beneath cut:
My advice is to literally just go right ahead and start making the comic and post it to at least two comic medias.
Webtoons is one, another is tapas or comicfury. But hey! you can also make your own website using ComicControl! :)
But in all honesty, anything comic related - as in the making of pages - you will learn by doing it. I learned an incredible amount by just going ahead. I learned a lot about making bubbles better, too. My speechbubbles get much less cluttered now, for one. And less wordy..
Don't be afraid to enjoy your stuff shamelessly! There's no shame in having fun with your original stuff.
And work smarter not harder. I know there's discourse online about using references or taking your own photos as refs, or backgrounds- Heck, I don't use 3D models but I don't see why it's such a biggie if ppl do. You're here to tell a story, not prove to anyone you dont need help drawing.
Serve your story first. Sometimes that means cutting scenes you want to draw out. I've cut a lot of stuff away because it doesn't serve the story and the pages loses their beat.
I try to end each page with a cliff hanger, so that the weekly readers have something to look forward to!
But bulk-readers are important too. So now and then, re-read your own comic to see how it looks! Like an animator flipping through the stages of movement. You'll see what I mean when you get there and do it. You'll see your mistakes and recontextualise them and improve your work that way.
And try not to go back and fix it, just take what you've learned into the next page. Improve the next page with what you've learned.
Don't be afraid to experiment, there are no rules. Do what helps elevate the story, use the medium you create in be flexible and try not to tell yourself something isn't allowed - it is! Tell your story however you like.
You don't have to know X Y or Z before you start.
GO. BE WILD. IT'S ART!! You can go as crazy and abstract as you like! Play with panels, play with everything! Do circles, do funky shapes, go!
Have FUN with it! :D
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juni-ravenhall · 1 year
sso's candle, and jumping into the ai bubble for publicity and investment
so yasmin told me to write about this bc not everyone might realise it. its a bit of a long topic so prepare. for legal reasons this is all my personal opinion :3
first off - the sso candle doesnt actually have anything to do with ai. i just wanna get that out of the way. i will come back to this later.
the sso candle ai promotional event is 2 things to me. one is, "probably someone at the company knew someone at the other company bc why else would this specific random collab ever happen" (and theyre not even a candle company? its a perfume company?)
but the other thing which is the main thing, is that we've entered the ai boom, or ai economic bubble. before this there was a crypto bubble, there's sort of been a mobile bubble, and we have the old classic dotcom bubble. summary of tech bubble is, a new shiny thing in tech makes ppl go OOOH!! I WILL THROW MY INVESTMENT MONEY AT THAT!! I BETTER HURRY AND NOT MISS THE TRAIN!! IM GOING TO GET FILTHY RICH BY INVESTING IN THE FUTURE!!! and many of these ppl dont actually understand the tech, and can therefore be exploited by startups or new projects targetting these investors, by just saying "we use the shiny thing that is the future and will make people rich".
just like the dotcom and crypto bubbles, everything that has "ai" in it is currently getting lots of attention both from media and from investors. things that are about "ai" are currently like "wow! youre using modern tech and this is the future!" and for all those ppl who dont know that much about ai or tech, or tech ppl who are easily influenced, it makes companies look cool and modern and forward if they include that current shiny thing.
what does sse achieve by making promotional vids and posts about an ai candle? attention from media and potential investors. the playerbase doesnt care. their target audience arent ppl who generally care much about ai, or even support its usage in creative fields.
they also count on that the playerbase wont be mad enough about it bc most players dont rly care or understand. which is prob going to be an accurate prediction. so they dont especially lose on it unless theres a genuine uproar, but even then, theres a lot of space in "genuine uproar" that still results in "no such thing as bad publicity".
so, thats my perspective on why sse did the ai candle thing. publicity for investors and the industry and media. it helps both sse and the little weird "ai" (side eyes) scent company who both get ai bubble points here. its completely unrelated to what players want or care about (and as many have said, players actually do want to buy things from sse - like plushies and other merch).
now to the last point. the candle isn't even ai, and it's really just an ai boom trending word thing for attention.
some ppl on ssoblr dont really understand what ai is or how it works, or how its already been in use for a long time. im not really gonna explain all of that but i do ask you to like... watch a video or read a wikipedia article or something and please educate yourself on what ai is and isnt. anyway,
supposedly this company feeds pictures into whatever ai model theyre supposedly using. the ai supposedly spits out things like "sunshine :) dirt :) chupacabra :)" from the customers phone pics and then actual perfumers mix blends based on what the ai supposedly told them from the pics.
idk if ur catching on here but, there are trained perfumers here who have seen the customers' pics with their own human eyes. they humanly blend scents based on the content of pics theyve humanly seen. (unless all perfumers at the company are also blind and the ai is their only way to find out whats in the pics, and if so, power to them, ofc.) and, at best, an ai has supposedly told them some generic image analysis terms, which are unlikely to be very helpful to the art of scent design.
there is absolutely nothing the supposed ai is actually doing here. theres no reason for it to be here. it contributes nothing to the process. exceeeeeppppttttt..... clicks!!!! articles. videos. wow! crazy ai scents! wow! ai horse candle!! thats crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so future!!!!!!!!!!
the scent company is a classic tech bubble startup (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion). they dont even use ai (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion). they want a quick buck for looking like a modern futuristic business to the FOMO investors who fall for this every single time theres new shiny tech (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion). and sse collabs with them for pretty much the same reason (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion).
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xxxjarchiexxx · 8 months
i am trying to read more about bi lesbianism bcuz i do want to understand but everything i have been able to find is like. bonkers transphobic??? everything ive found that isnt "i like girls extra so just bi doesnt work" is "trans men can be lesbians because of having a vagine" and it just. confuses me? many of these people seem to be saying lesboys exist which strong agree but so much seems to be focused on tme people and comes off like a weird progressive reskin of excluding trans women from sapphic spaces, and i KNOW thats not actually the core idea or meaning bcuz i have seen a lot of transfems identify with bi lesbianism!!! i just want to understand bcuz i truly believe ppl are functioning in good faith and genuine self identification and i am over trying to police anything or making my opinion on label functionality a problem like. ill never be cool with social media posts blowing up abt how Lesbians Fuck Men but otherwise personal labels i truly dont care and want to understand so im capable of approaching the subject in good faith and not ignorance, but i genuinely can't find anything that isn't bigotted*.
i know that online communities of bi lesbians arent to blame for things like sexual violence or anything and any bigotry espoused is problematic on its own right regardless of self identity, feel a need to say that explicitly because i have also noticed that as a talking point where people either victim blame Bad Lesbians for violence or it is assumed that the person is when asking about this
i am open to discourse and people chiming in on this post or sending asks if it is done in good faith because i cannot stress enough how much i am trying to approach this with an open mind and learn more, i just am like. not finding anything that isn't biphobic or transmisogynistic or reiterating people can do what they want, so if you have answers here that isnt that i would love that
*exception 2 split attraction model ppl or lesbians who fool around with men and use bisexual to describe sexual activity i get that but that doesnt seem to be a majority of people
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ravenbloodshot · 1 year
Lee Soo Hyuk(Actor)...Red + Green Flags
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This guy can be quite delusional, he may partake in brainwashing himself or manipulating his thoughts in order to hide from a hard truth. Like for an example, if a person in his life were dying/on there death bed and of course he didn't want them to die, he could constantly make himself think " their perfectly fine, nothing is wrong and this all will be over soon" even though the truth of how grave the situation is, is sitting right in his face
He may like when women he's interested in are independent, types that can take care of themself and dont need a man for anything suddenly become dependent on him. Like if she got sick and called him to help nurse her back to health, there would be a tiny diabolical side of him that feels accomplished at "breaking the horse" (if you guys dont know what that means look it up, to understand what I mean better).
He does have some regrets of past photo shoots or gigs hes done in the past. I think he may have revealed to much skin or posed sexually suggestive multiple times as an up and coming "star" (especially when it comes to modeling) and he feels some shame about the way he used to make money. The photos may still be out there, and he may try to exert his power the best he can to keep those photos/experiences secret or hidden
He may go into a dark despair, at times, especially when he gets rejected by things in life. He can find it really hard to pick him self back up, he generally relies on his loved ones to pick him up.
Hes the kind of guy to never call or communicate with his loved ones and friends when hes up. While, life is going good for him and the money is rolling in hes no where to be found. But, as soon as his life takes a dip, hes back whining to the same ppl he forgets when hes succeeding
He may also be a worrywart, he could overthink himself to death if he put his mind to it
Remember guys when I said he likes to see ppl in pitiful situations, like being sick and needing his help to recover. He does a damn good job at taking care of others, even though his intentions are a bit off. Like, he would go the whole 9 yards of healing someone back to health (massaging them, buying them food, just really taking care of them)
He may have an interest in psychology, he likes the idea of him fixing someone's mental health problems. (And may actively try to help those with mental problems). He may know about human behavior, like what makes a person tick, he uses this knowledge to help others as much to benefit himself.
He does have a "skys the limit" attitude about his own life. (Especially when his career is on a high), he really seeks to improve his life constantly. Looking for new ways to entertain himself, work himself, better himself etc.... he definitely would make a good life style/skills coach
Hes someone who loves change and the unknown aspect of life. He accepts change and different with wide open arms, especially journeys. I wouldn't be surprised if he likes nature survival shows, like Survivor, people have to survive living in the woods. He could definitely want to be on a show like that and could know a lot of survivor hacks living in extreme conditions
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fqiryspit · 1 year
Hey love so thank you smmm <3 it helped a lot and I literally noted everything down!! If you don’t mind I got a few questions :(( so obviously its dumb but how would I make a master list and and what are ideal first posts I could do and how could I attract people to my writings? im sorry my questions dumb but im slow… tysm !! 💕💕
I literally was like...blink..blink. when i saw people making masterlists for the first time
guide on how to make links:
SO! Just like how you color text (by highlighting over the text like you're gonna copy and paste it) a bar of commands will pop up
so, the fifth bubble that looks like 2 chat icons will be there click it and it should say https:// . now, have a separate tab open with your fic on it, make sure it's on your profile and not your dashboard lmao. go up to the search bar and copy it, go back to the other tab, into the chat icons, and paste it into the bar with https:// on it.
now, you have a link
guide on aesthetics:
a quick and easy way to an aesthetic master list is going and typing "eren headers" obvi eren doesn't need to be a part of it but ya'know. "white headers, green headers" and stuff like that, that should look like this:
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be sure to tag the person who made the header or at least reblog it, it's the right and nice thing to do because you're using it.
you can do this for your pfp, just type in "pink icon" and you'll find some cute ones :3
now, your masterlist should look like this (again, highlight text, go to the little separate bar that says (Regular) and change it to bigger or biggest if you want your intro to your masterlist to be bigger:
💁‍♀️'s masterlist
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fic 1
fic 2
fic 3
header from: @hyugasite
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and boom. of course, if you have any more questions don't be afraid to ask!
now, for your first post, if you're really truly blank make some headcanons. I wouldn't recommend smut right away because it's really embarrassing when you're just starting up and the field is competitive. obviously, post whatever you want. smut is the most attractive genre but is also very bloody!! (lmao) I kinda think its slow right now so post some smuty hc if you have the guts!!!
hc are suuuuuuper easy and fun! short attention span readers love it and blank writers love it!
lets say it's about fluff, you'd have it be like this:
eren x fem!reader
cw: just fluff
bf!eren who does this and that and this
bf!eren who is so cute yada yada
and you'd do a couple more of those, it's super nice if you're just trying to test the waters, If you want recognition I say do something a little different than just "bf!eren"...something like "rockstar!eren" or "model!eren" and format them like, "rockstar!eren who takes you to all his concerts" or smth
another way to attract people with your writing is, again, banners! it's what catches the eye, humans love pretty images!!
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bf!eren headcanons <3 header from: @winknono
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bf!eren who does this and that and this
bf!eren who is so cute yada yada
also, get mutuals! reblog posts and go to some writers' asks box and ask to be mutuals or smth!! mutuals arent ppl you talk to a bunch, its just people you cant talk ideas to and just be cool with.
anywho, I think thats all! Don't be afraid to ask anything else and your questions arent dumb!! <33
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sadisthetic · 2 years
I’m giving the designers objectively the right amount of credit. I’m a former lego employee :-)
doubt. even if you were, why are you taking personal offense to criticism to the show as a whole and are taking time out in your life to defend something under the mask of anonymity where you have absolutely no claim to your name? wheres your sense of professionalism? taking offense a silly small no name artist questioning a design element. in a caption of bloody fanart no less. and you say youre an ex lego employee! ex! so youre less relevant now. if youre not lying that is. you wont even say what your position was. lego employee is so vague.
anyways. because youre on anon all this claim does is make you sound like the "my uncle works at nintendo!" meme. im sorry to say that as an anon. you are nobody
by the way. by set design im speaking from an entertainment arts perspective. not the sets that kids buy in the store. im talking about sets that are Actually used in the show. this kind of design work.
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http://www.cynthiahalley.com/ not ninjago related but this is MY definition of set design. aka. what im seeing in the show. not the simplified little toy models
anyways. looks like youre not done!
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shakes out my hands. alright! you wanna play this kinda game? okay sure, ill play along! why not. i have time to procrastinate. you are rude by the way!
lets google that very phrase you gave here
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mhm mhm! yup! that sure is the grate that jays prison was based on! but huh..... hm! im kinda curious about what the inside looks like. you know? the inside of the hold that jay is in that this is all about?
lets add a term to the search
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huh! huh! interesting. that doesnt look like anything i saw in the show. hmmmm actually this doesnt give me enough sense about the architecture of the ship, so let do the same research that ive been doing for my own curiositys sake
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cool..... pretty expansive actually. ehhhh i want a tour. this doesnt sate my curiosity enough. i wanna see what the grates underside looks like because im bored and obsessed with this lego show
i wont waste everyones time. an example is at about 11 minutes in
wow i learned a lot about ships. also i looked at diagrams. not that you ever had the thought to. hm. now how did the hold jay was in look like again
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thats fucking stupid. in the few frames we are given of it of the different angles, its clearly just a fucking box. no depth leading to the curve of the hull, no visible door and likely no door whatsoever bc it would complicate things. a box that probably is in the shape of its opening. lets be real. this is a design that was easy and convenient for the cg modeler to make. ive done 3d work for a class. its hell. i dont blame them. but anyways. ppl who worked on this probably just saw the grates on the surface of the deck and was like oh we dont know what that looks like on the inside but its a perfect place to throw poor ole jay in! grab the trusty basic 3d cube. use difference to cut it out. add texture. and to be honest? yeah the story doesnt need an entire storage space to be built for realism sake. why would they do that for a cg lego show. lets get lazy about it, what do the kids know, whats important is that jays life sucks. the sparseness serves more of a purpose the bleak hopelessness of the pit jay has dug himself into
my point still stands. this is just a hole. it aint right. this is not how old ships were built. this cell was made for jays specifically for the sake of simplicity in both the production standpoint and story. its dumb but serviceable for a narrative purpose
but anyways so from this ive learned an important thing or two about you! you! dont know how to research! you! have only ever looked surface level. literally surface level, you saw these images of the deck and never even thought about whats underneath? the very thing ive been questioning? ive been talking about how its just a fucking cube this entire time. its just a hole. you given me more insight about ships so i thank you for that but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. youre very bad at convincing someone whos right
also you contradicted yourself. you said that "the concepts for the misfortune’s keep were done carefully" but then you go on to say that it "doesn’t require accurate research"? after telling ME, silly ole me who clearly has easily done more research than you, to do a bit research? hello? whats the truth? hm? what are you trying to prove now. doesnt need research because its "basic hollywood tropes" kay so whats been done here is nothing original because theyre copying whats already been done hundreds of times. great argument. dont get me wrong tho i love a good trope. especially when it involves things i enjoy. like jay having the most miserable time. heres the thing tho. what is being brought into question is not what HAPPENS to jay. its the fucking lazy set dressing. am i wrong to point out thats just a hole? its a hole. absolutely no deeper thought has gone into designing that. why are you so mad about it?
i do this for a hobby. criticizing ninjago is literally 75% of the fun for me. thinking soooo much about the shows i like and pointing out the bits that are wack is how i occupy my brain in my spare time. so what are you doing man. is defending ninjagos honor your hobby? get a better one. or at least more thought and consideration and media literacy. like im thinking about the show from a production standpoint as well as writing. this show has So many holes in it btw so theres MUCH to think about and mull over. a lot of stuff for me to play with. its nice in that sense. ninjago is a sandbox if anything. im sure im not alone in thinking this
thanks for the soapbox anon! youve overstayed your welcome! get out of my house! im just a guy with opinions as scathing as they are.
but if youre a nobody. byebye. i dont think you can come back from this. im done here. this was fun. drops the mic
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I’m seeing some drama pop up around the new event concerning Rollo, I hope the fandom will act maturely and not to blow things out of proportion this time around.
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Ask 3: On a separate note, the amount of discourse surrounding him has the fandom divided and it’s kinda funny (as long as we’re not harassing anyone over diff opinions). Like some ppl love him and some hate him. My only thing is that bc he hasn’t done anything diabolical to warrant any major hate from me so he’s cool, and idk if ppl notice but twst characters are not direct copies of the villain they’re inspired by. They take notable characteristics sure but for some they change it up so much that they have two different characters. Hades is outwardly confident and has not problem socializing w ppl, now compare that to Idia. They’re pretty diff with the only exception is that they can talk fast when they want and are cocky, but w Idia it’s in spurs. Also with Vil, they were able to make a pretty static, run of the mill Evil Queen villain into a hard working, role model-esque celebrity. Either way his uniform be popping off and I would not mind wearing it. Plus their school get nice magic rings so that’s a win too.
Ask 4: tho most of the fandom, so far from what ive seen, has just been headcanoning him as a ripoff scaramouche from genshin - violently cold, the grinch, a highschool mean girl, homophobic (thats a meme i think), and aggressively catholic (i dont disagree with that due to what villain he's based on but no way to know for sure just yet). all that. like stereotypically those themes, despite us not even having a proper introduction from him yet/not having seen enough of him to see how he's truly like (we only have a few frames, non translated i dont think). the fandom just see's 1 pic of character with a frown/neutral expression and goes wild with it.. which makes me kinda sad :( just cuz their based on a villain doesnt mean their batshit evil- that goes for a lot of the cast already.
Putting the last 2 asks as text here since they are both part of much longer asks that I want to give a separate post to respectively.
Since the next part is coming out today and I have some time on my hands, I think it’s about time I give my thoughts about the elephant in the room regarding Rollo. I think the discourse died down a bit for the time being, but with the next four parts that will still come out from today till November, it's not impossible for it to revive depending on what happens next.
To sum up what has been happening in the fandom, there are a lot of mixed responses with TWST Frollo becoming real. Some are very excited about this, but others are uncomfortable due to the racism that Frollo aims at the Romani people. A few Romani people on Twitter have apparently spoken up about their sentiments and discomforts, and the discourse started from there. It doesn't help that the Kohaku article "The Disney Villains Game is Having a Horny Racism Controversy" fanned the flames further.
For starters, my stances and sentiments are very similar to @raven-at-the-writing-desk’s, which you can find over here. As the anons in asks 3 and 4 have stated, we don't know much about Rollo enough that we could make a fair judgment. Even if this event concludes in a month, I think we'll come out of it with more questions than answers since it seems pretty clear that he will make an appearance in main story (what with him having a formal introduction and an official voice). We don't know yet how much he'll resemble Frollo, nor do we know how much traits he'll share with Quasimodo. Something important to consider is that nobody in TWST is truly evil. Rather, they're people who have their shitty sides and good sides, who have made shit choices and good ones, and I doubt this will change with Rollo. All that I have to say on this matter is (a) to not define Frollo, and thus Rollo, for the racism they exhibit, and (b) to not jump into conclusions and assumptions about a character we barely know.
As for the racism, I think that the problem itself is not the presence of racism but how the racism is presented. It's one thing for racism to be presented. It's another thing for the racism to be glorified, and it's yet another thing for the racism to be condemned. If TWST glorifies Rollo's racism or even just ignores it, there's going to be a problem there. But if Rollo's racism is condemned (via the characters' disgust, etc.), then it will depict racism in a bad light. And so far, TWST has been pretty good with depicting that racism is a no-no, particularly with Sebek's way of talking to humans (Silver and Riddle would reprimand him for the way that he speaks. You can see this in chapter 5 and in Riddle's robe story). Either way, I believe that Frollo's racism should not be swept under the rug and should be something that is addressed here, especially considering the conflict that is being set up in chapter 7 with the whole fae vs humans thing.
I really do get the worries. Even I'm waiting for the next part with scrutiny because I want to see how they will handle Rollo. But I think we should be less rash about our judgments and see what happens first. Let's also be careful of where we get our translations from too since we do have some sketchy ass tlers around. If you need any clarifications on what happens in the event, ask any trustworthy tler or even me. But as the first anon said, I hope we're all mature about this and not blow things out of proportion. ^^;;
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fslurusami · 2 years
hiiii im dek/wings this is my golden kamuy sideblog :)
proshippers/anti-antis/incest or pedo supporters
bigots obviously. including ace exclus, biphobes, panphobes, anti neopronouns, anti hesbian/shegays, ect
ppl under 18. i get kind of moderately horny on this blog and forget to tag it lol
there will be spoilers on this blog but they will be tagged 👍 anything after the events of s4e6/chap 211 will be tagged as "manga spoilers" cuz i started this blog when the anime was on hiatus there
anything between chaps 211-250 will be tagged "200 spoilers", between 250-270 or so will be "250 spoilers" and around 270+ will be "300 spoilers". its not exactly chap 300 bcuz theres not a clean break in the story there </3
serious wounds will be tagged "gore", just a little blood isnt reliably tagged. but this is gk lol. posts that r kind of horny but not explicit will be tagged as "nsƒwish". sometimes. on the very rare chance i decide to straight up post cock and balls, that will be tagged as "nsƒw"
my own art is just tagged "art" :) i luv art requests plz send them <3 while im at it, u can also ask about my headcanons or anything else rlly i luv getting asks <3
its ok to tag any of my posts as any ships, as long as theyre not incest/pedo shit of course. dont tag any of my posts as genderbend. explore a more nuanced model of gender with me
more abt me ^_^ im 20, and if i was 1% more insane i would kin usami. luckily i dodged that bullet tho 👍 im autistic and psychotic so when i make jokes about ogatas autism swag and comorbid schizoswag its fine. im also physically disabled so when i make jokes abt characters crip swag its also fine. the vore jokes are not ironic. despite the age of this blog im NOT a tw*tter user, its just coincidence i started gk around this time
if u dont know how tumblr works: this is a sideblog so i follow and send asks from my main, which is hte-spagheti 👍
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shingogf · 2 years
And in celebration of my newfound drive to suddenly post and expand upon my (superb) opinions on my fav pieces of media, i must also say this: i dont rlly agree with the "hehe but its fun to imagine william had 0 motive to murder cuz hes just built diff lol!" affirmation like...yea ok but do u realize how dull and utterly boring that is from a writing pov. Scott cant fuckin write a linear story nor can he model humans to save his own life and has to pull 1000 books out of his ass to fill in the gaps and even THEN it still aint enough. So i can take the liberty to think about the what ifs.
Not negating the existence of serial killers that had a seemingly normal and uneventful upbringing doing what they did later in life at all, that IS a possibility. Theoretically the likes of dahmer and bundy could be put into that category (tho we'll never know for sure but i digress) so yes people who weren't abused or didnt go through major trauma can STILL commit heinous acts.
BUT i still think, for the sake of storytelling and character flavour, that it is infinitely better to say (this is fuckin fnaf lore we STILL dont have a clear answer of who was first nd i've seen many ppl who have diff interpretations when it comes to details cuz duh😑) that evan died FIRST and that was the beginning of william's downward spiral. Just imagine, an already unhealthy mind having to process such immense amounts of agony and grief. It's only logical he'll eventually snap and do something awful. And that only makes his folllowing actions all the more impactful and infinitely more fucked up.
I wont dive rn into the backstory of william that i made and how everything clicks into place when adding up the already known fnaf lore, but just the mere fact that he already by no means was a "good" person and suffered from untreated mental illness and then one of his OWN kids kills ANOTHER ONE OF HIS OWN like. USING HIS OWN CREATION. Can you imagine. That ultimately would make his already egotistical ass think "wow! life fucking sucks and if i cant have shit then no one will!" and thats precisely why he kills charlie afterwards, making her his first victim ever. And that was the only non premeditated murder bc it was done completely on impulse, he saw a chance and took it after henry berated him for his erratic behavior that resulted from evan's death bc it was causing up trouble at work and in their business relationship, so mans simply drove away angrily, saw charlie conveniently locked out of the restaurant and did it in a sick act of revenge that held nothing but pure pent up rage. And after he saw that he could even get away with killing his best friend's kid, he wanted to see just how much he could push it. This also makes sense when u think of when henry says "a wound first inflicted on me" at the end of fnaf 6 bc it implies charlie really being william's first murder and a personal one at that.
AND i have to say i also completely disagree with the whole william offed his wife and yeeted her into ballora theory. Not only would it throw more suspicion on william cuz at this point he had 6 victims and ppl deadass KNEW it was him, but i firmly believe mrs afton skeddadled sometime before elizabeth died. His fuckin marriage fell apart alongside everything else following evan's death in 1983. I believe ballora (just like how circus baby was modeled after elizabeth) was made as an homage to his wife and because it was clear the only family member he felt badly about was michael for obvious reasons. In my mind william always goes for victims he isn't emotionally involved with and actively avoids killing close ones (the only exception to the rule being charlie bc 1. it was done entirely on impulse and i believe its the only crime he regretted at least in the moment and 2. i dont think he was necessarily emotionally involved w charlie despite obvs knowing her, if anything i'd argue HENRY is more emotionally involved w william's kids bc he's a much more mentally healthy person than he is) a.k.a the double life serial killer if u will (think keith jesperson) like he literally cared abt his family in his own weird ass ways, he never wanted evan or ELIZABETH to die.
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cielospeaks · 2 years
thoughts on f-h 9/2021 update
the good: sumo rinka and mordecai! oh my gosh words cannot describe how glad i am that theyre the free ones! sumordy is the cutest and most wholesome, the fact his voice lines are that he likes sumo bc its a nonlethal way of fighting are the most wholesome thing ever. best boy. i also love that he seems to do a sumo pose as his untransformed battle pose. best boy. and rinka as the oni chief class(?) is amazing! its cool that they show more flame tribe specific outfits since rinka is the only flame tribe character in 14 (ppl were complaining abt the twins and their dad being the only ice tribe and the others being generic models, but the same is true for rinka? idk. the fans act weird abt the japan inspired classes :/ ) but anyways i love her outfit and design! i love that she has the sumo referee fan thing as her weapon also! and thanks for being 4 star pls come home. also the tana and peo convo was actually really wholesome and as i was hoping, compared both of them having protective older siblings (and again soft confirmed peo and tri are sisters, which im still salty that the book 4 story ditched for the sake of the abusive gaslighting “parents” of the fairies’ story and the stupid askr royals storyline)
the not so good: at worst the storyline of tt is really not appealing to me but its b3 and you knew it was coming, what with the story only having the ubw ripoffs of the main story characters besides eir and hel. its cool that the new character is being brought up to be a competent ruler and i kinda get her beef with eir (but cmon the girl only was ever show not-torture by the people who took her as a war prisoner and manipulated her and now treat her like a pet do you really expect her to do anything else) but i feel like theyll just be killed off/vilified for no reason in order to boost up “askr is so perfect and wonderful and flawless uwu and anyone who opposes them bad”
the as of now??????: puts on conspiracy theory hat. so ok i saw a theory that this lif isnt ubw ripoff bad character but actually the real historical lif. the fact he doesnt sound like a guilt tripping sack of shit in his jp voicelines seems to support that (the eng voice is just regular angry/edgy in both), as well as that askr (the character) mentioned him in the main story recently, and that he doesnt give eir a fucking guilt trip when he meets her in the story. however, a lot of ppl are turned on by bad ubw ripoff character and his ingame code is “lif 2″ so more than likely its the fucking asshole i know and dont like. but hey. wait until his epiteth to judge him. if hes historical lif and hes not a fucking tool i might actually even roll for him in his banner.
what about conspiracy theory and ocs?: so ofc this begs the question: what abt alcinous if the conspiracy theory is true? alcinous, the mysterious man in the “castle beyond memory”, is actually the true founder of askr, High King Lif, but due to being betrayed, usurped, and banished, he goes by his middle name now. well, i actually worked this out when askr started exposition dumping abt historical lif. so Alcinous (who ill call that for easiness’ sake) is betrayed, and a few generations later the “ancient Askr” becomes the Askr of the main series due to the descendant of the usurpers making a contract with the dragon (bull?) and becoming the first king. tbh that makes more sense bc the only relationship i could see alcinous having with askr is him being a total doormat and letting himself be walked on, and having it assumed that theyre best buds (which would parallel ichihara as the summoner, and add to the alcinous + ichihara similarities)
another note abt this is that the fact that these characters get ascendants makes me happy since it means theres a chance tri and plumie can get ascendants in next yrs story. plumie i love and i love the not fully formed idea i have abt plumie betrayal arc (and ursula betrayal/going solo arc that i really hope she gets an ascendant, but thats also partly bc memes), but tri really deserved it as she got super screwed over in literally everything, from being released as a pawn of her abusive manipulative “mother” to being treated like an unstable killer (she killed her and peo’s abusive parents in self defense since they wouldve killed peo if she didnt for fucks sake this is worse than the otr nonsense tbh) and she deserves the good content, even if the game doesnt give it to her. im glad at least tri came home during the leg banner
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actualbird · 2 years
luke drives a motorbike in canon and it's a crime we havent seen it yet but also i cant decide which among these two motorbikes i want him to have most
wc: 1k
at the end of main story 2 when mc is escaping from the many media people tryna talk to her after her first big High Profile case, luke swoops in on a motorcycle, tosses mc a helmet, and whisks her off to safety
main story 2. thats so early in canon we were given the info that luke drives a motorbike
and we
have not
frankly i dont think thats fair cuz //gestures at artem and vyn and marius. artem really likes driving and hes got two illustrations already of him driving fast (SSR Entwined Fate, SSR Wandering heart). vyn likes horseback riding and hes got SR Gentleman's Game with polo as a premise along with all card evolution images wheres hes riding the horse. AND while i dont have this card, marius in SR A Dance In The Clouds has him in the first evolution image as behind the "wheel" of an AIRCRAFT HE KNOWS HOW TO PILOT
(sidenote: marius, youre 21 years old. recently for work ive had to research aviation schools n timelines and. it takes many years. how the FUCK did marius von hagen have the time in his busy busy short life to get a pilot's license. what. how. it's hilarious but also HOW)
POINT IS, all the boys have been shown driving a vehicle (horse counts as a vehicle) of their specialty
thats why this is a crime but i'll move on now, just had to get that off my chest
before i go into this i gotta tell ya, i know nothing about motorbike or motorcyle stats. i dont even know the difference between those two terms so i dont know what constitutes as a Good Motorbike. im going off of vibes
and one vibe from luke that both these options go into is his love for old stuff and antiques. stellis in the year 2030 has shown vehicles being slightly more futuristic (see: interior of car where theres no recognizable steering wheel, drives me NUTS) than what weve got now. but i dont think luke would go for an advanced looking model, i think he'd be drawn to more old style models liiike
option 1: classic harley davidson
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my reasons for this are the following
it's old school so it fits with luke's affinity for things styled in the sensibility of past eras and also it's COOL. IT'S A COOL GUY MOTORCYLE. and i hate to admit this cuz it infuriates me sometimes, but luke is a cool person
i dont have to enumerate his coolness just //gestures to his long grocery list of skills that are cool and also dashingly masculine
the masculinity is also a factor bc while luke isnt tryna be Manly Man or anything (imo none of the boys are, thankfully) and is shown to not a give a shit about what ppl past his circle of loved ones think of him so yes he will spend a whole afternoon enraptured by a stray cat, his skills r still pretty skewed to societally seen Dude Activities. buncha sports, being the most physically strong person in stellis maybe, shooting, THE LIST GOES ON. so it wouldnt be outta place for luke to gravitate to whats societally seen as a Dude Motorcycle
so this fits imo and my last justification is the simple self indulgence: luke would look so frigging hot driving something like this. and im a simple luke stan, ok
show me luke pearce being hot on a cool guy motorcycle
option 2: a vespa
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for all that luke pearce is Cool (infuriating) he is also DORK (AFFECTIONATE, LOVINGLY, I AM LOOKING INTO HIS EYES WITH HEARTS IN MY OWN EYES)
the catalog of his dorktitude is as endless as his grocery list of coolness. a tinker and inventor, collector and enthusiast of antiques, was apparently so smart he went off to a top university at 16 yrs old which was earlier for everybody else in his age bracket, viddy games, and on and on and on. hes a nerd and it is delightful because enthusiasm is always so beautiful but im especially happy to see enthusiasm in things that arent always seen as "cool"
delightful but not "cool" is, i think, the unofficial tagline for a vespa
it's a WONDERFUL MOTORCYCLE. classic as well so it fits with what i mentioned earlier. and also it's reminiscent of movies where characters drive through quieter provinces and theres no action in the movie at all, the film is more focused on this vibe of like, enjoying the sunlight and grass and stuff
//points at luke pearce. for all that hes a literal action hero, he shines so brightly in moments where he enjoys the little things in life. the vespa, in my humble opinion, is the perfect motorbike to do this with
also he'd just look so cute driving it. //puts my face into my hands
in conclusion
im torn. i cannot decide. i want luke pearce cutting through stellis traffic on a harley davidson looking like the coolest person in the entire city. but i also want luke pearce stuck in stellis traffic on a vespa and everybody who sees him---sunshine boy on a sunshine motorcycle---finds a smile pulling at their lips
maybe he could have both? maybe theres garage space somewhere in that building he owns? why must i choose?
oh also, whatever motorcycle luke has, hes deffo modded to be Better, to be Optimized
so no matter what, there will be scenes where luke is doing infuriatingly attractive mechanic stuff. yknow, with the towel over shoulder, tank top outfit, expression of deep concentration and when mc calls out for him and shakes him outta The Zone he turns to her hes got a streak of grease on his face he didnt notice and mc will HAVE to come over and wipe it off and feel extremely flustered doing so
im not sure i made a point in this whole post. mhy, i want to see his motorcycle please
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foervraengd · 4 years
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Okay this is gonna be a long post so buckle up.
In 2009 i was a wee little art student of 19 baby baby years. During that time i was also part of a group of people known to arrange swedish anime conventions called Uppcon.
I was known in the social circle as the artsy person. And one of the ppl in the staff contacted me reg a client who looked for an artist. It was the producer of Caramellagirls. We chatted over facebook and agreed to meet irl at a cafe.
And this is where i did every single mistake a inexperienced artist tend to do when they get their first “art gig”. I was so excited i didnt pick up on all the warning signs;
- he insisted on paying for the food for me. Which my broke ass student brain didnt object to, but now afterwards i realize that you should avoid this. Dont give a sus client any reason to put you in any kind of debt, even if its just a lunch.
- he was unclear about what he wanted from me. I knew he wanted me to redesign the characters because at this point in time, he p much wanted to make bank out of the caramelldansen meme (which was at this point in time an outdated meme but not old enough to be nostalgic. It was cringe.) we discussed ideas and concepts and basically he wanted me to redesign the characters because this was also that time when the caramellagirls looked hideous:
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These arent even 3d models. Theyre 2d images of 3d rendered models than they then animated by making them appear to be the actual 3d models. You know, if theyd turn the camera a bit to the side the girls would morph into some broken nightmare.
I dont remember everything but after the meeting i decided to spend my free time drawing some example ideas to show him.
Mind you we had not made any kind of official agreement or contract, no mention of how much ill get paid besides “ofc youre getting paid :)” and i didnt even know how to make an invoice.
So i drew some sketches to show him, as well as an idea on how to translate anime-face proportions to work in profile view and front view. I clearly remember him calling me on the phone and say that “they look hideous and disfigured” (among other ableist words). Like yeah ok sure you didnt like my style approach but dont be fucking rude?
after some work i sent him three drawings, which are these:
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I actually no longer have the original photoshop files because the producer didnt realize that when you drag and drop a file from a dropbox folder, it removes the file from the dropbox.
But he liked this one. He paid me 100USD and just decided that i apparently had done my job now and left???
but nah he wasnt done. He would occasionally call me asking if i could make variations of them. Mind yall i was in college and stressed out about my own life but i havent yet learned to say no. But one day when he called i had a cold but i guess i sounded as if my pet just died or smth because after i told him i “dont have time” he excused himself and ended the call.
So yeah he used my inexperience w clients to make art for a low price and now whenever i see any new caramellagirls content, its so obvious how they havent found any new artist because they use my drawing as much as they can lmao:
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Yes they flipped the blonde girls eye and it def didnt work well lmao.
Also the reason i havent talked about this until now is because:
worst fkn art gig ever. But hey at least the caramellagorls look less hideous!
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