#i HATE drawing duncan
hooked-on-trout · 4 months
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sorry sorry repost i had to make some changes they were bugging me so so bad
and sorry for this being so late i was on vacation, i’ll be posting more now also did not know this was a ship so thank you for enlightening me
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jesterjaxx · 5 months
I colored it
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Trying to play with texture and lighting tell me how i did
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 9 months
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Dungeoff is good for the soul
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reelsoup · 1 year
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i just realized an hour ago ive never drawn her so like.....here ya go
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plutosschild · 1 year
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I won’t lie, the Courtney one is taken from a old sketch that I haven’t completed hence why it looks slightly better then the rest that I’ve quickly scribbled
Anyways I got this template from @totaled-drama <4
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rivilu · 2 years
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Final (re)designs for the BOYS (until I inevitably decide to change something superficial like Orion's vallaslin color or something again. Give it a week ghjgyhfjy)
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stellarartworks · 1 year
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cpucs meme redraws: commentator and third realm edition!!
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qqueenofhades · 1 month
Hello, qqueenofhades!
I just want to say, that ever since I discovered you in the week following Biden stepping down, you've actually made me not dread talking about politics. I look forward to your thoughts on what's going on, and I want to thank you for that.
I would love to know: What do you think of the apparent exhaustion from Republicans/MAGA about Trump? People leaving his rallies (and that's not even covering how few are even coming at all or his supposedly needing to pay people to come), and the slew of formers we see at the DNC openly talking about their change in sides. Do you have any ideas about what might be causing this shift? Was it Harris? Was it Jan. 6th? Was it one singular reason, or multiple at once?
Hope you're having a good day.
I think it's a lot of reasons. First, as I said earlier, the whole theme of the DNC is about reclaiming the USA FREEDOM message from the Republicans, who have had a monopoly on it for the past three decades at least and used it to justify even more antidemocratic fascist militant theocratic hard-right turns. The scenes of joyful people talking rousingly about hope, compassion, morning in America, and breaking out into regular USA! USA! chants appeals a lot to the average American, who doesn't want to hear constant violent and negative bile from the Orange Felonious Traitor, because that is literally the only thing he has to offer and it's getting openly more deranged and dangerous every day. The whole Tough Talking Populist Outsider shtick worked in 2016, when Trump didn't have four years of incompetent chaos as the actual president and was just a theoretical concept who a lot of people thought would "smarten up" and take it seriously if he actually won. Likewise, the backlash of white grievance against Obama and the complacency that Trump didn't actually stand a chance was able to be leveraged against the decades of smears that the GOP had already leveled on HRC. Of course, Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million-plus, but the Electoral College did what it's designed to do and he snuck in anyway. But it wasn't a rousing landslide or a thumping victory.
As such, a lot of Reagan Republicans are now turning to the Democrats as the actual pro-USA party, because Trump trash-talks America, calls it a shithole third-world country, bellows about WWIII and the Great Depression, cozies up to foreign dictators, etc etc. Reagan also pitched the sunny message of America as the shining moral hero of the world (he in fact used the Make America Great Again slogan that Trump repurposed), and that likewise resonated with people after the chaos and unrest of the 1970s. Now, we all know that I hate Reagan's ass and I hope he's burning in hell for so many reasons, but his message was effective because it gave people a soaring rhetorical vision to believe in (even while he was often stripping away their economic prosperity in particular behind the scenes, all together now, FUCK REAGAN). But the Republicans who joined the 1980s party are now seeing Republicanism become a tawdry cult centered on, as Geoff Duncan (GOP former Lt. Gov. of Georgia) put it yesterday, the worship of a felonious thug. Trump is wildly anti-America; he only uses it as a vehicle to get what he wants, because Donald Trump is all that Donald Trump cares about. Yes, there are still plenty of brainwashed cultists in numbers great enough to make this election far, far closer than it should ever be in any sane universe, but increasingly even his own cultists don't want to hear it anymore. They keep leaving before the event is over and he's drawing far smaller crowd sizes than in 2016, which as we know is pretty much all he cares about. He has a desperate need for attention and approval to feed his damaged narcissistic-sociopath dementia-riddled brain, and he's just not getting it, while the very real prospect looms that if he loses this election (and it looks more and more like he will) he will go to jail for the rest of his life. Terrifying.
That's why we have the unprecedented spectacle of lifelong Republicans and former Trump voters flocking to Harris in large numbers. We've had Republican speakers at the DNC every night, and they keep playing video montages of former Trump voters disavowing him or explaining that they won't vote for him. If you consider what propelled Trump in 2016 -- conservative white grievance against a black guy named Barack Obama -- the willingness to unhesitatingly embrace a black/mixed-race WOMAN named Kamala Harris is incredible. Many of them were already planning to vote for Biden before he dropped out, but it was no certain thing that they would move from being willing to vote for an establishment old white guy to also being willing to vote for a woman and a person of color. The fact that we've had so many high-profile affinity group Zoom events for Harris, including from truly unbelievable quarters (Republicans for Harris, Mormons for Harris, EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS for Harris), shows that there is a country-wide exhaustion with Trump's poisonous selfish grievance performances, where he's willing to do anything to anyone and turn the USA into a fascist dictatorship if it will exempt him, personally, from the consequences of his odious actions. That is not a message that any sane person can support, and more and more, they don't. As I have said before, that is why fascist movements always sow the seeds of their own destruction. They work for a while, but eventually they're boring, they're mean, they're exhausting, and they offer nothing for anyone but being angry all the time at everyone. Most humans don't like that, and eventually, they drift away.
I also think that part of the reason Kamala absolutely nailed it with Tim Walz as VP is because Walz is the literal anti-MAGA in every way. We have seen a lot of similar straight white military-vet football-coach-type Middle America older men drift into MAGA grievance politics because it offers a home for guys like them and feeds on fear of the future and fear of the other. They feel like they're being heard and understood, even if they aren't, and they vote Republican because they've grown up with Republicans being the pro-America party (however defined). But because Walz is a straight white married military-vet football-coach guy who actually models a joyful and compassionate masculinity, an openly emotional and supportive masculinity, who talks movingly about his love for his wife and children, who is a hunter and gun owner who nonetheless loves kids more than guns, who has taken his small-town rural-America values and become an effective and genuinely progressive politician focused on making ordinary people's lives better, he offers a total antidote to MAGAism. He shows that it is possible to be a traditionally manly American straight white guy who is not a gibbering conspiracy theory-addled shitbag dedicated to trampling on everyone else out of reactionary fear. He shows those guys that they can embrace the diverse future and not have to fear it, and he gives them a permission structure to vote for Democrats because it's the right thing to do AND feel that the Democrats are now the real pro-America party.
Basically, right now, Walz is the most popular member on either ticket, and he's crushing Vance into oblivion (there's something like a 27-point difference in their favorable/unfavorable spreads) because Vance is a horrible robotic hateful gremlin and Walz is an authentic and genuine person who a lot of traditionally Republican-affiliated men (and women!) can identify with. He's also the guy who came up with the devastating "weird" attack line that the GOP can do nothing with except splutter and whine, like playground bullies, that no YOU'RE THE WEIRD ONE. He models that it's actually normal to want your leaders to be compassionate human beings who want to use power to make your lives better, and not hateful fascist alt-righters dedicated to making you also hate everyone and be steeped in doom and gloom. That is why people responded so well to Obama in 2008 after the turmoil of the Bush Jr. years, and why this feels even more monumental than Obama. We won't know until the votes are counted, but this giant tsunami just rose out of nowhere when Harris took over, and it's speeding forward in a really incredible way. We've got to do the work and we've got to vote, but if we do, we could absolutely pulverize Trump and MAGA to smithereens in a way that means it wouldn't be able to come back for a good long while, and oh, what a glorious day that would be. So yes.
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Im kinda drunk rn so this is probably gonna be innintelligible but when i was a kid i watched the entirety of tdi in one sitting while staying at my aunts house and afterwqrds i was left with this massive crush on courtney so i drew duncan gettin beat up with a shovel and when my mom found the drawing she put it on the fridge and to this day i havevno idea why she did that I just remembered this out of nowhere. all that aside my hot take is that I was right I still hate that bitch
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matex3 · 3 months
You said you’re taking requests, so, Dunoah please?
I apologize x999999999 times
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I hate drawing Duncan with every single part of my soul.
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pringlesaregoodngl · 12 days
wanna request for art look here!
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Digital circus
beetle juice
Hazbin hotel
helluva boss
murder drones
genshin impact (new 2)
Danganronpa(kinda new?)
Oshi no ko (new 2)
Vocaloid (still trying to remember who’s who 💀)
ships I’ll do:
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murder drones:
oil rose
Thad x Lizzy
khan x doors
khan x nori
Duncan x Courtney
Gwen x trent
Heather x Alejandro
*anything cannon or was*
Alice x oliver
zip x edward
Engel x Claire
cubbie x Claire
Miss circle x Oreo
Hazbin hotel:
Vox x Val
Charlie x Vaggie
lute x adam
*anything cannon*
for fandoms i didn’t say are mostly ones ill do only for cannon or still new 2 :)
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No adult x child
No hate towards the request or my art
no harassment
no spamming
no threats
no stealing my art
no nsfw for drawing
Things I’ll do:
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cannon oc x your oc
backgrounds for free *most credit*
any character from fandoms
Anything related by a meme!
that’s all I can thinks of feel free to make a note for ideas to add to this!
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thebearme · 9 months
Imma just gonna start with Cam first, and let me just tell you Cameron I projected the most on because even after my "ihatehim no ilovehim" phase so idk maybe some of this could be out of character srry.
I imagine Cameron is south African, particularly Zimbabwean.
His a walking nerd emoji.
The only pass time Cam had was to draw bugs. So he's REALLY GOOD at drawing bugs. Only bugs. Everything else looks like it's from the diary of a wimpy kid.
Cam not that keen of physical touch but slowly getting used to it cuz of Mike. Mike also trying to remember that everyone is open on surprise hugs.
Idk why but with Zoey and Cam's relationship I just think of Carly and Freddie but without the crush.
Gwen and Cam would have art trades together.
Cam got the dryess hands in existence because of the amount of hand sanitizer he uses. OCD GAND RISE UP!
Im saying this now but Cam and B would TOTALLY VIBE TOGETHER!! i just don't know their intentions are yet so dont ask..
Lightning and Cam would have hangout if not for the cheating thing.
Duncan once asked Cam if he can draw a mural of his pet spider Scruffy.
Sam would take it as his personal duty to teach Cam in the way of being a gamer. By teaching him the Zelda timeline and the lore of FNAF. May god rest Cam soul after that.
Cam doesn't not do well with the more active people in Mike's system like Svetlana and Manitoba. They try to be gentle with him but they just don't know their strengths and Manitoba canonically eats dirt so there's only so much they can hangout.
Vito doesn't vibe with nerds but he does occasional try to back him up if he's getting bullied. ONLY if Vito himself isn't bullying Cam.
Cameron actually has the best relationship with Chester. He loves hearing history and old facts and Chester loves the excuse to chat someone's ears off.
Mal and Cam have more of a neutral relationship with each other but I can definitely see Mal thinking his just some weakling nerd until Cam shows him he knows how to make the Demon core.
Cam and Mike started a hate Scott club. Although Cam feels alil bad about, he tends to be reminded of why they started this club every time they go back to their cabin.
Cam once witnessed Scott use the bathroom without washing his hands. And never liked him since.
There was one time between season, Mike, Cam and Zoey were going on a little road trip. Z & M both ask what song should they play next? Cam said he doesn't know any songs so maybe just play the Ice cream truck theme. And that's when they find out HOW sheltered this boy is.
I would get into the nitty gritty but Cam's mom is NOT a good mom. Zoey and Mike have beef with her (Zoey trys to have the benefit of the doubt and said she just too over protective while Mike legit DONT like her.)
They both make sure that Cam gets as much outside time as possible and learn to have a life outside of his house.
When Cam goes to college is going aboard as an entomologist.
When Cameron first came on TD he didn't know what to wear because obviously he's never been outside so it a mixture of hot and cold clothes. Bro don't know fashion but it's his outfit changes in All Stars.
He's wearing a puffer jacket because it reminds him of a sleeping bag and makes him cozy + it has a cooling system inside thanks to B.
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jesterjaxx · 3 months
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Miscellaneous doodles from yee olden times (3 weeks ago ish)
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dbmars · 2 months
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Full disclosure, this is my first foray into writing Duncan or Jack even though I love them so much. I'm actually really disappointed that there haven't been any comments or anything on Ao3 or social media. Maybe I should stay in my lane! (Hannigram) or maybe I'm HORMONAL! (also true) And y'know what I'm really proud of my little photo manip job up there too.
Excerpt from this chapter nobody's read:
Jack stood and turned to Duncan. “I know what you’re thinking. We needed to get inside the house. We didn’t know Jacob was home for the break, and I should have just let those guys kick his ass and leave him in a ditch, because then we could have just walked in, no problem.” 
Duncan grunted. Jack glowered at him, bottom lip sneaking out. “Catch more flies with honey than vinegar. And… y’know what, I’m not sorry I kicked a bunch of bigots’ asses. I know we’re not supposed to beat up on humans but I don’t give a shit.” 
“Supposed to be quiet.” Duncan opened up his inner coat pocket and slipped out a pack of cigarettes. “Not draw attention.”
Jack scoffed dismissively, and opened his mouth to say something, but Vizla suddenly had him by the arms, and pushed him back swiftly into the wall with a soft thud. A curio cabinet rattled dangerously as the Black Kaiser easily forced Jack’s wrists against the wallpaper at shoulder height. They’d both gotten the same serum initially, but the extra doses needed for the eye surgery, coupled with Duncan outweighing him by fifty, sixty pounds, maybe more, made it no contest. 
“Vizla—!” His name was a sharp exhale as the breath was forced out of his lungs. “What the fuck?” He tried to wiggle free, push back. His wrists came away from the wall an inch, trembling with exertion, before Duncan forced them back down. The Black Kaiser was granite-strong, as always. What was more alarming was the warmth that spread up from Jack's groin and the shiver that snaked through his body.  
“Taking a page out of Will Graham’s book?” Duncan rasped, close to his face, his breath smoky and dangerous.
“What?” Jack’s mouth felt numb and stupid. 
“Fucking everything in sight to get close to the target. That’s his MO.”
Anger flared, unfurling in his gut like a flag in the breeze, snapping in the wind. “I’m nothing like Will Graham,” he snarled. 
“Maybe he’s taking a page out of yours.” Duncan released him suddenly and stepped back. It always threw Jack for a loop, how fast he could move despite his size, his coat rippling in the breeze of his movements. 
Jack stepped unsteadily away from the wall, rubbing his wrists. “What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?”
Vizla finally lit the cigarette behind his ear he’d somehow tucked there. Smoke curled up from the ceiling and the cherry glowed like a tiny piece of hell stoked by his breath. He didn’t answer. 
“Are you talking about Paris?”
Again, Vizla didn’t respond, just raised the cigarette to his lips between two long, scarred fingers, the smoke tickling his mustache. His stupid fucking mustache, Jack thought. “You are talking about Paris,” he answered for himself. “You’re talking about Sarah.”
“Your sugar mommy.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Jack demanded, his body taut from head to toe. He was trembling with fury and hated that it was no doubt visible to the Kaiser’s trained eyes, both human and vampire. “I was supposed to get us into the house, and I got us into the house. The only evidence we were ever here is a posse of good ol’ boys with broken noses who’ll probably be too ashamed to tell anyone they got their asses kicked by one guy. Things are fine as of right now, anyway, because the longer we’re fucking standing here–”
Vizla closed the space between them in a preternatural blink that left Jack disoriented, the assassin wrapping a hand around the collar of his shirt. Jack instinctively gripped his wrist, then glared up at him. There was a thorny silence that ended when Duncan said,“Your bag’s by the front door. Get back on schedule.” 
With that, he released Jack’s shirt. Jack, fuming, retrieved the large black duffle bag from the foyer and slipped it over his shoulder.
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saccgiriangel · 2 months
Good question, my anon buddy!
(I have to clarify that the AU is still in process so these are some ideas I have so far)
(This will be a very long text lol)
Alejandro + Geoff: Same relationship as Cody and Trent, with the difference that at first Geoff was suspicious and jealous of Alejandro but realized that he was not the person he thought he was and they became friends.
Noah + Harold: Polar opposites that complement each other in some way, they would begin to interact during TDWT (not in the same context as Gwen and Courtney) and develop a lasting friendship. I don't have much to explain this friendship because it would be similar to the one Courtney and Gwen have in the series.
Sadie + Katie: I like to think that the two started talking and interacting when they were on the Playa Des Losers.
Eva + Justin + Heather: Team Escope 2.0, not much explanation for this.
Lindsay + Ezekiel: Ezekiel would be interested in Lindsay (not romantically, he would just find Lindsay's sports skills cool) and Lindsay would find Ezekiel funny, they would probably have sleepovers with each other while Ezekiel does Lindsay's make-up and Lindsay plays with Ezekiel's hair.
Duncan + Ezekiel: two silly and stupid guys doing stupid but fun things, I can see them being those friends who constantly go on outings and always end up making a mess or end up accidentally getting into trouble Duncan probably likes to tell Ezekiel about his "intellectual interests" and Ezekiel just listens to him while asking him a question every 8 seconds
Bridgette 💔 Geoff: Theyre exes, they already knew each other outside of the program and had had a quick romance that ended on "good terms" (according to Bridgette). Although I can see Bridgette trying to flirt with Geoff again and Geoff would just avoid her or make it clear to her that he doesn't want to have something with her again.
Duncan ❤️ Harold + Duncan 💔 Trent (I love both ships ngl):
With DunHar, Harold initially had no interest in interacting with Duncan, he didn't hate him but at the time he didn't care for him. On Duncan's side, Harold automatically attracted his attention and consequently began to develop feelings for him as the challenges progressed, Duncan tried to interact with Harold more often and draw his attention with compliments and positive comments or interest. Harold is no fool and noticed that attention he was getting from Duncan so he started to play along in a joking mode but he wasn't being so joking after all, which made Harold realize that he had feelings for Duncan (and surely his mind was like "why did I have to end up finding a guy like him attractive?" But in a good way). The rest I think is obvious and they both ended up in a relationship, then the vote-swapping thing would happen causing Harold to be voted off but they would both continue their relationship even outside of the show.
With DunTrent, in the au they are childhood friends, they already knew each other outside of the show and upon learning that they would both participate in the same season they were happy. Trent despite spending a lot of time being friends with Duncan, as he grew older he began to develop a thing for him, this was interrupted when Trent began to notice that Duncan had an interest in Harold and his feelings were becoming more noticeable. Trent had trouble accepting that and felt some jealousy internally but pretended not to care about the details, not that it made him sad but disappointed that his crush with his childhood friend didn't have a chance of happening. Trent decided as an act of desperation to change the votes and kick Harold out of the competition, something that made Duncan not feel good and Trent felt some regret and action for this action. The good thing is that Trent decided to talk about it all with Duncan before being eliminated and Duncan accepted his apology and they both returned to their usual friendship (of course Trent had to suffer Harold's fury when they arrived at the Playa Des Losers but later they managed to make peace and pretend that nothing of the above had happened although Harold would still feel a little bit of resentment for the situation)
Gwen ❤️ Courtney: I feel that at the end of the show it would be revealed that all this time they were a couple and everyone would not be surprised knowing how close they were during the competition.
Geoff ❤️ Noah: Gwen x Trent but this time it ended well and nothing strange happened to ruin their relationship- 😭
And so far those would be all the couples and friendships, as I said before, the AU is in process so some things may have changes and different ideas.
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majachee · 29 days
did you say….a power rangers x td au?
IVE BEEN TRYING TO MAKE ONE BUT HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU I owe my life to you power rangers was the shit
please yap about it I’m begging
I am writing a fic about it, though it isn't my number 1 priority wip atm cuz its just smth silly and self-indulgent, but because I now know there's someone out there REALLY DIGGING THIS IDEA, it'll be moved up on my list by a few notches lol
This AU is heavily focused on comedy and action, so rather than assigning TD characters to PR roles that they'd actually fit, I went with what would be REALLY FUNNY to write about.
So the Rangers consist of Harold (red), Duncan (Black), Noah (blue), Courtney (yellow), and Heather (pink).
These guys were assigned to work on a lab/project for their science class, specifically on the effects of pollution, littering, and climate change. No take-backsies, they're stuck with eachother and 4/5 of these guys don't want to fail... 4/5 of these guys are also assholes.
After some healthy doses of bitching, they agree to meet up and study an abandoned rig. But GASP! They get attacked by some guys... made of putty? Damn dude that's CRAAAAAAZYYY
... this is specifically based on the MMPR tv show, and I'm very tempted to draw the putty monsters exactly like how their costumes look in the show (silver fullbody suits with seams visible and monster claws/masks.) Listen, the putty monster costumes bring me A LOT OF JOY, I genuinely love this show dO NOT @ ME (unless its for mmpr fanart... please @ me...)
Anyways, these assholes fumble through the fight: Harold shows off the skills he learned at Defensive Steve's Defense Class, Noah gets thrown off a small cliff because he weighs less than a paper weight, Courtney feels the exciting rush of bloodlust for the first time... Normal stuff, really!
Of course, this ends up with all 5 of them being summoned (lazer kidnapped) to Power Rangers Headquarters! And it's revealed that Zorgon's role was taken by Chris McClean I'm SORRY. Look, it's funny. He has the same personality he does in canon, but instead of running a reality TV show centered around teens, he has to babysit a small group of teens who hate eachother. This will be really funny in execution, I promise.
Some of the kiddos have a few words to say about the Dinozords... cuz half of them aren't even dinosaurs. Also, they do NOT like the idea of being forced to work together on a color-coded superhero team of all things!
Drama Bot is Alpha, it focuses on the team's publicity ratings.
Rita Repulsa? Meet Blainely McBlamey!! SELF EXPLANATORY!!
I love Rita Repulsa, so Blainely fans consider this a very high honor.
The Green Ranger is Alejandro.
I plan on having the AU mostly focus on campy episodic adventures with some character development sprinkled in, and having the more important PR plots be... well... important and more thoroughly executed, if I ever get around to it.
As for the main gang themselves?
Harold is quite stoked and honored about being a superhero, and quickly ends up being the team leader and team morale – due to his smarts, and quick-to-forgive personality. He doesn't take shit from anyone, but he also won't hold grudges, especially on the battlefield... Though he does have a slight problem with going on long tangents about certain factoids (same...)
He has a vast array of skills and knowledge at his disposable... It all depends on how/when he uses said skills lmao. So far he's probably the least developed one in this AU, right next to Duncan. That'll change when I write more of them.
Courtney? Oh... Oh you KNOW she likes being a Power Ranger. She preaches about the importance of morals, and upholding laws, and how some people ought to respect the responsibilities that come with being a Power Ranger... and some people are more deserving of being recognized as heroes than others. Courtney I love you and I hope I do you justice... mwah... She very much likes taking the lead, and claims that she should be the team leader... and valedictorian, and class president... Oh yeah, you KNOW she worries about her grades a lot, especially after becoming a Ranger. She becomes a lot more productive with her passion as the story goes on, and learns to trust and respect her teammates.
Noah takes on the role of reluctant tactician... Aka the smartass. Physical activites aren't his forte, and he plans on keeping it that way. He relies on his Zord the most, and when that isn't available he resorts to evasive maneuvers and hiding while the other guys handle it. Him staying on the sidelines, however, does lead to him being more observant to the enemies' weaknesses, which will eventually lead to him having a more active role in the team as the main tactician. I'd imagine once that happens, he'll have a lot of interesting back-and-forths with Harold and Courtney. Still a sarcastic, laidback asshole, but more active in his participation when it comes to the team.
Duncan... is more aligned with his season 1 and early season 2 personality. No cheating or love triangles here. He is still an ASSHOLE, though, especially to Harold and Noah. They don't take his shit. I dont have much to say about him yet iM SORRYYYYYY
Asshole punk with a heart of gold... that's his schtick alright...
HEATHER MY BELOVED. She looks hella good in pink and she knows it. She doesn't like being a part of this team, but by god will she put the effort in, because she doesn't want to die to some clay-freak. Her zord-buddy is the pterodactyl, which she finds to be quite convenient, considering it's on the smaller side and can fly, very easy for aerial advantage. Very hellbent on defeating Blainely McBlamey, because once she's defeated they can all go on with their lives. Presumably... evil grin...
I don't know how to really put it in more fancy words, but like... Heather is the most active participant along with Harold and Courtney. She's very headstrong, tends to butt heads with Courtney a lot (not only are they both stubborn, but they also both view themselves as the leader of the group. Nobody realizes it's Harold, not even Harold himself, dramatic irony at its finest.)
Everyone on the team loses their shit when Alejandro (the enemy[tm]) gets a frickin' DRAGON-ZORD of all things.
If yiu have questions about specific characters or MMPR episodes, I'll do my best to answer lol
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