#i accept the shippers i just dont really care sorry
Rings of power spoilers ahead
I just... maybe I didn't get the whole thing
Maybe I got it wrong? Idk
And I get that its poetic and all, that in the need to hunt sauron galadriel ended up saving him.
But ur telling me that if she didn't jump out of the boat. If she accepted her "fate" and went to her little elven heaven place thingie, sauron would've just died?
Would he have drowned? Or stayed stranded at sea???
Thats just so increadibly lame
Just, the big sauron guy would've just drowned if a girlboss elf didn't want to hunt him down?
Anyways, I'm not one of the shippers I'm sorry I see where yall r coming from but just... I don't feel particularly strong about it.
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harukavoice · 1 year
milgram sexuality hcs!
es: aroace (they are SO uninterested in romance bro does not care)
haruka: aroace (never really understood romance and this contributed to his feelings of isolation but hes trying to come to terms with it)
yuno: bi masc lean (shes not open about it bc of the stigma but she def likes women at least a little)
fuuta: gay (it just fits, hes in denial though. he accepts lgbt but internalized homophobia is like "being gay is okay but ME?? never")
muu: lesbian (she was in love with rei. i dont ship them but she so was)
shidou: straight (sorry kazui shidou shippers i think its cute but hes SO in love with his wife and no one else)
mahiru: aroace (HEAR ME OUT shes in love with the concept of love she doesnt realize its just obsession and idealization)
kazui: gay (im a gay kazui truther. cat just gave us even more fuel to the fire, hes in denial though like heavily)
mikoto: gay (hes so zesty have you SEEN how he dresses)
kotoko: lesbian (shes gay. i dont make the rules shes such a girl kisser)
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baby-xemnas · 3 months
hiding to not upset fans, talking about 🐯and👒 dynamic again
i Love Luffy and Law's dynamic (i dont amplify things shippers do, no shade, i know that i twist Law's character too to make it more lawbepo) and Law being very strict about them working together being an alliance no matter how many times Luffy insists FRIENDS!!! - Luffy is not listening or respecting what Law says about it so his feelings are not hurt by Law's s refusal. i love Luffy. and i love that Oda didn't make Law a tsundere towards him (shippers can think that he is,i dont care i disagree do it where i can't see it) he is very insistent that No im not your nakama.
Law didn't need to go through an "accept Luffy" character arc, nothing there to be fixed. And I Love it. Really grateful to Oda for that not just cuz i don't ship it but because it makes Law's character more firm and solid in his beliefs - i kinda love that PH and DR dont change him as a person.
I've talked about it before how much i enjoy Law's character cohesion how he is very set in his ways but in a good way. Because yes of course character development is good but id put it this way - character development necessitates a character being incomplete and even after some development happened the implication stays that they can be changed further. Which is not a bad trait for a protagonist or a supporting character - but what characters Dont change much through shounen stories typically - mentors and wise men. I like to think of Law as being in that category. He is not anybodys mentor but he is fully realized and solid. And That is VERY COOL to meeeeee
So when he is a stubborn ass about shit like Luffy friendship im like 😳😳😳😳 sir yes sir of course please go on as you were, you only have allegiance and loyalty to your family, and help strangers because you are kind. you are so cool.
sorry if its annoying that i mention that i dont ship lawlu like 3 times but its important that my biases lay elsewhere therefore i like the negatives (that comes from Law lol) about their relationship
I talked abt it biut i love that Law has that special status of no - Luffy - while yes helped him with his revenge plan - didnt save Law's life like he did with strawhats (including Vivi who is the easiest example of what makes Law NOT a nakama) - Law is grateful to him, but not eternally, Luffy didn't win his heart like with many others (if he did oda could signify it by making him more tsun, but Law isnt so they are more like colleagues and not friends cuz Law is firmly against it) Law is intentionally a hyper rational character and he Believes in Luffy's potential and would bet on him becoming King- but he is not one of the many Luffy super fans that Luffy made along the way.
I love it a lot i think Oda made a lot of good decisions with Law that i love
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seriousbrat · 5 months
hi this may be long so sorry in advance but
i always loved hp and when i got into the marauders i started caring about sirius, remus, and james more (peter hater till i die unfortunately i can’t get behind him) and like every marauders stan i despised despised severus, i thought that since he was in a known death eaters friend group and called muggle borns mudblood he was unredeemable. but then i saw more and more pro snape content and it made me feel bad for him, james bullied him (which i’m still not even sure if it was classified as bullying because james didnt have any power over him and it wasn’t even 1 vs 4 it was 1 vs 2 so i’d like to know your opinion on that as well) and he had an abusive parent, but then i saw snily shippers (i am a major jily shipper fyi) saying how james basically manipulated lily into marrying him by not telling her he still bullied snape, how the prank was the best thing to happen to james because their “fights” wouldn’t be seen as bullying but as a teen rivalry, how james was the rich boy who got everything he wanted and he got the poor girl as well, how it was him constantly asking lily out and her always saying no etcc, so ik this may sound stupid but i love ur takes like ur always sooooo fucking real so if u want to share your opinions on these like if u think any of these things are wrong 🙈 id be glad bc i dont know how to feel about severus and idk how to feel about jily either which is just making my small world inside of my head crumble bc i used to love them so much
Of course and thank you! First of all as I've been saying I don't think it's necessary or even really a good idea for us to base our preferences or interests in fiction with our moral beliefs. so we can accept that snape or james did bad things and still like them. Fiction gives us that freedom to delve into aspects of humanity that in real life we might try to avoid. So I don't think you should feel bad for liking james or severus or jily or whatever. Ok, that being said let's get into it:
First it's normal to feel sympathy for Severus, he's a sympathetic character in many respects! That's what makes a good anti-hero (or even villain. we're even supposed to feel sympathy for voldemort and barty crouch jr at certain points)
what james and the marauders did was definitely bullying. there's no way around that. you say james didn't have any power over him but he did; social power. You touched on economic class, which is a big factor, but James was a popular student and Sev was deeply unpopular. whether it was 1v4 or 1v2 or 1v1 doesn't really matter in terms of whether it was bullying, though tbh it was really 1vthe whole school because the spectators also participated in Sev's humiliation.
However, in my mind there's almost no way that Snape wasn't instigating just as much, possibly more, in seventh year. Like you think he was just going to sit around and accept that his worst enemy was dating Lily? lol. I tend to believe Sirius when he says that Sev "never lost an opportunity to curse James" like good for him get his ass. But I think it was definitely a different dynamic in 7th year than in 5th. there's this tendency to portray Sev as being a meek little helpless victim his whole life but personally I feel that's a disservice to his character-- this is the guy who invented sectumsempra 'for enemies' like three guesses who 'enemies' was.
re: jily, I really doubt that James manipulated Lily into anything, I think that's such an overdramatic reading lol. We don't know much about the way they got together-- although many fic writers have taken it upon themselves to fill in the gaps-- but everything points to them having been happy and in love, that clearly was the intention by the author. If James didn't tell her about duelling Snape that isn't great, but there are a lot of things that can be imperfect in a relationship without jumping to manipulation and abuse which require a specific pattern of behaviour that we have no evidence for. We also only have the external perspective of Sirius and Remus, which is likely incomplete.
(also James 'always asking Lily out' is fanon, we see him ask her out ONCE albeit spectacularly badly. it seems more likely to me that lily 'you make me SICK' evans simply saw james grow into someone she rly liked rather than gave in and gave in so fully that she married him bcause he was pressuring her. idk she didn't read like a pushover to me.)
So no need for world crumblage! It doesn't sound stupid at all, but I think it's important to keep in mind that we can enjoy fictional characters/relationships that aren't perfect, in fact those are the ones that I find more enjoyable. It's totally possible to be a fan of snape and james and jily and snily all at the same time, fandom tends to create conflicts or 'shipping wars' or whatever lol but idk if that's necessary. I don't see it as a moral debate or an either/or, I just find all the characters and the dynamics between them interesting.
For instance, you mentioned the class differences between Lily and James, and I always thought that was probably a point of contention in the relationship; but to me it's one that makes it more compelling to explore. Relationships irl are rarely perfect and evenly-matched from the start, they take work. Similarly people are never perfect- they learn and change and grow. James did, Snape definitely did. otherwise they would be boring and unrealistic as characters.
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jvpiterstears · 1 month
i just want to put out a small note that just because i’m the biggest sour screen fan doesn’t mean i don’t fw other taco ships! if you are anti tacomic or anti paco i suggest you scramble on out because i fw those because i have attachments to those ships for personal reasons.
also, i am a plural/system. almost all of the recent posts you have seen are posts by me, a fictive of taco. and i have very distinct memories and preferences of ships i do and don’t like. i’m a multishipper but i’m a picky one
i’m also going to tell all of you now that taco x trophy is not allowed near me. at all. if you ship taco x trophy you are on EXTREME thin ice. along with tacobulb because i have a very strong sibling attachment to lightbulb and seeing art of taco and lightbulb being anything more than friends or family just. makes me feel icky.
i also don’t fw tacocase, taco x silver spoon, taco x cabby, taco x test tube or taco x candle. or tacoberry. BUT, they don’t make me uncomfortable, they just aren’t my thing. you do you w your rarepairs though! i don’t care as long as it isn’t taco x trophy (i actually fucking HATE trophy in general he makes me extremely uncomfortable)
ALSO. a (not so) friendly reminder to GET. OUT. if you like homestuck. if you’re a homestuck fan please tell me so i can block you.
another reminder: miraculous ladybug fans are on EXTREMELY thin ice!
also, endos/endo supporters (+demosys and tulpasys) fuck off. my blog is not a safe space for you and i will just block you if you interact.
i will not engage in syscourse or lgbt identity discourse, but i do have my opinions, and i freely block.
i believe in typing quirks even if they’re complicated or weird. as long as you’re willing to translate if i don’t understand i literally dont care
i also want to adress something that’s a bit important to me
i’ve seen a few people in my notifications who have reblogged maxphillippa (i think that’s how you spell their name please tell me if i’m wrong) and i want to say that i blocked them last year because they are, from what i recall, anti tacomic. and again, i’m a tacomic shipper. and from what i’ve seen about them they have a general dislike for taco and a lot of taco ships. which is fine, people have opinions, but seeing their content does make me a little uncomfortable as someone who is both a taco fictive but also who’s headmates collectively have a massive attachment to taco. i won’t stop you from interacting with them, but i will tell you that i will avoid conversing about them
something i need to warn people about is that i have a lot of mental issues. i struggle with a lot of things including/especially social interactions and differences in opinions and preferences. i’m getting better accepting that people might have largely different thought processes from me and that people will disagree with things i say. i get easily defensive and angry or upset and it’s a thing i’m working on.
i also need direct communication when you’re upset with me for any reason. the amount of times i’ve had to tell people not to keep it a secret when they don’t like me is frustratingly large. i understand having communication issues, i have them too, i struggle to tell people when i’m upset over things and hide my emotions, but things need to be said. especially if they’re serious.
sorry for all of the text, these are just things that i need to say before anyone actually interacts with my blog, and especially if you’re going to join sour screen hq. because i’m going out of my comfort zone with making sshq and talking to new people
if you read all of that THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ACTUALLY READING I KNOW PEOPLE DONT LIKE PARAGRAPHS. i dont like em much either but this was all really important to me
anyways byyeee…. i need to keep working on sshq im not even done with roles yet🧍‍♀️
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cactusringed · 10 months
hi! its t! i hope you dont mind me spamming your inbox abt this, i dont have any other scardubs shippers who i can talk to. you can let me know if you do! :]
youre so right about bdubs not being cruel and calculating enough
just imagine bdubs not quite understanding the weight of scar offering him his life. to scar, it feels like lilacs and poppies and can we still be friends. to bdubs the offer feels like no kill passes, clocks covered in blood, and scar's fire aspect sword burning through his back. salt on top of a ready existing wound
bdubs furious in a way nothing but scars blood on his hands could ever describe or soothe. but he can't do it yet. all he can do is snap at scar about, 'just you wait until im red,' and tell him that hed really appreciate it if scar went and jumped off a cliff or stood on a cactus.
but it all just rolls off scars back like water with a laugh and a joke. it makes bdubs see red, but hes not red. theres nothing he can do to get it through to scar that hes serious
i dont know if its better or worse if scar knows hes serious or not
maybe scar is completely clueless. sure, the ribbing is angrier than he remembers, but the routine of teasing and joking around an anger that doesn't really mean anything is familiar enough. and its not like the world theyre on hasnt made everyone darker, scar's done things to people hes not proud of too
but maybe scar knows. hes not an idiot. its a right there in your face answer that someone hates you when they keep threatening to kill you when they can and asking you to just go die already.
maybe scar thinks he can fix it. even after he makes himself useful to bdubs, dedicates himself and this life of his to bdubs, it doesn't make him any less angry. and i think scar knows that it doesnt, but just cant accept that he cant fix it. cant accept that he hurt bdubs, someone he cares about, so greatly that bdubs hates him and wants to hurt him. wants to kill him. is going to kill him, and no amount of making himself useful is going to change that
either way, whether he sees it coming or refuses to, i think when bdubs does turn red and kills him it hurts the exact same. it stings with betrayal and grief and, worse, the knowledge he deserves it. that he's the villain in bdubs book. that the only redemption hes getting is through death
i cant decide what route from here i like better
1) bdubs feels completely satisfied. the bloodlust in his veins is gone. none of it matters to him anymore... but it still matters to scar.
scar being terrified that even dying couldn't fix things, only to find out that his death fixed things and feeling worse. he pledged his life to bdubs (it feels like im sorry im sorry im sorry) and that means nothing to him.
scar means nothing to him anymore.
scar thinks hed prefer if bdubs hated him still. at least him pledging his life means something then, at least his death means something then, at least this whole situation means more than scar pulling one stupid prank
2) bdubs is still angry
scar thinks it's fixed now, with his death, but hes wrong. bdubs is red, and he wouldnt be if scar hadn't taken his green life
when scar comes back to bdubs smiling and asking if its all even now, bdubs sees red. scar thinking this is all something transactional, an eye for an eye, a debt he can pay off, pisses him off
scar treated bdubs' death like a joke. then his own like a joke. and bdubs decides hes going to make sure scar isnt laughing by the time hes done with him
3) bdubs feels horrified
seeing scar getting torn apart by the zombies was what he wanted. and for a long moment he feels euphoric.
until he realises scar isnt yelling or screaming or anything. just quiet pained grunts and heavy breaths
until he realises that scar doesnt even bother trying to fight back
until he realises the heavy breaths are sobs, and the look on his face is betrayal not pain
he realises just a moment too late and scar is dead. bdubs doesn't even have time to say he's sorry, let alone try and help. all at once scar pledging his life to bdubs feels like when grian attacked the two of them in third life screaming betrayer, his voice so heartwrenching bdubs felt bad for him even on red
scar pledging his life feels different
it feels like an apology, utter devotion to making things right with someone you care for, trust and love built on a pillar of death.
and bdubs doesnt know if he can fix it
Hiii don't worry I love talking to people I just hope u don't mind how slow I can be replying to asks ^_^ hehehuhu my ask box or dms are always open either way xoxo
See your idea of Scar third lifing in and pledging his life to bdubs is to tasty when, well, you take third life into consideration. Scar who knows what it's like to die to a prank but who was quick to forgive in exchange for complete and utter devotion. Scar who believes he can offer the same, and receive the same forgiveness he once gave Grian.
Only to realise he isn't trusted. It's a transaction. The same as a no kill pass. Meaningless unless given value by the person receiving it. And bdubs giving it no value, not believing in Scar anymore, not after he was burned one too many times.
For Scar to think he can fix it with what anyone else would call a 'deal' is an insult, after all the lies and frauds and betrayals - and bdubs, who should be familiar with in-the-moment, hot blooded betrayals for one's own safety - has none of it.
I think he would regret it and feel not only pity but horror, after killing Scar. He'd think of killing Tango in last life, and Skizz in limited life. How even in his rage Skizz offered a fair battle to settle scores. How he didn't afford the same kindness to Scar, whom one could argue pushed Bdubs (and Impulse!) into the zombie horde as a means to self preservation, with the same sort of red hot fear that a boogeyman might have. But whom one could also argue did it out of a bout of sadism and cruelty instead.
It's that uncertainty that hurts, and makes it difficult, in the end, to know if his anger was warranted. It's that uncertainty that makes it difficult to feel true satisfaction as he's torn apart just like he was.
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xxmidnightmochaxx · 6 months
Uhhh more formal intro ig lessgooo!!!
(Sorry if some of this makes no sense I didn't sleep all night and I'm writing this before I probaly take a nap)
🐾I go by midnight, rilu or ghost but midnight is my main name and I've used that for years so I'd prefer if you call me that:)
🐾my pronouns are NOT he/him/they or just he/him, I will make acceptions if you talk to me about it if you struggle with using specific pronouns I use, but if you need examples ill give you that too. Please do not use he/him/they or he/him on me without asking me first, I understand some people struggle using xeno/neopronouns, I will not be rude if you don't understand how to use them.
🐾Also just in general I don't care what you call me. I use anything except for she/her or anything with those two in it, and I don't use he/him/they, but again talk to me I can make an acception. The pronouns I have down for me are just my preferred ones.
🐾cat dad of two
🐾some Fandoms I'm in:Ghost, BATIM, FNAF, tattletail, dying light, TWD, COD, warrior cats, hazbin/helluva boss, resident evil, and more I js cannot think of em atm lol
🐾If you dm/message me please tell me why/be paitent, I suck at replying/forget+I am slightly socially anxious/shy asf. Lol
🐾My account is strictly 15+, unless your a underage friend and I gave you permission to follow me, if you are under 15 I'm sorry you gotta go. This is only because sometimes I will post stuff/reblog stuff that isn't exactly appropriate.(ex:gore) and also I swear. Alot..😶
🐾I am greyromantic/acespike and polyamorus with the partner limit of 3-4. I am dating two people atm, no, I will not date you if we just met. It takes me a bit to actully like someone. And by a bit I mean probaly longer than a "normal" person. Keep this in mind.
🐾Genders:Transmascagender, catgender, femboy.(yes ik it might make no sense but like it's what labels me best I'm sorry)
🐾My discord incase u wanna be friends: xxch3rr1_cxndy_bl00dxx
🐾keep in mind if you DO add me on discord, please let me know it's you if we have interacted before
🐾I will mirror your energy/treat you how you treat me. So if your being a dick don't complain I'm being one back, your asking for it mf.
🐾I'm otherkin and a furry :d
🐾I am a satanist. Do not force your religion on me. I will block you.
🐾 my account is mainly a safespace for almost everyone minus most people. Let's keep it that way.
🐾xenogender users
🐾lgbtq+ people
🐾ppl who are 15 and over(unless I make a acception)
🐾warrior cats fans
🐾hazbin/helluva fans
🐾People who have the same interests as me
🐾animal lovers
🐾recovering zoos/necrophiles(your on very thin ice though)
🐾Kinda almost everyone really, I don't really care as long as your 15 and over and respectful and not problematic.
🐾Do not interact🐾:
🐾people who are friends of someone named soldier fox(I do not want to talk about the drama that happaned, he did shit and drama happaned. It was like 3 years ago or some fucking shit. Leave it be and hop off my dick about it. Me and him have settled things, but I dont trust his friends to not come after me.)
🐾transphobes, homophobes, ableists, necrophiles, zoophiles, pedophiles.
🐾toxic christians/toxic people in general.
🐾others who force there religion on others.
🐾bigots in general really.
🐾people who are under 15 following this acc unless I gave you permission. But even I'll get out rules for you on what you can and can't do.
🐾People who kin problematic characters unless it's like- idfk like the silly side of them then idc. But if it's the problematic side fuck no get out(ex;valentino from hazbin hotel)
🐾catnap x dogday shippers(catnap is a 8 year old from what ik)
🐾catnap simps(again, that's a 8 year old from what ik)
🐾Anthonyscluster, zeke, and pikkletv. As much as I don't hate anthonyscluster as much as I do send and pikkletv, it does not mean I want them on my profile. I don't care if they want to appologize, I do NOT believe they will genuinely mean it.
🐾Boundries/can and cants🐾:
🐾yes:Jokingly flirting with me if we aren't dating, drawing my ocs/characters, asking to be friends(I will more than likely say yes), asking about art trades(never done one tho so you'd needa explain I'm sorry), using tonetags(I need them), asking to take info off of ocs of mine(as long as it's small depending on the oc)
🐾Ehhh:/srs flirting if we aren't together, being overly sexual with me, being an asshole, making certain jokes if it's coping or smth(I do it too js be sure to warn me pls)
🐾No/blocked:taking heavy inspo/taking my ocs, tracing my art/claiming my art as yours(HEAVY on tracing without permission too. If you have my permission to trace, at least give credit please/try and alter it a bit.), not respecting Pronouns, idk I can't think of anymore rn
Uhh yeah can't think of anymore rn so yeah hope u enjoyed reading this have a cat meme
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dojae-huh · 1 year
After paying more attention to Yuta I can now agree with the author, his crush on WinWin was real, same with Woo (although this new one is less serious). And he is probably bi, he just wants to love and to be loved (the words he said about Doyoung, but in truth are about him). And the real shift in his dynamic with Do actually happened after the 2nd anniversary (remember how he took a glass with vine away, preventing Do knocking it with his arm? the care he didn’t show before. also during one of recent vids (was it guessing k-pop songs by emoji?) he stroked Do’s back, consoling, which I’d never seen before). 
This is from your blog and sorry for for bringing out the past but I have a doubt here..you said yt shifted his dynamic toward dy happend at second anniversary I.e after jaedo comeout right? You meant he started to care for dy right? Then how was it before? Does he hate or ignore dy? I knw they were like tom and jerry before not dislike though...I dont understand can you explain? And if yt is bi like you said does it mean he ever had a crush on dy? Did you felt like that? And what about now ? Do you think he have a crush on mark or ty or woo? We dont knw unless he tell us but did you felt it? That's it for my doubt can you clear it?? And thank you in advance....
When I just came to the fandom, YuWin was super popular, much more than YuMark. Many said Yuta had a real crush. As a newbie I thought it was the normal shipper's talk and YuWin was just fanservice. It's after I saw Yuta with Woo I went back and reevaluated YuWin (that, and NCT Life in Seoul). I think it was a Yuta and Hansol moment that persuaded me Yuta is bi. He was young and couldn't control himself yet (same goes for JaeDo, they were much more obvious with their flirting and crushes, as well as reactions to other men, during trainee times).
I know there are rumours about Yuta dating a man nowadays, he was seen with him in cafes and such, but I don't know how grounded the rumours are as I don't specifically look for more info on the topic.
I had a post on DoYu, the shift. Yuta started to change his attitude earlier than the anniversary. During Chain era, if I remember correctly.
Yuta always liked Do, he was just jealous of him. Yuta wanted to be a singer in the group, he didn't want the dancer position he was basically pushed into. Remember how he said he once bought a ticket to Japan without telling anyone, it was Rino who stopped him and made him believe that he also has a spot, a role in the group, that everyone is important.
We don't talk about the elephant in the room, but Yuta did several cosmetic surgeries, he had (and still has) problems with self image. Do's nosejob just lifted up the tip of the nose, Yuta really changed his face. And 2017-early 2018 was his lowest time, I think. He became a changed person with Regular (he accepted his dancer position, started dancing properly, started taking singing lessons and actually consulted Do on vocals, seeked his help).
I think DoYu getting closer was the result of Yuta himself changing for the better (he stopped being envious and petty) and JaeDo being an example of following their feelings (getting together instead of supressing), coming out to the group and being accepted.
I'm positive Yuta has no crush when it comes to Mark, he is just comfortable with him. I don't know about Tae, however, I doubt it (I don't remember any sus moments). The crush on Woo is probably over, but I need to watch something and re-evaluate.
I've never considered Yuta having a crush on Do, to be honest... I do think it's plausible looking at Yuta's behaviour (he is Do's secret fanboy, actually listens to his non-NCT songs). Not a developed crush, just "ah, what a nice person, I get these fuzzy feelings when he cares about me". A possibility that never was explored because Jaehyun claimed Do first. A crush on a dear friend. DoYu wouldn't have happened in any case though, I always struggle with this ship in fanfics, it's just hard to imagine. Yuta noticeably goes soft when someone shows him love, he craves love.
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lottiecents · 3 months
alicole shippers have been saying the most vile things to and about lesbian fans on twitter and everyone seems to just accept it or even encourage it, mutuals of mine i considered friends among them. some rhaenicents unwarrantedly came for fabien today, which wasn't alright, but everyone immediately called them out and jumped to the defense, yet no one has said a peep about lesbians getting non-stop harassed these past days. the leaks themselves are disappointing, but it didn't make me want to stop interacting with the show, but now i just want to distance myself from the show, the fandom and people i've known for years because they've really been showing their true colors.
well that sums up everything about stan culture lol because stan culture is full of bad and good people. and honestly everything that is happening on the hotd fandom is mass hysteria (FROM BOTH SIDES).
alicoles being lesbophobics = fork found in the kitchen. “oh but there are lesbians who ship-” spare me. please. because i saw that too and many of them were siding with the lesbophobics (even the lesbian alicoles) so yeah you can’t trust your own community because male-obsessed people will throw the first woman/group of women on the fire for a man.
and i can speak that is not the first time this happened… and it’s really weird i feel very weirded out specially when i see them downplaying lesbians and their own experiences when they say it aligns with alicent. they almost sound disgusted by their supposed favorite character being a lesbian who suffers with comphet. anyways i could rant about this more! but yeah its weird and very uncomfortable being on a now unsafe space where they demonize your sexuality over a fictional show and all in favor to be right.
rhaenicents that attack fabien are weird as hell like trying to find something problematic about him and etc. okay hate the character all you want but DONT come for the actor because he is just (trying) to do his job. and it’s very hypocritical to see that coming from rhaenicents knowing that olivia suffered and suffers a lot with this kinda of thing and then go and do something like that? yeah just not cool or right.
and saying he is a bad actor is not attacking him, is just the same thing people said about harry collett just go get some more acting classes dude you have the money 😭 but please don’t say vile shit or be racist (calling him names and comparing him to animals like is the funniest thing in the world. is not you dumbasses) and try to frame him as something he is not (a predatory guy by showing some likes in thirst traps (tgc alao do this go after him too then hypocrites))! if you don’t like him or don’t care about him just ignore it! like a normal person should do.
and honestly? i feel you in not wanting to be apart of this anymore i do not want to be either because it’s trying as hell. my twt tml is only this and yada yada yada and i know it’s gonna be a tough season for everyone but us lesbians (i assume you are one too because of this ask if you are not i am sorry for erasing your sexuality! i forgot the proper word sorry i am too tired) need to be strong because everyone in this fandom and their mothers are gonna come for us and our interpretations of anything that happens really.
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lilac-melody · 2 years
Honestly, people saying Nagisa was “shoehorned in” to Hiyori’s story and that their relationship is “forced” can actually fight me because no one’s saying anything about Koyuki and Ryou or Koudai and Juri, when they’re just as “forced”, if not moreso. 
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ninthhousesteel · 2 years
fucking hell
i stayed up till 4 am to watch vol 2 cuz i thought it’d be good and it was good!!
Good ol’ queer bait thats what it fucking was.
I’m sorry that the duffer brothers felt that this was good enough writing to finish something amazing, and i am willingly ready to partake in a rewrite of vol 2 because this was blasphemous. (apologies ahead of time for the sheer amount of ranting i am going to do)
okay like first?? steve??? just. no. that whole spiel about the six ‘nuggets’ (that wounded me) and him LITERALLY SAYING THAT LIKE HES STILL IN LOVE WITH NANCY AND HE WANTS HER TO HAVE S I X KIDS WITH HIM ITS LIKE HE DOESNT EVEN KNOW HER BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW SHE AINT BUILT FOR THAT. ALSO nancy was in the middle of talking about robin, a person for whom they both care about, and its like he just redirected the conversation onto him. it looked like someone tried to inject more ronance but then someone else just like sidestepped it into Steve/Nancy, which was SO bad. Steve and Nancy shouldn’t be a thing. they just cant give each other what they need. Same with Jonathan and Nancy. Honestly, I did enjoy their relationship in all the past seasons, but s4 its been so strained and weird and the fact that Jonathan didnt even come clean to her at the end about the college apps was just ridiculous, and the exact moment i knew that they weren’t going to last. even their interactions at the end seemed weird and stiff, like neither of them really wanted to be there. (I hope they dont make her get with either of them. And maybe im just a diehard Ronance shipper, but Robin and Nancy make the most sense!!!)
Second point- Robin and Vickie
10000000.999999% unneeded and unwanted and unfunctional. If youre going to give the only explicitly confirmed gay character a love interest, the worst thing you could do was use the ‘oh no my crush is straight oh wait no she dumped him and now i think she likes me’ trope. tired, overdone, nasty. not even to mention the fact that Vickie is just. a straight (haha) up clone of Robin. They are the same person. They could be revealed to be cousins in s5 and i wouldnt be surprised. It’s tasteless and pathetic to watch. And it’s even more hurtful, because so many of us fans genuinely are in love with Robin and invested with her because we can connect to her the most, and the Duffers just cop out of a genuine and amazing relationship (ronance) and just turn to the basic and unflavorful This Was Obviously Written By A Straight Person relationship of Robin and Vickie.
And Max. And, you know let’s loop in Eddie too. Since they both died. Oh wait.
I’m not even sure to tackle Max’s death. i love her SO MUCH. she’s my second favorite character (right behind Robin). if i was in that situation, i would have let her die. its just easier, and we dont even know if, once dead, she even wanted to come back. this trope of bringing someone back always has consequences, which is why im not really a fan of it in the first place. it requires delicate writing because the situation can get bad very fast. and as of vol 2, im not sure the duffers can do it. (that being said, obviously i dont know their plan for max, but plots like these are kinda hit or miss yk? its just such a big thing)
Eddie’s death was anything but compelling. Like, i knew he was dying but i was kinda…. bored? idk if thats the right word to use, but it just felt kinda off. and the fact that no one addressed it besides Dustin, like, Eddie had so many more friends. and in my mind i think the whole ‘eddie died saving a town that didnt love him’ was more of a white lie for his uncle, because eddie didnt owe Hawkins anything. i mean, it does make him a hero in the way that everyone who helped was a hero, but not everyone needs a ‘redemption’ arc to better be accepted by society. like, his whole thing was kinda that he was different and he didnt care what other people thought. and he had so much potential too!!!
this is long lmfao sorry if i jump into your asks later because i still have more grievances
st4 spoilers
no need to apologize for the long ask because everything you said is true
i know duffers will never actually let ronance happen but Why push stancy it just doesn't make sense to the plot at all please just let nancy pull her self worth away from whichever boy she chooses duffers let nancy be single challenge
and im grilling them for putting in the whole six kids thing ESPECIALLY with the word nuggets it wasn't cute it wasn't funny it made me literally gag
i love amybeth and nothing of this is directed to her bc she was getting paid to play a role and i love her <3
BUT THE DUFFERS let vickie be a barely present and exact carbon copy of robin just to serve as her love interest. how fucking lazy is that? they see how popular robin's character is Plus she's the only confirmed queer character (since they wanna be ambiguous with will) on the show and they just throw her with an underdeveloped character for diversity points... and with the whole extremely similar personalities thing yeah vickie started to ramble but robin said like 4 words and ik thats just bad writing and they don't actually care about my girl but im choosing to interpret it as she got over vickie which Good For Her
max my poor angel they really did just use you for bait </3 and sadie doesn't even know her role in s5 yet and its breaking my heart can we have anything nice Also why go after one of the girls.... one who's been abused her whole life too like give her of all people a happy ending
eddie was such a wastef character :( he was so original and fresh and he could've helped robin break out of her shell more but the duffers had to keep up the boring old pattern and kill him and his death was Meaningless because he could've just climbed to safety but noooo we can't have nice things now can we. and the fact that no one addressed his death what the hell
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butterflies-dragons · 3 years
Canon or not, i'll sink with this ship
So I’m new to this whole shipping guessing. I’m used to reading stories with obvious end pairings. So this is the first fandom I’ve been in where i thought i knew the end game j/a then i read a meta about jonsa and it got me questioning my whole life. I was fine if jonsa was not canon because it wasn’t the first time I’ve ship non canon characters and I was ready to sink with the ship and sail it on fanfics instead. But now after reading every meta of them i could find, I want to believe they’d be canon but then there’s also so many hints of j/a in the books that tie them nicely as well even if i dont ship them i can understand it.
Like A’s connection to sam(bread giving in bravo), J ane A were both beat and both refused to cry/cry out. A talking about flying away and starting her own pack, J being a trag and wanting to find a place to belong. Plus the more obvious ones like “I want my bride back” “stick them with the pointy end”. And the fact that sansa is not part of the main 5, Grrm saying if a 12 year old needs to be the one to something then so be it (dont remember the exact words but he was talking about A) J being called half wolf half widling, A being called half boy half wolfpup and so many forshadowing or red herrings (idek anymore) of j/a. And finally GRRM saying he always KNEW how is main 5 would end in broad strokes and his original outline having them be end game. 
But jonsa just be hitting differrent. The idea of suppress feelings or even them developing a proper relationship when they meet again but not as siblings, they never really were. Jon actually surrounding himself with people that are similar to sansa ex. Lover of songs Sam, Gentle Satin being his closes friends. Their dreams of rebuilding winterfell, the ashford Tea, GRRM intentionally placing you know nothing between S and A like he KNOWS. HE FREAKING KNOWS. This is my first time not knowing the end pairings and wanting my potentially crack-canon shop to be validated. This is all so knew i dont know what to do. 
The one thing i can say for certainly is that if this is crack ship, i don’t care. They can have fun or their canon ground and I’ll just live it up in crack ship space. Sorry for the confused rant, its just your metas make me so hopeful that they would be together in the end but my heart is cautious. 
* * *
Hello Jonsa passenger, 
It’s OK if you enjoy a ship, even if it is “non canon” or even if you consider it a “crack ship.”
Since the Books aren’t finished, I think the only canon ships are Ned/Cat, Cersei/Jaime, Dany/Drogo, Dany/Daario, Sam/Gilly and Jon/Ygritte; and even Robb/Jeyne, Tyrion/Shae, Petyr/Lysa, Tywin/Joanna, Rhaegar/Lyanna, and a few more.    There are other ships that are non canon, but with a chance to become canon if all the speculations and theories come true at the end.  And there are the real crackships.  The ships you mentioned, J/A and J/S are both non canon, but they aren’t crackships.  Since you used to ship or at least accept J/A as the eventual/future “canon”, I see that you have internalized some made up facts elaborated by those shippers, and since you shared those with me, I supposed you would like my opinion about them, or not? But I will tell you anyway:
Like A’s connection to sam (bread giving in bravo), 
Sam met Cat of the Canals, a girl whose father was the oarmaster on a ship called Nymeria, not Arya Stark. And there was not connection between them, they didn’t bond, she didn’t ask about Jon. She saved Sam from two bad men, let him eat some clams and told him where Daeron was.   
J and A were both beat and both refused to cry/cry out. 
Is this supposed to be romantic foreshadowing? And let me tell you that other Stark kids have similar passages. 
A talking about flying away and starting her own pack, 
Again, other Stark kids have similar passages. 
J being a trag and wanting to find a place to belong. 
Once again, this is a common theme among all the Stark kids. 
Plus the more obvious ones like “I want my bride back” 
Between Jon knowing about Ramsay’s wedding with A (Jon VI) and the Pink Letter (Jon XIII) there are eight chapters and certain time period. Jon didn’t leave everything behind to go and prevent the wedding and rescue A instantly after knowing about the wedding. It was the Pink Letter, that happened when A was already a married woman, what triggered him, that letter meant the possibility that A got to ran away from Ramsay, then Jon had a bigger chance to rescue her.  
“stick them with the pointy end”. 
Thinking about certain blade when he was being stabbed multiple times…. Is this suppose to be romantic foreshadowing? Actually, Jon’s last thought was about Ghost, he said the name of his direwolf, like Robb did with Grey Wind while dying, like Ned did before killing Lady; but if you want to believe it was about the owner of certain blade, let’s remember that that blade was named because of Jon’s ladylike half sister.  
And the fact that sansa is not part of the main 5, 
Is this supposed to be romantic foreshadowing?
This is not a fact. This is a lie. GRRM only mentioned the “key five” in the so called “original outline.” But did you know that there are at least 2 “original outlines”? So far, I counted 3 of them.
Despite that document, GRRM has constantly and explicitly counted Sansa among the major/protagonist/core characters of the series.  
Grrm saying if a 12 year old needs to be the one to something then so be it (dont remember the exact words but he was talking about A) 
Is this supposed to be romantic foreshadowing?
According to a fan report, GRRM said this while talking about the abandoned 5 years gap. 
Q: 5-year gap?
A: It worked for characters like Arya and Dany but not so much for the adults or those who had a lot of action coming. He was writing chapters where Jon thought, “Well, not a lot has happened these past five years, it’s been kinda nice.” And Cersei chapters where she thought, “Well, I’ve had to kill sooo many people the last five years.” So he ended up dropping it. He said he would have done it sooner if he hadn’t told so many fans about it. And there is no gap anymore. “If a twelve-year old has to conquer the world, then so be it.” [Source]
As you can see, GRRM wasn’t talking about Arya in particular, he was talking about the kids of the series. I particularly suspect that he was talking about Bran Stark when he mentioned a 12 years old conquering the world. Or maybe he was really talking about Arya, discovering new worlds during her endless sea voyages???  
J being called half wolf half widling, A being called half boy half wolfpup 
One more time, this was said about all the Stark kids, since all of them are wargs/skinchangers. 
and so many forshadowing or red herrings (idek anymore) of j/a. 
Yeah, most of the supposed/assumed foreshadowing, are in fact, red herrings. 
And finally GRRM saying he always KNEW how is main 5 would end in broad strokes and his original outline having them be end game. 
Is this supposed to be romantic foreshadowing?
You know what, it’s funny that you mention this quote because in that same quote GRRM mentioned his major characters, and Sansa is among them:
He went straight from talking about the references in the actual books, to the “differences” in the outline from then to now. He did say that he still knows who sits the iron throne and the end game of the main 5, but also included Sansa, but did not give any details (for obvious reasons).
[question if he is still going with the 1991 ending]
“Yes, I mean, I did partly joke when I said I don’t know where I was going. I know the broad strokes, and I’ve known the broad strokes since 1991. I know who’s going to be on the Iron Throne. I know who’s gonna win some of the battles, I know the major characters, who’s gonna die and how they’re gonna die, and who’s gonna get married and all that. The major characters. Of course along the way I made up a lot of minor characters, you know, I, uhm…Did I know in 1991 how Bronn, what was gonna happen to Bronn? No, I didn’t even know there’d be a guy named Bronn. I was inventing him along the way when I was writing, ‘Okay, he gets kidnapped. Let’s see, there are a couple sellswords there, their names are Fred and Bronn’.
“It was actually Bronn and Chiggen, and then one of them dies, I flipped a coin ‘okay, who dies? Chiggen dies, cause his name is stupid. Bronn is a better name, so I’ll keep Bronn’. And then Bronn became quite an interesting character and plenty of these characters take on minds of their own. They push to the front till you [?] speech and you think of a cool line and you give it to Bronn because he’s trying to talk, and now Bronn is somebody who says something cool. [?]. That’s how characters grow on you.
“So a lot of the minor characters I’m still discovering along the way. But the mains-”
[question if he knows Arya’s and Jon’s fates]
“Tyrion, Arya, Jon, Sansa, you know, all of the Stark kids, and the major Lannisters, yeah.”
—Balticon Report 2016 [Source 1] [Source 2] [Source 3]
I hope this helps you. 
Thanks for your submission.
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novatwoast67 · 3 years
☆ About me ☆
(since my bio is getting long)
Hi! My name is Oliver :3
Age: 21
Gender: genderqueer trans masculine (+1 year on testosterone)
Pronouns: he/him, they/them, it/it's
Orientation: grey ace and grey rom but also pan
Nationality: Filipino-New Zealander living in Australia
I'm Autistic, got ADHD, anxiety, depression and C-PTSD
I'm also one of the main hosts of a DID system (professionally diagnosed as of 26th Feb 2024!!) but this is my blog specifically
I practice witchcraft and goetic demonolatry
I'm also a psychological and spiritual otherkin, my main kintypes being void and vampire
My other notable side blogs:
@novartwoast (my current art blog)
@mogaifriendly (my mogai support/positivity blog)
@soupforbats (my otherkin blog)
@soupforstars (the system's blog)
Tags list:
#important tag (for information posts)
#always reblogg (for support posts)
#signal boost (self explanatory)
(i also have tags for other peoples art, writing, cosplay etc. and tags for animals and trigger warnings/content warnings but theres a lot so i wont list em)
note i dont always have the energy to tag everything so if i dont tag something important that fits the bill for the tags above, its not because it isn't important/good enough! i just dont always have the energy to do so ;w; but if i dont forget, ill try and go back to the posts to add the tag later!
small disclaimer but i tend to hyperfixate on problematic media but i know how to not support people and content that have these issues, and i know how to seperate the art from the artist/the persona from the person etc.. ive just accepted at this point that nothing is pure and that I'll try to avoid the worst stuff ;w;
if youre unccomfortable with anything i seem interested in because of this, dont feel bad about unfollowing and/or blocking me! take care of yourself first and foremost, you deserve to feel comfortable in your own space.
(that being said please dont judge me poorly when you do so ;w; my anxiety over these things is incredibly debilitating and genuinely makes my mental health spiral- but im working on it)
Please Do Not Interact if you perpetrate, defend or support:
"M4P/NOM4P"s (p3dophilia)
n4zis, x3nophobia, racism, white supremacy
t3rfs, t3hms*
rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse
other forms of assault and abuse
animal abuse (this includes P3TA)
anti v4x
pro l1fe
homophobia, transphobia, queerphobia in general
cringe culture
DNI (unless you're ok with having a chill and healthy debate**)
exclusionists (this means aphobia, if youre against he/him lesbians and she/her gays, if you're against bi/pan lesbians and bi/pan gays and if youre against mogai/neopronouns/neogenders)
against self dx'ing (of course please take care and be sure to heavily research depending on the diagnosis but otherwise I'll usually assume you have and/or won't really be bothered either way)
pro ship (im not an anti shipper cuz i find the debate pointless, but i trust anti shippers a little more than pro shippers)
singlets or systems that are really big into endo syscourse. Most of my other system members and I believe in "you do you, just try to be nice to people and please be respectful of traumagenic systems if you're endo". That's about it
*if youre a t3rf or a t3hm i AM willing to have a conversation about the unethical nature of trans exclusion, but (as stated below) i may not respond if you're rude or if im too tired
**if you're rude or I'm too tired don't expect me to respond
Also just an fyi I probably don't have everything on these lists so im sorry if i missed anything!
and if you catch me perpetrating anything on this list it's definitely an accident due to ignorance; I'm nowhere near perfect so please let me know if it seems like i messed up! I'll be sure to look into it when I can.
That's pretty much it! Sorry for the long pinned post but yeah, enjoy my blog i guess :'D
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myriadof-fandoms · 2 years
mimi watches the final
i'm literally gonna throw up
i don't wanna see eddie die but i know i will and i fucking hate everything okay he just wanted to graduate
hoppers back :((((
are they gonna fuck. are jopper gonna fuck. they should fuck. they deserve it.
joyce: romance me
hopper: FOOD
oh god they're flirting i'm gonns cry
chianti 😭😭😭
steve landing in the upside down was hot thank you for your time
yes robin i would applaud for hottest landing in the upside down thank u
steve and eddie teamwork helping robin up good soup
omg dusty debut in the upside down
make him pay 😭
i am so bisexual. walk walk fashion baby. all of you three please break my back like a glowstick
i was not prepared for more billy flashbacks you fuckers
argyle <3
kate bush my beloved
lolololol the murder house nice ahs reference
tom wlaschiha you hot shit i love u
who said this'll do. this'll do just fine. OH STEVE IN S2
where is my surfer boy. i want him back.
they just paid him in weed. canon stranger things plot is a guy being paid in weed.
everyone: preparing for battle
argyle: pizza time
"she was made for an alternative dimension"
robin my beloved
bro you were fine in s1 idk what y'all are on about
(i'm sorry to all stancy shippers you're fine i'm just upset about how this makes no sense in canon)
god fucking damn it i don't want to see this STEVE! WAS! OVER! THIS! i don't fucking care for stancy oh my fucking god
also ich weiß ja nich wie gut er das jetz wirklich macht auf ner skala von 1-10 aber das klingt nach gutem russisch muss ich ihm schon lassen
hi. :) i'm gonna cry
here comes the will and jonathan talk. i just love will so much. he's so soft. just. soft voice. and idc about jonathan otherwise but THAT'S THE BEST BROTHER EVER. and he knows he fucking knows.
bro that was hands down one of the best not even actually coming out- coming out scenes. that's. yeah. jonathan but he's more of a dad to will than lonny ever was.i just love people being accepted for who they are okay i gotta AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
oh jesus christ i dont want max to get more hurt. NO FUCKING HER BROTHER OH NO BRO ARE YOU SHITTING ME THEY ARE NOT SERIOUSLY
this is not the billy content i wanted
my good dudes. did the duffers not watch their own show. bc yes all of this makes a lot of sense. if the relationship of billy and max had still been portrayed as bad as in s2 in s3 but okay.
this dude did not touch erica now did he
stop jumpscaring me with billy thank you
oh well you're all fucked.. i still don't care about the russia plot
daddy sorry daddy sorry
oh no max looks so sad at the snowball being ruined 🥺
let me at jason. just let me. he won't even expect it. i'm kinda tiny. he won't expect much. and then he'll have 22 years of anger issues that fights dirty on his hands.
hey how is this happening at the same time. what the time difference between wherever they are in russia and hawkins. why is it nighttime everywhere.
do i have a combat boots kink. maybe. more at seven.
steve really do be getting choked a lot.
"i'm buying more time" you're being an idiot is what you're doing
oh vecna knows well that's. interesting. and now eleven is the surprise
i like max's outfit
oh dusty no
bro why did no one tell eddie that running away from danger is a normal response IT'S CALLED FIGHT OR FLIGHT AND FLIGHT IS OKAY
actually i'm just not watching this. eddie will be fine. just like billy is. they are dating steve. and bob is alive too he's dating joyce and hopper. wanna hear about murray and alexei.
elmax <33333
damn jamie spent a lot of time in that costume huh
how is max unconscious.. in her own mind..
"he did not make me into this. you did." insert the got me there meme
god the costume department >>>>
so he made the mindflayer. yeah. okay good that's what it seemed like.
i will end them for misusing my boy's lines like this
damn the byler fandom is gonna have a shitty time. they really did you dirty and i feel very sorry. also my baby boy will is suffering but i expected as much so
god yes lucas punch him from me
yep yep yep eddie is fine as long as i don't look
murray my hero. it wasn't divine intervention it was murray.
sure we shooting machine guns with one arm now. totally not gonna backfire.
"the beginning of the end." stranger things really is in its infinity war era
not to be horny on main but maya hawke's hands
jfc nancy with a shotgun. i'm normal about this
oh god the sound and effects. the sword. the fire. i can't.
do i just skip the next scene. i really don't want to see eddie die.
bro. my good dudes. there was no need to kill this metalhead too. NO NO NO NO NOT THE MY YEAR
.. you know what. yeah okay killing the one character with a future makes sense bc it's more heartbreaking BUT YOU CAN STILL SUCK MY DICK
all the awards to caleb
HEHEHEHE JASON IS DEAD ngl that did bring me great satisfaction sorry i know he was a kid too but he did start a witchhunt for eddie and people still act like billy was the problem
elmax elmax elmax elmax elmax elmax
there's more to life than stupid boys yes there is and not only because mine are all dead
oh damn the people are running huh
why is anybody smiling
okay steve lives at least i was right about that
why is karen so shocked oh i guess her son okay yeah makes sense
karen wheeler is a good mum sorry
the picture they put the picture up he is reading stephen king to her oh my god that's love
i wanted billy in a hospital not max
i'm gonna throw up
okay at least we can still count on steve harrington and his jeans
they volunteer. babies.
okay you know what i too would have a crush on vickie. and i have a crush on robin. where do i sign up i just AHH I GOTTA GAY
oh jfc they need to date WAS WAS WAS BOYFRIEND AND SHE RAMBLES and fast times it's boobies i need to lay down. this is so cute this is so gay i need to lay down. they are flirting
i am steve steve is me
not wayne oh god not the poster i can't not this sweetheart dustin i just no
[mr munson weeps] yeah so am i
how will i ever move on
alright maybe the el and hopper reunion can fix me
imagine being argyle. like you befriend this dude. and then you end up in this hellhole of a town.
no fucking hell. they're really gonna go stancy. after all. i can't. this is not seriously gonna happen
of course will can feel him HE WAS VECNA'D
oh god it's the coke bottle
i never thought i'd be be happy to see mike with hopper
yep hawkins is fucked
i think henry might be a little pissed off
i fucking said it ends with the gates
alright.. so everyone acted as if we lost half the cast.. and sure this ending is. something. but bro don't scare me like this for nothing
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othersidelines · 4 years
Sometimes i wonder about the people writing those sambucky fics with past stucky, like i could even deal with a "yeah steve and bucky were in love in the past but they both changed after bucky died and they had to move on but their bond as friends remained and all that shit" instead what i get it's a "bucky's hang up on steve and is never getting over him and sam's a stand in until we figure out a way to write steve in again and for some reason sam doesn’t mind at all, like not even a little bit"
And i just wonder, Who are these fics for? I mean, clearly these are not for sambucky shippers
Sam fans certainly dont like them either, i know i hate them, they make sam play second fiddle to steve, why would anyone want a relationship in which one person is more invested than the other or where someone is a second choice? why would sam put up with that? i want good things for him and that doesn’t involve being anyone's doormat, i want him to be loved, and now that we're talking i want people to let him have feelings too, i'm tired of him either being the only one invested in the relationship or mean and detached for no reason, not to quote moulin rouge but let him love and be loved in return, people think that because he likes to joke and he is kind of chaotic he's genuinely mean spirited, like you guys know banter right? He can be a little shit and still have emotions, he can have more than one personality trait at once
And i'm not even getting into how these fics never acknowledge that steve just left without even saying goodbye to sam, at first sam thought steve got lost or something, isn't he allowed to be angry? To have one single emotion about the whole thing? From the disloyal shit to the racist implications? wouldn't it make more sense for bucky to comfort and support sam in this matter instead of the other way around?
And i don't see how these fics are for bucky fans either, i'm a bucky stan and they get everything about bucky wrong, steve was expecting him to be the same guy from the 40s and bucky hasn't been that person since he went to war and steve has been acting like a different person ever since bucky died too, bucky doesn't know this new steve, so first we don’t want bucky to move on? and he can't be happy without steve either? AND on top of that we want him to stay with a person who wants a version of bucky that doesn't exist anymore? bucky's very adaptable and steve is not like that at all, steve has his beliefs set on stone, why would i want bucky to go backwards? like if you really need to write stucky and sambucky at the same time for some fucking reason and it’s not a three-way, just write steve with 40s bucky, they're in the same timeline anyway, because current bucky and present steve are just not the best for each other in the mcu, also sebastian stan plays bucky and i'm sorry but that guy shows nothing but love when he looks at anthony mackie so i don't know how could anyone overlook that
So these are not for people who like bucky outside stucky or for sam fans, are these for stucky shippers? Why not just write stucky then? Like what’s keeping you from writing a stucky fic? Because again if they only wanted to acknowledge a platonic relationship with two people who love each other but learned to accept that they're different now and moved on but still care for each other even if they're apart, that’d fine, i wouldn’t mind, but stucky shippers decided that they’d rather fabricate some unrequited love story ruining a friendship and annoying sambucky shippers in the process, and what for? stucky shippers enjoy being annoying?
Or are these fics for steve stans? You guys miss him so much you insert him everywhere even if it doesn’t make sense? dude... move on, the guy's dead or old or busy being the american president idk
I dont know, i just wanted to complain because i read an annoying fic, sorry sorry if this doesnt make any sense, my english is shit
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my-mt-heart · 3 years
I think daryl leah twist failed hardly because writers didn't care to make it good storytelling first and foremost. Yes there are lot of shippers who had their headcanons before that happened and least of us would start ship it rather than caryl (or donnie or bethyl or desus or rickyl for example) but ppl would take it more understandable and normally if it wasn't simply made for shock value.
What do you think about it?
If Leah was introduced not through flashbacks or she was familiar face from pre apocalypse time Daryl knew her it would be more believable why after all those years he fell in relationship with her. Or they could at least show that she's much more initiative and confident in "moves" than him to show that he truly "didn't have game" before, when Carol or Michonne flirted with him, so he got experience with Leah which if i got right was their intention via Gimple.
Also i think it's big subtle issue Daryl's emotional development through all the years was tuned down and both Gimple and Kang ignored his wills many times making him always someone's henchman. It got up to my throat how Daryl always serves someone's life is that Rick's or Maggie's. With Carol it felt different for me, it felt like something personal. If i only knew what they're gonna do in last season. They did what i wanted but in most unappealing way i never wanted and probably many Daryl fans never wanted.
And you know this crap with leah feels more anticlimactic because of how immature Daryl was in Find me after whole season he was stoic, mature and wise. It just looked like writers wanted to be cruel and torturous against Carol more than making Daryl's story believable. That's why i feel so bitter about this episode and whole thing and that's why i dont understand why some carylers who thought it was great poetic storytelling attack for different opinion other caryl fans saying we don't love Daryl or that we're stupid we don't understand "how complex life and relationships are" etc etc.
Sorry for dumping all these thoughts to your ask, my-mt-heart:( i just needed to share my feelings with someone who would understand it.
What's my inbox for if not for sharing thoughts and feelings? :) Listen. I can't sit here and defend Leah's existence either because as I think many Daryl/Caryl fans can agree, it takes a huge stretch of the imagination to buy. Would knowing Leah from before the apocalypse make it easier? In some ways, yes, that could make it feel slightly less rushed. In other ways, no, because then Daryl's whole concept of love starts with Leah and not Carol. No matter what AK and Gimple intended, it changes our understanding of Daryl's character which majorly sucks because we've all spent 10 years getting to know him just to have the rug pulled out from under us. As far as reasons go, if one of the goals is to pay off the widely held assumption that Daryl would be really awkward/immature in a relationship, I can accept that. I'd rather see him behave like a dumb teenage boy with Leah than try to force it with Carol, which no longer works because of how deep and mature their relationship has become. I do wish they'd lean into it a little further though and address his also widely assumed intimacy issues. It seems like the other long-term goal with Leah is to push Caryl's story forward, which, hey, great. With a storyline that was always going to be highly controversial, there should absolutely be a big payoff. Should being the key word.
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