#i almost had a thousand deaths as well which like. shows how long i kept trying
dycefic · 2 years
Tom Saves The World
Everyone knows that it’s super-heroes who save the world. They fight the aliens, or the monsters, or the bad guys. And mostly, that’s true.
But not always.
I’m a psychic. The thing is, my range isn’t that great. I don’t have much detail more than about 36 hours out, 48 for something really big. I’d had a nebulous sort of bad feeling for about a week before this one finally hit, and it was big. Something very tough and very supernatural was going to come up out of the harbor of Nova Roma, and the death-toll was going to be high. Crazy high.
I did all I could. I told the Unaligned Supers Job Placement Agency, and they put the word out to everyone on both sides of the Line. The Henchman’s Union don’t like natural disasters any more than anyone else, and they’re often quite helpful against eldritch horrors and stuff like that. Things that don’t hire henchmen and ruin the property values.
The trouble was, nobody big was around. The only really big team of heavy hitters on the West Coast were away dealing with some sort of doomsday cult - I never was clear on what that was about - and Guarde and Dog Fox were out of touch and even Mx Frantique was out of town at someone’s wedding. It was going to happen in less than two days and we couldn’t find anyone to help and I was seriously considering calling in some kind of bomb threat or something to get people away from the docks, at least.
And then, about eighteen hours out, it just… went away.
Which never, ever happens.
My powers might be short range, but they’re reliable. I don’t get stuff wrong, and I hadn’t been able to find any way to prevent what was going to happen, or even been able to identify anyone who could. But someone did. Someone had done something to stop the threat, something that happened literally while I was opening my car door. When I reached for the handle, thousands of people were going to die. By the time the door was open, there was no threat at all.
At first I thought it must have been a ranged thing. Like, whatever I’d been seeing (all those teeth, I saw them in nightmares for months after) had been distracted by something tasty on its way here and gotten off track, that it’d come up somewhere up or down the coast. My range isn’t that big, either. Anything outside about thirty miles might as well be on Mars for all I know about it. So we kept a watch out, and warned the chapters of the Union and the Agency in other cities.
But nothing happened. Nothing at all. I couldn’t explain it, and I was really unpopular for a while. Supers do NOT like people who cry wolf. There’s enough freaky shit we have to deal with without someone panicking everyone with a dire prophecy that fizzles out.
Thank all the gods that Tunny showed up. Nobody’s really sure what Tunny actually is - sentient fish creature, some kind of really mutated human, an alien, or what. She changes her story a lot. But she’s pretty friendly, especially for a twenty-foot-long horror-movie-mermaid-thing with four arms, so when she came into harbor to pick up some supplies a guy from the Agency went out to tell her what I’d seen. I’d gotten a wharf and dock number, so she went down to check.
I don’t think anyone had ever seen Tunny scared before. Her English wasn’t good enough to really explain what she’d found hibernating down there, but it was something very old and very powerful and very dangerous, and if it’d been woken up my vision would just have been the start of the crisis.
She rounded up a bunch of whales to help her move it, once she was sure it hadn’t been agitated and wasn’t likely to rouse if moved carefully. They towed it out before dawn, not wanting to scare the civilians, and when I saw the footage from the helicopter the Union sent up, when I saw how big the swell was, how many whales were pulling, I swear I nearly crapped myself. No wonder I’d been getting hints a week in advance. Somehow we dumbass humans had built a whole fucking city almost on top of some kind of Ancient Old… THING, and eroded the sea-bottom until it was exposed, and if someone hadn’t done whatever it was we’d all have been dead long before Tunny arrived. And not just all as in ‘all of Nova Roma’, it could have taken out half of the continent... or all of it.
It took me years to find out what happened. YEARS. It turned into a kind of hobby, tracking everything that might possibly have come into contact with Wharf 38 on that particular day.  
And what I found, eventually, was a city employee named Thomas Briggs.
I’d found out early on that 38 wasn’t in good repair. Not that bad, but not great. It was old, things were getting a bit saggy in a few places, but there’d been no sign that anything was likely to fall off on the day. It had sat there for a couple of years after the crisis that never happened,, doing its job without problems then been rebuilt without any drama at all.
Entirely, completely, and totally because of Thomas Briggs.
The story, when I finally pieced it together, went like this.
There’d been some project or other to build some sort of high-budget science project over on the other side of the harbor, hanging it off’ve Pier 8, the furthest out on that side. Something about tracking sea-life or ships or something. My conversational English is near perfect, I’ve been here for years, but I don’t speak science nerd in ANY language. It’d all been approved, some university was covering most of the cost, it was all gonna be fine. And it was gonna be over on 8 because that side of the harbor is the shallow end. It’s where the sailboats go. All the big stuff that would block visual sensors and deafen the thing with engine noise was over in the thirties, in the real deep water.
They were almost ready to install the thing when a bunch of rich dudes suddenly got their panties in a bunch over having a big sciency tower thing ruining the view from their yachts, and tried to get it moved.
To, and I’m sure you guessed this, Wharf 38.
Which was completely insane. It wouldn’t be able to do its job over there, it’d be way more in the way, and (although they couldn’t have known it) the installation would definitely have woken up the Thing sleeping by the wharf and we all would have died. But rich dudes with yachts don’t care about that stuff. They’d bitched out and bribed up their friends on the city council, and those friends had done their thing, and the scientists had been left in the dark, and it’d almost gone through. They’d figured to install it right away, so that when the science guys found out it’d be too late and they’d either have to pay a lot to move it or just use it where it was.
Enter Thomas Briggs.
Mr Briggs, Tom to his friends, didn’t give a crap about the yachts or the science. He was a senior money guy for the commercial wharfs, the one who figured out things like how much money they’d take in in a quarter, and what the repair budget should be, stuff like that. He found out about this thing two days before the disaster would have happened, and sat down and did the math.
Then he sent out an email to the guys trying to push this through, and he ripped into them like they’d threatened to knife his mother. I got my hands on that email, and I didn’t understand a lot of it any more than the council guys would have. It was ALL numbers. But at the top he wrote it out in plain English. Pier 8 was new, and rated to handle the weight of the thingy. Wharf 38 was going to be scrapped in a few years, and it was NOT rated for that kind of structure. Pier 8 had plenty of room around it. Wharf 38 was already a tight fit for the big commercial ships, and adding a structure sticking out on one side would block off at least half of the wharf to those ships completely.
Bottom line, putting the thing on Wharf 38 would cost the city hundreds of thousands of dollars more per year than putting it on 8, AND the city would have to eat the cost if 38 collapsed under it which it could easily do, AND the city would have to pay to move it in a couple of years anyway when 38 was due to be rebuilt.
And he cc-ed every important person he had an email address for, including the mayor, the anti-corruption people, and several reporters.
He must have sent that email right when I was opening my car door.
The whole plan collapsed right there, and some people got fired. There was no news story because the whole plan got killed before the reporters even got to the right office. The installation was started on Wharf 8 a few weeks later and I never connected it to a commercial wharf on the other side of the harbor.
One email, and a man who I never could have located in time, a man who had no powers at all, a man who was just conscientiously doing his job looking after the city’s money saved the city, and the continent, and maybe even the world.
Who could have predicted that? Not me, that’s for damn sure.
I can’t deny that I went home and got drunk off my ass that night. Just thinking about how close that had been made my hands shake. One man. One honest man who’d done the math.
I put the word out, once the hangover wore off. What had happened. That Thomas Briggs was the reason we were all alive and everyone better make his life real nice from now on, because he’d done what none of us could do and nobody but the supers would ever even know it.
He’s got a lot of luck coming to him, I can tell you. We don’t forget debts like that.
And I knew that’d freak him out, because honest men don’t like it when people start doing them a lot of favors for no apparent reason, so I tracked him down at the little bar where he likes to have a quiet beer on Friday nights before he goes home. Hell, I was the one who’d gone through it all, back then. I should get to tell him.
I sat down beside him at the bar and looked at him. I saw a thin, small, balding man who looked like he worried too much and didn’t get enough sleep, with lines around his eyes. Yeah, he looked like a man who’d do the math. “Thomas Briggs?”
He blinked at me through his glasses. “Yes? Do I know you?”
“No, you don’t. My name’s Barkhado Omar, and I’ve been looking for you for a long time.” I offered him my hand and he shook it, still looking confused. Which was fair, ‘cause I doubt a lot of seven foot tall Somali women came up to him in bars even when he was young. He’s got to be close to retirement now.
He frowned. “Looking for me? Why?”
I smiled at him. “Tom, let me buy you a drink and tell you about the day you saved the world.”
It’s usually us who save the city, or the world. We have all the intel, all the advantages, all the powers.
But sometimes it’s not. Sometimes it’s someone like Tom Briggs, doing the right thing at the right time and never knowing that he changed the course of history.
Wild, huh?
This story is a direct result of me and my ex chatting about how different the entire Marvel Universe would have been if Jean’s first ‘resurrection’ - being found in a life pod under a wharf, IIRC - had happened at like... any other time. Earlier. Later. It would have changed SO MUCH.
And we speculated about how it could happen, how someone just puttering around in middle management might have unknowingly saved countless lives, prevented Madelyne’s corruption, the legacy virus, all of it, just by postponing that particular set of repairs a bit longer.... and I couldn’t resist writing a version of the story in which Tom does, in fact, save the world.
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cherriegyuu · 1 year
seventeen as song from lover (ts)
a/n: for this, i'll be giving songs and lyrics to each of the members, as well as small plots based on those lyrics. i don't plan to write all of these, but they are still my ideas (as basic as some of them might be). so if you are interested in writing one of them, you can message me about it. if you want to read one of them you can send in a request and i'll write for you
red | 1989 | reputation | lover | folklore | midnights
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• Seungcheol ➝ Cruel Summer Fever dream high in the quiet of the night You know that I caught it (Oh yeah, you're right, I want it) Bad, bad boy, shiny toy with a price You know that I bought it (Oh yeah, you're right, I want it) ↳ Seungcheol was infamous, the bad boy like you see in the movie, and god you wanted him.
• Jeonghan ➝ Afterglow This ultraviolet morning light below Tells me this love is worth the fight, oh ↳ Jeonghan was never one to lose his patience with people, least of all you. But one day a fight gets out of control and it leaves you wondering if your relationship has come to an end. ↣ read here
• Joshua ➝ Lover And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years? ↳ you’re scared you might be falling in love a little way quickly for Joshua
• Jun ➝ Cornelia Street And baby, I get mystified by how this city screams your name And baby, I'm so terrified of if you ever walk away I'd never walk Cornelia Street again ↳ A year after the end of your relationship with Jun, you go back to the small apartment you used to share. To your surprise, Jun is next door to you.
• Hoshi ➝ Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince I counted days, I counted miles To see you there, to see you there It's been a long time coming, but ↳ one day you got a letter in the mail by mistake from someone named soonyoung. You spend years going back and forth with the letters until you finally meet each other.
• Wonwoo ➝ False God I know heaven's a thing I go there when you touch me, honey Hell is when I fight with you ↳ you and Wonwoo never fought before, at least not to the point where both of you were screaming at each other.
• Jihoon ➝ The Archer I've got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you ↳ for years you had a one-sided crush on Jihoon. You planned to confess your feelings many times but failed at every single opportunity.
• Minghao ➝ London Boy Show me a gray sky, a rainy cab ride Babes, don't threaten me with a good time ↳ Minghao is always one to see the beauty where most people see none, so when he drags you out of your apartment on a particularly rainy day you don’t complain, sure that whatever it is that he planned is a perfect date.
• Mingyu ➝ Paper Rings I hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this ↳ Mingyu had always been your best friend and that line had never been crossed before, then, one day, you woke up naked in his bed with a vivid memory of the previous night. ↣ read here
• Seokmin ➝ I Think He Knows He got that boyish look that I like in a man I am an architect, I'm drawing up the plans It's like I'm 17, nobody understands No one understands ↳ there was nothing in the world you loved more than Seokmin’s smile.
• Vernon - You Need To Calm Down And I ain't tryna mess with your self-expression But I've learned a lesson that stressin' and obsessin' 'bout somebody else is no fun ↳ nothing can make Vernon mad but you’re adamant about proving him wrong
• Seungkwan ➝ Death By a Thousand Cuts I get drunk, but it's not enough ’Cause the morning comes and you're not my baby ↳ in which Seungkwan drunk calls you, his ex, and finally tells you all the feelings he kept to himself for months. ↣ read here
• Chan ➝ Daylight I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you I've been sleepin' so long in a twenty-year dark night And now I see daylight ↳ it was impossible not to compare Chan to a ray of sunshine, especially after he was the one who brought you back to life
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taglist: @wonwooz1, @ryuwonieebae, @sobun1est, @mirtaspace, @ho34gojo, @feat-sun, @wonvsmile, @mhlsymlysn, @swinterr, @immabecreepin, @uniq-tastic, @miriamxsworld
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a/n: somehow three of these could become smut and i'm thinking of writing them that way
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Chapter 4 - Comfort Me
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Due to the unexpectedly thick fog, the Stardust Crusaders were forced to stop by the little town below their road and hope that, by the next day, it will dissipate and clear their vision. They still had such a long road ahead of them. Holly's life was on the line and they couldn't stall... Though, Kisara thought, the town looked even more succumbed to the mystifying fog. How peculiar. As the girl kept her head rested on Jotaro's shoulder, her eyes hooded and almost half asleep, she saw something that made her gasp and straighten up - Was that a dog, impaled on a spike? It couldn't be, could it? No way that could happen!  She turned her head to look back, feeling her heart beating faster with fear - Then she felt her hand being held gently. Jotaro looked at her, and despite not sharing any word of concern, the sentiment was shared. He, too, must have seen the same worrying thing that she did. A grim omen for what was to happen.
When finally they reached down into the town, it looked like some kind of horror-movie set. Was it a ghost town? A haunted town? Whatever it was, Kisara hated it to the core. Joseph, however, seemed to like that there were so many buildings, estimating at least a thousand civilians living in that place - But where were they hiding?  They got out of the car, going to the restaurant, as there was a guard standing there and looking blankly at them. As Joseph correctly greeted the man, he only flipped the board, showing the restaurant was closed for them; And when he turned around to disappear inside the building, Kisara could clearly see two large cockroaches roaming around the back of his neck. Based on Mr. Joestar's reaction also, he must have been thinking he was seeing peculiar things also.
The girl hugged herself and stuck next to her brother to seek some comfort; This whole town must be cursed or something, it felt evil, and that feeling was simply reinforced by the guy which Polnareff found, sitting in a corner - He had a look of horror on his face, and when he fell off to the ground, long-dead, salamanders crawled out of his mouth. He was holding a gun which was still smoking; It must have been fired five minutes prior at most, just right before they arrived in town - Yet, the question stand - Why didn't they hear anything?  
Unable to discern the cause of death as anything other than a stroke or a heart attack, and incapable of coming up with an answer as to what he was shooting at, Kakyoin tried to reach out to a woman with her two children, but she couldn't be communicated with, and those festering boils on her face kept bubbling over with pus the more she scratched them. It was disgusting, seeing her peel her flesh off, and the poor boy felt like vomiting. What the hell was with the people of this town? A person is lying on the ground, dead, yet nobody seems to be the slightest bit concerned. 
Even more peculiar than that, was the dog staring at them. Kisara lightly tugged on Jotaro's sleeve, and he seemed to be rather concerned for their well-being also. They just saw that dog, dead and on a spike - How is it here, alive and well, then? It made no sense. In fact, nothing from this damn town made sense. The whole damn fog was demonic.
"You don't think it's the work of another Stand user, do you?" Jotaro asked, crouching by the cadaver's side, next to his grandpa.  "Probably not. There's no motive." Joseph grumbled. "I think it is, actually." Kisara noted. "Everything about this place is unsettling. The fog, the town, the people. There's something wrong here." "Would someone who's after us kill someone before we even get here?" the old man asked. "There's no reason for a Stand user to kill him." "Let's at least see if we can figure out a cause of death or something." Kakyoin sighed, looking down at the corpse uncomfortably. 
Using a pen, Joseph fumbled about the body, and found out he might have been a traveling Indian, based on the money he was carrying. Once he dragged his shirt down, he noticed a hole the size of a ten-yet coin right under his throat - But as Jotaro asked, why was there no blood? Frowning, Kisara ripped the body's shirt, revealing a lot more holes in his body. Though Joseph scolded her for tempering with evidence, she simply scoffed. "Do you really think there is any police that would come?"  "He looks like the cartoon cheese on Tom & Jerry!" Polnareff cried out in shock.  "All holes look to have the exact same circumference." Kisara noted, leaning closer. "Not even a drop of blood. They look like they were exsanguinated." "How is it even possible to kill someone like that?!" Joseph's question had an unspoken answer - An Enemy Stand User was on their tail. "Be careful. If there wasn't a Stand user here before, you can bet there's one here now." as if on cue, Joseph tried to jump a spiked gate and almost got himself deathly impaled in it, under the pretext that he saw it as their car. Could the fog create hallucinations? "Guys, I say we get the hell out of here. This is very dangerous." Kisara tried to warn, but an old woman, and interestingly enough, the sole inhabitant of this town with which they could actually hold a conversation, slowly made her way in front of the party, inviting them to her hotel. No matter how terrified she was, she couldn't part from the group, so reluctantly, she, too, agreed to go with them. 
"Here, master Joestar, the hotel is this way. I'll lead the way. Please follow me." the old woman smiled kindly at them, but Kisara could only raise her eyebrow at her, clutching Jotaro's sleeve; a habit she shamefully developed over the journey. "Master Joestar... Interesting." she muttered to the boy. "Just 20 years ago, one of those 007 films was shot at this small hotel. John Lennon from The Beatles also stayed here once." she tried to advertise light heartedly. "Whoa?! Really?!" Polnareff gasped in shock. "No, not at all." she giggled playfully. "But I like to think I run a nice hotel. We currently have no other guests staying with us. Will meat for dinner be fine with you? Or would you prefer fish?" she kept rambling politely, but Jotaro was having none of it. "Hold it, old lady. Just now, I heard you say 'Mr. Joestar'. Where did you hear that name?" he asked, voicing Kisara's shared suspicions. "Come now, sir! That person there said Mr. Joestar just moments ago!" she laughed simply. "Me? I did? Well, I could have..." Frenchie trailed off, trying to think about it. "You certainly did! When you've been in customer service for many years, you pick up on people's names quickly. You certainly do!" she grinned widely, innocently, which made Kisara even more nervous to be around her, while Jotaro knew he had to find a way to get the truth out of her. "Ma'am, may I ask what happened to your left hand?" the silver haired man asked. "Oh, this? I just burnt it a little... It's probably because of my old age, but I accidentally spilled boiled water on it." she laughed carefree. "Old age? What are you talking about? You don't look a day over 40! I might even ask you on a date!" Polnareff tried to be funny with her, to which she laughed bashfully. "Please don't tease me like that, sir!" 
The inside of the hotel actually looked rather incredibly and beautiful, all things considered. With everyone rooming by themselves, they all had to write their names in the book, before the old woman was to show them their chambers. Being the last one to sign, Kisara couldn't help but smile a little, seeing their fake names. Kakyoin Tenmei. Kujo Qtaro. How adorable. What should she write her name as? Ah, yeah, she's got such an original idea, it almost made her laugh.  Kakyoin Yuria - Yuria, the fiancee of Kenshiro from Hokuto no Ken. Omae wa mou shindeiru. How funny!
Whilst Polnareff went to the bathroom, the others gathered in Joseph's room to try using Hermit Purple on the TV - Unfortunately, no matter was Nori did, the TV wasn't working at all. It was time to rest fir the night, at least a little bit. Kisara especially doubted she'd be able to actually sleep any time soon; Not with how eerie the place was. 
Laying on the bed, she was lost in thought, looking up at the ceiling. "Don't worry." Marilyn let herself out, sitting on the edge of the bed. "JoJo." "JoJo? You want me to go to JoJo?" Kisara gasped at the audacity of her Stand's proposal, earning a nod and the same tender smile on her face. "You are going to kill me with embarrassment!" "Happy." Marilyn placed her hand over her heart "You... Are happy? When you're around Jotaro and Star?" Marilyn nodded. "I..." Kisara found herself smiling also. "I am happy with them also."
As if he was summoned, through the wall separating her room from Jotaro's, a specter protruded half-way through, and he smiled, waving at them. Though Kisara was surprised to see Star being as cheeky as Marilyn, no doubt coming over all on his own, she couldn't help but smile and wave him over. It truly was wholesome, seeing how adorable Marilyn and Star were, sitting on the edge of the bed and just smiling at each other.
A knock on the door captured her attention; She called out for the person to enter, and Jotaro's silhouette was revealed. The brim of his hat was tipped, covering the embarrassed expression betraying his emotions, seeing his naughty stand pull off such an embarrassing thing. "Here to join our tea party?" the boy scoffed at Kisara's comment, and the two Stands disappeared.  "I wanted to investigate the place. Star just went ahead of me." he grumbled, looking away from the girl. "Then, would you mind some company?" she cheekily asked, shooting up to her feet, stepping up in front of him. From her height, looking up, she noticed the faint blush covering his cheeks. "Do whatever you want." he huffed, abruptly turning on his heel to exit the room. "All right... CUTEaro." the boy's body froze on the spot. "You really are cute." her teasing humming only further embarrassed the boy. "Yare Yare..."
The whole hotel was filled with nothing but silence, from all the way up on the third floor where they had their rooms, and down to the entrance lobby. It looked even more eerie as it was. Jotaro opened the room, stepping forward first; He kept his hands buried in his pants pockets, his eyes as sharp as always, analysing every inch of this mysterious and bizarre building. He had to keep constantly on the edge, expect the unexpected, and always be prepared for a surprise attack. No one was safe, no one was in the clear; Anyone and anything could be an enemy ready to sever the thin string of their life.
From the other room, the old woman entered the lobby also, panting a little - Had she been startled by their sudden appearance? Or was she hiding something that they weren't supposed to see? "Oh, you startled me! You must learn how to knock, young dearies." her smile seemed overly forced, even for one working in customer service and was required to be polite; Not only that, she seemed shaken up and exhausted.  "Is that so? I thought this was the lobby." Kisara hummed, feigning innocent confusion. "Well, never mind that, Miss Kisara - What can I do for you?" the old woman's voice was shaky, the vibrato of her tone seemingly dubious.  "We are here looking for Polnareff." Jotaro gruffed sternly. "And I did known. Maybe you didn't hear because you were too busy doing something else, grandma." "Why, yes, I do know exactly where Mr. Polnareff is, Mr. Jotaro." the old woman stepped towards them, turning to point towards a door. "He is in the bathroom, Mr. Jotaro." "Of course he is." Jotaro sighed; His suspicions were correct, the old hag was suspicious - After all, how could she know their names, if she wasn't one of Dio's lackeys? "This door, is it?" Kisara carefully hung behind, her arm protectively wrapped in a rather casual manner around the boy's waist - She suspected the old woman, and with this proximity, the passive shield constantly protecting her could care for him also.  "Yes, yes - It's the last door at the end of the hall." the grandma's voice slurred a little, thinking she had won.  Just before Jotaro touched the doorknob; Just before Enyaba could rip him to shreds with her hidden sharp scissors; Jotaro spoke again, hindering her advances on his life. "What's the matter, grandma?" "S-So close..." Enya was on the ground, panting hard and staring with horror at the scissors which almost caused her demise. "Close, huh? You shouldn't run around with scissors like that, at your age. Good thing you weren't hurt." Jotaro dramatically stroked his chin, bending a little at the waist. "You're pretty lucky." "Speaking of luck - I had a curiosity, if you'd be so kind to answer." Kisara's sweet smile felt poisoned to the old woman. "Why did you call me 'Kisara'?"  "And you called me 'Jotaro' also." the boy stared down harshly at their host. "I never told you my name, and no one has called me by my name. I find that strange." Jotaro's comment struck hard. "Well? Come on, tell me. Maybe it's because I watched Columbo as a kid, but it's little details like that that keep me up at night." he truly was adorable, Kisara thought to herself, barely able to stifle a chuckle.  "Y-You're beginning to hurt this old lady's feelings!" she coughed, exaggerated, as if to show off her old age and frailty. "It's the guestbook! You wrote your name in the guestbook!" she hacked some more. "You wrote 'Kujo Jotaro' and 'Kakyoin Kisara'." she seemed so proud of her witty answer. "Is that so?" Kisara giggled, as the boy took the guestbook out of his pocket, showing off the names written. "My name is Yuria - At least for today. And he is CUTEaro." Jotaro glared at her harshly for a second, before turning his gaze back at the frantic old woman.  "Not 'Jotaro' nor 'Kisara' are written anywhere." her soft tremble made it even more obvious that she was guilty. "I was onto you when you said 'Joestar' the first time we met. I told the others not to use our real names, and yet, you knew it - Which could only mean you're the Stand user after us, you old hag." Watching the old woman hiss like that on the ground, fog surrounding her, put Kisara on high alert. "Well? Ready for a fight or what?" 
From behind them, a bunch of people with the same coin-like holes in their bodies jumped to assault them ; Thankfully, JoJo was as highly prepared as always and reacted with instant reflexes. Star punched all of them to a pulp while Marilyn kept them safe. With incredible strength, Jotaro's Stand managed to throw all of assailants out of the building, through the large windows of the lobby, glass shards shooting everywhere.
With another tense silence hanging over them, save for Enya's chattering teeth, Kisara carefully stepped away from her friend, and towards Polnareff, who was toppled over on the ground with... Hol Horse? Well, what a coincidence. They looked absolutely petrified with fear and panic, and worse - Frenchie's tongue was painfully punctured by the old hag's Stand and could barely speak - But the enemy turned friend spoke in his stead, giving away information of Enya's Stand power - It seems she was pretty angry on him for leaving her son to be killed. What an interesting turn of event. He claims the Stand made of fog can split the circular wound right open and control your body like a marionette, as it happened to all the dead people, and even him. Out of anger, the old woman forced the cowboy to punch himself in the face so he would shut the hell up.
"JoJo!" Kisara turned around abruptly, but it was too late; In the few seconds she was away from the boy, away from the shield, Jotaro's leg got pierced by the sharp tongue of a baby. "You can't fight her fog! We need a plan!" she rushed to his side. "And I've got just the plan." he smirked, leaning on her shoulder smugly. "Before the old hag takes another breath, I'll defeat that Stand." he declared boldly.  "Eh? What was that? Before I do what? You rotten little shit head!" Enya grimaced angrily, though she cackled, sure that there was no way she could ever be defeated. Jotaro's Star Platinum was inhaling Justice's fog and keeping it in his lungs, causing the old hag to reach asphyxiation and faint on the spot. What an insane strategy - Only someone as insane as Jotaro could think of something like that. "Looks like her head is in a bit of a fog." "That was such a dad joke." Kisara covered her giggle with her hand. "Yare Yare..." he smirked, looking away. "You still laughed." "Yeah." she breathed out softly. "You are very funny."
The two had a few more seconds to bask in the afterglow of their victory and the comfort of each other's company, before the great commotion from the fight called her brother and Mr. Joestar down to the lobby, where they were briefed in on the whole mess that transpired, with everyone present adding their own little bits to the now completed puzzle. 
"So... Polnareff... Did you have fun at the bathroom with Hol Horse?" Kisara smirked, teasing him. "What did you even lick?" Joseph asked, just as amused. "Why the hell do you even care what I've been licking? Quit asking stupid questions! ... The Toilet ..." he declared at the end, between subtle, loud coughs. "Ehhh? You were licking WHAT now~? I didn't quite hear that!" Joseph put his hand to his ear, wanting to hear that again. "Who even cares now?! I want to disinfect my tongue! Just get me some medicine!" Polnareff kept bitching around. "I'm pretty sure I heard someone say 'Toilet'." Kakyoin spoke with a bewildered frown, making Joseph turn around to the siblings, chuckling and whispering in their ears like a giggling prankster school boy. "Actually, I already know, but I can't resist messing with him!" he couldn't contain his laughter at all. "Hey! Did Jotaro already tell you?! You fucking old geezer! He's messing with me! Forget about the medicine!" Polnareff blushed, cursing and walking away. "All right, all right, my bad!" Joseph laughed, putting his hands up in defeat. "Okay, but you should have seen him! So hilarious! Polnareff and toilets really don't go together!" Kisara laughed with him, feeling tears prickle at their eyes from all the laughter. "I'll fix you right up, Polnareff! It'll get infected if we don't take care of it!.... Toilet licker ... You licked it real good..." Joseph said between coughs, which made the both of them laugh even harder, only for Kakyoin to sigh at their childishness. "Goddamnit! Let's get back to our journey! Jotaro! Double Kakyoin!" Polnareff yelled, even redder with shame. "Everyone, come outside. Look." Jotaro spoke from outside, and the party noticed the fog lifting, revealing tons of tombstones.
It was then that they realised the fog was, as suspected, the cause of their previous hallucinations, and the whole town was a huge graveyard spot, and illusion, and they truly have been speaking to cadavers all along. Well, they shouldn't linger too long on such things, they have their own journey to continue; Though Hol Horse stole their car, they managed to find a rather fancy, horse-pulled carriage and arrived in a Pakistani city, where they agreed to stop and get something to eat - They deserved a break and a warm meal, a'ight? That, and to use Hermit Purple and project on a TV all of Enya's thoughts, in hopes of figuring out the rest of the enemy Stand users, their powers, and hopefully, perhaps even get an edge on Dio's true power.
They found a pretty decent Kebap place where Joseph attempted his negotiation skills with the owner, thinking himself witty and victorious for getting a discount; If only he knew that he paid ten times the proper amount, just for being a naive tourist. At the same time, Enya was displaying signs of waking up after quite a long time, and upon seeing the Kebap seller, she seemed to be absolutely terrified, to a degree that not even Jotaro could, when he was easily defeating her. 
As the seller removed his hood and took off his shades, revealing a young man in his mid-twenties, with the perfect appearance of a typical casanova; At the very same time, something peculiar happened, and Enya shrieked - Not only that she was far above telling on Master Dio's Stand power secret, but also out of complete agony, as long, worm-like tendrils went out of her eyes, ears and mouth, causing her a most gruesome death that not even Kisara could save her from. The villain, using a sultry voice, introduced himself as Steely Dan, using the Stand named the Lovers, and he was there to kill all the Crusaders in the very same way he killed poor old Enya. 
It was almost pitiful, how whole-heartedly she trusted Master Dio, how confident she was that he wouldn't plot her death in such a way; Panicked, Polnareff used Silver Chariot to cut off the tentacles from the planted Flesh Bud, causing the cut-off pieces to disintegrate as the rays of the Sun touched them - They were made from Dio's cells. How did Joseph come to such a conclusion, Kisara couldn't understand, but it must be a key information which she doesn't have, and must inquire about. 
In spite of clearly being killed indirectly by the Master Dio she loved and admired so much, she refused to tell his secret, up until the second she perished. The quest of saving Holly Joestar was going to be much more problematic than Kisara predicted, and this sleazy guy was going to be a drag to deal with.
"Such blind loyalty... Fanatics like her are the scariest kind of enemy. They cannot be reasoned with." the girl sighed, feeling an uncomfortable shiver going down her spine.  "What a truly pitiful old woman she was, but the fact that her trust ran so deeply further proves the power of Lord Dio's sinister charm." Steely Dan had sat down at a cafe table, where two porcelain cups were steaming, and the strong, soothing smell off coffee attracted their attention. "It seems this lovely lady over here can understand the beautiful malice of Our Lord." with a rather ominous, Dan winked at the girl, motioning for her to step closer and sit in front of him. "Sit down, my dear, I ordered this coffee just for you." he spoke in a sort of alluring way, making Kisara gulp at how uncomfortable she was feeling; Never has she been so blatantly hit on like that before, and it was genuinely creeping her out as nothing else she's experienced. "I-I... Uhm..." the girl lowered her hat to cover the excruciating grimace on her face as she stepped backwards, hiding herself by using Jotaro's large body as a shield; Again. "Hey, jerk. Quit acting like you're hot shit, get up. We'll kick your ass if that's what it takes." Jotaro threatened, glaring at the brunet man upon seeing those perverted eyes lingering on the girl's body and the way she tried to hide her distress. "Go ahead, but none of you will be able to lay even a single finger on me, the great Steely Dan." he mused cockily. "Any man who must say, "I am the king" is no true king." Kisara hissed at the enemy. "I'll make sure you understand that when I slice you into tiny pieces." "Awww, little kitten wants to play~? I'll have you know, I quite enjoy those cute little claws going down my back. Do you also purr when touched~?" the party was entirely grossed out by the lechery displayed so shamelessly, so much so that they all took out their stands; It was Star Platinum who punched him in the gut with such power that he flew backwards, shattering the cafe's window.
However, at the exact same moment Star's fist collided with Dan's body, a feminine squeal of mixed pain and shock garnered their focus, finding herself flying backwards into the nearest lamp post, bending it with her spine, and sliding down slowly; She was clutching her stomach and coughing blood of the same degree that Dan was. "Th-That... Really... Hurt..." she's never experienced pain, especially not of this degree; Were it not for Temperance corroding at her arm, she wouldn't even know what pain would feel like, considering Marilyn always protected her, even from a scrape knee. To get the brunt of Jotaro's punch to her diaphragm, getting the air knocked out of her lungs... That was something she never wanted to ever experience. "Kisara, what happened?!" Kakyoin ran to his sister, helping her distraught, trembling body stand up. She seemed to still be in deep shock from the impact and pain. "They both flew at the same time!" Polnareff cried out, his gaze shifting rapidly between the two. "Nori... Get Mr. Joestar away from here..." Kisara grunted weakly into her brother's ear. "You idiot! I was still talking! You could have just killed your girlfriend! Listen carefully!" Dan stumbled back on his feet, wiping away the trailing blood staining his chin. "Did you really think I appeared before you just to kill Enyaba?" he spit some blood. "You bastard - You told us your Stand is The Lovers - What does it do?!" Joseph shouted at the man.  "The Lovers... It mirrors your pain and damage on an enemy of your choosing... Isn't it?" Kisara found herself speaking, only to shiver a little, under the sultry gaze of the sleazy man. "The only thing you have to know is that the battle has already begun, babe. You'll never find my Stand, no matter how hard you look." the enemy declared with a smirk.
To taunt the Crusaders further, Dan pain a child to hit his leg with the broom he was cleaning the streets with; And with that strike, Kisara fell to the ground, cradling her shin - It was agony that she was feeling, as if all her nerves were alit at once, just like fairy lights on Christmas. "Don't you get it, cutie? My Stand enters the enemy's body! The moment Enyaba died, it entered your brain through your ear!" he shouted with confidence; not only that, but he declared he also brought a piece of Dio's cells to create a Flesh bud and bring forth her demise the very same he did with the old hag, and it will inflict pain several times greater than the once he feels, to the same part of her body. "You don't need to be strong to kill someone." 
The child hit Dan's legs again, making Kisara cover her mouth to stifle her scream of suffering; Perhaps if she hadn't been so sheltered all her life, she wouldn't be so frail and pain intolerant; Alas, tears were threatening to escape her eyes for the first time in so long, just like a little girl who scraped her knee skipping rope for the first time.  Jotaro was so pissed off that he declared he'll be killing Dan so swiftly, he won't even feel a thing; He grabbed him by his shirt, raising him up and clenching his fist, ready to punch - But thankfully, Kakyoin quickly stopped him from doing that. "JoJo, stop - You're choking her!" Jotaro's eyes widened, stealing a quick look backwards and watching the poor red head groveling on the ground and panting for air. "Oh? Kill me before I feel it, huh? Interesting - Do it! What were you planning to destroy, ey, Jotaro? My face? Throat?" Dan taunted to young man. "What, you angry? Come on, try it! Let's just see what happens!" he revealed his chest through the already half-unbuttoned shirt. "How about busting a hole in my chest? Or, how about you give up on using your Stand and crack my head open with a rock?" he bent down, picking a rock in his hand. "You do not want to underestimate me." Jotaro threatened, grabbing Dan by the shirt one again, glaring down at him. "When I say I'm going to do something, I do it."  "S-STOP!" as Kisara managed to croak out a plea, Hierophant Green came out to grab Star's arm and pull his fist away, while Noriaki pried Jotaro away from the enemy. "Jotaro, enough - You already know what he can do! Are you trying to kill my sister?!" Polnareff also had to put his arms around the abnormally strong highschool student. "He might just do it." Frenchie growled in his attempt at dragging the brunet away.  "Jotaro, she can't breathe, let him go!" Joseph was kneeling on the ground, cradling Kisara's body gently and keeping her hands away from her throat, as she tried to claw away at her skin, just to get some air to breathe. "Please... Run... He's targeting... You..." with this proximity, Kisara was able to warn the old man, watching as her friend begrudgingly let go off the enemy. "You dumb punk." Dan pushed Jotaro away, smirking triumphantly, knowing he can't retaliate or counterattack unless he wants to kill his crush. 
From the corner of her eyes, Kisara saw how big the rock Dan was holding, and smelled the malevolent intent behind it; Before he could grab and punch JoJo in the gut, she sent Marilyn out to protectively stand in front of him and shield him. "Don't touch JoJo." Marilyn's serenely soft voice echoed gently through their ears, mesmerising them. "Ahh, of course - A beautiful Stand for a beautiful Lady. How fitting!" Dan cackled. "Master Dio did tell me to figure out your power - So how about you be a good girl and just tell me? I might even spare your life if you do."  "Die." everyone, but Noriaki especially, was shocked to hear such a simple yet malicious comment could come out from a pure and gracious Stand like the one before their eyes. "You, fucking bitch--" Dan growled at Marilyn. "I'll make you regret looking down on the great Steely Dan!" side-stepping the Stand, he tried to slam down the rock into Jotaro's head, but it was for naught; The rock hadn't collided with anything, except for the shield, causing it to fall to the ground.
Kisara used Joseph's shoulder to support her into standing up. "You said The Lovers is the weakest Stand, didn't you?" she hummed, stepping weakly next to Marilyn - It was now more obvious than ever before how similar they looked, almost like twins. "The Devil, also, has no damaging strength whatsoever - Which means, I can stop you from afflicting yourself or anyone else, without as much as feeling any pain." she tilted her head, smiling - Yet unlike Marilyn's passively demure smile, hers was wicked, denigrating - The Devil and its two faces. "What a fucking annoying bitch you are - You sucked all the fun away from me!" Dan groaned loudly, slapping his forehead with his hand - But instead of Kisara feeling the pain, it was the old man. The Lovers changed targets. "How do you feel now, Jotaro?! Your grandpa's life is on the line! What are you gonna do, eh?!"
As the poor boy growled, his fists clenched so tight they became white and trembling. With a shared look with his sister, Noriaki grabbed the old man and Polnareff, running away to put as much distance between Dan and Mr. Joestar as possible; Which left Jotaro and Kisara alone with the sadistic Dan who was ready to destroy the two. "Oi, Jotaro, it's impolite to ignore someone when they're talking to you, don't you know?!" Dan grabbed at his jacket. The young man looked down at the enemy from the corner of his eyes, having a denigrating spark. "You sound like you're starting to lose your cool."  "Well, what are you planning? To follow me around until Grandpa Joseph keels over?" he grinned tauntingly.  "Dan, was it? I'll make sure you pay for this." JoJo threatened, but didn't budge. "If that's why you're following me, maybe I should take out a loan first." he said, as he started pick pocketing Jotaro, taking out his wallet, and speaking about how little money he has, but has a brand watch, before coming over to the girl once again. "And you, darling? What do you have in your pockets?" his hands wandered around in places that shouldn't be touched, but Kisara could only grit her teeth and glare at him. "A pervert will always be a pervert." she scoffed, seeing him not only take away all the money from her wallet, but also remove the golden jewellery gracing her features so elegantly. She was going to destroy him, once Nori finds a way to get rid of that annoying Stand. "Huh. I guess, without all that gold, even a pretty girl looks dull."  "If this is how you flirt with women... Well, no wonder you have no game. You're shit." Kisara hissed, stepping away from him with disgust. "Hush now! A woman shouldn't talk, but take care of her man's needs." he pulled her roughly into his side, smirking smugly, knowing very well how uncomfortable he was making her feel. "The only problem is - You are not my man." she pointed out, only for him to flick her hat off; Poor girl was so photosensitive that she could barely keep her eyes open. "Jerk." "Let's have a romantic walk around the city, shall we~?" he dragged the girl around senselessly down the paved streets of the unfortunate Pakistani city which got its beauty tainted by this sucker. They strolled that-a-way up and down the place, with Jotaro trailing right behind and glaring at the enemy with such dark eyes that showed how much he wanted to rip Dan apart with his bare hands. 
As the foe kept talking unimportant gibberish, mostly to himself, the trio reached a long water ditch which prevented them from passing forwards - The bridge was too far away for Dan to bother walking all the way over there, twenty whole meters. "Hey, missy, get on your knees." the two teenagers looked weirdly at Dan. "I need someone to carry me all the way to, and across the bridge. Wouldn't want to get tired." "I... Literally barely weight fifty kilos, and you expect me to be able to even lift you? Let alone, actually carry you?" Kisara blinked in bewilderment, only for her to be surprised by the enemy raising his foot up, hooking his shoe to the back of her neck and slamming her down on the ground harshly. Steely Dan took a break by sitting on her back.  "Hey, what'd you know, you make for quite the comfy chair." the man laughed tauntingly. "But you're pretty bony. Come on, get up, carry me across." "You're... Really heavy..." Kisara couldn't even as much as lift herself up from the ground, it was really quite pathetic actually. A silent growl was rumbling in Jotaro's chest, but he kept an active effort in keeping it inaudible, so Dan wouldn't extort him further; He couldn't stand the humiliation and disrespect addressed to the girl he cared so much for; He absolutely abhorred the way her arms and whole body were trembling under the heavy weight of the idiot who tried so hard to destroy their pride and provoke them into attack him, and indirectly, his grandpa also, but to a worse degree. 
"You're useless, you know?" Dan huffed, hopping to the edge of the ditch. "Now then, how to cross the ditch? I could try to jump, but I could trip and twist my ankle by accident - And clearly, lil' miss bitch here ain't got the strength needed to spare her boy-toy from humiliation." he huffed, a denigrating smirk on his face, clearly up to no good, as he looked between the two younguns. "What kind of woman are you, if you can't even protect your man's pride?" Kisara had no reply, because it was true; Were it not for the nature of his Stand, she would have done everything in her power to stop anyone from causing any of her friends any kind of discomfort. She was powerless, and dreading every second of this abuse. "Hmm... Hey, Jotaro, lie down across the ditch and pretend to be a bridge. I'll use you to walk over." Dan eyed Jotaro with a mischievous look, but he said nothing.  "Wh-What?" Kisara's jaw dropped to the floor in sheer shock. "How can you possibly ask something as ridiculous as that?" how could the human mind even create such outlandish ideas? Was this how people of ancient old came up with all the most heinous torture devices? "Shut up." Dan kicked Kisara in the face, watching her go down. "Come one, what's that? Won't you be my bridge? I'll just keep beating her until you do what I say." he threatened, that sleazy grin never once leaving his face. "The hell do you keep yapping about?" Jotaro gruffed at him.  "I SAID - MAKE YOURSELF INTO A BRIDGE, YOU WORTHLESS ARROGANT PRICK!" Dan yelled at the highschooler, attempting to slam his leg into the small pole nearby - But of course, Kisara could do one thing also, and that was to make sure no harm would come out of him attempting to damage himself. Marilyn was good for once thing in this instance, at least. "You shame the whole mankind with your behaviour." the girl spat at him with disgust. "You're nothing more than a brat throwing a temper tantrum. Grow up." she created a bright-white bridge for the idiot. "Go ahead. I made a bridge for you to pass safely." "You... You stupid bitch!" he glared at the girl. "Don't you know men hate smart-asses like you?" he marched up to the girl, grabbing her by the shoulders. "I want to step all over Jotaro's pride! I want to dance on the Jotaro bridge! Get rid of this bright shit already!" Kisara tried to look at Jotaro, whose expression was grim. She didn't want to dispel the bridge, but she also feared the capricious nature of Steely Dan. She wished she could keep him in a protective shield, but he would try to kill himself with the strong walls. Her and her brother once received a gift from their grandpa; He had found two baby bunnies on the field, and put them in a bird cage, hoping they will be well in a protective home with people to care for them. But that wasn't the case, and overnight, the two bunnies hit their heads on the walls of the cage until they died, all in hopes of escaping. A wild animal, even if so very young, cannot stay in captivity for it craves for its rightful freedom.
And Kisara knew, Steely Dan would do the same.
"Yare Yare Daze..." Jotaro sighed, crouching by the edge of the ditch and sprawling himself over to the other side. "JoJo..." was the only thing Kisara could mutter before feeling herself being pushed off, and down on the bridge. The landing hurt, but not more than seeing the humiliation and rage on the boy's face; It made tears sting at her eyes, threatening to fall down her cheeks. The sentiment only got worse by the time the idiot started dancing and jumping all over the boy's spine to his heart's content, until he was satisfied with his deed and hopped off on the other side.  "What a nice bridge you make, Jotaro!" Steely Dan looked down with condescence, before turning away to wander off aimlessly.
Sniffling a little, the girl bit at her trembling bottom lip and rushed by Jotaro's side. She wanted to comfort him, to reassure him that her brother will destroy the Stand soon and he won't be subjected to even more denigration than he already has been, and so many other things - But she couldn't. Her breath was hitched in her throat, and no words escaped. Instead, she opted for another way of conveying her feeling. Kisara's arms wrapped the boy into an embrace from behind, her fingers intertwining in the front over his abdomen, and she tightened the hug. "I'm sorry." were the only words she could muster to breathe out. "I'm so sorry." It only took a few moments, but the highschooler placed his own hand over her own, gently holding them for a few seconds, before stepping away from her. His hold felt so tender and caring, she thought their mutual feelings had been conveyed with that simple touch, and the torment of one's soul would calm, at least a little bit.
"Get your head out of your ass, bastard!" the jerk forced Jotaro to scratch at his back, and even kneel down to polish his shoes with his handkerchief, only to get kicked in the face really hard. "I'm in such a great mood right now! I want you to shine my shoes until they're as bright as I am happy! I want to see the sunlight reflect off them! You can use your uniform to shine them if you want. Actually, maybe you should just lick them clean?" Dan kept rambling here and there. "Why'd you want spit all over your shoes? Gross." Kisara shuddered, cringing at the thought, while Jotaro got up and started writing in his little agenda. "Hey, bastard! The hell are you writing?!" he hollered, snatching away the agenda. "Just what you owe me. I'll make sure you pay it. I tend to forget things, so I'm making a memo." Jotaro smirked smugly, knowing full well that he'd win soon. "Jotaro, you bastard...!" he sneered, before smirking and back-slapping Kisara, making her stumble backwards a few steps, cradling her cheek in shock. "What was that for?!" she wiped the blood from her lip with the back of her hand, genuinely confused at what just happened. "What for, you ask? You've got that dumb puppy-face whenever I humiliate Jotaro - And goodness me, you should see that murderous look HE has when I touch you! I should film it - He is HILARIOUS!" Dan guffawed like the ugly bastard he is, only to abruptly grab at the girl's shoulders and slap his lips onto her aggressively. From the shock, the roughness, the hostility behind the act, Kisara's mind blanked, and she was unable to react in any way, almost as if she was frozen in time. "Say something! Get angry! Cry! Try to hit me! DO SOMETHING!" he continued shaking her by the shoulders, but her brain was completely shut down. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Jotaro, why aren't you saying anything?! Did I just steal her first kiss? Did you want that to be you?!" he kept trying to taunt either of the two desperately, but neither reacted as explosively as expected. "At least chew some mint before going out of your way to kiss someone. And maybe try some deodorant and perfume." Kisara sighed theatrically, spitting on the ground. "You reek. Like a sewer." The jerk only got angrier, throwing a temper tantrum and slapping away at the boy's face, attempting to taunt them two, but the more he did, the more ridiculous his threats sounded. That is, until he spotted a jewellery shop, dragging the young man inside with him. He said he wanted the golden rings and necklaces from the display to make Kisara fall in love with him, like Marilyn Monroe swooned over her Daddies bringing her diamonds and what not.  While staying outside, staring at the shop in deep confusion, she saw a beaten-up Jotaro being forcefully thrown out of the parlor and hit with wooden bats while the jerk came out, mocking him and playing with some gemmed-up necklaces.
Though the girl worriedly fell to his side, holding onto him, Jotaro smirked widely, even chuckling tauntingly at the fuckass. "I was just laughin' 'cause your punishment got doubled." he said, excitedly. "And I've been waiting for this moment! It's almost payback time and It's really got me tingling." before Dan could slam his foot down on JoJo again, Marilyn wrapped herself around his leg, pulling him backwards.  "You are so fucking annoying..." Dan growled with an ugly sneer. "It would seem we have something of a misunderstanding. Sorry, but your old man isn't long for this world. That's the reality you're facing." "How sad. You don't know us very well, do you?" Jotaro chuckled. "Most of all, you clearly don't know my friend, Kakyoin." blood started spurting out of his forehead, which made them both grin in victory. "He did it! Cherry Boy saves the day!" Kisara giggled happily. "Looks like Kakyoin finally did some damage. Here's hoping I have time for some personal payback once he's through with you." he smirked in victory. "You see - There's nothing he wouldn't do for his sister." "Don't forget my turn!" Kisara cracked her knuckles, ready to punch him real good. "What's wrong? Why are you stepping back? Why don't you tell me what happened to my grandfather?" Joots taunted him, and as he tried to run away, he caught him by the hair. "Hey, hey, hey, what's got you worked up? You need to be somewhere? You wouldn't be trying to run away, would you? And at a time like this?" he asked rhetorically, as Dan tried make himself disappear for the danger; So badly that strands of hair were pulled out, that he started bowing on the ground in front of them. "Please forgive me, Master Jotaro! I admit defeat! I can change! I'll lie on the ground and lick your boots! What I did was awful!" he pleaded, hugging his leg. "You can hit me as much as you want! Punch me! Kick me! But please spare my life!" he literally started licking his boots, making the girl gag and roll her eyes at him. "You're worse than leprosy..." she muttered, as Star Platinum easily managed to catch his Stand, squishing it between his fingers, making Dan cry out in agony. "I figured you were planning something like this. Didn't you know that my Stand, Star Platinum, has perfect eyesight and precise reflexes? Are you sure you did your research on us?" Jotaro asked, which made her chuckle in amusement. "You don't even know Kisara's Stand power. How pathetic." "I-I-I wasn't planning anything! Your Stand's power..." he was writhing on the ground, but Jotaro put his hand to his ear, mocking him. "YOUR Stand? Just YOUR?" he asked, obviously waiting for a honorific. "N-No! I-I meant your EXCELLENCY's Stand is more powerful and just than any other! I didn't stand a chance, so it came back!" he kept begging and crying on the ground. "You've forgotten someone here, how rude of you." the brunet boy continued, having fun. "N-No, of course I haven't forgotten! How could I forget the beautiful Princess in front of me! Her Majesty's Stand power is magical and too graceful for my commoner's eyes to watch!" he kept crying, which made the girl laugh. "You're nothing more than a disgusting cockroach in the trash bin." she kicked him to the ground, just like he did to her.
"That attack broke my arm and leg! I can't fight anymore! I can't move!" he kept pleading, but Joots kept squishing the Stand. "Well, I guess for your payment, I'll take your arm and leg. Do you swear you'll never show your ugly face to us again?" Jotaro asked, yet it was obvious he was still toying with him. "I do! I do! I'll go to some deserted island! I'll go to the ends of the earth and never come back!" he tried to promise, but Kisara was getting impatient for her turn at killing him. "You better not be lying to me. Next time I see you, I'll be punching you in the face a thousand times." Jotaro threatened, as he released his Stand and turned around, saying Fuck off. Just then, Dan got up, ranting cluelessly about how he will kill Jotaro and how his Stand is in a little girl's ear and whatever he thought had happened; But he didn't realise that the Stand had Hierophant's tentacles wrapped around it. "PLEASE FORGIVE MEEEE!!!" he begged on the ground, but it was so disgusting. "You should have asked Enyaba if you wanted forgiveness. Forgiving you never even crossed my mind." Jotaro towered over the jerk. "D-Dio paid me in advance... Y-You can have it all..." he tried to negotiate. "Yare Yare... What you owe us can never be paid with money!" Star Platinum went ahead to completely destroy the ridiculous enemy with his punches as Jotaro finished writing the paper, ripping it and throwing it in the air. "Your receipt. Keep the freakin' in change." "Is it my turn yet?" Kisara high-fived Jotaro as Star threw the foe back on the ground for the girl to have her fun and kill him for good. Though he wasn't one to go out of his way to kill, he could understand her desire to get extreme revenge after everything that happened.  "Have fun." he hadn't expected to see her punching him like that, nor did he thought he'd see her drenched in blood with every well-aimed strike; And similarly to what he's seen her do with Temperance, one knee hit the ground as she unsheathed her katana, and with lightning-speed, Steely Dan lay in fish-bite pieces onto the ground. How elegant her moves were, with the grace of a dance of petals in the spring breeze.
Taking a deep breath, Kisara placed her hat back on her head, returning her jewellery back on each part of her body, and her money placed back in the wallet. "Can we, uh... Pretend the whole day didn't happen?" "Agreed." the boy nodded in agreement, putting his arm around her shoulder and walking together to meet the rest of the group. After such a long and painful day, they found a nice hotel towards the outskirts of the city.
With a long, fresh shower and a warm meal, everyone went ahead to rest properly. But Kisara didn't remain idle in her room, instead she went to see how Jotaro was doing. She sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes trailing over his body laying lazily on the bed. "Does it still hurt?" she asked in a soft voice.  "No." he grunted with non-chalance. "I'm a man. I always get in fights. That was nothing." "Just because you're used to it, doesn't make it alright." she hummed, watching as Marilyn held his hand, her gentle white light traversing all over his body in a quick attempt at healing him. "Better?" "It was just some shallow wound and bruises. No big deal." he muttered, closing his eyes. "But thanks."
It was rather curious actually, how one some occasions they felt so at ease in each other's company, all alone, just the two of them - And sometimes, they find no words to utter to the other, as if they are two school kids with awkward crushes. It was almost as though they had nothing to speak about, which was inherently untrue - Yet why did no words come out? Why did they find no conversation topic to start?  To think that the same thoughts would be crossing both their minds, without the other knowing, it was rather bizarre... But also cute, maybe? The innocence of a first crush on full display, and the lack of knowledge, experience or even guts on furthering any idea that may come across by mistake.
"I... Am sorry." Kisara found herself speaking first, dispelling the awkwardness hanging in the air. "I... Had hoped to spare you from most of what happened today." "I thought we agreed to forget today." Jotaro's voice sounded dry and stoic. "Right..." she cursed herself for even speaking. "Well, uh... I'll go out for a stroll, I guess. The sky is pretty tonight." she got up, not daring to look at the unbothered boy. "Sweet dreams, JoJo." "Wait." a small rustle alerted her that the boy had gotten off the bed. "It's not safe to go out alone." Kisara smiled softly, taking out the walkman and earbuds. "Just enough for both of us." she said, dangling the earbuds in her hand, walking ahead and out of the hotel with the boy trailing right behind her, his hands buried in his pants pocket.
They walked aimlessly through the vast nothingness of the plain until they found a large rock and climbed on it. Kisara idly dangled her legs, placing the casette in the walkman and offering an earbud to the boy, who simply hummed a thanks and leaned his head back, looking up at the Stars and listening to the soft Metallica ballads. Unbeknownst to them, Marilyn and Star Platinum were mimicking them right behind, though she was leaning her head on his shoulder, and their hands were holding, fingers intertwined. And they were smiling. They were smiling so happily.
Jotaro was completely lost in the infinity of the milky way and the twinkling stars embroidered in the dark sky. Star - His own Stand, the very essence of his soul, was named after the Tarot card depicting the Star, but without Avdol around, he hadn't the time to figure out what exactly did it mean. At first, he just felt like it was a pretty cool name - Star Platinum sounded badass as all hell - But did it have any underlying meaning?  He remembers that day in Singapore when they played around with the cards, and how petrified Avdol got when Kisara revealed The Devil card. How could all those negative traits describe either Kisara or Marilyn? It hardly made any sense whatsoever. Maybe she just picked a random card from a deck that wasn't 'blessed' by a proper fortune-teller? Although, at the same time, Hierophant Green seemed to make sense for her brother. "What does The Star mean?" he found himself asking out of nowhere. "Hope." from the corner of his eyes, he saw a beautiful smile on Kisara's face. "Inspiration. Courage. Enlightenment. Creativity." she went on. "People under The Star card are usually very supportive and amazing friends, who aren't afraid of being vulnerable or showing who they are." he couldn't help but scoff. "You don't think it describes you well, do you?" "Perceptive." he tipped his hat, looking away from her.  "I think it does." her serene voice surprised him. "I am never afraid when I am around you." she said. "Mr. Joestar seems very confident and hopeful about saving your mum." she continued. "You come up with incredibly creative ways of defeating enemies." Jotaro almost jumped in his skin in shock as soon as he felt her delicate, small hand placed over his own. "And you became my brother's first friend." "When you described your card - The Devil - You only sad negative things. It doesn't seem that way. You try too hard to find good things in even people like me." he scoffed stubbornly. "I have some traits of that, I suppose." she shrugged her shoulders. "I am obsessed with keeping the people I love safe, and I feel dependent over people's love for me. I often feel powerless when I find myself in situations that easily overwhelm me and see no solution going forward, and, well - I am sometimes pretty selfish too, you know?" the boy couldn't help but scoff. "Now you're just reaching." he scolded her. "If you think I am reaching, then... How about you prove me wrong?" she challenged him playfully. "Tell me something about you. Anything." "I like reading books on planes and ships. Sometimes trains too. Cars not so much, but it's fine. I like the engineering aspect of it." he pondered over. "I've been thinking what to pursue in the future, as a career. Mum just told me to pick whatever makes me happy." "And what did you have in mind?" he felt a tender squeeze of his hand.  "I'm kinda interested in the sea and stuff, I guess. I like animals and all that, but medicine and animal-care doesn't interest me all that much. I guess it's more like a curiosity of the unknown." he hadn't told anyone all this, not even his mum - Why was he saying all this now? "So, like a researcher, maybe?" he shrugged his shoulders unsure. "You could study sea-life of all kind. Go on cruises and study the life of various fish and aquatic mammals. Like dolphins and seals and whales. Did you see how adorable baby seals are? So small, white and fluffy, with those big sparkly eyes and wet nose. They're like cute puppies." "A marine biologist." Jotaro concluded. "Doesn't sound half-bad." "Maybe we can work together some day." he rose a quizzical eyebrow. "I want to become a vet." "I see." he muttered to himself - The thought of working together with Kisara, of doing their passions together, and even spending time together... It actually made him... Hopeful for the future. How bizarre. "That would be nice." "I'm glad you agree." 
Jotaro turned to have a proper gaze at Kisara, and he remained stunned; She was so beautiful, with that warm smile of hers, and the way the silver stars made her eyes twinkle - Yet most of all, it was that look she was giving him - It was such a tender look, so... So loving, dare he say, that his heart's rhythm picked up. "You do the same thing mum does." he grumbled, shifting his hand so their fingers would intertwine. "You fight hard for arrogant jerks like me. I don't get it." he almost seemed to be angry at himself. "Mum should have gotten angry at me the first time I called her a loud bitch. She should have punished me, beat me, something - Anything. Should have called dad from the tour to get home and discipline me better. But she didn't. She never did." it was as though all his frustrations were coming loose. "You never give up. It's weird. I don't get it." "That's just how girls are, JoJo." she smiled at him. "We know a man's heart. If his intentions are good, we hold onto him. If he's bad, we leave." "So you're saying I'm a good man." he concluded. "Did you ever doubt that? How silly of you." Kisara shook her head in disbelief. "Men hardly show their love through words - Though they should! It would make you feel more at ease if you were to voice your feelings - But you let it show through your actions, and you know... That actually means more to us than all the words in the world!" "What do you mean?" Jotaro's brows were furrowed with confusion. "A man can tell a woman a hundred thousand times that he loves her - But he beats her, and cheats on her. Words can often be lies." she explained. "But a man who shows a woman that he loves her is different. He respects and protects her. Just like how you are going on this quest to save your mum." "Yare Yare..." he grumbled, looking away from the girl; All this talk about emotions was making him feel all sort of things. "Men are stupid." "Why do you think so?" Kisara asked, surprised at his comment.  "Men only know how to show what they feel in limited ways. That's pretty pathetic, isn't it? They boast about how great they are, but they can hardly do anything properly." his comment genuinely confused the girl. "But all the women in my life are different. Their emotions shine through their words also, but through all the hard work they put into making us happy." his voice turned a little lower. "I haven't thanked mum in ages. And I haven't smiled at her either. Even so, she always kissed and hugged me before I went to school and when I returned; And she's support all my stupid short-time interest, and never got mad when I did something dumb, or got into fights and got detention." he said, looking up at the sky. "I bet grandma Suzie is pretty damn worried about gramps. He's a mess without her - Wouldn't even think he's a real man, and so old. I don't get what she sees in a deadbeat like him..." he trailed off a little. "Or what you see in me." "Do you always go out of your way to overthink and overexaggerate situations like this?" Kisara's giggle made him snap his attention to her. "Not that I mind this indirect string of compliments - But you are really reading too far into it." while Jotaro got lost in her gorgeous green eyes, she took off his hat and positioned him so that he would rest his head on her lap, playing with his already messy black hair. "Things don't always have to be so deep, you know? Something you just have to accept things in easier terms - That we both like each other for whatever reason - Isn't that right?" his bewilderness stopped him from speaking a single word, feeling himself relaxing under her gentle touch. 
When finally he got a hold of himself, the boy scoffed, smiling content and allowing himself to calm a little and let his guard down. "I was really pissed off the whole day." he grumbled, holding her other hand and playing idly with her fingers. "I couldn't stand the thought that a perverted fuck like that guy dared do all those things to you. I wanted to rip him to shreds myself, but I was terrified of hurting you or gramps." to think he actually admitted to his own feelings, it surprised even him. "And I got even more annoyed when you apologised for letting me get hurt - I should have done that. I'm the one supposed to protect you, not the other way around - And instead, I hurt you. I almost went crazy when I realised you felt a punch from me. It felt like I hurt you directly, and that just wasn't right." "We both feel protective over the other, so it's only natural to feel upset when something like that happens." she reassured him. "I was terrified too, you know? I've never been kissed before, and no one hit on me either. It was really weird and creepy, and I had no idea how to react. You being there gave me strength though, and I could get over it pretty well." she leaned over to kiss his forehead. "So don't worry about that. It's in the past. We'll just be more careful next time."
Jotaro's heart trembled with great emotion of various types, and a million thoughts rung through his head aimlessly; He was overwhelmed by all these new things Kisara was making him feel, but he had no clue how to react to most of them. Instead, he chose the most unexpected choice that randomly appeared in his mind; A choice not even he expected to pull off so shamelessly - But if Kisara could put him in her lap, why shouldn't he also do something like that?
In one swift move, Jotaro's arms were protectively engulfing the girl's much smaller form. "I will protect you." he said, resting his chin on the top of her head. She was so small, yet fel so good in his arms; With her chest pressed flush against his own, he could even feel the rapid, bunny-like heartbeat of hers, which greatly matched his own... Before they both slowed down, do a soothing rhythm. Two hearts, embracing one another into a secure serenity. He even panicked a little, seeing the little beams of tears in her eyes - He thought tears were shed out of sadness, but she was smiling, and even got so comfortable in his arms.  "I am happy." was all she needed to say for him to be reassured that, for once, he was doing something good, at least when it came to his development as an adult, and not the delinquent, angsty teenager that he turned himself into for the past few years.
< Precious Chapter
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traaanskimkitsuragi · 2 years
alright im giving up on 7c fuck this
#ive finally caved i cant do this#like legitimately genuinely i physically cannot#not because of my hands or my reaction time though those are definitely an issue#but because of my eyes#the camera moves so quickly and its just. *constantly* moving and i literally cant make out anything#everything is so blurry#this has been an issue the entire time but i could always get past it#because the screens were either short enough or allowed me to pause for enough of a nanosecond for me to make out where i am#with this one i genuinely cant make out the graphics#its so long as well...........#like its been 3 hours and i really really really dont like it so why should i continue putting myself through it#i turned on assist mode and finished it with invincibility in the end#i almost had a thousand deaths as well which like. shows how long i kept trying#i want to say its not the games fault but i dont know anymore. the lack of any checkpoints kind of feels like bad design#because the difficulty curve up until this point was so good#but all of a sudden its like. skyrocketed#it especially stands out because the final room/screen in 6c did have a checkpoint#i kept trying and trying and trying for so long because i thought if i could push through the frustration i would get it but#i am now realising that like. no im just not going to. this sucks man this sucks so much i hate being disabled#im legitimately so sad like it sucks to realise u set a goal for urself that u physically cant achieve even tho the average person could do#it w enough time and practice. and i just cant bc god nerfed my visual processing ability#:/#ill still *try* 8c and farewell#if the camera isnt this insane ill be able to get through them#its specifically the constant fast movement thats throwing me off which i know not all the hard stages have so
0 notes
djarinsbeskar · 3 years
Foul - Boxer!Din AU
Definition - To break one of boxing’s rules (i.e. hitting an opponent below the navel, ear or while they are down), which can ultimately lead to point deductions if they are repeated.
A/N: The results of my Boxer!AU poll told me that the majority were interested in a jealous/protective boxer so I hope I have delivered! As always, relaxed fit = unedited, no beta. We also have a sneaky introduction to Paz in the Boxer verse which is super exciting! His concept art has been completed by the insanely talented @ronnieiswriting when I said I saw a mix of Jason Momoa and Winston Duke as our heavy. PLEASE heed the warnings in this chapter. There is nothing explicit but the topics hinted at might be triggering.
Word Count: 7k
Rating: 18+ (NO Minors)
Warnings: SMUT! (unprotected sex), blood and violence, toxic masculinity and derogatory speech, hints at discussions of non-con, somewhat possessive behavior, spanking, dom!Din and everything that comes with it.
Main Masterlist | Boxer Materlist
He might as well have been in hell. A colosseum of decaying humanity and dirt floors that erupted in a burst of dust like poisonous ash every time his next opponent fell. The hollow thump of pure muscle meeting the ground of the makeshift ring only drowned by the cheers of spectators. Masked, shadowed—unseen as they dropped hundreds – thousands sometimes – on which gladiator would remain standing in the end.
He felt like a king, a god among men within the confines of his realm of rope and canvas. It was easy to forget—standing under the spotlights that highlighted the sweat and blood and sculpted beauty of primal masculinity that it was a hollow victory any time he fought in the seedy underground rings of Akiva.
Every gladiator was a slave. Even the victor.
Why the fuck did he think it was a good idea to let you come to one of these fights?
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Paz’s unassailable strength banded around Din’s chest, pinning his arms to his side—attempting to contain lightning in a glass jar. Sweat, blood—it all dripped into Din’s eyes as he growled at his opponent, passed out in the middle of the dirt ring—face swollen and puffy from Din’s fists.
Laser focus and animosity spilled from charcoal eyes as he tried to break free of his friends hold with a vicious yank forward of powerful shoulder and an unfaltering purpose. The bastard had it coming. One round a few punches wasn’t enough to slake Din’s anger, the fumes of rage seeping into his skin and clouding his senses until all he could think of was making the asshole on the ground before him pay.
The practiced speed that Din wrapped his hands slowed at the rowdy group on the other side of the room. Dammit, for all the money they brought in, could these cheapskates not provide separate fucking changing rooms so he didn’t have to be subjected to idiots jacking themselves up on testosterone and false hope?
But pissing contests and fragile masculinity weren’t what caught his attention. He could tune that bullshit out like a fine art. What caught Din’s attention was the obvious death wish one of his possible opponents had – if he even managed to get that far up the ranks to Din – when he waved a red flag in front of the boxers’ metaphorical bull.
“See that one in the front row? You know the one I’m talking about.”
Bawdy agreements and asinine gestures raked up Din’s spine, thorny—and prickling nerves of instinct that made him pause the music blaring in his ears. He fucking hated the scum he came across in these fights. Gang members, criminals—the dredges of humanity he sometimes worried he was part of.
“Gonna get her on her knees choking on my cock before the night is out. Sluts like that love titles, champions—why else do they attend? Good excuse to win tonight, eh fellas?”
“Do you wanna completely destroy your career?” Paz yelled over the chortles and raucous cheers for more, for revenge—for everything under the poor fallacy of a sun that strung in dim, bald bulbs along the notoriously infamous Avika fighting ring.
Din thought you would be safe, arrogantly assuming people would avoid even looking at you once they saw who you were with. And you had been—you were safe, but even he couldn’t protect you from the thoughts of others.
The larger man struggled with him, dragging him out of the ring when it was obvious his words were falling on deaf ears. All Din could hear was the little pricks voice in his head from hours before.
Din stood.
Inhaled, exhaled—tried those bullshit breathing exercises that were supposed to focus his mind before a fight. Help to rein in a temper like his from overflowing in devastating tidal waves to destroy all around him. Din didn’t lose his temper often—but when he did, it was lethal.
The breathing exercises didn’t work.
Because the idiot kept talking.
“Did you see the ass on that?”
Leers sounded from his group of friends. Encouraging the vile words that Din always knew came from a man who felt entitled to a woman’s body. He had seen enough of the underbelly of the world to know what that led to time and again. Din might have been shameless in his youth and even until recently when it came to sex, to one night stands, to women—but he fucking respected the girls he fucked or didn’t fuck.
“Traipsing around in a dress like that? She’s looking for the attention,” the asshole defended himself when one of his party voiced an alternative point of view. They were promptly shut down and didn’t speak again.
Din’s blood turned to ice. An image of you running a hand down his arm on your way to your seat when you parted ways for him to get ready, dress sinfully tight but effortlessly classy—a zip front he was dying to pull open with his teeth later that night.
“It’ll look so good with my cock buried in it…”
The ice in his blood turned to fury, white hot and molten as he tied off the tape at his wrists—throwing the roll into the dingy locker he had been given for the evening. The clatter of noise from where it slammed against the metal back was the only warning he was planning on giving them. The lull of conversation was fleeting, his warning going unheeded—when dim-witted morons didn’t read the murder in his gaze.
Looks like they weren’t nearly as intelligent as the pigs he thought them to be.
Grabbing his water bottle and phone, Din stalked towards the chipped door—distracting himself with a text of “don’t go anywhere alone in this place, sweetheart. Ask Paz to go with you” sent to you without a second thought.
The immediate response of “Yes yes I know, for the thousandth time. Don’t worry and focus on yourself” did little to assuage the roar of blood in his ears. There was only one thing he heard over the noise, one thing as his vision became hued in red and fixated on a single target.
“Wonder if she’ll let me fuck her there too—can’t imagine she’s a virgin but her ass will still probably be tighter than her cunt.”
Bald headed and littered in scars and tattoos of a gang known for their viciousness, the other boxer – if he could even be called that – thrust vulgarly into the air, mimicking the hold he would have on the girl. Din’s girl.
The fucker had a death wish.
And Din was only too happy to play the part of the grim reaper.
His friends voice hardly registered over that same ringing in his ears, the roar of protective aggression at the lecherous sneer on the other man’s face who now lay in a heap in the dirt, the filth he spewed about his masseuse, his girl. How beady eyes, cold and villainous dared to drift away from Din before the bell sounded—over his shoulder, to where he knew you were sitting. Knowing your body had been tainted by the gaze of a man who would sooner take what he wanted from you by force than look at you with anything akin to the respect you deserved—it made something snap inside of Din.
And he attacked.
He was lucky he had only been disqualified.
He was damn lucky no one called the cops.
But the perks of underground fighting, was that everyone who attended had something to hide. And no one wanted to be caught in the middle of shady transactions or betting on fighters to beat each other to a pulp. Hell, the savagery Din subjected the other guy to was exactly what half the fuckers who showed up hoped to see.
Din wasn’t just a nameless street fighter though, not anymore. He had something to lose. Any smear on his record for assault and he would be suspended from tournament participation quicker than the asshole’s body dropped after a crushing blow under the jaw by Din’s right uppercut.
Thank fuck Din’s main sponsor was equally as shady. A good man by Din’s logic, but merciless when it came to succeeding. Din being benched was the surest way to make his benefactors patience run out. No, Paz was right—Boba even more so when he clocked Din good in the cheek after Paz wrestled the irate male out of the ring.
“You fucking idiot, bloodlust is an ugly image, boy—”
“I am not a boy—” Din snapped at Boba, teeth bared and bloody from his split lip, neck straining when he spat the words viciously at his long-time coach. He ran his tongue over the metallic tang of blood before spitting it out of his mouth onto the dirt flooring by the chaotic rows of metal seating.
“You almost killed a guy in the ring, you little shit,” Boba snarled with equal venom, matching the anger reflected in Din’s gaze with furious sense Din didn’t want to witness.
“Let me go,” was all Din growled, eyes never leaving his coach’s even when Paz loosened his arms around his chest. Heaving, coal black eyes darkened dangerously and stabbed the former boxer with a dare to try and restrain him again. The other man shook a rope of dreadlock that had come loose from the strip of leather he kept his hair tied in and made to say something when Din interrupted,
“Where is she?”
Paz closed his mouth, heavy brows furrowing over his eyes as recognition dawned in their dark hues,
“Is that what this is about? Dammit, vod—it’s not like she’s your girlfriend, isn’t that what you always say?”
“Don’t fucking try me tonight—” Din snapped aggressively, the threatening hum between the two men charged to dangerous voltage.
Your voice washed over him – aloe on the burns his fury had scorched his skin with – and he was making his way over to you in the next moment, mind battling with instinct as he ignored the calls and curses of his friends.
Not yours—
He moved with feral grace, parting the sea of people who bleated from the sidelines but cowered in his presence once his attention was facing them and there was no canvas or rope to separate boxer from spectator. They were lucky. He didn’t see them. Would step on them if they were stupid enough to stay in his path. All he could see, was you—watching him with confusion and concern marring those pretty features, absent of fear in the face of an incensed, adrenaline fueled boxer post fight.
He exhaled a growl as he came to stand before you, the sound cavernous and deep in his chest—the hands you had lifted to examine his face intercepted by his own when he grabbed them. His fingers wrapped fully around your wrists, and he was reminded of how fragile you were – even if you worked out whenever you could and had a will of iron that would make you whack him for saying that – and just how easily a man like him, any of the fighters here tonight—could hurt you.
They wouldn’t dare.
Not with him around.
But how could they know?
How would they know to stay the fuck away from you?
Knuckles stained with dirt and blood; his hand rasped against the softness of your palm as he dragged you in the direction of the unused backstage waiting room fighters had been offered as a changing room. Where this whole fucking thing started.
“Din—Din, what the hell happened up there?”
You jogged behind him to keep up with his pace, long legs taking him farther than your shorter ones could when confined to the heels you had worn for the night out. He stalked through the dimly lit corridors to the flaky, chipped door with a temporary sign on lined paper with “ATHLETES” scrawled along the front of it like some ironic joke.
He almost bent the worn, cheap metal handle in half—nearly pulled it from its socket with how hard he tore the door open and dragged you over the threshold inside.
You whirled on him with a huff, eyes flashing and hands planting on your hips in growing annoyance.
“Din will you just—”
You didn’t get another word out.
His wrapped hands cupped your cheeks between them, his mouth on yours hungrily when he bent over you. Biting, clawing, desperate—the kiss was more a battle of tongue and teeth than anything else. There was nothing soft, nothing slow or affectionate about the way his teeth sank into your bottom lip so hard you gasped. The way the blood seeping from his split lip painted yours in a crimson rouge—smeared and varnishing you in a visceral mark of his claim.
“Mine,” he snarled unknowingly into your mouth, lapping his tongue along the prairies of your tastebuds, plundering the depths of your mouth to brand every inch of you he could reach. Inside and out. His hands had the same idea, forming down over the shape of your curves as he walked you back blindly to the disused vanity pushed against the closest wall. Topped with a row of mirrors undoubtedly used by performers for whatever this place had once been used for, the glass was now aged with discoloration.
It didn’t matter.
He didn’t have eyes for anything but you as he hiked your legs up to perch you on the edge, your fingers curled into the taut muscles at his neck and clawing down over the sweat slick muscles of his pecs—catching on flat nipples that made ripples of pleasure heat his body further. Mad him tangle a hand in your hair, yank your head back harshly and meet your eyes with dark desire before dropping to your neck. His newest target.
“Din…” your irritated, questioning tone had morphed to fervent sighs. His tongue mapped a trail from the corner of your mouth – tasting the tang of his own blood – to the rapid tattoo of your pulse, a delicate sheen of perspiration beginning to shimmer on your flushed skin from the arousal. Another layer of flavor for him to get drunk on.
So fucking hot under his hands.
So beautiful.
So his.
“Mine,” he repeated into the curve of your neck, framed by tremulous stretches of muscle either side that he carved with scrapes of his teeth to leave tracks of slow fading pink grazes before he bit into it. Your legs – already open and inviting him to settle between them – crossed at the ankles around his narrow hips to keep him close. It was fucking intoxicating the way he could make you feel, the desperate need he had for you.
Months of sleeping together, of knowing his body so intimately had given you a rare insight to his emotions whether he knew it or not. And you knew he didn’t need to talk right now, he needed to fuck. To work through whatever had affected him so badly in hard kisses and rough hands on your soft flesh. It didn’t stop your stomach from flipping at his possessive words though, deliriously spoken but whispering the unacknowledged desires you had for him beyond his body.
“Yours,” you admitted before you could stop yourself, your hand cupping under his jaw to lift his mouth back to yours. His raspy moan at your agreement turned positively filthy when you carded short nails through his damp hair. Din was weak to having his hair stroked, his staunch dominance buckling in violent shivers of pleasure when you dragged those skilled fingers down the back of his skull and neck.
Traipsing around in a dress like that…
His eyes flew open, and he broke the kiss—ripped his mouth from yours to press his forehead to yours, eyes searching while his free hand ran indulgently up your torso to the neckline of your dress,
“Never let anyone disrespect you, sweetheart—” he rumbled, his fingers already undoing the zip of the dress, the nude pink material tempting to the eye and celebrating those features you were most proud of—that he found irresistible to know you loved. That someone could make you uncomfortable in those clothes… fucker. He snarled and pressed a long kiss to your mouth, large hands spreading the sides of the dress open wide – no underwear, baby? – and shucked the material down your arms to leave you bare before him.
His appreciation for your body – fucking gorgeous – was only tampered by the frustration he had with himself at the noise of confusion you made at his words. Of course, you hadn’t heard anything that asshole had said thankfully—but fuck, he couldn’t get it out of his head. You read his desperation somehow, and nodded slowly with puzzled eyes, teeth sinking into your swollen bottom lip as you leaned back on your hands.
So trusting…
It made alarm and something akin to fear rise swell uncomfortably in his throat.
He tried again.
“Never let anyone take advantage of you,” he whispered against your mouth in earnest, his hands running up your bare thighs to press his thumbs into the seams of your legs and hips, “tell me—”
His mouth dropped to your collarbone, funneling those feelings into lapping down to your heaving breasts, sucking a nipple into his mouth with a groan and befuddling your mind to his request until he nipped the swollen peak – say it, baby – and caused your head to fall back against the mirror,
“Yes—yes,” you moaned, “I won’t—”
He snarled internally, dammit. Hearing you say it didn’t help. He wanted to say how he wouldn’t let anyone disrespect you, how he wouldn’t let anyone ever take advantage of you. But he couldn’t. Had to frame it like advice he would give any woman he knew instead of speaking it like the promise he wanted to make.
Din had been fucking you for the last few months now, exclusively after only a few months—but it never went beyond that. He had no reason, no excuse to be worried over your life or safety or what you did when you weren’t in his bed. He wasn’t expected to be involved in your life the way a friend or family member was. Not the way a boyfriend was.
He didn’t do relationships. Never had. Too much trouble and frankly—he liked his privacy, his space—and liked not being accountable to anyone but himself. The consequences of any shitty decisions he made would fall on him and him alone. If he demanded that of the women he slept with and then insisted on inserting himself into their lives in the next breath, he would be a hypocrite. And Din hated hypocrites.
He couldn’t.
But fuck. He never wanted to hear someone speak that way about you, never wanted them to think they had the slightest chance with a woman like you. His blood boiled at the notion of someone else’s hands on you, his tempered flared when he imagined your pleasure or smiles, or laughter give to someone who didn’t deserve you.
Like he did?
Fuck no, he knew he didn’t.
He never said he wasn’t selfish though, and he coveted you with sinful greed.
“Fuck me, baby—please, please—” you mewled into his neck as your hands that had started all of this with that first massage, fit into the sliver of space between your bodies to stroke along his cock over his shorts impatiently. His head fell back, and his mind blissfully emptied for a moment, grunting your name at the frisson of pleasure before those damned memories resurfaced again.
Look at the ass on that.
Her. You weren’t a thing, a possession. You were—
He snarled. Misplaced anger manifesting in aggressive passion as he grabbed your wrist from where you stroked him to pin behind your back on the vanity.
“Always so eager, aren’t you—” he grinned darkly when you nodded, “turn around.”
The command was delivered low and dangerous, more a rumble of noise—deep echoes of jungle predators crackling like the kindling of threat, inspiring awareness that one wrong move would be fatal. But you never made a wrong move—not for as long as he had known you. Whether it was alleviating a pain deep in his muscles that had bothered him for months or pushing yourself slowing off the vanity to your feet as you were now—you always knew what he needed.
Wisps of hair fell into his eyes as he watched you—the decided turn of your naked body to dace the mirror—eyes never leaving his even as they caught them again in the aged glass. Bending forward, your ass pressed into the front of his shorts, and you rested your elbows on the vanity.
He didn’t realize he had whispered the word as he pressed his mouth between your shoulder blades, tongue trailing down the arch of your spine while his hands kneaded plush cheeks—spreading them and exposing your slick cunt to the cool air. The hitches in your breath, small squirms of your hips for relief—they all fed into his desire for you.
And he desired you. Constantly.
“I’m gonna eat your pussy until you can’t stand, baby—and then I’m gonna fuck you until you can’t speak,” he muttered against the shell of your ear, massive bulk bowed over your back and shadowed eyes – the duality of warm walnut and lethal obsidian – bore into yours through the glass.
“I want them all to know who you belong to,” he nipped your ear, flicking his tongue along the cartilage—the black ink on his back catching the light as his muscles rippled with movement, a roll of pleasure from your ass grinding back against him with a whimper of his name, “so don’t be quiet this time, sweetheart.”
Your eyes fluttered open molasses slow from where they had dropped closed at his words,
“What—what hap—” you tried to turn your head, the concern mingled with lust in those gorgeous, honest eyes making warning bells blare painfully – too close – and he silenced you with a kiss. Swallowing the worry that hinted at feelings that surpassed those expected from a fuck buddy, he buried it deep inside himself, in the shadows like a coward. To be locked away where he would remain safe from it.
Your tongue grew sloppy with a moan when he ground his crotch into your ass—dragging the solid thickness of his clothed cock between your soaked folds and up against your tight rear entrance.
Wonder if she’ll let me take her there…
He sucked on your tongue with a groan of your name, hand releasing your cheeks to fan up your ribcage and cup your breasts. You jerked in sensitivity when rough hands pinched sore nipples – he fucking loved how sensitive your tits got just before your period. The cry you released was nothing short of musical, tempting him lower as he kissed down your spine—wrapped hands sanding down over your ribs again when he lapped around the rim of your ass, circling it before he traced lower.
You were dripping.
He dropped to his knees behind you, eyes drunken with an ingrained pride that he was the one in this position, looking at the petals of your swollen pussy glistening with arousal he inspired from just a few kisses and rolls of his hips. He kept his eyes on the steady trickle of wetness from your twitching entrance, his teeth grazing distractedly down the back of your thigh as he did so.
A finger ruddy with flecks of dried blood caught a string of your arousal – don’t waste a drop – and he sucked it between his lips with an approving groan, the noise of your whimpers the perfect accompaniment. Blood and lust. The essence of humanity, that was what he tasted when he sucked his finger clean. It tasted like life. And he wanted more.
A sharp crack echoed through the room when his hand came down hard on one cheek, and again... and again—each strike making that dripping wetness gush until he couldn’t hold back anymore. He buried his face in your cunt, nosing at your entrance and tongue spreading puffy lips apart so he could trace in pitter patter swipes through your folds—greedily gathering anything he could get on his tongue before swallowing. Dehydrated on the sands of depravity and sordid company—your cunt was an oasis of relief where he eagerly drank his fill.
You tried to move, your hips slamming up against the edge of the vanity – that’ll bruise – and you keened with a shuddering cry when his mouth simply followed your attempt to escape the onslaught of pleasure that was too much too soon.
“Fuck—fuckfuckfuck—” you gasped, dropping a hand back to tangle in his hair, dragging him closer despite your protests. Mm, he loved when you got like this—overstimulated from the first touch. No matter how much you whined, no matter how many times he wiped tears that smudged your makeup when he unraveled orgasm after orgasm from the knots inside you—he knew you loved the intensity as much as he did.
He spanked you again – take it – your cheeks red and beautiful when he spread them side for him to spit directly onto your quivering cunt. His saliva dribbled and mixed with your juices to gather over your clit, his mouth forming over the little bud enthusiastically, urged by your slow ruts back against his face to streak his face with your essence.
“More—” you whimpered.
“Greedy—” he growled back.
The sound of your breathless laugh meshed delightfully with the swallow of a moan – guttural and primal – and made his cock twitch in his shorts. His hips snapped up uselessly from where he was kneeling—finding no purchase or warm embrace to bury itself in as his tongue took that pleasure for itself.
It licked and curled with practiced, seemingly illogical strokes along your clit and up to your entrance—sloppily kissing it before his tongue dove into your tight depths, thumb working in quick circles over your clit. He knew exactly what to do to make you come undone.
Your first orgasm was sudden—strong and surprising. He hadn’t even fucking fingered you and you were already spasming around nothing. Your muscles tensed as you went on your toes to lean even further on the vanity, trying to escape his tongue that worked you through each wave—drowning you in the pleasure he knew only he could give you. You were his. His his his his h—
You sobbed his name, a raw answer to his internal mantra his mind struggled against and failed to overcome.
Din wanted you.
He wanted your body, your mind, your time—he wanted what Paz had.
The way the older man mooned and gazed with shameless adoration for the little baker he had fallen for in so short a time. Hell, Din teased him over it constantly. And maybe he didn’t want that—but he wanted something. Din wanted something with you. Wanted you to visit him in the gym and stop him mid set just to kiss him and tell him that you would wait for him to finish so you could go home together. He wanted to buy you flowers without having to think of a fucking excuse like last time to distance himself from the sentimentality. He wanted to open his front door and feel our presence as more than just a visitor. That a toothbrush and the stray pieces of clothing you forgot at his place would turn to shoes at the door and your taste in décor mixing with his.
Din wanted you.
But he had no idea how to do anything but fuck you. He didn’t know how to date or be romantic. Was clueless to things like companionship—to the softer emotions he knew you craved. That all people craved. Din had no idea how to do any of it.
You lay with your cheek on the wooden surface of the vanity, eyes half-closed and spacey as you watched him lift his head from your pussy, face shiny from your release and when he licked over his lips, still hungry for more—you mewled.
“Don’t tap out on me yet, sweetheart.”
You shook your head, a whimper and almost childish refusal while your cheek remained plastered to the vanity, all strength having left your body and an adorable pout trying to lie and tell him you couldn’t take any more.
“Mm, yes you can—” he answered you, dragging his mouth back up your slit and along your tight ass where he lapped at the rim again. Later. It took time for him to stretch you to take his size—it was better left for when he had you in his apartment and could take his time.
His hand followed his mouths direction as it continued up to meet your mouth—smirking against your lips at the whimpers you made from the slaps he gave your pussy—the obscene, wet sound filling the area with each slap slap slap until his hand was damn near slipping every time he struck your cunt from how wet it was.
A bang on the door—a harsh slap to your pussy so you would moan just right for him, and he growled out a threatening “occupied” to whoever was outside. You were too high strung to even notice.
“No one else can have you,” he rasped darkly into your temple, his free hand tangling in the strands to pull your head back against his shoulder—the position no doubt edging on uncomfortable with the way your spine and neck were arched back—moUlded into his hard frame. Your eyes fell to half mast even as your lips parted—still smeared with specks of blood you hadn’t yet licked or chewed off—and he bit your jaw in warning.
“No one else—” you parroted, your hot breath fanning over his cheek even as you rocked back against him, a steel confidence entering your fucked out gaze—mercurial in the swirling heat, “just like no one else can have you.”
The boldness of your words, the conviction spoken in that voice of wooden flutes and bubbling creeks made his blood light with fire—yes. As much as he anted you, he yearned for you to crave him in return.
“No one else,” he repeated your words back to you, rutting his hips against you when his cock pulsed with a negligent ache that demanded to be addressed. He kept one hand in your hair when he pushed his shorts down enough to free his leaking cock, the turgid length swollen and angry as he rubbed the tip between your lips.
Maybe he would buy you flowers tomorrow, after all.
Din gave you no time to prepare yourself – that’s my girl – sliding inside you with one brutal thrust that had you pushed up against the mirror and his cock engulfed in fiery bliss. He felt the heat run up his spine, a volcanic metamorphism into marble as his muscles froze in an immediate pause to stop himself from spilling inside you after one damn thrust.
You weren’t doing much better—one hand clawing for purchase on the mirror and the other digging your nails into his hip as you panted his name, an incoherent string of curses and praise as your sensitive walls convulsed around him. The position had him pressed right against that one spot he cock curved up against that could make you see stars and your care for being caught dissipate in cries of ecstasy.
“Baby—fuck please, so—too deep—” you whimpered in inane babbles, tightening in residual spasms from your orgasm and the sudden intrusion of his cock, still a stretch after all these months. Too deep… he snorted, rolling his hips hard to try shove himself deeper still. He could never get deep enough, always wanting more—always seeking to conquer the untouched lands of your body.
“Mm, want me to stop?” he teased, dragging his hips back with a smirk at your immediate rejection of no no no fuck—please, no—hand pathetically trying to drag him closer to you by the hip. Lovely little thing… thinking you were strong enough.
“That’s better…” he purred, relief washing over him when he pulled out—the walls of your cunt stretching around him, refusing his exit, and trying to keep him nestled inside you. The pace he chose was brutal. He fucked you like he fought tonight. Violently, mercilessly—and deaf to the calls to relent. But where he wanted his opponent to suffer, he wanted to devastate you with pleasure, enrapture you with ecstasy and leave you moaning his name where others would curse it.
Wet cock slapping as he pounded into you in short, frantic ruts – need you baby… fuck I need you – there was no time for you to catch a full breath before he was knocking it out of you again. His fingers had to tighten in your hair to keep you up – your body trembling under his as he sank his teeth into the taut muscle at your neck and his cock sank into your welcome body – exposed and waiting for him to litter in his signature.
He would never get enough of the way his marks looked on your skin—the way you decorated him in yours. You were powerless to do much else than accept them right now – likely getting him back later – boneless and weak under the attack of his mouth and the dominance of his body.
He would make sure everyone in this fucking shithole of a place knew who you were with. They would have to be blind not to notice the blotches of poppy bruises snaking down your neck with the elusion to more hidden from unworthy eyes. The smudge of your mascara as tears pearled like crystals in the corner of your eyes when you glanced at him in strung out bliss.
“M-more—” you begged, dropping one of your hands between your legs to rub at your clit—fingers splitting around the girth of his cock as he fucked you to feel the thick length disappear into you over and over, the soaked mess amassed from your frantic desire for each other trickling down your thighs.
“Yeah?” he grinned, breathless and sweating for much more pleasing reasons than he had been in the ring, a languid kiss to your neck as he hiked one of your knees up onto the vanity—spreading you wider for him to sink deeper.
You spasmed, your head falling back against his shoulder with a cry.
“Yes—there, there baby, fuck you feel so good…” you rambled, fingers working feverishly over your clit in wet strokes, grazing his balls every time they slapped against your skin and making him muffle his moan in your neck.
Rolling a nipple between his fingers, his large—bloodied hand completely swallowed your breast, squeezing it and tickling sounds that belonged to him from you and into his mouth when you kissed him. One last kiss before you collapsed back onto the vanity, and he stood to his full height so he could ruin you with his cock.
His name was the only thing you remembered as he split you open with full, hard thrusts—the entire length of his cock stretching your tight walls around it and playing along raw nerves already on the brink of another orgasm.
“Gonna cum, sweetheart—” he strained, desperate for release as he watched himself fuck you in the mirror—him behind your smaller body, squirming under the pleasure while his muscles bunched and relaxed with each snap of his hips—the veins in his forearms prominent and tendons taut as he poured all that training and dedication and determination into you, into pleasing you.
“Inside—inside, Din fuck, please—”
His mind emptied. Nothing else mattered about tonight—not the fight, not the disqualification, not the rage. Your eyes—cloudy with lust and achingly trusting as you looked back at him were all he could think about. Nodding without even realizing, the thought of filling you running in his mind on a loop.
He wanted you to cum before him, he always did—but he was so high strung, so tense that he couldn’t stop himself, burying himself to the hilt with several punched out moans—exhaled rapture with every pump of his seed against your waiting womb. Your eyes rolled closed at the amount, bloating you with his release and as he came, you worked your clit frantically—chasing that addictive edge you gladly hurled yourself over at just the thought of him coming inside you.
Din dropped his forehead to your shoulder with a gasp, your spasming walls too much on his sensitive length but he had to stay inside—the contractions of pleasure, the gush of your release might push his out. He couldn’t have that. So, he gritted his teeth, mumbled husky praise – good girl, that’s it—just like that, soak me – to work you through your orgasm and pressed open mouth kisses to sweaty skin, the salt tickling his tongue as he caught his breath.
His mouth worked over the sweep of your shoulder, up your neck to your jaw when your orgasm subsided, purring your name and nonsensical strings of words he had no idea made sense or not. He finally eased his softening cock out of you slowly when you shifted your hips—testing your strength and finding it lacking when you realized both he and the vanity were what kept your legs up.
“Feel… feel better?”
“Mhm…” he confirmed noncommittally, nuzzling the marks beginning to bloom and darken like a forbidden garden only he was allowed indulge in the scent of. One of his hands ran absently down the back of your thigh, feeling for his release—pleased to feel nothing but your sticky arousal, his own still nestled inside your sore cunt.
“Want one of those crepes you’re always raving about from that twenty-four hour place?” he purred, helping you stand—going so far as to pull the straps of your dress back up so that zipping the metal teeth would be easier. Your eyes brightened despite the lazy, satiated fatigue hiding in their orbs.
“Mm,” he nodded, looking down from his greater height and lips quirking in an annoying desire to smile when one – bright as daylight – broke out on yours.
You nodded quickly, looping your arms around his neck to drag him down to your mouth, kissing him good and proper while his hands fell under the still open sides of your dress to settle on bare hips,
“Are you ever going to tell me what set you off tonight?” you mumbled against his lips cautiously, the ghost of a smile from the promise of dessert still lingering but a hesitant worry entering your gaze, unsure if his mood would sour again.
It didn’t.
He nudged his nose along yours, aquiline curve slotting along yours as he hummed in thought, thumbs rubbing lazily into your hips,
“Maybe later,” he settled on and captured your lips again.
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You left the changing room together, his gym bag slung over one shoulder and his free arm wrapped around your shoulder—nose never leaving your temple or nuzzling into your hair with blatant affection as you blushed at how obvious it was to anyone who saw you what you had been doing.
You had both tried to tidy yourselves—cleaning the corners of your makeup and trying to flatten your mused hair was about all you could do. Din didn’t even attempt to cover the freshly fucked look of messy hair and heavy eyes as he pulled an unzipped Mythosaur Gym hoodie on over his muscle shirt.
A group were passing in the corridor as you asked him something—his former opponent with one eye swollen shut from the bruises forming around his eye, jaw, and cheeks. Din answered you easily, an automatic response to whatever you were asking as his eyes met his opponents, cold fury and arrogant pride flashing in their depths.
You remained none the wiser as you passed the group, Din’s body protectively placed between you and them. He probably should have told you; he knew you wouldn’t be swayed by it—comfortable in your body as you were, but he couldn’t bring himself to. He could protect you from slander and toxicity at the very least—and he planned to. Even if he had to do so in the shadows for now.
For himself, the swelling and bruising on the idiots’ face weren’t the only thing he had to satisfy himself with. He was the one whose cum was still buried inside you, clinging to your thighs and keeping you slick and wet for him to add more to later when he got you back to his place. And as you glanced up at him with a disarming smile after he dropped his hoodie over your shoulders without a thought once you both were outside in the crisp air of the early morning darkness—he secretly hoped that he would be the only one to have that privilege from then on.
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Dancing memories
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(This fiction idea is like a continuation from the Imagine being there to witness everything and watching your beloved die headcanon, so you might wanna read that first before reading this. It also got so long that I divided it to two chapters. I will publish the second chapter later) Hope you enjoy! 
Contex: You have been living in Lindon for a while with your two foster sons. Everything was peaceful and it was almost time for a festival party, but then a stranger who calls himself the lord of gifts, arrives and insults your family. You decided to have a little chat about his future. 
Warnings: Angst, sass, dark sense of humor, thinking about ex lover, stranger danger, young Elrond gets insulted and that does not sit well with you. 
Many years have passed since Elrond has seen the two feanorians and his brother. There wasn’t a day when he didn’t miss them. Despite all the crimes and the oath, Elrond loved them dearly and respected Elros’s choice to live as a human. It was hard to live on without his twin on his side, but luckily you were there to help and support him whenever he needed it. 
He was uncertain when you brought him to Lindon and introduced him to king Gill-galad. He expected to be hated because he didn’t hate the feanorians like others, but he was pleasantly surprised when the high king welcomed him and made him a herald. It was strange at first, but he managed to adapt. 
Life in Lindon was peaceful, and he had all the time in the world to master healing and making medicine while learning politics under Gil’galad’s guidance. He even managed to plan out the future realm he dreamed of making. 
However, Gill-galad tends to treat him like a younger brother of some sort. Elrond found it strange because the high king was much older than him and had a different background. Elrond didn’t dislike him because he was kind and generous, but his sense of humor was weird, and Elrond did not understand the special treatment. Maybe it was because you helped raising them. 
You were pretty close to a mother figure to them. You took them in when they lost their families and supported them throughout their lives. Gill-galad grew up in the safety of Cirdan, but Elrond could see how the high king kept you in high regard and fondly doesn’t mind when you speak casually with him. Elrond thought he couldn't relate with him in the beginning until you told him how Gil-galad was somewhere in his age when he lost his father to the war. You took care of him because he had no other relatives, and his father was one of your close friends.
Elrond learned to accept and like the brotherly love the high king shared with him. He respected you, so he showed some effort to get along with your former charge. 
Life was good to him, and he couldn't thank you enough for staying around when the feanorians left him and his brother. But it did pain him to see you stare into the nothing most of the time. Maedhros’s death had hurt you more than he could imagine. He despised the eldest feanorian for it because now you looked tired most of the time. 
Thousands of years of living had worn you down. You got left with a task you did not want to continue, and you most likely still blamed yourself for what happened to Maedhros. Elrond knew changing the pass of time was risky and could only bring worse results, so he did not blame you for not doing anything to change his fate. 
Elrond did wish to see life and happiness return to your eyes. He could feel your sorrow and detachment from reality like it was his own. No matter how much your enchanted earrings hid your identity, your fea has always been open to the world. That’s what made you so human than an elf. 
Your sorrow was deep, which is why Elrond tried hard to bring you happiness and a smile whenever you felt there was no light in the world. It wasn’t easy, but he managed. And today, Elrond just wanted to make you smile again. 
���These are well planned, Elrond,” Gil-galad stated as he viewed the papers. “Yes, but there are still a lot of things to do like ensuring everything goes on the schedule, the invitations received, and the refreshments and the food are a bit late, so we need to send someone to make sure they get in time,” Elrond explained as they walked through the hall. Gil-galad shook his head with an amused smile. “I think we will be fine. The festival is only two days ahead, so there’s no need to rush,” He explained. “I know, but I think it would be for the best that everything is in place beforehand,” Elrond said. “We don’t accidentally want to forget something,” He added as they stopped for a moment. 
Gil-galad chuckled. “Always so diligent,” He said, then glanced at the hall’s decorations. 
“You know, we always go for unusual colors and decor for this festival. Do you think we could do something new for exchange?” He questioned. “We could let someone else decide the theme for the feast,” He added, glancing at Elrond. “Well, I have an idea who we could pick for that job,” Elrond said. “Oh, and who is that I wonder?” Gil-galad asked with a smile. 
“The one who usually stares into the void with a book. (Name) has been in gloomy clouds again, so I thought we could include her in planning the looks for the party,” Elrond explained. “Oh, that is a lovely idea. I heard she used to love parties. She will be perfect for the job, and it will help keep her mind occupied,” Gil-galad enthusiastically said. “Yes, but I’m afraid she won’t accept at first, so we might have to do some persuasion,” Elrond said. “It’s a pity that all festivities have left her interest,” He added. “I’m afraid she will only get annoyed with us if we even bring it up,” Elrond said, making Gil-galad chuckle at the statement. 
“True, but perhaps that's why it will be good for her to get included than stand in the backgrounds like a wallflower,” Gil-galad said. Elrond nodded, humming in agreement. “But what do you suggest we do to have her at least hear what we have to say?” Gil-galad questioned. “There’s only one way that will make her hear us,” Elrond raised his finger. The older elf looked at him curiously. 
You gazed into the distance from the balcony. The wind from the sea gently blows against your face, whipping around strands of hair and filling your nose with a salty smell. 
The book lay in front of you on the table, untouched as you did nothing but hold the quill in your hands. Thoughts from a long distant past played within your mind like a never-ending movie. You remember screaming and fire, where the elf with crimson hair stood with a shining jewel in his hands. There was a lot of smoke then he was gone. 
You took a deep breath and tried to stop thinking about the incident. 
It has been thousands of years, and you still can’t stop thinking about him and the things you could have done to change his fate. You still can’t get over him. 
Elrond and Gil-galad glanced at you from the doorway to the balcony. You sat at the tiny table with a distant look the peredhel knew all too well. You were thinking about the past and him again, so this should be a welcomed distraction for you. 
“Good morning, (Name),” Gil-galad called out as the two approached you. You almost jumped with a startle but turned around to give them your attention. “I hope you’re doing well on this fine day, but may we have some of your time for a lovely discussion for future things to come?” He asked. You frowned at the question. “Why are you talking like that?” You asked. “If you wanna talk, just say so, don’t try to sound like a sugarcoating bard,” You explained, putting away your quill. “Of course,” Gil-galad chuckled. 
“So, what are you two up to; don’t you have a festival to plan out?” You questioned. “We were wondering if you could share some thoughts with us, and I sensed you might be here with an empty cup, so I brought you a new one,” Elrond replaced your empty cup of coffee with a new one. “Fresh, warm, and no sugar,” He said with a smile. You stared at the cup for a moment before taking it and looking at the boys. “Thank you, I guess,” You said, taking a sip. 
“You're welcome, but I wonder how you can like such a tasteless drink,” Gil-Galad stated as you gulped down. “I like it bitter like my life,” You said, making the two smile with awkwardness for a moment. 
“Alright, now I know you want something from me, which I most likely dislike, so what do you want?” You looked at them. “We were wondering if you would like to join in the festival planning and give a new look to the theme we decided this year?” Elrond started. You frowned at him with confusion. “You want me to decorate this place?” You questioned, scratching the back of your ear. “Well, even Cirdan mentioned you had parts in planning festivals and parties,” Gil-galad mentioned. “And those were ages ago when we didn’t need to worry about Morgoth and his orcs,” You explained.
“And besides, if I was younger, you would have made a mistake giving a task like this to me. I never really had control over the parties, and it most of the time ended up as a huge mess, thanks to your certain relatives,” You explained with a chuckle when you remembered those times with your beloved and his very wild family. Elrond and Gil-galad smiled. 
“Well, could you at least consider taking part in this year’s feast? We should celebrate these peaceful times while we can, and we both would be happy to have you included,” Gil-galad explained. “Oh, don’t give me that talk,” You shook your head. “Please, you don’t always have to stand in the background doing nothing,” Elrond held your hand. “And I brought you coffee, so give some considerations in return,” He smiled. You almost chuckled, pinching his cheek. “You cheeky little shit, you really here pressuring me with coffee,” You sighed. 
“Fine! If you so insist. What do you want me to look at?” You asked. 
Elrond and Gil-galad smiled at each other. 
“We have decided most of the festival, but you could take a look at the decor for the late party that will be held in the main hall,” Elrond explained. “Such as the flowers, tapestries, colors, you can even decide what kind of atmosphere you want to bring out,” He added. You nodded while taking a sip from your coffee. “You would have regretted picking me if I was still in my party years,” You stated, then checked out the plans Elrond had presented you on the table. 
“And you might regret it even now. How about we change the flowers? Not specific color or meaning, just a mix of everything to describe the absolute nonsense we call life,” You said. “(Name) - “ Elrond said, almost with a disappointed tone. “Just kidding, how about we add more than one type of tapestry to signify other people who will be there to signify unity and add more variety of colors to freshen the mood since it is a summer festival?” You questioned. “And maybe avoid too much alcohol on the menu and add more cool drinks and juice to honor our lady and mother earth Yavanna Kementari for her fruits and gifts of the earth,” You added. “That - doesn’t sound too bad since there will also be children,” Gil-galad stated. “ I almost forgot how careless of me,” He chuckled. 
“You are the king of this land, and you forgot children will also attend the feast?” You questioned him.  “Well, these are peaceful times. I guess my mind has yet to ease up since it was forbidden to marry and have children during my youth,” Gil-galad explained. “Well, true,” You shrugged your shoulders. 
“Talking about marriage. Elrond, how are you and Celebrian?” You asked, looking at the younger ellon. Elrond almost jumped with a startle. “Uhm… well-” He looked away, his face and ears slowly flushing. 
“My king, there is a stranger, who calls himself the lord of gifts, and lady Galadriel requests your attendance,” One of the guards suddenly came to the balcony. You all looked at each other with confusion. “Is that so? I will be there,” Gil-galad stated. The guard nodded and left. 
Your mind got occupied when you heard the guard mention the lord of gifts. It gave you a strange feeling and a sense of familiarity. Where have you heard that name before? 
“The lord of gifts? I have never heard of someone with such a title,” Elrond stated. “Neither have I, but if Galadriel asks for my presence, then it must be something important,” Gil-galad explained. Elrond got up from the table, then Gil-galad looked at you. “I’m sorry, but it looks like we have to go now. Do take your time on the decor and planning. I’m certain this won’t take long, whoever this stranger claims to be,” He explained, then he and Elrond left the balcony to meet this mysterious stranger. 
You thought about what you heard and tried to remember where you heard about this lord of the gifts. Where was it mentioned in the books? 
It clicked immediately. 
You stood up from the table and left the balcony. If the stranger was him, then the peaceful times are ending soon. You need to see this to confirm your suspicion. 
Elrond stood firmly with his arms crossed, observing the stranger who spoke to his king with sweet words and standing like a friend. His appearance was fair, but there was something strange about him. It was an ill-gutting feeling like there wasn’t something right about him.
Even Galadriel, who usually holds a calm appearance, was frowning with suspicion. She maintained her distance from the stranger with Celeborn, who looked uneasy.  
Elrond also didn’t feel comfortable with how this Annatar glanced at him from time to time like he knew something. It was unsettling, and Elrond wanted to leave. However, he couldn't leave his king’s side, so he tried to tolerate the uneasy feeling. 
You joined among the observers, and Elrond noticed your presence immediately. 
He felt comfort seeing you but then felt suspicious about the whole situation. If something like this caught your attention, it meant something important was happening. Your look toward the stranger only amplified his suspicion. It had to signify this Annatar was not who he claimed to be. You once said the peace of the second age would one day end. Was this it? 
Elrond thought about all possible outcomes the encounter might bring until his mind was brought back to reality by Gil-galad’s voice. 
“You are welcome to stay for a while. It is almost the festival’s eve, and everyone is welcome to attend,” Gil-galad stated. Elrond sensed the tone behind the older elf’s voice. It almost sounded forced, and he could feel the mistrust in the posture Gil-galad carried like he would have instead sent this stranger away than invited him to the city. 
“I’m grateful, my lord,” Annatar spoke with a bow and a smile. Gil-galad and his people then began leaving the main hall. You decided to join Elrond as he looked troubled. 
“Elrond, are you alright?” You questioned. He looked at you after glancing at Annatar. “I am fine. You don’t need to worry about me,” He said. You almost frowned because he didn’t sound convincing. “You sure? You tend to flicker your eyes around and find an exit to avoid the situation. It usually means you’re nervous or trying to hide something,” You explained. 
Elrond took a deep breath before leaning toward you. “Is it time?” He asked almost in a whisper. You hummed in confusion for a moment. “The end of the peace?” He asked again, clarifying what he meant.
You remained quiet, thinking about how to answer his question. You almost regret telling him one day, the peaceful times of the second age will eventually end because someone decided to come out of the shadows and follow in his master’s footsteps. And that someone was in the same main hall as you and Elrond. 
You almost stepped in front of Elrond when Annatar decided to make his presence known to you. You felt a rush of protectiveness over Elrond as you looked straight in the eye of this lord of gifts. His appearance was fair, and he had a face like no other. You would have fallen into a false sense of security too: If you did not already know his true identity. 
“Greetings, my lady, my lord,” Annatar said pleasantly with a bow. “Greetings. Is there something we can do for you, my lord?” You asked, trying to appear polite and pleasing like how he just pretended to be. 
He almost raised a brow when you held eye contact with him.
“Just an exchange of words if you may. Lindon is a lovely city, and I am eager to interact with its people after a long journey,” Annatar explained. You hummed with a pretend smile. “Well, I hope you will enjoy your stay here, but be warned. Some elves would rather keep it to themselves than talk to an unusual visitor. I’m afraid the effects of the rough times of the first age are still affecting them,” You said. He smiled. “I keep that in mind, lady…-” He trailed off, indicating your name. 
“No one important, “ You said with a smile. “Just a mere bystander and I doubt we will be seeing each other often,” You added, turning toward Elrond. “Shall we go, Elrond? I believe we have some work to do for the feast,” You questioned. “Yes…” Elrond nodded, then shared a glance toward Annatar. 
“If you face troubles, you can always ask for assistance. I’m sure we will be glad to help you whatever seems to trouble you,” Elrond said. “Yes, I’m sure any elf will be willing to assist me, Peredhel,” Annatar said respectfully with a smile. 
At that moment, you frowned because you sensed hidden malice behind that voice. This pretender was insulting Elrond. No one, and you mean no one, referred to Elrond as Peredhel. 
You didn’t say much, but you did pull Elrond along to leave the main hall and the pretender. 
“There is something wrong about him,” Elrond said when you two got clear. “No shit, how did he even know you’re a half-elf without ever meeting you?” You questioned. “ Do you think?!” Elrond stopped. “No, I might be jumping the conclusions,” He said with an uncertain look. 
You looked at him, suspecting what he was trying to say. He sighed, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, I cannot think straight,” He said. You brought your hand to meet his face. “Hey, are you affected by what he said?” You asked, but he didn’t immediately answer. It was enough to tell you everything. 
“I’m fine. I’m sorry for worrying you,” Elrond said as you removed your hand. “It’s fine, do not apologize,” You said. “For some reason, I can’t get rid of this terrible feeling about him, and I do not think it would be wise to let him stay here,” He said. You nodded, deciding what to do about the situation. 
“Let me handle this,” You said. Elrond looked at you with curiosity. “What are you going to do?” He asked. “I’m just going to have a little chat with him,” You smiled before making your way through the hallway.
Elrond thought for a moment what you meant and only looked in your way. 
You looked determined as you began planning the confrontation. You have ensured Elrond and his brother lived well without being criticized for being half-elves and for their grim history with the feanorians. However, there was always someone prejudiced who liked to share their uncivilized opinion, and you can’t tolerate anyone who dares to insult Elrond for simply being different. Not even the great deceiver.
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cas-rivaille · 3 years
Undertaker here! How are you today?
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I was thinking the other day and I remembered an idea of mine I requested some time ago to another blog and I wanted to see your point of view as well, if you're comfortable with it ofc! I'll change it a bit because I have more ideas about it than before.
What if, hear me out, Obey me!MC was Sukuna's vessel??
I was thinking about a Female!MC but if you want you can keep them gender neutral (I don't mind!). So let's get into it, shall we?
Some facts about MC before the Devildom:
- They've already eaten all Sukuna's fingers
-But they are able to keep him calm inside themselves because over the year they've been together, MC decided to approach him more (Ya know if you have to die with/for someone, at least know them better)
-Sukuna took a liking to the MC, even though he would never admit it. (I mean- They always visit him in his domain to talk to him, read together, play cards (yes. You heard me. The king of curses loves Poker and UNO) or chess, they always ask him where would he like to go eat something, offer him some of their food to let him try new things, ect. Sometimes, but only SOMETIMES, they let him take control (not fully but they both can talk from the same mouth and he has control over one side, while MC has control over the other one))
- Having said that, Sukuna's still a stinky sassy bastard King. He's still rude, acts like he doesn't care about them and always finds a way to let them down when they're too happy. If they're sad though, he doesn't hurt them more. Sometimes MC even asks him advice whenever they're in doubt and after his bulling he actually gives pretty good advice (if you consider extreme violence a good advice that is)
Anyway, MC was going to get executed when suddenly they fell into Devildom. Their file didn't mention Sukuna at all and MC noticed that because when they arrived covered in talismans and chains the demons were confused about it. So, they kept the King a secret until lesson 16.
After Belphegor's crushing hug, while MC (the one from the original timeline) is in Mammon's arm, before Barbatos Thanoses the other timeline, Sukuna heals them and takes fully control of their body (the tattoos, the fangs, the long black claws, the other pairs of eyes and arms appear).
Now, HOW would the brothers, Diavolo and Barbatos react?
If it is too much or I did something wrong, feel free to ignore this! It's okay! Love you and have a good day!
(i think i'm gonna do it hc style for the individual characters feelings but also some dialogue n stuff and each hc thing for each character is written as like in the game like they all like MC except belphie for obvious reasons)
tags: swearing, lesson uhhh smth spoilers ?? i think like 16 ?? (lmk if i need to tag anything else)
also hi ��taker🥺🥺 i’m good today,, had a bit of a rough morning but i got to see my partner so i feel better !! how are you ? :D
and without further ado..
MC who is Sukuna's Vessel
- hold up
- hold the fuck up
- it was confusing enough when there were two MCs and one of them was near death in mammon's arms
- but now the injured MC gets healed and comes back to life ? but has another set of arms and eyes and is covered in strange tattoos ?
- then the other MC disappears ?
- when the demon MC starts talking, their voice is different and what-
"What the fuck did you to do MC?" Sukuna hastily spits out, checking the body for any other injuries. MC's voice is back and talking out of the same mouth.
"Sukuna, stand down," MC says.
"But he almost killed you ! Without me we wouldn't be standing here right now !" Sukuna argues back.
"I'm aware of that, but we have to be civil about this and talk to them," MC responds sternly.
"Then I want to be present for it. I'm not letting anything happen to you- I mean me. Yes me because I die if you die and I'm too godly to die," Sukuna rambles out before retracting the other set of arms but leaving the tattoos. He opens one of the eyes and forms a mouth on MC's right cheek to watch and participate in the conversation.
All the brothers and Divolo looked stunned at the scene that just happened.
"Questions ?" MC jokingly asks.
Lucifer -
- what ?
- questions ? is MC joking ?
- who the fuck is talking out of MCs body and what jurisdiction does he have
- isnt MC supposed to be human ??
- what does this mean for their relationship ?
- why did MC keep it from him ?
- he looks at dia and barbatos with the most confused face
- looks back at MC equally confused
- def hurts his pride that he didn't know
Lucifer's confusion turns to anger because that's the only way he knows how to cope/react to this.
Sukuna starts talking.
"Show a little more respect. I'm a king after all."
"Don't be an ass," MC shoots back. MC looks at Lucifer a little embarrassed.
"Uh, so this is Sukuna. He's the king of curses ? We kind of share a body because... uhh... it's a very long story but i mean the gist of it is I ate his thousand year old fingers ? There was 20 of them because he had two sets of arms like you saw before- it was very gross- but i had to because of the energy they posses ? When you brought me here and I was covered in seals and chains, was when I was about to be executed because I have all of Sukuna in me. So,, he can do stuff like heal my body and give me cool powers ? I don't really know what else to say." MC rambles using awkward hand motions and finishes by scratching the back of their head.
"Way to make me sound like a total fucking loser," Sukuna glares at MC.
"For the love of god stop talking-" MC shoots back.
- huh ? someone has been sharing a body with his MC the whole time ?
- were they present the whole time ?
- did they see him acting like an idiot in love ?
- was sukuna there during e v e r y conversation he's ever had w them
- never felt more insecure and betrayed tbh
- why wouldn't you tell him ? he was your first
- wants you all to himself
- doesn't want to share you with some four armed idiot
"So he's just, there all the time ?" Mammon asks.
"Not really? He has a headspace and he usually just chills in there but he can watch what's going on if he wants to." MC responds.
"That makes me sound lazy," Sukuna complains.
"Well if you don't like how I describe you then maybe you can talk about yourself. You're very good at it," MC smirks.
"Fine. I can do whatever I want. We can trade who has control over MC's body. I have a large supply of cursed energy and will beat the shit out of the next person who touches MC," Sukuna glares at Belphie.
"Yeah beat them in poker maybe. But not mariokart. You suck at video games in the headspace," MC laughs.
- was that how MC was so good at video games ?
- because they spent hours on end with this guy in their head playing video games ?
- why didn't MC come to him to play games ?
- why is MC okay with sharing a body with Sukuna ?
- why can he be the one to share a body with MC ?
- why was MC playing video games with literally anyone else ?
"So let me get this straight, you are his fingers and now you share a body ? How does that even work ? That sounds like something out of the manga 'My best friend ate some ancient object and now shares a body with an immortal warrior'" Levi questions MC.
"Okay so, Sukuna lived a really long time ago. When he died, the only thing that survived were his fingers. They each hold an incredible amount of cursed energy and it's only his fingers so from there you can imagine how powerful he was with the rest of his body," MC explains.
"Okay but that doesn't tell me why you ate the fingers ?" Levi raises an eyebrow.
"Oh. So I went to a high school for Jujutsu sorcerers, which are people who can manipulate cursed energy, and once I ate the first one to save my friend from dying, my choices were to die now or eat all of Sukuna and then be executed because he would die with me," MC says as if them dying was nothing.
- why has he never heard about Sukuna in any of the books he's read ?
- he historically doesn't exist in anything the devildom has book-wise
- so who is he ?
- needs to find out everything he can about him
- is there a way to separate MC and Sukuna ?
- his blood is boiling at the thought of MC sharing a body with someone
"So you've basically had super human powers this entire time and elected to not tell us ?" Satan glares at MC.
"Well, when you put it like that it sounds bad. I just didn't want you all to meet Sukuna because he has a lot of anger issues and is quite an asshole and I was trying to avoid this entire conversation that is happening," MC sighs.
"Rude," Sukuna says.
"Anger issues. You think we couldn't deal with this ? Are you serious right now ?" Satan asks.
MC shrugs their shoulders nervously.
"How much do you actually know about what sharing a body with him does to you ?" Satan asks while looking at the small mouth and glaring.
"I mean, I get these marks because he had them when he was alive. He was also so powerful to the point he had four arms and another set of eyes, like you saw before. I get those when he takes over mostly, but I can kee him restrained. But the eye thing is why I've always had slits under my eyes because the eyes are the most common thing to show up. The arms don't really. But it's entirely painless so don't worry," MC somewhat calmly explains.
- those marks make MC look so good wtf-
- not the time
- so this Sukuna person lived a thousand years ago ?
- what was this about jujutsu sorcery ?
- what even is that ?
- asmos not the brightest on the block but from the looks on his brothers faces none of them know what the fuck MC is talking about either.
- they've explained a little bit of it b there's still some missing info
- what is sharing a body really like
- how much of MCs body can change to be like Sukunas ?
"So how much of your body can he control ? What can he heal ? Could he bring you back from the dead ?" Asmo curiously asks.
"He can't control much because it's my body and I have a lot of raw power by myself. I don't know if he can bring us back from the dead. I don't think so though or else the Jujutsu school wouldn't have tried to execute me. He used to be able to bring us back when I hadn't eaten all of his fingers, but now I don't think he can," MC explains.
"So why do you let him live in your body if he can't do much for you ?" Asmo questions.
"Well one, I don't think there's a way to get him out-"
"I'm still here you know," Sukuna interrupts.
"You've made that clear," MC says before continuing, "And two he can do stuff for me. It's like a symbiotic relationship. I give him a host and he protects me."
- protects MC ?
- that's his job
- why is someone else protecting MC ?
- overall confusion
- even tho MC has gone over it multiple times, he doesn't get how or why Sukuna is in MC's body
- maybe it's the shock
. was this why MC could challenge him to armwrestling and almost win ?
"So how long has he been in you ?" Beel asks.
"About a year," MC responds.
"Can he make you live longer aside from healing you ?" Beel asks hopefully.
"I'm sorry, I don't think so..." MC says while looking at the ground. They cross their arms. They look small, as if they aren't small enough compared to him already.
"So, what does this mean ? Now that your secret is out... are you going to stay in the devildom with us ? Or do you have to leave ?"
" If I leave I'll surely be executed when I go back to the human world. If I stay I don't know what will happen to me, but it's not up to me. It's up to you guys if you want me to stay. I understand if you want me to go, I was harboring a big secret and it's probably unnerving to know that you're never truly alone with me, but Sukuna actually cares about my boundaries even though he acts like he doesn't. There are some pluses and there are some drawbacks but ultimately you have to decide." MC responds, looking from brother to brother then at Dia and Barbatos
- MC ? dead if you back to the human world ? doesn't bother him
- he doesn't care
- he hasn't known MC long enough to care
- diavolo may have told everyone that MC was a descendant of human Lilith and he told everyone the events that actually happened, but why should he have any attachment to MC
- MC isnt Lilith, and MC sure as hell doesn't like him after the events that happened today
- from what he's heard, MC dying would be good for the human world
"I say send MC back. What happens to them isnt our problem any more," Belphie says while under his magical restraints Diavolo put on him.
"Of course you would say that," Satan glares at him.
"Shut up Belphie !!" Mammon and Levi yell.
"You don't have any right to an opinion in this matter." Lucifer states.
"Belphie that's mean," Asmo says.
Beel frowns.
"I vote they stay. I like MC regardless, and if all I have to do is adjust to Sukuna then I'll do it," Beel says while looking Belphie dead in the eye.
There's a beat of silence.
"Me too," Mammon says.
"Hey ! I was going to say that !" Levi protests.
"Oooh~ Count me in !" Asmo says with a smile.
"I also think they should stay," Satan says and looks at MC.
"My personal preference is also that they stay, but Lord Diavolo it's up to you," Lucifer says and looks at Dia.
- he knew there was something off, but couldnt place his finger on it
- he also constantly got a powerful vibe from MC and this explains it
- he was very fond of MC and enjoyed their presence
- he knew what he was going to do
"Barbatos, what do you think ?" Dia asks him.
"The decision is up to you m'lord," Barbatos responds.
"Well Id also like the input of my trusty all knowing butler," Diavolo laughs.
"Then, I see no reason to send them back to the human world. They can live out their lives here and safe from the school that wants to execute them. It also wouldn't be an issue to get anyone from the human world here if MC so desired," Barbatos replied.
"Then it's settled ! Welcome to the devildom for the rest of your life MC!!" Diavolo smiled and welcomed MC with open arms.
MC smiled and accepted the hug.
- he didn't know all along, but he know when the timelines crossed and he had to erase the other
- MC was very near and dear to his heart though and he wasnt about to let them be killed
- just wants to keep MC safe
- mars :)
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
Can, I have a one-shot where Mother Nature(Elizabeth Reaser) brings Henrik back to life after a month the Mikealsons become Vampires.
To become the first, and only one of his kind a hybrid of a hellhound, and witch. He is a guardian of the supernatural world, and it's his duty to make sure the supernatural world remains a secret to the mortal world by Mother Nature.
So, Henrik realizes he can't back to his family because they will react negatively to his resurrection.
Henrik travels around the world for a thousand years during his duty becoming a legend, and myth to the supernatural world.
So, Mother Nature sends Henrik to New Orleans to take a break from his duty, and relax from serving her faithfully for a thousand years.
Knowing, his family is in New Orleans.
The Mikealsons call him Henrik but his full name is Y/n Henrik Mikealson.
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Let's go boys!
Warnings: Fluff, death, Reader being protective big brother, Mikaelsons being protective
A/N: I had too much fun writing this and I think I would do more Mikaelson sibling reader fics. I had so so many ideas for this I apologize for taking so long on this
It was cruel and heartbreaking with the hand you got as you told your younger twin brother that he and Klaus shouldn't see the wolves. But Henrik wanted to as he always loved being around Klaus as he was closest to Kol, Klaus and Rebekah while you were closer to Elijah.
You were the oldest twin of 20 minutes, you were more responsible while Henrik was care free. You were worried so you followed after always taking care of your younger twin as you always looked after Henrik.
"Isn't this great Y/N!?" Henrik said looking in awe of the city as you drove though New Orleans as you got a much needed break. Harbingers of death was what you and Henrik became when Mother Nature brought you both back finding it unfair with how young you both were when you both died.
Over a thousand years you both served Mother Nature faithfully while Henrik wanted to find your siblings. You had to remind him that they might not take it well that you both are alive.
"Yes now Henrik try to stay out of trouble."
"I always do bro." Henrik tells you as you raised an eyebrow at him.
"Really? Because I swear there is Hellhound/witch that always have to save his twin Banshee brother because he gets hisself into danger."
"Okay okay I get." Henrik laughed as you drove smiling glad that Henrik was happy after one mission was a little rough on him. Then again being kidnapped by witches that tried to drain his magic you didn't think Henrik would bounce back so quickly.
"So many supernatural creatures."
"Yeah....careful the witches will be our biggest problem." You say pulling up to a townhouse you both would be staying in during your little get away.
It took a only a day for Henrik to get into some form of trouble as you both went out to get a few drinks. You were keeping an eye on Henrik as he played pool while you sat at the bar flirting with a vampire named Josh.
"So you always dressed like you are from the 20s?" Josh asked lightly teasing you making you laugh.
"I fell in love with the style." You tell him with a smirk when your ears picked up Henrik's whistle. You and Henrik made up single's to give one another if the other was in danger most of yours was whistle base.
"I need to go." You say rushing out the door leaving behind a confused Josh who followed after you. You found Henrik in an alley about to be bitten by a vampire when you tore his heart out.
"What hell?!"
"Hello gents, I'm Y/N and you have made the mistake of attacking my baby brother."
"Hey! I am not a baby." Henrik said from behind you as your eye glowed red looking at the vampires as they attacked you. The last vampire dropped dead as you stood cleaning your hands with a handkerchief then looked at Henrik.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah. Thanks bro." Henrik says as you made sure he was alright before taking him home. It didn't take long for word to get out about dead vampires missing hearts and nearly burnt.
"Niklaus, I swear your paranoia is going to get you killed." Elijah said watching the hybrid paced as the others came in annoyed that Klaus had called them while they were busy.
"There is a new threat."
"We don't know that for sure. All we know is the vampires had clearly attacked something stronger."
"Yes and that something is a threat to this family." Klaus tells Elijah who rolled his eyes as the others agreed that Klaus was being paranoid. While they had heard of what happened to the vampires, Elijah was more worried about witches as they were chatting than something big was coming with help of the Ancestors.
"Wouldn't said threat come after us by now?"
"Do not mock me, Rebekah." Klaus growled looking at his siblings as the others still just brushed it off as him be paranoid and focused on the witches.
You walked though the autumn festival watching Henrik closely as he ran ahead looking at all of the stalls. You kept an ear out listening as you didn't trust none of the witches and the vampires were getting on your bad list for attacking Henrik the other night.
Elijah stopped walking when a familiar scent reached his nose one he hadn't smelled in centuries and looked stopping as he felt the air leave him. Elijah felt his eyes water when he saw both you and Henrik and couldn't help but felt like the witches was pulling some kind of trick.
Elijah noted you both hadn't really aged a day and planned to go the witches for answers as he couldn't believe that his baby brothers were alive. Elijah was snapped out of his thoughts when Hayley grabbed his hand.
"Elijah, you okay?" Hayley asked as Elijah looked back finding you and Henrik gone as if you both weren't there in the first place.
You panted having grabbing Henrik when you saw Elijah that he noticed you both which you were quick to grab Henrik to run.
"Why can't we see Elijah? You and he was so close."
"Henrik, I already told you why. They think we are dead and to show up like 'Hello, we are your long dead siblings.' is a bad idea."
"Henrik no." You told your brother trying to ignore the pain on Henrik's face and you sighed looking at him. You gave him a soft smile pulling him in a hug feeling Henrik hug back.
"You know I love you right? I just want to keep you safe."
"I know....love you too brother."
That night was chilly as you and Henrik had dinner then headed for bed when you woke to a scream and quickly headed for Henrik's room.
"Fuck." You growled seeing the bed empty then quickly headed to find your brother. You heard another scream and ran killed the vampire that almost touched Henrik.
"Henrik?" You panted kneeling next to him looking seeing a dead body then focused by on Henrik.
"Y/N....where ar....."
"And you said my paranoia was unfounded Elijah." Henrik was cut off by Klaus and you muttered fuck under your breath looking seeing Klaus and Elijah standing there. It happened in a blur making Henrik call out your name when Klaus had attacked you grabbing you by your thoat.
"Who are you?" Klaus growled lowly as your eyes flashed red growling back throwing Klaus back then placed yourself between Henrik and Elijah.
"Don't touch him."
"Y/N....it's okay."
"No Henrik it is not. You saw an omen and not we have to explain to them how we are alive." You tell Henrik as both Elijah and Klaus sucked in breath surprised.
Your older brothers had mixed feelings see you and Henrik alive but all they knew was that their baby brothers were alive. You sighed running your fingers though your hair as Elijah caught a glimpse of the family Crest tattoo on your wrist.
"What did you see Hen?"
"Dad....he tried to kill me. Dad was saying became a monster and was blaming Nik." Henrik tells you making you freeze as you knew of Mikael's need to kill their children thanks to Mother Nature as she made sure that you two stayed out of Mikael's line of slight.
"Y/N?" Elijah whispered his hand on your shoulder as Klaus picked up Henrik see how he was only out dressed in pajamas. You looked up at your older brother seeing his mocha eyes soft filled with worry.
"I can't believe this! Not are our brothers are alive but Mikael as well?!" Rebekah shouted pacing as Elijah was treating the wounds on Henrik's feet while you groaned already annoyed.
"It seems the Ancestors made a deal with our homicidal father." Klaus says pouring a drink as Freya was doing a locater spell to find Mikael.
"I just wanted a vacation not this." You huffed as Henrik frowned looking at you as Hayley came walking in carrying Hope with Jackson close behind.
"What is this I hear that Mikael is alive?"
"Hayley meet our baby brothers Henrik and Y/N." Klaus says ignoring her question as Henrik smiled at her while you had your head back giving her a two finger wave.
"Klaus answer my question!"
"Yes. Not like you could do anything." You said getting Hayley's attention as she passed Hope to Rebekah her eyes flashing.
"I am a hybrid stronger than you witch."
"Hellhound stronger than hybrid." You say not bothered still annoyed as Klaus smirked sipping his drink as Elijah sighed. Hayley huffed sitting down as everyone made a plan to take out Mikael.
After the Mikael mess that leaded to an Esther mess you all headed back to the Abattoir to relax. Henrik sat with Rebekah and Kol telling a story of one of your missions you both went on.
"Yeah Y/N came in and like took out 20 vampires."
"Hen it was only 10." You said eyes closed laying on the couch head in Elijah's lap feeling him run his fingers though your hair much like when you were younger.
"Y/N is being humble about it." Henrik said smiling making you huff as Elijah chuckled still running his fingers through your hair lulling you to sleep.
"Maybe I should take on our baby brother to see if he really is that strong."
"Bring it Nik. I'll beat your ass." You mumbled eyes feeling heavy as Klaus laughed lightly as Elijah smiled gently moving his fingers slower. Henrik yawned feeling tired seeing you fall asleep.
"How about a movie now that everything is calm?"
"Go ahead Freya." Elijah says softly as everyone settled in getting comfortable. The family was together again, finally whole again as Elijah looked to Klaus both silently promised to be sure they wouldn't lose the youngest Mikaelsons again.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
What do you think the Cullens would do if some person they were talking to, out of nowhere just quite literally exploded in front of, and on them? Kinda like in that movie Spontaneous. Would they lose control and slurp up the mess on the ground, (and themselves) or would their bloodlust be curtailed by shock of wtf just happened?
I'd say something witty about how this is a strange anon to receive, but holy jesus you've sent me down a rabbithole.
Here's a trailer to the movie Spontaneous. It looks amazing. Kevin Feige wishes this had been his plot for Infinity War.
Here's a trailer for the movie Spontaneous Combustion, which I found by accident while searching for your fic. This looks amazing too. Can't believe Marvel didn't buy the rights to this guy.
I'm serious, people, you definitely want to watch these trailers. I just about died laughing.
So, on to your ask.
In the spirit of your ask, which implies a level of randomness, I thought the people blowing up should be random too. So, being in the mood to procrastinate through spending way too much time on tumblr things, I wrote a program that'll generate for me random Twilight characters.
Unsure whether the explosion should kill vampires or not, I generated an answer. The answer is yes, any generated vampire dies.
Without further ado:
Alice watches Vladimir blow up.
Alright, alright.
The first question to be answered here is why Alice is in Vladimir's presence in the first time. In canon they only meet once, at the end of Breaking Dawn.
For the sake of simplicity, we'll have Vladimir blow up then.
The Cullens and the witnesses are all celebrating being alive, when Vladimir suddenly explodes.
For the sake of the ask, Alice is sitting closest to him when this happens and making conversation.
Her first thought is utter shock. Not just that he blew up, but that she didn't see it coming (she wouldn't, because I randomly generated him. No decision was made). Her second thought is horror.
The Cullens just confronted the Volturi, now mere hours afterwards their allies are blowing up.
Holy fuck, Aro has a gifted ace up his sleeve, and he's using it to kill them remotely.
Panic ensues, not just for Alice, but among all the witnesses. Some of them refuse to leave, Bella has to shield those 24/7, though given the belief that her gift is psychic that doesn't make them feel very safe.
The others decide to go after the Volturi and beg for mercy, assuring them they never meant to challenge them.
Aro, of course, is very confused, but agrees. Why, yes, he does have a vampire who blows people up. Yes, yes he does.
Bella watches Aro blow up.
Oh I'm dying laughing at this one. And wishing I'd put this down for Carlisle, that would be even funnier, but alright.
Bella is walking about post-Breaking Dawn, minding her own business, when suddenly Aro appears in front of her. He looks around himself, utterly surprised by his sudden deplacement, and then blows up.
Bella has been living in terror of this man for years.
In Volterra he had his servant torture her and Edward and then made ominious threats, then a few months later the Eclipse disaster unfolded, finally we have Breaking Dawn where he showed up to murder her and everyone she loved.
Her shield may be powerful, but for as long as Aro was alive her family was never truly safe.
His untimely implosion changes all of that.
I imagine after a long moment of incredulity, Bella burns the rubble, just to be sure, then tells her family the joyous news.
Carlisle gives the guy a funeral. It's weird.
Carlisle watches Vassilii blow up.
Close call, due to my not switching out the names we almost had Angela. In which case Carlisle have stood there, covered in blood and in shock for several long seconds, before bringing out the bleach and gasoline for a crime scene clean.
As it is, Carlisle is minding his own business when suddenly an immortal child dressed like a medieval Eastern European appears before him. It says something in a foreign language that might mean "hi", he doesn't know but he says "hi" to it back, then the child blows up.
Carlisle stares at the rubble for a very long time, wondering if he is perhaps losing his mind. If, perhaps, Aro was right about animal blood being a slow suicide, and Carlisle has finally hit the limit for how long a vampire can go on without human blood.
He burns the rubble and prays for the child's soul, as an immortal child is doomed anyway, and keeps his silence about what happened. In part because there's a solid chance this was all in his imagination.
If Aro ever touches his hand again, and sees the immortal child that he burned a thousand years earlier resurrect, travel through time, all in order to blow up in front of Carlisle, he... well there comes a point where you say "nothing to see here" and refuse eye contact with the universe glitching.
Edward watches Randall blow up.
Randall, for the ignorants, is one of Carlisle's friends that came to witness for the Cullens in Breaking Dawn.
Suddenly he appears in front of Edward, says hi and how do you do, and then he blows up.
Edward tells Carlisle, who is saddened by this, and they try to piece the guy together. They fail.
Edward sends a somber thought to this noble man who agreed with Edward that the Cullens are awesome enough to be worth dying for.
Emmett watches Mary blow up.
Emmett will never admit it, but it's the coolest, raddest thing he's ever seen.
Esme watches Eleazar blow up.
Oh boy.
The Cullens are visiting the Denali. Irina has not been dead for long, but given the crystal clear memory of vampires, and the loss they already suffered (Sasha's death traumatized them) it doesn't really matter how long it's been, the Denali are devastated anyway.
The whole coven is as fragile as it can possibly get.
Then, Eleazar goes to join Esme in the kitchen, and explodes all over her and the kitchen.
The remaining Denali and the Cullens are called to the kitchen by the sound of Esme's screaming, and find her in hysterics, surrounded by gray rubble.
The Denali are near catatonic with grief at this point, while cooking has been ruined for Esme. One moment you're making food, the next people are exploding all over your kitchen.
Esme is not okay.
Jasper watches Nahuel blow up.
It's a shameful moment in his life.
But, hybrids are edible.
And that blood was splattered all over him.
Jasper has the worst control fail of his life, worse even than when he failed with Bella because this fail means he can't be around Renesmée anymore.
It's miserable all around.
The one highlight here is that it didn't happen when they were headed to the Volturi trial together.
Rosalie watches Emmett blow up.
Jesus christ, random Twilight character generator, just when I thought you were just going to give me boring results.
Not only does Rosalie lose the love of her life, the guy who kept her together, the one good thing she had going for her who made her life worth living, but he did so right in front of her, blowing up out of nowhere.
There's no explanation to be had, no culprit to be found, no reason for it. She had no goodbye, just as she can have no revenge.
She will never have closure.
Renesmée watches Renée blow up.
We go out on a high note, my god. Well done, generator, I'm laughing.
Renesmée is curious enough about her grandmother to go to Florida. She was going to watch from afar, but finds herself talking to the woman who raised her mother.
It's all going well until Renée suddenly explodes all over Renesmée.
Renesmée's first thought is nothing, she's in shock.
Well, she was controlled as an infant, so I don't think an adult Renesmée would lose it unless under extreme circumstances, like if she encountered a singer.
More, though, Renesmée might have any reasons of her own not to drink human blood, but she has been raised with this being a big no-no.
So she shouldn't.
Is she ever going to get a better chance?
Ethically, she could easily argue this is the right choice. No one will be negatively affected by this, at least not directly.
The human is right there, already dead, and there's no body so while Renesmée does have to clean up the gore. Hell, if she laps up the blood on her clothes and the ground she will be cleaning up. Why waste perfectly good blood?
If Renesmée Cullen is ever going to have human blood, this is it.
It will come down to how much she respects her grandfather, and how important she believes Renée was to Bella.
Bonus, because I'm having way too much fun with this:
Bree watches Atheonodora blow up.
Bree is minding her own business when suddenly a vampire unlike any she has ever seen before, one with hazy eyes and odd skin, appears before her. They stare at each other. Then the woman blows up.
Bree takes this to mean that exploding is apparently something vampires just do sometimes, runs off in a panic and, sobbing, tells Riley.
Riley, having no idea what to make of any of this, tells her it was those evil yellow-eyes with their witchcraft and sorcery.
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withcolebrock · 4 years
I Drew That
Corpse Husband x fem!reader
Summary: Corpse finds out that Y/N has a drawing of him as her background
Warnings: swearing :)
Word Count: 1,818
Author’s Note: I’ve spent weeks trying to write this piece :/ I just couldn’t find a way to make it how I wanted it if that makes sense but I tried my best. This idea was very cute because I can totally see this happening lol. Especially with like the whole flirty voice thing Corpse has been doing with like Brentman and like James and stuff haha. I hope you guys enjoy it!!
Tonight was one of the many nights that she was playing Among Us. It had taken over her life, a flood of success followed her once she had played with Sean and Felix. She had gained over two hundred thousand subscribers on her YouTube channel. It had changed her life for the better, in many ways.
For the last three rounds, it had been strict imposter wins. Felix won two of those. Everyone was shocked when it was him the second time, Felix was getting great at the game. The group then decided to switch lobbies because Felix was throwing a fit about getting imposter too much. It was the usual group of Felix, Sean, Poki, Rae, Sykkuno, Leslie, Toast, Dave, Corpse, and Y/N.
Over the last few months everyone in the group had gotten a lot closer. Especially Corpse and Y/N. After the first time they played together, a lobby Sean had created, they had talked for hours after the first game they played. This had continued almost every time they had played  Most of the time, Corpse would be editing his videos while talking with her. It calmed him as he worked. She would be working on her art or scrolling through Pinterest or Tumblr.
They had even FaceTimed several times, where Corpse revealed his face to her. He made a big deal out of it, saying a whole monologue before he turned the camera to his face. She followed in pursuit being very dramatic as well. Whenever they would talk he would play her his music, waiting to see if she liked it. She loved any song he put out, despite it not being her usual music taste.
One night she was scrolling through Tumblr and found an artist who was drawing Among Us players with their little characters. One particular character made her smile and her heart flutter slightly. It was an amazing drawing of Corpse and his little character sitting on his shoulder. It was an art style she was familiar with, she loved supporting smaller artists. It was the cutest thing she has ever seen. Weirdly, it perfectly described him. She loved it so much, she decided to keep it as her phone Wallpaper.
The round started on Mira, where Y/N was a crewmate again. Throughout the whole night, she still hasn’t gotten imposter. “Dammit,” she groaned at the screen. She stood still at the start of the map, waiting to see if anyone would fake tasks at the start. Everyone ran off, not doing them. She quickly followed.
After a long thirty seconds lights get shut off. She ignores the emergency and continues doing her tasks, she stood by the vending machine when Felix killed her. “It’s fucking Felix again!” she leaned back in her chair groaning. She covered her face with her hands. “He’s gotta stop killing me first,” she shook her head. She tried to hide how annoyed she was.
Her body was called by Poki, she was the only dead one. “Oh my god,” Poki said once the screen popped up.
“Y/N no!” Rae yelled, “You guys, she’s died first the last three rounds,”
“Wait really? Oh Jesus, sorry Y/N,” Sykkuo said, a breathy laugh leaving his lips.
“I’ll protect you next round, Y/N, I promise,” Corpse said. Y/N tried to hide her smile and the heat rushing to her cheeks.
“We’ll avenge you, Y/N!” Sean yelled. Soon after everyone grieved her death they began asking each other where they were. Everyone had a solid alibi making it impossible for them to figure out who did it.
“Guys, guys, Y/N died first the last three rounds right?” Toast started, everyone hummed, “Who was imposter these past few rounds?” he explained. Everyone gasped.
“You really think I would kill her first three rounds in a row?” Felix tried to defend himself as the voting time clock turned red.
“You’ve done it twice already!” Sean yelled, voting Felix. Felix was saved since half of the group skipped. She floated around the map trying to get her tasks done quickly so she could talk to her chat without holding back the rest of the group.
She glanced towards her chat, reading a few questions, she shifted her gaze to the game and thought about the questions. “I’ve been working on a cute little animation for you guys, I might do another art stream with you guys. Only if you guys want it, of course.” she read through a few more questions while answering them, while she waited for the meetings to end.
Once all of her tasks were done, she began to talk about her art and fanart. “Yeah, there’s an artist on Tumblr, they are amazing, they deserve so much more recognition,”  she explained as she showed them her lock screen with the drawing of Corpse; without thinking about her chat being curious as to why it was him. Turning her phone back towards her, her eyes widened as realization dawned on her.
The chat began to flood in with questions, begging Y/N to tell them why she had Corpse’s drawing as her background. She chose to ignore the question and continue talking about her own art and showing fan art. Despite trying to change the subject, she sighed dramatically. “Chat, there’s no reason why Corpse’s character is my background, the artist is just good, stop talking about it,” she giggled as the victory screen popped up on her screen.
“Felix what the fuck!” she unmuted in discord. He began laughing as he began to defend his actions. “No, no it doesn’t matter if I know your liar voice, Felix-” After about five minutes of everyone talking the next round started. She was a crewmate again, “I feel like I’m bugged,” she groaned as she started running around doing her tasks. Corpse’s little black character was following her.
“Looks like I got myself a little body guard,” she smiled as she spoke. They walked passed the medbay room, as Corpse moved his character dramatically. She rolled her eyes as they both walked into the medbay room. She didn’t have medbay, but she sat waiting for Corpse to finish. They continued doing tasks together until a body was called. It was Sean’s.
“Y/N’s cleared I was with her the entire time,” Corpse said confidently into his mic. She said the same about him. Poki was acting a little weird during the call, which made Y/N a little suspicious of her.
When the lights were shut off Corpse was killed by Poki, and he groaned as his body was killed immediately. Poki called out Y/N right away, saying that she was with Corpse the whole time. Corpse glanced towards his chat, finally able to try and read everything everyone was saying. His eyes lit up as he saw her name flash the screen several times.
One person kept spamming the chat saying, Y/N’s has your Among Us character as her background, he smiled as he read it. He knew exactly what the picture was, “Oh really?” he hummed as he continued reading. Everyone was saying how nervous she got when they kept asking her about it. He pressed his lips together nervously. He decided to drop it for now, but he was curious. He looked back up to the screen and began to listen to what was happening during the meeting.
“...You really think I would spend this whole game marinating Corpse for me to kill him in front of Poki? What about that double kill that happened, there was no way I would’ve done that if I was with him.” Y/N explained, over Poki trying to defend herself.
“I think she’s got it guys,” It was down to Toast, Y/N, Sykkuno, and Poki. Everyone quickly voted for Poki. The Victory screen popped up. “I knew you had it, Y/N,” Corpse said as everyone started shouting into the discord.
After a few minutes of them discussing the round, they decided to switch over to Polius. “Hey, Y/N, can I ask you something?” Corpse asked, the group quickly went quiet.
“Sure,” she giggled.
“My chat keeps saying you have my character as your phone background, is that true?” he asked, teasingly. He smiled widely. The entire group started cheering while teasing Y/N and Corpse.
Her mouth dropped open as she tried to find a way to explain it, “Well, uh,” she cleared her throat, “I do actually, it was great art, what was I supposed to do?” she laughed.
“Oooo, someone has a little crush,” Sean teased, Felix quickly joined. The rest of the group was simply laughing along. Corpse stayed silent while the group was teasing Y/N, and Corpse for that matter.
He pulled up Y/N’s Twitter and began to scroll through her feed to find the perfect drawing. He took the drawing that Y/N did of her own Among Us character. It was a drawing of Y/N holding her little character in her hand. It was his favorite piece of art she has done. Mainly because she drew it while on FaceTime with him. He quickly changed it to his iphone background, he glanced back towards the screen, seeing if the game started. He took a screenshot of it and immediately texted it to Y/N.
“Y/N, look at our messages,” he said simply into his mic. The group slowly stopped talking as they waited for Y/N to open the message.
“Corpse, I’m scared,” she whispered, everyone started laughing.
“Just open the message,” he giggled.
She sighed dramatically while she pulled up the messages with Corpse, seeing the screenshot. Her lips fell into a pout as she saw it. “I drew that,” she mumbled into the mic.
“You did,” he whispered, as he felt heat rise in his cheeks. He loved hearing her voice. “It’s my favorite,” he continued.
“Corpse,” she whined as her eyes began to tear up. She didn’t know why, but her heart felt so full. “You didn’t have to do that,” she mumbled, readjusting herself in her chair. She shifted her gaze towards the contact name, Corpseyyy.
“Of course I did, It was beautiful art,” he muttered while he looked back towards his phone, admiring his new phone background.
“Is this..a possible.. New relationship starting?” Sean whispered dramatically into his mic.
“It sounds like it,” Rae interjected. Corpse rolled his eyes dramatically, but he didn’t oppose the idea; neither did Y/N. Rae quickly started the game, letting the tension ease between everyone. Corpse and Y/N got imposter together.
“Oh my god finally,” Y/N said into the mic as she started faking tasks, “Chat, please stop saying I’m blushing, you aren’t helping,” she giggled as she continued the game. She raised her hand to her cheek, feeling the warmth.
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rhysismydaddy · 3 years
Prisoner's Game Pt. 4 (Rowaelin)
Parts 1 \ 2 \ 3
Journal Entry #2000
Sometimes I think it wouldn't be so bad to die.
To leave this island forever and not have to worry about being discovered anymore.
I wasn't always this macabre, but two thousand days of checking over my shoulder and wishing for a man's murder has dulled the wishful excitement I felt when I first got here.
Five years ago, I was grateful to even be alive.
I couldn't believe a stranger give up everything for me and the others--couldn't believe she'd agree to fight this battle because of my decision.
I have to actually remind myself to still be grateful to her, if I'm being honest.
Because sometimes I think about that night all those years ago, when she showed up in the darkest part of the night to kill me. When she'd held the knife with a trembling hand and told me that the price for betraying Arobynn Hamel was my life. When we discovered together that she couldn't bring herself to kill me.
Sometimes I think it would be better if she would've just done it.
At least it would've been over.
At least I wouldn't have to spend years on an island, living the same day over and over again. I think that's what's driving me mad, beyond anything else.
The predictability of my time.
Every day, I follow the same routine. The routine she laid out for me in a hushed whisper.
I wake up and go to the small café a mile down the road to watch the news. And every day, I pray to see Arobynn Hamel's face next to to the words, "Breaking news: billionaire crime boss found dead."
Because that was her only stipulation.
That the ten of us would stay on the island, hidden from sight, until news of his death was announced. In exchange, we got to live.
She'd warned me it would take a long time.
She'd told me to not get complacent.
And then she'd whispered what she planned to do.
Even now, over five years later, the words she'd whispered while shoving a plane ticket and a new passport into my hands were crystal clear.
"The devil isn't going to go down easy."
The shaft of her recently-fashioned shiv was cold in her hand as she silently grabbed it from under her pillow.
The soft clink of the bars shutting again told her whoever had just snuck in her cell was now locked in with her.
Unfortunate for them.
She wasn't afforded the luxury of a clock, but she knew it was the middle of the night. Normal visiting hours were far over. There was no one here but the bored night guards, four janitorial staff, and rows and rows of sleeping inmates.
And the idiot trying to sneak up behind her bed.
She kept her eyes closed as she listened to the quiet steps walk closer and closer. Right when she was about to turn around and attack, they stopped.
Then the weirdest thing happened. It sounded like whoever it was slid down the wall directly across from her bed.
A killer wouldn't do that.
Curiosity piqued, Aelin turned her head to see who and what was going on.
It was dark in the cell, but she'd recognize that shock of silver hair anywhere.
"Rowan?" she whispered, so quietly she almost didn't even hear herself. "What are you doing here?"
He didn't respond, but the way his muscles tensed told her he'd heard her.
Slowly, she sat up so she could see him better and maybe figure out what was going on.
For the first time in a long time, he looked less than perfect. Far less than it, actually.
His hair was going every possible direction, like he'd been running hands through it and pulling on it. He was wearing a gray t-shirt, rumpled dress slacks, and tennishoes that weren't even tied.
But that wasn't what worried her most. It was the way he was sitting completely still and silent.
He didn't even look like he was breathing.
"Hey," she tried again. "What's going on? Look at me."
Another few heartbeats passed, and then he slowly shook his head.
"Please, Rowan. Just look at me."
He winced, like hearing her say his name physically hurt him.
And then his head came up.
Deep green eyes met hers, and even though it was what she'd wanted, what she'd needed, Aelin instantly wished he'd look away.
Because with one look, she knew he'd figured it out.
He knew, and the pain and turmoil in his eyes... she'd put that there.
She'd seen him angry and sad and happy and everything in between, but she'd never seen him, or anyone else, look so broken.
He looked completely and utterly broken as he sat before her.
"Rowan," she whispered, shaking her head even though she didn't know why.
He bowed his head again, seemingly unable to even look at her.
"Ro," she whispered, dropping to her knees in front of him.
Almost like the old nickname broke something inside him, Rowan's shoulders started to shake.
And then he sobbed.
It was the kind of sob that couldn't possibly be held in. The kind that made her heart clench and tears brew in her own eyes, the kind that told her how much pain he was in.
Tears ran down her cheeks as she put a hand on his arm. He shook off the touch like it burned him and looked up at her again.
"I ruined your life," he croaked, the tears on his face reeking of self-hatred. "I ruined your life."
She shook her head. "No, you didn't."
Anger bled into his tone. "I put you in prison for eight years for murdering people who aren't even fucking dead, Aelin. I didn't listen to you, didn't look hard enough. I've had the clues you left me for eight years. We were in love, and I didn't even try hard enough to... I... please explain to me how I didn't ruin your life."
"You did not ruin my life, Rowan," she told him again, meaning every word.
"Eight years of your life, gone because of me. I don't even understand how you can look at me." He huffed a laugh, but he was far from amused. "No wonder you hate me."
His chest was heaving, his hands were in fists, and his stubble-crested jaw was damp with tears.
And she'd thought he hadn't cared.
Aelin felt like a fool--a horrible, stupid fool--for ever doubting him. For thinking him indignant.
Because this was technically what she'd wanted. What she'd planned to happen.
She'd wanted it to hurt, had wanted him to feel an ounce of what she'd felt when he'd led the case against her.
But it wasn't what she wanted anymore.
Moving slowly, Aelin crawled onto his lap, put her hands on the side of his face, and lifted his gaze to hers while she said, "Arobynn Hamel ruined my life, not you."
He shook his head, breathing heavily. "No-"
She cut him off by wrapping herself around him.
Like she was trying to heal physical wounds, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled his head to her chest. She sank into him until there wasn't an inch of space between them. Her hands wandered over his back as she held him tight to her.
He was stiffer than a board at first, but eventually he sagged against her, wrapping his arms around her in return.
It was like he was drowning in the sea, and she was the only thing preventing him from being swept away. He shook, his entire body trembling, and his arms became a vice around her.
"I'm so sorry," he whispered after a moment.
She shook her head, but it didn't matter. He said it again, and again, and again, until his voice was hoarse and broken.
Aelin ran her hands over his back slowly, and just held him as pain he'd felt for eight years seemed to reach a crest.
Eventually he stopped crying and just laid against her, warm breath fanning across her collarbone.
"I'm so sorry, Aelin," he whispered yet again.
"Please stop saying that. None of this is your fault. You aren't the reason I'm in prison."
"Yes, I am," he insisted, shifting beneath her. "But I'm getting you out right now."
He looked up, eyes bright with new-found purpose, and wiped the tears off his cheeks like they were distracting him.
He nodded quickly. "We can bring those people back, and you can get your life back. I know it's not the same, and I know I can't get you these years back, but-"
He paused. "No?"
She shook her head. "I can't leave yet."
"Leave? What the hell does that mean?"
"It means I still have shit to do here. I'm not leaving before it's done."
His eyes narrowed. "You're acting like this is a hotel, not a high-security prison. And what do you even mean?"
Aelin had the good sense to feel a little guilty as she slowly got to her feet and walked to the wall at the back of the cell. A few well-placed taps later, it swung open.
Rowan's mouth dropped open, then closed, then repeated the whole routine like he couldn't decide what to say first.
He apparently figured it out, because it opened again so he accuse, "I knew you were robbing me! Where the fuck is my bed?"
She sighed and rubbed her temples. "That's what you care about right now? Seriously?"
He grumbled something as he got to his feet and leaned into the makeshift doorway in the wall.
It took him a few moments to examine the ladder leading down to the tunnel, and then he straightened and looked at her again with a mixture of confusion, awe, and understanding on his face.
"You've been sneaking out this whole time."
She nodded.
Most of her escapes had been in the past six months, but she'd occasionally left in the years before to check on something or track down a lead.
"You beat up your roommate so they'd put you back in solitary."
Aelin nodded again.
"But how did you know they'd bring you to this cell?"
A small smile pulled on her lips. "Look again," she told him, gesturing towards the open brick door.
He stuck his head in the hole again and couldn't stifle his surprised intake of breath as he saw the other ladders.
He came back in the cell, and the expression on his face made her bite her lip to hold back a smile. "You... you tunneled into prison?"
"Into every solitary cell," she confirmed.
"When? Why?"
"One of my old jobs for Arobynn was to break a client of his out of solitary. I knew which cell he was in, but... getting locked up is kind of a right of passage for my former career, so I figured I'd plan ahead and give myself a way out, should I ever need it." She smiled. "Hamel never could figure out how I did it, so it's safe for me to use now."
Rowan spent a long moment looking at her. "That's... genius."
"I tend to be," she agreed.
They were both silent for a minute, then he said, "You need to tell me everything. Enough of both of us wasting time assuming what the other is thinking. We need to get everything out in the open, and we need to do it now."
Aelin nodded, knowing it was true.
It was time to either finally trust him or kill him, and just the thought of the latter made something inside of her twist so hard she felt nauseous.
She nodded to the tunnel, not wanting to have the following conversation overheard by any prying ears. He nodded and followed her down, closing the door behind him.
When she knew they were alone, she started to explain.
"Maddison Kliff, my first so-called victim, funded her campaign for senator with money from Arobynn Hamel."
Rowan's eyebrows went up in surprise, but he nodded for her continue.
"He gave it to her, with the caveat that when she won, she'd vote against renewable energy for Rifthold. He has millions in oil, so when she did the exact opposite and voted for the green plan that switched the city to 70% electric, he took a pretty hard hit." She took a deep breath. "The day after the vote, I got my orders to kill her."
His jaw clenched.
"I went that night, thinking I could do it. Thinking I'd get it over with and never think about it again. I snuck in her townhouse and had everything set up." She let out a laugh. "But then I realized my deal with Arobynn covered ten of Sam's jobs. If I killed Maddison, and did a good enough job of it to get away with it, I knew he'd put nine more names on the list."
"So you didn't do it," Rowan said, like he already knew but needed to hear her say it.
"So I didn't do it."
Aelin ran a hand through her hair, starting to pace. "I ran. And then I went back the next night with a suitcase, a new ID for her, and a plan."
"Why Aruba?" he asked.
"I'd done all that research for our trip," she said, a pang of sadness shooting through her at the memory of planning their first vacation together. "I didn't have time to research another place. And I never told you, but the house I wanted us to rent? You kind of... own it."
"I own a house in Aruba," he repeated slowly, his tone making it clear he didn't understand.
She rolled her eyes at his tone. "Arobynn might be a bastard I'd love to put in a grave, but he paid me well. I was eighteen and didn't know what else to do with the money. So I bought a house."
"In Aruba. In my name."
She nodded. "No one can trace it back to you. It's hidden in an off-shore corporation, owed by another off-shore corporation, but technically, yes, you're the owner. It was going to be your Christmas present."
"You bought me a house," his lips twitched. "For a Christmas present."
"I was in love with you," she muttered. Then pointed out, "My lack of shopping impulse control really isn't the point of the story."
He rolled his eyes, still fighting a grin at her antics. "Please continue."
"Right. So I sent her to the house in Aruba and told her to stay at the house with anyone else he wanted me to kill. I told her to not say a word to anyone besides those people, and that I'd be forced to actually kill her if she did. If Arobynn finds out they're alive, he'll send someone for me."
She explained the list next. "He requires proof of all completed jobs, so I kept the "murder weapons" and made sure the crime scenes had enough blood to indicate the person couldn't still be alive. It was mostly fake, but I took just enough blood from each of the victims and mixed it in to make it realistic enough to fool DNA scanners. Then I put the weapons in storage lockers he owns and wrote the numbers down so I wouldn't forget them."
Rowan nodded, most certainly remembering that part.
He was doing a good job of hiding his emotions, but she still saw how heavily this all weighed on him.
Everything he'd been feeling for eight years was hitting him at once, and while explanation made sense, it probably didn't make him feel any better about the role he'd played in all of this.
He confirmed it by asking, "Why didn't you tell me?"
He asked it almost casually, but she didn't miss the pain he couldn't keep from seeping into his voice.
"I wanted to," she breathed. "Gods, I wanted to. I know now you investigated before giving the list to the cops, but to me, it looked like you found it and just turned me in. You never asked me. And you looked at me... you looked at me like you thought I was guilty. I knew you wouldn't believe me."
Rowan went quiet, regret and shame coming off of him in waves so thick she almost choked on it.
"How is all of this going to play out?" he asked, seemingly trying to force himself to think about something else. "And what do you have to do that you need to be in prison for?"
She hesitated, suddenly not wanting to tell him.
Not out of a lack of trust, but because if she told him... he'd realize she's guilty of the crime she's in prison for. He might go back to hating her, back to thinking her a horrible person.
And she just got him back.
She's pulled from her thoughts when he reaches a hand out, slowly gripping her jaw to tilt her face to his.
"I'm not going anywhere," he said, the words final.
Of course he knew what she was thinking just from looking at her face. He always was a little too astute.
A part of Aelin wanted to put on a brave face and act like that wasn't exactly what she'd been worrying about, but a bigger part wanted him. Wanted him to see that even after all this time, she needed him.
So she forced down the witty jokes and sultry smiles she usually used as ways to hide her vulnerability and looked up at him.
He closed his eyes and shook his head slowly. "I promise, Aelin."
His hand was still on her face, and he leaned in until his forehead rested against hers. "I'm never going to leave you again. I'm so... I'm so fucking sorry I did in the first place. I should've come to you, or at least listened when you told me you were innocent."
"I'm sorry I thought you didn't fight for me," she said back. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."
They'd both done things they regretted, but Aelin knew that now, no matter what, he was telling the truth. He wasn't going to leave her.
The knowledge felt like a weight lifting off her shoulders, and just to lighten the mood, she whispered, "And I'm sorry I stole your bed."
He pulled back to glare at her. "You're going to explain one day how you even pulled that off. But I'd like the answer to my other question first."
Aelin took a step back and ran a hand through her hair.
"Arobynn Hamel dying is the endgame, Rowan. I have to stay in prison so I can kill him and have an alibi no one will question."
He paused, and for a moment, her fears skyrocketed, so she rushed to explain, "As long as he's alive, those people have to be in hiding and I have to look like I killed them. Once he's dead, I can bring them back without worrying Arobynn will kill them. Or me."
He gave her a strange look, but she spoke before he could, explaining, "It's why I've been in prison for so long. I would've killed him and ended it years ago, but I only found him a couple months ago. He's been in hiding ever since I was locked up, because the FBI knew I was one of his and started looking for him."
"Okay, but Aelin-"
She cut him off. "I know it's insane and not at all ideal, but I need you to leave me in here. Just until he's dead, and then it's over."
He stepped forward and grabs her shoulders, shaking her slightly.
And then he did the weirdest thing.
He smiled.
"What the hell do you look happy about?" she demanded. "I'm being serious-"
It was his turn to interrupt her. "Aelin, if that's the stipulation, you're already free."
Unease drifted through her stomach. "What do you mean?"
"I mean he's already dead."
Shock rushed through her so fast and thoroughly, her vision swam and she swayed in his grip. "What... what did you just say?"
"That's why I came today, now. I actually figured out you were innocent two days ago, but I wasn't going to come until I could tell you with certainty I was getting you out, and I knew you couldn't bring everyone back without risking your life. I've spent the past 48 hours planning a jailbreak and a way to sneak you to somewhere the US doesn't have extradition."
He grinned again. "But then it was announced on the 11 o'clock news tonight that he died last week of pneumonia complications. His family kept it private because they wanted a small funeral, but he's dead, Aelin."
Still feeling the weight of shock, she argued, "He's not dead."
"But he is."
"No," she insisted, pushing away from him and starting to pace again. "He can't be dead."
His face softened at the panic in her voice. "Aelin, I know you wanted it to be you, but-"
"No, Rowan, you don't understand. I mean he cannot physically be dead, because I haven't finished killing him!"
It was his turn to be shocked.
"What do you mean you haven't finished killing him?"
She took a deep breath, trying to keep her emotions in check. "I've been poisoning him since the day I figured out where he holes up. Turns out he has kidney problems and goes in once a week for dialysis. I show up and add a little... extra to his medication. The last time I went was less than a week ago, and while he might have been sick, he most definitely was still alive."
Besides that, what were the odds that Rowan figured out her "victims" were still alive, and just two days later Arobynn croaks?
It would be one hell of a coincidence, and Aelin learned long ago to not believe in those.
His eyes went wide. "What? You mean he faked his death? Why the hell would he do that?"
"Because," she said slowly, dread forming like a lead ball in her stomach as she realized what this meant for her, for the ten people whose lives she'd traded her freedom for. "I told Maddison and the others to wait for news of his death before coming back. I told them that until he was dead, they weren't safe."
She shook her head, whispering, "I told them to watch the news."
Rowan realized what she was saying and cursed.
"He knows."
Lemme know in the comments if you want to be tagged!
Part 5 will (realistically) be out in the next three weeks. Sorry for the slow updates; school is consuming all my time and energy.
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
Deep Six- Teen Titans x Aquagirl!Reader
Request: May I request an insert in the episode Deep Six where the titans meet Aqualad?
Summary: Robin makes you accompany this guy name Aqualad and Beast Boy. Will you be able to handle them or will their bickering tear you apart. Also you're a katara kinnie (i know ATLA didn't exist then but still) This episode is Season 1 Episode 8!
Pairings: Platonic!Aqualad x reader, Robin x reader if you squint
Word Count: 4314
A/N: this time i decided not to split up the episode and post it as one! I made them meet for the first time here, so the Aqua kids don't bond much yet, but if you want to see more, feel free to request! (click here for guidelines) Also yes I also ended this one with "anyone up for pizza" thats all i know how to do to end a fan ficbskghs
“Ahhhh, don’t you just love the ocean?” you admired the shallow sea, the blue water flowing by you. The others prepared for launch, reading off the status of the T-Sub.
“Main power online.”
“Oxygen tanks at maximum”
“Defensive system active”
Beast boy hums confidently. “And your new secret weapon is ready to rock.”
Cyborg rolls his eyes through the headset. “Only time you qualify as a secret weapon is after eating a tofu bean burrito.” You stifled a giggle as Beast Boy yells in protest.
“Uh, 'scuse me, bud. Can you breathe underwater? Uh-uh. Can you be any fish in the sea?”
You shrugged your shoulders and smirked. “Cyborg can’t but I can. And I can breathe underwater without being a fish so I guess I’m just as much of a secret weapon as you, BB.”
You found out that you could breathe underwater a few days after you and the others formed the Teen Titans. You were surfing for the first time since that day when you fell off your board. You had accidentally inhaled underwater, and to your relief, you found that you were able to breathe in the ocean water with no problem. You offered to swim outside the sub on your own, but the team didn’t want you to get hurt, so you were stuck in the small confines of your own pod of the T-sub.
Robin ignores you three’s bickering. “We have to find out what this Trident guy is planning,” he says. “If it takes forty barrels of toxic waste, I doubt it's environmentally friendly.”
The engines warm up, the vessel humming to life. “Titan Launch!” Robin exclaims and the T-sub shoots through a tunnel and into the Jump CIty Bay. You watch in awe at the ocean life around you. Now that you had a connection to the ocean, your perspective on ocean life had changed. You clutch your seashell necklace as you continue to take in the view of the ocean, ignoring Beast Boy showing off his teeth and Cyborg turning off his mic as a result. Robin’s voice snaps you back into reality.
“Sonar contact. Beast Boy! Aquagirl! Ready to go?”
You gave a quick smile. “On it.” You unbuckle your harness and the dome unlatched, allowing you to swim out. Beast Boy gave a mischievous smirk.
“Dude, I was born ready. Try not to be jealous.” He aimed the second comment at Raven, who looked at him indifferently. Beast Boy quickly swam out of his pod and transformed into a whale.
“He just put on three hundred thousand pounds. I am so jealous.” she notes sarcastically.
You and Beast Boy made silent eye contact before swimming towards the cargo ship, examining its destroyed remains. He turns into a shark to keep investigating, and you follow his lead. You couldn’t help but feel that you were being watched, as you swam around the ship. Suddenly, out of the corner of your eye, you see a green figure; not a bright green like Beast Boy’s but a sicker, murkier green. You point at the green man as he swam away, and you and Beast Boy immediately bolt after it, the T-sub following behind.
Your black scuba shoes propelled you forward, and you aimed blasts of water towards the figure, but it kept dodging your shots. The monster, whom you now assumed was Trident, fired his weapon at you and Beast Boy, and when you dodged, it hit the T-sub. You forced yourself to continue to chase after Trident, hoping that the vessel was also capable of dodging his shots.
You and Beast Boy were nearing close to catching Trident when a voice rang in your head. It wasn’t yours, nor Beast Boy’s; it was clear, belonging to someone no older than you were.
“Your friends are in danger.” you heard. You and Beast Boy both stopped in your tracks, looking at each other in shock. You realized that the T-sub was no longer following you.
“Our friends are in what? Whoa! How did you say that? Dude! How did I say that? Hey!” Beast Boy also says in your mind. You turn to see the T-sub being attacked, and shot off without waiting for Beast Boy.
“Dude, questions are for later! Let’s go!” You order, not even entirely sure how you were able to talk either. You approach the vessel, which was being destroyed by Trident, who you swore you were just chasing.
Suddenly, a figure knocked Trident down. Trident and the mystery person fought each other, moving so quickly that all you could see of the person was a blur of black and blue
You turn your attention to the T-sub, which was slowly sinking into a fissure on the seafloor. Water was filling up fast and a look of panic settled on your teammates faces (except Raven, who seemed to have accepted death). Your eyes glowed blue as you outstretched your arms towards the damaged vessel. Focusing on the water around the titans, you forced the leaks to cease and the descent into the fissure to stop. Your muscles burned as you kept your stance; holding the vessel in place underwater was similar to holding it up on your arms above ground. Beast Boy raced to help as you struggled to keep grip when suddenly, two whales came and carried the sub on their backs.
You let go of the ship and breathe a sigh of relief. Beast Boy sees you almost passing out and comes to your side, now in the form of a squid. Instead of comforting you, he complains about the whales' help.
"They got it? How come they got it?"
A familiar voice rang in your head again. "Because I asked for their help." The voice belonged to the guy who was fighting Trident before. He comes to your other side and supports your other arm, putting it around his neck.
"You talk to fish? Yeah right. And let go of her!"
"You guys need help, and I'm talking to you right?" He glared at Beast Boy, keeping his grip on you.
Beast Boy was about to reply when you held your hand up in front of his squid face. "Beast Boy, I'm a solid five seconds from collapsing. I'm fine with the help."
The guy in blue gave a small smile. "And it's called telepathy. Let's go."
The three of you swam into a cavern. As you entered, the T-sub was floating on the water's surface and although it was extremely damaged, it managed to keep your teammates safe. You nodded to Beast Boy and the other teen and they let you go as you approach the other titans.
Raven asked, "where are we?"
"My place," the mysterious teen answered. "I told the whales to bring you here."
Raven and Starfire both blushed and gave bashful thank yous. You stared at them. Are they… in love with the new guy???, you thought, confused.
Beats Boy seemed angrier than ever. "He saved you?" He yelled, turning back into his human form. "Hel-lo? I was there too, you know."
Cyborg raised an eyebrow. "Were you? Because if anything I remember Aquagirl keeping us from drowning. What, you stopped Trident from kebabbing us with that souped up shrimp fork?"
"Way to go!" Robin said sarcastically. Beast Boy stuttered a response, but the blue teen interrupted.
"Aquagirl, huh? Well, I'm Aqualad. Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier, we Atlanteans like to keep a low profile."
You shake his hand, now taking in what Aqualad looked like. He was half a foot taller than you, with slicked back hair and black pupils. He wore a bodysuit with blue scales and black accents. He had nice features, but you couldn't figure out why the other girls were drooling over him, so you kept that thought to yourself.
"You're from Atlantis? That's so cool!" You say.
He nodded. "So is Trident." He opens up a hologram from a table in the cavern. "He's the worst criminal in Atlantis, with an ego to match."
He continues a sideshow filled with pictures of the sickly green monster. "Trident claims he's perfect in every way so he thinks he can do whatever he wants."
"Any ideas what he wants to do with all that toxic waste?" Robin asked.
"Whatever it is, it'll be bad for both our worlds. He's already gained some kind of new power. It's like he can be everywhere at once." Aqualad says.
"Noticed that," Raven says sarcastically.
"As long as we're after the same guy, maybe we can help each other." He looks at the six of you.
Your eyes sparkle. "Of co-" you begin, but Beast Boy pushed you out of the way.
"Whoa, hey, no, we're good. Got the whole Trident thing under control. 'Sides, I'm sure there's a school of minnows somewhere that need your--" He rejects Aqualad's offer, much to you and the other's dismay. Robin pulls him back, and the six of you group huddled.
"We're at the bottom of the ocean," Raven notes.
"Our sub is Swiss cheese." Cyborg adds.
"I almost died back there," You say.
"And we cannot breathe water," Starfire mentions.
Robin is the first to break away from the huddle. "We'll take any help you can give us." He says to Aqualad.
Aqualad nods and has some amphibian guy named Tramm fix the T-sub. He turns back to us. "While he's helping you, I'll track down Trident. " He turns to go into the ocean again, but Beast Boy intersects.
"You mean I'll track down Trident," He says, pushing him a little
Aqualad pushes him back a little harder. "That's ok, I can handle it."
"Thanks, but I think I should do this."
"Seriously, I can take care of it!"
The five of you watched as their quarrel turned into an all out brawl, and suddenly you couldn't take it anymore.
"GUYS," You yell, causing a wall of water to shoot up next to them to grab their attention. They both stared at you wide eyed. "Stop. The. Fighting." You say with a stern expression.
"Why don't you two both go track him down together?" Robin offers, but the two teens cross their arms and scoff.
"I usually work alone." Aqualad says.
"Yeah. Me too."
"You do not! You're part of a team!"
"And you hang out with Tramm the fish boy! What's your point?"
"Hey! Arguing isn't going anywhere. Listen, Aquagirl can go with you. That'll make sure you stay on task." Robin commands, and you perk up at the sound of your name. You quickly pulled him aside.
"What the hell man?? They obviously don't like each other, you should have seen how much they fought on the way here!." You argue, and Robin looks at you through his masked eyes.
"You're the only other person who can survive underwater, they're gonna need you. Besides, you're great at handling conflicts; you'll be fine." He says with a smile. You blush a little at his comment, and sighed.
"Alright Rob, you can count on me” You return to the rest of the group and the three of you jump into the ocean.
As you headed towards the bottom of the ocean, you decided to ask Aqualad a question that's been bothering you.
“Hey Aqualad,” you say telepathically. “Before you said that you were able to communicate with sea animals. How come you’re able to communicate with me?”
“I don’t know actually,” Aqualad admits, still swimming next to you. He points to your necklace. “I’m guessing it's because of your necklace.” He stops to examine it. Beast Boy groans and stops as well. It glowed a little in his hand as he read the ancient text off of it.
“The Shell of Poseidon,” He read out loud. “I recognize this from the library in Atlantis. Only Atlanteans can use its powers, so you must be Atlantean then, right?”
“Woah! I’m not Atlantean, I’ve never even been there,” you sputter, absolutely shocked at what the teen said.
“Well, you must have some blood in you,” he shrugged. “Hey, maybe we’re cousins or something.”
You grin. “Aquacousin? I like the sound of that!”
Beast Boy interrupts your moment. “Ok, haha, family is fun and all, but while you were floating around finding out parts of your identity or whatever, I’ve actually found something on my sonar so, try to keep up.” He swims off, leaving you two to follow him. You expected to see the sea monster, but instead came upon a group of dolphins.
“No offense B.B. but these don't look like Trident to me.” you smirk.
Aqualad swims up to the dolphins, focusing on his telepathy. The dolphins swim up together and Aqualad turns to you and Beast Boy.
“They told me where to find Trident. Try to keep up.” He mocks Beast Boy, then swims with the dolphins. You look at Beast Boy, who seemed pretty grumpy, and turn to follow Aqualad.
You tailed behind as the two boys raced each other, Beast Boy turning into various aquatic creatures to catch up with the equally competitive teen. Then you see it. In front of them, Trident swam into view. You and Aqualad stop on instinct, but Beast Boy keeps going.
"Beast Boy! Stop!" You both yell, as he barrels straight towards Trident.
"What's the matter?" He taunts. "Am I too fast for y-"
You winced as you watched him crash into the sea monster and fall to the floor.
"Heh… how's it going," Beast Boy says telepathy to the monster towering over him. Trident growled.
"Keep your thoughts to yourself, you inferior fool!" He pointed his well, trident at beast boy and fires; Beast Boy barely dodges it.
Aqualad tackles Trident and they fall off an underwater ridge.
"Oh no you! This time he's mine!" Beast Boy yells, following Aqualad to the ridge.
"Beast Boy wai-" you yell, but was cut off by something grazing the side of your head. You turn, and see Trident swing his weapon at you. You dodged his next swing, wondering how he was able to get to you right after being attacked by Aqualad. You send him flying across the ocean with your water powers, when you hear Beast Boy yelling. You turn to see Beast Boy in squid form latched onto Aqualad's face. You could see Trident swim away from the corner of your eye as you swam to pull Beast Boy off of Aqualad. Aqualad glares at Beast Boy, his face peppered with red dots from Beast Boy's accidental attack.
“I said, ‘incoming’” he defends himself. Aqualad ignores him and points to another figure swimming into a grotto.
“He’s getting away!” Aqualad swims away, Beast Boy following.
“Wait-” you say, confused. Didn't you just send Trident flying in the other direction? How did he move so quickly? You reluctantly followed your friends into the cavern. You joined them as they observed the two tunnels that split off into two different directions.
“What are we gonna do now?” you think out loud.
“Maybe the question is where were you guys?” Aqualad snaps, turning to the two of you. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion while Beast Boy swims forward to be face to face with Aqualad.
“Where was I? Fighting Trident by myself!” He jabbed a squid tentacle into Aqualads shoulder.
“You barely laid a tentacle on him! At least I managed to break his weapon!”
“Dude, that's just wrong. I so broke that fork thing!”
“BOYS!” you yell. “I also fought Trident and I sent him in the opposite direction, and now he's here. There's something going on…” The two began to think, but then perked their heads up. They then point at opposite tunnels.
“There he goes!” they yell at the same time. You stare at the two of them in even deeper confusion. Beast boy swims up to you, making eye contact.
“I saw him! He's that way! I'm right, he's wrong! End of story!” He crosses his tentacles. Aqualad pushes Beast Boy aside so that you were now staring at his dark pupils.
"I'm telling you, he's this way!"
"GUYS, we can just split up," You say flatly, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration. "Aqualad I'm sure you can handle yourself, so I'll go with Beast Boy."
"Aw sweet!- Heyyy…" Beast Boy says to your backhanded comment. Aqualad nods and swims off into the tunnel.
You and Beast Boy were alone in the tunnel when you sighed.
"B.B., why do you keep picking fights with Aqualad?" You asked, still looking ahead. Beast Boy turns to you, acting shocked.
"ME??? It's not my fault Mr. Pretty-Boy-Know-It-All keeps showing off!" He whines.
"Dude, he's just trying to help us. Maybe you should-" you were cut off by a loud booming voice.
"Worthless scum! You cannot beat perfection!" Trident bellowed from behind you. You and Beast Boy turned, already in a fighting position.
"How many of you fork things do you have?" He mumbled as you charged forward.
You dodged his energy bolts, Trident in return dodging your attempts to push him farther back. Beast Boy turns into a turtle, pulling his arms and legs inside. Trident threw his weapon and it bounced off of him, flying into you and sending the two of you hurtling through the water.
"I always win!" You hear him say as you regain your stance. Beast Boy turns into a giant crab, grabbing onto Trident's weapon.
"And I thought Aqualad had a big ego!" He yelled telepathically.
"BEAST BOY GET BACK!" You yell. He swiftly let go, and you shot a jet of water towards Trident, sending him flying into a cavern wall. The cavern shakes, and a mass of boulders come crashing down. All you could see was a crushed trident sticking out from under the rocks. You breathed a sigh of relief until you felt a searing pain in your leg. You look and see a burn mark; Trident probably hit you before you buried him in a pile of rocks. Beast Boy looks at you, a worried expression in his eyes (despite being in the form of an ocean animal).
“I’ll be fine,” you grimace. “Let's find a way out first.” You painstakingly swim until you find a cave similar to Aqualads. You drag yourself towards the land as Beast Boy turns back into his human form. Right after you pull yourself up, you see Aqualad jump out of the water. He sees the two of you, and runs to meet up with you. He and Beast Boy begin to talk at the same time.
“ I just saw Trident!... No, you didn't!... Yes, I did! Cut it out!”
“I don’t care what you say! I fought Trident!” Beast Boy yelled, a vein nearly jumping out of his forehead.
"That's impossible!" Aqualad counters, his fists clenched so tight you thought you saw blood.
They both seemed to be prepared to fight each other. You jumped in between them, holding both their heads back as they flail their arms, trying to get a hit at each other.
"You know," You begin, silencing the two boys. "When Robin asked me to join you guys, I didn't want to. You two are heroes that just met each other and you were already fighting! But he told me that I could handle it and he's right! I can handle the both of you; but it seems to me that you guys can't handle each other. So here's what's gonna happen: I'm gonna heal myself because oh right! I got BURNT and you two are gonna talk it out." You let go of the boys, and they watched as you limped over to the edge of the water, plopped yourself down, and started pulling the ocean water to your leg. You listened in a little as you concentrated the water on your leg. It only took a few seconds to heal your burn, it was only surface level and you had gotten better at using your healing powers. They were still talking as you noticed what was in front of you: hundreds of Trident clones and yellow Trident capsules-eggs attached to the ceiling.
"Uh guys…" you say, rejoining them, but they had seen it too.
"One Trident is bad…" Aqualad says.
"... but this is…" Beast Boy adds.
"... an entire …" You say.
"...ARMY!" One of the tridents finishes your thought.
They all charge, and the three of you brace or impact. You raise your arms and a wave of water takes out a small group of the monster clones. You dodge their attacks, shooting jets of water at their heads. You see Beast Boy get flung into a machine, and an egg hatching sequence begins on the screen. You regroup with the other boys in front of the machine.
"Oops," Beast Boy said sheepishly.
"Great," Aqualad groaned as the clones began to close in.
"We need a plan," You mumble.
A group of the clones began to speak.
"My brilliant plan is already a success"
"If one of me was perfect…"
"Why not make more?"
"You can never have too much of a good thing"
"Once my army conquers Atlantis…"
"I will declare war on the surface world! Everyone on the planet will bow down before me"
"And praise my perfection!"
Aqualad whispers to the both of you as the clones cheer. "Any bright ideas?"
Beast Boy whispered back. "Just one. Try to keep up." He turned to the clones. "So if you're all perfect, which one of you is the best?" He asked.
One of the tridents answered. "I am!... Huh?"
As soon as you understood what Beast Boy was doing, you grinned. Aqualad stepped up.
"Come on. You can't all be the best." He says.
"One of you must be better than the others," You add.
One of the tridents step forward. "I am the original!I am the best!"
"You are not the original"
"I am!" Multiple tridents yell at once.
"Nonsense you inferior fools! I am perfect! I am Trident! "
You watch in amusement as the clones turn on each other and the fight turns into a full on brawl. The fight eventually ends, and all the tridents laid on the ground, defeated. Aqualad turns to Beast Boy.
"Great idea," He says. You noticed that there were no hints of sarcasm in his voice. Whatever they said to each other earlier must have made them work better together, you figured.
"Kinda got it from you," Beast Boy says."Now we just have to stop those from hatching." He points to the yellow pod filled ceiling. Right as he said that, the screen on the machine behind you hit 0 on the timer and the word "begin" flashed on the screen.
"Too late!" The three of you yelled at the same time. New Trident clones were breaking through their membrane "eggs". Beast Boy instinctively turns into a hippopotamus and tramples the crowd, creating a path to the ocean. You and Aqualad sprint behind Beast Boy, dodging the clones' outstretched arms. You all dive into the water, the Tridents close behind.
"We can't let them escape! We need to find some way of sealing the exit!" Aqualad yells telepathically.
"Right now, I'm just worried about getting to the exit." Beast Boy replies. You didn't look back, but you could feel the clones closing in. As you got closer to the exit you saw a familiar looking silhouette.
"The T-sub!" You exclaimed as you swam out of the cave. The clones stop in their tracks in confusion.
"Huh?" You hear one of them say.
You moved out of the way as the sub sent beams towards the entrance of the cave. The Blast caused a pile of rubble to fall, blocking the exit. You smile at your team who's cheering (along with Aqualad’s friend Tramm) inside their pods. The three of you turn bad to observe the T-sub’s work.
“Good thing Trident likes himself so much, 'cause I'm thinking he won't see anybody else for a looong time.” Beast Boy says.
You find yourself on the surface again, on the shore of the Titan’s Tower. Raven and Starfire both continue to look at Aqualad with heart eyes as Robin steps forward.
“Consider yourself an honorary titan” he says with a smile, holding out a familiar black and yellow communicator for him to take. “We couldn't have done it without you. Thanks.”
“Right back at you. It's good to know there's people up here I can trust.” Aqualad looks at you and Beast boy. He says goodbye to Raven and Starfire, who blushingly say it back. He then turns to Beast Boy.
“What can I say, dude? You're the best.” Beast Boy says.
“Nah. You're the best.”
“Yeah, you're right. And if you ever want me to prove it, I'm always up for a race.”
“Just try and keep up.” Aqualad laughs, patting his head. He finally turned to you.
“Aquagirl, it's been really nice to meet you. Next time you’re near Atlantis, give me a call and I’ll show you around. There's so much to show you,” he stretched out his hand for a handshake, but you pulled him in for a hug. He was surprised at your gesture, but soon returned it. Raven and Starfire looked at you with pure envy as you pulled back with a smile.
“I’ll take your word for it, Aquacousin” you say, making a reference to your nickname for him earlier. He laughs, then waves goodbye. The six of you wave back as he swims back into the ocean. Robin gently put his hand on your shoulder.
“You did a great job today Aquagirl. I knew I could count on you.”
“You know you can always count on me, dude.” you say with a smile. “Now I’m kinda hungry. Anyone up for pizza?”
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Brothers + the now dateables with an MC who just can’t remember names that are like three syllables or more so they just refer to everyone by their nicknames. The mc is still new and does it and when someone says anything they’re just like “it’s your fault for having a long ass name”
I finally return to writing headcanons wow that only took me a year am I right? Ahahaha I had nearly 200 followers and I’m laughing cause I’m slowly watching them leave me. 😎😭
Jokes aside I’m doing MUCH better after resting for a long time. Mentally and physically! So here you go.
Warning LONG aha aha 🥺😭 I feel like this is shorter than my usual ones. I got to get the hang of it again.
Brothers + Dateables with a GN!MC who can’t remember long names HC
When you were summoned to the devildom, you were pretty confused and filled with a lot of questions. Naturally, you’d refer to the people you were calling out to by name, but for some reason you just couldn’t remember them.
You finally found Lucifer, Diavolo, and Barbatos in the hallways, and approached them to ask a question. You forgot their whole names, but figured since you’ve got the first parts of each, that was good enough.
“Ah Luci, about the tasks for this week, what exactly does this part mean? And Dia, when do you want my report?” You asked them.
Lucifer was pretty mortified. He was also pissed. Did you just call him Luci? And more importantly, did you just cal THE lord Diavolo some kind of stupid nickname?
Diavolo on the other hand was laughing at the nickname you gave Lucifer. You were being scolded by Lucifer, and Diavolo was about to pipe in before you said, “It’s not my fault you have a long ass name, like damn, I could write the entire report by the time I finish saying your name.”
Lucifer is really angry at your behaviour at first but since Diavolo is fine with it... and then he soon realizes you literally can’t remember any of his brothers names with more than three syllables too.
He’ll probably try to give you food or drinks that help with your memory, and eventually finds you calling him Luci cute. Will immediately get angry if anyone else tries to call him that.
Mammon was one of the first people you met, and one of the brother’s whose full name you can actually remember. He takes great pride in that!
His name was the first his human remembered and knows by heart! Of course! He is The Great Mammon.
Also kind of sad he doesn’t get a cute nickname! Please give him a cute nickname, he wants to feel special too, or very close to you, he craves contact and affection.
The first time he heard you refer to Lucifer as “Luci” he almost lost it. Thought you were going to die and tried to pick you up and run. So surprised when Lucifer only sighed, and responded to your question.
You had to explain to him you can’t remember names that are long, and his is one of the only so far you can remember. When you refer to Diavolo as “Dia” he just genuinely wonders how you do it, like aren’t you scared?
Well it’s not like it matters! You have The Great Mammon to protect ya’ AND you remember his name, it’s a win for him!
Originally Levi thought nothing of it when you referred to him as Levi, as that’s just what everyone else did. But then he started to notice you’d even refer to anime characters or idols as shortened nicknames.
You could pronounce Ruri easily, so he didn’t notice at first since Ruri was all he talked about, but when he said “Azuki” you kept calling her “Azu” or “Zuki”. He wondered why that was an asked.
You explain to him you just can’t remember “long ass fucking names” and anything with three or more syllables was a chore to remember, so there’s no way you were going to remember Azu’s name.
Finds it kind of sad for you, and difficult to understand what character you’re talking about. One time you kept saying a character from “that one show” and kept pouting while Levi’s head was grinding 3000 gears cause there’s at LEAST 5 characters that start with “Saku” like are you saying Sakura? Which!?
Scared for your life when you refer to Lucifer or Diavolo by their shortened names. Surprised to find out you’re completely safe. Soon comes to a realization you’ll just never be able to remember almost anyone’s name, no matter how hard he tries.
He drills it into your head about a certain character will a three syllable name but after the six hours of listening you just... forgot. Like literally the show’s name has the character’s name in it and you just forgot. Cue Levi sighing and calling you a normie.
One of the lucky three people spared from you forgetting his name. He didn’t realize it at first since Mammon, Levi, and Beel were all their names or family nicknames.
And then it clicks when you called Lucifer by “Luci”, in front of everyone, at dinner. You just said “Luci please hand me the salt” and Satan stared at you wide eyed.
Were you taunting Lucifer, or did you just have a death wish? Wait neither? You mean THE prideful lucifer just handed you the salt without a retort, or question why you called him that?
Questions you later afterwards about what was up about it, and when you tell him you don’t remember “long ass fucking names” it sort of clicks. Still sort of surprised that Lucifer isn’t pissed at you.
Will research human memory because he doesn’t think it’s normal. Like you can remember words with more than three syllables, but why not names?
Will DEFINITELY make fun of Lucifer for it. “Oh, how was your day, Luci?” And will also flaunt about how you remember his name but not Lucifer’s.
Also, like Levi, kind of sad you don’t remember the name of his book characters and just call them by their physical traits because at that point he doesn’t even know who you could refer to by his thousands of book.
Asmo finds the nicknames extremely adorable!! Probably makes it a trend on social media to start calling everyone you know cute nicknames.
He didn’t think much when you called him Asmo, but hearing you call Lucifer as Luci, Diavolo as Dia, and Barbatos as Barb or baby just had him smitten.
Definitely wants to use cute nicknames too, but Lucifer is threatening him. After finding out that you physically cannot remember names with three or more syllables, including Asmo’s full name, he feels kind of bad for you.
It must suck not to know the whole name of the world’s most beautiful man! And why he starts hearing you call Simeon “Simmie” or Solomon as “Solly” he definitely steals it and copies you.
Diavolo is happy too to have someone else call him by a casual nickname, and hopes it catches on, much to Lucifer’s dismay.
Will probably want you to call him something even cuter instead of Asmo, as your own special privilege, like “Azzy”. He gets to give you a cute nickname too, though.
Beel didn’t really notice at first, until Asmo and Satan pointed it out. He asked you if you remembered his name, and you just gave him a blank look and said “Beel, I love you, but you have a long ass name, and that’s not my fault.”
He doesn’t really care though, since you still know his nickname! But he is kind of worried for your memory. Are you okay, can you still remember other words? Do you remember the names of his food orders?
Has introduced you to his gym friends but you for the life of you, cannot remember any of their names. Finds it sort of funny how you just remember them as “leg guy” or “treadmill user”.
If anyone gets mad at you for shortening their name he will stand up for you! Baby understands that you just have trouble with remembering, and will defend you.
Finds this shit fucking hilarious. He’s often called Belphie, which you remember, so it’s not like it applies to him that much.
Kinda pissy how you can remember Mammon’s full name and not his, but there are benefits. He starts calling Lucifer “Luci” from now on and taunts him for being weak to a human.
Finds it funny, too, how you just tell people “your name is too fucking long” and call them by their first syllable or something similar.
He’s not really concerned about why you can’t remember names, okay maybe at first, did he kill you too hard? No? Okay.
He probably thinks you’re like him, can’t be assed to remember people’s shit names at times and remembers them based off looks.
Sleepy baby just wants to nap with you, names aren’t important.
The prince of devildom is extremely powerful, frightening, and no one would dare look down on him. He’s always used to people being formal with him, or trying to get on his good side.
However, one day, this small weak little human came into his realm and didn’t even care to remember his name. It entertained him a whole lot to say the least.
Diavolo doesn’t have a lot of people who’d be casual with him, so hearing you call him “Dia” for the first time made him really happy! He would love to hear you say it more often, and to be super casual around him.
When Lucifer or Barbatos tried to correct you and tell you to use his whole name, you only responded with, “No one has time to say his whole ass fucking name. I’m just gonna call him Dia.”
He’s amused, it’s so daring and bold of you to say that to some of the most powerful demons. Of course, if they continue to pester you about it he would step in and tell them that’s it’s fine and he likes it.
Diavolo also finds it super funny how you can’t remember anyone’s names and just shortens them. He might start calling Lucifer “Luci” too!
Other demons probably look at you like you’re crazy, for addressing their demon lord that way.
Barbatos is pretty stoic, but whenever you call him “baby” you can see a faint blush on his face. He isn’t used to nicknames or affection, so when you give it to him, he’s unsure how to react a bit.
He already knew you couldn’t remember names, and would be fine with you calling him “Barb”, which you did in public. But when it was just you and him, or when you were with the others you’d call him “baby”.
“You have a long ass name so I’ll just call you baby. You’re cute like one. Not to mention, it sounds like Barbie which sounds like Barba- what was your name?”
He is pretty fine with it, except when you call Lord Diavolo just as “Dia”. It’d be fine in private or with the others, but did you really have to yell out “Dia” in front of a bunch of lesser demons?
Overall, he just doesn’t mind. Will probably give you a list or notebook of everyone’s names, and physical traits. In case you forgot who was who based off names again.
Ah yes another exchange student! Hope he can get close to you. Okay, maybe calling him “Sol”, “Solo”, and “Solly” is a bit too close for someone you just met right?
When you explain how you just physically cannot remember names he kind of laughs at you and then realizes you’re serious. He knows some people have trouble remembering names, but wow, this was sort of unique. You can remember his first two syllables, why not just one more?
He gets used to it fairly quickly, though. Prefers if you call him “Solo” over the other nicknames, but finds it sort of cute when you call him “Solly” or “Sol”.
He will definitely use a nickname with you and call it a human thing, to try and make everyone else jealous.
The man with at least 5 60+ pact marks, the man who is an amazingly powerful sorcerer, the man who is labeled Devildom 2021’s “sketchiest” individual, is called “Solly”.
When he asked the reason to why you suggested Solly you just responded with “Reminds me of Sully from monsters inc”.
Simeon is a really nice person so he first figures you’re just being really nice and want to give everyone nicknames! And then he soon realizes you literally just cannot remember names.
He finds it sad how you can’t remember the name of his characters, or how you’ll never actually remember his full name, but really finds it cute how you’ve given him a nickname!
You call him “Sim” or “Simmie” and he’s soft for it. Will probably give you a nickname like “my sheep” or “my lamb”. He’s silently hoping Luke too, will call him Simmie. He gives off the energy of a grandparent.
He will try his best to help you remember names, but he won’t try to force you to remember! If you can’t remember, you can’t. That’s completely fine. Don’t stress yourself about it.
He has a one syllable name, so he doesn’t experience this personally. But hearing you call Simeon “Simmie” or Solomon “Sol” makes him feel a little left out and confused.
Why do you call everyone by a nickname? He wants one too! He overhears you though one night. You were explaining to some demon whose name had like five syllables that you just can’t remember long names.
Oh! He’s suddenly really happy again. It means you know his name, and won’t forget it! Also feels sort of bad for Simeon and Solomon, since you’ll never remember their names.
Will be happy if you call him “Lukie” before realizing it makes him sound like a child.
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volturiwolf · 3 years
The Volturi Princess - A Felix Volturi x fem!Reader Story (part 1)
A/N: This is the first Volturi- and Twilight-related story I ever started writing and it is quite long and elaborated/complex, as I tend to overanalyze in many parts. I have wrote a few parts until now and I'll be uploading them in the future. I have been quite emotional throughout writing it, trying to understand the reader's point of view.
A/N 2: I'm sorry if something doesn't make sense. English is not my first language. I also include Italian through the story, with translation, but I'm not a native or a speaker, so I'd like to apologize in advance to those who speak Italian. Enjoy :)
A/N 3: According to "The Amagi" on Youtube, Felix was born in 250 BC (their thumbnail), so I used that in my story.
No of Words: about 5347
Mentions of: Abandonment, Abortion, Anxiety, Blood, Bruises, Coma/Comatosed State, Death Emotional Abuse, Emotional and Physical Pain, Gaslighting, Greece/Greek Language - with translation, Heartbreak, Italian Language - with translation, Manipulation, Murder, Pain, Panic Attacks, Pregnancy, Suffering, Suicide/Suicidal Thoughts, Swear Language, Throwing Up/Puking, Witches/Wizards/Witchcraft
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My heart felt heavy. I may have just escaped the cruelest vampire of all, but I also ran away from the love of my life, my mate, the only person who could fully understand me in this world. I asked him to run away with me, but, although our bond was strong, he felt obliged to stay loyal to his master, his creator. I drove as fast as I could, away from the sunny Volterra, and away from him.
(Y/N) grew up quite privileged, in Vampire terms. Being born into the Volturi coven was something many vampires could only dream about. (Y/N) was abandoned by her parents when she was a baby, but Aro, one of the three Volturi leaders, took her under his protection, and offered her more things than she could ever have imagined. After all, she was his only biological granddaughter, the “Volturi princess”, an heiress to the throne; her mother lost that “privilege” when she met and fell in love with a wizard.
(Y/N)’s mother soon got pregnant with her, and then later turned her husband into a vampire to help her with her pregnancy, and stay together forever. However, (Y/N)’s parents couldn’t raise her because they wanted to run free and careless, not commit to anything permanent, so Aro took over and raised his granddaughter with the highest honors and privileges, “as a princess should be raised”.
(Y/N) was a mix of Vampire, Witch and Human, due to the grandmother, Sulpicia, being human when Aro found her; Sulpicia later fell pregnant with (Y/N)’s mother, and Aro transformed her to vampire, as he had planned all along. Aro raised (Y/N) according to his own rules and morals, teaching her how to kill humans to feed from, how to attack and slip away from her opponents, how to lead other vampires, and most importantly, how to keep her identity and existence a secret, not only to humans, but other non-Volturi vampires as well. No one could know that there was a possibility of a vampire having a child with a human, and that the child could be effectively controlled and raised as a regular vampire.
As (Y/N) grew older and older, reaching the human age of 25 within 7 years of her birth, Aro would spend more and more time with her, examining and studying her possibilities and her potential powers’ development. (Y/N) grew up to be extremely strong and fast, an excellent tracker with great intelligence and understanding of the world around her. However, Aro could not risk sending her to “Volturi duties”. She was his hope for a stronger coven; with (Y/N) in the throne, Aro felt like he could conquer the vampire world with ease.
That’s why he was always searching for the best guards he could find, to protect the coven and do his work instead of himself, Caius, or (Y/N). He couldn’t rely on Marcus, as he proved to be too emotional since Didyme died, but was still valuable for his plan. Caius, on the other hand, although powerless, was far more sadistic and “diligent” in following vampire rules, and (Y/N)... (Y/N) was just too obedient, following every order Aro gave her - a strong asset for the Volturi.
Aro was changing guards and trackers quite easily, disposing them when they were no longer needed or when he found better ones. He needed talented and strong vampires to serve the coven and do their work.
Chelsea was the very first vampire Aro created solely to serve the Volturi, after recognizing her potential when she was human. Chelsea’s gift of relationship manipulation was truly useful in bringing new vampires into the coven and was used thousands of times during Volturi's reign. It could also easily dispose of them, making their bonds with other vampires break at will; those vampires were isolated by the other vampires and then killed - Aro couldn’t risk letting them get away knowing the Volturi’s secrets and life.
About 100 years later, Corin joined the Volturi, just a couple decades after (Y/N)’s birth. Corin’s gift of addictive contentment was the one which kept Marcus in the Volturi after Didyme’s death - along with Chelsea’s to make him committed to Aro’s greater plans, and was also used on Sulpicia, Athenadora and any other vampire in the Volturi guard to keep them satisfied being in the Volturi. Under Aro’s instructions, Corin was keeping Chelsea content with being in the Volturi, and Chelsea was keeping Corin loyal to them, each of them using their gifts against each other, without their knowledge.
Sometime between 230 and 220 BC, while travelling in Rome, searching for additional vampires to add to the coven, Aro supposedly met a young, strong and ambitious fighter, who wished to become a gladiator one day, named Felix. Felix did not only look, but also was physically capable of fighting even with beasts, during his short time as a fighter, way before the Colosseum was built. Born into a poor family, his strength was his only way of making money, and becoming a gladiator was his only way out of poverty, a way to provide for both his family and himself.
When his family was almost imprisoned by Roman army officers for outstanding debts, Felix was forced to make a deal with them to fight, in whatever they ordered him to. Fighting turned out to be the only way for Felix to deal with his emotions and rage towards people in power. When Aro approached Felix, he was promised a good life, where he wouldn’t have to worry about surviving another day. Felix did not seem willing enough, not being fond of the idea of serving people in power, who he so despised.
Luckily for Aro, Chelsea was the one who “convinced” Felix to join the Volturi guard, with Aro changing him afterwards. Unlike previous guards, Felix showed impeccable strength, speed and talent towards both dodging and initiating attacks, eventually making him a permanent member in the Volturi Guard, along with Chelsea and Corin.
Felix was assigned as the leading guard for the three kings’ protection, this role extending to the protection of their two wives and (Y/N); though Aro knew that, if it came to anyone attacking his granddaughter, she would be able to handle it by herself. However, he still wanted to make sure that she was safe and that Aro would do anything to protect her.
For about a couple millennias, (Y/N) was content with her situation, being the “Volturi princess” and all that. Besides, having Felix in the Volturi was another reason to stay in the coven, apart from staying loyal and true to Aro for taking her in, when she was abandoned.
Every time Felix looked into her eyes, she felt her whole body burn - though, it wasn’t a feeling of suffering, rather a feeling of longing, waiting for something to happen so badly that her body couldn’t control itself. Although she was partially a vampire, (Y/N) would feel like she couldn’t breathe, like her legs were ready to give up on her, like she wanted to grab Felix and never let go.
Felix, although not admitting it even to himself, would feel the same way, but he knew that his position would not allow him to approach (Y/N) in such a way. He was just a guard - although he was the strongest of them all, and she was the Volturi princess, one of his masters, whom he was only allowed to approach in order to protect. He didn’t want Aro to know he saw his granddaughter like that; it could cost him his position in the guard, or even his life. So, he kept these feelings deep within him, not allowing them to resurface, or act upon them.
However, every time these two existed at the same place, the invisible sparks between them would fly left and right. And only one vampire was able to see them. One who hadn’t felt these sparks in centuries.
(Y/N)’s POV:
I yawned loudly as I woke from a long, much needed sleep. I was the only vampire around who was able to sleep, mostly due to my non-vampire natures. I didn't really need to sleep on a regular basis, but when I did, I could literally sleep 3 days straight and nobody would be able to wake me up. “For my own protection”, as Aro said, I would always have at least two guards outside of my room’s door, in case anything happened while I was sleeping. Like what could even happen? My room was at the furthest side of this huge castle. I’m pretty sure that if there ever was an attack against the Volturi, it would most probably have been dealt with immediately, and the attacker wouldn’t make it anywhere near my room.
I felt the warm sun on my skin, slightly glowing and sparkling beautifully. My eyes, mostly (Y/E/C) with a golden ring around the pupil, could easily adjust to the light. Unlike the other vampires, I could easily live among humans; I could sleep, eat human food, my skin not being as sparkly as others, and I could control my thirst far better than others.
Since Jane and Alec joined the coven, Aro would show an immense interest in them and their skills, helping them train daily and develop their powers further, eventually forgetting about me. I would spend more and more days away from the castle, “protected” by my anonymity, getting to know humans more and more. The longer I was observing them, the more they would trigger my interest in them. They could feel true emotions, real pain, real hurt, real love. They had their families, they received an unconditional love that I could never have.
Unbeknownst to Aro or anyone else for that matter, I have started developing new powers, similar to the other vampires in the Volturi coven or anyone else outside of it. I have also started noticing that I may have an immunity towards others’ talents, feeling that neither Corin’s addictive contentment made me satisfied with being in the Volturi, nor Chelsea’s relationship manipulation could keep me loyal to Aro anymore. If it weren’t for Felix, or Demetri and the Twins, who have all become my best friends by now, I would have probably left.
A vampire named Carlisle Cullen had visited the Volturi and stayed with us for a while, about 100 years ago. He saw the way the Volturi treated humans like they were nothing, and how they were as cruel as to kill other vampires, with the excuse that they were exposing our kind with the way they lived. Entire covens had been wiped out due to such excuses, a way to eliminate potential enemies from becoming too powerful and find as many talented vampires as possible and force them to join the Volturi.
Carlisle was talking about a new way of life, where vampires wouldn’t have to kill humans to survive, a life where vampires and humans could live in peace, without harming each other. He was insisting that vampires could survive on animal blood just as efficiently as with human blood; that animal blood would not make them weaker, and that it would be a much more ethical and sustainable way to feed.
Of course, Aro and Caius were the first ones to mock his proposition, clearly not caring about humans’ feelings and pain. Marcus did not budge at all, his heartache making him indifferent to anything around him. But I was growing more and more interested in this alternative way of life; I was, after all, feeding on human food already, so that I was feeding on human blood as little as I could.
It was a few years after Carlisle left Volterra that Eleazar joined the Volturi. Aro forced him to join after finding out he could detect if someone had any special ability. Aro considered his gift useful in identifying if any of his enemies had any special power when in battles, or when he sent Eleazar around the world to recruit talented vampires.
Eleazar was clearly not liking the way the Volturi forced their ways and wants on others, and how they could take advantage of others for their own benefit. I could just sense that he was displeased and was forcing himself to stay in the coven, one, due to Corin’s and Chelsea’s gifts, and two, out of fear of what could happen to him and his mate, Carmen.
Carmen, a vampire from Spain, like Eleazar, met with Eleazar while he was a guard here, they fell in love, and eventually, Eleazar decided to leave the Volturi and run away with Carmen. Aro decided that he did not care about him and his gift as much as others’, so he let him go unharmed, “blessing” them for safe travels.
Just a few days before he left, I consulted him on my own powers. Though a lower member of the guard, Eleazar had his own room, a decent place to stay, and spend his endless hours in. I knocked slightly on the door.
“Come in”, a calm voice was heard. I opened the door and came into his room. Carmen was sitting on the edge of their bed and Eleazar was reading a book on his desk. They both smiled sweetly. I just felt and knew they were too nice to fit anywhere in here, among the cruel and strict Volturi.
“(Y/N)! So nice to see you!”Carmen exclaimed and stood to hug me. The second we hugged I started seeing parts of her life in Spain, the calm waters of Catalunya, the vast vineyards where she would spend the early years of her life… I quickly detached myself from her embrace. I just couldn’t invade her privacy like that. She and Eleazar both looked at me worried, as if I had offended them.
“I’m sorry. I just can’t let you “show” me your whole life like that!” I looked at Carmen apologetically.
“(Y/N), you saw Carmen’s life?” Eleazar continued, intrigued by my words.
“That’s why I came to talk to you. I..I feel like I’ve been developing a gift, or a few gifts, to be completely honest. And I feel like.. like I have a specific power one day, and another power the next!” I stated frantically.
It was the first time I have openly talked about my powers to anyone, and I was shaking just by the words that came out of my mouth. Eleazar did not say anything, he just stood there for a few minutes, I supposed “examining” me, as if a doctor checking on a patient.
“Remarkable.” He said calmly. He looked at his mate with excitement, as if he just discovered a lost treasure. “(Y/N) has one of the most remarkable gifts I have ever seen.” He then turned to me. “You, (Y/N), are able to copy anyone else’s gifts and keep them as your own. You don’t even have to be in contact with them. Just by meeting someone, you can obtain their powers. I have never met anyone like that. You also seem to have obtained immunity to others’ powers, kind of like a shield. I have met such vampires before. From the stories Aro has been telling, your mother was like that. It is likely that you copied that gift for her. Such vampires are extremely useful to themselves or even others, in battles. Like themselves, you can use your gift to protect others from others’ powers, beside yourself.”
That came too sudden to my ears. I have assumed that I may have at least one power, but I didn’t realise I could copy others’ powers. That is why I was showing signs of Aro’s power!
“How can I train my powers? Eleazar! Carmen! You have to help me!”
“As you know, we will be leaving soon. I don’t know if there will be enough time to train you.”
“It’s okay. We will train as much as you want. Please, Eleazar! Please, Carmen!” I started begging them. As if they were hypnotized, they quickly looked at each other and agreed to help me.
The next few days, before Eleazar and Carmen’s departure, included intense training, far away from Volterra, deep in the woods, where no human could interrupt us. I couldn’t say the same for vampires, but I hoped nobody would cross paths with us. Eleazar and Carmen helped me develop my self-control and self-awareness, concentrating through the deepest parts of my mind, resurfacing my shield and expanding it beyond my existence. I started to have control over it, as if it was an actual solid substance, a veil floating around me towards any direction I ordered it to go.
After Eleazar and Carmen left, I started travelling the world more, trying to copy as many powers as I could come across with, while also training my shield. My excitement for the endless possibilities was what kept me going - kind of when Aro would add another talented vampire to his Guard. His Guard. Felix. I wonder how he was. I hadn’t seen him in a while. I wondered if he thought of me like I thought of him.
After travelling pretty much anywhere I could reach, I eventually went back to where it all started: I went to Greece. Aro met Sulpicia here, apparently my mom met my dad here. Maybe I could find out, understand why they left me. I have never met them, but I felt as if my tracking skills could detect them through my own existence.
I started travelling through the country, hoping that they stayed here or, at least, that they’re alive. I spent about 2 or 3 years in Greece, trying to take in every different place, while also avoiding the battles that seemed to take place in every other corner. I was feeding off animals mainly, mostly when I couldn’t find any other human food. I was washing myself in rivers, streams, whatever I could find.
I was stopping by any village that seemed to be still standing, asking about the current situation. The Greek Revolution, which started a few years ago, seemed to still be going on. The Ottomans, who had been occupying Greece for almost 400 years, could not allow Greeks to turn against them and start claiming their rights within the Ottoman Empire.
Many Greeks I met and talked to, admitted that some of the Ottomans were actually being nice to them; it was only the Ottoman government ordering their armies to execute massive massacres against Greeks, and after all this time, a few Greeks started gathering up and planning a revolution, away from Greece, in fear of being caught. They started getting organized and finding possible allies to help them with the Revolution; they just couldn’t risk getting caught within the country that they were hoping the independent Greece could become. The battles were becoming more and more intense, both on the mainland, as well as on the islands.
I started looking for answers, anything that could suggest that my parents were still alive and somewhere in Greece. To my surprise, I crossed paths with many Greek nomad vampires all over the country. They were also fighting against either Ottoman vampires or each other for territorial claims; however, they all talked me out of travelling north, towards Macedonia. The region had started being reclaimed back by Greek humans, but vampires were also seeing the potential for the area and they fought against each other for the land.
All of the nomads I encountered were talking about some of the most vicious vampires claiming the land, their enemies being literally slaughtered and burned to set an example for other vampires to back off their territory. I was intrigued, and I knew that, most probably, I would be able to deal with them or flee before they got to me.
So, I started travelling north, through the woods and mountains, in order to avoid any possible battle between humans, though many of them seemed to hide in the mountains, preparing for their battles. Macedonia was a quite big and vast region, so I had to travel quite a few days and search every possible corner.
I know I shouldn’t have done this, but I was feeling exhausted from all the searching. I haven’t fed in quite some time, and my throat was burning by the familiar need for blood. I haven’t seen any animals all these days, and I was wondering if they were gone or hiding.
Sadly, I came across a human. He seemed to be wounded, probably during a battle, his blood gushing out of his body. I couldn’t help myself, when I breathed in the smell, the burning sensation becoming unbearable. I thought of approaching him slowly, so as not to scare him, offering to help him, but deep down I just wanted to feed off of him.
“Γειά! Συγνώμη αν σε τρόμαξα. Σε είδα από μακριά. Μπορώ να σε βοηθήσω με κάποιο τρόπο; (Hey! Sorry if I scared you. I saw you from afar. Can I help you in any way?)” I offered calmly.
The man was trying to suppress his growls. I could sense his pain. I tried to help him stand on his feet, and then I saw all of his memories. He was in the army, fighting alongside Greeks against the Ottomans, in Macedonia, just outside of Thessaloniki. I didn’t even know I was so close to a city, let alone Thessaloniki.
He was trying to pass through the woods, when he came across what seemed to be two red-eyed vampires, one male and one female. They tried to attack him, but someone else managed to shoot him first, forcing the two vampires to run away. I don’t know how or why, these two felt familiar to me, I could feel that through his memories.
“Γειά! Μπορείς.. Μπορείς να πας στο κοντινότερο χωριό; Νομίζω.. Νομίζω ότι είδα κάτι στο δάσος, δε νομίζω ότι ήταν κάτι φυσιολογικό! Πρέπει.. Πρέπει να προειδοποιήσω τους άλλους! (Hey! Can.. Can you get me to the nearest village? I think.. I think I saw something in the woods, I don’t think it was something normal! I have.. I have to warn the others!)” He mumbled in between sharp shoots of pain.
“Με συγχωρείς πολύ! (I’m really sorry!)” I plead with guilty eyes. I put my hand in his wound, searching for the bullet, while he was consumed by pain. I took the bullet out of the wound, and quickly attached my lips on his skin, sucking the blood as fast as I could, biting deeply unintentionally. His screams were becoming louder and louder, so I covered his mouth with my hand, while trying to shut him up or break his jaw. A few seconds later, he stopped screaming, and I let his lifeless body fall, completely numb and drained out of blood.
I felt renewed, his blood travelling to every part of my body and giving me a new kind of strength that I haven’t felt in a while. I still felt guilty for killing him, but he was already wounded and I couldn’t risk him exposing our kind to others. I assumed that whoever found him - if anyone found him - would also assume that he died of blood loss, so I tried to position him in a realistic pose for that purpose, as best as I could. I left him there, and continued the search for my parents.
I was running through the woods, trying to locate the two vampires from the guy’s memories. My mind was chaotic, I wasn’t thinking about something specific. I stopped in my tracks. What Aro taught me, and what I understood from Demetri’s tracking skills, is that you have to stop, take a breath and realize your position in the world. Then, you would be able to realize everything around you and find your targets. I have successfully found other vampires like that before, vampires who I have either met in person or smelled their scent, but I didn’t know if I could find someone through someone else’s memories of them.
I took a deep breath and tried to concentrate as best as I could, focusing on the smaller details of the guy’s memories of these vampires. I felt two vampires running on my west, about 10 kilometers away, and I ran after them. They were running fast, but I was way faster. Within a minute or two, I was running right behind their tracks. They must have realized that a stranger was following them, but, instead of running, they suddenly stopped. I stopped as well, and we were now facing each other.
The female had long, brunette, curly hair, and the male short, dark brown, straight hair; both of their hair looked shiny, healthy, and rich. They were of average height and their eyes were piercing red, as if they also fed quite recently. The female was exceptionally beautiful and enchanting; I could only compare her to Heidi’s exceptional beauty. The male looked quite stoic and austere, though still beautiful.
Both of them on defensive positions, waiting for me to attack. I wasn’t planning to move any further from my position; I was only waiting for their own reactions. I felt that kind of a burning sensation within me again, like a feeling buried deep inside me, trying to find an escape.
Suddenly, the male growled at me, flames springing out of his hands, and being thrown at me. I felt my heart fall out of my chest, fearing that this would be my end. As if my body reacted on its own, I felt my own shield extending out of my body, building a wall around me and protecting me from the male’s attack. My hands started burning and flames came out, ready to counterattack the male. The male looked at the female, dumbfounded by what he witnessed, still in a defensive position, but ready to attack again.
The male shrinked back, the female following close by. “Who are you looking for? We haven’t seen you around. Who are you? Why are you here?” The male requested. His voice serious, but smooth at the same time; a voice I could only describe as the warm earth below their bare feet.
“No, I’m not. I come from Italy, though I think I was born around here. My name is (Y/N), I’m looking for my parents. I don’t quite remember what they look like, but I’m pretty sure that they lived around here. They abandoned me when I was a baby.”
“This has been our territory for almost 3 millennials! We would have known if any humans abandoned their offspring around here!” The female exclaimed, as if she didn’t believe a word I said. I didn’t want to tell them the whole story, but I had to show them that I didn’t mean to fight in any way.
“I never said they were humans. My mother was actually sort of a vampire, like you.”
The female started letting her guards down. “What do you mean sort of? I’ve never heard of a “sort of vampire” before!” She continued doubtfully.
“Believe me or don’t, my mother was born half vampire, half human. My dad wasn’t even a vampire before she met him. He wasn’t even human to be honest.” My eyes started stinging slightly. I could have had a good, happy life if they didn’t abandon me. I wouldn’t have to grow up with Aro.
“You said you were from Italy.” I nodded at the male, as he continued. “You never said where exactly.”
I wasn’t sure if I should tell them my real origin; I wouldn’t like them to know I was a Volturi, but I knew I needed help to find my parents. If they were actually here as long as they say, they might have known or met my parents at some point.
“Volterra. I was born here, in Greece, like my mother, but grew up in Volterra with my grandparents.” I looked down, kind of scared, kind of anxious, waiting for their next move.
The female gasped. “Are you a Volturi?!” I looked at her, straight in the eyes, swallowed, and nodded. “I know the Volturi. Who are your grandparents?”
“Aro and Sulpicia.” I answered so quietly that, if they weren’t vampires, they wouldn’t have heard me, my voice trembling slightly.
The female suddenly fell on her knees, the male wrapping his arms around her, comforting her. I didn’t know what was going on. Did I say something wrong? Were they scared? The sheer mention of the Volturi would scare a lot of vampires, but I thought that maybe these two seemed strong enough to deal with them.
The female started sobbing, no tears coming out of her red eyes, her body shaking. I felt something within me break. I felt that I didn’t want to upset them, that’s why I was hesitant in telling them who I really was. The male looked at me, pain in his eyes. I saw a familiar look. I saw me in his eyes, what I looked at in my mirror anytime I was thinking about my parents, or, sometimes, when I thought of Felix.
“Are you a half witch?” The male asked quietly. Something snapped in me. How would he know that?
“I swear, I didn’t do anything to your mate! I DIDN’T!” I shouted at the male. I didn’t want him to think that I would hurt his mate, or himself.
“I know you wouldn’t. It’s just..” He looked at his mate who had stopped sobbing, but was still down on her knees, unable to stand up. “..my mate is Aro and Sulpicia Volturi’s only daughter.”
My body tensed and shivered. If that woman is the only daughter Aro and Sulpicia ever had...could that mean..?
I took a few steps back. “AM I YOUR DAUGHTER? ARE YOU MY PARENTS?” I looked at them in disbelief.
Those were the people who abandoned me! That let me grow parentless, under Aro’s rules and directions! I was breathing heavily, in between sobs. I didn’t even realize that I set my whole body ablaze, until both vampires looked at me shocked. I didn’t feel any pain, but I couldn’t stop the flames licking my body, and in my frantic state, I started panicking even more.
The male started approaching me slowly, trying to not scare me away. “Shush, shush. You’re okay. You’re doing okay. I know how it feels at first. You’re experiencing some aspects of the life as a witch. It’s okay. Close your eyes and picture the flames in your head.” I closed my eyes and tried concentrating on the flames. “Now, imagine them burning out, becoming smaller and weaker.” I focused on the flames, imagining them weakening. After a few minutes, I felt them getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappearing. I opened my eyes slowly.
The female was standing next to the male, watching me carefully. In a quick motion, she pulled me and embraced me, stroking my hair lightly. I breathed in her scent, a mix of mountain flowers and the saltiness of the sea. Her touch was soft, and filled me up with what felt like a thousand different emotions.
But, I mostly felt safe. It was the first time in my life that I actually felt this safe. And whole. I felt like I actually belonged somewhere. I hugged her back. Tears started spilling from my eyes. That was my mom! That was actually my mom! After all this time, we were finally together. I felt the male, my dad, hugging both of us, and in that moment, I felt my legs giving up on me, and I finally fell into a long sleep.
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A lot of people are theorizing that Gojo might die in the manga or lose his eyes, and honestly, I thought so as well!
However, Gege had made it very clear in the manga that without Gojo, the world wouldn't be able to keep up with the rising strength and number of cursed spirits. Currently, there's only 2 jujutsu schools in Japan and not even 30 students. There's only 4 special grade sorcerers, now 3 without Geto, Yuki has her own agenda, and without Gojo, that just leaves Yuta to take on special grade curses.
The students are strong themselves, but they weren't even able to defeat Jogo or the octopus guy, let alone Mahito (who has since evolved) and Hanami (Gege implied in an interview that he would reveal Hanami's domain expansion later, which made fans go "wait, he's not dead?" Although, Gege might have chosen to forget about it this, but we shall see). Gojo himself was nearly defeated by Toji in his teen years due to Toji's intellect. Therefore, the students are going to have an incredibly tough time defeating the "brain" that has the intellect of a being who has survived for hundreds of years (over 150 years at least, since that's when Kamo Noritoshi had helped create the Cursed Wombs).
Even if they do find a way to defeat it themselves, they'd need help (let's also remember Choso almost killed Yuji, and Naoya almost beat Choso. The struggle is very real, especially since cursed spirits aren't the only enemy but politics are working against them, as well). The Gojo clan itself is only a one man team of just Gojo, and in the Shibuya arc Gege cemented the fact pretty clearly that if anything ever happened to Gojo, the world would pretty much be lead into an apocalyptic state or become overrun with curses- and that's exactly what's happening within the manga now. Because of Gojo's birth, cursed spirits were forced to become stronger, and the new age of curses won't even be able to be classified as only "Special Grade." Even right now, without Gojo, the Jujutsu sorcerers are struggling to keep curses at bay even in one city, let alone the whole country.
Even without the world's current trip to destruction, there's the matter of Yaga's execution. Who else, other than Gojo, is going to be able to stop this? Gojo is the only one who was able to convince the higher ups to at least stall executions. His students are still just that- students. In order to stop the higher ups' corrupt politics, Gojo, with his knowledge of jujutsu society and his silver tongue, is the one who has to intervene. Although it's possible, I wouldn't think that the students themselves would end up replacing the higher ups- if strength was all that mattered, Gojo would have taken over Jujutsu Society a long time ago. However, politics are not that simple, and I doubt Utahime, Shoko, or anyone else associated with Gojo is going to replace them anytime soon- not with Yaga on the chopping block as a supposed "traitor" for his affiliation with Gojo.
If the story is going to end with reformation of Jujutsu Society, an adult will have to take over the higher ups' places (unfortunately, Nanami, the adult of adults, cannot do so). Therefore, Gojo will have to lead, just as he dreamt of, with his "army" of strong students, his followers. Jujutsu Society needs someone with the intellect and persuasiveness Gojo has in order for change to occur- Gojo was able to convince the higher ups for many things, after all. He has the charisma to lead future Jujutsu sorcerers and teach them well. This is the role he has worked for all these years, after all. It would only make sense for Gojo to take over. Having Gojo die and the students kill the higher ups would be counterintuitive- Gojo could've done that years ago.
Gege also said that the one to tell Megumi about Toji has to be Gojo in an interview, so Gojo is definitely getting out of the box eventually to have that talk with him. However, I don't think Gege is going to kill him off afterwards- just Gojo being sealed is already putting the world into danger. The world needs Gojo's ability in order to get rid of all the curses quickly. If Sukuna ends up killing Gojo for whatever reason, I don't think having a Yuji/Sukuna combination will help the world because there will definitely be a power struggle between them (even if Yuji can withstand 15 finger Sukuna, 20 finger Sukuna is a whole other level, that's the complete manifestation of the King of Curses from a thousand years ago in a 15 year old's body! Even if Yuji is a special grade cursed womb, power doesn't win battles. He'll need willpower, trust, and wit. He's only just decided to kill Mahito, he's got a lot more to learn. There's also the matter of the 1 minute pact between them and what Sukuna will do to Fushiguro). Without Gojo, Yuta might end up having to kill Yuji/Sukuna in order to stop Sukuna from killing people (Yuta's ability to copy techniques will likely help), but losing Gojo AND Yuji will be very harsh on the world's state, leaving only Yuta to defend it and whatever crippled version of Megumi will appear after Sukuna's done with him (and the story. Yuji's development will go to waste if he's just killed by Yuta and then we'll have to see how Yuta plans to continue Gojo's dream of changing Jujutsu Society. Will Yuta become a teacher to create strong sorcerers like Gojo did? Will the world even still exist by that time? Killing the King of Curses won't change the world like Gojo dreamt. In fact, the story might just repeat itself with Yuta becoming a teacher instead). Still, if anyone had to kill Yuji, it should be Gojo, but if Gojo is to be the one that ends up killing Yuji to kill Sukuna, no one else will be capable of killing Gojo. Therefore, Gojo likely won't die.
Either way, I feel like it would be strange to kill off both Yuji and Gojo.
Gege also said that the "brain" can't control Gojo either, because it would be impossible for the brain to kill him. If the brain wanted Gojo's body after Sukuna possibly killed Gojo, I doubt it would be able to control him anyways because Sukuna would have sliced him to pieces. Gege also said there wouldn't be any point in the brain controlling Gojo's body, so Gojo dying for the brain's purposes wouldn't happen, as Gege said himself.
Therefore, I just don't see any good outcome from Gojo's death besides angst or even character development? What other reason is there for Gojo to die? Yuji already lost Nanami and thought Nobara died, giving him the character development needed for him to choose to kill Mahito. The world will also probably crumble if Gojo doesn't appear out of the box soon. Just him being sealed was enough for the Hunger Games: Jujutsu Sorcerer Edition to come out, so Gojo permanently disappearing (i.e. dying) pretty much means the world's gonna end 🤷 After all, if the spirits were gonna start a revolution, they could've done it ages ago, but they didn't because of Gojo. Gojo's very presence, even as a child, is what kept them in line all these years. Just one look at his eyes, even though he was only a child, had that old woman and old man looking cursed spirits sweating. Once Gojo appears again, many spirits will go back into hiding, even if not all. Therefore, his very presence would be a great help in restoring order in the world again. That makes Gojo coming back more useful than his death.
As for losing his eyes, it's possible but again, other than angst I don't see a reason for it. Gege also said that having Gojo be the Strongest is to show how strong Yuji's going to be in the future, so handicapping Gojo would be counterproductive.
Therefore, I doubt Gojo's going to die or lose his eyes in the story. There's just no reason for it, unless Gege intends to keep the world in an apocalyptic state at the end, kill off everyone except maybe one person, and have a new cast of sorcerers appear. Otherwise, Gojo's the only one who can reverse the world back to its original state, or close to it, at least within a few days, weeks, or months rather than years with his ability to exorcise spirits on a grand scale. Gojo might end up losing a few screws in his head, but other than that, I'm sure he'll be (physically) fine. I would imagine that Gege would want to loop back to Gojo's dream of changing society. In that case, who other than Gojo could lead? His students are still children. They're not as versed in dealing with the higher ups as he is. If the moral of the story is that such a thing is impossible, what bigger angst is there than to have Gojo live on as the Strongest as everyone he loves dies?
Of course, there was this one interview where Gege said his plan for the ending of Jujutsu Kaisen was that (of the 1st years and Gojo) to keep everyone alive except one person, or everyone dies except one person. In the former, it would easily have to be Yuji who ends up dying while everyone else lives since he's the one who's supposed to be executed from the very beginning. In the latter, as I said, Gojo being the only one left alive while everyone dies could happen just to show the burden and loneliness that comes with being the Strongest- just to show the difference in universes him and the others are living in (however, I will say that this outcome would be unlikely because Gojo's world will only reset to the day Geto had betrayed him. He would start from scratch, raising a new group of students, and then the story would repeat itself in a training montage. In a writing perspective, this ending would only occur if the author forgoes everything just to make you cry, that's it. It would work, but it would ruin the complexities of the story to reset everything by killing everyone for a new set of characters. Reminds me of the Walking Dead by TellTale games. Too many deaths and too many new people with only one of the original cast left. Pretty bad writing, that was).
Either way, if Gege is being serious in what he said about the ending of JJK and having all die except one or vice versa, Gojo is likely to survive either outcome.
However, if it does happen that Gojo dies while his students live, there's the matter of keeping Sukuna at bay and previous reasons stated above.
The only way I could see Gojo dying is if Yuji ends up surpassing Gojo enough so that he's no longer needed to keep balance in the world. Or, as Gege had described in why he killed Nanami (his favorite character, might I add), if Gojo no longer has any use in the story. In that case, Gojo would die, or it'd be alright for him to die because Yuji would take his place. Still, it's doubtful Gojo would become a character that's no longer needed when the world is hardly able to function without him.
If we're talking about Gojo's usefulness in the story being what determines whether he lives or dies, I'd say even if Yuji surpasses Gojo, Gojo would still remain useful- in politics, at least. Let's remember that without Gojo, the beginning of change in Jujutsu Society would not have happened. Yuta would've been executed, as would Yuji, Megumi would be in the Zenin clan, Maki would've never been recommended for 1st grade without Gojo paying off Mei Mei, Nanami might've not come back (Nanami said he hates the way the higher ups do things, but he trusts and has faith in Gojo even if he doesn't respect him). There are so many things that Gojo has done throughout the story, and if Gojo hadn't done one thing- if he let Yuta die, for example, or kept Megumi in the Zenin clan, the story would've been drastically different.
In other words, even if Gojo's physical abilites are somehow gone, Gojo's mouth still has plenty of uses. If the guy can talk his way out of his students' execution, he can likely talk his way out of his own, or at least Yaga's. Gojo's got a lot more uses than just exorcising curses, after all. As long as Gojo has use in the story, I'd think it's safe to say he'll survive. Hell, Gege might even keep him around just to hate on him some more. Though, the reality is that Gojo basically wrote Jujutsu Kaisen with how his actions created the ripple effect into what we have now- another parallel between the author and Gojo, since it's been said that Gojo has a lot of similarities to Gege (Could Gojo be Gege's self insert? 😳 Even their names are similar!)
Also, Gojo had planned ahead enough for Yuta to become a double agent and trick the higher ups into thinking he'd killed Yuji. It's likely he has more up his sleeve than that and is sitting in the prison realm waiting for other traps he had set to go off.
Here's the Q&A translation where Gege said the brain can't kill Gojo:
Other Q&As I've read are from Shiro, JJK Fanbook, and Ducky on Twitter and JujutsuFact on Insta, etc
- 🤔 (Sorry if this one seems a bit rushed or hard to read! I'd have to reread the Shibuya arc to explain more in depth but the pain is just 😭 I'm going off of my thoughts while I was reading this awhile ago cause I got told Gojo might die in that arc and I remember thinking all these things to myself to convince myself he won't die and wanted to share!)
WOW JUST WOW now I've learned more from this post than all of my classes combined. I never knew about some of those things. That's very interesting 🤔 anon! Mann just reading this I'm literally trying to picture how the manga will go...and yes gojo ain't dying no if someone says he is imma slap them with this post. THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN OH GREAT 🤔 ANON. We really appreciate all the research you do and I absolutely love reading them!! ❤❤❤ I LOVE YOU
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youbloodymadgenius · 4 years
What Could Have Been (Ivar x reader)
A/N: This piece wasn’t requested;  the idea just popped into my mind and I had to write it. I don’t write smut often - I find it very hard in a foreign language - and I know I’m not very good at it. I hope you’ll enjoy it nonetheless.
@geekandbooknerd​ - thank you so much for beta reading this for me ♥️
@pomegranates-and-blood​ - I hope you don't mind that I borrowed the last sentence from you. It fit perfectly 😉
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Summary: When Ivar calls for a healer, he does not expect you, his occasional lover, to enter his tent.
Warning: smut.
Words: 2385
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"Go and fetch the healer!" Ivar commands, exploding as the guard outside the tent doesn't react quick enough. "YOU GO NOW OR I SWEAR I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD ON A STICK BEFORE NIGHTFALL!" His roar loud enough to be heard all over the camp, the frightened guard runs away while babbling apologies, his cheeks burning red.
 Sweating and in pain, Ivar enters the tent, heading slowly toward a straw mattress. Grunting, he flops down on the makeshift bed and closes his eyes briefly, trying to keep the agony in his legs at bay. The battle had been harsh on his twisted limbs, leaving him with stiff, aching muscles. 
 "You asked for a healer, Prince Ivar?" Your fresh and youthful voice startles him and he raises his head, furrowing his brow as he looks at you. "I was expecting Una." His dry, annoyed tone doesn't unsettle, nor surprise you. Prince Ivar is not exactly the most easygoing person. And you know he's very secretive when it comes to his pain. He trusts Una, the main healer, who has been taking care of his legs on a daily basis for many years.  
 "I'm sure you were." You just nod, undeterred. "We may have won the battle, Prince Ivar, but the wounded are countless. Una is taking care of Hrafn, whose arm had to be cut off. She's the one who sent me to you. So, sorry if it bothers you, my Prince, but I'm afraid you'll have to do with me. As for myself, rest assured that I know precisely what I must do. " 
The truth is, tending to Ivar's legs is nothing hard, nor complicated. A meadowsweet and nettle infusion to ease the pain, a salve made with a concoction of boiled blackcurrant and ash leaves collected on Midsummer Night to undo the knots in his thighs and calves, that's all you need, and both are in the small leather pouch you wear at your waist at all times. 
In addition, a hot bath of course wouldn't do any harm, but there's no such luxury while fighting a war.  
 Seemingly unconvinced, Ivar scowls and snorts, and you can almost hear the gears turning in his head as he weighs pros and cons, longing for relief but at the same time reluctant because you're not his regular healer. And perhaps also because you're… you.
 Your suspicions are confirmed an instant later, as Ivar wearily rubs his face with a bloody hand. "No other healers were available? Surely there are not just the two of you, right?"
 You shrug, hardly suppressing a grin. He's right, of course. There are many of you here in Wessex, alongside the Great Heathen Army. However, you and Una are the only ones who are not terrified of Ragnar's unpredictable youngest son. Therefore, since Una was busy, you were the only one willing to go and take care of his legs. But telling him that wouldn't be very wise, right? So, you choose another way.
 "My Prince, if I may say so, don't make things harder. I'm already here, and I can tell you're in pain. So, please, let me do what I'm here for." Inhaling deeply, you give him a small smile. "If it's easier for you, let's say that what happened in the past stays in the past. I'm here as a healer, nothing more, I intend to do my job in the most efficient way and I know I can help you."
 Back in Kattegat, when Ivar was still a boy and not yet this bloodthirsty man obsessed with revenge, before Aslaug's and Ragnar's deaths, before all Hel breaks loose, you and he used to fuck from time to time. At first, you agreed to do it because you wanted to help him. Not because you were a healer, but because Hvitserk, your best friend, was worried about his baby brother after his tremendous failure with Margrethe. You taught Ivar how to please a woman and showed him that he was much more whole than he thought. You then kept sleeping with him because sex was great, Ivar a skilled and fast learner. Yet, there was no real bond, no love between the two of you; just some kind of mutual respect, tinged with an undeniable physical attraction. 
 "My Prince?" You ask softly, your hands ghosting over his thighs as you kneel down in front of him. "May I?" Remembering Una's words – this leg is so broken, so twisted, I do not know how the prince can manage walking, but I do know its iron equipment is like a torture device which causes him an unbearable amount of pain – you gesture first toward the metal armor encaging his right leg.
 Ivar barely nods, a long sigh escaping his lips as he closes his eyes shut. You never did it. Back then, you weren't allowed to. But today is different. Ivar is tired, in pain, and you're not his occasional lover, but a healer. There's no hesitation in your movements; your skillful hands undoing the loops of the brace, you're working fast. Soon, you're able to carefully remove the heavy contraption, and then give your full attention to his left leg. 
 When both his legs are free, you stand up, "Can you take off your pants, my Prince?" and step away, rummaging around the room for a water bucket and a cloth. Actually, you want to give him some privacy. You never really saw his legs and are aware it's a huge matter of concern for him. Once again, you remember what Una told you – I usually work under the furs – and add without turning around, "And please, cover your legs with as many furs as you can, we need to keep them warm." 
 After making sure his legs are well covered, you grab the cloth Ivar used to clean his hands and face, placing it on a nearby table, next to the water bucket. You then put your supplies in your pouch before turning towards the prince. Eyes closed, his head on a fluffy pillow – the perks of being a prince, you can't help but think, slightly jealous – Ivar seems completely relaxed. You're sure he's not sleeping, though, so you clear your throat while turning toward him. "If you don't need me anymore, my Prince, I'll go back to Una." 
 Ivar exhales slowly as his eyelids flutter open. He just looks at you without uttering a word for a long time, looking a little confused, as if he doesn't exactly remember your presence. He then gives you a small smile – his way of thanking you? – but shakes his head no. Something sparkles in his gaze and Ivar licks his bottom lip. You know him well enough to know that's the exact moment when his mood swings. He props himself up on one elbow, reaching out in an attempt to grab your hand, but to no avail. He lets out a frustrated groan, but his voice is soft, and so are his eyes. "Come closer." Yet, you know you don't have a choice. Denying a prince is anything but a wise option; denying Prince Ivar could be life-threatening. 
 Taking two steps forward, you join the bed and place a hand on Ivar's shoulder. "What else can I do for you, my Prince?" 
 Wrapping his arm around your waist, Ivar pulls you toward him, leaving you no choice but to sit next to him. "Kiss me." He breathes, his blue orbs never leaving your eyes. 
 "Your wish is my command." You whisper while leaning forward to close the gap between the two of you. Your lips find his and Ivar immediately takes charge, a hand behind your neck. His tongue invades your mouth while his free hand slips under your dress, his thick fingers finding the bare skin of your thighs. You let out a gasp, surprised, and delighted. 
 This is new. 
 Back in Kattegat, whenever it was just the two of you, Ivar was always this insecure, tentative boy, eager to learn but clearly grateful that you were willing to take the lead. 
 He's no longer the same. War changed him. The boy has grown into a resolute man, who knows what he wants and who doesn't wait to take it. You won't lie: if you found the boy alluring, this – the warlord look, the confidence, the straight-to-the-point thing – is a whole new level of attractiveness. And a major turn-on.
 When Ivar deepens the kiss, fierce and hungry at once, he pulls you closer, your breasts pressed against his chiseled chest, you cannot help but arch your back as a wave of heat spreads in your belly.
 "Ivar…" You moan and he captures the sound in his mouth, delving deeper again while slipping a rough knuckle against your clit. You nearly choke, almost missing his next words. "Scoot closer." He mumbles, his lips against yours and you don't have to think twice about his demand as you are all too happy to surrender. Straddling him, you push him down onto his back and drive your tongue into his ear. The feeling of his solid, muscular torso between your thighs consumes your senses, a blinding heat coursing from between your legs to fill your entire body. You can't wait any longer. You need him. The craving of being filled up is almost unbearable but when you move your hand downward, your fingers grazing his erected cock, he stops you, a wolfish grin on his face. "I want to taste you first." 
 When he runs his hands up the insides of your thighs after you had moved up to sit on his face, you practically die and clamp your legs around his face, shoving your wet pussy into his mouth. Rewarded with a slap on your ass, you gasp in excitement as he slides a knuckle along your lips. It drives you so wild that you can barely breathe, and Ivar keeps going, his mouth just inches from your clit, drawing shapes around your sensitive skin, teasing you, blowing air into you. Heat is slowly building in your core, burning you inside. You curl your toes and contract your lower belly, panting and moaning, and suddenly, Ivar touches your swollen clit with the tip of his tongue. You almost lose it. Your whole body is about to break into a thousand pieces and you struggle, sucking in several short breaths. 
 "Gods…" Eyes closed, you shiver as Ivar picks up a rhythm. He knows exactly what he's doing. Barely moving his skilled tongue, he applies a warm pressure, each tiny move bringing you to the edge. It doesn't take long for your stomach to be drenched in sweat, and as much as you want to make this last forever, your entire body is taken over by a wave of spasms and pleasure and you explode in orgasm, biting your lip to keep from screaming. 
 Ivar doesn't give you time to settle down or to come to your senses, lifting his head, a cocky grin playing on his glistening lips. 
 "Ride me." He commands, his voice hoarse and loud as he pulls the cover off his groin. A wild laugh escapes your lips when you scoot downward, still on top of him, kissing his nipples, then his toned stomach; you find his cock hard under your fingers, your other hand massaging his balls. Without a warning, you plunge him into yourself, gasping as you feel his cock slide deep inside you. Leaning forward until your head is just above his, you kiss him hard before grounding your hips against his. You then pull up, all the way to his tip, constricting the muscles in your lower belly, and then push back down as far as you can. It sends a rippling wave along your inside walls and Ivar moans, his hands grabbing your ass. 
 As you pump your hips up and down, Ivar squirms beneath you, meeting each one of your thrusts, pushing his hips up as you speed up the pace. Back and forth, back and forth… You move your hips faster and faster, a drop of sweat trickling down your back. The rhythm is frantic now and you almost black out as you suddenly climax once again, Ivar groaning loudly while spreading his hot seed inside you. 
 You fall heavily onto him, sated and exhausted. "Gods, that was amazing!" You finally say, and Ivar chuckles, a smirk on his face. "It was, indeed." Wrapping his hand around your waist, he then does something surprisingly sweet, kissing your forehead tenderly. With your head resting on his tattooed chest, you just hum, and since your eyelids are getting heavy, you close them, sated and exhausted.
 You're dozing off as Hvitserk's voice outside the tent, startles you awake. "Y/N, you're still in there?"
 Sitting up in bed, you give Ivar a confused look while stretching out your upper body. "Yes." You want to ask why but Hvitserk doesn't give you the time. "Hurry up then! Una is looking for you."
 Sighing, you give Ivar a quick peck on the cheek and stand up hastily. "You heard your brother; I have to go." You give him one last look and are about to get out of the tent when his voice stops you. "Wait, Y/N."
 You turn around, and to your surprise, there's no longer a bloodthirsty warlord in front of you, but a boy, shy and insecure, who bites his bottom lip and lowers his gaze. The new Ivar turns you on, there's no denying it, but this one, the timid one, is absolutely adorable, and your heart flutters. You flash him a reassuring smile. Ivar inhales deeply, blinking a few times. "Will you…" He starts but stops immediately. 
 You raise a brow questioningly, but the moment is gone, his face now expressionless. Ivar just nods at you, his gaze steady as he gestures to his legs. "Thank you."
 You're sure that's not what he was going to tell you; that's not what you could read in his eyes. Will you come back later?
 Stifling a sigh, you straighten your dress as best you can. Sadly, there's nothing you can do. "You're welcome, my Prince." You say softly; and with that, you walk away, your mind filled with regret.
 You would have said yes.
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