#i already avoid fandom discords lol
batrachised · 6 months
after watching part of that review scandal video, can I just say I am inordinately thankful I am not involved in booktok or book circles online, dear lord
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bunny-hoodlum · 3 months
not tryna start fights lol. i really enjoy the descriptions of your story’s (they’re really different than most nh stories) but i hate reading unfinished works 😭 ive read wayyyy too many nh stories that end up with cliffhangers so i just wanted to know if there’s any reason why they all seem unfinished before i start getting invested
It's just an odd question to ask, is all, and you could've started your ask with this. Think about how your question came off. I had zero context behind your question and it just sounded bad. Like, most fics online are unfinished. Or they don't get updated for a long ass time. Or the writers just update when they feel like it, as opposed to most who update whenever they can.
Some people have family obligations, physical and or mental health issues.
Me? I probably have ADHD-Primarily Inattentive, I can't afford a diagnosis just yet, but I've always struggled with motivation, organizing myself, energy issues, headspace/focus issues.
Does having multiple ongoing fics seem counterintuitive? Yes, absolutely. But also, no, not at all. Because I'm having fun having multiple things to jump between.
I didn't plan to start multiple things in such a short amount of time. I participated in NHMonth2023 to the best of my ability and found out I understood how to write and thus rly enjoyed short stories, after kind of avoiding and not trying for the entirety of my fandom activity. Being in the discord has inspired most of these new ideas and instead of letting then stay ideas that I might forget about, I decided to make them a reality.
It's really all circumstantial how my Ao3 got to the way that it is. None of this planned or on purpose or all that easy to explain. Look at how long this reply has gotten already.
If you're intrigued but can't get invested, there's nothing I can do about that. If you don't like waiting for something to finish, then you don't. You already know what you like, how you want to handle your reading experience, etc.
Writing takes time. Like a lot of fucking time. When I get in a groove, it takes me all day or all week if I'm lucky. I'm more motivated to finish a chapter in single sitting than I am getting up to eat on those kinds of days, and I wish they'd happen more but I can't be neglectful like that. There's chores, there's spending time with certain people, there's my job, etc.
I actually do gotta slow my roll because my husband is feeling kinda down lately, so I'm going to try and be more available for him and work on my fics at a more casual pace.
Maybe by the end of the year you'll be able to finally read a handful of my new short stories, cuz lord knows when I'll get around to completing my slowburns and doing them justice. 😅
But yeah, just don't read them if you only read completed works? What am I supposed to do about that? 😂 Check in again in a year, see if there's any completed works. That's rly all you can do.
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breezy-cheezy · 7 months
I just want to say it's been delightful watching you get into One Piece. It's been one of my main fandoms for years, but most of the people I was following who posted about it moved on to other things and I didn't have the energy to try to find new ones, so my dash has been pretty empty of it and I mostly just kept up with the anime/manga and not much else. Your enthusiasm for it, and all the art you've been posting and reblogging, has been a highlight of my days. I have a One Piece fanfic I've been trying to finish for years, and I've felt more like writing it in the past week or so than I have in a very long time (haven't actually managed it yet, but maybe soon, I hope). I'm glad you're having fun, and I can't wait to see you get farther in the series. <3
And *I* just wanna say how touching this message is!! 🥺 Thank you for sending this, I’ve been putting off responding because I was hoarding it like a dragon HAHA
I’m glad you’re enjoying the sudden OP onslaught! Part of me always worries, but it IS my blog and I enjoy slapping a bunch of funny pirates on my metaphorical fridge, glad you’re getting a kick out of it too! Perks of a media about as old as me too is that there’s sooooo much content to dig through, it’s very fun! Even if I suck at avoiding spoilers LOL (I will at least try to shield my buddy from spoilers as she also works her way through the manga at her own pace XD)
I hear ya on struggling to finish a fic for so long…for me, with new fandom comes new ideas and we’ll see if I can actually finish these, lmao. I’m glad to hear you’re inspired again! What’s the fic about, out of curiosity? 👀 If you feel like sharing that is!
Thank you, it’s been a VERY fun read, and I hope to watch some parts in the anime later! For now tho manga is easiest for me to consume, and the art is just really nice?? 1000+ chapters used to be so intimidating but now I find it’s hard to put the thing down X’’’’D One Piece good, found family got me good! I’ll be a bit more detailed under the cut real fast (I’ve been yelling at another friend on discord with regular manga updates but I will say this)
Isa don’t open the read more :> :
I just finished Thriller Bark arc and ooooooh boy that was a Time. Zoro you are insane *sobbing* HOW IS HE EVEN ALIVE
Usopp getting to use his anxiety/depression/negative thoughts as a strength against Perona was. SO funny yet SO vindicating, I love himmmmm-
Also the stuff with Brook is one of the things I feel I need to watch the anime on because!!! Music!!! That’s difficult to translate through manga, as pretty as the art is. Same for Chopper’s send off from Drum Island, I wanna see the pretty pink Sakura Blossoms!!!! But yea Brook made me cry. I remember really hoping Laboon would pop up again and BOY HOWDY let the skeleton see his baby whale again I beg….
I just hit the Sabody arc too and spotted Law for the first time! I already know his backstory (oops I’m nosey) and WOW HE’S A LITTLE SH*T HAHAHA funny greasy lookin man good to see ya X’’’D I also love Camie!! Kinda refreshing to see a female character getting to finally make the same (if not even MORE) whacky faces like the boys do hhdfhgjkdf you’re doing great sweetieeeee 😂 (also good to see Hachi again!!)
Also the intro to Celestial Dragons and slave trade is so. Man. This is VILE. The extent of horrors the Government will look away from because they’re Celestial Dragons doing the horrors. AUGH. Gross. The situation is revealed in a really neat way too, very engaging. Sooooo satisfying watching Luffy full on punch one CD in the face tho, BLESS. Love that funky lil dude. He really doesn’t care who you are, he can and WILL punch you if friends are threatened.
ALSO I do see Ace’s execution being set up in the bg. I know in a general sense what….happens to him. I don’t like it, let him out 😭
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eternalglitch · 2 years
Okay, first off- thank you so much for responding eeee!! I literally got so excited when I saw this last night! Second! I was reading your writing tips [and now I’m gonna try and enter NaNoWriMo this coming November] but I would still love a little help :D 
I was hoping I could maybe hear more about how you got people’s attention / what your main reading resources are that developed your amazing writing; and how you were able to partner with other writers for the first time?? Like, how did those interactions transition to trusting relationships? :>
I’ve been a fanfic writer since I was 11, and I started looking into being an original writer this last year. I’ve admired the fanfic writing community since I was 11, but I’ve never tried reaching out, until now.
So this really meant the world to me that you responded :> :) :D
I have so many ideas, but I have a really hard time with writing more than one beginning-or-end chapter. 
So I had thought, maybe learning how you got to where you are, would show me the way. 
-Thank you for listening to me ramble. lol. 
Good luck with NaNoWriMo! It's going to be quite the trip, but hopefully it'll be fun as a whole. Be sure to sign up on the official website!
As for how to get attention... honestly it's a mix of skill and luck. It's hard to coach anyone how to do that because it's all about having the ability to write something good while ALSO landing in a spot where people are able to actually get a chance to see your work. I posted lfls when the fanfic scene of Rise of the TMNT was very small; it was one of the few plot-driven longer fics of the time, so it was easy for people to notice it. And once it was noticed and talked about in that smaller circle of fans, as the fandom's size exploded it was already easy to find for newcomers that wanted to try reading Rise fics so it was just yanked up there with that wave. I couldn't recreate that situation if I tried. But if you get your storytelling ability up to a certain standard, I think you'll at least find some people out there that will be excited to read your work. I can't promise it would be in fandom famous amounts, but you never know! Hopefully the luck aspect will happen for you, too.
Most of the chances I've had at teaming up with other writers and artists was because my work was already known. I've been approached multiple times because people who I admired noticed me following them on social media and since they liked my own work or even just knew of my reputation, wanted to become friends (and vice versa!). And I find that that's actually a really good way to make friends, if you happen to be in that situation! We both are intimidated by each other for a good three days and then two weeks later I'm making fun of them for being short on Twitter (I'm sorry Pen, True, and Andy lol). It's easier for me to take that step into connecting with people I admire when I kind of know they are also a bit scared of me in the same way, haha. Any other times I've met people is by becoming friends in larger fandom discord servers, which is also a great way. Just be careful and follow the standard online safety rules.
For resources, I just read a lot as a kid. Like a book every two days. I also was active writing online, of course, and read fanfics a lot. And then I also majored in Creative Writing in college. Personally I think actual classes help some, but the best thing was actually posting my work and seeing what kind of reception it got and judging how to push that even farther from there. I would also see what kind of language I liked or disliked from a wide variety of fics and books, including the classic ones I read during high school. I have a scathing hatred of Faulkner and took NOTES on how to avoid his style lol.
After that... I think you're mostly getting at that you want a road map of my little journey, so sure! Here's some highlights.
As a kid, I spent most afternoons at a friend's house. We would staple paper together and make little comics. Mine were mostly bad Warrior Cats fanfiction.
2009-2012 I was active on a virtual pet website called Chicken Smoothie (yes that's the name. What About It) with an active forum area. There was a lot of little roleplays I joined there, and often contests to adopt character designs would include a writing section. The friends I made there and whatnot really started me on creating characters and trying to write more often. I even started my own original story there based on some of the pet designs.
2012(?) I posted my first official fanfic online. It was called I Must Be Dreaming and has since been deleted from everywhere except my old personal files. It was about a main character being brainwashed into joining the villains in an old anime series (sound familiar?)
2013 I posted and finished a fanfic called Shadows of Pride for Fullmetal Alchemist. It was seven chapters and 27k words in total. The main thing I learned from this one was how to plan a story out and complete it. This was also the first year I entered NaNoWriMo for an original 50k novel called Wide Awake.
2015 was the Undertale period for me. I got up to top 10 ranked Undertale fanfics on fanfic.net, and finished a full longer story- Over and Over, which was around 64k. I also wrote some shorter ones, but that was the only one of note. After that year, I transferred to ao3 as my home base for fanfic.
2017 beat NaNoWriMo again with another 50k original story titled Lights Out.
2018/19 I worked on a My Hero Academia fanfic called Way Out of Character. I never finished this one, but I absolutely learned more about manipulating how I utilized POV in my writing.
2020 I started Like Father Like Son.
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
Heeeyy, it’s the anon who sent in an ask a while ago about shipping Alicent with others out of spite. Feel free to ignore this ask if you’re tired of ship asks (I see you’ve already received more than enough lol) or if it’ll start any unnecessary discourse you’d rather avoid.
Just wanted to pop in and say that most people on Twitter are not okay. I had no followers nor was I following anyone and I had people screenshot a very innocuous Alicole tweet (it was literally a picture of a lady and her knight, basic) and talk badly of me - apparently I am lesbophobic and Cole is misogynist with anger issues 🤷‍♀️. Newsflash: Rhaenicent is not a healthy ship either, none of ASOIAF ships are.
I then came out as a Larycent shipper. I got ratioed (as much as, again, someone with no followers can).
Anyways, I got bored and deactivated but before I did, things got messy. There was group chat drama, people were saying pro-shippers deserve to be bullied etc.
All this to say that I am frustrated with the performative activism this fandom participates in, though I’m sure the same can be said for other fandoms. What’s the point of defending a celebrity by insulting another celebrity, or worse, another user? (Sorry but I’ll sympathize with a “regular” person over a celebrity any day. Imo, they don’t really care about bullying, they just project onto their favorite character or celebrity.) What makes one inherently morally better by being an “anti” but turn around and shit-talk people’s appearances or character? Real people with real lives and issues. Characters are fictional they do not exist, it comes off as disingenuous and self-righteous. I need people to do better.
Thanks for entertaining this ask, hope you’re doing well!
welcome back, anon. i hope you're doing well, too; don't allow this pointless drama more headspace beyond it being a funny anecdote. also, by this point, you guys should check-in using stage names. :)) or serial killer names. or maybe racing horse names ?? (those are always funny)
I had no followers nor was I following anyone and I had people screenshot a very innocuous Alicole tweet (it was literally a picture of a lady and her knight, basic) and talk badly of me - apparently I am lesbophobic and Cole is misogynist with anger issues
wow, how did they even manage to find you out in a sea of accounts with no followers or following anybody? i can understand the logic of dogpilling on a popular account, because they're visible in the fandom, but this? don't these people have, idk, jobs? do they not have to go to the grocery store or smth? what kind of lame-ass surveillance state? 😂
Newsflash: Rhaenicent is not a healthy ship either, none of ASOIAF ships are.
this is why shipping wars are even stupider in asoiaf-verse. what exactly moral high ground do you think you're defending here? i keep hearing "at least it's not an inc3st ship" well ok congratulations they're fucked up & unhealthy in a different way then?
I then came out as a Larycent shipper. I got ratioed (as much as, again, someone with no followers can).
ohhhhh anon you're a brave one with larycent there! i gotta say i was into it at the beginning bc he was super fucking yandere about it to the point of it being hilarious and, also, who can resist murderous puppy dog eyes ??? but the latter part of the season, esp. ep 9, put me off and i fed myself on the green family dynamics crumbs
Anyways, I got bored and deactivated but before I did, things got messy. There was group chat drama, people were saying pro-shippers deserve to be bullied etc.
group chat drama? is that a discord thing? i feel like it's a discord thing. this is so funny to me bc the only way "group chat drama" leaks is if you have traitors in your midst who screencap and then spread it around. so who are these conspirators? these subversive agents? these freedom fighters? who watches the watchers? 😅
What makes one inherently morally better by being an “anti” but turn around and shit-talk people’s appearances or character? Real people with real lives and issues.
they end up appearance-shaming and have zero self-awareness about it? oh me oh my 💅
performative activism is a very good word for what the moral panic that has taken hold of this fandom, at least on tumblr/twitter. another thing that makes me laugh is when people write page-long essays saying "ofc you can ship whatever you want, BUT..." followed by an entire diatribe on why shipping said thing (even if it's within the confines of fiction and decidedly not irl) puts a stain on your moral character and you should basically be ashamed of yourself 😂 so which is it? can people ship in peace or do you just want a pat on the head for being a good trooper?
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findroleplay · 8 months
he/him, I am 23 years old
Here are some terms for role playing with me, I'm sorry there are a lot of things, but it saves us the time of having miscommunication or "surprises" later. The text in red is the important stuff.
» Let me state right off the bat, NO fandoms. We can do ideas based on movies/tv shows, but I am not strictly doing a fandom roleplay. I do not like to be restricted to "what already exists." I want oc's and our own world building collaborations.
You must be at least 20+ to roleplay with me. Thought there is an age minimum, there is not an age maximum. I do not care how old you are, i've roleplayed with 35 year olds before… I have no issue with it.
Our oc's will be older than 20 years old. (My oc will be 24). I am perfectly fine with our oc's having an age gap, though i'd prefer that yours would be the older one.
I am looking for dominant personality, though bed-wise i'd prefer you to be a top OR switch. NO STRICT BOTTOMS (unless you want me to bottom the entire time.) I do plan to top sometimes too (applies to mxm rp only)…
I do not & am not willing to double up. Yes, I will play other characters within the role play, but I do not want "two of the same roleplay"
The roleplay will be plot centered but nsfw will be included frequently. I'm kinda kinky, I like things to be rough, so do not come if you're vanilla.
I really want dark/dead dove themes included. ️ We can discuss this further together, but if you do not know what it means- it just means "dark" role play with possibly triggering content. It's best if you come with no triggers and are willing to do *things.* If you get what I mean.
>>>> no gross/stink/poop/slob/death/limb removal… stuff like that.
-> You need to be ADVANCED LIT with the ability to write multiple paragraphs (I write around 2-9 depends). If you crank out small one sentence or small paragraph replies… I'll probably be really disappointed and ghost you lol
->You NEED to use Realistic face claims (i hate anime & picrews, please no descriptions either). Denying the use of realistic faceclaims will just make me ghost you. I'm not willing to change it, i'm sorry. I'm picky.
-> 3rd person only
-> long term only
-> discord 1x1 group
I have some plot ideas, I am willing to hear yours too. I am huge fan of historical, but I will do fantasy, modern, futuristic- and every other genre as well.
————Ideas I have Currently————
>>> i am willing to hear your ideas <<<
Muse (me) has been a resident of the local psychiatric hospital for a few years. Because of the nature, they keep to themselves and don't go out of the way to meet people. Muse (you) is a newly admitted patient to the same hospital. They're loud & aggressive. , by habit, goes out of their way to avoid , but is fascinated by him. makes it their personal mission to get as close as they possibly can to . One day manages to steal a key card and ambushes in a hallway. Once the two are alone, is finally able to get forced conversations from Muse and decides to keep prisoner for as long as they can without getting caught.
Muse (me), an innocent church boy, who tries to get back at his family, accidentally gets himself caught up in a cult, which is run by Muse (you). Muse learns quickly that he cannot escape the cult and is stuck being teased and tormented.
Other Underdeveloped plots that appeal to me right now:
- Last two guys on earth / or zombie apocalypse
- Injured patient x caregiver nurse
- cop x robber
- serial killer x kidnapped (no mutilation.)
Please come with little to no triggers and the ability to collaborate.
Communication is KEY, if you're busy or you're not feeling the roleplay, please please please tell me. We can come up with something that would benefit the both of us.
DM me IF YOU'RE INTERESTED. I hate when people engage and then ignore me. Please, don't waste my time. Only engage if you're actually actively seeking roleplay.
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darkdoverpseeker · 8 months
I am 23 years old, I have been roleplaying since I was about 12. I've explored numerous websites for roleplay, lately it's been slow so i've decided to see how the umbra market is these days.
🕊️ I am looking for someone with no tiggers 🕊️
Here are some terms for role playing with me, I'm sorry there are a lot of things, but it saves us the time of having miscommunication or "surprises" later.
» Let me state right off the bat, NO fandoms. We can do ideas based on movies/tv shows, but I am not strictly doing a fandom roleplay. I do not like to be restricted to "what already exists." I want oc's and our own world building collaborations.
You must be at least 20+ to roleplay with me. Thought there is an age minimum, there is not an age maximum. I do not care how old you are, i've roleplayed with 35 year olds before… I have no issue with it.
Our oc's will be older than 20 years old. (My oc will be 24). I am perfectly fine with our oc's having an age gap, though i'd prefer that yours would be the older one.
I am looking for someone with a dominant personality, though bed-wise i'd prefer you to be a top OR switch. NO STRICT BOTTOMS (unless you want me to bottom the entire time.) I do plan to top sometimes too (applies to mxm rp only)…
I do not & am not willing to double up. Yes, I will play other characters within the role play, but I do not want "two of the same roleplay"
The roleplay will be plot centered but nsfw will be included frequently. I'm kinda kinky, I like things to be rough, so do not come if you're vanilla.
I really want dark/dead dove themes included. ️ We can discuss this further together, but if you do not know what it means- it just means "dark" role play with possibly triggering content. It's best if you come with no triggers and are willing to do *things.* If you get what I mean.
>>>> no gross/stink/poop/slob/death/limb removal… stuff like that.
-> You need to be ADVANCED LIT with the ability to write multiple paragraphs (I write around 2-9 depends). If you crank out small one sentence or small paragraph replies… I'll probably be really disappointed and ghost you lol
->You NEED to use Realistic face claims (i hate anime & picrews, please no descriptions either). Denying the use of realistic faceclaims will just make me ghost you. I'm not willing to change it, i'm sorry. I'm picky.
-> 3rd person only
-> long term only
-> discord 1x1 group
I have some plot ideas, I am willing to hear yours too. I am huge fan of historical, but I will do fantasy, modern, futuristic- and every other genre as well.
————Two Ideas I have Currently————
>>> i am willing to hear your ideas <<<
Muse (me) has been a resident of the local psychiatric hospital for a few years. Because of the nature, they keep to themselves and don't go out of the way to meet people. Muse (you) is a newly admitted patient to the same hospital. They're loud & aggressive. , by habit, goes out of their way to avoid , but is fascinated by him. makes it their personal mission to get as close as they possibly can to . One day manages to steal a key card and ambushes in a hallway. Once the two are alone, is finally able to get forced conversations from Muse and decides to keep prisoner for as long as they can without getting caught.
Muse (me), an innocent church boy, who tries to get back at his family, accidentally gets himself caught up in a cult, which is run by Muse (you). Muse learns quickly that he cannot escape the cult and is stuck being teased and tormented.
Please come with little to no triggers and the ability to collaborate.
Communication is KEY, if you're busy or you're not feeling the roleplay, please please please tell me. We can come up with something that would benefit the both of us.
DM me IF YOU'RE INTERESTED. I hate when people engage and then ignore me. Please, don't waste my time. Only engage if you're actually actively seeking roleplay.
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wickedlittleoz · 10 months
Hello! I'm the royal guard Anon and I just want to say I love love LOVE your interpretation of them!!! 😭🙏❤️‍🔥 The progression from fighting as a child but slowly realizing the beauty in one another is just sooo *chef kiss* 🥹 The part where they got separated almost scared my soul out tho, but I can always count on you to give them the happy ending they deserve🫶🫶 Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!!
Also I'm pretty late to the party, but I saw there was a poll about a shimadacest discord some time ago? I was wondering if there's any way I could join in case it's already created? If not then no problem! I'm just afraid I missed it. Thank you again! 🙏
ANON HELLO HI I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!!! 🤧🤧🤧 awwwwweee thank you for writing back too like i always love to hear feedback so yeah thank you and i'm honored you share your beautiful ideas with me!!! and you know me lmao the canon is too depressing already, the boys deserve a happy ending!!! 💚💙
about the discord, maybe i should've put out like an "official statement" (lol) before but i was kind of afraid to disappoint everyone, and. welp.
after a lot of overthinking especially on my end because i'm delulu, tldr is that we decided not to do it.
i'll be very honest: we got talking to friends who have done this kind of thing (specifically the mod part) before and heard that it can be kind of draining... like, a lot of people get together in a small environment, shit breaks out, you know? and we love this community so much we feared we'd have to watch it come apart and somehow feel responsible for it?
also like, we have work and other real life things to worry about, so to us, much like to you probably and so many other friends here, participating in fandom spaces is where we go to relax. you get what i'm trying to say, right?
sooooo, even though we were very happy with all the responses (personally did not expect such a large number tbh), we decided we aren't ready for that kind of responsibility and that we'll not be doing it ourselves. obviously if anyone else feels inclined to start the server themselves, they're free to do it, no one 'owns' the idea (lol) and we'd love to like, see it come to fruition, yk? a lot of friends showed interest, and with that i feel like i also have to apologize,
for hyping it up so much and then just not seeing it through. we really, really are sorry. we saw (like mostly everyone who participated in the poll) the potential of the idea, but realized that it was a bite much larger than we could chew, and decided against it for our own sakes. again, really sorry.
sorry it's a wot, the tldr like i said before is, we didn't create the server and won't do it, you didn't miss anything because i'm chicken and, frankly, getting too old for internet drama lol just avoiding it at all costs even before it finds me
ANYWAYS, thanks for all the kindness and sorry once again, ily pls don't hate me + have a wonderful week <3
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greensword101 · 4 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Wolfy, I swear you always have the craziest ideas and that's why I love you so much!
Okay, okay, here are my five fics that I am happy to broadcast on here with a link to my fic profiles below.
5. Bad Idea. Fandom: Young Justice. Summary: Why it's a bad idea to bully Dick Grayson. A deconstruction of Young Justice fanfic cliches.
This is technically my most popular work, but it isn't my best and the writing shows. It was unplanned to be a full fledged series of one shots, but the first chapter exploded with reviews asking for more and I decided what the heck. I wish I could have done a few things differently, but I know better now.
4. Lucky Cat Cafe Maid Event. Fandom: Big Hero 6. Summary: The Lucky Cat Cafe is hosting a male maid event and is a server short. Fred volunteers and gets a chance to be close with his crush, Tadashi. But now they need a way to bring business in. Maybe a little fanservice is in order...
My first Fredashi fic. I had fun, I wrote it mainly for @princesstadashi cause we talked about the pairing a lot. I loved writing about the two making out in front of customers in maid outfits in case you didn't tell already lol.
3. Back to December. Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Summary: Set after "Orpheus" of Angel and before "Dirty Girls" in Buffy.
The car was silent.
Two hours stuck in a car with Faith was not Willow's idea of a good time. Too much history and too much hurt and too many topics to avoid.
But maybe it was exactly what they needed to clear the air and turn a temporary truce into something more like friendship.
After restoring Angel's soul (again), Willow and Faith have a rare heart-to-heart on the way back to Sunnydale.
This was a secret Santa gift I did recently on a discord server and I'm proud that I wrote a cute canon compliant piece and got the dialogue down.
2. Old Relics and Movies. Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Summary: Post-Halloween, Season Two. Buffy is exhausted and stressed after the spell is broken. Luckily, Giles is there with support and an unusual movie.
I managed to get this written shortly after I finished the kinktober writing, but man, was I tired. I headcanon Giles as being a fan of Rocky Horror Picture Show as his actor, Anthony Stewart Head was Dr. Frank n Furter in a production a few times. The dialogue was much snappier, closer to the show, and I enjoyed writing the fluff between Buffy and Giles.
1. Bring Your Hero Son to Work Day. Fandom: OK KO Let's Be Heroes. Summary: K.O. learns that Professor Venomous is his father. Now, they both have 6-11 years of father-son time to catch up on. But is it really worth giving the villain a second chance?
My current project and sleeper hit that people have repeatedly commented on how good the characters sound. I'm also proud of the humor/drama balance for the most part.
@princesstadashi @isalisewrites @hybristophilica @sunflowerspectre @bizarrejoe what are your top five self fic recs?
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findyourrp · 8 months
he/him, I am 23 years old
Here are some terms for role playing with me, I'm sorry there are a lot of things, but it saves us the time of having miscommunication or "surprises" later.
» Let me state right off the bat, NO fandoms. We can do ideas based on movies/tv shows, but I am not strictly doing a fandom roleplay. I do not like to be restricted to "what already exists." I want oc's and our own world building collaborations.
You must be at least 20+ to roleplay with me. Thought there is an age minimum, there is not an age maximum. I do not care how old you are, i've roleplayed with 35 year olds before… I have no issue with it.
Our oc's will be older than 20 years old. (My oc will be 24). I am perfectly fine with our oc's having an age gap, though i'd prefer that yours would be the older one.
I am looking for a dominant personality, though bed-wise i'd prefer you to be a top OR switch. NO STRICT BOTTOMS (unless you want me to bottom the entire time.) I do plan to top sometimes too (applies to mxm rp only)…
I do not & am not willing to double up. Yes, I will play other characters within the role play, but I do not want "two of the same roleplay"
The roleplay will be plot centered but nsfw will be included frequently. I'm kinda kinky, I like things to be rough, so do not come if you're vanilla.
I really want dark/dead dove themes included. ️ We can discuss this further together, but if you do not know what it means- it just means "dark" role play with possibly triggering content. It's best if you come with no triggers and are willing to do *things.* If you get what I mean.
>>>> no gross/stink/poop/slob/death/limb removal… stuff like that.
-> You need to be ADVANCED LIT with the ability to write multiple paragraphs (I write around 2-9 depends). If you crank out small one sentence or small paragraph replies… I'll probably be really disappointed and ghost you lol
->You NEED to use Realistic face claims (i hate anime & picrews, please no descriptions either). Denying the use of realistic faceclaims will just make me ghost you. I'm not willing to change it, i'm sorry. I'm picky.
-> 3rd person only
-> long term only
-> discord 1x1 group
I have some plot ideas, I am willing to hear yours too. I am huge fan of historical, but I will do fantasy, modern, futuristic- and every other genre as well.
————Two Ideas I have Currently————
>>> i am willing to hear your ideas <<<
Muse (me) has been a resident of the local psychiatric hospital for a few years. Because of the nature, they keep to themselves and don't go out of the way to meet people. Muse (you) is a newly admitted patient to the same hospital. They're loud & aggressive. , by habit, goes out of their way to avoid , but is fascinated by him. makes it their personal mission to get as close as they possibly can to . One day manages to steal a key card and ambushes in a hallway. Once the two are alone, is finally able to get forced conversations from Muse and decides to keep prisoner for as long as they can without getting caught.
Muse (me), an innocent church boy, who tries to get back at his family, accidentally gets himself caught up in a cult, which is run by Muse (you). Muse learns quickly that he cannot escape the cult and is stuck being teased and tormented.
Other Underdeveloped plots that appeal to me right now:
- Last two guys on earth / or zombie apocalypse
- Injured patient x caregiver nurse
- cop x robber
- serial killer x kidnapped (no mutilation.)
Please come with little to no triggers and the ability to collaborate.
Communication is KEY, if you're busy or you're not feeling the roleplay, please please please tell me. We can come up with something that would benefit the both of us.
DM me IF YOU'RE INTERESTED. I hate when people engage and then ignore me. Please, don't waste my time. Only engage if you're actually actively seeking roleplay.
0 notes
Fic of Y/n sneaking around Claude (harder pre-time skip bc he has more free time) to bond with his wyvern that's still very young and during the post-time skip reunion she (dunno why I headcanon his wyvern as female) tackles reader to the ground? 🥺 Tooth-rotting fluff all around
Warnings: nothing Word Count: 779 Genre: Fluffff
WOAH TWO POSTS IN A DAY??? AMAZING. But anyways, OH MY GOD THIS REQUEST MAKES ME SO SOFT DSNHJFBASBFHJFJSKHFSBDJ. Also I totally headcanon Claude’s wyvern as female too so you’re not alone! A little rushed towards the end but oh well lol, I hope you like this Anon! ~Admin Hurricane
You peered around the corner, checking your surroundings before tip toeing your way into the stables. It was never easy sneaking around Claude, especially with how sharp he was. But as you drew close, you slowly pushed the door open. It creaked slightly, which caused you to freeze up for a moment before you slipped in. Scanning your surroundings, you sat down on the straw covered floor pulling out a fish you had just caught. 
A little white snout poked out from underneath a pile of straw and you laughed softly, brushing some of it off. “There you are!” you said pulling her out. She squeaked in delight, jumping down from your arms to go after the fish. “Woah there, slow down! You might choke,” you giggled, pulling out a knife to cut the fish into smaller pieces. The little wyvern quickly wolfed down the fish, before nuzzling her snout against your hand. You sighed softly, looking outside to ensure no one had heard you, “You’re going to get me into a lot of trouble y’know? I don’t think I’m even supposed to be seeing you,” you said stroking her horns. The wyvern snorted, her yellow eyes glimmering in the darkness. 
You hadn’t intended to discover the little white wyvern on purpose. You just so happened to stumble upon her one night while you were tending to your pegasus, and you had instantly fallen in love with her. Every night, before curfew, you snuck out of your room to go visit her. Initially it was rather hard to gain her trust, seeing as Claude was pretty much the only human she’d ever come in contact with. But after a little while, you’d finally managed to get her to trust you. 
You sighed, carefully cutting up another fish and setting it down. You patted her head gently, before gathering up your things, “I’ll be back soon alright?” you said smiling gently. But that never happened.
Edelgard’s proclamation, the start of a war, it all seemed to happen so quickly. Too quickly. Friends turned to enemies, betrayal running rampant.
Before you knew it, five years had already passed. You pulled your scarf closer around your neck as you flew towards the monastery for the reunion. You knew everyone was probably far too busy to attend, but in your heart, you still had a glimmer of hope that they would show up. The war hadn’t been too kind to you, oftentimes finding yourself wandering from place to place trying to avoid conflict as much as you could. 
As you neared the monastery, your eyes widened as you heard the sound of fighting coming from below. You directed your pegasus towards the fighting, worried it might be your friends. And true to your instincts, there they were. Without time to think, you quickly pulled out your steel bow, shooting down one enemy after another. There weren’t many left so all you had to do was clean up the few remaining stragglers. With a few shots, they were down and out for the count. 
Scanning your surroundings once more to ensure that you had taken out all of the thieves, you swooped down guiding your pegasus to the ground. You hopped off before it’s hooves touched the ground, rushing forward to greet your former classmates. “You guys! He-” you were immediately cut off as a mass of white crashed into you. [I KNOW CLAUDE DOESN’T BRING HIS WHITE WYVERN TO THE REUNION AT DAWN FIGHT BUT LETS PRETEND FOR THE SAKE OF THE FIC 👀] You let out a yell of surprise before crashing to the ground. Your pegasus let out a shriek of alarm before cantering over. 
You were alright, just completely caught off guard. “Hey! Don’t do that, you know it doesn’t wash out!” you laughed, trying to push away a white snout aggressively licking your face. Claude rushed over, his eyes wide with surprise as he reigned in his wyvern. “Y/N?”
“Hey Claude,” you said, standing up and wiping off the wyvern slobber. His wyvern broke free from his grasp to trot over to you rumbling softly. She nuzzled your face, her yellow eyes gleaming brightly. “Hey there, you’re so big now!” you cooed, rubbing her snout. She snorted, licking your face once more before walking back to Claude, a smug look on her face. “So uh...sorry about never telling you, but uh, I may or may not have bonded with your wyvern during our school days whenever you weren’t around.” you said chuckling sheepishly, patting your pegasus’ snout as it trotted over. 
He was quiet for a moment before bursting into laughter, “You were always good with animals, I suppose I should have expected this.” He extended a hand out to you a warm smile on his face, “Welcome back my friend.”
Want more of my writing? Be sure to check out my masterlist :)
If you wanna request something, don’t be afraid to send something my way! Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!
Anesthesia and I have an official Discord server now! Please be sure to join! There you’ll receive notifications for fics when they’re published right away and be able to interact with us outside of the blog. You’ll also be able to rp and interact with characters from each different fandom that I have written for. Hope to see you there, don’t keep us waiting! https://discord.gg/fEPSkXa3fT
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kyojuuros · 3 years
April is drawing ever closer so I just wanted to give a heads up about the coming days. 
I am viciously determined to avoid spoilers for the final chapter. I’d been trying to avoid them in the last few chapters but ended up giving in and seeking them out anyway (after all, it has been part of my monthly routine since chapter 51). But for this chapter, I absolutely want to open the first page of it with a completely clean and fresh perspective - without the snippets, the lack of context, the fandom arguments over whether the story was tied up well or whatever else. I want it to be as pure of an experience as I can possibly have for the series finale. 
I will be turning my ask box off completely around the 5th and though I may still post things on tumblr, I will not venture out onto the dash or into any tags until I have read the chapter. And not that I’m really active on twitter anyway, but I will be avoiding it completely, as well as simply staying in my small circle on discord.
I’m sure I will have a plethora of thoughts once I finish the last chapter and I’m already debating if I’m going to make a good old fashioned mega meta post or if I’ll have more scattered thoughts instead. I am so excited and super nervous and extremely sad lol. This series has been such a big part of my life and will continue to be. 
Regrettably (at least, in terms of fandom participation), I am also moving into a new apartment the weekend after the chapter’s release. So I may be quieter than I’d like to be until I have time to fully process and collect my thoughts. 
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heybaetae · 2 years
have you made any fandom friends? i feel like every time i try it just doesnt work. it seems like im always gonna be the person so invested in fandoms but can never make connections in these groups. its been the same since teen wolf was a thing *sigh*
yes, a few here and there! a couple people on here and twitter, but i'd really only consider one of them very close. by no means do i feel like i have a solid "friend group" of army lol. actually a handful of my bts friends are people i already knew from past fandoms that gradually got into bts as well, so i feel the most comfortable talking to them because i knew them before this. sometimes it seems like the only way to meet new friends is to join a group chat or a discord or something, but i really hate group chats and idk shit about discord lol. i think i'm mostly okay with keeping my circle small though. that's how i avoid drama lol
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curiosityjams · 3 years
re: iz*one
first of all, i wanted to say i didn’t plan on writing something about the disbandment. the past few months have been incredibly rough on my mental state to the point where i feel as if i’ve lost all sense of self. shit has been so rough for me, their disbandment being confirmed made that even worse for me. however, i realized i need to learn how to be okay with like...being open about my own emotions in a time of uncertainty and writing them out helps me in a way even if a lot of those emotions i’d rather keep private. i’ve also been going thru a time where i’m currently reevaluating this past year and everything i’ve done/felt in the past few yrs (2.5 of those years being izone’s run), so i thought i’d write something about the disbandment and what iz*one means to me, esp during this point in my life. i’d write more about what led me to this point, but if i did, i’d end up writing a whole novel, so i’m just going to keep this as short as possible.
also if this is a jumbled mess, i’m sorry!!!!
since we’re here to talk about the inevitable, i just wanted to say that i’ve probably had a harder time accepting them being gone than i thought. i knew they were gonna disband eventually bc lol produce group, but also, knowing what happened with the voting scandal and the panasonic, it makes it even worse for me. i hate that they didn’t even bother to handle their disbandment in a way that wasn’t complete horseshit. i hate how the pandora screwed everything up. i hate how we didn’t even get a proper goodbye from the girls. i knew that this was going to happen, but i fucking hate how it all turned out. i can’t say i’m 100% happy with the ending and honestly, don’t think i’ll ever be able to fully accept that they’re no longer a group. 
that said, i’m not here to vent.
while i’m obviously upset that they’re gone, the fact that they were ever a group to begin with--i’ll forever be grateful. i avoided getting into them for the longest time because of my own trauma from being involved in the 48 fandom (smth i’ll talk about at a later time bc it’s a lot), but the moment i decided to watch their “up” performance and actually give them a chance beyond looping la vie en rose, that’s when i fell in love. i fell in love with the music. i fell in love with the visuals. i fell in love with the bond between the girls. most of all, i fell in love with the fact that during a weird transitional period in my 20s, i found a group that gave me the closure i needed in a time where it felt like the world was against me while also giving me the strength i need to move on. 
while we’re on that topic, let’s talk about kwon eunbi.
as you already know from my url, eunbi is obviously my bias. she’s the leader of the group, under the company my ult group, lovelyz, is also in, and THE absolute all-rounder. she’s extremely talented, super fucking funny, a babe of THE highest order, and the best single mom you could ever ask for. every time i watch a video of iz*one’s or look at any of their pics, i’m always in absolute awe of her. while i love all of the girls (j-line has a very special place in my heart bc of my time in 48 fandom) and do consider the entire group to be one full of bias wreckers, it’s eunbi that instantly caught my eye and the one i’m incredibly proud to call my ult.
“now, drea, why is it that you’re taking so much time with talking about how special this group and that girl are to you?” well, it’s mainly because that eunbi and i are the same age (both 95-liners, but i’m older by 2 months) that i’m so drawn to not only her, but the group as well. yeah, it’s normal to be drawn to members born in your birth year, but for me and esp in this case, it’s far more complex than it seems.
around the time i got into the group, i was (still am) going thru a quarter life crisis. i had just finished my a.a., was a few months away from turning 24, and had pretty much decided i was going to take an indefinite hiatus from twitter due to the amount of harm its done to my mental health over 10 years. i felt like shit knowing that so many people my age were living their lives, getting married, having kids, etc all that shit while i felt as if i was frozen in time and like i could never accomplish any of those things because according to society, my time was up. as a woman on the autism spectrum, i never felt like anything i did was enough and knowing that even after years of trauma, the feeling that if i don’t have my entire life sorted out by 24/25 scared the living shit out of me. knowing that a panini happened made those feelings even worse. 
i know it’s weird to like...feel so many emotions over this esp since 23-25 is young and starting your career out at that age is normal. that said, knowing how eunbi was already in a group prior to joining iz*one that ended up disbanding months after they debuted, the road she took to get to where she is now, and the fact that she’s 25/26 and will get so many chances to start over is what gives me hope after such a shit year. i can finally get to where i want to be, i’ll graduate from university, i’ll hopefully get a job that will earn me enough money to move out of my mom’s house, i’ll find love, etc who the fuck knows what’s going to happen? i hate that after years of hating myself and being afraid of getting older because people often have this mentality that you should abandon all sense of yourself once you hit your mid 20s, it’s taken me THIS long to actually start accepting myself for who i am and living my life for myself, but i’m excited to see where the fuck life takes me after years of self-hatred, trauma, and trying too hard to please ppl that don’t give a shit. seeing eunbi just have a fucking blast on stage, take care of her members, and overall be the amazing person she is gave me the strength i desperately needed to actually get to the path i want to be on as someone that’s a few years away from turning 30.
as i said earlier, i’m not ready to just outright accept iz*one being gone. i’ll probably spend the entire month of may just watching their content since there’s still a shitton of stuff i have yet to watch and i’m lowkey embarrassed that as a fan, i’m admitting this, but also: there’s no time limit. i can always watch that video at another time, i’ll like that pic later, etc. i wish iz*one was one of those things that had no time limit because i’ll always cherish them, but in the 2.5 years of their existance, i achieved some big things and survived a pandemic. i left twitter, got closure in chapters i needed closure in, finished my a.a., etc among many other things during that time and it’s partly because of iz*one that i’ve pushed myself to do all of those things. it’s hard esp since it’s easier to just write smth like this on tumblr than actually do it, but the girls and their music were part of the reason why 2020 wasn’t a complete dumpster fire for me. 
most of all, i wanted to write this because i wanted to shout-out the amazing folks at @izonetwork​. i joined super late in the game, but the convos i’ve had, the laughs we’ve had on discord/among us, etc i’ll never forget it. meeting all of you was one of THE highlights of an otherwise shitty year and i’ll always credit you as one of the reasons why i wasn’t completely emotionally distant during such a dark time. all of you keep me grounded and i’m forever grateful. super honored to call you guys my friends. <3
so yeah, thank you iz*one. thank you, eunbi, sakura, hyewon, yena, chaeyeon, chaewon, minju, nako, hitomi, yuri, yujin, and wonyoung. i don’t speak korean or japanese, but know i’m eternally grateful for all the joy, strength and bops you gave me in the past 2.5 years. i’m even more grateful for the friends i’ve met thru my own fandom of the group. i’m excited to see what every single one of you does next regardless of what it may be. 
now if you’ll excuse me, i have to go catch up on all the enozis i’ve missed. 
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lancermylove · 4 years
Drunk Karaoke 2 (HC)
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: Sotetsu x Reader, Ran x Reader, Yoshino x Reader, Ginsei x Reader
Warning: Sotestu’s hc gets a bit sexy. ;P
Requested by: Multiple people on Discord
Prompt: No single prompt, it was more like a conversation lol.
A/N: The boys get drunk in this version, except Yoshino can’t get drunk easily. 
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Ran and you were at the karaoke for a much needed date. Both of you had been too busy to even contact each other. 
He had ordered a few snacks and non-alcoholic drinks or so he thought. After two glasses of the beverage, Ran started to act out of the ordinary; he got up on the sofa and started to bark. 
"R-Ran? Are you okay?" You couldn't help but stare at him, confused. 
"Ren? Who that? I Sabu!" He jumped off the couch with a massive grin and got down on all fours. Bark. Bark.
"Sabu? But Ran." 
The blue-haired boy got on his knees and held his hands in front of him. He looked like a puppy begging for a treat. 
"Sabu, good boy! Give Sabu treat." He said and rubbed the side of his head on your knees. 
Still confused, you slowly patted his head. "Ran, you aren't a dog, and Sabu is your dog." 
"I Sabu, see my ears n tail?" He turned his head to look at his non-existing tail and whimpered, "Where Sabu tail? Sabu lost tail!" 
Ran started to look around the room with a pout on his lips, "Sabu tail gone."
To your shock, Ran started crying. You quickly kneeled in front of him and stroked his head, "Ran, you don't have a tail. Please, don't cry." 
The boy threw his arms around you and buried his face in your shoulder, "Sabu, sad." 
While you tried to calm Ran, the waiter ran into the room, looking panicked. "Ah miss, I am so sorry, but your order got mixed up! I accidentally served you alcohol. Please forgive me!" 
By the time the waiter left, Ran was already fast asleep, still embracing you. 
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Yoshino had invited you to go to a nearby karaoke place but avoided admitting that it was a date. He was too shy and knew that you were smart enough to understand his hint.
While Yoshino sang for you, you, distracted by his songs, ended up drinking more than you intended to. 
"H-Hey, are you okay?" Yoshino asked in a small, slightly apprehensive voice. 
"Yoshi, the world is spinning round and round." You laughed as you drew circles in the air. 
Realizing that you were drunk, he decided to end the date there and take you home. Despite his best effort to get you to walk, you couldn't keep your balance, so he had no choice but to piggyback you. 
As he slowly made his way towards your home, he cursed his height. Why do I have to be so short? At this rate, I will not be able to get her home.
"Yooosh, your hair smells sooo gud." You buried your face in his hair, causing him to freeze. 
"Please d-don't do that." His cheeks turned a shade of pink. Feeling your body pressed against his back was bad enough for him. 
"Ooh, your muscles...have ya been workin' out?" 
Yoshino was losing his mind but knew he had to get you home safely, so throughout the entire walk, he tried his best to not let your words get to him.
Only when you were safely tucked into bed did Yoshino let out a sigh of relief. He had to admit that the walk home was the toughest moment of his life. 
He sat down on your couch and made a mental note. Next time we go on a date, keep her as far away from alcohol as possible.
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Ginsei planned a karaoke date for your weekly date night. It had been a while since the two of you had sung your heart out while enjoying a few drinks.
While enjoying his time with you, Ginsei lost track of the number of drinks he had. Before he knew it, his vision was going out of focus.
"Ginsei, did you have too many drinks?" You chuckled and sat down next to him. 
He unexpectedly threw his arms around you and pulled you onto his lap, "Whata cute teddy bear." The ikemen stroked your head and smiled, "You smell so nice n are warm." 
You didn't say a word as you were too amused by his actions. 
"Teddy, I am sexy...everyone says n my looks so good that it make women faint." He rested his chin on your shoulder and sighed, "I don' care 'bout what people say. I only care 'bout what my princess say." 
You blinked a few times and gazed at him, taken aback. He wrapped his arms tighter around your waist, "I love her much, do you think I should confess to her?" 
"Why wouldn't you?" 
"Huh? Teddy can talk?" He smiled sheepishly, "Am I gud enough for her?" 
"Ginsei..." You whispered softly and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Tell her tomorrow, okay? She loves you too." 
"She l-loves me? Teddy is a fortune teller." He hesitantly gave a slight nod, "I'll tell her tomorrow." 
Even though his confession made your heart melt, it still hurt you to hear how hard Ginsei was on himself. 
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While you sung your favorite song, Sotetsu was dancing for you. You two were having a blast on your date, but your alone time was cut short when a slightly intoxicated man barged into your room. 
He pointed his finger at Sotetsu and spoke confidently, "I challenge you to a drinking competition." 
Even though you asked him not to accept the stranger's challenge, Sotetsu didn't listen to your request. After all, how could he turn down a good challenge?
In the end, he ended up winning, but Sotetsu got drunk. Thinking that he ruined the date, you were upset. 
Out of nowhere, he walked in front of you, a safe distance away, and looked you straight in the eyes, "Hey babe, if Starless had a stripping competition, I bet I would win." 
You raised an eyebrow, "Why are you bringing this up?" 
"Watch." He said, a confident smirk dancing on his lips. Sotetsu started dancing, despite being drunk, his moves were still captivating. One-by-one, he slowly took his clothes off. 
The shoes went first, then jacket, followed by his shirt. As he seductively unzipped his pants, you squealed, "Sotetsu, stop! I get the idea." 
He started laughing, "Am I too sexy for you to handle?" Even in his drunk state, he still managed to tease you. 
"No! Shut up." 
As he indulged himself in laughter, you slowly took in his sculpted chest, muscular arms, and perfect abs. Oh, how you regretted stopping him from showing you more. 
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findroleplay · 8 months
I am 23 years old, I have been roleplaying since I was about 12. I've explored numerous websites for roleplay, lately it's been slow so i've decided to see how the umbra market is these days.
🕊️ i am looking for someone with no triggers 🕊️
Here are some terms for role playing with me, I'm sorry there are a lot of things, but it saves us the time of having miscommunication or "surprises" later.
» Let me state right off the bat, NO fandoms. We can do ideas based on movies/tv shows, but I am not strictly doing a fandom roleplay. I do not like to be restricted to "what already exists." I want oc's and our own world building collaborations.
You must be at least 20+ to roleplay with me. Thought there is an age minimum, there is not an age maximum. I do not care how old you are, i've roleplayed with 35 year olds before… I have no issue with it.
Our oc's will be older than 20 years old. (My oc will be 24). I am perfectly fine with our oc's having an age gap, though i'd prefer that yours would be the older one.
I am looking for someone with a dominant personality, though bed-wise i'd prefer you to be a top OR switch. NO STRICT BOTTOMS (unless you want me to bottom the entire time.) I do plan to top sometimes too (applies to mxm rp only)…
I do not & am not willing to double up. Yes, I will play other characters within the role play, but I do not want "two of the same roleplay"
The roleplay will be plot centered but nsfw will be included frequently. I'm kinda kinky, I like things to be rough, so do not come if you're vanilla.
I really want dark/dead dove themes included. ️ We can discuss this further together, but if you do not know what it means- it just means "dark" role play with possibly triggering content. It's best if you come with no triggers and are willing to do *things.* If you get what I mean.
>>>> no gross/stink/poop/slob/death/limb removal… stuff like that.
-> You need to be ADVANCED LIT with the ability to write multiple paragraphs (I write around 2-9 depends). If you crank out small one sentence or small paragraph replies… I'll probably be really disappointed and ghost you lol
->You NEED to useRealistic face claims (i hate anime & picrews, please no descriptions either). Denying the use of realistic faceclaims will just make me ghost you. I'm not willing to change it, i'm sorry. I'm picky.
-> 3rd person only
-> long term only
-> discord 1x1 group
I have some plot ideas, I am willing to hear yours too. I am huge fan of historical, but I will do fantasy, modern, futuristic- and every other genre as well.
————Two Ideas I have Currently————
>>> i am willing to hear your ideas <<<
Muse (me) has been a resident of the local psychiatric hospital for a few years. Because of the nature, they keep to themselves and don't go out of the way to meet people. Muse (you) is a newly admitted patient to the same hospital. They're loud & aggressive. , by habit, goes out of their way to avoid , but is fascinated by him. makes it their personal mission to get as close as they possibly can to . One day manages to steal a key card and ambushes in a hallway. Once the two are alone, is finally able to get forced conversations from Muse and decides to keep prisoner for as long as they can without getting caught.
Muse (me), an innocent church boy, who tries to get back at his family, accidentally gets himself caught up in a cult, which is run by Muse (you). Muse learns quickly that he cannot escape the cult and is stuck being teased and tormented.
Please come with little to no triggers and the ability to collaborate.
Communication is KEY, if you're busy or you're not feeling the roleplay, please please please tell me. We can come up with something that would benefit the both of us.
DM me IF YOU'RE INTERESTED. I hate when people engage and then ignore me. Please, don't waste my time. Only engage if you're actually actively seeking roleplay.
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