#i also don't have anything to wear to the funeral. and it is soon. so that's solid that's good.
finniestoncrane · 4 months
40 minutes left of work. i've written 2785 words of fics so far today, cna i crack the 3k mark in 40 mins? hopefully!! i'm on the fuckin ball man this is the most inspiration i've had in a while, i have six things queued up i am so far ahead of my little schedule i make plus my commissions and trades are coming out nicely
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houpss · 3 months
I saw this on the Internet and it drove me hysterical. I wanted something super sad, so I'm writing this (💊))
I'm an empath and while I was writing this...oh, I was crying like the last bitch. Parts will be released by two members!
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He covered your body from the bullet wound.
He died in the hospital on the operating table at 23:00...a beautiful time isn't it?
This happened when you and Chan were planning to go for a walk to the mountain parks, you had been wanting to go there for so long!
A murder was about to happen to you, because when the agency confirmed your relationship with Chan, a huge amount of hate was poured out on you.
That day you were in a beautiful white dress, Chan was also very handsome, your dear Chan.
Suddenly you heard a noise near the front door and Chris went to check, the next thing you heard was a scream: “Y/N, HIDE.”shoot.
You ran after him, saw only Chan’s body, you put his head on your lap and immediately called an ambulance, you could only whisper: “Don’t close your eyes, hold on, my love,” your hand was on his wound, he looked at so tenderly you.
You held his hand always, you refused to let him go, and his fingers weakly squeezed your hand.
Chan was taken to the hospital, and you immediately called the boys, your words were incomprehensible, and your tears were choking you.
You are all gathered in the hospital, the operation is already three hours, your heart is breaking, and the red spots on your white dress are drying up.
words: "Sorry, we couldn't save him"
The members were the first to enter his room... Felix and Jongin were the first to leave in tears... followed by Hyunjin hugging Jisung, then Changbin and Minho... Seungmin came out last.
When he died, you screamed heartbreakingly, there was scarlet blood on your white dress, the last symbol of love.
Have you lost track of time, how much did you spend near his cold body in the hospital? How long did you hold his cold hands and lean your forehead against his forehead?
You refused to let go of his body, please don't take Chris away.
You kiss his cold lips one last time.
The boys were heartbroken and you were killed, your soul died along with Chan.
You don’t remember the funeral, you don’t remember how long you sat at the grave, you don’t remember anything. Everything in your apartment smells of him, everything reminded you of him...
You always wear his big black hoodie and his hat, you wear all his things. Leaving the smell of Chan on you
Your eyes are always red.
You have Chan as wallpaper everywhere on your phone, you don't want him to slip from your memory.
The boys went to rest for an indefinite period of time, and you flew to Australia to visit Chan’s family, having previously visited the dorm and collected his things. You cried non-stop, your grief was unbearable.
You will remain living in Sydney with Chan's family, but will occasionally fly to Seoul to visit the boys...their fates are on the eve, their leader is dead, your sweet Channie is buried two meters underground.
Such a life will not last long, you will never be able to accept the bitterness of loss.
You will die exactly five months after Chan, the last syndrome of your love. I'll be back soon.
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He died immediately, no one could help him.
You walked down a dark alley with Minho, he held your hand tightly so that you wouldn’t be afraid, you’re not afraid, are you?
In the distance, some men were beating a girl, Minho saw this and was consumed by anger.
The girl was saved, she ran away and he protected you from these men, but...
He was stabbed in the neck.
You were covered in blood, you were hugging his already inanimate body.
Minho looked at the sky with glassy eyes, he is now one of the stars in the sky.
A police investigation began, then the company released a statement... then a funeral, crying members, Minho's broken parents... how vague everything.
You immediately took Soonie, Doongie and Dori from Minho’s apartment.
You tried so hard to support everyone, but you yourself were killed from within.
You saw him in all your dreams, you fell asleep with the thought that in your dreams he would be nearby.
It's become an addiction.
You moved into the dorms and lived there so often, helping the members. Everything was easier with you.
With Minho's death, you promised yourself that no one else would ever take your heart. You are forever faithful to Minho.
You will definitely ensure that those who killed Minho are punished.
You will definitely achieve justice.
You've been sitting on his grave for so long... leaning against the tombstone with the name "LEE MINHO 25.10.1998-03.04.202*" such a beautiful name, such tender feelings.
You will help the boys return to the industry, you continued Minho's work.
You will continue his life in your heart.
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itspotatocatto · 7 months
100 epitaphs analysis rambles
mostly centered around symbolism of sanya's outfit changes but also touching on the baseball bat, the convergence cables, and a few strike 3 line retrospectives. (had to put it under the cut because it accidentally got really long, whoopsies!)
the two main outfits we see sanya in are her short yellow and black outfit with her hair down (which i will be referring to as "gymkid outfit") and her longer black and white outfit with her hair tied up (which i will refer to as "punk outfit").
in sanya's gymkid outfit we see her helplessness and youth, from the first time yura took her out to party [false disposition] to how she lays down seemingly caught in a grieving immobility. in her punk outfit however we see her defiance and her attempts to be "mature", raising the bat to protect KT when they first meet [parties are for losers] to her irreverent laughter while "a candle burns another photograph".
in convergence we see how yura views the cables binding the characters central to his plan of saving KT, sanya is here in her gymkid outfit, as much as he cares for her she's still a helpless kid getting tied up and held back by all that's going on. but in 100 epitaphs we see how sanya views this situation, seemingly accepting the cables and embracing them. she welcomes them, they don't restrict her, they comfort her, enabling her to get stronger, to be better at fighting the world.
also take note of the baseball bat, in convergence she isn't touching it but still tied up with her, out of reach but inescapable. whereas, in 100 epitaphs we see and hear how yura taking the bat in his hand kicks up the music, that audible ignition of firey rebel spirit, and when the cables enwrap her she wraps herself around the bat, holding it tight to her, refusing to let it go, that symbol of anything and everything she might be able to do to change things, to use what little power she has and release the frustration she's built up against the cruelty of the world.
this outfit symbolism is also shown in how sanya was wearing her gymkid outfit while she was on call with yura during the "negotiations" in convergence. she had very little actionable power in that situation, her presence was concealed and then almost immediately forcibly removed as soon as it was revealed. even down to the tiniest detail of yura's contact photo of her being her wearing the punk outfit and how that's the outfit she wears when she confronts dmitry in 100 epitaphs, these little attempts at displaying strength.
these outfit specifics even go back to young!sanya tying her hair up in preparation for the funeral, probably her first real experience of having to be mature. the facial expression change between young!sanya and present!sanya there is also very telling, young!sanya's frown is so sad, so unsure. this is contrasted by what we can see of present!sanya's frown, it's a lot sharper, a lot more sure of itself, somewhere between determined and disgruntled, she's gotten used to trying to be mature but that doesn't make it easier, she's just pushing through it harder.
but of course, yura and sanya's views of her aren't the only ones we see in 100 epitaphs, we also see sergei's perception of her as they stand back to back. here she's in her punk outfit, but it's incomplete, her hair is down, she can't fully commit herself to this, it's not who she is (or maybe she shouldn't commit herself to it and it's not who she should be).
on the topic of sergei it is SO COOL how strike 3's presence is all over 100 epitaphs. from the tepid autumn day to the motif while sanya and sergei are back to back, even how they both start with a phone (olga calling vs yura disconnecting). and they way strike 3 foreshadowed that final scene in 100 epitaphs in a way to make the exact way those lines would turn out ambiguous is damn near masterful.
"everything will pass, the edge will dull, i know what's best for you, and after all a day will come, warm and bright when i, tear down this dismal shelter wall." hearing this we're lead to believe a few key things: that sanya's edge will dull, and that this tearing down of the dismal shelter wall will be a strong and resilient action.
and yet in 100 epitaphs, it is not sanya's rebellious edge that dulls, but sergei's protective one. he realises that trying to protect sanya like this is just pushing her further away from him, he knows what's best but he's given up on trying to make her see that, the shelter wall is torn down not in triumph, but in resignation, collapsing under it's own weight.
"just hide behind this back of mine and save your helpless spite" this is framed like sergei asking sanya to let him protect her and to save that spite she feels for times where it might be of more use than as the weapon of an angry teen. in 100 epitaphs we see how sanya grabs onto sergei's back, to prevent him from punching yura, saving the embodiment of helpless spite.
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eyeslikewatercoolers · 6 months
wedding planner au first family holiday 💕
AHHH this sounds so cute. I decided to go with the first family Christmas after Kerri is adopted for this one. Also I didn't mean for this to be 1.3k words lmao See this post for some references mentioned in this fic!
"Why does your room look like a tornado went through it?" Sasha asked as she hovered in the doorway of her daughter's bedroom.
Kerri usually kept her bedroom fairly clean, but it seemed that half of her closet was scattered on the floor. Even though they were about to leave to spend Christmas Day with Anetra's family soon.
"Because I have nothing to wear." Kerri came into view as she plopped on her bed, on top of the clothes and hangers. "What am I supposed to wear to these things?" she sighed as she slumped against her headboard.
“What do you usually wear for holidays?” Sasha asked as she carefully found a place to sit on the long storage ottoman.
“Before or after the foster house?” Kerri asked as she rolled her eyes. “Either way, I’m not wearing my old church suit.”
“I know, Kare-Bear,” Sasha said with a sympathetic smile. She started using the nickname before the adoption was finalized, which Kerri liked hearing. “So what were you thinking?” She asked, looking at the scattered clothing.
“No idea.” Kerri pursed her lips as she looked at her clothes. “What are you and Anetra wearing? I don’t want to stick out too much.”
Sasha looked down at her cream sweater and bootcut jeans, “Probably this, maybe some mascara and lipstick before we head out.” she shrugged.
“So you don’t dress up nice or anything?” Kerri asked.
“My dad's side of the family never dresses up for anything, besides a wedding or a funeral.” Both looked to see Anetra leaning against the door frame. “And they already love you, even though you haven’t even met most of of them yet.”
Anetra picked through the clothes on the floor, before finding a gold sweater with small white cats all over. “What about this one? Although I don’t remember seeing it before.” She held it up for Kerri to see.
“That’s because it’s Jasmine’s. She left here two weeks ago and hasn’t noticed yet.” she pointed out.
That gave Sasha an idea, “You should wear it tonight, maybe it will help you feel more comfortable.” she offered.
She watched Kerri’s face as she thought, “Maybe I could wear that, I know it’ll fit me.”
“We’ll go get the car ready and meet you downstairs soon.” Sasha gently squezzed Kerri’s knee efore leaving the bedroom with Anetra.
"We've been here for over an hour, and you still haven't left this chair," Sasha told Kerri after finding a moment in between talking with family to sneak off. "And getting up for the bathroom doesn't count."
Kerri frowned in response, "It's just really different from other family Christmases, I guess." she shrugged as she looked around.
"In what way?" Sasha asked.
"Usually it's church service, then I watch my siblings and cousins since I was the oldest, then we go home," Kerri explained, looking out the window to a group of cousins playing outside. The group was bigger than what she was used to, and a wide variety of ages.
"That sounds more like work for you than fun." Sasha pointed out, and Kerri thought for a moment, before nodding in agreement. 
"Don't let us loud Filipinos scare you off." Anetra appeared on Kerri's other side. She was holding a blue bundle of blankets that Sasha had last seen in her arms.
"How long have you been holding your cousin's baby for?" Sasha playfully asked her. She had a feeling Anetra may have had baby fever when she was excited to meet the newborn a few weeks before.
"She hasn't asked for him back yet," Anetra said in mock defense, "And he's wearing the onesie we got him too!" she showed Sasha and Kerri.
Sasha playfully rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to her daughter, "I think the kids are going to have hot chocolate and watch Home Alone in a bit."
"You're probably bored of listening to your aunties gossiping about their soap operas too," Anetra added in a low voice, glancing at the group of older women sitting across the room.
Kerri tried to stifle her laughter as Sasha tried to lead her to the kitchen, "C'mon, you can be on whipped cream and sprinkles duty." 
A couple hours later as the night was drawing to a close, Sasha watched more family members say their goodbyes and leave to go home. Even Anetra started looking more tired as she tried to hold a conversation with her grandmother.
She started gathering her family's belongings and new gifts as Anetra began to notice and start to help. Once everything was in the car, Sasha found the remainder of the younger cousins watching Home Alone 2 in the den of the house. She smiled to herself as she saw Kerri sitting in between two female cousins around her age., quietly chatting.
She waved Kerri over to the doorway, and before she could say anything, Kerri spoke first, "Is it okay if I spend the night?" she asked. Sasha knew that the younger cousins and grandkids that lived closer liked to spend Christmas night at their grandparent's house. She would have never guessed Kerri would want to stay as well, especially for her Christmas in the family.
"Oh, I guess you could," Sasha said, trying to hide her surprise. "Do you have everything you need? We can bring you something from home if you want." she offered.
"I don't think so, I think I have everything I need here." Kerri beamed before hugging Sasha goodbye, "Thank you."
Sasha wrapped her arms around her daughter, "If you need anything, just let me or Netra know, okay? Just call us and we'll be right here. Love you, Kare-Bear." she smiled as she let go.
"I know, I love you too."
"At least we can have a nice drink tonight," Anetra said as Sasha settled next to her on their living room couch, passing her a small glass of eggnog.
Sasha took a sip of her drink before finding a coaster on the table. "I'm still worried about Kerri, what if something happens?"
"She'll be fine, she's in great hands," Anetra said as she scrolled through the holiday movie selection on Netflix. "She knows that we'll answer the phone no matter what time at night."
"I know, I'm just hoping this is a step in the right direction and her cousins don't just make her watch the little kids," Sasha said.
"They wouldn't do that, that's more of a white people thing," Anetra joked. "She's going to love it. I wish I had that option instead of going to boring Mormon church all day on Christmas when I grew up."
"Sounds better than no celebrating anything at all," Sasha said matter-of-factly.
"Good point. Wanna watch A Christmas Prince?"
"Of course I do, we watch it every year." Sasha laughed as the movie started playing, pulling Anetra closer to her by the waist.
They quietly watched the movie, and let the autoplay start the next movie. As the beginning scenes played, Anetra spoke up as she took the last sip of her drink, "Hey Sasha?"
"Yes, sweetheart?" Sasha responded as she looked away from the screen.
"I want another one," Anetra said out loud as she turned down the volume of the TV. She continued to stare into her empty glass.
"Another what? Do you want another drink?" Sasha guessed.
Anetra sat up and looked at her wife, "No, I want another kid." she said. "I've been thinking a lot, and I really want us to be parents again," she said in sincerity, holding Sasha's hand.
Sasha nodded, understanding where Anetra's baby fever was coming from for the last few months, "I want to see our family grow too." she smiled. "I can try to call that social worker to see what kids we can adopt, or we can look into other options soon, too."
"I want to try carrying a baby." Anetra said, "I know we'll probably have to find a sperm donor and go to a lot of doctors, but I want to try to get pregnant."
"Then that's what we'll do after New Year," Sasha said as she gently kissed Anetra's cheek. "Even though holidays with a newborn sounds like hell."
"I think it'll be a Christmas to remember."
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 days
I do notice Danneel wearing a lot of black clothes a lot. I always get a very depressed dark evil vibe from Danneel wearing this colour. My opinion is to tell Danneel is a witch and doing dark magic. By the way, I got a feeling Danneel told her brother to go to Rome to keep his eyes on Jensen. And we all know we are talking about why the reason. (Wow, Danneel is a control freak and she won't let Jensen. Dear god, I hope Jensen will break free soon).
Hope you noticed Jensen wearing white theme clothes on his outfits this weekend for JIB con. I'm happy to see Jensen wearing brighter clothes to tell by his vibe is full of positivity and love. I hope not to see Jensen start to change into the man used to be before meets Danneel.
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. So I see you asked this around the JIB con time and apologize because I thought I did respond and apparently have not. So, to establish this pattern, I am attaching clips and photos to point out the types of clothes both have been wearing not just around JIB but in some appearances outside of JIB as well. From my understanding, sometimes Daniela who is one of the managers hosting the JIB cons will "gift" clothes to Jared and Jensen to wear while at the cons. I don't think it was necessarily the case with the last JIB this year but I did notice he wore a lot more white.
Danneel in a video I saw today actually she's wearing black and a cross. I'm not sure what look she's aiming for with that look but to me that would indicate some "appearance" of either trying to redeem herself, getting more spiritually intuned or just trying to look like this is the case and is in fact the opposite. Interestingly so in years past, Danneel has also worn some strange and colorful outfits so who knows, maybe she is trying to be more conservative and attention grabbing these days.
Some people choose to wear more black due to minimizing things like decision fatigue, minimalism which is common in places like Japan, or to deter attention (Danneel has notably been posting far less selfies and such in the last few years), and because it can be worn anywhere and everywhere. It can also indicate power, danger, aggression, or even depression according to this article. I'm also sharing a video of an Indian mystic named Sadhguru speaking of why we should think twice before dressing in black. He speaks of how we should honor the dead yes but we should also remain separate from the dead. He implied that wearing more black means being closer to death in a way and says anything you don't want to absorb you wear white. It is true that black absorbs more heat and white reflects or bounces it off more, so why not bounce off other energies while you're at it?
Black is often associated with death and often worn in places like the USA; I was told by an Indian coworker it is actually white that people wear in India to funerals when she asked me why women wear white dresses to weddings (red is apparently often worn by Indian brides a lot).
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My take on the wearing more black on Danneel's part? It's possible it's her being more into black magic, trying to at times deter less attention to herself, and also possibly because she's feeling more "down". I think in the past she may have worn it more due to power and aggression but given how more conservative her attire choices are these days, I believe there's a different feel to it. As for Jensen, I noticed he's a bit allover the place at times. Yes he wore a lot more white at the JIB in April but he also wore white at Darklight and then also black. Personally, I think both of them ought to start wearing lighter colors to bounce off more energies, particularly with how their CT house is said to be haunted.
With regards to Gino going to Rome in April, I don't believe it has anything to do with Danneel at all. I speculated in private to some people via PMs that I believe Jensen had an unpleasant conversation with Gino with regards to FBBC. Curiously, FBBC closed its only taproom BEFORE securing another location last month which was 4 days after the annual party and only a few weeks after they were in Rome together. Tax writeoffs for "business dinners" and "travel expenses" are a thing that wealthy people do a lot. I have the utmost confidence that this is why Gino was in Rome coincidentally the same weekend Jensen was there for JIB (simple vacation for him and his wife my ass, this trip was at least in part paid for by his rich brother in law!). Nothing to do with watching Jensen because otherwise, why isn't he going with him to other cons?
As of June 10, the taproom location (and the house on that lot included) was listed on a commercial real estate website Loopnet for sale; before some moron comes along and says "IT'S NOT LISTED ON ZILLOW!", that is because Zillow is primarily for RESIDENTIAL properties not COMMERCIAL like the brewery taproom.
Take from this what you will but I am personally starting to think Danneel's black magic and such is actually showing some signs of fading.
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quite-right-too · 8 months
Vengeance is Mine, Sayith the Lord
Summary: James was only supposed to be gone for a week. It was just a training exercise. So why were two soldiers standing at Rose’s door? And why do they want to come inside? Notes: This is for the wonderful @bronzeagepizzeria who told me they would love more of this when I dropped the drabble as a ficlet. I also don't know anything about the British military so this is from all the research I could do based on how little information they put out there. The funeral is a standard American military funeral. Please enjoy!
Read here on AO3
As he buttoned up his uniform coat, James looked at himself in the mirror to make sure everything was in order. He didn’t see Rose until she had come up from behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. He smiled and turned around in her arms so he could see her face to face.
“Why do you have to go?” Rose whined, burying her face into the scratchy fabric covering his chest. His arms tightened around her as he pulled her into a tight hug.
“I don’t want to, love,” he murmured into her hair as he rubbed her back. “I have to. It’ll only be for a week while we validate our certifications again. Just some simple training exercises.” He planted kisses to her hair, smiling as she relaxed in his arms.
James wasn’t a man you would have expected to join the military. In fact, even he didn’t expect to join. She had known him since primary school after he grabbed her hand in his and whispered “run”. They had stayed connected at the hip since that day, being there for some of the hardest times in each other's lives. She was there for him when his parents died, leaving him to live with his cousin, Donna, his aunt, and his grandfather. He was there when her ex-boyfriend Jimmy tried to break into her flat while her mum was gone after she had broken up with him.
In year eleven, he and his friend Jack had made a pact that they would join the military when they got out of secondary school, much to Rose’s dismay. Even though Jack was simply an exchange student from America, he quickly became friends with James and Rose.
They all stayed friends, even when James and Jack honoured their pack and enlisted — James to the Royal Air Force and Jack to the United States Air Force. Tears were shed the night before James was set to go to the Royal Air Force College. Confessions of love were made, kisses were shared, and James promised Rose that he would think of her every single day he was there.
After a gruelling ten months of James being away and countless love letters shared between the two of them, Rose got to proudly watch her boyfriend graduate as an official officer of the Royal Air Force. Her mum comforted her as she cried, watching him receive the highest award you can earn during your time there: the Dacre Sword.
“The Dacre Sword is awarded to the officer cadet who is considered by the commandant to be the best of the intake,” the voice over the loudspeakers boomed. “Today, it is awarded to Officer Cadet James Noble, who is to be commissioned as an Engineer Officer.”
As soon as the ceremony was over, she ran to meet him. He swept her up into a big hug spinning her around. “God, I’ve missed you so much. My Rose,” he whispered into her ear. Setting her down, she met him with a beaming smile. “Oh, hold on. Close your eyes.” Rose followed his instruction.
“Okay, open up.”
She looked down to see James, wearing his dress uniform, on one knee. In his hand was a small velvet box with the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. A large sapphire was surrounded by tiny diamonds, all entwined in intricate metalwork. “James…” Rose gasped, her hands coming up to cover her mouth.
“You have been my best friend since primary school. I’ve loved you ever since the day I met you. Since ‘run’, really. Having you in my life has saved me time and time again. I would love to keep you in my life, no matter where it takes me. Rose Marion Tyler, will you marry me?”
“Yes! Oh my god, yes!” she shrieked, throwing herself into his arms as he stood up. This hug was even tighter than the one before — and James leaned down to kiss his fiancée . WHen they broke apart, he slipped the ring onto her shaking finger.
“How did you keep this during training?” She moved her hand, properly admiring the stones in the sunlight.
He shrugged, a smile on his face. “Your mum brought it here for me.”
Eight months later, after James got back from specialty training, the duo was married with their families in attendance. He was able to stay in London, purchasing a nice flat together as a married couple while he made the two-and-a-half hour commute to RAF Coningsby, where he was currently stationed. As an Engineering Officer, his job was to manage a team of Flight Engineers and monitor upkeep of the aircraft on his base while also helping facilitate testing.
It had only been five days since James left for his week-long training seminar. Rose had been regularly conversing with him during his time away over text or at night when he would call her before lights out. However, it was already one o’clock in the afternoon and she hadn’t heard from him. Figuring he was just having a busy day, she continued with her chores for the day.
That was until she heard three loud knocks at the door.
Opening the door, Rose was surprised to find two military members standing in front of her. A man and a woman, both dressed in the all-too-familiar dress uniform that she had seen her husband wear time and time again. The blue-grey jacket matched the trousers — a light blue dress shirt and navy blue tie were worn underneath. Their peaked caps were set carefully atop their heads, eyes visible just underneath the short visor. 
Her heart sank as she saw the look in their eyes.
“Mrs. Tyler-Noble, my name is Squadron Leader Nathan Campbell and this,” he stated, gesturing to the woman next to him, “is Flight Lieutenant Sarah Wright. May we come in?”
“Of- Of course,” she stammered, offering them entrance. They took their caps off as they entered, pausing as Rose closed the door. While the officers were staying professional, she could see the dread in their eyes. She led them into the living room
“Let’s have a seat,” Flight Lieutenant Wright offered gently.
Rose could barely think. The anxiety settling in her stomach made her feel like she was going to throw up. There was only one reason the Royal Air Force would send officers in this way. She didn’t even realise Squadron Leader Campbell began to speak, his words shooting straight into her heart.
“The marshal of the Royal Air Force has entrusted me to express his deep regret that your husband, Flight Lieutenant James Tyler-Noble, died due to an unforeseen equipment failure during flight at RAF Brize Norton. The marshal extends his deepest sympathy to you and your family in your loss.”
Rose shattered. Sobbing, she could barely breathe. Flight Lieutenant Wright moved to sit next to her, rubbing her back comfortingly. “I’m so sorry, Mrs. Tyler-Noble. Is there anyone we can call to be with you during this time?” The woman’s hand rested atop hers, helping ground her as she worked on regulating her breathing.
“My-” she hiccuped, “my mate Jack. Jack Harkness. He lives down the street. Please. ”
Her phone was handed over to the tall man who had moved to stand next to the Flight Lieutenant. The mobile was already opened to Jack’s contact, leaving him to step just outside of the room to call.
“Is this Jack Harkness?”
“ Yes, who is this? ”
“My name is Squadron Leader Nathan Campbell. I am a Casualty Notification Officer with RAF Brize Norton. I’m calling you by request of Mrs. Rose Tyler-Noble to come to her residence during this difficult time.”
“ I’ll be there in ten minutes. ”
The minutes felt like hours before Jack rushed in the door, freezing when he saw the two Royal Air Force officers with Rose. “Oh, Rosie,” he murmured, advancing and pulling her into his arms. Gripping his shirt, Rose broke down into more sobs. Her tears stained his shirt while he rocked her back and forth, holding her close to him. 
They didn’t even notice the other two people leaving.
It took thirty minutes until Rose had calmed down enough that she could pull back from her friend’s embrace. “Rose,” Jack said quietly, “I am sosorry.” He noticed when she didn’t say a word, just gripped his shirt tighter.
Per Rose’s request, Jack stayed with her in her flat. Her excuse was that she needed help trying to get everything handled properly — but he knew it was because she couldn’t be alone. That was okay. He would always be here for James and Rose.
Jack took sole responsibility for planning the funeral. It was the least he could do to help take the overwhelming weight of the task off of Rose’s shoulders.
“So,” Jack sighed, stepping into the kitchen where Rose was making them tea. “The Royal Air Force doesn’t have a set military funeral.” Rose’s head shot up, looking at him quizzically. “However, you are allowed to plan it as you choose. Would it be okay if I planned a standard military funeral that we would have in the United States? The entire procession is meant to be respectful and-” He couldn’t finish his sentence before Rose slammed into him, hugging tightly.
“Yes, please,” she cried. “Give him everything.”
Four days later, Rose found herself staring into the mirror that James had been looking over himself in right before he left. Instead of her husband in his uniform, she found herself dressed in black, the traditional colour for mourning. Her engagement and wedding rings stayed on her finger. She had made her decision and she was never going to take them off.
The ride to Brookwood Military Cemetery was hard — the heavy silence, unsaid words hung thick in the air as Jack held her hand the entire drive there. The morning was gloomy, exactly as one would expect for a funeral.
As Jack parked the car, he opened the door for her and held out his arm for her to hold onto. She accepted, trying to focus on the feeling of Jack’s coat under her hand versus the reason they were there. He was wearing his United States Air Force dress uniform — something he almost never did since he’d been living in England. It was a bit rough, the dark blue fabric of his uniform coat matching his trousers. The same light blue shirt and dark blue tie was worn underneath, the shoulders of the coat had his silver rank insignia on them. His dark blue peaked cap helped cover his eyes, hiding the grief in them.
They made their way to the graveside and met with Jackie under the tent that covered the seating area. “Oh sweetheart,” she cooed, pulling her daughter into a tight hug.
Rose did her best to keep herself presentable, hugging her mum back. “He’s gone, mum.”
“I know. ’M so sorry.” Her mum understood better than most what it’s like to lose a spouse so early. Having lost Rose’s dad when Rose was so young, her heart broke watching her own daughter experience the heartbreak.
More people began to file in. Various people in military uniforms were greeted by Jack, while James and Rose’s family went straight to her. She tried to mentally keep note of who all was showing up. His cousin, Donna. His aunt, Sylvia. His granddad, Wilf, who bore his own uniform from his time in the Army. After the first half dozen people, it all became a blur. When the time came to move to their seats, Jack sat to her left while her mum sat to her right. On the other side of Jack was James’ family.
The hearse arrived, prompting the soldiers there to stand at attention, Jack included. A team of pallbearers, wearing the same Royal Air Force uniform she was greeted with when she received her husband’s death notification, carried the casket to the grave site while the soldiers all saluted. They gently set it on a pedestal underneath the large tent before stepping back. Laid delicately over the top of the casket was the Union Jack. 
Jack had explained the general walkthrough to her before the funeral. The flag over the deceased represented the respect given for the member’s dedication and sacrifice to their country, as well as respect for the family’s loss.
The pallbearers stayed at attention through the ceremony, even as everyone else sat down while the chaplain began to speak. “Good morning family and friends. My name is Chaplain Virgil Hughs. It is my honour to welcome you today, as we gather here to remember the life and service of Flight Lieutenant James Tyler-Noble.”
“These hallowed stones tell the story of our country one name at a time, the stories of men and women who answered the call to defend our nation. They have answered that call in times of war, but also in times of peace, so that you and I might enjoy those freedoms laid before us. These freedoms have often come at a terribly high price. There are 37 acres that make up Brookwood Military Cemetery. Since 1852,  countless members of our armed forces have been laid to rest on these grounds. As we look out across the landscape, I encourage you to remember this: No plot on this sacred ground can be purchased; each must be earned. And we know that Flight Lieutenant James Tyler-Noble has earned his place among us here today.”
Rose held back sobs as the Chaplain bowed his head. “Let us pray.”
As she closed her eyes, the man’s voice seemed so far away as all she could see was images of James. “O God, who by the glorious resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ destroyed death, and brought life and immortality to light: Grant that your servant James, being raised with him, may know the strength of his presence, and rejoice in his eternal glory; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.”
They had never been religious. In fact, James never even claimed a religion in all the time she knew him, but the idealism of him in the afterlife gave her a sense of peace that she didn’t know she needed.
“For our comrade in arms, Flight Lieutenant James Noble, our nation bestows military honours. In life he honoured the flag,  and in death the flag will honour him.” Two of the uniformed soldiers who had been standing through this walked up to the casket, carefully lifting the flag to waist height and began to fold it. The triangular fold was precise in its presentation, held in the white gloved hands of one of the squadron leaders.
Walking stiffly until he stood in front of Rose, kneeling down onto one knee and presenting the Union Jack to the grieving widow. Her hands shook as she accepted the flags. The squadron leader looked into her eyes, the blue of his reflecting his sympathy during the service. “On behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, the Royal Air Force, and a grateful Nation, please accept this flag as a symbol of our appreciation for your loved one’s honourable and faithful service.”
With those words, her resolve broke. Messy tears streamed down her face while she pulled the flag tightly to her chest. Jack rubbed her back while her mum wrapped her arm around her daughter’s shoulders. “Please,” she wailed. “James!”
The rest of the service went by without fail — everyone paid their respects and began to file out. Jack and Rose stayed behind until it was just them. Rose rested her hand over the wood, trying to maintain that connection with the love of her life.
Jack silently reached into his pocket, pulling out a small medal. A Purple Heart — awarded by the President of the United States to a US military member injured or killed in the line of duty. Jack had received his after being injured during an IED attack on his squadron and saving every single member at great risk of death himself. 
“Today, we remember the service and sacrifice made by Flight Lieutenant James Tyler-Noble,” Jack began. Rose recognized his words as a speech similar to the one he had received when the same medal that was in his hand was awarded to him. “To all who shall see these presents greeting, this to certify that the highest authority has posthumously awarded this Purple Heart to Flight Lieutenant James Tyler-Noble, Royal Air Force Engineering Officer. His ultimate sacrifice for his nation will forever be remembered.” The medal was set gently on the casket as Jack held a crying Rose in his arms. 
While James may be gone, Rose will always have the memories they had together. In eight months time, she will have a beautiful daughter, Mia Jamie Tyler-Noble, who looks just like her father. And shining down from the stars, her late husband will proudly watch on as his daughter grows up and joins the Royal Air Force in his honour.
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hinatastinygiant · 6 months
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3 | Ingrid Bergman
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x Fem!Reader
Serpents and Roses
The morning of the first day of school comes quicker than you could've imagined. You are excited, but also terrified. You end up spending half the day in your room with a stomach ache that you claim is due to James' terrible cooking. However, you know it's just your nerves. Especially since you don't have any breakfast or lunch. Instead, you spend your time looking over the school supplies list and trying to figure out what the hell a quill is.
When it's time to get ready for dinner, you get dressed in the robes you were given to by Professor Weasley and wait in the kitchen for James to enter. When he does, you find your jaw dropping to the ground. "A suit?!" you gasp. "I've only ever seen you wear one of those when..."
"The funeral," James finishes for you, his smile faltering. "Yeah."
"Is it a uniform?" you ask, taking a closer look. "It's different from the ones the girls are wearing."
"Are you dumb? Why would professors wear the same clothes as students? It's obviously a suit."
"Don't talk to me like that," you snap. "Why are you dressed so nicely, anyway?"
"I'm a professor, Y/N. I should look the part," he sighs, turning away. "Are you ready to go?"
"As I'll ever be," you shrug.
"Then shall we?" he asks, gesturing to the door.
"Let's go," you nod.
The two of you make your way down the halls of Hogwarts, heading to the great hall. You've heard a lot about this place from Professor Weasley within the past week. She's told you all about the sorting ceremony, too.
When you finally get there, it takes your breath away. You've never seen anything like it. Not in any movies, not on television, and certainly not in person. "Woah," you whisper.
"This is unreal," James remarks.
You nod as you walk to the front of the room. There, Professor Weasley has James join the other professors and asks you to go sit with the other kids who need to be sorted. You groan as you look at them. Obviously, you'll stick out like a sore thumb. They can't be older than twelve while you've already turned eighteen.
"Don't worry," Weasley smiles at you. "It'll be fine."
"If you say so," you sigh, trudging towards the group.
As soon as you take a seat, a young boy sits beside you and grins. "Ew," you whisper to yourself.
"Hello, I'm Theo Abrams," he says, holding out his hand. "And you are?"
"Y/N Bennett," you reply, begrudgingly accepting the handshake.
"So, why aren't you sitting at the older kids' table, Miss Bennett?" he asks you, genuinely curious. You can see the eyes of others start to turn to you as well.
"Mind your own business, will ya?" you roll your eyes.
"I'm sorry, but you're the one who looked uncomfortable and I wanted to help."
"I'm older," you shrug, not wanting to tell him much. "That's all you need to know."
"How much older?" another boy asks from across the table.
"I'm eighteen. What's it to you, kid?"
"Why would they send an eighteen-year-old to sit with the first years?"
Before you can really snap at the poor, already nervous kids, Headmaster Black's voice rings out across the room. Your attention turns to him and you try your best to relax. "Welcome, students and staff," he announces. "Thank you all for joining us on this wonderful first night. I'm sure all of you are quite tired from the trip, but please enjoy a delicious feast. Afterwards, the first years will be sorted."
"Wait, we don't have to wait until after we eat, do we?" a girl sitting beside Theo asks. "I'm afraid I'll puke it all up on stage!"
"We do," he tells her. "And there's nothing to be afraid of. It'll be okay. Just think of it as a new beginning."
"I suppose so," she sighs, letting her chin rest in her palm.
Dinner goes by unsurprisingly slowly. You can hear a few whispers about an older student sitting with the first years, but you try not to let it bother you. Then, Headmaster Black finally gets to the ceremony.
"Before we get into our main event, I'd like to introduce you all to Professor James Bennett, our new muggle studies professor. Please, give him a warm welcome," he says, gesturing to the man at the staff table. You're happy to see the students clap, but you're less pleased when some of them make suggestive comments that make you anything but comfortable. However, none of that is new to James. He's always attracted many girls, so this won't surprise him. It's just keeping them that he struggles with.
"Alright, without further ado," the headmaster continues, "let us sort the first years. Theodore Abrams, please step to the stage."
"Good luck, Theo," you hear the girl from before whisper to him.
"Thanks," he nods, giving her arm a light squeeze before walking to the front of the room. What a little player.
You watch as he gets onto the stool and the headmaster places a hat on his head.
"Oh, oh!" you can hear the hat cry. "Gryffindor! Gryffindor!"
"What a shocker," the girl beside you snorts. "Stubborn and arrogant."
"Shut up," another one says. "Gryffindor is the best house!"
"Yeah, right," she rolls her eyes. "I'll be in Slytherin. That's for sure!"
"Me, too," the boy across from her nods.
You decide to let them bicker without your intervention. You don't know enough about any of the houses to make any judgments yet.
When Headmaster Black calls your name, you walk to the stage as whispers about you flood the room. It bombards your ears as you glance at James with the other professors. He gives you a small thumbs up, and you sigh as you take your seat.
"Hmm," the sorting hat says once it is placed on your head. "A unique case, I must say."
"Is that bad?" you ask quietly.
"Not at all," it replies. "You've got a lot of bravery, but you also have the ability to be very cunning, Miss Y/N. Tell me, what do you think of this school so far?"
"I find Hogwarts to be a captivating institution. Having delved into the library's extensive collection of historical books, I am quite honored to be the first muggle student here," you whisper to it.
"I see, so you're a smart one. Well, I'd better put you in the right place," it says. "I'd say... RAVENCLAW!"
You stand up and walk off the stage, feeling a little wobbly as all of Ravenclaw jumps up in excitement.
"I knew it!" the girl from before says.
"Of course," the boy nods as you walk past them to go sit with your new house. A group of students your age calls you over and greets you excitedly.
"Luna Sterling," the girl beside you smiles once you finally have your personal space back. "Nice to meet you."
"Likewise," you nod, turning your attention to the sorting ceremony.
"And I'm Amit," the boy on the opposite side of the table says as he sticks out his hand toward you. "Amit Thakkar. Pleasure."
"Hey, Amit," you say, accepting the handshake. "Thanks."
"Well, it seems that the first years are done, so let's have our dessert so you can all be free to spend your evening as you'd like," Headmaster Black announces.
"Y/N, how come you were sitting up there with the first years?" Amit asks you as piles of different kinds of desserts line up before you.
"I'm new," you respond vaguely, too mesmerized by the food. "I just got here. My brother is the new professor."
"Your brother's the new muggle studies professor?!" he asks.
"Yep," you nod, finally reaching for something to eat.
"Seriously?!" Luna gasps. "He's so dreamy..."
You roll your eyes. "I've heard that before. You're gonna have to fight those other girls off him."
"What?" Amit chuckles.
"Nothing," you shake your head. "He just has that effect on people. Don't worry about it."
"If you say so," he says, still seeming confused. "So, tell us a bit about yourself. What do you like to do?"
"Um, actually I was wondering if one of you could show me to the Ravenclaw dorms? I don't have my things moved in and I'm beginning to get tired."
"Oh, sure," Luna nods, standing up. "We'll have plenty of time to chat tomorrow. I'll show you where to go."
"And I'll come too," Amit grins. "I wouldn't mind escorting two beautiful girls across the castle."
"Thanks, Amit," Luna smiles before passing you a look. "Come on, let's go."
Your two new acquaintances lead you up toward the Ravenclaw common room and tell you to stand beside them outside a giant raven. Somehow, the statue talks, and gives a riddle to the three of you to solve.
"A paradox I am, a question within a question, solve my enigma, and gain Ravenclaw's affection. What am I?" the bird speaks.
Luna and Amit both look at you with a grin. "Want to do the honors?" Amit asks.
"Solve it?" you ask as you look back at the bird. "A question within a question? Isn't that what this is? So it must be the riddle itself," you think aloud.
Suddenly, the door opens and you are led inside. "Well done, Y/N," Luna says, taking your hand in hers. "You were definitely sorted into the right place."
Luna then guides you to the beautiful interior of the room, adorned with blue and white colors that leave your mind feeling at ease.
"It's gorgeous," you hum as you look towards the large statue in the center. "And is that," you begin, walking towards the nearest table, "a chess board?"
"It is," Amit nods. "Y/N, this is the best place to study, do your homework, and relax. I really think you're going to like it here."
As they walk you around, other students smile and greet you.
"Amit," you ask toward the end of your tour. "Do you play chess?"
"I do," he nods as he watches you look over at Luna to ask her the same.
"I'm more into drawing," she smiles. "Never was a big chess player myself."
"Luna's being modest. She's a great artist. She sketches everything we see in the telescope on the astronomy tower," Amit speaks for her.
"An astronomy tower? That sounds amazing," you nod at Luna. "You've got to show me sometime, please."
"Of course. Hogwarts' Astronomy Club is the best. We get to use the telescopes and other instruments all the time to observe and document the celestial events of the area," she explains to you.
"Sounds fun. I've definitely got to look into clubs while I'm here... if I'm not too busy playing catch up with you all," you chuckle awkwardly.
"Oh, hey, Y/N, you didn't show us your wand. Can we see it?" Amit grins excitedly.
"What, you just want her to whip it out right here?" Luna adds, nudging him in the arm.
"Why are you making it sound weird? It's not like I'm asking her to bend over!"
"That's enough," you groan, shaking your head. "Look, I was staying here with James before tonight so all of my things are still in my old room. I was so nervous I forgot to bring it with me."
"Oh, okay," Amit shrugs.
"That's okay, Y/N," Luna nods. "What's it made out of any-"
"That reminds me!" you quickly interrupt her before she can finish her sentence. "I should get my things. I'll be back!"
You wave goodbye to the two of them and rush out as quickly as you can. Shit, that was close.
Serpents and Roses
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ystrike1 · 2 years
He Was My Brother - By Matsuda Minoru (8/10)
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Love after death is such a terrifying concept? How do dead things love? Why do they hang on? Should the dead stay dead and let the living live? If you knew your dead lover was watching your every move would you be able to move on? Or, would you feel pressured to join your love in death?
Kanako's brother died. He was a womanizer. He ran away from his family and married someone they didn't approve of. He was a good brother. He spoiled Kanako when she was a kid, but then he moved away, and then he died. He got sick and died beside his beloved husband. Her brother turned over a new leaf near the end of his tumultuous life. He fell madly in love with a man named Hijiri.
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Hijiri is an author who lives in a gorgeous glass house. He likes to wear kimonos, because they're comfortable, and he doesn't work in an office. He's basically retired. He is much, much older than Kanako. He doesn't see her as a woman, but Kanako and her brother are too similar. She fell for him as soon as she saw him.
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Kanako uses Hijiri's grief to get closer to him. She doesn't tell her parents anything. Her parents despise Hijiri. Kanako's brother decided to die a little earlier. He didn't want to spend his final days in a hospital bed. He wanted to spend them at home with Hijiri. He did so against his parents wishes. If her brother had chosen to stay in the hospital he would have lived a little longer. Kanako's parents cannot forgive Hijiri.
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They also don't approve of Hijiri because he's a man. He was kicked out of the funeral. He wasn't allowed to grieve with the family. It was heartbreaking to watch them turn him away. Hijiri really madly loved Kanako's brother. Kanako wants to become him and receive Hijiri's unconditional love. She pretends to like what Hijiri likes. She spends all of her savings on tickets to visit Hijiri.
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Hijiri has some of his husband's bones. He managed to get them because of Kanako, and he burns incense for his beloved all the time. He's lonely without his husband. He lets Kanako in because she seems sweet, and he has no one. His love for his husband was his light, and now he's depressed.
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Kanako can see an evil spirit near her beloved Hijiri. She knows it's her brother, because they're so alike. She's crazy jealous on the inside too. Her brother was a nice guy when he was alive, but now he can't let go. Hijiri made him happy. Hijiri saved him from a cycle of vapid relationships that meant nothing. He can't let Hijiri move on. Hijiri is his one true love.
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Kanako can see how twisted her brother's soul has become. Death changed him. Or maybe he was never nice. We don't know yet. The evil spirit is trying to kill Hijiri. It is making his depression worse. Hijiri was already vulnerable. He doesn't know how to live on without his husband.
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Things get serious. The evil spirit that used to be her brother tries to shove Hijiri in front of a train. How can Kanako protect Hijiri? Her evil brother can phase through walls and he's controlled be jealousy. She doesn't live with him. She can only visit. Every time she returns he looks worse.
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I really can't tell what the ending will be. Both of the siblings are obsessed with poor Hijiri, but the man can't choose either of them. He doesn't want to die, and he's not interested in his dead husband's kid sister. He keeps suffering. Knives cut him out of nowhere. The spirit keeps egging him to kill himself. He really has no one to rely on, because Kanako isn't trustworthy too.
This is a very miserable yandere story, about love after death. The evil spirit might not be real. Kanako could be crazy, and Hijiri could just be a suicidal man.
We don't know.
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cherriscoups · 2 years
White Roses
Pairing: Lee Chan x fem(?) Reader
Words: 976
Genre: angst
Warning: death
a/n: the plot of this was decided by the tarot cards I pulled. I wrote this in like 2 hours. (the fastest I've ever written omg) i also almost cried writing this lol. I only use she pronouns at the very start and very end but I'm sorry for making this gendered when it could have been gn
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She loves me.
She loves me not.
She loves me.
She loves me not.
The flower petals fall to his feet. 
Chan has had a crush on you for a little over 2 years but he never had the guts to say anything. You both grew up together, given that your families were next door neighbours. Being the same age, you both spent a lot of time together. Even your families were close. The people that saw you together often asked if you two were dating. Both of your reactions would often be to yell “No!” or to make grossed out faces but that was all until one day where he didn’t feel like doing any of that. He realised that a part of him felt happy that someone thought you were together and that’s when he realised his love might be more than friendship. 
He didn’t want to tell you though. The thought of potentially losing his childhood best friend for some new feelings was terrifying to him. Maybe it was just a small crush that would go away soon. He’s been telling himself that for the past 2 years, knowing full well that it's a lie. He did everything in his ability to not have to deal with his feelings. If you liked him, you would have dropped hints. Back when you were in school, you always asked his advice for crushes. He knew about all of the things you’ve done to get someone’s attention and to drop hints you liked them. Surely he would have noticed them if you tried to let him know you felt the same. 
Last night, he had a beautiful dream. He was standing at the altar and watching you walk down the aisle with your dad. You were wearing a beautiful white gown, one that was very similar to one of the dresses you once saw on “Say Yes to the Dress”. You used to talk so much about that dress and how you would want to wear one that looked similar if you got married. 
He dreamt that you both lived in a rather smaller house. You always talked about wanting to live in a small house if you got married so that checks out. The interior of your house was decorated very much like the pinterest boards you made. You always told him that if you bought your own house you’d decorate them this way. 
He dreamt that you both adopted a black labrador, the same one you saw while you went to volunteer at an animal shelter. Olive. It was the only animal that you got attached to despite being an animal lover. You told Chan that you would have adopted Olive if your mom wasn’t allergic to dogs. Chan said he’d adopt that dog for you and when you looked at him, he swore he could see the whole galaxy in your eyes. 
He dreamt of you holding a baby girl. You had always wanted a daughter. And there you were cradling a baby in your arms. She looked so much like you did in your baby photos. He wondered what you would have named her.
Then he dreamt of the car crash and what you must have felt like while you were stuck inside. 
And then he woke up. 2 days had passed and it didn't feel real to think you were no longer here. 
Chan was the first person the paramedics called. He was the only one on your speed dial. When he found out you didn't have anyone's number on your speed dial, he put his number on to make sure you had someone you can call. 
He remembers calling your parents while he drove to the hospital. The next thing he remembered was holding your lifeless body and screaming "I love you, please don't leave me". He remembers the cries of your parents and his parents echoing the room. 
He saw so many people at your funeral. Friends and teachers from high school and college, your ex co-workers from your first 2 jobs and everyone that lived on your street. Even the florist that delivered the white roses for your funeral was there. 
Your dad had asked him to make a speech. He contemplated on whether or not he should. He was your best friend but he lied to you for 2 years. If only he had told you, maybe you wouldn't have gone out on that blind date. Maybe you wouldn't have met with such a fate.
He still made his speech though. You would have wanted him to. He wasn't sure if you loved him the way he did, but you loved him. He shared so many memories and could only hope everyone would keep you alive in their memories. 
He kept a bouquet. You loved white roses and this was the last piece of you he had left. Your mom had given him some of your stuff. They wanted to keep all of your things but it only felt right to give him something. After all, he did also watch you grow up as much as they had.
He picked out a single rose and drove to the graveyard. He misses you and he knows he always will. He sits down by the tombstone and pours his heart out. He tells you everything he loves about you. He told himself that wouldn't cry but it felt impossible to stop himself. 
"I'm sorry I never said this to you. I love you YN. I always will." He wonders if he could ever get an answer from you. As selfish and childish as it may seem, he decides he'll try to get an answer. He picks up the flower and starts plucking the petals.
She loves me.
She loves me not.
The white rose petals fall to his feet.
© cherriscoups 2022 - all rights reserved.
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eviltiddyproductions · 10 months
destined with you : episode 4
rowoon has graduated from the song hye kyo school of cheekbone acting omg. you cannot not look at them!
my sister's gagged
lmaooo i love her for just glossing over his confession 😂
this is a pretty realistic (and hilarious )conversation regarding the love spell lmao like they are both really just stuck with this situation now 💀
the writers better make this fun !!!
need to get my hands on a gif of his deadpan delivery of 'don't make that face it makes my heart flutter' 😐🫥😐
him trying to pull his feet of the ground lmaooo
props to the second male lead he said I'm good to dogs, cold to my family; stop the delusions ✋ (to be fair though families always have a higher chance of being terrible than dogs)
well he let her down gently, sweet man
everybody in this show is lonely #relatable
oh the way he randomly got up scared me lmao 😭
naur hong jo find a cure and get this man back to normal again 💀
adore the manager down for atleast taking care of these things
all the best hong jo 😭
'in my body sadness should be working actively but joy is having fun cluelessly' ME WHEN
y'all they're showing his ex girlfriend and I guess the second female lead but we're 4 episodes in and I feel nothing. 💀 like at least give me some breadcrumbs to be interested
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hide hong jo! you're about to catch strays because of his breakup 😭
honestly he's got the i need to pee so bad stance absolutely downnn
generally in shows that go back and forth between past life and current life i get kind of bored and disinterested but this is keeping my intrigue!
also maybe shows really work when you take them 2 episodes at a time because at this point I'll eat anything up 💀 #embarrassing
lmao Manager Queenie just read Mr. Gong to filth
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babe pretty sure your love potion man moved in
woah who's this hoodie man ?!!
get your streetlights fixed sister !!!
love potion man got the lights fixed!
should've just made him call you
lmao look at him skipping after her 💀
could make a drinking game out of the amount of times he says 'get a grip of yourself Shin Yu
y'all I do feel for him though. having to sit through this and have no control of your feelings bc of a love potion seems terrible 😭🙏
I knew they would cut away when she told her the way out of it !!! let me in !!! I won't tell
'do you think I'm doing this so I can spend time with you? you're right I'm doing this so I can spend time with you' is actually so funny
wait he left, did the second male lead move in here ?!!
he's just like me! I want to know too!!!
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is the manager Queenie really that good or is the shoe going to drop soon ( I hope it doesn't I love her down !!!) like woah she's always on the right side
awww at least he cares about his boss
wearing a Hawaiian shirt at the funeral of someone should be on my bucket list
WHO MOVED IN !!! I want to know so bad lol
she saved his name as groot
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girl just tell us
he was the hooded man !???! 😭 it is him! mr. kwon the second lead (honestly very slay)
girl I adore you 💀🙏 I'd be terrified of moving around if my crush moved in
he looks cute dressed down
oooh imoogi's here
lmao scenes like this remind me of the tale of the nine tailed 1938 dialogue that the gods have gotten lazy and are copy pasting the same face everywhere 😂
at least here it's destiny
girl help him break the spell omg? this is kinda cruel 😭
is that a real beach? the sky and angle is giving green screen
girl his ex would also feel much better if we all got together to break the spell 🧘
oh she came here for her dad
it's a real beach after all
1 minute of the show left and I'll have to wait for another week I really lost. I'm not built for his lifestyle 😭
the precap looks saur good
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jurakan · 2 years
[slides office chair over]
It is Saturday morning when I receive this, so I apologize friendo, but I am not going to make you wait another week because that's cruel. Also, I don't know if I'll have time to Fun Fact next Friday. So since I'm mostly free right now and nobody's told me that they don't know about this already, we're going to go ahead and talk about a random thing in American history that's one of my favorite Fun Facts.
[Again, if you already know this, notify me, and you can get a refund/new Fun Fact.]
Today You Learned about the first and only Emperor of the United States of America, His Imperial Majesty Norton I.
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Joshua Norton was an English-born man living in mid 19th century San Francisco as a businessman, living the high life until one day, he lost it all. He was poor, he was destitute, nobody cared who he was anymore.
So what do you do when that happens? I don't know. I'll tell you what Joshua Norton did: he declared himself Emperor.
No really.
In the fall of 1859 he published a manifesto criticizing the government for its failings in the local newspaper. He later published a letter, which he wrote and handed to the newspaper office himself, declaring that he was the Emperor, and soon afterward started making decrees asking that both Catholic and Protestant churches officially recognize his claim, and that Congress was to be dissolved. When Congress was not dissolved, he asked the US Army to go to DC and make those Congresspeople go home. Norton I also declared that Republican and Democratic parties were to be disbanded.
As you can probably guess from today's headlines, this did not work.
He also told people to build the Bay Bridge, and that didn't happen until after his death, but there is a plaque for him, giving him credit, and there are efforts to have it named after him.
So yes, he was a crazy person, but you know what? He was pretty harmless considering he asked the Army to dissolve the government (in part because no one did anything about it). He hung out in San Francisco, wearing his uniform, walking around, getting free lunches at certain establishments (because they found this guy hilarious), and issuing his own form of money. Obviously, with an Emperor, the US was going to have a new monetary system, and he was happy to give bills out to whoever made the journey to meet him. Some local restaurants actually accepted that money too.
And Norton I remained politically active! He wrote to other countries' leaders, and even suggested marrying Queen Victoria to strengthen ties between nations (she did not write back). The one foreign ruler who did recognize Norton as legitimate ruler of the US was Hawaiian King Kamehameha V, who did not do the same for the actual US government.
This was also a time of discrimination against Chinese immigrants, and one douchebag held a rally against them. Norton showed up at the rally and told the racists to go home. Didn't work, but points for trying, eh?
At one point Norton was arrested, and committed to insane asylum. This did not go over well with the public of San Francisco, as they'd grown rather fond of him. And after all, he was pretty harmless. A local newspaper famously published the line, that Emperor Norton I had "shed no blood; robbed no one; and despoiled no country; which is more than can be said of his fellows in that line." He was soon released.
In January 8, 1880, Norton fell and died on his way to a lecture. Everyone around him immediately rushed to his aid, but he died pretty quickly. There were tons of rumors that he was secretly wealthy, or a lost royal heir or something, but upon gathering his effects for his funeral, it became pretty obvious that no, Norton really had nothing to his name. Still, local businessmen donated to a funeral fund, and the beloved Emperor's send off was attended by thousands of people in San Francisco.
So ended the life of the first and only Emperor of the United States.
He was immortalized, in part, by Mark Twain in a character called "the King" in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. He's also the subject of one of my favorite Sandman stories. The man was absolutely NUTS, but in a fun way, and he even tried to use the imperial power he thought that he had to help other people. I don't know that he was very good at it, but, uh... well, he tried.
The man is a legend.
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scalamore · 1 year
[thoughts] - Blue vs Red
What I find interesting is that despite the color of the Vellnelni royal family being a deep crimson red, Rupert in TL1 was always shown in blue- blue outfit, blue royal cape in TL1 as both the CP and Emperor. It appears his primary colors in TL1 were: Black, blue, with white/gold accents
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in TL2, as crown prince, we’ve been seeing him in a red often: wore red during his Prince Coronation ceremony, a red cape when doing his official duties, red in Ch 90 when comparing between him and Ventibolt, a red cape when attending Eva's funeral in Ch 82 and overall red so far.
If anything, during the scenes in Lari’s mind when she imagines TL1 Rupert and TL2 Rupert, the TL is always in cool colors - blue ones, while TL1 is always in warm colors -yellows and red. Meanwhile, TL2 Rupert's colors appear to be: Black, Red, with gold accents for formal events, and no specific color combinations for informal attire, although he still favors simple white or black dress shirts and black pants, and maybe a vest of various colors over it as he's becoming more accustomed to more business-formal wear.
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I’m very interested to see how the manhwa will portray TL2 Emperor Rupert - will he continue to wear red, or choose to change to blue as before?
It’s especially interesting because Red has been implied to be Lari’s color… will they match later as Empress/Emperor?
Chapter 66 gives another possible foreshadowing: in Lari's dream, TL1 Rupert is blue, but when he gets closer and smiles and turns into TL2 Rupert, he's now yellow and bright/warm:
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Ch 100 is also interesting in that Rupert once again chooses to wear a black outfit with red and gold accents, and a red cloak. Besides the plethora of shoujo sparkles because he's the main lead, he's again, glowing in a warm yellow light despite his murderous expression of jealousy- overall positive and matching with the festivities.
Unexpectedly, RupeLali are unintentionally matching as well. What are the chances? She had 13 dresses to choose from, but this looks the best on her. He probably chose his outfit to make it obvious he was the soon-to-be-Emperor.
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He'll be coronated Emperor in the next arc, so it'll be interesting to see what color the manhwa team will decide for him: Will he choose to switch the red cape for a blue one? thus making him look indistinguishable from TL1 Rupert and causing Lari an extreme amount of stress? Or will he continue to wear red, to show that TL2 Rupert is much much different than the blue TL1 Rupert? and always be matching with Lari?
We don't have much material to go by: The S2 Cover has Rupert in a dark blue cloak (but not his royal fur-lined one), and the S3 Cover has him in a black cloak. The cover of the special side stories has him in a blue fur-lined cloak, but is that the Emperor's cloak, or his personal preference? Fun things to think about :>
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aprill-99 · 2 years
Can I get some people to read the book “Saffy’s Angel” and the Casson Family series by Hillary McKay this year? Purely because I would like to talk to some people about it sometimes and my family are the only ones I know who have read it. Some bullet points to entice you in:
1. It’s an amazing family story, both found and biological. The kids all drag in their friends to be part of the household and never look back. Not unlike the vibe in the Bridgerton books in that regard which is apparently what I look for in fictional families
2. The whole family of children is named after paint colors and each book changes to focus on the POV of a different sibling
3. The writing is lovely and funny and comforting
4. The audiobooks are lovely too!
A Quote from each book in order:
1. Saffy’s Angel
“It will be so sad."
"You have to be sad sometimes," said Caddy. "Whatever Dad says. He may be right. Granddad probably had totally lost his marbles, but I am still sad and I'm still going to the funeral. I shall be as unhappy as I like and I shall where black.”
“You’ve all been walking past me for years and years.”
“Is that why you ran me over with your wheelchair?”
“Not saying a word.”
“Is that why?”
“Without even looking at me.”
“I didn’t think it was an accident.”
2. Indigo’s Star
“If you were a Casson family member, for example, and Eve drifted in from the shed asking, "Food? Any ideas? Or shall we not bother?" then you either joined in the search of the kitchen cupboards or counted the money in the housekeeping jam jar and calculated how many pizzas you could afford. Also, if you were a family member you took care of Rose, helped with homework (Saffron and Sarah were very strict about homework), unloaded the washing machine, learned to fold up Sarah's wheelchair, hunted for car keys, and kept up the hopeful theory that in the event of a crisis Bill Casson would disengage himself from his artistic life in London and rush home to help.”
3. Permanent Rose
“It had not seemed to matter that Rose was only eight years old.
"More than eight," said Rose. "Nearly nine."
"Darling Rose, even almost nearly nine-year-old's don't fall in love," said forgetful Caddy.
"Who said anything about falling in love?" growled Rose crossly. "Falling! Falling is by accident! I didn't fall in anything!"
4. Caddy Ever After
“This is how I do special.”
“How can I give you nothing? Do you seriously expect me to buy nothing, wrap up nothing, stick a gift tag on nothing, send a card saying I really hope you like your nothing and lie awake worrying that the nothing I got you was the right color nothing you always anted? Have a heart!”
5. Forever Rose
“‘Rose,' he said. 'I suddenly feel old. I did not realize how the years had gone by. Do not try to look sympathetic because you cannot possibly understand.'
Yes, I can. I have just spent a week with Class 1 and they are like people from another plane, but really they are just me, five years ago. Indigo and Saffy and Sarah and Caddy have changed too. They are turning into the sort of people I used to call Grown Up and I cannot stop them, although I would if I could. I would slow them down, anyway. Sometimes I want to shout, 'Wait for me! Wait for me!'
Like I did when I was little and they walked too fast.
They always slowed down back then, however much of a hurry they were in, but I do not think they can turn back now.
So I do understand.”
“School is no longer a peaceful place where you can catch up on your daydreaming, forget your family ( or what is left of your family) and talk about things like Dr. Who and how to stop GLobal Warming (we all know how but we don't stop it) and if it is okay for boys to wear pink and all those other things we talk about.”
6. Caddy’s World - (Prequel)
“The genie was at work again, and soon Caddy’s world would be set spinning once again.”
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sleevesareforlosers · 2 years
what’s yama’s favorite color? what model is pauly’s car?? does ev drive a motorcycle?? i would like to know abt her husband if you have any more information on that. how does jones dress in high school and then once he’s moved to calgary???
yamas favourite colour is forest green! there's a house they used to walk past on the way to school thats green w yellow trim and they liked it so much they adopted it as their favourite colour (was orange before that and sometimes still is!)
Pauly drives a white 1995 nissan Sentra! it was a shop car at his school and once it was running properly he asked the teacher if he could have it. it's, sorry, a hunk of shit and always will be but him n Jones keep it running well enough and its not like the rest of them have cars lol
she does!! I'm not super sure what model but it's not like a Harley or a cruiser or anything. smth relatively lightweight and zippy that they've had modified so their facility dog(s) can ride too
also ough I need to do more thinking about Drew but he MOSTLY tours the Maritimes for his music that is ! gaining popularity. its a very specific blend of folk/country/shanty thats rlly inherently Nova scotian and hes always like, that guy at the kitchen party with a guitar and a Keith's. he can hear any song once and then play it on guitar he's got a crazy ear. him and ev met in. God. like grade seven but drew was a grade above her and they didn't get together until he had to redo a year and they ended up in a bunch of the same classes. then they got married basically as soon as Ev graduated bc they're stupid in love. he sang kiss me by sixpence none the richer at their wedding and then talked the entire wedding party into jumping into the harbour in their fancy clothes (everyone got ear infections. harbours nasty)
also okay. Jones dressed like Jesse pinkman in highschool. like absolute stereotypical dysphoria fits combined w the general vibe of "its 2000-2004 im a fall out boy fan and I don't want anyone looking at me ever" the buzzcut was a. choice for him. and then moving out west he kept that up for a bit and after he started working at the garage he skewed a little more, like, if vin diesel was a member of smash mouth. yknow? he stopped wearing huge jorts Eventually but the man will probably be wearing vans at his own funeral if not his wedding
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moonlight-cp · 2 years
Proxy in Command (Creepypasta x Reader) Chapter 14
Series Masterlist
After hanging out with Chloe and Carter for most of the day, Derek and I went to his penthouse to eat dinner. He bragged he was an excellent chef which I doubted at first, but he proved he was. He made (Food Choice) which was surprisingly good.
Here we were eating on the white marble table as he was telling me stories about his childhood. Surprisingly, he didn't ask for mine. There wasn't much for me to tell him either way. If he did, then I had to invent something.
"I just remember Damian and I were so close but then our parents died and that's when things escalated."
"And do you know where he is?" I asked.
He shook his head. "I don't think he would ever visit me even at my wedding or funeral."
I yawned to cover my smile after he mentioned 'funeral'. Hopefully, I'll kill him tomorrow or the next day.
He chuckled before standing up. "Wanna go to bed? I'll clean the dishes and then I'll join you."
I nodded at him and made my way towards the bedroom. I put on a black t-shirt with grey sweatpants before I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
When I  finished, Derek had just gotten inside the room. He also changed into comfortable clothing before he went to the bathroom and then joined me in bed.
As he lifted the covers, I realized this was the first time I've ever slept here with him. All the other times I had been faking it and slept on the couch.
Seeing as I was facing away from him, I felt him wrap his arm on my stomach and pull me closer to his chest. I turned around to face him before placing my head and hand on his chest while he used his hands to play with my hair. 
I felt gross that I had to share the bed with him but I had to remind myself this was temporary.
Minutes passed by after I faked I had fallen asleep. He kept playing with my hair and eventually started tracing figures on my arm. His phone kept vibrating on the nightstand which made him grab it with his free hand. 
"You have the nerve to be calling at twelve in the morning." He softly spoke out while still rubbing my shoulder with his thumb. He didn't want me to wake up.
"Right, I'll take her there tomorrow so everything has to be ready. I can't make her suspect anything or else my plan won't work."
What he just said brought anxiety to me. Does Derek know my true identity? If that was the case, I need to eliminate him right away.
"She's sleeping right now. I'm surprised you didn't wake her up." I felt him move his head to confirm that I had been 'sleeping', Although I had my eyes closed, I tried to slow my breathing to make it more believable.
"I'll text you more details tomorrow. In the meantime, don't call me." He ended the call before placing his phone back on the nightstand.  He lifted my chin to kiss my forehead before placing his hand on top of mine. 
Once a few minutes passed, Derek was lightly snoring. Seeing as one of his hands was still touching my arm, I didn't want to risk waking him up.
I sighed before closing my eyes and hoping I'll be able to kill them soon.
We had another meeting the next morning. Surprisingly, Derek and I were the first ones to attend. One by one, each member of the association arrived with Rachel being the last. Today she decided to wear a similar outfit I had worn yesterday with tons of layers of makeup.
She acted differently whatsoever. When she arrived, she had a tray of cups filled with tea. She claimed she had brought tea for all of us, but her forced smiled gave her away. She was up to no good.
"Can you explain why you're late Rachel?" Derek frustratedly asked as we all sat on our seats.
"I apologize, Derek, I just wanted to fix my wrongdoings from yesterday," she smiled as she was passing the teacups to everyone. She purposely first gave Chloe her cup and then made her way clockwise, leaving me last even though I sat next to Chloe.
I kept my guard up as she made her way towards me. She glanced at me and smirked. "I want to apologize especially to R/N. I hope you can forgive me."
Before I had the chance to reply, she 'stumbled' which resulted in the burning hot tea to spill on my thighs. As a reaction, I stood up and immediately regret it. I bit my lip in pain as I felt the burning sensation on my thighs.
"R/N!" I heard Derek yell. He pulled her towards him by her wrists. "What the fuck is wrong with you!"
"I'll take care of her," Chloe assured him as she grabbed me by my wrist and helped me walk out of the room.
"I know she purposely spilled it on me," I growled as we walked through the hallway. Although the burnt was painful, my anger towards her was stronger.
"Here's my room," she pointed at the door nearest to the elevator. She lived on the same floor where the meeting took place?
She got out her key and proceed to open the door. She helped me sit on a blue armchair before she grabbed a pair of black shorts. "Put these on while I get a wet cloth," she told me as she made her way to the bathroom.
I carefully took off my leggings and put on a pair of black shorts. I noticed that she had indeed burnt my thighs. They were red so it wasn't so bad besides the fact they stung.
Chloe came back with a bowl of water and two white cloths. She pulled up a seat and sat in front of me. She squeezed the cloths and placed one on each of my thighs.
"We knew her depression was bad but never did we think she was capable of doing this." She spoke out without making eye contact with me.
"How come?"
She slowly looked up and sighed. "Her childhood wasn't the best" she admitted. "And the fact that her long time crush is finally dating someone may have triggered her."
"Was she ever suicidal?"
She nodded. "She was every time Derek was either talking or dating a girl."
I made sure to remember what she told me. After all, I could use her depression as an advantage. 
We then heard muffled screams coming from the hallway.
Chloe slightly chuckled while shaking her head. "Derek is taking care of her. I, unfortunately, have to deal with her seeing as she lives right in front of me."
I raised both my eyebrows. "You guys live here?"
Chloe nodded "We all do. Derek wanted to keep us safe. So that's why he made this floor for just his associates."
What she told me was a huge advantage for me. I wouldn't need to go anywhere to kill them. I just have to kill his five associates in this hallway.
She opened her mouth to say something but the door opened, interrupting her. Derek had opened the door to search for us.
"There you guys are," he said with relief.
"How did you open the door? I locked it."
He rolled his eyes. "I'm the owner of this hotel. I have keys for every room" he explained before looking at my thighs with sympathy. "I apologize for Rachel's doings dear. I decided to postpone our meeting tomorrow." He placed his hand on my shoulder slightly rubbing it.
"Are you alright?" He asked me with concern in his eyes.
"Yeah. My thighs are slightly sore but I'll manage."
He nodded and then turned to face Chloe. "Thank you for taking care of her. I'll take it from here." He carried me bridal style, something that I wasn't used to.
"Are we still going to have our double date?" Chloe asked.
Derek stopped walking before turning to face her. "If R/N gets better. I'll update you guys in time to get ready if we do."
Before we left her room, I thanked her for helping me treat my burns.
Derek took me to his penthouse and gently placed me in bed.
"Derek I'm fine," I insisted as I sat up. I've gone through so much that this burnt was nothing.
"Clearly you're not, your thighs say otherwise." He looked away while playing with his hair. "I should have known Rachel was going to get this far. The only problem is, I can't kick her out because she knows too much. I need to somehow eliminate her or else I fear her jealousy will take over and she'll kill you." He sighed as he sat at the edge of the bed.
"What do you mean by eliminating her?" I asked. If he killed Rachel then he would be doing me a huge favor.
"I'll probably kick her out and then send someone to murder her. Everyone that I've loved either died or left me and I don't want that to happen to you." He grabbed my hands and held it with his, tracing figures on my knuckles with his thumbs.
"Derek," I softly said his name. He slowly looked up to look at my eyes. "I will never leave you, I promise."
He chuckled before moving his head down to kiss my knuckles. "I love you R/N."
For a second I froze. I couldn't remember when was the last time someone has told me they loved me let alone when I told someone I loved them.
"I love you too Derek," I replied. It felt weird that those words came out of my mouth.
He got on the bed and laid his head on my thighs near my knees, far enough not to touch where Rachel had burnt me. I showed him a warm smile as I started to play with his hair. He smiled as he looked at me.
All of a sudden I remember Chloe's words. "What did Chloe mean by a double date?"
He closed his eyes as he enjoyed the feeling of me playing with hair. "I was planning on us having a double date with Chloe and Carter seeing as Chloe and you got along pretty well. Carter and I haven't gotten the chance to catch up but since Rachel burnt your legs, I-"
"I told you I'm fine. It's honestly a simple burn. I could still walk," I interrupted him.
He sighed. "It was also supposed to be a celebration for my surprise for you guys but I'm afraid I'll have to postpone it for tomorrow."
"What kind of surprise?" I asked.
He opened his eyes as he formed a small smile. "I said it was a surprise love."
I rolled my eyes. "I hate surprises. Can you at least give me a hint?"
He looked away as if he was debating to tell me or not. "I may or may not have figured out a way to eliminate Slenderman and his proxy slave."
At first, I ignored what he called me and focused on what he said. If he's going to reveal his plan tomorrow then that means I have to kill them all by tomorrow and immediately go back home especially since tomorrow was the 5th day.
But I then remembered the call from last night.  He mentioned something about taking me somewhere without me getting suspicious. This was bad news if he knew I was Y/N L/N.
"I'm guessing it involves something with your shipment?" I asked as I remembered a girl had told me to inform him about it during the first night.
He nodded. "That's why I couldn't kick Rachel earlier. She knows too much to the point I have to get her killed to keep myself out of prison."
"Is your shipment illegal?" I asked as I was placing the pieces together.
"Yeah" he sighed. "The only one I fully trust in the organization besides you is Carter. We've known each other since we were kids."
"So that's why you wanted to hang out with him again," I said. "Text him that the double date is still on. I could definitely still walk."
He pulled out his phone and started texting him. That immediately made me remember about Ben and how I haven't unblocked him. Maybe it was for the best that he remained blocked. After all, I don't want him to interfere with my mission.
"What do you mean the civilian got away?" Slenderman patiently sat on his desk waiting for the proxies to answer his question. He had sent them on a mission that failed.
"We couldn't get to him on time," Masky explained. He felt that he was the one to answer seeing as he was in charge when Y/N wasn't there. "He had a vehicle ready for an escape."
Slenderman rubbed this forehead in frustration. He was used to his proxy succeeding that it was stressful when things didn't go well.
"He knows of our existence which will endanger us if he brings backup. Y/N is already on a mission to exterminate an association team that is planning on killing us. We do not need to worry about this as well."
"I th-think if Y-Y/n was here t-then the mission would have b-been a success," Toby whispered.
Slenderman stared at him for a few seconds before asking, "And why do you think so?"
Toby looked away from his "stare" along with Masky. Hoodie saw this as a chance to speak. " Sir, Toby and Masky were arguing."
Slenderman rubbed his face in frustration. "I thought I made it clear that you four needed to be close seeing as you will be doing missions that require teamwork."
The proxies looked down in shame. They had worked for Slenderman for a few weeks that they felt guilty they had experienced failure in one of their missions.
"You three will be on the lookout for him tomorrow if he returns. When he does, you will murder him and there will be no room for failure. Understood?" The proxies nodded.
After the proxies had left Slenderman's office, they made their way to the dining room seeing as they skipped breakfast for their mission. Unknowingly, the other pastas sat patiently and were waiting for them besides the Slender brothers and Sally.
"Any news about Y/N?" Jeff asked.
"A greeting would be nice," Masky muttered as he and the other proxies sat in their seats.
"Today is her 4th day on the mission. She could come back at any day if she finishes quickly," Puppeteer commented. "You know how hard was it to ask Sally when one of the Slender brothers wasn't there?"
L.J spoke out, "We just don't know what her mission is about other than the fact Offenderman stated it was dangerous."
"I texted her but someone with the initials of DH took her phone and claimed she was his. He then blocked me on her phone and I think she hasn't noticed." Ben added.
"Slenderman claimed she has to kill an association team that is planning on killing us," Hoodie muttered.
"An association team? Why couldn't she tell us a day before? Or better yet, why couldn't we join so she could have finished the mission faster!" Jeff exclaimed as he stood up from his seat.
Liu who was sitting next to him muttered, "Calm down Jeff. We all know you had a crush on her when you thought she was fictional."
"Shut the fuck up!"
"I made a reservation by the name of Derek Hilton," Derek informed the receptionist.
Derek wore a black suit with matching pants with a white shirt and black shoes. I wore a red strap lace dress that reached above my knees with matching heels and a handbag.
The receptionist who looked around his 40s, and had also worn a suit. He nodded before leading us to the table. Chloe, who had been wearing a blue off the shoulder dress, waved at us as she noticed we arrived.
Derek pulled up the chair for me to sit on before he sat on his. Seeing as we sat on a squared table, Derek was on my left, Carter sat in front of me and Chloe was on my right.
"I hope you guys weren't waiting that long for us," Derek chuckled.
"We barely arrived and thought you guys were waiting for us," Carter laughed as he looked at Chloe. His eyes were filled with love.
Derek noticed I looked at Derek which made him grab my hand and kiss my knuckles. I smiled at him.
Gross, I thought.
The waiter came and took our food order before moving to the next table. Derek and Carter had their own conversation while Chloe and I had ours.
"R/N, can you accommodate me to the restroom real quick?"
Although I grew up without any females in the mansion, I understood some basic girl code.
I nodded and we made our way to the restroom after alerting the guys where we were going. Since we were wearing dresses that did show our shoulders, I knew to be cautious around men.
We were almost at the restroom when I saw a middle-aged man staring at us. I gave him a death glare which made him quickly look away.
Once we were at the stalls, I looked at the mirror to fix my hair. Chloe closed the door and kept bending down to check if anyone was in the room.
"What are you doing?" I asked. What Chloe was doing was suspicious which meant I have to keep my guard up.
Once she confirmed no one was in the room, she made her way towards me with a serious expression, something I wasn't used to seeing.
"I wanted to talk to you about something but Derek interrupted us this morning."
I raised both of my brows. "What is it about?"
She gulped before answering.
"It's about Derek."
Series Masterlist---Next Chapter (Chapter 15)
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survey--s · 9 months
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What does the shirt you are wearing look like?   It's just a pale grey knitted jumper.
What was the last thing that stressed you out or upset you?   Not getting much sleep last night.
How do you stay positive with all that life throws at you?   I mean, I just keep going. I have bills and shit to pay so opting out isn't really an option at this point lol.
What quality do you admire most in other people?   I really admire creativity. <--- yeah, let's go with that.
What is your most prized possession?   I don't know, the house and car I guess lol.
Which youtuber do you feel like you could be friends with easily?   I don't watch YouTubers but there's a guy called Richard something on TikTok who seems really funny and nice. He does commentary on those ASMR and restocking type videos.
Do you like your natural hair color?   I like it more now than I did when I was younger.
Do you think you will dye your hair when you start going gray?   I always thought I would, but lately I've been thinking that natural grey/white hair looks better.
Are you pale right now, or do you have a tan?   I'm pale as always, lol.
Do you think you look best with a tan?   Yeah, I like how I look with a tan.
What is your favorite app on your phone?   TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Spotify and various games.
How old were you when you got your first smartphone?   They didn't really exist when I was a kid so I was probably 18-19.
Do you ever meditate on Scripture?   No.
Are you living a life you want to escape from? or do you love your life?   Life is pretty great, I'm not gonna lie.
When was the last time you felt that life was good?   Right now. I'd be happier if I wasn't absolutely shattered though lol.
Do you have one big mistake that you’ve made that you want to fix? No.
Do you wish people would forgive you for your past so you could move on?   I don't really feel the need to be forgiven.
Do you wear green on St. Patrick’s day?   No. St Patrick's Day really isn't a thing here.
Are you Irish at all?   No.
Do you pray to God every day?   No. I'm not even a little bit religious.
What are three things you are currently looking forward to doing soon?   Going away for the weekend next month and that's about it at this point lol. I have some time off in December but I have another few months to go yet.
Do you ever dance in the rain?   I have done before.
Have you ever sat on a rooftop?   Yeah.
Who is that last good musician or band you discovered?   Taylor Austin Dye or Kylie Morgan.
Do you like to watch talent shows like America’s Got Talent and X Factor?   No. I think the beginnings of them are really horrible, honestly.
Have you ever tried avocado toast?   I have - it's pretty good, I'm not gonna lie.
Name three items on your wish list right now.   I don't really have anything on there right now, to be honest.
Are you more talented musically or artistically or neither?   Neither, really.
Are you better at English or math?   English, for sure.
What were your best subjects in school?   English, History, languages.
What was your favorite subject in school?   History and French.
Have you ever visited a teacher at their home?   Yeah. I was friends with a girl whose dad was a teacher at our school. Our headmistress in primary also used to throw BBQ's at her house.
How many windows are in your bedroom?   One.
Who was your first roommate?   Kirsty.
Who was your first best friend (besides a sibling)?   Lucy.
Do you have a sibling who looks like you?   I don't have any siblings at all.
Name three women you know who have lost a child.   Talk about insensitive -_-
Whose was the last funeral you attended or watched?   I've never attended a funeral or watched one either.
What types of cancer are in your family, if any?   Bowel and prostate on my dad's side. On my mum's side I think her mum had breast cancer? Maybe.
Do you have big dreams for your future?   Not really. I just want to be happy and to enjoy my time.
Do you feel alone?   Nah, I wouldn't say that was an emotion I really struggle with these days. I certainly have struggled with it in the past though.
What is this month’s calendar picture?   I don’t have a calendar.
What is the theme of your wall calendar for this year?   ...
Have you ever seen a double rainbow?   Yes. Just yesterday, in fact. I saw tons of rainbows at work.
How old will you be on your next birthday?   35.
Which nationalities have you been told you look like? (i.e., Asian, Irish) I haven't really been told I look like any nationality, I don't think.
Have you ever had an outstanding library fine?   Sure.
What book are you currently reading?   I'm not reading anything at the moment.
Are you poor/broke right now?   No. Financially we're doing pretty well.
Have you ever received any scary, threatening messages on social media?   Not threatening ones, but unpleasant ones.
What is the name of your youtube channel?   I don't have one.
How many subscribers do you have on youtube? Zero.
Do you wish that life were more fair?   I mean, that would be nice, but I can't see it ever happening.
Who was your first kiss?   A boy named James.
Do you feel you have found your soulmate yet?   I don't believe in soulmates.
Are you single or in a relationship?   Married.
If you’re single, do you want to be, or do you wish you weren’t?   ...
Ever collected shells at the beach?   Yeah, I used to do that all the time. I had quite the collection at one point but I think my dad made me chuck them when we moved house lol.
Would you rather paint or carve a pumpkin?   I've never done either, but probably carve one.
Who are three of your favorite youtubers to watch?   ,,,
What year did you graduate high school?   2007.
What do you miss about high school?   Nothing much, hahah. I miss the school holidays and the social/free side of being a teenager but overall I'm much happier as an adult.
What do you miss about college?   Again, the freedom and the lack of real responsibility.
What color was your first car?   Bright red.
Do you have a car now?   Yeah.
What color was the house you grew up in?   Grey brick with white pannelling is the best way to describe it.
Growing up, what floor was your bedroom on?   On the first floor, then we moved to a three storey house when I was eleven and I had the top floor to myself.
What is your birth order in the family?   I’m an only child but the second born.
What would your name be if you were the opposite gender?   Alexander.
What were you almost named?   I don't think they came up with any other options.
Does your bedroom have carpet?   Yes.
Best camping experience?   I've never been camping before.
What are the top three travel destinations on your bucket list?   Japan, Iceland and Canada (again).
Do you get heartburn?   I haven't had it for ages.
What are three things you are known for in your town?   Uh, being a dog walker I guess. Also being married to my husband as everyone knows him/his family. I can't think of anything else. Maybe for having a gobby beagle LOL.
What are three things you are known for on social media?   Posting cats/dogs and that's about it, lol.
What is your Instagram account name?   I'm not putting that here.
Have you ever used Snapchat?   I used it for the filters a few years ago.
Did you want to be famous when you were younger?   No. I've always hated the idea.
What show did you most want to be on as a kid?   Get Your Own Back.
First celebrity you were obsessed with?   Josh Hartnett.
First celebrity crush?   ^^
What was your first favorite stuffed animal?   A bear named Cameron and a white rabbit named Beauty. I think I still have Cameron somewhere but I have no idea what happened to Beauty.
What was something unique about you as a kid?   I have autism so I guess that.
Were you ever goth/emo?   Not really. Emo was kind of after my time.
Do you want any more piercings?   I would happily get more but I'm not keen enough to go out of my way to get them done, if that makes sense.
How many tattoos do you have?  One. Do you want more tattoos?   Yeah, I'll probably get more at some point.
If you had to get a tattoo, what would you get?   A pawprint.
Do you mostly write in cursive or print?   Print.
Were you ever homeschooled?   No. I always wanted to be, though.
Describe your dream wedding in five words. ...
Pick three animals that you think resemble you, and why?   ...
Are you unique?   Everyone is, in their own way.
Do you get called a free spirit?   No.
What day of the week were you born on?   Saturday.
How are you feeling right now? Tired, but otherwise pretty good.
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