#i also had to google chinese painting styles
homoesia · 10 months
Your art is somehow both coltish and keen, your clever execution almost always radiating playfulness and thoughtfulness in equal measure (except for the works that thrum with a more serrated intensity). I've mentioned it in tags before, but your art reminds me of Chinese poetry, specifically in how it commits intangible emotion to concrete imagery without caging it there or stifling its reverb. Even your sillier sketches, however much they're more like cheeky shanshui than Shen Yue.
(flustered yet? 🥰)
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This broke the fluster scale. We're past fluster and into self preservation mode and I will fight u for my dignity
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Its me n my little rocks vs this ask
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bambinification · 9 months
Tyrus Wong's influence on Bambi's artstyle really cannot be overstated.
Like, I'm sure a lot of people have Pointed Out that Bambi's backgrounds are unlike other Disney works because of Wong's inspiration coming from Chinese ink paintings. But after watching 4 hours of behind the scenes content for Bambi, I *really* want to hammer it home for people that he didn't just bring in an idea that Walt liked. Walt literally *asked* for the aspects of Wong's work, without even knowing what he was asking for.
During Bambi's production, Walt Disney struggled for a Long time to capture the exact style he wanted. He emphasized ad nauseam that he didn't want Bambi to be a cartoon with anthropomorphized characters and environments. When his artists were working on concept art based on photographs taken in real forests, the art was constantly too detailed. They couldn't have complex backgrounds with every single leaf drawn in, but they also couldn't NOT have leaves drawn in, right? Additionally, from day one, Walt insisted on subtlety. He didn't want a cartoon, but he didn't want photorealism. He wanted to capture the essence of nature, to make you Feel the forest more than seeing it in detail. He wanted realism of Vibes.
Hey, does that sound familiar? Almost like those qualities were popular in ink wash paintings in China during the Song dynasty?? (And then later in Japanese ink paintings??)
Walt Disney did not have the education or the words to express that he wanted qualities of traditional Chinese landscape paintings in the Song Dynasty. But the aspects that he described wanting in his creative meetings are *textbook* features of Chinese and Japanese ink paintings. Essence over detail, an end result that definitely *looks* like a detailed landscape, but with techniques in minimalism and almost pre-impressionism.
So when Wong showed his concept art to his supervisor, it was less of a "oh this looks rad" situation and more like a "sent from God to answer our prayers" situation. Tyrus Wong didn't just influence Bambi; I genuinely believe he saved the film. He was the only person to give Disney exactly what he was asking for, and he did it with ease because he was familiar with an artform rich in qualities that Walt was specifically looking for.
Now, I know most people know Walt himself moved Wong to head background supervisor after that. However, Wong was laid off during Walt's anti-union bitch fit in 1941, and I don't think Wong was hired back. Even so, the animators that remained at Disney in 2005 clearly hold great reverence for his work. He's mentioned in all but two of the backstage featurettes.
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Doing a Chinese inspired Character design. She was meant to be a redesign of an already existing character of mine but she became her own person instead.
Her outfit is mostly based off the Qin dynasty with some Han dynasty influences because when ever I googled anything about the Qin dynasty google would tell me about the Qing dynasty instead 😤😤😤
Qin (and Han and Ming kinda?) dynasty clothing ramble time
The Qin dynasty had a colour clothing system with officials and high ranking people wearing green Shenyi (a big old one piece wrapped around the body held together with a belt) and common people wore white.  Also Qin hairstyles were wild, women had big old hair loops held together with fancy hair jewellery and big pins. Some of the hairstyles look real painful to wear but I guess woman did also beat their face with lead laced makeup to look whiter so… there’s been worse for them I guess.
Throughout the dynasties big bold and mostly dark colours like purple, yellow, green, and dark blue were reserved for those of high status, and pale pastel colours and red were mostly worn by common folk. Apparently commoners would be punished for wearing royal colours like yellow which is wild.
Ruku and Ruqun seem to have been a popular clothing style for the ordinary and elite. Ordinary peoples clothing was always plainer. throughout many dynasties including Qin but became the most popular in the Han dynasty (go figure). Lots of the different styles of qun (裙 meaning skirt, although they called it xie in the Qin dynasty) especially came from the Qin dynasty. Hanfu also became more popular in the Han dynasty, hence the name.
Some other random facts
Huadian was a very popular makeup style among women. According to legend, Princess Shouyang was sleeping when a plum blossom petal fell onto her face. It left a mark that wouldn’t come off, but everyone thought “y’know, she looks pretty af with that petal mark tho” and so women began painting red makeup on their face. Contrary to popular belief, not all Huadian styles were tiny little pretty dots, some people would paint huge patterns on their foreheads cuz creative freedom baby.
The jade waist pendant was used to hold down skirts and often hung from the waist. People liked it when the waist pendant would clink like wind chimes since it sounded nice.
Looking pale was very desirable because it was a sign that you were rich/elite/a Royal who didn’t have to work in fields and physical labour like stinky commoners and get a nice tan.
Anyway, ramble over. I have yet to come up with a name for her yet, but we’ see what I come up with. I guess I’m off to do prop design now?
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audreydoeskaren · 3 years
History of Chinese standing collars (part 1: Ming & Qing)
So, a lot of people nowadays refer to a certain type of standing collar as a “Mandarin collar” but I'm not sure if that’s legit, because standing collars throughout Chinese history looked different. I was confronted by this topic when I was writing my post on 1950s Chinese fashion and felt like I had to make a separate post. I’m gonna do a quick break down of all the different types of standing collars in historical Chinese fashion from the 16th century to the present and how they developed.
Ming Dynasty  (1368-1644)
The first mature 立领 liling standing collars were applied to women’s robes in the late 15th/early 16th century. Before any garment with a standing collar was invented, both men and women in Ming China wore garments with either a 圆领 yuanling round collar, 直领 zhiling parallel collar or 交领 jiaoling crossover collar, with crossover collars being the more common in womenswear.
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Early Ming Dynasty portrait of a lady in a crossover collar robe.
The development of a standing collar was in large part thanks to the invention/adoption of the 子母扣 zimukou metal clasp button. I wonder why the fabric knotted buttons used on round collar robes were not used on standing collars in this period? They were awfully similar to the pankous of later. Anyway, at one point in the 15th century, some women thought it would be cool to add zimukou to their clothes and it resulted in this (they were also used on 比甲 bijia, 半臂 banbi and 短衫 duanshan but those are irrelevant to collars):
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Part of 明宪宗元宵行乐图 (a painting depicting various Lantern Festival activities at the court of Emperor Xianzong), 1485. This lady is wearing a crossover collar robe with a zimukou at the middle.
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Modern reproduction zimukou. You could buy these for cheap on Taobao if you want to sew your own Ming style hanfu btw.
In the 16th century a fashion revolution took place in China: the standing collar, which came out of nowhere, began to suddenly dominate women’s clothing. This OG Chinese standing collar was very tall and form fitting, usually covering all of the wearer’s neck. It had sharp, rectangular edges and was closed by two zimukou, one placed at the bottom of the collar where it meets the bodice and another slightly above, not reaching the top of the collar. An important feature that set this apart from the collars of the 20th century is that it was unstiffened and made of the same fabric as the robe, meaning it was soft and could be worn with the top bit folded over, showing the lining which could be of a contrasting color. For archival purposes let’s call this collar style 1.
There are various theories as to why the standing collar was invented, e.g. because of colder climate during the little ice age, which peaked in the late 16th/early 17th century. Methinks it was just a fad which stayed.
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Late Ming Dynasty portrait, collar style 1.
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Late 16th century/early 17th century aristocratic lady wearing a standing collar robe underneath a round collar robe. The top of her collar is folded over. Collar style 1 variation 2.
Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)
This style of collar became the norm for Han Chinese women’s fashion in the mid to late 16th century and stayed that way throughout the 17th and 18th centuries. While the clothing silhouettes and accessories changed, the shape of the standing collar remained the same.
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Late 17th century illustration for pornographic novel 肉蒲团 (1657). Collar style 1, but it became fashionable in the 17th century to have rows of piping around the neck for each button, so variation 3. Oh and wlw pride come throoouuuugh
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Early 18th century court painting, collar style 1 variation 3.
At some point in the late 18th century Han women decided it would be cool to use 盘扣 pankou, this fabric braided/knotted button of Manchu origin (more on Manchu dress later) on their collars instead of zimukou. The decoration also became more extravagant, with often rows of thick binding, piping or trim, corresponding to the decorations on the rest of the robe. It’s also slightly shorter, the upper button being at the very top of the collar. Let’s call this collar style 2.
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(Presumably) late 18th century reverse glass painting showing collar style 2. The late 18th century deserves more attention, it’s such an important transitional period but also charming in its own way. This is true of European fashion of the period as well, I honestly love both places in the late 18th century.
In the beginning of the 19th century, the fashionable collar shape suddenly changed for some reason. It became extremely low, approximately only 1-2cm tall, only tall enough to accommodate one button. It still had crisp, rectangular edges. You could say this is another variation of collar style 2 but it is so iconic to the 19th century I think I’ll call this collar style 3.
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Reverse glass painting ca. 1830. Han lady wearing a robe with collar style 3.
Now a brief look at Manchu womenswear.  I am not an expert on Manchu historical fashion so tell me if I’m wrong. So the Manchus, who were apparently a confederation of Jurchen tribes from the area in what is northeastern China nowadays, invaded China successfully in the 1640s and remained the rulers of China until 1911 when they were replaced by the Republic of China. Throughout most of the Qing Dynasty Manchu women wore collarless robes, it was not until the mid 19th century that some Manchu women started to wear detachable collars to emulate Han women’s fashion, and not until around 1908 (!) when standing collars were actually added to their gowns themselves. Yes, period dramas did Manchu women dirty, poor gals have been dressed in the wrong costumes this, entire, time. The misrepresentation of Manchu historical fashion in the media in general is just fucking infuriating, but well, topic for a future post.
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Late 17th century/early 18th century portrait of a Manchu lady. She is wearing a 衬衣 chenyi, a robe with straight sleeves, no slits and closed at the right side. It’s a casual gown worn for everyday activities. Her chenyi is collarless and the collar is closed by binding.
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1840s/1850s court gown.  She is wearing 氅衣 changyi (the bottom part of the first character should be 衣 not 毛 but this character is so obscure that it literally DOES NOT EXIST in the Chinese language anymore omg), a more elaborate style developed in the early 19th century with slits down both sides and wide trims along the collar, cuffs, side closure, side slits and hem. I have yet to see an extant example with a standing collar, all the changyi from the 19th century I’ve seen in museum collections are collarless, so the collar seen in paintings must’ve been detachable. Maybe some Manchu women liked Han women’s fashion and wanted to wear a detachable collar. I have, however, seen Manchu women’s vests and jackets with standing collars. These were similar to late 18th century Han women’s collars, so collar style 2.
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1890s/1900s women’s vest with collar style 2. 
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Ca. 1908. Chenyi with standing collar. If the passage of time is still not clear, notice the Western fabric used. Collar style 2.
At first glance this might look like a cheongsam but it is not. Chenyi did not have slits down the sides, unlike most 20th century cheongsam. It may have been a source of inspiration for cheongsam though, as I have explained in one of my 1930s posts, although the more obvious prototype for cheongsam was the changyi with slits and standing collars.
Let us now turn our attention to Manchu menswear, which is where things get complicated. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the Manchu riding habit, 行服袍 xingfupao, was a form fitting calf length robe with form fitting long sleeves and 马蹄袖 matixiu “horse hoof cuffs”, closed at the side with pankou. It was constructed in the same method as Han Chinese clothing. This original Manchu robe was collarless----I cannot stress this enough. The Manchus did not come barging into China wearing robes with standing collars goddamnit, get your facts right period dramas.
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Portrait of Emperor Kangxi in a xingfupao. This is from the early 18th century already but the style didn’t change much so you get the idea. I love this color btw I think he looks great in it.
The xingfupao was an informal riding habit and only one small part in the gigantic system of Manchu court dress, the rules of which are well documented but I don’t bother to look them up. If you would like to do that, Google 大清会典.  At one point in the early 18th century some Manchu dudes decided it was cool to add a collar to their xingfupao (like... Han women??) and it resulted in this:
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An early example from the Kangxi era (1661-1722), a xingfupao with a standing collar of a contrasting color. The hem is detachable for horse riding (horse riding was an important aspect of Manchu culture and that influenced many of their fashion decisions). Judging by the fur lining I assume the standing collar was added for warmth in winter? I also saw some xingfupao with fur trim attached to standing collars so maybe that was the purpose.
Standing collars on xingfupao was constructed in a similar way to Han women’s collars, with rectangular edges and closed by two buttons. Pankous, which were unique to Manchu dress, were used instead of the Han zimukou. It appears that this collar was also soft and unstiffened, so it could be worn with the top bit folded over like in ye olde times (the 16th century). It’s important to note that xingfupao with a standing collar were not common at all, maybe a 1/20 probability to see in museum collections. Construction wise it’s similar to collar style 2 but it appeared earlier and was exclusive to menswear, so let’s call it collar style 4.
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Qianlong era (1735-1796) portrait, xingfupao with standing collar of the same color folded over. Collar style 4 variation 2.
Another garment with a standing collar was the dress of the officials, known by white people as “Mandarins”. From the artworks and photographs I’ve seen, the collar only appeared in the outfit with a 行服褂 xingfugua, a button down tunic with straight, wide sleeves and slits at the front, back and sides. It was usually worn in combination with xingfupao, like how a shirt and vest are fixed combinations in European menswear. However, the collar of this kind of outfit was separate from the tunic itself. A plastron with an attached collar was worn underneath the robe and tunic (completely detachable collars were also used I think??) and the collar was buttoned from the inside. Not sure if this qualifies as a standing collar at all since it isn’t even attached to the robe itself, but anyway let’s just call this collar style 5.
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19th century portrait of an official. He is wearing a blue xingfupao, an indigo xingfugua and a blue detachable collar; a standard ensemble (well he’s also wearing pants and boots and stuff but that’s not the focus here). Collar style 5.
Oh I forgot to mention, after the Manchus took over China, they enforced their dress code on Han Chinese men but not Han Chinese women, so in the Qing Dynasty Han and Manchu menswear were one and the same but Han and Manchu womenswear were not.
I’ve only been talking about court dress so far, educated/well off civilian Han men would wear 长衫 changshan, a floor length robe, sometimes with a 马褂 magua, a short riding vest (derived from xingfugua), whereas poorer Han men would wear 短打 duanda, a short button down shirt, and pants. Well people who wore changshan also wore pants underneath but they’re not visible. All men wore pants tbh (incoming tangent), a while back when Harry Styles in a dress (which I stan) was making the rounds on social media some well meaning people were trying to find historical precedents for men wearing dresses and they named Chinese historical clothing as an example. I just wanna say, while I appreciate the sentiment, the harsh reality was that historical Han Chinese fashion was extremely gendered (except for a few brief time periods and a few select garments). Pants were reserved for men and skirts for women, the long gown like garments seen on men in historical portraiture were all robes, not dresses; you wouldn’t consider a long coat or bathrobe a dress nowadays, would you? Men always wore pants as undergarments while women wore petticoats. However I think that’s great for illustrating how our perception of whether a garment is masculine/feminine could change over time and that gender is socially constructed. Back to the main topic, to my knowledge, magua never had collars because it was a vest, changshan commonly had collars and duanda sometimes did too. I’m not sure when the standing collar began to appear on changshan, maybe when the court xingfupao gained collar style 4 it stuck in civilian fashion, maybe it was some point in the 19th century.
Anyway, fast forward to the late 19th century, the men’s changshan had a tall standing collar but again it was different to everything we’ve seen so far. It was exceptionally tall and had a smoothly tapering edge closed by only one pankou at the bottom. This resulted in a huge v shape gap down the middle. It’s still unstiffened but because of the lack of a rectangular edge it couldn’t be worn folded over. Let’s call this collar style 6.
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Late 19th century/early 20th century portrait of a man. Changshan with collar style 6.
Let’s finish this part with Han women’s collars in the 1890s and 1900s. Around this time Han womenswear began to modernize and become simpler, but that trend did not apply to collars: the collars of Han women’s robes suddenly became unnaturally tall. They were so tall that they touched the wearer’s cheeks and couldn’t be closed at the front at all, kind of resembling Regency era European men’s collars?? This style of collar was oftentimes called 元宝领 yuanbaoling, ingot collar, or 马鞍领 ma’anling, saddle collar, after the object it resembles. Let’s call all of these tall collars that touch the wearer’s face collar style 7, but bear in mind these had a lot of variations.
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Photograph from the 1900s. This could be categorized as a cursed variation of collar style 6 judging from how it only has one pankou and a tapering edge instead of a rectangular edge. But like, belle époque Chinese collars are a whole other species, so let’s comfortably call it collar style 7.
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More collar style 7 representation. This collar style will never stop being funny to me, like just look at it it’s so tall.
So, in summary:
Collar style 1: OG Ming Dynasty standing collar, in fashion from the 16th to mid 18th century. Tall, unstiffened, rectangular edges. Closed with two zimukou. Could have piping (17th & early 18th century). Could be worn with top bit folded over (16th & early 17th century). Worn by Han women.
Collar style 2: developed from collar style 1, popularized in the late 18th century. Medium height, unstiffened, rectangular edges. Closed with two pankou/other fabric buttons. Commonly has binding, piping or trim. Worn by Han women in the late 18th century, partially adopted by Manchu women in the late 19th century.
Collar style 3: developed from collar style 2, exclusive to the 19th century. Extremely short, unstiffened, rectangular edges. Closed with one pankou. Commonly has binding, piping or trim. Worn by Han women.
Collar style 4: collar style 2 but simpler, appeared in the late 17th/early 18th century. Tall, unstiffened, rectangular edges. Closed with two pankou. Commonly plain. Worn by Manchu & Han men.
Collar style 5: detachable standing collar, a staple of official’s uniforms throughout the Qing Dynasty. Medium height, unstiffened, rectangular/rounded edges. Buttoned from the inside. Always plain. Worn by all officials (exclusively men in this era).
Collar style 6: civilian men’s collar characterized by v shape gap at the front, I don’t know when it first appeared, some point in the Qing Dynasty. Tall, unstiffened, rounded and dramatically tapering edges. Closed by one pankou. Worn by civilian Manchu & Han men.
Collar style 7: cursed belle époque (1890s & 1900s) women’s collars that touched the wearer’s face. Extremely tall, stiffened, both rounded and rectangular edges existed. Closed by one pankou at the bottom but sometimes had more pankou for ornamental purposes. Worn by Han women in this period.
Join me next time as we dive into the Republican era where things get extra complicated.
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scorbleeo · 2 years
Under the Skin | Drama Review
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The young painter Shen Yi resigned from the Academy of Fine Arts and entered Haicheng Public Security Bureau mysteriously. Interpol Captain Du Cheng was furious and said that he would never accept those who caused his comrade to be killed in the police force.
Five years ago, Shen Yi, who was still a student, was sketching on the street. A man took a picture of a child and asked him to draw what the child would look like as an adult. However, this painting caused Haicheng detective Lei Yi Fei to be exposed as an undercover agent and he was killed. And Lei Yi Fei happened to be Du Cheng's long-time friend and confidant. The strange thing is that, no matter how hard Shen Yi tried of recall for a few years, he couldn't draw the face of the man who asked him to paint the child's photo.
Five years later, the guilt became heavier. In order to find out the truth, Shen Yi accepted the invitation of Director Zhang of the Public Security Bureau and became a portraitist of the Interpol Team. Under Zhang Ju’s persuasion and arrangement, Du Cheng had to accept that he became a colleague with Shen Yi, but he was still full of annoyance and despised Shen Yi’s “drawing to solve cases,” and the two became the “ticking bomb” in the team.
However, in several collaborations, Shen Yi has repeatedly cracked the "dead end" of cases with his "three-year-old painting", "drawing based on audio," "micro-color discrimination" and other stunts, which slowly started to impress Du Cheng. More importantly, the truth of Lei Yi Fei's death is still buried in Shen Yi's memory. On the way to find out the truth of Lei Yi Fei's life and death, the two people who were pursuing alone gradually untie their knots and rely on each other. In the end, "the heaven-matched partners" work together to uncover the dust-covered secrets and create a new world for each other.
Source: MyDramaList
My Favourite Chinese Drama!
Crime, mystery, thriller, these are common genres you see in dramas, TV shows and movies. However, I loved that in Under the Skin, it's the portrait artist that gets the spotlight. There is always be a portrait artist in shows like this but they are never the main, which makes Under the Skin more unique than other crime-related dramas. It's a rather refreshing take in watching this team solve cases based on Shen Yi's godly artistic skills. It also made me realised just how important a portrait artist is as well, in spite of technology advancing rapidly these days.
If you are planning to go into Under the Skin thinking this show is going to blow your mind with its cases, don't. The cases might be constructed and portrayed really well but there's nothing special about the cases in this drama. What makes Under the Skin more extraordinary is the the chemistry between Shen Yi and Du Cheng. This is not even a BL drama but our two main leads have more chemistry with each other than some BL couples. I absolutely loved watching Shen Yi and Du Cheng work together to solve the cases, their skills are on different parts of a spectrum but boy do they make their skills match each other so well! I really have to applaud Tan Jian Ci and Jin Shi Jia, these men were what made Shen Yi and Du Cheng so charismatic and admirable. Moreover, if you know what these men's personalities are like, you would be blown away by the amazing talent that is their acting. Absolutely mind-blowing.
Honestly speaking, I think it also helped that Shen Yi's artistic style is right up my alley. I have watched plenty of shows where one or a few roles are artists but I was never impressed by their art. Shen Yi's drawings though, that's the style I love.
It is an understatement when I say I am very impressed by this drama. The story, the cast, the roles, the cinematography and the flow, they were really what I appreciate in a drama. Under the Skin kept me at the edge of my seat the whole time and I just could not stop watching it. I would also like to add that even though that was a cliffhanger ending, the drama actually wrapped up what needed to be wrapped up.
To wrap this review up, please let there be a second season with the exact same cast, thank you very much.
Rating: ★★★★★
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urmomsstuntdouble · 4 years
congrats on 100! is it possible for you to write some headcanons for china?
of course! and ty! also, quick shoutout to @mysticalmusicwhispers for some of the inspiration for this :)
He is a firm believer in the concept of chaotic time (i will be discussing various interpretations of time as they are described in The Fourth Turning by Neil Howe and William Strauss, as their books about American generations live rent free in my brain), which is defined as “history having no path. Events follow one another randomly, and any effort to impute meaning to their whirligig succession is hopeless.” It’s sort of the original way that people percieved time, and this interpretation of time can be found in a lot of indigenous cultures, as well as in popular nihilism. I think part of why Yao thinks this is because of all the changes in political leadership he’s had throughout his life, which prevent him from being able to apply an overall narrative to the universe. This can make some things like diplomacy a little difficult for him, as many of the other world powers are proponents of linear time- The idea of “time as a unique (and usually progressing) story with an absolute beginning and an absolute end.” 
That’s not to say that Yao is terrible at diplomacy- He’s actually very good at it, and can talk people into buying just about anything from him. 
He has an entire house that’s just filled with his old stuff. Clothes, pottery, paintings, manuscripts, trinkets, et cetera. It’s not very organized, though, and some things can never be moved because if somebody were to touch them, the objects might get damaged. 
His weapon of choice is a gùn staff, when it comes to gun-less fighting. I think he likes to bop people on the head with it when they’re being annoying. 
This is sort of based on some ancient chinese military history that i don’t fully recall so I’m not sure what to type into google but. very deadly with the gùn. 
On that note, he’s very well practiced in both Northern and Southern style Shaolin kung fu, but you probably wouldn’t know that unless you’d been around him for a while. He gives me massive “old person doing tai chi in the park” vibes. Where kung fu is concerned, I think his favorite animal thingy would be the crane? I feel like he’d really like a lot of crane forms even though he’s a bit short for it. (also im very sorry if im getting this wrong or talking about it in the wrong way! i pracitce shaolin kung fu, although i haven’t been able to really engage with it during the pandemic, so my memory might not be 10/10)
His spice tolerance?? through the roof. The things this man eats could kill a human
To me, Yao feels like one of the most human characters in hetalia, because he’s the oldest. Part of this is just because he’s the oldest, so he’s been through the most stuff- While other prominent characters are depicted as being kind of messy young adults who haven’t figured everything out yet, Yao has a calmness about him due to his age. Don’t get me wrong he’s still a bit messy, but he’s messy by choice?? like. from @peonycats latest china drawing. that was voluntary. But at the same time, I think he could fit the wise old mentor trope if he had the patience to be a mentor. He’s lived through so much that he has experience with pretty much everything one could encounter. This is also a double edged sword, because it can make him a bit impatient, especially with things he feels he’s already seen and done before. Sometimes he’s just over it, ya know? (side note i feel like that’s smth he’d be able to bond with India over- being done with all these modern kids who want to do stuff that he’s just endlessly bored by.)
He has a love-hate relationship with C-dramas. On the one hand, they’re interesting stories and imbue nostalgia. On the other hand, they can be super historically inaccurate at times- One complaint I’ve heard is that the hairstyles are often inaccurate for the sake of making the actors look really pretty. 
short king
His government is often wary and not trusting of him, because they see him as being a sort of relic from previous times. Like a potential threat to their sovereignty? idk, just. mutual distrust. 
idk where this came from but I’ve seen the hc that one time the italy brothers were like yo you knew our grandpa right? we just wanna talk- and then china goes yah we used to fuck and i think that’s so funny
He nibbles at his food, eating sort of like a bird, and does the same with water. 
Despite being kind of thin himself, will absolutely pester the shit out of his kids (even if theyre on bad terms) for not eating enough. in the same breath he’ll also berate them for eating unhealthily, and take huge offense if they won’t eat his food. like even if they’re just not hungry that time yao will develop a grudge and he’ll make sure you remember that you didn’t want to eat his food that one time. how rude of you >:(
i probably have more thoughts but theyre either too jumbled/not well worded in my brain or not present at the moment. i hope you enjoyed these!
writing requests
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qawsslate · 3 years
another nct drabble, short story, one shot, scenario? 
genre: fluff probs
tw: none
pairing: Renjun & reader
a/n: idk bro read at ur own risk, i used google translate for a thing but im hoping it makes sense in the context, feel free to interact :)) 
"Renjun-ah it’s fine. You, of all people, know how forgiving she is.”
“Ya! Haechan, don’t say it like that. Renjun-ah it looks really nice she’ll love it.”
Haechan and Jeno were gathered in Renjun and Jisung’s shared bedroom attempting to calm the nerves of the older Dream member. He had just finished a painting he had been working on for the last month in prepation for Valentine’s Day. He knew you weren’t expecting anything as in Korea, the traditional practice was for the girl in the relationship to give the guy chocolates, but neither of you were big on the specifics of things like that. You both shared the sentiment of holidays but were also practical in the ways you gave gifts to each other. Last Christmas, Renjun had given you a new winter coat since the one you’ve been using since your teenager years had begun to literally tear at the seam. You often brushed off his nagging of buying a new coat with protests of the coat still doing its job. 
“Renjun, the coat is fine. I’m still perfectly warm” 
“Y/n, I can see the thread that’s keeping the arm sleeve attached to the rest of it hanging off. I bet if I pull it the whole thing would fall apart. Here let me show you.” 
He reached down and pretended to yank the thread which prompted you to gasp in amused disbelief.
“Ya! Don’t you dare! Did you really pull it off?”
You looked down at your arm trying to assess if in fact the fabric on your body was still a piece of wearable clothing.  
He laughed and just embraced you in a hug.
He had followed up the new winter coat with a flower plushie you had commented that was cute a week ago in a shop, his favorite scented candle so you could be reminded of him when he was away on a schedule, a neck massager because he thought you spent too much time at your desk, an insulated bottle so you would drink more water and not coffee, a polaroid camera for the memories and random Chinese snacks you really liked. He was very practical yet considerate, and it made your heart swell. You almost cried thinking all of it was too much and he had to hold your face in is hands and make you look at him so he could tell you that you were worth it. 
What you didn’t know that he also wanted to gift you with a necklace but second guessed himself too much to the point where he took the small box out of the pile of gifts only minutes before he gave you the heap of presents. Mark was the only member he told about the necklace beforehand but Renjun unfortunately had forgotten to inform his loveable hyung of his inaction, a problem that presented itself the morning after Christmas.
“Y/n! Merry-day-after-Christmas! How was Christmas with Renjunnie? Did you like the necklace?”
You, Mark, and Renjun had been sitting at the Dream dorm kitchen table eating leftovers from the small dinner Jaemin had made at 3am. Thankfully the rest of the boys were still asleep so the damage could still be contained. Renjun choked on the green tea he had been drinking but quickly recoverd.
“Neck massager hyung. The Korean word for neck massager is 목 마사지기. Ahhh, it’s because he’s a foreigner.”
Renjun laughed a little too forcibly and tried to signal to Mark as much as humanly possible without bursting a vein that the necklace gift was aborted. By some Christmas miracle, Mark had somehow picked up on the hint and quickly corrected himself. He even added a white lie to support the neck massager fib, quickly sputtering that he had helped Renjun pick out a neck massager with the recommnedations from his mom, his aunt, his grandmother, and his cousin who was some sort of professional massager. You answered honestly that you had yet to put it to use as you forgot to charge it last night. You weren’t sure if it was the happiness hangover or lack of sleep after Christmas Day that made you think Mark and Renjun were acting strange, but you became distracted from dwelling on their behavior as Haechan and Jisung came into the kitchen. The mood quickly shifted and Renjun felt like he could breathe for the first time in what felt like an hour. You had become preoccupied in helping Jisung follow a recipe on how to make American style pancakes and scolding Haechan for handing the gullible maknae wrong ingredients. After a few minutes Renjun had excused himself to check on Jaemin and Jeno, and Mark announced he had to use the bathroom. Once out of earshot from the mess in the kitchen Mark turned to Renjun,
“You didn’t give it to her?”
“No, hyung, honestly I got too scared. What if she didn’t want it? What if she thinks I’m going too far? What if it’s too serious all of a sudden?”
“Well, don’t you want to be serious with y/n?”
“Of course. More than anything. I just don’t know what I’m doing.”
“Renjunnie,” Mark placed his hands on his shoulders, “you are doing great. Do whatever feels right to you. But if you’re only doubting yourself I think it’s still a good idea to give her the necklace.” 
Renjun still looked conflicted and mindlessly opened the door to Jaemin room then Jeno’s. 
The four proceeded back to the suspiciously quiet kitchen to find Jisung sat at the table and Haechan and you making the rest of the pancakes. When Jaemin asked what happened, Haechan responded,
“We wanted to make sure you guys still had a place to live.”
The necklace matter had been dropped and about a month later all those repressed emotions Renjun had came back. It was two nights before Valentine’s Day and both just wanted a quiet evening. Renjun planned to cook a dinner at your apartment and the whole thing felt innocent until he thought about how you guys hadn’t even been officially together for more than a year. He suddenly felt the pressure, the implications, the underlying tone of something like giving you a piece of jewelry. His plan was to just give you a painting. He had carefully recreated the scene of the park where he first saw you. You had been pushing children on the swings. He had thought you were a babysitter of some sort until you waved to the kids goodbye and saw the nearby adults scoop them in their arms and walk away. Then he saw you swinging by yourself. He never revealed this to you during your first official encounter as he didn’t think it would be smooth to open up with, “I’ve been watching you swing by yourself at the children’s park.” He also hadn’t been initially sure if you were the same girl he had wistfully observed, but you had once planned a park date at your favorite spot.
“It’s actually quite near your dorm, we could walk there if you’re up to it? Sometimes I play with the kids. It’s gotten to the point where some of the mothers have recognized me.”
Renjun immediately knew you had been that girl he had observed in what felt like a lifetime ago. He knew that one day he would really have to treat Chenle to a meal for introducing you both. Renjun also knew if he had admitted this to Chenle now he would never let it go and it would somehow inflate the size of that kid’s head even more, but he added it to the list of things he loved about his younger member. 
Renjun had carefully recreated the details from his memories of those days, paying particular attention to that coat you refused to give up on and he had just finished the painting when Haechan decided to burst into his room.
“Renjunnie! Have you ate? Let’s eat.” 
Renjun had been so absorbed with his doubts that the sudden interruption almost made him fall off his chair. Renjun almost gets as easily startled as Jisung, but the magnitude of his reaction made Haechan take a step back and immediately set off his signature mischief.
“Ya, is the innocent and pure boy doing something naughty? You know you should really lock your doors Renjun-ah”
Renjun scrammbled to find something to cover the painting. His tidy desk space provided no aid and his next move was to flip the whole thing over deciding to deal with the consquences of the still wet paint later, but Haechan moved quickly and pulled Renjun’s arms up away from the canvas.
“Ya, what’s this?”
“Nothing. Heachan, please.”
Renjun sighed. He had no problem in any other situation to fight the boy who always tested his limits, but with the awkward sitting position he was in, Renjun knew that there was no logistically sound way to physically fight Haechan at the moment. 
“Oh, it’s just another painting. Why were you so freaked out- YA! Is that y/n?!”
Haechan dropped Renjun’s arms, his first mistake, as Renjun took the opportunity to lunge towards the painting. Haechan proceeded to yank the back of the wooden chair -- his second mistake -- and he called out for reinforcements.
Jeno was not surprised that the bickering quickly took place, but was also concerned with the intensity of Haechan’s scream. Jeno regretfully entered the space of what would ultimately disrupt the otherwise peaceful morning and listened to the chorus of Renjun’s mild curses and death threats and Haechan’s shameless happy teasing although he was the one in the headlock.
“Ya, you two. Can we just go eat?”
“Jeno-ah, grab that. QUICKLY.”
Curiosity took over and Jeno obeyed. Renjun knew that although Jeno lacked in the desire of fighting members, he made up for with his physcial strengh. Renjun was quite aware that Jeno could quite literally pick him and Haechan up to stop the sqaubble. Renjun gave a frustrated sigh of defeat and sat back down at his desk while Jeno and Haechan sat on the nearby bed to fully observe the art piece.
“Is this y/n? It’s really good.”
“Our Renjunnie is growing up so fast. It’s cute to see you in love.”
The casualness of Haechan’s sentiment in dropping the L word set off alarms in Renjun’s brain but curiously not his heart. He quickly pushed off whatever deer in headlights reaction he showed and calmy took the painting back from Jeno. He decided to just tell the two that it was for Valentine’s Day and mumbled that he wasn’t sure if you were gonna like it. 
"Renjun-ah it’s fine. You, of all people, know how forgiving she is.”
“Ya! Haechan, don’t say it like that. Renjun-ah it looks really nice she’ll love it.”
Haechan sensed it was the right time to get serious. 
“Renjun-ah. Honestly. It’s a really good painting. She’ll love it. That girl loves everything you do.”
Jeno hummed in agreement.
“Injunnie, it will be okayyy.”
Jeno’s speciality in dorm-only aegyo gave Renjun comfort. It almost brought back a sense of normalcy in Renjun’s emotions. He was also grateful to Haechan although no matter how much the boy made it a sport to annoy him, he could still be mature when it counted. He thanked God that the necklace had been safely hidden in a drawer and considered the many ways the situation could have escalated if the two boys saw that the painting gift was not the main source of his anxiety.
Renjun thought it would be best to change the subject from his insecurities about his love life. Love, he thought, there was that word again. 
hi i have a tendency to not end my fics well, lemme know what yall think
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Genji Heavy Industries (Part 2) Into the Underground
Chu Zihang makes me have a surprisedpikachu.jpg here.
ITT: The MC can have ally chats and date both genders soooo...
The elevator descended to the bottom floor. The door opened to pitch black.
Chu Zihang flicked on the flashlight. The beam of light illuminated the dusty statue of the Virgin Mary. Although pigment has faded due to age, the Virgin Mary statue is still flushed with a magnificent red and gold, which indicates that the paints they used were mixed with real gold powder.  
This is the second basement level of the Takamagahara. The building actually had a second underground floor and one of the four elevators was a freight elevator that could reach this floor.
"This house looks pretty old!" Lu Mingfei exclaimed, "This style is not like a Japanese house." 
"Before World War II, this was a Catholic church. After the Meiji Restoration, many priests came to Japan to preach, and there were many Catholics at that time. This was once a stronghold of the faithful in Tokyo, where dozens of priests lived and held regular services and masses." Chu said, "When Tokyo was bombed in World War II, the bas-reliefs and arches were destroyed, leaving only the main structure intact. The store manager saw its location and rented it, spending a lot of money to renovate it into a nightclub. The stage was originally where the organ was housed, and the card seating area was originally the choir stalls. This floor was a confessional and reading room, and was used as a bombing shelter during World War II. To this day it is a government-planned shelter, although the store manager is using it as a storage room." 
You’re riding on Caesars back, your legs straddling his waist and propped up by his arms. Even though there was no danger yet, you were still slightly inebriated by your night’s show and he insisted on carrying you until you sobered up. Practical reasons aside, he made it clear that he wanted you to stay close to him. You were essential to the mission. You surmised also that his own personal code of honor and justice pushed him to go the extra mile.
Everywhere the flashlight swept was grey with dust. The four walls were painted with chalk. The floor was just smoothed with cement. The walls still had traces of smoke and fire and, in the corners, were stacked organ parts, enamel-decorated pulpits, and two or three human-high crosses with aged ochre vestments hanging from them. You can vaguely feel the prosperity of this Catholic Church back then. You imagine the clergy shuttling to and fro, the sound of voices reciting the Bible. No one could have imagined that, a hundred years later, this place would become a nightclub of sound and fury of male strippers.
Chu Zihang found a cellar well in the corner of the hall. It was covered by an old-fashioned cast iron well cover. The rusty cover was probably hundreds of years old, and the German markings of the cast iron company were indistinct. Chu Zihang and Caesar worked together to move the well cover, and the sound of water gurgled in the darkness. 
"The sewer entrance is actually inside the building!" Lu Mingfei whispered in surprise, “So Hydra won’t even notice us going in and out of the Takamagahara!”
"It's indeed a very coincidental thing." Chu Zihang said, "I also did not expect the entrance to the sewer would be hidden in Takamagahara. I found the sewer map of Shinjuku district from the Internet. It doesn’t look very big. There are only a dozen sewer entrances and exits. Most of them are housed in a sewage treatment station. Only this cellar well is the exception. It should have been sealed long ago, but because it was connected to the shelter, it happened to provide an escape route, so it was preserved. I should say we got lucky, we found the shelter at the same time we touched the back entrance of Genji Heavy Industries."
Lucky, huh? You raise your eyes again to the statue of the Virgin Mary and the words of Z in your dream echoed. He was doing this for a reason. Was it revenge for Black Swan Bay? If so, why wait 20 years? He told you frankly that you wouldn’t be able to understand until the very end. But your skin was starting to crawl.
“MC! Come on.” Caesar was waiting for you at the entrance. He once again lifted you up on his back and carefully you descended into the pipe.
They went down the iron staircase into the sewer, the flashlight illuminating the mossy brick wall. The structure of this section of the sewer was very old, completely different from the modern Iron Dome shrine, with a semicircular cross section. A water channel was in the middle and narrow paths for walking were on both sides. The ceiling is draped with some kind of aquatic plant, dark green and hair-thin, and if you are not careful, they will brush your face like cold hands in the dark. There was a foot-long black shadow slowly creeping across the corner, and when Chu Zihang shone his torch over it, it suddenly accelerated and disappeared into the dark green plants, emitting a woofing sound similar to a dog's bark. Lu Mingfei was so scared that he leaned back, Caesar held him up in time, otherwise he would have been planted in the gutter. 
“Stop being so jumpy!” He hissed.
"It's a mud salamander, a kind of salamander, native to North America." Chu Zihang locked the thing's exposed long tail with the beam of the flashlight. "It eats the eggs of aquatic animals, which prevents them from overpopulating the sewers. They put them in the sewers as scavengers." 
"Holy shit! Scared the hell out of me! There are actually such dumb things in the sewers!"
"Each city's sewers are an ecosystem, where there is sufficient water but basically no sunlight. Those species that can adapt to the darkness will quickly reproduce and eventually form a stable biosphere." Chu Zihang walked ahead with a flashlight, "The sewer ecosystem of each city is different, related to the city's rainfall, temperature and the acidity of the groundwater. The most important thing to be careful of here is the small things like blood worms, they may lay eggs on you. The big things are mostly not dangerous, even the water snakes are also not venomous." 
"Anywhere you go, the sewers are not built all at once. The sewers you see now are the sewers of Shinjuku district a hundred years ago. Tokyo had a massive renovation of the sewer system ten years ago, connecting all the old sewer systems, and the excess groundwater enters the Iron Dome Shrine through the various sewers, and is purified and discharged into the sea from the mains. If we keep walking, we’ll eventually enter the main channel." Chu Zihang glanced at the map in his hand, "About 600 meters further we will pass under the Shinjuku subway station, where there will be giant water turbines, through the turbine holes we will enter the Iron Dome Shrine." 
"Brother were you born in the sewers, so you know so much about them?" 
"I googled it."
"But you can't read Japanese." 
"I have Google Translate, and I learned a few sentences of Japanese through Google Translate." Chu Zihang switched to Japanese and said, "Thank you for your patronage. I look forward to seeing you again. Would you like some more wine? Cry if you are sad. And that's about it." 
“You’re so smart.” You say, “Maybe someday I’ll be as smart as you.”
“You’re very intelligent in your own way, MC. Mostly by way of survival. In Chizuru, you didn’t hesitate to wait until nightfall, find your own clothing, make your way to the Internet Cafe and fend off attackers. You recognized the danger of the gangsters long before we did. And in the end, if I hadn’t distracted you, you probably would not have been injured. Those are the major examples. I could go on longer with the smaller examples. When I think of them I’m glad you’re our friend and not our enemy.”
“Aw…” You say, resting your head between Caesar’s shoulder and neck. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”
Caesar snorted. “Speaking of flirting, I’m very surprised not even the hottest men of Tokyo could earn your favor tonight. You really didn’t see anything in any of them?”
“They each tried to sell themselves to me very well. But I wasn’t interested in what they had to offer. It’s not that they didn’t have anything.”
“If you had no choice and had to pick one… which one would you choose?”
“That’s a weird question. I’m wondering why it matters. Have you bet on a favorite to win?”
“No. I just don’t think it’s good to walk alone in the world. I was honestly hoping that you and Mingfei Lu would get along a bit better but…”
“It wouldn’t be good for someone like me to court an ordinary human. Playing like this for a show is… alright.”
“You loved someone back in your old place… what was he like?”
Caesar’s eyebrows lifted. “Oh!”
Mingfei’s head swiveled in your direction. “You like girls!” He slaps his forehead. “It all makes so much sense now!”
“I didn’t know I did until I was asked that question about lost love. It’s a bit sadder now because if I had understood my feelings then, I would have told her.” You shift your gaze back to Mingfei. “Can I ask you something? Are both your parents Chinese?”
“Yeah, why?”
“You look like someone I used to know. I think he may still be alive. I liked him too.” 
“Then you swing both ways?” Lu Mingfei seemed to be having a mini-crisis. How was he supposed to protect your innocence from everyone in existence? It was funny to see him frantically holding back his bangs, concerned about that rather than being worried about breaking into the headquarters of the most powerful organization in Japan.
Caesar’s eyes shifted in your direction. “If you need help searching for survivors, you have the full support of the Student Union.”
“Thanks… If anyone could survive, it would be him.”
“That would be nice if you could meet again. Pick up where you left off maybe?” Mingfei rested his arms behind his head.
You stare at him in silence and give a sigh, your chest rising against Caesar’s back.
“Don’t mind him. It’s going to hit him in like an hour.” Caesar grumbles.
You bury your head in his shoulder, giggling.
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What, Me Pandemic? A Boho Crowd Stakes Its Claim (and Claims Its $48 Steaks)
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Fricasse Dubois, 21, lamented the decision to pull her latest concrete poem from The Codswalloped Pisspot as she passed one of the whimsical “Maine-ducks-in-flight” mailboxes that serve as newspaper bins for the red-hot downtown rag. But her friend and intern, Banshee Fitzgerald, 33, had made a good point: The Pisspot had been flirting with questionable taste for months now. 
First there was the ironic opera libretto by Steve Bannon, which cast Leo “KIDS” Fitzpatrick as a Muslim refugee in a Copenhagen no-go zone. Then there was the edgy faux-memoir from Terry Richardson, modeled on O.J. Simpson’s unpublished “If I Did It,” and accompanied by a portfolio of Juergen Teller ass-Xeroxes.
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But now, the Pisspot hype was growing, and Dubois realized that she might miss the proverbial boat. Interest in the nascent publishing venture was at fever pitch; a SPAC had been formed by laid-off Gagosian and Perrotin directors eager to stage a hostile takeover of the irregularly published ‘zine. 
And a dash of infamy certainly helped—the paper’s co-editor, Stizzy Fugger, had just launched a Tumblr in which she tallied the number of people she had inadvertently infected with Covid-19, updated in real-time (12,617 at press time, if you’re keeping score, more than the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally).
Anyone who has witnessed a “Pisspot drop” in the Dimes Square neighborhood of Manhattan knows to expect pandemonium. But nothing could have prepared this reporter for the foamy-mouthed jubilee and ecstatic violence of the occasion. 
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It was 11am on a Tuesday, and the editors appeared at the corner of Seward Park, bearing several cardboard boxes of the paper. They were trailed by the usual suspects: Pimple-necked sadcore rappers, sex-positive Zoom therapists, former Artforum critic’s pickers who now run content for Chipotle, and middle-aged men who really shouldn’t skateboard.  
It’s a truism that an issue of Pisspot isn’t really read so much as it is imbibed, absorbed via the osmosis of social media’s orgiastic frenzy. In fact, the Times had a great deal of difficulty locating anyone who had physically held a copy of the paper in their smooth, unlined hands; many preferred to experience it as a series of fuzzy, thumbnail-sized images posted ironically on MySpace. 
“People used to say they read Playboy for the ads,” said Kit Murano, a fish-eyed, forty-something member of a downtown-based Adderall (™) street team. “Pisspot doesn’t have ads. And no one who knows anything would be caught, like, just sitting there and flipping through the thing. It’s an attitude. It’s an essence. It’s a lifestyle.”
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Okay, sure—but what about the actual content actually published in each issue? Imagine an early iteration of Vice cross-pollinated with Tiger Beat, and then add a splash of sexual-harassment-era Paris Review. It’s a bit silly, and a bit loose. Bret Easton Ellis contributes a crossword puzzle in which every answer is just another reason why millennials suck. A party report—‘Reamed & Furred’—diligently transcribes the coke-addled bon mots of the same group of six people all eating at the same restaurant every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evening. 
If there’s an ethos gluing all of this together, it’s a passing-of-the-torch from an older bohemian guard to a younger demographic, with their laissez-faire attitudes about sex, drugs, and global pandemics. “It’s, like, we can all still party together, and age isn’t really ‘a thing’,” explains Murano, leaning out the window of a Mini Cooper wrapped in shiny SunGen Pharma adverts.
The entire scene revolves around the lopsided triangle known as “Dimes Square,” which borrows its moniker from the culinary hotspot Dimes. (The name derives from Cockney rhyming slang for ‘elongated pinky nail.’). Every New York story is also, of course, a story about real estate. In this case, that means the Connecticut country houses that this cohort has Airbnbed out while remaining to weather the storm in lower Manhattan. 
Parts of this scene are “white, but probably ambisexual-adjacent; they’re members of the creative class, but they possess enough self-hatred to seem authentic,” says Dash Johnson, a Dimes Square hanger-on who many suspect of running the Steak-Umms social media accounts. “Most of them used to work for galleries, or websites, or Garage magazine, but when those jobs dried up, they woke up one morning and said: Fuck it. Let’s stop pretending. Let’s just tweet.”
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One essential element of any good scene is a gossip column to keep track—and to keep score. ArtWet’s “Wet Ass Pigment” plays that role for the Dimes Square cognoscenti. It’s a bleeding-edge social diary written by an anonymous, Gossip Girl-style correspondent who communicates solely via Signal, using a vocal transformer. 
“I was sick of trying to break into this world,” they said. “I was sick of meeting Anthony Haden-Guest at a dinner, for the 387th time, and having him introduce himself all over again, like we hadn’t both thrown up in the same toilet less than three days before. Fuck gatekeepers. I built my own gate, and then I started keeping it.” 
It was a Wet Ass Pigment column, in fact, which broke the season’s buzziest news: semi-disgraced first son Hunter Biden had bought an octoplex apartment directly above Dimes, where he’ll be staying as he prepares for a September solo exhibition that will open concurrently across Andrew Kreps, 56 Henry, Shoot the Lobster, and a pop-up space for Recess CBD seltzer. Unlike the gentle, “meditative” paintings that Biden had been making in recovery, the new work is brash and rudely vulgar—the product of an unexpected friendship Biden had struck up with Bjarne Melgaard and Jordan Wolfson. 
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Meanwhile, the group’s literary face remains 29-year-old Katarina Klaus, whose razor-sharp prose skewers her surroundings with the acidic wit of a young Evelyn Waugh. “I’ll be honest, I fucking hate writing,” Klaus admitted, blowing her nose into a Telfar bag. “I’m both super motivated and super lazy. Sometimes I’ll just copy-paste random chunks of Speedboat into a column and no one will even notice.”
So what’s next for this ragtag crew? “Dimes Square will probably be over by the time this fucking article comes out,” Klaus laments. “You’re going to have, like, some TikTok influencer house on the corner of Canal and Essex, and all the coke will have fentanyl in it again because idiots from New Jersey just have no nose. You know what? I’m regretting this already. This is all off the record.”
Meanwhile, Klaus is already rethinking her involvement in Pisspot. With a current print run of 250 copies, the instantly iconic newspaper suddenly seems a bit too exposed. She’s in discussions with a new, unnamed venture that would distribute articles and essays in a serialized format, via fortunes randomly inserted into cookies at various Chinese restaurants within a three-block radius of the Square. “It’s all about ephemerality,” she says, sucking on a DMT vape she brought back from Mexico City. “It’s all about staying relevant.”
This article was lovingly rewritten from the original by Scott Indrisek.
CORRECTION: The above edition of this story mistakenly cites Kit Murano’s age as “forty-something,” based on our reporter’s visual guesstimation. She is actually 19.   
CORRECTION: ‘Dimes’ is in fact Cockney prison rhyming slang for the expression, “a bent knob is straight twice a day.”
CORRECTION: An earlier online version of this story mistakenly identified The Codswalloped Pisspot as The Duct-Taped Shitberg.
CORRECTION: An earlier, subscribers-only post of this story mislabeled the gossip blog Wet Ass Pigment as being a Spotify podcast called Wank ‘n Pose.
CORRECTION: Jordan Wolfson died in 2014. 
CORRECTION: An earlier Google Doc of this story referenced a non-existent ‘hardcore maternity diary’ by Chloe Sevigny, which most likely did not appear in issue 4 of the Codtaped Shitpot. 
CORRECTION: A version of this story that was sent to hapless print subscribers in Texas and Connecticut wrongly identified the geographic boundaries of “Dimes Square” as being East 45th Street, Central Park West, Freeman’s Alley, and Bedford Avenue.
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laughtermagick · 5 years
Okay ! So some context then I’ll ask some questions, I’m doing some world building on the larger cosmology for my world, currently I’ve been focusing on evil spirts or fiends, and I’ve separated them into the different ideas for evil based on different philosophies and teachings, I have spirits that represent Tyranny of which I’m largely pulling from abrahamic myth, your typical soul dealing devils there to represent the evil in human society ...
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Neat project, my dude! I'm interested in how your demons from "Tyranny" will philosophically differ from "Corruption" demons. I’m not sure what you’re exactly looking for, but I can ramble about some Asian mythology...
The oni are extremely iconic (and just look badass) and you might also be familiar already with kitsune and shinigami... A good Googling option for more demons are the yokai. For example, the "Snow Woman" is a yokai that appears in snowstorms, drifting all ghastly-graceful, and she sucks human souls right out the mouth (Harry Potter dementor-style) until the victim's body turns ice-cold rigid.
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Now, this won't be useful at all to your story, but it just makes me giggle: Another type of yokai is the kappa. It's a humanoid frog demon that likes to drown people/livestock and steal life-force from the butt. (Yes, you read that right.) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was based on them, I shit you not. They're considered today to be more "cryptid animal" than "folklore beast," which is a troubling thought. A more useful option for you might be the tengu, which typically have wings and sometimes beaks (or abnormally long noses) on otherwise human bodies.
I think a little homage to tengu was in the movie Spirited Away with the witch Yubaba:
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Some Buddhist traditions believed that a dead person's ghost could transform into a tengu with enough powerful malice. If a place/person had bad energy and got too restless without having a chinkon ritual performed (to calm the spirits), then shit got real. The average disgruntled person would become a "small tengu," (a disembodied poltergeist trying to terrorize and/or possess people) but the ones to really look out for were "greater tengu" (supernatural-powered flesh-n-blood creatures) that had been warriors, priests, or even emperors during their mortal lives. In particular, if a priest had learned how to control metaphysical power but hadn't also learned true wisdom and true compassion, then becoming a tengu was much more likely after death. Lots of possibilities with the tengu, I think, for your world-building.
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As for Eastern varieties of hell, three options come to mind: Naraka (Indian/Hindu), Diyu (Chinese/Buddhism), and Yomi (Japanese/Shintoism).
Naraka is a place of darkness, torment, and monsters. It's closer to Catholic purgatory rather than Protestant eternal damnation, because after an appropriate period of punishment, souls are reincarnated back on the earthly mortal plane. It might not be forever-and-ever, but it does take an extraordinarily long time to pay your dues and get sent back up topside. Lots of hellish realms, lots of inventive tortures, just lots to do, ya know? Folklore says there's a god of death chilling on a throne next to a cronie henchman demon keeping detailed records of every living human being's behavior.
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Diyu is basically "Naraku 2.0" or the "Naraku DLC expansion pack" with lots of Chinese folklore add-ons. It's an underground maze with multiple levels of depth and each layer has countless torture chambers. Some traditions say there are 10 courts of hell while others say there are 18 levels. Each specializes in a certain type of torture, and souls will die over and over until they reach atonement and finally get reincarnated. The torture is really, really elaborate and very specific to what the person did wrong during their lifetime. Think of the "Saw" movie series mixed with "American Horror Story: Murder House". The old painting illustrations of Diyu are just... a lot.
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Last up is Yomi, which I like to think of as DepressionLand.™ It's not active torment, but you don't usually get to leave. If you enter alive and you eat some DepressionLand food, it's almost impossible to escape (similar vibe to European folklore about eating fairy food). The hellscape is super-gloomy, all dark and shadowy, and ghosts just wander around being stuck and miserable. Shinto religion is profoundly germaphobic and kinda obsessive-compulsive (closest things to "sin" are literal dirt and breaking taboos), so the freakiest thing about their perspective on hell is that the underworld is tainted/polluted. There's just this disgusting sense of skin-creeping, hair-raising, gut-clenching wrongness about it.
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Hope this gives a few ideas to toss around! But if this didn’t get you anywhere, follow-up questions are welcome.
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davamuramatsu · 4 years
Celebrating Life after Loss
If you haven't been here, it is inevitable that at some point you will be. I never thought my Mother would actually leave this plane called living. I had her my whole life. She was tired and her life journey was nearing the end. I felt it when she would take verbal inventory with me in conversations prior to her death about her mother creating beautiful frocks as a child with imported fabrics from Italy. All hand made. The best dressed child in her era. She grew up to be a very spicy lady with grace, elegance and style. It wasn't until the 70's that she began to paint. Her medium of choice was oils and acrylics. I now am the proud owner of many of her paintings. Her spirit lives on. I feel closer to her now than when she was dimly fading in this life as we know it. Below is one of her creations. She called it Pompeii. Having taken her talent rather for granted back in the 70's, I can tell you, now I cherish it. This piece hangs in my home now.
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Manifesting reality from a dream
My Mother’s death instilled a form of inner courage and confidence within me I didn’t realize I was capable of. One fine evening in July, three weeks before she passed –  I reverted back to a musician’s voice I discovered on a Claude Challe CD in 2008. I was still producing fashion shows at this point for Matsu. Little did I know how powerfully this man’s breathy, angelic voice would later influence me. I must have been the one to raise the views on You Tube by hundreds as I watched it on multiple occasions. In watching and listening to Jehro, I began to question, why? What was it about this music that brought me into my self? It triggered all of my-selves: my childhood self, my teenage-music major self, and my artiste adult self. I simply felt magical at the sound of his voice. So much so, I Googled his place of performance the following morning and made the discovery that I could take this mental fantasy that spoke so strongly to my heart and turn it into a reality. My desire to be in his presence-creative energy-was stronger than that of the fear of the unknown or doing nothing about it at all. Mom’s passing shone a new light on my life.
Fast forward. I woke up the following morning with a strong will to locate where Jehro was going to perform next. Voila! After some research, I found him on the program to perform on November 24 at Cabaret Sauvage.
I got tickets (with the assist of my fluent-speaking French friend) since the ordering was all in French online. Bingo. Scored. Next, I contacted him through Messenger. I completely put myself out there. I shared with him my “vision” to fly to Paris to hear him. He responded and welcomed me. I was momentarily star struck just from receiving a response. A lovely one at that. He was flattered. I was shy and beginning to realize just what this push meant. It will be uncomfortable. I will be attempting to accomplish something very foreign and clearly beyond my own comfort zone. I had no choice but to push through. The initial contact was made in July. This is what you call serious planning!
Paris et moi
Within the very French “bordello style” musical venue and the dimly lit room, the stage comes alive with his talent, voice, guitars and drums. I was finally in the place I dreamed of since last summer. Meeting him backstage after the show was one of the most exciting moments I’ve experienced in my life. Submerged into another culture with all strangers in one small room, where he was the center of attention-having just completed a stellar concert. The Cabaret has many years of history. The decor was slightly raw but reminiscent of a dinner club.  The smoke filled circular room added ambience as the lighting changed colors throughout the evening. If you’d like to hear this magnificent magical voice click here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpZJ59CtlSc
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 And here we are. Back stage. I’m starstruck, and I think he’s over-the-top flattered. We continued on for the night along with his  bandmates into Bastille, sipping Bordeaux and Chartreuse until 4 am in the morning. This adventure will never be forgotten.
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The original focus of my trip to Paris was to heighten all of my senses. Prior to meeting Jehro, I filled my afternoon with another sensory distraction: the art of creating perfume. The notes and composition of the scents are not unlike those of writing music or playing an instrument. The correlation was intense. 
See The Art of Creating Scents post.
The Nurturing Pearl
Shame on me! I admit that I stereotyped the majestic pearl. I thought they were preppy. I thought they were boring. I often thought they lacked complexity in healing properties offered.  It wasn’t until I cleaned out my Mom’s jewelry box along, with my sister, that I realized how healing these creatures from the oyster are! My Mother had tons of pearls. Some costume, some real. Regardless, as I handled them in organizing the array that lay before us, they continued to ask to be fondled. Their round spherical smooth shapes were conducive to having a tranquil effect on my hands, then grew into my heart. After all, I had just lost my Mom 1.5 weeks prior to when I arrived down South to sift through her home. We started within her drawers and as I mentioned, her massive jewelry collections. This opportunity re-introduced me to the wisdom and beauty of the pearl.
Since I returned from Florida after this challenging yet necessary feat, I began visualizing pearls in my head - to the point that I am compelled to find some beauties and drill them, and create earrings first, so they would be on me at all times. I then somehow stumbled upon a collection of primitive looking baroque pearls ranging in colors, sizes and shapes. I made several long single strand necklaces to be worn as a talisman and an elegant accessory on the body. I even placed stacking roll-on bracelets into my collection with 18k gold bead accents on them as pictured below. The photos below depict several different pieces available in my Atelier and also in my online shop Nymph Jewels. I have not been able to remove the sensual pearl earrings from my ears in months. There is indeed something beautiful about their simplicity and understated elegance that works with each and every other piece I wear. As far as the wardrobe goes, this too is a wonderful backdrop for any pearl necklace I decide to wear on any given day. 
The mystery of the pearl runs deep. In Chinese culture, it is said that pearls fall to earth when dragons fight in the clouds. Dragons are often seen with a pearl in their mouth or claws - which is a symbol of immortality, luck and magic. Western lore, on the other hand, holds the pearl as the stone of Diana, the Roman goddess of the moon and wild magic. Worldwide, the magnificent pearl has been said to have the kind of legendary, mystical, restorative and healing powers that have fired imaginations for centuries. Pearls have been associated with the Moon and femininity, along with the fact they are grown underwater symbolizing emotions. Pearl energy represents innocence, purity and integrity. Due to their natural beauty, wearing the pearl is a natural attraction for bonding friendships and for love. From another standpoint, wearing the Pearl instills the bearer in accepting love, self love and nurturing. It’s no wonder they simply feel good to the eye and actual touch. There is no such thing as wearing too many pearls. They love one another and will love you for having chosen them to become part of your life.
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Pearls will always now bring my spirit and soul close to my Mom’s spirit. This is most likely why I have worn mine daily, and have been encompassing the pearls into the Nymph Collection. Never a trend, always in style. They are the true form of classic elegance. Thank you Mom! I love you and miss you. I know you are up there watching me. You’ve inspired me in this lifetime. I promise not to ignore any inner signs from the universe, or the cloud formation because I’ll instinctively know it is you.
Yours in joy,
(Originally posted December 4, 2017)
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Did the last person you kissed celebrate your last birthday with you? no
Who is the person you would least like to be stuck in a lift with? Why? smelly drunk puking rapist murderer - do I really have to explain? If your parents looked in your inbox and read your messages, would they find out anything you didn’t want them to know? my sexts Have you cried at all during the past week? ... When was the last time you felt disappointed? What was the reason? now, no comment Who was the last person you had an argument with? how would you feel if that person never spoke to you again? both good and bad
Do you like forks with three metal pokers, or four? I don’t care Would you ever wear a hat with cat ears on it? I already do 
Have you ever eating raw sugar by itself? when I was a kid I was stealing it from my grandma’s sugar-bowl  Do you paint your left or right hand fingernails first? I don’t recall but probably left as I’m righty What about for your feet? not that I paint them but whatever What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done? hmm... Do you think fish are cute? some can be If you found an ant on your food, would you still eat it? doubt it How much do you weigh? 42 kg now
What was the shortest amount of time you’ve known someone before you’ve dated them? but dates or relationship?
Do you have any theatrical experience? If so, what have you done? just school
Don’t you hate it when people talk about their relationships constantly? every subject you talk about constantly is getting on my nerves tbh
Is there anything you need to say to anyone? I don’t know how/what/if I should/want to
If you could have anyone to do your eulogy, who would it be and why? my dad
If given the choice, would you rather go to Subway or a Chinese restaurant? Subway
Do your neighbors annoy you in any way? many ways
Whose car were you in last? I was in a taxi
How late did you stay up last night? I barely slept at all because of cannula/venflon and feeling like I’m choking, also noise and anxiety
What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon? coming home 
Who did you last see in person? mom
When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you? today (my father)
What is on your wrists right now? finally nothing and that feels weird, I constantly want to fix my ID wristband but it’s not there anymore
Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing? second hand - it has an elephant and Perfectly imperfect written on it
Do you like clowns? very
Are you listening to anything at the moment? I am
Do you twitch when your falling asleep? it happens at times but only rarely
Are your dishes in the dishwasher clean or dirty? we don’t own a dishwasher
Are you at home or with friends more often? home and I like it that way
Would you date someone 15 years older than you? noooo
Do you own a strapless bra? nah
How are you feeling at this exact moment? it’s complicated
Are you someone who worries too often? absolutely
Do you ever wonder how other people see you? obvi
What is one good thing you’re known for? How about one bad thing? don’t ask me
Are you taller than most? lmfao 
Are you the type of person who likes to be out or home? take a guess...
Has anyone ever said i love you to you and not meant it? it seems
Do you regret going out with the last person you did? going out as dating or just spending time with somebody outside?
When was the last time you showered? few days ago because I couldn’t move my arm :( 
Who did you last talk to in person? my mother
Do you ever have days where you just don’t do anything? yeah
Have you ever been extremely tired but refused to go to sleep? hahaha
What’s the longest amount of time you’ve been stuck in traffic? not sure
What area of math are you best at? Worst? dunno
How do you feel when you meet someone with the same music taste as you? only Dorota had similar taste in music to mine not counting my current gf’s love towards 80s songs that we share
How often do you “half-ass” things (put little effort in)? often?
Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? yes
Has a teacher ever made you hate yourself/your work? sure
What’s something that makes you incredibly nervous? everything?...
If you don’t have glasses, how would you feel if you had to get them? mixed feelings
If you do have glasses, how would you feel if you didn’t need them anymore? -
Have you ever considered going to art school? I have considered and am slightly regretting that I didn’t
How quickly can you write an essay? depends
Favorite episode of Spongebob? it’s not my fav but I remember the one where Spongebob painted the room most (why tho?)
Do you have any silly/odd emotional connections to anything/anyone? would say so
Do you play with your phone in awkward situations? I might
Do u own a rolling pin?: u don’t? :o
What’s your ideal indoor temperature?: never checked 
Does your kitchen have a theme?: ... apparently poop is the theme 
Are u a pack rat?: mhm
What’s the grossest thing u have found in your food?: bug, hair, piece of plastic...
Do u like ice cream sandwiches?: why not
Ever worn a flower in your hair?: for a moment
What surgeries have u had?: none 
What health problems do u have?: what health problems I don’t have?...
Do u like to sleep in?: yasss
Don’t ya just hate foot cramps? who likes those? 
Would you say you have an infectious laugh? not really Shouldn’t you be doing something else right now? omg thx for a reminder :o What is something you worry about often? every single thing Do you walk fast or slow? compared to?... Would you consider yourself healthy? Both mind and body. not at all Does sitting in waiting rooms drive you insane? not as much as majority of people, I can wait for a long time when I see the point and don’t feel the worst, I don’t need much entertainment to not get bored What form of public transport do you use most often? bus Would you consider yourself an adrenaline junkie? the opposite Have you ever been arrested? If so, why? I’m an angel Do you ever put sticky notes around the place to remind yourself of things? I have shitload of notes but they’re not sticky  Would you eat a spider for $50? hell no Would you rather be a kangaroo or a koala? koala Are you easy to talk to? am I? Can you juggle with more than two items? I can’t juggle with one item pfft At airports do you ever worry your luggage won’t arrive? scary but luckily I don’t travel by plane What other windows have you currently got opened? fb, youtube, tumblr drafts, google translator and google searching Who else is in the same building as you? my parents Would you like a penny farthing bicycle? maybe Would you ever consider visiting Ireland? what for? Would you like to visit Venice? no thx Did you ever eat leaves when you were a kid? my sister did Do you have any flags in your house? we occasionally put polish flag on balcony Are there any ‘keep off the grass’ signs where you live? just don’t throw trash on the ground on cemetery Have you ever walked on the grass with such a sign? that’s rude unless you really didn’t notice or had no choice Are you double-jointed? could say so At school which area of science did you prefer: biology/chemistry/physics? definitely not physics Which did you prefer between geography/history? neither Have you ever driven a tractor? didn’t have an opportunity  Does the smell of the countryside bother you? animal shit does Do you drink more water or juice? water 
Sweater weather or tank top weather? Which do you prefer. I like it hot, I hate winter but I enjoy sweaters Is there a cat in the room you’re in right now? stuffed only Do you enjoy going to the movies? prefer to watch movies at home
Are you an animal lover? I admire from afar How tall are you? according to my doctor I lost 2 cm  Is there anything you want to ask anyone right now? God  Are you gay, straight, bi, lesbian, asexual, or not sure? asexual/lesbian Are you more negative or more positive? negative Have you made any life altering decisions lately? I’m deciding
Do you have any songs currently stuck in your head? not atm Have you made a CV? several Where is the last place you applied for a job? (If you have) which was the last one... Are you photogenic? I’m ugly
What are you listening to right now? stopped because family member is asleep What are you going to do tomorrow? shopping if anything
Have you ever been judged on something you wore? been bullied
Think QUICK what word begins with c? clown :D
Are you a funny person? I believe  Be honest, do you go for looks more or personality? personality is more important but I’m picky
Are you a flirty person? a bit
Are you homophobic? I’m homo myself so...
How would you react if someone said you ruined their life? I know I ruin everybody’s lives
If you’re home alone, do you still close/lock the door when you use the bathroom? I don’t lock ‘em even when I’m not alone
What’s the stupidest song you’ve listened to today? nothing stupid
How is your hair currently styled? it’s dirty and after this survey I will wash my head finally
Do you ever stay up late just to be awake oh well...
Would you ever write a letter to someone you haven’t met yet, like your future spouse? I don’t think so
Would you rather spend the day watching movies or on an intense hike? entire day just one thing?!
Are you stressed about anything? always Have you ever stood on a frozen solid body of water? too dangerous for me Are you one of those people who take like, 50 Facebook quizzes at a time? whoops :x What’s on your bed? it’s so clean/empty that it freaks me out Are you texting anyone? no longer
Did your last beverage contain caffeine? it was just water
Did you get any friend requests on Facebook today? did not
What’s your least favourite song by your favourite artist? for example - one of my fav bands - Queen - I dislike Radio Gaga and We will rock you
What’s your best friend’s middle name? no middle name!
Who was the last person to comment on your Facebook status? my partner
If the person you miss turned up at your door now, how would you react? woah wtf
Where were you THREE hours ago? in here
What are you wearing right now? my leggings with colorful heart pattern
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? parent
Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? I got two shirts and socks 
What day is tomorrow? Friday
Do you remember the first person you ever kissed? we’re together now again
Ever use someone else’s toothbrush? that’s disgusting, don’t!
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finn0 · 5 years
All the houses I’ve lived in
1. 94 Queens Rd, New Lambton, NSW
My parents current house since 1989 and the house I’ve had sex with the most people in. A regular two storey house opposite bush on a nice street with neighbours that don’t talk to you (perfect). 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms with air con, a big fireplace, pool and massive garage. Lovely, but I don’t expect to inherit it so the attachment must remain minimal.
2. 11 Cobb Ct, Annandale, QLD
Okay formative toddler years were spent here. A tropical style bungalow with the lowest ceilings you’ve ever seen and even lower hanging ceiling fans (take off your shirt with caution). A massive pool constantly populated with cane toads year round that saturated the yard with chlorine every time a cyclone blew through. More floor space than is necessary for anyone. Horrible, angry neighbours that hated children. Short walk to shops, no air con despite Townsville being the armpit of the country. I spent almost all of time sitting on a Big Bird beanbag watching Sesame Street and screaming in abject terror every time there was a toad sitting in the toilet bowl (which was worryingly frequent).
3. 27 Woodrose Cres, Sinnamon Park, QLD
Literally the ugliest house I’ve ever seen in my life. Gaudy, over-tiled, far too big for any family, nothing but white tiles everywhere and not a tree, nor plant, nor weed in the backyard, just grass the colour of hay. Who in Brisbane requires an attic? Who requires THAT many bedrooms? What the FUCK is that suburb name? This house we thankfully lived in for no more than 7 months but good God what a relief.
4. 45 Clarence Rd, Waratah, NSW
My grandmother Bessie’s house. We lived there for a year while I was in pre-school and while my parents house was being renovated. Absolutely fascinating house that each grandchild loved to visit. The most bizarre things were to be found there. First of all it was a regular 2 bedroom home with gaudy wallpaper and a 1950′s kitchen and bathroom, plenty of living space etc. BUT the bizarre flat that was downstairs under the house that was built for my great-grandmother to inhabit was like stepping a 1950′s motel room. Pea green bathroom, pink kitchen, rising damp, mouldy wallpaper, dust upon dust upon bugs upon discarded venetian blinds. Oh my goodness it was amazing down there. It smelled like a nursing home. PLUS under the house was this enormous space all covered in dirt and other crap and trinkets and sheets. ZERO light penetrated this space and therefore was the best place to crawl around and get spooked. The laundry, also under the house, had high ceilings that were stained a Jackson Pollock amount of colours from years of laundry and rising damp and rain leaks AND leading from under the cupboards in the kitchen upstairs was a laundry chute that led all the way down to the laundry WHICH smaller grandchildren could actually fit into and snake their way down to avoid the prying eyes of older cousins during games of hide and seek. Until you were too big to fit. Like I found out one day. Not an easy search and rescue mission, I’ll tell you that. OH AND the back bedroom had some creepy as shit naked dolls with no hair and meth eyes that rolled back in their head along with like strange 60′s childrens paraphenalia and tiny trinkets that I later found out were things like ACTUAL jewels from Scotland and vintage broken Rolex watches. Also I remember sleeping in that room in my mothers childhood single bed while she slept next to me in another, while my father slept next to my grandmother in a separate single bed in her room (why??). Later after she died, new owners bought the place and my mother met them after a few years and asked if they thought the place was haunted to which they replied an unequivocal “YES”, my mother then asked if they left dishes out in the sink of a night, to which they replied “.....yes” and Mum was like “Well that’s the culprit, my mother would NEVER allow that” and the look of understanding coupled with genuine fear cements the fact that my grandmother was and is a motherfucking force to be reckoned with, alive or dead.
5. 7/58 High St, Randwick, NSW
I moved to Sydney! Why? I don’t know! My partner was doing a degree at UNSW and I went with him because I was 21 and couldn’t stand my parents any longer so I buggered off. Now. This apartment was a second floor walk-up in a WW1 era building opposite a hospital and BEHIND a Coles loading dock. Plus there was a screaming autistic Arabian child downstairs and the loudest dog you’ve ever heard next door. Serene. Peaceful. Damaging to the psyche. We lived with my partners brother which was fine, but that place not only had no heating nor ceiling fans it also had no flyscreens. I didn’t even have my own set of keys. I shared ONE set of keys with my partner for two years. Fucking ridiculous. Yes, the food nearby was good. Yes, I commuted back to Newcastle most weekends to keep my casual job. Yes the neighbours were fascinating, ranging from the American guy across the way who never ever closed his bathroom window and gave me many shows of his frankly monstrous penis, to the chainsmoking nurse below who had a permanent frown despite living across the street from her work, to the Koreans downstairs who constantly cooked delicious barbecue while pretending to not speak English, to the gorgeous gay couple who lived above us who could add a new synonym to the dictionary to define “unfriendly”. We got out just before the new light rail was to begin construction right outside our building, but regardless, because of all the noise that surrounded that place before that, I now can sleep through the sound of a fucking jet engine roaring right next to my face.
6. 145 Wilson St, Carrington, NSW
Back to Newy! Okay so this was the first house we even Googled when looking for a new place back in Newcastle, and weirdly, we got it!. It was a tiny cottage in a harbourside suburb that was across the the street from wheat silos that are literally the size of Windsor castle. The day we moved in, a representative of the Port Authority knocked on our door and told us that if we ever heard a particular siren, that it meant the silos were on fire and an explosion was imminent and that we would have about 10 minutes to evacuate before half the city was Hiroshima-ed. Lovely welcome. We heard that siren (or a siren at least) about 50 times in the 2 years we were there. Pretty alarming, as it were. Anyway, the house was literally 3 rooms and a kitchen, 2 tiny cubicle afterthought bathrooms, and a nice big back deck. Now I was happy there, it had everything I needed, it was pleasant. I had a good garden going and I really learned to cook there. Carrington is where my family is originally from, and it was easy to walk everywhere and I loved the history of it. However, our landlord was a Chinese lady called Winnie who could not have misunderstood the concept of landlord responsibilities less. Any repairs or things we needed, she was not just unavailable but actively apathetic. It was like pulling teeth to get her to even communicate to the property manager in even basic English in regards to anything we required. Our neighbours on one side were a lovely couple with 2 babies but they had a dog called Trippi that would bark whenever someone in the opposite hemisphere coughed, and on the other side were a couple in their 70′s who were both suffering dementia, constantly screaming at each other and who also had two elderly dogs that would bark whenever someone nearby inhaled. For two years I heard literally nothing except Matt’s piano, Trippi barking, the other dogs barking, the neighbours angrily SCREAMING at one another, wheat silo alarms, screeching train tracks and coal tankers blasting their horns as they entered the harbour. Again, seasoned professional, can sleep through anything.
7. 46 Garden Grove Pde, Adamstown Heights, NSW
Alright, so two friends of mine, also a couple, were living in a tiny half house situation and also wanted out of their place, so we decided to all move in together, into a place that was much larger and that we could all collectively afford. So we found this lovely large house with 4+ bedrooms so that we could all have our own space and get on rather well. And it worked out! My partner and I had a great big bedroom, Matt had his own study, we had a library, a music room, and my friends had an enormous bedroom downstairs plus a huge bathroom/laundry AND there was 3 tiers of yard that we grew all sorts of vegetables in, plus it had a driveway that looped around (I would call it a plantation driveway?) so heaps of space for everyone. It was great, plenty of space for guests which we had a lot of, plenty of outdoor areas for entertaining, it was wonderful. But unfortunately my friends relationship ended and an old friend took one of their places for a year (also fine) but eventually it turned out that the place was getting sold and after literally months of surprise inspections and open houses we’d all had enough and decided to move out separately. Now this so far has been my favourite place. It was 10 minutes to work, everyone had their own space and we lived, I think, pretty well harmoniously together. But nothing good lasts so now...!\
8. *** Kings Rd, New Lambton, NSW
From Queens Rd to Kings Rd! We found a gorgeous house right near a train station that I am currently in and pretty happy with. For the first time I have ceiling fans again plus air con and FOUR bedrooms that I barely know what to do with. Currently I’m sitting in my study surrounded by all my books with the fan on typing this out and it feels good to have my own space for a change and actually have trouble furnishing a house as opposed to making concessions about what I keep and what I can’t. I’ve planted a veggie garden, I have my kitchen the way I want, and the house has been renovated, re-carpeted, painted and made livable for a modern couple. We have spare space for guests (or a spare room for me when I don’t want to wake up Matt when I go to bed at 3am, but that’s the sleep pattern of a shift worker) and overall I feel good about it. Finally. I’ve been looking for a good home to just COME HOME to for ages and for a long time I haven’t really felt that. My last home was lovely, but honestly 3 tiers of gardens to maintain and roommates (though they remain dear friends) are just not what I want to deal with anymore. Actually not even that, I’d be fine with roommates, but it’s just nice to feel like I have MY house and it’s mine to come home to.
Anyway, apologies for this long post, and I know barely anyone will read it, but I started this blog TEN years ago so and I don’t have a print journal to write all of this stuff in, so I might as well talk here. HOUSES! If they’re not haunted, then where’s the drama we so desperately crave?
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Context - Kayne
Context can be different in different ways for different types of way the images and context are shown within different types of media/photographs not in the media, these types of methods are;
Online Articles
Framed photographs
Online Articles
Online articles are found within social media such as twitter, Facebook, Snapchat and a lot of the time context within online articles are also found on google. While online articles are mainly on social media it means that people manage to get straight to the source that they are looking for however it can be a negative thing on Facebook feeds as it will be classed as “scroll away media”, this is because people will tend to read some of an article and they will tend to scroll past the rest of the article as it is a natural response when we are not interested in something to go past the post we do not want to read/tap to carry on reading.
Newspapers require people to buy the different branded newspapers/to read them on the buses, newspapers cover a lot of context due to them having different stories within them. The stories may include News stories which will cover recent news, Sport which will interest the audiences that like sport and like reading about sport especially to see how sports teams are going and to see if anything bad in sports is occurring. There are many more things that will include context within a newspaper which would be; weather, reports, entertainment (crosswords), events and reviews. With a newspaper people will tend to look for headlines and photographs which will interest the audience to select what to read about, a newspaper is also known as “throw away media” as the newspaper can be recycled after it has been used.
Framed Photographs 
Framed photographs will contain context in many different ways, for example a framed photograph of an artists piece of work will have an intention meaning that the context will be what the photograph shows and tells some information about the artist and when the piece of art was created. Framed photographs will show how important the photo/piece of work is as it will highlight the importance and the meaning behind the piece of work, these can be shown in galleries/museums which will mostly show how importance is highlighted as many people visit galleries/museums to admire other peoples inspirational work. However framed photographs can also be shown in homes which will create an effective memory as it will also be remembered due to the moment being captured and being framed to show how important the memory is.
Martin Parr (group work)
We looked at the work of Martin Parr and as a group, identified the subject matter, content and the best-suited context for the photograph of a cup of tea.
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This photograph shows multiple colours such as;
The red, blue and white shows the colours of the GB flag (and many other countries), it mainly shows the GB flag as tea is mainly associated with Britain which makes people think stereo typically of British people as we are known to drink a lot of tea. The red and white colours also shows that it could be a table cloth that the cup of tea is placed upon, the colours reminds us of the table cloths being used for parties (paper which can be thrown away), Picnics (cotton which can be washed), Cafes and dining rooms (plastic easy to be wiped and clean for the next person to use the table cloth).
The teacup and saucer looks like fine china as it has a painted pattern that looks Chinese. The teacup and saucer are traditional in East Asia as it is expensive and mainly wealthier people would be able to have fine china.This photograph also represents the queen and the royal family due to the tea making people think of Britain, back in the 70s/80s the Royal family were very wealthy and powerful roughly more wealthy than how wealthy they are now.
Martin Parr (Individual work)
Martin Parr photographed Britain in the 70s/80s by using 35mm colour film which made his photographs look really interesting, Martin Parr is known for using different techniques to create his effective images, he uses harsh flash, saturated colours, close ups of the subject(s)/object(s) and he tends to photograph the British culture especially when Margaret Thatcher was in power with the Tories in the UK in roughly the 80s which created “Thatcherism” that caused a lot of problems especially with unemployment within the working class making those people struggle the most with having hardly any money. 
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Photographer: Martin Parr Year: 1985 Body of work: ‘New Brighton, The Last resort”
The genre could be about British culture and how Britain can look in different areas which don’t look very appealing to visit. It shows that the people of Britain don’t care about the surroundings and will just get on with their day’s while others suffer with the surroundings. The genre could also be about poverty and how the environment 
The photograph is in colour which looks like a flash could have taken place by the right side of the photo, the photograph also shows a family they’re on their sitting by an overflowing bin eating chips however the facial expressions of these people don’t look very pleased with the surroundings that they are in and how they are suffering with not having as much nice things as the wealthier people.
What does the article say about the body of work?
The article said that The Last Resort “signified a shift in the way photography was understood in the UK”  as in the 80s as the “proper” photography was shot in “traditional black and white” which was known for the proper exclusive medium of proper photography back in the 80s.
After reading this – what do you think this image about?
After reading the article I think the photograph is about the working class weren’t working so they were “claustrophobic” within the area they are in buried “knees-deep” into their chips forgetting about how much of a “nightmare” their environment/society has become.
Why did the photographer make this body of work?
The photographer made this body of work to show how the working class were suffering due to working for a longer period of time and earning less money than the wealthier people. The photographer captured this moment when Thatcherism was taking place meaning the working class had less money and ended up living in poverty which will explain the overflowing bin as no one is emptying the bin due to them losing their jobs.
What connotations are you seeing in this photograph?
The connotations of the photograph would be;
Family being on holiday however they are not very impressed as they are sat next to a bin eating their fish and chips.
The bin is overflowing as no one is cleaning the rubbish away as the working class is rapidly becoming unemployed due to Thatcherism.
The photo is from the 80s meaning that coloured film was produced and able to be used to capture meaningful photographs
I think the main connotation would be society as society is being destroyed by having the different classes which we have always had even back in the Victorian times, however it is being destroyed as they working class are mainly struggling and are not able to cope with no money and no jobs.
Do you think the photographer successfully communicates a message with their image?
I think the photographer successfully communicates a message with his photograph as it represents how the 80s were when Thatcherism was taking place, it also shows that the family isn’t enjoying their holiday as they are sat near an overflowing bin eating fish and chips with disgusted faces with how the environment has become.
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What is the photograph of?
The photograph is of a man and his dog which seems to possibly have a baby in the pushchair sitting on the street as thought they are homeless and need money. 
What genre of photography is it? 
I think the genre of the photo would be showing poverty of a homeless man within a landscape image, it shows that he is struggling especially his dog. This image shows loneliness as the man is lonely as he has no one to support him and  his only friend is his “best friend” which is his dog.
What message is your photograph communicating?
The message my photograph is communicating is how poverty is still occurring around the world putting many men, women and children at risk of losing their lives have they have nothing. It leads to them begging people everyday for support even if it’s just the littlest money they get given so they can take care of their needs by getting food to eat and water to drink so their lifespan doesn’t decrease as rapidly as it is already going. 
What could you have done differently to make this image more successful?
To make this image more successful I would change the position I was stood to get the photograph at a different angle to see if the photograph would look even better, I would also consider being careful when taking the photo so the subject doesn’t notice me taking the image in the future.
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What is the photograph of?
The photograph is of two people walking to their destinations of where they are going to go, the man looks focused on something in the distance while walking and the woman is looking down at the floor which she could possibly be looking at her shoes/ where she is walking.
What genre of photography is it?
I think the genre of this image would be portraiture as I have captured two people walking and the photo style itself is portrait.
What message is your photograph communicating?
The message my photograph is communicating determination as the man looks determined on completing what he is doing. The determination would be to get to where he is needed to be before he can carry on with the rest of his day.
What could you have done differently to make this image more successful?
To make this image more successful I would change the position to be able to get the man’s whole body in the photograph and get the photograph at a different angle to make the photograph look even more interesting.
Completed: 11/10/18
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dudejonathan · 6 years
Day 24: Copenhagen
My last full day in Copenhagen, and I planned to take full advantage! Spoiler alert: I sure did.
After a particularly brutal park workout where I did a lot of sprints up a hill, I ventured on the bus to head to St. Grundtvig’s Church. It’s something my friend Ann told me about (as well as the ‘gram).
The bus was a bit of a challenge (machines not printing tickets, unhelpful bus drivers [Hey! They’re jerks here too!]), but I made it pretty quickly. The church was all brick and very minimalist. Only one tiny cross on the altar (Ann told me that’s the Lutheran style, to be understated and shun the gaudy).
All that said, it was breathtaking. The symmetry and high ceilings were remarkable, and the specialness of the experience was amplified by the organ music. I got goosebumps as I walked around listening to the music, thinking about how my Dad used to go to church in Copley Square in Boston to “feel the organ in his body”. A touching moment.
Once back in the main part of town, I headed towards Niklavs Kunsthouse art gallery, near all the touristy things. It was temporarily closed, which certainly wasn’t documented on Google Maps. I took a work call from a nearby coffee shop, and then proceeded to Rosenborg Castle.
The castle was amazing! I was lucky enough to get there for the changing of the guards. Inside, it would be Francesco de Stales’ Disney. So many artifacts, jewels, art, antique furniture, etc. 3 floors of fun, including a throne room! I’m not sure I’ve ever seen something like that before. It was opulent, to say the least.
After going through the castle, you go through the treasury to see even MORE opulent jewelry and such, as well as ye olde wine cellar.
After that, I made moves towards the near mythic Freetown Christiania. Luckily, it took me through the port area of Nyhavn again, so I could admire all the colorful buildings and boats once more. Once at the end of the port, I crossed the canal on a bridge, which started my journey into really understanding why others (Cassandra Zuffante, specifically), really love it.
The sun was going down and people were hanging on the docks, drinking, laughing and really enjoying the weather. Everyone seems so content! And it’s not always young people, groups of older folks really enjoy their lives as well.
I had a backpack with me, and here it really paid off. The day before on the canal cruise I saw people swimming, and I thought “what if I bring my bathing suit, just in case?” I also brought my compact towel that Becka Goula recommended (its first use!)
I stripped down, got in my suit (short and European, I fit right in!) and got in the water. It was such a cool experience, being in the canal with Danish locals, and watching the sun set. After a picture perfect dive (ruining my good hair day but whatevs) and a nice swim, I dried off and admired the sunset some more. This was everything I wanted, as I had been craving a swim and hadn’t quite had a “Copenhagen moment” yet. Now, to Freetown Christiania.
En route, I passed by Christhavn, a really picturesque area on the canals, and with a bit of nervousness and wonder, entered the commune (I guess that’s the closest word?)
What a place. I liken it a bit to if Burning Man had a permanent location (having never been to Burning Man, this is an educated guess).
I tried to get a lay of the land, and it kind of seems like it’s just a place where people came so they could smoke weed freely? There are definitely some communal aspects of the life here, and the canal tour guide said that there were lots of military buildings that were abandoned, squatted in and then repurposed.
Technology nor capitalism is not eschewed, as I got a Tuborg beer (needed it post swim and wanted to loosen up a bit to look cool in front of the hippies) with a credit card. There aren’t McDonalds or cars, but there are brands and iPhones. So it’s kind of like a commune that’s steeped in reality.
Or perhaps a commune that detaches themselves from the outside world, except for the things they like (or find convenient). For instance, I found a tiny shop “Spraypaint and Sneaks” that was selling spraypaint and Nikes. Nikes! And I passed by a family having an al fresco dinner at a table with what seemed to be nice bottles of wine, as their kids biked home.
There’s tons of interesting street art, and I even saw a lad spray painting something new. Pictures are not allowed there, but I faked a few phone calls (again, the use of modern technology wasn’t atypical, which seemed odd) and snapped some photos. I was damn sly.
Another beer and some shawarma (which did NOT sit well - perhaps the food inspectors don’t come to Christiania or good food prep isn’t one of the hippie values), and I was starting to explore.
Very unique, winding dirt roads with art, homes, hippies, normal seeming people/families, weed odor, spray paint stores, vegan restaurants, weathered buildings, etc. I’ve certainly never seen anything like it.
I felt like an outsider - not unsafe, but perhaps a bit watched. That said, it seems these folks are just living their lives and aren’t bothered by, or bother caring about, tourists. I felt like there was something I was missing about it all, but perhaps they just don’t welcome folks with open arms like a typical tourist place.
As shops closed and it got dark, the place lit up with all sorts of Chinese lanterns. It was pretty great. I was getting the sense as the night fell, I’d become more of an outsider (my floral patterned shoes were likely contributing to that), so I moseyed out, beer in hand, back to the canals.
At this point I was invited to go to Copenhagen’s Meatpacking District with some locals. Estzer, Alex and I popped around a few bars, did some drinking and dancing (was asked if I was a professional ☺️), and then headed to Sam’s Karaoke Bar. This was so random! Also, so awesome!
People smoked in the bar (that wasn’t great - also, damaging those pipes!) and belted out some incredible tunes. Alex kept pushing me to do a song, so after seeing Piano Man wasn’t there (I figured I could outsource most of the singing to the crowd), with foolish confidence I picked Bruno Mars’ Uptown Funk. I tell ya, that guy puts together a nice little jam.
Mercifully between the time of the request and the time of the performance, many folks had left. Turns out I do NOT remember the words well. I turned it mostly into a dance thing, which salvaged it somewhat. Somewhat.
After that incredibly fun and random experience, we sprinted in the torrential rain to one more bar/club thing. Some hazy dancing for awhile, and then I called it a night around 2:30. Wha a fun, long, random day. Definitely a highlight reel day of this trip (so far).
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Bring Nature Indoors With Textile Prints + Curtains
Hello and happy Friday, let’s fill our imaginations today with some lovely ideas for the home with botanical curtains and textile wall hangings. I loved reading about how artist, Pernille Folcarelli in Denmark, uses both to, “create a soft home style and a calm, harmonious atmosphere.”
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I personally love the first image shown above, handmade by Pernilli, because it speaks to my personal aesthetic so very closely. Everything about it, from the rosy wall color to the calmness in the display, and of course the wall hanging, tugs at my heart. The books on the cart, the ceramics, dried flowers, it’s very feminine, calm, and modern.
Aside from looking beautiful, it’s also important to note that textiles reduce disturbing room acoustics or that “hollow” echo that so many minimalist rooms have.
I know this isn’t a trend in the states, but did you know that many northern Europeans have ditched curtains for simple blinds or shades, or nothing at all? I vote to please BRING THE CURTAINS BACK! I love how they both frame a window and absorb sound so a room loses that annoying echo which is so extremely cold. Also, I love how, in the evening, windows are no longer big black boxes - you can close the drapes and enjoy your cozy, warm nest.
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Above is another example of warm and beauty, which speaks to my heart as well. I love the vintage-inspired lamp and the printed drapes because they give this otherwise bare room a bit of a soul. I also like seeing patterns. For very long now, pattern has been outed a bit here in northern Europe - passed by for solids, tactile things like faux fur, velvet, “teddy bear” chairs, leather, etc.
In America and the UK pattern seems to be forever a thing - they LOVE their patterns. It isn’t as common here these days to see printed drapes in the homes of local Instagram influencers or even in your favorite design books and magazines. Everything is very solid and tactile, which is super lovely, but when I see this room above I definitely vote YES on prints done right.
The Dutch are starting to move prints into the interiors world again, and the Danish are giving it a go, so let’s see where we end up.
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I gladly welcome back patterns BUT in a very controlled fashion, as shown above. The example below is a bolder version of the one above that maybe would appeal to someone who really LOVES pattern and color combined - someone BOLD! Both examples are just lovely.
BUT on the flipside, I can’t imagine living in the 80s or 90s again when everything was printed including wall-to-wall carpet. Do you recall those days? Here’s a fun thing to try so please google it: do you remember the floral sofa from the Golden Girls’ home? WE HAD THAT SOFA in our home for 10 years. Yes, really. My mother was a massive decorator, totally full-blown into it. She had all the latest and loved color. We had macrame, dried flowers, gold embellished everything, ficus fig-trees, pampas grass, and rattan chairs long before they came back in vogue in 2018.
I still remember when our Golden Girls apricot sofa moved in - heavily patterned, I knew the 80s had arrived and my mother was giddy over it. And if you’re wondering what our sofa looked like before the Golden Girls sofa, it was a super plush lime green velvet sofa (70s) which I was perfectly happy with, combined with gold metallic bamboo-patterned wallpaper and Chinese hand-painted porcelain in the cabinet with red dragons painted all over it. In the corner, a large vase filled with very tall pampas grass. In the windows, macrame planted hanging from hooks filled with plants.
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This view below may appeal to the monochromatic fans out there, or fans of the handmade minimalist modern movement where everything is very sculptural and rooms are extraordinarily edited. The patterned wall hanging offers something more than a mirror or framed art.
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I like what Pernille, the maker behind these patterned textiles, has to say about our innate connection to nature,
“In an unpredictable and uncertain world, we turn to nature. It brings calmness and grounding. Studies show that we relax and feel less stressed when looking at nature's motives. This also applies to images and imprints of plants and nature. But having lots of nature outside is not a given for everyone. Therefore, plant motifs on the walls are a unique opportunity to surround ourselves with botany and green colors. Like an indoor garden, which requires neither watering nor care.”
I want to wish you a wonderful weekend, thank you for stopping by my blog to visit me today!
Photos: Pernille Folcarelli
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