#i also haven't heard from that anon since the other one cleared up the word confusion
matan4il · 3 months
have you ever been able to have any Palestinian friends? I'm not asking this as a gotcha question at all, but sincerely (I know anons on here can be scary), I was wondering about it because an Israeli I follow on Instagram was asked about this a few days ago in his stories, and he said he was never able to have friends in Gaza, but he did have friends in the West Bank, and they've almost all cut him off completely following 10/7, and some really hurt him by showing support for the massacre. he said he's still got his Arab Israeli and Palestinian friends who are Israeli citizens, that they may disagree sometimes but haven't to a breaking point because they live in the nation together and want peace and are supportive of each other through differences, but those friendships in the West Bank are sadly over. he also said that he's had friends he's known for years from places all over the world who dropped him after the terror attack just because he's Israeli and Jewish, which I think is all too familiar for ALL of us because I don't know a single Jew who hasn't lost multiple friends, online and off, through all this and through no fault of their own, just existing as Jews. it makes me so sad. but knowing he was cut off because of support of the massacre from Palestinians was depressing to hear, you think people are your friends and then find out they approve your people's rape and slaughter? and until they stop deeply hating Jews to that point, how can there be peace? he seems like such a good person and centers humanity and does want peace, as I know most Israelis do, but one side can't achieve that alone.
sorry this is long. *hugs*
Hi Nonnie,
thank you for the ask, and I hope you're doing good! *hugs*
I have had Palestinian friends. True, not from Gaza. Israel left it in 2005, and there has been an internationally recognized border between us since. Ironically, I think the only Israelis who could have given you a different answer up until Oct 7 were the southern communities that Hamas attacked and massacred. They lived right on the border, most were left wing Israelis, many volunteered to help Palestinians in one capacity or another (such as driving them to get medical care inside Israel), or chose to employ Palestinians (despite how some might have warned them that it's a security risk), and that illusion of friendship was shattered when it became clear that it was exactly those Gazans who provided the intel on southern Israeli communities, that was needed to plan and carry out the massacre. Not every single Gazan, of course. But enough that this is a true betrayal in the worst sense of the word.
In my case, some of the Palestinians I've befriended over the years have been uni friends or colleagues, but the closest and longest lasting friendships have been with gay Palestinians who I share a community with. They can't be safely openly gay anywhere under Palestinian rule, so they would come to Israeli gay community centers, and were received warmly there. I also was in one fandom, where someone heard I'm from Jerusalem, and said they know another Israeli from Jerusalem. Turned out, it was a Palestinian girl from East Jerusalem, and while I'm no longer that active in said fandom, I'm still in touch with that girl.
I feel very lucky to say that I haven't lost these friendships since Oct 7. Ironic, because I've "lost" friendships (if that's what they ever were) with so many hypocritical foreigners who don't live this conflict, and aren't affected by it, beyond their need to show everyone they're "on the right side," but I haven't lost the people who are actually a part of it. It's almost like foreigners have no idea about the actual complicated reality of this conflict, nor a desire to learn about it, just a need to reduce it to "good" and "bad," taking whichever side social media tells them is the former. My Palestinian friends know me, they know how I treat other human beings (spoiler alert: as human beings!) and they also know my opinions, and that I see myself as being both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian. I guess they agree with me that my opinions are in favor of both groups, or I'm sure that they would have cut ties with me already.
There is one exception, though it predates Hamas' massacre. I've mentioned in my pride post that I've volunteered for the gay community in my city, at the Jerusalem Open House. In fact, there was a certain year where I won an award for being the organization's stand out volunteer. I mention this, because I have always seen myself as being there for everyone, and I feel like that award was an acknowledgement of that.
The very first Palestinian queer organization ever actually started out as "the Palestinian project" of the JOH, an attempt to create a safe space for, support and help queer Palestinians. One member of the group became very dominant and after a few years, she decided they should be an independent organization. The JOH gave its blessing, and agree to rent out one of its offices to her, and provide the physical space for the organization's activities (since obviously, they couldn't be openly held in Ramallah or Bethlehem, under the rule of the Palestinian Authority). I met her there, and we became friends. Not the closest, but def more than just acquaintances. I was very proud of her work for her community, and often told others about it.
One day, I was sitting in the JOH main space, talking to people about the problem of honor killings. It's widespread within Arab society (one researcher believes about 20,000 women are murdered for this around the world every year), and that includes Palestinians. I was specifically asked about it, and was answering the question out of a deep concern for Palestinian lives, mainly women and queers (including my own friends), threatened or murdered for the perception that they "violated" their family's honor. For the record, such a violation can be simply a guy kissing another one, a woman being raped, a biological male coming out and living as a trans woman, a mother getting a divorce and dating a new man, or a daughter defying her father's wishes and pursuing higher education. I have seen Palestinians (and Israeli Arabs) murdered for all of these reasons, and I HATE it and think more needs to be done to prevent such crimes. I also have queer Palestinian friends, who have tried to seek refuge in western countries because of a threat to their lives within their own society, sometimes from their own families. They were denied, and had to go deep into the closet. It's a miserable existence, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
She walked by while I was talking. IDK what exactly she heard, but she then went to the CEO of the JOH and complained that I was being racist. For caring about the lives of Palestinians. For comparison, I linked above to an Amnesty International piece about honor killings. Are they being racist for bringing up this problem, and speaking up for Arab women everywhere, too? The CEO called me in for a talk, was convinced that I wasn't being racist, and that was that. But it left me shook up. That was the first time I realized that this woman prioritized Palestinian society's appearance, over the actual well being of fellow Palestinian women and queers. I never talked to her again after that, nor did she ever speak to me.
I also started seeing her and her organization becoming openly anti-Israel, even when it harmed the community she was supposed to serve. In Sep 2021, there was even an article published about it, calling out the hypocrisy of attacking Israel, while this country's existence is what even enables that organization to operate, since they can't do so under Palestinian rule. And my friends who were seeking sanctuary from the threats to their lives from within their own society? They never got legal help in that pursuit from her organization, only from Israeli ones. I think that's a tragedy.
The last time her organization filed the needed reports to be officially recognized as an NGO in Israel was 2020. They obviously continued to be active after that, and still are (at least on social media, where they echo the anti-Israel narrative since the war started), but IDK if they're even doing anything real for queer Palestinians anymore, or whether she still heads it. Whenever I think about it, I'm just sad for all the people she should have helped, but who turned out to be less important to her than a nationalistic, antisemitic (that's what it is when she demands self determination for her people, but denies that right to Jews, as she does by supporting the BDS movement) and self-destructive (to her own community) struggle.
And yes, on a personal level, I felt betrayed by her, though I've also felt like her betrayal of her own people was way worse.
I think at the end of the day, for many Palestinians and Israeli Arabs, the question is what are they more attached to, that nationalistic, antisemitic struggle, or they (and their people's) well being. If you look at Mosab Hassan Youssef, I think what says it all, is that the son of a Hamas co-founder could end up on the side of Israel, initially not because of anything Israel did, but because he saw Palestinians in prison being tortured and killed by Hamas, and he gave a damn about his own people.
BTW, out of curiosity, who is the Israeli you're following, who got you wondering about this? And I really hope my reply was in some way helpful. Take good care! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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decepti-thots · 1 year
re: writing fandom meta and why there might be less of it recently - the fandom spaces I started out in ~15 years ago didn't have any meta, at least not in the way they have now, so the whole thing is comparably new to me. and then the meta I see always posts that seem to take SO MUCH of canon/background knowledge into account, so many things that I haven't even heard of. and there's so many posts criticizing (parts of) fanon and common fannish opinions, which I often understand, but which also feel a bit elitist and doesn't make me wanna try putting my thoughts on a piece of media into words just to get criticized. finally, I also don't know how to - last time I analyzed media was in school, and I was never good at it.
Thank you for this ask anon, first off! All of this is really interesting to hear, and a lot of it lines up with things people said in shorter responses directly on the post, so it looks like there's definitely some overlap in terms of common pain points in terms of this stuff. (And not just "pain" points, to be clear- folks also basically said that they preferred expressing their ideas through fiction, which is fair, and not really a thing that exists as something causing friction, per se, as much as an active enjoyment of fanfic as a way to express ideas.)
I hope you don't mind if I use this response as a launching point to give a few of my personal thoughts on this, because you so happened to bring some stuff up I kind of wanted to give a perspective on anyway. Not necessarily as a direct response in all regards, but it seems as good a place as any to touch on my own feelings? (Under a cut, feel free to skip this, if you do then thanks again for responding!)
The point you make about how meta wasn't much a thing in fandom spaces you were in 15 years ago is interesting, because one of the things I always think when I see the argument there's universally "less meta" now than there used to be is: does at least some of this stem from the folks saying(/bemoaning) this come from them being in different fannish spaces that the ones they're in now and not realising? It's a similar thing to when people confidently assert "people comment less on fics than they used to", where I can't help but wonder how much of that is just that the fandoms they are in today have different ways of engaging with fanwork, or different expectations, or that the fandom spaces they used to be in commented a lot relatively speaking. 15 years ago, I was in fandoms mostly based around LiveJournal communities, which were often assumed to be the obvious "centre" of fandom activity by folks in said communities. (Incorrectly; LJ only looked like the "main hub" of all online fannishness if it was where you and your fandoms mostly clustered, IME.) A lot of those were media fandoms (though not all) and those tended to have a lot of meta, I would argue at least in part because LJ as a "format" encouraged the posting of long, pre-mediated posts that lent itself well to folks wanting to write meta. But some other fandoms (a lot of anglophone animanga fandoms come to mind) tended to not have nearly as much because people were mostly engaging with them in places and communities where those things didn't line up in a way that encouraged it. The move to Tumblr and even Twitter as big fannish platforms where things work differently is then probably also of note, idk!
(Sidenote: the AO3 meta wars when it launched are probably worth mentioning, since the push to allow fannish nonfiction on AO3 was in part a result of Tumblr seeming like a very bad replacement for LJ when it came to posting essays!)
Anyway, a really common thing that seems to be cropping up is the "if I post an opinion as meta, it opens me up to [potentially virulent, potentially bad-faith] criticism, and that sounds unfun" fear. Which on the one hand is not necessarily untrue because I think even now fannish norms around meta are just a little different than other forms of fanworks, yes. Meta is usually seen as, on some level, an invitation to discussion in a way that e.g. fanfic often isn't. What I do think is interesting to think about here is it seems like there's not a lot of faith that there could be productive, even fun disagreement on specifics and readings. I'm not saying that wariness is necessarily wrong, to be clear. (I have been on the receiving end of plenty of virulent, bad faith "criticism" in my fannish life, haha. Or just... like... bad criticism that is tiring and unproductive and unnecessary, lol.) I mention it more because it seems worth explicitly saying that the assumption that being contradicted, corrected and/or argued with is an inherently unpleasant or even disciplinary way to experience fandom is one that seems to be pretty deep-rooted in fandom right now, and it seems worth pointing that underlying principle out.
To bring that back a little to the "platform shapes the fandom engagement" thing, I do think the way Tumblr works contributes to that. Reblogging to add additions has a very different impact that replying to someone else's static blogpost, and reblogging is (as people do keep pointing out on viral posts, haha) the primary encouraged form of interaction on this site. It's different in multiple ways; a person reblogging something often feels like they are talking about your ideas in the abstract and not by talking to you as a person which can encourage a very different tone and approach on their part and make their addition read very differently. And it also means that your post may not just be contradicted, but the contradiction may wind up being exposed to huge numbers of people as the default way of seeing your post and opinions. That makes the idea of being subject to that disagreement higher stakes, I feel, and also the idea of productive back-and-forth functionally impossible a lot of the time. (It also means having a full conversation often requires constantly spamming your followers, let alone multiple convos.)
So I fully get it. But I do also think it's a shame that it can be really hard to imagine fannish communities where disagreeing back and forth on different ideas about a canon or text is... fun? I guess? I sometimes find that stuff fun, is the thing! When done in a good faith way and an environment it works in. You wind up with all these interesting perspectives that may run very contrary to your own but still have interesting ideas in them, and sometimes you wind up with opportunities to expand on ideas you had but hadn't yet found a way to articulate them. I don't think that's going to be fun for EVERYONE but I think it's a shame that it seems so universally... terrifying, for a lot of people? Fandom is a very good place, if nothing else, to practice getting comfortable with low-stakes intellectual disagreement. (Because for most things, it really is low-stakes as hell.)
I do want to touch on the elitism comment though. I find that... a strange perspective tbh? It's true that doing analysis generally holds a baseline expectation of familiarity with the canon, but I can't really see how that can reasonably be called "elitist". Similarly I think there's a sense where someone will sometimes see people strongly dislike a thing they enjoy and feel the need to argue why that person is "wrong", such as when folks defend their fave fanon against folks who find it tiring/uninspired/etc. I think this post really sums my thoughts on that up, tbh. Sometimes what can kneejerk feel like a person passing judgement on you is actually them being a bit bitchy in their own space knowing full well they're talking about their own taste and nothing more. IDK.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Hang on. Ran out of letter. Follow up from never been in a helicopter crash anon (I hope your other anons haven't either tbh) - I just realised your wording on Sky. The getting shot down is /before/ he got transferred as it says the unspecified times were after. Which. Time and Warriors are /not/ going to have had a good day hearing about that. Whether he tells them later, or they heard because he was supposed to be bringing them a patient when it happened. Oh dear... I want to hug everyone.
Sky gritted his teeth as they flew. This area was under particularly heavy fire. Their mission report had indicated the coordinates were in the middle of a hot zone and soldiers were desperately trying to get the situation under control so they could get in, get the patients, and get out.
Command had advised they wait, but Sky knew that usually meant at least one soldier would be dead by the time they got the all clear signal to even take off. He didn't necessarily disobey orders, he just... took them into consideration.
Sun and Groose didn't argue the point.
"The rendezvous point is ten miles ahead," Sun noted as she grabbed the radio to start communicating with the ground forces.
Sky adjusted the collective, lowering the lever to his left a little so the helicopter started to descend as they made their approach. They'd be there in a few minutes.
"Command says the LZ is clear," Sun advised.
Sky smiled. "Good. I figured they'd get it under control by the time we got here."
Groose laughed from behind them. "They'd better! It's only been twenty minutes since they first called in for evac!"
The helicopter started to descend, and Groose told their medic team to prepare for landing.
And then the helicopter lurched, sending Sky and Sun into their harnesses and knocking the wind out of them. Sky immediately felt the helicopter start swerving as if torque were twirling it like a spinning top. He tried to adjust with the foot pedals, telling the chopper to adjust its tail rotor to compensate.
The helicopter barely responded.
"What the hell was that?!" Groose yelled from the back.
Sun was frantically looking at the consoles as they alarmed. "Sky, the tail rotor got damaged! We've been hit!"
Sky felt the bottom drop out of his stomach. "Strap in! Now!"
He heard Groose and their medical crew scurry back to their seats after they had started setting up for the drop. Items were hastily strapped down. He reacted on instinct, trying to continue adjusting the pedals as he steadily lowered the helicopter to the ground. There was no way they were staying airborne with a busted tail rotor - that rotor was responsible for preventing them from spinning uncontrollably. It was going to be a miracle if they could get to the ground in one piece.
We're going to crash.
Sky looked briefly at Sun to see her watching him with fear. He wanted so desperately to reach out to her, but he had his hands full. Her terror did something else to him as well; he felt resolve burn through his veins, and he gripped the cyclic desperately with both hands.
They were not dying today.
"Take over with the collective and get us down slowly," he ordered.
Sun pressed a button and took control of the device that determined their altitude while Sky fought desperately with the steering device in front of him. With no tail rotor to stabilize them, the helicopter started spinning at a dizzyingly high speed. G-forces shoved him and everyone else to the side, making it even more difficult to try and steady the aircraft. The horizon dipped up and down repeatedly, scenery blurring in a nauseating frenzy, and Sky started to see specks in his vision.
He was about to pass out. Sun was already unconscious from the g-forces.
Grabbing the throttle, he revved down the engine; if it wasn't running then they weren't spinning.
Of course that also meant they weren't flying, either.
Groose screamed as the helicopter went into a near free-fall.
Sky's stomach was up in his throat as his shoulders slammed into his harness, preventing him from flying out of his seat. He watched their altitude decrease on the sensor before cranking the engine back up to full throttle and shoving one of his feet into the pedals all the way to the floor. He had to have some kind of tail rotor still functioning, and he was going to need it.
The helicopter roared to life once more, the cyclic fighting him as they jerked this way and that, and then the entire world jolted as they slammed into the ground on their landing gear.
Sky leaned heavily in his seat, sighing in relief, his entire body trembling. Then his situation slammed into him and he immediately unbuckled, shaking his copilot. "Sun. Sun!"
His friend groaned, slowly coming to, and he unbuckled her harness, pulling her into his arms and dragging her away from the exposed cockpit as gunfire blazed all around them. Groose and the medics were already arming themselves, preparing for the worst.
"Groose, you alright?" Sky asked as he carried Sun into the fuselage.
"Right as rain and ready to kick some ass!" Groose yelled, loading his gun.
Sun coughed and her eyes fluttered open. "Sky?"
Sky immediately turned his attention to her, lowering her to the ground. "Are you okay?"
Taking a deep breath, his friend rubbed her face and then gently pushed herself out of his hold. "Yeah. Just the g-forces. Everyone good? Did we land?"
"If by land, you mean rattled every single bone in my body, then yeah," Groose remarked. "Sky needs to go back to school and learn how to land properly."
Sky rolled his eyes good naturedly. "Right. I need to figure out how far from the LZ we--"
Gunshots tore through the fuselage, ricocheting and hitting one of the medics in the shoulder. He cried out, dropping, and everyone immediately crouched. Groose opened the door, gun at the ready, and Sky armed himself as well.
"Get on the radio and tell them we're pinned down!" Sky shouted as Sun headed to the cockpit to do just that.
Dust blew into the fuselage, making everyone cough and duck down as visibility immediately decreased. Groose fired blindly into the mess to keep the enemy from trying to attack them while they were incapacitated.
"We're a medical helicopter you assholes!" Groose yelled. "Don't you people know this is a war crime?!"
The gunfire that tore through the helicopter begged to differ.
"Shit!" Groose hissed as he took cover beside Sky.
Then, out of nowhere, Sun bolted out of the cockpit and tossed something into the area outside. She slammed the fuselage door closed and the entire helicopter rocked with an explosion.
"Holy shit, Sun!" Groose laughed as he peeked over their cover. "Why the hell do you have grenades?!"
"We knew were going into a hot zone," Sun replied.
"Well we can't stay here," Sky remarked as he watched one of their medics grimace as another tended to his injury.
"I called for help," Sun said, grabbing her own gun. "Pipit and Karane are on their way."
Sky felt a little relieved hearing that. They flew the fully armored Black Loftwings - shooting them down was not going to be an easy feat.
Sky was still processing the fact that he'd been shot down. Who fires on a medical helicopter?!
His arm stung a little bit, and he scratched it a moment before more gunfire pelted the area. He grabbed Sun and shoved her out of the way.
Then the sound of gunfire seemed to double, and there was yelling. The door to the helicopter opened, and everyone inside immediately raised their weapons.
A tan woman with red hair entered, wearing an ally uniform. "Relax, I'm here to help."
Sky let out a sigh of relief.
"Mipha!" the woman called outside. "We have wounded, get in here!"
"Coming, Urbosa!"
Sky headed for the radio to get an ETA for their evac while the soldiers entered the helicopter. He finally felt like he could breathe again.
They were going to get out of this one in one piece.
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alarrytale · 1 year
No offense to one of the previous anons that said that Louis’ performance shows a difference in tours but lives don’t compare to the experience of an in person concert lol. It also depends a lot on the venues and how they pick up sound thru a live, even the sound of the crowd effects the sound thru someone’s cell filming. I’ve been to both tours and his voice has actually gotten stronger. He’s also obviously been working on himself. Muscles don’t just all of a sudden pop up one morning, it takes effort. I get that years ago he’s said he doesn’t go to a gym but people change and he’s clearly changed that thought. Probably when he broke his arm because since then you can really tell the difference. If you compare his physique from last tour to this one, there’s a lot more muscle there. Even when he accidentally showed up on stage with no shirt on, you can easily see the difference. It’s clear he’s more comfortable with this since tank tops seem to have become a staple of his wardrobe. Sorry to disagree with the previous anon but as a person who has seen him in person, their take is inaccurate. You just can’t compare a live with the actual thing. He does need to do better with the words to Paradise though. He didn’t play that one when I saw him. Anyway the most important part is the fans that are at the shows have a good time and they have. He’s made a safe space for his fans to be themselves at his tours and that’s truly what matters.
Hi, anon!
You are allowed to disagree! It is different being there in person vs watching through the screen from home. Some people are fortunate enough to go to several shows. But many people in this fandom will never get to experience him live in person, so they make their judgement on what they experience from the livestreams. They are not any less of a fan because of that.
I agree that he does work out. His physique has changed. His skin and hair has changed too. He's aging and his bad habits is taking it's toll on him. That's his choice. The problem is when it's affecting the quality of his shows. Some people will enjoy themselves either way, especially the ones there in person, for others watching at home it might be seen differently.
The fans have made a safe space for themselves at his shows (don't give that credit to louis, he used to do the opposite...). Louis is now joining in with the light (it's not rainbow lights exactly, it's more rbb colours to me). It is important to people, but so is performing his songs (in the right order and knowing the lyrics. It's not just been paradise he's forgotten the lyrics to...). I do agree his vocals have improved massively from his last tour to this, but i haven't watched a show of his for a while, so i can't weigh in on this. He's a singer first and foremost and not an entertainer with other things to distract from the vocals or music. So it's very noticable. The crowd usually help him out, to make it less noticable, but not on paradise because it's not a track casual fans have even heard, so they don't know the lyrics.
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kagejima · 2 years
wakatoshi wednesday ASMR submission!
nsfw ASMR link ahead!
rae's notes: enjoy this submission scenario, everybody! i certainly did :))))) it definitely made me wonder if i actually am a switch fhdafhasdl also anon omgomgomgomg, i wanna be your friend, please don't ever hesitate to come talk to me about anything, this was incredible, you can give yourself an emoji if you don't wanna reveal yourself! :)
Anonymous asked:
for wakatoshi wednesday - not sure if you've heard this audio or if someone has previously sent it in, but i found this nsfw (audio) edit of ushijima's voice actor: LINK HERE. kudos to this creator they've made a LOT of these. and i have some hc's to share that accompany the audio (i feel like it can kinda be split into two parts, the second part is where he gets a little louder)... warnings for light femdom, corruption kink, handjobs, toys
i hc wakatoshi to be someone with little to no sexual experience in his young adult years. in high school, he was understandably busy with classes and volleyball, and then he joined the adlers soon after graduating (i think? not sure about the lore since i haven't read the final arc of hq yet). once he's been playing professionally for a few years, he's more secure in his career and decides he can start making some time to focus on other aspects of his life. namely, he wants to try dating--and that's when you meet him. in true wakatoshi fashion, he's very upfront about his lack of any experience from the beginning, so as the more experienced partner, you decide to let him set the pace of the relationship. it's so hard to hold back when 1) he's so goddamned attractive and 2) so incredibly transparent in the way he eats up every little seductive thing that you do in his presence, whether it's intentional or not. his gaze will immediately drop to your mouth when you bite your lip, and he can't help fidgeting when you're sitting next to him and you grip his knee or lightly stroke his inner thigh (especially when he's wearing shorts!! horny grip meme) you know he wants you as badly as you want him, but you're trying to be patient and let him initiate any intimacy that goes further than simple pda.
(related to first part of the audio) eventually he has you fully clothed and straddling him on the couch while he sits naked under you, his shirt and shorts in a heap on the floor. it's the first time he's had his cock touched by anybody, and you can definitely tell with how he's gasping desperately in between kisses and roughly massaging your hips and thighs as you stroke his lubed up length. you're delighted that he's so vocal and not insecure at all about the noises he's making, and his toes curl into the rug under his feet when you lean down and tell him how turned on you are just listening to him. and it's not a lie, especially when his low voice is murmuring to you about how good your hand feels when he manages to string enough words together to tell you. and you can't help being a little mean and slowing down your pace until you're both staring between your bodies at the mesmerizing way your fingers look curled around his thick length, slicking up and down with little wet noises, with the pink tip disappearing in your fist when you close it a little tighter on the upstroke. his hips lift up off the couch to chase your touch and he moans a little louder when you get jostled by his movements and squeeze him in surprise. while holding his gaze, you place your free hand on his chest and press down firmly as you say, "down, boy." and he just melts into the couch, eyes closed and lips parted as he says, "can i have more?" and follows it a few seconds later with, "do you like this?" bc ofc he's sweet like that where he asks you if you're enjoying yourself even if you're the one blowing his mind.
(related to the second part of the audio) later on when the two of you are exploring certain sex dynamics, you have him laying in bed, propped up with some pillows and legs spread so he has a clear view of you jacking him off with a clear fleshlight. you've told him that he's not allowed to touch you, so he's shaking from barely being able to keep his hands to himself and how good the toy feels sucking him in, though he'd much prefer to feel you. his hands are by his sides clenching the sheets so tightly you're sure a few stitches have popped. you edge him until he's desperate, and then you let him cum. and then you keep going. his voice edges into a higher, desperate pitch as the overstimulation sets in, and he's whining about how he loves you so much, please make him cum again until he can't take it anymore. he starts becoming less coherent as he loses control, tossing his head back, chest heaving with his gasping breaths, and kicking his legs out as you force the slick toy to swallow his length over and over again. it's the first time he's been completely overwhelmed and has no idea what to do with himself, not being able to touch you or stop you (unless he gives you his safeword). you tease him by asking him if it feels good when you know he can't come up with a coherent response anymore, and even though he can't speak, he registers what you're saying to him and he feels his face and neck flush hot at the humiliation of being so out of his mind that he can't respond to you in words, just broken moans and gasps. when he cums again, he arches up off the mattress before sinking back into the sheets, limp and sated...or at least that's what you think, until he pulls you in with a hand on the back of your neck to kiss you and murmurs a sultry, "more?" against your lips.
this is long, hope it all sent!
rae's notes part deux: SO EVERYBODY, DID WE SURVIVE WHAT THIS BEAUTIFUL ANON SENT IN TO US? Again, Anon, if you don't want to reveal yourself, that's fine - just lemme know what emoji you want, baby, but ohmyGOD do i wanna be your friend this was SO FUCKING GOOD fhasdjfhasjkldfhdsjkfhsd!!!!!!!!!!
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pairing: chūya nakahara x lazy male reader
req: yes | wc: 1.87k | cw: nsfw, size difference, praise kink, biting, blood, dirty talk, belly bulging | minors dni
anon: Hi! I was hoping I could get a smut for chuuya if you could make it kinda of a part two from the other chuuya fic u have and if u can could u add a size kink and a praise kink if so thank you so much!
a/n: you thought the demon was a himbo, ha!
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"You know these don't tend to last long." You send the man pushing you against the wall a wink, making sure he knows you're still top. Chūya chuckles in response.
"I'm prepared for that." Chūya gives you a smirk. You don't know it, but he doesn't mean it. He hopes it is only your sheer amount of power that attracts him to you, but he knows it's not true. He really isn't that keen on having this be a one time thing. He rather it be a long, loving relationship, keep it lasting for as long as he can; if he has to teach you commitment, he will.
You raise an eyebrow for a minute, judging his composure. "Mkay.. good. You need me to lift you, though? You're quite a way down."
Chūya huffs and rolls his eyes. With you, he's heard something along those lines about a million times. He can't control his height and he certainly can't control yours. Jeez, it's as if you were a giant. If you and him stood next to each other, he'd look like a child, not that he was that much taller than a child anyway.
"Oh shut up with that… but yes." As much as he didn't want to admit it, even though it was very clear, he couldn't kiss you from 'all the way down there'.
"Thought so." It's the shit eating grin on your face that makes him regret this. "Hold on to the horns will ya? You'll need the support."
"Doesn't bother ya?" Chūya asks, doing so anyway. They feel rather tough, like how he imagined crocodile scales to feel. Your wings, on the other hand, weren't as he'd imagined them to be. They felt like leather, despite the fact they looked like rubber. He couldn't fathom how hot they'd be in summer.
You shake your head, in turn moving his arms. "Nah. Anyway, what do you think about the fangs?" You momentarily open your mouth wider to show him. "Would you rather I don't bite you or I do?" They're not as sharp as say, a vampire or a werewolf, but they could definitely puncture.
"Maybe test them first?" You know, what he meant was that you bite his finger, or something, not his neck. It definitely stung, but it hadn't punctured. He was sure if you hadn't controlled your strength, he'd bleed. He hissed at the pain. Though it was nothing he couldn't handle, you'd taken him by surprise.
"My bad, precious." That was a new nickname. "What do you think? Did you like it? No judge if you're into it." The mention of a biting link made him think of some past lover with said kink. It sort of made him jealous.
"What if I find your sweet spot? Would that persuade you?" You bite his neck, finding the spot that made him moan. "Knew it. They're usually there." He hated the way you rubbed your past lovers in his face. In time, he'd make you forget. He was sure of that.
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"Would you look at that?" Chūya couldn't focus on anything right now, the pleasure, and pain, was too much. You would pester him for how long he took to adjust for sure. "I'm balls deep in you and I can actually see it." He hadn't registered that first part until now.
He looked down to see his stomach clearly bulging. He laughed at the sight of it. You were really a giant, in more ways than one. It was kind of.. hot though. The size difference was already turning him on, at this point it was a lot.
"Sexy." You remark, licking your lips. If it weren't for your dick, he would want that tongue in him.. again. "Can you even talk right now?"
Chūya chuckles, fixing you with a playful look before pulling you down by the horns. "Of course I can." He whispers in your ear.
"Good." You move the slightest bit, though to him it felt more than that, which urges a moan from his throat. "Although I'd like to see you try when I fuck you with no mercy."
Chūya is flustered to no end, but as the competitive guy he is, he can't just back down, even with your dick inside of him. "Is that what you say to everybody? 'Fuck you with no mercy'? How about 'fuck you 'till you're begging for hell?'"
You smirk, shaking your head to mess with his arms. His hands were surely indented with the pattern of your horns by now. "I'll keep that in mind."
"Are you ready now?" You were going to nag him about the time, just like he'd predicted. "You've been sitting on it for so long you could call it cockwarming. But maybe you're into that, haven't discussed the deets just yet."
"What can I do?" You laugh. "Your dick is big, you said so yourself."
"Then the details. What do you like?"
"P-Praise." He's a little nervous to admit it, what with the fact he acts like a tough cookie. He had to build up some courage for this moment.
You shift a bit as you think about it. All of a sudden, you start moving slowly. It's still quite a bit painful for Chūya, but your praise makes up for it. "You're doing good, baby." Your rough voice along with the way you grip his hips with your claws sends chills down his spine. "Just a bit more."
You chuckle, toying with the idea in your mind. You thrust a bit more, barely even containing yourself with how horny you are, before stopping to ask. "Like that?"
He had bitten his lips to keep his moans from coming out; he'd nearly drawn blood "Yeah, yeah, just like that." If his eyes weren't shut so tightly he'd be so much more flustered by the look you're giving him.
"Think you're ready yet?" The impatience was clear in your voice.
"Mm, yeah."
Your thrusts are slow at first, as a precaution. It was a wonder how you hadn't started going fast, though. You'd been in him for so long without moving that the impatience and anticipation were building up.
"You can go faster now." You smile, but you don't speed up, which confuses him. He was sure you wanted more, so why didn't you give him more?
"How much faster?" It's only now that he realizes it's a cheeky grin. 
Your sultry eyes seem to enchant him, making him unable to think properly; well, that and the thrusting. "I don't know."
"My terms, then." He doesn't like the sound of that. Luckily, you catch onto his uneasy look in time to reassure him, but your words don't do much. "Don't worry, you'll be just fine."
There's no warning after that. Your thrusts are quick and hard, just how you like them though only a little less than normal. After all, you'd gotten from, say, a 1 to a 7. Since when did you start calling your thrusts like a vibrator?
"You're doing good, baby!" He didn't know why, he did but he didn't know now, but he thought you'd sound more sarcastic.
His grip on your horns loosen and his arms feel weak. Just how vulnerable did you make him feel? He couldn't hold back from letting out a loud, high-pitched moan. It caused you to laugh, which he hated since he knew you were about to tease him. "High-pitched, just for me?"
He rolled his eyes at you, maybe a little bit because of pleasure, responding just as quick. "I mean you– oh! Holy shit!" He was interrupted by his own moans.
"What was that you were going to say?"
"Straying from– ah shit! Shit shit shit!" He repeated. That chuckle of yours made him realize you'd been hitting him hard on purpose to tease him. "Straying far from," He stops himself from moaning by biting his lips momentarily. "p-praise here."
You almost pout when he finishes his sentence, but you nod. "Right, sorry, precious~" You basically purr. “You’re taking my cock so well. Are you ready for more?”
“What?” You’d only just changed pace, so why would you- “Ah! Fuck me..” You hadn’t even given him time to answer, and you didn’t mean to either. This pace was the fastest, and roughest, Chūya had ever felt before, and god, did he love it. He could barely even form words, apart from curse words that were oh so familiar. The only thing that left his mouth were moans and he couldn’t even bite his lips.
“Mm, can’t talk anymore?” You weren’t really good at praise, were you? Well, it was new to you, since most of your lovers turned masochists at the sight of you. You didn’t make them, they just did. smug hoe
His arms, tired and a little sore, fall from your horns and grip your wings, which are wrapped around him. It causes you to hiss, but it’s a mere feeling in the back of your head from all the pleasure you’re getting. “Careful with those, darl.” You say with a chuckle. “You can’t break them in your state right now, but they still hurt.”
“S-Sorry.” He manages to say, continuing with moans afterward. They’re high pitched, most of them, as much as he tries to at least make them a little lower. 
“Oh? A word?” Your smirk is as much a nightmare as it is a dream. He wants to punch it off your face but also kiss it off your lips. “Right, right, praise. You take me in so well~” Chūya just barely manages a laugh.
“Ah, fuck!” Chūya shouts. He can feel himself getting closer and closer.
You smirk, moving to his neck, kissing and nipping. Your fangs sting his neck everytime you bite down, but you make sure to control yourself. Though sooner or later you’ll bite him and draw blood, it’s only inevitable.
“Go on, baby. Come loose for me, let me feel your seed on my abs.” You move to his ear, whispering and licking the lobe. 
Your words are what sends him over the edge of bliss. His seed spills all over the both of you, which is a turn on for sure; it moves with his constantly bulging belly. 
You close your eyes when you feel yourself coming closer. Instinctively, you move to his neck, giving him a harsh bite, which makes Chūya groan. You couldn’t control yourself from not biting him, even when his neck is already littered with other marks. Blood drips from the wound, two small holes.
It’s only when you go over the edge that you apologize. You move off of him, pulling him on top of you instead. He snuggles into your body, hissing in pain. “Sorry.” You move your wings to wipe the blood away.
“It’s fine… well, not really, but eh.”
You chuckle, keeping one wing on the wound and the other over the top of you. “I’ll make it up to you later.”
The promise of another time is reassuring, whether it be sexual or not, though he rather it be a date. He likes to know he has a little bit of a chance.
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
a shy, goth s/o who goes by they/them pronouns
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requested by anon; HIII!! I recently started watching soul eater and i finallyyy found someone who writes for them so im reallllly exited!! So i wanted to request something!! Can you do like how Crona, Kid, Soul and Stein would be like in a relationship with a shy goth s/o who uses they/tem prounons (sometimes she). Also when they talk about the things they like they get superrr extroverted and could talk for hourss about it! Also would it heart to ask if you could make cronas a lil longer, they are my comfort character🤧Also wanted to ask if you did emergency requests! If you dont that’s totally fine!!
[a/n: thank you for this request, my lovely anon! It gave me the way to get back into a writing flow again. I quite enjoyed writing for these characters since I don’t get very many Soul Eater requests, as for emergency requests...go ahead and send them in but I apologize if I don’t get it done quickly, seeing as I’m not quite that active on here like I was before. for now, enjoy! - yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´-] 
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- truthfully, i think he'd be a little confused at first
- about the whole pronouns thing
- despite being friends with Crona
- so, he'd approach Maka, Crona, and Subaki about it
- he'd be a little embarrassed because he mistakenly exposed his HUGE crush on you
- Subaki coos at him and thinks it's sweet
- Crona is glad to help, knowing that using they/them pronouns is still a foreign concept for some people
- Maka would definitely tease him but ultimately, she's glad he had asked for help
- after realizing that it was a rather simple concept to understand
- he'd get SOOO cocky
- he absolutely loves your style
- obviously thinks you're the coolest person to ever exist
- now the only thing in his way??
- your shyness
- he's only interacted with you a few times but because he tends to be a bit abrasive, you usually keep your distance
- the few times that Stein had called on you in class to answer a question was the most he's really heard you talk
- you were good friends with Kid though
- so you ended up hanging out with the group a lot
- he's seen how passionate you could get whilst talking about your hobbies or about things you liked to Kid or Liz
and Patty
- it made him a gajillion times more attracted to you
- after FINALLY gaining the courage to ask you out (you can thank Black Star for telling him that it wasn't cool to be such
a wimp)
- he'd be on cloud nine
- being in a relationship with Soul would be fun
- he'd be a little awkward at first but he'd soon ease into it
- he's really good at respecting your pronouns
- in the case that he slips up, which i don't really think he would, but if he does he'd feel absolutely terrible
- like he'd beat himself up so hard
- he would do anything to make it up to you
- 100% would cook you a super nice dinner as an apology
- if anybody ever made fun of your style or your pronouns, it's over for that person
- they'd have, not only Soul and Maka on their ass, but they'd have Black Star and Tsubaki, AND the literal son of the grim
reaper and his twin pistols
- overall, Soul would be such a sweetheart
- you make him so, so soft
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- gosh i love him so much
- okay
- Kid is definitely somebody who would be up front with his feelings
- he knows about your use of different pronouns and he really admires your bravery to be so open about it
- i feel like he's definitely thought about going by he/they pronouns
- thinks it's absolutely adorable how shy you are
- despite being shy and closed off, he never overlooked you like some students or other staff
- he knows how clever you are
- don't even get me started on your style
- he love love loves your goth style
- especially when you wear anything with skulls on it
- when it comes to his feelings, Liz gets fed up with how ridiculous he's being
- she's watched him break down crying because the stripes on his head aren't symmetrical and someone as precious as you
would think he's trash
- which obviously isn't true
- he sees you out on the balcony, sat on the ledge and book in hand
- he's noticed you with it a lot but it's only the 1st book of a series
- he figures that maybe you just haven't had the chance to find the rest of them
- after some research, he finds that the series had been completed but because of the lack of readers, it was put out of
production and copies were pulled out of libraries and bookstores
- but alas, he had found one of the only complete series in existence in somewhat excellent condition
- it was quite expensive but that was really no problem
- he had wrapped up the set and had gifted them to you with a note and as you read the note, your cheeks burned
- he confessed his feelings
- the next day, you had approached him and thanked him for the gift as well as confessing your own feelings for him
- he thought the stuttering and flushed cheeks was adorable
- 100% the power couple at the DWMA
- sorry i don't make the rules
- Liz and Patty are definitely in love with you, especially with how versatile your fashion is
- Patty has definitely volunteered to paint your nails before
- Kid definitely gets you a et of skull rings, just like his
- will go beast mode on anyone who makes fun of your style and/or use of pronouns
he's be such a gentleman and he practically worships the ground you walk on
- as he should  
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- Stein would be quite used to the use of they/them pronouns since he has students who go by them
- when there's word of a new teacher at DWMA who goes by they/them, he's quite intrigued
- so much so that he would volunteer to show you around the enormous school
- 10/10 falls in love with you instantly
- your shy demeanor is such a contrast to your style
- definitely lives for teasing you
- anything to make you stutter
- but he'd be very blunt about his feelings
- he makes sure that you're being respected by students and staff alike
- threatens anybody who doesn't
- he gets you some screw earrings or a necklace (if you don't have piercings)
- it's his way of making sure people know that you're his
- Stein would be an excellent significant other
- he's a bit more on the playful side so just always be prepared for cheeky remarks
- he doesn't mind your shyness at all
- since he doesn't really favor going out too much so most of your dates are in doors, his place or yours
- probably with a cup of coffee and a book
- he can be sweet when he wants to
- isn't really into pda but i wouldn't be too surprised if he had a moment of spontaneity and pull you into his arms and
kiss you passionately  
- some students think it's romantic and others definitely tease the both of you
- since your social battery probably runs out pretty quick, he loves that it gives him an out from tiring staff get
- Death Scythe thinks it's absolutely HYSTERICAL to make fun of Stein's moments of softness
- but ultimately, he thinks the way Stein looks at you is sweet and makes him happy that his friend has found someone like
- cause you're the best
- duh
- his wardrobe has infinitely improved since the both of you got together
- all thanks to you
- overall 15/10 a good significant other
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- ahh Crona, sweet sweet Crona
- they're the freaking cutest
- now i know that in the anime and manga, it's written that he uses he/him pronouns but it seem like on tumblr everyone has
just settled on using they/them instead because of Crona's androgynous style and frankly it's a bit of an unclear area
- so uhhh yeah, let's get started
- Crona would have trouble admitting that they had feelings for you, so they tries to hide it but alas, Maka had caught on
- it took Soul a bit longer to realize but he eventually did
- the group had caught on and thought it was adorable
- all of them had tried to help in any way they could
- but Crona just couldn't muster up the courage to tell you
- the both of you were quite shy so it was nearly impossible to get some type of interaction between the two of you
- Crona also really loved your style
- the both of you were similar in so many ways
- Black Star had actually been the one to let it slip that Crona had harbored some kind of affection for you
- Tsubaki had smacked him upside the head and chastised him since it wasn't his place to say anything
- but now that it was out in the open, it had given you the slight confidence boost you needed to confess
- but when you did, Crona just stood frozen, almost mortified by your words
- you took it as rejection and ran off into the woods surrounding the school campus
- Ragnarok had then made an appearance and started tugging at Crona's cheeks and telling them that they should go after you
- but of course, they hadn't
- instead, turning to Maka and Tsubaki for help
- the two had taken it upon themselves to look for you and clear up any misunderstandings
- the next day, Crona had approached you and apologized
- even though they're words were stuttered, you appreciated the gesture and asked Crona on a proper date
- they accepted before panicking because it had dawned on them that they had never been on a date before
- overall, Crona is such a sweet partner
- sure, a bit unexperienced but sweet nonetheless
- they try their best
- both of you have similar styles and everyone thinks the both of you are just the most adorable couple on campus
- Crona loved hearing you talk about the things you loved
- your eyes would sparkle and you'd move your hands so animatedly
- it's almost like you're a different person in that moment
- they just adored you
- they'd get upset if someone had disrespected your pronouns
- Ragnorak would definitely rage if someone disrespected you
- as much as he hated to admit it, he really really liked you
- mainly because you always carried sweets around for him
- ugh I just love Crona
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Based on something I was writing some days ago... Dark!character, any of Chris', getting a new sex slave and she's new and haven't learn the basics yet. So he teaches her in his twisted way... 😈
oh wow, anon, I LOVE the way you think... that being completely perverted.  and of course I had to make it freezy, because who else??  obviously this is noncon, there is also degradation, kidnapping, slapping, spanking, bondage, master/slave dynamics and virginity loss under the cut.
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“wakey wakey...”
you were slowly lifted from your sleep, slower than normal.  why was it so hard to open your eyes?
someone hit you on the face-- not that hard, but enough to make you jolt a little and blink a few times.
“cmon, show me those pretty eyes...”
you didn’t recognize the voice, but when you finally managed to keep your eyes open, fighting the heavy drowsiness that weighed them down, you recognized the face.  “freezy?” you wanted to blurt out, but you couldn’t-- there was duct tape over your mouth, and restraining your wrists behind your back.
“you recognize me,” he realized with a small smile. “you remember what I said last time you bought a cone from me, right? ‘I’ll be seeing you.’ I don’t think you knew what I meant.”
you felt your chest begin to shake as tears stung your eyes and wet your cheeks, falling down over the makeshift gag as he grinned at you.
“oh, don’t cry sweet girl,” he cooed, even though he didn’t seem too upset that you were sobbing as he knelt in front of you.  “it’s gonna be fine, as long as you follow my rules.  that’s what the tape is for-- I’m gonna keep you restrained until I know you can behave, alright?  so just do what I say and you’ll be perfectly safe.”
you considering struggling against the tape, until you glanced down to his belt and saw a gun tucked into it.  with wide and watery eyes, you looked back at his face which was twisted in sick delight.
“ready to learn your new rules, pet?”
sheepishly, you nodded.
“you will call me Master.  you will speak only when spoken to.  you will say please and thank you.  you will obey or be punished.  capisce?”
he slowly peeled the tape back-- and you wanted to scream, cry, beg him to stop, ask a million questions-- but fear pushed you to do what you knew was your safest bet.  “yes, Master,” you whispered hoarsely.
“good girl,” he smiled proudly.  “I knew I got my money’s worth with you... you’re such a sweet little thing, wanna please me so bad... go ahead and stand up, let me get a good look atcha.”
your legs were weak and bruised-- aftermath of the struggle you had with the men who must’ve been the ones to sell you to mr. freezy... or maybe he’d hired them himself.  shuddering at the thought, you weakly stood up and wished your hands weren’t restrained so you could cover yourself, since you were stripped down to your bra and panties.  it was cold in the room, too, meaning your nipples were hard and clearly visible through the thin cups of your bra.  it was obvious that he was staring at them as his gaze raked over you slowly, his smile growing wider.  “fuck, such a pretty little thing,” he sighed as he started to circle you slowly, like a predator eyeing wounded prey.  “you got any idea how hard it was to see you in those short-shorts and bikini tops in summer, licking on my popsicles like it wasn’t the most sinful thing imaginable?”
he stepped closer, his warm breath moist on the back of your neck.  “and of course, when I say ‘how hard it was,’ you know what ‘it’ is, don’t you?”
he pushed his hips against your hands where they were restrained behind your, and you gasped when you felt his hard cock in your palm.  he groaned and rocked forward into your touch, smiling when you whimpered quietly.
“ever touched a dick before, pet?” he asked quietly.
“yes, Master,” you admitted nervously.
“mm, dirty girl,” he winked.  “I bet all the boys were banging down your door, weren’t they?  everybody wanted you... but you’re all mine now.  is that all you did, sweetheart?  touch it?”
“I... I put it in my mouth...” you stammered nervously, remembering the night a few months ago where you fooled around with a boy you thought wanted to date you, but who disappeared when you said you weren’t ready to go ‘all the way’ yet.  the memory was humiliating enough... having to explain it to this man was even worse.
“did you let him fuck this innocent face?” he chuckled.  “did you like it?”
“no, Master,” you stammered.
“which question are you answering?”
“don’t worry, you’re gonna like it this time.  you’re gonna love having your Master’s cock in your mouth.”
you heard him unbuckling his belt, and winced when you felt the hard, silky member pressed into your palm.  
“your hands are so soft, pretty baby,” he sighed.  “feel how thick it is?  I bet you’re drooling for it now,” he chuckled.  “your mouth and your cunt.”
his hand wrapped around yours and guided it to stroke him, and you grimaced when you felt a warm drop of precum slide over your wrist.  his little grunts behind you made your stomach turn as he rubbed himself on your bound hands.
“turn around and get on your knees,” he instructed suddenly.  “show me how you treat the boys when they ask real nice.”
“i-it was only once,” you stammered, “I’m not very good.”
“I’ll teach you,” he promised.  “now do what I said--” he suddenly twisted your hand painfully, making you yelp-- “or I’ll hurt ya worse.”
“yes, Master,” you whispered weakly as you spun to face him and fell to your knees, ignoring the discomfort of the concrete floor beneath you.
you’d felt it, but seeing it was another matter entirely-- thick, red and bobbing slightly, a drip of clear precum running down over his shaft.
you hesitantly put the tip between your lips, feeling the foreskin slide forward slightly when you took him a little deeper.  the taste was subtle but masculine and not as gross as you’d expected.  what was gross was how it looked, staring forward at his undone belt and fly.  he corrected that quickly, though.  “look up at me, babydoll.  I wanna see those eyes.”
he groaned as he grabbed the back of your neck, pushing deeper until you gagged and tried to pull away.
“keep choking on it,” he moaned, “feels so good in that tight little throat of yours, fuck.”
you sobbed a bit as you fought for air, afraid you’d pass out before he let you go, but he finally gave you some relief as you fell back and gasped for air.
“aw, poor thing,” he faked a pout as he watched you cough and sputter.  “want some more, pet?”
you shook your head, croaking out a “no, Master.”
he slapped you across the face and you cried loudly.  “you should know you can never deny me.  you give me whatever I want, whenever I want.  now keep sucking or you’ll regret it.”
you whined but opened your mouth for him to shove his cock into, holding your face steady as he fucked it roughly.  spit dribbled down your chin and onto the floor, and it made you feel disgusting and used.
“god, I could come just from this, just from your hot, wet little mouth,” he purred.  “but I need to break in that virgin cunt first.”
you stumbled over your words as he pulled you up and bent you over a dirty table, holding you down with a thick hand tangled in your hair while the other smacked your ass sharply.
“n-no!” you sobbed.  “please don’t.”
he hit you several more times, making your legs flail as your ass stung from each hit.  “you know you can’t say no to me.  why do you keep fighting?  you’re mine, and the more you misbehave the worse I’m gonna treat ya.”
“I’ll do anything, just don’t do that,” you bargained.
“so you want it in the ass?”
you tensed up, and he laughed darkly.  “yeah, that’s what I thought.  don’t worry, I’m not gonna fuck you there, yet.  it’d be a waste of a perfectly good little pussy.  but be careful what you wish for, pet, and be thankful I’m so generous.”
you swallowed thickly.  “thank you, Master.”
he ripped your panties off easily, growling when he saw the wetness that had gathered between your legs.  “if you get your attitude right, I’ll get you ready with some fingers first.  you gonna behave pet?  or do you need to learn a lesson?”
“I’ll be good,” you whimpered.  he leaned down and licked the shell of your ear, making you shudder.  
“do you want my fingers inside you, sweetheart?”
“yes, please, Master,” you nodded weakly.
you winced when he slipped a finger inside you, twisting it around and adding a second quickly.  you could hear the clicking and sloshing noises of your own wetness, and it made you hate yourself for the pleasure you felt.
when he added a third finger, you kicked your legs and breathed through your teeth.  
“you need these if you have any chance of taking my cock,” he explained gruffly, moving his hand faster until your back began to arch.  “mm, feels good, huh?  I bet you wanna come all over my fingers.”
instead, he pulled them out, and you heard him spit into his hand and smear it all over his cock before you felt the head slide through your folds.
“ask me nicely,” he instructed coldly.  “beg for your Master’s cock.”
you whined and closed your eyes, your delay punished by a slap on your sore ass.  “please!” you cried out.  “please put your cock in me, please fuck me, Master.”
he groaned deeply as he pushed into you, and even for all the warm-up you’d gotten, he still stretched you so wide; he still filled you so deep, deeper than you thought anything could reach inside you.
“fuuuuuck,” he sighed, “what a tight fuckin cunt, damn you feel good.”
he chuckled when he felt your walls tense around him.  
“you like making your Master feel good, pet?” he taunted.  “I knew you’d be such a good little girl for me, once you learned your place.”
with that, he began to fuck you in earnest, ignoring your cries and please for him to slow down.  he fucked you so deep that it was starting to give you a stomachache-- but you realized, much to your dismay, that it was really the first swells of pleasure of an orgasm more intense than you’d even known was possible.
“can’t wait to use this pretty pussy every. fucking. day.” he grunted, hitting deep inside you with each word hissed through his teeth.  “can’t wait to fill you with my come whenever I want.”
you opened your mouth to tell him he can’t come inside, before realizing it was useless and stopping yourself.  finally, you were learning.
he held your hips roughly as he pumped into you, his head falling back in a gasp of pleasure.  “fuck yes,” he moaned, “best little cunt I ever had, feels so much better knowing you’re gonna be mine forever, that nobody else is ever gonna touch you but me.”
you felt sharp jolts of desire shoot up your spine as he started to fuck you faster, his balls slapping against your clit just enough to add to the overwhelming sensations inside you.
“at first I thought I wouldn’t really care if you came or not,” he admitted, “but now I’m thinking it would be fun to see you cream all over my fuckin cock.  I wanna see you give in, pretty baby.  I wanna feel you squeeze my cock and hear you scream for me.”
you wished it was avoidable, you wished you could stop yourself from giving him what he wanted, but with a sob you felt the peak of it slam into you, making you cry out and clench your insides around him in desperation.  worst of all, it felt like it would never stop so long as he kept slamming into you like this, and soon you really were screaming until your voice went hoarse.
“yeah, there you go,” he encouraged lowly all throughout, “grip me with that tight little hole, gonna fill you up...”
he made a sudden choked noise as he slowed down, and you realized with a whimper than he was coming, each hot rope of come filling you and warming you from the inside out.
his movements came to a stop as he caught his breath, a new wave of tears dripping down your face with the realization of what he’d done (and what you had done because of it).
“god, you’re everything I dreamed you’d be,” he mumbled.  “can’t even think how many times I came all over my hand and imagined it was your sweet little virgin cunt.”
you winced when he pulled out, the sting still present even with the numb pleasure that protected you from most of it.
“I’ll be back tomorrow, pet,” he promised as he stuffed his cock back into his pants and left you locked in and alone again.
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kerie-prince · 4 years
scent of theirs
Draco Malfoy x Non-Binary!reader (fluff)
requested: (anon) Hello! Could I request Draco x Non-binary Y/n they were childhood friends but Draco stopped talking to them because they were sorted into Hufflepuff and then in their 6th year Slughorn makes the Amortentia and they smell each other and Draco is scared because he doesn’t think y/n would want him?
summary: Your lifelong best friend didn't take your sorting too well in your first year of Hogwarts. It saddened you, but you learned to move on. Only thing is, you actually haven't. And neither did he.
a/n: i hope this turned out well! i did lot's of research on what it means to identify as non-binary so if it's wrong, let me know so i can re-write it!
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(gif not mine; creds to owner)
You’ve been through many things growing up; at age 5, your father passed away due to a blood curse. At age 9, you broke your right arm from a fight with a boy twice your size and surprisingly won. And at age 11, a few months before your first day at Hogwarts, you realized that you didn't identify with the societal norm of just one gender. During all these events, there's been one person by your side: Draco Malfoy.
Draco’s been your best friend since birth. Your families are some of the oldest pureblood wizards and companionship had joined the families for generations. At one point, you actually believed that the Malfoy’s were your own blood relatives, but unfortunately they’re not. Didn’t matter, you still called his parents ‘Auntie and Uncle’.
Your best friend was running down to your house, Dobby straight on his tail yelling, “Young Master, wait for me!” The young boy ran up to the door and knocked with high energy, not stopping until someone opened the door. “Hello Master Draco-” your housemaid was cut short as he ran past her and ran straight to your room. Looking inside, you weren't there. His next best guess was in the greenhouse. He ran in and saw you watering the mandrakes. “Y/N! I got my letter!” Draco waved the parchment around excitedly. “Where’s yours?”
You had a disappointed look on your face. He mirrored the same look until you started laughing. You pulled out your letter from the pocket of your jeans with a smile. ‘Don’t joke like that again,” Draco scolded. Later that week, his parents took you two to Diagon Alley shopping for supplies. The entire time, Draco talked about how excited he was for the both of you to start your educations and most importantly, be sorted into Slytherin together.
When the hat placed on your head announced ‘Hufflepuff’, he felt strange. But in his mind, the one who was strange was you. From then on, he stopped talking to you while you were at school. During breaks, he’d put on his best act in front of your families but behind closed doors, he reminded you of how he thought of your house; weak and pathetic.
Now, in sixth year, you two had completely cut ties. Your families still enjoyed each other's companies, though. You walked the hallways with your best friends Justin, Ernie and Hannah. “How do you suppose this new professor is?” Ernie asked. From what you saw at the first feast of the year, Slughorn looked somewhat quirky. Of course, no one could beat Trelawney. “Hopefully, he’s nice,” you said.
An arm bumped against yours in the hallways. Even though they bumped into you, you were the one to say ‘sorry’. A familiar voice, now deeper, scoffed at you. “Watch where you’re going, idiot.” Draco looked at you with hateful eyes. He kept walking with his crew of followers.
It hurt you that the person you grew up with became a stranger through the years. And what hurt the most was that even though he stopped being your friend, your love for him never ceased. He never bullied you nor misgendered you. It was a small indication that he still cared for you.
As you and your friends took your seats, you waited for Professor Slughorn to start his lesson. Everyone stared as Harry and Ron came into class late and you stifled a laugh when they were seen fighting for a book. “Now, class, can anyone tell me these concoctions I have on this table?” Half of the class had their hands raised. “Ah, Miss/Mr. Y/L/N-”
“It’s just Y/L/N,” you and Draco stated at the same time. You looked into his light blue eyes. He didn’t meet yours. Slughorn looked at the papers in his hand that had the list of students and surely enough was a mark next to your name to just call you by your last name per your request. “Yes, terribly sorry. Can you tell me what this potion is called?”
The pink mist in the air was recognizable. “That would be Amortentia.”
“Very good. Would you explain to the classroom what it does?” Slughorn asked.
You stepped closer to the table, “This is one of the most powerful potions to date. Specifically, it’s a love potion. It takes the scent of the person you desire. When given to a person, they fall in love with the first person they see.”
“That is correct, thank you Y/L/N.” You went back to your friends as he dismissed you, “Today, we will be making Amortentia and you will record what, or in better words who you smell. Once I’ve seen that you’ve properly brewed the potion, you will start a paper on the dangers of using this potion incorrectly which will be turned in at the end of this week in my office. You may begin now.”
At your table, your friends decided to turn it into a group effort; one will gather all the ingredients and one will read the instructions out loud as you all worked with your own cauldrons. You volunteered to gather the ingredients. In the back of the class, you reached for a glass jar. A pale hand also reached for the same jar and brushed his hands with yours.
Draco looked at you with the signature scowl, “Get your own, Y/L/N.” He grabbed the one you had your eyes on and turned away.
“Thank you,” you whispered. Draco stopped in his tracks at your words. “For what?” he asked as he looked over his shoulder. “For… that. Earlier in class,” you reminded him.
He looked forward, straightened his back and replied, “It’s nothing.” When he left, you felt something within you. Sadness, yes. But a little flutter in your chest. You were able to find another jar and headed back to your table with your housemates. It was quite surprising how easy it was to make Amortentia. “You’d think that for something that’s so powerful, it would be difficult to make,” Hannah pondered once she finished her potion.
“Alright, what do you guys smell?” Justin asked.
“I smell,” Hannah started, “gardening pots, flowers, and shampoo.” Justin, Ernie and you all looked at each other and smirked as you looked at Neville across the room. “Wonder who that could be,” Ernie teased. “Shut it. Who’s next?” Justin nor Ernie wanted to go. Ernie insisted that he didn’t smell anything from his. “Maybe I made it wrong,” he used as an excuse. “No, because we all made it the same way so it should be right,” Hannah pressed on.
“Fine, I’ll go,” you declared. You nervously took in the scent from your cauldron, not knowing who you would smell. Or maybe you did but didn't want to admit it to yourself. “I smell men's cologne, apples, and fresh toothpaste.” You knew instantly who it was. Without knowing, Draco had heard you from his table. His eyes bore into yours and you couldn't tell what he was thinking.
From behind you, Slughorn surprised you as he looked into your cauldron. “These are brewed beautifully, good work. You may be excused or if you’d like, you can start your papers in class.” With that, you grabbed your things and walked out the class ignoring the questions from your friends.
You made a straight line into Myrtle’s bathroom knowing no one comes in here. Her cries were drowned out as you stood over the sink. You potentially confessed out loud about your feelings for Draco for everyone. All you could do was hope that no one picked up on it. But the look on his face was confirmation enough that he knew.
The bathroom door was heard opening and you panicked. You could've sworn no one comes here. Here you thought you could just bask in embarrassment alone.
A silhouette came closer to you in the poorly lit bathroom until it became clear who it was. “Draco, what are you doing here?”
“Can we talk?” He asked gently. “Why? So you can make fun of me? Just get it over with and go back to your friends so you can laugh at me all you'd like.”
“Will you just shut up and listen to me?” Draco didn't try to hide his annoyance. “In class, who did you smell in the potion?”
“What, now you want me to say it? Was me saying out loud for the whole class to hear not enough for you?” You kept jabbing at him as you tried to hold your tears. “I’m not really in the mood for this, Draco. I’d like to be left alone.” He sighed deeply and rubbed his forehead. You didn't understand why he was annoyed. You half expected him to have laughed at you even though he’s never actually done that in the past few years.
Draco cleared his throat and walked closer to you. “Do you want to know what I smelled?” His gaze was soft and voice low. You stood frozen before him before you scoffed with your arms crossed, “You gonna describe Parkinson to me?”
“I smelled roses, cinnamon, and chocolate,” Draco’s gaze never faltered from you. Without noticing, he stood inches from you. The words clicked in your head when you heard he named three of your favorite things.
“Is that supposed to mean something to me?” You uttered. He took one of your hands in his and rubbed it gently. “Before I heard you, that’s what I smelled. You were who I smelled in that Amortentia. Not Pansy, not anyone else. And when I did, I never thought that you would feel the same. I thought that after the way I’ve treated you, you had forgotten all about me. I’m sorry for acting the way I did when you got sorted into Hufflepuff.” His confession shocked you to say the least.
A tear fell down on your cheek. What do I say to this? you thought to yourself. Before thinking, your mouth spoke for you, “I forgive you.” Deep down, you meant it. Your reply made Draco smile before he pulled you in for a hug. “And one more thing,” he said. He pulled away just enough to look at you without letting go, “Would you be my… my partner?”
Your heart skipped a beat from his proposal. Everything was happening quickly and your mind was going on overdrive as your stomach had been filled with butterflies. Just an hour ago, you two were strangers who didn't look eye-to-eye anymore. But now, Draco was asking you to be his partner. Inside, you knew the answer. It was clear.
“Yes,” you accepted. Not even seconds later, he kissed you with passion. His lips were just as soft as you imagined. And he thought the same of yours. Years of being estranged to each other all ended that day as your newfound partner walked outside into the hallways with you beside him.
His partner. It has a nice ring to it.
requests are open!
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binesetakeout · 7 years
IM FUCKING You literally posted a selfie before the anon assumed that you're ''''white''''. My guy it takes $0.00 and less than one (1) minute to scroll down to find that selfie and answer that question of yours but I guess not lmao
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littleoddwriter · 4 years
Embarrassment | Roman Sionis x Victor Zsasz | ZsaszMask | Smut
"if requests are open can i just get zsasz being really dumb but with some praise and/or daddy kink thrown in?" anon
A/N: I hope my interpretation of this is alright with you. I went with ZsaszMask here, since you didn't specify who Zsasz would be with; and since he wasn't exactly listed as a character for Reader fics, I assumed you were just asking for ZsaszMask. I really hope I got that right. If not, let me know, please! 
summary; Victor commonly mispronounces words, the wrong person hears it and mocks him for it to Roman’s face. Roman gives his boy a treat and then praises him because, yes, he isn’t very skilled when speaking, but he is still such a good boy for him! With it, smut ensues.
notes; TW // Implied Murder (non-descriptive); Very quick, throw-away mention of Child Abuse in the first paragraph. KINKS: Daddy!Kink; Praise Kink; Slight pet play, too; Anal Sex; Quick Prep. PWP/Loose plot; Lemon; Smut; kind of Emotional Hurt/Comfort, too, but like, they are ZsaszMask, don’t expect too much; A little softness in the end, too.
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Roman absolutely hated it when someone mispronounced words in any way, shape or form. It made his blood boil. Mostly, he believed, it was because of his parents. If he had said something wrong, even if it was just the pronunciation, then he would be punished. Obviously, he tried to avoid that at all costs as time went on, which made him hyper-aware of when other people butchered a word or even an entire sentence, as a side effect.
Unfortunately, his partner in crime and lapdog had a rather slurred way of speaking and mispronounced a lot of words. He still wasn't sure if he was just stupid and wasn't educated, or perhaps he really was just lazy as all hell.
Either way, it happened multiple times a day that Zsasz would say something wrong. Roman has stopped being truly annoyed with him for it after a while. By now, he just corrected him and moved on. Of course, he had tried to teach Victor, but he just didn't really catch on to it; and frankly, he had better things to do than teach a grown man to speak properly.
Now, usually it wasn't even a big problem anyway, since Roman was basically the only person Zsasz really spoke to. So no one normally witnessed Victor's poor speaking skills. If anything, they were his staff anyway, so it didn't matter, they wouldn't dare say something about it.
Until, of course, one day the wrong person had heard it after all.
Roman had been conversing with a potential business partner, when Victor came back from running an errand for him. It was like clockwork; when Roman was talking, he wasn't to be interrupted, so he waited until he was done to tell him anything important that might have happened on the errand. He only ever interrupted him when it absolutely couldn't wait.
Obediently, Zsasz stood next to Roman and waited. When he was done talking, he lifted his hand and excused himself to the man he was speaking with, so Victor could tell him whatever was burning on his tongue.
"Boss, Johnson's guys have defiantly got the message. Expecially himself. He's retreating now and trying to get on your better side again, but I doupt you want that. D'you?"
Roman didn't even bother to correct him, though he clenched his fists to try and stop the urge to do it anyway. They were in public with someone he didn't trust and he didn't want to humiliate Victor like that. He knew that he tried at least a little, after all. Especially when they were with someone he didn't know.
Before Sionis could even reply anything, a terribly mocking cackle sounded from his right. It was that fuck he had been trying to get a deal with.
"Is he really that fucking stupid or does he just act like it, huh? God, that's embarrassing. I can't believe you let him run around talking like that, Mr Sionis," he sneered.
For just a split second hurt was reflected in Victor's eyes. It was like a punch to Roman's gut. Zsasz was basically never hurt by anything or anyone, only few people, among which was Roman himself, could achieve that.
Zsasz straightened up and acted like he didn't hear anything, assuming his usual position behind where Roman sat, so he could watch over him.
"Well, I believe that business deal we had planning to get going is over now. Thank you so much for coming in, but it's time for you to leave, 'kay?" Roman said clasping his hands together and a big fake grin on his face, his tone strained.
The other man sputtered. "Excuse me? We were just in the middle of-"
"Yes, yes, I am aware. Anyway, I do not want to keep talking to you any longer. So get out!" His anger became more palpable by the second.
Some of his men escorted the fake fuck out, after he whispered to one of them to knock him out and bring him to their closest warehouse.
Then Roman turned around to face Victor, who looked rather dumb-founded.
"C'mon, baby. I'm having him brought to the closest warehouse we own. Then you can go and have some fun with that stupid fuck, hm? How's that sound, my boy?"
His eyebrows climbing up his forehead in surprise, Victor nodded. Obviously, he knew that this deal was actually a little important to Roman, but nothing seemed to be more important than his pet being happy.
Sometimes, he really despised that.
They went to the warehouse, when it was all set up and he gave Victor all the freedom he could have wanted with the other man. It was beautiful, a sight to behold, really. The way Victor freed people from this awful world was always breathtakingly stunning to him. But when he was also upset by one of those people and had creative freedom? Just marvelous, a true masterpiece that came out of it. Such as the tally, that now sat in the crook of his elbow, always visible, always a reminder.
Eventually, they arrived back at home, aroused from the beautiful way this fake fuck has been slaughtered, and Roman also had the urge to indulge his little boy and praise him for always being so good for him. So he was set on doing just that.
As soon as they came into the bedroom, he grabbed Victor's wrist and turned him around to face him, smashing their lips together in a searing kiss. Zsasz moaned into it, opening his mouth a little. Roman slid his tongue into the other's mouth immediately, fucking it in and out of Victor's mouth, playing with his tongue.
After doing just that for about a minute, he broke the kiss, leaning his forehead against Victor's, panting.
"Be a good boy for Daddy and undress yourself and then lie down on the bed, 'kay?" Roman rasped, kissing Zsasz once more before twirling his finger to signalise him to get going.
Sionis kept watching his boy, while he undressed, folding his clothes and putting them on a nearby chair. He had taught him so well. When he was completely naked, Victor lied down on his back on the soft mattress of their bed. Then he looked at Roman, waiting for further instructions.
Getting rid of his shoes, socks, blazer and gloves, Roman climbed onto the bed and over Zsasz. He was only wearing a plain black shirt and his dark blue suit pants, now. He lifted Victor's legs, spreading them, and kneeled between them, situating them over each of his thighs, pressing his hard cock against the other man's ass. Then he leaned over Zsasz, bracketing his head between his forearms with which he supported himself on the bed. Their faces were merely half an inch apart, breathing each other's air.
"You're my good little boy, aren't you?"
Victor could only nod for a moment. Roman nipped his ear and grinned against it, his lips brushing his ear shell.
"Yes, you are. And you know what? I'm very proud of you, baby. You're always so good to me, always so good for Daddy, hm?"
Zsasz keened in the back of his throat, pushing up his hips. Fuck, he was so easily desperate when it came to being praised by Roman.
"Soon, baby. Be patient, 'kay?" Another nod, another keen. "Use your words, baby, c'mon."
"Yes, Daddy!"
"That's my good boy," he murmured.
Then he leaned back a little again, so he was able to really look at Victor. It was hell on his back, but he didn't care, as their chests and stomachs were pressed together, feeling each other breathe heavily. Victor's hard cock was poking his abdomen, just like his own was pressing against his crack.
"You've done something truly remarkable with this asshole, y'know? What a work of art! Oh, Victor, I'm so lucky, baby."
"Thank you, Daddy," Victor replied the way he was taught to, and fuck, it had Roman's cock twitch.
Roman smiled at him, fondly, adoration clear in his eyes. "I always appreciate how dutiful you are, how you know exactly when to do what, when to speak, what to say. You're so good at it, my boy. Such an obedient little doggy, aren't you? Yes, you are, of course you are."
He leaned down to press a couple of sweet kisses to his lips, smiling into them. Victor gripped onto his bicep and back, trying to keep him as close as possible, unable to not touch him.
"Didn't I disappoint you, though?" Zsasz asked, looking so unsure and like a kicked puppy.
"No, no of course not. Oh, baby, my sweet boy, never you. He was a stupid fake fucking fuck, 'kay? He didn't know you, didn't know to respect me and my assets. And now he's paid for it, hasn't he? Then you mispronounced some fucking words! Now what? He had no fucking reason to talk about you like that, especially not to me. Fuck, I wish we could kill him again, baby. The fucking audacity of this fucker!"
"But I embarrassed you."
"No, you haven't. The only embarrassment there was this fuck thinking he was being funny and saying something of value. Like I said, baby, you're so good for Daddy. Always."
He kissed him again, and again, and again. Then he finally got rid of his pants, underwear and shirt, before diving back in and devouring Victor's mouth with fervor. While he was doing that, he was blindly retrieving the lube from the bedside table and clicking it open, squirting some onto his fingers.
Roman shifted a little, so he could reach down and insert one lubed up finger into Victor's behind, making him moan into the kiss with it. He moved it in and out quickly, stretching him enough to insert a second finger, sicossoring them to stretch his rim for a third finger. It was a quick preparation, as Victor was used to it, but also really liked it when it burned, so they made sure to stretch him enough to not damage him or Roman, and then they were ready to go.
Sionis grabbed the lube once more and spread it on his hard cock, slicking it up thoroughly. Then he guided it into Victor's stretched hole, pressing in slowly but surely. When he was fully sheathed inside of him, they both moaned in unison into their still connected mouths.
Then Roman started thrusting inside of Victor, pulling out and shoving back in, in a quick, brutal rhythm that drove them both crazy.
"Such a good boy. Oh, baby, you're so good for me, look at you. Taking it so fucking well, hm? Ah, fuck! Yes, so tight even after I've been fucking you almost every day for the past decade, huh? Fuckfuckfuck, you're so good, such a wonderful little boy. Just for me, aren't you? You're only my good boy, aren't you? Say it!"
Victor's eyes rolled back, as Roman repeatedly hit his prostate, but he still tried to get out a sentence in-between desperate little moans, "Y-yes, ah, yes! Only yours. Your good boy. Ah, yours! Daddy!"
"Fuck, shit, Victor, ah, I'm gonna come. Oh, baby, I'm gonna fill you up so good, huh? Because my baby deserves the best, hm? Fuck!"
As his thrusts became increasingly erratic, Roman grabbed Victor's cock in his hand and jacked him off in quick movements and a tight grip, making him paint his own chest and stomach after just half a minute. Zsasz moaned loudly and completely unintelligible as he came.
Roman followed him soon after, pressing inside of his partner and staying there, filling him up with his warm, sticky come, moaning and groaning loudly and almost like a porn star.
After a few seconds, in which either of them caught their breaths, Roman pulled out and collapsed next to Victor, their legs tangled, their faces an inch apart and panting.
When they've come down from their orgasmic highs, Roman stroked over Victor's chest, smearing his come over it and rubbing it into his skin, smiling. The scars made it a unique and pleasant sensation to him.
"Don't let that fucker get to you, 'kay? You aren't embarrassing. I don't care that you butcher most words that come out of your mouth. It doesn't make you less of a good little boy for me, alright?"
"Okay, yeah. Thank you," Victor rasped, pressing a kiss to the other's lips.
It was all so fucking soft.
Under different circumstances, it would make Roman feel sick; but even he had a soft spot, which apparently only consisted of this human lapdog called Victor Zsasz. 
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groovyzombiellama · 5 years
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Title: Pregananant!
Requested? Yes.
Plot: You and MGK are dating afor a very short period of time, but you end up getting pregnant, so you have to decide what to do since you were not planning to have a kid so soon.
Word count: 1300
Some of your friends have even tried to talk you out of dating Colson, because of the way he is and the fact that he already has a child, but that didn't really mean anything to you because you knew that none of your friends have met him in person, thus they have no clue what he's really like. Machine Gun Kelly, the over the top rapper who parties too much for his own good and smokes weed all the time is probably very different from Colson Baker, because if he was constantly high or out partying, he'd probably never be able to see his daughter. You loved both sides of him, and when the two of you got together, you were on cloud nine. You and Casie became super close, that Colson loved to mention in his interviews that he has started feeling like a third wheel in your relationship. The two of you haven't been seeing each other for a long while, but you felt like your relationship was going places even though there were no official talks about the future and where you wanted things to be going. But that was until life forced one of those on you.
It took one broken condom and your period was late next month. You had no idea how it happened or that it did happen in the first place, until it hit you that you were late. One trip to the pharmacy later and you were staring at two parallel lines. This can't be happening so early in the relationship. You've been dating for only a few months, and now you're pregnant? You're not ready for that step yet, it could make the whole thing go bad or even end it. You had to make sure, so you booked an appointment with your doctor to confirm if it was really happening.
"In two weeks? I'm gonna go crazy in two days if I don't have this situation in the clear, let alone two weeks. How am I supposed to keep this away from Colson? Fine, fine, book it, I'll see you in two weeks."
You hung up the phone with the nurse, your hand trembling and sighed deeply. You suddenly jumped when you felt a pair of hands land on your shoulders. You knew instantly it was Colson, which made you feel even worse, because now you were panicking about how much he heard.
If he heard even only the part where you said you'd be going crazy he'd start being suspicious, let alone if he heard the part about having to hide this from him. He noticed your body tense up and a frown overtook his face as he slowly leaned over and asked you if you were okay. You couldn't outright ask how much he heard, or could you? You tried masking your true reason by telling him that you were preparing a surprise gift for him, so you wanted to know how much of your conversation he heard. A sigh of relief left your lips as he said he just got here so he heard zero of what you said, waking in to see you setting your phone down, and you could finally relax. To say that you were sitting on needles during the wait to go see your doctor would be an understatement. Colson really took a notice in your change, and he was at the point of starting to worry, because you started distancing yourself from him, afraid you'd spill the beans, or that he'd start asking about why you are much more quiet than you usually are, and knowing him, he wouldn't take you being tired or something along those lines.
If you think about it, you were really telling him a semi truth when you said that it's gonna be a surprise gift, but you had zero idea how he'd react. Finally the two weeks were up and you were sitting in the doctors office, waiting for the results of your blood test. Your leg was bouncing up and down, and your habit of biting your nails was at its finest. The doctor was looking over the results, using his index finger to adjust his glasses on his nose, before lifting his eyes towards yours, and with a smile on his face, he confirmed that you were indeed pregnant. You felt like the walls you built to secure yourself in the idea that you weren't pregnant right now, before even the one year mark of your relationship, crashing down, so it was time to construct new ones, which were supposed to convince you that Colson was gonna be happy about this. You wanted to have a baby, heck if it's with Colson, you'd love it even more, but the timing felt awful. But the more you thought about it, you were realising something.
If Colson didn't want the baby, you wouldn't want to get rid of it. You were perfectly fine raising it on your own. But it would be the best case scenario if both of you raised this child together. Coming back home, you slugged your way to the front door from the driveway, and as you unlocked the door, Casie's smile dropped at the sight of you. You must have looked terrified to be entering the house that had the two people who would be most affected by your news. She got up from her seat at the table, playing Scrabble with her dad, and walked up to you, eyes filled with worry. You loved how mature she was for a ten year old, and asked her if could let you talk to her dad alone for a moment. She nodded and walked upstairs to her room, so now it was Colson's turn to look at you worriedly. You didn't want to lose them, but you had some hope this could all turn out fine.
"What's wrong babe? You look like you've got some major news for me."
You have zero clue how right you are Colson. You didn't want to wait around, so you just sprung the news on him, including the disclaimer that you know this was not planned, but that he was indeed gonna be a dad again.
At first, Colson was speechless, pretty taken aback by what you said, since it is so unexpected, meaning your new walls were starting to crumble also. But suddenly, his lips curved into a smile, and he wrapped his arms around you. You asked him if he was angry, but his response made you smile too, as you hugged him back.
"Angry, why would I be angry? I know we didn't plan this, and I am a bit shocked, but I'm also very happy. We don't really have a clear view of what the future holds, but as of right now, I want to have this baby with you. I love you so much."
You say you love him too, as you feel tears well up in your eyes. Colson wipes them away with his thumb and smiles at you, before kissing the tip of your nose, making you giggle. You could tell how eager Casie was to hear the news by how fast she was running down the stairs. Her face lit up when she heard she was gonna be a big sister, and she was jumping up and down, pulling the two of you into a group hug. She was extremely happy and as time went on, the two of them cared so much about you and the baby, making sure you were both healthy and happy, and in return you and the baby did the same for them. You all couldn't wait for the little one to be born, so your tiny family could be complete.
Okay, I may have patted myself on the back for the title (and then laughed like a hysterical hiena) 😂😂
Hope you like it anon, let me know if you'd like to ❤️
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flying-elliska · 5 years
Hi, Ellie! I have a quite stupid question for you and you definitely don't need to answer if it makes you feel uncomfortable! But since you identify yourself as bi and you have been willing to answer lgbtq+ related questions in the past, I thought I will give it a try. So, I obviously know there are "bi" and "pan" sexualities but even though I know about it for years and I have been reading multiple explanations on diffirent websites I still haven't been able to understand the difference. (1/?)
I thought I got it when I read that bi people can fall in love with man or woman and pan people with man, woman, non-binary person or trans person. But then I read that it's not true and that bi people can also fall in love with for example trans man (because he is obviously a man) and I got lost again. (2/?)
And I really hate it and feel like a biggest idiot in the world but I really want to understand so I thought... would you be willing to try and give me an explanation? Maybe I will finally understand it it will come from you. (3/3) 
Hey anon, that’s alright ! It’s a confusing question and there is a lot of misinformation online. I think it’s better to ask questions (even if a bit misguided) than to remain confused. The first thing to note is that trans people are not a separate gender ; trans men are men like you said, and trans women are women, and any sexuality definition that puts them in a different case ends up being transphobic because of that. 
Beyond that though, I think it’s important to say that there isn’t a clearcut answer to this question because people will define their own labels in different ways. So anything that will try to compare the two labels in any definitive way will often end up being too reductive. 
However, one big thing to know is that, while some bi people will define their sexuality as being attracted to just ‘men and women’, a lot of bi people, along with most mainstream bi activist and advocacy groups and scholars, don’t define bisexuality in a binary way - popular definitions include ‘being attracted to more than one gender’ or ‘being attracted to genders that are similar and different to yours.’ (Possible genders : man, woman, non-binary, agender, bigender, etc...)
So anyone saying that bi is binary or that it stricly means ‘man and woman’ is going to ignore the history and self definition of a big part of the bi community, and therefore strikes me as very disrespectful when it comes from people who don’t ID as bi themselves. 
My own take on it - as someone who mostly identifies as bisexual but also feels some affinities for the pansexual label - is that bisexual is more of a broad, umbrella-type label, where you just say you are attracted to multiple genders in some unspecified way, whereas pansexual is more specific, meaning you are attracted to ALL genders. To me the advantage of the bisexual label is that it has a longer history of community and activism and visibility and reclaiming it helps reducing stereotypes ; whereas the pansexual label introduces the question of non binary genders in a more prevalent way. 
But you can’t put a clear, strict line between the two and trying to do so will probably upset people. I think it has a lot to do with connotations of a word, it’s a sensitive, personal thing. For instance some bisexual people will say that their attraction has no gender boundary. I personally don’t feel a difference of attraction between genders, and so when I started coming out into the LGBT community I’ve had people tell me ‘oh but really, you’re pansexual’ and that felt very annoying and dismissive and invalidating. As if those people knew my sexuality better than me, as if there was something defective with the bi label. So, one very important take away is : don’t presume to tell people what they should identify as. 
There is a lot of misinformation out there - I see a lot of people, especially on this website, trying to justify pansexuality by contrasting it to artificially reductive definitions of bisexuality, and that really annoys me. On the other hand, people saying that pansexuality doesn’t exist or is inherently biphobic is just as absurd to me. First of all - all words are made up, and the meaning of labels evolve constantly. Secondly, you can’t force people to adopt labels they don’t like, and yes that can include reasons you might find petty or unreasonable or shallow (honestly I’ve heard many people say they just picked the label they thought had the better flag lmao). I think it should be possible to introduce the nuance that while bisexuality as a label isn’t inherently binary, a lot of people will still hear ‘bi’ and think ‘two’ and therefore wanting a label that is more explicit about liking all genders is not superfluous. And I think labels have always been somewhat fluid in the LGBT community and that trying to impose too strict separations ignores the complexity of human experience and identity. It’s such a personal thing, and a shitty thing to get mocking or dismissive about, because finding a label that feels like it fits you and your specific sensibilities and history can bring such joy ! 
 I hope this will clarify the issue somewhat ^^ but never hesitate to ask questions as long as you’re coming from a place of respect and willingness to learn ^^ 
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cllynchauthor · 6 years
That post you made was a mess, just fyi. 1) I went through the thread you linked, and I found the authors reasonable and respectable. The playwriter's worked with people with disabilities for 10 years, and it's clear he cares about the issue. 2) The fact Lawrence is a puppy isn't automatically pejorative. That's how art works. I haven't seen the play, but it's probably a metaphor for the teen's lack of agency or something like that. Also writing something a certain way doesn't mean you -
“- approve of it. Have you even seen the play? 3) Please stop pretending anyone represents the autistic community and that you guys speak with one voice. It’s seriously dehumanizing to think a large and diverse group of people shares the same views. In that view there is an autistic man who loved the play - I guess his voice doesn’t count because he disagrees with you?”
I love this anon message because it contains pretty much every argument that people are using against the autistic folk protesting this play. 
Like, I’ve been watching #puppetgate unfold since day one, read the reviews, read the responses from @allinarowplay. You think I haven’t heard these points before?
I’ve read them so many times now in tweets and reviews that your message just looks like one of those ransom notes that are made from cut and pasted words out of the newspaper.
But since Tumblr is new to #puppetgate, SURE, let’s address them! 
First of all, my #puppetgate summary was a truthful, if flippant, tl;dr of the past two weeks’ worth of Twitter drama. 
I apologize if my brief humorous take on a complex and nuanced debate didn’t meet the standards of a random stranger on the internet. 
Let’s discuss it in more serious detail.
1) You can care about an issue and still handle it really poorly. No one doubts this playwright’s intentions. But, as you say, he was a CARER for 10 years. That doesn’t mean he understands how it feels to be autistic and in fact, ableism is built right into ABA and other therapies used by carers. 
So yeah, he cares. And he still made an ableist play.
Also, the thread you mention was BELOW the video I linked to wherein the puppet designer says, and I quote:
“Laurence is non-verbal, and the power that puppets have is that they explore movement and with a turn of their head or a small movement they give life and character that you wouldn’t achieve with a human actor.”
Which is why I snidely summarized their position as 
“ This puppet is going to be SO MUCH more like an autistic child than a human could ever be!”
Also, there is a brief shot of their script in that video at 2:19 and if you pause it and look at it you can see that the parents are joking about how their kid is like a puppy.
“Shits wherever he wants” is clearly visible.
This is the stuff the positive reviews consider funny, honest, and brave.
According to reviews, the child is present in the background throughout most of the play. Which means they talk like this IN FRONT OF HIM and this is never brought up as an issue/problem. 
In fact, non-autistic reviewers don’t even seem bothered by it, probably because they share the common misperception that non-verbal high needs autistic people don’t understand what is going on around them. So…. yeah. I don’t care how well meaning the playwright was. 
The playwright consulted the National Autistic Society and they told him they couldn’t support the play “due to its portrayal of autism, particularly the use of a puppet to depict the autistic character alone.”
But he didn’t change his mind about the puppet.
So again - sure, maybe he cares. But he also wasn’t willing to change his vision despite the warnings of the Autism organization that he was hoping would endorse his play. 
2) Of course a puppet isn’t inherently pejorative. For one thing, the autistic community is very positive about Julia, the autistic muppet on Sesame Street.
The outrage involves a lot more nuance than that. First of all, it’s the choice to make the puppet grey and ugly. This was obviously an artistic decision. The first version of the puppet has black hair too and no eyes, just dark sockets like a skull. 
Not exactly Julia.  
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And even with that, I was on the fence and willing to wait for the reviews to come out before I made a judgement. 
Like you, I thought perhaps it would be made clear in the play that his puppet-ness and greyness represented lack of agency. And maybe the designer was thinking that way. 
But if that is the case, it does not come across. 
In fact, the reviewers who enjoyed the play repeatedly dismiss the controversy by saying that the play “isn’t really about Laurence.” 
“The production is also about the situation, rather than about Laurence himself.“
“sadly the grey-faced puppet adds nothing to the production that a living actor – adult or child – could not have provided.”
I’ve read a LOT of reviews of this play by now. 
Reviews from mothers of autistic children who feel a kinship with the stressed, unhappy, dysfunctional parents. 
Reviews from people without a connection to autism who feel like they learned something. 
Reviews from autistic people and disabled allies who cringe at the ableism. 
None of them - NONE of them - allude to any kind of symbolism or thematic point running through the play which justifies or explains the puppet or its weird appearance.
And the reasons for the puppet given by the playwright, director, and playhouse make very little sense. 
In that promotional video I linked to they say that the puppet can communicate better than an actor could. I disagree. So does a non-verbal autistic mime who commented in the thread below. 
They also say that it allows them to avoid being offensive or stereotypical, which makes little sense because they still had a grown man grunting and flapping on stage, just with a puppet sprouting from his waist. 
They repeatedly argued that they couldn’t use an autistic child, as if acting wasn’t even a thing. They repeatedly argued that a human actor couldn’t do the sounds and movements, even though a human puppeteer was doing just that.
My favourite one was the review (linked above) that argued that “Laurence isn’t a character a person could play (neurotypical or not) as his autism is so particular and at times violent.”
...Has this guy never seen Titus Andronicus? 
A person can play ANYTHING.
On Broadway I have seen human actors play cats, lions, baboons, and witches. 
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On multiple occasions a fine-boned actress has been used to play Peter Pan. I’m pretty sure you could cast a small actor to play a pre-teen boy. Then the play wouldn’t have attracted so much negative attention.
As for “writing something a certain way doesn’t mean you approve of it.”
My fans can tell you that my main character spouts a fair amount of ableism. They’ll also tell you that this flaw is addressed openly and resolved as part of her character arc. 
They’ll ALSO also tell you that the “villains” of my story embrace ableist ideals. So yes, I wrote ableist stuff. But you can tell by the waythese things are framed how the writer wants you to feel about them.
No, I haven’t seen the play because I don’t live in the same country as it and it would take 12 hours to fly there. But I read what people write about it and I draw my own conclusions.
And the fact that ableist jokes are punchlines does not endear me to the playwright or the puppet. 
You say you haven’t read the play, and from the sounds of it you haven’t read many reviews either. 
If you think it’s wrong for me to criticize it after watching all of this unfold over days and days, and reading a dozen reviews by people who loved it and people who hated it, then how is it right for you to defend it?
3) Aw, look at that straw man lying on its side! You did a good job there.
Nowhere in my puppetgate summary do I claim that 100% of autistic people feel the same way.
I was summarizing what has been going down on Twitter over the past two weeks. I know because I was there. Don’t believe me? Actually spendsome time on the puppetgate hashtag and the actuallyautistic hashtag and see what people are saying.
And of course less than 100% of #actuallyautistic people feel the same, but I want to point out that at the time of this writing, my #puppetgate summary post has nearly 11K notes, all of them expressing disgust at the idea of this play.
Autistic people are disgusted. Autism allies are disgusted. Even people with no connection to autism can often see why this is effed up.
Yours was the only message I have received trying to defend the idea of a play featuring a messed up family arguing, discussing bukkake, calling their child a “puppy” using language which results in the play being rated as 16 plus... all in front of their eleven year old…
But what really bothers me is that somehow people come out of there identifying with the parents and thinking that it is “brave” and “honest.” 
They blame autism for what it has done to this family.
And the really sad thing is that your lonely messages in my inbox didn’t contain a single unique thought. I’ve been seeing those tired excuses and straw man arguments all over twitter for weeks.
They don’t stand up.
I’ve performed in theatre. I was willing to withhold judgement until more details about the play emerged. 
I was hoping they would say something brilliant and profound about what life is like for an eleven year old child with autism who is being sent away because his messed up family can’t stand it any more.
But facts are facts… they didn’t.
All they are doing is telling audience after audience that it is funny to insult your autistic child in his very presence and that autism wrecks marriages.
You can understand why a LOT of autistic people would be a bit sensitive about that kind of message.
It doesn’t have to be everyone. 
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iamvegorott · 5 years
Can I request some Trickshot? I feel like we haven't had enough whump where Marvin’s gets hurt or is in danger so I would very much want that lskdlsks Also can I get added to the tag list for Trickshot? (I really adore those two idiots, they're the best!)
Wanna help me and give me some support for more works?|Donate To My PayPal|
Angel With A Shotgun 
“Chase? Chase, I need to get up.” Marvin said to his sleeping…boyfriend? Were they boyfriends? They messed around and kissed and held hands but they never actually said the words. Did they have to? What made it official?
“No.” Chase groaned in protest, hugging Marvin tighter to his chest.
“Chase, I need to run some errands.” Marvin tried to wiggle away.
“Can wait.” Chase nuzzled his face into Marvin’s hair.
“I have appointments.” Marvin rolled himself so he was now sitting on top of Chase, managing to wake Chase up a bit since it’s hard to sleep with a mostly naked man sitting in your lap.
“You sure you can’t stay, just for a bit?” Chase placed a hand on one of Marvin’s plush thighs.
“I won’t be gone long.” Marvin picked the hand up and pressed a kiss to Chase’s knuckles. “Get some more sleep and I’ll be back before you know it.”
“How can I sleep without you?” Chase said with a little smile and Marvin leaned down to press their lips together for a second.
“You’ll figure it out.” He said before getting off of the bed.
Marvin dressed in one of the spare outfits he’s kept in Chase’s room and stepped out. He gave a quick wave to JJ, helped Robbie tie his shoes, told Henrik he was heading out, took a package from Jackie and stopped when he opened the door and was greeted by Anti. Anti was holding his shoes, his hair was a mess and the collar of his shirt was stretched out, showing that the dark marks on his neck went down all the way.
“I thought it was earlier.” Anti cleared his throat.
“I thought you two were fighting?” Marvin asked.
“It’s complicated now.”
“Do the others know?”
“Here.” Marvin snapped his fingers and Anti was magically cleaned up. “Put your shoes on, make sure Chase gets to sleep in and I’ll call us even.” Anti just nodded as his form of thanks and slipped past Marvin to get into the house. “What would they do without me?” Marvin chuckled to himself and headed out.
Going to the post office was easy enough, it was more boring than difficult but it was Marvin’s turn and he had to do it today in order for everything to get where it needed to on time. He needed to get Henrik and JJ into emails for most of this stuff. No one sends letters anymore.
Marvin went into a flower shop next, but he wasn’t looking for any roses or daises.
“How may I help you?” The woman behind the desk asked.
“I’m here for some eyes of newt and lizard tails,” Marvin said with a sly smirk and the woman only nodded her head.
“Right this way, sir.” She said and guided Marvin to the back area of the store, stepping through a doorway that could send a shiver down a normal man’s back but Marvin knew that feeling all too well to react. “Mr. Mason will be right with you.” The woman said and walked away before Marvin could thank her, another thing that he was used to, but he still felt the need to.
“I heard that our favorite kitty-cat is here?” A man giggled as he came in from a different room.
“I’ve told you not to call me that,” Marvin stated, his friendly aura dropping.
“I’ve told you I’d stop the day you quit wearing that mask of yours.”  Mr. Mason said, heading over to the desk and gesturing for Marvin to sit in the chair in front of it. Marvin shook his head in refusal.
“I’m just here for my ingredients, I have someone waiting for me,” Marvin said.
“Is it a special someone?” Mr. Mason asked with a hum.
“That doesn’t concern you. What should concern you is getting me my ingredients.”
“Well, there seems to be a problem with that.” Mr. Mason leaned back in his chair.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It’s about your payment.”
“My payment?” The hair on the back of Marvin’s neck went up, they weren’t alone anymore, he could feel it.
“It’s short.”
“Short? I pay the same amount every time for the same ingredients. I didn’t order anything special.” Marvin took a step back towards the door and felt himself hit something that wasn’t wooden.
“Those ingredients are starting to get a little harder to obtain. The competition is getting stronger while we’re the same. We need an upper hand on them.”
“Fine, take what I have, keep what I’ve ordered.” Marvin took out his wallet and took out what little cash he had, tossing it on the ground. “I’m leaving.” Marvin gritted his teeth when he felt hands grabbing him by the upper arms.
“About that.” Mr. Mason chuckled. “We’re getting an upper hand by having an actual witch in our company, someone who knows how to work what we’re getting. You are no amateur, you’re no hobbyist, you’re the real deal, cat.”
“I’m giving you one warning to let me go,” Marvin said, clenching his hands and lifting his lip into a snarl.
“Don’t make me get a spray bottle.” Mr. Mason laughed.
“I warned you.” Marvin’s eyes went green and soon did his arms. The man that had been holding him shouted out in pain and released him.
“He burned my hands!” The man cried. Marvin ducked away from the second man in the room and held both hands out, blasting the two with a wave of energy. He made it to the door and opened it, running back to the store’s front.
“Stop him!” Mr. Mason called out. Marvin looked over his shoulder to make sure he wasn’t being followed, not realizing it was a mistake until he felt something hot go through his leg, forcing him to scream and fall over in pain.
“Bad cat.” Marvin heard the desk worker say as he held his bleeding thigh. Marvin could only try to even his breathing, looking up and making eye contact with the barrel end of a shotgun. “Don’t move.” The woman ordered. Marvin shifted his glance up and bared his teeth while he slowly raised to his feet. “I’m warning you!” The woman shouted. “I will shoot again!”
“I dare you.” Marvin spat, eyes going wide in shock when the woman was tackled. “Chase!”
“I got it!” Chase grabbed the shotgun with both hands and yanked it out of the woman’s grasp, using the handle to hit her in the head, knocking her out.
“Chase, get out of here!” Marvin heard that more people were coming and didn’t have time to move before being grabbed once more, this time by both men.
“Let me guess, this is Mr. Special?” Mr. Mason teased.
“Let him go!” Chase demanded, aiming the shotgun at Mr. Mason.
“Do you even know how to use that, kid?” Mr. Mason scoffed, face dropping when Chase pumped the gun and stood his ground, eyes hardening. “Two can play at that game.” Mr. Mason pulled a pistol out from under his jacket and pressed the barrel to Marvin’s temple.
“Chase, run, please. It’ll be okay, I’ll be okay.” Marvin was shaking in pain, the hole in his leg aching as he tried to keep as much weight off of it as he could.
“I’m not leaving you,” Chase said, taking a step forward, Mr. Mason’s gun now moving so it was pointing at him.
“Watch it, kid.” Mr. Mason warned. “We just want the cat.”
“They’ll kill you,” Marvin said.
“I don’t care.” Chase took the sunglasses that were sitting on his hat and put them on. There was a short pause before Chase suddenly aimed up and shot out the light to the shop, sending glass to rain down on them. Chase rushed forward and bashed Mr. Mason’s head in the same way that he had done to the woman. He quickly fired the shotgun and got one of the men the leg and threw the weapon at the other man’s face. Chase slid on his knees, grabbing the pistol with one hand and catching Marvin with his other arm. The other man held his bleeding nose and cried out when his leg was shot. “Karma’s a bitch.”
“Chase?” Marvin kissed Chase on the check. “My hero.” He added with a chuckle.
“I just wanted to surprise you and take you out to lunch.” Chase weakly laughed. “But I think a trip to the hospital is more fitting.”
“Just get me home, I’ll be fine. I just need some sleep.” Marvin grunted in pain when Chase moved him so he was being held bridal style.
“I’m not letting my boyfriend bleed out,” Chase stated.
“Boyfriend?” Marvin couldn’t help the little smile forming on his lips.
“I mean, y-yeah.” Chase’s face flushed a little as sirens started to go off in the distance.
“We should go, there’s some…not so legal stuff happening in the back,” Marvin said.
“There’s some what?” Chase made some sounds of shock before grunting. “Damn it, Marv.” Chase cursed and rushed over to the side door. “You owe me an explanation when you’re better.” He said as he started to run, thankful that the Septiceye House was only a few blocks away.
Tag List: @succos-tacos @readeatfightlove13@burningpeachdelusionofchaos @sketchy-scribs-n-doods@blueyeswhitedragon16@estraevelyn@virge-of-death@superdltpurplerage@i-am-not-anon@pixelenchanter@sirkawaiipotato@little-frying-pan@irish-newzealand-idian-dutch
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