#i also sing ‘I got chills they’re multiplying’ whenever I get chills
rosicheeks · 2 years
Changed the background for you and that’s a great one! We could do that or light my candle!
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americancowgirl19 · 4 years
You’re the One that I Want
Summary: Dean steps out of his comfort zone to show Y/n that he truly wants to be with her.
Warnings: Fluffiness
Reader: Female Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Word Count: 1,078
A/n: This is based off the song ‘You’re the One that I Want’ from the movie Grease.
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“I don’t know much about them, maybe Cas knows,” Sam shrugs walking with you towards the library hoping to find some information on this new monster.
“Cas has been busy lately, we shouldn’t bother him unless we absolutely-” Your voice slowly dissipates as you both enter the library seeing Dean standing in the middle of the room. Sam comes to a stop beside you giving Dean an arched eyebrow.
“Dean, what are you doing?” I ask, slowly. The oldest Winchester is standing in a few feet in front of you in a black muscle shirt and tight black pants. He had aviation sunglasses on with his hair styled. 
“I’m showing you that I want to be with you,” Dean states. This time it’s you raising an eyebrow at him.
“And wearing tight black clothes is how you’re going to do it?” You ask. 
You and Dean have always flirted with each other but over the past few months, Dean’s been getting serious. It started when you almost died during a hunt. Had it not been for Cas, you would have croaked. The who situation startled all of you, especially Dean. Since then, Dean’s kept you closer and looked after you even more.
A couple of weeks after the incident, you noticed Dean starting to change. He didn’t flirt with girls nearly as often and he practically went cold turkey on picking chicks up. He turned his attention and efforts on you. It was flattering but you didn’t know what to think about it. 
Of course you liked Dean, you always have, but you two always had an understanding. In this life, you couldn’t afford getting romantic. Neither of you crossed the line for years but now Dean’s been trying too. You couldn’t tell if he seriously wanted a relationship or if this was another way to keep you close. All you could think about was that Dean didn’t really want this, he’s just acting like this because he’s scared about the fact that he almost lost you. You had convinced yourself that this was just some phase of his and he would go back to ‘normal’ soon.
“I think I look good,” Dean says taking a minute to model for you. You could help but to grin. You watched as his muscles flexed and the pants shift around his perfect ass. You wouldn’t deny it, Dean looked incredibly sexy.
“You look like a dork,” You tell him, trying to control the shit eating grin on your face. Dean smirks.
“You’re the dork,” He says pointing towards you. You cross your arms giving him an expectant look. He takes off his sunglasses and tosses them on the table. He looks down and sighs deeply. “I cannot believe I’m doing this,” He mutters. You share a look with Sam, who shrugs not knowing his brother’s plan. “I got chills, they’re multiplying...” He sings quietly.
You jaw instantly drops. For as long as you can remember, Grease has been one of your favorite movies. You watch it all the time, especially after a long and/or bad hunt. The brothers can’t remember how many times you’ve made them watch it with you. Of course, whenever you watch it you just have to sing. Sometimes you sing nicely and other times it’s completely obnoxious. Either way, you always have a good time and manage to lift spirits.
“And I’m losing control,” Dean says slowly lifting his head to meet your gaze. “Cause the power, you’re supplying,” His voice grows a little more confident. “It’s electrifying!” He shouts falling to his knees like John Travolta.
You cover your mouth to suppress your giggles. Even Sam is grinning widely as he moves off to the side but staying in the library. He wanted to watch his brother make a fool of himself to win your affections but also wanted to stay out of the way so that you two could have your moment.
You watch as Dean continues to kneel on the ground. He sits back on his ankles and looks at you with puppy dog eyes that could rival Sam’s. You’re heart is pounding in your chest and the blush on your cheeks is practically permanent by now. You sigh as you give in.
“You better shape up,” You sing. Dean’s face begins to lift. “Cause I need a man,” You walk towards Dean. “And my heart is set on you,” You hold your hand out to him. “You better shape up, you better understand,” He grabs your hand and stands back on his feet. “To my heart I must be true. Nothing left, nothing left for me to do,” You dramatically drop his hand and began to move around the library. Dean follows you with a love struck grin on his lips.
“You’re the one that I want, You are the one I want” You and Dean sing the course together. “Ho, ho, ho, honey. You’re the one that I want, You are the one I want. Ho, ho, ho the one that I need. Oh yes indeed!” Sam laughs loudly as you and Dean jump on the tables dancing and singing completely off key.
“If you’re filled with affection, you’re too shy to convey,” You sing as seductively yet playfully as you can. Dean smirks keeping his eyes glued on you. “Meditate in my direction, feel your way,” Dean dramatically jumps off of the table. He grabs your hips and lifts you off the table, spins you around before setting you back down.
“I better shape up, cause you need a man,” 
“I need a man who can keep me satisfied,” 
“I better shape up, if I’m gonna prove,”
“You better prove that my faith is justified,” You bellow placing your hand in Dean’s. He lifts them and spins you around. You laugh falling into his chest.
“Are you sure?” Dean sings but you can see the trepidation in his eyes.
“Yes I’m sure down deep inside,” You sing, grazing your fingers along his jaw line. “You’re the one that I want,” You whisper, staying against his chest. Dean grins widely. His hand wraps about the back of your head and pulls your lips to his. You grin and drape your arms around his neck. “You are the cheesiest, dorkiest, son of a bitch I know,” You whisper to him. Dean laughs a bit.
“The things I do for you,” He grumbles playfully. You laugh again and reconnect your lips to his.
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I'm back again (what a surprise lol), if you feel up to it would you mind writing hcs for Jean with the letters Q,T, Y & Z? If that's too much please feel free to take a letter or two off! Tysm 💖
Haha, no worries!! I could gush about Jeanne all day, I really loved writing these!! 💕💕💕 Under a cut because of length (we all know I’m a verbose thot 😂😂😂):
Fluffy ABC headcanons listed here for requests!
Q = Quality Time (how does he like to spend time with her?) 
Jeanne loves to do anything MC wants to do (within reason). Any amount of time with her anywhere fills him with bliss. (The heartbreaking alternative to this is that, while he understands they both have things to do that require them to be apart during the day, he misses her presence dearly.)
She wants to bake? He will sit there in the most embarrassing apron and chef hat known to man, and he won’t give a single fuck as long as MC is genuinely delighted and having a marvelous time. In a meadow overflowing with flowers? He’d enjoy the atmosphere alone, but the feeling is just multiplied a thousand-fold at the sight of MC weaving little flower crowns. She places one on his head and excitedly tries to show him how to make one himself, and he just smiles fondly. She wears the crown he makes no matter his lack of skill for the delicate task, and her insistence fills him with such unabating warmth. He struggles to do more mundane tasks and doesn’t really understand where all her energy comes from sometimes, but even so it brings him endless amounts of joy. Will escort her anywhere she wants to go without a single complaint; theater? You got it. Concert? Sure. Watching paint dry? Sick, time to get out the sword polish and chill. (It’s like Netflix and chill, only worse.)
The only places he will ever hesitate to bring her are places that are potentially dangerous; let’s say the black market, or the local casino, Vlad’s castle, etc. etc. He doesn’t like to expose her to unnecessary risks, but he also won’t stop her if she has a good reason/really wants to go. He’ll just glare at every potential threat and stick to her side like glue.
His personal favorite way to spend time though is in settings where they have quiet and privacy, where it’s just the two of them. Whether they’re in the gorgeous field full of lilies behind the mansion or cuddling in their bedroom, he is at his most comfortable and content wherever she is in his arms and they are left alone. (Let it be known that he doesn’t hate others, he just can’t help that he finds larger groups of people exhausting to keep up with--and he’s always on guard to ensure MC’s safety.)
T = Time (how long did it take them to get together?)
(I’m going to preface this by saying: I’m well aware that ikevamp speeds things up but I tend to see that as a narrative necessity; I think a lot of the men would work up to their romance more slowly, ideally.)
With Jeanne it’s a little funny because he develops affection/intrigue for people fast, so it’s fairly obvious when he starts crushing on MC. (I can’t stress enough, Sebas and Mozart are BOTH lenny face from like the first fucking day, it’s the funniest thing in the world. ANYWAY--). He’s similar to Leonardo in that way; there are certain qualities he inherently finds appealing, so he naturally gravitates to people that reflect them. However, a more abiding love--the desire to form a romantic bond with someone--takes more time for him. He and Sebastian share this quality (ISXJ amirite); they fall more and more deeply in love with the person they cherish as they form consistently pleasant memories in their proximity. More than anything, these two stoic characters need somebody that makes them feel safe, appreciated, and profoundly seen.
Her relentless desire to reach others in a positive way is the first thing that attracts Jeanne’s attention, but otherwise he is absolutely a slow burn when it comes to being committed to another person. He needs time to fall in love with all the little parts of his MC (all of which he finds endearing uwu), to develop trust and see that his MC can handle him, too. He knows he’s...a lot...so he can’t really be comfortably intimate without having the other person see the best and worst of him. If MC can face his past with sensitivity and earnest concern--without being overwhelmed--then he will well and truly be a goner for them. That’s the thing about Jeanne: he needs time to feel comfortable with his decision, but when he has decided he’s one of the most devoted lovers in existence. 
Given his necessity for security, he needs somebody who can see him at his most vulnerable without panicking and gently bring him back to himself--someone who doesn’t mind his wooden nature and difficulty expressing himself. I would say getting together would take at least a year and a half, at minimum. He needs somebody that, for all of his reticence and power, recognizes that he means absolutely no harm to anyone so long as they aren’t hurting him or anyone else. Under normal circumstances (rather than expedited ones), I imagine those difficult topics wouldn’t come up that quickly.
If we’re talking together as in hanky panky, I think it would take him a little while beyond that--but that would depend on his partner, too. If she needs time or doesn’t want it at all, he will wait any length of time or not engage at all. If she’s more desirous, he will engage faster and with more frequency. He likes being intimate and close to her, but would never insist on it if it made her unhappy. 
Y = Yes (how would he propose to her?)
When it comes to Jeanne, I think his proposal would be simple, direct, and entirely expected--but no less heartfelt and deeply romantic. He’s a man of few words, but whatever he lacks in eloquence he makes up for in charged brevity. He doesn’t much understand the social conventions/expectations tied to marriage in this era (and he does not listen to Comte either) so I imagine it comes to him naturally in the course of being with her.
It’s a few years into their relationship, and he’s smiling because she’s dazzling--whether it’s humming in the garden, or staring at the stars, or curled up close to his heart in his shared room; he just knows. Whether it’s a sin, or unconventional, or something he doesn’t deserve--none of those things are strong enough to deter him anymore. He wants to be the one that she turns to always when in need, wants to protect everything that she is--a sweet beacon in a world where he knows how easily that kind of brave light is snuffed out. Honestly more than anything, she just makes him feel like it’s okay to hope again, that it’s okay to want good things for himself and the future. He was a soldier once branded a traitor, but that isn’t who he has to be anymore. Now he has a choice; he’s free to move forward however he wishes. She taught him that.
Bright eyes turn to him, smooth skin glowing in the moonlight beside him. She’s beautiful; he doesn’t think any amount of time will ever be enough to fully appreciate the blessing of her existence. As if she could hear his thoughts, she encourages him to share. She was always like that, always so perceptive and patient, no matter how much he struggled to articulate something. He much preferred the sound of her voice over his any day. “Is something on your mind, love? Something good happen today?”
He was fully aware he had none of the wit or charm that other men possessed, and while he wished he could be that for her--it simply wasn’t within his capabilities. So he used the words he understood best, following his direct nature: “Will you marry me?”
Her eyes widen a little, but the surprise is muted; it was more a matter of time than anything else. Even so her eyes glisten, and before he can try to calm her (her tears dissolved all his good sense, sent his heart into chaos), her arms are tight around him. He can hear her heart racing, even faster than his own.
“Of course I will! Yes, Jeanne!”
He’d hoped she wouldn’t hate the idea but her excitement, the tenderness that lingers in the way she cradles him close, makes him smile against her shoulder. His arms tighten around her, and he renews his vow to be her sword--the one and only man to protect her until the end of their days. (Yes, Mozart later drags his ass to the jeweler’s to get a proper ring 😂😂😂)
Z = Zen (what makes him feel calm?)
There are very few things in this life that bring Jeanne peace, but I think the highest things on that list would be MC’s voice/presence in general and his little babie Cherie (bonus points if the two are playing together, he just melts Mon Dieu 😭💖💖💖 ). 
He’ll often ask MC to read to him, if she’s so inclined, when his literacy improves. He loves the soft sound of her voice, and he wants to keep improving on his ability to communicate with more clarity. It makes her so happy when he leaves her coherent notes and manages to convey his thoughts with greater accuracy, so it really motivates him to keep striving. He likes it even better when she gets really into a reading, doing silly voices or changing the dynamics of her voice to fit the piece’s mood. It makes him smile; so excitable and cute. Though alternatively, she could be reading the phone book for all he cares; it’s enough to soothe him right to sleep. Sometimes--and especially when he’s had bad nightmares, retraumatizations, or when he’s overstimulated--she’ll fit him gently in her lap and just talk until he falls asleep. She’ll sing, read, talk about things they’re looking forward to, talk about things she needs to do tomorrow, talk about silly shenanigans that happened in the mansion recently; anything that will bring him back to her and her love. It really works to center him, to situate him back in the present moment instead of rattling around in his own head.
It’s honestly much like the sea and the shore, though there may be tides--the water recedes and surges--she will always be there to meet him.
Cherie is his baby girl and such a sweet kitty that he can’t help but smile whenever she bounds over to him. A little ball of energy, he’s always getting her toys, toting her around, and petting her gently. Whenever Cherie and MC are together in front of him, his heart about explodes from the uwus of it all; they’re his most cherished ones, and he loves to see them get along. MC will usually be giggling and cooing at the pretty tiger, and Cherie soaks up the affection with obvious glee. Just watching them is enough to make his heart so light--he can’t think of anything else that makes him relax down to the marrow.
He will also find a lot of calm after lovemaking, which is something that surprises him--something he never expected. Jeanne has a hard time connecting with other people; not because he doesn’t care, but because emoting in conventional ways can be a challenge for him. He doesn’t have He Who Must Not Be Named’s charm, he doesn’t have Napoleon’s easy confidence, he doesn’t effuse Vincent’s natural warmth. He’s aware of how little he emits tangible humanity according to the perceptions of others. It leads to him feeling isolated everywhere he goes, even if people don’t particularly dislike him. Even so, his MC knows that for all his struggle to express himself, he possesses a deep, fiery wealth of emotion and passionate feeling. He cherishes her willingness be vulnerable alongside him; to embrace the good and the difficult parts of him in stride. He is left awestruck by the extent of her fervor and loving heart every single time, and in the aftermath he finds himself at such startling peace with his existence. No pain, no hollowing loneliness, no guilt, no intrusive thoughts--just her warm body against his, so trusting--as she sleeps. He’s grounded in the moment, he feels tethered to her, and he doesn’t know how to handle the full feeling in his chest, the way his heart feels too many sizes too big. He spends many nights adjusting to that feeling of fulfillment, reveling in this new boon--among the dozens she’s already given him. Will wonders never cease?
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blissicle · 4 years
I got chills, they’re multiplying Pt.1
(Plus a little bonus part)
Word count: a little under 1.7k words (bonus: 730 words)
Parings: Prinxiety, background moceit and intrulogical
Warnings: just one I think. Which is mentioned homophobia. But also cursing if you count “what the hell” as one. But let me know if there’s anything else
Note: hey! So this was inspired by @count-woe-laf ‘s idea of roman and Virgil working at a vintage cafe and just being gay with one another. I meant for it to be a quick little story, but I uh may have wrote a bit more than expected... also I wrote a bit of part 2, and figured I might as well include that too as a bonus. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this! It’s my first ever fic I’ve written, so it’s not perfect, but hopefully it will still be good. Enjoy!
“Alright I’m heading out” George declared while fiddling with the last button of his heavy coat, “make sure you close up the shop”
George strode over to the door, hand on the handle but paused looking back at the two, with a sudden looked fury, eyebrows burrow and mouth in a twisted frown with a cold stare that could kill, “and if I return finding a single object broken or a spec of grime on my establishment, I’ll kick ya out the door with no hesitation.” He spat.
And as quickly as it appeared, his frown turned into a sickly smile and George’s face instantly brightened, quite an unnatural and nerving quirk of his that roman has yet to get used to, “have a fantastic evening boys! And don’t take any wooden nickels!” George called back while pushing the door open, the wave of icy air flowing inside then quickly disappearing as the door closed shut from behind him.
Roman looked over to Virgil who shivered violently “Is that from the weather, or George?” roman asked amused as Virgil scrunched up his nose and grimaced “both”
Roman chuckled a bit at the response, as he himself felt the same edging nerves.
“He just gives me the creeps...” Virgil mumbled
“Hey at least he’s letting us host a movie night”
Virgil shrugged “yeah I guess” and stood up from leaning on the counter and walked over to the empty tables “come on help me stack up the chairs”
Roman nodded In response and look around the room with a pleasant smile. He always adored the look of the cafe, since it resembled the charming architecture of New Orleans quite a bit, but it looked even better when closing up for the day. The golden evening sun shone through the glass onto the light spring green of the walls, reflecting off of black and white photos and signed records scattered across the wall. it gave the accents made of dark wood framing the corners and ceilings a warm and tender graze too. He looked outside as the winter wind blew a few left over autum leaves into the streets as the occasional car came rushing by. roman sighed with a smile, feeling content with the calming atmosphere around him.
“Roman?” Virgil called back
Roman snapped back to reality “huh? oh right, sorry” And he promptly set to work, picking up a wooden chair from the near by table and setting it upside down on the table, as Virgil did the same across the room.
Despite his dislike for their boss, who in which Virgil often speculates to be a murder in hiding, Virgil actually enjoyed working at the vintage cafe. Well, the actual working part where he had to talk to customers wasn’t that particularly fun, but he enjoyed being there with roman. Roman always has infuriated him since day one, with roman singing any and every Disney song just to annoy Virgil (only for him to be humming it the very next day under his breath) ,or his insistence of being extremely extra any chance he got, he still somehow ended up being good friends with the insufferable good hearted idiot that is his coworker, not to mention have the same group of friends as him.
After the last chair was put up, Virgil sighed and walked over to said-idiot who was sitting at the counter. He looked up from his phone when Virgil sat down next to him. “So what movies did you bring to choose from?”
Roman perked up at this, “oh! hold on let me go get them!” He rushed to the back room and came out a moment later with a giant box filled with many many CD’s and set it on the counter, “before I left this morning I made sure to bring my fabulous collection of Disney movies, and a couple of other stuff” roman explained proudly,
Virgil looked at the box on the counter and then looked over to roman with a incredulous look on his face, eyebrows raised.
“What? I couldn’t possibly choose between any of my darling babies!” Virgil just rolled his eyes in response, trying to smother the fond smile peaking at his the corners of his mouth. After a brief moment, he looked back to roman who was smiling... at him for some reason. “...What?” Virgil asked smirking back at roman unable to hide his own smile anymore.
“It’s nothing I just...” roman doesn’t finish and seems to be spacing out again, a habit virgil has learned he does quite often, but he’s staring at virgil with a look of what he can only describe as admiration at the very least.
Roman’s jade green eyes are gleaming softly as he’s looking at him reminding virgil of candle light and the evening sun shines on his face making his small smile even brighter. Roman suddenly shakes his head dragging himself out of his thoughts, “Sorry, I- uh spaced out there for a second,” Roman cleared his throat, and started busying himself with taking the CD’s out of the box.
“It’s ok” Virgil responded and looked down at the floor. Then he glances back up a roman and He notices a single lonely strand of hair falling down on his forehead, out of place from the rest of roman’s bronze curls and waves on his head. Without thinking Virgil leans forward and raises his hand and starts playing with the loose strand, twirling it and wrapping his finger around it
“it’s kinda funny sometimes to see you space out anyways, you always have that stupidly cute smile on your face whenever you do,” Virgil mumbled under his breath still smirking, then glances down to roman’s flushed freckled face and-
The sudden sound of the door opening followed by the wave of icy air against Virgil’s now heated face caused him to draw his attention away from the moment and instead to the man in the doorway, who worked at the family-owned library across the street. “Oh h-hey specs!” The flustered expression on roman’s face had turned into an awkward smile, face still pink.
Virgil cleared his throat uncomfortably, “...didn’t you have something to do with the debate team today?” He asked
Logan, observing the odd tension between the two but saying nothing of it, took off his heavy coat and hanged it up on the coatrack. “it was cancelled do to Mr. Wells catching the flu, and Janus who was planning to take me to the meeting, apparently has a cold due to the weather”
Virgil snorted and rolled his eyes “yeah like he’s not just faking it”
“Perhaps, remus has mentioned to me accounts of the past where Janus had successfully faked an illness” Logan considered, “but I highly doubt he can convince Patton” Logan strode over to the box eyebrow raised, “Roman, did you bring your entire library of Disney movies?”
Virgil respond before roman opened his mouth “yep.” Behind him, he heard roman’s offended stuttering.
“They’re not all Disney! I have other movies than just that, like-“ roman looked down and searched through the box “see? Like princess bride! Among other things!”
Logan sighed and took the box and carefully dumped it on the counter and began shuffling through them. Once again, came the sound of door opening followed by the wave of icy air that made them all shiver slightly.
“Sorry I’m late you guys!” Patton stood in front of the door taking off his scarf and cap, “Janus seemed to have a cold and I couldn’t have possibly left him there like that until I made him cream of broccoli... though i didn’t have time to make sure he was sick, but he didn’t seem like he was faking it”
Virgil saw roman make a gagging face at the mention of ‘cream of broccoli’ and kicked him playfully under the counter to get him to stop before Patton saw. Roman pouted and mouthed a little ‘HEY’ and kicked Virgil back. Which Virgil ignored him as he said,” it’s fine Patton” then turned to kick roman again, which prompted a kicking war as they both attempted to kick and deflect the other.
Logan rolled his eyes at the nonsense and turned to Patton,” well conveniently, you came in just in time. we were just in the middle of selecting what movie to watch”
“Oh, great!” Patton cheerfully walked over to the movies displayed as Logan explained, “Roman predictably brought an abundance of Disney movies, but of course in case one of us disagrees, I’ve separated the non-Disney produced films into this group here” Patton nodded and looked over all the selections, wall-e... sleeping beauty... Harry Potter...
“Wait roman you have Greece?!” Patton gasped and picked up the CD.
“Huh?” Roman turned from Virgil mid-kick.
“Greece!” Patton held up the cd, “I didn’t know you watched it!”
Roman, with a look of confusion for a moment, suddenly made the connection,” oh! that must’ve gotten mixed up with my collection of movies I took with me when I moved out with my step-dad, I think that may be my mom’s. Sorry padre”
Patton gasped again, “what? You haven’t seen Greece?!”
“What’s ‘greece’?” Logan questioned
“Oh my goodness! Have none of you guys seen it?!”
Logan and Virgil shook their heads, “I mean I think I saw my mom watch it once or twice but I don’t have a good memory of it” Roman shrugged
“Ok, that’s it. We’re watching Greece. You guys have to watch it!” Patton announced, despite the unsure looks of the rest, “Don’t worry! It’s a really fun and cheesy! So we can make fun of it! That’s what me and my aunt used to do all the time when i was younger!”
Logan looked to roman and Virgil,” do we all agree on watching Greece then?”
Roman shrugged, “sure!” followed by Virgil nodding,” yeah I guess”
Patton brightened, “yay! And don’t worry, I’m sure guys will enjoy it!”
“Have a wonderful evening Ms.Garcia!” Roman called to the exiting woman, who said nothing while looking down at her phone, but then waved a few seconds later, eyes still strained to the screen and left.
“Rude.” Roman mumbled, followed by a small snort he heard coming from his stormy knight in black leather beside him.
“yeah at least you didn’t have to deal with her order,” virgil grumbled, “where were you anyways? I thought we’d agreed to handle that homophobic prick together,”
“I was cleaning the sink!” Roman argued
Virgil eyed him, “it doesn’t take that long to clean the sink,”
“Ok fine, so I may have took my time with it..”
“Princey, really?!”
“I’m sorry! Look, I-“ roman wanted to say anything but the stupid truth that what he was actually doing was texting Remus for help on how he could smoothly ask the dreaded emo out.
As suspected, his suggestions were either too difficult to pull off, or inappropriate for freshman in high school like themselves. ‘What did you do to get Logan to go out with you?’ He remembered asking, ‘uhhhh I think I just asked him to do something with me that peeked his interest, like the first time we dissected a bunny-‘ roman refused to read the rest of the message from there on. Something that peaked his interests...
“How about this... if I let you choose a movie for us to watch together like a movie night of sorts, will you forgive me?” Roman suggested.
“Please my chemically imbalanced romance???,” roman pleaded, hoping the reference will help win him over.
“Ugh ok fine. Next weekend, Friday night. Ok?”
Roman brightened, “its a date then.” Roman agreed proudly. Virgil raised his eyebrows, oh god-, “like, you know, a friend date... with friends. Well, if you want to invite the others” please say no, please say no-
“Yeah that would be fun, let me text the group chat to see if anyone can make it,”
“Ok Logan and Janus apperently have an after school thing... Remus said he was busy.... oh cool Patton said he could make it” GAUH- WHY?!
“Sounds great!” Roman forced a smile. Maybe it wouldnt be that bad.. right?
It’s bad. It’s so so bad. He’s screwed. After excusing himself from the group to head to the bathroom, roman was finally able to think back and comprehend those few moments previous to Logan’s entry. Roman quickly shut the door behind him and leaned against. He took a deep breath and slid down to the floor, with a dopey grin on his face. It all happened to fast, Roman couldn’t help but notice the small shy smile coming from him, god it was so adorable. Suddenly Virgil looked over and caught the look roman gave him. Usually, roman would have covered it up, made a quick excuse, and he was in the middle of already doing so. But that gosh darn golden evening sun poked out of the clouds at the worse time possible. And roman was unable to think of anymore thoughts other than how incredibly breathtaking Virgil looked. The sunshine on his hair made it look so soft and messy and unkempt, his bangs failing to hide the absolute treasure that is his eyes. His eyes reflected the light, showing the streaks around his iris light up like brash elegant lightning. But even without the dramatic lighting, Roman has to admit his smile was absolutely the cutest thing about him, wide and joyful and just so full of pure happiness, rare enough to where anyone who was able to witness it must’ve considered themselves the luckiest human being on earth. Till he snapped out of it. He apologised, trying to act busy with moving cd cases around, but before he could even began cursing himself, Virgil leaned in closer to roman, which in fact has been the closest he’s ever been to him. Roman turned his head towards him, and the image of Virgil’s stupid gorgeous smirking face inches away from his, dark eyes filled with lightning, looking slightly above roman’s line of sight WHILE TOYING WITH A LOOSE STRAND OF HIS HAIR, is stuck in his mind on loop forever and forever. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the memory, he was saying something, wasn’t he? What did he say??
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thedaughterofkings · 7 years
the one I want
Finished for Sterekweek ‘17 Days Four and Five: Mates and Lyrics&Quotes, though it was originally started for Solstice, the Sterek charity zine! Check it out, preorders start in November and you don’t want to miss that!
I ended up submitting another fic for the zine, so now you get to enjoy 2.1k of a soulmate AU with soulsongs!
We’re soaring, flying, there’s not a star in heaven that we can’t reach…
“If we’re trying, so we’re breaking free,” Derek sings under his breath while brushing his teeth and chokes on his toothpaste when Laura suddenly speaks up behind him:
“High School Musical? Really, little bro?”
“Shut up, Laura,” Derek croaks and slams the door in her face.
His soulmate is either a twelve year old girl or hates him. They’ve been singing nothing but High School Musical for days and Derek is going out of his mind. Sure, his mum gets misty eyed whenever he starts singing, talking about “soul songs” and how lucky he is to have a soulmate close enough to hear his heart song, but Derek has some serious doubts about this soulmate business if it makes him belt out Get’cha Head in the Game in the middle of the basketball court. How strong the urge is to sing along with your soulmate out loud supposedly depends on how close you are to them, but Derek couldn’t find anyone who looked like they were currently singing High School Musical in the crowd, so not even embarrassing himself in front of most of the school got him any closer to finding out who his soulmate is.
Derek wants to find them so he can wring their neck, not because he’s “secretly a romantic marshmallow at heart”, no matter what Laura says.
Until he can get his revenge in person, though, he’s going to put on some speed metal on the way to school and yell along in the car. If there’s any good in the world his soulmate will be taking the bus to school and be forced to screech along with him.
Derek never claimed to be a good person and he’s getting really fed up with High School Musical.
Hey, I just met you and this is crazy...
“But here’s my number, so call me maybe,” Derek says through clenched teeth and the barista laughs at him.
“I don’t go for jailbait, kid, but here’s your coffee and call me maybe in five years,” he says and Derek snatches his coffee and hurries out of the café with his face burning hotly.
This stupid song has been stuck in his head for weeks, thanks to everyone and their mother - including his soulmate - singing it. Mostly Derek has been able to ignore the urge to sing along - other than proximity, enthusiasm is the most important factor when it comes to soulsongs. If you just hum a song under your breath, your soulmate probably won’t even hear it. If you sing along to something on the radio and are separated by a couple of blocks, your soulmate is probably going to hear it and be filled with a slight urge to sing along, but that urge is nothing you can’t resist. But just as the urge gets stronger the closer two soulmates are, it also grows with the enthusiasm of the singer. So for Derek not being able to resist the push of the soulsong, his soulmate has to be either around the corner or belting out Carly Rae Jepsen as if his life depends on it.
Yes, his. Derek can’t know for sure until he meets him, but occasionally he can hear an actual voice singing their soulsong and he’s pretty sure it’s male. Laura’s romance novels - which Derek reads for research, really! - always read that as a sign for an especially strong connection, but Derek isn’t sure how reliable they really are. An awful lot of Lairds and Ladies discover that their soulmate has been the stable boy all along in those novels, and that just doesn’t seem statistically probable. But still, Derek’s soulmate is almost definitely male and quite probably near him singing Carly Rae Jepsen.
So Derek quickly looks around to make sure no one is near him and then starts singing himself:
“Shut up, just shut up, shut up!”
Singing a Black Eyed Peas song that will have him declare himself “crazayyyyy for tryin’ to be your ladyyyy” in just a few lines might not be the best choice, but Derek hopes that it’ll get his opinion on Carly Rae Jepsen’s telephone struggles across nevertheless.
Would you know my name, if I saw you in heaven. Will it be the same, if I saw you in heaven …
Derek bites his lip and looks around automatically, hoping to see someone singing Eric Clapton, but everyone seems to be deep in conversation with someone else. Out of the corner of his eye he thinks he sees one of Cora’s classmates leave the cafeteria, but he’s gone too quickly for Derek to check whether he might have been singing.
His soulmate had sounded so sad and while he’s mostly been a giant pain in Derek’s ass so far, he feels as though he has to do something to help. That’s hard to do without knowing what’s wrong, though, or even what’s wrong with whom, as he’s still no closer to finding out who his soulmate is. There’s no way to comfort his soulmate physically, but there’s one thing Derek can do:
“Don't give up 'Cause you have friends. Don't give up You're not beaten yet. Don't give up I know you can make it good.”
Took her bowling in the arcade We went strolling, drank lemonade...
Laura has declared the week ‘Grease week’ and it’s all they’ve been watching and listening to for three days and Derek doesn’t even mind. Summer Nights in particular has been stuck in his head and he’s singing it under his breath on his cooling down walk home after his daily run through the preserve. As he’s alone he’s doing both parts to the best of his ability, but when he sings the next lines, a different voice answers him.
“We made out under the dock-” Derek sings and the new voice continues:
“- we stayed out 'til ten o'clock. Summer fling, don't mean a thing, But ah, oh, those summer nights.”
Derek whirls around and sees a guy who looks vaguely familiar. He’s got messy brown hair, laughing light brown eyes, and dark moles scattered all over his pale skin. Derek is pretty sure he’s one of Cora’s classmates. He thinks he knows him actually - it’s Sheriff Stilinski’s son, if Derek is not mistaken, Stiles.
“Dude, Grease!” Stiles says, grinning widely, and Derek automatically retorts: “Don’t call me ‘Dude’.”
“What should I call you then?” Stiles asks, unperturbed, and Derek suddenly develops a coughing fit because - was that flirting? It’s not unheard of - they are not the Victorians after all, obsessed with keeping all contact between anyone but mates or family to a very decorous minimum. There’s no guarantee to hear your soulsong and find your soulmate, so of course people flirt, hoping to find a partner nevertheless. But Derek has been hearing his soulsong for most of his life, and it just hadn’t felt right to go look for anyone but his soulmate. So he’d just awkwardly glowered whenever someone had tried to approach him and eventually people stopped trying. But that means his first hand knowledge of flirting comes from Laura’s romance novels and again, Lairds and Ladies are not the most realistic example to model your experiences on. So Derek just offers his names slightly hesitantly:
“Derek? I mean, I’m Derek, Derek Hale.”
“Oh, you are Cora’s brother!” Stiles exclaims and sticks his hand out for a fist bump that Derek returns, increasingly bewildered. “I’m Stiles, Stiles Stilinski, and we should totally sing Grease together!”
Derek manages to hold back the automatic “I know” in reaction to Stiles offering his name, but instead he blurts: “We should?” which really isn’t much smoother.
“Yes, we should!” Stiles insist and starts: “Summer lovin’ had me a blast-”
He looks at Derek expectantly and Derek just can’t resist those puppy dog eyes (and the insistent voice in the back of his head saying how familiar Stiles’ voice sounds despite Derek never having heard it before): “Summer lovin’, happened so fast-”
Stiles cheers and continues with a wink: “I met a boy crazy for me-”
Derek can feel his cheeks growing hot and his voice is slightly hoarse on the next line: “I met a boy, cute as can be-”
This time it’s Stiles’ turn to blush and duck his head and Derek’s voice comes steadier again as they join up on the next lines:
Summer days driftin' away, To uh - oh those summer nights…
I'm walking on sunshine (Wow!) And don't it feel good!
“So happy, dear bro?” Laura sticks her head into Derek’s room with a grin and laughs when Derek falls off his bed. He’d been jumping around and singing along with his soulmate until Laura interrupted him and not even lying on his back like a turtle can wipe the grin off his face. His soulmate has been happy, happier than happy, singing joyful songs in a voice that is feeling more familiar every day.
Derek has been spending more time with Stiles lately, Stiles joining him on his daily runs regularly, but also seeking out Derek in school for lunch or in between classes. He is always singing, an eclectic mix of Disney songs and eighties power ballads and whatever's top of the charts right now. Derek mostly rolls his eyes at Stiles’ antics (it comes without saying that Stiles’ renditions always have to include a full blown choreography), but sometimes he retaliates with musical theatre, symphonic metal, and on one very memorable occasion with a perfect rendition of the fresh Prince of Bel Air.
That night his soulsong is full of kings and princes and thrones and “chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool” and Derek just knows who his soulmate is, but at the same time he doesn’t know. Not for sure. It might all still be a remarkable coincidence. Not very likely, but possible and Derek can’t take the chance. So he’s going to - as Laura likes to tell him - put on his big boy pants and sing his soulsong and hope it’ll be answered. Tomorrow. Tonight he’s going to sing happy songs in his room and hope his soulmate hears them, too.
Because I’m happy …
I got chills they're multiplying And I'm losing control 'Cause the power you're supplying It's electrifying…
Derek is in the forest, waiting for Stiles, and singing his soulsong. There’s a difference between simply singing and singing your soulsong. The latter depends on intent and belief and hope. The intent to promise yourself to another, the belief that you’ve found them, and the hope that they feel the same. Singing your soulsong gives your soulmate a choice: to accept or to reject - but ignoring it is not an option. So Derek hopes to hear his soulsong returned - by Stiles of course.
“You better shape up, 'cause I need a man And my heart is set on you You better shape up, you better understand To my heart I must be true-”
Stiles does not just sing the next lines - Stiles does all the jumps and twirls and shimmies Sandy does and even a cops a feel. There’s a pronounced blush on his cheeks, but it seems to have been caused by delight rather than anger, and Derek feels the ball of icy anxiety in his belly melt. His soulmate is Stiles, that much is clear, the only thing that remains in question is what Stiles’ answer is going to be. But Derek has a hunch what it might be:
“Nothing left, nothing left for me to do-”
Stiles winks and sings one last line:
“You're the one that I want!”
Then he throws himself at Derek in an exuberant hug that sends them both to the forest floor. The impact knocks the breath out of Derek but Stiles’ face close to his, bright with joy and framed by leaves caught in his hair, more than makes up for it. Stiles settles in more comfortably on top of Derek and grins down at him. Derek swallows and asks, still slightly breathless:
“Is that your answer?”
Stiles smirks and whispers:
“You are the one I want, Derek Hale.”
And then he ducks his head down for a kiss that first knocks their teeth together painfully, but gentles when Derek curves one hand around the back of Stiles’ head and slightly tugs until their mouths fit together perfectly. Stiles sinks more heavily into Derek’s embrace and Derek wraps his other arm around Stiles’ waist securely and loses himself in the kiss.
In his head, their soulsong continues:
Oo-oo-oo, honey The one that I want You are the one I want
[my other Sterekweek 2017 fics]
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