#background moceit
anxiouslyfred · 2 years
Connections - Logicality
Summary: A world of various soulmate connections forming at different ages, The sides need to navigate each having multiple types of soulmate connections and finding each other. Shared soulmates make finding each other a bit easier, especially when Logan can copy Janus's methods to try and find the soulmate he writes letters to. 
Part of an ongoing daily DRLAMP series with each part focusing on one pairing
Logan was learning, not stealing ideas, just learning from his soulmates methods of finding each other.
Honestly with this specific soulmate he'd been learning almost immediately after he got his first reply. She had corrected him over the importance of being himself and not needing to fit into some questionnaire format for other people to understand him by.
Nowadays he was a little embarrassed to remember that his first letter sent was essentially a dating site profile, barely even looking like a letter to anyone. His soulmate had sent it back to him covered in question marks for his first reply.
That letter was still at the front of the folder he kept their correspondence in though.
Dear Soulmate Hi Honey
??? Name: I'm not allowed to provide this. Perhaps you may call me Scientist since that is a passion of mine
Age: 15 as this process dictates I must be to know of our connection Did you base this off an online dating profile?
Location: I live in a 2 story family home with a pond in the garden.?? That sounds like a lovely home. What are your siblings like?
Turn Ons: I do not understand this section. Does it mean my interests? It could do to be clearer. My interests are in astronomy and chemistry primarily but beyond that I desire to learn everything I can about the world we live in. Honey, it means what gets you excited according to my parents. If your passionate about science then I guess that would class as a turn on.
Turn Offs: Another section I do not understand. As humans the only way for us to be turned off, as it were, would be in death. For machinery and electronics perhaps there are other ways to turn them off but for every living thing we are only truly off in death. I asked my mum to explain turn-offs too and she says they're things that stop you wanting to be around someone. It could be small things, pet peeves, like how someone constantly taps things, or larger like hating the political views people hold.
Perfect Date: The ideal time of year for me is usually as Autumn truly sets in cooling the fervour of summer. I suppose to give that a more specific date would be early to mid October. I love sweater weather too.
Dear soulmate,
This was interesting to read but you don't need to fill out a form to tell me about yourself. We're just talking you know, even if that's talking through letters. Are you okay with me calling you Honey? My family is big on pet names and that one just seems to fit you.
What are your siblings like? I've always wished I could have younger siblings to look after, but I often get to babysit for my cousins and our neighbours anyway. Kids have the biggest imaginations you know, and don't care about staying in the lines when colouring either.
Love Popsie (that's my cousins nickname for me)
Of course the letter was old now, and the folder it was kept in had changed a few times to have space for all their letters to be kept together, but Logan still re-read them often enough.
What was hanging on his mind more than that first letter though was that Janus had managed to find Virgil through him, and both of them mentioning how they met each other to them. He wondered if there could be a way to meet his letter connection by doing the same; If by some miracle, Janus or Roman already knew her.
They had both already told him of the one they knew that he hadn't managed to meet yet, Patton, and the connections shared with him. It even seemed plausible since both his letter soulmate and Patton used she/he pronouns and happily asked people to swap between them regularly. The only thing he needed to know now was if she truly was his soulmate.
Dear Soulmate,
I hesitate to write this, since I know we agreed not to push the limits of what we can share in an attempt to meet up before life gives us that chance, but curiosity makes me ask.
As I've mentioned before in letters I currently know 3 of my soulmates, with only yourself and my item swap soulmate left to meet. What I did not wish to share as the story wasn't mine to tell, is that 2 of my soulmates also know another of their own who uses pronouns the same way you do.
The first I met, whom I had a timer counting down to when we'd meet, met this other a few months after we first met. They had soulmate creatures, themself a frog and their soulmate a serpent and encountered each other at the city zoo.
My ribbon soulmate informs me that the other they've met was the cause they believed the ribbon that connected us was black for the longest time. He described a rather fantastical scene of colours coming back to him mid-performance and interrupting the entire show. I suspect he's embellished some since surely the theatrical company he was performing with would not be so happy to give him roles again if that was the case.
If either of these situations sound at all familiar to you, please can you meet me in the astronomy exhibit that's currently visiting the town museum? I'll be visiting everyday after work for this week.
Yours Hopefully
Patton read the letter and froze, knowing that his scientist had just described how he met Janus and how Roman felt things happened when they met. There was no way she wasn't going to the museum that week, and it did have the exhibit mentioned showing on the website for it.
He was going to meet his third soulmate deliberately, and knowing that it was going to happen. It sounded like a lie, as if they'd managed to break some unspoken rule, even if they were just letting their soulmate connections help each other. Then again she was too nervous to ask either of her soulmates about Logan directly. Once they met, he could get to know Logan more in person, although he already knew him fairly well from all the letter's they'd written over the years. Perhaps he should take a few, just to confirm again that they're meant to be.
It's the first and latest that end up in her bag come Monday evening when she's entering the museum, following the arrows around for the exhibit. Her soulmate had mentioned preferring to look and dress smart, so she was looking around for someone in a suit, or at least a shirt and tie. If Roman had thought the ribbon connecting him to Logan was black that meant he was likely wearing blue as well, so there were definitely clues to help Patton locate him.
There was a man stood tracing the constellations with his fingers on one of the displays who was dressed how Patton thought his penpal would be. He hesitated to interrupt, but went over to stand next to him, glancing over occasionally and pulling the pages from his bag. “Excuse me, Kiddo. Can I just ask if you were the one to write these letters to me?” He asks when he realises the man glancing over at him.
“I am, although I would prefer not to see a copy of that one ever again. It was quite mortifying for you to return it questioning my methods of introduction. Are you Patton?” Logan turned to her, flushing slightly as he recognised the profile of his first letter.
“Are you Logan?” She replied, nodding to answer his question. “And it was cute. Don't be embarrassed. I doubt anyone had such a unique first letter.”
Logan paused before nodding back, “That is a much kinder view of it than I've allowed myself and yes, I am Logan. How useful it is for us to share soulmates in Janus and Roman.”
“Best thing to share ever!” Patton agreed, almost cheering the words but trying not to since they were in a museum and shouldn't disturb the other visitors.
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naminethewriter · 2 years
Brothers and Secrets Masterpost
Welcome to my story for @ts-storytime this year! This is a story about brothers and keeping secrets, unsurprisingly. There will be comedy, a bit of drama, many mysteries and a few confrontations. The main focus is on the twins with Intrulogical, Queerplatonic Moceit, background Remile and hints of Prinxiety. I hope you enjoy 🥰
Summary: Remus set out on his backpacking trip across Europe with a route in mind but no set time frame. So when he suddenly calls Roman as he's about to go to bed and demands to be picked up from the airport, Roman is rightfully caught off guard. As it turns out, Remus has experienced more in those two years than his brother had thought, not only getting himself a boyfriend but also a house to live in with said boyfriend.
There are many things Roman finds suspicious about this new set of circumstances and as time goes on, the mysteries pile on. Remus is hiding something, but what? And how will his secrets impact not only Roman's life but that of their friends Patton and Janus as well?
Story on Ao3
Chapter One: Coming Home 
Chapter Two: Tales of Europe
Chapter Three: The Mansion in the Woods
Chapter Four: More Mysteries
Chapter Five: An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter Six: Explanations
Beta read by @8beez
Thank you so much for working with me, this was a whole lot of fun 🥰
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ace-ace-in-yo-face · 10 months
Tumblr media
Hello!!! I did a moceit collab with s good friend of mine (@lost_fanders on Instagram). I did the sketch and lineart and he did the coloring and the background! Hope y'all like it!
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stardustsides · 1 year
and if i were to write a multichapter moceit fic in which the sides are all on vacation together and patton and janus broke up months ago but didn’t have the hearts to tell the others so they have to pretend that they’re still together for the entirety of the trip (with background prinxiety in which virgil is crushing HARD on roman). what then
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i-am-bitterly-jittery · 3 months
Word count: 1851
Rating: Teen
Pairings: Moxieceit (Patton/Virgil/Janus), Moceit
Warnings: background violence and murder, religious imagery (written by a very non religious person who’s certain that there’s better words she could have been using but she doesn’t know them and trying to google them just gets her unhelpful Bible study websites), the inherent gay hornyness that comes from the religious imagery
When the invaders came, Virgil watched from the temple steps with the rest of the priestesses. The temple of Truth and Lies sat atop a hill overlooking the city and the sea beyond; they had seen the invaders’ ships even as the watchmen sent up the alarm. 
The priestesses watched, uncaring, as the city’s ships sank under the assault of the invaders’. They watched, unmoving, as the invaders reached the ports and descended upon the city. They watched, unaffected, as the city began to burn — their duties were to their Gods, not to the city from which some of them had been nursed. Even as citizens fled the city on foot, the priestesses of Truth and Lies watched steadfast from the temple steps. Some citizens begged to shelter in the temple, but only those who bore tokens of the temple’s Gods were permitted. 
Not until the Grand Temple of The Twins in the center of the city began to smoke did the priestesses stir. In the past, invaders to the city had left the temples untouched, fearing the retaliation of the Gods, but these invaders… they were barbarians. The temple would not keep the priestesses safe. 
Some of the priestess fled, forsaking their Gods and deciding their chances would be better as blasphemers out in the wilderness. The remaining priestesses, Virgil included, retreated into the temple and shut the stone doors. 
Inside the temple, patrons and priestesses alike rushed about in panic. Some tried to arm themselves with the ceremonial armament that normally hung from the wall as tributes from the city’s greatest warriors, some prayed at the feet of the two twenty-foot stone statues of the Gods for their delivery from peril, and some drank the sacrificial wine, fermented in the temple from the finest grapes grown in the valley beyond the temple for the Gods to enjoy as they may, hoping to be so senseless by the time death came for them that they would be none the wiser at the end. Virgil watched the blasphemy impassionately. 
Unlike most of his fellow priestesses, Virgil had been brought to the temple as a babe, he had been tribute to his Gods, and he was raised on nothing but Them. He did not try to arm himself, nor did he beg for his life or defile his Gods’ tribute, instead, he wandered deeper into the temple. He ignored the sounds of running feet and the fearful yelling and came to a halt only once he had reached the mosaic tile fresco of The Snake and The Frog, there he fell on his knees and prayed. The fresco was not generally considered to be a formal prayer site, but it was where Virgil had always felt closest to his Gods. 
He did not pray for his life, for his life was worth nothing if it was not spent in worship of his Gods. He did not pray for the city, for the city was worth nothing whether it was populated by his people or by the invaders’. He did not pray for his fellow priestesses, for they had already disrespected their Gods. 
No, Virgil prayed for the temple. He prayed that no invader would defile what belonged to his Gods, that the temple would stand no matter how much fire the invaders brought with them, that the temple would stand long after the invaders perished, whether by war or old age. 
And as the invaders reached the temple’s stone doors and began to beat on them, he continued to pray. He prayed that his Gods would always have tribute and that their cult would go on long after Virgil and the priestesses were cut down. 
As the stone doors gave and the screaming began, Virgil prayed that the beauty of the temple not be diminished as it was decorated with the blood of the slain. 
Screams and footsteps echoed around Virgil, but he did not move from his supplication. He was afraid of the invaders and he was afraid of dying, but more than that, he was afraid of abandoning his Gods. He remained, unmoving before the fresco, quiet prayers falling from his lips. 
“Well, well, well. What have we here?” 
Virgil could not stop his flinch of fear as a dark voice croaked with glee behind him, but he continued his prayers. 
“Beg your false gods for their mercy,” the invader laughed, seizing Virgil by the hair with one hand and bringing his knife to his throat with the other. “They cannot save you.”
Virgil squeezed his eyes shut and added one last prayer that his blood would only add to the fresco’s beauty, if his Gods allowed it to sully Their imagery at all. 
The screams in the temple behind him seemed to change pitch as he waited for his executioner to strike. But no strike came. 
The invader’s laughter was cut off with a strangled gasp as the knife fell to the ground near Virgil’s knees with a clatter. Then the hand untwisted from Virgil’s hair, and a body fell to the ground with a heavy thump!
Virgil’s eyes snapped open as a cool, gloved hand cupped his cheek. Before him, clad in black and yellow vestments, stood a man– no, not a man. A God. His God, to whom his life was but a humble tribute. 
His God — Janus, God of lies, secrets, and selfishness — stood before him in the guise of a half-man, half-snake. The human half of His face was all sharp angles and smooth skin as though cut from the same stone as His statue in the temple’s gallery, and the snake half of His face was decorated with a mosaic of yellow and green scales that put the fresco behind Him to shame. His human eye was brown as the bark of the trees in the forest, as the jasper inset in the temple walls, as the dirt from which all life grew, His snake eye was as yellow as the sun and almost seemed twice as bright. 
A smile graced His lips as He swiped His thumb gently against Virgil’s cheekbone. 
“As stunning as your blood would look decorating Our temple,” He said in a smooth voice that was almost as mesmerizing as His eyes and was sparked with humor and affection, the source of which Virgil could not fathom. “It would not be worth even half as much as it is coursing through your lovely veins.”
Virgil blinked dumbly, awed and confused by the emergence of his God. 
The God smiled a little wider and reached for Virgil’s hands, still clasped together in prayer, with His free hand. He pulled Virgil to his feet before snaking His arm around Virgil’s waist and pulling him against the God’s stone-like body, trapping his clasped hand between them. 
“Look at you, precious,” the God cooed reverently. “So devote, even when Death has you in Her grasp.”
A scream started just down the passageway before being cut off suddenly. Unable to help himself, Virgil tried to turn to look, but his God’s hand held fast upon his cheek. 
The God’s smile lost some of its humor but none of its affection. “Now, now, precious, Patton will be done soon and then you won’t need to worry any longer.”
None of this made any sense to Virgil, he was but a speck of dust to his Gods, something to be washed away when he became too much of a nuisance, not something to be held close and called precious. 
Janus continued to smile affectionately at Virgil and pet his cheek gently as the screams and cries died down until the temple finally sat silent once more but for Virgil’s quiet breathing. 
“I hope you’re not planning on keeping him all to yourself, love,” another voice, this one light and musical, broke the silence from close behind Virgil.
Janus held Virgil’s face fast, but allowed His own eyes to lift to view the newcomer with the same affection He had been sending Virgil’s way. 
“Of course not, darling,” He answered, rubbing His hand up and down Virgil’s spine possessively. “He is Ours after all.”
Another body, softer and warmer than Janus’s pressed into Virgil’s back. “Our most devoted priestess,” the voice cooed affectionately. “Safe in his salvation.”
“I-I didn’t ask for salvation,” Virgil stuttered quietly, afraid to contradict his Gods, but even more afraid to let them misunderstand his prayers. 
“Of course you did!” Patton — God of truth, morality, and selflessness — exclaimed, turning Virgil around in Janus’s grip. Janus allowed His hand to drop from Virgil’s face, but His other hand stayed firm around his waist, resting on Virgil’s stomach as Virgil faced His Husband. “You asked that no invader defile what was Ours.”
Patton had chosen to dress Himself in full human form and blue vestments, though His height might be pushing what man could reach on their own. He chose softer lines and a fuller form than His Husband had; His eyes sparkled blue as the ocean as it melts into sky, and were twice as deep as either. His gaze, trained firmly on Virgil despite the fact that at his back was His Husband, was full of a naked affection that made Virgil’s knees weak — not that it mattered, the way Janus held him firmly. 
“You are Ours, aren’t you?” The God asked, though He clearly already knew the answer. 
“Yes,” Virgil answered. Though the appearance of his Gods confused him, of this he was certain: he was Theirs, however They wanted him. 
Patton smiled and cupped Virgil’s face in both of His large, soft hands. “Then as long as Our cult goes on, no harm shall befall you, and as long as you are Ours, Our cult shall go on.”
“I am always Yours,” Virgil swore. “My life will always be spent in devotion to Your divinity.”
Patton’s smile grew wider, and he leaned down to kiss Virgil on the forehead. 
“Our divinity now, precious,” Janus corrected him gently, though Virgil did not understand what difference there was. 
“Our divinity,” Patton agreed, leaning over Virgil to kiss His Husband. “Yours, Mine, and Our most devoted priestess’s.”
Then He leaned down once more, but instead of kissing Virgil on the forehead, He claimed his lips instead. For just the briefest moment, Virgil worried about what His Husband would do, but Janus gently thumbed at Virgil’s stomach and rested His free hand on Patton’s hip, pulling His Husband even closer, and pressing Virgil more firmly between Them. 
Only when Patton slipped one hand from Virgil’s face and used it to hold to His Husband did Virgil allow himself to sink into the kiss, to allow himself to become lost in this new form of prayer to his Gods. 
And when Janus grew impatient and turned him to face Him once more, Virgil prayed to Him as well. 
In the temple of Truth and Lies, which no power could reduce to rubble be it man or beast or time, lived a priestess who prayed to his Gods with his every breath in every way he knew how. 
It took me a real long time to find the word “vestments” cuz I wanted the word “vestiges” which is not the same, though you can have vestiges of vestments
I’ve been meaning to write this fic for a while and last night I just went feral and didn’t sleep
General taglist
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @arsonic-knight @misunderstood-shadowling
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brandstifter-sys · 11 months
Hiding Eyes
For @dukexietyweek Day 7: Soulmate            (Ao3) (login required)
Word Count:2797
Rating: T
Characters: Remus, fem Patton, fem Janus, Virgil
Warnings: mtf Virgil, genderbend, background moceit, sex mention, alcohol
In a world where you have one of your soulmate's eyes and can see what they're seeing if you cover your borrowed eye, it should be easy to find your soulmate. Unless you can't see anything when you try and get a look. Remus, a movie star, is unfortunate that he can't see anything. He's ready to give up hope until a chance meeting at his oldest friend's drag show.
Sometimes it was hard to look for a soulmate even though they had one of your eyes. If they covered the borrowed eye they could see what you were looking at. For Remus, it was a lot harder to tell. 
He was happy to be finished with his latest movie and wanted to either sleep or get smashed. At least this one wasn't some trashy romcom where he'd have to play straight. It was a trashy macabre romcom where he had to play bi, Cthulhu in Love , and he was the lead! He was just glad that he didn't have to sit in makeup for hours to get his face tentacles done that day and instead just put on a fake beard to match his mustache. And he had the next day off!
Remus carefully removed the color contact from his right eye and closed his eyes. All he could see was darkness but it was nice, sometimes the light was too much. He sighed, not bothering to just cover his right eye to catch a glimpse of his soulmate's world. He never saw anything. Sometimes he wondered if he even had a soulmate. 
He wouldn't be surprised if he didn't, he was aro and he didn't really want to enter some one-sided romance if he could help it. But it would be nice to at least see who got stuck with him. He knew he was a lot to handle. 
"Hey, Remus?" someone called to him from the other side of the door. Remus got up with a grunt and opened it to reveal his costar, Pat, and she looked worn out. 
"What's up Patty-cake?" he asked and leaned against the door frame. 
"Sorry if I'm bothering you, I just thought you might want to get some dinner and see Janice's performance tonight," Pat said and played with her hoodie strings. Remus couldn't really say no, he wanted to see his childhood bestie's drag performance even if she spent the rest of the night with her soulmate. 
"Give me five minutes to get dressed and then we can party!" he grinned, "If you want to watch me strip you can come in!" Pat shook her head and smiled sweetly. 
"I'm spoken for. I'll be here when you're ready!" 
"One of us has to be," Remus shrugged. 
"You have a soulmate, little mister, and I will fight you if you say you don't!" 
"You can't win on an empty stomach!" Remus jeered, "And Jan would get off seeing you beat me up!" 
"Remus," she scowled and adjusted her glasses. 
"I'll be right out!"
Remus was incognito, hiding his skunky bangs with a beanie and his body in a hoodie and baggy pants. Pat wasn't as hidden as they entered the bar, reeking of McDonald's. It wasn't terribly crowded, but still full and dimly lit. Remus could see the low stage and the lights. It would be a good show. 
"If you save me a seat, I'll get the drinks," Remus suggested. 
"Okay, can you get me a Hemingway Champagne, please?" she said brightly. Remus ruffled her hair and laughed before sauntering to the bar. 
Remus moved like he was the hottest thing in the world and leaned against the bar with a winning smile. The bartender got one look at him in his bum attire and sighed. She was pretty, with long purple hair that covered her right eye and half of her glasses. She had deathly pale skin that looked more pallid paired with her black hoodie. 
"Hey there gorgeous!" Remus cooed and motioned her over. She moved towards him reluctantly and crossed her arms. 
"I thought I told you I'm not doing it. I'm not falling for it." 
"Falling for what?" 
"Don't play dumb, Roman. A fake mustache and a pale blue color contact are not going to convince me that you're Remus." 
"So you know the boring theater twin!" Remus laughed, "I'm sorry for you, girl!" The bartender's visible eye went wide and she shook her head. 
"I'm not going to kill him, I'm not going to kill him," she sighed as her cheeks turned pink.
"That's my job! And here I thought Roman didn't have hot friends!" 
"Are you gonna order or waste my time?" she huffed. 
"Can I get a Death in the Afternoon and Alligator Sperm? And if you have to spit in one, aim for the gator! Pattycake doesn't deserve my hate," Remus said brightly before he noticed her eye. It was the same brown-green hazel as his. 
"Anything else or do you need to stay sober for your next shoot?" 
"That's all for now. How did you know I'm shooting a new movie?" 
"Jan. She always gushes about her soulmate being a movie star and working with you all the time. I haven't told anyone if you're trying to keep an industry secret or something," she shrugged, not exactly telling the whole truth, but Remus couldn't be sure.
"It's not really a secret, just not well known. I'm sure it's all over my fan pages! I can't hide from them, not that I want to—they're why I have what I do." 
"It's not because you have talent or anything," she scoffed and rolled her eyes. Remus snickered and bobbed his head back and forth.
"Talent? Half the time I don't even speak in my fun movies! It's my hot bod and creepy mannerisms that sell those! I mean it was the fans that petitioned for me to play the creature in Frankenstein. I wasn't considered since I'm not a tall brooding goth prince, but it's my best performance, and I have the fans to thank for that."
"You were better in Cuttle as a tentacle monster. Even if the fanart got weird. I needed to bleach my eyes." 
"Is that why you cover your soul eye?" 
"I keep one eye covered because it's light sensitive, because of genetics," she said flatly and got to work on the drinks, avoiding eye contact.
"Do you put eyeshadow and liner on both sides?" Remus asked. She moved her bangs to reveal that she had an eye patch on her glasses. 
"There's no point. Anything else or are you going to give your friend her drink?" 
"Oh Pat! Right! We're both here for Janice, or should I say, Dante Infernal! You got me there! Can I get your name before I go? Hot bartender isn't a good name." 
"Violetta, but you can call me Vi," she said shyly and slid him both drinks. Remus beamed and took them. 
"Thanks! I like that name! Maybe I'll see you around!" he said and trotted off to find Pat. 
Of course, when he found her, she was with Janice in a more secluded booth, giggling and flirting with the drag king. It was so easy for Dante Infernal to charm anyone with his wry smirk and gentlemanly wiles. It was cute but Remus was not interested in third wheeling just yet. He was too sober to deal with any romance. 
"Should I get you a second straw to share?" he teased and set her drink on the table. Pat giggled and beamed at him. 
"Thank you so much Ree!" 
"Hello Remus, I'm surprised you haven't snapped anyone up yet," Janice teased. Remus shrugged and took a swig of his curdling drink. 
"I just got here, give me some time!" he laughed, "And maybe I want to be a good friend first!" Janice chuckled as he downed the rest of his drink. 
"So you're going to give me a few dollars and sulk at the bar this time?" she hummed knowingly as Pat sipped her drink. 
"Maybe," he pouted, "As long as the hot bartender doesn't get tired of me!" 
"Violetta? Oh, darling, if she figures out you're you, you might get tired of her . She's a huge fan of your horror movies, and your butt." 
"Really? I mean my ass is perfect but she didn't seem interested in it! She's got the big tiddy goth girlfriend vibe so it checks out that she'd like those movies!" 
"She certainly does, even before her top surgery she was gifted," Janice said bitterly. 
"Your tiny titties are cute!" Pat cooed and hugged her. Jan nuzzled her hair and kissed her cheek. Remus blinked and stared at them both. He was still too sober for this.
"I'm gonna go back and get another drink." 
"Remus, don't drink too much, okay?" Pat pouted. Remus flicked his wrist at her and pulled a few bills from his pocket. 
"Don't have too much rockin sex, okay?" he retorted and handed the money to Jan. She knew that meant he wouldn't be close by when she performed. She also knew that Pat was flustered, so she waved Remus off to do whatever he was planning. 
Remus waved impishly and went back to the bar, this time hopping on a stool and setting his empty glass down. Vi glanced at him and sighed. 
"Finished already?" 
"Yeah, can I get another one?" he asked and wiggled his eyebrows as she took the glass. 
"Not for a while. I'm not letting you get drunk, pretty boy. Your romcom fans will eat you alive." 
"I'd rather my horror fans did. Literally!" he jeered, "You know you want to!" 
"Do I?" she asked and set the glass on a tray to go through the wash.
"Well you've got Jennifer's body, so why not enjoy a snack?" 
"What?" she snorted and turned around.
"Is your name Megan because damn you're foxy!" Remus purred with a goofy grin. 
"Shouldn't you save that for your soulmate?" she said with a snicker. Remus wanted to hear her laugh more. 
"I don't think I have one, I'm aro and I don't see anything when I do the eye thing," he said with a shrug, "I don't mind. If I had one, they'd have to deal with the paparazzi, my schedule, and me!" 
"Being aro doesn't mean you don't have a soulmate, I can tell you that much. Blind people exist. And maybe don't treat yourself like a problem. It doesn't help anyone," Vi replied and leaned on the bar across from him. 
"I'm a lot to handle, but I'm a lot of sexy fun too," Remus giggled, "So you're aro spec, huh? And you have a soulmate?" 
"Yeah, but the universe hates me so I don't look anymore. They're only interested in men. But you're not here to listen to my problems." 
"I don't mind, I'm curious—what idiot wouldn't want a babe like you?" he said and held his chin in his hands. 
"Some idiot I knew of in school who's in the film industry now. Roman thinks you might know them, I'm pretty sure you do." 
"Can I see your other eye? It could help me figure out who they could be. And I kinda just want to see both eyes." 
"I'm gonna regret this," Vi sighed and moved her bangs. She lowered her glasses and bit her lip, trying not to squeeze her eyes shut in the dim light. 
Remus gasped when he saw that familiar pale blue iris staring at him. He slapped his hand over his right eye and saw a blurry version of himself gawking and covering his eye. His hand fell to his side and he shook with so much excitement he had no idea how to release it.
"Remus?" Vi asked hesitantly and readjusted her glasses. She was regretting that choice. 
She yelped when he grabbed her face and kissed her like he would die without her lips. 
"Holy shit!" Vi gasped and lurched back. Her lips were tingling and she was staring at Remus in shock. 
"I know I should've asked first," he said softly, "I wasn't thinking." 
"But you—" 
"Love is love, no matter how romantic or platonic or alterous. And I could see myself falling headfirst in a vat of battery acid for you, no romance required." 
"You don't have to do that," she said with a shy laugh. Remus beamed, proud that he could bring that sound out of her. 
"So we went to school together, and you were too shy to say anything to me, huh?" 
"You were—are so confident and bold, and you had friends, it was intimidating, and I was really just a nobody with self esteem issues and I avoided you as much as I could. The easiest way to do that was spending time with Roman." 
"Hmm, well it would be really funny if you were the hot emo who always had headphones and a spiderweb backpack! I had such a mesh it was embarrassing!" 
"Oh god," Vi groaned and went bright red, "I still have that backpack." 
"Okay now I definitely need your number and I need to take you on a date!" Remus laughed, "I can be covert if you like!" 
"Please? I don't need the paparazzi tearing into me because I'm an edgy trans woman." 
"The only one tearing into you is gonna be me!" Remus jeered. Vi shook her head and readjusted herself. 
"Go watch the show, my shift is over in five so I'll find you, before Jan can rub it in," Vi said, "And don't think you're gonna be the one tearing into anyone." 
"I'm looking forward to proving Pat right! And getting to know you!" Remus grinned and waved impishly before trotting off to join his co-star. 
Unfortunately for Remus, he missed Janice's performance, but he was able to take his seat by the lovers without drawing attention to himself. 
"There you are, Remus," Jan hummed and ran her fingers through Pat's hair, "finally tired of your biggest fan?" 
"Nope! I just wanted to check in on you and tell you that I owe Pattycake a puppy!" 
"You found your soulmate!" Pat gasped and sat up. Remus nodded excitedly with a bright grin. Pat squeaked and hugged him, far too excited to contain herself. 
"Did you meet them or did you finally see something?" Pat squealed, "Do you know what they look like? Are they handsome?" 
"Darling, let him breathe," Janus hummed, "One question at a time." 
"I finally got to see and I met my soulmate," Remus giggled and shimmied excitedly. Pat was so happy, hanging off his every word. Jan was more interested in the figure looming towards them. 
"And she is the most beautiful woman with the most sultry voice and she could burn me alive with her stare!" Remus gushed, and swooned, leaning into the seat, "And I want her to step on me."
"That's no way to describe someone to your witnesses," Vi said and sat next to Remus. Remus leaned against her and beamed. 
"Well, this is an unexpected twist," Jan hummed with a smirk. Vi flipped her off and flipped her hair over her shoulder. 
"Sounds like you expected it," Remus giggled and wrapped his arm around Vi. She leaned against him and placed her hand on his thigh.
"I did, but I didn't expect you to be so, adoring," Jan hummed. Remus shrugged. 
"It's not romantic adoration, it's all about power, beauty, the macabre, personal connection, and lust!" 
"Lust?" Pat squeaked and inched closer to Jan.
"I'm a horny little bastard!" Remus giggled, "And it takes a lot to tame me!" 
"I doubt it," Vi jeered.
"You would be the first to say that!" Remus jeered. 
"Wait until your brother hears!" Pat gasped, looking for any reason to change the topic. 
"He's known since high school. He'll be insufferable," Vi sighed, "More insufferable than Remus' rabid fans who hate his soulmate because he's not theirs and he won't ever see them like that." 
"They what?" Remus gasped. 
"They're usually kids. They get over it. Online I actually like to claim that yes, your soulmate is a raging bitch who would whip you and make you beg for the tiniest scrap of love," Vi said with a tiny smirk. 
"You shouldn't be so mean to yourself, and you shouldn't lie just to belittle yourself either," Pat pouted. Vi shrugged and glanced at Remus. He was fighting back a fit of giggles.
"I'm not lying," she said softly. Remus' jaw dropped before a gleeful giggle escaped him. 
"You really are my soulmate! Please tell me you have more than just whips and begging in mind!" he squealed and kissed her cheek, pulling her closer. 
"I'll tell you more about it when we go on a real date." 
"There's a nice diner that Jan and I go to, it's quaint and it doesn't have a pretty face, and it's open 24/7," Pat suggested. 
"Are you free tonight?" Remus asked.
"No. I'm supposed to be going to a diner with my soulmate," Vi teased. Remus laughed brightly. Yeah, he was more than happy with his soulmate.
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esompthinfics · 11 months
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Happy Friday!
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ships: LAMP’D, Logince, Roceit, Moxiety,  Lociet, Remy x Missy (background), Remy x Roman (also background), Moceit
Word count: ~216,000
Warnings: Minor violence
Summary: Everyone has five (5) Sides, who must fuse to form one (1) human. Well, guess who our boys make? But nothing can ever be easy, can it?
You can read it on ao3 or ff.net
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glacierruler · 2 years
Written works Masterpost
Animated AUs:
Life of the Dead (Is animated and may contain flashing images and colors, click at your own risk!)
Chaptered AUs:
Monster AU(written version NOT the comic version)(prinxiety, moceit, intrulogical)
AO3 cause tumblr links broke and I don't feel like fishing it out
Of Magic and Mortals (I AM REWORKING ON THIS ONE!!!)
AO3 cause tumblr links broke and I don't feel like fishing it out
Sanders Sides DND AU (Anaroceit, background intrulogical maybe)
Banding With You(eventual dukexiety, maybe some other ships idk yet):
Paranormal Investigations:
Through Hades and Back:
Infinite Respawns: Stories About Those Who Have Been Chosen
Egg Sandwich (pairing moceit, hurt/comfort)
Crashed Down on the Sidewalk (pairing none, hurt no comfort)
Biting You (platonic anxceitmus)
If I Could Just Kiss You (dukexiety, prinxiety)
I, Remus Coriander (none, hurt no comfort)
Is Anything Even Real (none, hurt no comfort)
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sandersidesbigbang · 2 years
Stick It To The Man
Rating: Teen
Pairings: main- dukexiety (Remus x Virgil)
background- Logince (Logan x Roman) and Moceit (Janus x Patton)
@kaythegay2022 (kayp2022 insta) Hi! Thank you for reading! This idea has been in my mind for months! I'm excited to see people's reactions!
@antisocial-xxxpert Hi, I'm Jace! When I say this story is dramatic, y'all better believe it. A+ version of my favorite dynamics.
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starshard17 · 2 years
Moceit, Royality, Or Logicality for the ship thing? (I’m a multi shipper and indecisive sorry-)
I think I would like to do Royality
☆ ☆ ☆
Who said I love you first?
- Patton. Their relationship was a bit rocky but Patton wanted to smooth things out. He he had to let Roman know he still held a special place in his heart
Who would have the others picture as their phone background?
- They would match with the same picture of the both of them
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror?
- Patton, though usually they're little doodles of dogs and hearts
Who buys the other cheesy gifts?
- I feel like they both would. They both love gift giving and I feel like they're both suckers for romantic gifts
Who initiated the first kiss?
- Roman. Maybe a lady and the tramp sort of thing that Roman suggested?
Who kisses the other awake in the mornings?
- It's both. It just depends on who wakes up first.
Who starts tickle fights?
- Patton. He calls himself the tickle monster and they always have fun messing around whenever Patton initiates them
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower?
- Roman. He only asks because whenever he does, they tend to switch to bubble baths instead
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch?
- Patton. Sometimes he packs him a sweet, well thought out lunch, sometimes he gets him food from his favorite restaurant. He makes it a habit to surprise him on a different day of the week every week.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date?
- Roman. Patton's excitement overwhelmed hima tad and that threw him off his romance game
Who kills/takes out the spiders?
- Roman. He's Patton knight in shining armor.
Whou proudly proclaims their love when they're drunk?
- Roman. He may be blackout drunk but he'll let the world know about his love
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ladyinsertnamehere · 3 years
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For @intrulogicalweek2021 !
Day 1: AU
What if Logan and Remus were guardian angels of two blossoming lovers (Pat and Jan respectively)?
Not really enemies-to-lovers intrulogical, more of a begrudging-associates-to-friends-to-lovers, while moceit seem to hit it off right away?
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doomstypewriter · 3 years
Excuse me while I panic
Hi, I'm back from finals, but my brain is kind of dead right now, so enjoy this silly two-shot in the meantime.
Word count: 996 | AO3
Summary: Roman needs to get on with the program, realise his crush on Virgil and ask him out, because it's getting ridiculous.
At least Janus thinks so. Everybody does.
A wild crush has appeared, except it was there all along, Roman is just dumb <3
“It’d be a pity if you got over yourself and told Virgil you loved him already. Not that I care about his happiness or anything”.
Roman turned to face the back of the room, where Janus was sitting with a lap full of Patton, who just shrugged in agreement with a quizzical smile.
The treacherous acceptance Patton showed after Janus’ out-of-the-blue comment almost made Roman gasp.
“I just said I want to hang out with him this week”.
“And marry him the month after that, I suppose” Janus retorted.
“Okay, first of all, nah-uh, and second of all, I’d have expected this outright attack for you, but, Patton, are you going to stand watching him bullying me?!”
Just when he was about to reply, Janus intervened again, pretending to be distracted playing with Patton’s curls.
“Not quite, let me rephrase that for you: bullying you into getting ahead in life”.
“Hello?” Roman gestured at himself, only to feel even more increpated by Janus’ glancing at him up and down. “I’m dashing at all times, it’s you who should be putting in the effort”.
As per usual, Janus smirked, unimpressed. He ran a finger, scratching lightly, up Patton’s neck. Underneath the cardigan, a pair of shoulders rolled in a contained shudder.
“I already have. You, though, have achieved nothing. Also, why am I detecting” Janus said, raising a hand to cup behind his ear, “a hint of defensiveness? Honestly… well… as honestly as the budget allows, I am saying this for your sake. Take notes or something, Roman”.
Roman’s weight shifted from one leg to the other, he crossed his arms and gasped, for real this time.
“Excuse me?”
“Excused. I’ll dictate it for you: number one, dot, Janus has made me realise my lack of ambition, comma, I will ask Virgil out”. Janus changed the tone for a second, considering. “Hmmm… let’s say, at once, sounds very you, doesn’t it? Blah, blah, no ambition, I’m very dim, I will ask Virgil out at once, full stop. New paragraph: number two, dot, from now on, comma, I shall listen to Janus’ advice, comma, because he’s so right all the time, full stop”.
Once Roman came out of his astonishment, he closed his gaping mouth and pursed his lips like a child.
“Okay, that’s it, you did this. I’m calling the nerd”.
Janus had no time to complain, as Logan was summoned immediately thereafter.
“Lo, are you okay?!” Patton stirred in place after seeing Logan’s looks.
There, in all bizarre glory, stood Logan, draped in a lab coat with some unidentified stains, knee-length black rubber boots, safety glasses with what dangerously looked like a speckle of blood and a pair of gloves holding a scalpel.
“Don’t worry Patton, he’s just been playing with Remus” Janus offered.
Logan examined the room quickly, then cleared up his throat and blinked himself into his usual attire.
“I was in the middle of something”.
“Clearly” Roman muttered sarcastically.
“What do you need?” Logan made a point to ignore Roman’s comment.
Janus smiled calmly.
“Roman just called you so you can prove him wrong”.
Before the prince could retort, Logan nodded with a vague hint of amusement.
“Well, I can certainly do that”.
“You won’t need to, because it’s him who’s saying” Roman paused and endeavoured to make his best impression of Logan, “falsehoods”.
Logan frowned and crossed his arms.
“That is to be expected, so what is the context?”
“He says I need to ask Virgil out because he’s always right”.
Roman went on saying something along the lines of ‘like, I like Virgil, but not like that. And he’s just implying I’m in love with him, and I would know because, hi, Roman, romance? And Patton isn’t even defending me!’. All of that, Logan didn’t listen to, deciding to speak plainly.
“That’s incorrect, Janus gets things wrong often, it is, in fact, a statistical improbability to be right all the time. But, to be fair, out of all of you, he holds a higher average”.
“Exactly, that’s what I said” Roman shook his hand forward as if to underline how justified he felt. A moment later he went quiet. “Wait…”
“No need. I’ll finish dispatching this soon. So, no, Janus is not always right, but you would do well to heed to his advice on this occasion, seeing how it would help resolve your feelings for Virgil”.
“Thank you, Logan” Janus said.
Logan nodded, satisfied with a good job.
“No need, happy to help”.
“Wait, wait, wait!” Roman exclaimed. “I have no feelings for Virgil…” he reconsidered, “not like that!”
In a quick save, Logan hid his laugh with a frown and an inhale.
“Excellent example of being wrong, you’ll be a great help to Logan’s statistics” Janus grinned.
Everybody was looking at him.
Normally, he’d like that, because it was the natural order of things. At the present time, though, he felt paralysed by a sudden onslaught of contradicting feelings and thoughts. Unfortunately, all of these things running through his mind popped in and out too fast for him to process them as more than a jumble of nonsense.
That is to say, he drew a complete blank, cursing his ADHD.
“But-but… I’m not in” he started slowly, trying to organise his ideas.
Then, went down with the first thing to come out of his mouth because working under pressure is not his thing.
“Like, I spend a ton of time with him, but what do you know? And, honestly, you’re just jealous Virge pays more attention to me because he’s almost as great as me. By the way, Janus steals your crofters when you don’t look, someone has to say it, because we’re outing people’s secrets, except not mine’s ‘cause I’m not in love with…”
Patton stood up, knowing he’d have to help everyone brace themselves.
All at the same time, the following was spoken or shouted:
“He did what?!”
“Oh my... I’m in love with Virgil”
Thx for reading. Reblog or comment if it made you laugh <3
Taglist: COME AT ME BRO, COME AT ME, write a comment and tell me to tag you for the next chapter, I DARE YOU /nm /lh /j
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dinosaurs-last-day · 4 years
Soulmate au where there first touch is a mark on the person and remuses mark is on his dick
pffff, I can’t stress enough on how much this made me laugh. @nobodystentacle thank you! Imma make this Intrulogical! 
tw: some sexual humor and language
Everyone is born with a birthmark, a special symbol of where they’d first be touched by their soulmate. Most people had their birthmark on their hands, or their arms. Some people had it on their faces. Remus, however, was special. He had been born with a birthmark on his dick. 
When he was a small child, he was ashamed of it, felt strange that he didn’t have his birthmark in one of the more common places. But as he grew older, he began to not care, and then he began to be proud of it. 
“My first time touching my soulmate is when I fuck him!” Remus would boast, earning a groan from his best friend, Janus, whose own birthmark on on the side of his face. 
“You can’t possibly believe that the first time your skin will come in contact with his is you two having sex? You won’t touch at all before then?” Janus would ask him every time Remus mentioned it. 
Remus would shake his head, completely convinced that he had figured it out. 
Remus walked through the mall, bouncing in front of Janus as he pointed out all the cool stuff. 
Janus walked hand in hand with his soulmate, a small boy named Patton. They had met a few years back. Janus apparently had something in his cheek and Patton had gone to wipe it away, brushing against Janus’ birthmark. Patton’s birthmark was on the tips of his fingers, the same tips that had brushed against Janus’ cheek. They had started dating that exact moment, and had been very happy together. Watching the two of them made Remus want to find his soulmate all the more. 
“Why don’t we get lunch?” Patton suggested. 
“That sounds like a great idea,” Janus said, grabbing Remus by the sleeve and dragging him down towards the food court. They ordered their food and sat at their table, chatting and joking around. 
“I’m going to refill my soda,” Remus said to the other’s standing up to leave. As he walked to the soda fountain, he noticed a cute looking boy with glasses also headed to get some more soda. He wore a dark blue shirt and a necktie, which Remus thought was kind of strange. Remus smiled at him before turning to refill his drink. 
He finished refilling his drink and turned to rejoin his friends when the boy next to him slipped on some melted ice on the ground. Remus went to catch him but missed, and the boy flailed his arms, trying to grab onto something before his head hit the ground. 
The boy wasn’t able to grab something, but as he fell, his hand accidentally brushed Remus’ lower half, right against Remus’ birthmark. Remus noticed the birthmark on the boy’ palm of his hand, the same hand that had just touched Remus. 
The boy hit the ground with a thud, luckily saving his head from hitting too hard. 
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry!” the boy said, adjusting his glasses. “I didn’t mean to-” the boy trailed off as he looked from his hand to Remus, then back at his hand.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Remus said, groaning a little. “This is not how I expected this to happen!” 
The boy stood up, his shirt and pant wet from the ice and soda on the floor. Janus and Patton came running over, making sure that everything was alright. 
“Do you need a spare pair of clothes?” Patton asked. “We have some in the car. They’re Remus’, he looks a little bigger than you, but I think they’ll work.” 
“That sounds amazing, thank you.” The boy turned to Remus. “I assume that you are Remus. Am I correct?” The boy peered through his glasses, and Remus almost forgot about the birthmark, almost.
“I sure am!” Remus said, leading him to the car for the new clothes.
“Well, I’m Logan. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that we might be soulmates. Is your birthmark, well, is your birthmark...” Logan trailed off, his eyes flicking down towards Remus’ crotch. 
“On my dick? Sure is!” Remus said, unafraid to say it out loud. The boy laughed, making Remus smile. 
“Well, maybe we can exchange numbers? I can give you your clothes back later and maybe we could go out to dinner sometime?” Logan asked. 
“Sounds like a plan!” Remus said. Logan fished his wallet out of his pocket, taking out a business card and turning it over. Then he grabbed a pen out of his wallet, (Remus didn’t know why he had a pen there, but he didn’t mention it), and wrote down a number. 
“Ignore the front of the card, that’s just my work information. On the back is my personal information,” Logan said, handing Remus the business card.  Remus took it and stuffed it in his pocket before opening the trunk of his car and pulling out a plastic bag with a spare pair of clothes in it. He handed the bag to Logan and slammed the trunk close. 
Logan took the bag and thanked Remus. Before he turned to go, the studied Remus for a minute, taking in every detail. Remus felt him step forward, felt Logan’s arms brush against his. 
“May I kiss you?” Logan asked, the words barely a whisper. Remus gently grabbed Logan’s face and pressed his lips against the other’s. Logan made a small satisfied noise before pulling away. 
“I guess I’ll be seeing you soon. Thank you,” Logan said, taking the bag and heading back into the mall. Janus and Patton exited the building as Logan walked away.
“Was he your soulmate?” Patton asked excitedly. Remus nodded, his mind still thinking about Logan.
“So, all those times you said that you’re first time touching your soulmate would be during sex? You understand why that was silly?” Janus teased. Remus  waved him off, knowing that he’d never hear the end of this. But right now, all he could focus on was the boy with glasses, walking away. 
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exhaustedfander · 4 years
For the prompt: Intrulogical, one of them is sick, one must take care of the other
I haven’t written a sickfic in ages and I forgot how cute these things were. I decided to make Remus the one taking care of Logan because I like the idea of the bastard man being soft for one(1) nerd. I’d love to hear what you guys think, enjoy! 
a03 link 
Word Count: 3,313
I’ll Take Care of You [Intrulogical]
Logan wakes with a pounding in his head, feeling as though his body has been (figuratively) lit on fire. His hand skims over the bedsheet, something that’s quite odd to him; he doesn’t recall climbing into bed. He groans, squinting, and noticing his apparent lack of spectacles. In attempting to sit up Logan feels a pair of hands pressing him back into pillows.
“Easy there, hot stuff,” Remus. Why is Logan in bed with an ache deep in his bones, and why is Remus here? "Emphasis on the hot because you’re burning up.”
Remus, in what Logan can only assume is a moment of incredible generosity, hands him his glasses. Logan slides them over his face, looking down at his clothes to see he is not, in fact, in his normal attire but rather a pair of outer space-themed pajamas. And when he glances at Remus there isn’t the usual manic look in his eyes, but rather one he’d nearly dare to call concern.
“What happened? What’s – what’s going on?” Logan can’t ignore the rawness in his throat that burns when he speaks.
“You and I were having a conversation about the best way to kill a man without getting caught,” Remus explains casually. Yes, Logan seems to remember that to some extent. They had rattled off the ideas of poisoning as well as the many ways one can frame a murder to appear accidental, “And then you just plopped onto the floor like all of your bones had turned to jelly! When I touched your head I realized you were burning hot and in your fatigue, I guess you passed out cold. Y’know, teach, for someone who argues the importance of wellness as much as you do, you really aren’t practicing what you preach. When was the last time you slept? Or put some food in you?”
Logan had never thought that Remus of all people would be in a position to scold him about his life choices, and yet here he is.
“I – well, I suppose I’m not –.” Remus cocks an eyebrow.
“you’re not sure? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Here, drink some water,” Remus says, handing him a glass, “God, Roman goes on and on about your “extremist water agenda” meanwhile you’re dehydrated as fuck.” Logan drains the glass quickly, bearing the heavy weight of Remus’s stare. As Logan attempts to untangle himself from the bedsheets Remus’s hand settles on his shoulder, pinning him in place.
“Remus –.”
“Not so fast, nerdy wolverine,” Remus says in what could almost be constituted as a scolding tone, “You’ve worked yourself into sickness and now you’re paying the price. Imagine if you’d collapsed in front of one of the others? Pattycake, for example, well he would’ve flipped his lid, I’m sure. Or my brother, for instance, might’ve tried to “rescue you” into recovery. But me, not so much.” Logan lays back down, feeling fairly defeated though he’s rather distracted by the throbbing in his head.
“And you’re the no-nonsense type?” It seems even in sickness, Logan’s dry-wit hasn’t left him. What a miracle.
“Oh, I’m all for nonsense,” Remus says with a gleeful smile before turning back to Logan, “And as much fun as it would be for Thomas to be without his logic for a while – which, believe me, I considered – I’m sure the others would have my head. Oh, isn’t that delightful to think about? My head on a spike oozing blood? And – and my tongue would be sticking out of my tongue like this,” Remus imitates, his tongue growing several inches longer and hanging limp against his chin. “But seriously, knock that shit off. You can’t just go passing out in front of people, you of all sides should be taking your health into consideration.”
“And that’s why you put me to bed?” Logan asks, eyeing Remus as carefully as he can despite the splotches of color that cloud his vision, “Because you were concerned about how the others would react to me being unwell?” For a moment Remus looks almost as flushed as Logan is, which the logical side finds rather odd. Remus isn’t one to become easily embarrassed; sometimes Logan wonders if it’s even capable for him to become as such.
“Think of it as me paying back a favor. I mean, you’ve helped me out too many times to count. Remember when you took that arrow out of my eye?” Remus asks with a laugh, “Ah, good times.”
“And that’s the only reason you’ve decided to help me and uh, dress me?” Logan asks, glancing back down at his clothes that he doesn’t recall changing into.
“Well, dressing you isn’t very hard at all,” Remus says, snapping his fingers and suddenly losing every stitch of clothing. Logan covers his eyes as though it’s anything he hasn’t seen before. “See, undressed,” Remus snaps again, “dressed! Undressed, dressed. Oh, stop covering your eyes, dork, you and I both know this isn’t the first time you’ve seen my dick.”
That’s the thing. If you’d have told Logan he and Remus would someday be sleeping together regularly, he would’ve thought such a thing was preposterous. In fact, even friendship between them was something he hadn’t considered in the cards. And even so, before he understood what was going on he and Remus were cultivating a relationship.
Logan hadn’t thought it at first, but as it turns out, Remus is a very good listener. Yes, he tends to drift from topic to topic on a whim, but Logan’s come to not mind that much at all. He indulges in Logan’s rants about outer space, the depths of the ocean, and the secrets that hide beneath the briny deep, the most peculiar flora and fauna that exist on the planet as well as so many other topics. He does more than put up with Logan’s interests, he encourages them. It’s refreshing, the conversations that he and Remus have.
Remus brings out something strange in Logan, an impulsion he wasn’t aware he was even capable of. Remus is crude and reckless and all over the place, but Logan’s become endeared to him in more ways he’d ever imagined possible. It was out of this impulsion that Remus prompts in him so that Logan kissed the intrusive side several months ago. In the past, he’d never dare to do something so messy and feelings-y, but after spending as much time as he had with Remus as well as the emotions surrounding him, for one of the first times in his existence Logan allowed himself to let loose.
Their relationship was initially driven by lust, but it took very little time for things to deepen. It had been one thing for Logan to enjoy spending time with Remus, but now he looked forward to it every chance he got, his face betraying his stoic nature in a smile every time Remus entered the room. Before long, Remus was using the word boyfriend and Logan was accepting it.
The thought that he’s worried his partner, even in the state of near delusion he’s in, crosses his mind.
“M’ sorry for worrying you,” Logan says, his voice slurring slightly as though he’s intoxicated. Remus sighs, kneeling beside Logan and pushing aside his bangs that are plastered with sweat to his forehead. Remus has only ever seen Logan so disheveled during sex, and he’s certainly never seen him so weak.
“Who says I was worried?” Remus asks as though his tone of voice hasn’t already betrayed it, “Okay, fine. Maybe I was a little worried, fucking sue me.”
“You’re taking care of me,” Logan notes dizzily, leaning into Remus’s touch as he runs a hand through his messy hair, “That’s nice.”
“Shit, Lo, you’re loopier than I thought,” Remus musses, seeing the far-off look in his boyfriend’s eyes, “How’s your head?”
“It hurts.” Remus is fairly sure this is the first time he’s ever heard logic whine, and he’d be a damn liar if he said it isn’t kind of adorable.
“Okay, okay, I’ll get you some medicine,” Remus says, getting up to leave before feeling Logan’s clammy hand clamp down on his wrist.
“Don’t leave,” Logan’s voice comes out weak and sad, “Please don’t leave.” It’s almost too much to handle, the sentimentality to Logan’s words as well as the almost juvenile desire for him to stay by his side as if something horrible will become of him if Remus leaves. There’s no way Logan’s going to believe any of this transpired once his head is clear again. Remus really should be filming this.
“Aw, Lolo, stop being so cute for a second, okay? I need to go get you some medicine and something to eat.”
“I’m not cute,” Logan pouts, “I’m serious, remember? Necktie…” Remus chuckles.
“Strange, I don’t see a tie on you at the moment.” Logan huffs. “Just stay there for a second, okay? I’ll get you some medicine, it’ll make you feel better.” Remus can’t recall the last time he acted so civilly. “Taking care” of others really isn’t his thing, destruction and utter chaos is. If any of the others were ill, he doesn’t think he’d be acting the way he is, so put together and fucking caring, it almost makes him sick to think about. But Logan isn’t anybody else, he’s his boyfriend who’s overworked himself to the point of delusion and maybe he’s being a tad bit protective, but the idea of someone else taking care of Logan leaves a sour taste in his mouth. Just because he’s Remus doesn’t mean he’s any less capable of doing so, or at least that’s what he’s telling himself.
Remus comes back with the medicine and has to spend several minutes convincing Logan to take it; who knew he was such a bad patient? He sits with him a while listening to Logan spout almost as much nonsense that Remus usually does before Logan drifts off again.
“Don’t worry,” Remus whispers, pressing a kiss to Logan’s temple, “I’ll take care of you, dork.”
It’s a stupidly heartfelt thing to say, especially when Logan is clearly asleep, but it just seems to slip out. Remus slinks out of the room as quietly as he can, shutting the door behind him gently rather than slamming it like he usually does before wandering into the kitchen.
Remus is surprised to find Patton humming tunelessly as he stirs a pot of soup.
“Oh! Hiya Remus,” Patton says when he catches sight of him, looking a little startled in his presence. Even so, Remus has been hanging around the light sides a lot more, especially since Janus got accepted by Thomas, so Patton’s had some time to get a bit more used to him.
“Hi, Pattycake,” Remus greets, “Whatcha making? It smells good.”
“Chicken noodle soup,” he replies matter-of-factly, “It’s for Logan.” Remus quirks an eyebrow. That’s what Remus was about to attempt to make himself, but this smells homemade.
“How’d you know he was sick?”
“Oh, a dad has a way of knowing when his kiddos aren’t doing so hot,” Patton replies cryptically, “I also noticed Logan seemed a little off earlier. How’s he doing?” Remus pulls himself onto the kitchen counter, swinging his legs.
“Not fan-fucking-tastic,” Remus notes the way Patton bites his lip at that, probably about to scold him for his “potty mouth,” “I’ve told that nerd a billion gazillion times that he needs to take better care of himself. I swear he’s so wrapped up in looking after the rest of you I think he forgets about himself.” Patton hums thoughtfully.
“You really care about him, don’t you?” Remus blinks, the back and forth motion of his legs ceasing.
“Huh?” Patton smiles.
“I’ve heard the way Logan talks about you. I don’t even think he realizes how sweet he sounds when he’s saying it, about the conversations you two have and the experiments you do together. You make him awfully happy, you know that?”
Remus wants to play off the shock the statement has provoked. He wants to grin manically and talk about butts, or Jeffrey Dahmer, or anything else other than the warmth that blooms in the cavity in his chest where he believed a heart wasn’t present. But he can’t.
“Logan talks about me?” Patton laughs like Remus has just asked the most absurd question.
“Well of course he does, silly! You’re his boyfriend, aren’t ya?”
“I – uh – yeah. Yeah, I am. I didn’t know you knew that, though?” It comes out as a question. He’s never mentioned it to anyone except Janus, thinking that Logan wouldn’t want to tell the others.
“Yeah, Janus told me about it.” Remus’s jaw slackens. “Oh dear, was I not supposed to know that?”
“I mean, it’s not a secret, I guess. I’m just kind of surprised Double D would tell you.”
“Well, I’m sure I would’ve figured it out, either way, the way you two look at each other is so gosh darn cute! Janny just mentioned it in passing, really.” Remus narrows his eyes at Patton.
“Janny? There’s no way in hell Janus would let anyone call him that.” Patton flushes at that.
“You should hear the other things he lets me call him…” Remus slaps a hand over his mouth.
“Holy balls! Are you and Jan-the-man fucking?” Patton’s blush deepens as he turns the oven off and gets a bowl out of the cupboard.
“Well, looks like the soup’s ready! Better take some to Logan before it gets cold!” Remus hops off the counter with as much grace, taking the bowl from Patton’s hands and eyeing him suspiciously.
“This is not the end of this conversation,” he says, not missing the way Patton’s Adam’s apple bobs in a gulp, “I gotta admit, I’m kinda surprised you’re letting me take care of the nerd. I would think you’d jump at the chance to play nurse.” Patton shrugs.
“Well, I wouldn’t want to encroach on your time with him. I know you and I have had our disagreements,” Remus bites back to urge to say a very Roman-esque ‘UH understatement much!’, “But I also know you care a lot about Logan. And you also-also know that if anything bad ever happened to him that I would be very, very upset with you,” Patton flashes a demented smile clearly meant to intimidate Remus and he can certainly respect that. The smile fades back to his normal cheery nature as quickly as it appeared, “Now, get going and make him feel a Pat-ton better, okay kiddo?” Remus snorts at the silly name pun, taking a spoon from the drawer before taking the bowl down the hall.
“See ya around, Daddio.” Remus decides he’s going to have to kick Janus’s ass for not telling him about him and Patton. More so, though, Remus’s mind is occupied by the fact that Logan has spoken about him fondly and that Patton claimed that their affection for one another was obvious. To some extent, Remus had been under the assumption that Logan wouldn’t want to mention their relationship at all.
Remus opens the door slowly, balancing the bowl in his elbow as he finds Logan blinking awake at him. As much as he’d wanted to let Logan sleep, he isn’t sure the last time he’s had anything to eat.
“I’m right here,” Remus says setting the bowl down on the bedside table and kneeling beside Logan’s bed, “I brought you some soup.” Logan squints, reaching for his glasses again and putting them back on.
“Patton made you some, LoLo. Pops said he had a hunch you weren’t doing so hot. He’s a real smart cookie when it comes to taking care of you all, huh?” Logan scrunches up his face.
“I don’t want any.” Remus lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Oh come on, dorkalicious. You need to eat something, and it’ll be good for you.”
“Says the guy who regularly consumes deodorant.”
“Hey, that’s unrelated. I’m not the one who let myself get into such rough shape. Now be a good boy and eat your fucking chicken-noodle-soup.” Logan groans as Remus blows on a spoonful of soup and brings it towards Logan’s mouth. Logan sighs, opening his mouth and sighing around the spoon as he swallows a mouthful.
“Hungry, aren’t you?” Logan fails to reply, sitting up and placing the bowl in his lap. Remus watches as Logan devours the soup at record speed, draining the bowl in a few minutes. Remus chuckles, setting the bowl aside and seeing the way Logan’s eyes begin to droop again.
“You left me,” Logan pouts childishly, earning another laugh from his boyfriend.
“You fell asleep, babe,” Remus chides, “And I needed to get you something to eat. I never thought you’d be such a brat when you’re sick.” Logan sags back into the pillows as Remus pets his hair again.
“M’ not a brat,” Logan mumbles sleepily.
"Oh of course you aren’t. You’re just my difficult little shithead boyfriend. But a brat? You’d never dare be such a thing.” Logan makes a noncommittal noise before muttering something that sounds vaguely like “Come here.”
“What was that?” Logan sighs.
“Come here,” Logan repeats more clearly. “I want you to hold me.” Remus could scratch his own eyes out Logan is being so cute! His boyfriend is always so formal and presentable, which is nothing that Remus particularly minds, but this behavior is so out of character it’s kind of a lot to process. Logan seldom asks for cuddles, even when he wants them, so this direct neediness comes as a surprise.
“Fine, but only because you’re ailing,” Remus says dramatically as if he doesn’t always jump at the chance to cuddle with his boyfriend. Logan relaxes against Remus, throwing his arms around him loosely and snuggling into his shoulder. Logan’s skin is still clearly flushed, but his fever seems to be going down.
“Are you feeling any better?” Remus asks, his voice conveying more worry than he intends to express.
“A bit,” Logan mutters, “Thanks for looking after me.”
“Sure thing, dork. I mean, someone had to do it.”
“Yes, but you didn’t have to. You’re good, Rem. Really good.” Remus smiles, pressing a kiss to Logan’s cheek.
“You’re such a fucking sap when you’re delirious, it’s too cute.” Logan ignores that, his eyes fluttering closed.
“I love you, Remus.” Remus feels his heartrate spike as Logan’s grip around him tightens slightly. Remus knew that he and Logan share some very mushy, gushy feelings, but Logan loves him? Genuinely, truly loves him? For some time now he’s been trying to ignore the true depth of his feelings for Logan, not wanting to endanger a good thing, but now it looks like he doesn’t have to. Granted, Logan’s admitted these feelings in a state of delusion, but Remus doesn’t believe it to be any less true. If Patton says he sees their chemistry and Logan’s been as clingy as he has been, then he’s gonna choose to believe it.
“I love you too,” he says softly, far gentler than he’d ever imagined the admission would be – not that he really thought he’d ever get the opportunity to tell him in the first place. “I’m crazy about you, Lo.”
“Don’t let me go,” Logan says lethargically, half-asleep already, “I don’t wanna wake up to you being gone.”
“Okay, nerd,” Remus says, his heart – yes, he’s concluded that he’s got a heart somewhere in his chest, considering how soft Logan’s made him feel today – overflowing with love, “I’ll stay. I’m not going anywhere.”
“That will be satisfactory,” Logan mumbles before slipping back into unconsciousness.
Remus lies awake in Logan’s arms, thinking of how not long-ago Logan had considered himself completely emotionless and he had thought of himself as void of the capability for affection or love. Remus has never been so glad to be proven wrong.
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Into The Romanverse
So, there are a lot of Dark Side Romans out and about in the fandom. Pride, Lust, Apathy, Wrath, Envy, Self-Hatred, and more!
What if they were all in the same place, doing crimes? 
Roman is currently doubting his heroism, good person-ness, and usefulness to Thomas
What if he found out what split him and Remus, and decided to try it again in the hopes of becoming a hero once more?
Of course, something went terribly wrong, and Roman was split in not two, but seven pieces.
Now, in order to get their friend back, the Sanders sides must reunite the sides of Roman. Problem: Some of them are hostile, some of them are good hiders, and some don’t want to go back.
I picrewed the concepts for the sides. I didn’t draw these. My art skills are such that everything I draw looks like a potato. 
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Lust! ( @meowthefluffy has a great AU about this concept) (Sadly, barely any elements of that character’s design were in this picrew)
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And the original Roman after all of this splitting.
Here’s the link to the picrew: PICREW
There will be Analogince, with some Moceit on the side
So yeah! Concept!
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blissicle · 4 years
I got chills, they’re multiplying Pt.1
(Plus a little bonus part)
Word count: a little under 1.7k words (bonus: 730 words)
Parings: Prinxiety, background moceit and intrulogical
Warnings: just one I think. Which is mentioned homophobia. But also cursing if you count “what the hell” as one. But let me know if there’s anything else
Note: hey! So this was inspired by @count-woe-laf ‘s idea of roman and Virgil working at a vintage cafe and just being gay with one another. I meant for it to be a quick little story, but I uh may have wrote a bit more than expected... also I wrote a bit of part 2, and figured I might as well include that too as a bonus. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this! It’s my first ever fic I’ve written, so it’s not perfect, but hopefully it will still be good. Enjoy!
“Alright I’m heading out” George declared while fiddling with the last button of his heavy coat, “make sure you close up the shop”
George strode over to the door, hand on the handle but paused looking back at the two, with a sudden looked fury, eyebrows burrow and mouth in a twisted frown with a cold stare that could kill, “and if I return finding a single object broken or a spec of grime on my establishment, I’ll kick ya out the door with no hesitation.” He spat.
And as quickly as it appeared, his frown turned into a sickly smile and George’s face instantly brightened, quite an unnatural and nerving quirk of his that roman has yet to get used to, “have a fantastic evening boys! And don’t take any wooden nickels!” George called back while pushing the door open, the wave of icy air flowing inside then quickly disappearing as the door closed shut from behind him.
Roman looked over to Virgil who shivered violently “Is that from the weather, or George?” roman asked amused as Virgil scrunched up his nose and grimaced “both”
Roman chuckled a bit at the response, as he himself felt the same edging nerves.
“He just gives me the creeps...” Virgil mumbled
“Hey at least he’s letting us host a movie night”
Virgil shrugged “yeah I guess” and stood up from leaning on the counter and walked over to the empty tables “come on help me stack up the chairs”
Roman nodded In response and look around the room with a pleasant smile. He always adored the look of the cafe, since it resembled the charming architecture of New Orleans quite a bit, but it looked even better when closing up for the day. The golden evening sun shone through the glass onto the light spring green of the walls, reflecting off of black and white photos and signed records scattered across the wall. it gave the accents made of dark wood framing the corners and ceilings a warm and tender graze too. He looked outside as the winter wind blew a few left over autum leaves into the streets as the occasional car came rushing by. roman sighed with a smile, feeling content with the calming atmosphere around him.
“Roman?” Virgil called back
Roman snapped back to reality “huh? oh right, sorry” And he promptly set to work, picking up a wooden chair from the near by table and setting it upside down on the table, as Virgil did the same across the room.
Despite his dislike for their boss, who in which Virgil often speculates to be a murder in hiding, Virgil actually enjoyed working at the vintage cafe. Well, the actual working part where he had to talk to customers wasn’t that particularly fun, but he enjoyed being there with roman. Roman always has infuriated him since day one, with roman singing any and every Disney song just to annoy Virgil (only for him to be humming it the very next day under his breath) ,or his insistence of being extremely extra any chance he got, he still somehow ended up being good friends with the insufferable good hearted idiot that is his coworker, not to mention have the same group of friends as him.
After the last chair was put up, Virgil sighed and walked over to said-idiot who was sitting at the counter. He looked up from his phone when Virgil sat down next to him. “So what movies did you bring to choose from?”
Roman perked up at this, “oh! hold on let me go get them!” He rushed to the back room and came out a moment later with a giant box filled with many many CD’s and set it on the counter, “before I left this morning I made sure to bring my fabulous collection of Disney movies, and a couple of other stuff” roman explained proudly,
Virgil looked at the box on the counter and then looked over to roman with a incredulous look on his face, eyebrows raised.
“What? I couldn’t possibly choose between any of my darling babies!” Virgil just rolled his eyes in response, trying to smother the fond smile peaking at his the corners of his mouth. After a brief moment, he looked back to roman who was smiling... at him for some reason. “...What?” Virgil asked smirking back at roman unable to hide his own smile anymore.
“It’s nothing I just...” roman doesn’t finish and seems to be spacing out again, a habit virgil has learned he does quite often, but he’s staring at virgil with a look of what he can only describe as admiration at the very least.
Roman’s jade green eyes are gleaming softly as he’s looking at him reminding virgil of candle light and the evening sun shines on his face making his small smile even brighter. Roman suddenly shakes his head dragging himself out of his thoughts, “Sorry, I- uh spaced out there for a second,” Roman cleared his throat, and started busying himself with taking the CD’s out of the box.
“It’s ok” Virgil responded and looked down at the floor. Then he glances back up a roman and He notices a single lonely strand of hair falling down on his forehead, out of place from the rest of roman’s bronze curls and waves on his head. Without thinking Virgil leans forward and raises his hand and starts playing with the loose strand, twirling it and wrapping his finger around it
“it’s kinda funny sometimes to see you space out anyways, you always have that stupidly cute smile on your face whenever you do,” Virgil mumbled under his breath still smirking, then glances down to roman’s flushed freckled face and-
The sudden sound of the door opening followed by the wave of icy air against Virgil’s now heated face caused him to draw his attention away from the moment and instead to the man in the doorway, who worked at the family-owned library across the street. “Oh h-hey specs!” The flustered expression on roman’s face had turned into an awkward smile, face still pink.
Virgil cleared his throat uncomfortably, “...didn’t you have something to do with the debate team today?” He asked
Logan, observing the odd tension between the two but saying nothing of it, took off his heavy coat and hanged it up on the coatrack. “it was cancelled do to Mr. Wells catching the flu, and Janus who was planning to take me to the meeting, apparently has a cold due to the weather”
Virgil snorted and rolled his eyes “yeah like he’s not just faking it”
“Perhaps, remus has mentioned to me accounts of the past where Janus had successfully faked an illness” Logan considered, “but I highly doubt he can convince Patton” Logan strode over to the box eyebrow raised, “Roman, did you bring your entire library of Disney movies?”
Virgil respond before roman opened his mouth “yep.” Behind him, he heard roman’s offended stuttering.
“They’re not all Disney! I have other movies than just that, like-“ roman looked down and searched through the box “see? Like princess bride! Among other things!”
Logan sighed and took the box and carefully dumped it on the counter and began shuffling through them. Once again, came the sound of door opening followed by the wave of icy air that made them all shiver slightly.
“Sorry I’m late you guys!” Patton stood in front of the door taking off his scarf and cap, “Janus seemed to have a cold and I couldn’t have possibly left him there like that until I made him cream of broccoli... though i didn’t have time to make sure he was sick, but he didn’t seem like he was faking it”
Virgil saw roman make a gagging face at the mention of ‘cream of broccoli’ and kicked him playfully under the counter to get him to stop before Patton saw. Roman pouted and mouthed a little ‘HEY’ and kicked Virgil back. Which Virgil ignored him as he said,” it’s fine Patton” then turned to kick roman again, which prompted a kicking war as they both attempted to kick and deflect the other.
Logan rolled his eyes at the nonsense and turned to Patton,” well conveniently, you came in just in time. we were just in the middle of selecting what movie to watch”
“Oh, great!” Patton cheerfully walked over to the movies displayed as Logan explained, “Roman predictably brought an abundance of Disney movies, but of course in case one of us disagrees, I’ve separated the non-Disney produced films into this group here” Patton nodded and looked over all the selections, wall-e... sleeping beauty... Harry Potter...
“Wait roman you have Greece?!” Patton gasped and picked up the CD.
“Huh?” Roman turned from Virgil mid-kick.
“Greece!” Patton held up the cd, “I didn’t know you watched it!”
Roman, with a look of confusion for a moment, suddenly made the connection,” oh! that must’ve gotten mixed up with my collection of movies I took with me when I moved out with my step-dad, I think that may be my mom’s. Sorry padre”
Patton gasped again, “what? You haven’t seen Greece?!”
“What’s ‘greece’?” Logan questioned
“Oh my goodness! Have none of you guys seen it?!”
Logan and Virgil shook their heads, “I mean I think I saw my mom watch it once or twice but I don’t have a good memory of it” Roman shrugged
“Ok, that’s it. We’re watching Greece. You guys have to watch it!” Patton announced, despite the unsure looks of the rest, “Don’t worry! It’s a really fun and cheesy! So we can make fun of it! That’s what me and my aunt used to do all the time when i was younger!”
Logan looked to roman and Virgil,” do we all agree on watching Greece then?”
Roman shrugged, “sure!” followed by Virgil nodding,” yeah I guess”
Patton brightened, “yay! And don’t worry, I’m sure guys will enjoy it!”
“Have a wonderful evening Ms.Garcia!” Roman called to the exiting woman, who said nothing while looking down at her phone, but then waved a few seconds later, eyes still strained to the screen and left.
“Rude.” Roman mumbled, followed by a small snort he heard coming from his stormy knight in black leather beside him.
“yeah at least you didn’t have to deal with her order,” virgil grumbled, “where were you anyways? I thought we’d agreed to handle that homophobic prick together,”
“I was cleaning the sink!” Roman argued
Virgil eyed him, “it doesn’t take that long to clean the sink,”
“Ok fine, so I may have took my time with it..”
“Princey, really?!”
“I’m sorry! Look, I-“ roman wanted to say anything but the stupid truth that what he was actually doing was texting Remus for help on how he could smoothly ask the dreaded emo out.
As suspected, his suggestions were either too difficult to pull off, or inappropriate for freshman in high school like themselves. ‘What did you do to get Logan to go out with you?’ He remembered asking, ‘uhhhh I think I just asked him to do something with me that peeked his interest, like the first time we dissected a bunny-‘ roman refused to read the rest of the message from there on. Something that peaked his interests...
“How about this... if I let you choose a movie for us to watch together like a movie night of sorts, will you forgive me?” Roman suggested.
“Please my chemically imbalanced romance???,” roman pleaded, hoping the reference will help win him over.
“Ugh ok fine. Next weekend, Friday night. Ok?”
Roman brightened, “its a date then.” Roman agreed proudly. Virgil raised his eyebrows, oh god-, “like, you know, a friend date... with friends. Well, if you want to invite the others” please say no, please say no-
“Yeah that would be fun, let me text the group chat to see if anyone can make it,”
“Ok Logan and Janus apperently have an after school thing... Remus said he was busy.... oh cool Patton said he could make it” GAUH- WHY?!
“Sounds great!” Roman forced a smile. Maybe it wouldnt be that bad.. right?
It’s bad. It’s so so bad. He’s screwed. After excusing himself from the group to head to the bathroom, roman was finally able to think back and comprehend those few moments previous to Logan’s entry. Roman quickly shut the door behind him and leaned against. He took a deep breath and slid down to the floor, with a dopey grin on his face. It all happened to fast, Roman couldn’t help but notice the small shy smile coming from him, god it was so adorable. Suddenly Virgil looked over and caught the look roman gave him. Usually, roman would have covered it up, made a quick excuse, and he was in the middle of already doing so. But that gosh darn golden evening sun poked out of the clouds at the worse time possible. And roman was unable to think of anymore thoughts other than how incredibly breathtaking Virgil looked. The sunshine on his hair made it look so soft and messy and unkempt, his bangs failing to hide the absolute treasure that is his eyes. His eyes reflected the light, showing the streaks around his iris light up like brash elegant lightning. But even without the dramatic lighting, Roman has to admit his smile was absolutely the cutest thing about him, wide and joyful and just so full of pure happiness, rare enough to where anyone who was able to witness it must’ve considered themselves the luckiest human being on earth. Till he snapped out of it. He apologised, trying to act busy with moving cd cases around, but before he could even began cursing himself, Virgil leaned in closer to roman, which in fact has been the closest he’s ever been to him. Roman turned his head towards him, and the image of Virgil’s stupid gorgeous smirking face inches away from his, dark eyes filled with lightning, looking slightly above roman’s line of sight WHILE TOYING WITH A LOOSE STRAND OF HIS HAIR, is stuck in his mind on loop forever and forever. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the memory, he was saying something, wasn’t he? What did he say??
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