#from what I remember that scene is super cute too
synonymroll648 · 1 year
sokeefitz au where keefe is a magician, fitz is his assistant (who also learned how to sword swallow just to occasionally upstage keefe at his shows because he's petty but doesn't know how to pull a quarter from someone's ear), and sophie is marella's newest friend that's getting dragged to one of keefe's magic shows and holy wow ok marella was not kidding about the magician and his assistant being hot. cue keefe pulling roses out of his sleeve for sophie midshow because he knows a cutie when he sees one (after getting a subtle okay from fitz, who is his boyfriend but most people only know about the childhood friends part). and fitz getting to know her after the curtains close and asking her if she wants to hang out sometime. and keefe crashing that meetup when it happens halfway through because he can't help himself and knows fitz won't mind.
and them becoming friends that hang out a lot outside of shows, and sophie being keefe's most reliable regular. that DEFINITELY aren't flirting, marella, c'mon, fitz leaving out scarves for her to steal at their apartment she now frequents more than her own and learning her favorite treats to bake for her and keefe constantly throwing his arm around her and complimenting her w/ ten million winks is strictly platonic in this context
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widowbitessting · 11 months
The Devil is What You Drink - A Sugar Mommies Drabble
Word Count: 2110
Rating: General with fluffy scenes. SFW!
Dom!Natasha Romanoff, Dom!Wanda Maximoff, Dom!Carol Danvers x Sub!Reader
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In retrospect, ringing one of your doms when you’re extremely tipsy and walking home alone at 1am, really isn't the best idea. 
But with the wine running through your system, it really doesn’t bother you. 
Natasha picks up after the first ring, voice heavy with sleep and it makes you grin broadly; almost jumping up and down on the spot with excitement. 
“Hi, Natty!” 
“...baby, hi.” She inhales deeply and you can picture her rubbing her eyes. “What time is it? Where are you?” 
“Oh, y’know me and MJ had that friendaversary didn’t we! Five whole years, Natty, can you believe it? How I haven’t killed her yet, I don’t know.” 
“Breathe, love.” 
“So I got home from class and MJ really wanted to go out for a drink and I was like, sure why not! So we went to that cute bar I took you one time - I got that cute flower in my drink, remember it, Natty?” 
“Yes, baby, I remember.” 
“So we went there and we wanted to be fancy again and got wine. Now I know, I know, wine is evil but it tastes so good so it can’t be that bad, eh? So we had like…two…maybe three bottles and just talked about all the stuff we’ve done together, cos’ like, five years is super long, isn’t it, Natty?”
“Yes, baby.”
“And then -” You boot a stray beer can with your foot and send it soaring into a nearby wall. It’s loud, especially in the quiet area you’re in and it immediately catches Natasha’s attention. 
“Baby…I haven’t heard MJ speak the entire time you’ve been on the phone to me…normally she pipes up…where is she, darling?” 
“Well she got picked up by Peter about fifteen minutes ago and the bar isn’t too far from home! So I thought I’d go on an adventure and - ” 
“Stop.” A deep, low voice, commands. 
The order comes so suddenly that it catches you off guard. You cease all words and movements as your inner submissive drops to her knees.  
“So you’re on your own?” Natasha asks. 
“...maybe…I just thought the fresh air would do me good..walk off the alcohol. Clever right?” 
“Y/N, you tell me right now if you are on your own walking through the dark. It’s 2am!”
After hearing your full name you can’t help but bite back a little with sarcasm.
“Well yeah, I - I have to get home somehow duh. I can’t afford a taxi and it’s only around the corner.” 
You hear Natasha rummaging around through the phone as you twirl a loose strand of hair around your finger. 
“Look around, tell me where you are.” 
You do as you’re told. 
“Hmmm…well I see black ‘cos it’s dark…”
“Again with the name, gah! Erm, I dunno, I took the shortcut and -”
“You have to the count of fucking five to get to the nearest streetlight, I swear to God.” 
“But it’s all the way over there!” 
“I can make it there before you get to two!” 
You take off sprinting, giggling gleefully as you go, one hand pinning your cell to your ear as your other arm sticks out to keep your balance.
Only, it’s you. In heels. In the dark. 
You take the grand total of seven steps before you go crashing down, ankle bending at a near 90 degree angle as gravity takes you to the cement. You scrape your knees and your palm, squeaking upon impact.
“Detka, did you just fall?” 
“Mhm, running in heels is not the way to go. Ouch.” 
You’re lucky there’s no glass.
“Get up for me, can you do that? Are you okay?” When you reply, she continues, “now walk slower to the streetlight. And please don’t fall over any more twigs as you go.”
“That was one time!” 
“One time too many.” 
Limping and grumbling as you go, you manage to get out of the alleyway without any more injuries and cross over to the streetlight. 
“Natty, there’s gum on it. Gross.” 
“Don’t eat it. Don’t touch it.”
You drop your hand. 
“Where are you now?”
“I dunno, outside?” 
An exasperated sigh reaches your ears. 
“Tell me exactly what you see, Y/N. Be specific.” 
A car door slams shut through the phone as you glance around.
“I see trees…houses…oh the moon! Woah, pretty.”
“If you’ve somehow managed to get to the moon, Y/N, I will lose my shit.” 
“If I take a picture will you see it? It’s so pretty! Carol loves the moon.” 
“Baby, what else do you see?” Natasha gently reminds you. 
“Erm…oh! Oh, a restaurant! Can we go Natty? It looks nice!” 
“What’s it called babygirl, gimme a name.” 
Natasha’s car roars to life. 
“Why don’t you just stalk me, hmm? Be quicker.” You let out a giggle. 
“Because then I’d have to hang up, so no.” Natasha is silent for a second, waiting for your giggles to calm down, knowing her reply just fell on cotton filled ears. “Are you finished?” 
“Now,” she warns, “I want you to listen to me because you only have one last chance, Y/N. Give me the name of that fucking restaurant before I spank your ass into next week.” 
“M-Mama’s…” You squint at the flag. “Oh! I think it’s Jamaican, I love Jamaican food!”
“Mhm, I know you do. Do me a favour? Have a look at the menu? Pick something you'd think we’d all like.” 
“Really? Even something like curried goat?” You scurry to the lit up window, eyes taking a second to adjust to the bright lights coming from inside. “‘Cos I had that once and I thought there was a fruit loop in there but it wasn’t - there’s a cat! Hi cat!” 
“NO!” Natasha practically deafens you. “Y/N, do not follow that cat!” 
“But he’s so fluffy! He’s got a big tail, hi baby!” 
“Y/N, it’ll have fleas, no! Do not touch it, stay where you are!”
“But Hedwig -” 
“Isn’t Hedwig from Harry Potter?” 
You stop walking, ashamed that those words even came from her mouth. 
“I let you fuck me with that mouth. Yes! It’s Hedwig! Harry Potter’s owl!” 
“Do you want to watch it when we’re home?” 
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Can we really?”
“Only if you choose something really yummy from that restaurant then, baby girl. C’mon, Harry Potter is on the line here.” 
“But -” 
“Say bye to Hedwig.”
“...bye Hedwig.” Your voice is tiny and it breaks Natasha’s heart. “Safe travels! Drink milk and eat tuna!” 
“God, you’re so fucking cute, baby.” Natasha mumbles. You, of course, miss it, far too busy waving the black cat off. “Now pick us something to eat, we’re so hungry.”
“You got it, boss!” 
“Good girl, baby. You’re doing so well for me. What do you see?” 
You peer close to the menu, bumping your nose against the glass. 
“Hmmm…” You don’t even hear her as the car rolls up behind you. “I dunno yet but I might get served right away, Natty, it’s empty inside. How lucky is that?” 
“So lucky baby, who’d have thought a Jamaican restaurant would stay open until 2 in the morning.” 
“I know right? But I’m not sure what to get! Maybe I should ask someone.” 
“Y/N -” 
You ignore her and go to the door, pulling it with such a force that you don’t expect it to not open. Your grip slips and you stumble back.
“Wha - hey. Daddy the door is stuck!” You go back and try to push it this time, coming to no avail. “My food! Excuse me? I can’t get in!” 
“Y/N, tone your voice down, darling.” 
“No, the food! I can see it!” You actually have tears forming in your eyes. “I want my dumplings! No! Daddy, I need you. Help me open this stupid door!” 
“Daddy’s here, baby.” 
When Natasha’s hand gently takes you by the wrist, you look at her with a pout, unphased that she’s even there. 
“Dumplings, daddy. They’re there, see!” 
She doesn't even look away from you. 
“Yes, baby, I do. But you’re shivering. Let’s get you into the car, hmm? Get all warm before you eat dumplings.” 
“...make sure you tell them they need to fix their door…that’s so bad for service…” 
You all but sag into the redhead as she carries your exhausted body to the car. 
“You’re getting sleepy now, huh?”
“Mmm, so sleepy.” 
Natasha takes her sweatshirt off and before you can even protest, shoves it over your head, enveloping you in her scent. If you hadn’t been so tipsy, you might have clocked her sweatpant and sports bra combo sooner. Perhaps even have drooled. 
You’ve been in the car for five minutes when you finally realise. 
“Woah,” You can’t help but stare at her abs. “I could eat a six course meal off there.” 
“You’ve licked whipped cream off them before, detka.” 
“Yeah well - I - you’re just, damn.” You force yourself to blink. “Someone get me a glass…I’ve just found me a tall drink of water.” 
Natasha rolls her eyes.
“Smooth, darling, smooth. Hitting on me with Disney.” 
“Did it work?” 
“No. But A+ for effort.” 
“Dang it.” 
You pass out for a few minutes, after humming a song from Tangled to yourself. You’re warm. Cosy. Wrapped up in a Natasha scented burrito and it lulls you to sleep. Jerking only slightly when the car door opens and the cold wind hits your body. Natasha - because of course she is that strong - scoops you up effortlessly into her arms and easily moves you both to the elevator. Your neck drops back, a small snore escaping you. 
She has you. You’re officially asleep, safe and sound. Punishment already thought and saved ready for tomorrow. All she has to do is carefully place you on the bed, sneak out to get water and slide in next to you. 
Only, the second your head touches the pillow, your eyes fly open and Natasha’s soul almost leaps from her body.
“Jesus fuck!”
“Dumplings! Daddy, we left my dumplings!” 
Besides you, Wanda stirs. 
“No way, close your eyes and go back to sleep, Y/N. C’mon, You were snoring.”
You pout, tears once again forming in your eyes. 
“But - ” You hiccup. “They’re lonely! They saw me, they knew I was there to eat them and I left them there!” 
“Tomorrow, darling.” 
“No, now.” 
“I will get you all the dumplings in the world tomorrow, if you will just-go-to-sleep.”
You ponder, glossy eyes looking into Natasha’s stressed ones. 
“...that’s a whole lot of dumplings, daddy. Bit excessive actually.” 
“Detka, I swear to God -” 
“Deal!” You giggle. “God I love dumplings. Got a dumpling shaped hole in my tummy as we speak. Riiiight here.” You point to your stomach and Natasha has to stop herself from laughing. 
“Go to sleep and you will get them faster.” 
“...dumplings? What? What’s happening?”
It’s like you forgot Wanda was even there, reacting like a child of Christmas morning when you register she’s right next to you; auburn locks a wild mane around her head. 
Wanda’s scream of shock is muffled by your shoulder and you both end up rolling into Carol. 
Who isn’t impressed. At all. 
“Separate bedrooms, Romanoff. I told you.” She glares at the red head who has her face in her hands. “Why the fuck have I been woken up by Y/N talking about dumplings?” 
“She’s drunk.”
“Oh I love tipsy, baby!” Wanda snuggles into you closer. “Hi tipsy baby.” 
“Hi none tipsy mommy!”
“I cannot - ” Carol jumps up out of the bed just in time to avoid being flattened by the two rolling bodies. “Nat, what?”
“It’s a long story.” 
“Tell me tomorrow. You’re on your own.” The blonde walks past Natasha and kisses her before vacating to the safety, and peaceful, spare room. “If you can’t control them, you know where I am. They’ll tire themselves out eventually.” 
“Or order enough dumplings to feed 5,000 people. Get off your phone, Wanda!” 
The other woman looks at her a little sheepishly. 
“But dumplings sound so good right now.” 
“Have fun babe!” Carol shouts. 
Natasha sighs, watching as you and Wanda roll around the bed excitedly. You’re part way through telling her about your adventure, far too sleep deprived to notice her dommy side appearing when you tell her you walked by yourself. It’s quickly squashed down when you mention Natasha’s brave and daring rescue and you mount her legs to stare into her eyes. 
“Dumplings, mommy. We need to get them.”
“We really do.”
With an over exaggerated eye roll, Natasha slams her head on the bedroom wall. 
“I give up.”
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t-lostinworlds · 10 months
Treasure Be Damned | Nathan Drake
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》 PAIRING: movie!nathan drake x female!reader
》 TROPE/GENRE: childhood best friends to lovers; angst; fluff
》 SUMMARY: Nathan wished it didn't take something drastic to happen for him to finally realize what he felt for you. And no matter how much that gold was worth, you will always be his greatest treasure.
》 WARNINGS: both are orphans (mentioned), tech genius!reader, protective!nathan, switch pov halfway thru, kinda canon divergent (a.k.a. i made slight changes to some scenes from the movie), pining, jealousy jealousy, idiots in love, some angst, kidnapping, canon level violence, injuries, love confessions and a cute fluffy ending.
》 WORD COUNT: 5.4k+
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A/N: hello! me again with another fic. this may seem super random but this was commissioned by the lovely @theslayerofthevampires ! thank u so so much hun <3 my first ever commission btw. trying to stick to a certain word count was actually quite interesting to me alskalsk but this was fun to write and i hope i did it justice!
+ also i couldn't think of a better title and the summary is kinda cheesy but we love cheese in this house so alksalkslaks
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⊱ ─────.⋅♚ *。・゚.★. *。・゚✫*.
You and Nathan had been best friends for as long as you could remember.
When he punched a guy twice his size all because they made you cry on your first day at the orphanage, he quickly gained your trust and loyalty. It was reciprocated when you dumped all your lunch on a kid when they poked fun about why his brother left him.
You two had been inseparable ever since.
Nathan was protective of you, and you were protective of him.
As years passed, that protectiveness only grew tenfold. With it came the care and affection that went from strictly platonic to something warmer, sweeter.
For you, at least.
You couldn't pinpoint when it started, all you knew was that everything Nathan did for you suddenly felt special—like it was solely for you.
The change wasn't outright. It was a slow realization, when the little things he did made your heart grow warmer and beat faster all the same.
At first, you thought it was a simple crush—a silly phase, that with time, it would fade.
But no.
As months moved to years, it went from something that lingered to something you couldn't escape from.
The moment you truly figured that what you felt about him wasn't as simple as an adoration for your best friend was on your eighteenth birthday.
Nathan had spent all the money he saved from working odd—and honest, he made sure to make that known—jobs on a silver necklace.
Maybe you watched way too many romcoms, maybe it was all in your rose-tinted head, but there was an underlying romance in the way he stood behind you, so close and warm, as he put the necklace on for you.
With bated breath, you let him, trying your best not to melt over his simple touch. His fingertips brushed against your skin so delicately but felt electric in all the right ways.
You only regained your breathing when he finally stepped back. Yet he took it away a moment later when he gently tapped the charm—shaped like a compass—sitting between your collarbone, a fond smile on his lips when he said,
"So you'll always find your way back to me."
How could you not fall in love?
What a cliché.
Falling in love with your childhood best friend.
It would've been cute if it was reciprocated.
But whatever he saw you as was strictly platonic.
You were constantly reminded of how unrequited your love was with the hook-ups he brought back to the apartment.
You had agreed to be his roommate to help lessen the expenses. Even though you had only recently moved in together, you were starting to doubt if it was a good idea—for your heart's sake, anyway.
It didn't even stop there.
Because here you were once again, sporting an ache in your chest as you watched him flirt with a blonde girl at the bar.
As much as you enjoyed visiting him at work, seeing him flirt with the pretty customers regularly will always leave a bad taste in your mouth.
A feeling you shouldn't be entertaining in the first place. You were just a best friend. You had no right to go all green-eyed whenever you saw him with another girl.
Nathan Drake wasn't yours.
You didn't even realize that you were too deep into your thoughts until a familiar voice brought you out of it.
"You okay?"
You blinked, looking up to see Nathan regarding you with brows furrowed in concern.
"You've been glaring at that thing for a good minute now," he explained, nodding at the personalized cocktail he made for you.
He always did that whenever you stopped by, experimenting with new mixes he thought you'd enjoy solely based on how well he knew you. You give him your honest feedback in return. It was your own little game.
"Is it bad?"
"No, no, no," you said, taking a sip before smiling. "I liked it."
"Just 'like', damn. I need to step up my game," he sighed in feigned disappointment. When you didn't react as much, he added, "What's wrong?"
Nathan looked at you for a moment, lips pursed as he shook his head.
"You're such a bad liar."
"I'm not," you scoffed, playfully rolling your eyes. "You just know me so well."
"I do," he hummed, grin turning proud. "I also know when something's bothering you so, what's up?"
"Girl things." You shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant. You could tell it confused him, because he was never uncomfortable to talk about those topics with you. But before he could even question it, you quickly added, "I think I'm going to head home first. You didn't forget your keys, right?"
"That was one time," he grumbled, eyeing you for a moment because he obviously didn't buy your excuse. A second later, he sighed, "Yeah, I got my keys."
"Okay, See you later," you said, gathering up your things before walking towards the door.
"Let me know if you get home safe," he called out.
You only threw him a salute in response.
It was the harsh light from the huge window in the living room that woke you up.
You must have fallen asleep on the couch in the middle of watching your comfort movie—a poor attempt at trying to distract yourself from your lovelorn predicament.
Who knew dealing with feelings could be so exhausting?
It was the smell of bacon that coaxed you out of your cocoon, though. 
"Good morning, sleepyhead," Nathan greeted as soon as you stepped into the kitchen. He threw you a warm smile over his shoulder before he continued making breakfast—shirtless, might you add. "There are painkillers beside your water in case your neck is killing you. I would've carried you back to your bed but you kick in your sleep and I've learned my lesson so…"
It did happen once.
He was trying to coax you off the couch and back into the comfort of your bed. But as he got closer, your leg having a mind of its own when you were deeply asleep, you kicked him straight in his jewels—his words, not yours.
The loud thud of him falling on the floor didn't even shake you awake, not even when he was groaning in pain. 
You couldn't even remember any of it.
"How many times do I have to apologize for you to let that go?" you chuckled, settling at your usual seat at the small dining table you had.
"Not enough," he snorted. "I still feel the phantom of the kick, you know."
"You're so dramatic." You rolled your eyes, glancing around only to catch a glimpse of that old yet familiar green trunk. It was then you noticed some of his old stuff littered around, trinkets and memorabilia he hadn't looked at in a while. Just as you were about to question him about it, you saw the excited look on his face. You narrowed your eyes, asking, "Did I miss something?"
"Quite a lot, actually," he chuckled, sauntering over to you with your breakfast for the day. Putting the full plate in front of you, Nathan leaned down and quickly kissed your forehead. "Eat. I'll tell you all about it."
You ignored the phantom of his lips on your skin.
A treasure hunt.
Nathan dragged you into a treasure hunt.
You didn't trust this Victor Sullivan guy, but Nate seemed to be adamant about finding this gold in hopes of finding Sam too. And you trust your best friend's judgment so that made Sully a friend of your best friend, much to your dismay.
"Do I look okay?" you asked, straightening out your long, black evening gown as you emerged out of the makeshift changing room.
When you didn't hear an answer, you looked up to see Nathan staring at you with a certain look in his eyes.
Your face warmed. "What?"
"Okay?" he scoffed, shaking his head as if he was offended by the word you used. With a gentle smile, he gestured at you with both hands. "You look beautiful."
"Thanks. You don't look bad yourself," you responded with a shy smile, unable to hold his gaze for much longer. You fixed your entangled necklace, instead.
"Here, let me," he said, quickly walking over to you to straighten it out, his touch featherlight against your skin. "It's a gorgeous necklace. The guy who gave this to you has good taste."
"If good taste means licking his own ass, then, it's a bit questionable."
"Okay, gross," he playfully grimaced. "All I'm saying is that I picked the right one for you."
"You did." You smiled fondly. 
"Perfect," he hummed with a smile, his gaze slowly trailing from your necklace up to your eyes, his next words barely even a whisper. "You're perfect."
You didn't know if it was even meant for your ears but you could only stand there, staring into his brown eyes that seemed to shift from one emotion to another.
Nathan was about to say something when Sully came out of nowhere with that grumpy look on his face.
"Why are we bringing her again?" he asked as if you weren't standing in front of him.
"She's a genius with computers," Nathan said, a bite in his tone. "She's going to help us get through any security tech easy breezy."
Sully narrowed his eyes between you two before shrugging.
"Fine," he grumbled, looking you up and down before walking away. "We leave in ten minutes."
"I don't think he likes me very much," you sighed once the door shut.
"I don't think he likes anyone," Nathan said, smiling at you reassuringly. "Don't take it personally."
And you didn't. Truly.
But when you got to the auction house, it definitely felt more personal when the old man wouldn't tell you anything.
No communication. No updates. No information. Nothing.
Only when you ask Nathan directly were you able to get a grasp of what was going on or when to proceed to the next step—if he wasn't distracted.
With the countless pretty ladies dressed to the nines, you best believe he wasn't anywhere near focused.
You were angry because this was a dire situation. One wrong move could get you guys caught. You were too goddamn young for prison.
You definitely weren't bitter over something else.
"Do you always feel the need to flirt with anything that walks?" you spat when he finally reached the door you'd been trying so hard to keep open without getting caught. It took him three minutes more since he was busy chatting up some random trust fund girl.
"I wasn't—Jesus," he grunted, the door hitting him on the way as you walked past it.
You couldn't be bothered to wait anymore. You didn't look back and simply sped walk towards the power switch.
"You're upset," Nathan said once he caught up with you.
"I'm not upset," you grumbled. "I'm annoyed."
"It's the same thing."
"It's fucking not."
"Okay, geez," he conceded, pouting, "What'd I do?"
"What aren't you doing?" you asked sarcastically, harshly tapping on your phone as you tried to decode the security lock on the main switch. "Oh right, focusing on your job!"
"Christ, do you two always bicker like an old married couple?"
"Shut up!" you and Nathan barked synchronously.
Shaking your head, you calmed yourself, punching in the security code.
"Look, I'm sorry, alright? I was just trying to scope potential—"
You glared at him.
"I'm shutting up."
"Just do your thing. I want this over and done with," you grumbled, stepping aside once the circuit box finally opened.
"You're a genius," he praised with a smile, placing a quick kiss on your forehead. "Thank you."
You wished you could say everything went smooth sailing from there, but when did it ever?
Everything happened so fast.
One minute you two were walking out of the control room, the next you were being chased down but huge men.
Running in heels was not fun.
And then it was a blur, someone grabbing your arm in a way that made you scream in pain to Nathan tackling the guy to the ground, landing blow after blow to his face until blood started to splatter on the suit he was wearing.
"Touch her again and I'll kill you."
You'd never seen him so angry before.
But that anger quickly disappeared when he fussed over you, hands soft against your cheeks yet the panic and worry were evident in his eyes.
It took several 'I'm fine's and a couple more reassurances that you weren't badly hurt to get him to fully calm down and help you up so you could get out of this place.
Unbeknownst to you, there were curious eyes watching everything closely with a knowing yet wicked smile on her lips.
You thought the feeling of being outcasted was only a small blip at the auction house.
But you were so wrong.
"What happened to you?" you asked when he finally met up with you at the church in Barcelona, soaking wet from head to toe.
"Long story."
"So you brought your girlfriend with you" A girl—Chloe, you later learned—suddenly appeared.
"She's not my girlfriend," Nathan quickly corrected.
Yes, it was true.
But the way he shut it down so quickly as if the thought made him hurl made the sting harsher.
It didn't take long for you to notice how Nathan seemed to be following Chloe around a lot.
So much so that you were becoming more of an afterthought.
They were always conspiring amongst themselves. It was in their line of expertise, you supposed, and you were just the tech girl. But it wasn't like you were clueless about it. Nate has told you enough stories for you to get the gist of what was going on.
It was getting pathetic, trailing behind them like some puppy, wanting to feel included.
When Nathan argued with Sully that you were not leaving his side when it was time to split up, you could only laugh at it now.
What was the point when you were immediately alone when you got into the tunnels?
Even more as you stood by yourself at the club, watching him dance with Chloe, so close, in the guise of blending in.
Maybe if you weren't distracted you would've noticed the man sneaking up behind you. You would've been able to run before he could grab you from behind, hand over your mouth as he started dragging you backward. And maybe you were quite good at kicking someone's jewels when you hit the jackpot the first time, enabling you to escape and scream for help.
You were yelling Nathan's name, but it was the loud gunshot that caught his attention.
It was heartbreaking to think that it took you getting shot in the leg for him to fully acknowledge you.
You were overwhelmed with too many emotions that you became numb, simply letting them take you back to the safe house in silence.
"I'm sorry," he whispered as he sat by your temporary bed, carefully wrapping the bandage on your thigh after he cleaned it. Thankfully, the bullet was only meant to slow you down, not kill. "I'm supposed to be looking out for you."
"It's fine," you sighed. You knew he was being sincere. He looked thoroughly distraught when he saw you drop to the ground. You knew it wasn't his fault, and you knew he was already blaming himself enough. But with the pain and bitterness—both physically and emotionally—you couldn't stop it. "You were busy. I get it."
He frowned. "What's with that tone?" 
"There's no tone," you grumbled, avoiding his gaze.
"You're annoyed."
You shook your head. "I'm not annoyed.'
"So…you're upset," he hummed, reaching for your hands. You pulled away, carefully getting comfortable on the bed.
"I'm going to sleep," you sighed, pulling the covers over you.
Nathan got the hint, standing from his seat with a sigh, "Okay, goodnight, just…call me if you need anything."
So when you woke up in the middle of the night when a sudden sting went up your leg, you quickly yet carefully got out of bed to look for him.
You wish you hadn't bothered.
The last thing you wanted to see was him and Chloe getting cozy on the balcony, a bottle of wine between them.
You figured you weren't important enough to interrupt their moment. Besides, the ache in your leg couldn't compare to the absolute pain in your heart. It only intensified when they started leaning toward each other.
So you quickly went back to bed, tainting the pillowcase with salted tears.
"Here." Nathan kneeled in front of the foot of the bed, tying your shoelaces for you. "So, I've been thinking…"
"Uh oh," you joked.
"Maybe you should sit this one out."
Your smile quickly got wiped off your face.
Nathan glanced at the door. You followed his gaze, catching a glimpse of Chloe before she hurriedly walked away.
You pressed your lips, nodding in understanding.
"It's not what you think it is," Nathan placated.
"Sure it's not," you scoffed.
"Look, you're injured and—"
You stood up, abruptly cutting him off. You grabbed your bag, limping around the room as you gathered your stuff.
"Woah careful, your wound is still fresh," Nathan followed you around, arms out in case you stumbled. "What are you doing?"
"Leaving. That's what you wanted, right?"
"What? No!" he rushed, hands on your shoulder, stopping you. "What I meant was, you need to recover first."
"Right," you scoffed, shrugging him off before you continued packing. "Because  it's going to be dangerous and you're looking out for me, trying to protect me and all that bullshit."
"It's not bullshit!"
"You know, after all we've been through, I thought I could count on you to at least be honest with me," you said bitterly.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means," you pressed, harshly zipping up your bag. "If you wanted me out of the picture, you could've just said so."
Shaking his head, he argued, "That's not it."
"Maybe," you said, looking him straight in the eyes. "But fewer people, more gold to go around, right?"
That rendered him silent.
"You've known me your whole life," he started, hurt flickering in his irises. "You really think I'd do that to you?"
"I don't know anymore, Nate." You threw your hands up exasperatedly. "Because ever since you met them, I barely recognize you anymore. You've been wanting their approval so bad you're getting desperate for it. 
"And I always thought that when we get the chance to find this treasure, we'll do it together, side by side like we always do. But all I've done this whole time is be a third wheel to whatever this is." You gestured at him and the door, laughing sarcastically. "Fourth, if you include Sully."
"That's not true," he argued weakly, realization dawning on his face.
"You whisper among yourselves, nobody tells me a fucking thing, you don't even tell me anything anymore! I'm always left chasing after you because you couldn't be bothered waiting for me to catch up. Fine, I might not know everything about this treasure but it'd be nice to get filled in every once in a while instead of leaving me clueless! Hell, you're starting to forget you brought your best friend with you—"
"I didn't forget about you—"
"You didn't even notice I was getting dragged away until I was shot!"
Nathan looked away.
"All of you are always excluding me and it sucks," your voice cracked, blinking away unshed tears. "And don't think I didn't see you conspiring with Chloe last night."
He looked confused. "Last night?"
"When I came looking for my best friend for help because my leg was hurting like a bitch but I didn't want to be a cockblock so, you're welcome."
"You're not—" Nathan cleared his throat, shoulders slumping, looking at you apologetically. "Y/N…"
You shook your head, harshly wiping at your eyes, putting your jacket on. "The more it goes on, the more I think that you just brought me along because it was convenient for you. Now that I'm considered a liability, gotta leave the extra baggage right?"
"That's not fucking true!" he gritted, pulling his hair frustratedly. "You're part of this as much as I am!"
"Right. Where are we going next?"
Nathan blubbered like a fish out of water.
"That's what I thought," you scoffed, slipping your backpack on.
"Wait, dammit," he cursed when you walked past him, chasing after you into the living room. Frustrated, he called out, "All I'm asking is for you to sit this part out because you're hurt."
You stopped, slowly facing him.
"I never thought that the loneliest I'd ever feel is when I'm supporting you to chase this dream you'd been wanting ever since you were a kid," you admitted, chest tightening as you stared into his troubled brown eyes. "So, I'm not sitting this one out, Nate, I'm done." 
You shoved the cross right on his chest.
"Have fun on your honeymoon," you said, bumping his shoulder as you walked out the door.
You never looked back.
Nathan was smart in a lot of different aspects. But emotions and feelings?
Oh he was stupid as fuck.
He wished it didn't take something drastic to happen for him to accept what he truly felt for you.
Part of him was relieved because at least you weren't there when the plane fiasco happened, especially with your injury. He was appeasing his guilt by telling himself that you were safer this way.
Nathan wouldn't know what to do with himself if something worse happened to you.
But as he was decoding the postcards Sam sent—a difficult task to focus on when he couldn't stop worrying about you so much—Chloe suddenly came in with a package.
"It has your name on it."
He opened it confused, but nothing could prepare him for what was inside.
The dread and fear started to creep up his spine when he held the silver necklace he gave you.
You never took this off.
As he emptied the box in a rush, photos upon photos of you tied up and gagged, beaten and bruised with blood tainting your delicate skin, Nathan felt like his entire heart was taken from him.
'The map or her. Choose wisely.'
It came in flashes, moments where you'd been there for each other, the joy and heartbreak, success and failures—you were always there, his one constant.
Then came the moments where he dreamed about you and him, doing things best friends shouldn't be doing.
He always knew what he felt about you but he shoved it down in fear of ruining the friendship you'd built over the years. But now? Denying it seemed insignificant. Now there was a chance he wouldn't be able to tell you at all.
Nathan was losing the love of his life.
"That didn't take long," Braddock laughed sardonically, standing up from a large rock nestled on the beach somewhere in the Philippines.
"Where is she," Nathan growled, the tube map holder slung on his back.
Braddock nodded at one of her men, Nathan's heart sinking to his stomach when they dragged you in, your yelp piercing his chest when they shoved you on the sand.
Nathan instinctively tried to run for you.
"Not so fast," Braddock hummed, clicking her gun before pressing it on the back of your head. "How do I know this isn't a trick?"
"I think you already figured out I don't play games when it comes to her."
"Well, let's see," she challenged. "On your knees, Drake."
"N-Nate," you whimpered, adamantly shaking your head. Even in your state, you were still trying to protect him.
"It's okay," he reassured with a smile, hands up as he did as told.
Braddock grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled you closer to where he was.
He stifled his anger. But best believe he'd already plotted so many ways to make Braddock suffer for what she did to you.
But one wrong move could cost your life.
"Hand it over."
"Untie her."
Braddock rolled her eyes but did so anyway.
"Hey, hey, look at me," Nathan whispered, your tear-filled eyes meeting his. He lifted his chin once, gaze flickering behind you. "I got you, okay? You're going to be okay."
"Enough with this sappy bullshit. Hand over the map or she dies."
Nathan slowly grabbed the map, only to throw it away as far as possible.
On cue, a huge explosion distracted Braddock enough for you to abruptly stand on your feet, hitting her under the chin with your head.
"You bitch!" she yelled, dropping the gun.
Nathan quickly pulled you aside and grabbed the weapon. With no remorse, he shot Braddock on both thighs, once more on the arm to be petty.
He'd do much worse if you weren't on borrowed time.
Nathan grabbed your hand and made a run for it.
The silence was tense.
But Nathan was focused on taking care of you first.
He was busy enough trying not to cry whenever he'd discover a new cut and bruise on you that he couldn't even dwell on the fact that you were showering together. You were both in your underwear, but still.
It was when he had you sitting on the counter as he patched you up when you spoke.
"You didn't have to do all that for me."
"You know, it hurts me so much that you think I wouldn't take a bullet for you," he sighed, finishing up a bandage before meeting your glossy eyes. "You're more important to me than you think you are."
"No, I know it's just—" You bit your bruised lip. Nathan quickly pulled it away with his thumb, not wanting you to worsen your injury. You leaned into his touch as you continued, "You've been dreaming of this since you were a kid and I feel like I've ruined it for you."
"You didn't ruin anything."
"But you should be out there looking for the gold," you said. "Instead you're stuck here with me."
"Listen to me, if I had to choose between that gold and—" He took a breath, holding your face in both hands as he stared at you longingly. "The woman I'm hopelessly in love with then…"
Nathan breathed out with a smile, "Fuck that gold."
You stared at him in a way that made him believe that he'd done it.
He'd finally ruined your friendship to a point of no return.
That until you broke out into the sweetest, brightest smile that made his heart grow and his knees weak all the same.
"It's not as hopeless as you think it is."
Nathan felt like his heart was about to burst.
"Yeah?" He grinned, giddy and warm, gently parting your legs and stepping a little closer.
You let him into your space. But suddenly your brows furrowed, frowning. "What about you and Chloe?"
"So you were jealous."
"There's no me and Chloe," he reassured, gently taking your hands, kissing the insides of your wrists before placing them on his shoulders. "Maybe I got the incredibly stupid idea to make you jealous—I know, baby, I'm an idiot—but she shot that down real quick."
"Those times you've seen me with her, all I kept talking about was you," he admitted, blushing. "I'm sure she'd grown sick of me being lovesick."
Nathan probably talked her ear out about how hopelessly in love he was with you, seeking advice on what to do because it was the one thing he couldn't go to you about.
She had been really helpful, pushing him to confess because it was better you know before it's too late, and that in this line of work, you'd never know when that would be.
If only he hadn't let his cowardness win.
"She argued with me that leaving you behind was a bad idea, and if I listened to her I—" He pressed his forehead against yours with a shaky breath. "I'm sorry."
"I know you like to take all the blame but this isn't your fault," you hummed, fingers combing the straggles of hair on the nape of his neck.
"It kind of is," he pressed, eyes watering as he thought about what he dragged you into.
He couldn't stop thinking about the pain you'd gone through all because he was being reckless. For as long as he could remember, he made a vow to himself to always keep you safe no matter what. Yet here he was, failing at that—failing you.
"I'm sorry for being such a shitty best friend this past week," he said, caressing the apples of your cheeks.
"You were pretty shitty," you teased, though he could see the way your body relaxed a little. He could tell that you appreciated hearing his apology. It must've been weighing on you since you left.
It made his heart ache.
"I was and I'm sorry," he said regretfully. "I guess I just got so caught up in this whole treasure-hunting thing that I lost sight of what's truly important to me. But still, it's no excuse. I was the one who dragged you into this, I should've been attentive enough."
You turned your head and kissed his palm, a silent way of saying it was okay. He felt like he was about to melt.
"And I'm sorry for taking so goddamn long to tell you how I feel," Nathan admitted.
"Yeah well," you hummed, smiling at him sweetly. "We're both at fault on that one,"
"Still, I'm sorry," he whispered, brushing the tip of his nose against yours. "For everything."
You nodded, a smile on your lips. "I can't say I forgive yet—"
"But hey," you hummed, leaning closer. "You have plenty of time to grovel and make up for it."
Nathan chuckled, brushing his lips against yours with a whisper, "Can I start with a kiss?"
You nodded with that cute giggle of yours, one that still echoed as he finally closed the distance.
So many things filled him up at once—soft, sweet, warm. So many emotions rattling his heart as your lips molded into one—relief, passion, love.
It was gratifying, a kiss he'd been dreaming of for as long as he could remember. But, with your fingers in his hair and his hands on your waist, your warm body flushed to his with no space in between, nothing could ever compare to the real thing.
And yes, it was going to take some time to repair the cracks that were made in your relationship. But he was willing to wait and do whatever it takes to gain your full trust back.
Nathan didn't care how long or how much work it would take, as long as at the end of every day, you came back home to him—it was more than worth it.
"Kid, are you even listening to me?"
"Sorry, Sully," Nathan said unapologetically. "But whatever the wife says, goes and her plan is usually better than yours."
"I'm technically not your wife yet," you giggled, your engagement ring glinting as you continued bypassing the security cameras using your phone.
"Technically, yes," he agreed, shrugging. "But in my head, you've been my wife ever since you put that ring on."
"Always thinking ahead, huh?" You finished up the job, slipping your phone into your pocket before turning to him with a raised brow.
"Oh yeah," he hummed, pulling you closer by the waist. "And once we get married, in my head, we already have three kids."
"Three?" you choked out a laugh.
"Let's start with one and see where that goes."
"We should definitely practice later."
"Do I always have to remind you two that this is an open line?"
"Oh we know," Nathan hummed, kissing you with a loud smack which earned an annoyed groan. He then gestured at the door with a bow. "After you, Mrs. Drake."
"Still up for debate."
"I'd take your last name any day."
"I was thinking hyphenated."
"Not a bad shout."
"Get moving you two!"
"Sully, you're getting so close to getting your wedding invite revoked."
You laughed at that.
Nathan couldn't resist kissing you once more.
"Let's go," you giggled against his lips. "We still have treasure to find."
"I'm in no rush," he shrugged, brushing his nose against yours. He was sure his eyes were glowing with pure adoration. "Already got the best one right here."
You groaned and called him cheesy but you still kissed him anyway.
Treasure be damned, with you by his side, Nathan was the richest man alive.
✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚♛ *.
↬ thank you for reading lovely! reblog & leave a comment if you enjoyed! feedback is always appreciated! ++ consider supporting me on ko-fi if you can ❤️
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yoongsisbae · 2 years
Stories by Member
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Not a Creature was Stirring You wake up Christmas Eve night not to find Santa, but to find a man cold and shivering on your front porch. Clothes tattered, cuts on his body, out in the snow. You find out he’s not as helpless as he appears. Kind of cute, kind of scary, very buff Jungkook Fantasy AU. Spring Day Still with You [Sequel to Not a Creature was Stirring] You ran away from the cold, Jungkook ran with you, warming each other’s hearts. But within the cycle of life, there is death, and as spring blooms, the blood still lays soaked in the dirt. You ran and they chased. Hybrid!Jungkook.
Banana Milk It’s Jungkook’s Birthday, will he get his birthday wish?
The Fantasy You and your boyfriend try out a new form of role play, but it just keeps going wrong…
I Didn’t Mean It, I Still Love You Yoongi made a mistake, will you forgive him? Or is it too late?
Ddak-ji SLAP Jungkook, Seokjin, and you decide to play a game…and then you fu-
Campfire Burning A steamy fic inspired by a certain vlive.
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Go Home, You're Drunk! - 75% “Who…are…you…” “Your worst nightmare, sweetheart.” “Really? Because you look like you belong in a boyband.” whacky and dark & for all the girlies who love an unhinged yandere character
The Snap - 70% The only surviving member of BTS, it takes Jungkook five years to find happiness again. And then life snapped back. What is Jungkook going to do now?
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Christmas with a Vampire There once was a time when holidays were warm and special, Taehyung remembers. To you, even in his coldness, Taehyung is all you need for Christmas. Cyber-punk futuristic AU with a self-hating vampire Tae.
BTS Song Fic (Blue and Grey) Sad song. Sad story. Sad author. Happy reader?
V is for Villain 1 / 2 / 3 - 90% What does it mean to be a villain? What does it really mean to be a vigilante? A vanquisher of evil or a victor for the good? Stories praise the fall of devils, cheer at the marvels of the virtuous, and forget the victorious tell a version conveniently veiling their own atrocities. Evilness was once the brightest star in heaven. And goodness, well, morality can so often be contentious. This time, there is the hero with the strength of a hundred men, there is the villain that can vanish his vulnerabilities in a very instant, and then there’s you. Superclumsysuperhero!RMverse AU.
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Christmas Mass Every Sunday, like clockwork, as designed and ordained, you sit quietly. Pray. Christmas mass comes, tonight your congregation dresses beautifully, like ornaments placed in a row right in front of God. Your priest, stands at the head like an angel atop the tree, commanding and pious and hauntingly handsome. Red. You’re a good faithful girl. You were taught to be, punished to be. You pray for respite, for something more than the condemnation this cold and icy town bestows upon you. Sinners. The coldness permeates your bones, you’re always scared. Tainted. Terrified of sin, terrified by your thoughts for your priest. Sacrilegious. This Christmas prayers are answered by no God. Demon AU. Dark smut.
You Asked for Help, He Asked Your Name You ran away from your responsibilities, but they caught you and tried to lay claim to your body. If your life was never going to be yours anyways, you decided might as well give it away and make a deal. fairyprince!Jimin
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Your Friendly Neighborhood Superhero, RM Best friends 2 Lovers. Idiots 2 Lovers. Lovers 2 Enemies? This is a different kind of superhero story ;) Christmas Lights Out! Agust D vs RM Super Hero Christmas Special! You visit your hometown during the holidays. You and your childhood friend Joon reminisce and you learn more about your smooth tech talker business partner Yoongi. Can he win you over once and for all? Set in Super Clumsy Super Hero RM universe. Extended Scene: The Mind Reader, The Telekinetic and The Closet just silly and raunchy and ridiculous, dirty thoughts...it goes there. V is for Villain 1 / 2 / 3 - 90% What does it mean to be a villain? What does it really mean to be a vigilante? A vanquisher of evil, or a victor for the good? Stories praise the fall of devils, cheer at the marvels of the virtuous, and forget the victorious tell a version conveniently veiling their own atrocities. Evilness was once the brightest star in heaven. And goodness, well, morality can so often be contentious. This time, there is the hero with the strength of a hundred men, there is the villain that can vanish his vulnerabilities in a very instant, and then there’s you.
I Appreciate Your Apology A Christmas party has you on thin ice with your favorite dom. Daddy Joon appreciates your apology, but does he accept it? daddydom!Joon smut, PWP, filth, aka Joon edging you until you see sleighbells.
Cold Feet You don’t want to get married anymore, what does Namjoon want? 
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Day Dream The days are hotter, the nights are hotter too. You sleep, restless. Tired, you sleep more, you sleep and you dream and you meet the dream walker and things somehow become even steamier. Sandman!Hoseok Dream Analysis / Alternate Ending 
Disco Winter Ball You and your friend Hoseok are best friend buddies going on a date to the annual disco winter ball. But it’s not a date date, okay? You and Hoseok just love music and you love dancing and Hoseok loves watching you dance. Wait not love, not in that way! A friendly love. Just friends. Just two friends who drink a little too much eggnog. HOAL couple holiday special
I Thought You Were Mine? Drunk arguing leads to drunk fuc–
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The Woman with the Black Cat on Her Shoulder Fearful, they buried them, stomped them into the dirt. Underneath their boot, scared men were unaware the seeds of hope had planted by their own volition. From the dirt and grime, grew flowers, blooms so tall, eclipsing their hatred. You were strong and unwilling to be cut down any more. Shapeshiftercat!yoongi.
Yoongi is a Rock That’s it. That’s the plot. Yoongi is a rock. Audio Ver. by the talented @voice-over-ff
I Didn’t Mean It, I Still Love You Yoongi made a mistake, will you forgive him? Or is it too late? 
Christmas Lights Out! Agust D vs RM Super Hero Christmas Special! You visit your hometown during the holidays. You and your childhood friend Joon reminisce and you learn more about your smooth tech talker business partner Yoongi. Can he win you over once and for all? Set in Super Clumsy Super Hero RM universe.
King of Corruption [Sequel to Christmas Mass] The organ player takes his time with you, holding you and caressing your body while you sleep, until you can’t discern your dreams from your reality. A king and a sleeping beauty, his name leaves your lips like a prayer, prostated at his feet in blind reverence…the perfect position for him to corrupt and defile you. Demon AU. Dark smut.
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The Flower Bridge You couldn’t, you didn’t want to, not anymore, the pain was too much, you wanted it to end, so you visited the bridge. Standing at the highest point, the wind stung, but your problems were bigger, your pain was stronger than the whipping air and your anguish deeper than the water below. Tethered in the center, connecting the place you came from and the place you were going, you found another type of bridge and he found you. Ghost!Seokjin.
Meet Cute, Time Loop A story where Seokjin loves you before you love him before he loves you.
Ddak-ji SLAP Jungkook, Seokjin, and you decide to play a game…and then you fu-
Seokjin’s Ho Ho Ho Your boyfriend surprises you with a Christmas dinner on the beach, things get a little steamy, candy canes get sucked, peppermint liquor might be involved, there is definitely some questionable Santa Costume attire, and lots of jolly lovin’! HOAL couple holiday special.
Christmas Lights Out! Agust D vs RM Super Hero Christmas Special! Extended Scene: The Mind Reader, The Telekinetic and The Closet just silly and raunchy and ridiculous, dirty thoughts...it goes there.
Gangnam Girlfriend: Korea’s #1 Celebrity Dating Show with your Host, International Super Star, Jin Welcome to Gangnam Girlfriend! Where Korea’s top eligible singles fight for a chance at love! You're supposed to be playing the dating game right? Not sneaking off in the middle of the night with the show’s host to watch the stars and talk about all your lost love connections, cuddling under a blanket. And even if the choice is clear, Kim Seokjin can't date you, the reason you joined is because you wanted a public relationship, and Jin could neverrr. Even though he wants to finally settle down! But Hybe wouldn't let him join as a contestant so he took the next best thing instead, our story's beloved host, yet now he's regretting his decision as he watches the girl he is starting to fall for fall for someone else, oh no! Meet the Cast / Epi1 - 85%
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Bon Voyage: Into the Sea [Fantasy AU] A storm capsized your boat and looks like you were the only survivor. Somehow you made it to shore, but where? Stranded, you suddenly find out you are not alone, and now you’re stuck in the middle of a centuries old conflict between 7 monsters. Member Imagines /Ch1 / Ch2 / Ch3 / Ch4 /  Ch5 / Ch6 / Ch7 - 5% / ?
Handshakes of a Lifetime [Soulmate AU] …the meeting room is getting closer and closer, basking you and those around you in warm light, and you think about all the internet comments people write about this kind of moment, “she must have saved a country in her past life to experience this.” Playlist / Ch1 / Drabble - JJK / Ch2 / Ch3 / X-mas - JHS / Ch4 / X-mas - KSJ / Ch5 / Ch6 / Ch7 / Ch8 / Ch9 / Ch10 - 10% / ?
Caught! House of Cards [Yandere AU] You needed money. The pandemic offered little options. So you joined a website to make some quick and easy cash. Men paying to look at you, harmless fun, right? It was a decision you didn’t think too much about, you just wanted an income again. Little did you know how dangerous the members of House of Cards were. You weren’t prepared for the consequences of your actions. Watch out! Houses built with cards come tumbling down… Profiles / Ch1 / Ch2 / Ch3 / Ch4 / Xmas Drabble - KTH / Ch5 - 90% / ?
Run Run Run [Zombie Apocalypse AU Slow Burn] A zombie apocalypse breaks out and you’re stuck on a plane with none other than…BTS! Oh, you thought because you were an Army that would help you survive? Girl think again. Member Poll / Seoul Flow / Yangyang Living / Seoul Town Road / Hwarang Freestyle / Seoul Close / Samsung State of Mind - 5% / The Big Hit Break In! - TBA / ?
T H E T A K E O V E R [BTS Apocalypse / Dystopian AU Thriller] The recruits of Bangtan Academy were trained to be super soldiers, to be the strongest, fastest, most cunning fighters in the world. Now they are being put to the test! You were at the bottom of your class, but you noticed the cracks in the system first, what are you going to do? Run or try to save the world Prequel / Ch1 / Ch2 / Ch3 - 78% / ?
BTS (as kisses) / BTS (as holidays) / BTS (as drinks)
BTS Cheering You Up While Studying Korean
Naughty Girl Christmas BTS X-MAS Masterlist
Spring Fling Fantasy Stories that Bloom Masterlist
BTS Supers RM Verse Masterlist (coming soon…)
Original Masterlist
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lyrinsluv · 4 months
timeskip! oikawa x [established relationship] reader
wordcount: 792! :D
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he was back home. and the one thing he wanted to do was to see you. you'd been home for a while, with some exceptions of taking flights to see oikawa. but now he was home. and this time, it was you waiting for him at the airport. 
“tooru!” you call out as you rush towards the carousel he’s standing at. it wasn’t hard to find him with some volleyball fanatics asking for a signature. you hug him to make up for the times you needed him and vice versa. 
the hug caught him in surprise, but his arm slinging around your waist didn’t show that. “hi,” he mutters out, staring at you in fascination. you kiss his nose, not wanting to cause a big scene in the airport. the chuckle he lets out tells you everything. 
“god, i love you.” is all he can say. your eyes widen slightly at this, but not too much. 
“that sounds better in person, ru’” you whisper as you let go of the hug. his cocky personality wasn’t prominent, well.. not yet at least. you notice the eye bags and how tired he looks. of course he’d be tired, the man was on the plane for a whole day. 
the drive back was comfortable. he felt so good to be back in his home country, no more having to question the locals and what they were saying. resting his hand on your thigh as you drove him back home, the little mumbles and whispers he said to you, the teasing back and forth, everything just felt like home. 
“you know, baby, you're cute when you're tired.” you said with a giggle as he looked at you. 
“oh shut up.. i've been awake since yesterday. and i know i look good.” he mumbled back as he traced circles on your leg.
“cute, not just good.” you respond back with as you stop at the redlight. you sink into your seat and you yawn. you'd been up for the whole day as well. cleaning around, staying up past midnight just to pick him up. you looked over at the clock on your car screen. ‘2:36’ it read. 
“yeah yeah, whatever, baby.” he whined back. he looks at you, noticing how.. beautiful you looked with the red light illuminating across your body. he stops tracing the circles and he closes his eyes, sleep taking over him. you sigh as you watch him sleep. after finally getting back, you managed to wake him up and get him back to your shared home. 
“did you miss taking off your shoes right when you step in?” you ask with a laugh, remembering all the times he whined about rushing across the hallway just to get a pair of slippers back in argentina. he nods, letting out a small laugh as well.
“of course you'd remember that.” he quipped back, rubbing his eyes in the process. he turned to you as he put on his slippers. he wrapped his arm around your waist again and he kissed your lips. the kiss wasn't rough, it didn’t entail anything. it was soft, sweet, and warm. you missed his soft lips on yours. so much that you had to go back for seconds. 
“ru’.. baby, i missed you so much.” you whisper back as you look into his eyes. his tired eyes bore into yours and he just gives you a peck on your lips. 
"mm.. me too.” he mumbled back. You kiss his cheek and you smile. 
“come on, baby, let’s get some sleep.” you whisper out. you wanted to cuddle. to hold, to feel, to breathe, tooru oikawa. it wasn't time to show him all of your love just yet.
you both manage to end up in bed, one of you half asleep and the other dozing off. he lets out a small giggle as he holds you close, missing how perfectly you sank into his arms. 
“you're still the same, no?” he asks as he closes his eyes. 
“i hope so,” you mumble back.  
“you know, you got more tan. like super tan. are you sure you're wearing your sunscreen? and didn't you tell me you took a break from beach volleyball?” you ask in a smothering tone. you just missed the love of your life. the twenty minutes before you both passed out included you two teasing and whispering sweet nothings into each others ears. oh how much you loved tooru oikawa. and oh how much you felt like home to him.
“i’m.. home.” is the last thing uttered out of his mouth. you open your eyes and watch his chest rise and fall. the smile that tugs your lips explains everything. 
“yeah, ru’, you are.” you whisper back as you finally give him the last kiss on his nose for the night.
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authors note - (please be patient w/ me!! this is my first post and my first time trying this out! ty for reading!! <3)
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restinslices · 6 months
Okay I have a request. Can you please do MK1 Earthrealm men headcanons in bullet point format reacting to a 2 week sex ban? 🤭 You can come up with reasons why there was a ban in the first place. Also would the reader fold or the men first?
Took a lil minute since I had irl shit but I finished
Johnny Cage
Johnny's big mouth is the reason the ban happened 
Johnny is big on PDA and he shows you affection a lot. It's cute, but it makes some people wanna barf 
Someone would make a comment calling you both gross and asking why Johnny had to be on you like that, and Johnny would defend himself 
“It's not me! It's them! They couldn't function without me touching them”
This would result in a confrontation and you saying it's the complete opposite and then it'd lead to how much sex you have and then you'd challenge him to a ban 
At first Johnny is super confident 
Two weeks without sex? Piece of cake! If worse comes to worse, he could always sneak away and use his hand 
For the first couple of days it's pretty easy. He's not THAT feral 
Once the first week passes, he's struggling 
Everything seems to turn him on and he can't get any privacy. It's like you can read his mind because every single time he tries to sneak away, you're right behind him. He's real close to asking if you have a power you haven't told him about
So naturally, he tries to get you to fold first 
He tries everything. He flirts more than usual (which is already a lot), compliments you, rubs against you, kisses you longer than need be, anything and everything 
You never break and it frustrates him beyond belief 
How are you completely fine when he's struggling like crazy?
“You can go two weeks without having sex with me? That's insulting” “No it's not. You're just a big baby”
Needless to say, he doesn't make the two weeks 
If you wanna be nice, you can make him apologize then have sex with him after 
If you wanna be mean, you can make him apologize but still make him wait the 2 weeks
He's begging you to be nice 
Kenshi Takahashi
Kenshi is the one who brings it up 
You're all over him and he's ok with that, but you both should be focusing on training. Liu Kang is choosing a champion for Earthrealm soon, but you seem too busy jumping on him 
He told you that you two should be focusing more, and you argued that you are focused 
You are? Alright. Prove it. 
And that's how the sex ban happens 
It's not that Kenshi isn't struggling. He is. His determination is higher tho
Remember this is when he's at the Academy and he's trying to restore his clan and get his sword back from Johnny. So he's real goal oriented right now 
When he gets frustrated, instead of going to have sex with you, he just tries to think about his goals and the outcome he wants 
Your frustration also pushes him to keep going. As asshole-ish as it sounds, it's hilarious to him 
Watching your attempts to seduce him and trying to get him to give up genuinely makes him laugh 
Salt in the wound because IMAGINE rubbing against him and he laughs at you
The more frustrated you become, the more determined he becomes 
At some point you tell him you give up 
Now I see this going 1 of 3 ways 
A) He accepts your defeat and gives you what you want 
B) He makes you go on and on about how his focus is better than yours, and he still refuses to have sex with you and makes you wait 
C) He has sex with you but doesn't let you finish since you lost 
Depends on the day and his mood 
Kung Lao
I can see his situation being similar to Kenshi’s but not exactly the same 
Let's paint the scene 
You're at the Academy and Kung Lao isn't really focused. He's so convinced he'll be the Earthrealm champion but he keeps slacking off 
When you mention this, he dismisses it. Yeah, he spends a lot of time under you but he trains too! 
That's when you say that if he's not chosen to represent Earthrealm, then he can't touch you for 2 weeks 
Him not being the chosen one? Yeah fucking right 
Well shit-
Surely you're not serious though- oh you are? 
He tries to find loopholes and convince you to drop it 
“It's not like we had a contract” “Come on, you can't be serious” “Two weeks? That's excessive! Two days tops” “It's not like I just want sex. You want it too. I won't be the only one suffering”
You don't budge 
He's frustrated because he didn't get the damn lightning amulet and he wants to let it out but you're not letting him 
And his hand isn't the same 
He tries to convince himself that he's fine. It's not a big deal. He can make it. Yadyadya 
I can see him making it through the 2 weeks but he's so visibly unhappy 
And do not laugh. He'll wanna kill you 
It's so obvious he's dying on the inside. His eyes linger way too long on you 
He took the L at the mini tournament and now he feels like he's taking an L now. Back to back slaps in the face 
And you lecturing him about how he could've possibly beaten Raiden if he focused more irritates the life outta him 
He gets it! Damn! Let it go and touch him 
You do not and he's forced to wait the 2 weeks 
Be aware that once the clock strikes midnight, he'll be on you immediately 
Aight y'all I'm lowkey running out of reasons 
And because of that, imma say he just heard about the shit on google. Maybe someone was saying it could benefit the relationship. Idk. 
He brings up the idea and you agree to it 
Now I don't see Raiden wanting to have sex all the time so I don't think 2 weeks would be that difficult for him 
Does he struggle somewhat? A little 
And I mean a little 
It's not on his mind all the time and when he’s in the mood he reminds himself how little time he has left 
He's also training new recruits at the Academy so that keeps him busy and distracted 
He definitely wants to have sex at some point but it’s not something pushing on his shoulders
It’s not bothering him the way it bothers the other Earthrealm men
As for you, I believe in you making it as well 
Like I said, Raiden doesn't want sex all the time so it's not like you're fucking like rabbits. So 2 weeks ain't that bad 
He's also gone for some time so it's not like you're seeing him all the time and wanting to fuck on him 
If you're training new recruits as well, you're both busy and fucking around new recruits ain't a good look 
The two of you make it through the 2 weeks. Congratulations! 
Your prize? There is none
Just a little fun for the two of you to do
Maybe you'll do it again and try to go longer 
I think overall he can probably last around a month
Before I even say why this happened, let me just say you are NEVER winning this 
This man has incredible patience. This is the same guy that rebuilt society and waited hundreds of thousands of years for his friends to come back. Do y'all really think he'll struggle with not getting his dick wet for 2 weeks? 
Now why does this ban happen? I'm so glad you asked and I'm definitely not grabbing at straws here- (or is it grasping?)
Now idk the timeline and how much time passed in the game so excuse me if I'm wrong 
Let's say the bullshit with the other Shang Tsung happened over the span of 2 weeks 
When shit started picking up, Liu Kang thought it would be best for the both of you to have space 
He doesn't mean like, a breakup type of break. He just means “hey, we can't be distracted. We should try and give each other space so we can be more productive”
You can be around each other but things like dates, and sex aren't happening until shit is fixed 
Now, like I said, Liu Kang is fine 
He's thinking about everyone's safety. Not sex. 
And that doesn't mean he doesn't wanna have sex with you. He just knows he needs to focus right now 
Trying to convince him that he can spare a few minutes to be alone isn't gonna work with him. 
“This'll help you too. Your will, your resolve, your-”
Insert other monk type shit he'd say
You can try and try and try to convince him but he'll always say no
He'll hug and kiss you but that takes a few seconds 
You can tell him that he spends more time sleeping than fucking but he'll disregard that 
You can try to flirt with him and touch him but he'll seem unmoved 
In reality, he's definitely hormonal when you do that but he's not clawing at the walls. He could last a lot longer than 2 weeks 
Once the bullshit is over he'll do what you want for as long as you want 
Might bring up doing it again as a joke but you seem like you'll try and kill him so it never happens 
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littlemochabunni · 11 months
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Serial Killer!Suguru Geto x Bimbo!Fem reader
Content: 18+ MDNI!!! Serial killer Geto, Bimbo bunny girl reader, fuckboy victims, blood and homicide mention, implied roofing, knife play, deepthroat, degrading (slut, whore) + praise kink (princess, baby sweetheart, love), daddy kink, Multiple O’s, & Creampie
A/N: Ahhh sorry for the delay my sweet freaks, but I did it and I must say holy shit I’m nasty 💀; AND UM HELLO?? THANK YOU FOR 1.1K?!?!? I seriously cannot find the words to describe how happy and grateful I am for each and every one of you <3. I love you and enjoooy 🖤
wc: 3.7k
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 On your way home from a party you take a few wrong turns, and when you try to call your…. Overprotective boyfriend your phone dies before you get the chance to tell him the cross streets, you’re at. With it being late on Halloween night, most of the house porch lights are off your feet continue to carry you down this foreign neighborhood until you hope to see someone could help you. Tears begin to sting your eyes with each street corner you turn, and the nip fall air strips you of any warmth from your cropped puffer jacket Suguru made you wear before you left. You definitely wish you listened when he warned you repeatedly to charge your phone too… 
Police sirens are blaring in the far distance from where you originally started which means only one thing… “One of the officers can take me home!”  Right… 
Trying to follow the sounds to guide you out of the maze of houses you’re lost in. You find a group of men sitting in an open garage, drinking with the tv on in the background. Although you know Suguru told you not to talk to strangers especially when they’re drunk, what other people were around that could possibly help you?
“Excuse me? Hi, I’m like super lost…Can I borrow your phone or a charger please?” Every one of their eyes grazes over your body before meeting your eyes, and of course the man that looks spot on for a Chad speaks up first, “Ooo a sweet bunny girl like you all alone? Need me to come warm you up?” You glance around the garage spotting the space heater near the couch he’s sitting on and a bright smile appears on your face. “It would be nice to get out of the cold while I charge my phone!” You happily skipping inside the garage to sit near the heater and immediately feel so much better now that you're off your feet… Little did you know that with this little interaction…. you won’t be back on your feet anytime soon. 
All eyes are on you and you're like an innocent hare unaware of the foxes preying in the tall grass. 
“So, you gotta a name sweetheart?” Asked the store-brand version of Derek Shepherd. “Uhh I’m a bunny, duhh?” The men all blink at you before bursting out in a fit of laughter. You don’t understand how that was hilarious, but you’ll take it as a compliment. “Funny and cute… But seriously what’s your real name?” 
  Hearing that emergency number Suguru always tells you to remember if you're lost coming from the braking news announcement about some house party incident. You focus on the tv and ignore Chad’s questions, “Hey can you turn the tv up? I think I know that number.” The extra quiet man, who remains you of your friend's creepy uncle Lester, turns up the tv and it retells the gruesome murders of the house party that just occurred half an hour ago…. 
“The next image we show may disturb some viewers…” 
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Grumbles and tsk scatter among the men around you as they get a glance at the gruesome writings on the wall. You squint your eyes as you notice a similar stamp Suguru uses when he writes you love letters…. Your stomach drops at the thought of someone else using that beautiful stamp for something so… horrifying. 
“This message along with a description of the women and the phone number were left at the scene of the crime…” The woman proceeded to describe you from the hair on your head to the holographic boots you’re wearing. The men in the garage are too drunk to realize that you’re exactly what the killer wants, “Please if anyone has any information regarding this woman… please call: 1 (800) 876-8253… That’s 1-800-……TROUBLE… Again, that number is 1-800-876-8253…” 
You begin to feel guilty about making Suguru so worried about you that he had to go to the local news to find out where you were. Tears fill your eyes as you quickly try to turn on your phone only to realize that you forgot to plug it in, “Sorry um… I really need to call that number. Can I use one of your phones please?” Chad looks towards you smirking smugly, “Oh sweetness, I’ll let you use my phone only if you put your number in it too.” Your teary eyes brighten as your request is going to be made possible, “Oh thank you soo much.”  
Chad hands you his unlocked phone and you begin dialing the number with a bright smile on your face as it rings, “I hope he answers... I know he's so worried.” You don’t notice how Chad’s smirk fades nor the other two men grumbling about how long it’s been since either of them have gotten laid... As you mention a ‘he’ Chad scoffs as soon as the phone is answered, “You got some fucking nerve to be using my phone to talk to another dude… you fuckin’ tease.” You pout as Chad lets his blue balls speak for him and off brand Derek Shepherd snorts as he turns the tv off, watching every unfold between the two of you, “Hold on kay’? You don’t have to be so mean...” You hear heavy breathing on the other side of the phone which pulls your attention back towards your initial plan, “Um Hello? I’m the woman that the lady was talking about on TV? Daddy told me to call this number if I got lost? H-Hello?” A familiar growl is heard before a distorted voice rings through your ear, “Where are you.” The rough demanding voice sends tingles down your spine and your frown quickly turns into a smile of relief that you’ll be able to get home safely. “Uhh let me ask them real quick,” You look between store-brand Derek and Chad like you’re so close to winning the lottery, “Uh what’s the address?” Derek gives you uneasy smile before looking away and Chad holds his hand out asking for his phone back, assuming you thought he’s going to tell the person the address for you. “Oh, he’s gonna tell you for me, here ya go!” As you pass the phone back to Chad, and he gets up and walks into the house... 
“Ay don’t bother coming to get the girl or calling this number back. She’s gonna be too busy taking my dick.” Chad says boastfully, “The only dick she’s takes is mine.” The distorted voice says darkly. “Ha not tonight big guy. You can have her back in the morning.” Chad says before ending the conversation… 
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A few minutes of awkward silence goes by before creepy uncle Lester gets up to shut the garage. Chad comes back to the garage with two beers in hand before handing one over to you and sits back in his spot of the couch, “So did he tell you his way here?” Chad takes a swig of his beer as he glances between Derek and Lester, then gives you tight smiles and nods. “Yeah yeah… might take him a while, so you should get comfortable sweetheart.”  With the good news you smile brightly and tap your nails against the glass bottle softly, “You know we never got you name little bunny?” Lester speaks to you for the first time, but his eyes don’t meet yours. He’s too busy undressing what little clothes you had on. “Well neither did you silly! I mean it is Halloween. Do names really matter?” Lester tsk at your response and mutters whatever under his breath as he struggles to open another beer in his drunken state. “Aren’t you gonna drink? Don’t need you wasting our beer and our time.” Chad chimes in with his half full beer in hand, although his words are bitter his tone is sickeningly sweet as if he was speaking to a child. 
“Oh! Actually, I don’t drink beer it’s like super gross. You got like a soda or somethin’?” You chuckle as you place the beer on the table. An uncomfortable feeling sets in as the men stare at you. They all exchange looks between each other, but a late night.... An extremely late-night trick or treater knocks at the door before anyone can act or say anything... Derek is the one to get up to answer the door, “Who and the hell let’s their kids out this late...” he grumbles as he walks into the house.  Lester grabs your open beer off the table, but Chad warns him not to, “Now now... You shouldn’t drink the lady’s drink. Have some respect dude.” Lester waves him off, but grungily puts your drink back down on the table. “Sooo is that a no to having any soda?” Both men ignore your question and Lester turns the TV back on. 
A few minutes go by since Derek went to go answer the door, and just as Chad gets ready to go check the situation, his phone begins to ring with the caller ID being Derek himself, “Dude where the hell did you go?”  
“Sorry about your boyfriend, all those muscles didn’t help much.” the distorted voice rings through his ear and chills ran down his spine, and he doesn’t react too kindly to this prank, “Who the hell is this?” Chad spits venomously into the phone. “Why don't you come find out, filthy monkey.” The call ends before he can respond, and Chad being himself isn’t the type to pussy out to any threat... Yet something in the back of his mind is telling him not to go... “Bro let’s go see what’s going on...” Chad taps Lester leg to as he dozes off, “What? Why the hell do I have to go?!” Lester protest, “Don’t be a pussy and get up.” You perk up as they both get up to head inside the house, “Ooo can you get me a soda too!” Lester is the first to head inside the house, and just before Chad follows suit, he turns on his heels towards you with an irritated look, “You’re cute, but dumb as rocks y’know that sweetheart?” You pout and he leaves you in the garage alone.  
Ten minutes go by, and a lot of banging and muffled voices are heard from inside the house, but Suguru always tells you not to go digging your nose into other people's business. So, you reach over to grab your phone... which is still dead because the charge itself wasn’t plugged in, “Goddamn it! Guru is definitely pass pissed off by now...” You bend over the back of the couch to plug the charger into the wall. 
“Your incompetence never fails you does it Princess?” Suguru’s voice startles you, but his appearance is something straight out of a horror movie alone, “Aww Guru, you scared me! Aww, and you did dress up for Halloween after all! I wish you came to the costume party.” As you ramble on and on, Suguru gives you that same smile he always gives you when you’re so oblivious to the dangerous things around you. He sauntered towards you, luring you deeper into a false sense of security.  Not that you would notice any of the rage he was feeling… No, he made sure that you would feel just how angry he was when you’re his good little mindless cock—
“Y/N.” he utters as you continue on about how you wondered about and met the men, he had the pleasure of coming across himself. You’re lost in your own world which isn’t helping you out of the punishment of Suguru’s wrath… only makes it harder and harder for him to fight the need to carve his name into your skin. 
“My poor poor little slut. You have no clue how much trouble you are, do you?” You gasp as he grips your hair at the base of your skull, forcing you to strain your neck to look into his darkened eyes, “I-I ‘m sorry you had to go to the news to find me, Guru… I won’t be so... S-so careless next time…” Suguru chuckled humorlessly at your words and his grip tightened causing you to whimper. “It's always next time with you… Next time I tell you to do something you fucking do it. Do you understand that you brainless brat?” You nod slightly which only angers him further, Suguru press the very same blade that took the lives of the people from the party and those disgusting pricks in the next room, “Use your fucking words or I’ll cut that pretty little voice box of yours from your throat.” Tears well up in your eyes as you swallow the fear in your chest, “Y-yes daddy.”  you mutter timidly. Suguru’s grip loosens slightly, and he gives you a sadistic smile, “That’s my good girl, now stay very still...” He slowly glides the blade down from your throat to the harness of your costume, you keep your eyes on his as he swiftly cuts the leather fabric like it’s nothing. “You have no idea how many people I’ve killed just for looking at you Princess… How many times have I told you to stay out of trouble, hm?” You look around as you think about each time Suguru has told you and you begin to count each moment on your finger, and he laughs mockingly when you do so. “It’s a rhetorical question, dumb bunny.” You pout confused at his statement. “Soooo was I supposed to repeat the question?” He presses the blade against your cheek with light pressure and he smiles as you stiffen at the sensation, “Let me do all the thinking for you,” Suguru unbuckles his belt with his free hand, he pulls out his throbbing cock from its restraints and you gasp softly at the sight of his cock stands a few inches above your lips, “Open your mouth princess.” without hesitation you open your mouth, relaxing your jaw as he slide his cock down your throat with easy. Pushing your face closer to his pelvis “That’s it princess, just relax don’t think.”   
Your eyes roll back as you choke with his thick cock down your throat. You squeeze your thighs together, attempting to gain some sort of friction. Suguru groans out feeling you gag on his cock; he smirks as he glides the blade down the laces holding your corset together cutting away the fabric slowly, causing you to flinch. 
You gasp at the stinging sensation when the blade deeper against your skin, “Now did I tell you to move princess?” Suguru scold you as he pulls you off his cock, “I-I’m sorry daddy I just really like this outfit...” He mentally rolls his eyes while caressing your cheek and smiling at you, “Don’t worry about that love. We can always replace materialistic things, but we can’t replace you, so stay still like a good girl.” He brushes he cock against your lips, and you gleefully take his cock down your throat once more. 
Gaging and moaning at the feeling, he curses under his breath while gripping your hair into a makeshift ponytail pushing his cock deeper down your throat, “Fuuuck baby— such a good little slut. My good little slut, yeah?” He cuts you free of the suffocating corset letting your breasts breathe freely, your eyes water while you look up at him. 
 That was just what sent him over the edge of holding back, Suguru sets the blade on the couch and grips the back of your head to pull back slightly leaving the tip his cock resting on your tongue, “Take a deep breath f’me sweetheart, time I fuck your throat properly.” Before you could even take in a complete exhale, Suguru shove his cock back down your throat, fucking it relentlessly without any mercy in sight the sounds of his loud groans fill your ears, “Sh-Shit— y-you fucking attention needing slut. You love pissing me off, don’t you? Showing your ass to all those filthy fuckin’ monkeys.” His harsh words leave a pool of excitement dripping down your thighs and the lack of oxygen you dig your nails into his thighs, desperately needing his cock to fill your cunt.  
Suguru grunts as you do so and roughly pulls out of your throat, and a long web connects your swollen lips to his tip. You cough roughly whilst finally taking in a deep inhale, “Daddy please? Please fuck me! Can’t wait anymore please? Ple—” Suguru grabs you by the neck pulling you up to your feet, and your bodysuit falls to the floor. He growls into your ear, and more tears fill your eyes as you squeeze your thighs together tightly, “You’re already crying, and I haven’t even touched you yet.” Suguru chuckles darkly while caressing your wet cheek, “If you’re this much of a mess just from sucking my cock, I can’t wait to ruin your cunt.” You let out a choked moan as his grip slightly tightens around your throat, “P-Please?” Begging him to ruin you just how he wants... With those wet red eyes, tears-stained cheeks, swollen lips... 
 Suguru’s grip tightens as he pulls you closer to whisper in your ear, “Bend over now.” He releases his grip and picks up the blade once more. You step out the bodysuit completely, placing your knees on the couch with your ass in the air then lowering your upper body down to rest on your forearms. “All soaked just from sucking me off? Or did those monkeys get my slut excited, huh?” Suguru glides the blunt side of the blade against your thigh and hip while spreading your slick slowly with his fingers. Shuddering at his touch and the blade against your skin, “O-Only you daddy! Can only get this wet from your tou— mmn!” You whimper softly as the tips of his fingers tease your clit, deepening the arch in your and his cock twitches at the sight. “Such an eager little bunny aren’t you sweetheart?” Suguru places his knee on the couch behind you while keeping the other on the floor. 
 He taunts your cunt with his tip making you wiggle and moan, “Keep. Still.” His icy voice kept you still as a statue and from making another sound all together. You’d forgotten about the blade against your skin all together, too excited for his cock being deep in your guts…. He’s still pissed off and he’s not letting you off that easily… 
 Without warning he bottoms you out, pushing every atom of oxygen from your lungs, “You really thought I’m gonna fuck you because you deserve a treat? Oh no princess.. I’m taking away your privilege of being able to walk freely without every step remaining you that you.. belong… to me..” Suguru bullies your cervix with a few more deep thrusts before pulling out, giving just a few seconds to fill your lungs with air again and he slips back into your cunt while gripping you hair to keep you from running away. “Su-Su!— D-Daddy! Wa— fuuuck!” His cock keeps your brain from calling out any mercy you think he’ll have on you, without realizing you cum around his cock and only broken words and screams can be heard. Suguru pulls you up from the couch and bites on your neck harshly, marking you in the most mundane way he can. Fighting his sadistic needs, “Don’t try to talk your way out of this now Princess. Remember you begged for this, so take it.” He growls in your ear while dancing the blade up from your hip to your navel. Fear and pleasure overwhelms your senses as he continues to fuck you like he absolutely despises you, and taunts you with the sharp object against your skin. “D-Daddy pleeease! Ah a— ‘m sorry!” You cry out while panting heavily and drool begins falling from your lips, yet Suguru ignores your pleas and opts for you muffled screams instead. “Bite.” He brings the handle of the blade to your lips and without question you bite on the handle, muffling your sounds. Suguru stops his movements all together leaving you to throb around his twitching cock buried inside of you, “So you listen when you want to and not when you need to, is that right y/n? Or is it because I fucked the remaining brain cells you have outta ya, you can’t complain now?” Hearing him say your name your rolled back eyes start to focus, and your breathing becomes heavier as he only speaks your name when you’re in the type of trouble where no one and nothing could save you from him… 
“Oh don’t worry precious. I’m not gonna hurt you… You’re gonna feel real good. I can promise you that, but you don’t get to stop cumming on my cock until I say you’ve learned your lesson.” Suguru takes his free hand and grabs both your wrist, placing them behind your back, giving your neck a kiss before thrusting inside your cunt at an animalistic speed. Your mind short circuits causing your eyes to roll back and muffled screams to leave your lips, “S-Shit you like when I fuck you like this, don’t you? You love being my little brainless whore.” Suguru’s words are confirmed when you scream as your second orgasm hits you harder than the last, and your body trembles uncontrollably.  Suguru groans as you tighten and cream around his cock, leading him to chase his high and he tightens his grip on your neck, pulling your body back against his like you’re his personal fuck toy. “Be a good doll and milk my cock, yeah? I just might forgive you for the trouble you caused.”  
In your fucked out state, you do as you’re told and bounce back on Suguru cock, trying to match his pace. “That’s it princess. That’s it— Fuuck~” Suguru shoots his load deep inside your cunt, triggering another orgasm of your own. Drool runs down your chin as you tremble and moan out, Suguru groans in your ear and takes the blade from your lips to kiss you passionately. “D-Do you f-forgive me daddy?” You croak out as you look at him with heavy eyes. His raven hair brushes against your cheek as he whispers, “Oh.. Oh princess….. Not even a little.” 
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A/N: Somewhere along the way during my….. research I ended listening to Badjhur annnnd I haven’t been the same since.. But anyways! Thank you so much for reading!!! 🖤
tags: @fuyuaika @ykimobessed @smolbeanzzz @bontensbabygirl @euvwia @etherealmaya @macsimagines @hoshigray @biscuitsngravie @tojisbutterfly @bunz-lover also!!! If you don’t see your tag it’s because tumblr wouldn’t let me 😭😭 I promise I haven’t forgotten about you 🥺🖤
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♡ Imagine Al-Haitham has enough of your whimpers ♡
!● warnings: gn!reader, anal, slight exhibition, getting caught, dom!al-haitam, very smut, NSFW🔞 no minors or I’ll eat u alive
notes: ngl, this was super fun to write, i do remember i had to tag someone for this one, but idk who it was again 👁👄👁 forgive me, my child
Al-Haitham's hand covering your mouth fully, while he slightly angry pushes you against the book shelf in the Akademiya. Both of you were behind good cover unless someone comes across the corner to encounter a spicy scene. "Do not make any sound, understood?" He says quietly but loud enough into one ear of you, starting a tingling sensation all over your body. Making your legs shiver and weak. You of course could only nod. "You teased me the whole day more than enough."
That was true. Since you only came to the library of the Akademiya to gather some information about your studies, you end up teasing Al-Haitham. You pretended to let something fall so you could bend over seductively to show him your pretty ass. Giggling like a little brat. As if that wasn't enough, you also sneaked down under his desk to kiss and caress his crotch. Of course, after his meeting with Cyno, you run off to the library. And now he caught you, having enough of your games.
Reaching down to your panties, he presses his clothed member against your ass. "This is what you done to me... I don't want to hear anything coming out from you." It was clear for you, but moving was still allowed. So did you press your ass further to his harden length, grinding up and down. Al-Haitham accidentally let slip a quite moan out of his mouth, before biting down on you shoulder. You've heated him enough to just get rough fucked anywhere by him.
His hands now reached behind your panties, caressing you sweetly. He let go of his bite and kissed on it. The other hand still on your mouth, squeezing it shut. After a while he moved his exploring hand to his pants. He just opened a little hole which allowed his member to be free. He let a relieved sigh out and put down your pants. For your surprise he let go of your mouth, before pushing his fingers inside your wet mouth. "Come on, make them nice wet." You nod with a cute little moan before he took his wet finger down to your ass, preparing you for himself.
Adding at first one finger, wanting you to adjust to the feeling, before adding his second one inside of you. Moving unbearable slowly inside of you, making you whimper. Even now he can not shut you down, which lets him push you harder against the shelf. Good thing, the shelf was behind a wall or else it would fall down. “Shut up… I am not done with you.” You shut your eyes in fear not to be pleased how you liked it from Al-Haitam. But as soon as you relax and try not to moan out his name, he slowly pushes himself inside you. “Fuck… so tight…”, he said, clearly you weren’t ready yet to be pushed inside but he did not cared. It hurted for you and he noticed it. He lets go of his hands on your mouth and caresses your back. “It’s okay, try to relax… I will make this fast.” As soon as his warm hands massage your back a bit, you start to relax and let his size adjust inside of you. You let out a sigh before saying: “O-okay, you can move now~” With a soft smile you looked behind you, straight to his face. Knowing well that he will right away move his hips, groaning lowly. The way his dick now moves out and then fully inside your ass was a very pleasant show to look at. It felt amazing for him and slowly for you too. It took some more thrust until you felt him brush over your g-spot, making you gasp. “R-right there~” You started to get louder and moaned a bit. But he immediately put his hand again on your mouth, pushing himself deeper inside you, while not stopping grinding. “Shut up, we aren’t alone here. Or is it your intention to let people know how much of a whore you are?” Your eyes rolled back of the thoughts someone might catch you having sex with Al-Haitam. It made your legs weaker with every push inside of you, your hands trying to hold on the shelf but slipping away. Causing a book to fall down, but Al-Haitam was focused to fuck your ass. Neither of you guys stopped your movements, both too focused on the pleasure. But someone noticed what you both were doing. It wasn’t his intention to see his college fucking one of the Akademiya dearest student, neither was his intention to watch you guys.
Al-Haitam was close to filling you up, so he let go of your mouth causing you to breathe loud and tried to hold your moan inside. Even though Al-Haitam told you to shut up, he was into the good feeling sunken and started to get sloppier with each hard thrust into you. Letting you shiver again, feeling your own orgasm build up too. “F-fuck, take everything…!” He breathes out through his teeths while spurting his seeds inside you. Your tongue was out, eyes behind your back, not wanting to moan out. As soon as Al-Haitam’s breath calmed down, he slipped out of you. His dick half hard, but soon getting soft. Perfect to go back to work. 
A loud cough caught you and Al-Haitam to heat up, looking at the person standing with crossing arms in front of you guys. “Both of you are banned from the library for two weeks. This is still a public place.”, Cyno said, putting back the book which dropped down earlier.
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yellowdribble · 24 days
Thinking about micro/macro omorashi scenerios~
I’ve seen a couple people touch on the subject, but in general I think micro/macro omorashi is kind of an untouched goldmine
Obviously there’s so much potential for a micro character to get desperate in a world that’s too big for them
(Someone may have done this one- I don’t remember- but sharing anyway) A fairy or other small micro getting captured in a jar by a macro character and getting increasingly desperate while in their clear glass confinement that offers absolutely no privacy. also imagine the macro being kinda mean and shaking the jar on purpose to torture the micro eventually making them wet
Maybe a micro character that got stuck in a macro world unexpectedly- and this guy is the type to never pee outside or any unusual places. He will ONLY pee in a toilet thank you very much. So he gets taken in by a macro character and when the need arises, he attempts to use the ginormous toilet that’s in the macro house. Unfortunately he falls in and almost drowns. So now he’s too terrified to use the toilet, but too stubborn to explore other options of relieving himself. So the next time he needs to pee, he just holds it. obviously he cant hold it forever though.
There could also be the simple fear wetting- a micro encounters a macro and is absolutely terrified at seeing such a huge monstrous being! So scared that maybe at first they don’t notice that warm patch growing in their pants
A friendly macro who carries a micro in their pocket, but one day the micro is super desperate, but too shy to let the macro know. So micro is just bouncing around in this giants pocket, feeling every giant footstep and gripping their crotch for dear life. Eventually they can’t take it any more. They start to leak, and then those leaks turn to spurts and eventually their bladder just gives in and empties. The macro is confused as to why their pocket with their tiny friend is starting to get warm and wet.
A macro finds a micro character, and omg they’re so cute!! The micro is just like a little doll! You can put them in cute little doll clothes and have a tea party, and this doll actually will drink the tea and make conversation back. When the tea party is over, the macro can just put the micro in their doll house. After all everything is just the right size, right?
Unfortunately all that very real tea makes its way to the micros very real bladder, and when they run to the dollhouse bathroom desperate to go- they find that when they open the lid to the toilet- there’s no place to actually pee in! There’s not even a hole under the lid, it’s one of those cheap plastic toy furniture items that just has a sticker to give the impression of something being there. Now where are they supposed to pee?
The micro tries to hold it until their macro friend comes back, but will they make it in time?
Will the macro return to a wiggling living doll who’s squirming around doing their best not to make a mess of their pretty clothes or the pretty dollhouse
Or will they come back to a micro who’s already wet with tears streaming down their face
Micros are always the obvious choice as an omo victim, but I was also thinking…what if we reverse it?
Anyone who’s read Gulliver’s Travels is familiar with the scene where Gulliver puts out a fire with his pee
What if we had a macro who’s gotta pee, but there’s no fire to put out. Instead, if they did pee- it would actually cause damage to the town of micro people they’ve found. (You don’t wanna flood the streets and drown the townsfolk with a massive golden tsunami)
So while they’re visiting their tiny friends they just gotta hold it- and being the only giant it’s kinda hard to hide your potty dance from prying eyes
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starryknight-tarot · 1 year
𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓯𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓭𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓯𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓼𝓹𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮
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pile 1 -- > pile 2 pile 3 -- > pile 4
my masterlist<3 . paid readings
Hello beautiful souls! ✨ Today we will be looking into what your first date with your future spouse will be like. Remember to meditate, take a deep breath and pick whatever pile calls to you the most. Since this is a general reading, make sure to take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
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Pile 1
Cards: Page of Cups, Six of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles rx, King of Pentacles, Seven of Pentacles, Strength, Death rx, Knight of Cups Back of the deck: The Lovers
I got A LOT of pentacles for this pile so your fs could be loaded or you or your fs could be an Earth sign so Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn. If not, you could have a lot of dominant Earth signs in your chart. I am specifically seeing Venus in Virgo. Your fs is gonna want to spoil you during the date. They could take you somewhere really fancy. I am getting very strongly that they wanna impress you. They may insist on paying for everything so you can enjoy yourself. I am getting that they are going to take you to a crowded place. I am seeing an amusement park or arcade. I don't feel like this will be a random place for them, they may go there often. Your person will plan the whole thing and really try to make it perfect and romantic. They wanna win games and get you a big prize. I see them winning a big teddy bear and you hugging it while blushing. They will lead the way and show you a bunch of really cute things that probably teach you a lot about them. For some of you, you will go to a festival and there will be a lot of colorful bright lights and yummy food stands that you guys will enjoy with them. I am getting this person could live or have lived close to you. All smiles and laughs with this pile. Your fs really wants to impress you, they may have had a crush on you before you even knew and really want to make sure everything is perfect. I am getting such a cute vibe for this date it's all so positive for this pile. They may tell you before the date that they want you to relax as much possible with them and to be yourself. This may be because some of you are kind of introverts and maybe this kind of stuff isn't your scene, but they want to show you how fun these kinds of things can be. I feel like if you get overwhelmed at all they will be SUPER supportive and do anything to make sure you feel better. I am getting for some of you, you will know that they are the one from this date or you will know you wanna marry them. I feel like you guys may even end the date with a kiss or a big hug that just feels so right.
Advice Cards:
Your acts of love, kindness, and unlimited forgiveness bestow grace upon you Give up resistance in your current situation Remember that in universal law, all is well and fair A powerful dream will guide you Your spirit wings are unfolding, It is time to take flight! Reflect on one of your blessings
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 2
Cards: Judgement, The Star, Two of Cups, Three of Swords, Three of Pentacles rx, The Lovers rx, Page of Pentacles, Four of Wands rx, Two of Swords rx Back of the deck: King of Wands
I am getting that you guys won't even realize that this was your first date until like years later. A very unintentional date. I am seeing some of you drinking a little too much or something, you could be at a bar or just out with friends. If you don't drink, you would just be retreating to your comfort place, some of you that may be a cafe. I am getting that around this time, you are gonna be down in the dumps, I am hearing for some of you specifically love is making you feel sad. Some of you may feel like you have no chance in love or some of you may have just been dumped. I am getting that you will be crying, a rare moment of vulnerability and your fs would approach you. I feel like some of you are gonna feel scared by their presence at first but you will very quickly see they are just trying to see what's wrong and help you out. Your fs is gonna have a strong urge to take care of you and make sure you are ok and safe. They really want to cheer you up, I am hearing they don't like to see you cry. I am suddenly seeing someone with a motorcycle so you or them could have one but I feel like it's more likely them. I feel like your fs will take you from lying around crying and take you somewhere fun (please don't let strangers take you to random places yall unless you completely trust them). I am hearing, I am spending this magical night with you. I feel like you will spend all night with your fs just watching stars and talking about your lives. Things will just feel right, like everything is how it's supposed to be. I am feeling this date will be mostly conversation, just expressing yourself and pouring your feelings out to them and return the conversation almost perfectly. I am hearing some of you will feel like complete opposites but still match each other's energy. I am getting that they just want to listen to you or that they could listen to you talk all day. They will really raise your mood and you will just feel so comfortable with them. They will make sure you get home safely and you guys won't be able to stop think about each other.
Advice Cards:
No better time to exists than right now Make a commitment and follow through It is important to understand and value your own energy Complete the project or task. Something is calling for closure Pay attention to the issue that time plays in your life right now Keep the faith. Stay intentioned. Your perseverance will pay off You are intuitively gifted. Trust your guidance
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 3 Cards: Ten of Swords rx, Temperance, Ace of Wands rx, The Magician, The World, The Wheel of Fortune, Ten of Cups, Knight of Swords Back of the deck: Ace of Cups
I keep hearing that this person is your classmates or you could have known them for a long time. Childhood friend vibes. I am getting that you guys could have had a crush on each other for a while now and like everyone knows but you have just never talked about it. I feel like this date will come about very suddenly like one day yall are just chilling and one of you guys is just like, "dude let's go on a date" or maybe not that direct like "let's just go somewhere." and it becomes a date. I feel like you are gonna be the one to ask. VERY random message but I feel like some of you may be Hispanic or Latino. Obviously not for everyone lol. The moment will just feel right and you guys will go hang out and you will just go everywhere. You guys will go get snacks and drinks like lemonade or popsicles. I am getting summer vibes from this date, you could go to the beach. I feel like you guys will just connect like you never have before, it will feel different then other times you have been with each other. I really feel like your conversations with each other will flow more naturally and you guys will be more flirty with each other. I feel like you will be doing a lot of walking, not knowing where you are going or what you are doing but you know you have each other and that feels really comfortable. I am seeing you might be messing around at a playground. During the day you guys will be very active, I see people playing volleyball on the beach and swimming in the water, splashing each other. You guys may also like to tease and playfully bicker with each other. But during the night time it starts to get a more intimate kind of comfortable where you just lay down holding hands on the sand as it surrounds both of you, feeling comfortable in each other's presence and just talking about everything under the sun. I feel like you will have really deep conversations and talk about your future together. I feel like you guys might become an official couple on the first date and also kiss for the first time. I feel like this kiss will just feel so right. Like fireworks are going off for both of you. I am hearing you both have a very destined relationship, your fs could be your soulmate Pile 3.
Advice Cards:
Your heart is a center of intuitive intelligence. Listen to it! You can manifest your heart's desire Make a commitment and follow through Be bold. It's time to leap forward! You are divinely protected. Remind yourself how safe you are Expect good things to come to you
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 4 Cards: Page of Cups rx, Eight of Swords, Death, Three of Swords rx, Knight of Wands, Ten of Swords, Six of Pentacles, Ace of Cups, Page of Wands Back of the deck: Three of Wands
I feel like a lot of you have experienced heartbreak, you may have been in an on and off relationship with someone. I am hearing they could have been a karmic. It was unhealthy for you but I am getting you will cut them off for good. Once you are no longer trapped by this manipulative person is when your fs will make a move. I feel like you may need time to yourself after this relationship (I am hearing spirit really encourages some time to yourself, some of you need to learn to love yourself before putting yourself out there again). But I feel like your fs is someone you already knew, I am hearing specifically a coworker. I am getting your fs has had a crush on you for a while now, but was too afraid to make a move. Your fs is really shy but they want to be the one to ask you out. This may be around winter time for you Pile 4. I am getting that you may have barely noticed your fs before they asked you out. When you do go out, they will take you out for dinner somewhere nice. I feel like they will be so nervous and afraid to make a bad impression. I am getting when the date starts they may compliment you a lot and it is all super fluffy and cute cause they are just in awe in your presence. The date may start a little awkward and silly but I do feel like you guys will warm up and have really comfortable conversation. I think you guys will realize you have a lot in common and they will make you laugh a lot. I am hearing you may get stares because you guys are laughing so hard. Your fs will feel very different then anyone you have ever been with. I feel like you both will get really flustered and I am hearing it will just feel blissful. I don't feel like you will immediately realize you are falling in love with them but I do think you will think about your fs a lot after this and you will start spending a lot more time together after this date. You can see the start of something beautiful.
Advice Cards:
You are birthing a new self You are healing at a cellular level Reflect on the state and use of your personal energy You are ready to receive your fortune. Be miracle minded! Practice the pause Make a commitment and follow through
Channeled Songs:
(I really felt called to add a third channeled song for this pile so congrats lol)
Thanks for tuning in₊‧.°.⋆🫧•˚₊‧⋆.
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peoplesgraves · 2 years
I really liked your Yandere thoughts about being a Model surrounded by Obsession. If it is not too much to ask, could you do one about being an Actor that is surrounded by obsession?
Some more yandere thots for y’all. This time you’re an actor who can’t escape obsession.<3
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Other actors all want to do romantic scenes with you. If they ever had to do a sex scene with you they’d be so smug. Already thinking of ways to tease it in interviews and thinking of how many people will be shipping you together after it comes out. Do they watch edits and read fanfic of the two of you? It more likely then you’d think. Everyone wants to be your date on the red carpet or to be in a pr relationship that hopefully into more.
A personal assistant who has so much control over you. Who remembers every little detail, every meeting and every extra actor who looks at you just a little too long. They know exactly how you take your coffee and every single password you’ve ever had. Your beloved assistant will login to your phone and block anyone they don’t like and they’ll cancel shoot days if they think you need a break. Your assistant knows everything about you and they’ll use every little secret against you if they have too. They just want to take care of you. To make sure you know that there’s no way you’d survive without them.
Writers who write shows and movies specifically with you in mind. If you mention in a interview that you’d really like to do a horror movie next then within a few months you’ll be fielding more offers for horror movies then you could ever act in. The bench mark for a successful writer is no longer actually getting a show or movie made, it’s you agreeing to be in it.
Talk show hosts who make sure that every show has at least one segment about you. Maybe just a little update pulled from your social media or them gushing about how cute you looked doing press for your newest venture. They’d bump the creator of the world themselves if you requested to be on their show. They’d probably get so star struck though that you’d end up doing most of the hosting while they just give love sick stares your way.
Fans who sign onto any project as an extra or a grunt no matter how crappy the pay or conditions, Just for a chance to meet you. While extras are pretty harmless and will mostly just flock to you at any time they can and maybe break into your trailer to get a souvenir, it’s the grunts you really need to worry about. If they hear someone else on set talking badly about you then they’re not afraid to drop a light on their head.
A more seasoned actor who takes you under their wing. Steers you away from directors they know will take advantage of you or away from projects that will hurt your career. They’re just so helpful and protective that you can’t help but trust them. All they ask in return is for your time. When they hug you just a little too long you think it’s just because they care but honestly they have paparazzi hiding in the bushes. They’ve already been practicing what they’ll say when the pictures come out. That they were just trying to help your career by being seen with them, they didn’t realize you’d be upset. Of course you’ll forgive them because they’re just looking out for you right?
Award shows that always make sure you never leave empty handed. Who give you a special gift bag that makes all the other ones look like they came from the dollar store. You also never leave without an award. If you were to not make any new content for a year you can bet you’d still be invited to all the big shows and would win the ‘fan voted’ best actor/actress award, an award that definitely wasn’t created just for you.
You have a lot of influence when it comes to trends. If people notice you wearing a brand a lot then it’ll become super popular or if you endorse a product everyone will buy it. Companies and brands are always trying to get you to appear in their products or do ads for them because of how influential you are.
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tmntxthings · 1 year
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I watched it 🤭🙌🐢💜❤️💙🧡
so good! so cute!!! spoilers below the cut ↓
soooooo I really really really enjoyed how much effort they put into making them like sad about their circumstances, the reality of it all, being a mutant and wanting to be accepted by humans,
Splinter not being a human to begin with but just a rat and quite frankly traumatized by humans all his life so very distrustful and doesn’t want his sons going through that or getting killed, and what tops the cake is that he actually tried to go out on his own with the tots, only to be instantly turned on, which just solidified the fear! even though he wasn’t just a rat anymore he was still cast out, still shunned!
but the turtles were too young to really remember that so they had endless hope, at least Mikey, Donnie, and Raph, kinda sorta Leo especially when April came onto the scene 🤭
WHICH SPEAKING OF THAT! Idk how I feel, super cute, Leo liking April instantly reminded me so much of 2k12 Donnie maybe a less intense version, all the scenes where romance was implied wasn’t so heavy (maybe slightly cringe) but still had me smiling so I guess I’m for it????? Still need to think on it more, overall my thoughts are : cute ✨ Leo was just being so cute 💀
THE BROTHERS WERE DRAGGING HIM OUT THO, like practically the whole first half of the movie, which is typical for tmnt, but gah damn 😂 it was so apparent when just Donnie, Mikey, and Raph would group up/link up, because Leo would constantly “rat” them out to the rat! Super different vibes from rise!leo for sure, that was kinda switched where Mikey was the one who couldn’t really lie… and it wasn’t about lying per say, just Leo being a pleaser? or a good kid? or wanting to do the right thing??? maybe that’s all the same thing as not wanting to lie 😂
anyhow, my favorite part had to be the very first fight scene the bros go into! Leo springing into action, being the one to propel his brothers into danger all because he wanted to help April (again so cute) get her scooter back! Technically their fault too! Anyhow they were getting whooped but also holding their own simultaneously, and just thinking quickly on their feet and helping each other out, it was all pretty intense and very stressful like where Mikey almost got run over twice 😨 I was like oml someone do SOMETHING!!!!! Thankfully we got big bro Raph, always coming in clutch! But yeah I just really enjoyed the first fight and them coming out on top! And right after being accepted by their first human aka April O’Neil!!!!!!!!! :D
There’s so much more to say, I could quite literally write down everything that happened in words but not gonna go there 💀💀 anyone wanna just gush about the movie?!? What was your favorite part??! What do you guys think about Leo x April???
Do we have a date yet??? Oml so flippin’ excited that we have confirmed more content on the way!!!
Someone, anyone, TALK TO MEEEEEEEE 💞🤗😚
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newkatzkafe2023 · 1 month
You know that scene where Monkey King sniffs one of the elixirs and he turns back into a baby monkey?
What if that were to happen again with a female Y/N but this time, it takes longer for him to turn back to normal? So while your waiting for that to happen, your basically being a mother figure feeding him, playing with him, cuddling him, and just keeping an eye on him to makes sure he doesn’t get himself hurt. I do also see him trying to pick up Stick but it’s too heavy for him so you would have to take Stick away from him for the time being. And when you go to take a nap and baby monkey is nuzzling his face in your chest cuddling you(I also imagined you falling asleep like that and your just combing your fingers through his hair and back), THATS when he turns back to normal and he’s just laying there with his face still in your chest cuddling you trying to process everything.
Too goddamn cute!!!😩💖💖💖
BABIES 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
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(Lmk Wukong) This is what happens when you don't clean up you crap now. Sun Wukong is a baby again. He spilled an old elixir that he forgot he had. Now he's a baby monkey, a surprisingly quiet baby monkey. He's May be quiet but he is certainly curious And because of that nature he gets lost very easily and you have to go and find him. But it's kind of okay because he makes up for it with a loving nature. When he's back to begin an adult He's super embarrassed about the whole situation when you explain it to him. And your relationship change the bit because of how motherly you were to him. On the brightside You have black mail in the form of baby pictures😈.
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(NR Wukong) Man you thought he was a handful as an adult. Now look at him he's a bigger troublemaker as a baby well at least he's cute. He spilled an Elixir and now He's back to being a kid. But he's kind of a sweetheart and has retain some intelligence. He likes to pull pranks and loves to get cuddles and makes you laugh all the time. He does silly performances for you so you would laugh more But you always make sure it's nothing dangerous. When he's an adult He makes you promise not to tell anybody about what happened. Which you agree for his sake What about the baby pictures you took???🤔🤔🤔 Oh well What he doesn't know won't hurt him😏😏😈😈
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(HIB Wukong) your really beginning to think that he was always grouchy because look at his face. He was a grouchy baby and picky when it comes to food. If something is not made of certain way he'll accept , he's not gonna eat at all. And sometimes you feel like he's Judging your whole entire existence. But other then that He seems to be more emotionally intelligent at this stage as he quick to conform you, pigsy, or the kids. When he's an adult he avoids the topic until you ask him if he were to want more children which causes him to pass out all over again.
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(MKR Wukong) (Oh man I don't know if yall remember that one spongebob episode with the rotten patty in the cage😬) Well This is the best way to describe baby Wukong. He is Mean, Feral and Unpredictable and a absolute nightmare with the monk and The pilgrims. He growls and Bites and Fights and Spit There is no figuring out how to Tame him. Interesting enough the only one he listened to is you. If he gets angry or cause trouble , you come and calm him down and lightly scold , but explain his transgression. So he trust you And looks for your approval. Downside is He is the jealous type and doesn't like other people being around you. Luckily when he becomes an adult The only thing you have to worry about is his Mood swings.
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(Netflix Wukong) OH LORD HE' SO CUTE!!!! But man, is he clingy. Now he was messing around and spilling something magical and weird. He's a handful, and quite Destructive that's for sure, but he usually uses his Cuteness and innocence to wiggle his way out of a punishment. You still scold and Reprimand him but he never did anything serious our very bad So you never did more than that. When he Gets back to normal He begs and plead you not to tell anybody about what happened. Which is fine and all But how do you tell him, that after everything you want to have Cubs???😥🤔🤫
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ashleyhuh · 10 months
Hyper analyzing Devlog 07
I am just too excited for this and I NEED to talk about Devlog 07 and just the implications and some speculation of each screen shot AND the new art!
I wanna start from a more overlooked screen shot which really puts us in Andrews shoes and more!
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In Andrew's eyes he doesn't even value his friend enough to consider him anything other than "Friend B" which to me is probably how he remembered it as I'd like to imagine in this scene he sticks up for Ashley and probably might even stop being friends with him again, somewhat how like they tried forgetting Nina and blocking out her name and face from their memories only this time he wasn't even important enough to Andrew his name was simply forgotten, not important enough because Ashley is far, far more important to him.
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This to me really confirms that Nemlei wants to tell this story for how it is and how many of us see it. A romance novel, even in Decay we see Andrew still loving Ashley but angry he loves her and angry with himself for being this way. We see this in how he is still physical with her tho he is using that touch as a means of frustration, he wants her but he hates that he does. This drawing is also just super fucking cute I love it
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I think honestly its incredible how this is the first time we see a police officer this late into the game considering what types of antics they've been up to. There isn't much to analyze here other than with the officers seem to have a more relaxed mood, talking more about the monotonous parts of their job and as such I don't believe they'd be looking for Andrew, but Andrew is still hiding from them as he can't afford to be seen by Police.
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This to me could say a lot or nothing. The soul in front of lord unknown could very much so be Andrew's as it's popular speculation that he is going to be sacrificed and Ashley has to get him back. The game has made it clear to us that when you lose your soul you don't die which is a key element if Nemlei is going to ever develop that detail further with what we've speculated from before. This area could also have major significance if it's important that Ashley and Andrew try to summon lord unknown in the optional part of the game. Who knows it could matter it could not such as with the gun having bullets or not.
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merlucide · 1 month
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notes: HELP I H8 THE DRABBLES..🥲 (og ask)
characters: Reo, Isagi, Rin, Bachira
warnings: cursing?, implied fem, cringe
bllk mlist
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oh, he just LOVES watching your performances. 
Wether your on stage or not- he comes to EVERY show (drags nagi w/him too LMAO)
Helps you memorize any of your lines / helps you gather stuff you’ll need backstage.
He loves seeing you thrive in theater, and how happy it makes you ><
He always listens intently when you talk about your favorite broadway show, amazed how you remember even the smallest details
Sings your favorite musical songs with you, he will even act out the scene with you
Brings you a BIG bouquet of assorted flowers when the performance is over— rambling about how just wonderful it was
He is really proud of the effort you put into you craft, and the outcome always amazes him
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Everyone had gathered on stage for the final bow, the crowd clapped and cheered. You smiled when you spotted your boyfriend holding up a limp Nagi. Reo clapped with a bright smile on his lips— and Nagi squinting at the bright lights. Everyone headed backstage and the crowd cleared, most left but close friends and family stayed and came backstage.
“Y/N that was wonderful!” You hear the familiar voice of your boyfriend praise, him running to you and hugging you tightly. He pecked your cheeks and held onto your arms. “My love that might just have been your best performance yet,” You snorted at his comment “Reo, you say that after every performance.”
“Well every performance is perfect my love,” Reo quips, his face into a smooth grin. Behind him trailed Nagi, who slurred a ‘good job’ with a thumbs up. Reo pulls back a bit and hands you a beautiful bouquet you can’t help but smile at. It was so pretty, full of tulips and lillies and smaller flowers complimenting the main ones.
“Thank you Reo,” you smiled before kissing his cheek. “Of course my love, just doing my job,”  <3
oh he is so cute
You 100% get him into the world of theater
Thinks that it’s really cool how you’re passionate about this
Super supportive— tells all his friends about your plays and all of the stuff you like
His favorite broadway shows are Dear Evan Hanson and Hamilton— he thinks King George is hilarious
He likes being involved with your plays anyway he can—he will be try to be involved if he is free
Tells his family all about your performance!!
The whole family goes to your shows (≧∀≦)
Tries to memorize your lines / the plays lines with you but forgets them 💀
(or) Tries helping you with props/technical stuff but doesn’t know what to do so he just stands there 😭
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“Yoichi- can you pass me the yellow please?” You asked from sitting on the floor, paint brush in hand. On the floor was props you were tasked with making. 
“Here,” Yoichi hands the paint bucket to you as he watches you pour some on your pallet. You guys were supposed to go out tonight but you still had some props you needed to finish— so Yoichi offered to keep you company. “Uhm, are you sure you don’t need any help..?” He nervously asks. 
“Oh no I’m okay, thanks though,” you happily replied, you already felt bad for canceling date night and didn’t want to ‘burden’ him with helping you. “Oh okay,” he sits back down on the floor and continues to watch you. 
“…Did you wanna help?” You slowly asked. 
“I dunno,”
You softly sighed and handed him a brush. “Here, you can paint the moon,” You stood up and grabbed the unfinished moon set-prop. Yoichi nodded eagerly as he started painting. His strokes were in all directions— you’d have to go over them later but you didn’t mind too much. He looked so cute with his brow slightly furrowed when he concentrated on painting the edges.
“How’s this?” Yoichi asks, pointing to his moon with a little grin. “It’s perfection,” you praise, which he responds with a soft ‘thanks’ as he admires his work. <3
lmao he does NOT get it 😭💀
like you showed him a clip of your fav musical and he was like ??? Ppl ACTUALLY like that..?? (Ignore him he’s stupid)
but SUPER supportive of your performances!! he just lacks artistic appreciation, aaaand he has as much creativity as a wet sock, so yk
When he comes to your performances, he always brings a small but pretty bouquet (he’s beet red when he hands them to you >< )
You have desperately tried to get him into the arts— which just continued to confuse him🫠
He likes Shakespeare though??? which is probably like the only plays he will willing watch (aside for yours ehe:3)
You call him your Romeo ;) (he gets embarrassed and gets mad at you LMAO)
Lmao he should’ve never voiced his ‘like’ for Shakespeare bc when ever he asks you a simple question you’ll end up going “To be or not to be, that is the question” (que rin groaning)
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“Rin, you need to put more emotion into it!!” You exasperatedly said, flinging your paper up. You had asked Rin to go over your lines with you, which was a stupid idea to begin with. He ticked his jaw, fingers firmly pressing into the paper.
“tch. This is stupid,” Rin answered, glaring at you. You sighed, “I can’t feel the scene if you sound like a robot!”Rin huffed, his pride clearly wounded. He groaned and flicked the paper back and examined it again.
“What. do. you. mean he’s. been. lying?” Rin reads, his voice flat. 
You internally sigh, “I’m not sure, but when I asked him he was acting strange..” you spoke, already memorized your lines. “Could. it have. something. to do .with his. sister?” “No- he wouldn’t tell her about something like that… Unless!!” You clapped your hands.
“YAAAY!! I FINALLY NAILED MY TIMING!!” You exclaimed, clapping your hands excitedly. You then tackled Rin, who was sitting on your bed, catching his lips in a fat smooch. “Thanks honey, I really appreciate you tryin,” you praise, hands resting on his shoulders. 
“Tch.. It’s nothing..” Rin muttered, his hand coming to rest on your waist. “I’m never doing this again,” you snickered at his mood change  (he’s gonna end up helping next time you ask <3)
help Ik that was so bad 💀
omg you wanna binge watch Chicago, Six, and Heathers? WELL SO DOES BACHIRA!
yall sing musicals together all the time like- yall are in character doing the choreography and all
He loves watching musicals sm
And he LOVES watching you perform/work in theater
Like- seriously goes to all of your shows, even rehearsals if he can
Gets super immersed in your performances- thinks it’s 10x better than any broadway show
Loves seeing your/the costumes- will definitely try to try them on (before he gets caught and gets in trouble lmao)
After every performance he takes you to go get ice cream- a little ritual you guys have :3
OH. And he tries to match his outfit to what your play is >< (keyword, tries)
He brings his mom to your plays and she whistles and claps so loud when the plays over 😭💗
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“Y/N you were friggin’ awesome!!!” Bachira exclaimed, hands swinging yours back and forth. “I wasn’t even on stage for 5 minutes,” you snorted. “Well you were the best one there! Being a tree takes a lot of skill y’know!!” He grins, pulling you along faster. 
You finally arrived at the sacred land, Benny’s Ice Cream Parlor. Bachira ordered for both of you, handing you one cone of (Fav Flavor). You sat down on the bench, already licking your cone. Bachira put his foot on the bench, “Ahem, Ahem,” He began, lifting his ice cream up. “I would like to make a toast!,” You smile at his antics, waiting for what he’ll say next. “A toast to the best play in the history of the plays!” You snickered, raising your cone “A toast!” You said, ‘clinking’ your ice creams together. 
“Ah, being Tree #4 is no easy task…” You dramatically sighed, licking your ice cream. Bachira shook his head. “Tut tut..,” you both snickered, finishing your ice creams and heading back home. <3
bllk mlist
taglist: @gigiiiiislife @sharkissm @luvingshidou @kurona-theshark @soleilonthesun @duckydee-0 @rinitoshisgirl @someprettyname @nikomelo
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kanakakannakkkse ive rewritten the Drabble so many times bro 😭😭 ARGH AJSNSNANANA
made August 22nd 2024
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anxiouseldergod · 1 month
hiii I love the premise of your au ✨️
I was wondering about a couple things..
1. is grim part of it?
2. what about ace and Deuce? what do they do? I think it would cute if they were still super close to reader (I'm totally NOT a huge fan of the heartshackle dynamic /s)
I wrote way more on this then I meant to lmao
While I do intend for this to be an x reader series thingy, this is more of a "how you met" scenario, so it doesn't really have any romance.
It's kind of long, so it's all below the cut!
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I had planned to include Grim in my post going over my au, actually! I ended up writing it in the middle of the night though and completely forgot to add him there lol
In my au, Grim lives with the reader as their familiar! Maybe it's an overused trope to make him their familiar in au's, but I have this cute image in my head of him trying to help around both the shops.
struggling to reach certain shelves to fill them with books of magical items, napping on the counters next to you while you're working, going out with you while collect herbs...
I adore my dumbass son.
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as for adeuce? I feel like they would be regular customers at the magic shop, always stocking up on healing items.
I see them as rookie (but surprisingly successful) adventurers.
They were trained by family members, Ace learned from his older brother and Deuce from his mom (a now retired adventurer).
They ended up joining the same guild, Heartslabyul, which is based in one of the cities nearby.
As the two newest members, they often get paired up together, much to their dismay.
I feel like they heard rumors of the magic shop in the woods and got curious, wanting to know if it was actually real.
So, they set out, going deeper and deeper into the dark woods. Just when they thought maybe it wasn't real, they stumbled across you.
They were certainly surprised to find you living in the woods with just your familiar to keep you company.
Entering your shop, they were immensely disappointed to see a bookstore instead of a magic shop.
You greet them politely, smiling from behind the counter.
"Welcome! Feel free to look around, let me know if you need anything."
While neither of them are at all interested in the books you have, they decide to look around anyway. They came all this way, after all.
The two boys disappear from you line of sight, conversing quietly as they browse the shelves despite their lack of interest. Grim looks up from the can of tuna he was eating, ear twitching as he stares in their direction curiously.
After finishing his snack, Grim wanders away from you, toward where the two had gone. He weaves through the maze of shelves, peeking out from behind one. He watches the boys argue quietly.
"No, I told you it wasn't real! But you just had to come see!"
"What? How is this my fault? You wanted to come too.."
The back and forth continues for a moment as Grim watches from the side. The whole scene is greatly amusing to him and, without realizing, he lets out a small laugh.
Ace and Deuce pause in their useless bickering, turning to stare at the laughing creature. They look thoroughly confused by him, clearly never having seen anything like him. Ace speaks up first.
"Hang on, is that weird cat laughing at us–"
Grim's face immediately changes as the fire coming from his ears burns a little brighter. He stomps his little foot, tail swishing angrily.
"I am NOT a cat!"
The boys jump a bit, deuce accidentally backing into the bookshelf behind him.
"Why can it talk?!" He shouts, before seemingly remembering the sign that told him to keep quiet. He tries again, whisper shouting this time. "Why can it talk?!"
Grim looks even more upset at this. "Why can you talk? Clearly you don't have anything smart to say!"
Ace laughs at this, snorting before covering his mouth in an attempt to hide his amusement. Deuce notices this and elbows him.
Grim turns to Ace, hands on his hips as he speaks to him. "You don't seem much smarter, you know."
Now, Ace is upset. He yells at Grim, not worried about keeping his voice down. "What would some ugly kitten know about me anyway?"
Grim is even more offended now. In his upset, he gets the bright not idea to scare the two with with his fire magic. He breathes a blue flames toward them, successfully scaring them like he had intended.
However, he didn't account for Deuce's reaction.
"I summon thee, cauldron!"
A large cauldron comes crashing down from seemingly nowhere. It hits the bookshelf beside them and sends it crashing to the ground,
Grim manages to mostly avoid the disaster, but ends up getting his tail smashed by a stray book. A rather large one too. He yelps in pain, shooting more fire magic out reflexively.
Ace and Deuce look on in horror as the book shelf falls over completely, Grim's flames catching on the books. The smoke builds up around them, making it hard to see.
Suddenly, the fire is put out all at once.
As the smoke clears, the three of them see you angry face as you survey the damage they caused.
Grim scrambles behind your legs, holding his sore tail and glaring at the adventurers.
Deuce is practically tripping over himself trying to apologize, but is abruptly stopped as you inspect the cauldron on the ground.
"You use magic?"
You can see the color drain from their faces at your question. Their both stammering, coming up with lame excuses or trying to change the subject.
Ace is sure you'll snitch about Deuce's magic, and he'll get busted for keeping it a secret. He's (overly) confident that he can escape the law if he has to, but he's more worried about how his brother will react.
Deuce is sure he'll never go another quest, then he'll never achieve his dream of becoming a legendary adventurer! He can already see his mother's disappointed face when she hears that her only son was locked up due to illegal use of summoning magic. Which is why he's so confused when he hears you laugh.
"What a terrible display! You're not very experienced are you?" You say, a smile growing on you face. You turn to Ace. "I'm assuming you use it too, right? Actually, no need to answer, I can sense your magic energy."
Grim looks up at you incredulously. "Why are ya laughin'? Aren't ya gonna tear into 'em for the mess they made?"
You smile to yourself, closing your eyes as you think for a moment. "Oh, you're all in trouble, Grim. But I think this might actually work in my favor."
You turn back to Ace and Deuce, who stand there in confusion. "You were here looking for The Moon's Alcove, right? Come with me!"
Bewildered, the boys and Grim follow you from the chaos of your destroyed bookshelf. They watch as you unlock the door in the back. You lead them through it, into your magic shop while ignoring their awed expressions.
"Here it is!" You exclaim, arms out as you gesture to your secret shop. "I run the place. Here lately I've had more customers than usual. It's difficult for me to mange the shops and gather materials for potions and other items. Obviously, I can't trust Grim to go alone."
Your familiar makes an offended sound from beside your feet.
"As payment for the damage you've caused here today, I'd like the two of you to gather my materials." You explain.
"Like, a job?" Ace asks, sneering at the thought of extra work.
"Mhm! Should be easy since adventurers like you are always exploring and foraging anyway. I'll even pay you, you'll get extra if you can find me some magical items or artifacts."
Deuce puts his hand to chin, looking around the colorful shop as muses aloud. "I mean, if it keeps us out of trouble..."
You clap your hands together, magic flying from them in little sparkles due to your excitement. "I would never snitch! I'm in no position to anyway. So, do we have a deal?"
The boys look to each other, shrugging as they come to a silent conclusion.
"I guess?"
"Great!" You clap again. "I actually forgot to mention something though, since this is to repay me for the damage to my precious books, I actually won't be paying you the firs two weeks."
"What?!" They exclaim in unison.
Ace crosses his arms. "Repayment of not, what makes you think we'll do this for free? What if we just run off and don't come back, huh?"
Before they can complain further, you take a small pouch from your pocket. Carefully, you pour a small amount of red powder into you hand and then toss it into the air above their heads. It drifts down onto them as you say a few mysterious words with your hands clasped together, they glow slightly.
"There! Now if you try to weasel out of this, your heads will explode!"
The boys look horrified at this statement, backing away from you quickly. Ace takes back his previous words, assuring you he they'll do their job well.
Eventually, a few more terms are worked out between you and them and they leave. It's agreed that they'll spend the next few days searching for the materials you listed and then bring them to you at a specific date.
Not long after they leave does it begin to grow dark out. You sit on your bed, gently applying a mild healing ointment to Grim's sore tail.
After a moment of silence, he speaks. "Are ya really gonna explode their heads if they don't listen?"
You laugh, shaking your head. "Of course not, that's way too far."
"Then what was that powder you put on 'em?"
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