#i also think they’ve unfollowed me but idk when and i’m also not sure because i’m on mobile and can’t really check
danielnelsen · 2 months
ok so if someone is decently knowledgeable about gender stuff and used to consider themselves nonbinary and use they/them and suddenly gets rid of public pronouns and says that their gender is ‘female’ (and they’re afab)…… that’s a little concerning, right? am i overthinking this, or does that sound concerning?
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Hi BPP! Just wanted to ask how you’d do things if you were in my position. So my situation is very specific and I really don’t know my place in ARMY spaces. Here’s why:
1. My favorite dynamic among all bangtan pairings is definitely yoonmin. The constant bickering just makes me laugh so much and wish for more. I absolutely love how they just constantly challenge each other.
2. My biases are vmin. I resonate the most with Jimin. His existence makes me cry. I am in love with Tae. Everything about him makes me melt. Jimin is my person; Tae is the love of my life.
3. Lastly, I think jikook are dating…? I don’t actively seek their moments so I’m not really a shipper, I think. If anything, I’d be more of a yoonmin/vmin shipper because it’s their moments I look out for. But jikook is the one pair I keep side-eyeing because their interactions just bring out a lot of question marks in me. They have weeeeird energy, idk it’s hard to explain. How I feel is like how Seokjin reacted when Jimin was explaining the hickey (????) thing.
So to summarize, yoonmin gives me butterflies. vmin gives me a double serotonin boost. jikook makes me release an exasperated but endearing sigh (I say endearing because they’ve still become my top 3, not bcs of their dynamic—too cheesy for me lol—but bcs it seems they make each other the happiest).
Having mentioned all that, I find it really hard to express myself in ARMY member x member spaces (mostly on twitter).
Among yoonmin lovers, there’s a subgroup consisting of toxic taekookers hating on Jimin. Among jikook lovers, there’s a subgroup of toxic jikookers passive-aggressively hating on Tae.
I feel like I’m relatively safer among vminies in terms of interacting with genuine OT7 fans. BUT a chunk of vminies seem to have this annoying superiority complex over other shippers. A lot can’t even fathom shipping vmin romantically. Some of them sound almost homophobic, “u can’t assume they’re gay unless…” and it irks me especially as a queer person.
The thing is I prefer ship-focused spaces because the general non-shipping part of the fandom has the biggest superiority complex against pairing two people together. And they don’t seem to be genuinely open about the idea of the boys actually being queer. And I just don’t like that.
But it’s just so frustrating to not be able to express my love for my favorite duos without having to do it in separate accounts. And I still don’t feel safe even then, because I’m also second-guessing my audience, “u sure u really love jimin?” “u sure u aren’t token-stanning jungkook?” “u sure u aren’t token-shipping vmin?” “u sure u’re okay with them actually being queer?”
Sorry, you don’t really have to answer. Idk where I was going with this. I just like the thought of this reaching someone.
Hi Anon,
I've got a few more asks in my inbox like yours, and I recall answering an ask very similar to this almost two years ago - all that to say, I get why you feel your situation might be unique to you and it feels isolating, but ARMY is a huge fandom and I promise you, whatever you're dealing with someone else has gone through before and found their tribe, for better or worse.
There's nothing more to it than curating your space. Someone doesn't think you like Jimin enough despite him being your bias? Unfollow and/or block them. A joker is being obnoxious with their hate boner for Tae? Hasta la vista. And so on. If you don't know these people enough to have a conversation around points of confusion or disagreement, why exactly should you hesitate to prune your online habitat? There's no shortcut to curating your space - you just have to lean into the people whose values align with yours, and cut off the dead weight.
Hopefully that should offer you some comfort.
One more thing I'll tell you now that I told those people then who have asked similar asks before:
If you're the sort of person who is sensitive to how other people think or what they say, being in any big fandom will be a very difficult experience for you. Anyone who is looking for a safe space in fandom is looking in the wrong place. You will always come across weirdos, people who lack basically every literacy skill, conspiracy theorists, and high conflict personalities who think everyone's talking about them or that they're the only people brave enough to obsess over 'taboo' topics. It's enough for you to identify these sorts of people when you come across them, determine for yourself if their values align with yours, if they base their actions in fact and respect for the guys, and act in whatever way that maximizes your peace of mind. It could be a slow process, but with practice you'll get it. Taking frequent breaks and making ARMY friendships offline could help too.
I liked reading your ask because you seem to already have a clear idea of what you like, what you think, and why, but you don't seem like a very assertive person so what I would do might not be practical for you. So I hope all the above are better options for you.
Good luck. 💜
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decennia · 3 years
Ok I just gave up catching up on my dash full stop because Clementine and George and Wildest Dreams got my brain like this:
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I feel I desperately need to make an OC for George but he is YOUR precious lol
So instead while I'm here, give me and I mean GIVE all your George and Clementine headcanon
First things first, that image lives in my mind rent free.
Second things second, please create an OC for George holy shit please yes?! George has already been romantically (or at least sexually, because Sable is a hoe) linked to Ellis Grant from @chlobenet (nothing ever came of it, George developed an infatuation and was perpetually rebuffed by our Lord and Saviour Miss Grant), @perfectlystiles' Laurel Chase, and @randomestfandoms-ocs' Reese Masrani. It is my goal to accumulate enough George Cassidy romantic interests that I can make a Wives of Henry the Eighth edit, so literally go nuts. Everyone, Create An OC To Thirst Over George Cassidy Challenge!
The best thing about George and the other Corpsemen is that the only thing that makes them Jurassic World OCs is that they happen to be hired there. It is by no means their entire story, and although they've been around for literally three days (?!) I keep thinking of more and more things about them and I keep building their backstories to the point where dinosaurs are literally the least craziest thing they've experienced.
If I were to sum up Clem and George's relationship in a gif, though:
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(This got hella out of hand so keep reading under the cut if you want to know more about George and Clementine.)
A brief history on George "Sable" Cassidy and Clementine "Calico" Roscoe:
He is known as "George" to his friends, and "Cassidy" to his enemies. "Sable" when he's on the job, and "hers" when they're alone.
But it wasn't always like that. I'm not going to bore you with the details about George's fatherless upbringing, or his reasons for joining the British military, or how he'd always been a bit of a troubled kid. Where his story really begins is when he directly disobeys orders and murders the military hostages who were responsible for the attack on his unit. He is dishonourably discharged, and is sent back to the U.K. to await trial for murder and treason.
He manages an escape and goes dark; during which time, Clementine Roscoe, an agent at Interpol, is assigned his case. Unfortunately, after a year of searching (one close call where he was literally within breathing distance of Roscoe ) and a thousand too many mistaken sightings after that, the case goes cold, and she is assigned another case, one which results in the death of her entire family.
Clementine resigns from her position after she is denied leave to pursue the murderers, and spends the next few years methodically hunting down and executing the list of people she knew to be responsible. It was enough to impress Malcolm Drake, who located and recruited her into the Corpse Corporals (aka Gucci Suicide Squad).
All this time, Cassidy had been residing in Southern Africa, making a hefty living as a poacher under ever-changing pseudonyms (I had to make y'all understand that Sable is a bad man but y'all be forgiving Tom for murder and incest so here we are but honestly did it even work because here I am, being fooled, alongside you 😭). He runs a pretty decent operation, also dabbling in the smuggling of weaponry, and he lives a comfortable life. That is, until he is betrayed by his business partners (a brother-sister duo, FCs Megan Fox and Aidan Turner? Idk, still debating) and pushed out of the business under threat of death.
He is rescued by Malcolm, who has managed to track him down, and in exchange for his life spared, he agrees to work for Malcolm. His reunion with Clem is incredibly tense, with both of them pulling their guns on each other and refusing to work together. Malcolm snaps some sense into them (that, and the sum of the payload which had so many 0's added to the end, you couldn't be sure what the number really was other than "a lot") and they swallow their pride and work together.
They would continue to work together as Calico and Sable for the years to come, and when I say it is a slow burn, I do mean THE SLOWEST OF THE SLOW. But there is definitely a fuck ton of sexual tension thrown in there for angst, and a couple of near brushes with death (hazard of the job, really).
George is a prolific man whore, and he's bisexual and proud. So Clem has gotten used to an endless slew of people of all genders cumming coming and going from his hotel room, especially during the long cons where the Corpsemen go deep undercover for months at a time (Hector doesn't come on those jobs, he's got a family to worry about. He taps out at a month, max, if he doesn't get to leave to see his family).
George Cassidy is not a man who is used to not getting what he wants, but Clementine Roscoe is the only exception to that rule. He has come to view her as "unobtainable," this irreverent forbidden thing that he must not ruin. By the time the heat of their mutual hate had dissipated, it had turned into a friendship, and although there was an undeniable electric tension between them, they have never done anything about it. But it has that "will definitely be the best sex of your life" kinda energy.
They fight quite a lot, and disagree on almost everything. Have they tried to kill each other? Oh, absolutely. But they're also professionals, and although Clementine and George may be going at it, it never bothers Malcolm, because he knows that Calico and Sable will put those differences aside and do the damn job.
Clem only involves herself in George's sex life when it comes to people who she considers friends. She has the warnings already mentally scripted, because the thing about George Cassidy is that he cares about no one but himself, and nothing but his holy trinity: blood, money, and sex. He's an emotionally devoid sociopath at the best of times, and at the worst, he's a well oiled and dangerous killing machine.
He is not a good man, Clementine knows, but sometimes, you don't want a good man.
I have a gifset in store involving the two of them, and I'm busy compiling a list of headcanons as we speak. If you want, I can tag you in it :)
But this is everything about their past and a bit of their present, so if you want to create an OC please do and tag me so I can write up a crossover and make some gifs 💕
(And before anyone comes for me, yes, I am aware of the fact that George "Sable" Cassidy is a very toxic and fucking despicable man, I created him, and I made him that way. I am not condoning his actions, nor would I want to be in a relationship with him in real life, but this is fiction. It is not meant to be taken seriously, if you don't like my hot mercenary boyfriend, then please unfollow me, because he is my current obsession, and I cannot promise that I will not be thirsting for him on my TL at any and all hours).
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kiefbowl · 3 years
ew why tf are you dating a scrote
okay this is clearly a troll, but I’ll answer anyway since this seems to be a topic of interest to people lately. I wrote a lot and talked about sexual assault, so go ahead and skip it if that’s not your jam. disclaimer: I don’t have a problem or think there’s anything wrong with people who don’t want to follow me bc of the bf. that’s legitimate! please do what suits you. I think some of my responses have been perceived as snarky in the past but I only try to be snarky when I suspect a troll, I really don’t have a problem with people unfollowing me b/c of the bf or even telling me about it.
I worked with Malcolm for about a year and a half before we go together, but we got together for the first time 5 months after I had a brief but intense love affair with a meth addict that ended in big traumatic ways after he started using heavily again, which eventually cultivated in him raping me (not that it was the only sexual violence I experienced with him but that time was particularly horrific because I was heartbroken and he was high on meth). he was also a man, and the reason I started dating him isn’t so clear to me except that I was looking for a way to live recklessly and self harm. There’s a longer story there but the details can’t be told concisely and it’s no one’s business. In any case, everything that happened with him is not worth recounting, but it was long and complicated and continued even after the rape. To give some context about how bad it was, I also had worked with the meth addict (I’m not using his name on purpose), and part way through our relationship he got a new job. a couple weeks after the rape, he lost that job and got his old job back. yeah, imagine being dumped by a meth addict and the being raped by him and then he starts working with you when you know he is using now. not fun, pretty sad to think about.
I was in a very traumatized state for months. It’s hard to describe what it’s like, except you don’t feel like you’re living. You can feel very foreign to your own life. I felt like something inside of me was constantly pressing against me to get out, and if it did it would be me screaming. Like, my skin had become a suit to mask the babbling lunatic underneath. I would have random outbursts where I would wince in pain and people would ask what was up and it was just that the emotional pain was felt so sharply it became physical, but I felt like I couldn’t be honest with people. I did go to therapy, it felt like life and death. right around the time before Malcolm and I together, so a few months into therapy, my therapist gave me permission to feel okay seeking out love, sex, and relationships, because I was feeling very guilty that I might be using someone if I did. In any case, Malcolm showed up to my bday party, and was one of the last to leave, and I just was ready for the next thing after the meth addict bf. Every day I didn’t have sex, the last person I had sex with was him. I wanted to be normal again. I was feeling a little better, less freakish, but still so sad. So I said, okay Malcolm, come home with me and he did. It didn’t seem so bad to take Malcolm home with me because I wasn’t very interested in him long term, so it seemed like low stakes to end up hurting him. Low investment. Yadda yadda.
Malcolm was also convenient, he lived walking distance. he was nice, friendly, easy to hang out with. our emotional intimacy was very low, it was low low low low maintenance dating. Malcolm felt very safe, he was the polar opposite of the other bf. we had a casual, boring, unintimidating fling for a few months that sputtered out. if the other bf was like riding a roller coaster that was condemned, Malcolm was like taking a nap on the bus back home after a long exhausting day at the amusement park. I know, it’s not very sexy. But it was nice to feel like a human again, have proof I could be normal, proof I could do unsexy things like watch tv and go to brunch and it didn’t feel like I was a freak for trying after months of feeling like I had a neon sign over my head that said “idiot adult woman dated meth addict like it wasn’t going to end up fucking her over HA HA.” I was ready to go out with my new sense of normalcy and have fun with people I might be, er, to be blunt, more interested in.
BUT the most amazing thing was we stayed friends after the break up, which I had never had before. and even though the first few months of dating helped me feel normal again in a way, it turns out being raped by your meth addict ex leaves deep, painful welts. who could guess. Seeking out other relationships from scratch ended up being exhausting. When do I bring up that I’m not even a year from a meth addict raping me? Date two? I tried with other people, and it wasn’t working. I dropped dating, and focused on friends and work instead. But I missed him some days, and as things around me were starting to feel like they were crumbling again, he was there and around. He came over, smoked weed, taught me MTG, let me make him dinner, took me out to bars, listened to me cry, had gentle sex. Soon we were seeing and talking to each other every day. We spent enough time together that it became clear we were dating again, and this time around it was more enjoyable and more intimate. It felt easier to invest in our relationship the second time around because he already knew the baggage. We started dating and eventually, out of the sake of convenience, moved in together. 
But if it makes you feel any better, anon who is probably not reading this, the state of my relationship is not great atm. It feels like we’re very good friends that share a bed. I always had doubts about this relationship from the beginning, I was never really crazy about Malcolm and was tentative about being exclusive. I rationalized the relationship with thoughts like “you don’t know until you try” and “maybe this love is different love, and it doesn’t feel like previous love because I still need to learn more about love.” I don’t think that’s quite it anymore. But, we live together in an unpredicted pandemic, so I sort of made my bed. Plus, it’s hard to decide to break up with someone who isn’t bad just maybe not good enough. Maybe it’s my fault? some days I wake up and think, “oh well am I really giving him 100%? if I tried harder maybe it would be better.” Maybe it’ll get better? What’s life post pandemic and when is it coming, I can’t know. I’ve been depressed, will I get better? Will it change things? I also adore his parents, they’ve been amazing to me, they inspire me. they’ve opened their hearts to me. losing them weighs heavy. I love Malcom very much, he’s been a good friend and we’ve built a nice little life together that has a lot of parts working. How do you decide what day to hurt someone you love? Idk...I guess I entered this relationship to learn.
The Meth Addict has loomed large in our relationship and casts a long shadow. I’ve talked about it with Malcolm but I’m not sure he fully understands it. almost 3 years since my birthday we hooked up. That’s a long time. It’s as long as the relationship I had with my first love. I can’t predict the full story Malcolm and I will have, but I can see a potential break up looming closer. I struggle with it every day. Some nights, like tonight, it’s seems pretty clear cut. If I think this way now it pretty much proves I want to break up, right? But tomorrow morning he’ll make me tea and we’ll talk about our weekend plans and I’ll think “oh this is so nice, what was I even thinking about last night? I’m getting in my own head.” So I don’t know! I think about women a lot. I think about how I talk frankly about my bisexuality on tumblr and yet my experiences with men outnumber that with women. I feel like I’m cheating sometimes, like I’ve lead you guys to believe something that’s not real even though I’m not lying. I think about how I never want to cheat on Malcolm but I get crushes and I want to sleep with women and I wonder if I should be a mom and I think about his parents and it gets confusing. I feel guilty about thinking about our convenience because that’s cheating him and cheating me, but sometimes I wake up happy and much happier than I’ve been in 10 years.
So I guess the reason I’m dating a scrote is because I’m complicated and have a bit of a messy life, and I live day to day, and we make micro choices that lead to macro choices and then we make macro choices that lead to micro choices, and I haven’t pulled the trigger on breaking up with him yet. He was part of the healing journey because, well, he was here. In my real life. It turns out the women we follow on tumblr are very very human with lives far more complex that can be summed up in a few posts on tumblr. Maybe ask me in 50 years why I dated Malcolm, I’ll probably have a better idea why. 
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I've been mutuals with someone for years. When we first met they weren't very keen on writing certain things, which was cool. I wasn't sure how to bring it up to them specifically that I might write stuff that they may not like, but I would post reminders to my blog every time I got like one or two new followers that weren't just bots along the lines of 'friendly reminder that my muse's past is bleak at best and very dark at worst. With violence and other NSFW content probably popping up. I understand if you wanna unfollow, but if not these are things to filter'. I'm assuming they've been filtering since they still follow me, we still interact and share memes with one another and stuff.
And, as someone who's changed their minds about certain kinks and stuff after reading more fanfic about it and then maybe with the right partner wanting to bring certain aspects into roleplays....I get it. People change, people grow.
Maybe it's just the way I've seen other horror stories about the rpc or other parts of fandom...but I don't feel comfortably writing some of these darker themes with them. It's stuff I've written before with other people so the theme itself isn't it. I just think maybe because of their group of friends who tend be some purity culture-ist that I'm afraid of drawing unneeded and unwanted attention by others who can't separate that fiction is not reality and what we write is just for fun. It's kinda unfair to them in a way but I just...idk, it's like realizing the kid I babysat can now sit at the adults table and listen to the rest of us tell stories that include sex and the F bomb drops regularly and my inner sitter's panicking because they shouldn't be there yet can be and are. Sorry for the long rant >.> I'm just...(also we're both in our mid-late twenties in case the metaphor might think others to think otherwise)
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matan4il · 3 years
hey that post the other person mentioned about you talking about ana's ableism. I can't seem to find it? If it's not too much of a bother, could you maybe link it ^^' you totally don't have to if you don't wanna I hope this doesn't come off as rude
Hi Nonnie! Of course, and you’re not rude at all. It was in a reply to an ask that you can find here. Thank you for being interested in reading it! xoxox
I recently discovered 911 and Buddie and even more recently found your metas! WOW, my unobservant ass is blown away by your metas. I love reading your thoughts after an episode. I’m sorry if this has been asked before, but I just read that there’s been beef between Oliver & Ryan and they unfollowed each other on Insta in January. Do you think this has contributed to their lack of screen time together this season or could prevent any chance of canon buddie? 🥺🥺
Hi Nonnie and welcome to the fandom! *big hug* I'm so happy that you’re enjoying 911, Buddie and my meta, it’s a pleasure posting when I know people do! :D As for Oliver and Ryan, we don’t actually know what the situation is with them. Maybe they’re still friends, maybe not. They did unfollow on IG, but they still follow each other on Twitter, so who knows... But as for their working relationship, I have no doubt they’d both be professional about it even if they weren’t friends anymore. I’m also sure no show runner lets personal relationships dictate the course of their show. We know there’ve been on screen romantic couples whose actors absolutely detested each other in RL, but you wouldn’t ever know it watching the show. So if Tim decided to give us canon Buddie, I’m sure the status of Oli and Ryan’s friendship wouldn’t influence that. More than that, I also don’t think they’ve had less screen time together than in previous seasons. At least, as someone who’s been analyzing the eps for several seasons, I’m not seeing a significant difference so far (’coz it’s an ensemble show, the amount of Buddie time we’ve had has always been limited, we’re the ones who magnify it). I hope that helps! xoxox
Hi! I'm the disabled anon from the other day, I just wanted to say thank you so much! your words really meant a lot and it's good to know there are other people who feel the same way! I'm sorry about your vertigo, I've had vertigo occasionally due to my chronic illness and its so awful, sending you hugs and much love!
Nonnie, I’m so happy to hear from you, thank you for following up and letting me know you saw my reply and that it helped! Absolutely made my day. And thank you for the kind words, it means so much! vertigo really is awful and I’m sorry you’ve had it, too. I hope it’ll somehow never affect you anymore in the future and that you don’t suffer because of your illness. Big hugs and so much love to you! xoxox
(a few more short replies under the cut, to save your dashes)
- Nonnie who sent me the gifset? I hadn’t seen it, but you’re right, it captures exactly what I was talking about. I added it to my queue. Thank you! xoxox
- Hello again, Nonnie with the ‘TY’ prompt! Thank you, you’re very sweet! Hey, we’re all just watching the same show and having fun together, right? So you’re always welcome in my inbox! And thank you, added it to the prompt! xoxox
- Nonnie with the Albert theory, I like how you’ve constructed your reasoning, it was really well done. In fact, so well, I’m not copy pasting, because it might turn out to be spoilers instead of speculation. XD IDK if the show will do quite as well as you in building his place on the show, but if they have any sense, they will def follow your logic. ;) Thank you for sharing! xoxox
- @yelenabelous, it’s always so lovely to hear from you! *hugs* To you and the Nonnie who asked me about Buck and ADHD, I really don’t know enough about the subject to comment, but I believe that whatever headcanon helps and makes people connect, it’s more than valid! Also to this same anon, I did not see that thread with Oli, the one with ‘spoiler’? So I can’t reply, but I wouldn’t be opposed if you hit me up with a link. Thank you both! xoxox
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logangarfield · 4 years
I think people expect you to switch content because you changed your url and your avatar, and you said you don't like the fandom anymore. Usually when someone distances themselves from a fandom they wouldn't create content for it. Even if they stay fans, which also happens rarely. Idk, it has been my observation over the years and from being part of quite a few fandoms. But idc just do what makes you happy, we're here for you not just Tom content 🤗
Honestly, that sucks lol Like, of course, I follow people where they’ve switched or distanced themselves but they’ve always kind of done what I did and that’s just kind of post whatever but lessen the amount of whatever they’re distancing themselves from so I always just wait it out and if they go hardcore 100% into something I don’t like, I unfollow but it’s like, I change my URL and post an ATLA gifset and I lost 50+ followers. Like, I’ve always had a different header. I had Marvel, Tom, Harry Potter, Scream, Teen Wolf, right now it’s actually a picture I took. I had a Steve Harrington icon for like 6 months. It’s just crazy that something as simple as a URL change just makes people go “lol BYE” and lowkey kind of makes me feel bad lol like were that many people here for my URL and didn’t actually pay any attention to anything I post? lol 
But thank you!! I do deeply appreciate it!! I’m definitely much happier reblogging whatever edits come on my dash instead of trying to MAKE SURE I’ve got Marvel in at least every 2-3 posts. And I’m much happier not having the pressure of writing lmao I’ll have more content out soon though, Tom, Teen Wolf, and everything else.
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gerudofury · 4 years
THE POSITIVE & NEGATIVE; mun & muse - meme.
tagged by: i stole it tagging: Ok so this is really long, so don’t feel obligated if you don’t want to... @aerialarcher @bxstiae and @hatebred ! 
fill out & repost ♥ this meme definitely favors canons more, but i hope oc’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. multi-muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au ( dependent on verse ) / canon-divergent / fandomless
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. 
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK. 
Are they underrated?  YES / NO. ( I can feel both, depending on my mood lol. For the most part, I think she’s just the right amount of rated. xD )
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO / MAYBE 
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO / MAYBE ( She’s the Gerudo Chief and a champion. I’m guessing she’s the equivalent of a celebrity in Hyrule. )
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. ( Never saw an NPC have anything negative to say about her. )
How strictly do you follow canon?  — I really try to stick to canon, but I can’t do that 100% or I really think I’d be bored LOL. There has to be some leniency. We don’t get a whole lot about Urbosa in canon anyway so that really allowed me to make her my own and do a lot of world building regarding her and the Gerudo too! What I mainly mean is, as far as my main verse goes, yes, I stick to the canon that we know of with my own added headcanons, but I also love love love trying out AUs and thinking the “what if”s in regards to her character. Like, yes, she’s this...but what if she was this instead? 
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  Urbosa is just...genuinely such a good person. She’s so kind and compassionate. She’s stern, but fair when it comes to her leadership and she honestly cares about her people and the people of Hyrule so much. She wants to make their lives better, she wants to protect people. She is unbelievably physically and magically gifted, like, she could crush just about anyone with a simple snap of her fingers and yet she makes a conscious decision to be kind and compassionate. It’s so easy to make friends with her (unless you do something to piss her off askdfjfd, but really, the only way to do that is to be rude or just generally not a good person).. she just...idk. She’s 100% someone I’d love to have as a friend and someone I’d want on my side. And as a bonus, she’s absolutely gorgeous.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — I don’t know. I’m biased and totally love her. But some people might not? I wouldn’t get why though laksjdflsdf. Maybe they don’t like the “mom” character trope, or maybe her backstory could be quite...not as interesting as some of the other characters? Idk. She grew up pretty lucky compared to some of the others, not a whole lot of hardships, etc. 
What inspired you to rp your muse?  — I absolutely fell in love with her back when I played Breath of the Wild in 2017. Not only was she my favorite champion, but she very quickly became my favorite LoZ character ever, across any of the games. There was just something about her that pulled me in and slapped me with muse for her.
What keeps your inspiration going?  — Talking to other muns ooc is probably the biggest one. If we can discuss headcanons and how our characters fit together, their relationship, all the world building stuff ooc then I promise you I will have an ANNOYINGLY large amount of muse for our threads lol.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  yes …? / NO. ( I think so, but I have very little confidence in my writing, so I doubt myself ALL THE TIME. )
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO. ( I write headcanons down as they come to mind. Sometimes that’s frequently and sometimes that’s not. )
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. ( I really need to though. I have a few ideas in mind. )
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO. ( She’s muh queen. )
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO ( Ehhh... a little of both. Like I said above, I don’t have a lot of confidence so I’m always wondering if I’m messing her up or like....a big one I wonder is if I make her too nice. Like, according to canon she’s kind and compassionate, but idk. Sometimes I Wonder... )
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. ( Again, a little of both. ) 
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. ( I hate to admit it, but yeah... )
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  — If it’s constructive and about my WRITING, then yes. Portrayal doesn’t matter to me too much. How a certain character might react in a situation is all subjective anyway and no two portrayals are ever gonna be the same. If you don’t like my portrayal, I ask that you don’t harp on me about it. Just don’t follow/unfollow and move on. 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  — Yes! Especially when it’s about something I probably wouldn’t have thought about otherwise. It helps with growing Urbosa as a character.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  — Sure. I’m open to discussions, in case I missed something in canon, but if it’s something small like what time of day she prefers or something like that, we can agree to disagree.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  — Shrug. As I said above, portrayals are subjective. I mean, I might have my feelings a bit hurt because I work really hard with how I portray Urbosa, but that’s their opinion and it can’t be changed so whatever.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  — Shrug. They’re entitled to their wrong opinion, alskdfjasdf. No, I’m kidding. I mean, I don’t get it but whatever?? You’re entitled to your opinion, just keep it very far away from me because she means a lot to me and I don’t wanna hear negative shit said about her. I have actually blocked someone over ( what I thought ) was unnecessary hate towards her in the past and won’t hesitate to do it again.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  — OH MY GOD, YES. In fact, if you ever notice a grammatical error I have made in a thread, please fix it. Just be nice about it.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I think so? I’m pretty easy to get along with and I’m very much a “go with the flow” type of person. Very rarely do I dislike anyone on here and it’s usually because they’ve been disrespectful in one way or another, either to me or other people.
that’s about it, congrats for filling out!
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sorry we keep coming to bother you with stuff like this, but did you happen to see the nasty 'creepy comment' about ego shipping huffle-dork made before retagging it? that horrid septic-dr-schneep came in with their own stupid post. are shippers in the wrong for being upset? should there be an anti ego shipping tag for those that don't like it you think? (sorry if including their names doesn't sit well with you) ~🥀
Yiiiiikes omg I was at work and didn’t see at all but I did some ~research~ and jesus fucking christ lol
Shippers are definitely allowed to be upset at being called creepy (can’t believe that needs saying but this is the JSE fandom so) but honestly this is one of those things that I don’t even have the capacity to be angry about anymore. Anyone who ships the egos has heard this, and we’ve heard it eight million times. We know exactly what these people say about us, and we also know that no one else in the community cares. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it every day if I have to: the reason things like this are so asinine and hurtful are because ego shippers are without contest the nicest part of this fandom (they’re also the most talented, which is I think a bigger part of the issue than people realize lol - for some of those people, it truly is jealousy). I don’t give a single fuck if people in this fandom like me; it’s when I see people, especially LGBTQ+ people, talk about how ashamed they feel of shipping and making secret blogs to avoid backlash for it, that I get angry. Because to see the kindest, most welcoming people in the fandom feeling like they don’t belong - being told that they don’t belong - is heartbreaking.
I didn’t see the ‘should people who hate ego ships have their own tag’ part of the discourse, but all I can say is that if the concept of gay people writing stories that represent their own identities makes you so angry that you feel the need to comment on it in literally any way that isn’t ‘hey I personally don’t like ego shipping so don’t tag me in it or send it to me,’ I don’t think what you need is a tag, I think what you need is probably therapy. 
Unless what you meant is should there be a specific tag they can block, in which case the answer is absolutely: the name of whatever ship they’re uncomfortable with. It’s absolutely valid to be uncomfortable with/hate a certain ship - I’m sure plenty of shippers have a few - and if there’s more than one, you can easily block more than one ship name. If you hate the concept of any of these male characters being shipped together, it’s your responsibility to block all those tags. Some people may tag ‘ego shipping’ on fanworks they post (sometimes it’s nice to do - I track ‘ego shipping!’ Get that exposure, y’all!) but that’s in no way required. It’s not something that necessitates warning, like violence or sexual content; there’s nothing inherently objectionable or controversial about ego shipping (or any other queer content) so it doesn’t need to be tagged and it most certainly doesn’t need to be warned for. 
By the wayside, using names is fine on my blog. I’m definitely a big believer in ‘if what you’re saying is justified, you sign your name to it and don’t subpost or be passive aggressive; own it entirely, otherwise it’s just gossip and shit talk.’ I’ll always risk ‘drama’ to make my stance clear.  Every time I see a blog that has one of those weird insult things isa-ghost gives out in their description - idk if it’s an AU or like a joke but they’re like “’ugly carrot’ according to isa-ghost” or “’unwanted suitcase’ according to isa-ghost” - I desperately want to add “’petty shipper’ according to isa-ghost” to my description but I mean I think that might validate the ‘petty’ part a little too much jghjfgh. ‘Horrid’ is maybe a stronger word than I would use for s-d-s but I mean if they’ve made you feel uncomfortable you have a right to say so. I’ve never had an issue with people just saying on their own blog that they personally don’t like shipping which to the best of my knowledge is what that person mainly sticks to, even if I agree it’s pretty clear that her stance is the same as the people who are actively horrible to us, and I did take issue with something (unrelated to shipping) she said once so I don’t really interact with her. The blogs I’m always talking about that I really find disgusting are the ones that call us gross, the ones that claim we shouldn’t like it or should ‘trigger warn’ it, the ones who say we don’t belong in the community, the ones who say we should ‘have our lgbt cards taken away’ lol. That’s the thing - we literally are asking for the most basic of respect. The bar is literally underground, and these people just keep picking up shovels.
Honestly, my reaction to this happening is ‘well, what are we gonna do about it?’ Not in a defeatist way - I’m genuinely asking. What can we do to make sure all the wonderful, creative, talented, sweet ego shippers know that they’re valued members of this community, and deserve better than this kind of treatment? To anyone who may still be reading who isn’t actively a shipper but likes to consider themselves a kind & welcoming community, I’m sorry, but I need to ask you to do better. If you see someone saying something actively mean or disrespectful about ego shippers, at the very least, unfollow & stop interacting. I know that’s a big ask, even if it shouldn’t be, because these are big blogs and you want to feel included and have friends. But continuing to support them is by nature saying that it’s acceptable behavior, that it’s just a difference of opinion, and again, once it crosses that line, it’s not anymore. By all means, interact with people who don’t ship and don’t like shipping - interact with ONLY those people if you want. And of course I can’t tell you what to do when it comes to the downright mean people, I’m just asking you to consider what you’re saying when you tolerate people who insult and demean certain community members for no reason, and I’m also asking you not to further insult us by telling us you support us while making it very clear that you don’t care if we’re treated with basic respect or not.
And to the shippers, my ‘what can we do?’ is a genuine, open-ended question. If there’s anything that I personally can do to make you feel welcome in this community, please tell me what it is. I’m not a very popular blog at all, but you should always feel free to tag me in/send me any ego ship content and I’ll happily reblog it, and god knows I’m always around to talk about ships, AUs, headcanons, and that kind of thing! I’m also around to talk just in general - if you’re feeling ashamed, angry, or sad about your place in the fandom, I’ve always got open ears and heart emojis for you. I love you very much and I’m glad you’re here.
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jan-uinely · 4 years
hot takes [pt. ii]
good[e] morning campers! we have more thoughts on \_ |_ | _/  RuPaul’s Drag Race episode 9... because i have nothing better to think about... lol. This is a novel, btw. 
SO... I have said it before and i will say it again... the in memorium segment gave me life. Robot Barbie Cheerleader. also RIP to jan’s clear drink in untucked. 
Let’s get into the gig, because why not. Unsure if readers are aware, but I am very politically minded. [do I use tumblr as a way to put politics aside for a little while? sure. but I have also worked on campaigns, did not take Elizabeth warren dropping out of the presidential race well... I mean she dropped at the beginning of march and now look at where we are.... anyWAYs.]
I did not like this episode. I did not like the challenge. From what I understand, the only other time this challenge was done was in season 4, but I stopped watching season 4 when sharon wore a conf*derate flag bodysuit for a mini challenge, prior to which she wore a mccain/palin shirt. I still don’t know if it was a joke, but #yeet. 
So this episode took the place of a “roast”/ stand up episode. Those are usually fine. They separate folks a little bit more. But, as someone who followed the recent primary with a VERY close eye, but was could also be humorous about it... Debates are hard to do. What makes a debate work is that everyone is well versed on everyone else’s platform, and knows how to attack them, because they have been the same person the whole time. For some reason, everyone “invented” a different character to play.... no one had a real platform... and it’s really hard to ~volley~ when people don’t really understand everyone’s characters. I also think, similar to the democratic primary- that there were too many people on stage. I also think snatch game happened too early... but that’s another story never mind anyway [did you catch that into the woods/bernadette peters joke???? @ JAN ]. 
So everyone has these “characters” which for the most part are not super consistent with who they’ve been portraying on the show... which makes it challenging. Then, it was moderated very poorly, and then edited together very poorly. There was no flow... it was very choppy. Again... not a fan. 
Season 8 also had a political challenge, but if i remember correctly, that was just a branding challenge kind of. It was better than this. Now, do I appreciate the fact that Drag Race is taking this election very seriously?? YES. But this challenge was just Not It. 
I thought Jaida was very consistent, I liked Jackie’s a lot [It seems like a running gag that she is too prepared in the same way that Jan was too energetic... which has its own election flashbacks....] I am really enjoying crystal... I thought she also had what was close to a fully formed character.. it just needed to bake a little more. 
So... next up... ms. goode. #cringe. tbh I don’t care about the performance. Were they just trying to redo snatch game? basically. were they the only person to try and do that? No. 
This mirror chat was the bomb dot com tho. best part of the episode.
We’re talking about the “oh i’m not political” We knew from episode one that Gigi grew up in a lot of privilege- and wasn’t the only one [@ jan] but jesus has it shown in gigi the most... I mean bob the drag queen said it best.. Gigi goode’s mom vs Jaida Essence Hall. 
But the nerve to openly say “i’m not political, and I don’t like it” when you KNOW at this point in time what the contestants have gone through... it’s just really insensitive. Also to be the open front runner knowing that the RPDR fans can be young and impressionable.. is really irresponsible TBH. 
Guess what? I don’t like to follow the news sometimes. I don’t watch tr*mp’s press conferences. Sometimes I log off twitter and go to tumblr. But I still stay INFORMED on the issues and am able to back up my positions. I VOTE. [cannot believe i’m saying this but i would not be surprised if gigi did not vote in 2016.]
Maybe it’s bc I stan jan in a way that I have stanned no one else before [the only ru girl who even comes close to it while I was actively watching the show without prior knowledge is naomi] Maybe it’s combined with the quarantine that I have nothing else to do. And with that comes a [virtual] introduction to basically everybody who’s anybody in the NYC drag scene. [I will say the Bob-Monet-Cracker-Jan quad is just A+] So maybe I just have a better idea of what it is [have I gone down a Youtube rabbit hole on this subject? yes] 
Is new york also my personal favorite city? yes. Have I been to LA? no. Do I like the concept of LA? no. Have I been west of the mississippi river? no. So maybe it’s a combination of all of these things [including Jan saying on repeat that New York is the greatest city to do drag] but. The NYC girls are just so much more political. Brita, Bob, MOnet, tbh Jan is also on the record saying some A+ shiz. Marti Cummings is a non binary drag artist running for city council in manhattan. “Everybody black and aquaria.” 
Is NYC politics like any city, full of machines and garbage too? Sure. But NYC is just so much more powerful and political. LA is just the embodiment of privilege.
 I also think it’s interesting that some of the smaller town/city gals will move to LA [Trixie/Katya/Alaska? I’m looking @ you] after they get the drag race coin. Not that it’s a bad thing or anything, it’s just an interesting dynamic. [another aside: the non NY/LA girls deserve it all and i think it’s really powerful when the show directly addresses issues of wealth/privilege/access to drag on the show.] 
[end sidebar]
And Gigi came into the competition saying “I want to be on vogue” which is great. Their fashion sense is great. Most of their outfits are great. It’s great that they can do comedy [sometimes- like when they are not playing the role of Gigi] But something else I take issue with- and don’t get me wrong humility is great- is the whole “I’m not a dancer” that’s BS. they whole back handspring etc, madonna challenge. Maybe you weren’t a trained dancer, but ffs cut the crap. [if you haven’t look up gigi goode showgirls] 
And yet the judges continue to give Gigi [and SP] free passes. It’s like Ru is so afraid that if either of them end up in the bottom, they won’t turn it out and then there will be no frontrunner. Well guess what? In season 7, Max had 2 wins before anyone else and came in 9th. valentina going home was a total gag. Brooke and Yvie lip synced on the snatch game ep. But Apparently when the skinny white fashion queen from the big city [gigi, aquaria] does less than well, they don’t get put up for elimination??? [did aquaria deserve to lip sync for the makeover? idk.]
Gigi is getting a “winner” edit and it’s not really fair to anyone. People who should have won certain challenges were IGNORED, and instead the producers give all the credit to gigi, giving them almost a worse edit. Like we want to see humans, not robots. If we learned ANYTHING from last week is that the judges don’t like when you just “start on 100 and stay there THE WHOLE TIME”. Bc the truth is that [aside from the loads and loads and loads of privilege,] Gigi is really nice and very talented. But I, as a viewer of reality TV, live to see the perfect fail. I want everyone to shine [this is why I loved when Naomi sent manila home, oops] 
Also.. I would like to address the fact that Gigi basically used the same outfit twice... this runway and entrance look have almost the same pattern, with just a slightly different skirt type. I would like for this behavior to be called out bc it is such a memorable silhouette. 
Also- Shout out to Crystal for the most bomb ass runway... I want that whole outfit pls. 
but aside from that... TBH I just want a show with the real top 7 [ the heidi and widow have been cracking me up saying “we’re at top 5″ or “we’re at top 6″ before the ep aired on instagram and I’m loling.. and that VERY AWK moment when Jan is on the x change rate saying that they couldn’t justify putting anyone other that her and widow in the bottom bc gigi and 3 wins and trying to work around not saying SP’s name had 2. [also shout out to jan the real mvp for unfollowing SP on twitter]] doing competitions and having fun. And I’ve said this before. This is a really good season that did not need production’s handprints all over everything. But they chose to cast RuPaul’s Best Friend Race, so they shouldn’t be complaining or trying to manufacture drama.
I was cracking up when Jaida was [clearly prodded by producers] asking is there anything we need to talk about? and then Jackie goes to talk to widow right before they leave and they are just nice to each other. lol no drama here. It’s the season of the inner saboteur. 
So Jackie and widow are in the bottom and tbh I don’t know. I would have liked to see Gigi lip sync. I would have liked this challenge to not happen. but it did. The lip sync song.. I just didn’t love the cut... Katy perry’s voice is so over produced [trend alert] that the illusion of the lip sync didn’t work in the first chorus. Jackie’s plastic bag was just A+. These lip syncs, tbh starting w jan v widow have been very good. not good enough to make up for the garbage that was everything since ep. 3, but close. [and some of that was song choice, some of it was not. I will say brita killed her first one but rip to rock]
Jeff gold bloom. I just don’t know. Maybe it’s bc I never saw jurassic park. Maybe he was just a bad judge. maybe he too was being prodded by production. ugh. You can read the takes on his interactions with jackie somewhere else. 
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raviposting · 5 years
supernatural vs the supernatural fandom
Oh god okay
Supernatural Stop Killing Minorities & Women Challenge. Seriously like..Charlie and Eileen’s deaths were Spectacularly Stupid and I would kill for Kevin to come back like. Come on. Let’s stop pulling the trigger and let them live, and let the boys have a family by the end of season 15 lmao we get it their lives suck you don’t need to keep killing the very few POC/gay/female characters you have in order to further that 
To further on Eileen her and Sam were so freaking cute and I just wanted them to be happy together! 
*looks out window* When will Supernatural stop queerbaiting me and make Destiel canon? The answer is never and I’m a dumbass, but God I Wish They Were. But honestly even besides that even if they didn’t get together, I just want so very badly for Dean to be bi because I think it’s heavily coded and it’d be great to have another canon bi character, especially a bi male as bi male characters are especially lacking onscreen
Look s1-5 were awesome, and then I’m not going to say every season afterwards was bad (I actually really enjoyed 13/14, and I remember loving season 11) but there’s a good chunk of seasons where I was just watching just to watch, so idk...let’s uh, shorten the episode count there to have more relevant episodes or something?
Can we please bring Adam Milligan back lmao he doesn’t need to stay and hunt with the Winchesters but sometimes it feels like they straight up forgot about their brother/really accepted the “there’s only one way” option instead of doing what they’ve done in any other family option, and fight like hell to make sure that he was going to be okay. 
SPN fandom: 
As with most fandoms (unfortunately), the incest shippers. W*ncest is nasty and I cannot believe that people ship it 
Just. The attitude of fandom in general lol. Like i said on the b99 fandom ask, people tend to so desperately hate the thought of a character being bi/gay/etc., and this happens in every fandom I’ve been in. It turns into “they’re straight so shut up”//”D*stiel/S*stiel/etc. shippers want to make everything gay; you’re delusional”//etc. and like...let people have fun? Let people see themselves in characters?? Relax?? And the people who go “go appreciate [x] character instead” also irritates me, especially in SPN because...well, chances are that character barely shows up and/or is dead lmao like! What do you want us to do? Why are you so pressed that some random person on the internet thinks that Dean, or Sam, or Cas, is bi?
That being said, I understand that the Destiel fandom is suuuuper annoying, and can fall into the line of people being super intrusive online, or to the cast, etc. and I can definitely see why people would be irritated or try to avoid the fandom. 
Actually that probably falls in line with a lot of the more vocal parts of the fandom which is why I unfollowed almost every SPN blog I ever followed about ~2 years ago; regardless of who they stanned or if they liked Destiel, or just loved the actors, it just looked like constant drama or constant negativity and despite how much I wish the show could change almost everything they do, I also want to just shut up and enjoy it sometimes and fandom can be so, so obnoxious 
Tag invading; it happens in quite a few fandoms but with the SPN one in particular. I really don’t understand why fandom hasn’t figured out that if you aren’t talking about the character // they don’t show up in a gifset that they don’t need to be tagged in it
Bonus change: the Mishapocalypse ohhh my god like have fun do what you want (as I did when I was like, 16 and I don’t regret it lmao, I was having fun and it doesn’t hurt anyone! I hate cringe culture and the fact that it’s surrounded SPN outside of calling out its problems and turned into “oh if you like this show you’re cringey” but that’s a whole other issue) but like, I really don’t like to see it everywhere anymore so it’s so good that I don’t see it on my dash anymore lmao
send me a tv show/book/fandom and i’ll say the top 5 things i’d change about it
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hefzyisback · 5 years
for every 🥝 i get, i’ll recommend a blog i love
Thank you nonnie because i needed this ask.
Now excuse me whilst i talk about my three ultimate ships.
Recently moved blogs but everyone thats been with me for long enough KNOW how much i love them. Ree is my friend, they’ve been there through the pretty and the not so pretty. When i wanted to quit, they have been, more than once, my reason to stay
The relationship that Hefzy and Ramsay developed was so natural, so… perfect. Their mere existence makes me develop my character, makes me want to be a better writer. Ramsay is canon in my muse’s life. I dare to say. Within asoiaf, Hefzy wouldn’t be much of a thing without him.  I can’t stress enough how deeply rooted in my heart is this ship. THE ship.
I need to say as well that even despite all my anxiety and endless list of insecurities they always have the right word, the right thing to say. 
We made our blogs more or less at the same time, and our kids grew up more or less together. I tell you people, Hefzy is what she is because of them. They get the credit for a lot of what she is.
If someone should have more followers and deserve all the attention in the world, that’s Ree. So much talent in a single person.Like how is that even possible?
No but seriously do i even need to say this? Just in case it is not obvious, there was an instant click here. This is another match made in hell and my heart burns with love for this.
Our trash clicks so well that it soon became obvious that it was going to be something special. And it was …almost accidental you know? one of those “hola idk you let me look at your wishlist” kinda thing and here we are with…man idk how many threads. More than 20 for sure. So many aus, so many WHAT IF THEY WERE NINJA TURTLES IN THE OUTER SPACE WITH A KINK FOR CUM random 2am convos that for some reason become an actual thread and gosh like how does she manage to bear with me and not tell me to go fuck myself with my crappy ideas? That takes effort i tell you.
Also, i have to mention this because this is important. Even when i am a total bitch, and even when i have like zero knowledge of how to express myself, Michelle still sticks with me. And i fucking appreciate that. So quickly, so naturally, i began to consider her my friend. 
In a rpc where people considers calling someone your friend over here “stupid” and “needy” i don’t care to proclaim from the rooftops that she is my friend. She knows more of my day by day crap than most people. I honestly don’t care what people thinks. She deserves all the love.
@coinflippedhumanity /  @dysfunctionaljoy / @glitchworthremembering
Now Jay is not even a romantic ship per se…or is it? but not really
Why do i mention them here then? Because they are the living proof that smut is not the only reason why two people should write together and there’s way much more to roleplaying than just romantic ships.
The relationships that my muses have developed with their own are so deep, that they fill my heart with joy. Every single time i see a single reply on my notifs my day is better. I get so excited when i see their name in my notifications you can’t imagine.
My favorite threads, i will always say so, are with them.
They are among the most important ships i have because SHIPS DO NOT NEED TO BE ALL KISSES AND SEX AND YOU KNOW WHAT  I MEAN? 
Don’t you dare to tell me Hefzy doesn’t love dam because i will punch you in the face okay? like she risked her life for him and it took months for them to even be able to touch each other in general without angst and whoever tells me that’s not a real connection can and should unfollow me right meow.
And all the innocence involved with Ben being human like excuse you?
Yes. Those are ships and they are not romantic at all and THAT makes them special and  ugh, i’m probably their biggest fan 
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writeinmysoul · 6 years
The idea of celebrity fandoms aggravates me, my guys.
People like to collect every little detail they can of a celebrities life and then say it’s part of fandom. They swear these celebrities that they don’t even know are the purest or sweetest or whatever people. It’s great that they haven’t proven that they’re indeed shitty ppl, but how celebrities have acted in front of the camera has never proven what kind of person they are. Plenty of people have idolized celebrities for how they act in the public eye just to learn what kind of shitty person they are years later.
Support your favorite artists and actors. Be their fans. But stoppppp acting like it’s a fandom my guy. That’s back to over idolizing celebrities and acting like they’re characters you know everything about. Stop collecting their information to prove how well you know them better than newer fans or know them in general. Stop sexualizing them. Stop acting like you deserve to know everything about them. Stop treating their lives like it’s something you’re supposed to follow know everything about. It’s fucking creepyyy.
I gotta admit, in 6th grade, I did that bullshit with Justin Bieber. And that shit was creepy. And I was creepy asf for that bull. I thought I just knew everything there was to know. I googled him endlessly. I believed i knew his favorite color and food and everything there was to know about him. And much more. And it was fucking creepy.
And some “fans” take shit waayyy too far, to an obsession. And that’s where shit gets even worse but I won’t even touch that shit. It’s all just aggy. And I’m so tired of seeing blogs dedicated to the everyday life of celebrities like Tom Holland. Every Instagram post of his and every picture that gets put out is immediately all over the blogs. God I’m so tired of him being sexualized and having fanfics written of him. He’s mad attractive, I get that. He’s a great actor tho, and that’s all that should matter. But people have blogs dedicated to fanfics about him and his life. Even sexualizing his best friend and brothers. Bringing his parents and families into their FanFictions. I’ve seen fanfics about Chris Evans being with Sebastian Stan. I’ve seen Shawn Mendes fanfics and more. And I’m sure there’s a ton I haven’t seen since I don’t go looking for this.
But because I like marvel so damn much, half of my recommended are fics based off the marvel actors’ real lives. And I’m sickkkk of it. I love that they get love, but some of y’all are mad creepy. I can’t even lie. I had to unfollow a few blogs because I was so sick of the constant Tom Holland fics that were either being written or reblogged. And I didn’t even know people wrote shit like that until I saw them. Smh. These are normal people my guys. Richer and a whole lot more famous, but still people. Y’all get pressed, rightfully so, when people sexualize y’all, but y’all do it to every fucking celebrity. Fucking ew.
I’ve admired a celebrity’s look. I can maybe say I’m a fan of a few people, meaning I’ll look for more things they’ve acted in or put out. I’ll keep an eye out for new projects. There are even a couple celebrities I follow on social media, mostly artists so I can be up to date for newer music, but I also follow people like Chris Evans because he uses his celebrity to have a voice and be positive and to remind people to vote. To use his influence for good and keeps himself educated on what’s happening. That’s what makes me a fan. That’s almost all I really care about. Sometimes I’ll watch an interview, usually if it comes across my dash, but y’all be reaching paparazzi stalker level and y’all think it’s okay cause y’all aren’t the ones actively being paparazzi or doing the creepy stalker shit yourselves half the time. Y’all just supporting the actual paparazzis businesses. And it just pisses me off.
Idk. That shit just drives me insane because that’s why I never want to become famous. I wouldn’t be able to tolerate that shit. And some of these celebrities have fucking made it clear they hate this shit. I’m sure they’re flattered, but some of y’all reach major creep levels. I especially hate when people act like they know a celebrity. You don’t. What they put out in the world, personal or not, is not all of what makes them up as a person. I’m really all over the place with this, but it’s honestly been irritating me for months since the first Tom Holland fic came across my dash. And now I see it way too much.
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nonsinejure · 3 years
ever since S and i first met, he told me that he doesn’t have his shit together, that he’s just living life as it comes, and that he is seeing another girl. these were things that i was like okay, whatever, it’s not like he and i were ever going to become a serious thing. he knew that i was also in a relationship at the time, but he also knew how i felt about it and why i wanted to end it. i was miserable, i wanted to get out, but the timing was never right. oh, and we also met on a site that... well. he said he was single. my profile didn’t reflect that, yet he still reached out. okay, fine. we hook up anyway after spending practically the entire day together.
since then i’ve always had it in the back of my mind that he is seeing another girl so don’t get attached. don’t take him seriously, etc. his choice of words that day indicated to me that it wasn’t serious with that girl either and he probably doesn’t see her as often. IDK, but whatever, right? he posts on IG often (I really need to unfollow him, tbh) and he also goes to california rather often for work purposes, etc. sometimes he’s there for long periods of time so i asked him where does he stay when he’s there - he didn’t say anything. assumed he didn’t hear me. whatever, right? earlier today he posted a selfie of him on this bed and i’ve seen this bed before. it’s not the one from his room. his sheets are black. the walls of his room are dark, black curtains, etc. but the room he’s in in this selfie are all white. i knew he was in california because he called me last night and i asked him when was he coming back cuz i wanted to see him last night. he said he wasn’t returning until the 20th. okay, fine.
moving on... i’ve always had this suspicion that it was this one girl because every time he posts a picture of himself she would make some kind of indication that they were together, referring to him as “bb” and heart emojis everywhere and so on vomit. today, it was about spending lazy days with him. i’ve been on her page before but i didn’t see anything about him so i didn’t think much of it until today’s post. I KNOW, I SOUND LIKE A STALKER RIGHT NOW BUT IT IT’S SO FUCKING EASY WHEN THEY PUT EVERYTHING ONLINE and both IG’s are public.
so, i go back to her page out of curiosity again and see recent posts. oh, she went blonde (gdi i wanted to go blonde this weekend). i scroll further down than what i did last time and i’m getting to the older posts. she has a post where she’s referring to a boyfriend despite no picture of one. i recognize the bed that’s in her room and the wall. yeah, i’m getting somewhere and then i see it. they did a little photoshoot together and she’s so happy and proud, claiming that she picked a “good one.” it looks like they’ve been together for quite a few years now... hm.
i honestly don’t know how i feel right now. not really sure. i mean, i always knew there wasn’t going to be a relationship between us, but at the same time it’s like... a part of me deep down was kind of hoping for one. obviously, that is the dumbass part of me, and of course it will never become more than what it is now because of the context of how we met. yet, oh look, i caught some of the feels, and i know i am so fucking stupid for falling into that. however, there’s also the rational part of me that’s like i don’t want a relationship right now, so in a way, this isn’t really bothering me as much. but it does so what the fuck. like, i can’t really shake it off. i’m not exactly hurt, but i know i’m a little disappointed.
i’m looking through her posts and she’s young. she’s like 26 (he’s 31? um.) and she has these posts thanking him for loving her, etc. everything is beautiful with him in her life, etc etc. she has this typical “influencer” aesthetic vibe that she’s trying to appeal to - similar to S’s attempts - and i’m just sitting here going... okay, i kind of slightly envy her, yet at the same time i’m like girl, the love of your life is fucking cheating on you - and it’s awful. how long has he been doing this to her? why with me? what do i do? the fuck???? i do see that he has a type, though.
in a way, i’m also envying the aesthetic, but i’m like... nah, i like my spooky shit.
but anyway... so i’m kind of going through this really awful bitter... mood... right now. i honestly don’t know how to explain it so i’m just going to ramble on about how i’m going to reason myself through this.
i know i am jealous, but i think it’s also because she’s doing all this cute shit and traveling and just being happy and it’s left me being reflective about my time with A. we didn’t really do a lot of cute shit together. we didn’t really do anything, really. the last three years was just me being fucking miserable waiting for something to happen when it never will and i can’t wait for fucking ever. i couldn’t. it’s honestly one of the reasons why i can’t stand going through my coworkers/friends’ pages because i always find myself envying what they have. people are getting married, people are starting to have children, people are moving into houses, traveling around the world (not right now, ofc) and they’re with their significant others. obviously, i don’t need to be in a relationship to travel and buy a house, but it’s that idea of moving forward and building a life together with someone you love and trust and have a future with that i wish i had for myself. i want to be married and i want a family. i want a baby, i really do. all of these things that i want i knew i won’t have them with A.
there was also something so manipulative about A that i just stopped trusting him, but that’s another story for another time.
but ugh, UGH. i’m such a fucking dumbass for having this slight glimmer of hope that something was going to happen with S when i knew from the get go that it would never happen. i’m not one to let my guard down so easily, yet there was a bit of a crack with him and now i’m just really disappointed in myself. considering what i had been up to since november, though, i think i deserve this.
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kyurilove-blog · 3 years
Tumblr hiatus, but I’m back.
Soooo, I haven’t been on tumblr IN AGES. I made this new tumblr account, mainly for spamming or posting things I like that I wouldn’t post on my other socials, for *reasons*...  basically, where my head will be clear, and my mental health is at ease. 
VENT: I’ve dealt with people in the past (probably 15+ years ago? elementary/middle school days) who were judgmental or made me feel bad for liking certain music (their mindset was in a way where basically "well I like this music and you can’t” type of thing, and/or it’s infringing on their idk... lifestyle?). But anyway... my mental health has been a continuous roller coaster for the past year, in short... it’s good for a little bit at a time, then just bad. My whole family got COVID in April of last year, with my mom getting the brunt of it all and having to be in the hospital for almost a month. We struggled financially, mentally, emotionally since then, feeling it more so in the financial aspect. My dad has been working on and off (as of right now, he hasn’t been working for a whole month), my mom is now retired, my hubby is only on-call and has been struggling to get a full-time position, and basically I am the only one working full-time at the moment so it’s been really hard for me to cope these days.
 Around end of August is when I started getting into BTS and also back into the K-pop scene. I had a K-pop phase in my last few years of high school (which only very few people know), but for some reason I just stopped listening to K-pop after I graduated, and for a very long time. This was around the time when my depression started getting to me really bad, and I just lost interest in a lot of things I used to like. At the time, I was still undiagnosed and I wouldn’t go get help until my anxiety kicked in and got really bad in my early 20′s. So basically, since August of last year --- BTS and just listening to K-pop in general has been getting me through daily life and keeping me sane. Watching BTS videos on youtube, their V Lives, and content on Weverse, and overall just listening to their music has been my escape when things are just way too overwhelming (sensory overload)... which has been basically almost every day. I even feel bad for my husband a lot of times (and this makes me feel really shitty) because I’d rather just listen or watch BTS videos after getting home from work, but as much as I want to interact with him and everyone else in my house, mentally I just haven’t been in a good place, and it’s so hard and frustrating for me since I really don’t have energy or interest to do anything else. But anyway... to get to the point, recently I got triggered by some comments that someone said (someone I was close to before) and it brought me back to what I went through in my elementary/middle school years... and it really bothered me to the point where I ended up breaking down to my husband. These were comments from someone (out of all people) who I thought would understand and be supportive and someone I could “fangirl” with (one comment claimed [either directed to me or my husband, wasn’t sure, but still affected me regardless] that they were made fun of for liking K-pop (by me or my husband [who has said he was messing/joking around with this person in the past; and also I’d know if I did... I don’t know, but why intentionally make fun of something that I liked too? I don’t get it?]), and who I knew struggles with mental illness as well. I understand that this person was building boundaries for their own mental well-being, but (for me) to be told that they’re going to mute my posts and to basically not talk to them about anything K-pop related because it’ll give them anxiety and K-pop is their safe place and they don’t want to end up hating something they’ve loved for years, was extremely hurtful. This was all done subliminally by the way via social media (I know this was directed to myself/husband because we had just been talking to this person about BTS). Honestly, this person could’ve just muted me and be done with it without posting about it. It’s not like I or my husband regularly talked to this person outside of social media anyway; we just thought of talking to this person because we knew this person loved K-pop and liked BTS. After this, in my head I was thinking... you don’t want to hate what you’ve loved for years because of people who “made fun” of you for it, but you’re going to “attack” someone else’s mental health and try to make them hate and question the very thing that’s been making them happy (coincidentally something they like as well) and keeping them sane and is basically their safe place as well. A person is allowed to feel certain emotions when things are said to them that “hurt” them, yes... but that’s not a pass to use it against someone YEARS later to hurt them -- especially because people grow and change. Things could’ve been handled a lot differently, but things happen for a reason I guess. As this caused a lot of distress for me, I ended up just unfollowing this person on all social media for my own mental well-being. THANKFULLY, I have two friends that I regularly fangirl with daily (one of them being my best friend from high school that I recently reconnected with), and IT HAS BEEN AWESOME to not have to worry about being judged or criticized with them... because after all, we’re adults now, so none of that childish stuff. This was longer than I intended, but I just needed to get things out of my system as I can’t talk to my husband about this because he doesn’t want to talk about this person... at all. I feel like I rambled and was all over the place, but yeah.
Anyway, I’ll mostly be posting or reblogging BTS / BLACKPINK / K-pop / and honestly whatever tickles my fancy :)
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septicquest · 7 years
Attention: This is not a Septic Quest page. Rather this is just an announcement that relates to why I have not been posting here for such a long time. idk what will happen to SQ after this and idk how far this thing is going to go. I won’t blame you if you hate me for being hesitant on the matter or if you unfollow me for such an action. But if you do want to participate in this new project of mine, I will love and appreciate the shit out of you even after I die, I swear. Please don’t hate me. Thanks.
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So I’m sure ya’ll are aware of this web series thing I’m doing called “Allister & Melody” right? With all the voice acting and the original story and music and stuff? Well if you didn’t know and you’ve been wondering why I haven’t gotten to doing things like Septic Quest and Jacksepticeye, there’s your answer. It’s cuz I’ve been working on an original story with...pretty much everything I just mentioned.
If ya’ll need a little hint about what it’s gonna look like, - here’s a link to the promo. -
However, I have hit a slight dent in the road. Here’s the story.
So who here was here from the very beginning of Septic Quest? You know, like BEFORE Jack started reblogging some pages?...I see a few hands out there. Well anyway, I made a HUGE mistake when I started making this comic. What was it you ask?
I was working on it ALONE!
Which is probably the biggest mistake I’ve ever made in my life.....okay, maybe not the biggest, but it was a kick in the ass nonetheless. You see, this comic was supposed to be a really really REALLY long story. Like, it had three volumes worth of story. Don’t get me wrong, I love every moment of this story and I wish I could get it out to the world somehow someday, but right now just isn’t the time. However, it is still kinda cannon to the story I’m currently writing. (and don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you can’t accomplish anything big on your own, it’s just really really hard on your physical and mental health if you bite off more than you can chew. Especially if you’re someone like me.)
Why am I telling ya’ll all of this? Well....honestly I’m not really sure myself. idk if I’ll continue the story as a comic or if I’m going to hand if off to someone else anytime soon. My mind is actually focused on Allister & Melody at the moment. So if ya’ll really followed Septic Quest specifically for the Jacksepticeye story, this is pretty much goodbye for another long while. And ya’ll can stop reading at this point and go off on your day. Thanks for listening. ^^
...Still here? Oh cool, hopefully that means you care. Thanks! Although I’ll warn you a second time, from this point on it’s all an announcement about Al & Mel and how I need help on it.
STILL HERE!? Man, you’re persistent...I like that in you. ^^
Alright fine, no more nonsense. I NEED HELP! I’m on a hunt for awesome artists and/or animators for my thing. I’m hosting an audition for artists to join my rank to make this story come alive! ....uh..speaking of story, maybe I should explain that first before I go any further, shouldn’t I? ^^’
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Ya’ll remember Allister, right? He was that tall guy dressed in black in the SQ comic? Leader of Tutopia? Right, that guy. Well that’s him right in the middle of the pic there, and this is him AFTER Septic Quest.
The story is he’s stuck on Earth for unknown reasons (to the audience that is) and is forced to live on Earth with humans and limited powers. Along the way, he meets a young little girl named Melody (the little cutie blond dressed in green) who is strangely an angel almost just like him! Except this little girl is being hunted down by an organization called the Child Protection Agency (CPA) where they take care of lost kids in the streets. Lately, they’ve had their eyes on her because of the powers she has. Allister, being the only one who has actual knowledge of her powers, sees it upon himself to take care of Melody and keep her from any humans who may want to take advantage of her. Along the way, he meets some strange new friends as well as old enemies, and shenanigans ensue thus creating an opportunity for a little show to create!
So there ya go, that’s the synopsis of what’s going on. Now for info on the show itself. Like you saw in the promo (if you clicked it, if not, here it is again), it’s going to have original everything: original voice acting, original score, original animation. But it’s not FULLY animated since that would take WAAAAY too long for just one animator. This is where I need help. I made the mistake of not asking for help when I first created Septic Quest, and so I don’t intend on making that same mistake here. If any of ya’ll are interested in being part of this project along side me as an animator/artist (and/or if you’ve got nothing better to do), this is an opportunity for you!
However, this IS an audition. You are going to have to live up to my standards of art in order to be on this team. You won’t necessarily need to learn how to animate. You’ll mostly need to know how to draw some....complicated poses. All of the art is gonna be done like you see in the promo. I figured that was just the easiest way of doing this. Also, this is all voluntary work, so unfortunately you won’t get paid....I probably just lost a bunch of you just saying that.
So here’s what you’ll need!
1. Pen Pad/tablet (or whatever you wanna call it) 2. Any GOOD art program you own, like Photoshop, Flash, SAI, ect. Stuff like MSPaint or sketchbook drawings won’t due. If you draw on a mobile device, I’ll have to look at it and approve it cuz that’s always up in the air. 3. A way of exporting files/images to me. A lot of this pics I’m going to want in PNG format, but JPEGs are also fine in some cases. 4. A Skype or Discord to keep in contact with me just to make things easier. If you’re one of those younger kids who have parents who don’t trust you on the internet (you know who you are) then PM me via however you can, weather it’s through this blog or my main blog, my twitter, my DA, my email (if you can find that one), or anywhere else I guess. But preferably, I would like to have you on Skype or Discord.
If you have these things and you’re STILL interested in helping out, well then here’s how you’ll audition.
The way you’re going to be animating this is I will either give you a shot or a character or even a whole scene to animate depending on where your skills lie. You are first going to give me 3-5 pics of your best art as well as a pic or two of whatever character you want to animate (choose however many you want from the pic above). If you can draw that character well, then I’ll add you to the team. If not, don’t feel bad. I’ve got a special place for ones who try ;)
After that, there’s gonna be more info about how I’m going to separate ya’ll into drawing what. There’s gonna be deadlines for these things, so be prepared for that world of pain. In fact, the deadline for your auditions will be sometime after I get back from Bronycon (August 11-13) where I’ll be part of a panel featuring a sneak peak of the first episode all drawn by me. You can submit your auditions through tumblr submissions cuz idk how to work other internet things that involve submitting things. Submit them with your contact name and who you want to draw. It can be as many characters as you want.
Okay, just a brief review of auditions cuz I know I’m gonna get questions later:
1. 3-5 pics of your best art. 2. One or two pics of whatever Al & Mel character you wanna animate (can be as many characters as you like. *refer to the pic up top*). 3. No MSPaint or sketchbook picture taken images. Only good digital art. 4. Have a Skype or Discord for contact purposes. 5. Submit to my tumblr @luximus with your pics along with your contact name. 6. Deadline is August 19. I’ll give several heads ups along the way.
If you have any more questions, ask me on my main blog. DO NOT ask in the Septic Quest blogs cuz these are unrelated to SQ. If you do, I won’t be able to answer them for you, so you have been warned. (watch as it happens anyway -_-) 
aaaaand I think that’s about it. Don’t be afraid to submit your stuff early. The earlier, the better! Thanks for listening, happy drawing! ^^
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