#i also want to thank you cal for inspiring me to do these 2 parts of the story :]
chain-draws-stuff · 7 months
Hello hello! I'm back from getting like 3 coffees from a near by Cafe, I'm finally done with the next chapter which is chapter 8! Hope you guys like this angst of a story and now with that being said let's get going with the story shall we?
Part 2/2
Close calls
Narrator pov
As the morning sun rose from its slumber the ray of sunshine hits 'there' eyes. As they stood up from the ground they noticed that the infection only got bigger. They remembered that they had to spy on someone, so spy on someone they did. They headed on to Shaw's house spying on him after that I headed on to Chris and Austins house. Austin was still asleep but Chris was already awake heading downstairs to go to there laboratory.
A few minutes later
(Bc im lazy)
??? Pov:
Chris and Austin were already awake...well accept the robot. I was reading more of Steve's journal that's when I saw Chris heading downstairs to his...basement? No...his laboratory...thing are just about to get a little interesting...
I head inside of the house exploring everything in it. I saw the way down to Chris lab and phased through the trapped door.
I headed down to see what was up and only for me to see some randomly place potions on the shelves and some in the brewing stands. I wanted to do a little bit of a mess, as I got close to one of Chris newly made potions I realized that it was a splash potion of decaying, haven't seen these in a while...I then grabbed it and threw it down to the ground breaking it into pieces. I felt a small pain on my claws and I was scratched by one of the glass shards, purple blood was leaking from the newly found opend wound, I then flew towards the entrance of the laboratory and made a run for it. Luckily I wasn't seen but I did got scratched during the process...how unfortunate...
(A few minutes later)
I heard some loud noise heading to Chris and Austins house, I took a peek from the bush and it was Shaws car 'huh...guess he's early' I thought to myself as I got closer still not getting seen by other mortals especially since I'm a literary a phantom or ghost like state.  I got closer to the humans until I could hear what there taking about. They were now heading to the portal which was a few- wait not a few but many miles away. Once they got to the portal they came to investigate the incident, some of the areas were covered with lifeless corpses peirced through there chests which what I almost forgot that I was the on who caused all of the mass murder that happened yesterday...I see that one if the mortals Chris was...zooming out if you know what I mean. He was feeling guilty...feeling sorry for what he did to his 'most beloved best friend' of his. I thought about doing something more interesting to these 3 little pieces of shit...accept taking them as my little prisoners of course, ending there lives would be to nice...I was only left with one more option...playing with there little minds untill they lose it...
(hey I know there was a lot of options for me to choose to torture them but hey this is the only thing that was in my head rn ok? So just bare with me)
I continued to seek the mortals for more information about what there planning (mf still isn't stopping until they know that there actually was no plan) it wasn't easy to keep my intentions of torturing these puny humans but to cause a little havoc on someone's head just a little- yeah you know what? No I want to cause real havoc to one of the humans. I head to one of the humans which was he blue haired boy one yeah. Well I had 3 options on who I want to mess there heads with. Shaw...I was saving him for last, Austin? He was next in my list of torture, definitely going to give his guy a lot of trouble and trauma to say for the least, Chris? Well...lucky him he was the first target...things are just about to go even better...
Chris pov:
I was walking around going through the caution tapes looking for clues on who or what started this...i couldn't get something off my mind...where I threw Steve's lying corpse into the portal...i felt guilty for that to be honest i actually loved Steve not as a friend but...as his uhh (guess you guys what I'm already talking a out at this point but eh)  boyfriend, i couldn't bare to betray him like that but he.....lied he lied to all of us...his friends, Shaw, Austin and even me...i couldn't hold back my rage for much longer...so i did what has to be done...ENDING STEVE MYSELF
When me, Shaw, G.U.I.D.O and Austin were checking out the portal we couldn't help but feel a strange feeling...like we were being watched...
??? Pov
???:hold on little more mortals...soon I will be claiming this dimension once and for all......
After I play with your weak little minds....
Chris pov:
I was feeling guilt running down my spine...that's when...I kept hearing voices saying 'kill them' 'there just taking advantage of you' and even more horrible things telling me to belive such things...I was loosing my mind hearing the voices getting louder and louder echoing through the land, I wanted to move but...I couldn't...I was frozen in fear my vision became red surrounded by burning buildings, fire, lifeless corpses of innocent people, hearing the screams begging to release them from this hell hole that hey were sent in. I turned around to see a vision of myself...and Steve? We were talking with one other, dancing with each other till the sun had set the rivers were glowing the forest was peaceful...quiet and...it felt free...no we felt free...just the both of us...all alone together...but that soon ended as we went to the end portal. Pulling out my sword and stabbing him in his chest. His eyes were forming tears streaming down his cheeks, he couldn't speak, he was speechless blood falling down his jaws. I immediately removed the sword in Steve's chest as he fell to my arms blood flowing down his body, tears forming in my eyes I shouldn't have done this to him...he didn't deserve it...he didn't deserve to carry all of that pain...'why...why why whY wHY WHY!' I screamed in my mind. I had lost it...that's when I remembered
Narrator pov:
Chris:...cursed devil...
Chris yelled at the now drained memory landscape
Chris:...demon, come forth!
The responding silence is an iv drip of doubt into his veins thats when...
A voice finally speaks, monotone, a hint of static
???: even if it be a God you call forth?
Chris was still frozen in fear, feeling two claws sliding down his shoulder, shadows surrounding him
Normally, Chris would turn around as soon as he gets very nervous, the trigger on the gun of instinct, fired. He needs to see...he needs to know...he needs...
But...he does not...not right now
The static in its voice is so faint it's undetectable. But Chris knows it's there, it hears, it watches there every movement, and it bothers him because of what it represents...the Crack in his psyche, a sign everything is not as it should be...
Chris thought about going to accept, but he declined...the voice then became more furious, the voice turned from being soft to being more irritated
The memory world then drained back to the real world as Shaw, G.U.I.D.O and Austin were looking worried and distressed
Austin: Chris where were you? We've been looking for yoy everywhere!?
Shaw: kid where were you?
G.U.I.D.O: Chris...are you alright?
The questions were still being followed by another from another. Chris didn't know what to say, he almost made a close call with the devil themselve, then made them furious and now he's in a part surrounded with guilt and his friend + Shaw questioning him that were he was
Chris:.... sorry guys ow as just looking for more clues to find out who the culprit
Chris lied to them just to cover up on what had just happened a few moments ago.
Shaw:(sigh) alright...it's almost night time, It would be a little dangerous of we go out on the road this late because those monsters could pounce on the car in any moment. So I suggest we should stay here for now...
G.U.I.D.O: I'll have to agree with you on that Shaw...it is almost night time but...where ate we going to sleep for the night?
As the discussion went on the phantom(my oc) gave the book to...as the discussion went on from below the trees, someone was watching and hearing there discussion from a far...
As Steve standing on one of the rocks on the mountain having curved horns and...wearing the golden crown, the shadow appears at his back. Steve was thinking that...'no...I shouldn't be doing this' 'this is wrong'...
The shadow then came from behind while forming a mask resembling the masked figure from the very beginning. There claws sliding down Steve's shoulders the other was sliding down his neck it's head close to his ear(!not a ship!), A mist of shadow surrounding him, As it whispered these words.
???: they haven't destroyed you. Narcissist and antisocials cannot process shame...the trauma you've endure in there lives hums as a base frequency of agitation...but when they survive, they come back meaner, and make someone feel what they feel instead...
They are constantly agitated. Constantly miserable. Only abusing others gives them relief...
Just as your pain does right now...
End of chapter 8 part 2/2
First chapter/previous/next
Again I want ot thank you for @caldraws for inspiring me to do this story I hope you enjoy this angst of a chapter
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megamindsecretlair · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tag @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin , im never sure if ppl look forward to whats upcoming from me, but these keep me honest 🤣😭
Step one: Post snippets of the fics you're working on (can be a summary if there's no snippet)
Step two: put them in a poll and let people vote on which one you should work on, then prioritize the one with the most votes.
Step three: Ask me about my WIPs! Don't be shy, I love talking about my fics! We don't create or share in a void, we want to hear from you lovelies!
Well, Mega, what can we look forward to 👀
1) Beauty and the Beast Inspired Stunna: I have severe Yahya Abdul Mateen II brainrot and baby, 🥲 the way I want to write literally everything for him. This will be a precursor to a novella I wanna write with original characters and lots more action, but Id love extra feedback for it. It will have vampires, toxic staff, and naughty bits.
2) Mea Culpa: I have been debating how much time I wanna dedicate to rewriting that monstrosity of a movie 🤭 okay, thats not fair. The idea was there, the execution wasn't because TP wouldnt know what's sexy if it slapped him in his face. Who am I fooling? I won't be satisfied until I write the whole thing and satisfy my brain. So yeah, prepare for a rewrite according to what I would've done. Think corruption kink, think court drama, think Zyair being the toxic mess we know and love.
3) Mob Boss Tyrone: I feel like ive been teasing this for years 🥲😭🤣 and thats because the ask was specifically for a one shot and I plotted out 7 parts 🤭🤣 at this point, yall know how I am. I tried to conform to short fics for my sanity and I just cant 🤷🏽‍♀️ some ideas require one part, some require several. It will include hella angst, hella smut, hella toxcity, but at the end of the day, hes always going to love his baby girl. I also think im going to switch it to Fontaine chuz thats a prettier/grittier name and would suit the story better.
4) A Watchmen fic for Cal (Yahya): lissen, ive finally went back to finish Watchmen. Not because it was a bad show, but because it requires 100% of my focus and I aint had it. But for Yahya? Ill make the time. I feel like that is 100% a soft dom and I just wanna be his cute lil princess, sue me 🤷🏽‍♀️ I love a man I can't tell what to do 🤣
Theres more but for the sake of brevity, Ill keep it at the 4 most occupying my brain at the moment. Soooo, which one yall want first? And yes 🥲 im aware of how many series I need to update 🥲
No pressure tags: @nerdieforpedro @harmshake @notapradagurl7 @ellethespaceunicorn @miyuhpapayuh
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underdark-dreams · 2 months
Facts About Fellow Writers Tag Game
Thank you @darkurgetrash and @lostinforestbound for the tags! Tagging @rolansrighthorn (zero pressure, only if you feel like participating 🖤)
Last book I read: 
I'm reading through the Fourth Wing series by Rebecca Yarros right now (thanks for the rec Cal!) Last book I finished was a re-read of Jennette McCurdy's I'm Glad My Mom Died. Obsessed with her raw honesty
Greatest literary inspiration: 
Jane Austen for her characterization and use of the Loud Silence, and Dickens for his world building and details! (sidenote A Tale of Two Cities: The Musical was one of the 2008 recession's most tragic victims, go look it up if you're a Les Mis fan)
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write:
I very much want to but am so bad at writing M/M pairings 🫣 At the same time, M!Paladin Tav x any of the Tiefling men is literally catnip to me. I love it sm 😩
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me:
Ikaron 💗 Anything Ikaron, including a rewrite of the Tieflings in Act 2 with him as a protag. I'll probably write it anyway! We Ikaron lovers are few but feral. There are dozens of us!
You can recognize my writing by:
Pared-down prose, comma splices, gerunds, too many adverbs, use & abuse of pining tropes. Generally all the things I was taught not to do in my creative writing program but said fuck it
My most controversial take (current fandom):
Zevlor as a paladin companion ("good" route alternative to Minthara) makes more sense than Halsin or Minsc as a companion. Halsin at least should've been party-recruitable going into Act 2 and the Shadow-Cursed Lands. Right? He would have so much idle dialogue while exploring that map. And though I truly adore Minsc and do use him in my party (re-specced to Gloomstalker to give Astarion a break now and then), he's just recruited so late in Act 3. Recruiting Zevlor in the Mindflayer Colony and bringing him into Act 3 (plus the Ketheric fight) would've just been so interesting for the Tief community as a whole. They are such a big part of Acts 1 & 2, it just feels like they need more closure in the final act.
Current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut):
I'd say a 7! I am noodling on little blurbs every night, including for my Rolan WIPs, and for any other NPCs that strike my fancy. I don't have as much free time as I did in January (fuck work) or I'd be writing a lot more. And Rimworld Anomaly DLC + Stardew 1.6 are seriously testing my free time lmao! But the thirst to write can never be snuffed out~
Top 3 favorite tropes?
Forced Proximity ( awakened by @catsharky who handed me the plot for Pent Up)
Share a random frustration:
It takes me a lot of time and effort to get into a writing flow. The littlest distraction can completely derail a good session (ADHD gang wya)
Also, I can never turn off my editor mode, am constantly editing as I draft, and am slow as fuck at writing as a result 😭
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fortunatetragedy · 1 month
Saw your story pitch on the story sharing post and I love it!! Do you plan on publishing eventually? Also gimme your favourite excerpt that you’re most normal about and ramble about it gogogo
Oh hi! Thanks for stopping by! Your Obsidian timeline for that project you're cowriting with your partner is G O R G E O U S. It's inspired me to outline Book 3 in Obsidian, which I've been using to plot "A Living Machine," instead of using Post-It notes on my wall.
Plan is such a strong word. Draft 4 is out on submission right now. If a publisher looks at the first three chapters (or this disaster of a blog) and goes "Yes give me 1800 pages of whatever this is" then IDK what I'm going to do with myself. Die of a panic attack. What I'm anticipating happening is getting rejected repeatedly while I draft Books 2 and 3 and then self-publishing.
Or--funniest scenario imo--I pitch Book 2 as a standalone, that sells, I have Books 1 and 3 floating around like tentacles for when my agent/editor wants to know what the hell the whole "blood sorcerer" thing is about, I backdoor sell all three at once.
So yeah IDK what's going to happen.
Buckle up, I've got an excerpt from September 1872 part 2. For context, Royston is succumbing to hemlock poisoning (part 1 shows how that happened) and he and Sullivan are in a shoot-out against Lon, Frank, and Nate Huston, the younger brothers of Cal Huston, who stole the horses Sullivan is looking for. Up until about 30 minutes ago, Sullivan and Royston have never met.
(This isn't a spoiler, the prologue is pretty explicit, but skip it if you don't want time loop details ahead of reading: they have done this before. September 1872 part 1 was the first time they looped. This is the second time. The prologue shows the aftermath of the loop's fixed point. Every separate 1872-73 chapter is the start of a new loop. You're seeing the version they don't have to do again. Royston remembers doing this before, according to my time loop post it note map, but the hemlock extract is fucking him up; Sullivan does not remember doing this before because he died at the end of the last loop.)
Excerpt and me being completely normal about it under the cut.
Royston could not crouch on his own. Didn't stop him from trying. He toppled forward onto his knees and across Sullivan's lap for his trouble. He did not stay there. Something had caught his attention as he fell. "Oh, hi!" Royston beamed up at Sullivan when he looked down in alarm. "Staythere, Igotta—" He moved like a man possessed. Pushed himself onto his hands and knees using his abdominal muscles and pure spite, then grabbed Sullivan's shoulder for balance. Caught hold of the bar with his flailing left hand. Sprang to his feet in a jerking motion that frightened the bartender. Sullivan watched him the entire time or he would not have understood where the knife had come from, either. Still couldn't understand how he did what he did, swaying as he was. Royston's hand slid over his trapezius muscle as he righted himself, as if even in the midst of his muscles' failing he could not help but appreciate what he'd found. Shaking, Royston lifted the right hem of his pants and slipped a six-inch knife from a sheath around his calf. Sleek yet handle-heavy, the three-inch blade glinted as Royston hefted it in his hand. Once, as he settled his right elbow on the tabletop, then again as he leaned heavy on his left. Compensating for his impairment in a way that would haunt Sullivan, later. Royston was going to pass out. "Ohnoyoudont," Royston said, and whipped the knife over the bar. The bartender gagged. Blood splashed down his front and pooled on floor. The blade sticking from his throat choked the air out of him. "Poisonme, youpieceofshit? F'k you. Yerdrinkser hogwater." When Sullivan turned around the partition to look again, he saw the shotgun in the bartender's hands. Sawed-off. Not two meters away. He'd pulled it after Sullivan took cover. Royston must have seen him retrieving it as he fell. It dropped from the bartender's hands as he went to his knees in his blood, hands scrambling to catch what poured from his throat, eyes wide with the knowledge Arthur Royston was taking him with him. That whatever the Hustons had offered him for this cowardly work wasn't worth the risk, after all. Sullivan shook off the nearness of that shotgun relative to his own awareness of it. Royston was still using the bar to hold himself up. That shot had sapped his energy, left him as the only target in the Hustons' line of sight. They were too busy hollering at each other from behind the upended table to take advantage of the man's vulnerable position. "Royston!" Rather than waiting for the half-conscious man to melt to the floor on his own, Sullivan grabbed him by the belt and hauled him behind cover. While their brother reloaded, Lon and Nate fired at shadows. He had not anticipated Royston would collapse into his arms. "Youresowarm," Royston mumbled.
Here's what this excerpt has going for it:
Shows Royston is a tough son of a bitch to kill real early on.
Might not be obvious but you're seeing Royston abusing save scumming--he remembered the bartender was there and going to try to blast Sullivan.
Shows that no, really, Royston doesn't use guns even if he's got three or four aimed at him, that's why he has throwing knives.
Just… what the fuck is going on, Royston is so happy to have fallen over into Sullivan's lap in the middle of a firefight.
Sullivan being down bad for Royston, again, in the middle of a firefight.
Shows Royston will fucking kill you for pointing a gun at his boyfriend Sullivan even if he's half-corpsed himself.
There's no reason for the scene to be this slapstick but like, it's also about how I'd expect a fight scene to go at this point. Royston is a fucking maniac and Sullivan could easily end the fight in four bullets but he's too busy wrangling Royston.
Ugh, I just. Sullivan deserves the Golden Ending. He puts up with so much shit, and they manage to escape the shoot-out without him having to kill anybody, but it puts them on Cal Huston's hit list. Arguably, they could have escaped the time loop by him TPK'ing Cal's brothers and then dealing with the fallout, but they would both have to retain knowledge of the previous loop aaaand they don't. Plus Royston is, uh. Not cooperative until Sullivan does certain things. Which takes him many. Many. Many loops.
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oblivionscribe · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ❤️
Note: Sorry this took me so long to answer! Five Things that Make Me Happy: 1.) The love of my life, @mistermegee I could write a college thesis paper on how much mistermegee/cal means to me and I love him with all my heart and soul. 2.) Any pet I've ever have, do have, and will have. I'm an animal lover (horses, owls, and rats are my favorite animals). Presently Cal and I have two cats, Pumpkin and Navi and they're both little furballs with some sassy personalities. 3.) Music: Music is another big part of my life. I was first Clarinet in middle school though I left band by the time I entered high school because I didn't know how busy I would be and kind of regret not sticking with it. I also tried learning guitar but my fingers just don't want to cooperate. I was also a metalhead in high school but have since expanded my enjoyed genres but still don't overly enjoy pop or top 40 playlist groups. Some songs are good but pop music is too peppy for me. 4.) Video games, comic books, & horror content : I'm lumping these together since they usually fall under the class of media. Video games are a big part of my life (I have a sleeve tattoo dedicated to Dragon Age that I still need to have work done on.) All three of these subjects inspire me in my writing and world building for an interactive fiction I'm developing (very slowly developing to be clear). I even enjoy bad and classic horror movies. 5.) My hobbies!: This is probably the widest group of things that make me happy. Art and writing top this list, of course. Art, like music, is a huge part of my life. I've been drawing since I could hold a pencil and get my hands on some paper. I don't write as much as I should but god, in high school I had notebooks filled with a story I was working on (it was heavily inspired by isekai anime) but never finished. I also enjoy reading, crocheting, beading/jewelry making, and crafting/learning new crafts. Dungeons and Dragons is also a huge inspiration to my interactive fiction and I am getting back into playing Magic: the Gathering. Thrifting vintage items is also a hobby of mine along with collecting cool and eccentric items. Gardening brings me peace of mind and I'm very proud of my collection of plants that I tend to and I work hard to learn how best to care for them. Right now I'm learning how to best prune some of my plants that have gotten a little carried away with their growth. This year I'm going to attempt to grow my own crop of potatoes! I live in a building complex, so most of my food gardening has to be in containers/buckets but that's just fine with me! There are probably so many other things I could get into that make me happy when it comes to my hobbies, so I only included the big ones that I'm currently focused on. Thank you for sending me this ask and I hope you know a little more about me now. ^^ Have a great day!
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nooneactuallyasked · 4 years
Diner Gal - Reggie x Reader Part 2
Requested: My friend told me to keep writing this so-
Word count: 1,820
Warnings: Angst?
Summary: Julie and the Phantoms ( + Flynn ) go to a musical diner/café/restaurant for inspiration and hopefully a future gig but they end up meeting a very special waitress.
Note: Listen to What’s Inside from Waitress, you’ll know when. I’m also making a taglist so please feel free to ask to join if you would like! Happy (late) Halloween! Thanks for the support so far, I’m new to writing so it means a lot! :)
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Part 1 here
Y/N pushed open the back door with her hip, a big bag of glass bottles dragging her upper body towards the ground. She opened up the container lid and threw the bag of bottles inside, slumping against the door in exhaustion. She had another impromptu performance coming up but for now, she was back to a normal waitress.
Y/N pulled open the door and went back in, met with the overwhelming smell of sweat and cooking food. It’s like being on broadway except that it’s not as professional and she has two jobs in one and they both have crap pay. Time to get serving
Julie and Flynn were chatting animatedly about a new band that they’d heard about whilst the boys were still trying to figure out how she was able to see them. Julie made sense, she had summoned them but that waitress, Y/N, they had never even been in her vicinity before. It was strange.
Julie straightened up as an idea hit her train, she turned so she was facing both the boys and Flynn, reminding herself that she needs to not look insane, “We could ask Y/N to put in a good word for us, get closer to her and figure out why she can see you. We get answers, a gig and a reason to come for inspo whenever.” Luke snapped his finger and pointed at her in agreement, “Right! Uh…how do we get her to even talk to us? Last time I checked we were…you know, invisible to everyone, she’d look insane if she randomly started talking to us.” Julie stared at him blankly before rolling her eyes and taking a sip from her milkshake, looking to Alex for help.
Alex hit him on the back of his head, “Obviously we’re not going to do it in front of people, use your brain…oh wait, nevermind.” Julie choked and set her milkshake down, Flynn patted her back before glaring at the left side of the boys. Julie moved Flynn’s face so she was glaring at the boys, “No killing my best friend, not even eye-candy can get away with that.” She turned back to Julie, “You okay, Jules? What did the boys do, I wish I could see them.”
“Sometimes I wish that I had the privilege of not seeing them.” The boys offended faces made her burst into laughter that she tried to control.
“Hi, is there anything else we can help you with today?” Their waiter walked up to the table, a bright smile already spread over their face. “Oh, uh, I have a weird request, question? Uh, can we talk to one of your performers? It would need to be somewhere more private because it’s more…um..you know.” The waiter chuckled, “Sure thing, you can use the break room, the performer will take you over there. I know Y/N is free for a little bit, but she might have to run off for a performance, I could grab Noelle, she’s doing some serving right now though...uh, another performer called Sadie arrives in a few minutes, but she might take a while to get settled. Or do you have a specific person in mind?”
“Uh…” Julie looked at Flynn and the boys, trying to figure out how to be discreet about asking for Y/N, “Can we- uh…” The waiter smiled, “I’ll grab Y/N for you, just remember she might have to run after a while.” They walked off to the kitchen, picking up a few plates on the way.
“Y/N! Some customers want to talk to you!”
An audible groan made the kitchen staff chuckle, Y/N was used to complaining middle-aged women. They were only people who ever ‘talked’ to the staff, they were usually sent to Y/N because she would just smile, nod and agree until there were no complaints left. It takes way too much effort to argue and yell at someone who is smiling and agreeing with everything you say.
“Alright, thank you, Sam, tell them I’ll be right there.” Y/N dusted off her hands, the waiter chuckled, “Okay, will do. And you really need to stop expecting the worst all the time. It’s kinda depressing.” Y/N rolled her eyes, “Haha, glad my suffering at the hands of middle-aged women amuses you.” The waiter rolled their eyes in return and left the kitchen.
“Well…time for complaints or a pleasant surprise.” Y/N sighs, picking up a slice of pie for a customer on the way out. She bumps open the door with her hip and walks out into the chatter and bustle of the diner, she puts down the pie at table 20 before heading over to the counter where Sam was waiting.
“Table 12, take them to the break room, they wanted a more private place to talk.” Y/N raised her eyebrows, “Okay, take the non-staff members to the staff members only break room. Sure, okay.” Sam rolled their eyes, handed her a small piece of paper with instructions, which rolled her eyes at, and pushed her lightly, “Just go.”
Y/N plastered on her best customer service smile and walked over to table 12, checking over the instructions in her hand, “Hi, sorry for the wait, my name is Y/N. There was something you wanted to talk about in the break room?” Y/N looked up and saw the two girls and 3 boys she’d served a little while earlier. “Yeah, uh, can we go in there first?” Y/N smile turned more genuine and gestured the way with her right arm, “Sure, this way.”
Y/N showed them to the break room, “Take a seat, make yourselves comfortable. I warn you I have a quick thing in 5 minutes but I’ll be right back afterwards.” The Julie and Flynn sat down on a couch, Luke sitting on the arm closest to Julie. Alex and Reggie sat in singular chairs on either side of the couch.
“Now, what is it you wanted to talk about?” Y/N sat in a chair opposite the group, “Well, we were wondering if you could put in a word for us, we’re a band- “ “I’m not in it though! I’m Flynn, the band’s amazing marketing team.” Flynn interrupts, Y/N nods, an eyebrow raised and motions for Julie to continue, “Right, yeah, anyway, we’re a band called Julie and the Phantoms. I’m Julie, beanie boy is Luke, Alex is sitting in the chair on the left and Reggie is on the right. We’d really appreciate it if you could put in a word for us, we’re trying to get as many gigs as possible.” Y/N smiled, “Yeah, sure, you’d have to demo for Cal and a few performers but I’ll see what I can do. Is that all?”
“Julie, ask her about ghosts. And if seeing them runs in her family.”
“Uh, you can just ask me yourself and uh, ghosts? What are you talking about?” Alex stood up and walked over to Reggie before smacking the back of his head, “Ow! What was that fo- oh…I get it.” Y/N’s eyes dart between everyone, trying to find someone who can explain. “Don’t ask me, I can’t even see them. Low-key kinda jelly.”
Y/N looked at the clock in the break room, “Shoot, look I have to go on now, but it’s real quick so I’ll be back soon. You can explain when I get back. You can go back to your table or just stay here, whatever you want to do. Sam will come over in a sec, you know, so you can ask them for help if you need it.” She walked over to the door and turned to look at them, narrowing her eyes slightly, “Break anything in here and I’ll break your bank account, and please try to stay out of trouble. Sam is clumsy, I don’t want to find them with six broken bones when I get back.”
Y/N walked out the door leaving three shocked boys, a sheepish Julie and an impressed Flynn, “She seems cool.”
Sam stepped into the break room, Flynn and Julie were chatting on the couch, Luke was sat on the floor next to Julie, Alex was laid against the back of his chair and Reggie was draped over his chair, his legs resting on top of the arm. Sam smiled at the chatting girls.
“Sorry to interrupt lady’s but I was wondering if you’d want to watch Y/N’s performance.” Everyone perked up at that, head’s snapping towards Sam in surprise, “We can do that, how?” “Sh, Julie needs to respond.”
“We’d love to, are we going out of the break room to watch?” Sam smiled, a twinkle in their eye. “Not quite, we’re gonna watch through the cameras. It’ll be short but a real treat, trust me.”
Sam guided the two girls and, unknowingly, the three musician spirits to a computer monitor setup, probably used for security on a normal day.
Y/N was stood behind the counter, the lights were low apart from some fairy lights behind her. There was a bowl sitting on the counter in front of her, a few ingredients around her.
Staff members were spread around the room, taking it in turns to sing as Y/N puts the ingredients into the bowl
Sugar, butter
Sugar, butter,
Sugar, butter, flour
Sugar, butter, flour
Sugar, butter, flour
Sugar, butter, flour
Y/N takes the bowl into her arms, slowly mixing it. Her expression calm and peaceful.
My hands pluck the things I know that I'll need
I'll take the sugar and butter from the pantry
I add the flour to begin what I am hoping to start
And then it's down with the recipe and bake from the heart
Y/N puts down the bowl, a small smile appearing on her face, dusting her hands on her apron. She turns her gaze to the watching customers.
And butter
And flour
Y/N’s smile turns bittersweet, she looks up and holds her hands to her heart, her voice breaking slightly.
And mother
She moves around the counter, her fingers tracing the surface. The watching group were speechless, all feeling connected to her performance through their own feelings of loss.
What's inside, everyone wants to know what's inside
And I always tell them, but I feel more than words can say
Y/N turns back to the bowl, her hand gripping onto her apron as she makes her way back around the counter.
You wanna know what's inside?
Simple question, so then what’s the answer?
My whole life is in here
A tear slips down her cheek and she looks down at the bowl, her smile pained. It stabs at Reggie’s heart, the realization dawning on him that this isn’t just a performance, not to Y/N.
In this kitchen, baking
What a mess I'm making
Y/N wipes her tears away, flashing a smile at the customers before grabbing the bowl and walking out to the kitchen.
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thatsbucknasty · 4 years
she used to be mine waitress au
summary: Inspired by the broadway musical. Y/N Beck is a pie baking force to be reckoned with. She’s pregnant with her lazy ass husband, Quentin Beck’s baby. As everything around her turns upside down, Doctor James Buchanan Barnes charms his way into her life.
pairing: Y/N x Bucky
Y/N Beck as Jenna Hunterson
Bucky Barnes as Dr. Pomatter
Wanda Maximoff as Dawn
Natasha Romanoff as Becky
Sam Wilson as Cal
Steve Rogers as Ogie
Nick Fury as Joe
Quentin Beck as Earl Hunterson
Maria Hill as Nurse Norma
a/n: some of the dialogue I got straight from the play/songs to preserve the witty essence of Waitress, but keep in mind this is an au, so I will change things up regarding the storyline and ending. Enjoy!
p.s. let me know if you wanna be tagged c:
p.s. ii this chapter is merely introductory so we won’t get to meet Bucky just yet but he’s coming soon, I promise!
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prologue: what’s inside?
My hands pluck the things I know that I need. Peaches, creme fraiche, brown sugar, butter and of course, flour. Today’s a simple one. What should I call it? “Simplicity is key pie”. Nope. Might get confused with “Love’s the key lime pie”. “Some things never change pie”. Yup. That’s it.
“Y/N! What’s the special pie today?” Sam yells at me like every other morning. I don’t complain, I like that grumpy weirdo though I would never admit that to his face. I tell him the name of my newest recipe.
 “I was having a creative block, you see. But then it struck me! Peaches! PEACHES, SAM!!!” I throw my hands in the air.
“No, I get it. Kinda.” He ignores my excitement but I know he actually understands how peaches are nobody’s favorite,but they’re good, they’re simple and they offer everydayness. Sam and I were in High School together and we both wanted to go to culinary school, so I know he gets me.  Neither of us got to make it though, somehow we  ended up here. Working at Nick’s Pies in the same town we grew up in, a town where nothing ever happens.
Nick is already at his table, that’s odd. He’s never here this early. Maybe he’s been watching spy movies late at night again. That “old fart” (Nat’s words, not mine) is adorable if you ask me, even if he gets on everybody’s nerves. Wanda’s cleaning the counter, menus and sugar dispensers. Thoroughly cleaning them. And Nat’s late. As always.
I like working here. These people are like family to me. The only one I have left. Oh, except for Quentin, my husband. I’ve been thinking about how he used to be, you know, when we first fell in love. Things have changed over the years. But it’s all fine. I have it good. Better than my mom at least. And I’m grateful for Quentin, I really am. I just wish he would be more, I don’t know, empathetic? Anyway. I have a weird feeling today. As if things were about to change. Let’s hope it will be for the better.
chapter 1: the negative
warning: vomit
Peeling peaches isn’t my favorite part of the pie making process, that’s for sure. I’ve always loved the smell of them, so why are they making me sick now?.
“Someone’s a little fussy today”. Nat says after noticing my state of distress. “Do you need any help, sweetie?” She rounds the table and snatches the peeler from me. “Seriously though, you look pale”.
“I’m fine, Nat. Thank you, but I think I just need some air. I’ll go take Nick’s order”. I walk across to old Nick’s table and he puts his paper down.
“Oh hi, I was wondering when somebody would offer me at least a cup of coffee here. It’s hot, isn’t it? My diner. My own diner doesn’t have any decent air conditioning!” Oh, here we go.
“Sorry, Nick. I’ll tell Sam to fix it, I promise. What can I give you?”
“Well, let’s see. I would like an omelette, with tomato on the side and some fruit salad, on a different plate. And some orange juice. But bring me coffee before you bring the orange juice. And a slice of your… “Some things never change pie”, but bring that after I’m done with my omelette”. It is hot here, he was right. “Oh and also… Jesus, are you okay? You look pale”. 
“I’m okay, Nick”. Oh god. “I think I just… need to…  restroom”. I almost collapse with Wanda on the way to the ladies room and throw my arms around the toilet in the span of ten seconds.
“Y/N! Honey, you okay in there?” I hear Wanda’s voice, or was it Nat’s. Oh here it comes again. “Gosh, I’m washing this stall right after she’s done, we don’t want any patrons catching whatever she’s got”. Wanda. Definitely Wanda.
“Oh scoot! She doesn’t need you being a neat freak right now, Wanda”. Mother Nat scolding the children. 
“I’m okay girls, I may have had a bad sandwich from the gas station last night. That’s it” I wash my hands and mouth over the sink while the girls fuss around me. “Really, everything’s… oh shit”... and here it comes again. I don’t even know if I have anything left inside that actually needs to come out.
Wanda rubs my back gently and says “Honey? Um, when was the last time you got your period?” After I’m done emptying my guts I do the math. “Shit. No, this can’t be happening.” I can feel my heart in my throat. I’m not ready for this. I can’t be.
“Y/N, time to pee on a stick!” Nat helps me up and calls Peter, the diner’s delivery guy. “Okay, Parker, time to be the hero. I need you to go to the drug store and buy a pregnancy test. Here’s twenty bucks, keep the change and don’t tell a soul about this or I’ll have your head, ya hear me?”
Two lines. Two pink stupid lines and I’m out of my body. I’m packing my things and going on a plane far from the diner, far from Quentin Beck and his beer smelling, curse yelling, guitar playing ass!
“I thought you don’t sleep with your husband much anymore”. Wanda is brushing my hair with her fingers.
“Stop it, I think she’s in shock”. Nat is washing the test stick. God bless her, she thinks I want to keep it. I shudder, still a little dizzy.
“Shut up, I’m inventing a new pie in my head. Tomorrow’s special. I’ll call it “I don’t want Quentin’s baby pie”. I take my little notebook out of my apron and start writing ingredients down.
 “I don’t think we can put that on the menu board, Y/N”. 
“You could still leave Quentin, you know? If you can bake 27 different kinds of pies every day, you can do it.”
“You’re funny, Nat.  I don’t want a baby right now, but above all, I don’t want a fatherless baby. Girls, I can’t do this on my own. And please don’t tell Sam or Nick yet”. They both grab my arms and Wanda leans on my shoulder.
“Hey, we ain’t saying a word to anyone but we’ve talked about this. Quentin isn’t a good husband, you know that. You think he’ll be a good father?”
“You could come and live with me! It’s a studio but-” I cut Wanda off.
“Okay, girls, enough. Nat, I know he’s difficult sometimes but he’s going through a rough time, he’s in between jobs and I couldn’t do that to him. And Wands, you’re very sweet, but thank you. I’ll figure it out”.
chapter 2: what baking can do
I already have chapters 2-4 written, so expect them soon. Thoughts?
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multiharlot · 4 years
real life spencer / matthew gray gubler x reader
summary: in which matthew meets the woman who inspired the man that’s stolen the hearts of america.
part two
third person pov
the girl walked timidly through the busy filming set, clutching her hands around the strap of her shoulder bag. she approaches the studio doors, rocking awkwardly on her white low top vans and running her hand through her hair. her yellow midi skirt swayed softly over her legs as the warm los angeles breeze floated through her white button up. the doors open suddenly and she jumps back, nearly tripping over herself. 
“you must be, y/n. i’m jeff davis, thank you for coming in today.” the man smiles, sticking his hand out to the girl. 
her mouth opens and closes before she smiles. 
“hi. sorry umm...germ thing.” she chuckled awkwardly. 
“oh. oh right i’m sorry. come in and meet the cast.” he says, wiping his hands on his pants and opening the door wider.
she stepped into the doors, tucking her hair behind her ears and waiting for jeff to lead the way. 
“we really appreciate you being here and consulting with us. we want to make this show as real as possible.” he explains as he leads her towards the writers room. 
“of course, i’m happy to help. you did decide to base a character off of me, it’s the least i can do.” she nods, the thought in her mind made her feel slightly awkward, but grateful nonetheless. 
“yes, the cast is so excited to meet you by the way. we all were. it’s not everyday you get to meet a real life genius.” he chuckles. 
“technically, passing the IQ test only determines that you have a certain IQ. a large portion of those with higher IQ’s aren’t all that smart. high IQ’s couldn’t determine your true intelligence, never mind a genius.” she shrugs, silently reveling in the fact that yet another person had called her a genius. 
she secretly hated the term genius. as complimenting as it was, the word had hung over her head her entire life. she herself never believe she was a genius, and the word alone made her feel as though she had to meet a certain quota. the idea of being a genius held her to a standard that she felt she couldn’t meet. 
“right...well i mean, you do have an IQ of 187 and an eidetic memory. so...you’re the most genius non-genius i’ve ever met.” jeff shrugged, stopping in front of the white door. 
“yeah...” the girl trails off, stopping beside him. 
“well this is the writer’s room, and this is our cast. everyone, meet agent- sorry, dr. y/n y/l/n. doctor, i give you the criminal minds cast.” jeff smiles as he opens the door, leading the girl into the room. 
she rocked awkwardly on her sneakers, waving timidly. 
“oh you’re so cute!” kirsten squeals, wrapping her arms around the girl, making her jump back. 
“sorry. ah. i’m sorry. i just uhh...germ thing.” she chuckles, making kirsten blush. 
“oh. oh i’m so sorry. i’m just a hugger.”
“that’s okay. you know our tendency to engage in physical touch is often a product of our upbringing. those of us who’s parents weren’t as physically demonstrative tend to disengage from activities like hugging, or even something as simple as a pat on the back.” the girl rambles nervously, making everyone in the room pause. 
“although, some children tend to have the exact opposite effect, leading to a starvation for human physical interaction, which in turn actually turns them into huggers.” matthew smiles widely at the girl. 
she blushes, and a nervous chuckle escapes her lips.
“you must be dr. spencer reid, nice to meet you.” she smiles, nodding her head at the man. 
“my name is matthew. matthew gray gubler. and it’s nice to meet you too, doctor.” he smirks, looking the girl up at down. 
shemar raises his eyebrow at him, an impressed smirk growing onto his face. 
“right, well, y/n here has graciously taken the day off to help assist in our terminology and making this show as realistic as possible. so, let’s get started.” jeff smiles, closing the door behind him. 
the room buzzes with light chatter as everyone begins taking their seats. y/n stood awkwardly off to the side, unsure of where she would be going. matthew takes note of this, and smiles softly, standing from his chair and walking over to her. 
“you can come sit next to me.” he smiles. 
“o-okay.” she nods, clutching the strap of her bag tightly and following beside him. 
the cast all exchange knowing looks as they looked from each other to the pair off in their own little world. 
“so, tell me, is working in the fbi as hectic as we’re making it seem?” matthew asks, leaning his head on his hands. 
“yes and no. we’re more of a sub-unit within the national center for the analysis of violent crimes. there are a total of six different behavioral analysis units, each of us working for a different type of crime.” she explains as the writers scribbled across their notepads feverishly. 
“and which one are you on?” thomas asks, and she smiles as she looks at the man. 
“i work in analysis unit 4, which is crimes against adults and we also work hand in hand with the violent criminal apprehension program, also known as ViCap.”
“is it true you graduated high school at twelve? or did jeff just make that up?” kirsten asks, her eyes wide and curious. 
“thirteen. not twelve. and after high school, i attended Stanford, Cal Tech, and then Harvard where i was immediately recruited by the US government. i’m not supposed to tell you this, but it’s true what they say about those who take math 55.”
“how many PhD’s do you have?” aj asks as she leans onto the table.
“two. chemistry and clinical psychology. and i also have a master’s degree in neurobiology.”
“did they wave you through the academy the same way they did pretty boy, here?” shemar asks, ruffling the top of matthew’s head. 
“no they did not. i actually went through the training, same as everyone else. one thing that isn’t accurate about this show, however, is that our agents are actually required to take a certain amount of personal days per month, and there’s a mandatory 12 hours of counseling with our building psychologist that we have to complete every month.” 
“how many personal days?” matthew asks, a flirtatious smile slapped on his face causing the butterflies to go into a frenzy in y/n’s stomach. 
“u-um. i have a quota of three days per month. so i usually take a long weekend at the end of every month.” she smiles, nervously tucking her hair behind her ears. 
“do you carry a gun? oh! can we see your credentials?” aj gasps, almost excitedly. 
“i do. but only when i’m on the job. otherwise, i don’t like having them. and uhh..yeah sure.” y/n mumbles, rummaging through her purse and pulling out both her credentials and her identification card. 
y/n hands them to matthew and his fingers graze lightly over hers, causing a blush to form over her cheeks. he passes them along to the rest of the cast and he then looks down at the girl next to him. 
“can i draw you?”
“only if i can draw you.”
matthew chuckles, nodding his head. and the two mindlessly doodled each other as the meeting went on. y/n answered what seemed like an endless amount of questions and matthew simply stared her. her eyes, her nose, her lips. he found her absolutely beautiful, and he couldn’t manage to tear his eyes away from her for longer than 2 minutes at a time. as y/n finished her one line doodle of matthew, she scribbled a quick note at the bottom of the page, and tore it out of her notebook. matthew ripped the page from his, ready to hand it to the girl when jeff interrupted them. 
“alright guys, we’ll see you tomorrow. and thank you, dr. y/l/n, for coming in. i can’t explain how informative you’ve been.”
odd choice of words, she thought. but she nodded, saying you’re welcome nonetheless. 
everyone began to exit the room and matthew called out for the doctor, stopping her in her tracks. she looks up at him only realize just how tall he really was. 
“here.” he smiled, handing over the paper. 
to: the real life spencer reid from: gatthew may bugler
she giggled as she opened the page, seeing the truly abstract drawing of herself. 
“this is actually really good.” she smiled, staring down at the page. 
“thank you. it helped to have such a beautiful model.” he says, biting his lip nervously. 
a blush covered her cheeks and her ears and she giggled nervously. 
“well umm...here.” she says, handing over her page. 
when he folds open the paper, his mouth falls open at the beautiful one-line drawing she had done of him. then, his eyes fall to the bottom of the page, and his mouth runs dry.
“umm..give me a call if you need any...character reference.” she says as she rocks back and forth on her feet. 
“can i call you even if i don’t need any character reference?”
she smiles, nodding her head. 
“would uh...would you maybe want to go grab lunch with me?” he asks, scratching nervously at the back of his neck.
she opens her mouth to say something when her phone rings out. her eyebrows furrow as she pulls her phone out of her bag, her partners name across the top. 
“sorry, this’ll just take a second- i’m on my personal time, fields.” she sighs into the phone. 
“no no i know. so am i. and i also know you’re in los angeles. wanna go check out the bureau offices?”
“sorry, i have plans.” y/n shrugs, staring up at matthew. 
“oh do you? doing what?” fields questions. 
y/n bites her lip, reaching over and grabbing matthew’s hand. 
“someone’s taking me to lunch” she smiles, pulling matthew towards the studio exit and hanging up the phone.
“so, where are we going mr. bugler?” she smiles. 
“i thought you had a germ thing.” he says, raising an eyebrow at their intertwined hands.
“i’ll make an exception for you.” she shrugs, making him smile. 
“well, how does chinese sound?”
“perfect..as long as i don’t have to use those god awful chopsticks.”
“a PhD in engineering yet you can’t use chopsticks?”
“excuse you. dr. reid is the one with the PhD in engineering. i only have PhD’s in chemistry and psychology.”
“oh. yeah. only.”
@dreatine​ @slytherinintj13​ @mileven-reddie​ @eleventhdoctorsangel​ @haileymorelikestupid
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winryofresembool · 3 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 24
aka Caleo uni au
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary: Halloween chapter, part 2.
A/N: Yay, an update! I think some of you are gonna be happy about the characters that are being introduced in this chapter... Also lots of Caleo dorkiness (and canon references) in it! And you'll get to see if you were right with your costume guesses :D
Also like I already mentioned last week, this is the last chapter that I have written so far (when I started posting this fic I tried to make sure I'd have at least 7 chapters ready so I wouldn't have to stress about deadlines... and here we are now) so it is possible that updates may slow down a bit, at least if the chapter wants to become long. But I am still /trying/ to keep up with the regular updates the best I can :) So worry not!
Now, enjoy and let me know what you think!! Ps. somehow we’ve managed to pass 50k words already :O
Words: 4040
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort
Warnings: none
previous chapter / AO3
“Hi, you guys!” Piper, who was dressed as Wonder Woman, greeted Leo and Calypso first when they arrived, gesturing for them to come in.
“Hello! I was afraid Argo II had decided to stop working because you guys are late,” Jason the Superman noted as he offered to take Calypso’s coat and put it in a hanger by the door.
“I’m not going to lie to you, Jason, that possibility did cross my mind as well,” Calypso said, casting Leo a meaningful look. “But no, not this time.”
“We’re only 10 minutes late!” Leo protested, checking the time from his phone. “I was busy finishing something… and Calypso took her time preparing herself as well. She probably did her wig for like two hours.” He gave her a not so serious side-eye.
“I did not!” Calypso said defensively. “Yeah, I straightened and combed and braided it but that took me maybe 15-20 minutes so he is highly exaggerating.”
“Don’t worry, Calypso, we know he does that a lot.” Piper smiled at her reassuringly. “Speaking of your wig, though, you look very cute! That hair reminds me of the style you had before my makeover. You’re dressed as the mythology Calypso, right?”
“Yes, I am,” Calypso said, pleased that Piper had figured that out so fast. “I thought it would be fun to be a bit self ironic for once. I haven’t really had a good reason to sew recently so this was a nice excuse to do that as well.” She made a small twirl to show the dress better.
“That dress really looks great!” Piper told her. “I would gladly commission you to sew me clothes; it’s so hard to find anything nice from the clothes stores these days. But Leo.” She turned back to him. “I see someone hasn’t bothered to get a costume. I wasn’t expecting that from you because you’re always so excited about them.”
“No, you got it all wrong.” Leo wagged his finger at her. “I do have it here, but as I told Cal, it would have been too difficult to wear in the car.” He dropped his bag on the floor, causing a loud thud as it hit the ground.
“Alright. Care to give us any hint what it is?” Piper asked curiously. “Seems heavy.” Calypso wondered if this was something they did every year.
“I’m just saying that it’s inspired by some movies that united us three,” Leo noted mysteriously. “But that’s all, you’ll see soon!”
“My mind is blank now,” Piper said. “Jason, what movies have we watched with him?”
“The first one that comes to my mind is Star Wars,” Jason reminded her. Suddenly both Jason and Piper’s eyes widened in realization. “Could it be?”
“Oh no, Leo you didn’t!” Piper doubled over in laughter when it occurred to her what Leo’s costume most likely was. “I can’t wait to see this!”
“I hope you took pictures with Festus!” Jason couldn’t keep his poker face either, and Calypso watched their reactions with confusion.
“Don’t worry, I will show them later.” Leo grinned, unperplexed by Jason and Piper’s laughter. “Now, where can I change?”
Piper showed him an empty room where he could get into his costume in peace, while Calypso started looking around the house on her own. Even though the place seemed rather fancy, Jason and Piper had managed to make it cozier with their personal objects. A lot of them had seen life and were worn but somehow they still fit in with the newer decorations.
As Calypso reached the living room, her focus went to the guests who had already arrived at the party. She waved at Annabeth and nodded awkwardly to Percy. Even though she and Annabeth were friends again, she wasn’t quite sure how she should act near Percy so ‘reserved’ felt the most natural reaction. She couldn’t help but smile a bit, though, when she registered their costumes: Annabeth had a Chiton just like her, although grey instead of white, with some silvery accessories and a beautiful owl shaped brooch over her chest. Perhaps the most impressive part of her costume was the Greek styled helmet that was used in battles and that hid most of Annabeth’s curly ponytail. Calypso was quite certain she was dressed as Athena, the Greek goddess that according to her was the one she identified herself the most with. Percy on the other hand was wearing sandals, shorts, a tropical shirt, and a belt with fishing equipment and he was holding a fishing rod in his hand. Calypso couldn’t quite figure out who he was supposed to be, other than some sort of fisherman.
“Hi,” Calypso greeted them as she got to hearing distance with them. “You guys look nice. You’re Athena, right?” She asked Annabeth. “Matches my theme, don’t you think?”
“Sure does,” Annabeth nodded, eyeing Calypso’s costume. “You look pretty much exactly like how I imagine the mythology Calypso.”
“Thank you. Coming from you it’s a big compliment.” She turned Percy. “I can’t figure out who you are, though. You don’t seem like a Greek god?”
“I am, though,” Percy replied. “I’m Poseidon.”
“Ooh, so that’s why the fishing gear!” Calypso realized. “But I don’t think the Greeks had tropical shirts quite yet.”
“No, you’re right in that.” Percy shook his head, smiling a bit. “But I’m basing this on the version in the Peter Johnson series. That’s how he was described in it.”
“I didn’t know you have read that too,” Calypso said, “But makes sense. Um, the Poseidon and Athena of the mythology hated each other, though. Not that it’s really my business, but I hope you two are doing fine…?” She asked a bit nervously, not wanting to be the reason for their issues.
“Oh yeah, we are,” Percy confirmed immediately. “It’s just an old joke – back when Annabeth and I were reading the Peter Johnson books I used to say Poseidon is my godly parent and Athena Annabeth’s, and that just kind of stuck with us.”
“Alright.” Calypso accepted Percy’s answer, turning her attention back to Annabeth. “By the way, where did you get that helmet? It definitely looks fancier than most of the plastic ones you see at costume shops.”
“My father collects these things,” Annabeth answered, lifting the helmet from her head for a moment. “I’ve told you he’s also a historian, right? Well, one of his friends wanted to make a replica of the ancient Greek helmets with some modern machines and dad bought this from him. I’m not saying this is 100 per cent accurate but it looks pretty cool, in my opinion.”
“It does,” Calypso confirmed.
“You came with Leo, right?” Percy asked then, to which Calypso nodded. “Where is he? I can’t wait to see his costume; he usually goes for something that is way over the top. Last year he was Hiccup from How to Train your Dragon and he had made a Toothless costume for his dog. I’ve also seen pics of him as Iron Man. Yes, with a full iron costume.”
“I can believe that of him,” Calypso chuckled, imagining Leo in the said costume. “He just went to change into his costume because apparently he couldn’t drive in it. He didn’t reveal what he was going to be, but it does sound like something extravagant.”
“I missed his costume last year but I’ll be sure to have a camera ready when he shows up this time,” Annabeth said happily. Calypso was relieved that the conversation was going this well; she hadn’t known what to expect beforehand because this was the first time she was in the same room with Percy since the ‘incident’. Talking with him now, though, made her realize that holding a grudge wouldn’t be smart and he seemed to think the same way.
“I just realized,” Calypso decided to change the topic, “that I’ve never heard the story of how you guys know Jason and Piper. So how did that happen?”
“It’s a funny story,” Percy started, smiling at the memory. “Jason and I used to be the captains of rivaling soccer teams when we were around 16. Well, one time Jason’s team was visiting us but we were playing in an arena that had just been renovated so I hadn’t been there before. I may have been a bit late from our team meeting and I was a bit lost so I decided to ask one staff lady where I was supposed to go. Somehow she got our teams mixed up and I ended up in the locker room of Jason’s team. Some of Jason’s teammates said that my expression was worth seeing when I realized the mistake but I dunno about that. The funny thing was that somehow the same thing had happened to Jason; he had also been late for the meeting because of traffic or something and he had gotten into my team’s locker room. Well, after the game we had a good laugh about it together and ended up talking about other stuff as well and noticed we have a lot in common. That’s how we became friends. When we moved into the same town, we started training together at least a few times a week.”
“Piper and I didn’t learn to know each other until Jason and she started dating a couple of years ago and they invited Percy to some party where I went with him. To be honest, I was a bit suspicious about her at first because we seemed very different but eventually we learned to respect each other’s qualities. And here we are,” Annabeth added.
“Those are some cool stories,” Calypso said. “It seems like a funny coincidence that somehow we all ended up in this city even though most of us are from somewhere else. Like Leo is from Texas, I am from Greece…” “Speaking of him,” Annabeth had to muffle his laughter with her hand, “I believe we are finally getting some answers about his costume.”
“Oh… my gods” was all Calypso could say when she turned to the direction Annabeth was looking at. “You’re really something else.”
Leo was completely hidden inside his costume, but Calypso could practically hear him grinning at their reactions. The costume looked very much like in the movies; golden (just painted, not real gold, because there was no way Leo could afford something like that) plating forming a droid with big round eyes and an ability to speak lots and lots of different languages: C-3PO from Star Wars.
“Holy shit, dude, that looks so real.” Percy gaped at Leo. “I’m starting to understand why you spent so much time in your room the past few weeks.”
“Why C-3PO, though?” Calypso asked once she managed to put her poker face back on. “Does that have some story behind it?”
“Because, duh, it looks cool!” Leo exclaimed with a mechanical voice from inside his costume. “I dunno, ever since I first saw C-3PO as a kid I thought it would be cool to be able to build something like that. And hey, his ability to translate like all the possible languages is pretty neat. Me? I just know 3.”
“Isn’t it uncomfortable in there, though?” Calypso asked. “That thing must be heavy.”
“Sunshine, I’m always uncomfortable. But this was a childhood dream of mine so I sure as heck am not backing off now,” Leo said with determination.
“A stubborn one, aren’t you?” Calypso stated. “Even I have to admit, though, that you have certainly done some thorough job with it. Hey, I should take photos before I forget! You don’t get to see this every day.”
The others dug their phones up as well and for a while Leo just made silly poses while they took pictures, clearly enjoying the attention his costume got. Eventually he started demanding that Calypso should join him for the photos but she was a bit hesitant at first.
Leo argued: “Come on. Greek mythology meets Star Wars? You don’t see a crossover like that every day.”
“Can’t argue with that, I suppose,” Calypso said and went next to him. “Well, do we have some kind of story for Calypso and C-3PO’s meeting?” she asked as Percy and Annabeth waved at them to look at the camera.
Leo considered her question for a moment. “Oh, how about this? C-3PO somehow ends up on Calypso’s island - because duh, Calypso is cursed so she can’t leave the island…”
“You seem to know surprisingly much about Greek mythology, just saying…” Calypso noted while trying to smile for the photos, resting her hand on the metallic shoulder.
“I told ya, Sunshine, you can blame tía Callida for that…” Leo reminded her. “Anyway, I imagine those two don’t really like each other at first because they’re so different but eventually they learn to respect each other’s skills; C-3PO can translate basically any language and Calypso is good at all kinds of handiworks, which is hard for a droid.”
“And? What happens after that?” Calypso asked curiously.
Leo considered it for a moment. “C-3PO doesn’t really wanna leave Calypso’s island but he has galaxies to save with his friend R2-D2 so he has to go but he promises to come get her afterwards.”
“Aw, Leo, that is kind of sweet,” Calypso commented, suddenly aware of the metal arm that had snuck around her waist. “Does he… does he ever return, though? Shouldn’t that be impossible?”
“For a human, maybe, but he’s a droid,” Leo noted. “Unfortunately during a big battle he blows up badly but the ever so faithful R2-D2 collects the pieces and finds someone who can rebuild him again. And boom, he makes it back and lives happily ever after with his goddess.”
“What’s the term you use when you enjoy a fictional relationship a lot?” Calypso asked. “Shipping?” Annabeth nodded at her. “I don’t know, Leo, to me it sounds like you ship those two. Isn’t that a bit weird?” “What, why would that be weird? I’ve seen people ship…”
“I see these two have gotten into a full on nerd mode again,” Annabeth said quietly to Percy while they were waiting for the flatmates to stop their bickering so they’d be able to take the photos. “Not projecting themselves into their characters, right?”
“No, definitely not,” Percy agreed.
Eventually Leo and Calypso stopped bickering and Annabeth was able to take the pictures. Even if Leo was mostly hidden by his costume, Calypso felt a bit self conscious about the fact that these were the first photos of them together. They did a few goofy poses because Annabeth and Percy told them to, but Calypso thought she probably looked more embarrassed than funny in them.
Once they were done, Leo went to Annabeth who was going through the photos and bowed his head a bit to see them better. “Hey, these do look pretty cool! It’s probably just the lighting but here you look like you’re blushing to some funny comment C-3PO made.”
“Show me!” Calypso yelped nervously and took the phone from Annabeth. When she saw it, she could immediately tell Leo was not wrong; she really was blushing. “Yeah, it’s definitely those candles in the background that do it… And I think it’s pretty warm in here, maybe all the people here heat this room…”
“OK, if you say so,” Leo said but Calypso imagined that he was looking at her suspiciously through his costume.
Trying to get the others’ attention to something else, she said: “So, who else has arrived so far?”
“Nico and Will. I think they went to get some snacks from the dining room,” Piper, who had just entered the room, answered.
“Leo told me that Nico is Jason’s relative, but what about Will?” Calypso asked her.
“Will is Nico’s boyfriend. This is the first time we’re meeting him but they seem very good together. At least he seems to have a grounding effect on Nico, and he actually listens to him, unlike most of us. Um, sorry, it’s a long story, one that I should probably save for another time. Nico may be a bit hard to approach sometimes but he is a very nice guy when you learn to know him. Just… been through a lot. I guess like many of us here. But he seems way happier now,” Piper said, and as if on cue, they could hear some distant laughter coming from the dining room.
“We should start a traumatized college kids’ club,” Leo attempted to joke, and the others hummed in agreement. Maybe she did belong to this group after all, Calypso thought. If only they knew, though…
“This just got cheerful,” Percy said, interrupting Calypso’s thought process. “Who’s up for blue candies? Get them before Will and Nico eat them all.”
“I heard that, Jackson!” Nico entered the room without a warning. “No offense to you or your mom but blue candies aren’t exactly my thing.”
“Hi, Nico,” Percy greeted him, seeming a bit flustered after Nico’s comment. “You haven’t met Calypso, right?” He pointed at her.
“No, I haven’t,” Nico took a quick look at her and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Alright, in that case, this is Calypso Astal. And Calypso, this is Nico di Angelo,” Percy introduced them to each other.
“Nice to meet you,” Calypso approached him, but he seemed to evaluate her for a moment before he took her hand.
“Likewise,” Nico said finally. “I think Jason has mentioned you a few times.”
“Oh. That’s nice,” Calypso said a bit unsurely, like every time she met a new person. The lonely years still had a toll on her, and even though she liked spending time with her friends, meeting new people was always a bit nerve wracking to her. “You’re his relative, right?”
“A distant cousin,” Nico answered. “Yeah, our fathers are related, but I have my mother’s last name and Jason has his.”
“I take it your mother has roots elsewhere, based on the last name?” Calypso asked.
“She was Italian,” Nico shrugged. “I lived there my first years too. But now I can barely remember those times.”
Calypso noticed the use of past tense, but she thought it was probably better to not ask about that in the middle of a party. “Oh. I’ve been to Italy a few times. I’m originally from Greece.”
“What brought you here, then?” Nico asked.
“Dad’s work,” Calypso responded in a tone that told everyone she wouldn’t elaborate on that topic more. It seemed to have become a habit to her.
“Anyway,” Leo, who had managed to stay quiet for a surprisingly long amount of time in Calypso’s opinion, stepped forward and cleared his throat. “Nico, a little bird told me,” he looked at Jason, “that your boyfriend is a Star Wars geek. Is that true?”
Nico took one look at Leo’s costume and his mouth twitched when he realized why Leo was asking. “He is, but don’t let him get started on it, or else he will never stop. Besides, he’s not my boyfriend, I prefer calling him…”
“A significant nuisance?” Will showed up from the dining room, carrying a plate full of food. “Don’t mind him, he just warms up a bit slow.”
“Yes, this is Will,” Nico sighed, addressing those who hadn’t met them before. “Sometimes he’s a nuisance, sometimes he can be quite OK. When he’s having a good day.”
“Same back at you, dear,” Will laughed. “Did I hear someone mention Star Wars, though?”
“You did,” Leo said, stepping forward so Will could see his costume better. Needless to say, Will looked beyond thrilled.
“Oh boy, here we go again,” Nico said quietly before Will even had time to comment on the costume.
“Woah, that must be the best C-3PO costume I’ve seen. And yeah, I’ve seen a few so I don’t compliment you for nothing,” Will assured.
“Thanks, man, I did spend quite a while with it,” Leo said, high fiving Will. “Glad someone here appreciates good things.”
“I still hope you’re not one of those fans who have only seen the most recent movies and not the originals,” Will noted.
“Heck, no!” Leo exclaimed immediately. “The original three for the win! Mom and I used to watch them a lot… um, when I was little. She was a big fan. But the newer ones just don’t feel the same.” Calypso had a feeling Leo had almost said something else, but he had changed his phrasing at the last moment.
“You have a pretty good taste,” Will said approvingly. Then he finally realized he hadn’t even asked Leo and Calypso’s names before getting into the geek mode.
“So, who are you two? I already met Percy and Annabeth earlier but I don’t think I know you guys yet.”
“I’m Leo Valdez, and this is my, um, flatmate, Calypso Astal,” Leo introduced. Calypso hoped there was a better word to describe their relationship than a ‘flatmate’ but at the moment it was probably the best and the safest option there was.
“Flatmates, huh?” Will repeated. “How did that happen?”
“I was in a hurry to find a roof over my head so I put in the application that I also accept mixed flats,” Calypso replied. “I didn’t meet Leo beforehand because, um, that would have been a bit difficult to arrange in this case, but it worked out OK.” Calypso noticed Leo was looking at her from the corner of his eye, and she realized she had never even talked about that option before. The truth was that she had had to plan her leaving very thoroughly so her father wouldn’t notice and she had driven to Indianapolis as fast as possible, with no time for second guessing.
“And my flat happened to have a room free because our boy Jason decided to move in with Beauty Queen,” Leo added to that story. “It’s really no stranger than that.”
“Oh, right, someone must have mentioned that you and Jason used to be flatmates,” Will recalled. “I just didn’t connect the dots.”
Jason had apparently finished welcoming the rest of the guests because he joined the group in the living room. “That reminds me, I don’t think I’ve asked you, Calypso, if Leo still leaves his dishes undone and if he has empty milk cartons in the fridge.”
“He used to do that?” Calypso asked with amusement. “After seeing his room that’s not so hard to picture, but no, he’s been pretty tidy in the common area. Although one time he bribed me to do his dishes for him in exchange for some of his food.”
“It was a good deal!” Leo protested. “You didn’t have to cook and you also got to taste some Valdez’ sizzling hot quesadillas so I’d say it was a win-win. Besides, you didn’t seem to have anything against that.”
“Alright, I will admit the quesadillas were pretty good,” Calypso conceded. “But a true gentleman offers them without even asking. Well, other than that he’s been OK,” she told Jason with a playful twinkle in her eye.
“I guess he really is able to change his habits, then,” he replied. “At least when the flatmate is someone he...”
Before Jason had time to finish his sentence, Leo intervened: “Folks, do we really have to be talking about my cleaning habits in front of people I don’t know? The first impressions are important, especially when it comes to Supersized McShizzle!”
“We’re just being honest, Repair Boy.” Calypso couldn’t resist booping his metal covered nose. Apparently she just didn’t know how to not cross the line with this boy, she sighed in her mind.
“Is that all? Where’s the feisty Sunshine I know?,” Leo said in a low tone, so the others could barely hear his comment, coming out almost flirty.
“Shut up,” Calypso answered equally quietly but held her gaze at him.
“Ahem,” they suddenly heard Piper’s voice behind them. “In case you’ve stopped with the flirting, I’d like you to meet a couple of people.”
Calypso turned to see the newcomers and as she recognized the Hunter badges both of them had attached to their shirts, something in her mind just suddenly turned off.
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killscreencinema · 3 years
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (PS4)
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I feel like Star Wars is going through a bit of a renaissance, thanks largely to the efforts of Jon Favreau with The Mandalorian, a show that made us remember the wonder and awe that Star Wars used to make us feel before movies like the prequels and the new sequels replaced it with cold, hard cynicism. The Mandalorian showed how to properly tell a Star Wars story without pandering or rehashing iconic moments from previous films.
I can't help but feel like the creators of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order took inspiration from this as they put together the story for the game, because like Mandalorian, Fallen Order, if nothing else, is a testament to the richness of the Star Wars universe when in the hands of a capable storyteller.
In Fallen Order, developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by EA in 2019, you play as a Jedi Apprentice named Cal Kestiss, who has been in hiding for five years after the Jedi purge by the Empire. After using the Force to save his friend, which gives away his location to the Inquisitors, a group of Dark Jedi in service to the Empire, Cal goes on the run with a ragtag group of rebels to find a hidden treasure that may bring the Jedi Order from the brink of extinction.
The game that Fallen Order is compared to the most is Dark Souls (what game ISN'T compared to Dark Souls nowadays...), if only because of the sprawling level designs, difficult combat, and primarily having to respawn at the nearest save point after dying, with the only way to regain the experience points that you lost being to hunt down the enemy that killed you. So in those ways it's similar, but it's a lot easier than any FromSoftware game, so much so that it's more like Baby's First Dark Souls... but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I enjoy a challenge like anyone else, but it's nice to play a game where I can mostly relax, with occasional spurts of difficulty along the way.
Fallen Order also has a little bit of Uncharted and Metroid sprinkled in, or to use a more modern example, it's also like the Batman Arkham games. In fact, I would say it's more like those games than Dark Souls period. It even shares the Batman Arkham games problem of having lame ass boss fights. There's no real strategy to beating any of the bosses beyond dodging and attacking. In fact, it's when you try too hard to come up with a more complex strategy that you tend to lose to the bosses, when simple brute force is the key. It seems like a game like this, above all, would take the opportunity to have boss fights that involve clever solutions for victory, which is more inline with the Jedi code, than wailing away at your foe with unbridled ferocity, which is more like a Sith.
My biggest gripes about the game though are:
1.) The items that you find don't boost stats, or offer bonus effects, or anything. They're just cosmetic changes, which is really, really lame. I stopped getting excited whenever I found a lightsaber part when it dawned on me that it wouldn't boost my strength, speed, or Force power - it will just make my lightsaber handle look really steam punky.
2.) This is a biggie, especially for completionists - there is no way to fast travel through the map. This is an incredibly annoying quirk, especially when the game encourages exploration by placing chests, secrets, and other power-ups all over the HUGE maps. So get ready to become achingly familiar with every world and its enemies as you painstakingly explore the fuck out of them just to find a chest you missed the first time that contains a sporty poncho for Cal to wear.
Other than those complaints, the game is as solid a playthrough experience as one would expect from a Triple A title. The story, as I mentioned before, is really well done, with likeable characters that you become invested in and don't want to see anything bad happen to (even though you KNOW the fate of these characters can't be good since Cal and his crew aren't around for the movies, unless they do yet another special edition where they are added to the background). Cal experiences a flashback of the Jedi purge that really paints that moment in Revenge of the Sith in a whole new light, as we never got to experience truly how fucked up that was.
I haven't played a Star Wars game this good in awhile and would eagerly play a sequel!
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gallavichgeek · 3 years
Author Interview
I was tagged by @yeah-all-of-it​! Thank you so much, that was very kind of you.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I currently have 18, though I'm working on three more as I answer these questions.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Saving Grace (546)
South Side Forever (437)
Sex Tape (408)
The Ian to Mickey’s Cal (381)
The Truth (346)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, every single one within a day or two. I appreciate comments more than anything, it really gives me a sense of what my readers are feeling and whether I am getting the right emotions across and whether they are finding my story interesting. 
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I would have to say Saving Grace really leaves readers on the edge until the very last few paragraphs. 
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I ONLY write happy endings, except for Two Kisses, but you can blame the movie Fatherhood for that, so I don’t think it counts. (If any of you have seen that movie on Netflix then you know exactly how painful that one shot is)
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
The closest crossover I’ve written was The Ian to Mickey’s Cal. My friend Co-wrote it with me where we explored Ian being the model for Jedi Fallen Order and Mickey having a crush on the video game character only to then one day meet Ian in the video game store he works in and he is blown away by the resemblance. 
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
A few times, and every time I know it’s been a troll because either their comment shows that they didn’t actually read the whole chapter/story and are just poking at sections that they skimmed so they can start an argument over it. Or when I kindly reply to them, stating I understand how they feel however that’s not what the story was intending, they suddenly blow everything way out of proportion  and begin pointing things that aren’t even relevant to the story or the original argument. That’s when I stop and let it go, knowing they are just looking for an argument. 
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Of course. I like to try and dabble in everything but I don’t write my ship sleeping with other people (three ways. Cheating. Break ups and sleeping with randoms to get revenge. etc etc)  I’m personally not interested in exploring kinks like tentacles or femboy either, but have nothing against those that are courageous enough to give it a try. 
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. I’ve had three translated into Russian
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, The Ian to Mickey’s Cal with Camnoelgallavich
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Gallavich. I’ve had many others over the years but none have hit me this hard, stayed with me this long or inspired me the way they do. 
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I don’t have any WIP’s because the way my process works is I write the whole story before I begin to post so that I can update frequently and only have to focus on editing each chapter. I have been burned many times with WIPS and I don’t want to do that to my readers. I want them to know if they start my story they are guaranteed an end and not a huge gap between updates.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Capturing the characters emotions and dialogue. I always make sure to write them as they would speak in canon with the exception of may be getting a little more emotional sometimes. 
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I’m not the best at editing. I have to edit my chapters twice before posting and sometimes get help from my beta with lengthy paragraphs where I've jumbled my words with what I’m trying to convey across to the readers. I also have an issue with time jumping. It’s as though I need to write out everything that happened to lead up to each point rather than just skipping forward a day or a week. 
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I only speak English and I don’t want to put it in a fic in case google translate it wrong. The one time I used Russian in ‘The Truth’ I checked google six times before posting to make sure it was right and I translated from English to Russian and Russian to English just to be sure. 
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Shameless. I’ve thought of writing for others but ideas never captivated me enough to get me writing. 
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Maybe sterek. It’s a little harder being that it’s a supernatural world but it would be interesting to explore. 
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
It’s a tie. 
‘Saving Grace’ which is my first huge fic that really explored my characters in a world that was so different to canon. I did a lot of research to get the facts correct while diving into the world of mental health. 
The second fic would be ‘Hope’. Once again, I did research, but it’s more due to it being such a wholesome story that warms my heart because it gave the characters the happy ending they never got in canon, fixing all the issues the show forgot to address, so it’s a fic I keep very close to my heart. It’s now part of a series that I don’t think I could ever stop writing for. 
I don’t know a lot of writers on Tumblr since I mostly use Twitter and Instagram but I'll try @camnoel @filorux​ and @doodlevich​.
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makeupbychio · 4 years
goodnight n go // C.H
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pairing : Calum Hood x Reader.
summary : you are a famous pop singer and one normal night in your life Calum literally came to change everything.
words : 8.5k
warnings : fluff, angst and swearing.
a/n : hi babies, so I tried to do this gender neutral because I’m trying to write things for everyone without specifying gender, sexuality, physical appearance, etc. Feedback is more than welcome. Credits to the owner of the photo, and the Instagram posts.
italics means song lyrics.
bold means posts on social media.
inspired by : that one second laugh Ariana Grande does in ‘everytime’ studio version and ‘goodnight n go’ live version. And these videos (links down below in the blurb)
You are a pop star, already part of the pop culture, on tons of playlists made by platforms. So your life is always on the public eye even when you don’t post in your social media the paparazzis and social accounts always doing that for you. It wasn’t like that at the beginning, the world barely knew your name, your shows were for 50 in the room, then 100, then 1000, now a whole arena and with two dates in some cities. You have learned how to deal with the dizzy things of being famous thanks to your fans, family, friends and your own power so at the end of the day you would not change leaving your heart on stage singing and dancing every night at all even when you know that it is crazy, yeah, it is crazy there outside. How people that you don’t know tells you how you changed their lives with your music, how you saved them, tattoos in their bodies inspired by your lyrics and style.
It is been crazier lately. You write your songs inspired by your own experiences or your loved ones experiences. You just finished a tour and after a good break for a whole season you are back writing and planning a new album. You were writing a song based on a reckless love but the song couldn’t make it to the previous album because you never finish it and you didn’t want it as an interlude. But you restart it because life slapped you in the face because 3 months ago you broke up with your partner. You are laying on bed looking at some pictures of you two together walking on the streets taken by paps. The light of the screen lighting your face. And god, how you didn’t realize tons of things?, in every picture you are looking at your ex like a fool completely in love but people could not say the same coming from the other person. You were in love, your ex really loved you at first but the last months of the relationship barely paid attention to you. That is when you remembered one of your fights.
“I waited for you for almost two hours! You could at least answered my messages or you could call me! So I would leave the restaurant and don’t waste my time on you” you said loudly pointing at its face when you came back home and acting like nothing happened. You were furious.
“I know, sorry I’m tired I spend the whole day with my friend I didn’t see him in a while” your ex sighed laying on your bed. “Don’t wanna argue”.
“I don’t care about your friend! You could tell him to hang out another day. It was a special day for us you asshole” you said giving an angry look and leaving the room.
It was supposed to be a special day that day. You were back from your South America leg of the tour and you received the notice of awards nominations so you decided to celebrate by having dinner and then go to the movies together. But your ex didn’t show up, and it wasn’t the first time. You just asked for simple things like going to the beach or just receive love. So even you were angry, you came back to their arms every time.
You thought that then a good fuck or a pretty face would fixed everything, but no. Your naive head at that moment thought that things were going to change, or that your lover was the love of your life.
Now you are looking at the last picture of you two that was seen together walking out a store and even bugs can notice how disillusioned your expression and body language are in that photo. You are hanging by their arms but looking at the floor with your head down. The other person also was trying to hide it with a cap and focused on the road.
‘Oh God’ you sigh at the picture knowing how ridiculous you looked. You lock your phone and throw it to your side of the huge bed now empty the other side. You are sitting with your legs crossed in your bed looking outside your window. It is late in the night so the city lights are your view and it reminds you that night when you called your best friend to tell her about you were thinking to end your relationship. She is always been supportive with you and every time you were going to make your decision you postpone it till finally it happened. You remembered that you cried a lot that night you saw them leaving your apartment and hours later you were still crying listening to sad music with your best friend looking at the roof. 
Now you decide to restart the song you left half done. Your dog joined you in bed, you went for a cup of hot chocolate and you start writing it.
The next day early in the morning you are in your way to the studio once you are ready with your makeup trying to hide your tiredness that you wrote till 3 am and put your studio outfit which consists on a big hoodie so big that the sleeves are always covering your hands but comfiness is first.
Your band and crew arrived and you have your coffee. Even when it is a sad song coming from your experience you want to put energy in this one like one of those nights you fought, how your blood was running in your veins and how deeply you knew that your relation was pointless but you were going to fall every time. The energy being aware of that but at the same time an energy by saying I’m done, I get over you but I know that I was a fool for you but not anymore. 
You explain that to everyone when all of you are thinking about the melody and beats. Most of the people in the room insist and show you a sad melody and you are starting to get frustrated because they are not listening to you and your idea you are looking for. 
You decided to move on on another two songs that you have complete. During breaks to eat something, drink water, go to the next studio and say hi to people that you know and fooling around with your own crew now it is dark outside and you are thinking to call it a wrap for today but the urge to at least figure it out the musicality of the song you wrote last night it is bigger.
But all of you are tired and ran out of ideas and your manager enters the soundproof box to tell you that the room is reserved for another artist from midnight till dawn. So you have 3 hours left to record this song or try again another day.
When you are talking to your favorite producer, who also is your friend, a tall man enters the room with headphones and the music too loud for not noticing the room full of people. When he saw the big group of people he freezes and apologies already leaving when you stop him recognizing him.
“Calum?” you said getting up from your seat in front of all the buttons of the huge synthesizer.
“Y/N?” he asks checking if this is real.
You nod at him and hug him because it is been a while, almost 2 years without seeing him. He is so happy to see you, the last time you were together was in an awards after party and you know him since 4 years ago when you met him and his band on an awards show that you presented his band and their performance and you saw it from the corners of the stage and waited to congratulated them because you are respectful with others musicians work, they asked for a picture and after that you have been friends but your busy life didn’t let you hang out with them but always exchanging likes, comments or messages on the dms on social media. 
“Omg how are you?” he asks you while he hugs you with his strong arms the height difference is notorious so he lays his right cheek on top of your head. He knows about your love situation, but to be honest he was not sad about that. Not at all. But he is not going to take advantage of that.
“Fine and you? Omg I miss you so much, what are you doing here alone?” you say to him confused not seeing all the 5sos boys.
“We are recording our new album and the guys should be here” he says checking the hour on his watch and then quickly his phone if there is a message.
“Finally new 5sos music!” you say and laugh.
“Yeah, we don’t have the ability like you to drop music every year.” he teases you.
“Hey!” you punch him softly on his ribs. “First things first, you can do that too if you want to drop music and second, actually right now I’m struggling with a song” you explain to him all of your situation when his phone rings. Ashton is on the other side of the line.
“Cal, we said at midnight!” Ashton said.
“Oh crap, I don’t know why I understood it was at 9 pm...K’...Bye, see ya’” Calum answers to his friend before hanging out the call.
He explains to you the situation even when you listened to what Ashton said. Calum tells you that it was nice to see you but he should be back at midnight but you stop him letting him know if he wants he can stay.
“Are you sure?” he asks knowing that maybe that could bother your crew.
“Of course Cal!” you say. And even when his house it is like 20 minutes away by driving he could come back when it is his band’s turn to use the studio but to be honest again he would really love to hang out a while with you. He always finds you attractive and your voice is one of the most angelical for him.
After he greeted the rest of the group he sits close to you listening your conversation with your producer.
“What if you add little adlibs and drums?” Calum suggests but he regrets if the producer would get angry. “Sorry man, I know it is your work and I am just a guest and-” 
“It is okay! Actually that is a good idea dude” your producer say asking Calum to show him what he said.
Calum and you enters the box and he sits to play the drums.
“Ashton is teaching me a little bit now that we are roommates” he jokes about it while taking the drumsticks.
“I saw that joke you did to Ashton! It was hilarious and his response” you point at him.
So you and Calum organized that he would play something in the drums first and then you start singing or reading the lyrics to catch the rhythm. He shows you a freestyle moment with the drums since he’s been doing that in his house to practice. The producer in the other side of the glass tells you from the speaker that there is a beat that maybe could fit. So once back again listening to beats ideas ordering to make that beat faster or slower, louder or pronounced then your band is working with the guitar, bass, keyboard and your drummer continues what Calum started and last but not least you are thinking where to sing it with high notes that it is your biggest characteristic.
All the people in the room are tired, your manager and part of your crew left early because they have meetings for some upcoming festivals to schedule. You let your band know that is the last effort of this week then you’ll be back again the next one rehearsing for an awards performance.
Calum now is in the other side of the glass next to the producer watching and listening all of this process of making this record. He is having fun and he realizes he could hear to your voice all night. It takes a lot of takes, to the final result of a song and Calum knows that perfectly.
You want to achieve the highest note of the song in the last chorus of the song in the last line. You should have record that first because it is getting hard for you to reach with a tired vocal cords after doing the rest of the song and the ad libs. You sigh frustrated at another failure of that last chorus.
“Y/N, should we call it a wrap for today?” your producer asks you softly. To be honest, you don’t want it after all of the work behind to finally get this song built.
“Excuse me” Calum says confident to the producer to take control of the speaker. “Y/N, listen to me, this is the last effort I know that ya’ can do this… You got this” he says looking at you directly in the eye. You nod and take a deep breath to try again and ‘he was right’ you thought to yourself when you freaking nailed it not just one high note, you reached it also the lines of the outro of the song.
Once you open your eyes when you keep singing with not that much power the last line. You laugh hiding your smile with the sleeve of your hoodie because the first thing you see is Calum stunned with his arms crossed on his chest and one hand full of rings lifted to cover his mouth. You start clapping to your band and say through your microphone ‘thank you’ to the rest of the people.
“Girl, you fuckin’ blew my mind” he says so excited mimicking what he said once you left the recording side of the room.
Minutes later everyone is saying goodbye to you and once again you thanked everyone for their job and energy as always and telling your producer to call you to edit the song other day. 
Now you are alone with Calum while you start packing your things. “Magic” you say looking at the clock with 15 minutes in your favor.
You use that time catching up on general things, like music, family, next awards, and a little bit of gossiping and of course asking about the rest of the boys.
“So happy for you guys, I can see that you are happy with this new era” you say after listening to Calum talking so passionate about what he and his band are doing. “I want to wait for the guys because I miss them. Do you think Michael is still in love with me?” you joke about it in a friendly way since Michael told you you were his crush, so he always reacts so excited and weird with you.
“No, he can’t react like he used to”. Calum laughs and you understood because you congratulated Michael on his engagement.
Minutes later, the boys and the rest of the crew arrived making noise with a lot of energy as always ready for a recording night but at the end they are always laying on the floor waiting for the team to call it a wrap.
“You gotta be kidding me!” Luke says running to hug you by lifting you because he is so tall and he missed you so much. You laugh and hold him tight. You say hi to the rest of the boys and you look at Calum next to you when you both noticed Michael is trying to act serious and cool around you when later he is going to ask Calum "Did Y/N said something about me?".
After a couple of minutes talking to the boys catching up about life, their crew called them to start the session so you have to say goodbye.
"Thanks again Cal, you saved my life today" you say goodbye to him with a kiss on the cheek and then the same with the rest. "K' guys bye, hope you have a good night".
You are stepping into your car when Calum calls you running behind you. "Y/N! before you leave, I lost all of my contacts when Ashton threw my phone into a pool…" you laugh at how they always been like that. "So if you can give me your number again if one day you want to hang out with me- with us".
You both exchange numbers and say goodbye.
Your producer laughs hearing that take where you stop singing and take a second to laugh at Calum’s face. “You want to put the laugh in the song too?”
You don’t know if it was a joke or a serious question. You think for a minute at how frustrated you were that night with your team trying to build this song and thankfully Calum was there to help and give his opinion, also that laugh confirms how this song is not sad at all even when people were saying to you that it should be because of your breakup.
“Yeah” you answer and think about that little good time hanging out with Calum. You record a short video of that laugh that is going to be in the song, letting know your fans that you are in the studio pointing with your phone at the computer. 
Your stories on Instagram are always like a puzzle to your fans, like what does this means? what is this? when? where? new song? album? tour? collab? video?. Most of the times you add emojis, letters, or numbers that are meaningful to decipher the message and also to tease.
“Hello?... Calum? Can you hear me?” you say through the phone.
“Y/N? Hi! Yes, I can…” he answers leaving the room. “Sorry, I was so into playing my bass, we are writing a new song”.
“Oh sorry, if you are busy I can call you later-” you say softly and gentle.
“No no no. Ehmm, how are you? Tell me” he say surprised that you actually call him. He is giving you all of his attention listening to you.
“I’m fine and you? I’m calling you because we finished the song and I would like to know if you want to appear in the track info, cause’ ya’ know… you helped with the drums and other stuff” you wait for his answer, you are nervous of his response. Why? You have done this all the time with other collabs, ‘maybe because he is so intimidating but at the same time the cutest’ you think to yourself.
In the other side of the call, he is surprised and also he finds this so cute from you because he thinks that he barely contributed. “Ehhm, yes- I mean if you are okay with this I’m okay too”.
@MTV: Biggest return of Y/N!, who just announced a new single and a new collaboration TONIGHT!, a new album, and a performance for the VMAS. *internal screams*.
@MTV: Don’t forget to watch the VMAS this Sunday at 8 pm, amazing performances by Y/N, 5 Seconds Of Summer, Halsey, Rosalía, Bad Bunny, Doja Cat, Cashmere Cat and Missy Elliott winner of the Vanguard Award and more! with surprises of course, as always.
@y/n.updates: Genius.com has revealed the lyrics of the new singles! “everytime” and “quit”, the last one is from the dj Cashmere Cat’s album. We are so excited for our baby's return.
@bbcradio1: A friendship you didn’t know you needed until now… Calum Hood from 5sos appears in the track info of Y/N’s new single. Is Y/N going to appear in the upcoming 5sos album too? let’s pray to the universe.
“Of course last but not least to arrive the red carpet is the royalty in person, Y/N” the interviewer comments watching you posing to all of the cameras. “I am loving this moment. Y/N is here to slay the red carpet and taking pictures with every artist throwing kisses to friends like to 5sos, ugh lucky boys, now saying hi to Normani, we love that”.
“Yeah, I’m smelling big succes coming this year and Y/N totally deserves it” the other interviewer says. “Oh. My. Goddess… Can we take a moment to appreciate this outfit?!”. You arrive and say hi to everyone. After a couple of questions and compliments you are walking with your team to go backstage to change for your performance.
Once the Teen Wolf cast introduced your performance, everything went dark and silence and you appear in a large lavender satin dress, perfect to build up your figure and Cashmere Cat appears on a platform with his dj set and lights pointing at you and him.
“And you say that I'm the devil you know
And I don't disagree, no, I don't see the harm
They say, "You crazy, just leave him, he'll suffocate you"
But I wanna be in your arms
They say, "No, don't pick up the phone, let him think there's nobody home"
But I'm under your spell
'Cause when you call, my heart starts to roll
I always want more
It's my heaven, my hell…”
Then two contemporary dancers are next to you dancing at what the lyrics means to you when you recorded this with Cashmere Cat in the studio after your breakup. At the chorus a fake rain starts in the stage and you have your moment feeling amazing and feeling the beat that your dj friend was playing behind you. You participate too in the choreo while you sing the last part of the song. Singing to both dancers faces like if you are watching from outside when you decided to step out your relation. So each dancer goes to their own way representing the metaphor.
Then a new different beat went off for a little moment and you start singing a snippet of one of your new songs of your upcoming album hoping to make everyone clear how you are after your breakup because you still hear some comments about it.
“I got a bad idea, How 'bout we take a little bit of time away?
I got a bad idea
Forget about it, yeah, forget about him, yeah”.
The next thing you see is everyone standing up and clapping at you. You hug Cashmere Cat. “Thank you, please give it up for my friend Cashmere Cat!”
You stay not that much to the after party because tomorrow you have to get up early for a photoshoot.
You post videos behind the scenes and the photos of the photoshoot. You are in the front page and you did something original playing with makeup, hairstyles and clothes. Everyone is living for this new era.
“Ugh, are you going to do that call or should I do it for you?” Ashton interrupts Calum and his daydreaming watching your latest posts.
“What?” Calum answers confused wrinkling his nose and expressions.
“You heard me”. Ashton says letting know his friend that he is not stupid. “I noticed how you look at Y/N that night performing and then at the after party...And don’t excuse yourself because of the angelic voice because I know I was mesmerized too but you were on another level”.
Calum doesn’t add anything else and stands up to continue writing the new song but not without leaving a comment on one of your posts ‘gorg!’.
“Hello beautiful human, it is Y/N back in the studio!” Zach says through his microphone. Everyone clap and he greets you. Even the promo you have to do for your singles, albums and all that stuff you are so picky with the interviews you want to do because in the past you had a lot of uncomfortable ones with disrespectful questions and interviewers. It is not the case with Zach, you feel at home and he is your friend.
As always you talked about your new music, upcoming things, opinions about something, your personal life and you are so honest talking on Zach’s show because he always asks you about how are you doing because he knows that everyone struggles.
“So the whole tracklist it is on genius.com and I think that it is safe to say that I’m not the only one surprised with the collabs and people who helped you.” Zach says reading a paper checking the new revelation. “I would like to know details how it is to work with such talented artists and producers”.
You told him the details and including how Calum ended in your studio session that night.
“Thank God I recognized him because my bodyguard was ready to punch him” you make Zach laughs.
Calum saw your interview and after that he called you. He didn’t know what kind of confidence took him to invite you to hang out tomorrow.
That day you went with him and Ashton and Luke to the Star Wars theme park. The guys insisted that Calum must have gone alone that day but he was too nervous. Other day you and the guys went to bowling, Michael was losing all the fun because his new life as fiancé planning the wedding.
That’s how you got the chance to know more about them every single time you hang out. Paparazzis always were there and people talking about this cool friendship. But then Calum had the balls to ask you on a date. For your surprise he invited you to a The 1975 concert, then you invited him to a Post Malone concert, you went to the movies, then late nights stops at diners. And as the bond between you two was growing with so much love, affection, confidence, honesty and how safe you feel next to him you didn’t realize that you were holding his hand or arm so natural like it was a thing you two always do. That little thing was enough for people to start rumors. Calum likes you so much but he wanted to take things slow because of you and him after you told him everything about your ex and he did the same. His ex used him just for fame and to be in the public eye so with little details when you noticed he was doubting about his own self or anything else, you let him know that everything is okay.
One and a half month later, you are with him at your place in your home studio after you order vegan pizza for dinner that Calum was right that it is delicious. You were helping each other, mostly him with ideas of sets to perform Want You Back and Youngblood on tv shows. Then you showed him the final version of ‘everytime’ and he loves that you included the laugh in the song which reminds him of something. 
“I want to show you something” Calum says searching something on his phone gallery. 
“Found it” he says getting his chair closer to yours. It is a video that he secretly recorded of that day in the studio, when you finally hit the high notes of the song. In the video you can hear how he says ‘wow” multiple times and your producer is not surprised but still in awe. Then there is your laugh when you saw Calum’s face and when the song ends you can hear his ‘what the fu-” and the video ended.
“Why you didn’t show me this before?” you say with giggles at how incredible you have the two sides of that moment.
“First, don’t worry because I’m never going to show this to anyone I know that I should ask you before and-” he is explaining himself.
“Can I kiss you?” you interrupts looking at him noticing a sparkly surprise on his eyes.
He leans so fast to kiss you, you take your moment to taste his lips after all this time you can confirm what you think about his lips. You break the kiss needing air. “You didn’t answer my question”. 
He laughs at your teasing while you bit your lip. “You’re right, I didn’t”. He holds your face within his hands and start kissing every part of your face while he says “Yes” in every little kiss.
Things got hot and heavy so you move the make out session to your room. Both of you don’t want that the other person feel pressure to do things but with you Calum forgot his “love is scam” thing. So he carries you and takes his time to make every moment, kiss, thrust and this night to last. He thinks that he is the only one that kinda feels strange at this amount with affection and intimacy but the truth is that you were feeling the same way, because with him you don’t feel a clingy or a needy person as you were in your last relationship. With Calum is different in a good way.
“So you didn’t come home last night” Ashton says to Calum when he arrived for lunch time, because he had breakfast twice today with you.
“Ew! I didn’t want to know that Cal” Ashton says while cutting vegetables for lunch. “Thank God you are together, it took you forever. To be honest, I thought Y/N was going to get bored of waiting”. 
Another night at your place when Calum surprised you with a romantic dinner and also apologizing for the other night when at his place Ashton interrupts you two.
In the middle of the night you woke up with an idea stuck in your head, you took your underwear and Calum’s baggy shirt he was wearing and before you stood up you melted at the sight of your dog sleeping closely to Calum, who at first hated him but now they look like besties.
After an hour in your studio with this new idea, you had the lyrics and already recording with a beat which two of your best friends made once in a party just fooling. The studio is soundproof and in another level of your house so the music is not going to wake up Calum, but the coldness he felt next to him makes him wonder the reason that woke you up.
And when he found where you are and what are you doing he reminds to himself that in this exact moment he feels so much love for you.
“That sounds beautiful babe” he said getting closer to you to kiss your cheek.
You are editing all focused this song to send it to your producer to do the final touches. “I didn’t want to wake you up” you lift your head to look at him with a pout and noticing he is shirtless and he looks tired from what you did hours earlier. He asked you details about this song called ‘goodnight n go’, he listened to it and once again all of his feelings manifest in a studio. “I love you” he confessed when the song ends. The feeling is mutual and the idea of this song came up all based in your relation you have with him.
@Y/N: new album. valentine’s day. love y’all xoxo. 
You posted with the cover of your new album.
“There is a lot of people downstairs” your manager said arriving the room, you were waiting for your manager for the first toast of the night. It is your album’s launch party and you want to celebrate with your team, your band and their loved ones. Your family, your friends, artists of the industry, and other famous people.
You made a speech about how grateful you are for everyone in the room for their patience, for the love and support for you and this new project. Before you start to get emotional, you said to everyone to have fun tonight and you thanked again. 
You rented a whole club for the night. After eating, cut the cake and having a few glasses of champagne you are ready to take pictures in the photo booth with everyone.
Your close loved ones of course know about you and Cal, but the other half of the people in the room just know the rumors and the pictures from paparazzis and fans. When you were taking funny pictures with other musicians, it is iconic that in the photo is going to appear artist from different genres of music that are your friends. Calum really wants a picture with you and just you even when he loved the ones with the boys and your friends.
“I’m ready” Calum said to you when you are pointing at the printed photo because Luke’s gold eyeshadow looks freaking amazing.
“Ready for what?” you looked at him confused.
“Ready to announce the world that we are together” he said biting his lower lip waiting for your reaction. He told you a few weeks before that he was afraid and he didn’t know how to handle at that moment if you said you were together, so you told him that it is okay and understood him.
“Like now?! What you have in mind?” you asked him nervous because you both know what comes next with this kind of announcements. 
Calum just took your hand and enter just with you inside the photo booth and when the countdown started he looks at you with a smirk and sparkly eyes. “This is my plan” and he kissed you on the lips at the same time the machine announced the picture was taken.
“We have two more! What do we do?” he asked you, but now that you are here you use right the last two pictures. One kissing him in the cheek and hugging him around his neck that Calum did that thing with his eyes and the biggest smile on his face because he is so happy and also the alcohol. And the last one looks a little bit blurry and funny.
You took the opportunity to take another three but this time, now that everyone is going to know about your relation, the pictures are sexier but not vulgar. Of course your photographer took film pictures during the night so you will have several memories of the night.
You and Calum posted the three first ones on your social media.
@Y/N: my love💖.
@calumhood: happiest man in the universe. february 14th is not bad at all anymore with you by my side💛.
That night before you arrived home with Calum, he told you about a new 5sos music video called Valentine that was going to be on Youtube in 30 minutes, he told you that he wrote almost the entire song and you can’t wait to hear and see him singing this song, especially his verse.
We know we're classic together like Egyptian gold
We love us
The success of your new album was immediately. And that means a lot of interviews, invitations to tv shows, radio stations, youtube channels, etc. Calum went and waited for you backstage to the ones that were in US. But the international ones he couldn’t come with you because their new album is going to release soon and new music videos by 5sos.
“I’m so happy to be back!” you said. Today is BBC radio 1 turn. They told you they were happy to have you in the radio.
After you sang a song from the new album, you have to do a cover. In the past you did ‘Them Changes’ by Thundercat and ‘After The Storm’ by Kali Uchis taking advantage of your voice and the high notes you can reach, it is the same this time.
“Hi, this is Get You by my friends Daniel Caesar and Kali Uchis” you said. The last part is your favorite.
This feels like summer
Boy you make me feel so alive
Just be my lover
Boy you'll lead me to paradise
Youngblood is out and the release party wasn’t bigger like yours but the fun was the same. You appeared on the Cocktail Chats they did when it was Valentine’s turn. Now after two months your relation went public, the euphoria coming from the people decreased.
@Y/N: something huge in two hours with a special guest.
You posted on your stories with a sneak peek.
@ctrlnow: Y/N’s world tour with Kehlani as special guest. Next week tickets on sale. Are you excited? because this is going to be 🔥. It is the first time Y/N is going to perform in all the continents in almost two years.
@5sos: US, Canada and Mexico get ready for this tour. Special guest our buddy Dominic Fike. Tickets on sale in 6 days.
After 4 months of rehearsals and planning visuals, outfits, makeup, sets, tracklist, etc. You are on the road with the first leg of the tour in US for the whole summer in arenas and festivals. You are synchronized with Calum so you have no problem to hang out together and enjoy to the fullest your days off. 
Both of you don’t get tired of each other concerts. Watching Calum leaving his heart on stage singing and playing his bass, also looking so freaking handsome every single show. For him is the same watching your amazing show with your dancers and different outfits, he said it before and in the present day that he can listen to you singing the whole day and he envies you how charming you are with your fans and noticing every person in the huge arena.
You have a main stage, then a circular runway and a B stage. Calum is always in the first row in front of the B stage. The first show you were so nervous. The beginning of ‘goodnight n go’ started and the crowd went crazy. 
“It seems that you really like this one” you said teasing even more. You started dancing and walking next to where Calum is. Your dancers interact with the audience while you are reaching the high notes. 
We'll have drinks and talk about things
And any excuse to stay awake with you
And you'd sleep here, I'd sleep there
But then the heating may be down again
(At my convenience)
We'd be good, we'd be great together
When you looked down, there is your boyfriend looking at you like nobody else did before. You laughed at his reaction because it was priceless and before you keep moving you blow him a kiss. So as the same his reaction was that first time in the studio with ‘everytime’ that made you laugh, now it is with the song that he inspired. He does that in every show he goes, every time you sing ‘goodnight n go’. It is now your amulet that he makes you laugh in the same part with his faces and reactions. But not everything is perfect.
The different time zones, the distance and the stress is clouding Calum’s mind. In two weeks you have barely spoken ten minutes. And new things keep coming to you like singing to fashion shows, summer festivals in other continents, hosting tv shows, etc. His friends told him that he will get used to and things will be okay within you two. But he misses you so much and he is doubting about himself again in this thing called love.
“I think it is the best Y/N” he said through his phone. He called you that night, he is so overwhelmed and tired. “I don’t want to be an obstacle, this is your career’s biggest time” he tries not to cry while he passed his hand through his hair all nervous.
“Calum please tell me you are not joking” he can hear your sobs in the other side of the line. You are in France and he is in Canada.
“Y/N just look at what time you are calling me! It is 4 am here where I am!” he said frustrated, it is not the first fight but it is the first time he yells at you that loud.
“Okay I’m sorry! It is late here too Calum in New Zealand- my point is that we will be okay Calum. After this I’m going to be home like you” you tried to calm him.
“And then what? Run to film a tv show for a whole week? Just seeing you at nights? We should take a break while we figured it out” he said and you are frozen trying to check if what he said is real.
“You are the only one who needs to figured it out, because I’m sure about us and… How could you even wonder and said that you are an obstacle?”. Now it is the opposite because the last thing you said was “Okay, if it is what you want. Go to sleep n’ goodnight”.
You don’t know how people could know. But rumors of your relationship are in every social media and it is just been a day. You want to throw your phone but you have to get ready for your show in Australia, what an ironic thing.
It is not the same hype when the beginning of ‘goodnight n go’ started. When you are singing the bridge that you were used to laugh thanks to Calum’s reactions. Now your voice breaks and hide your face with your hand and the other one holding your microphone so the public keep singing because you can’t. Your dancers changed the choreo to get close to you and let you know that they are there for you but still you start singing again in the next chorus but with a shaky voice. With this people confirms the rumors.
@enews: Our favorite couple is not longer a thing. With this we don’t believe in love. Y/N and Calum Hood are taking a break. Days before the couple had some troubles in tour. Y/N broke in tears and Calum didn’t go to any interview. Link of the video of Y/N last show in the bio.
“I supposed that you already saw this” Luke said giving his phone to Calum to show a video someone posted on Instagram. It is from your last night show.
“Yeah, I saw it” he said without making eye contact with his friend. Calum doesn’t want to talk about it. He is trying to convince himself that what he did is the best. It breaks his heart watching the video that now it is everywhere and his bandmates noticed how irritated he is with everything.
For a whole week Calum barely sleep two hours at nights. He looked off in the shows. He cries during his part in ‘Ghost Of You’, he sings spiritless in ‘Valentine’ and he asked to take off ‘Babylon’ from the tracklist. 
5sos have new dates in another continents after December holidays.
“You should talk to Y/N, the Asia leg is going to be over in ten days and after the holidays the South America leg starts” Michael gave his advice to Calum but once again he didn’t give any answer.
You took ‘goodnight n go’ and ‘everytime’ off from the tracklist and changed it for another song because you tried a couple of shows after but you couldn’t do it like it used to be singing that song. Your fans were sad because it is their favorite song but you don’t want to cry every single show. 
You have been in touch with Calum but not much. Just good morning and good night messages and that you are safe in the city you two are in that moment.
“Hello Mexico City!” Luke said on stage. “Welcome to the Meet You There tour, thanks for having us tonight, let’s have some fun!”
The whole night Calum were late and off key with his voice and bass that multiple times Ashton tried to follow him with the drums. Calum is thinking and worried about you when he saw earlier that you cancelled your shows in Korea because you got a cold that you have to rest your voice. He just wants to talk to you.
When the show ended, Calum throws his bass hard against the floor without caring a thing. After that he went directly to bed, without taking a shower, or eat something. It is been like this for weeks and everyone knows that what he decided was so stupid, but with hope that he learns the lesson.
“Can you explain us what was that?” Ashton said taking off Calum’s hands his phone. “Dude this is getting out of control, and we gave you your space and everything but now you are going to admit that what you did was wrong and the only thing you want is your relationship back”.
“Go away” Calum said.
“No, Hood. You are barely sleeping, eating, focused, happy. This is how relationships work, and we know that it is crazy as fuck when you are famous”.
“Yeah man, it wasn’t easy for me and my girlfriend” Michael said. “And now we are going to get married...Look, if it is meant to be and if you really love Y/N, you should fix this”.
You are back in LA for holidays and tonight you have the last show of the year because the second date of LA you had to cancel it because an allergy you had so you reschedule the show.
You are in the car on your way to the arena when your manager told you to stop by the studio because the new visual that you asked for is ready. It is a recap of this year, so your fans are going to see a couple of unreleased videos and pictures of behind the scenes of this whole year including everything and every person in your life.
In the studio you saw the new visual and you noticed that they didn’t put Calum on it. You love him and even when you are on a break, you wanted him in the visual too.
“Hmm I can explain it” your crew member said when another video randomly start in the screen of the computer.
“A mini film by Andy Deluca” you read in the title. The video shows the different reactions of Calum in every ‘goodnight n go’ performance. not just the tour, it also shows the reactions from his house listening to the song, or watching you performing the song on a show. It is a funny video but at the same time so cute and emotional because his reactions are different in every take. Calum screamed “YAAAAS!” or “I LOVE YOU BABY!”, surprised faces, funny faces, lip-synching, etc. And when Andy pointed the camera at you and you hid your laugh with your hand or sleeve, depends on the outfit. Calum says directly to the camera “Y/N should stop doing that, I’m going to say it later because Y/N’s laugh and smile are gorgeous… Okay this is my favorite song, enjoy it”. And the video ends.
“Wow, this is freaking cool but how did you-?” you asked your team when Calum appears from nowhere that scares you.
“I send it to your manager” he said. “I asked Andy to do this video because as always since the start of our relation I wanted to keep these memories”. When you didn’t say anything, he continues. “Y/N I know that I fucked up everything and-” he is interrupted by your manager telling your team to leave you two alone. Once alone with Calum in the room he continues again. “I got scared, I had never had a real relationship, this connection and what I feel for you before...I’m sorry”.
After a couple of minutes talking and giving your point of view that he didn’t let you give months earlier, you said “I love you, but please talk to me because the solution is not running every time things get complicated” and you hug him. He tried to kiss you but you said that he has to win your heart again.
“Hello LA! Hope you enjoy this surprise, happy holidays” and the new visuals and videos start playing in the big screen and everyone is laughing, getting emotional, while you drink water backstage you can hear the “awww cute”. And last but not least Calum’s video is playing and you are ready for the next song. Everyone screamed and are happy for you to be with him again. So when in the video Calum says ‘Okay this is my favorite song, enjoy it’, the beginning of ‘goodnight n go’ started.
Tell me why you gotta look at me that way
You know what it does to me
So baby, what you tryna say? Ayy
Lately, all I want is you on top of me
You know where your hands should be
So baby, won't you come show me? Mmm
“For this next song I would like to call Mister Calum Thomas Hood” you said looking at him. He didn’t know about this. You sat him in a chair and say on his ear “A little tease never hurt nobody babe”. Now talking to the audience, “Let’s go!” and the beat of ‘break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored’ went off. Calum is fighting and struggling when you are dancing in front and on top of him.
It’s been 3 years since Calum entered your room. He is so glad that he interrupted your studio session. And here he is now, watching you performing ‘goodnight n go’ like if it was the first time he heard you that night in your home studio, the feeling and the amount of love to you is the same and even bigger he would say, it just changes the place where you are singing this song. Now you don’t hide your laugh with your sleeve, and Calum always says how he feels and trusts in your relationship.
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fandammit · 4 years
Look how long this love can hold its breath (3/?)
Alright, I officially do not know how long this is going to be. I had a plan at one point...like 4 thousand words ago. I have an ending in mind, now it’s just about writing Ben and Devi to get there in a way that makes sense. Strap in, folks -- and thanks for reading!
Part 1 || Part 2 || On Ao3
“Is Shira, like, weirded out or anything that I’m staying over here?”
It’s the third night of Devi living with him, which is definitely a sentence he never in his life thought he’d say. They’re sitting across the table from each other working on their pre-cal homework, snacks strewn across the space between them.  
He glances up to see her chewing on her lip, waiting for his answer. For some reason, he doesn’t know quite how to say that the two of them aren’t together any more, so he just shrugs and looks away from her.
“It doesn’t matter.”
She sighs heavily and he hears her lean back against the chair.
“She’s pissed, huh.” She sounds genuinely upset, and he looks up and sees her chewing on the corner of her bottom lip. “I’m so sorry, Ben, I didn’t think about how she might feel about this.” She clears her throat. “I mean, did you tell her that, like, you and me, you know…” She gestures between them and shrugs.
It takes everything within him not to ask what she means by that. He’s trying to be normal, to pretend like he never tried to kiss her -- twice! -- to act like he never wanted to.
He thinks if things were like they used to be, he’d make some snide comment about how she should be so lucky to be here with him. If things were like it used to be, his reply would be designed to remind her that he was better than her, manufactured to make her feel small.
But if things were like they used to be, they’d never be in this position in the first place. He isn’t sure of a lot lately, but he’s sure that he doesn’t want them to go back to things as they used to be.
So he decides to go for a new normal.
“We, uh --.” He scratches the back of his head, then gives her a small, lopsided smile. “We broke up.”
“Oh.” She blinks rapidly, then leans forward with a sympathetic slant to her mouth. “I’m so sorry, Ben.”
And the thing is, she does sound genuinely sorry about it, and for some reason that makes him feel more than the actual breakup did.
He shrugs again.
“It’s no big deal.”
She tilts her head at him as though trying to figure out what he might really mean. But the truth is, that’s really what he means.
“I mean, you guys were together a while.”
He nods.
“We were but --.” He taps his fingers on the table, trying to put it in a way that doesn’t make both of them sound callous and shallow, even though that’s exactly what they are. “I think we liked the idea of one another more than who the other person actually was.”
It’s the softest way he can put the reality that Shira really only liked him for his money, and he mostly liked her for the simple fact that it meant that someone wanted him.  
“Huh.” She sits back in her chair and looks at him. “That’s deep, dude.”
“Yeah, well, you should know by now that I have stores of wisdom beyond your comprehension, David,” he drawls out, though it’s less cutting than it once would have been.
She rolls her eyes at him, but that motion, too, isn't as sharp as it used to be.
“Jesus, Kevin McAllister’s kind of homicidal.”
It's Friday night and they’re only halfway through her very first showing of Home Alone, but he can tell by the tone of her voice that that’s the conclusion she’s come up with for the entire film.
“I mean, it’s a fun 90’s children's film that I don’t think we’re meant to take as having any bearing on real life,” he replies dryly. “But, yeah, he absolutely is.”
She’s curled up on the seat next to him in the screening room, her feet tucked in under her and a blanket draped across her legs.
They’re sitting in the exact same two seats they sat in during his party when he tried to kiss her, a fact that seems to bother her not at all and that he can’t get out of his mind for more than two minutes at a time.
Which means he’s spent a good duration of the movie being very aware of the placement of his arms, the movement of his limbs, the slant of his body. He’s also tried to make sure he hasn’t spent too much time looking at her, though that backfires when she asks why he keeps looking just past her right shoulder every time she talks.
He’s at least grateful that she’s somehow never seen Home Alone, because it means she hasn’t completely picked up on how incredibly weird he’s being.
“I mean, these guys should’ve been dead like, ten times over with all the shit he’s put them through.”
“Again -- children’s movie.” He grimaces as they watch Marv’s foot hover above a protruding nail on the stairs, then turns and faces Devi so he doesn’t have to see it. “You know, there was an article a few years back that theorized that Kevin McAllister grew up to be the villain for all the Saw movies.”
Her eyes go comically wide.
“Dude! I can totally see that.”
He takes out his phone and starts googling the article so that he can send it to her.
“I mean, I’ve never seen any of the Saw movies, but I know enough about them generally to think that it’s a pretty good theory.”
He feels Devi clamp onto his arm with her hand.
“Ben, how have you never seen any of the Saw movies?”
He looks down at where her hand is resting on his arm, then back up at her. Tries to focus on the incredulous look on her face rather than the warm pinpricks of her fingertips settling on his skin.
“I -- uh. Um. Well, I --.”
Oh dear God, he is such a mess.
“Are you trying to think of some excuse for why you haven’t seen a modern horror classic like Saw?” She says with a smirk, then (blissfully? unfortunately?) lifts her hand to cross her arms in front of her chest. “I can’t believe you made fun of me for not seeing Home Alone when you haven’t seen Saw.”
He breathes out a relieved sigh and turns into a scoff at the last moment.
“I’m not much of a horror movie guy.” He clears his throat. “Besides, Home Alone is a classic.”
“Saw is a classic!”
He rolls his eyes.
“I’m not sure that a movie about someone sawing off one of his own limbs could be considered a classic.” He quirks an eyebrow at her. “Or, you know, even good.”
Devi gives him an incredulous look.
“Uh, I believe 127 Hours was nominated for like six Academy Awards, Ben.”
“Yeah, I walked right into that one.” He turns to face her. “But, 127 Hours was an inspiring story of survival, humanity and hope. Saw is the story of some guy making people complete stupid tasks because he thinks it’ll teach them something. It’s basically a demented version of Mr. Shapiro’s class.”
Devi lets out a loud shout of laughter, and he feels a pleased grin spread across his face.
“You know what, I love that description so much I won’t even argue with you.”
“Finally ready to admit that I’m your intellectual superior?”
She rolls her eyes.
“You wish.” She gestures at the screen. “But no, you’re making me miss the movie.”
She settles back into the chair and turns to face the screen. They watch the last half hour in comfortable silence, and when it’s over, Devi turns to him.
“So one of your favorite childhood movies is about an 8 year old who terrorizes two grown men and probably gave them both traumatic brain injuries before sending them to jail?”
He huffs a small laugh.
“I think it was probably more getting to see the story of a kid being so important to his parents they flew home from Paris to be with him. Like, gee, wonder what that must be like.” The last part is as bitter as he’s let himself feel lately -- and definitely more bitter than he’s let himself say out loud. He regrets it when he glances over at Devi and sees her giving him a sympathetic look. It seems selfish and unfair to complain about his parents given what she’s been through, so he gives her a half-smile and a shrug. “It’s fine, Devi.”  
She shakes her head.
“It isn’t, but we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want.” She gestures towards the screen. “So, given that you picked the first movie, the next movie choice should be mine.” She turns back to him and grins. “And my choice is Saw.”
He scoffs, but only to cover up the smile that is creeping up on him.
“So we’re doing a marathon now?”
“Two movies isn’t a marathon, Ben, it’s a double feature.” She stands up to grab the bowl of kettle corn she put on the floor earlier and puts it back on her lap. “I mean, really it’s like we’re watching the spiritual sequel to your favorite childhood movie, so I’m actually being pretty generous with my movie choice.”
“Wow, truly magnanimous of you, David. I’m so grateful.”  
“You’re welcome,” she says without a trace of irony, then gestures for him to pick up the iPad next to him so that he can start looking for the film. “And I know you’re used to watching movies in this dope setup, but I’m not, so we’re going to revel in the dopeness of it until I get tired of it, which will probably be never.”
They don’t own Saw because no one in his family would ever want to watch it, so he clicks over to their Amazon account to buy it.
“I actually don’t use this room all that much. It isn’t as fun by yourself, so, this is --.” He glances over at her and shrugs. “It’s nice.” She gives him a smile that might be described as soft, if he were doing such a thing as cataloging her smiles. He turns his attention back to the iPad screen before he can do anything stupid like tell her how pretty her smile is, and scrolls through the list. “There are eight Saw movies?” He says incredulously. “How are there eight Saw movies?”
Devi shrugs.
“They’re cheap to make and people keep watching them, hoping any one of them will be as good as the first one.” She takes a sip of her soda. “Spoiler alert, that hope remains unfulfilled.”
“Wow, you’re really doing a great job at selling me this franchise.”
“Hey,” she says, slapping him with the back of her hand. “I wasn’t trying to sell you the franchise, just the first movie.” She moves the popcorn bowl between them and settles back into her chair. “Now shut up and get ready to see the type of person Kevin McAllister became when he grew up.”
They end up watching all of Paddington 2 (his choice, to scrub the horrifying but admittedly -- and surprisingly -- alright Saw from his memory) and Cabin in the Woods (Devi’s choice, as an example of -- in her words -- a legit awesome horror film, to which he finds himself agreeing).
By the time they finish it’s nearly 3 A.M., and they’ve eaten their way through two huge bowls  of kettle corn, an entire tub of Red Vines, and a mixed bag of mini candy bars.
“You wanna choose another movie?” Devi asks, even though she’s all curled up in the comfortable plush of the chair with her head pillowed on her arms.
“So I can sit here and watch it alone while you snore next to me?” He turns off the screen and climbs out of the chair, stretching his arms over his head. “C’mon.”
“You go,” Devi mutters, her eyes now closed. “I’m comfortable here.”
He gives a small chuckle.
“Yeah, well, you won’t be when you wake up in a few hours with a sore neck and numb feet.”
“Nuh uh,” she counters as she buries her face further into her arms. “I’m smaller than you, I can fit.”
“Devi, I know from experience that these chairs are deceptively comfortable now, but it’s killer for your back and neck.” He crouches down and attempts to tug the blanket off of her. “Besides, you’re not really that much smaller than me.”
Devi gives a tired smile, and he has to twist his hand into the blanket to keep himself from doing something truly idiotic like brush away the stray curl that’s fallen across her face.
“At dinner one night my mom asked why I let you rile me up so much when you’re like 5’2.”
She huffs a laugh, and he finds it so immediately and absurdly appealing that he can’t even find it in himself to be all that insulted.
“First of all,” he starts, once again trying to pull the blanket from her and getting a weary, half-assed scowl in return for his trouble. “I’m 5’5. Secondly, I’m glad you just admitted that you’re always talking about me at the dinner table. Not that I didn’t already know that you’re obsessed with me, but it’s nice to hear it straight from you.”
She opens one eye just so she can roll it at him.
“You’re the worst, Ben Gross.”
“I know you’re just saying that because I’m trying to get you out of this chair.”  
She groans and throws the blanket off of her, then lifts her head off her arms and sits up.
“But why make them so comfortable if they aren’t even good to sleep in?”
“Specifically to torture you, obviously.”
“Hrmph, you would.” Her eyes are half closed again, and she’s leaning dangerously to the side. He’s worried that she’s going to curl back up in the chair again, but then she lifts her arms out in front of her.
“Are you...doing your best zombie impression?”
She scowls at him -- or she tries to, at least. Her eyes are closed and it’s like her face is too tired to dedicate itself to the expression, so the result is much less menacing than it is adorable. He’s glad she can’t see him right now because he’s almost sure the look on his face would give it all away.
“Help me up, you dick,” she says, though there isn’t any heat in the words.  
“Oh well, geez, since you asked so nicely.”
She smiles sweetly at him, though her eyes are still closed.
“Help me up please, you dick.”
He huffs a laugh and hopes it sounds casual, which is how he should feel, instead of slightly panicked, which is how he actually feels.
He reaches down to grab both her hands in his and pulls her up. His brain is yelling at him to let go of her immediately, but his traitorous hands aren’t listening, and he just keeps them wrapped around hers as she sways unsteadily on her feet.
“Dunno why I’m so tired,” she mumbles, her head falling forward with her eyes still closed. Her face is half hidden by the wild mass of her hair and he feels his fingers twitch at the thought of gently tucking a wayward strand behind her ear. “Must be ‘cuz your movie commentary is so boring.”
He makes a noise that he intends to be a laugh, but it just comes out a breathy sigh instead. His hands are still loosely wrapped around hers, and she’s standing so close to him that a stray curl brushes across the edge of his chin every time she breathes.
“Yes, that must be the reason,” he murmurs, because speaking quietly seems like the only way to hide how he’s feeling right now.  “Not the fact that it’s 3 in the morning, we just watched four movies in a row or you’ve been sleeping in a bed that you aren’t used to.”
“The bed’s comfortable,” she says, her words slurred with sleep. She lifts her head at him with her eyes closed and wrinkles her nose as she smiles, then gently tips forward and rests her forehead on his shoulder.
He freezes, and it takes all of the self control he’s ever possessed to not wrap his arms around her shoulders, rest his cheek against the top of her head and just breath the moment in. He thinks he might want that more than he’s ever wanted anything in his entire life, and it feels particularly cruel of the universe to grant him that knowledge at the very same moment he has to fight to not have it.
Devi makes a motion that he can really only describe as nuzzling into his shoulder, which causes him to take a sharp intake of breath and then just...does not breath for the next half minute. He’s so acutely aware of his senses -- the softness of her palms against his fingertips, the scent of her lavender shampoo, the gentle slope of her cheek pressed against his chest -- that for one wild moment he seriously entertains the possibility that he’s developed superpowers.
“You’re more comfortable than you look,” she mumbles, the words muffled because she’s half saying them into his shirt. He thinks she must truly be on the verge of sleep to have said it at all and not immediately recoil in disgust at the words.
If he were not so focused on keeping his breath calm and even, on telling his arms to stay glued to either side of him, and devoting too much energy to keeping his fingers from interlacing with hers, he would say something quippy and casual about how there’s more to him than meets the eye, or gently teasing about the fact that she so clearly thinks about how comfortable he might look in the first place.
But he doesn’t have the focus or the will to be clever, and there’s nothing casual about what his heart is doing right now, so instead he just makes a strangled noise in the back of his throat and grits his teeth.
He takes a deep breath in and out again, slowly bringing the crashing wave of his feelings to a somewhat manageable level, then forces himself to let go of her hands.
He flexes his fingers a few times, then reaches up and sets his hands gently on her shoulders and takes a step back from her, the space between them allowing him to clear his head a bit.
Her head lolls forward against air, causing her to frown and flutter her eyes open momentarily.
“As much as I’d like to see you try to sleep standing up, I don’t think it’s humanly possible,” he says, smiling at her when she opens her eyes and gives him a bleary stare.
“You don’t know that,” she replies, opening and closing her eyes a few times to try and inject wakefulness into them. “I bet I could.”
He shrugs.
“Well, I bet you’d sleep better in a bed.”
She heaves a deep sigh, then gives him an inexplicable and lazy salute and a sleepy smile.
“See you in the morning, Ben.”
“Good night, Devi.”
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alltheblackroses · 5 years
how I lost 20 lbs in 2 months
Disclaimer: This is what worked for me! I’m obviously not a dietician or fitness instructor. Attempt all of this at your own risk.
Do you feel like you’re doomed to weigh the same forever? Do you feel out of control while eating sometimes? Do you want to cry when looking in the mirror? I felt the exact same way before developing healthy eating habits and an exercise routine over the summer. I’m 5′7 and weighed 136 lbs from the time I was like 10 all the way up to 17. I got a job at a shitty fast food restaurant in high school, stopped playing sports and got all the way up to 190. Went to college, got slightly more active, and stayed at 185ish for about 4 years. 
I started this being not active whatsoever and ate whatever was around. Now I’m 160 - only another 10 lbs from my goal weight. I took about a two month break of actively trying to lose weight due to school starting up again (final semester of college thank god) but I’m heading back to the gym tomorrow to start it up again.
So basically I’m gonna drop what I ate a variation of every single day and my exercise routine and some tips. 
Part I - Food
Food will make or break a healthy lifestyle. One unhealthy meal won’t make you fat, but one healthy meal won’t make you skinny. The key is to have accessible meals that are small and packed with good nutrition to keep you as full as possible. The days where you’ll have the most difficulty with this are days when you’ll forget your breakfast/lunch at home. 
Examples of breakfast...
(1) Jimmy Dean Egg Delights English Muffin - this was a favorite because it’s made with whole grains, turkey sausage and egg whites. These are all healthy and yummy alternatives to fatty regular sausage and unhealthy white bread. 250 calories.
(2) Scrambled eggs and (1) piece of wheat toast - This is what I would buy at work if I forgot my lunch at home. Still nutritional and delicious, but not ideal because of yolks. Also, where’s the fruit? About 260 calories.
(1/2) cup of oatmeal with (1 thicc) tbsp of peanut butter, along with cinnamon and blueberries - Oh man I ate this one for the longest time! The key to eating peanut butter is to stop eating brands like JIF or Skippy. They’re loaded with all kinds of sugar and other ingredients you don’t need. Find peanutbutter (or your favorite nut butter) that has only 2 ingredients: nuts and water. You won’t miss the sugar and it’s way better for you! I gravitated towards Smucker’s Natural Creamy Peanut Butter because it’s less than $4, even though it had some salt in the ingredients as well. About 260 calories.
(1) boiled egg, (1) plum, and (1) oatmeal cookie - Not my favorite to do because it involved baking oatmeal cookies and I am lazy. The oatmeal cookie recipe was basically wheat flour, applesauce, coconut sugar, cinnamon, almond milk, olive oil and baking powder. The whole batch lasted about a week. About 190 calories.
I typically ate breakfast at 9 a.m. every weekday. Every breakfast was accompanied by a big, hot coffee with half and half, or if I was at home, my favorite Nut Pods Original creamer. Coffee is an appetite suppressant and aids with helping someone focus, so drinking that in the morning with a relatively low calorie breakfast was a great way to start the day and help me focus on work until lunch time. I usually get hungry at around 1 - 2 and bust out my lunch. 
Examples of lunch...
(2) pieces of wheat bread with a handful of spinach leaves, 2 pieces of ham, mustard and a cup of unsweetened applesauce on the side. Have water or sparkling water on the side. Easy to make when running out the door because you overslept. About 400 calories.
(2) pieces of sunflower seed bread, (2) pieces of ham, (1) piece of swiss cheese, (1) low fat Babybel Spreadable cheese, handful of cherries. I ate this the longest because it made me feel like a faerie eating various fruits and cheeses with bread in the woods when I was actually sitting in a cubicle. About 350 calories.
After lunch I would stay at work til 5:30/6, then head to the gym and work out. I’ll cover my (simple) workout routine next but I’m going to skip to dinner for now.
Examples of dinner...
Eggroll in a bowl with ground turkey or tofu instead of ground pork/beef is heavenly and guilt-free
Sopa is a Mexican dish my boyfriend’s dad makes pretty often so I decided to take a crack at it. You can truly make this dish however you like it. I added diced chicken, whole wheat pasta spirals, and tons more spices and veggies than the recipe linked did. This stuff is amazing and lasted me like 2 weeks. 
Veggie spaghetti. Heavily inspired by Sarah Hawkinson’s famous spaghetti. I recommend watching her video and adding any types of veggies you think would be best. My tip for staying health-conscious when making spaghetti is to boil a little bit of pasta every meal so I’m not tempted to eat a ton of the protein pasta. 
Rotisserie chicken and fruit. Like I said, I’m extremely lazy and some days after working out I just wanna inhale protein and carbs. 
Bag of popcorn. Not recommended but sometimes the laziness surpasses “rotisserie chicken and fruit” lazy. Orville Redenbacker’s Naturals Lightly Salted popcorn is where it’s at.
Most of my days would end anywhere from 800 - 1000 calories. Coupled with my exercise routine, I was well below my recommended calorie intake. I had tried to stick to the recommended calories for someone my height in the past with no success. This is what worked for me. 
General tips on food...
Only drink unsweetened drinks like water, unsweet tea and sparkling flavored water. Don’t use a lot of sugar in coffee, and make it dairy free if possible. I know I feel like a whale after ingesting dairy and I’m not even lactose intolerant.
Are you on your period and need chocolate asap? Unsweetened dark chocolate bars (70% cacao) and chocolate Halo Top (320 cal for the whole pint - worth it once a month if you’re dying) are your best friends.
If you’re going drinking with friends avoid sweetened drinks like margaritas or heavy drinks like beer. Stick with vodka sodas.
My only snacks were popcorn and fruit and even then I didn’t eat them that much. Get out of the habit of snacking, as well as eating big meals.’
On the weekends I would stray from the meals listed above a little! I would eat the same breakfast, camp out at a cafe and read for about 6 hours and have a lunch of a big mocha latte and 2 macarons, then have a small bowl of pho for dinner. Replacing a good lunch with coffee isn’t ideal, but I made sure not to overeat during dinner time to make up for it! Portion sizes is such a huge thing to be mindful of. Always get a smaller portion than you think you will want, focus on the taste of the food and how your body feels, and you’ll be sure to not overeat. Be content, not full.
Part II - Exercise
I initially started working out because I don’t want to get into the habit so many people have of going to work in an office all day then go home and sitting some more. This was partially easy to do because I worked in an office that had a fully furnished gym so it was easy to just move from the office to the gym at 6 p.m. 
I have generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) so I workout to keep that in check, as well. I’ve found that making my body so exhausted it can’t literally vibrate in anxiety is a good way to make life bearable. 
So here’s the machine’s I use...
Manual treadmill - my absolute FAVORITE machine of all time. Relatively new technology, and absurdly expensive to purchase for a home gym. (They’re like $5k!) The gym had a few and you burn soooo many more calories on this machine versus a traditional electric treadmill, and it doesn’t make my knees ache the way a treadmill does. Be prepared for your calves to burn like Hades for the first few weeks if you take on my exercise schedule.
Elliptical - nothing makes me sweat like a pig more than the elliptical with a cranked up resistance. I always make sure to alternate between propelling myself forward with my arms and my legs to ensure I’m getting a tough workout in.
Stationary bike - the one where you can lean back and pedal away while reading a book. There’s nothing like finishing a stressful day at work, listening to some Stellamara and reading a good book while exercising. This is my favorite machine for non-exercise reasons because I can read for hours and justify it because it’s healthy.
Aaaand that’s about it. I hear conflicting arguments of how weight lifting is better for you and you burn more weight and blah blah blah but I just prefer cardio and these machines worked for me really well.
Here’s what my typical exercise schedule looked like...
Day 1
2 mi on manual treadmill
2 mi on elliptical
Day 2
2 mi on manual treadmill
∞ mi on stationary bike (I don’t keep track because I’m reading but it’s usually upward of 7)
And alternate through every weekday. On average I would burn 500 - 700 calories per day. 
General tips for fitness...
Find something that you can seamlessly incorporate into your daily routine. The goal of working out should, in part, be about incorporating a healthier lifestyle. Working out shouldn’t trigger and “Ugh I gotta workout I guess” mentality because you’re basically guaranteeing yourself to fail later on, especially if the only person motivating you to workout is yourself. Tell yourself, “I went to [school, work, other mandatory activity], now I’m going to go workout because that is my schedule.” and stick to it. Before you know it your body will be craving exercise and the schedule will be easier to maintain than ever. 
Listen to your body if something hurts. Treadmills hurt my knees, ankles and hips a ton. That’s one of the main reasons I switched to the manual treadmill. 
You don’t need to buy a new wardrobe to workout in, but find clothes that are suitable for the activity you’re doing. Since I only do cardio, I stick to leggings, a fitted tank top and Nikes made specifically for running. Footwear is extremely important when working out! 
Find something that drives you to work out. For me, sure working out is fun, but it’s mainly my excuse to read. I feel so guilty when I read - I feel like I should be cleaning, doing homework, hanging out with my boyfriend, etc. But when I work out the world goes away and I can finally enjoy the story guilt free. Maybe you feel that way about watching shows or listening to podcasts - give it a try! Your brain will associate the two activities and it’ll help you not only crave exercise, but you have an excuse to enjoy the activity as well.
The most important tip I can offer throughout all of this is to not weigh yourself for the first month or so. Weighing myself constantly was always my downfall when I tried dieting and exercising before. I’d either get impatient and give up, or get complacent and tell myself I could skip the gym or eat poorly because I saw results. Give yourself a solid four weeks to put in the time and sweat five times a week and completely change your eating habits. Your body will grow stronger and you’ll feel yourself grow more confident. You’ll have done such an amazing job that when you step on the scale at the end of the month you’ll never want to go back to your old way of living again.
Remember that weight loss is a journey and everybody goes at their own pace. Not eating/regurgitating food/binging isn’t the way to achieve your goal body long-term. Developing a healthy way of eating and a manageable exercise goal is - and if I can do it, I know you can too :)
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hozierfic · 4 years
Submission by @ineffable-nalu​
Hey this is my first Hozier fic, and my first time ever posting a submission of my wiritng on Tumblr, I’m kind of scared but YOLO right ? I don’t know how this works if that wasn’t obvious. Well hope someone enjoys it. I think it will be a couple of chapters if someone likes it!
Calliope’s POV
The sound of Marimba fills the room waking me up in a bed that isn’t my own which sucks, even if it’s a fancy hotel room bed, there’s just something peaceful about waking up home knowing that it’s your space your time no rush even when you are rushing. Is any of this even making sense ?
I sigh as I look over at the clock, it’s 5 minutes passed 8 and I really should get up and start getting ready. Rolling out of bed and stretching out my joints I make my way into the bathroom for a shower, I really need the wake up call.
Nearly 30 minutes later and I’m done getting ready, my curly brown hair is as tamed as it can be and I decided on being as casual as acceptable when your sister is a super model, considering I’m meeting her for brunch I can’t show up in sweats, so I opted for skinny black jeans, a black turtle neck and my favorite high heel boot. I put on my liner and a red lip and grabbing my coat before stepping out, it’s still early and I’m not meeting Harmonia until later, but there are a few things I’d like to do.
I’m only in New York for 1 more day and I can’t miss the oprotunity to go to check out the Stephen A. Schwarzman library. You see I’m a published author, well a barely published author I wrote a fantasy novel that is supposed to be a trilogy, it was published 5 months ago and I was surprised by the fact that people really liked it, so here I am on my book tour. Thinking about my reading tonight I entered the elevator and pushed the button for lobby when I heard someone shout
“Hold the lift please” My hand jupms out at the closing doors and a tall man rushes in as they close “Thanks for that, you’re going down too? Great” he says in a charming Irish accent as he pushes the lobby button again and leans back on the wall with and took the guitar case strapped off of his shoulder
I took this as my chance to check him out. I was wrong he’s not tall, he’s very tall, I would say over 2 meters probably, his hair is long and hectic, curly and frizzy but god does it work for him. I was startled out my daze when the elevator jumped slightly, the lights flickering making me almost fall over if not for my reflexes and the rail I would’ve fallen, it made another clunking noise before finally stopping in place
“What the hell ?” I asked looking up at the counter that shows you what floor you’re on only to see it’s stuck between the fourth and fifth floor. Perfect.
“I do belive it’s stuck” The handsome stranger says and I look at him over my shoulder with an arched brow as if to say ‘Really I hadn’t noticed’
Sighing back into the wall I answered
“Yeah, it seems so. I just can’t belive that these things actually happen. I mean for 23 years I have never been stuck in an elevator and then this one, in a 5 star hotel may I add decides to brake down. Doesn’t this sort of thing usually happen in movies ?” I ramble on and look up to him as he just startes at me with an amused look on his face
“ Yes I think it does usually happen in movies, but in real life as well. I’ve been stuck in a lift before don’t worry they’ll get us out soon. You’re not claustrophobic are you ?”
I snort-laughed at his question
“No, and thank god, that would be unpleasant. For the both of us”
he nodded and extented his hand towards me “The name’s Andrew” cute name, it suits him I though as I shook his and smiled at him “Calliope”
“The Greek muse of epic poetry ? In the flesh ?” he gasped putting his hand on his heart “Forgive me my lady for I hadn’t a clue as to who’s presence I was in” he said dramatically making me scoff playfully, can you a blame a girl for flirting a little ? He’s gorgeous.
“If only you were half as funy as you think you are, you could be a comedian. My parents are historians and Greek mythology fanatics I would say, my sister’s name is Harmonia” he chuckled at that
“How do you know I’m not ? A comedian I mean. and I like your name, it suits you. I can see you isnpiring Homer to write the Illiad”
I chucked at that “Because you’re not funny, and that’s kind of esential to being a comedian. And If only I could inspire my self to write” I said the last part somewhat softly but he heard any way
“Oh, you’re a writer then ?” I turned my head to look at him, then realized he is a good head and a half taller so I craned my neck and shurgged “I suppose I am, barley”
He laughed at that and sat on the floor “What does 'Being barley a writer’ even mean ? You either are or you aren’t”
Following his example I plopped on the floor as well and sighed “ I am a writer, just been going through a funk and can’t seem to write a god damn word, you know ? Sometimes I think the first one was just a lucky break and I’m not actually a good writer” I stopped myself before I could continue, what was wrong with ne ? Just spilling my guts out to this beautiful relative stranger.
Andrew nods his head as he looks at me before leaning back and looking at the roof of the box we were currently trapped in “ I actually know well what that’s like”
“Are you a writer as well ?” I asked
“No, musician” his head tilts to the guitar next to him and I almost facepalm, what am I an idiot of course he’s a musician
“Oh yeah obviously, sorry I haven’t really had coffe yet so I’m a bit slow. Are you in a band ?” I ask him and he nods
“Don’t worry about it I feel the same, can barely keep my eyes open. And yes I am in a band” he says with a smile
“That’s cool, you do look familliar. Wait don’t tell me” I hold my hand up and I can see he’s trying to hold back a laugh, but he listens and sits back as I inspect him, top to bottom
“Ok, you’re Irish, you play the guitar but you also write the songs and you’re in a band.”
I mumble to myself as I look into his beautiful hazel eyes he smiled at me seeming quite entertained, brushing off his looks I keep thinking.
I know I’ve seen him but where ? “Andrew ? Andrew ? Where do-” and the it hit me and I jumped to my feet
“Oh, Oh I got it!”
I said loudly and this time he does laugh as he looks at me take my seat again “Already ? I was kind of enjoying the attention and proximity” I shoved his shoulder playfully
“Andrew Hozier-Byrne, How did I not see it ? I mean I love your music” I say laughing at myself for not seeing it.
“Ding ding, we have a winner.” He laughs
“To be perfectly honest I never looked at who was singing too engrossed in the lyrics and melodies . But your music is hauntingly beautiful you know ?”
I tell him and his face shifts from amusement to flattery and a bit of embarrassment
“Uhm, thanks always nice to know people like the music I create” he says scuffing his hair as he talks.
“And don’t even worry about not recognizing me, I prefer being as anonymous as possible”
I smile at him placing my head on the wall
“I can imagine how hectic life can be for a world renown musician” I say gently and he nods in agreement
“You are a writer though. Your music is poetry. If you were born in the 16th century you would’ve given Marlowe and Shakespeare a run fir their money”
He laughs at my statement rolling his head over to look at me
“That is high praise I am humbled, you said you have a book published?”
“Yeah, I’ve had the idea for it for so long and I finished the first book about a year ago, it was published about 6 months ago”
“What’s it called maybe I’ve read it ?”
I really laugh at that shaking my head “Oh no, no you haven’t trust me”
His brows furrow a bit at my words
“Why so self deprecating? I’m sure I’ve heard or read about it if not actually read. Come on” he urged making me want to sigh.
“Keepers of the rift” I say after a moment of silence.
“No way” he says quietly making me look at him “What ?”
Andrew beams at me akin to a child on Christmas morning “I absolutely loved your book, are you kidding me ? You’re Cal Andjelkovic? ”
he bewildered completely butchering my last name making me laugh
“It’s Andjelkovic actually but yes, I shortened the name. And you actually read my book ?”
I asked seemingly suspicious but in all honesty just sort of stunned. I still can’t believe that anyone’s read my book let alone well known artist
“Yes, yes I stumbled across it in a book shop while we were touring The UK and since you spend 90% if your free time on a bus while touring I love to fill the time by reading.
And when I started yours I couldn’t put it down until I finished it”
He said sincerely and it warmed every part of me.
I’ve met loads of people during my signing and reading sessions but this almost intimate setting with us on the floor, shoulders pressed against one another having him tell me he enjoyed my writing made it special
I nudged his shoulder slightly making him look at me with a raised brow I  smiled up at him
“That is high praise, especially from you. I am humbled” I repeat his words to him and he smirks slightly at me
“Cheek” he mumbles making me laugh
“So you’re struggling with the second one then ?” His voice resonates around me, he’s looking up at me from a journal of some sorts. We have been sitting in silence for, who knows how long.
I look at my watch seeing it’s 11:30 and we are still in this goddamn elevator. I’m going to be late for brunch, and as if icing in the cake there was no service in here.
“Yes you could say that. For almost 8 years I had this story in my mind, and every day it was slowly building itself. It took me some time to actually physically write a sentence of it.
I have an outline of all three volumes. Always saw it as a trilogy of sorts.
And even though I know what I want from the second one- Writing it is still a completely different story”
I say looking at him and seeing sympathy on his face
“I have been there, sometimes the music pours out, the lyrics come to me in dreams and during showers or cooking.
And then other times I’m close to banging my head against a wall just to think of a single note”
I hummed at him in understanding
“Soon you said, eh ?” I laughed after about a minute of silence making him chuckle in return
“Apparently things work differently in America, if we were in Ireland we’d already’ve been out of here and into the nearest pub for a celebratory drink” he says
“Drink? It’s not even noon yet ?”
I said laughing at his comeback
“It’s happy hour somewhere right?”
“Ok so I write something for you, you sing something for me ?” I ask and he nods his head in confirmation. It was a little after 1pm
“Deal, now would you like me to insert you into the world I created or just make up something new?” I asked
“Oooo, into the story you’ve already created I love the way you used certain folklore, myths and legends”
he replies with a childlike grin on his face making me chuckle at how cute he was
I took my own journal out of my bag and started writing, trying to find the best story to tell.
I found that writing came when writing about him, words flowed onto the page as my mind was overtaken by him.
His presence was calming, I enjoyed his conversation, he is charming and beautiful. And his music haunts me, it inspires me.
I skim over the the few pages I wrote and glanced up at him, only to find him staring at me with a intense look on his face
I cleared my throat and handed him the journal
“I- um I finished it, and to be clear this is a non proof read rough draft. So don’t expect some novelty” he takes it from my hands and starts reading intently.
Following the words with his eyes and tracing them with his fingers, I smiled looking at him
“A Fae ?” His voice brought me back and looking him in the eyes, amusement laced his voice as he looked at me with a raised brow
I shrugged my shoulders
“It was either that or a deity of the forest. But I believe Fae suits you. Hauntingly beautiful” I say
Smiling at my answer he gives me my journal back,
“It was a wonderful story, I quite enjoyed reading about me as one of the Fae”
He says
“I could put you in the second book ?” I tease
“I would be honored” he says, reaching for his guitar
“I’ll quote you on that. Oh, am I about to have the most privet Hozier concert ever ?” I joked
Making Andrew snort slightly and take his guitar out of the case slinging  it on his shoulder
“Hozier is me and my band, you are going to get an exclusive one man Andrew show. Which if you ask me is bit as good”
I slap his shoulder “Shut it, and play me something”
I smile and watch him tune his guitar for a couple of minutes before he clears his throat and looks at me
“May I sing to you a work in progress? Since you gave me an original I figured ?” I nod enthusiastically
He starts strumming the guitar gently for a while, as if trying to find the right sound and then-
“I still watch you when you’re grooving, as if through water from the bottom a pool.
You’re moving without moving.
And when you move I’m moved.
You are a call to motion, there all of you a verb in perfect view, Like Jonah on the ocean.
When you move I’m moved.
When you move I’m put to mind of all that I want to be , when you move I could never define all that you are to me”
The strumming stops and his heavenly voice fades leaving me staring at him, most likely with my mouth agape
“That was incredible, I’m awestruck to be completely honest. My god. You Sir are a poet. That was beautiful. Is there more?”
I ask and he shakes his head
“It came to me just now. While being stuck in this hellhole” he says laughing slightly but I’m just mesmerized by the lyrics he just sang
“I still watch you when you’re grooving,” I mumble to myself  reciting the lyrics “as if through water from the bottom of a pool”
I look at him
“And you’re moving without moving” I keep going
“When you move, I’m moved” he finishes for me making me smile at him
“So move me baby” I wink at him and he just stares at me for a moment
“Shake like the bough of a willow tree” and he smiles at me before scribbling down things in his journal.
I went back to scribbling notes on certain ideas I had for some of my characters, plot points needed to be addressed and such, not ten minutes passed and we heard a clunking noise and the elevator started moving.
Descending down to the lobby after 5 hours. Andrew and I get up right as the doors open
“Oh thank god man, we’ve been freaking the fuck out. I mean you’re never late to anything and then you don’t show up at rehearsals and not answering your phone, we drive together next time”
A man almost as tall as Andrew hugs him making me laugh at his ramble.
Stepping out of the elevator I looked around the lobby spotting Harmonia sitting at the bar,
I look over at Andrew and to see him talking to his band mates making me smile and move towards my sister.
Hopefully she won’t be too pissed. But them again it wasn’t really my fault.
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nooneactuallyasked · 4 years
Diner Gal - Reggie x Reader Part 4
Requested: I am my own requester, we have fun here
Word count: 2,513
Warnings: Not enough Reggie? (Does that count? It does now lol)
Summary: Julie and the Phantoms ( + Flynn ) go to a musical diner/café/restaurant for inspiration and hopefully a future gig but they end up meeting a very special waitress.
Note: Sorry this took so long to get out, it’s quite a bit longer so that’s why. Also, can I just thank and say hello to @i-should-be-writing-my-own-fic​, all of your comments and reblogs are so sweet, you’re amazing! There will be more Reggie content coming up, this is a slow-burn, I hate when characters instantly fall in love, I feel like they need to make a connection first. Okay, enjoy!!!
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Part 1 here
Part 2 here
Part 3 here
“Alex, stop pacing! Reggie- what- what are you doing?”
“Practicing my bass.”
“In mid-air…….without your bass?”
“It’s called an air bass, if I’m made out of air my bass can be too.”
“Okay, you do that.” Julie grabbed her keyboard stand, standing in the garage doorway, “Luke make your bandmates calm down, I have to take this out to the car.” Without an answer, Julie stumbled out of the garage towards where her dad and the car were waiting.
Luke scribbled in his notebook, without looking up, “You guys need to chill out, as long as we’re all together we’ll rock so hard there’s no way Cal will say no!” Reggie smiles and points a finger at him, “Plus, Y/N will be there, she’ll be able to convince Cal for us.” He adds as Julie jogs back in, “Okay we should be good to go as you guys can all poof in your instruments. You guys should get ready to leave.”
“Alright, but let me finish this line. I am in the zone.” Luke scribbled some final words on his notebook pages before looking up, “Alex, get off the runway, you’re gonna fall over the table or something.”
“But what if he says no and not even Y/N can convince him? I mean, what if- what if he has other bands in mind and just said yes to Y/N because she works there? What if we play and completely mess it up!?” Luke deadpans Alex as his bandmate starts shaking his hands up and down, his pacing increasing.
Luke rolls his eyes, standing up and holding Alex by his shoulders, “Chill, we’re gonna be fine. We’re gonna do amazing, like we usually do.”
“Guys, we need to go. Like, now. So, hurry up, move it!”
“So, Cal, my good buddy, my favourite boss, um...would it be alright, and remember that I’ve been a faithful worker for such a long time, would it be alright if I skipped every other audition apart from Julie and her band’s?” Y/N dragged out, her voice rising in pitch, trying to convince Cal with her best puppy eyes whilst he stared back at her with a deadpan expression.
“No, sit down. We have some performers to listen to.” She sighed and sat down in the chair next to him, putting her elbows on the desk in front of them, “I saw that coming…” she leaned her cheek against her palm as Cal chuckled at her, “And yet you always ask.”
“One day…one day I successfully skip this bullshit, mark my words.”
“Sure, sugar-pie. Now stop your grumbling, our first performer comes in 2 minutes.”
I want your love, and I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your love and all your lover’s revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
Oh oh oh oh oooh-
The poor girl’s voice broke. Y/N could see it coming, her vowel technique needed a bit more work but the girl was obviously passionate, this would crush her ego.
“You can stop now, we’ve heard enough. We’ll let you know.
Y/N winced, Cal could seem really cold at times however the warm smile he gave every performer at the end of his mantra definitely helped ease any hurt they may or may not feel.
“I can’t wait to perform here, I know you’ll make the best choice. I’ll see you on Friday.”
Maybe this wouldn’t crush her ego, after all, it seemed the thing was infinite. The girl walked out, her high heels clicking on the floor as Cal sighed. She knew why, when auditions were open to anyone who could arrive on time it was hard to find people who had that spark when performing. It doesn’t matter how good your voice is if you’re boring to watch then you might as well not show up.
Friday’s were important, they were a chance for anyone to get on stage and become an overnight sensation. But it got complicated when there were so many people that they had to pick and choose. That’s why they tried to get as many people as possible to perform, everyone deserved a chance to live out their dreams.
“Alright, I’ll grab our next victims. See you in a sec.” Y/N stood up, her chair scraping on the floor as Cal rolls his eyes, “Try to make it not sound like we’re about to murder everyone.” She chuckles, “Sure, I can try but I can’t promise it will happen.”
Y/N walked out of the door and into the ‘waiting area’, this happened every month and yet she never got used to how tedious it was. She picked up the waiting list and scanned the names, “Yulie and the- uh, the atoms? Anton's? Uh, come on through.” She put down the list and walked out, only hearing a chorus of male voices, “Again? Really?” “None of us are even called Anton!” and an awkward laugh from a female voice.
She sat back down in her chair and turned to Cal, “One Yulie and the Anton’s coming or up, or atoms, I’m not quite sure.” Cal started laughing, “Sounds fun, maybe we’ll get some science jokes.” Y/N started laughing too, “As long as it’s not physics I think I’ll be fine.”
The door opened up and four familiar faces walked in, all looking slightly sheepish. “Hi, sorry, it’s actually Julie and the Phantoms. Sorry if we’re late at all, we didn’t really know what time to come.” Cal raised an eyebrow and Y/N chuckled,  “That would be my fault, I never got round to giving them a time. This is the band I was telling you about,” She turned to Julie, “Sorry, I completely forgot the name and the writing, no offence, didn’t particularly help me out.” Luke grimaced at her words as Julie started laughing, “Yeah, I’m thinking I’ll get someone else to sign us up to things in the future.”
Cal coughed to gain our attention, “As much as I love this friendliness we don’t have all day, we have all of your kit here, our guys brought it in earlier. What will you be playing for us today?”
“Oh, uh we’ll we playing a song called Edge of Great. We hope you like it.” Y/N smiled at Julie and Cal nodded, pen at the ready. She hoped for the life of her that they were actually good or Cal would never trust her judgement again.
Running from the past
Tripping on the now
What is lost can be found, it's obvious
And like a rubber ball
We come bouncing back
We all got a second act, inside of us
Julie sat at her keyboard, her finger dancing over the keys. She seemed lost in the music and it was obvious how passionate she was, it made even Cal, the ever poker-faced, break out in a small smile. Julie moves to the middle of the performing area, as the beat drops the boys appear causing Cal to double-take in surprise, Y/N snickers in response.
I believe
I believe that we're just one dream
Away from who we're meant to be
That we're standing on the edge of
Something big, something crazy
Our best days are yet unknown
That this moment is ours to own
Y/N nodded her head and tapped her feet to the rhythm, her smile grew wider and wider, Cal would never doubt her again and she got to listen to a killer band, today was looking up.
'Cause we're standing on the edge of great
(On the edge of great) Great
(On the edge of great) Great
(On the edge of great)
'Cause we're standing on the edge of great
Luke kept sending glances toward Julie as she was dancing in between them all, the stage presence was amazing. They were definitely at the top of Y/N’s list of potential performers.
We all make mistakes
But they're just stepping stones
To take us where we wanna go
It's never straight, no
Sometimes we gotta lean
Lean on someone else
To get a little help
Until we find our way
Luke and Julie gravitate towards each other, their excited smiles growing soft and caring; the chemistry was definitely a plus, it was incredible to watch, like watching history unfold. The two share a microphone as they sing the chorus, Reggie and Alex share a look and Y/N smiles, not even Cal could find a fault in their performance.
I believe
I believe that we're just one dream
Away from who we're meant to be
That we're standing on the edge of
Something big, something crazy
Our best days are yet unknown
That this moment is ours to own
Y/N started dancing in her seat whilst Cal laughed. She then had a brilliant idea, she stood up and tried to pull Cal up to dance with her. While he refused and tried his best to stay down, his efforts were almost futile against his laughing and Y/N’s upward pull on him.
'Cause we're standing on the edge of great
(On the edge of great) Great
(On the edge of great) Great
(On the edge of great)
'Cause we're standing on the edge of...
Luke went back to his mic and Julie came over to Y/N, she smiled brightly and they danced around together. They both felt like they had made a firm friend, the fun dance they shared confirmed that feeling, neither could have felt happier at that moment, they were lost in the music and everyone around could see it.
Shout, shout
C'mon and let it out, out
Don't gotta hide it
Let your colours blind their eyes
Be who you are no compromise
Just shout, shout
C'mon and let it out, out
What doesn't kill you makes you feel alive
Y/N moved back from Julie and sat back down, her smile still evident. Cal laughed at her and she pushed him with her shoulder. Julie turned to Luke as he moved toward her, the heart eyes were back.
I believe
I believe that we're just one dream
Away from who we're meant to be
That we're standing on the edge of great
Reggie and Alex joined Luke in singing the chorus as Julie continued her high belt which left Cal in slight shock and Y/N almost jumping and screaming in support and excitement.
Something big, something crazy
Our best days are yet unknown
That this moment is ours to own
Y/N smiled at Alex when he looked up, he beamed right back and continued singing and drumming with a passion that shined through everything else. She looked over to Reggie and sent a smile his way too. He winked at her and chuckled when she rolled her eyes playfully at him, though her smile widened in response.
'Cause we're standing on the edge of great
(On the edge of great) On the edge of great
(Great, on the edge of great) On the edge
(Great, on the edge of great)
'Cause we're standing on the edge of...
Julie went back to her keyboard and slipped her mic into the holder, Luke went over and looked her in the eyes as they sang to each other. The chemistry was off the charts!
Running from the past
Tripping on the now
What is lost can be found, it's obvious
When they finished and the boys disappeared Cal just sat there speechless, Y/N pushed his shoulder before giving them a standing ovation. “That was amazing!” She turned to Cal who was still seated, now thinking over what he just watched, “Oh come on, stand up, clap, stop pretending to be professional we both know you’re not! Book the band and we’ll have them for our last set, we’ll go out with a bang.” Cal still looked unsure, “I don’t know, what if-“ “Okay, no.” Y/N turned to Julie, “You’re our last performance on Friday. We have rehearsals every other day to check up on you, if you let me know where we can do it at a place of your choice. Your soundcheck will be at 2pm on Friday. Don’t miss it. Once again, you’re our closing act so you’re welcome to stay or go at any time between you soundcheck and your performance. We’ll let you know your performance time when we figure out the rest of the performance schedule. Thank you guys for coming, it was amazing, you’re definitely going places.”
Cal stared at her, his jaw slack in surprise, until he shook himself out of it and stood up, going to ask Y/N what she was doing, “What- you can’t just- we need to think about this.” She turned to him and deadpanned, “We both know you were gonna book them anyway, I’m doing you a favour, even you couldn’t help but smile.” Y/N turned back to the group, “Once again, thank you for coming. Ask the front desk for my info, give me a call by tomorrow to sort out a rehearsal time and space.”
Julie smiled widely, her chest starting to warm with a familiar jittery feeling of excitement, “Thank you! Thank you so much! I’ll definitely let you know as soon as I can.” Y/N laughed, “Don’t sweat it, someone needs to make decisions for Cal when he goes brain dead.”
“Hey! I’m still your boss!”
“I might as well be yours at this point” She shouted back without turning her head, causing a chuckle from Julie. She tried not to acknowledge the boys because if what they were saying was true, it seemed to be looking that way, she didn’t want to appear clinically insane to the public eye.
The boys themselves, however, didn’t really have much to add to the interaction. They were just standing there, slightly shocked by how assertive Y/N was when she was passionate about something. Reggie just stared at her, a slight smile spreading across his face.
“Okay, we still have some more performances to listen to but it was great meeting you and I guess you’re our final act now so welcome, whilst you’re with us you are our family so relax. As you can see, our dynamic isn’t the most professional so rules aren’t always completely followed to the letter.” Cal joined them, a smile back on his face. He put his hand on Y/N’s shoulder and they smiled at each other, “This one over here basically runs the place so go to her for anything and everything. I can’t wait to see your performance, good luck.” He turned and walked out into the ‘waiting area’ to find the next performer
“Well, it’s been a blast, I’ll see you next time.” Julie smiled at Y/N and then the boys poofed out, making Y/N jump and stare at the empty space left behind, “I’m not even going to ask…oh! Also, please tell leather boy to stop staring at me, or at least ask why?”
“Oh, sure, I’ll ask him what’s up. I’ll call you as soon as I can, see you soon.”
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